lit-um Is al,ur \ety odicv. The cn-ssnxinn ofaignula Iluough the A [- hmlic Cable wa‘ umIUchml in London on (he 61h beplrmhu , but no .mrliuular: hm! ' n gin-n {9 the- puhlilz. lt \Vu‘ bl‘liPV ,hmwver. from what had hnhd out that the dilï¬cully was nra" the share and remedlublc. 'l'he non-working of lhe lldll causrd :I dechnc in ‘hu sharesâ€" 7 \al qualaliun of £400 In £30J (m I. value 0! £l.000 In adnhlmu Io thv abovz, wc are perunlleJ lo Mum Ihal the New York honorary dun-clan (I! he All-dull}; ( omiuany, hau- lo-du; weaned, A gnand bauqucl in laulic Daniel-gs gin-u 7th of acglmuucr. Charles 'l‘. Blight, the Engim-er 0‘ [Le Telcgruph Company, Lad like“ kmplne. by llw Lord Luann-nun! o' leaud. Queen \'Ic.0r|a had u‘wm-u the 1mm Hall at Lzeds. Hw pl‘UCcrdmgs nu: alunded with grqu erhl. '1 he Innlunmly Iron: Chum l0 Husk-and and Flancr, for Ike Exilt’ll>v.’\ of Mn: war dltspallcll I'Iom lln. -‘u,:urm end-m In .\ew foumlluud, who alulrs llhu (he clecnr‘cn r: lune bet-n unable to colnmamcale mlh Vulelllia slilllull mice (he 131 nl‘ m‘pn-m- her, but Ill: clrclrucul ILanI-kâ€"Mullnus Aln‘ and: 11m no doubt curds hen: that line (11.7 ï¬culu l3 al.ur Way He; ' thr \X-l-u In The Norlll Briton experienced rahonE head mud: durng lne “'nulr. passage. We append a few Hem: ul paw; by 1m A pellliun in bankruptcy Was pn-seuleu against the European and Aumlvau bleamship Company. QUeen Violoria \isited lived! on the 4th and 'Ilh. and bud an ellliluaiuflic I'ecupllm.‘ After knighliug the Ma) 0y she [all 101 Balm :ml. A triegriph from Paris states that u dreadlul railroad accidvul uccuu‘ud - n lln Heighla of bl. Uelmaunâ€""l kll'ud and 50 woundtd. A leller from Hung Kong slams 1h... the Chine» indemmly to England is to Dr £3,260.000, and rum.- £1.2uu,ow. Auoler leller phch lhe indvmuily .u £2,000,000 alcrling. '1 he Nurllleru Light, from SmutlnnnI - ton for New Lark. was lo lune .lr- mm. day as the North Brilon. l’olilics uvun. portallt. n helped to be comm: was r pnrlctl \‘iu hum-a Archib‘nld Moutgmnvn 8L Co A ‘s lrnlian mu-rchanls, London, albpen‘lrd l r abnul £60,000. ‘ QUCBEC, Sept. 21. The steamship North Briton, from Liv erpoa} ii Wednesdny, the 81h instanly arri’dloai Ibis part this forenoon, having been detained below ou-r night by lhr storm. She brings 128 cabin and 93 steel age passengers. ‘jiold was flowing England. '1 hr Dai/y/ News says llw. furd“ m :- shenglheuru’ on '| u: NIH) by In» alum v dinary rap-id riw in the Paris l5uur~ , cnululeu \villl 1hr ~a|islhclnry lrl-ngn-ss on lluâ€" mvnllï¬y will: 1m nl ol c<vn~nlm Religiom funaticiqn continued In Inn "1 in the East. Al Alvppo a f--n‘ I‘l panic prevailed At Aliuo tlwrv wan u similar panic. which was‘ only :Iuspvllml In the arrival of a "mu ollwar III III» pnrt_ Lord Slialfmd dc Radclilf had starlm! for Comlnntinonle. The Royal Mail steamship Nign. from Buslon and Hulifu arrival at Liv erpool on dalurday lhe 4-III inst. 'Hle screw s'eumalnp Urea! Briluin from New Your, arrived at Liwrpool o. the 71h. The Times my: the quds improved per cum. PARl§-â€"Fl.0UR marka was quie' \Vhea! flu". and hume dc mandng a e duclinn. French mm) and hand, mar kvls ’l a drooping tend- ncy. The drums ol new"! fun in Ash-h :1 show 'hnl IQ! hr-uw.‘ and [I quuyx rm- 0le with limhe-r. a~ w~|| m a great nlln: her of boars we‘ 9 llrsl‘nycd. TU 11 KEY. W'EDNESDAY, Sept. ‘22. etc was a large attendance of far- mers ' the market this morning, and serâ€" eral manor articles the supply was larger than llu‘ demand. Prices did not, how- ever, materially change, although the mar- hl cloud dull. Slu- did not see the :axon or Harlequin ofl' Kamouraska. Tm: ATLANTIC CABLEâ€"we grieve to say tha; the prophets of evil in reference to the cable, ap- pear lo be in the right, and I at there is some serious obstacle wh ‘1 inlel‘rupls communication. “(*3th from the despatchs-s ol' the v ("guru’s news, mm the cable is still unkmken, but than there is reason to fear Ihm it is so damawd tbs to make the _elec1n‘c comlnï¬ni- _.....b‘ u {as to malt? the electric mmmuni_ cation faint and uncertain. The account Coming from the best au- thority says the abrasion in proba- ble within three miles of the shore Which would. of course, be remedi: ably; but there is another repon‘ which makes it 240 miles out. These twu reports are perhaps equally baselese, and we mum await with patience further intelli- ge nee-.â€" G lobe. Though the political inlrlligvnce, gen- erally speaking, by lhe Norlll Briton ii no. of importance, lllele am somr pollla o mauked interest. especially In relation to lhe Atlantic ‘i‘clcgraph. The Fmpâ€"rnr oi Morrocco was We!" iuriously i". FURTHER BY l‘lllï¬ NUIL'IH BLLIIUN. bulked lo be umsiue‘ubl) Enualxr Hm. A R RIVAL OF THE "N ORTH ‘ B B ITON. TORONTO MARKS l‘ S. FRANCE AFRICA. CHIN L honor of Ihc inlo the Bank 0 at lidlnruc) on in “.111 AI ,. “Emu-res “Inch has Include-d the rum- 1 onion ul Ilu- Inn-m: szw PAPER smcr in: .slahlmlmnrnl In 1844, i- (In: be t Crl‘liï¬l'hlu m :ls mum-s a puulm jnurual. in Mac v~limu1ima m |he community. ho lulunr has bu-n rpmâ€"I. and huge null-y hm 1mm lune lo linw. he: I! made to render iL a cmupre'lensivo and reliullir The “lobe Nun'spapcr. The guulilymg lequ, I: that in. posseuex by far the “kind CI culmiou and (he g-eates: ad \elusiug patronage llI B,ili~h America. "'he elf rls “Inch have been made in pas: yeah: lo keep pace w.le (he prng.ess of jnurn- .lmn in 0! er cuunuim wiil bu Ieduulnlrd III the fullno. The Ednunal Cmp has been -l eugthenadâ€"lhe slafl' m Kepnnersenlmgrdâ€" and uumnhujolh of u"lnu uus Co u-spondenlr. a‘ home and nl load, wnl give m-w inlerrsb 1 us columns. The Lugh h and Eureign 1\e\\s i~ arrival at [he euullusx [105311) e mouwnl by l‘airglaphuud Express. Hie prucvvdmgs I l'u‘ulu- Merlin-g. :ul ll-o Law ('ouus and Mun - cum: Counuh are M'cllmlel} ropulled lry swun- g npluc wmem. and no expense is spued Ill sending co p»ol'l{xpn1ens :0 run paw 01' [hr cuuulxy, and mm milling Iheir l-o Lbs bl’eltgvnph for pub:ic.