Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 1 Oct 1858, p. 3

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fin to in the article we qu'oted last wepk ‘ from the Times: “ In return for their hospitable treatment at Plymouth, Cap- taln Hudson and his ofiicers gave a grand ‘ ball on board the Niagara, at which no expense was spared to min isle-r to {he cnml'ort' and gratification of the quests_ The" hospitality and profusion” 0f the American ofliceis wore in every month, whrn slim tly alter it was whispered among their gtle>lz~ that his billâ€" not a small one â€"â€"inclnding everv farthing of expenditure upon the ball,hnd been sent up to the Board ol'the Atlantic Telegraph Com- pany in London,who h‘ad genrrnusly paid it rather than make any luss about the matter. If this be true, and I believe it is lrufl the insinuatlon in the Times is borne t oddly enough. The price ofthe passage of the three horses purchased in this country for Lnuis Napoleon, by the Vanderbilt steamer Ariel, to Ham, wu $500. five chihTren; Miss Lena Meye-r, Miss Minna Emilh. Th. Glaubcmklvc, New York; Fr. Barlels. Sun Flamenco; C. D. Tron. J. B. Massury, Zanzibar; l’ler- mmm Thorbecke, Philadelphia; Jus HopeJ‘Zd. Adelsdorl‘er, Ed Bagel, Nrw YOI‘k; R. V. Durfeltd, Dresdvn; Ad HrrmaI-n. wife and seven children, lgttlo; Julius Busch, New York, The Austria had on board .' Firs! rabiuâ€"l’ull passengers. l‘vll’bl cumâ€"Children. . . . . tecond cabinâ€"Full llfls>€llgrl§ kucoud Cflbil?llldrun. . . . . hteemgeâ€"Ful passengers. . . Steerugeâ€"Chlldlcn. . . . . . Nrw York; S.Kilitufl, Minden; Miss Bridget Loughlin, Curl Nellnmu, New Yank; J. Bagel and Wife, New Unleum; A'lrstmilie Vesin and three chlldren. Philud phi“; Miss Therese Van Manâ€" gers - zen. Alnabelg; '1‘. Eisl’eld, Mr. Julie Eb‘bmghuus and daughter, A. \\'ei:â€" senboru, New York ; Mn. Anna l’ayper: and three clnldren, Miss Maria llcukcn, St. Louis; Gustav Kolm, Iiunigaberg; A. E. “’iedlnan, New York; Jacob Friendly and wifc, \\'ille|.sdorf; E. \Veisker, New York; \\'1|h bluchel, Cincinnali; Miss Hedwug Dozmllzer, Hamburg; Mrs. Sophie .legcl and child. A. M. Marmunt. New York; Alisa Caro~ line Howilz,Copenhagvn5 F. GOI'I'ISOH and wife, Hamburg; Mi» Helene \\'ull, gopenlmgen; W. Hownlhul, wife and cmmnunicalion will: the Norwegian. '1 he Austria was built by (Jun-d and (.‘o. ol'GremuL-k, hut year, and “‘us an large and fast vassel. She belongvd lo a Halnburgh Company, which has not been “flying in opm‘ntion. Toml............4‘.’0 The crew couaiated of ubuul 100 pur- ‘. and lwrnty or lbirly lnou- slam-age fingers may have been taken on beard :t Southampton. The first and second cabins were full, making a probable low! of 550 soul: on board. In 1e duly Sixty-seven Saved. From UTGlobo. The melancholy intelligence of the lo>'s of the Austria is confirmed by last night‘s telegraph report as follows :â€" HALIFAX, Sept. 27. The bark Lotus from Liverpool, arriv- ed in Halifax harbour on Sunday after. noon, with 12 of the 67 surviving passen- gers of the steamship Austria, burnt at sea, on the 13th September, in lat. 45 1, long. 4-1 30, taken from the bark Mau- me, Captain Earnest Renaud, on the Mth inst. At a little after two o’clock on the lSth, dense volumes of smoke burst from the after entrance of the steerage. The ship was instantly put at half spv-ed. at which she continued till the magazine exploded. The engineers, it is said were "slantly suffocated. Fire was next seen ‘Raking through the lreight amid-ships, and travelled al't with fearful rapidity. ‘ Some persons let down a boat from the port side of the quarter deck, and she was thou: tto be crushed under the screw. An attempt was made to launch a boat on the starboard side, but it was swamped from the number who rushed into it,and n” BURNING OF THE " AUSTRIA " AT SEA. The list of cabin passengers is as to]â€" llel‘lll Sondheim, wile and five children, 550 SOULS ON BOARD. 19 103 A telegraph is proposed from Key West to San Francisco VIZ] Havana, Yu- catan and 'l‘ellunutepec. Hon. Tolm M. Daniel. U. S. Minister at 'l'urin, is about to come home to as- sume the dunes of an editou In Lomlnn. a prinlvr how has fallen heir to some 258000900 by the death ol'nn uncle in Ca1culta. A heavy Imil storm has occurred on the hwer Ohio. Building~ were turn down and property destroyed. The mortality in the London h0§uilal> hanncreasvd from 21 to 33 per cent. smee the introduclmn of ether. pose of making a small purchase. \Vhilst looking at some caps he took an envelolvv conlnining one hunde dulluis in bills nut 01‘ his pocket and laid it on the counter. He examined the. caps and resolved Io'pnr- chase one of them, but upon looking for the cash which he had deposited upon the counter he tound it lutd \ll‘fli'ilva-ed an! also a stranger who W43 in the slum: when he entered. Suspt-cting the pain who had lutt, he went in |)Ul>u‘[ and frllowod the supposed guil'y individqu for upward; of an hour, until they reached lln- \‘irinity of the police olfice Mr. Moore than dr- spatched a friend to the sldllou for a con- stable. and in a few $00311th Sergeant llasting made his appi-arani'e and amt”- hcnded the man, who was taken to the ollice. Mr. Moore declared he had never taken his eyes all him since he had left the store on King Mreet, but would not Mr lllilt he was the person “hem he suspected ol~ having made OH‘ with the money. The prisoner, niler a short examination, wa» ullowatl to go. During the Exhibition. the public ought to be on their guard when such bold and iinpudent thieves in» The editor of the can has been ealing the neighborhood. There are five mmried sisters in one famin in Norfolk, Va, whom) uuiled ages amount to 43-1- years. fe~t Ille cityâ€"Globe Thule are 14‘ persnus in prison at Bus lon, charged wuh murder. The Rev. Mr. Arnold, grandson ofllw trailnr, Benedict Arnold, is an lipimopal minialer in England. In the attack upon the Columbia minâ€" ers in Oregon, 100 Indian: and 18 whites were killed. 