Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 8 Oct 1858, p. 2

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The Nova Scatian arrived here abnul six o’clock lhis evening- The steamer Ariel. from New Yank. while approachmg Soulhmnplun uu Ihc night of the 711), mu aground oll‘ Slum»â€" point; but was gm olT and pmch du-nl, nul havmg sustained any qulvrlul dam Dr. l5rmlley,bearernl Ille- l'mlwl. In?» treaty wilh China, Inw p-wsml ll) (my. France, en route for Amerira. U» rauw from China in company wuh the lu’illul's oflhe English and French tremiee. The LhndOll Times. in an ethluriul. suggested by the cubic, encourages the continuance of friendly rclullulls bulwecu America and England. [I an): it «IOUS not hesitate to conles: that it I'L'gurda “It opinions oflhe American. people of far greater iluportaxvce than the Ivrniw :1 hlmne,symputlne5 or nnlipathies, 01 mu] " “tum.” \ ALL». In unollux‘ urlirlv. llu- Several Berlin papers have been svized for publishing articles on the Regency question. The mofil delicate part ol‘thc negotiations are Slikl to have been settled between the Queen and Prince of PriiSsiu. The latter is to assttum the title of Coâ€" Begent, with unlimited powerst RUSSIA. More Agrarian disturbances are mid to have taken place. No particulars. The Emperor and Emprcxs llhtl arrived at Moscow. 'lhe Doctors are said to have agreed that the epidulnic at Bcuyuzi is not a plague, but a malignant kind bflyphus. The election of dupuliew is fixed for October. A state 01 six-ge will mm: be raised in Catalonia. It is vxpectcd that the law On the Press W|ll soon be praaent ed. The Time.“ Mutlenan cmwuspmnlenl aayslhe Govermnant has onh-rml reinâ€" lorcelnems of 3000 men, and all large vessels of war disposable, 10 be sent to Cuba forthwith. fi‘be commission fnrllle settlemrut of the h-lomeuegrin frontier has completed its laboms. very Leth‘rs from Naples say that numerous arrests were made on the eve of Mn» Ie~ti. ':\l of the Piedegooua. Rumour 5n)» that more than a lhuusand \vuro tempor- ari|y incarcerated, includng men of all professions. The Trench naval slalion of the An- tilles is to be augumerled by two small vessels, 'l‘rade generally in Paris and departments, quiet. Breudslull‘s III l’m'i: were quile dull. “'lieat was abundanl and lower in the Provincial markets. Vintages had commenced in some séctiom under most favourable Circumstances The Times’ Paris correspondent is inâ€" formed Iliat part: of 'l‘aliiti and Marquesas are to be declared free. The French Consul General from Venezuela is expect- ed “0an aborlly, in consequence 0| un- pleasant difficulties with the Venezuclun Gorernmcul. PARIS, ‘Jlst â€"'l‘lireo per cunls ulosed The Session Slates General olwnud WM) 3 speech by the King. He cun- gralululed them on the prosperny ul'lhe COunlIy, and its peaceful ruluiions, but promised serious attention 10 line stair 01 the naval and military forces In prolch the colonies and mother country nguN any unforseen allack. ITALY. at 72-70 '1 4mm urllélmulafu HI :\l||L‘I|l'.|ll Unv- ermneul ior [he spirited Way in “invh Ihc)‘ are lolluwmw up llue lute cdplum ol' ilw s|aver EI‘IIU, but thinks Hwy Will not ob- cht lo M England >|mre in those qun- give Operations, even at IIILI link of " unl- rages on American w ' ‘s. LATE-ST. LONDON, \lenesdn y. The Yz'mrs' city articlv repmrs funds inactive yesterday, bul improved ; in Wine. The Daily News says, a slight slilnulus was given by the continuud inllm of gold. The banks had received nearly half-awnil- lion s‘er‘ning since (he dale of last rclurn. Mr. “'hilchome, ex-uleclriumn 0f UH: Company had L“qu a pumpth on the subiccl‘ ol‘his dismissal, 81c. Thu Lon- don Daily News ediloriully picks it 10 pieces, and criticst Wllh :Ulnu :umuly \Vlvilclmuw's plelemions. An inslahnent of 2.3 per cm! on the Indian loan was paid without producing any ctfect on the money nuaket. The Dullh'n filo/'aum/v Adarlisrr learns, that it has been determined grunt- l)‘ to extend and slrengllu n lhe dultucus at Spike. Island, Quecnstown lunhmn‘. placing all ports in the highest :lnlv ol efliuicncy. Wl'he plan for complullmg [he Grail Easter/z couaisls in is~ulng nun Lulu pound shunts lo lllexxlcnl of £330,000. Money comiuuud easy. (in-Ill Wusf “Owing into [he bank in large: quantitich £300,000 aieriing Wm, ~«ml in on [he liUlh.