Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 22 Oct 1858, p. 3

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ARRIVAL OF THE CANADIAN MINISTERS IN ENGLAND: THEIR. BUSINESS THERE. From the Canadian News. Sept. 29. The Hon. G. E. Cartier, Prime Min- iste ' ofCanada; the Hon. John Ross, Mgsident of the Council; and the Hon. _ A. T. Gait, Inspector-General, arrived at ’ Liverpool in the Africa on Sunday last. The stay of these gentlemen in England, ' is limited to about six weeks, durinnr which period they will discuss With the R Home Government the question oftlru g” fetleral union of the British North Ameri- , can Provinces and the " inter-colonial : railway,” by means of which one continu- , ous line of railway, some 1.300 miles in “~ length, would run from Halifax to the ex- l'i- treme west of Upper Canada. It is un- ‘. dcrstood that M cssrs. Cartier, Ross and ,‘Galt intend also to lay Iii-fore Sir Hulwu‘ T’ Lytton a scheme they hate matured, lry i which the railway can be extended frotn ‘ the present western confines of Canada. 1 through British territory, to Columbia. *1 l, 'The more this subject is considered the “ re. its necessity becomes apparent I he intelligence received by the mail of lit: Week indicates that the British Col- iul'nhian gold regions equal, if they do not .bxceed, in importance and value, those of ‘ Ausffalia and California. The treaty, ‘sarwith China, which Lord Elgin has ust so happily completed, opens a field for commerce and personal intercourse so gigantic tliat Great Britain must at once ' take the requisite steps tor giving the best and most convenient access to that im- "Itnense empire, otherwise we shall be de- lipendent it our commerce, as we Were in Etlte first intelligence received of the itrcaty, to such communication as Russia may choose to give us. ‘ This line ofrailway would al.o settle ithe question of postal comuriinica'ion with :Australia‘antthc whole of the Wt'sl side of the American contini-nt, boll) land south. By the “ overland” :route, Victoria in London could hold per- lsorial or postal intercourse with her Vic- no. til lltHV iIOI‘lfl of Vancouver in fifteen days, and ,wrth her Victoria at [long Liong or ol [Australia in some seven-and-twenfy. ‘ In connection with the deielopment of :British America, We allude. for the sole ‘pury ' ol'giviiig it authoritative contra- idic ' , to a report prevailing for the last )few days that Sir Bulwer Lyttou pur- lpOses paying an immediate visit to British Columbia. Even ifthe Right Hon. Bar .,onet ever seriously entertained such an inâ€" iftention, it would be simply impassiblc to RESULT OF THE POST MORTEM EXAM- INATION. Since the above was written, we irave learned the result of the post nwrtem ex- amination. It has devel0ped an extraor- dinary lact, and one which raises the grave suspicion tlrat the (106611st was murdered. It appears that the ball entered about four inches from the travel, and about an inch and a-lrall to the left ol‘the mediate line, perlorated the anterior and posterior coats ol the stomach, and lodged it] the pesterior lobe of tile lett lung. I W0 openings were found in the lunar, and hence it is supposed there were two balls. But one only was mood, and this does Ilatfil the piste/found under the (lrccttsctl, or the bullet mould fomul i/t his posscs.x'7‘o;z.â€"Colonist of Monday. ' "20 i015 Emilia. One lirirr iil New York, employs 780 rls in the irranulacture of crinolinc. 3r More than one hundred miles of rail~ road will he completed in Terra. in 1833. Brigham Young is wortll $3,000,000 besidcs controllmg the church piolrclty. Ilr Sweden. a min who is soon four times drunk is deprived of a vote at elecâ€" lions. Tlie Howard Association '5 New ()r- leans Warti the unacclirnated against going to that city. The men and officers of the U. S. In- dian army are doing a brisk business in buying up sqiraWs. G. P. R. James has sailed for Venice, where ire is to hold the pOsition of British Ambassador. A new company has been formed for purchasng the Great Eastern, and runâ€" iriilg her to America. The President has appomtcd Dr. James McDowell, of Missouri, Consul General to Corl~lutitilroplin A “ matrimonial broker” iri New York t has recently retired from business with a lratltlsoine fortune. The jail at Freehold, N. J., was forced on till: tllélll of the 9th inst., by the prisoners, all of whom escaped. Carl Mozart, a son of the great com- poser, and a man of consider-Lie ability, is living irr poverty, at Milan. In Mexico, everybody is supposed to be an ex-l’reslilent who wears a shirt and keeps his hands washed. clean Twenty-five of the Maine editors irate started on a tour to the Arotistock couri- try, to examine its capabilities. James Thorp, a colored teainster, of Newai‘K. N. .l., has had $75,000 left him by a gentleman of North Carolina. Mrs. Cunningha'n. now snljoilrliinor itr Upsliur C0.. \in, is 100 yea's old. Slit: carry it into effect as long as ire holds the lsrals ot oflice as Colonial Minister. T It is Understood that. during the present EVISit of the Hon. A. ’L‘. Gait to Linéland, lhe will mature the plan (sanctioned by itlre act passed in the last session of the ‘ -Canadian Parliament) for the conversion of the present floating and debenture debt of the Province into “ Canadian Consois.” which are to bear interest at the rate (f 41, per cent. per aimuln for 32 years alter t issue, with [\OWH‘ to the Government to pay them all at par afterwards on twrlve months7 notice. The model of the Lingâ€" élisb “ Consol‘s Act" has been strictly lol- 1 lowed in framing the Cat atlian Act. l ..J-s MYSTERIOUS AFFAI it : A MAN ‘ k‘UUND bllUi. On Sunna morning, about hall-past two o’clock, the body or a man was round in the ulcllutly leading into Lentiox s Lane, on the east side ol Church slrt‘ct, below King street. '1 he deceased was lying on his back, anti his legs protruded on to the ioclpaih about two feet. On cx'dtllltlulidti } Lt appeared that his death had bt-en caused it ' a pistol shot. / hrum inquiries which we have made, it appears that the deceased was a :li'tlll;el' in the city. He arrived ilere on Monday or Tuesday last, and ind boa. iled iii the lilll‘illllllllt.