1 anu u'yenrs old. weighing 13 and 15 lbs. ; 1helr height, 29 and 31 inches. A steam Calliope is being manufactured in \Voicester, and compowd of thirty whistles, to be sent to Europe. The La Crossr. and Milwaukee Rail- road is open to the Mississippi. The first train went through last woek Monday. A prnspcclus has been issued in ling land lor u It'll-graph In China and Aualm “a. The value of Hamilton Co‘, lein,i flfich Cillcllllvali is loculcd, L5 [110,830 The sister of Gc has been, for seven public schoo!s of \A There are two g 7 and 11 years old lbs. ; their height. Austria has resolved to incrvaie its na- val cxpcndilurcs lo the amount of 50 per cent. The crop accounts from Russia are un- satisfactory, particulmly in the vicinity of Odessa. Brigham Young â€"ful:mg' Mormon mernus frauds. A projecl has been >lurlud in Paris In connect Europe mlh Cuba by lclcglaph. It is reporled that [hr King of Prus‘iu will probably ubdicule the throne in Octo- ber. Overland mail for San Francisco leaves St. Lnuls‘ rrgulurly now; stage lam . O Lluougll. $-00. Q The city wharves at New Orleans have been sold for {our year: and mne months, 791 A black bear. Weighing 300 pounds. was killed near 51. Genevieve, Jnd., Ins! week. On Saturdav forenoon great constern- ation was created in the Bank of Upper Canada by a report. that a bag containing upwards of four thousand dollars in money and checks had been abstracted from the counter. lt appears that Mr. Mackay, a Custom [louse messenger, was sent to the bank to make a deposit of the above amount, and as there were seveial persons at the counter, he laid down the bag to Wait till his turn cattle. On his light a person was engaged counting some cash, and while looking on. Mackay‘s attention was taken ofl' his bag by an individual ask- ing him a trifling question. He replied to the query, and on turning round was sta rt- lL-d at finding the bag and its valuable con- tents had mysteriously disappeared. He immediately gave the alarm, and the doors of the bank Were secured so as to allow no one to escape. Information was sent to the Police Office, and in a short time the Chief, accompanied by a number at constables, made their appearance. Tuo persons, strangers, who were standing near the counter, were taken into custody, at .d conveyed to the Police Office. The per» son, however, who had got the cash and checks managed to make his escape. la the afternoon the Chief set to work to en- deavour to recover 1hr. stolen property, and by some means succeeded in obtaining the whole of it with the exueptioi. of nine dollars. The parties in custody were set at liberty, and exonerated from all connec- tion with the robbery. Strange to say no capture of thief or thieves took place. The Chief of Police declines to give any Information regarding the means by which the property was recorered.â€"â€"Glo()e. In the U. S. there are six I broker: and six lhousand barbers There were only 95 (Ivalhs in knee during the mouth 01. Auy‘usi The paid l‘sltgl‘auh L $1,052,000 THEFT 01" ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. EXTEN SIVE ROBBERY. 9“: I0r seven years, a teacher in the “hook °f VVallham. Mass. 30mg Emma. umpuuy Is $1,906,600. S. there are six thouaand Tigris ‘in Massachusetts, cufl al of 30v. Banks, n0w kveps concealud vengeance for his nu< Savannah Republi- fresh figs, raiwd in {he A‘lzinlic of Mass., ['OYI AS alwavs on hand a large and well “sorted stock of DRAI’ERY. GRU‘ CERIL'S. BOO'I‘S and SHOES. 81c. $10.. which will be sold at prices that will defy com- pemlou. LL PARTIES who“ accounts ware due Xo the Undersignad before the ls! of January. 1858. or notes taken for Ihe same. are requested to call and settle them by lbs 151. of October, without any funhu notice. PLOVER and KNIFE wrre oflcring at 1s 3d por brace. 'KUTCHER‘S MEAT.â€"_-Tl:e supply can- Hnm-s good and [)liCL'S have nol \m'led. We quote- Beel~ at $4~ a $5 per 100 lb»; ‘ambs. $2 :1 $2 50; calves a. $6; and xheep 21 $5 each. PORK is bought at $6 per 100 lbs. BUTTER (l-I‘PKII) lO‘I a 15 Id In I' 11).; lub No. 1 ix‘ seawe M (Sad a 75d per lb; No 2.51121 fiidperlb EGGS are plentiful at 61! a '7; per dnz. APPLES $2 a $3 50 per barrel PEARS 50 21$?) per barn-l. PEACHES are dealer and quolubIe at $3 a $4 50 per basket. _ GRAPES (green houw) Is 10}) 2123 per Oct. 1 . 1858. T. J. WHEELER; WATCH 8: CLOCK MAKER JEWELLER. &c. RICHMOND HILL. On Sunday the 24lh of September. at his re- sidence. LM No. 22. 4x11 Con. of Markham. MR. Hucn ROBINSON. aged 62 yeara. He was buried at the Englnsh Church. Unionville, where an appropriate Sermon was preached by the Rev. Goo. S. J. Hill. Sept. 29. 