-liuu the ("Honing umru- mg. 'l he Delmos at the House of Assam-l») . ‘m ouch (113'. me lully nnd ccurulrly reponrd m lhv U.â€"\l:.Y EUIIION of the fllluwmg morning. and ca ululh‘ condemrd ll-r “II W LLK. Y paper. All “muons uf Tr. d «. (Imu- me-ce uua Navigationâ€"the prncwdmg» uf 1h- ereral Bumd- ul' (nudeâ€"the nr ivm ul vosu- .~ 1.: Quebrc and m and purlsâ€"ulld ew- y o-ln- nlIJ- cl ul mlerual lo munmnulr men I.» “'2: (Led nun spec'ul (tale. and Inlunul‘} bin ui.~!eu m . uullnenzo- on. Illc Manuel: and l’rn:e~ "1n n-u. ul l-mul liuiuul. 'he Uumu .‘lillrs. and n hulne. ruech Slel'lul noucu. The ALI i‘ul urm' lull-Inn command but “HIHBH lllt‘llln-ll n which the]: Impuuuum‘ ruznlh them. The Globe will continue In udvucuu : Are the result nl'impnre hloud. The blood be- cnmos lllit‘k add clogged. 'l'h:~ skin i< nnl nble lo cnsl 0|? the ixnpnuities so ilnpullnllt lo he .llh. How many \oung men and women we flew with hair far-m covered Wllh pimple-I and hlo chef. u hon-8 vndeuvoring l0 n-mm‘e lhl‘lll hy the bye oI'sanpsnnd washes of valium kind‘ This is very dangerous L'ld should never he mar-[Led hy 'mnsnlh dwsimm nf good ht-alth “others who have childwn ayï¬â€˜licmd “full sun“ and elnpnom should never dn than np h} unevnnl nyplicnl on\, Mr in this way Ilmy “ill d'ive 'n Iha hunmrw and mud me ill health fur [he ChlJl (inning it» whan hf- llnml lhe n |~ nn mox'uw [hut |ike~ to etch!“ chihlrvn ha! ('I- .d with feeble l Pllllh. Mousr'n IMIHN Roo‘r l’lmm are prepared E‘X'l es |\ far the cure nl' urunnoni M" the ï¬lm. '1: h as limplex. “lull-hm. Some. N1. 'l he t le msn llm hhmd ul'nll innpnxim-s. pr'dnmng ‘- heaun Ill. cl- M and henllh elm», so much nd‘ mm d by all .N-nple ol'la~le and reï¬nement. DI. \lom-‘x Indian Root I‘ills are euld h} «I denlms in Urducmeax Lommermu, Puluic: l & Family Journa “miniâ€"The†'rEéme's’W‘ _\vh;al were larger veslerday than fbr any day " revious this season. amoumirg to rely nearly 10,000 bshls. The greater part wa~ gnnd nl~I-chanlablc wheat. and bl‘Ollng from 55 6d la 63. the average rate being; 5~ 9d pc-r hushvl. For ~wine very super- ï¬ne Int: 65 3d a (is 4'] was paid, but Ihesr wvro- lhe vxueplion. lull-nor lols Sllld u‘ 43 6.1 a 5~ per bushel. FLOUR.-â€"-The1€ continua-w lo be a gon' dvmnnll {01' fl nur \VHII IighK H‘CPIP'.‘ There are said In be ordrrs in the wa‘krl :1! [hr fnll1'mlllngl';|le~':â€"â€"."uY erï¬ur $4 50 LIFE l’ills and rl'nuenix Billers. Thom- DN-a rs whu-h are lermnd periodic, and u hiclv ,re a lhis da\ a «landing leprouch In the mm [3‘ of u elllcme. can bv omil' alligell and ï¬nnli) curd n} nlxeru .11- dark of ï¬le Lll'e I'i |~ :nld I’hmnx Him re. Sold l-y the prop ielt-r, W. B. Mofl‘al. 335 Uaoadwuy. he“ \‘ork. and his Agents. :I f. In ssued every Friday morning. at 2 dollars per annum. ymuble smell} in advance‘ ll i< pruned on an imnnem- double shoe! of paper. of HM Ime/qnlnlil} : it is made up in n hand- some qnmlo T- nu. cumpr sing flight p.265 or «wen culnmlh rach ; and culllnills more rend i g Ina! or ilmn an) ulher I-ol’ucul newspaprr on “w cuminenl Gmal (are i\' Ink-n in the cmnpilanun of “W paper . the news Is cure u ly rollntedl'wlu the Daily Edlliou. and nnrlos specially prepmcd .1" u: columns. The Ma!- kel [(Bpmh‘ at home and ubrr-ad. receive cun- slum alto-Ilium 'I o imlrco ext-"ion on th par! of the friends ohhe (hum: lhrunghcu: ihu muner i! I‘m: been reaohed. that In} persou making u;. a club may haveâ€" 1er Copicsfcr - - Fii'lvonDollnro. a! Anyperaon Minding the (‘l-h for Fire Tr‘w W eoki)‘ bublcribers, “I1†be emillcd lo a FREE COP) . In ssued every Friday morning. at per annum. ymuble smell} in advm prlned on an illllllelh. double shoe! of HM Ime/qnlnliu : it is made up iI l.~ issued Iwely Monday. \\e-1nv.~dny. and Flidny. al 4 ulullah per annum in advance. ll i~‘ pruned on a large rht'el. and Ill its columns is given all that a] pears in [uh Dam Eddinu. mm the Telegrapn- and other new>~ to (he lied. moment. nu} [arson set ding the Cn~h 17 r live Dun Su-m i o -. “I†hermit ea .oau ddillmm'culn FREE. THE DAILY GLOBE. m 6 doliur.‘ m-r sun-um. payvh'e 5:: My m vume. “Ihpllllll‘..0d a tum n'clw'k - morning bun hunduw. Ind : duqmlrhed by "uh lrnlus lo :dl pans hue gaunt-3. I. v r huge Mlflt‘l. cunm mug u mu amoul news. me can‘t-:- inlnugeme. and gm l {.nmau'uu. ul Nu burst mud mos: mlerua acl r. ‘l 0 inch ohhe GI. been re~o c|ub may '| ru Con l‘I Vince. Cu: luilnmul el‘ the l’oweu and P: LIL'L'lI In: A Free lrade Nuliounl Toliry. nupuh‘y as Im- Maintenance (Inmlit will l'eluul lucoqmrauou u Hudsnu’: Buy punt 0. Canada. . he Allopuuu ul‘ Pupil-"nun. wnhoul mgurd l Locum}. a‘ [no Innis u: I'urnuumnm: Re unnlnuoâ€. Io b‘rp nrnhun 0H hurci- m d Slfll" Ihe A miuun at all Appvoplimium 01 I'm-- Inc Muney tor arc uruu l‘urI-oâ€"es; the “(‘Slvhilll of E:'clu.