Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 24 Sep 1858, p. 1

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mismanaged. DR. . JAMES LANGSTAFF, Richmond Hill. June. i857. /' JOHN GRIEVE, LERK THIRD DIVISION COURT. Oflice. Richmond Hill. June. 1857. JOSEPH KELLER. AILIFF Second and Tliiid ,DIVISION Court. Office. Richmond Hill. June. l857. z-t-wr- ~ J. B. DEEGIER, 0 VTED CONSTABLE tit the APPAsleites for the Counties ol'Yorli. On- tario and Simeon. 2.1 -wy. g.l -wy. Residenceâ€"Corner of Wright and Yonge Streets. near A. Wright. E-q‘a. Richmond Hill. SOUL In. 1853- P. CROSBY, RY GOODS. GROCERIES. Wines. Liquors. Ilnttdittoi'e.t\c. g. I -\v:.-. 65-” tr ,. I Rihncioiid Hill. June. l857. THOMAS SEDMAN, arriagc, \Vazgtm & Sleigh ,1 M A K 13 R, Opposite the White Swan Inn. Richmond Hill. June 10. 1857. g.|-w_\. , JAMES MCCLURE, NN ICIZPISR. Licensed Alll'IImIE'I‘I‘ for he Counties of York. Ontario tlnll Sitneoe.~ Corner of lungs and Bradford streets. Holland Landing. November. 26.1857. g25-tl JOHN HARRINGTON, JR. 7 ‘\VO Miles North of lliclnt‘inntl Ilill. l, dealt-tr in Dry Go 1d\. Groceries. Wines. Liquors. Hardware. Glam. Earthenware. doc. IU’ Also. Licensed Auctioneer. September. 23. 1857. Elfi‘l) CALEB LUDFORD, Saddle and Harness Maker, 't‘it0iiNtlti.t.. Thornliill. Nov. 16. 1857. Var A. GALLANOUGH: EALER iii Groceries, Wines oiid Liquors. 'l‘hionliill. C. W.v Choice brands of Teas. Sugars rind Cofl‘ees on hand. genuine as Iiiiported. An assortment of Bread. Biscuit and Cakes. constantly OILIIfllld. _, 'l‘lie Subscriber has also opened a tht‘t‘ry and I'l0\'INUll Store on RICH MUND HILL. which will be (‘OlilllyClelI hy Mull. Suhi’uxku. Irtim the film ol the lan- 'I‘hoi-iie «St [‘iiisotis. 'l'ltouiiiill..Sepl. 25. 1857. -‘ 217-lv wfl-iLiNG'i‘ON, Itoâ€"l‘liL, EAR llie .I‘tnilrond Station. Aurora. Careful Hostlers always iti attenquice. C. VCA>E. I'ropi'ictor. til g‘l-I-tf 0 ~ January I4. 185?. MANSION HOUSE, ‘HARON. Attetilive Ilostlurs riluays in attendance. ' K; J.’ KAVA'NAGH. I’roprlctur. January I4. 1859. L3! MESSRS. J. St. w. BOYD, Barristers, &c., NO. 7. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS. KING S'I‘.. TORONTO. June ‘7’“..1837. fl CLYDE HOTEL, KING sum EAST. T0 LNTU. g.3 -wy. \OUD btubliiig and Allcntite IIOstleis T Julia mums. I’ropiietnt. June. 1857. u.I-\\'_\" «‘1 H__-__. , Bottled Ale Depot, 65. YORK S'l‘ltlu‘E’l‘. T 0 it 0 N '1‘ O, c. w. M. MORRISON. Aprill. ToroTto. June l2th. 1657. gl-uy. ROBERT J. Gli’llt‘lt‘l'l‘I'l, 'LAG. Banner and Ornamental I'uinit-i, :IJ Elizabeth Street. ’I'ol‘oniu.â€"â€"U\-cr W. Lin:- lit:.'s Grocery Store. ‘.Colt.s of Arms. and e\‘Ql“\‘IIuSC|lplIUII ut ld Painting. executed “IIII (Ie>llul(!ll.ttlttl .tt .‘Olluhle charges. June. I857. gnluy. VWI J. VERNEY, Boot. and shoe dialicr. PFOSIII‘I‘: A. LA“ ’3. Yttiige stret-t. II cli- iimnd llill. Ladies’ and Geiilleiiieiis' Boots and Shoes. made utter the latest styles. August 6. 1857. 80] HAS. POLLOCK, 80] M l’ II'I‘ILI'» of British. French l it'l‘lllftt. and Amt-.ticati. Fancy and Naples Dry hoods. No.80. City Buildings. King Stro tliasl. oppOsile St. James" Cathedral. l’uionto. (‘ \ Nov. 5. 1857 . g 'JOHN COUL'I‘L‘R, Tailor and Clotliier, Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. lune.,1857. gJ-wy. GEORGE DODD, Veterinary Sui-gee Lot. 26. 4th t on.. Viiughen. “HORSE s FARRIEK" INN. 5 81‘ gllani. YONGE STREETHOTEL, arid Liquoxs J AURORdL Good supply of Win; A ‘alvrays on hand. Excellent Accommo- dnlion for. Travellers. Farmers. and others Cigars of all brands. . _ x l). IIIICLEOD. Proprietor. AurorIs Jul}L 6. 15511' 57-6ni J. N.REID, I‘IYSICIAN & SURGEON Corner of tongs and Centre Streets. ’l'lwruhiu. \ugoat I4. 1857. ’ RUACH’S HOTEL, OIINEI’» of Front and Urorge s rec-ts. one‘ block cost of the Market. 'loronto. JOHN ROACH. Proprietor. March 5. 1858. 139 ROBERT SIVEh’, Boot. and Slioe Maker, ”JOINING the» Wesleyan Methodist (dispel. Yoiige Street. Richmond Hill. A ‘ co selection of Gentleiiicns’. l.mlte.~‘ In“ Ll" ram’ Boots and Slit-lbs constantly on {llfld- 3W] "two to order on the Shortest IVoâ€" ice. (I? All kind- Shoemaker Findiii ('0 Richmond Hill: Jun. 12th. 15357. I r sale. '¢.lw.y. Lâ€"â€"â€" I I a... II T H 0 R N H l I. I. . me1 WA .AND INHIK RIDI W.’ NGS’ WWWW- c\~«.v-c >VVW anNAV MW.“,MWVV ./v~x_.»~ -xc -7 ,, sic/w ”4-. . \/ 1. V m» c\.«\/V try _. . n-J. ~ ,fl ,. ,_, \. .«V\.~\ AJ- GAZETTE. t A, A.\/’\A4‘\/’ . “ivy“, IVITII 0R IVITHOUT OFFENCE TO FRIENDS OR FOES, I SKI? TCH YO U11 ll'ORLI) EXACTLY AS IT G ES.â€"Byron. Vol. II. No. l6 RICHI‘IOND "ILL, FRIDAY, SEPTEIRBER 24. léf’rtfl. V‘Vliolc N70. 