(Housman mutton). DR. JAMES LANGSTAEE, Richmond Hill. June. 1857. JOHN GRIEVE, LERK THIRD DIVISION COURT. ()llire, Richmond Hill. June. 1357. g. I -w_\'. I g4 «wy. JOSEPH KELLER: AILIFP Second and Third DIVIMOA Court. Office. Ricuriioiid “ill. gal-ivy. B June. 1857. J. B. DEEGIER, AP POINTED CONSTABLE at the Assizes for tho Counlies of York. On- luria and Simeon. Residenceâ€"Come, or Wriglitand tango Streets, m,†A “myâ€. Esq’a. Rirhmund Ilill. Sept. 10. 1853. P. cnOsBr, I RY GOODS. GROCEIIIES. hmnd Hill. Julie. 13.37. Ii-)-I “’ines. Liquors, Hardware. dc. Ric E- 1' “' .‘-‘ “lit/tint; 7» (x. VVV\.«-VV c, \N" AIM) YORK RIDINGS’ m-MMMNVWx/VxWVa/Vvve-Vxx »--»\.,\. as“.er V’vï¬M’» WITH OR WITHOUT OFFEA'CE TO FRIENDS 0R FOES, Vol.†II. No. [8 GAZETTE. v I SKETCH YOUR WORLD EXAC vmw~A NAM/W VMN‘WW TL Y AS IT GOElS'.â€"â€"B_I/rorr. ' Oo, brawleysl‘ quo’ she, ‘and lthank ye for speerin’; will ye come i and tak' your share 0’ a dram l’ ‘ Hoot l’ quo’ I ‘ I cunna allow it lbraw lass like you to treat mc ; but l ye’ll come up to Drous‘s and 1'“ gic :1 gill o' the best in the house. and that ’ill no be bad.’ ' Na 1’ quo’ sire ; ‘come your \vu'w hamc wi’ me. and we'll hao oor glass by oor ain ï¬ireside.’ ‘Saying sae, shc look a grail 0‘ l my airm. and we gied in through a ltleSO thercabouts. and ‘ upâ€"Umrl ikens hoo many stairs. Ye sec. l‘vc j r wcc touch 0’ the rheumatis in rm‘ 3 hit thccgh, andI was sair IrllSUlUtI l land an orra like kitchen it was t- “ r‘ a man sitting at the toe sitlo o' RICHNIOND "ILL, FRIDAY, 07.) TO R ER 8. l 9'58. H the speelin 0’ that: awfu' Slulls, but, at long and last, We cam’ to the ‘ I the fire wanting the nose, and n wm ‘Vholc V0 70 mm at the tiilrer side wi a blue e’c. L I 0 Lip, and the lassie liftit the sncnlt. Odd! thinks I, gin that be .tht' and in we walkit into the kitchenâ€"- further and mother, lassre, ye cutlh' ,wuuld have spui'iicd tllc iilsiriuation. .pquAS 31.11))«IAN, DR. J. W. G R l F F l T H, F. IV. IIULLISS, J I ‘t. I“ V, ‘ postage stanrpts,’ to touch any one me 1].... l H was“ me “mph: 0†M‘ o a grewsome kindred ; sae I waslpt "lrr \vq mum Q Qleilsh l‘l~\RKâ€~\-‘l VILLAGE. (.'.\V. ERCHANT THU)“ h“, MM“ 0“ fl .1 . I‘licrc Was. inorcovcr. a lircplar-c a simple way of makingt a spun.†“in amount pm 1}... I]... “kc .,‘ Iâ€. lll’l‘l‘m‘1‘sel-l Whe“ She Itemâ€- 3 Call†9 ' ‘ v ' L L _ A 1 u i .' ‘ - _ ._ ' ~ . . ' ‘ _~ ' ' ' l ‘ w. ‘ - l l l. ajcl} A R a June 2.1508 52.13. ‘ A “and a \Tl‘lvmllmnorMka Uf CLUTHS' I‘lâ€"" ‘ ' "' ’ ’ /‘ sâ€: ' †will] a 8â€â€œâ€œ2‘1 het‘we “u I†“'llllill fill‘ltllll). Ul' lI-HV [u QM†[he GUI-“n†“cunds‘ lllâ€l “,0â€; “v rï¬sp‘rChlhlc “Iâ€, uni-ll“ eggâ€. [De the hodobh “no r x . . 1‘ . . s _ . r r _ ‘ . . ' . A 3 imam MAUI. ti.()tlll.\(:. tire. (mr- was Cliiiitrcd the role... at}, ,m H 0, am, nun†I I _ _ ' ’ H \ _ > ‘ | _ n “upâ€, Mom ’ an sat me 0““ I. . . nicnts made to iricnsuro in the lii‘ststile. A SS T o N T' I . . _ . .J ,\l ‘ ‘ u .’ t ' ll 5 l,“ ‘l‘ “('l' (H ,“U‘l I†d‘u“ [ll'll ll" W‘HJld “I‘L’ l" Uâ€, “do or [he b)d f I‘vns 0.,“ or Opposite the White Swan Inn. EspLA N A D E H O T E L guud m wulmumL - ___ cucourllcict (I so oct (:rrrnp;.n_\__ Pm,“ m H“; knuwn womp I have to due a “Mum, dcu‘h‘ (my will: | . ., . t... or ( ' “M’an “M'J‘me m' “gs-L g'l-W'M , 'l'homhlil Jnlrtia 1853 Gil-iv By run an .r. n. wrlnm. select in the choicest ll"CUlllltIll)n of also. for the spittrittl bciiclit of the (Eventually he was imprislinctl for “6th WI moumm thae SPHTHVfu . . ‘ BY G' 1 U lNERi ’ The suinmorday is o‘er. and gently fall “10 lcrm. 'I‘lic first person on yorin: and rising guilt-ration, sold a , six months.) sm'H‘ and Spec†the lassde “15.)â€: RICCLURE’ “LACE 51‘- (Ol'l’0>|rh 'l'll}: our GAS worms) " ‘ The shades of eV‘lliltg dorm. 'l‘he nroun- Whom my eycs rcslctl was at farm salvo, wariaiilcd to raise within at At tlrisjtrnr-turc up. rumkflv 0.0..†“(’“l‘l 2‘39! Us ham.“ mUtChklni WHICH ’f KEEPER' Licensed Aummmer Town“ l J' HACKETI’ M'D' “in,†mm "fl/“l†“I ""lSI “'“0‘30'†“Slimâ€, given time a bountiful and luxuriuiitlcd the door.fortlicpurliosuoft'iroiw She Shortly megm be" a 3‘ gmgcr - . . . I I I ‘ J y . I for the Counties at York. Ontario null Meals ‘20 cents each. und rood itccomiiloda l icenttate of the carilin er Canada Glows dnrkev still. Deep silence t‘Clgus o’er dressed lit a sleeved Waistcoat “lushcr Ur moustache on H r - - ‘ ' .. . a ... . t . .. . ' . lit-bl bottle. VVeell I takes a taste. . . £- PP y . . a \ pull in a soul, at butch ol us out of ,t Simone. Corner of Yorige and Bradford tron t'an'arnlers and olliors. _ H , swoon». Holland Landing. November. 