~i.shc«l mu! othe C-pu uums {.qu LH'KIME'UH [and u- Muzlmnlu oxen-pl lul uxu and on np‘dum. (annual Lducull nâ€"Lummul- bcxnuul. U amâ€" ma: hrlmul and (Io-lvgmlvâ€"Feo [Hun Srcturmuau, nuu’ open (0 an on equa (elm {iconhm} in the l’uhlin- Expendl-lre and a T..umugh “alum: In mu Dela ummn' 'lruCopics for - - Fiï¬: on Dollars. 1:3â€Â°"‘."ï¬vc Copies for Thirty-ï¬ve Duilnra. highly Copies for - One liumlrwd Dollars. An." Demon «ending 1†dollars for Five Subscribers, wil be entitled {o a copy 3m. 49. 155a ï¬tm abbtrtimmmm. The Weekly Globe will be sent to all Clergy- "N‘ll fur One Dollar n-wur. None} Lellem n(ldmss.~dâ€"" The Pill) 34'9" of the Glube. Toronto." can be Registered by lmymem 0| one Denny. and their safe arrival will lhx-n be at lho ri‘k nftlm Pullllnhur Subscription may commoner of the your. and be made for persons desirous of receiving I not wait for an Agent Io callon only to enclose their money. V nnd Post Oflice to SPRING WHEAT 4s- 6d a 55. BA LEY 3~ 3d a 3~ 7|. OATS more HPIIHIUI at L 7:] - I~ 8d PEAS in ballcl' supply d' 3.6m. 3~ 9' RYE dull. B'UTTER (funk) IOJ a Is per lh. 'l‘uh N0~ I qu.ulily, a 7d per lb. I'moh†a'ticles lhere ix m clun ge brm b\mrl|| HM PLES AN D BLOTCHES THE TR, WLEKLY Speciai Notices THE W LEK LY GLOBE. Mall-m Ior Bulll Swtiuun of the: .ant'y, $5; exha. $3 ‘20 a $ 18. 6â€"59 {\o Inlvnr has brl'll rpmâ€"4: 1mm lime lo Iinw. heâ€: uupre‘lensivo and reliable 51c CEO. BROWN. (“do 05:0. Toronw. money. with their name menu» at any period a for any term: and ving the Paper peed m (il lhem.lbm have lluhage «If :h I erern n >0 far and l 01 the l ub nu d gun-m! Iuleruslluu amaqu uf U E. ml- U A Kuqunainon aigned l)_\' neur-y 'l‘.\u l‘huusund of my fella/v cmzel to me under peculiar!) gratifying cixculn- . and presented stances. an In} Ielurn to my native rjty, l have msolved to avail [Myself 0!. [ho offers of mpporl -o cordinlly renlleled to Ine‘ and m†prewnl myae I‘m: a Candidate fur _\unr sumnges at Jun nppmnching Eleniou for line York Uix’i ion 0 .he l.egl:~ludvo Counrh. 'l‘u umn)‘ ol'yuu I .nm pdrsunnlly known. A "111in ofTo-umo. born rm] [nunqu up amougal )ou. and con tL’h‘d W.]'I lhn city and conn y D_\' the slrongnsl lies and illlt‘l65[\ I do nm come hoxore \on as a “ranger; and II' M} coll~ ducl when m-ruming a pulmc posiuun 01' some (ms! and u: pomibilily Int-l wuh _\uu‘ applaud. and ifnpon Lulu-r occminns I huw nun been backward in prompting the Illlm‘sla of nu} nâ€"llow ciuz-‘ns. 1 [null hhnll not be dveumd vulalrd l0 pv'umote the welfare 0! he couniry. Al the mum umv. thu supp-n1 which h a bum so kiudh and hem-uh tendon-d to me ly elem-rs of the most UppOx‘ilB politicnl ulnnim a. rl-nders it peculiarly inculnl‘eul upun me to slam lairly and honestly What are my opinmus wuh respect to :hu recent polilcal changes. and also u hul cuuiwe 1 should he prepared a lake, in the event of my bv'illg relmuad to I’m- lmumnl. as regards lhs diil‘ureul polincal ques- ums which now agilata the public mind And. ï¬rm, with respec: lo the Munste'iml rhauges whia h haw e‘ci ed ~o much alieuuiuu within the ll’hl fnw “flake [would lruukh uue thin. in my opinion. Ma. Bioun shuuid h we met wilt. mule hbviul lreuluh ul. and Ihn limvnughl r- lmve’ heen giv-m him by lllr Houselo dt-vlare his policy, brfurn p ssing a vole 01 Want ol‘ conï¬deuve in his Admiisirn- I» ounnpulous or nun-n. Illflhle in to place ma b_\' yuur in a poai chemled uxefulness. you know. never taken any uclive part in poll- ‘lcal matted". and 1 would now blit’fl" >a_\'. than. wilhuul referrnce to am more puny dus- t nations. 1 shall always be guided in m} pulilu c u ca'ner. by lhnse broad lirlnClplnS of luyull} h lhe Cl0\\ll. love ufm'dar. nud mlucllnmnl xu e Lighlened comumlmunl govnâ€"umem. whll'll I ll’ll\(. \\ii| ever churncwlizu the grcnl bud o! the Canadian people ‘I'Iu- changes “hi -h have taken place withâ€: Ihe lml m‘n yum have gone Inr towards effic- mg xlle wd whit-4| lundumrks. and l cnnuM p edge Inywl‘ n‘ sullIu-lx l0 glve an exrlu-Iva “upon [0 an} out: of t. e were": pulmcal punk-s. I)“: shall claim the right. ifelected bu. nf giving an independent vote in favor of lhule measures and that hue of policy. wlm-h l mu conscienliuu‘Jy lml eve Iv be the bus! tui- vulalrd l0 pv'umote the welfare of he coumry. And I would further slau- (hat I do not up- p (we ol’ the runducl of flu Minimy in availing; lhrnhelvvs oi'lho lil’oVilellr oi the Act In Vic. ch. 86. to retain ofï¬ce with ul prerehllllg Ir-npelws lu meir conqilueuls (or re-elecuon. a Mr. Brown and his colleagues were com- yel'ed to do. “‘ilhuul rnleriug into the qua“ to: as to the slricllx lugul enusl uCliun or u e sunlme. lam pell'ecxly satisï¬ed Ihal i1 nevm‘ was :1“!!!de 10 sam-tion (he cuur~e which the Gwermnenl ursued upon llml Marion and Wllich I cannot but lhiuk was contrary lo the spirit 0! lho cnuslilullou. A Conservative from Ian-l} associations and Azunllexiu|\~.l hx-ve. nevmlhelms. as mo~1 01 you know. never taken any active part in poll- lion LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. TO THE' “ELECTORS‘ The 5151 of the leading political questions of [he dny which 1 shall advenllo is Rep est-uls- mm by l’opulauun Behaving. as I do, that much of (ha such:E pr "parity and future greatnes< of Clluudu d: - 1ends upon lhe ï¬ll" a' d cald nl union of the o ~eciiun~' ul'l Ie l’v‘OVilIlY". I am at 1'1» .