6%. DR. J. W. G R | F F | T H. T. JL WHEELER, W‘ty. said ho. vnu have fallen in tlcls. majors. captains let us sce likes to be fondled; its the Wadi. MAIIKHAAI VILLAGE. OW. June 2. 1656 52- ESPLANADE HOTEL,l I BY G. TURNER, PALACE s'r. (Ul’t‘obl'rl; THE ol.i| alts worms) TOKUh'I'O. Metals 90 cents Each. and good ticcomtiiodo tion for Fain-eh and others. 'I'oruiito. .luiie II, 1553. JAMES HALL, I‘] AS always on hand a |a~ge assortment sold at piicos to meet the times. RIt'iIIIIOlId llill, .lttiin I7 l858. VI . IIODGE 8t. CO. Illiinongers. and the lowest prices chained. Richmond Hill Julie l7. I858. EDMUND GitAinGER, U 'l‘C II E II. TIIORNIIII.L. l on hand. notice. 'I horiiliill. March 19. I658. WILLIAM HARRISON, t4]. iSadtlleand Harness Maker) Next door to G A. llrtriiard's. Iichinond Hill. June. 1857. g.l-l\ y. 53-ly BOW'I‘S utid SHOES. which Will be 54-1;- IlUl.l“.SALE rind IIettiil Copper. '1' and ”0“ Plate \Vtrrkctr. and I iii-nisliiiig Pattie»~ giving this house ti call "till find their orders ptiiiclually attended to. 54-1,- Fresh and Pli‘klt‘d Meats. l’ottlirv. t\c.. always Families supplied on the shortest WATCH & CLOCK @llll‘llflllfi- JEWELLILR. 6w. PIGS to inform the inhabitants of Rieh riiotid Hill and Vicinity. that he has ci-niuieuceit Business iii the above place. and SOIIL‘th lllrll patronage All kinds of VVatclirs and Clocks cleaned and repaired III the best inutiiier ; also all kinds tot Jewellery neatly iepotretl. Itichiiiond llill. June II. l85‘3. EDWARD CROWN, AS always on hand ii large and well CERES. assurltd ~IOCk ol' UIIAI’EIIY. GRU- IIOO'IS and S IDES. the. the. which WIII be sold at piices thtit wtll defy cum- ' petition. 'I'hotuhill. July 3t). l85‘l , , MAKER, ,. \VES'I‘. OU’I‘ BY XitiIFFi. I'm sitting on the d mr-stens (If my little llntllf‘ mil \le.’ And near my nwii is heating 53-3 in One true heart that loves me best. Vl'e both are very si‘ent. For our husr memories turn of, lo other homes and hearthstones. And other hearts that yearn. G-l-ly To on t- brothers and our sisters. And each earlt‘ kn tied tie; Our two devoted mothers. “I‘m hide us both gnoddsy ! F. W. HOLLISS, \,t ERCII’INT TAILHII. has always oti 1 hand a vrt'ysiiperior stock of CLU'I'IIS. '" READY MADE (TLU’I‘IIINU. M. u..- inenls iiiaile ta tiicasure in the tirst rtyle. A Th“ Silt'Pt‘dtt‘flde (MINT. ‘ good fit “'ullfllllelb Who our parting fingers pressed. 'l'hOI'IIlIlil. July 3“. IBSS- 6il'l_\' And prm ed " Great God be good ro them. Iii their little home out West.” J HACKET‘I‘, M.D. Licentiate of the Board of Upper Canada min: KEstutax't‘ ML‘DtcAI. OFFICER. KINGS'ON The prairie WIIHI< come sigliing Through the v nos around the door. Iltil bring no breath of cow~lips. GI‘LNLIIAL HOSPITAL. REVIDENCI'L, MAPLE VILLAGE. July 23. 1858. 59.6... ANGLO-AMERICAN IIOUSE !i MAIKKHAM VILLAGE. 00D Accoma-odalions. Wines. Liquors and Cigars ol the CIIUICeH. biaiids. R. MARK. l’rnpriclur. Markham. July 1853. 57-1)‘ ' And breezes brought. of yore ; And the swaying ol' the forests, Ur shadows on the grain. Remind me but of trees and fields. I ne'er may see again ! Mr heart has got a habit. I am very loath to say, Of turning with a yawning look JAMES JEN KINS’, Grocery .t Provision store RICHMOND HILL. . 'O CREDIT GIVEN. i exchange. and [hail ion Store on the “id. Jt|l_\ 2. I558. W. H. MYERS, The above is the oliltI>l e~tablishcd Grunt-ty , SADDiE ARI) Illllblib‘s lIIiIIIEII, T\V0 DOORS SOUTH OF TIII‘lTllIflUNE OFFICE. 51? ALL Richmond Hill. June l>5rL I’rot tice taken in \\'t)li K \\‘ A IIIIAA'I‘ICD. 55tly 'l‘u gaze oti yeslmdoy I STOIIIZ, lt loves the old. the early ties eL _ Richmond Hill; CORNER 0| \\~I‘IKIII & \Irtng‘tl sitct Is ‘ j (.‘lntap (ii‘tict-trics and I‘rm’isioiix. Crockery and Glassware rheap for (.|itsl|.' No Credit. I). HOPKINS Jan. 7. 1358. till .5: ”LUKE.“ HOTEL. HOLLAND _LANDING. " ‘llli T‘uh‘ClIllr‘i' be: to inform llll‘ In‘ It:IIlII7Inl.\ of lllt’ ziliow-tiaitioii Village ll lvariied to tieastiio fi-st; And when ll counts the biukcti links. It seems as II ’t would burst. It knows ti do ir old II‘tlli0\Iufltl, And {I \itiglo willow butt. "I would give the wealth of Indus Jnxt it little white to sue. Au ’t would like to beat one minute II} the rustic garden gate. \Vlieie :tt'tur >chooi iii summer time, It Used to hug r late. RICHMOND IllLL IIOI‘IiL. STAGE runs from ‘I otonto every A the above III-tel to IIIIHIIIIILV. Slfll'lllg llnlll the Elgiii Mi ls til 7. a in Ll‘d I‘Glullllllg at 1, ' - . I _ , . and surrounding Country. and tho I’nhlic th'tl Ah ‘ ”'0 e dd“ "m gone ““6”“ cially. that he has lean-d tht- ahnvo llnlel. toriiieily kept by 'I‘uotlus I‘IRY. which he Iltts fitted paittl furni~hrd for the tirconiinndatiotiut Ills Citstmnermand ho trims by t:0ll\l.’illl ‘illentluli , to lht-ir \\ tints to secure a liberal patronage. And. ’iiiid cliangeftil. distant scones. The lionie~tea l. gate and willow BIK‘SS this bosom but iii dreams. I "I" Fare 25' Gd‘ MC" WM' I iquors of the bmt hraiid~ at the llnr and B1“ like an hearts, .uino .. ballad Gout) Atcouiioiuiinu roii 'rttii'i.i.i.i-.ns. even 3mm..." “Md ‘0 (‘,.,e..s_ A chum” “hereon to 1-051; IIILIIAI‘iU NICIIOI l.