‘ at the 'L'elnperaiu-e Hotel Util- borue street, krpt by a pursoii ol'tlle name of Howe. On his person was found a let- ter, addressed to some person lli Ring, which indicated who in: was and what his business was in this city. '1 his letter was signed " J. Cunningham,” and this ttIIltIt.‘ was lound marked on some ol Ilistlirt-tr, and , partly written in llt‘llcll on a box or clolllcs which le brought along with him. it “as datcdtfule l‘lttr instant, and had bet-u \'.|' t- leir at Palirsiille, Ouio. It announced the writer’s intention to have that flow: lot 'I oronto rnseurch oi t’lllplgytllcill, and re- qtirsled the person to whom it was ail- dressed to stud lrirtr letters to ind-initials whom that person knew in the city, in the hope that they might aid him in the oth-ct he had iii view. To all appearance, he had been employed in the dry goods Unsiâ€" tress. How the unfortunate man came to be shot is at present a mystery. Cirrunr stances would lead to the inference that it occurred accidentally, but he may have committed suicide, or he may have been murdered. When the body was found the deceased had on two coats. and the outer one was buttoned, if not the two. ,The shot had passed through neither at these, nor the vest, but there was the mark of it on the under clothing. Under the body there was a pistolâ€"one of the kind w ' does not require to be coeked. but 'chargc by the simple use of the t a erâ€"and in his pockets 3 number of bullets, a bullet mould, a box of caps and ramrod. These Were all of the size to fit e pistol, and no doubt belonged to it. $111853 there has been foul play, of which we have not yet. heard there is any evi- dence, these facts would seem to lead to the conclusion that the deceased was ac- cidentally shot by himself in an endeavour to remove the pistol without unbuttouing his coat. II he committed suicide, he cer- tainly did it in a irrost awkward fashion; and if he was murdared, the murderer dis- played a vast dear ofcnrming and an ex- traordinary degree of boldtress in order to remove suspicion. The above facts being,r reported to Dr. HaIIOWell, Coroner, that gentleman at once summoned a jury to inquire into the matter. No evidence was, however, reâ€" ceived, it being deemed advisable that a pasrflortem examinatior should first take place-i Dr. Small was deputed to dis- charge tllis duty, and the inquest was ac- cordingly adjourned until to-day. has 39 descendeirls of the fourth genera- tion. Lord Elgin has gone. on a mission to Japan, to induce the Japanese to enter into a treaty of Commerce with England From the retirns of the census of'l‘ex- as, now nearly completed. it is :l~certained that is population will not. fall short 01 450,000. 'It is a remarkable fact that tile Cleve- land llial'ltt’L is sending grapes to (.lthlth iiati, liltf crop at the latter point lidVlnot proved a failure. Two Chicago ladies Went to a ball the other evening, in a luriritiire \\'tlét1ll‘â€"IIO ordinary Cilillil‘él: coin-.1 Cuttidla the ilrits‘scs they wore. All Switzerland is in a state of insur- rection against the railroad IOI'L1\, wirese political power- is rapuliy extending over the whole ciliriintrut. A great lire occurred at chmol, Island of 11a) ti, on 13th Aug. '1 he CUIIIlilt'I‘t'ltli pull or the city is in rums. Loss. a lion and a quarter. Hill- An :lcreof vines iii California yields from 800 to 1.030 gallons of wine. In Ohio and Luroye only about 400. The burstin; of a C.ttll_|llr‘.'ll’ l‘tzll|) caused tile destruction of $10,000 worth oi property at .lIiIivaukce, last week. Dcrtnott Dempsey, of Macon, Gm. who died on Sunday wet-k. \vills $7) 00'.) to his relatives and till-93,000 to lllt‘ Catholic Chit-ch. Ail Itllian woman, who owns three bonus and lots in Chicago, has been ar- .es-.ed tor begging. 'l be business of ll0r~st:â€"stcalirr;3r is Said to lie viny brisk, In Kansas, during the pre- sent stittstltr. A feminine impostcr, who passes for fill-s. II. P». F. towr, is rcceiiing much atâ€" \t‘lillUll in Europe. A chimney, 235 fer-t in height, is in process oi construction at the Navy Yald. Cilatlestoun, Mass. - rof. Morse has been decorated by the Emperor ol France, with the insiu'iria 01 . . D lilc Legion of Honor. There are now issued from the Louis- ville, (1\y.,) press five dailies, nine week~ lies, and three moultlltes. The Airrerican stable is looking tip in England Prioress has won the great York- shire handicap race at Doncaster. 