~: m n< ii in. own on _\‘ aconunued h) :an orumg lo tlï¬ people of both vaiucns equal ulilionl rights and pr Mega . ï¬lm: this re frcl equa‘ily d 3‘ nm at prl- an! eusl can .0! hr dcnird; I :d with I wu-u‘d tit-[m ‘ au- fllh mlelupl \o rmprumh the qua-inn in llml hu lilt- ~I-I l. w‘nchlm~. u-Ihnppih. given i~u la 0 mmh a 'III-o~il}.l ~hould. ‘4' the \nnw tim prIac-fl by \nm in a poshiuu \0 do so. lw gun's-m1 m u n- all conslllnlmnnl means I!) olhluill lur U - pv Canada hor jusx sh 'm 0" reprewnlauon lav w-a uniml l'a-Iiumeul. There is n huhji'fl which ha: Iulrly been {ALVI- imed Lnxh in the |.Fui~lnlllnl- mu! lhl'uuuhun‘ xh- counvr- gevernllvâ€"a l’c dryul Un on of 1hr P Hum-9». l ~llould undiully mppml mu plan Ulllfl I muld hungry Item-w that the edut'uliuu of . (Jun-Kim: pqule huuld be «I “de uu a rehguuus law, and ; um convinced that. llllh can bu accou- p.:al:od.willmul doing Viv owe to the h’llgimm own-on» ol'hn)‘ sermon ul‘ me community. 1 belisve [hat a plan ruu‘d be devised h) Mhirh lhr children unending lha (ommun Schools cnmd be pï¬rluilled lo IOlelvo ruhg ouslean hing b~ lrunxfenrd ï¬'uln Um Government of lhu “llll~l)h’.\ Ha} Cunu nny lo the penple ox (,‘zm- 115.10 b(‘ r nm-lvd 1mm: Among; und u-m-v pr >0 L110 :1 flan i.~hu|_v and pros erth |JII'I 0 Her \Iin-zslfs No'lh A-HBTICTIII dounimom. \VLJ) nape"! tu mm her qua-non which ha: lung owrupued 2| large hllv'Hï¬ u‘ puhluc nth-an â€" nu l'ounnuu N'houi Sn cmâ€"l rouwie-n nthqu m nu} “‘n} intexl‘e‘ing will) the ruurse ot secular Illsll‘quIOlI : and 1 III“ yersuudrd that it this question is taken up in l’atliament in a spirit of modoration, llut it will be perfectly possible to eitablisll a system of national edu- cation, which will unite all classes. and do Iwuy with th 's« diflinctious uhich. il' perpetu- lted. must ulqu contribute to [user the splllt ot'r ligious nllinlosih‘. um Inosl deC-dcd refuunl. both in the expen- dvlure oflhe public monies. and III lhu Innu- agemenl of the vaeiuus depmunenls of the public $OI‘\'ICQ. ll'relurred by _\ou. I shall use my ulmoslrndenvurn lo en once a syuelu of economy nnd muem-hmenl. and oppu~e any unvunhoriso-d ur extravagant disposiliun of lho revenues of the l’rovmua. Uri n-II o: the p n:ï¬cvnl Whatever may he the opinions hold hy dif- ferenl paniw “’iIIl respecl (0 [ha inregularist which are said lo have [m-vni ed lu [he admin- Irumiun al' the ï¬uunrial affairs oflhu- l’rovmce. it cannot he denied that II-o present slate of the cmumy i~ far from smi‘l'ncm y, ant. culls f- r l le only add that. if deemed worthvof your conï¬dence and nuppurl. and piaced‘ by your votes in lhe honornnle poiliou io which 1 u-pire. l shufl um un‘ heel and most earnest endeavuvslo advanco the social and man-rial invensts oHI'ro l'ruvinca. and “uh in [he Le- gislature nnd upon all other occasions shall do everything in [NY minor to aid in developing the industrial resources and plomoling the general welfare of my native country. 1 have lho'honor to be. Gontleman, Your obndient Servant. “'ilh Ihis brief Malement of my pvlilirnl views and d] nus [shall now emu-lune. re- pe-ving nn} ln-lller rxplnnuliuns until] uIn.l hw‘. an nppurmuily of personally addressing you in the vmious pan: of the ehclonn‘l di- vision. j EN'I‘LEMEN.â€"HAVING REC EH’ED ml} rulniuccd llml 'hi~ uni cm on _\' hr,- conliuued h} rule of both vaiucns eq ul nuan The York Division csanl l‘el x ito: UNI! An or "Kl-H: > no“ not un y I’ro\'im:rs, bu It“. I lrlN. w bu «on rd: in G. W' ALLAN up y two whole ma lh'll lung- Will me long mutant of II"- mu of male asking \‘ou ordmg l0 \\ llich ‘HF. nllrvn Halal ls ï¬ned up intern nnd t-om orl'uble sl_\la. 'I‘Iauâ€"nm vzsilo s and (HIM-N WI“ ï¬nd Ihe arcunIIm-d'nimw to 1m llqu 0 Ihr ï¬ru claxs “hile line ClIalLN'S will be m- LL PARTIES whose accounts were due to the Undersigned bafum lhn Isl of January. IBSB. or notes taken for lhB same. are Inqueued to call and soulu them by the [at of October. without any l'unher notice. 1'. CROS BY. THRI-LK MILES NORTH OF TORONIO. 0N VODGI'. ST l 'I llfl.‘lrll~_§h h lhwn )‘L-HIS 0M. b e gnnh. l caveâ€. Ym united by the pwpr puuiculars apph lo VI‘HE Slnblmg and an nut-m ve Hauler 'I‘HUM \S (‘UA'I I'IS, l’ropriemr. Vonge Strou. Aug. 7. I853. (52â€"h or address Bullonville. August 1'3. ldéï¬. THE “COLONIST.†‘NII IS THEFEFWR’Z Best Advert sing Medium in Canada. TERMS : l)AIL\'.â€"â€"4d a If“: lb: ï¬l‘l insomon. ind Id ‘ Imr fun out-ll ~~nlM-quen1insmuun I WHI‘KLLâ€"Gd -’I line for ï¬usl |I)\Flli-HI. m-d 2d a lane for each suhsoqurnl luxertion ' BJâ€"F [hunters who send Mh’orliwnmm» on Ihose lernw. will have a commission of 15 per cent nlluwed lhem. The larmsuf Subscriplion for the “AHA " (‘ L(H\IS'l',†are six dollar~ a gear. payahlc‘ n dvanve. For the \- EI‘LK|.Y. IIIB put-e i.~ .. dollar and a half. also pm'ahle In allvanre, To Clubs ofTEN. llm WEEKLY will bu mp plied 111 one dollar a year. 66- Richmond Hill. Sept. l. 1958. GLOUCESTER HOTEL, ’2 HI' Rlcllnmud “1". July ‘23. 