26,1857. ,. god-If JOHN HARRINGTON, JR., “YO Miles North of Richmond IIill. _ dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries. VVIIIOF. Liquors. Hardware. Glass, Earthenware. 6m. [ILâ€"i" Also. Licensed Auctioneer. Seiiteiiilier. 23, 1857. giftâ€"I) )VELLINGTON HOTEL, EAR the Railroad Station. Aurora. Careful Hosllsrs always iii attendance. C. CASE. Proprietor. I32 January 14. 1858. Toronto. June II. 1553. 53~Iy JAMES HALL, sold at prices to meet the ItllK‘S. Richmond Hill. Juno I7, 1858. AS always on hand a large assortiirent of l BUKI'I'S rind SHOES. which will be 54~ly \l'. IIODGE 8L Co. HOLES}.le rind Itelail (‘ lroumnugurs. and the lowest PIIC6~ chaiged. Richmond Hill. June 17, “358. upper. 'l'iu and tron l'loro ‘thlkerw. and Frrrriislirngl Puma» git ing this house a call} "Hll ï¬nd llie+r ordeis punctually attended 10.7. Sl-ly n EDMUND Grumman, lANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE ! all In earth or air. infusing calmnkss now With lrsnuuil flow My thoughts roll on. and seek communion “ATE RESIDENT MEDICAL OFFICER. Kisusroiv GENERAL HOSPITAL. IIEN‘IDENCIL, I‘lx‘kaE VILLAG I‘l. July ‘23, 1858. 59-6rir \Vithin niy .ostless homt. sweet \Vith Nulure’s influence; while. bending low In deep. sincere devotloii. as ’lis moot. MABKHAM VILLAGE. OOD Accomrirodalions. \Vines. Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MAIIII. Proprietor. Markham. July 1858. {Ii-Ir My spirit warships here before its Muller‘s fuel. Strive now. my soul. to soar in realms of thought. Seen only in tho spirit's culln repose. This imnr beï¬ts such pnipcse~thcr0 is naught 7 “V g p 7777 To inorru rtâ€"the scene abovc thee lows ‘ _.n V ) ‘ l g i ‘STDIIL’ ’ \‘V‘rlh living g‘lort‘flvhilfbright fol-ms ol't‘hose Unr‘o loved flout round. alluring II‘N‘U to fly' Richmond Hill; ORNER of \Vriglil & Yonge struts. New vanishes the l’a~t with all its woes. And the bright (lawn or‘ future bliss seems molcskin It'l)llSl:l‘S, and with a broad bonnet on his head. He opened his mouth and eyes very widely on sec‘tlg Inc. and said, ‘Ehl keeps, but there‘s a~ kind 0‘ llm‘k come here any Why! \Vlrat Will they innk o†the lrkc 0‘ 11/171. iia 'l‘ 'l‘liis was iiilili'csscd to air llllllVI- dual who was standing at the other end (if the rumâ€, ‘chep ter sti‘cutsl' said he. ‘ ll he a tradcsuiaii nowâ€"a sllociiickcr. fur instanceâ€"they might \VUI'U WIlltllTU srriiict'hliipfufdiiinï¬, btfl tire only use you can make of a gentle- man is to swccp tli.: streets. The scavangcr’s broom is the only thing of the known burly ; and I‘eiiicinbcr- ing the sick and afflicted. I havu Compoundcd .i universal pill, attest- ed by many authentic dockiments. to have cured all diswscs hincidcut to’umzrnrty. Gcriiuicrrl ltecp your seats. [ill but a man. and I haven’t been appreciated. I shall sink into the grave poor, and unregrctted by those whom Iliavc bcnelittcd ; and. like all ollrcrgrcat incu.I shall bc honored only after my death. ’cusu l'sc ccrtuin sure of being:’ treated to aburlfrl at’the’pnbhc expense. But altnouglr I followed :tflcl' all these professions. I can’t say I cvcr come up to any billion), and didn‘t find basket on his arm. iIIIII our tin tlrsli having been reï¬lled wi’li water. we sat down to supper. l was told that two of these ‘ scones" [Ji‘l' diem was the police ration. People: are not gcncrally talkative after a meal, unless when it is suc- ceetlctl by a punchb'rwl. so my corri- i'adcs (llll not now seem incl tied for much conversation. and all but my- self scttlcd themselves iir various pitzturcstprc l'CCllllll)'3llI allitnrlus on the incliucd planc. lit the middle of itlic night, however, we wcre l'UlHutl by an approachingr St'tllllc,illltl3130150 of voices a'woiiipzmied by the rattle of the great keys, and in a few l o‘ the specrits and she takesa taste ; vt‘licri. whupl sir. what wad ye hat: but doon she sits on my knee. and puts her airm round my neck. as if sh..- had been my auld doclitni' or Mirrnu liersel’. Oddl lassie. thinks I. it's wecl for you that ye'rc in guill hands. but I ne’er took ad- vantage o’ simpleecity and conlidin’ innocence, and I winna begin nun -, but (pro' 1â€"- ‘ ‘ Yu're a bonnie lassiel’ qnn‘ l ‘unll l'll gi'e ye liaufa crown to bn-v ya a ribbon: But,hetlrl she wadna hear o’tâ€"it was ower kind 0’; inc. and there was nae need for’t. and when l offered to put my hand into DIANSION HOUSE, ‘ I | Cheap lit-ricei'ies and. l’rfltibimy- .nigh. . ‘ for tho aristocrucv. and the day is my |,,.,,,w,. level up I Wok ,0 {mm} seconds ,hc door 0Wde ,0 admit a my pouch, sfihe grupprt my arrrii. . J‘HARON' Aue'mve “WIN†“His i" U 'l‘d(i’l~luErr1ir Tilt-I’R‘dl‘ll‘liklz . and WW““bi‘l‘rli’iiiï¬i's L 0 “3' “m " dmiimg mm“ l mm“ mm ll†5k)" “m Lllsl‘ml “he†We." “"H a“ come, grinding ; 'cuse. d'YeSce, it's a very Stubborn little old man. rilhcr tlw all“ “in-sna- Odr leum' meld dHim 5i ultendflncov J KAVANAGH m, “:21, kiwi“... °§.