>. T“().\‘_ LUKES‘ A tid views it proudly. on the stops ”mill-id,” ’~ -' ()fottr l t'lo homo out \Ved Richmond Hill. July 2. 1953. 554, llollaud Landing. llllpllflltll. DOCTOR u)‘ Dt‘ll ta] East. 'I 'riruuln Particular attention given to the iegtiln‘uott ef' L‘hildvt-ii’s 'l'i-ctli. Consultations Free. rind all \Vnrk “'rirranterl. I‘III'IIIIIU, .ltliic. INST. I~\t y. t ARRIAGI'L SIGN. â€"-ANIIâ€" 0rna.:iciital Painter BLACK HORSE lrnttmnu iii-.rr HY WM. not.rt«t.] i L of the Mn-kot Squat-v. 'l'orontn. nor (lav. ilwnys iii attendance. Au frotti the Railroad Station. THOMAS PALMER. Proprietor. Toronto. Feb ‘26. [858. 138-13' W. LADAMS SURGEij (Ill. ltd/1;: 5/1111. , act-oniodation: III every way agreeable. Sept. It). 1857 gl-l-Iliii A PRINCESS l’tOYA L. i’i‘iiOii’Nfii‘Lâ€"Tiiifiuw I "Ill'; f‘ubxcribcr begs to inform lllt‘ i I’tililit: that he has leased the abort: ,pieinrcs. and fitted tlietit tip iii a neat and cuiiiloitulile style. I rcmcmber to have fallen in once “’Illltit‘l'lillll AIII'H'ICIIII Captains and (:tllttllL‘lS :ittd nicn-ul-nl‘tns. lit at small . l A a 'I ~ ) 7 . ‘ I “Infidel" and transient visitors will find the l’l'H L 0” lh‘“ Bl‘lz‘b INN") '8‘ 16“ iiiilcs imi'tll ul .lus‘t: t‘lttrltl, ltl chas. i “‘1‘ IN“ 0' “(WW 3"“ ‘ 'L’m‘s “mm”? I have paid a VISII to this place. iiiznr .‘ . ' : ' ' i' ' I .~ . . selec ed (.zoud stabllnr vand etteiitivo host ct “ li‘lrll n (Igitt‘t‘Ottll’illllou (II tth Vttlllll ”LARY LLMON' li id Ill eii iiitii I led Wei .w H. z - 't : ' - . . . ~ Tlioinhill. I l’roptietor. ( L” 1.... 2”. must .35 scboollclloirs. and for fire vcars Wt: with a bad sci. and. if you want to kccp your lltll‘St:.I should iIdVISt,‘ you to cscapc its soon as poss blc. After a littlc I‘UIIJtilllttl, I :‘csolvcd It) slnl't til tttit'c. and iiintlc for lltt: stablt'. 'I‘hcrc I found the coloiicl again. most urgently ltlllilllg to tho lltisllct‘. who only lonlti-d at inc in a rallitir 'iiipudi-iit mount-r. wlicii I told, him to ltl‘llIL! out tn\' horse. and paid; no fui‘tlit'r :iltt-tition. I lhci‘cfnre bcgaii lo bi'idb: for tiiystelf. Isny Captain! said the colontd. coiiitii_t__r tip to in»: after a while, and tapping inc on tho shoulder. b'tt‘l lgoiiic rwn. nlillll don't make a fool of ytxttt‘s'idl'. ’nrsc, captain Do you I 'I‘liitnk ticavcii I I was in the St'ltl- dlt: by that limo. Iltl I I Am l the man to be ju‘ out of my way by one of thcst: ’ci‘c chawud up U-ii‘iiintisl He laid both his ti llIlIS upon the bridlc of my lioi‘sc. l‘Iy blood gunâ€" ci‘ally boils at :IIl‘IIISUIIIIIg Word against my itotttitt'ynicn. uspctziallv wlicti I am for Iron) boom in fort-igil liiii ls. Iii ti tricc, ttit: stick of tlic i'tdtiig whip canic down upon 't .c: coliiiit'l's Iicitd. \\'IlllSI tiit: liot'sc. lll‘gctl to a powci‘ltil leap, tlir wt him tun yards away upon the gl‘null‘l. As I know vci'y wtelit at, according to the t'usloiiis III the country. this was a rcvolvt-r allint' now. and as l hail no wish to I) count eiitziiiglctl lll sttt-h bttsitiv'ss. I did not “iii UllllI lb.- tofi-ticl had |)ll'lit:tl lllll)\'t7ll- tip. but r-idc forward without delay. I was t ppctl by IlIl: wattcl‘. who I llt‘Sll'il cal tug .illt:t‘ tiic. illIlI who w is u of ltrtfiIIlI whcti llt‘. camc up to tilt; at The hottest fellow govt: int; :1 dll‘tttilltlll. whiclil Was I want to buy that ’crc I last. ,tltal rciy tiiound by Willl‘ll I had about another hour. whan l iii'rivcd at a clcarud space in the Wood, and gal sight of a III()t'I(-IIUUSU. tlic lJI‘IlIlJ of youth, both French- llltJII. zieliiiilsliincnl, at my panting horse, . - . t'thUlUd wttii luani. at his dilated what can bc donc. Side Of thc scx you know. I touchcd hvr dt'llt’nlt’, for but slightly with band, stroking it softly I down licr strong and bcantil'til back the right way of thr: fur you may bc sure. Slit: bciil Iict‘ powcrl'nl and elastic 'I'o pick limbs undci‘ my frail haul. and fun- waste of ntiigtlic air With litrr ctirvcd tail. tiiiic ; and, as I wished to be out of SUfiIlICtI to ci’icourzigc me to beston sight bcforu iiiy pursucrs had set iiioi‘c cui'csscs. loot upon tho pl‘nll’ltr, I Icft itt Well. how do you like the Prin» and spud away. taking as straight it cuss I asked my host. but: as possiblc in tlic direction of Why she is indccd handsomo. and tilt: distant thrust. to ttyoid the I have sccti nonc in the world more windings of the little brook. yet iiiajcslic. wttlioul losmg sight of it. In the! 