‘ Al'allllc 'J‘clcgrulyh blinres are quulml at K 300 to 330. | A rn poll athhx-Ssed to the shareholders of [he Atlantlc Company, on \Vhilc- home’s case, is published by the Secreâ€" tary of the Conn-any. 1t purports to be in rel'ulalion of \Yhitehouse’s charges, which are closely investigah‘d and explain rd by documentary evidence. It is reported from Algeria that serlom diaturbnnces have occurred at Oran, hm the Government denies [he rumour. The LoEdon papers publi~h a rcpm‘t by Mr. Valley, electrician, on the pins nl slate of the cable. Varley’s experiments bllOW that the cable has not parted. Fnim signals are 5111! received from Newfound- land, and he speaks of another and more distant fault, the locality 01 which he camâ€" nuL ealimulu nilhoul going to Newlouml- land. AbRH flungâ€"£0111 5‘ 51d; pcallh 33: U Snows steady. ’1‘5,‘ u shade deal 5L OF THE D‘LUX IA;~.‘ HOLLAND. MARKETS I‘RUSSLA TURKEY Fl MA RSEILLL lANCE ~H lo 65 IN ; I :Ol‘llâ€"‘H'llik‘ 34-5 33; (id to 3&3; UN. QUEBEC. ()ct sales better ; [Minn l‘mkâ€"me» \Veil Lard~fiur (51le YET (\lllt that numerous Vie of the le~ti. Rumour says ware tempor-l 1;; turn of all s is fixed for will won bui vxpectcd that you be pruneut enl‘l'e:potitleitt orllPl‘t'tl reinâ€" uutl all large ,0 be sent to .re hem svizetl the Regency tc part loc re been settled me at Prus.~i:i. : title of Co- i'El'5 l cos are Still to ‘ liculurs. 'l‘hr ! ll arrived at settlemrut of has coutpwtedl ) have agreed yuzi is not a l oftyphus. i t I t I 22111]. tuguaut; sales‘ h'lourâ€" \cht- ' ; l’hdutlelphiu -l~. \Vht utâ€" Itho ut than“; lid ; rwl doq tite‘ 34:3 Gd to , u 31%; inixml Supt. holler ; prime .â€"â€"me:~ Wint- ‘tlâ€"lluc (H510 Have you been to the Exhibition is :1 question everywhere asked, and the reply is generally in the all firmative. Another question fol- lows on the heels of the fountainâ€"- What (lid you see, and how did you like it. These. latter questions are rather more ditficult to answer.â€" Those who were lleeced of their watches and spare cash, would answer rather ruchtlly, that the ru- trospoct was anything but inviting; and the fair ladics would .mswur with lamentable sadness, that the dense pressure from without had smashed their hoops, done for thvit‘ 'crz'nolincs, and as for their silks, sutins, morinoas and muslins, it was enough to make one’s hoart aclw only to look at the positively fright- ful condition they were in,â€"and in these hard hard times, it was re- ally too bad of the managers not to have allowed for [maps and other fmniniue contingencies. But to the question what did you see! Perhaps the quiciu-st answer is to ask a t-ounter question to the quer- isl, and say,“pleuse to tell me what you did not are P” 8:9, in- doed, why we saw in the aninml Blood Horses, Draught, Farm, 'l‘enm Horses, in line Carriage, fact all the host horses in Canada, and a line sample they were too.â€"â€" Then for Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs, thrrc were Durhzuns, Down», Here- fords, Ayrshires, Galloways, Grade Cattle, $.10. Sheep. we haul Leices- ters, Costwolds, Cheriots, South- downs, Mcrions and Saxons, 82c.â€" Thcn \\‘v had pigs, the very sight of which \\ ould make you hungry, and think of fine hams and bacon. In the Horticultural department we had fruits of every description, bolting 9n tcmpting that we had Sept ‘21 NOVA of the m the Lou- it lo unity iiiritisl) @rihnnr. "l‘llli Enact; l-lL) PAD'b'l-ZXGERS 01" THE “ Al'Sl‘RlA." l2bt-JBI-1L‘,()ct:â€") Wu Inn,- nwertuined the tollowing tar- ' lher partimilurs train the rescued passen- gers. 'l‘he pumps on honril the ill-l‘tttml n ml. in connection with the lire-engine. Were not in working order. home, at- lelnnt was lllullt' to render itat‘ailahle, but i the progress (Ill thi- llattlt’s \vn“ tno rapid Now the l‘m‘ecas'le, rope: were made lust tn ('llilltlh outside, and to these nuuih-vrs clung ; but us the flames progresth one hy onu gave, way, and found a watery grunt. ()n the bnwsprit the passengers j were litttl nut tier upon tier, piled on lnp let each other sometimes four deep 'l‘hi~ waisa last resource, and from thi$ lllv)‘ were finally driven, until only one man was left aefllul nn the extreme end. Eighteen pnrsom got hold of the chain farming the hmveprit stav. aril clung“ to it till l'uur o‘cIm-k the tollowmg mnrning. A w-a man (‘Izunhered from the Any to the bow writ, nnll found there was a prnhahihly ol extinguishing what fire there “an llll'rth amlg‘at‘e (limit-lions to those clinging to the stay to clip pul‘ttfil‘ls at their ulolhin; in the sea and pass the same up to him ; and the tire was so fur subdued as tn ren- tler the howspi‘it a place of comparative safety. 