1851‘ 5 HI}; \‘llllu'li‘v: hi‘g» In inrflwm ll i firmk and Ill!‘ mimic gun r:Il Jun. he h s uprnrd :he above Holel, um-on me SL lmwlelue Hall, l'mwulu. Ilix In wiil mums lm louud Inflow with all kIIHIS Liquurnnl' ï¬rst-mm qunlny. His 'l'ablo \mlu be {uqu rwhcltle. Good Stables are aunched to the premin “1‘ M. SHORT. P.0pxiulur. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Heulaiuingin RICHMOND “I L Pas! Ofl'u' slvll‘l‘balulfltl 15!. I855. Alkinwn, John Make. .\l|~s Vla'garet 'humbe‘llu. E‘iul Cnihohuuu. Ju~eph (‘hesnmzuu Hcmy (Ihzuubelliu. Mrss Sarah xilmk, Mus Muhnda Hibll, Gen go D .uiels. W For Silll', llt)r7>ii \NU MH. silua‘w' ' in l|u-, Vinny 0!. thunnntl till Yuma l'lAsv. For parliculars apply to “K HARRISl )N. Eaddlur. 'I'ozonlo Sepl. I7, 1858 JAMES LENNARD. Richmond Hill, Sept. 23. 1658. 682 Ah VIIIL Hugh Uvgflul‘. J B Haney Juhn l lsu-i . alunry rll IL Mi» M Hugh“ LII) IILX' .mlhml Alli per. 'l'homm' Hancm'k. Sauna-I “nun-alum Thuth~ Jn‘unxun. Dam-l K'nygs. Urn ge Ki] \I lauilrellï¬' Knuan Zechariah Hancm'k. SMIIIH" SI epan‘sun. 'I'llmnm HIInIl-eru Thuth~ Smehie. U. Jn‘unxun. Dam-l Thompson, Mary Am K'I‘lygs. Urn ge 'I hommm James Kn] «. Laurens 'l‘llmp 51 Tlmlle Kllftgg.. Zechariah 'l‘omiinson. James Kc r. Jmnes Valm. John Lulgmnff. lohn Wilson. Franr‘is Lluula}. M‘s‘ vlnrgm'etWiHiams. Genth Lnucr..,"1mes W ighl Miss Margurel LPIIIIOIB, Mrs. Richard 65 3 THUS. COOPER. pro P..\l. ‘I'I‘UA'I'ED on \ Tavern. ll and has always (‘t whine-xx. There Smlvle attached. an emon lmv ‘Vl'I'UA'l'ED on Yonge Street near Pint-Ink \ Tavern. [1 Is a nle desiï¬ilnla Stand and has always cunmandvd a Vfll'_\' moï¬luhh hn~ines5. There ix‘ 1: l)uuh'e House and Smhle allnched. and a capital Gurdeu contain» lug wme ext‘ellsnt l'nlil l?‘l‘v" The Tank 'mn be had at valuation or at ml addition to the run. Appl} [0 Mrs. DUUGH'I Y. on the puc- " Secure the Shag? (P're the Substance a. e.’ A ml FOR A TERM 01“ YEARS. A Blacksmith’s $1101). ‘HE Subscriher bug: to inform the inhabi- lanl» of liil'hmond “ill and Vicinity. lhal. m'n-r an absence ul ï¬n: yams. he has returned with his JAE/ZERO)??? \\ new he I> prep red to mlw a can of nll llmse who ll|>-_\' mur hun V reeling nssured lhfli he’ unol be a any person In the prufcsflon. An I adv-"ed, as his way is only imeude \\ eel-is Ambrotvpo. Mulninotype. and Daguerreolype Likenehes Luke" at sizes to suit cusmmere. AS nlwavs on hand a large and well assorted stock of DRAPERY. GRO- CERIES. BOOTS and S40E28. 61c. &c. which will be sold It prices that. WI“ defy com- pulmon- fl\\‘!l‘| hilrn mum Ni Twelve ’l‘housand 111:} MASONIC HALL, RICHMOND HILL, EMAININL In lhe 'l'HOlKNlHLL Isl Semen“)er 1551*. Thoruhill. July 30. 1858 d «HI I42 KING STREET. TORONTO hes on MM: E EDWARD CROWN, " C()L( )N 15'? " [1185' [mm ï¬dr †circuiation of E [i K EN ESS " N5 TIE-EL." .‘ulmuril And has {\‘u‘iu'ln List of L4 ttms EDWARD SANDERSON. Lot l7, 4:l| COILNIE‘kIIalIl For Sale. TO LET, .u'Hu-I‘ “(Tens l‘nr su h Inn-d I)“ H “A \l “I I) end by Mr‘ “unison. York-him. langtnnd. an uprielor III I556. For I] 35p! )1 'l‘l-II'IFY . l Letters 6. 1858 Nichu‘mu. And Reid. Gvulgu Rol-mann. Mrs. ROhI'l'lS. f’mhvrl Nelson. I). IS. Smilh. Jun" Ruin-l. H I†am Kevelvv William {on ughmau. Mnrg ‘rel )Ilnr. Thom m h:|\\'. “'m P E (G v1 of at the "Mm. Wiliinm moml, Robert [ 4-]. “III am intended h} bu lwu H illinln J. G. I“ ltlllhlfll‘ with u «call. sulpuased I!) “ix Im‘ knuls ul able “n I'm-Illa AR; 5-2.“ 59 ~tl' “III .an IClll‘P 60-†of [he hesu Fuundrys in (j jobs “mun-led 2mm [11 From lhn'lcen )ems‘ (3‘ give gmlrl‘al >al|>f.cliou. .UIUHH, AuguleI, 1858 EGS t0 inlxmatu that lw is now pre pared to erect MILLS ol' H'H'j desx-riplion. by comrnct or olhchHB. 0: reasonable terms. Hv is nlsu ngeul for snlm of the hem Fuuudrys in (Ianuda. All cum-ac jobs “mun-led 2mm [lure lo MK “mull†From lhn'lvien )ems‘ GXIIBIIGIIL'U hehupes u “‘b‘llLI-AVII-lGH'l‘, ALTUNA. ind hum Ue~l Spa 2nd best [but lu‘o- WILL (,unu-z arr (ll Friday, (It'luiyu' 15, 183 At Am:XANDA R SANGS'I‘EH'S IN) I H 2nd In“ do liusl 2 line Lnu 2 rd he I do d1 “wt '4 Fm Shae ud be“ do do FA LL FAIR! 2nd In»! Meal. two 2nd he»! lies! mle 1nd boa! V do Ursl b'pmlg (,ull 2nd hrs! du do lnu be“ 0 Meal Swing L Zml heal. du “(kt aged llam - 2nd hem do . “(7:1 :heatiing Ram 2nd best do du MOM Ram Lamb 2m] “63!. do - U0 1 2 Ewes - Tho Sluufl'ville Brunch Agxiruhu‘a] SCUirl)’: |te~l Team Umï¬ Horses. - Airsl «Wu-30M Jud bat do Ural unu-gen‘w 4nd best do CANADIAN BREU C lirst Fule or Halter - 2nd hex du do - . “ml wt 2 bushels I’mames - Zuu [Irv do do - - Dual :1 d‘ 1.5:- Turmps - Z 41 [1851 do du - - mm : mm H Canola - Jul] no“ do do - â€" “wt 2 uuzeu on“.qu Wlulzcls and hum no du do AGRICUL'I‘URA L 8110 W .5»: set of Penn: limucss 21.1] bu-l do do mm Izodr’d 5k.“ .uLJ but do on] “ml do tent k’nlr 01 Men'. 4nd best (In d.» v e1.unun ’| n-nnuma l)_\ lllx.‘ Judges r.\|nlvi:or.~ ul Donn->110 Muuuuun |uILs l‘ur pnrm u :u's upply Iu L. \\ llLl.|.|( Jonas. qullhbr, and 1'. SHAW. ,nd m .