'I‘tikc her down stairs. George. llc bi'ztvc horse there was no slackcn-‘snd to the In I, hand in; the whip .ng of pace; no stumbling. lturii- ‘ over to him and kccp a look out ctt thicc or four times durinE my yotirsulf; but mind you don't girt- rapid course, but, cxr'cpl a loin,r licr any suppcr. Silt: shall hulp thin cloud of dust and aslics. rillsutl lici‘snil'to night. by tiiy5cll. IStlw nothing whnlcvcr.‘ He placed the candle and our In an hour or so, thc forcst was bu-iglasscs again Upon the table, and he. tore Inc. and thou rciiiin; up a lit-l .iii to Sip his grog (putc li-isurcly- tlc, I again made for the brook. By licuvcns, man. I 5.1itl. after a I had ti'atzcd its windings pause, it cannot be your real por- pos: to sct the tiger on lliosc pco- pic .’ Eh, parblcu! replied he, and woy not! \Vliul clsc do they tlcact‘Vcl Art: tncy not also You don't know lhctii ile'I do! That [an ruscut is it convicted felon. and ought to bitvc becii hanged too ycztt‘s ago at San Francisco. Ilc conti'chd .iii escapt: zindllcd in Kati-l sas. As to the other rogue. Micro is liard‘y a criioi: lit: has not Slillllctl litsliaiius \Hlll. Make your mind cosy about that. A suddcii thought came into tny mind antll askcd him \\‘Il‘:lllt:l‘ he liticw uiiythlng about that iiiut'dci 01 my “land lctl ycai's ngu in the ra- \7ltlt:, llu‘tll‘ .tosc Alana ! l\o Iic knew nothing about lliat. My liorsc gave such asuddcn and rigorous jitiiip when I moi y louclicdhnn with tho whip. llI-tll was almost thrown from my scat. a gust of I lost my cap, and vtttid throw it llL'IlllISI i'ni'iiiu. bccn bccii bound to the II. up would have u C III) I‘ Qin va In ! tiskcd a dccp voice. UII iIlIIl! \Vilb~ IIIU EIIIS‘VCI‘. 'I'hci'c \\’L‘l‘t: two tiicn heat" the litiust:, onc With git-y ti III' and wen-t tnci'bcatcn tcuturcs, the other in IIgt‘l'S l I‘llt! old man lookcl with sonic nosliils and quick I).'ullllg flanks. Why, it scciiis you arc iii aliui‘i‘y. tic said. in a l‘cw words I cxplaincd the motives of my Visit. and told him my achnturcs at Santa .Madrc; not forgetting to t‘cport the advice at a tad spot. upon but lclit think. which sccmcd to ban; blod profusely. but with both her power- ful fore paws she clung to a dcfoiin» ed and shapeless mass which bort: no likeness to anything I had crci seen. The corpse of a. Ilol‘sc, {rightfully mutilated. lay close by. and the whole ground was shown ivnh fragments of a IIOI‘I‘IIJIC appear- ance. My IIUSI having cXttllldltfl them all with intense cracked his whip. and tilt». «a straight towards the tiger. A low menacing roar warncd him mi; the savage creature showed IIS l... . midablc range Of long and petrci'iiil lcu‘tll. and had lost all signs of litr old tunicncss. b'lie is thirsty for more blood, the CUl‘lLblik. Illll' l’i'ii :ss lioyal is, said the French- niai That is nature, you know. slit iii’t help it. I supposc, and.usl sin) I be grichd to kill Ilcl‘, we run.- wait till she comes aiound dsilll. \V had to wait long. A’lca‘ ti.i'ce ays the old man himself bl:- gniiiin to doubt whether she cvet‘ Wittlltl :oine round again, was forced It) kill her after all. When we were thus enabled to cxzitiiine tit Icisure that horrible bat- tltc-licld. he drew my attention to S-tlllt: remnants ofa coat in WILCII the grey color was still to be dis- linguistic-d. tic has had his reward! said the old man. though it costs inc dJLlr. Uctlcl' than all tiiose majors was my poor old Princess Royal. A PRETTY Stalinâ€"Among oth- or historical obscurities with which Paris is filled at this moment may be quoted Herr Baron G , who, enriched and euobled bv the King ol Prussia, rose from the buniblcst origin to a position of high consld- eration in the world. While the present Prince of Prussia. then on infant Ofsome three years Of age, was staying at the Palace of 15.1- bclsbers, by some negligence Ofiiia ntiise he was left alone for a fcw minutes in an apartment on the third floor. With the marvellous instinct of mischief peculiar to chil- dreu Oftliat age, the little prince look immediate advantage OI the aoscticc of the nurse to accompiish a tent Oi" which he had, doubtlc>s, been for a long time ambitious, and which consisted in an agreeable walk outside the window. upon the narrow lodge of the coping slci e, i‘.llt’n(‘l:' he c..uld conitcnictilly cliiii‘n up the back of the lion rain- ,mnl whath supports the cntabla- tile or“ the li'ontisptece which .ttltd‘ns the building. A poor black- s:n:tli’s workman, who had been sent for to execute some repairs: in llc PL!