'l‘hi‘y remained there till thr boats from the Katarinu picked them nil. Eighteen persons were lountl on the bow~ sprit, three in the water at the Vl‘3il‘l‘h side, and one alt on the railing at lllt' steamer. A ynnng girl, with her hrnlher, had remained all night on the bOWSIH‘ll. hanging; on by the railing. bu HI en The (wmlinn of ihe Rrgency in Prui- sm l3 salmuclurfly acllltll. The Queen wi|hdruwa her [u'elu'minns in favour of llm Prince uf anm, u'lm nsxuuwx the now inal tillc of Cnunt Regent. but with un- inul tilh' of limited pow I'ln: lim‘ gruudflmd and [Lu Lu; RICHMOND HILL. OCT. 8, 1858 Slxuln lb quu- (lorlrs Il'dkl glu- fl" Mr. \V. R. ROBERTSON, 0! Toronto, is authorised to collect and rocnive monies on behalf of this of- ficv, Robinson Leuers Remaining in Richmond Hill P. () Oct. 15! ' Lellers Remaining in Thornhili P. 0. ON. Isl J. K. Falcouhridgoâ€"FallGoods Richmond lliJ l‘urlrail Roami- “a” Pocket Book Found Nativeâ€"To the Dobtcrs and Creditors of Hugh NEW YORK, Oct 5. The su-umrr IIanmzonia, from [lam ‘g‘. by Southampton. arrived here “"3 rum: bring”: London dates to the ‘2]Sl ARRIVAL ()I New Advertisemets tins Week. TIIE EXHIBITION. mperur of China is (a have a ulnn Saint \‘lu-Jimir from lluwia Augim: ul~ Honour flom Francv. is quivt. A (lixsnlulinu of the HI gun-u great snlisfaclion to the MONIA u [an r . ’timm'e a ct has experi~ 5. Monty is onsoli quoted nn wkel is quite ham-r prices, I' l l-6lll Im~ on the 20th fired at Liv- H HAM- given, as we thought it unnecer- sary; but we have given a list of those, who received premiums in the Township 01 Vaughan, Scar- boro’ and Markham, as we thought it would he more interest- ing to our readers 10sec at uglance who in the above Townships have received priz We think this last Exhibition has been decidedly the most successful one ever held in Canada. There has been a larger number of exhibitors than heretofore; and as to visitors, the 'bniltling has been literally cram- med to excess, which has some- wvhat marred the pleasure We cannot pick out any one in our Townships as particularly deserv- ingr of credit This would be, in- vidious, although the-re are a few that are perhaps more pron‘iinontly kno\vn,â€"such as the Messrs. Pat. terson, Miller, Armstrong, Denni- son. Sanderson, Crzut‘l'ord, Wheeler, Dit-ltson and others, to whom seve- ral prich were awarded. Below will he found a list of the success. ful exhibitors of the thrvo'l‘mvn- ships. We heartily congratulate them upon their utccess. a nation’s strength. India with its untold ueuth, is a nation of slaves! and why? The people are efl‘eminate, lustful, ignorant and cruel. Mark this Well! An important lesson is to be learned. We, as a nation, are now compara- tively in distress. Because we have had such an insane itching for gold. Do we know that it was this insane itching that ruined Spain. But We have perhaps di- gressed. Let’s turn again to the Exhibition. \Ve think that these annual exhibitions answer a very important end indeed. They tend to produce a generous rivally and competition amongst us; and it is an old proverb that competition is the soul of business. As a nation, we have great cause for thankful- ness {or the progress we have made in every department of in- dustry. We were exceedingly glad to find that the Townships ol' Vaughan, Scarboro’ and Markham, out such a respectable figure at this grand Exhibition. We have not published a list of all the Prizes ‘Jnd do do Join: Saudi-r5011. Markham 2.) Sid do do Jn-hu Daxun. Yolk [p l? '..‘I:d best? )cnr vld Stallion. Eimln Shank. Vaughan - - 16 Reg 3 ii-ur‘ old Filly. (ieo. Stomst‘arharo’ 15‘ 2nd do do Minn Shank. Vrugh: u 11 Bust Quar old Filly, '1'. Ailnatwng. Van- glmn - - H Quid best yearling Filly. H Elz. Markham 6 3rd do do, w. Bull. Yolk w 4 Best. Bi-ood Mh‘fe 'a‘nd Foul. ur Evidence that the foul has been lost. Silum Shank. Vnughau - Fest Roadster or Carriage Brood Marc and Fan], kc. “I Dichon, Mnkhlm 2‘2 ‘22 2nd best llmruughâ€"brcd Stallion. 