\l (1.; ‘uâ€"m 2 busnc._~ l. Per~uus \Vhllnllg to become mémlmn ul ‘he Sluml'vnlla liruucu Au‘icuilm ll bump-l}. ndo so [)5 p‘nymg ï¬ve mn‘hugs or (Ip\vald~. x'InuulIy lo um 50v 6»). tell da- : lu'vvxouu to he dn_\ 0! (m: Spring Suuw. 2. Members pu_\mg ï¬ve s-Iilfmg; shall haw \lm puvnage OI hhuving mo animals m :nuc‘ux nllnlll lhu current )enr. elcepllug Enllrb lionses; on paulllg (an slnnsngs. nun} Comps“: fur the pllzus «1 Euth Horses, nud two Ulhrl’ mutlcs :n lho cu rem your. or may show four umum|~ or articles other man I‘Znure Hurws. Ill lhe cunrum _\em ; on paying (.womy shilling: ma} show 'weth animals or muc‘ex .in lilP cune‘ut year : on pining thinn' .~h|‘.lmg~, may (: “pane for any 01 all 01 the pun» awde m he current \ear. ie>| Boar (ovar six umnum old} ml must do do do 3 Non-mmu'bors entering-31y mticlo \vi'l be charged one-half Lhu higheu pwnuuul m t can be mmrdfd on such animal nr arncie 4. No Animal or ariicka Shall be emitléd to a Pr~mmm that \ho Jnndgou may plonuuncc un- worthy. e lBuqu. “II In. nohs and no “mu 6 ms. - - - iutl but do do du ib‘l Chm->0. nut run: mm 6 ‘us. 1nd Deal do (10 do Sevrululy, \\ I1 animal or arm lyerpun Io nâ€"c: clas ol' nruc-e HHLII’WIDEM.\N. S. J. “()1 DEV. P. uulunl Suntan! aoquille,Sepl I7. 1858 as] “mod nd besl dx \\ hell we ud ankham ()mmll) " U r! ‘ {I E Subscriber 1 HOUSE AND ' LOT. .imml in l us Village ol 'l'hornlrill. bring mm of Lul No 33. H cunm'rsmrn of Mmkamm. 'l he Lm "musmes an; arm and m1nlyu~ornn perches. lull) cleaned ol‘ï¬lumpm The Budding is oué Storey and I-llulf high. al.d ounhins sevvu rooms : attached to Whlcll isnn excellem well of water. besides suit his out-buildings. For particulars apply on the premise: lo .nm I .m \\ uullcll “(1 Heat do ‘rrl Kan \\ umlru .d m >l d:- u 5‘ l mr \\ (when es I‘m: ul name-mum: Um N1 hunt du do do ThornhilL All. 20, 135.. rt 2 llusl ‘d luau do M '4 bu ml: 11 uusl do ~l l4\’hlll\1 u he [do '1 ll: x lune ul’zlï¬ will he 1.1mm} >| II'IhIlHH.‘ l)_“him†ul Donn-ant M bun-he DOME.) I ll; MAA UFAC’I‘UH ‘ n _\ Amde W'm u» do an Lun Arede u orlé a“ tlu d0 n Carriage Horses, do do - yum .vuld Hurhe Colt. do do do )BBI'S-old Fuly Cull do do do yeaI-uld Cu|t do do - huies and Reguldt‘ons, II (’15 m " Econ-unisl Ubsen‘en." pleuse up; “AluY 1'11 IUUCh Lamb! F013 SkflLE .' I.U\\||| Flame \\ wk do H u: I; GRAIN. Faul Whom. do - > do Uuls U rley an Bun da Halter do -old Heir" db ‘Id (10 HORSES. IJAKN Lib“ SHEER ILUU'IS‘ 5“le du Linus flu Umqu g Wheat (lu PETER VANHOR V. 110: “outs do [\Ul‘ i1 A I‘TLE Hllrd un mtlcd 63-6â€) Frapnm or‘ U 10 U 7 lU ll) ‘" and nd 0-1 671d I) THE Subscribers 13kg pleasure in informihg the FarmLfrs.1hfgqghoht this svctiou of the Fromm-e, that Ilmy huvv Inert-used then lucxlmes 101' the manufacture of Ihcir CANADIAN PLO\VS, Ofn superior pattern, and would invhe all interested in the Bregding or Fauunmg 01 Slock to call and examine these Machines. " ' ' c3?- A'riccs 50 Law that none need be without ulcm L‘GHTNESS OF DRAFT & GENERAL ECONOMY PATTE RSUN 1M PLE KENT ‘WORKS. CHRIS HAN WURS'FER, SADDLE 8!. HARNESS MAKER, And trust Ihat in future lhvy will be able to snpp1y ihose who may desire to procure one of these valuable IMI’LEMEN'I‘S, which for ~ ‘ OUI,D inform [he Inhabitants of MAPth \\ VILLAGE and mrroundiug caumrv. that he ha“ opal-ell a Shop in [he nhovo line, where ht: will. In‘ slracl :Illmllmn to all urders. enduavor Iu mtrit a share or Ineir support. Repairing neatly and nxpediciously llleuded lo. {13’ All “'ork \Varranled. Maple Vlllage. Aug 20. “553‘ 83-6:- For Sale or to Rout, "'mn VBW Y HiK. PHILADICLI’HIA “()ST()\' and MONTRE '\L: and (hul he 1: m'epamd m mnph‘ mders for new Ofï¬ces. iv uirlninm to those in upnrauon. at the shorlvs layer \Ii‘k wnuflculru to once Apnh'. Why leflel‘ lhu 'l'rL/uï¬e. Itchmond Hill. June And many other DIsnnses‘ Persons labonng under mlhrr ul'lhe almve mentiomd l)i.~e.xses. w.“ du \\'0|' [n on]: in time. All letters to be id. and uddro~serl In xlm lenee ml! m1" c erlm 3‘11] N. 8, N0 CURE N0 my‘ Auglm fl. 1‘53. V sow Lh‘ul 1.. mm Hun; Ik lo (1' rll Il‘e yon-(1 he can be me he um» He leels that hai“ just- I\' celebrated for an e of Consumption. Aallllna‘ Bronchitis. Noxvuu.» Alï¬ecuuus. Cnughs. (Lolda m. WHOLESALE nprr 5L Stmionory Wurchomc. LEWIS MACDONA LI), ‘ "* ‘que« M KERhtâ€"‘u-u 33 Richmond Hill, August 25, 1858 r the Trade. (h: PRINTING [’RE d all mhnr desalim r\ lurgelv iurrraw Rflï¬ï¬â€˜ SLECERS! DVVEIJ. INCâ€"“OISE. Flore-homo “Hung-house and ahom nu Acm of vr‘. in {he Vil age nf Vivluua Square. sunta- for a Store or 'I‘nvern. 'ur Imam: anulv to \V, T<udgz~on. Far}. I; um, ofï¬v-P. Richmond [1]“- lit-diva] P 'm‘lilioncrw faurm‘s, Enlarged .W'otrla‘s; num-n' (II/l Type i‘o ï¬le Sick and Dying [)I‘L\Ll~ll{ [N PAPER HANGlNGm UOL'SLL DECORATIONS. &c. - LEWIS» MACDONALD. Suufl‘ville. Aug. 20. 1358. £341 R. SVIDER. 0f lhe 7||I roncossion ul 'Vunghhn. near Klmebungh, glurrumoes GOOD OPPORTUNITY now Dï¬â€˜erk IK- wlv ID .1 Medical Mun ul' smudng uni] ienee. Home mid [’n‘misrs, both plea mu" cunvenienl. can be hud on I'enwnable PAPER HANGER, GLAZIER uw 9930mm? In n'dx- mmhu' JOHN MURPHY. m- st 4 Donn “'ou of May Street “ACHINE \dd ass. DUCT. [INCAS BR\NT They are also constructing a large numbr‘r ol Rvpuircd at short notice and on reasonable terms. June lbflh io-a wh'ch the sub cri‘ners hnvva Iring. inning Lwoof (he laugn-st u ('mmdn. they are prrparnd to all kimh of paper (a order. MUNTIV. BRO. & Cm. 1858 lukcn i 1: riberx have always on lmnrl 1d uvnvml stock of llw luml nvinciaI manufactured “'riling n. and \"rapping Papers, \‘Vux , Ink. Sled |'(~n~'. Enveloues mndx-Iu lionkfl, 'l'wintw. Copy Hunks and General Slaliuncxy .f N E\\' KIA I'UUVFVILLE replired. All work warranted. Yonge street P3 [‘3 {K SNILER KlIIEehurgi) n of In llni. S. post the Edi 15Ih.1857. S mud ENGINES S INK at One Slulliu a ï¬lm-k of . TYPE. INKS Have no oqua s in the mummy K FHICHAX 9. [8.37 him-(wt, Paai m: r, iuls. has been m. b\‘ arri s In in'brm far nrw uromo. 