'l'lie Leavenworth City Herald says the. newly discovered gold region is about as Luge as the State of Missouri. \Vild turkeys are reported to be more plenty than usual, at the west. This will be good neWs for the sportsmen. About 75 of the Sioux Indians intend to adopt the dress of their pale-faced brcthei'tl, and pursue an agricultural life. It Is reported that Louis Napoleon is negotiating lor the mammoth Leviathan The Company ask $3,000,000 for her. The lillle mountain Republic of San Murillo, tlr Italy, has awarded a tnl-dal to Miss Mitchell, the astronomer of Nan. tucket. Peaches have. been raised in great abundance in Southern New Hampshire ; this is an exception to the general exper- ience. An eflort is making in Arkansas to in- duce the Legislature to compel the whole colored population to leave the State. A beautiful cave in the mountains at the north, near Patterson. N. J., was ex- plored last week to the distance of 250 feet. DEMONSTRATION IN HONOUR OF 5111 w. F. WILLIAMS OF KARS. An Address will be presented to-day at two o'eloek (not one, as formerly announ‘ ced) bytire Mayor and Corporation, to General V‘iiiliauls, of Kai's. The pre- sentation will take place at the City Hall. after which. it is understood, another ad- dress will be presented by the Oliicers of the Active Militia Force of Toronto. His Excellency the Governor General will honour the occasion with his presence. [he body of the hall Will be I‘t'scl‘vml for the Corporation, the mernbt-ls ol the Dzjeimrr Committee, ORICr't's oftirc lieâ€" gular Militia Force. and Hit“ ladies otthpir families. The gallery and spare without the bar will be oven to the |.lllll|C. Alter the adtlres:cs are pt't'st'trlctl, a drjcuucr will take place at Lllt' St. Law- leirre llail. Covers will be laid for two iliindred.â€"~G/obc. TORONTO MALi 1&1‘.‘ IS. Uctobt-l L30. \lircarâ€" The market was Ittllllfl brrsl. 1041.1), itlld itilcs lt‘lllttltl uirvaitrd. attlaaic llo'lltl: ot the days sure was 3s .50 u Us d-tl prr littslirlâ€"atiil quotation .Js a Us. changed hands. bpt'tlts \\ tlc‘at sold at Is btl 21 ~11 b'd per bushel. L‘lour is depressed and quotable at on a :15-1- 50 per ml Iov supertrne; til.) tor raircy; :p‘.) 2.) tor Lima and :po' tor double thia. L’arlcy 4': 0d a Is 9d per bushel. Uats 1s 105d a 2s per bushel. L’otatoes 15s a 2s 0d per bushel. Mutter 1s a Is 1d per ll). Beet sells at till a $1 50per 1000 lbs. L’Utk pcl‘ 100 10s. Apples “cit: pit-rrtiiul at 50 a $3 per Lirl. Ilit' 11M: lillta’L‘ Ol but“: I,ubU unsiltls % Special Notices. INFLAMATION OF THE EYES. Like all other inflarnniion. is caused by iln» purity of the blood, which causes all erlipllve diseases. as Suit, Rttetriir, Scurvy. tloils, Soii's, Ulcers', (kc. ' 'lre blood bei lg irirlrealthy, and of an irrrpuio nature. also occasrous Dropsies. The blood becoming obstructed iii the veins. tire \vrilory part or the blood in consequence is thrown out from their extremities, and diopsv is the result. Many times it rs occasioned bi improper treatirrout of some further disease. and the vessels being filled by serious liurrrors in» stead ot blood. Free evacuations bl these pills. open the passage 1IllOLllBl‘lJtdt1rl' and carry ull‘tlte corrupted lriirrrors, and renew thorn with pure and healthy blood, which wrll drive out of the body all inlinliirrialioir. together wltil eruptions ol the skill. and all dropslcal corrl- plaiuis. They \\‘lli be aslrield to every form of disease to guard and keep you from fire cold grasping hand of death, and cause lite and strength to remain. and tho countenance to brighten With the bloom of beauty atrd health. Dr. Morse’s Indian Roo Pills are sold by all dealers in Medlcrnes. LIFE Pills and l’hirorriv Bitters. For Dysâ€" pepsia. bii.oits fever. and as a plevolrtive Olivltl' I l'ectiotls disorders. these rerrrctlics are famous all the woild ovor. For the iirarirror and the emigrant who seeks his lo 'tuuc il urler the vir- Igin soil of the great “’ust, or the hardy miller. delving in the rivers of California. they are equally necessary and remedial. Sold b\ the proprietor. \V. MOFFAT, 335. firoailwav. and his Agents. i memorizasgm: HALF-WAY HUUSE, RICHMOND HILL. ’J‘HL‘) Subscriber begs to inform lli~ numerous Patrons and the pilblir, that lie has removed from the \\ Irrit- Swan Hotel tr the above Promise» whore them: will be found excellent ur- t:(lll‘ltll0ll.ill0ll for 'l'rnvcllvrs, and good Stairltilg. (3:? llorsrs and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH (I‘AIIY, I Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1858. 72 7m Stray Heifer. CAME into the prelniSes of the Sub- scriber, Lot 30, 2nd Concession oi .‘il:ll‘l{llilll],flllOUl the 22nd of June lflsl, A 111L11‘1‘JILQ years old. The (lWllL’l can have the same by proving pi'opcrli and paying expenses. ' b'. COEGROVE. 7‘23 Out. {’0 ~~, 18.38. Uangsn tVEL) IRE D‘IT SALE 1 l ‘IlIC Sullscriberllas received iiistrtlcâ€" lions lrorn Air. War. DUItuSE, to Dull by Public Auction, On Tuesday, October 26. On lot No. 27, 2nd concession of Mark ham, 1!; miles from the ngin Mills. all the llilllt'l‘lTIL‘llIlntit'lI FARM STOCK rind 1.\11’LI£.\11£N 16 consisting of :â€" i Span Team Horses, 4« ye bm Hood 1 Span Team Horses, aged 1 llay Ilore, 4« years old I I'Vrlly. rising 3 years old ‘2 Milcll Cons I Heller, 2 years old, by Mr. lrnportt-d Bull 1 13iil|,'.3 years old ars old by R0- . .. Je illing s .2 Well-bred Rams 3 Sets of Double Harness 1 Set 01‘ Single d0 1 Lumber \\‘ri;2(lll,\\/OOI1(‘H axle I Market do patent :lruis‘ l Lumber ilo old I Light do 1 Iron Plough £5000 '1‘0 INVEST. NOTICE TO FARMERS. T‘HE UHdUrSlguell is authorized to 1 select FARM MORTGAGES, to the above amount on eligibly located propcilics, within the Counties lurk, Ontario and Peel. The rate ol interest required is moderate, and the money will liclent for three years. A pit-herence given to rcspcrlable Farmers who \\Ill make prompt payment 01 interest and principal as they rispcctitt‘ly lrtcolne due. Apply to Ii. N. (iUt’lf'II, Briocnzzzl. (Rear of new “ Loader” i..d Toronto, Oct. 2‘3, 1858. 713-4- FARM FOR SALE ! tONTAlNlNG ONE HUNDRED AND (J Tuitilv Acres of good land, being part of Lot 'l‘o Ill, 4th Cull. \"atrglian. For )ar'ticulars, a lpiy to l l Dn. REID, Thorirliill. December 34. 