§;.‘..l..§'.i' ut‘l‘ flieuslwiftisl Jan. 7. [853. t3. () mgr†: a...†has. .2. 5......“ m... 5...â€. Comm, l0 q b all gUIHlUl'W'l-I Sal" 1- aristocratic litrceipatron, and one secs Worse of drink, who was forced [Irinif‘ltséemgpznugg 2:. thf‘lhlmf ' Proprm'm' uniï¬es H \I “I )9 MS I“ _,v , , ..... W--- s..- or...r.......... hearts; and gentlysiletllly. fâ€: ‘“ “ll‘f‘l‘l dâ€â€œf_†“‘3 """l‘ it dealt)! the World, and meets wrth along by the collar. vchcmcnlly pro- crow†when__od§,man_l cguldm Janusrt’ M. 1853. r31 '°‘" “ l'l 3‘“ ' ' ' LUKES’ HOTEL‘ Dost elevate and purify the soul. he P“ L U “L “‘h ld ‘3 “'9 MW“ many ltllL'l‘CSllllg incidents 0| adverr- testing against the libcrty which was ' )tESSRS. i. s. w. BOYD, *Barristers; &c., No. .. WELLINGTON MUHAMNGS. KING S'I‘.. TO RUN 'I‘O. WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Halter, t [Vest door to G A. Barnard‘ Iilclti timid llilL Utrr minds asmrt their native dignity. 71: «=11, HOLLAND _LANDrNc;. l Spuraiiig their chains. while We ascend with thee Thy starry doom. whole myriad worlds of light ‘IIl‘L Subscriber be.†to inform the ln- llabiltints of the abovv-rntuiun Village tr'ailcsirlair.’ ‘ Eli. lrucps i’ broke in the farm servant ‘ to hear him speak 0’ the honest tradesman. and hurt a slim:- tnulieri‘heic for stealing Icatlici'. any arcâ€"that ’cru‘s my Opinion ofkn‘fc- grinding in a very few words. But to come to the scratch, as they says.’ and he gave liimselfa general claw- lily“ ‘1'“ tell you how I got here. being 'akcri with iiim. - Hoot toot! lriind awa‘ l‘ he voci- fcmtcd, ‘bl: consistent, man, wr‘ your profession. and dinna put the robth in jail instead 0‘ the robber! Dltll (ind a brown bawbes to cast to a beggar. 'lrissiul' quo’ Iâ€"‘ ye've boon slcalin’ my sillerl’ for it was :r’ in nrv pouch when l gied her the slrilr * n . . . . l’ l . . . i u or I . .. Jum' R‘s“ “‘1 “5' and ~urrmn-dm (minim and the Public m-n- linenmlr burn. reveallng enor way. . Yon sccs lulks wetter-till extends evcr mortal tlcsli sec the like 0 that l I “h ll the WhISky Janie 90.1857. g~3‘“.\v g, . I '. d , .l ., “H... gy . . we†5, l’ ..'.d r 'H . .' D ry . . ' Iqut t be at peace! quo’ she. _ is.» w. orally. that 1-6 ms 93*“ I'“ am“ ’ ' Ol'which they are but SltlntlllaI-Ints brightâ€"â€" - mo“ - “Iâ€! a S '“ their liusiilf‘SS HS they gains :1 Con- Said he, as the lock turned (in 11s- ' CLYDE HOTEL, 'KING smut EAST, rooms. 001) Stubliiii,r and Alieiitiic Hustlers JUIIN MILLS. I’ruprietur. Sum. 1857. g. l -wy. Bottled Ale Depot, 6.5. YORK S’l‘ltbli'l', 'l‘ 0 It 0 N 'I‘ O, C. W. M. MORRISON. A‘gt‘lll. Wronto. June “2th, 1857. glâ€"uy. y 5.; Pi'ovisio n Grocer lucriiuoat) HILL () cur-1m r ciViLN. N exchange. _ The above is llie oldest P‘I'llthltt and I'rori~rort Store on the “Ll. July ‘3. 1555. I’iotuc. JAMES JEN KINS’, tore taken in id Grocery 5543'. W. H. MYERS, sworn in) IMEIXESS Millllllto, m, T‘TU DUOLS $001“ 01‘ 'l’llk 'l llIiHJNII OI'FICI,. l l forurerlr licpl by 'l‘iiuiras Mu, which llL‘ has filled p and furnished for the accumiiiodatiuu of his Clisioriiei's,aiid he trusts by constant attention to their \\ outs to secure a liberal patronage. 'l‘he inmtsure nt‘ Creative power is Inï¬nite. Spirit of night 1 I love thy sacred prance Liquors oflhebsst hruiid~ at the Bar. and And thrilling power. which make me seem EVN'} attention paid to Guests. TIIOS. LUKES. l’rnprtcmr. gl4v3iii to be A being of a higher sphere than this. Ilollaud Landing. Sept. ltl. lb'57 Oil in thy solitudr-s there come to me ('Oriiinnni g aungl wlirspering teildarly of its and joy among those worlds above. YIlJSL. VVIiâ€"io every earthly woe shall ended be. ~ A id my rapt soul. while endless cycles \ubscrilwr begs to inform llic l’nl'lii' that lit’ has lcasr‘d IIIU\'L‘. ll“) "ll‘wv 4 Shall sing the praise of God in sweetest strains Voice, ‘ therc aiut iiothirik like leath- er; that era's my Opinion nra Wcry few words.’ I My attention was turned to this speaker, who apparently was eiijoy-' lug indolent good nature. and ti ‘ siesta. urillic inclined plane bcforc mentioned. He was a little. miser- ahle, shrivellcd, and pinctrcd wrciclr, and in answer to my civd ‘ What: are you 1’ he smartly replied, that‘ lie was a ' pcripatctrc knife-grinder .articlus neutron. and so it was with me ; for to the scissors and kink-grinding I added a few other arts of the craft. and among other coirwccnienccs I had a nice little drawer iii my ma- chine for accommodating any little which the servants who br'ouflrt me the knives rni;ht wish to dispose of. chll, I’se going my trounls this morning, when a friend .of mine hails me and brings me twa or three knives. ' Sam.