2.2-wy W V 146 wr of Alw. ONE ACRE the Village of 'l ho‘uh Oul-buildll)g\'. Guilllunbury The Scollish American Jourml I IIIullPI' of snrpnse [hat the Lumen-uns- body 0! Scounh veuldenxs shqud haw hem- so laug un- rolneaeulcd 'l o :uppl) this dealdernlum, No‘ I, of [he .‘COTI‘hH Ann-mums JOURNAL wa: puhlhhed ou b‘aturdny, August 8 1-4., . and i> now cuuuuueJ waclm Iliï¬ll I s [oz-den! their nulch cuuuu Cold 01' ail events I land. and its subw In ihe literary and I 'sce‘ianm of [he paprl'. “hile men: and ml ,yretia ed {on11 whatever cmmm Ihe tculush elvmenl “ill prepm SCOTTISH Ll’l'ERA'I URL’ AAD ART nisll I s lenders leguiuv'ly With [no man: of their nativa L‘unntr): ll pvesema I week!) re- cord of ail evenls of “Harm! occuulng in Scul- lund. and its subacnheru am Ill Ilns wuy In tu' 'um mod of wind is Lunephiug at home as n llle)’ were in regular rem-lid of an aid-comm} ueuspuper, Scottish questions WI“ be discussed uni! nuoihgcnco and nupauialu) in me editor- ial column“, and the semi-nuns of [he lcadinu pan-Has on [Inna subjects will be fuixiy repre- sented and cuuunenled upon. “(t-lobes. and [Joe character. and of the sx‘mpalluce; o; . .nhrojd. \\ UCCIIIJ llli deI-anlumnl. d slillgmshe I am fumï¬xirs Ior llm l. 100 iii! .x_\'meu In all pqu 0! Amrnca. and they will 1“, Lynn] 1.. cmnmunica e \\'|lll Impcrlnb‘o par- no)~ an a dietunue who ma) hr: disposed In L'n- oyerale mm them lur the emublimuem of mo papL-u in 11ml Iehpecuvp, locuhlics. A publication esla'u‘ished with lhe~e objects nuN o! course look for £1:[)|Iurllllflifll}‘ I'm“. llmso cunnerlud by birth or duscem With the cuunlr)’ whuw tun-em hision‘ it cmounuxs; but as the b oad basis of Hus juurnul um cs>i Hes. in mldiuon, [he Irunlumu! u!" all Import- .Hll qu‘HIOlI“ aï¬'cming Alumina" Iulererus. l-lld as i1> Illcl‘ulu.'e vull bu cusmupuhmn, it i: hoped that nven lo the gem-ml lender its Columns “1†not. appear unenwxlmnin: ul' muï¬lkss. “he ("upy I'ur our \ear l-‘n'e Copies .. . . . . . . . Tux-Eve Copies . . . . . . 'I'wemv-ï¬ve Unplug. Copies forwarded to Europe pnr muil. United Slums poshng mud. for or 13s. planing. per HIIH‘UTJ. “he ('upy I'ur our \ear .... 32 5“ ï¬ve Copies 9 00 Tweéve Copies ... . . . . 0 00 'I'weuly-ï¬ve Unplug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 (0 To panixw gelling up n club of twenty-ï¬ve a copy will be will gratis. PA I'I‘ERSON 8;. BROTHER. [13’ Terms Easy. Applv to JOHN PALMER, January H. 1858 Int Igelll I‘ROSPECTUS OP i‘hc VVoman’s Advocate FOR 1858. Fourth Volumn. ’l'uuls or For One Cum'. um- V' Any Indy of guud addresl. alrl energetic hnhiu, ran make fun†[We to lwemy dollars I \Ver-I. by canvassing for suhscril: art for the Advrcale. We want mch agents in evory luwmlup and city in the United Slams and the Canada» 11 any one Wishes to emor upon n In :rnuve employnent. and wiII sem‘ a recom- n-ndation for honesty and abilily.xhey w.“ nuve credentials forwarded to 1hr" 10 um as The prim u‘y objecl uI' the JovnuL in to fur A. E. M'C()\H'LL[._ Fnl'ron. L. J. l'ILRSt)N. Connmruxmw Eu’rou 0N5“)?lele ihe multiplicity of' news palms Ill Alumlca. ll ha~ [0 many bran l [13’ Ofï¬ce, Nn 59. Bevkmnn Shut. NY The object uf the Woman‘s Advocate is TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. PAYABH. l.\' “)an. s1. 1mm re (hr-mg .131 lv act as ugem 3:15 of Scotchmen in America, AMP“) 1H! bhsulmu‘los 0F Addrcu. ANNA E M'DOWELL FOR SALE HES UL" I MPLUYUENT FOR LAD!" And ill [he Brmsh I'rovmces. \ni )us‘dmed. and i! ii behaved that n and m-Ws of [he Juvmuu. on chm; - (subject: wil‘. In: :uch as I nuannon. an Amman JOURNAI. will in ‘e conducted in an riï¬ciuul mul mumer. With every 7(‘qlhr‘llt‘ ’ pc‘ uanuuce. "‘hunromwlul‘s thol'l l'lO THY: he JOURNAL w.†ne'v spheres the co-or‘n-rnl hum, possessi nk, has luau» m number of occupations *nvoy h ('0' eat all in upon :11 to women. rel l' Muted lo them. and d misce‘ianeous depnrrmonl men: and lnll‘lll “1:! be up- iliuslmuve "mun: mu OF LAND, situated liwml'org Io-Ik \vnh can (11' mar numerous (:uun U!" LAN U, silllnted ll) IL‘with good Home and LAND. Hut half 01 7|}' (.0:)Ce»2lu|l. North Richmond HI" hi. and dcducl the mqu TMAI'I'IIRS «:0 bath Mh spit-noun pl; [Editor and Proprietor, Phlludolplli‘, Pa, sol' mnplu}ment suffered the disL :ieul exnuuemu‘ ‘1' occupations. culecx all inl‘nn own-ll den of! ml of n. and bsiï¬tcnc u whirl lmnd ft "I Scouml «II [0:11 .ivalle 64-11‘ $32 92 co 5 (:0 )5 no hich Ihnn lhev (he lillleï¬-‘JJJ hesl' and [he Fau-ily1 \Inprrcpdrmed Ii Our Bl-wemh J.unI:-ryl lc‘Jdâ€"‘ contain 7 ~ Iarg with new lyp». week of each In each, dI-na up in 1'0 :11 \I he \- vuhnne. ussiugl \VI“ send gruluill rum vohmm. how md one mnmh vhree. or four m (0 uil who mbscu 'l'mmszâ€"s‘Zx ‘In'm uf four "Dd .