1858 \; ORE OR LESS. being the north half of i L|1N0.29. in the rear oflha 51h Con. 01' Markham. There are about 4R acres cleared ; also. a Good House and Orchard. For particulars apply to ALEXANDER MUSTARD. FOWL were more plentiful and rather cheaper. Geese were 55 each; Duck: 15 load per pair; Hens 1: 3d a Is 103 per pair. Like all olher influmntion, is caused by im- purity of the blood. which causes all eruptive disem’es, as Suit. Rheum, Scurvy, Bails, Sores. Ulcers, die. The blood bc'ng nnheallhy, and orzn impure nature. also occasions Dropsies. Thu blood becoming olmructed iu the vein-I, [he wnlm'y parl m the blood in Consequence is thrown Olll from their extremities. and dlolb)‘ is the result. Many times it IS occasioned by improper trenlnmm of some former disease, and the vowels being filled by serious hmnurs in stead of blood. Free evzmualions ln’ these pills, open the passnge into the bladder and envy off Lhe corrupled humurs. and renew them wilh pure and healthy blood, which will (1|ch out of the body A” inflammation. together with Brllpliulls ol the skin, and all dropslcal com- plaints. They will be nehield lo everv form of di<ease to guard and keep you from the cold grueping hand of death. and cause life and ’l‘HE Propnetor lo inform public that he has pulchasell nbuve Holel. and has recently refilled furnished in lhroughoulill a comfortable lurmshed :1 throughout in a comfortable sl 'le- The Bar will becominually supplied with good Liquors and Cigars. Goon S'unuzs attached lo the premises. Wllh caraluI Hustlers to M- lend to travellers wants. THOMAS STEELE. Proprietor. (formerly ol‘ me Bond Lake Hotel ) Richmond Hill. Sept. 1, I85I RYE-is not brought forward; but is smd Io be worth 35 9d [ye-r bushel. PEAS.» Aboul 1,000 bushvls were bought aL-BS 6d a 35 11d per bushel. POTATOES of the best quuhly sold at :25 per bushel. ONIOAS 3K 9d a 53 per busln-l. SQUAwEs and PUMPKUVS sold at 4d a 6d each. TOMATOES 3s 6d and 35 9d per l)u.\ll cl; yellow donâ€"principally used for pre servu<,â€"â€"6d per quurt. LIFE Pills and Phoenix Bilters. Those in- valuable medicines imparl slrong|h to the mind and vigor to the body. Being a pura vegetable compound, they act as a purgalive. carrying off the foul hnmors oflhe (’igustive organs. [hare- h_\' renovating the svstem lo a heallhy stats. In all cases of diarrhoea and summer com plainlu lheir efficacy has proved inl'nlliblr. Sold by W. B. Mofi‘at. 335 Broadway, N. Y. and his Agents. s cpl. 29. 1858‘ GREEN BUSH HOTEL [“OR SAAIAE, FIFTY ACRES OF LAND, ~trengtfi to remain. and lho countenance to brighlen with the bloom of beauty and health. Dr. Morsn’s Indian Root l’ills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. SPRING WHEAT sold tn-day at 45 8d a 55 per bushel. BARLEY to lhe amount of3,000 bmh- tls changed hands at 3s a 35 7d per bush. OATS, 3,000 bushels, sold 21K 15 6d a Is 10; per bushel. CAME into [he premises of [he Subscriber. about. the hat ofJune last. A RAM. The uwuer is requeslad to prove properly, pay charges and lake him away. Markham. Sopl.29. 1858 FLOUR has been rather more active since our lastâ€"thuugh very liltlv is doing. The lolal amount shipped llns season 56, 312 barrels. Present quotations arr somewhat ditficull to name. but may be stated at $4 50 a $4- 75 per hrl. for su- perfine; $5 {or fancy; exlra 20 a $5 VVEDNEsnAY. Sept. 20 1858. VVHEAT.â€"To-day some 6,000 bushels changed hands, at an average figure of :3: 7d per bushel THE Commaâ€"On Sunday night last a comet, or cometary light, was observed by a number of our citizens, in :1 direction N. by N. \V., and at half past seven was rather indistinct; and the light of the comet bore a north-easterly course. About an hour after the time mentioned, it. set, and was lost to view. By a com- munication l‘rom Strall‘ord, we learn that the comet was observed in that locality on Friday last, about nine o‘clock in the evaniug. It wae also Obaefl'ed on the fol- lowing morningâ€"Colonist. ficm anhcrtimmmm. Thou-uhill, July 30. 1858 Isahrllufidn. 7‘I a 13.2.]. HAMS $10 50 a $12 50 per 100 lbs HAY $IO a $14 per ton. bl‘rRAw $7 a $8 per Maiâ€"Leader INFLAMA'I‘ION OF THE EYES 10 mum NORTH or TORONTO on 1!”: YONGE STRE 1‘ ROAD. EDWARD CROWN, TORONTO MARKETS. Special Notices stray Sheep, WILLIAM POWELL. Lot 37, Isl Con. Vnughun 858. 09-3p NOTICE. DIED. On the Pmmises P. CROSBY CQ-IV 69-5p 69-lv 60-lv and the the ‘HE Subscriber offers for ml? :1 7 HOUSE AND LOT, situated in the Village at Tltornhill. being part of Lot No 33, )st concession of Markham. The Lot measures one acre and twnnl‘yseven perches. t'ull} cleared of slumps. The Building is one storey and a-half high. and contains sevnn rooms : attached to which isan excellent Well of water. besides suitable onl-bnildinge. For particulars apply on the premises to Thornhill. Aug. 20. 