1357 till-Ll l.\li‘l’.()VI-J YOUR UNDERSTANDINGS Undorsigued still continues to Mniiu~ i’ICllll'I‘ all kind.- of 30‘ HS ANI‘ SIIOES at his listnblislriilolrl in Casllel, il|‘\l o the Post Olin-v, where he lumps constantly on hand or \\‘tll til-Alto to order all kinds ot trill:r 3 Frotrh 1'louglrs l Rowing Plough 3 lyilll‘ 0| llarrows 1 Pair (ll Bill bitulls 1 Market Sleigh ‘ l Sinaile do 2 \\vl‘ltltl (It) '3 Cutters 1 Roller 4 Neck Yokes 1 Horse. Rake 1 Large Hand Riki). ‘3 Fanning .\1ills 1 Cooking Stove ‘2 Grain Cradles 4‘ Sets of D rll‘i'etrees Rasz a'ltl Forks ALSO, A QUANTITY OF GOOD POTATO ES And several other Articles not enumerated The whole of the above will be Sold \\VlllIOlll. Any Reserve, as Mr. Durose is declining Agricultural pursuits. 'l‘liliMS: $3, anti under, Cash; ovir lll'll amount 12 Months' Credit will be given by furnishing approved jotnl. notes. Sale at Ten O'clock, a. m.. Precise/y. J. GORNILL‘Y , Auctioneer. Victoria Square, Oct. 16, 1858. Latlicsdt Gctrtlrritiir’lloots 8. Shoes Of the latest shiesi hlltl silpi-rior workmanship. The subscriber flutters himself that his wt ll- known experience as a practical mechanic. together With his best (‘ttltlt‘thIl‘s to supply the public. With a good Article. at as cheap a rate as possible. wrll induce them to continue that share of patronage so irberaily extended to him Ireiotol‘oie. All work warranted faction, repaired gratis. and not giving satis- Iliiles and Skins taken in exchange for Boots and Shoes; the highest cash price given. N. B. A good Bootinakor wanted, none but a man ofsteatly habits need apply. SAMUEL JENNINGS. Caslrol, Oct. 1-1 1358. 71-4 EXTENSIVE SALE OF Elllllll, llll'l‘l‘llllllll, HOUSEIIOLD FURNITURE, No. Arc. arc. The property of i\lr..lOllN LINFOOT. at Mil. IDS.PH GABY’S HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND IIlLL. On Saturday, October 23; AT TEN o’CLocK, A.M. [IT For particulars see bills. J. GORMLEY, Auctioneer. Richmond Ilill, Oct. 14. 1953. 71-2 RICHMOND HILL llllllll' lllllllll II. & R. HALL, Proprietors. Richmond lltll, Sept. 2“. 1858. 70 If F 0 UNI), POCKET HOOK. containing some I papers. Tm: ()wner can have it by protiirg plope. y and paying expenses. April; to \\ ILLIAM DUNCAN. ititlirrrorid llili Oct. 7, 18.78. ’i:l»3 sufferer] I r '8981 lI18 '100 ‘mH puoutqogfl trip} 01 pnpuoixo 51111.10qu 0s uooq seq stilorf iqfi'io 1st; out my IIOILIM ‘OLBUOJIUCI wilt yo ooucuuyiuoo u sust’. AHUJIDJHSJJ 9H Of)qu SI aq 18L“ 631111011111? 013.008 ii iii 31001322 Whimsy was It? SILL HVJ AH a: E. was "J: =2 lâ€" - mis w r“ «i Q ‘3 E w Letters lietirniriingiu RICHMOND lll|.L Post Other. OCTOBER lsl, ISJS Murphy. ifl'i't'ml‘ Mulllil, Mit-linol Motorill', Roller [- Mapes. \Villmm McMornti. George t\lr-t\'rlll. Hector Mt'Clrco Jolrn McIlr-ltlrr. Thomas hit-(..‘lillurrr. 1). NeultH't', Vi'illinm O’Connor. Mil-haul Pltnlt‘l', Miss Man [2] l’nislt‘)‘. Alls‘ ,l, _ l'iiiil). ll. W. lit-iil,1. .riboilr liollinsnir. \Villiztm Siockill, Itolicrt 'l'lioiirpsoii, .'.tiuuol Trtini‘n, ‘vllllittll jittliot’ 'I‘lioirrpsori, David T lt‘lii‘l‘. Mark V’lllt‘Idl‘ltllrLrll, Peter Laianiatf. \I:sr. .IUIIII \\'il|r:iirrs, Jacob G. Lauii‘cr, .lolrlr ‘Vltfllll. Airros Laligstatl', Joirnjnninr While, Henry t7tl M. TICI'IF'Y. Postrirmtor. Atkinson. David Baker. George Belt. Thomas Baker, J roll IItO'rli‘. Noah lloyrlton. (rcorL'e Hrrliii'gci', Georg) llmtioir, M. J Bridgetown. \Viillarri Baillie. \\ rllirurr ('nlllur, Joseph f‘ln’k. .‘lr‘lllldlt I).’l\‘ltiSI‘ll. Agnes Ulllll, (intrigl‘ Durham. liil‘llilld Dct‘giur, .l. 1‘. Fought. .lillrll (irirliuiir. A. (lilr'lr:ist. Jullll llnrii-llil, II. t“ J. .lnlt-lsttrvm. .V-I M. Klinck. William I‘ll List of Letters 1 ICMAINING iii the TIIORNHILL, P.O. 151 October 1858. Arnold, Sarah Armstrong. James Arnold. Robert Iii-lily .loliil Illork, Joliir Crawtortl, Mr. Cameron, James Cilirlirri-r. Joshua Dealt. Matthew Donaldson. James Flynn, Daniel Green, James R, llortr Henry lltiHCOCk. Samuel Hencn. John Jackson, Edward Latter. Richard Louglitnnu. Margaret Marsh. Robert Miller. (,‘niheiiua Mollov. Thomas Murreil. John Marshall. Elisha McManii, Jolltr 1\li'(,'otrelly. Mr, All-Farlatld. Michael McGee. “'rrl. Rorvley. Hugh Redpntll. Robert Sanderson. William Smith. Jolrli Sliepliardsou, Tlios. Johnson. Daniel Thompson. Mary Ann Jackson, John Tharp tk Tindie Knaggs. George [3] \Vriliams', George Lotmor. Richard THOS .COOI’ER. pro RM NOTICE. \YOI‘ICE is hereby given that all persons i indebted to the Estate of the late HUGH ROBINSON. Lot :13, 4th Con. of Markham. are requested to pay the same forthwith. And hil persons having any claims on the said cstnie are requested to bring them in that they may be legally attested alrd SELIIEd. JOHN MACEY, .lOIIN PAlNE, Markham. Oct. 7. 1858. g Ezccutors. 70-4 FOR SALE, FIFTY ACRES OF LAND, ‘~ ()1? i; tlli LESS, being the north half of l. t No. 29, ill the rear of tlie Silt Coir. Ui' I\llfllll. There are about 48 acles cleurt-tl; also, a Good Home and Orchard. For particulars apply to ALEXANDER MUSTARD. Oil tho Premises. 69-51) ...:r Markham, Sepl.2f), 1858 T. d. W H E E LE Ra WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, &o. RICHMOND HILL. 0m. 1, loss. oil-1y N O TIC E . LL PARTIES wuoso act-mints \vi-re duo [ to tho Uirdel'stgnod before the 1st or January. 16.38, or notes taken lot' the saint), an. requested to call and sulllri lllt‘tll by the 1st 01 Ot-trllel', without any further notice. 1’. CROSBY. Rii-limond H 01.50111. 1, IRSB. 65-4 For Sale, HOUSE AND LO 1‘, situated A in the Village of Rithrnond 11m Tums Eisv. For particulars apply to W. HARRISON, Saddler. Richmond Hill. July 93, l859. 