‘ says he. wards, and the keys and their mast- er rattled olf. ‘ Dinna spcrrk to me l' he continued. addressing us; ‘ I'm name if ye! I‘m an honest man and a haberdasher, and I live in the Bull 0‘ the Brae l chp amen}.it your arie kind; the dcil claw the kyle o’ the rllfaured scuundrcl that put me among ye. Ay! abomre laddy lll- dcc d l’ and be stamped about fuming and Letting for a sllerttimo, and their haltcd very scarinng mc from ‘ Peace ly quo’ Iâ€"‘ nal na! lussic l though ye live abuin the Olive Brunch, 1’†be at nae peace till I gut my sillcr’-â€"and wi’ that, I gut to my fucl and she began to ragc. and sl‘t’c.ri‘, and make etc a rumpus. unit bcri carn' the man wantla’ the 11033. ‘Ill no stay anitlicr minute in the house wr‘ the auld villain !’ quo' the liltttiii:l‘â€"tttld awa' she gaed in it braw hurry, and me after heri but the man wantiir' the nose wadnu lot i- “ ' i i ’ ‘ -‘ ‘ H“! has. and ï¬tlctl them ill in a neat and1 . '1 ill 01‘ etual N ’'â€"â€"In Wltlltll the ‘ ' " z ‘ cl] the T) II] I‘ ’ ‘ l0 l0 IOU- __- r, (3f;- A LL \\ (ink \l A l.l.A_\ l Ll). ,yvm-‘twwe My“. 1 of love. _ arm-Zurgam “pics, that he was an aggulilancs‘linlp {or uilem em: Emir: PY , L _ I. l . , / llll} Out, and an unco techt We had J. GRIlfb‘III‘I’I, R'chm‘md HIH'JUHO ha?" 50’“ l linardurs and transient visitors will ï¬nd the â€â€˜#7;’:"‘" ' :7" 7’ "1* _ V .‘. y p - . z » , ' 1 u _ - - , r , I ,Oule 3 mm)“: _ll‘e Eu '3‘“: I" “0 about it. in the course oi which l . l. . .. .. ., . .b. P ! dW 0 math any way. L was minutr-s, Jim .â€"und I say, bob. in arc u placel Who inav you ho - . . - n... 1......- ... ~ aw e- A NIGHT IN TH- GLASGOW POLICE‘ . . r ~ :- - l' -k d v - - - v v ' ‘ ‘ “"“'“’â€â€œd ‘° mm" b†“‘0‘â€- . ' r .. l - . ,' . ,. », -.. 'llre best 0r Liquor and I luau-s carefully ' Vel)’ at “mu U’erug “3 “d e ' COUldhl VUU nine ."0Ul‘l1lllc (Ira-war when \‘c (11' Ill harne till I .I ' . ' ' . Llrzabetti Slicer. lurutiio.â€"â€"0ior \\ - (m - I‘lCIl _\.t)_\ J IIIIIIA llllr l.L. d - ,d .bl , 1 r .1 .1 s 0 F F . ‘ . . ' 4 i " " ' ’ “ “Ll w‘ls Incontinth and owe] “(W Grucflvmmc. .seleoe . two sta lnL’"â€l attoiiriyn'iU~i ii . ncss With the shreds UI what hadlconweeincnt when l comes? ‘ All [gum “,0 bus. new...†ofï¬nwwn )r m I†m: on m a t e . U k . . f . , . d . . STAGE runs ill-m .he "rial-e lr-lel tth HLMW LEMON- ioacc been a ftlsllllttlablt: suit. and oils uarc ’ says I Well I «mes to l - ll ‘ d b - ll ‘ - ~~d I L I ‘ y p r ’ s em" 1" It? (,uats oI Aims. an “‘6'.‘ L~¢".“"-‘°' . .l» , , v ,. mm m, WWI,†noâ€. 1., . . . ..r. V . . , q ' ‘ b , L0“ ‘ - ‘m .V “l†‘3" "Mlldn‘" l" lltIIl nae snout to break. HOcher‘ “m‘ld l"‘i“‘l"‘*" “Wmâ€! “"hdusl’lmllmnd“I tftt Eluiiiullli‘f' ‘l a m ‘Iiltlui'ciiiliiltllzlt 7 Thimmufi life i Mmemrias m we “1†‘AS THERE' “l‘derdml'mg “r “W descr'm'un he WWII and PMS “ “9ch 0“ “‘3 kll'ves- m‘dlll‘y “"3 0“ gel‘llt‘mim 3° “W'l’ lll thc middle 0’ the warslc l r, ‘ . . . ~‘h. : .- -- l- - atl_‘.'.it. ‘17 ~ . ,. ..'. . . ‘. - l I I'll isissï¬ilipbllgggwrge>- 2,“. !v.|i|. Fines... (i.l_ wit wax. H’liy I got locked up one evening =lW‘Wd “0 “Emil-2L- Oil lllr‘ I?“ 311d “he†he LOlnL‘S l0! 'b‘m [has that he sat down with me on the Spoon,†“.3â€, through the window ' ' awn “turmoil-mils rmi "*M‘Il-HRS- LEww MACBONALD, in “.6 51.15;â€... pupue 0mm is “Ci, Wurc two old boots.rcspectiug winch my drawer open to receive huny- inclined plane, and I at length vcn- ‘ "EDWARD CROWN, DIAS alums on hand a largo and “oil aswrlcd stock of t)lt.\l‘l-LllY. (iltl) Cbllllti. ItUUl-‘i aild 5 tUluS. Ac. .\'t-. \ilrrcl. “Ill be sold at prices that n‘rli dt’l) cum- ltlt llAliD r\lI§llUl [.5. I‘Ul‘lllllt)‘.l(l ll: l. .liil\ ‘2. lr‘fi‘l. 3.:â€" l . W.(‘..tl);t.\lh‘ l’wfl'ic’W‘ CLOCK AND WATCH Ma‘KEf’I, . i l ilicr sullicicntly inlcrcstiirg. nor ol iicL-cssary importance to necessitate prcscnl chll'dllilllUll. Indeed. very few Of the interesting inmates of that Vctlcl‘ublc arid vcticratcd cstaâ€" S'l'UI/FFVILLE. ‘rEGS In rnlurn his thanks to tho inhabitants ) of Etuull'iilin and the trieuil. who have l he i'eiiiarked, that every time he walked he did more than Napoleon the Great ; for Without: fuut he trudr upon a battered \Vulliiiglon. and with the ollrcr upon a burst Blur-her. think without bobservation, so he pops a parcel into it. “‘3â€, as he kiiowed where to ï¬nd rue to sqvarc accounts, I sneaks Ulfund fences thc swag. which was Silverspoons ; but tnretl with much modesty to inquire what unhappy cii'cr-iinstauccs could have brought him to his present position, he condcseiidcd to Itifrit'll) me as follows : and up corncs a policeman, whu. in. stead o‘ listening to my story. and gann cl'tt-r the slut that was ad wi’ my s.