1. Gates Srarburo’ - - Best thnruughâ€"bred 2 \ ear old Slal‘uun. Geu Cooper. quk - - 31d best Rommel or C '350 Stallion. \Vm Helliu'cll Son Vaughan - - 3rd do W. Dickson. Markham ‘Zud but brood Mara and Foal. or evidence llml [he I'ual has been lost. Jchll Crawford. Scarboru’ - Ben “pan draugm llorsus. R. Armstrong. Markham ~ A - Ryd do M. Shepherd. York [p Busx 3 ~wars old Bull. Robert Armsrmng. Mullalmln ~ - Best! year old ‘V. Armsttmng. Markham 3rd ham 3 yours old Cow. Geo. Miller. Mmkhnm - - Bell 4 )eurs old Bull. Mr. Fleming. Vau- 9nd best do Jas Suuunerville.Vaughn" 41h best 1 _\u:\l' ulu Bull, .1. l’. Hull. York 1p 3rd has! Bull Calf. [umler 1 year) Arthur McNeil. Vnugh'm - ‘Zud ln-sl Cow. John 'l'urrnucc. Vnuglmn Best 3 years old Cow G. Mlllena Markham 2nd do do do do dd 138:1 Heifer Calf. [under 1 put] Jno Tor- rauce. Vaughan ‘ - 2nd do do do do du 4-h do do dn do dc Best -| _\'0PI|'!~‘ old grade Cuw, All. Summer- l'cil. Markham _ 2nd do J. l‘. Whulor‘ Scarboro' 3rd do do do - 2nd best Ilt-il'errCall‘. [under 1 yam] Goo 3rd do do J. P. ‘Vha'er. Scmhoro’ Hm Bull CaH‘, under 1 year, .1. Chapman- Ymk [p - 2nd do David Smi He, Vaughn" (in! do do do do . 2nd best Rum. 2 ~Amara and over George Miller. Markham “ - 3rd do John Mulrolm‘ Scmburo’ 321! bar! 2 Ewus. lwu menus and over, Geo. Mlller. Markham - 3xd best ‘2 shemhng Ewes, Geo. Muller. Markham - - 865' 2 Ewe Lmnhw. (L Croshv, Markham :hd bast Boar. Inhn Malcolm. Snarhoru‘ Besl pair Black Spanish Fowls, G. Miller. Murklmm - - 2nd do Gen. Scull. ScaIbm-o' - Best pmr uf \\ ild 'l'mkoys. George Miller. Markham . . Bast pair 0! lulga Geese. Robert Armstrong, Markham - . ‘2nd do A. II. Snmmerfell. Markham 2nd best Pqu Common duc " Geo. Miller, Best 27E}; LAIIIIIS. do do 2nd [18‘]. shemlmgl‘jwm, Wm. Inglis Mark- lmm - . Markham - - Best (wu |Illxh"s Spling Wheat McNm». Vaughan - 41h bexl Iwu lmslmls of Barley. six Gemgu Scull. Samba-‘0’ . Best two bushels of Outs. while Young. Markham _ - 3rd heal two luhhels of 03:3. black, Is it so? Are. we.â€"â€"because one, Teacher out of many proves himâ€" self unfaithful to his trustâ€"to con- demn the system as unsound.â€" Such a course is worse than folly , it is madness. Our youth \vanl education ; and we have a system, which although not perfect, leaves no occasion for Catholics to grumble, U‘Jlt‘SSS it is be- cause the peculiar tenets of their faith are not taught therein. To make the charge of our schools be- ing “hot beds of vice” correct, you must not pick out an isolated case 01' folly, and then parade it as a specimen of the whole. Edu- cation is too important a subject to be handled by such a frivilous and partizan spirit; and it' we once yield to the practice of overthrow- ing national institutions on such pretexes, as a nation we shall dwell in the regions of chaos, revolution, and interminable disot‘del. The subject of educationis one fraught with difliculty on every hand.â€" Our present system may not be possibly the best solution ot" the diHiculty; and if Mr. X., you and your co-Religionists are determin- cd to attack every system that shall not be without a (law, the sooner you get to kingdom come the better for us and societyâ€"â€" But now for the appeal; it runs thus: 2ud best bushel pink -e}rd Potatoes. Joshua Sixley. SI :nanu’ ~ Best bmluel cup Pulmrws. XV. R Barllell. Yo:k lp â€" . Best bushel rnd Polnloes‘. ‘Josliun Sielvy. Scalhmu’ - . rd best hude Pun'om. of any sort. Joshua SIsYofs. .‘cnrlmlo‘ - 3rd best 12 ronb‘ \eNow Mange] “'urlzz-L Jophun Side): Scmbo u' â€" 'l‘rnu 3rd best 12 l'uub at Sugar Beet, Joshua Sis- le}. Scarboro' - - Tran 3rd best l|ou l’loquh. W. Jam-nyfl‘hovnhlll 3rd hasl horse-power 'l‘hresher and Sepal- “ But, sir,l ask, is it fairâ€"45 it not the very extreme of all that is unjust and tyrannical to compel us to send our :hildt‘cn tosuch places, and thus in an indirect way, to tamper with what is dcat‘er than all, their -reiigi0us faith. For what other pur} use could the teacher have had this book laid on his desk for months to be wen by everv scholar who approached him? 'l‘he-relbre I sincerelyâ€"44$ a Ca- tholic parentâ€"appeal to my CU-re- iigionisls thruugltout Canada West. to keep a constant watch alur. J. -Ahl”. Vaughan - Qud b9~t Grain Unil. J. Alkman’anghal BESl Chum. J. W. I’hillxps, '! hornllill 2nd bthl Waggon J. Spolght JL Sou, Mark Ilhm - - '2nd best Kunming Machine. Patterson 61 BM» Richmond Hill - 3rd ho>l Mownug MnehmeJ’nllerson & ur0 Richmond Hill - Best l’olnlu Digger, G. Robinson.Murkham Worthy - 2nd do do do do Host 3 sides of "MN" ~‘ Leather. I]. R. Carson. N 1 un ' 2nd do do do do L’nd best Walel F1 .zmr, 'l'hos.llumben- stuns. 