1858. VITUATED on Yonge Street. near Finch's k Tavern. It is a most desirable Slulld. and has always rummnndud a very profilahle buemvss. There is a [)oulvle House v-nd Slalvle aunt-had, and a capital Garden contain- ing some excellent fruit trees The Tools can be had at valuntion or at an addition to the rent. Apply [0 Mrs. DOUGUTY. on thepre~ mises specially prepared for iLé columns. The Mar- kel Repurw at home and abroad, recaivc con- siam anemiun. To induce exertion on the part of the friends oflhe GLOBE throughout (he country. it, has been rewlved. that any person making up a club may haveâ€" Teu Copies for - - Fifu‘eu Dollars. Twang-five Copies for Thirty-five Dollars. Eighty Copies for - One Hundred Dollars. Any person sending 10 dollars for Five Weekly Subscribers, will be entitled to a copy FREE. ls saued every Friday morning. at 2 dollars per uumuu. payable strictly in advance. ll is printed on an immense double sheet of paper. of first rule quality; it is made up in a hand- some quarto form, comprising eight pages of seven culumus each ; and contuins more read- ing nmuer llmn any other pol'llcal newspaper en (he continenL Great rare is taken in the compilation oflhe paper , the news is carefully eullaled from the Daily Edition. and article The Globe Newspaper. [5 6 dollars per annum. payable slriclly in ad- vance. it is published at four o'cluck every morning but Sundays, and is dexpatchod by the early trains to all parts oflhe country, It is I very large sheet. containing I vast amount of news, mercantile intelligence. and general informalion. ofllielalest and most interesting Cllnlficlhl'. Anv poison sending the Cash fur five DAILY Snbsciibers. will be entitled to an additionalcoliy l‘l) ll .‘ ls issued fivery Monday. \Vetlnesday. and Friday, 1214 dollars per annum in advance. ll printed on a large sheet, and in lls columne ‘ givan all \hat appears in the Daih Eddinn. Wth the Telegraph: and other news to the [310»! moment. Auyparson sending the Cash for Five Tri- Weekly Subscribers. will be entitled to a FREE copy. men for One Dollar a-vean plylnem of one pennv. nnd their safe arrival will then be at the risk ofthe Publisher. Subscriptions may commence at any period of Ihe year. and be made for nny term ; and persons derirous of receiving the Paper need not wail for an Agent to call on them, but. have only to enclose their money. with their name and Paul Ofica to Richmond Hill. July 93. 1858 ‘HE succes which has attended the publi- l cation of [he ULom: NEWSPAPER since its “Labhshmcm in 1844, is the hurt! certificate of us merits as a public journal, in [he eslimnlion or the community. No labor has been npmnd and huge outlay has {mm Lime lo lime, been made to render it a comprehensive and reliable The Entire Separation of Church and Stateâ€" lhe AL-oliuon ut'atl Appropriations ut‘ l’ub- Inc Money for Srctariun Purposes; the Rostxuint of Eccleaiasticnl and other Corporation: from Locking-up Land in {\lurunaiu. excnpt for use and occupation. National Educationâ€"Common School, Gram- mar Schuol and Collagialeâ€"Fiee from Srclarianism, and open to all on equal terms, Economy in the Public Expenditure. and a Thorough Reform in the Departmental System. Uniform Logislaliun for Both Sectiuns of the I’ruvmce. Cur tailmonl cf the Poweran Patronage ol‘ the Executive. A Free Trade National Policy. so far and so rapidly as the Maintenance of the Public Credit will l’mmit. Incorporation of Hudson’s Bay Territory as a putt of Canada. Money Lattors addressed of the Globe. Toronto.” can plymem of one pennv. nnt will then be N (ha risk ofth thrbe years old; breed by Mr. Harrison, Hall» garlh. Leaveu, Yorkshire, England, and inl- ported by the proprietor 'm 1856. For furthe- pnrticulurs apply to Commercial. Politiga] Family Journal The gralilyng result is that it possesses by far Ihe widest cilculaliun and the greatest ad \‘emnng pnironpgg In British America. FREE or address Bullonville. I’. '0‘ suveml Buanh of Tradesâ€"the arrival of vessels at Quebec and inland portsâ€"nud every other suhjwct ofinterest to mercantile men is: watched with spewal cure, and faithful!) chl’unicled nnd (-ommcnted on, The Markets and Prices Cur- rvnt of Great Britain, the United Status, and Ill home. receive special notice. The Agricul- tural Intetests command that eurnesl attention to which their importance entitles them. The Globe will continue to advocate : 'l‘he Adoption of Population. without regard to anuhty. M the Basis of Parhuntentary Rolnusornlntion. W ELK-“Y paper. All nllatlersgf TrEdeo‘m- IHBICB mud Nm’igulionâ€"lhe proceedings of the ..,. u n .M.) ,c'n VI‘HE Subscriber offers for suhe a A in the Village of Richmond Hill Tums EASY. For particulars ap ply to W. HARRISON. Saddler. HE Subscriber begs to infarm his friends and the public generally that he has opened the above Hotel, opposite the St. Lawrence Hall. Toronto. His bar will always be found roplole with all kinds of Liquorsof first-rate qualily. His Table will also be found recherllm Good Stables are attached to the premises. \V. M. SHORT, VLTINARY SURGEON. l’loprivlol'. Toronto Sept. 17. 1858 ‘l'he ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Tum-uh: August 1‘2. 185%. The Weekly Globe will be sent to all Clergy- ..r,_n , n u 1452 KING s'rasn'r, TORONTO- FOR A TERM 0? YEARS, Blacksmilh’s shop, Thorough-bred DU RIIA M BULL THE TRI WEEKLY GLOBE For Sale, HOUSE AND LOT, situated THE DAILY GLOBE THE W LEK LY GLOBE F013 SaqLE .' EDWARD SANDERSON. Lol [7. 4111 Con. Markham, Sept. 8, 1358 For Sale. TO LET, PETER VANHORN 1858â€"59 A.