594i GREEN BUSH HOTEL, MILFS NORTH 01" TORONTO 0N1HE Ylleli‘. STREET ROAD. l Illli Pinprietor b gs to inform the public that he has putcliasetl tile, above Hotel, and has recently refitted and fur'rislreil it throughout iii a corrrfortable style. The liar will be continually supplied with good Liquors and (Irgais. Goon STABth attached to i‘ie plenlis‘l'S. Wltll carclui llostlers to at- tend to travellers wants. THOMAS STEELE. Proprietor. (forrrrerly ot' the Bond Lake Hotel ) Sept. 99, [8.38. Gil-ly The Globe Newspaper. 1858â€"50. V ‘IIE succos which has attended the publi- l cation of the (z‘Lonc NcivsrAPt-zn since its establishment in 1844, is the be>t certificate of its merits as a public journal, in the esliirratioil ot‘ the cortltriunity. No labor has; been rparnd and lalge outlay has from time to time, been tirade to render it a comprehensive and reliable Commercial, Political & Family Journal The gratifying result is that it possesses by far the widest Circulation and the greatest ad vertisiilg patronage in British America. 'l‘liocfl'rrts winch have been made i: past years to keep pace with the progress of JULII'II- alrsrrr iiI otuercountries, will be rt'tlouirletl iii the future. The Editorial Corp. has boon strengthenedâ€"tho stall'tlf Reporters ctilalgedâ€" and coutilbutions of tll‘ll)8.clls Correspondents", at home and abroad, Will give new interests to its columns. The Etrin ii and Eoreiglr News is received at the earliest possible moment by Telegraph and Express. '1 he proceedings (if Public Meetings, ol the Law Courts and Muuis cipal Councils are accurately reported hvsteiro- graphic writers, and no expense is spared in sending corps of Reporters to any part of the country. and transmitting their Reports by 'I'cicgt'apli for publication the follonirrg 11101.1]: lug. 'l'iw Dvliulvr ut‘ the House of nsserrrnlv, at each day, are fully and necuratclv reported in tho DAILY LUI‘ l'lON of the following morning, and on etullv condensed for the W ELKLY paper. All matters of Trade, Corn- lrlorce atril Navigationâ€"tire proceedings of the several Boards- of 'l'rridoâ€"tlre arirval nl vessels at Quobi'c and inland portsâ€"alld every other subject of interest to mercantile men is. \ivaichcd with Special care, and faithfully chronicled nrld corrrlrrentotl on, '1 lie Markets and Prices Cur- r'niiiol' Great Britain, the United States. and at home. receive special notice. The Agri'ul- tural Interests cotrttriatltl trial. earliest. attention in which tlreirirnpolia-lce entitles them. The Globe will continue to advocate : The Adoption of Population. without regard to Locality. as the Basis of Parliamentary Representation. ' The Entire Separation of (‘l‘tui'ch and Stateâ€" the Abolition of all Appropriations of Pub- lie Money for Social-ion Purposes; tire ltostraiilt of Ecclesiastical and other Corporations from Locking-up Laurl ili Moitrrrniil, oxespt for use and occupation. Nation: | Educationâ€"Carrilnoir School, Glfltll’ tilar School and Collegiateâ€"Free front Secizir'iuuisllr, and open to all oil equ'il terms, Economy in the Public Expenditure. null a 'l'lruioiigli Reforlri iii the Departmental S) stilrli. Unitorirl Legislation for Both Sections of tho l’rovrirce. Curiarlirrt-rlt of tho l'owernud Patronage of the Inset-unve. . A Free Trade National Policy, so far and so rapidly as the Maintenance 01 the Public Credit ivill l’ellrlit. Incorporation of Hudson’s Bay Territory as a part of Canada. I &C. «Sic. tSrc. THE DAILY GLOBE. Is 6 dollars per alluunl. payable str-iciiv iii ads vanco. It is published at four o’clock every morning blit Sundays. and is despatclied by the early trains to all parts nftlre country. It is a very laige sheet. containing a vast 'arnoutrt of news, iricrcairtilo iirlellipenre. and gmmmi iirl'orirrzitrori, of llll‘ latest and “lost interesting ciluioct r. Any person sending the Cash for live DAILY Subscribers, will be oiiiitled lOulI additional copy FREE. THE 'I‘Rl “'I‘IEKLY GLOBE, t< issttt‘d every Monday. I'v’etlnesdnv, and Friday, at 4 dollars per annurrr in advance. It is printed on a large slit-cl, and ill its columns is given all that appears ill the Daily Edition. with the ’l'olagrnphs and other news to the latest ttrorrielli. Any poison sending the Cash for Five Tri- Wreth SubsCIibors, wrllbuentitled to a FREE copy. THE l’v'EEKLY GLOBE, Is wired every Friday morning, at 2 dullapg per antivirir. payable strictly in advance. It is printed on an ltnult‘tlsd double shoot of papor_ ot't‘rrsi rate quality; it is lllt’lflfl up in a hum]. some qu'tllol‘liriii, comprising eight pages at seven columns each ; and contains riroio read- ing matter than any other pol ticul newspaper on the continent Great ia-e is- taken in tho corrlpilatiou of the paper . the news is cavern”,- eollated fiorri the Daily Edition, and arm-leg Spocially prepared for its columns. The Mur- ltet litlpulh at borne and abroad, receive cou- slntli Bttulltlut). 'l o induce exertion on the part of the friends ofilre GLUHI-l throughout the country, it has been resulted, that arty person making up a club may haveâ€" . Ten (Topics for Fifi: on Dollars. 'l‘weirty-Iive Copies for 'l‘lliity-live Dollars. Emmy Copies for One Hundred Dollars, Airy nelson sending Ill dollars for Fl”, Wee ’y Subscribers, will be entitled to a copy FRIZL. 