|lci'. fa’s fl shakin' 0‘ me back and town. like an auld wife, slink-â€" fl I l ’4 ‘ ' I v ‘I I ‘ ' I ‘ ‘ y _ int: out the rounds o’ the meal l’W“°“' ' Um 10R ‘lM[iimaiiliiifiilemiii-.r‘Ill}.“if: canalll.l.l.l'...l-:[i blrsliriictit \\Ould had it a vcrv casv But “‘0 “"9'0“ Wt†“We 3 MW t “'0 had been Wilml'ed all “lung. and ‘ “ CCl maul he bcia'm‘ ‘1‘“ llâ€! [rukc (idll tfiere was a bit stccxe . . - . \ r . , u ii u i »‘ ‘ . " " . . ' . . , I ' . . , . .V .7 . _ > D r r Ilioilllllll. Juh .in. 185s arr. t. J or Hui...“ will at his old shop. Juan runs, lii.lll<;l' to answer the philosophic than a than, in! undoubtbdly llic lm- Just as lsc coming from the fence I tell you the story true the outset. “M, “H, I had wrme Mn "we, .1 \llt‘li‘hll‘)’ Dental llolrL. and belies. by steadx attendance and . Linen. ‘ \l'liv arc vuu licrct’_.lincr annual predominated about him. guts nabde as ncat as fourpcnce and [I will are kill ï¬ve minutes 0' . ' ' g - J 4 3 ~ - - e . Boot and Shoe Mutter. PI'OSITE A. LA \\ ’r'. Yuiigf sir-ct I, II cli- iiroiid Hill. udios’ and Geritlemeiis’ Boots and Shoes. _ ‘udo ur'ter the latest at) les. August 6. t857. 2943iâ€. 80] CHAS. POLLOCK, 80] Ml‘Ul’t'l'li II OfBI‘llbll, Frerich lirrirru. and Aiiwrican. Fancy and Nalrlc Dry Goods. No. ï¬ll. Ciiy Buildings. King .Sti'e I1‘:.‘|,~I (‘lirldren‘s 'l'oelli. Clilhltlluiiulls Free, and :i'll \Vurk 'l'urnutu. .luuc. INST. Bust. ’l'urunlzi l'nrticnlar attention given to the legulalrun oft Vurrniilctl. buy. Feâ€"~~â€"_ _.,.=‘â€":c _7_sv 21-2.. '1‘. MICE ‘I'I'Il. .lirr. LARRJAGL‘. SlGN. l ‘inoderaic charges. to merit a Continuance of r. S U R G E R Y. tllrll‘ suppoit. till. It’l’llfl Din-rt Juur-lhy neatly l'l‘pflll'l’d. All work warranted. l l S-imcwlrzit like modci‘u philosophers, ‘ who arrer at very sublime ulirl cxâ€"l Iraordiiiary conclusions, in a slate of rntcnsc rilystrticution as to how they air Vird at them, the occupants of the Police Ullicc lind themselves in a state of a/itll/irris to Paul in. llic llirrd heavens; and how, why. and often w/it'li. they got there they, know not. and arc only cnliglitcncd‘ by the thrilling narrative of NO. 365. before ‘lirs \VOi‘ship,’ in tlic LIZWlS MACDONALD. Stunll‘rille. Aug. 2“. 11958. 6341' CtIltIS'I‘IANWURSTER, fl SADDLE 8i. HARNESS MAKER. \\ VILLAGL and :nrrunndinu usuritrr. that he has rig-cried a Shop in the above line. “here in) wrll. by strict alleiiliiii to all orders. endeavor to liltllt a share of their support. UUl.l) infurui the inhabitants- ul AIAPIJ. Of such a mass of vermin I had never dreamed. ‘ch !’ said be. raising liimsclfori one clbow. and addressing us in gen- eral, ' I'm a pcripatetic knife-grinder, and perpetual prig. or as I says to. my (:UnlllchliIS, Gciinncnl Ilse a commercial traVcllm'. lfyou Wants to ax my iizune, I may say it is Legion. for e is many ; but people gcncrally calls me 'l’om, Dick, or Harry, just as it shoots 'crir; and liu'pcnny ; and fence, friend, and I are still in dilibrcnt purportiuns of this run: establishment, at this pre- Scnt ulumrnem, and it we dosctr’t get conwcrled we’re at least sure at being Ct‘ nwictcdâ€"and that cre’s my opinion of ilre case in u very few Worlls.‘ b‘o saying, he rolled liimsclfovei' on his back. and began to whistle. the mclody Of" Home! sweet homc l' with a great number Ofgracc notcs our weary time. Ye sun, I went out the nicht as far as lllt: (Juslict House. to look cfler a ltT-ltl that was awing me it bit sma’ accountâ€"u. Schi1«arrd-tweirty-and qupchc mat- ter. that has born outstunin‘ sinccl the New Year. and ‘I got the sillcr frac the bodie, when l was but liaulltirs cxpccriii' it ; forlliougli he's an honest Ci‘caturc hrniscâ€, he’s got a nc’cr-dO-wcll gilp o’ a wil'c. that kccps him 33%: as bare as ll‘.c bir'ks a chair. sac I gruppit hand o’l, and gied the bodic zrcrack on the cruon. when he fell a whistling at a win- nurfn‘ rate. till tip cam’ ither lwa O’ the i'raiui‘nity, and they’ve gut me here among them. I dinnu ken what irrry be said aboot this. They say it laktrs an auld carl to Wat his tine \‘i'tflt'tl. but I'll kick up a. bonnie liulllbllilim in the mornin’. Put mo in the olliccl I‘ll gar the best 0’ them siiakc in lllcll‘ coats for’t'.’ I , _ ,. . . . , . . . . , . 1 nos tired of tire old man and his olipwte N-Jittt1<>’9“‘l‘°d'“l- l“'°““" ("'3‘ __A..-.,._ ' 19,........_, ....n.}.- ....d nxlwdicimjsl)’unendrd to morning Upon orrc ponit they “lien l st: in want of a name, on and Vill‘lilllk’lls- ‘ at I ulc. Luddic ! 