“ c cap. pagwn, 161's xo any par-L of (ho [ling [heir Reports by Lion llm following mornâ€" the House of Assembly, seaâ€"“The Pub isher can be Registered b_\' nnd lheir safe arrival am. on... Toronto. l’mpriet or 63â€"4 62-“ 59-lf 65-4 Whatever may he the opinionsvhold by dif- ferent parties with respect to the irregularities which are said to have prevuiled tn the ldmin- istraiiun of the financial affairs oflhe Province, it cannot be denied that the present state of the counlryis fur from salisfactory, and call: for thomost decided reforms, both in the expen- diture oflhe public monies. and in the man- agement of the various departments of the public service. “returned by you. I shall use my ntmostendenvors to enforce a system of economy and retrenchment. and oppose any unauthorised or extravagant disposition of the ravenues of the l’rovnnce. native MTG-nuke, born rnd bruught up amongst you, and couuecled wuh the ciry and coumy by the strongest lie: and interests. Ida not come before you as a slraug‘er; and if my con- duct when occupying a public pesiliou of so"!!! Irusl and responsibility met with )our approval. and ifupou Other occasiousl have nolbeall backward in promoting the inlerests of my fellow cilileus, I trust] shall not be doomed presumptuous or \mreas'nmLIe in asking You to place me by your votes in a poailiOIl of mom extended usefulness. A Conservative from emly associations and connexionml have, nevertlseliâ€"‘s. nu Hunt of you know. never taken any acli 0 part in poli- licfll matters. and I would now biivfly say. that. without reference to any mere party dis- linctiuns. I shall always be guided in my politi- cal career. by those broad principles of loyalty to the crown. lovié of ordcr, and nttachment to enlightened constitutional government. which I trust. will evarcharncleriZe the gran bud; ot' the Canadian people. The changes which have taken place within the last two years have gone far towards efl'ac- ing the old political landmarks. and 1 cannot pledge mysell'lbsolntolv to give an exclusive With this brief statement of my political views and opininns. I shall now conclude. re- serving any further explanuliuns [mill shall have an oppormuity of peysonally addl'eisin you in xhe various parts of [he electorial di- vision. lwillouly add thaL if deemed worlhyof \‘our confidunco and support. and placed In '\'our votes in the honorable po‘iuon lo whxci-n 1 aspirm [ shall um my best and must enrnual endénvors (0 adaauce \he metal and mat inlenfls oflhe Province. and both in lhe gislature and upon all other occasions shal everything in my power to aid in devalo the industrial resources and promulng general welfare of my nau've counLry. I have the honor to be. Gemleman, Your obodiem Servant. suppfll‘l to any oua of the present political parties, but shall claim (he rigm. if shamed by you, of giving an independent vote in favor of those measures and llml line of policy, which 1 may conscienliauuly behave to be the boat cal- culated m pl'omme the welfare of‘he country. AI llle same lune. (he kupport which has been so kindly and heartily (endeer to me by electors of the most opposlle political opinions. renders it pecullnrly incumbent upon me to state fairly and honestly what are my opinions with respact 10 (he recent polilcal changes. and also__what course 1 fshould he; prepared [0 take. in the event of my being returned to Par- liament, as regards the difi'arent political ques- tions which now agitate the public mind. And I would further state that I do not up- piove of the conductof Lha Ministry in availing themselves of the provismns of the Act Hi Vic. ch. 86. to retain office withcut presenting thaniselves to their constituents for re-elcction. as Mr. Brown and his colleagues were corn- pelled to do. VVilhout entering into the ques- tion as to the strictly ltvgul construction at tl‘e statute, I am perfectly satisfied lhut it never was intended to sanction the course which the Government ,ursued upon that occasion. and which [cannot but think was contrary to the spirit of the constitlilion. With respect to another question which has long occupied a large share of public attention â€"tho (Ioninion School Systemâ€" 1 conscien- tioust believe that the education of: Christian people should be founded on a religious basis, and 1 am convinced that this can be accom- plished:without doing violence to the religious opinions ol'any section of the community. I believe that a plan could be devised by which the children attending tho Common Schools could be permitted to receive religious teaching without in any wny interfering with the course of secular instruction ; and 1 am persuadad that ifthis question is taken up in Parliament in a spirit of moderation. that it will be perfectly possihlo to establish a syatetn of nhtionnl edu- cation. \\hich will unite all classes, 0nd do away with those distinctions which, Nporpetu- ated. must always contribute to fostor the spirit of l't-ligiuus anilnusdy. ENTLEMEN,â€"HAVING RECEIVED A Reqlusilion signed by neurly 'I‘wo Thousand of my fellow citizens. and presented lo we Under peculiarly gratifying circum- stances. on my return toniynalive oily. I have i-csolved to uvail myself of the offers of support so raidinin lendeied to me. and 10 present [1135c ( :15 u Cnlldidalo for your sum'ages a! the approaching Elurlion for the York Division uf Lhe Legislative Colllmil. To many “you 1 am personally known. A And, first, with respect to the Ministerial changes which have excited so much attention within the lastfifvw “Tacks. I would frankly state that. in my opioiun. Mr. Brown should have met with more libeial treatment, and that time ought to have been given him by the House to declare his policy. before passing a vote of want of confidence in his Adninstra- lion The fixsl of the leudiugjpolilicui questions of Lhe day which 1 shall advento is Repleseula- lion by Populmion. Believing. as 1 do, thaL much of thu social presparity nntl futme greatness of Canada do- pends upon the firm and cordial union of the two sections ofthe Province. 