'l'lie 'iVeekly Globe will be sent to all Clergy" men for One Dollar 3-year. ' Morley Letters addressedâ€"" The Pub islrer of the Globe, Toronto." can be Registered bv payrrrent at one penny, and their safe arrival will their be at the risk ofthe Publishar, Srlbgcrlpfitl"s may continence at any period of the year. and be made for nrrv term ; and persons desirous of receiving the. Paper need not wait for an Agent to call on them. but havo only to enclose their money, with their name PATTERSON IMPLEMENT Em. . .. THE Subscribers take pleasure in informing the Farmers throughout this section of the Province, that they have increased their facilities for the manufactu CANADIAN PLOIVS, And trust that in future they will be able to supply those who may desire to procure one of these valuable IMPLEMENTS, which for LIGHTNESS OF DRAFT 8:. GENERAL ECONOMY Have no equals i re of their u the country. .W_-'_'..- WORIESI They are also constructng a large. number of 30$? iS'LEOEQS .' Ola superior pattern, and would invite all interested iii the Bch-(lintr‘ or Rationing of Stock to call and examine these Machines. c1? Prices so Low that none need be. without. them ill. Q 1‘“qu fa ‘lliii hi] i ' i i, lkl‘ , , 'WM" iuuii‘ hint unit lllill-il lit lllit Richmond Hill, August 25, 1358. LIKEN PISS, ES. " Secure the Shadow e're the Substance Fade." r IHE Subscriber begs to inform the inhabi- tants of chlruroiid lliil aiiil Vicrliity. tliat., after an absence oI‘Iive years, he has returned[ with his , Arid has Smite/ml of? at. the MASONIC HALL, RICHMOND HILL. Where he is prepared to take a corrertml’ictul'e , of all those who may honor him with a call,i Ieeiiirg assured that he cannot be surpassed ir‘yl any person lit the protessioir. Ari early call is sol'ri-rtod, as his stay is only intended to be two weeks. Airrbrotype. Moiaiiiotype. and Dzlglierleotype l Likenosws taken at sites to suit ctistorrrers. JAMES LENNARD. Richmond Hill, Sept. 2.}. 1858. 68-2 , 1 THE “CO_LONI$T." “ COLONIST” HAS A ” circulation of {"1113 A “ bona fide Twelve Thousand ! AND IS THEREFORE Tfll’. Best Advertising Medium in Canada. TERMS: Dungâ€"Ad a line for first imam-lion, Illt'l 1d a line for each subsequent insortlon. WEEKLY.â€"â€"6(1 a litre for first insertion. and 2d a line for each subsequent insertion N.B.â€"â€"Postmasters who send advertisements on these termS. will have a commission of 15 por cent allowed them. The terms of Subscription for the DAII Y “ CULONIST,” aro srx dollars a year. payable in advance. For the \\ LIQKLY, the price is a dollar and a half. also payable lll advance. To Clubs of'rns. the \Vrznxcr will be sup- plied atone dollar a year. 66-4 ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL HE Subscriber begs to inform his 142 KING STREET, TORONTO. ‘ friends and the public generally that he has opened the above Hotel. opposite the St, Lawrence Hall. Toronto. Hts bar will always be found replete with all kinds of Liquors of first-rate quality. lis Tobin Will also be found i'cclrertlc. Good Stables are attached to the premises. W. M. SHORT, Vt'rtaanv SURGEON. Proprietor. Toronto Sept. 17, 18.38. filly 1'01: $067111: .' ‘IIE Subscriber offers for sile a 1 HOUSE A ND LOT, situated in he Villnvye nI Tllnl'lllllll, being: part of Lot No 33, 1st i:oirt'.vssrotr ot' Markham. The Lot measures one at re and twenty-seven perches, I'illli cleaicil of stumps. The Building is one SlO‘ItH‘ and a-halt' high. aid contains seven rooms ; attached to which is an excellent well ol'svater, besides suitable out-buildings. For particulars apply on the premises to PETER VAN HORN. 'l‘lloroiigil-llit’d DIIHIIA M HULL. three years old, blood by Mr. Harrison, llali gartlr, Leavoii. Yorkshire, England, and iur~ ported by the proprietor in 1650. For further particulars apply to ED\VARD SANDERSON. Lot 17. dill Coir. Markham, or adtlloss Buttonville, P. U. August 1'). 165R. To the Sick and Dying; J’s/1R. SNIDL‘ZR, of the 7th Concession of Vaughan, rtt‘ar Klitioburgll, guarrautiies to cure On it tors , Err larger! .Wcrlrs, And many other Diseases. Persons laboring under eitlior ot'tlio above illotltioirtd Diseases, Will do we“ to call in time. All letters to be palti, and addressed to PETER SNIDICR Kliiiebiirgir. 1N. B. NO CURE N0 PAY. August b, 15:38. Gl-tf “’IIOLESALE Paprr & Stationery Ware ’ "Ill‘i Silhst‘rillvrs li'll't‘ always n-i llmiil. a large and general stock of tho lit-st llritisli aiiil l'rovrucial iilutiul'rlcluretl \Vrit-iiig, k'oloii'il, limit u, and \\ rapping l’upiiis, \\"iu, “infers, Slate-i, 1tlk, Sitit'l l‘t-tis. I'IlH't'lOIIE‘, Metallic Violtloruridtilri lintlltr‘, Twizrln, (.‘opy ltoirks. School Books and General Stationery. Ne“ L\C. Trlo fairilitles which the SlllLCllllf‘l'S have for lllttlllllitlt'lllllllg, liming twoot the largest tiranul‘ncturo all kiiliis oi plipor to order. IIUN'I‘IV. llltO. t.\" (70., Yotrge street, Toronto. January 6, 1858 N his fortune and run ed from linsiilosc will spend the rertiniirdcr ofliis days in curin‘rl that dreaillul (liseaseâ€"Cosstlnit’rioxâ€" or} Crunch: Iris earnest desire being to corrrmulii- : care ii; the world his remedies that have proved SllCL‘t'Nsl‘lll in more than 3,000 cases. Ha re. quires each applicant to send hitrr a minute de- scription tlfilre symptoms. with two Stamps, (6 Cts.) to pay th a return letter, in which he will ‘ return them his advice prescription. with dr- , reactions for preparing tho medicine. ‘ The Old D/Icltrr hopes that those afllictod Will not. on account ofdelicncv, refrain from coir- sultiirg him lecause he makes Na C/HU'L'G- “'9 s ole object in udvcriisinp is to do all the {1001]. he can. before he (has. He feels tirat lie is Just- lv celebrated for i-ii-e of Culmllllltlm". A“!"““- Bronchitis, Nervous Atli‘ctious, Coughs. CONS. tilt and Post Ufiico to CEO BROVJN, 050“ 0330., Toronto. s.pi. 18. 