5m c’cr yr.- li=rc alum. impure he 5.“...th anlv be A°"5‘ 15"" gLâ€"hl ()ruTnmnwl Linn“. A†won. w....,......,d. specdilv obtain lull assurance, viz., ,such occasons as the present, I 'Miml b1†3'0 "C a“ 1mm body! sense, and gang to look for a Wife, ' ' p ' .__._._ ’ 1 r l I l ‘ JOIIN COUL’I‘ER, {SHOP and (‘lotliici'i luiie’. ' Yonge St.. Richmond llill. 57. g.1-w_\'. GEORGE DODD. Veterinary Surgeon. l l_ Richnmud I'lill. Feb. 17. 18.58. l i t»; 1 Iy ‘WILLIAM U. SKENE, BLACK HORSE rrO'rELl [YURMKRLY KIZI‘l IIY “W‘L “01. PH.] l lOlliVI-Zit ol‘ Palace and George stieots. east r (J of tho Market Square. Toronto. per day. Hoard $1 Good Nulillllg and attentive Hustlers (lint l/tbrc they are; and the ideal gradually dawns over their rriinds.l lich sunshine on a misty morning. that they are cxcnednigly likely to remain there until they get out.~â€"- 'l‘lrcsc are the two grand points; and any little cpisudical matters of How! Why. and Vthrefore, are of Maple Village. Aug 20. 11:58. 63-61:! .‘l l L L‘V R IGHT’ A L'I'UNA. 3.5 to iiiirmatc that in) is now pruâ€" parcd to erect MILLS of every W‘ cugiiotninatcu inys‘elf John Smith, which amt no name at all. and a wcry conwcctrieut name on that account : that ci'c's my opinion of John Smith in a very low words. I am English by birth, thongli my mrrllicr was an Irishman, a wcry remote descen- dant, l understands, of the celebrated l Brian Boi'uf but carry your misfortunes liclitlv. said the farm-servant, as the knife- griiidcr finished his recital, ' and vc , But ye but: little to drcc. yc'll gut owr’l a’ -, but I’ll ne’er get owur this (my way.’ ‘ But over it l’ said the shoemak- 3r ‘a man Will get over anything gang waurilyâ€"gang waurily ; for a man’s ivcelrlarcin’ oftentimes depends mair on his wife than on llinrsel'. 'I'lici'c’s my Mir-ran. for exarnplc~ but that’s gang all the thread 0' my story. \Vcell ye ken. l was owrc wall pleased at getting my bawbees, no’ to gic him a tastt: at scttlin’, the cnusr: 1 Mrs scarcely in a humor to tit: arirtrsed. and partly because I saw that the Others were displeased at our disturbing their night’s rest ; so, squatting mysclfin a sitting pos: lure ltUIH' the tire. I buried my face in my hands. and fell into a broken slumber. interrupted occasionally by the visit of the night-watch to mend Lot 26.4w (on.. \iiugllaii. “MN m aumdm‘cv' 1‘“ omnibus m and “mumâ€. h, mum, 0,. “hemp,†.,,, infinitely lush \it.rl liilDUlldHLL» ll“ Hound lI l bl“ I,“ Edllowsi that it ‘dlll gel tltdllrllidl uc had been auld iicbur me mu. 0,. “w “Merwaul of [he .- Hons}: 5,, FAKltlalt †LVN. ',-,0,;,',,,e “when, spam“; .teasuiiulileteriiis. Ilu is at... rig...†for some Sutlrcc it to say, that one cvcti- knows who was my lather; it wurii’trOVL'lV Cl‘limCS. Will?†be W315 Wile" ‘0 (lac; drunk“, 51,1.“ girls as me weâ€, ' ‘ - i k ' i ' .‘ -- ‘ . . .. . . - - - , n . . . ‘ I ‘ ) . Ll THOMAS PALMER. ly'b‘l‘fl‘l’â€: En‘u‘dffjll'l" ï¬ll ï¬lming? mg l lound mtscll marching along no business 0’ mine. and that's- as ‘Nnmorc he can’t, said the kirrfc- so we had up. gill and mother. and luck“ up for “L n‘igm glusgow l). -Lm.. os '11-.1i« .‘ . . .-, c. ’ ._ ‘ . ' ) ‘ .. i ‘ _ I "‘ _r | . I r I. A, ‘. ' ..' i .L‘ . . ' I ‘ “I "4 I V I ~ I . ..___ Toronto. Feb ‘26. 1858. loprli38-lt' rkllom Illil‘tk‘cll years' BXPBt'lotltie holiulm-‘i ‘0 a (‘0' “dUl “1 1h" unuwl‘lbl‘“ “Um mu‘ ll ‘b aâ€! bbll’lbl" l'll‘l‘flll. Ud llkb EU “Him, has“ '1‘ 5 1â€â€ It'll“ l’“ '1 lull 0†ll“. («tacit lellUl dulLI times“ [Iei‘tlfd- YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. A Good supply of Wrsu and LlQL‘Olts‘ DAVID ATKINSON, AGENT FOIL ‘ Altotiu. August-Elli. 1858. It“ 30"â€â€˜4sallrrdcmn- paiiv of a gentleman ' dressed in a little :ititliority,’ which might be ‘ bi‘icf’ or not. as Iln: nature of thc 63's“! to say on. tlie‘subjccl. New. guln- , l-liuli,,atlitl he can‘t keep his footingâ€"- riicril I will hrc-airdâ€"twciitr yet, so ‘ lliut crc’s my opinion of llicgulluws I darcSay you will be sui'priscddli a very fcw words.’ and auld fit-cits. and ac thing and :i'i llllll†till “c baith got llllCU happy, at and didnu prrrt till it Was wch on to IIE liar) llrar Tunasâ€"Tire fol- lowing squib tvus perpetrated in a l V 77 777 r n a l . always 0" lmnd' Excellem Accommm ' ' ‘ l ' T ' ‘ ‘ Case “I‘M†l’WW‘ Mom Omm‘ms Wm“ l 1 “ll‘mԠ3")“ “N'- ll W8 ‘ U'll'l“ “WNW†the “4mm Oll- tcu Ult‘itlt k “hr-n I set all' on a trio school “ down cast †It is too d - ~. .. -'<r ' . f 1/; l 1‘ {I K r 1 ‘ . ..I h , _ goo lawn“. of€'...1b'.?.ï¬.f,2°â€' Mlmm' “d “he's Dal“nacoï¬méggcnhon 5 l ,s,“ A) H‘0 IV‘LL’. , however, was the malicious rattlc Ol travelled over all the known world, main l said the farm errant dulc- Wand Wu- 1.