'l'uomulll - Upon these golmry: and whenever llley depart from the slrict line of duly, to hold them up 10 public gaze, in Order [hat our grieram-es may he more generaily'l\110\\n, and the pmper remedy >(:Cuh*d.â€" Let our mono beâ€"‘ No peace \x‘ilh Ryersouiun Slale-Schoolism.’ ” We grant you that if a“ the (leache’rsrdid tamper with your “ re- ligious [aighff that yng would have some reason {6r complaining; but it is very unfair or you to give the COMMON SCHOOLSâ€"TH E APPEAL. Mu as Sumlnerville. Vaughn" 24 ll) Bull, .1. l’. Hull, York [p 4 [umler 1 year) Arthur :- uugh. \V. Jam-nyfl‘hovulnll mwcr 'l'hreaher and Sepal- Unll. Vaughan - Unil. J. Allunsonfl'anghau W. Phillips, '1 hornllill of ()als. Black, James 3mm - -(’\rd Potatoes. Joshua Croshv, Markham l, - Tran while. Uriah rowed Robert I'RIIS 4U 2:) H lll excoption as the rule; and We sayl that so far as our experience go, you as Catholics, have no just cause of complaint against the Teachers of Vaughan and Mark- ham. N0, although it is possible there may be a {cw Protestants that are more “zealous than wise," but remember that the examples you give might be-met by counter examples! and what then? Ro- membor there are Catholic teachers in our Common Schools as \VCll as Protestant ones. A word to the wise in this case, we hope will be ‘sullicicnt. Hear also what vour lCatholic Pastor says on this sub- ject “ Allhongh I cannot ‘ land lo the skic<7 lhe present School system of \Veslvrn Canada, and would rather huvv it either changed or at least modified so :15 lo render it more truly liberal. Yet. I am, boll) by ulraraclvr and C(lLiuaiion, loo averse lo gmmwl and harsh censnres, as to approve of calling either 1he wholv Schools ol Canada \Vcsl ‘hotâ€"bods of vice and dopruvily,’ and ‘ vile monsters,’ or those among whom I live. an ‘ inlulnalod public.’ lam pcrli cilyaware lhat in Weslern Canada lllvre are Schools direcled on a very libi‘rzil fooling, where the 'l‘eachors do not. in the least interfere wilh the religion of ll)el!' scholars. I am proud to say that, as far as I know, such is the conducl of Cu- lholic Masters teaching in Cum- mon Schools. The same- dn smm- 'l‘cachvrs of (lifi'erent perm-Asians, whom [ know both in Vaughan and Markham. Amonsy lliese- I shall rvclion, will) pleasurv, the Teacher of our Com- mon Suhuul at 'l‘homhill. l thd him in the highvsrpslevm, not only for his learning, abilily in leaching uml kindness towards his scholars, but also, and principally for lhv re- specl he pays to lhc religions fva- ings of his neighbors. If we had no Svparale School I Would not have the least hesitalion 10 entrus- to him the insiruction and educa- tion ml the children belonging 1') my congregation." ‘ \Vo have thus brielly gone. over the charges brought against Corn- mon Schools, by Mr. X , of Thorn- hill. We have felt it our duty to anitnmtvert thus strongly on the subject. For although firm and conscientious Protestants, We do not wish to commit injustice to Catholics. We believe Protestun- tism to be true and just, and be- cause ol that, we wish Cutholies to have theirjust rights; and We ourselves would condemn the Com- mon School system, if it was only a mask to tamper with the religi- ous convictions of any class. If there is to be a death struggle be- tween the two systems give room, and let the comhatents hau- fair- play! and then God I/I‘ft‘lld "wright. Such is. and ever will be our mat to; and we call upon Cathoiu-s everywhere, not to look at dilli-rent systems merely to discover their (laws; that’s neither generous nor just. We wish them to have thuir rights, but we want ours also.â€" Let each of us remember that right has more than one side or party.â€" \Ve lately showed that we \V'erc eminently desirous to give them all that they could fairly demand. )Ve fought their battle, and not their battle only, but the battle of Justice. But we think that the virulence which many of them snow to our Common Schools evince a desire, not for justice, but for “church domination,” which we shall always oppose. The Council met at Unlonvillc 0n Salnrduy lust. Membvrs all prvscnl. Mr. BOWMAN preStznted a peti- tion from B. Fish and others, pray- ing the Council to pass a By-law in accordance with 14 and 15Vic., chap. 1091:1111] part 11, in refer; ence to roads passing through woods, which was laid over. Mr. REESUR presented a peti- tion from J. H. Demott and others, praying fora grant of $12 to be expended on road below Tomlin- son’s Mill, 8111 con., which was granted. Mr. REEBOK presented a hill of £55 125. 