‘"L‘O, was just coming up the garden, a rid beheld Willi horror the elltl‘dllutl of the child \Vith trite , filo trust.~ ol tlic Ucl'niun Wallet at the collcc house; that I should trust in him for Ilclp. Ila: listened eagerly to my nir- tiltct‘waids glut] to have followcd. llc slid tnat tlic colonel. toouqn a i(2l)\V2tl‘tI. was a must desperate vilâ€" ‘ltati. not :it all likely to givc- way so Soon. but llic Worst of tho whole set was that tall l'tcilotht: major, whom lit: suspected to have gout.- tn sunt'cli iiulc dcsci'iplioti of thc coloiicl and the major, his attention grow to be liltl Will rub Iitm dry. \Vc have a few hours before us yet. They know by this time Wllul‘t: you are. and Will consider twice bcfoi‘c they call bcic; though we are quite sure to litrdr OI tlicai at nightfall. l cxpi'csscd regret lor the trouble I was bringing on him ; but he only laughed ttnd i'cplicd: Never mind, we are their malt-h. low your wav up to the north until you are. out of sight. then do you turn hack to tho south to Jnsc .lltii‘lu. At the ravrnc south-cast ol‘lbal placc Iturn to the left. and, following tlic course ofthe brook. ride for your life. Twcnly lllllt‘S tip the slrc-iiii you will conic to a settlemcnt called. ltlic Wood ()i'cck. Old Ucltiinottc lives there, and he’s the mail for you l 1 lollbt'cd the waiter a few pieces tcr all we don’t know how many ofnioncy, but he Would not take them; then a hearty shake of the. ‘hnnd, and this he took most cordial- witli hint. Let liiiri bringr a score. we are their match. I chI vou! D0 rttlivc and wlicnl rave him a mi- . é: But wc are only three. and of- rtilliaiis that tul' fellow may bring you ll was bum” “‘5 1"”0» 0“” “5 presence of mind he hastened gent- sliould not wonlcr if the major had '1). to me spot beneath the Window, at hand in II ; ll looked hkc linii. following every movement of the We “we “““lul’Wd b." a mild urchin with the keenest anxiety, l‘l'OCk‘llg 3‘ I“? “W"- The lad anl extending wide his leather came in soon ultcrnui'ds, telling us apron as he gazed upwards to Illnl. IL: Cullbl LIUSL'I‘y l‘li'u OI IIICIII, \‘v’JICIl lIlU first symptoms ofgiddin- of smnu (if his coinpztldcs - You “”WW- ull'on IlllI'St‘DilL‘li. I . .»55 which should occur to the bold Will be chase-d by a couple of these _A‘a"1“‘ “NSC {W0 scmindrcls I he 1“? Old mun arose, all‘ mot/mg ' lit Ic udscnlurer. AS the child i‘ogucs.’ m ”up . as sun: as I am a said. \VYI‘II, man, stop into the one til the lllttlll'uSScIS a little aside, drey nearer to the lion, the lcdg‘c Saxon! Lct mu advtsc you. Fol- house. t\cvei'mitid the horse. the lit: looked cautiOtis._v through the n.) longttl‘ afforded such firm foot- ' ivnidow. It was nearly about llltic rug, and pt'esenlly, with a loud cry, O‘clock. and the tl'dl'lillL'SS began to he pitched over, from that terrific set in “Hill the rapidity peculiar to southern clttiiutcs. ' ‘ . . . . . . . . . . “'6 l‘uw’l‘s “we mlwm‘id ”WC Ibt‘ shout; without falling, and iii VCI'C'IXW‘HIYI ‘lli‘i‘J'nl’u'l'Cd {WW “”H‘ another moment the little Prince .t luuu summons to tipcii the door, wa‘. restored, safe and Well, to his llclt. thcy .tic, su.c ciioug.i.s.i1d rovztl pii'culs, who, m token Of heignt, right into the leather apron of in: blacksmith, which sustained the. ”M ”“1“; l ww‘l” “I”, “”5 gratitude, took immediate chargeof major docsn t go to lumszts : bc is ,1,“ brave young workman, and be- IIIL: ‘Ver.’ man lot I\'.IIISZIS po-itics. $1“anle him a handsome pen- . H you d‘m 1, "PC” “0“" 3”“ slot], who the title of baron, to 1mm b ”mu“ dog. “Nd “ course, totcc, of which he has done honour (Ini- W‘A‘y” bl'b‘i‘k ll“? door! '1th a well-spent useful Illaâ€"Court 'l‘ne cycs OI the old man flashed Journal. fire, btit lit: sptiko IIL VCI' a Word. l l t l l 'l‘lllttlk’l‘tl (I W Hill BLE WORKS were brntbcr ollii-crs in fhc saniel I" i‘cgiiiiviit. IIL.‘ went to tho Ullllud‘ Stop! licsaid, when I had already count the Princess lioyal nobody 'I 'l‘hc what? You know me; Llelaiiiottc said another voice. which I had heard IIO'I‘EL' OR\Elt of Palace 'tlld Georgi- st ects. east nnaid .