†name, as l Lauri†bu ms, : mm. MCLEOD. Proprietor. l ‘ i " [l01“\.ll1l‘l“ . “‘e :‘l‘b’cnl’g I“ the bunch of great kc)‘s which he Asia. Africa, ‘dltd America. and the lolly. ‘ dilluaâ€"-lnclltmltâ€"lltu Hallie Mirrcti \muld bc lookin’ for nicâ€" It seems that it few hours' exemp- Aumm Jul‘. 6‘ 1858, 5.16“. ‘Ul‘lll'rl'lfs’ l“~‘ “‘“l'k‘: for INM litml's" playfully dangled in his hand; and,grcaicr part Of Europe CXt2t~ptOd. .Lli’lgolly tL'uy.’ J. N.REID, ansrcraa & SURGEON llll‘lllllli lllll lllll’llll M A CH 1 NE N, Richmond Hill, would beg to call Public attention to his SEW r i Eslulilisliiiieiit. 'I‘liornliill. and known as the Elvis IlorrzL. which he has latrly entered into in consequence of (lie accorriadairon in his old establishment being entirely too liinilod fur the. l ncvcr was more forciblyiuipr‘csscd with the power of music upon the timid, and Of keys upon luv-ks. than hairc- followed every known specinsl Ol business or profussion, uric ai‘tcr another, mucli ill the saliit: IDIIUHCI' 'l‘rnly. thought I. this is siimi‘. iiotablc tlllllclucliil‘; Sn. joiningr him in his ntrlk rip and down lllL' rooiii. (for her father, that's in his grave. tiud illitJU been an cider. thouin he was deposed for :i l'iiitlicrlcss bair'ii, on \t'lilt'l) account hlir‘r'en has it great limit from niisuhicf had greatly ctr- larng the buulp of treachery in the llpprn‘ stiii'ics of some of the young Lucas. and they took and sheared Com" of Yougo am, Comm SM“. yum. 1851 gym-V. ‘mult‘ungrrn.an...._,.,,u. guests. at that melodious iiiornnnt. Likc as your little buy turns them on his accostth t rm with, ‘ Whit have you Imisru.’ upon Oltlcrs liuurs). Wch! [hp hulusrridgs from [up to bow)â€, ’l'lmrulcill. ' * swâ€" i [he SIVAH llo1'LL in a Mr days will be‘ “'hrttlngton mterprcttllrtig the lingersâ€"guntlctii:ru.l.rrirt-:r, bot-noy, done i ,yt: st-o. l‘nr sttvpptn' tilting. as l said, “nth mud, um] when the master \ugust 14. 1857. gIO-tf t completely renovalt-(l. and respectable \'-I>l10|'5 r \' ’ls l irn't iiicd min rely on linun‘gtllcir calls immediately ut- “lubu‘ “l 1h" BU \ BLI ‘ lg ’putlnt-ar}. line". I have scl’VuLl ‘Krll a man !' I‘L'illltfrl hp. stopping’ {and I’m ctooriiii' It bit verse 0' 'canic in Iiki yer-y naturally laid his tended to. Helm.- nlsuven exterisn’ti accuiiio- a voice in the rtlltlc of those great hurl Lpuslt tfjr'acrolus Maji‘sly by sud Triddmrlypiid looking stillbirthâ€) «:1! ll“: ; "Uor gridtriiuli rarll'llumu uto'en. )hnnd on it when be mounted the ‘ s a l x l datiorri‘orilorses and Cull’fllgl‘s- . ~ :- in†outâ€"- ‘dliu v uii . am he! must Gracious ‘uci'. as i in sun lln: clL:<'t HI Na null “WWWԠl1“ "‘ s -ri's. I‘ ‘ i - ROACH .5 HO'I EL, ‘ Hausa. Sign and Ornamental ‘ tilts liar will al\ya}s be found well sturt‘d‘l‘lifjnfl‘f‘ finch , throwh audmromgh, Mus-6;â€, [ms “nu†sew“, mu,“ mm, auful anrmrnrccinmil. And i didl \‘t: hen the sang, I dztur say ; and "ï¬sh-JP :11]; ;:(il:t:gv:br:u(:lilllhfi OIINER DIFFOHI and George S'I‘CCIS‘ l , , ‘ ‘ {ï¬lï¬ï¬fï¬.‘.Ԥ;‘j§{,.§":{fï¬;".‘; sl',l’.fcr'iï¬.l,’:,'_" It's ft! Lil' u‘iih iorzn" sometimes with a suit ol'clutlics, and invtrluiiiarily sicp lJ-lL'lt :i pit i: or lWUl for Just about opposite the 'l'iurtinc. 1|... “whim-s had been called in 8...] “ one block Cast of the Mark": ‘ P 1‘ I l L S , l‘urrot‘ all those \\'llu m-u huuou. him with a‘ Arriving at a great double door, sonictiincs with a summons at [10' “1’1"†hu l'ilitlfll‘lllgl." DEW-"l “‘3 l’yl WIN-'1’ "li‘l's’t'o'l‘t‘° “l’ll bU'H‘lC, 1“â€)3 taken their suits, illicit he acquaint- }hmlw‘ JOHN ROACB. l ‘ t ' . 0â€â€œ JO“ SHIELS‘ lhe Opened it with put- of tin: mons~ own suit; and between cursde the armband nervously adrlct‘, " r‘tlisali-cll‘cclal unearths. unco wch [Jtllzcd [hum wth the fact, and Said [.0 ' Proprietor. (armors, Gildrrs, Glazrors. . Tliornhill. ) t’rupnelor. ‘trous ltcys, and. urvmrbr me a shovu and the villiiiiii, I hurt: scrch m; - lutisl, liu >110 a tlit-gcrncr hill, Ulll “0 on. “i a bit tIL‘dl bonnet and srmnl. ' utiuld give any one ï¬ve dollars to Much 5' 1853_ .39 L lawman, 135;. g .33 self occasionally to many nice ll'Illu *‘ROB'ERT sivsri, ' Boot and Shoe Maker, ' DJOINING the nutter-m. Manors. i 1 Chapel. \ioilge Street. Richmond HIIL A choice selection of tieiiileiiieiis'. Ladies and ('liildrcns’ Uool.“ and Shaw COIL‘qullypu band. and made to order on the Shortest .\o. lice. I [13’ All kinds Slioemalrers I'llndinglor sale. Richmond Hill. June lL‘tli. lt‘ai. g.iw.y. GLOUCESTER HOTEL, Timur. ranu son’ru or Tuaosro. as roses-5r. above Hotel is filled up in near and com urr'ible sttle. 'l'rnns1t ni vrsiiors and °lh015.