550. chic. i Address, ‘ DOCT. IINCAS BRANT, l 33 Box 3531. P. 0., New York. n “It” rum “hi ll llllll illll SADDLE a H ES'i‘ABLISH [Ia/71038 annexes "itilll I‘ll run Repaired at short notice and on reasonable terms. PA 1 'I‘ERSON & BROTHER. mortalion n; trim. QCPPR E M I UM;ij A _R NE S S MEN'L‘. Two Door South of the Tumour: Oflicr’. \Villinru Ell. Myers, . Premium Jlluriirfilcturl’r ESI’ICCTFULLY announces to the Public 3 “no Gil-If .m - Proprietor. I Thornliill. Aug. ‘20, 1858. Gil-‘1 For Sale. IIl'l Subscriber offers for stile a GQ-tf house. .. Paper Mills lr()ntirld1. tliev are prvpared tir' 55m turd convenient, can be had on reasonable } terms. the Tl'th/IIC- ge lel‘illlyflhfll lle thillletlit‘ll lllt: Il'l R S T P It 12 1‘) for Names»: at the Yoilge Street A:- ricultural Show. Two Years trl succession, ell ,l-eels confident that he can give etltilesatlslacrtou ill all branches of his business. “mfgâ€"JAIL Work thirr‘ziiit'ed.;§j;0 "‘,,“ A lii'ge stock of llnrilnss. 310, always all hand, and made to order at the lowest possible rerililtrnratirlg prices. Richmond Hill. Oct l5, ISJ7. EIS-iy LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, N0. 644, l EE'I‘S at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL. ing ill ouch moaili. Victoria Square, the last. Fr‘day even- OP'FICI'Z’RS [LIMIT 1 JOHN BUTTON. illl/strr. , -.JAJIES PANAGIIAN, Ilil'ph'tjl. TIIUVIAS HOW/HAN, Serra/try. JOHN GAVVLEY. 'l'rertslrrcr. Victoria Squaie, May 7. 15.28. 43-h . Richmond Victoria, IOYAI. ORANGE LODGE. No. 77s. J meets irt Brother Robert \Viserrlun’s‘. Masonic Hall, the second Saturday owning in each rrioutll. Ol‘llclitts Errorâ€"Colonel D. illitigl‘ord, Master. .I B. DesGior. Deputy Muslnr; .lolin Mnultoliand, Secretary ; W'. Plague, 'l reastirer. January 2t, 1858. i313 ran SALE! f ACRES OF LAND. East half of 10 Lot No. 2, 'Itl‘ (.uuccsslull, North Uivrllirr bury. Also, ONE ACRE OF LAND, situated iii the Vrllage of 'l'lrornliill, with good Hotho and ‘I out-buildings. | 02‘ Terms Easy. Apply to JOHN PALMER, ticlrruoild llill. January [4. 1858 :32 TO PRINTERS. l ‘IIE SIIBSCRIBICR begs to inform l the Trade. that his Stock of PRINTING PRESSES, TYPE, INKS, . and all other description of materials. has been i very largely increased this Season. by arrivals from NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and MONTREAL : and that lie is prepared to supply orders for new Offices. ilr addition to those in operation. at the shortest notice Printing MACHINES and ENGINES im- peltvd to order. V p I liest quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling per lb. I (ml Tull/e when in u change for now. D. K. FERTIAN. (‘olhorire st . ‘I‘orontn. Jail. 0, id .37 r 1:. JOHN MURPHY. Painter, liousc Decorator, PAPER HANGER, GLAZIER «$10., &t:. I No 49, Kin; Street, 4 Doors West of Bay Street. | l l 'lioronto. June 18th, 13‘57. gQ-wy. J DEALER I.\" PXPER IIANGINGS, HOUSE DECORATIONS. Ste. L- __=’_______l T0 Medical Practitioners. s GOOD Ol'l()l{'I'U.\'1TY now offers it- I suit to a Medical Man of standing and enjrbr'ieirec. House and Premises, both plea- Applv. if by letter post paid,to the Editor of Richmond Hill. June 15th. 1857. g.2~wy. For Sale or to Rent, D \V E L I. INCâ€"HOUSE, Store-house y Driving~bouse and about an Acre of Land. ill the Village of Victoria Square, SUllh- bio for a Store or Tavern. For terms apply to \V. Trudgeon. Esq., Tribune otlico. Richmond Hill. a» - "xr'rfszagg‘rfl an.» m ‘ _ ; ,__ l§_ Canada Type Foundry Remover) 'ro ST. THEREEE Six, in Baum-rig Butwtnos. MONTREAL. 11E Proprietors of this Establishment be: to inform the Prin e s of Canada, that they have now irlanufactured and ready for delivery. a large quantity of Small Pica, Long Primer, Bourgeo so and Ilr'evier. of Scotch faco, “hit-h they will guarantee cannot be surpassed by any Foundry upon this continent for durability and appearance. They lrave'also on hand a church assortment of various kinds of Ornamental Type. Tire prices at which those and otiiertypes is. sold at the Canada Typo Foundry. will be l'mtird at least 30 per cent less titan they could bt- p'ii. - chased previous to its establishnie'”. it is therefore hoped that the Printers of('.nira- (L'I will shou their appreciation of the advantages It holds out. bybo towing upon it a fair share of their patronage, iii return tor which the proprie. - ors pledge themselves to leave no means tint: tell to give ample satisfaction. Printers .' mark the reduction in the price of 1} pa s nee tllis' Foundry was opened; and bent- in mind that a greater rod uctjon depend upon yourâ€" t~|ves. Our motto isâ€"supply the trade with type 0! such quantities and at such pricesas will pre- vs..t tlro necessity of patronising foreign manuâ€" l..(‘.llll'(Ԥ. . The followinglist ofa few ofthe principal nrii- rim required by printers will give an idea of the 4: eat advantages of tire Canada Type Foundry. â€"â€"PRICES:â€"_ Nonpariel.............2s 9d porlb. hliiiion .. .25 3d " Bremen... ..23 1d “ Ilourgeoise . . ... ls 10d “ Long Primer. . . . In 8d " Small Pica . . .. . . ls 7d " l‘ 6d “ If? All other Book Fonts in proportion. LEADSâ€"‘6 to Pica and thicker. 13 per 1b.: 7.00 i’ica, 153d, 8 to Pica In 6d. THUS. J. GURNIN & Co. St. Therese Street Montreal, May 18th. 1857. g3 N. B.