‘sl Good Stabliiig and attentive Hustlers omnibus to and Status just uhcn the war broke out Willi IIchit-o. and bcca'iic Captain iii a Company ol Kt'iitticky i'lllciiicii Al'iiw llllllttIS tiller the battle of Vtera llrmz. lic \\ us (It‘ltlllt‘tl b_\ Illtf OIIII'CI'S of his brigade- to lilCSt'tiI to Gian-nil 'l'tiy lorâ€"wlio was on leave oftibstriit'c at .\c\v Urlcntisâ€"a gold ‘ 18.3 \‘ONGB S'I‘RI'LI‘J'I‘. MONUMENTS. TOMB-TABLES, TOM B-S l‘ONES. &.c. 'i‘wt-iity Per Cent (‘lirapcr ‘IIE lndcrstgnrd .A~~i;;ntit-s of tli. THAN 7 estate of II. (I St W. Y ,1\ Ll‘l. will con lititie the business "till?! the SIIIIOI'IIIII‘IKIQ'IICt‘ oi otir tltily atithonlt-d agents. Allstlx Asst Y and I). CAtitos Y t.i~.. who~e tecetpt will be duly iickti-iwlt died. , PS. All non-s and amounts remaining tin-l puid . ii the Isl (In) of June. 1555. nil be put into Cuuit tor collrctiau. A.\V OTHER ESTABLISHMHT. Choosing llic licorcsl way from thc Cttllllt. across Country. lit: act out till his ct i'aiitl with a gtttdc and two scr- vaiils. all on lioi'scbark. tiriiicd to tho tcclh. Iii Jose Maria. my poor li’tcud tiiiulscly cxliitiitcd tlic IIIMIEII to it crowd of ruspcclitlilu lt)tllilll;1 persons. culling IIlUlllSclV.'S c-iloncls. tiiajurs and catplai s. \VILH soc-mud to C. YALE. G. CUMMER. Toronto. ‘29. April 1859 48-tl' DAVID ATKINSON, AGENT FOR Darling & Aitcliison‘s COMBINED MACHINES, Richmond Hill, June. 1857. g.lvvy. WARD & lllcCAUSLthVD, House. Sign and Ornamental PAINTER& Graint's, Gildrrs, Glaziers, and Paper Hangers. l l .311 kinds of Jh'iav'zz' Paints l Oils, Glass, and Putty. coon WORKMEN SENT TO ANY PART or THE COUNTRY- Itti lllll tiltttti’ tak’c ‘Lll'C‘tl pleasure in studying its engravings. Ilc did not cvcn mark what tl hurry sonic of thcs‘t: coloiicls wci'c in to start Ucfoi'e him. But the modal has, iii It'll ycitrs, i‘icvcr iiioi'c bccn liciii‘d of, and my old conit'adc and [Wu ofliis compan- ions wcrc shot dead in a rariiic. It Was near this place that I also full amongr ttolotitds. There was out: of tlicm who took a gt‘cttl liking to my horsc, when he saw llluglVllIg it to thc hustler. llc lttppctl il l'cIJttiIl- cdly on the neck. declaring it, With an oath, to be it nice huniniul, and no mistake» -whicli ttSSt‘l‘liUll lit: pcalcd afterwards over and DARLING 8: AITCHISON‘S l I CANADIAN norms. AND REAPERS.‘ E would call the attention of rilt‘mt’rsl V to our Combined I’t CA PICKS, and MOW tilts which we tire iiianufarluriiig ; t for the coming harvest. “’e now olfrr ll asl lone ot‘the most perfect Machines now I'l use ; lit is substantially built of \VlOllL'Ill Iron. without I weight on the horses necks. mill entirely flu: from Sllfe (bring/it; cuts ivith equal are in Grass. \‘ihent Uats and urley. and Illlolllt c'oggitigs and can be raised to any COIIVBIIlt‘lII height. l)\' a screw In front. withotit any change ‘ of kuife or gearing. “0 were a\\aldr‘d the First Prize rind also a Diploma at the irinl of M whines. lit-Id itt IItaiiIltiid. . t the Pm\llllifll I-Txhibitioii. “e would solicit FHIIIH‘IS to call and exotiiine our (‘onibiiird I‘Iflclllllt“. as it "“‘l’ "9 said with. “IN."- "lal lhcl‘ have two room. who, \\ licti 'thcy had bt'cti out peilect Machines in one. t ' ilu satisfy tlicirrurtostir aur . -tl \\ ilh GEO. DARLING. : ‘ - 5 W , hIiil upon the tiialici‘. “ l\ow Roumt'r AI'I ctiiSON‘ , , Tliornhill. June 15.1858. 558 “VUUIdUI lltttl be it “Hg rm- you. llnujtll' I” he said to a tall. pmicil‘ul llllilll. with a rough board and dis- ,t t . , S“ AN HO’IEL’ 1gusting.r Ictilut‘csy \inn sat a huh- I ‘HOIINHILL. 'l'lie >ubscriber in .3 apart from the .‘cst, and won: it largc tendering his thanks for past favorS.| orcy cunt. 'I‘hc major said nothing. would beg to call l’tililic attention to his .\EW IIUI “'ztllit'd (Nil 01' ”,0 run,” 5mm Eklnltlmhtnellt. Thoriihill. and known its the 1., . I .-~ I . d . I .‘ Ewan IIOI’EL. which he has lrttcly entered into H' (‘1 “‘15 l" l" W” l‘c- I'U' tIVt'I' til lcrwu i‘ds. July 23‘ 1857. 72'“- iii cgpsp‘qtieuceboll the arcipriodatliotr Hall-h (pd up their old topic tII' ciitivcl‘snlltnL . csta its llItlII ellig ttillrty too itiilte Ior til: :ltltl WC“: ltllkltlg |tltlllll‘S.:lS I IIIUIIQIII WA] cannot! at his tItIiiierou~ guests. 1 . ‘ _ 1-,... 5w“ ”mEL 3.. .. (1.“. d... “m be rather \'t:Ilt:tilL'lll|_\, when the \Villlt‘l G O T 0 completely renovated. and respectable visitors â€":t Gt'l‘tlliltlâ€"t'illllt: up It) nit: and min reli oti having their ralt~ iiiiiiit-dioieh' at» S‘lld It! uttl‘ 0“,” l itiittl‘t”L' .h ,l | “-1.1 D ’ ' .' ' ' h ‘ D t ‘ ‘ BIOI\PI-1Y ' ‘ f lviidctl to. He has also VL‘N exteiisivo ucrotiio- . .