\v|ll lind the at'coniiiiudairous to he that 0' "‘9 first class. while the charges Will be ex- tremely low. U Good Stubliug and all attentive llostler. THOMAS COA’l'ES. Proprietor. 7°“ I" 2“M‘- Au:- 7. 1858. 62-13’ l 1 GOOD WORKMEN SENT TO l l July 23. 1557. ~ I and Paper Hangers. TH 0 RNH l L r..l (If! “inf Paints Oils, Glass, and Putty. PART OF THE COUNTRY. A N Y l y" r g-l)‘. GO TO MORPHY BRO'I‘I’I FOR ’ OOD \\'uiclie.~.Clocks. Jewelry, I Electra Ware. Silverb‘poons'. 8 ties to suit every sight. uj‘ Watch Clubs In Operation. Clocks tram QUs upwardu. Tenure. June, 1857. HRS Mclodeuin lid bperta- W lrl'lutted .11 Toronto. ‘29. April 1853 .as I naturally shrunk back from the , . .Illl'eSllUltl, bang went the door lic- T ORON 61 c. ANY OIHER 1.5 I' A ELIE-HM)?!†. Bciittatli the window l, tit‘bils ill the course ol'iny peregrin- trtioiis. Gcinnicu ‘. I have nppcui'cd on Illt: plallnrm as a council from Popcry, and on the stage as Jcremv Uiddlcr. I hare ti‘allickcd in llcverv~ think. from three per cent. consOls to three per cent. stay-laces. I have written all sorts of valuable wurks. from professioqu Wade Mccums to Childscs Own Book ol'I’octry. l have paid a fee to learn St. \Vctus’ Duncu,borrowcd a Wooden leg and scars-to appear as a sliipwrcckcd T0 “TY M “{BLE “'ORKS hind me. rattle went the keys along - i A i a -u‘ l i t in ‘dur- res roses s'rnrug'r. ill†l"?“,‘5°‘ “ml “ 5 ‘1 l"tlt‘c vrlc. " I found myself in a dusky a iart- MONUMENTS. TOMB-TABLES. ~ . . . - l d ‘ ‘1 “,1, V H merit. httlitcd from a wry oxalic '1 0‘ B‘b 0‘ Lb' lwiudow. Vt'Illl‘ll was barrcd vritli Twenty [’01' Cent Cll ‘tlpt‘t‘ iron, and boarded on the exterior rim ltO prevent tllc curious gaze of the ' lOUHVItId \\ orld from intruding upon, VJ‘III‘I l mlrrsigm-d Assignees of tln- , (,m- seeing. n_ V-‘ll‘ll‘rl 0- 9" 'kd“ -l\‘“‘l‘1~“‘1lldmâ€â€™ was a scar. undcr which was ti shell tiuutttlu lusltloss un er tie Supetllltisn euce . ’ , ' ' r . . oiour-dulyaurhorized agents, Ausns Anrnr sul’llmlmg ‘1 U†Jug l'l'l ‘lf “Hurt and I). CARLOS Y Li:. whose receipt will be, Ulld “noun†Very interesting Ulcn' dun actiiluwhdged. lsrl. The only otlrgr furnishing Of RS. All auras and accounts fein’unint’ “"- thc room was a woodcn raising un‘ l‘flld on the lsldu} ufjurie. 15.)), “ill be put. tho “0(er an“, the Principle of ,he into Lauri tor collection. , , , . C YALE [inclined plane. which I was given to a CLrMMER. understand was a bed. although 43'“ .‘tircd Nature’s sweet reltorer‘ mariner. and hired a will: and family whcrcwith to appeal at the slrcdt corners to the generous sympathies of a Christian public. (imminent. l'sc been a philanthropist, for l‘vc oil'crcd through the papers. for the paltry remittance of thirteen uncut was all' his wai'lt tlii'ct: days, any and her ll.t||‘sl.i.‘l\lt duo“ “\tl‘l her way.†br'Ooâ€"â€"ti IJll sir-rd lassnck was she ; I learned that he had come lâ€,urrd lv.'asjnsi tlnnkin’sae to lti_\'5t,‘l‘,§ Glasgow to visit some friends, andlaml U.,.1.pu.-n.’ in r to uhal lir_that. when sitting in a trip-room with Mn...“ Ham] 1., Lu (yiiu should [ML- lris companioanliadsliglrtly wouni'l' sccn my Notchâ€""pure :‘cd and ed out: alumni in the arm with :1 while), ltlicii she turns the tail o' knife, which In»: liud lifted in a drunk- ‘ her dc to tllt‘. in passing, and1 quo’ cn quarrel. The man had made a 51w, great outcry on seeing the blond- ‘lIt-rzh ! but )‘c‘cr unco proud the null the police had bccii callcd in, niclil,‘ qno‘ shit. 'gauir byc in that .ri:d ('al‘l'lCLl my simple lrrczid lu gncl, and iro'spccrin' as niucklc as prison. illou’s your health !" v He finished his story by saying ‘Udd pity inc ! thinks l-â€"I worm that. no doubt. l was a scholar, and km the lassic to my knowledge; tell who Ilttfl rt hand in it. Up jumch ll little red-headed urclini who said. " 'l'hrr. you theth you’ll give any one lire dollars who'll tell who had .1 hand in it l' " Yes. ’ " NOW. lhir you'll not whip me, will you thit‘ 7.†‘, N(,.l7 “ Well, ihir.-now you won‘t whip rne thirl†A " You young scamp. I’ll lick you If you don't tell pretty soon I†that, consequcnlly, my opinion was she matin be a. customer 0‘ miuc it's as good as anoihcrs. and 'did 1} llkc, Yat d has seen me about the tliinlflic would be hanged loft 'l’ lsllop, sac (pro I I told him that I really did not‘ ‘I beg your pour-don. mcml' quo‘ think he wuuld. upon which be Seelnâ€" I; I didnn jrst recognocze ya at lirst. ed wonderfully comforted, telling ' Hoo‘s a‘ wr’ ye the nicht l’ " 'l‘lirr, youâ€"oh, thir, I don’t like to " “ Go on or 1’“ skin you alive 1" “ Wcll. thir, you. had a hand in it, you did [Mr I" The master gave in, and {OM over the ï¬ve dollars.