1 am at. the same time finnlt‘ convinced that'ltis nniun. desirable as it is. can only be continued by according to the people of both Provinces oqnnl political lights and pt‘iVileges. That this perfect uquality does not at pt'et-eul exist. cannot b5 denied; and while I would deprecale any attempt to approach the question in that hostile spiiit. which has. unhapplly. given rise to so tnuth animusity, ] should. at the same time. ifplac¢d by you in a position to do so. be prepmttl to [his all conutilmional means to obtain for Up- There is a subject which has lalrly been ag“ mle both in the Legislature and lhroughout the country gonorellvâ€"a Federal Union of the Provinces. 1 should cordially support any plan having for its object the building up of a great British North Americml Confederacy, which should ultimater embrace not only the whle ol‘ the present British Provinces. but that mag- nificent 'l‘errilory. which. I trust. will are long be transferred from the Govornment of the Hudson’s Bay Company to the people ol‘Can- ada, to be converted by their energy and enter- prise into a flourishing and prosperous purl of Her Majesty’s North American dominious. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL per Canada hen-just share of relu'osentalion in the united Parliament. TO THE ELECTORS The Yorii Division 0' THE am personally known G‘ W' ALLAN m aloriui 1h Bust Ful. Ox or Urifer 2nd best do do - 15m two-)onrs-old Heifer 2nd best do do Best one-3 ear-old do 2nd best do do Best one-year-nld Bull 2nd best do do - Best swing Calf - 2nd besl do - - Uesl one 2nd best Uesl one 2nd best. Best aged Ram - ‘2nd best. do . U331 sheauhng Ram find boat. (1-: du Best Ram Lamb 'ZIId bust do - Best 2 Ewes - 2nd best do - 150512 Ewe Lambs 2nd hast, du do Best, 2 Fat Sheep 2nd best do do - Best two 2nd best Besx one 2nd best The Stoufl‘ville Branch Agricultural Society’s Best Boar (over six months old) "Jud but do do do Baal Brood Sow - - 2nd besL du do - - - Best 2 bushels 2nd best du Best 2 bu~hels 2nd best do Best 2 bm-hels 2nd best do Best ‘3 bushels ‘Jnd bust do Best 2 bushels 2nd best do 2nd best do do do Bent Chosse. not less {Inn 6 lbs. 2nd best do do do FALL FAIR! Friday, Octaber 15, 1858, m ALEXANDER smusrmvs norm. Best 2 bushels Potatoes - 2nd heal do do - - Blast 2 dozen Turnip: - 2nd best do do - - Best 2 dozen Carrots - 2nd boa! do do - Best 2 dozon Mangle Wunzels 2nd best do do do DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE Best Pair of home-made Blankets - 0 2nd best do do do - 0 Hesl Quill - . . . . o Zud best do . . . . 0 best Cuverlut - - - . 0 2nd best do - . . . (j Bust l’air Woollen Mius - 2nd best do do - Best l’axr Woollen Glove: - 2nd best do do - Best Pair Woollen Socks - 2nd best do do - llesl l‘iece Full Cloth, not. lass 2nd best. (10- do masrrnncy {W’eme Wofif 'an do do do Uest l’lain Needle Work 2nd best (10 do Best CrOChel Work - S‘UNu'Inericul l'icku's will be supplied by the Secreuuy. wlnch must b6 nuuchcd \o evuy amnqu or ur1'-|e entered for coulpoliliun. No person [0 rcurive Lwo premiums on any one class of mllcms. Sloufl'villa. Sept. 17, 1858 T‘Hli Stillscribers have always on hand, _ a large and general stock of [he best Brilhh and Provincial manufactured Writing. Colored, Brown. and \‘Vrapping Papers. \Vax, Wafers, Slnlen Ink, Steal Pens. Envelopes, Metallic Memorandum Books. Twines. Cop)" Books. School Books and General Stationery. &.c., 5w. AGRICULTURAL SHOW ! 2nd best do - - - 0 3 6 Ben Leather Frame Wonk - - U 5 0 ‘2nd best do do - - 0 2 6 Bust Hoop'd Skirt - - - U 10 0 12nd best do - - - U 7 6 3rd host do - - - - 0 5 l) Beat Pair of Men‘s Fine Boots - 0 5 () 2nd hast du du do - O 2 6 A Purse 01'253 will be appropriated for Dis- crenonar; Premiums by the Judges, to the exhibitor: ul Domestlc Manufactures. 5. All Animals or arliulos showu must he Imrmfide the property ol' the person showing the same. one month previous to the duy of the haw, and all Implements must be shown by (ha manufacturer. 