- H . .. . . . ~ ~. BRO [I‘ILRS MW“ ml. Home, “d Cmmgps' better ILItt. t..iit , .te Illtlet. two out- FOII His Bar will always be found well slttrt-d sidu had set eyes tlptii my htl|‘5t:_ (t 00D “'alches.Clocks. Jewelry. bleludenti» 1 Electro Ware. Silver Spoons: and Specia- cles to suit every eight. wttli the cliott‘t-st tint on; white IIII‘ subscriber litiiiself intends to devote his time to the ('otn-t Iorto!‘ all those who may honour biiii With a and \vonld bc sure to steal it ill gave thcnt the slightest chance. Annoy- . call ‘ed at this iiilclli relicc. l asl'cd iii ' [LT Watch Clubs in Operation. Warranted JOII SIIIELS. . - - hi“ I \ ) CIOCkSIWm 203 n W‘I’dl- Thornhill. Proprietor. counttyman “. at It? . , Ton-ire. lens. 867. 4 Jannory20.1858. .3. would be best lor me to do. Illl'dill as lttlIt'lI of linen reaper-Ll again to his fcllow inch in lhc colli-c. thought it - thing. :scl spins in my horse. IIc liftt'd tip lcztt'b Of the hoist-”s logs, and IUl’hClI t-nt‘t-ftilh at tho shoving. All right. he said; I thought tlit- hustler ltllt_tl|l IHH'I' playcd you one ofhis tricks, 1but [to It IS not yet had time, I sup- II'OSC Now. alwad and don’t forth-t thc Fri-nt-hinnnl I darted Ofl‘ It was ell-vcn n'r-lork in the morn- ‘IIILV. I had to tnakc twenty iiiilcstn lllt‘ ravine which my t‘OlllllI'VllllllI bad p «iiittid nut to me. But my ‘Iiorse \vas worthy of thc Colonel’s adiiiiratinn; and. in spitt- not only ,of the round-about war I had takcn in accordance with mv fricntls rid- vivc. and htilfan hour’s dclav for rust at Just: Maria. it was but five in the (Wt-nine: when I reached lllt’ molancholi' spot. I slxippt‘tl and looked about me.-~ The surrounding l'OtlIlll'V was all barren and dosolntm the soil sterile. 'I‘ht-t‘e was it \i'notlcn cross crtictcd on the soot of tho llllll‘t’ll‘l'. and be- nenth it lav tho mortal remains of ‘tlin man whom I had known in the full z(,1ltit't'tiiitljtii' of youth. Qt) l A strange fut-ling mad! me lingor' in that place. 'I‘In- little l'l\'tllt'l smoothly gliding eastward showed me tho wiiytI was to go. I could follow i s cottrsc with my eyes to a for distant flirt-st. inf the fort-st down. as {time of the ycar. chill. the high grass having burnt :i ll':lt‘li it always docs at this thI still ling- 'I‘lit3 linrsc began to ncigh snllly, and in prir k up his cars. Ilt- \i'agl fiiiiiili r with these prairiL-s. as] had bought him but a few ttmnlhs nt_rvi at [.ittln Rock. in Arkansas â€"â€" There was sniiietliing the in ittcr. l l psmnpd. IIIII heard absoltittelvl nothing. I aliuhti-d. rind prvssing‘ .mi‘ ear to the ground Internalâ€"-i "I‘llt‘ earth trt-uiblcd faintly with itho ll't':ltl of hot'scs. yet at a long 'tlistam‘tfl but. “'l‘t'll I mmiii’wd again, I could hour the sound. I w,“ l‘,|“.ifil" approaching from the direction of Jose Maria. and. alâ€" thong.L lltc woods on that sndc Of me prevented inc from sci-int: any- I had but little doubt who were the horsemen. Now, coloâ€" .ottitrr lllliltJS from the table, undpntl dcspairâ€"tln; triiiiiplingoftlyiiiu below. You know Coloncl Brown.‘ But tlinug'i we have to settle on Old account, l'vc no busiiicss With you this time; It’s the stranger I want. he has stolen a horse; give him Up to its, and we’ll be (ill in a minute. No use talking to that old llllStJl', said the former voice. Willi an oath. . Ulllc on, boys, break that door in und cud ll. llc scciiied to suit the action to the Word, for .1 tremendous crash came. Eh avanll said the old man to the lad, and they both went down stairs. I rose and paced up and down the room with rapid stops. Sonicâ€" tbiiig tci'i'iblc, awful was going on. , 'l‘lic whole- block-house shook and No \', we are all right! Sitid the ‘ tt‘enildcd With the violcnt kicks and. Old man. taking his soul at the table. iiiws \\'ll|t'Il Wen: dcult ut Illudthu‘s and mixing rum and wateriiia large but IIUVCI'IIILEItjs'S I could hear dlS- lJtth. ‘tiiictly when the iron bar was rc- An triutnplie do In bonnie ('tlllSCl moved from it, and thenâ€"l fult as he said. hitching gl'isscs \\’llll ii il'nll my 1,1...“ Herc rushing 5“,]. llol I don’t Sljt: any ui'iiis, l pieâ€" dctilr to my li tart, lcuvmg not one sciitly suggcstcd. single drop in tiny limb of my whole Ai'ins/ l have plenty (ii that body. slull'. llow do you think it man A roarâ€"not at all like those you- tiould get on It] llicso wood \vitlioul may hear in the Zoological Gal‘- ai'tnsl But \Vc sllntll want IIIt:llI to dens, IIt)l,'l"-II’S Park, at feeding-time night. Again he laughed. \Vo -â€"-l)nt a butidt't-d tiincs thtldl'. have the Pi'iiit-css Royal. lsliai‘por, more lllt‘IClllg. more fur- Hc reiiim'cd the candle “i‘ih the ‘1 ions ; than human cries of horror l‘lic Princess Royal : la PI‘IIICCSSB Iloyatlc! he laughed again. Don’t stare at mu, you'll see licr by and b_‘ c. Thu block-house had a very dur-t ablc uppcuraacc; it was lWo storeys llléll, and the upper mom \th5 neatly furnishrd. 