6d. from W. Flumm‘l‘elt, to complete the bridge across the Rouge, lot No. 10, rear of the 7th Comâ€"Granted. Mr. REEson presented a petitiort from D. R. Cook and others, pray- ing that the sideâ€"road, ht't\\'~:'t'n of 21 special grant on If Bridge, which “'115 paid 7 Mr. BOWMAN prvsvmed a bill from J. Brunskill and Others, for £11 105. 74¢, being the balance mg lha lots 30 blished The alteration of school, section N0. 10, was then taken up‘ Mr. RBESOR said lhat, under the provisions of the School Act, it was necessary for Ihe Trusiees of the section to he pxescnt, but as he understood that they had sent a MARKI {A M COUNCIL sidc-mad, bctwet'n 91h con, be esta- [Tic Pomona Ml‘. Blmn‘HWMT thou came for- ward :1nds:1id,â€"Thut he appeared on behalf of tho Trustees of school section No. 10, 11nd that the m:sz- represr'mmive from m Would move lhm he l:( board, which was svu Bowman. 1‘in of the ' crs of that to any uhvr: Considered it would [it dent that would sock Mr. ECKART, from school secrion No. 8, was Ihcn heard, who saidâ€" That he could take no interest in the school while he continued to R be uniled to section N0. 10; Ihatlwn section had made no objection lo‘iu the alteration before, and thought In no serious difficulty would arise ‘â€" from ‘1. .Y" Mr. RHESOR moved, seconded by Mr. TRUDGICON, That no action be taken upon the pelilion, unless it can be done \vilh the consent of the majorilv of tho rate-payers of scclion N0. 10.â€"Carried. Mr. Russon moved, seconded by Mr. Pmau-z, That the sum of $30 be granted to A. Mustard, â€"â€" Hawkins, J. Anderson, and \V. Clark, to be expended by them in repairing the bridge across the little Rouge, in from uflot l7, lOth con.~Cnrricd. Mr. RHESOH moved. Focundvd [1y Mr. PINGLE, That the sum of $30 he grantr-d to Mr. Brooks, H. Roy- nolds, and C. G. lh‘ssm', to be ex- pended by them in repairing the bridge acmes the little Rough, hr- twctm 1015 10 and ll.â€"Cm‘r.‘cd. Mr. BOWMAN moved, st-uandvd by Mr. 'l'uUDGmn', That Mr. Gvorge Feeley be appointed Colh‘ctm- for the west Side of the 'l'oxvnshipâ€" Curried. Mr. TMUDGI-mN moved, st'cnndt-d by Mr. PINGLF1,'1‘IH.II Mr. Jumps Gibson be appointed Cnilcctnr fur lhc east side of the Township. Mr. BOWMAN moved an amend- ment, seconded by Mr. RJ-Tt-ZSHR, That “I. Castor be app.)inte<l Col- lector for the east Ndc of the Towmhip.â€"â€"Carried. Mr. B()\VMA§F moved :1 resoln- tion, that the Clergy Reserve money be appropriated to each \Y'dld, the same as in 1857 Mr. Hanson moVed, seconded by Mr. TRUDGEUN, That the Muni- (:ipality Fund apportioned to this Township, being the. dividva for the year 1857, be apportioned to the several school Sections and union sections in the 'l‘ownship, according to school population.â€" Yeas Naysâ€"Bowman. Rumor, Trudgeon, Pringle. Mr. “Blast”: mow-(l, Shrouded By Mr PINGLE, That it shall he the duty of the Clerk 01' this Coun- cil to notify the Trustees of the se- Verul sehonl sections and union 58(5- tions. of the 'l‘ownship of Mark- ham, to make u population in llwi £10113 lo lhe Clerk of November nex‘ Our m‘ighbm‘ at Aurora nppvnrs lo hum 1051 his lmnpor Illis wvok, and selecls lhe Em and ()HI'H‘IVUS l‘or his victims. He has [wen and pours his phizil upon our pom" devoted l)(’2|(l>l all because ul‘ his “removal.” No doubt Editm‘s?. (mu cunsciencc!) like mhvr folli,‘ are more or lvss excilziblc; anJ in the hurry and buslle of “ removal” ol'lhe Stcum press? some, allowance should be mndc for this week’s is- sue, as it is quite appurcnt iliat he is “ high pressure ;” and is, ofnect‘s- sily, rumpellod to blow off lhe sur- plus steam in order that he might 77 not “ burst his 'nnilm‘. Again, “'6 remonslrule with the unl’urtunulc TUE REJIUVJL OF THE SUA‘. fellow.~Keep cool, uh Sun 0n VVednusday last. the 6th inst., was held the usual monthly Fair in Richmord Hill. There was a very large stock of cattle on the ground, but the sample of cows and fat beasts and sheep was not so good as usual, indeed there wore scarcely any lat beasts on the ground. Hrncu the butchers-â€" Mvssrs. Nightingale of Toronto. Messrs. Dove and Hopper of Rich- mond Hill bought but little, and that at reduced prices. Mr. Palmer, of this village, bought some good cattle, but with these few exceptions, there was little or nothing sold. Doubtless the Fall Fair at Unionville operated rather disadvamageously, and caused many of our farmers !o be absent. The Council the Nursing his math lo keep ii \‘zn m 11 wrong I‘ruslt-vs and rule-pay- svmiun were opposed Minn [wing made, {hey many 10 follov FAIR :‘ rvlums or school llwir rvspcctivc sec- (‘1'k by the 101“ day lexLâ€"Carrivd. I then adjourned. 