6. Tha Directors are to n50 their utmost eu- deavons l0 prevent the Judges from examinng the annuals or arucles exlnbiled, or oblmmug uny knowinng as to theirownership. unnl after Illell‘ dunes are perm-med; unyperson interm- ing with the Judges. while on Lhear duty :hall l‘ox"'eit auv chim he may huva to u I’rize, 7. All entries to be made in the Secretary’s book before ll o‘clock on the day of me Show. at which time the Books will be closed, And the Judgas proceed on their dunes. “‘IIOLICSALE Paper & Stationery Warehouse. VI‘IIIC Subscribers have always on hand, For particulars apply to E. VVHELEE and M Jaws. EblllllIES. and '1‘. SHAW. Rules and Regulations, 1. Per-mus wighing lo become members of lhe Sloufl'ville Brunch Agricultural fiocialy', can do so by paying livB shillings or. upwards. annually lo the Sammy. ten days prevmus [0 me an) uftllo Spring Show. 2. Mumbers pnymg fiva shillings shall hnva uhu pnviluge 0! showing mo cannula or m’ficles wnluu Illa current )uar, excepting Entire Horses; un puyng Ien shillsngs. may compele l'ul' the pram: of Emma Horses. and two other fll‘lltles in the current year. or may show four ‘anirnuls or articles other man Entire Horses. in the currme gear; on paylug lwamy sanlnIgs may show ‘walvo annuals or articles in the current year ; on paying lhil'lv shillings, may compete for any or all ol'lhu prize: awnrdod in the cnrreut \‘uur. 3. Non-members entering my nrticle will be charged one-half the highest premium khut can be awarded on such uunnul or article 4. No Animal or anicle shall be entitled to u Premium that the Judges "my plououncc un- worthy. PHILIP WIDE MAN for munm‘nci Paper Mills manufacture Markha'n “ Economist.” " .Onluno “ Ubsmvcu.” plane co}, WONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND THIRI‘Y Acres of good land. being part of Lot To 13. 4lh Con. Vaughan. For paniculnn, apply [0 n n...“ DAIRY PRODUCE. est Butter. in 1 lb. rolls,~and no: less than 6 lbs. - - - - when the following prizes WI” b0 awarded v12 â€"- January 6. 1858‘ Dmmber 94. 1357 The {30‘ 8 yards has than 5 yards FARM FOR SALE ! lilies which the aubwribers have ~wring, having two of the largest I‘n Canndu, lhey me prepurcd 10 0 all kinds of paper to order. BUNTIN. BRO. &. Co.‘ \VILL COME OFF ON GRAIN, Fall Wheat. do - Spring When: do do 0315 Barlsy do P1 251'.de HARNESS HORSES. ROOTS S H E E P‘ SWINE Yong. street, Toronto. 01:. RED J. HOLDEN, Secretary. New linu." and A‘J'TLE Thornhill 10 :99â€" kf 67m l3] Of a superior pattern, and would invite all interested in the Breeding or Fullcning of Slack to call and exuluine these Machines. THE Subscribers take pleasure in informing the Farmers throughput this section of the Provinvo, thal they have increased their facilities for lhe manufacture of their " CANADIAN PLOVVS; " Secure the Shadow e're the Fade." LIGHTNESS OF DRAFT £8. GENERAL ECONOMY after with PATTERSON IMPLEMENT VVOR’KS Where he is prepurcd to take a correct_1: ol'all those who may honor him with 2 feeling assured that he canle In surlns: any paraon in lhe prufesflon. An can 3y solicited. as his stay is only intended to l weeks. Gutecnwood. John Green. James thnay. Robert Garrou, Rob": Hislop. Robert L. H. Miss Harper. Thomas Hancock. Samuel Humberlson. Thomas Johnson. Daniel Kungga. George Kelly. Lanrans Knnggs, Zechariah Kerr, James Langslafi'. John McCouoly, Mr. Nicholson. Andrew Reid. George Robinson. IvIrtl Roberts. Robert Stetson. I). B. Sunlh, Juhu Shepardson, Thomas Smellie. D. Thompson. Mary Ax Thomson. James Tharp. Lk TintHe Tomlinson. James Velie, John Wlfson. anch Lumley. M‘s: ,vIurgaret‘Villiams. Gemge Latter. James Letmore, Mrs. Richard 65:3 Remniningin RICHMOND HILL P0510121“, SEPTEMBER 151.1855. Atkinson. John Bluke. Miss Margaret Chumberlm. Eliol Culhohuun. Joseph Chenmnn, Henry Chumberlin, Miss Ambrolype, Mala Likeuasws taken at Sarah Clark, Miss Melinda Dubb. Gaung Daniela, W Dovllu, Hugh Degeer. J. [5. Danny John Elsleiu. Henry Elliott, Miss M. A. Freemasons The W J'XMES LENNARD. Richmond Hill, Sept. 23. 1858. 632 List. of Letters 1 EMAINING in the THORNHILL, P.O 181 September 18.8. Anderson. Miss E, Lnughman. Margaret Bell, John Mulluy. 'l'hns. Beauy. John Munshaw, Wm Baldwin, Mary Ann[2]McDannld. Patrick Cameronl James L). McCloskle. James Crawfmd. Mr. MCM um, John Collins. John McLean. F. A. Donaldson. James MrGee. Wm. Foggin. John McNaughI. J. Flynn. Daniel Manrinnd, Mackol Greenwood. John McConon, Mr. Green. James Nicholson. Andrew Glhnay. Robert Reid. George Garrett, Kobarl Robinson. Mm M. [2] Goodwill. John Hughes. Mary Ann Homer. Jacob Loll’ord. William Lawrence, C. E. To the Sick and Dying. 1 r R. SNIDER. of the 7th concession of i Vaughan. near Kliueburgh, gunrrhnlaei to cure And irust that in future they will be able to supply (hose who m desire to procure one of these valuable IMPLEMENTS, which for Uancy John fleece. Lennard Elsteiu. Henry Stanton. Conga) Ellie“, Miss M. A. Schick. J. A. Freemasons The W.Smlxhenson. Joseph M. [2] Snider. Jacob Goodwill. John Sturm. Joseph Hughes. Mary Ann Siver, lflobcrl [3] Homer. Jacob Sunpso‘n‘ Jamex Loll'ord. William Silnl)é0m \Vlllmm Lawrence, C. E. Sudmuu, 'I‘. Lt“. ralafi'. John Sen. 'l'enxdala. Thomas Lnngatufl'. John J)". [2]Vanderburgh, Vent E Mullen. Michael WIHHAII'LS. Jacob G. Moddie. Alex. \VIHiaulaon, Mus Mary McChesuey. Isaac 165 M. TFIEFY. Postmaster. AND I! THEREFORE THE Best Advertising Medium in Canada. TERMS : / N OLD Indian (lactor who has made his fortune and retired from Unsltlt-‘SS. \thl spend the remainder of his day's in curing thnt dreadful dlMfllScâ€"CONSUMPTIONâ€"FRKl4 or CHARGE: his earnest. desire being to communi- cate to the world his remedies that have proved successful in more tltat13,000 cases. He re- quires each applicant to send him a minute de- scription of the symptoms. with two Stamps. (S ms.) to pay lh a return letter. in “hich he will return them his mlninz prescriptiou. with di- rections for preparing the medtcme. > ' 'I‘lu: Ultl Duclur hopes that thoseuflltctod WI” not. on account ol'dehcacv. rat'rain from cun- sulting him lemme he makes Na (,‘qu'gc. “h 3 Ole object it. udt't‘tnsitlf.’ i3 '0 "0 h“ “‘9 {100‘} he can. before he «lies. “3 feel! UV“ ha“ 1”" Iv celebrated for cure ol’Conaumption, Astluna. Bronchitis. Nervous Afi‘ections, Cunghs, Colds, Ste. THE HCOLONISST.” “HIE “ COLONIS . u I. In“. [LIA ” ’1‘” HAS A I .. AC > DAILY,-4d a line for first insertion, and Id a llne for each subsequent insertion. \VnzxLY.â€"Gd a line for first insertion. and 2d a line fur each su bscquenl insertion N.B.â€"-Postmasters who send advertisements on these) terms. will have a commission 01'15 per cent alluwed them. The terms uf Subscription for the DANA ” CULUNIS‘l‘.” are six dollars a year. payable in advance. For the \\'EEKI.Y. the price is a dollar and a hall'. also payable III advance. To Clubs of TEN. the WEEKLY Will be nup- plicd at one dullur a year. 60"-; And many other DISEISOS. Persons laboring under either of the nbova momiomd Diseases. wil! do well lo call in time. All lauers to be paid. and addressed to nnmnn nxvlnrn ‘9 . Canon's, Enlarged JV eds, N. B. No CURE NO P‘ Angus! 6. 1858 ‘HE Subscriber begs to inform _ lamb~ of Richmond Hill and V ler an nbsenae offive years. he h 11h his (7:;- Prlces so Low that none need be without them Richmond Hill, August 25, 1858‘ MASUNIC HALL, RICHMOND HILL, 300T SEICERS! Twelve Thousand meyssaags. MCHMBNDHILL “ bona fidc ” circulation of And has Swim/loll off at the Addres- r. lhey are also conslructing DOCT. UNCAS BR \NT. Box 35.”. P. 0,. New York Repaired at short notice and on reasonable terms. VLIQS. COOPER Letters inotype, and Dnguerreczype EIZSS [0 Slli‘ CllSlOlneTS. PETER SNIDER McNuir. James Mclx'muon. l). Nowlove. ‘Villiam O'h'rad)’. Muss Budget Premis. Jauu Fugue, \Vil'imn ,{obiusul}, \Vil Raymond. Ilo‘ Russel. Will a: Rev/ulna \Villi ‘eid. \Vxlliam PE GEAR; Have no cqna s in the country. ht, Miss n withâ€"a call. » surpasseJ by I caniy call is Idad to bu two Klinehurgh n the iuhnlri- Vicinity. that. has relurued Substanoe' {[1313 P R E I“ I U 1“ ‘AY Em RM M um Ire! iam m“ Stamps, ch he wiH winh d1- iclod will 1m cun- gc. His he good mis j‘m- 'ii I! It: 6M! [I I) iEE'l‘S nt WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL meria Square. the last Friday even- ;_r in each month. H ‘i fin much In SA DDLE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. Two Duor South qf the TRIBUNE Ofl‘ice. ‘William H. Myers, Prrmfmn Harness Manufacturflr 1)]:JS1’HCTFULLY announces to {he Public \ ge mrwlly,that he havingtaken the F IR S 'l‘ l‘ R I Z ['1 far Harness atlhe Yonge Street Ag- I'Icuhurnl Show. Two Years in succession. eh rank confident that he can give entire salisfnmlou m a]! luL-uches of his business. hmul. u“ 1&1ng LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, N0. 644, M M Urwiilllmbury Alia. ONE ACRE OF LAND. situated in the \‘xllnge of 'l‘lmmhill. with good House and uul-buLdmgs. 7111113 , ACRES OF LAND. East half of Lnt No. 2, 7ll‘ Concession, Norm and all other description of materials. has been "an largely increased this Season. ' als from NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON and MONTREAL : and that he is prepared to supply orders for new Offices, in addition to those in operation, at the shortest notice. terms. mulling MACHINES and ENGINES im- ported to order. Best quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling per l.h. _ .â€" ‘. - y ,,p___-_ Apply. if by loner post paid. Lotho Editor of the Tribune. GOOD OPPORTUNITY now ofl'en it- _ sell to a Medical Man of aunding and experience. House and Premisel, both plea- snm and convenient. can be had on reasonan- Richmond Hill. Juno 15lh. 1857 Driving-house and about: an Acre Land. in the Village of Victoria Squm, unit. No for a Store or ’I «vex-1“.” T For‘ tefms apply to . rudgoon. Eng 7‘Z.bunaoflico. Richmond Hill. April 92. 1955 To Medicn l Practitioner-s. For Sale or to Rent, PA l‘TERSON 8: BROTHER 13:33” Work Warranted. Richm January H. 1853‘ Orr: ISIN" WUE NL’BSC BJBER begs to inform L the Trade, that his Stock of PRINTING I’RESSES. TYPE, INKS. Rivhmond Victoria, mm. ORANGE LODGE. No. Colborne st . Toronto. Jan. 9. 18 57 JOHN MURPHY. House Decorator, Painter, PAPER HANGER, GLAZIER Toronto. June lSlh. l85‘l. g.2-wy bu! Type taken in exchang: for new DEALER IN PAPER HANGINGS, HOUSE DECORATIONS. 61c. orrxcens Him : ___,_ "' YUTTTBUTT L . Master. JAUL‘S CANAGHAN, Deputy]. THOMAS BOWMAN, Seminry JOHN GAWLEY. Treasurer. m Square, May 7, 1858. 48-] D W E L L INGâ€"HOUSF No 49, King Street, Tum: Easy. Apply tn ms ELECTâ€"Colonel D. Bridgford, J 13‘ DeaGier, Deputy Master; John nd. Secretary ; W. I’ogue, Treasurer. 3' 21, 1858. I33 large number 01 O PRINTERS 4 Doors West of Bay Street. I "150 stock of Harness. 6m. always on L‘ made to order at the lowest possum L) 1-3 prices. md Hill. Oct 15,1357. 219.1, FOR SALE! M Blather Robert Wisemau's, ‘. the second Saturday evening in JOHN PALMER. «$50., dac‘ Richmond Hill D. K. FEEHAN DUSE. Store-hous- uboul an Acre of ‘ctoria Squm, suit-- 64-11”

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