0a the wall I obsnrvcd tl pttrtt'ittt (if Gcncral Mui‘c.iu.â€"â€"â€" My host was no l'i‘icnd oi the first Ellipt-i‘oi' of thc It‘i'cnch.‘ the pre- sciit Eiiipei'or he mentioned only oncc during our conversation, and I had Ill‘IIUI' not say what It) Silld llc lighted a "andlt: and hogan to block the windows, whilst I was UHF“ ing and (It‘llllilllg wlial lic had l‘ltl :d‘ on the: table. The bid math: till safe. on the ground floor, and accarcd the II‘Jt l r. l .- WWII (ml of the t‘tmltt- lliOi'sesâ€"thc quit-k repoit of ti or ’I‘llc tlnitil‘ was llptlll”ll again about 1‘ tlt'lllSâ€"Illcll Algillll [he I'O'H‘. but [his IIVL: iiiiiiutcs :il'tci wards. I heard 1 time it was ”Hp-l) louder. more sar- tlic crack of a whip. I saw a rapid ago. more Ict'tit'lflus. iiiorc lioriblcâ€". Ilasli bclori: my cycs; and. with it llicii n llCil\'\' fall and u Conluscd mighty bound, that made my \‘ci‘y noise of grinding of tecthâ€"lht-ii blood “In hold. a largo jaguar Icap- . nothing more. lit-cause Istnppcd my cd III, aligliting with ulicavy pouncc ears with both my hands. ”1")“ tlietablc. \Vlicnl turned round. my host sat at the table again, sipping his grog as if nothing had happened. I am afraid, he said after :t whilc. tlic Princcss has been wounded. l nave tlUVCt‘ heard llel‘ roaring in that war. \‘t'cll, we must see after this to-fhm‘rmv. It would be a danger- ous job for any man to go near her IO-Ill‘glll. Nt-xt morning. Islnod by his side \\‘llt‘ll ht: Opened the door. My first glance fell upon the tiger cowering La I’rinccsse Royal! announced my bust. I d not know exactly what figure Imay Il:ch ptcseiitcd at that mo- Ilit’lll; but lslionld not wonder il anybody won: to tell nit: tlitil I look- cd ltkc t1 cravcn. Don’t bc afraid thel'. Silld 1h" laughing It‘i'ciicliiiian. when he Suit Inc still its at mouse. scarcely Ventur- lnoks to lici' bright is as dccciit as a iiitr Ill ltit‘ii iii\' r ‘. cruel eyes. She RAl’tEY UNSOPHISTICATEI). Mr. Iiai'ey, the horse-tamer, has. it is alleged, been writing home to his lrionds on his great successes in this country. The Nashville Spirit oft/ta b‘oiu/l publishes the follownig lcttcr, \\lllCII is said to be genuine; “ Lircipuol. Friday evening, April 2.3 My dear Nephewâ€"I wrote you two sheets this morning, but was called away before I was quite linisht-d; and now Ihnve just got through With the day and had my leit.l Wlll hurry to finish your letter bcfot‘c any ()lll: culls. There is no rest for the wicked, and no accom- plisliiiiciit without great labour. I have just had a very hard day. and Octwccn tlic hurrahs, the rush of people, the lecture, the breaking of those very bad horses (one so as to he sliou). the cxcttenicnt, and the perfect vtllcy of all manner ofques- tions, I feel Vci'y like leaning hack on my chair, and taking a quict snuuzc. 'l‘ncy tried to bring some ltot‘scs to~day to defeat mc, but they couldn‘t ('ciiic II, and I, as usual. came OII‘ victorious, amid the loud cliccrs of a class of about 100 schol- airs. I wash you could be here just one day to scc how enthusiastic the people ttrc. this iiioi'ning. when I slcppud into the school and lttOliIttII‘ my ital, tlicy set up such a clicctiiig aid clapping ul hands tllttl iiiudc t,-vcrythitiy.r ring. so animating inc tliatl was full of eloquence, and ad IJILSBCLI tnciii \Hlll us much ctilliusr- lIStn it) though I Was a second Kos- :Llill. 'l‘iic slt'ucli outside the build- mg tiert. t'i‘owdcd, uud when I rode out on the back of vicious stallion that no llldtl bail been able to mount for tlii‘cc yours. tbcy, loo, set up a loud liui‘t‘ugi lor the great A terican that they think Iain. They don’t know that I am nobody but your Uncle Jack, that used to break horses in the little town of Grove- port. \Vcll. the name Amcrit-an soon ls well; and l tliinkl would be justttiuble iii being pioud of the name. if I am not Of myself. I Wouldlld like to be called the great Frciicliinan ()l‘ the great English- main. Nothing carries with it so much mustc us the name of Ameri- can. &t-,. As ever, your friend and eat when I am by. Caress her she in a thick brownred pool. She was uncle; J. S. RanaY.‘

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