1|)lishin ollu-r inasmuch as -mi0n 10, he hmnd :11 the nded lw Mr. of school scc‘. Ions IH'UCf Since tlu- managmneul of [he Neither“ Railroad has been euh'uMed [0 Mr. Grant. [we have “Ollcrd u dr’culmlfimprovenmnl ‘iu the .vmngrmcnls madv. from lune lo lune, for the accomumdalion ol the public ~â€"n.~a well us :1 marshal comlusy on [he part 01' llll.‘ Conductors; lowurds travellers ‘1 Ilia change for [he holler is, no doubt. Nue m n grenl llh".l>ll|‘e to Mr Glam: Hupcriuril)‘, over hi~ predecessors‘us Super- mlendunt. Yet, while we arP quite will- FALL FAIR AT UNIONVILLE The Elociorinl Division of1he East Riding of York', held their Fall Fair allhc abovv place. There was a Very la ge slack of Horses, Callie, Sheep, &c., Shawn. Ther was a large concourse of 1100an was a large cuncourse of people present. The fair was, indeed a decided SUCUOSS. We will give a lis! of the premiums awarded in our next. superlurily, over hi~ l-I‘Hlecessors‘ s Sulwr- mwndunt. Yet, while we arél quite will- ug [0 give crvdil when: it is «Inc, we can- nol permit L'Xlaliug iuults to pass unnoticud. in order Ihul lile public may be anVcd from 11H: mtu pally annoy-macs to which lln-y are ~u‘UJccled by such pelsuus us lLul Clldl‘_C 01' me lxckut olfice all Hi: L'Jxlnln Lyon smut)“ About HM: phce there were a class ul~ cuduvmous looking, aha'nglmis â€" who, [or n“ We knowmn ' buonly nan-“em lluL H» \v um'blc In 3.1) whu Iln: amnuu mqu compel/yd lo put up nun lllc luaulruce u l0 ah a Uliklll UH ,mvi, mu m innLla-quuh: u recomponst'. l'nmlicitrd I make the ulmvu Malumenl as :1 \imple act a." jchlice 10 Cal. (,‘rnok- >lmni‘. Wham: rhmuch'r lms bueu unwar- Iznluhl} . (In give it Ilne mildusl epiihm) :uiuilvd in lllx‘ public prinl‘, lr‘ul'hing lht- lule \\'m. Shck’s blah). willmul a>hmlvw of l'uumlulion Illurel‘or. By QH'ng lhe aboha an inscrlion )nn .| nullx'oml 5110b, it 'l‘ha 11-h-gmph 1" us that (he CI')>1.|| totally thrxll'uyetl I) [Inc culmhil)‘ lhv b alilulc was being which adds g: cull} n,â€"wuo look a phrmuru HI 31 .\ ROCHE'I‘TI's 5155‘ -~ ulmuul The duauuclinn 0| lllc ( I'yalul l‘u‘a-e with il>| onlruh,yslcrd.1)’, was complrw .‘0 I'nI-idl) t‘ld llw l‘lauws spread. llml in l-‘sa than lwrnl) fixu lllllullc> l'rnm Hu- cmnumurcuwnl nl [he fire. lhu inmmw dome lul one llee all u I'lll Is ['UXni was ha! “We plopcnly In; H : \uh‘gn’cll [0 Col. ( so, ullch exhl'exavd his each, were (lvslrnyed TRICKS trill: dun" One On Thursday lad, J convicted of being ncces robbing of the Bank of I illnn, was sentenced by garty to two years” imp l’lnvincial Pe ‘itrnliary, tum, wm‘ IIH'KI li among Ilium: “us Lnouku'J down and |~0ne We :61" (‘ and 4 inhale» on (txl llrnlze, iAlI Hnec file I‘ll? H confer 21 (am: JUuL ul ll @urrrnpunhturr. L‘l [7 “Halon \u‘ lu lllc llt d Hm H 1.: DUI“ )uuccs l'hu fin: Gluimlud in ILul 1| i0u~1y Lhc lru JI Iul returning humc HOI‘ I:\'C|I.S Uh III as nu doubt lhu work 0| an Ince There were in [he budding a: l mlnc ‘l 000 l'l‘lbolls‘ principally n and childn-n. '1 he consternuli he Ed.lur ul‘lhe B‘ilish Tnbune. The lullowm; i3 lllr ‘slimal Mill sum» N [C \\‘ int value these lu-k shell drpul. \\ e carrlu Communicated. 'l'llb UKULND I'esguomible ON TV» Ill 21.1: 1mm for Several year: vlnmcdly alulud to Ille.lluu puny Inc was possessed 0i, [0 Col. Cumkzuuuk. Uc u'exm d hix rtumu he for lhr 7‘ Noll: eququ llL'h M. DUKE-53 \V lHCH CAUSE anti .nly iLinall H83 and lramplfl iously injurrd ourx 5&0 a“ “ASHINGTON. MAZU_\ BURN ‘ ill [rum New York inl‘urum \l L’aluce there has [mm by fire. Al [he lnuu o YUR 1n: m5 i3 lhv drslmlch NEW YORK. U01. 6 I) very Iryin Sl'u ul lhc lime .hr, \v ll“ \ l) 0H Iu [wall [mu as he hook and ladder L lmlf duzun article-s LXYELLERS fire. Al [he lnuu u 1‘ ul‘ llu: Amcl'n an In- chl In the buildmg fearful utcuccs (n buI onus self rc Lllc I, John Moukhouw ccesmry to his son‘ of Montreal in Ham by Mr. Justice Ha 11’”. lcnl lu }()1l.