\(I\'H'li\ill;_'. ten lucily lo impruve( nmcimurcnl imp} general IOICICH, good at UM) pxice RICHHON D ELELL m?PREMIUM4m SADDLE (5' HA RNESS Premium Harness .Ma :1 u fuctm'flr‘ 1)ESPECTFULLY announces lo the Public \ geumrnlly,1hmhohnvmglnkeulhe F! k S T 1‘ K 12 E for Harness at the Yonge Sueel Az- iqmural Show. Two Yuarsin succexï¬ion. eh ’ev!s conï¬dmn (hm he can 2: we came slllsl'acllou n all branches of his business. ESTABLISHMENT. Two Door South of (Jae TmBUNE Ofï¬k-c 03“ LOOK AT THIS ! e39 [.OYAL ORANGE LODGE, N00 644, “3“â€. mm- he as wise. and possess thnnsclve: nl' wlw we are houndâ€"at any cosl. tu onrsolvee â€".xo Inuku the Leading IndustrialJournal ni' the vime‘_rire liesl fur the Farmer. the Mechanic. and the Circleâ€"we make the following unprncnr‘h med liberal nfl'er :â€" Our L‘luvemh Volume WI†commence wï¬h Janna-r5, Sâ€"will run to January. 1559~anfl rahlain Ib‘l large oclnvu pages. on ï¬ne [mp F. wiih new i} p». It will he ismrd within the 6m wuuk of each month. in numbers of 64 page: each. dum- np in the hestmaguzine ulyle. 'l'u n1 u no uill forward the money for thi~ rulun’m. us single subscribers or in clubs. we will .~en.l glutuinously. lhe numbers of the en'- rcnl vplnnw, uom the limo of their forwarding. md one nth previous. thus giving in two. lime, 0v {our numbers. accordin: :0 the lime. in) all who li~cribe before January. 'l man â€"$2 a year, in advance: $1 50 to ‘lnlm of mm and upwards: $1 for s x months Adertmng. [en cents a line. For giving pub- lir'ny lo impmved stock.agticuhura' implemenis. nn-ciiumcnl Improvements. and like mauers o! If?!) :il Inmlcrl. there is no other medium good at nm price. lnlmmi lr- ms to persons dino‘ed to an: agent: Iur this work. Le! us hear from 11 JOHN BUTTON. Master. JAMES PANAGHAN. Deputy, 'I‘HOMAS BOWMAN. Secretary JOHN GAWLEY. Treasurer. Victoria Square. May 7. 1858. 48‘ “monk m \IERTS at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL. meria Square. the last inday even- ng in each month. “mm ï¬nd Vii-J Factory. [\il mo :ubuvu property will be sold 0.) easy h nus Im Cuxh or Yearly Payments, and is worth; mo uuculiun of tho Mechanic and Far- mur. LAND JV!) WflTER JIIILLI mm RICHMOND HILL. Seyw mber 10 1857 [/ lNG SI‘KH-ET, Toronto, 2nd door east of k‘hurrh Sues-1, opposite the Calhedrtl. W. 'I‘. A’rmsmn, 61, Co._ Late of King street W e51, now offer at their new establishment. Genuine English Drugs, Patent Alulicivaes, French and English Pnfumt'ri, Oils, Paints, Colours, Dye- Woods, Combs Brushes &c., A: such moderate plices ucannot fail to u- cure CU>IOIIL I‘UIS FARM r'onlaills about Fifu' Acres, uuh a lluuso. Garden. and small (‘laar- vch‘. and u- \~.-eï¬ zimbered. The Water Mill, Icfudms: 'l hru!‘ good Dwel'uing Houses. with limdcu» and about Furleeu Acres of Land, F xeqnurd by the purchaser. The puemise. m at p m used as an Agricultural [unple- H'U’l‘flb‘CJRIES’ HALL W, 'l‘. A. 6': Co. having considanlble ex- perienm in the Drug business in various pam oi England. have no hesitation in saying. lhn a great many or their Manufactured Article- will be found wry superior. Medicine: used in Coliumumllug Prescriptions. l-‘uniiy Re- coipls. Horse and Callie Medecinoa. &c.. arc of the very best quality. dime! from the prin- cipal Engliï¬h Drug Houses. W. '1' A. “1 Co. beg to call attention to [heir Ceiebmled Prep;- ranun for the Teeth. :fAll Work Warranted.:_533 Also (heir much Richmond Hill. Oct 15. 1857‘ Soda Water bouled and from lho‘foun'nin: St. Cathemms Mineral anr. and the Phulngonfl Water. ceIalvrau-d for [heir healthy prvpemu- ly'l'MAN'S Manual of Phonognphy in a “wk or about IUd pagan. eve-y other 1"." 0‘. which iâ€: primed Iron) alone engravings. {wiring wuixing exrrciws in the art which 1h. fmok is designed Io tench. By the use 01'1th Munuul. any whoa] boy or girl. ol'5on 6 yen. and upwards. mu JP‘HIII. in II surpriflngly Illun space at time. In read and writ. Phcnuuruphy or Phonetic Nmrl-hand. Ind a few months of du |\' p'acvicais all III!“ is quuirod lo ennblo I chxd of mummy intelligence Io “mo [00 or "We a 0:119 pvr :nvnule ! '1 his rule ofspeed is surf]: ienl [0 wk: down ordiuan aeimmu. speeches. and ouversulmll an fuv In. spot-mm The " Manual 0! Phonngnphy," 75 cenm. and Ihe ' ! honogmnic Copy-hook." 25 an“. In sen. t: uh} uh ass. by mm, Puma“)..- toceiplof [no price. an DOLLAR. Addre post-mud. \Villiam H. Myers, ew York, October 22. I857. P I? 0 .vou RM! 1’ (I Y UR WRl'l‘lx‘x'G BY SOUND! ' LARGE sum‘m of Mugislnlel slut. m‘corrllng In the lulesl forms for “l.- thin Ofï¬ce by tho dozen or hands-«L "Thing." OHM. Au. 97 J“ April 921.1‘55. For puniculars app!y to Richmond Victoria, mm. ORANGE LODGE. No. 773, .' A large stock ofllnrness. &c. an I)". or! d. and made to order at the lowest pu>ilb10 ulllfl’flllllg Prices. ‘lllllfll LMOST EVERYBODY is ordering tho I’LUUGH. LOUM and ANVIL. That Atkinson‘s “’1LLIAM H. 0R1 OIHAWA.C. W, onm whom :11 English or Amino-x: Pb.- . ‘ \ nvu h mmcurod. x mew-N a: B‘olher Robert Wiseman z, llit.‘ Hall. the second Saturday evening in 1‘ H E [MNG LISH NOSEGAY. BLANK FORMS. PR'iVATE SALE H «s ELECTâ€"Colonel D. Bridgfnn‘, B. DecGIer. Depuly Master; John \d. Secretary ; W. Pogue, Trensu'or 2|. 1858. 133 OPIICE‘R! ELECT Parisian Tooth Paste. admired Perfume J. A. NASH. M. P. PARISH. 7 Beekmun Strut DR. DUNCU MB. Richmond Hi“. 114-“ ng-l) 48-h I46