â€"Publishers of newspapers giving inser- tion 10 this advertismont for 2 mouths' will be aborted their bills upon purchasing five times their amount ofour manufacture. Editors will cont‘vr a favor by directing attention to the announcement. T. J. G. & CD. NEW TREflTMENT. Butl‘alo Medical Dispensary. ES‘I‘ARHSHED FOR THE cone or DYSPHPSU, orztrznrtr. DEDILITY, FEVER AND anon. sCltlIt-‘ULA. OLD ULCERS, .onnn mew any or run BLOOD, sau- RHEUM. PIMPLES, FISTULA, rrLEs, KIDNEYS. DEBlLlTY, ru- FIRMITIES or your]! AND OLD AGE, &c. (if? N0 Mercury Used. 43 I It. AMOS 6L SON. Corner of Mainawd ) Quay Streets. Buffalo. New York, are the only l'lrysicians in the State who are merri- llors- of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in tho rnonl- ‘rng iiniil 9 o'clock at night, on every state and svrnp orrl of disease. - The treatment they adopt is the result of up- wards of 30 years’ extensive and succt-Ssl'ul practice in London. Tire most invoieimu svmpioins of Disease eradicated in eight or nine digs. and cases of a slight nature ill two or ilrree d:in at every moderate expense.â€" 'I‘Ire cure efibcted without confinement or hin- (I r1 rice from business. Young Illenâ€" Take Partzcular Notice. 'I‘hern is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by buys. in solitude, often growing up With till-in to manhood. and which. if not reforrrrod In them in due time. not only begets serious 0" sinclcs to matrimonial happiness, but gives risn to a series of protracted, insidious. and (Iovast-lilng nfl'ectiens. Few of those who give way to il.i~~ pernicious practice are aware of llro consequences, until they find the nervous sysletrl shattered. feel strange and unaccounta- bio tooling. and vague fears in the mind. A Most Scientific Invention. An instrument for the cure of Genital Do- biiizy. or more properly known as Seminal W t’dlillkSS. t\orvous Debility, &c., which are pc'manerrtlv cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use ot‘ilrxs instrument, when used conjoiutly wulr LIN-Mill: lit-is. A310 Remedies and Quick Cures. DR A MOS &SON take ploasurein announ- cing that they have invented a most important l'lsi iuirient for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected ton test by the most ominenl pllvsicinnsin London. Paris. Plii'adel- plrra and .\o\v York. It has been declaiotl the only u-eL'ni llr~tlument over yet invented for the r lire ot‘ Seminal Weakness. or any disease or the gulliinl organs, caused by the secret habits or \ntttn. Dr. Amos A: Son, in order to satisfy the inn 1 she, iical a: to the merits of these instru- ments. pledge themselves, that in any instance ans 8 they may prove unsatisfactory after n l i'a‘ir tri-il. the money will be refunded by re- turning iluo instrument in good order. Poi-sons \\‘is‘llltlg the above useful instrument will observe, that the price, with the accom- pany iilg ili.e(-t10irs, securely packed and soul by mail or express, is ten dollars. Beware of Imposition. Ilnwnre of empiries and itinerant seif~styled pri fL'S‘OlS, who ATTEMPT cures. but never sticct ed 7 _ I)r Amos & Son have for a long series of veais been engaged in an extensive practice in the ireninrl-nt of tires-e delicatercomplaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. i’r moss is ANY PART or THE WORLD may ‘lo successfully treated by forwarding a-corret‘t detail or their cases, with a remittance “for Medicines, th.. which will be returned with the utmost dispatch. and secure from observation. Address i)r. Amos 6:, Son, corner Main and Quay streets. Bufi'alo. N. Y. MG-lv PERHAM OUT-DONE! HE proprietorâ€"ofthe Mnncan'rrm ‘ 1 GUIDE would respectfully call the attention of Merchants, Farmers and Mech aiiics restdiug out of the city, to the moderat- terms for a yearly subscription to the GUIIII being, to mail subscribers. only Fifty Cents, Per dnnttm, MAKING IT TH’E CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN 1". UNI'rlrl) STATES. The columns of the “ Guide” will contain the usual variety of original and spicy articles. written not only to please, but to instruct. III regard to politics the“ Guide” will maintain an independent tone, and from time to time will advocate rrleasuies as conductive to benefit the great number. - l'HlJllllHls' â€"As an inducement for persons to interest themselves“ to obtain suscripiions tor the " Mercantile Guide,” we ofl'er the toilow- ilrg premiums. Upon the receipt of the name! paid in advance, we will forward by express. or otbclwne il order ed. to the address of thus. 0 ititlcd to them .â€" Fur3lltl subscribe-s, cash . . . . . ... ....$35 0 For 25ilsubscnhers, we will giveasplen- ' did gold watch. warranted . . . . . . . . .. . .30 (I? For 200 subscribers, we give an elegant gold locket, tour glasses. worth.. . . . . 15 00 For 1505ubsctibets, one elegant bracelet 11 00 For 100 subscribers, one gold vestchaiir It) no For 75 subscribers, one gold pen and bolder. handsomely ctigraved.... .... S (,0 For 5‘) subscrlbers, one gold pen and llUldl'l’vv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 60° [for no subs-i rrbers, one gold pen and bolder . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . ....... 309 For 25 subscribers, two medium gold pensnlidburden.................. 200 For l2 subscribers, one goldpon and bolder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ‘15. {,5 All communications should be adressed to W. BLAKELY, Editor and Publisher of the New York Mercantile Guide. No. 108 Green- wich Street, t'ew York. Newspapers throughout the 'Union by "pub- lishing the above. appropriately displn ed. in- cluding this notice, two months, on calling attention editorially to the some. and sending us the paper, will be entitled to an exchange. and receive a gold pen and bolder worth ten dollars. 48-21: BLANK FORMS. LARGE sort!“ of‘Mngistrntu“ Blank 4% according to the latest forml for "MA this Office by the dozen or bundl'ed. April 32. 1855. M6 "Tribune" Office All! 27 ‘5“.

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