\' PAUL , 1838. Junging [0 (hr oily $2,000 lo $3,000 ably he u' l1 hum] 0| llm mm L [he rxu-nt 0“ “It Ille- cnst $800 000 . - was (0 [I ave“: out [he kuu. ImHinu harm; Inuc ‘isonment in the tudl with hard labour. ani by ll!“ng Ilium 5m” lhcn: 0n ul lull unsluadm \\'hu rk ol an Incen .nul rxc only 1! YS'I‘AI 0 Cl} 1) Lhu szMBII Ill u‘n'ner 0L Crnuk ol’ullc I‘ll] of lh flhllly III 'l‘l up‘on, bu as >|lu.| tlolh l‘hu million lll'cu lul Me a A\D lmu new ML “ll lllt The proceeding d [he elcclinn of :1 per: “ml: Dnvi~ion in Ihe Ware of an intercslil LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ELECTION ! MAJOR! The proceedings during the polling for he «Ioclion of :1 person to represent the ank D1vi~i0n in Ihe Lt-gislnlive Council, "re 01' an interesting character, as showâ€" 1n; the high opinion entertained by (he I-lcclors of .\Ir. Allan's character and l'Ox'nion. Nolwilhsianding the ruman which had been circulaled of the resigna- W" of Mr- Rmnuin. his supporters went up lo lhe polls on the second morning and “I‘ 10 “"3 polls on [he seuou-l morning anu rtcorlhzd their votes, and it may reason- .Ith be inferred that, barnre fire o‘clock every pt-rson who Ind determined to vote I'm- him and brave the scorn of the lmnest portion oflhe communily. had done 50- l‘ln- polling of Mr. Allan‘s snpportvrs was CDuliIIuL’d only as a sm-ofl‘ lo llm! of lhe olypmile fiidc; but In oxn-rlions l‘nrl‘ifi than Ilui.~ were made to poll xhc 1m su-rngth of his nnrty. 4 'l‘lu'nuarhout the two days nothing or a disnrdrrly character “‘35 reported :u have o-vurred, with the ('Xce,nli0n an act cmnmilled on Queen Street. which must perhaps‘ be uttfibuxed as much to (h:- inâ€" “ wnue ok‘ Whiskey as to the damn; and. Luv/L's; :1: unlztc‘v ~ ' [21-th ia: .\lr lionuin‘s intvrest LIBERA'I‘ION OF A SLAVE AT (IHA'I‘UJUL l \Vr‘ h The New \" Auwrivnn paw-rs mmJainiug ul' .ul vim nt m [he Ulmllmm papers u would aim-0.:- Ilull this is a fiction. and Ilml (in: boy has wmc rlmugh [0 [up plvusvd will: lusn-lm'u- mun I‘llllll Ilu: Inmilinn ol'n (hullr-l In llmt al :1 human bring, Al'wr Ibis slriking rc- ‘u lkl" gum [n .~|a\'n'-lmln|ing in-olvnma. we mink mun: tilm- “ill elapw’ belln'r. any ~rIllthm gunllelnun main vvn‘nrvs l4) mz'ng' In» 3|.H‘Iw inlo ( mmdu. '1 New Yurk [Inn/(l sup- ‘- \\'c [luv 9 con- gralulnlc [be (hunnlinm on bring squir- m-ll from lhe Snulhrrnrrs by n c~u'dnn nl‘ ‘reo Stuh‘x‘. \\'c-;'u- they nut thus l'mlu- m'lr NUM’I'IL Hm cnmluct of lhe Chat- \Ya-yle‘l‘n wmx not re I:|\ onlv lo I ("HIM II is said “ml hwe e~cayrd l'nom SH‘L-nh'vn llnmnn.’ "Imps have been <enl to India since Jun. lam. Peaches are 51-!“ Grand Ramada, Mush The NJ the H Norliu-nwrs. or ho ) Camilla WM! hoslile i“ fimf u\ quilv pr Cont Cuba R United .‘l l' Ill The dcullxsh'nul yvllow ruler \hring hr past mvck at Cindi-xiv“ luolup; Ilh 1-0 A cannon, caplumd :11 Cannon arias, rercmg lllc 1‘211i>ian.~. n) Anne: .\1 urwiu .n'e Uclllnmulic umjurlllt A project is on fool to lay :mud ‘clrgrupll l0 Cu'ZI'O'niu The munlmr of Imrws Hnurrd for [he liugli-‘IJ show wrre 30']. Counlm‘i'e M out I val. Only nine 01‘ MM 510“ ( ‘1 her» aw llfi ll‘Oll 31". Clm l'here amâ€" H“. locnllmliVC he Emperor of Rusx'ia has emancipa he 207,000 serfs belonging In lh anal domain. uml. )II’IIAXT RETURN OF MR. ALLAN ! ! 331mg BHIM. lln-nugh ( ' lewm' mhu hilamls’ i‘i' OVER R0313“ [384. IBI'ICHH ul Slates qu Ill‘fl bidder ")0 ,000 lw u'l ewuer “015 have already 3362!} made in - laying a sue-marine cable to the me e (Iunmlmm‘ 0n bring ss-pnr- Ie Snulhrrnrrs by n cardnn nl‘ \\'t-;'u- they not thus l'mlu- 'ud, lhe conduct of lhe Chat- mi;m lnn- iuvulvml Ilium in M-v." The IIH‘a/(l is Imper- teuher [hp Srmxherm-rs, 01‘ new. or both comhined. cmne villi Inmlile lll‘flglli, and lllvy |rles Snulh of Friday, caught nl‘lies of c' ‘>ioux cny I $54 bill\ on Hit: me in (‘ch'illinn It urlevn [w ed with mu Yen-k Him/«l unl other 5 of liw mule tthnfll‘P .m " nulruge” III'Ipl'll'Mud aLn by 2‘ mnnlernl‘ the anus of (Ilmllmm . (7. \"., |uvnllvmzmâ€"u Mr. \V. 5'. LnuiYâ€"u'lm u’zh h‘d- ('anzula by llw (heal wm‘. “Ir. [\la-rwin. i! 4.6 when: m the Jl Hive " I‘ufi‘alf‘.“ on (In ad reevnlly Ian 11 miles ir 1 the fuc' Illa British snil In £450,000 :1 >l-Hin 390 Alon-mun luh. m‘d 30 Ic r from wagons ‘ at from $110 1 1| l'au‘. der “H” In a on “In m \ ernmn a for (iormum‘ [\la-rwin. llml a ~la 3d, [0 ll‘ an under hven dis- [thnn il)‘ Bunk \VOllll'n will ny- [he Ilu: ties ,l l) equa

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