Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 29 Oct 1858, p. 1

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t I l i 6 I , isnataiiisfitrtuorg. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ,»’ltichm0nd Hill. June: 1857. g.I â€"wy- JOHN GRIEVE, LERK THIitD DIVISION COURT. Ofiice. Richmond Hill, June. 1857. g.1 -wy. JOSEPH KELLER, AILIFF Set-mid and 'rliitd IUIVISION Court. UIIice. Richmond “In. June. [857. J. B. DEEGIEII, PPOINTED CONSTABLE In the A Assizos tor the Counties at‘York, Oti- imio and Simone. Residenceâ€"Corner of Wright and Iongo Streets, “a,” A w,,,,h,. Esq's. nirhmfllld llill. Sept. 10. 185-1, 1’. CROSBY, In” GOODS. GIlOC‘EItIES, «i... Hill. June. I857. 2.1 -wy. (gilt )“r'ines. Liquors, Ilardtt'are.t\tc. gJ-wy itIUI‘dAS SEDMAN, ‘art-iagc, “'a; gun x sleigh M A K E R , ()pposito the White SWBII Itin. Rrhiimnd llill. June It). lrlfi’i‘. g.l-W\. JAMES MCCLUIIIC, .72’ Aw [HIM-wt NNKI‘JEI’ICR. Lion-med lint llII' ('t'llntlt“ nl' \inlt. ()IIlziI’iiI ‘Ill‘l Simone (‘nriIt-r t~l' long»: and Ilmidlind Ntl’l‘l‘n‘. Holland Landing. November. 16. IP57. “115-” JOHN IIARRI NG'I‘ON, .lIt., I ‘ l\'() .‘Jilt’s North of llichinunil lllll l tlt’tllt‘l' in Dry (i0 Ids. (J‘Itll'l'l""‘ “Vin. ~.l.iipiurs, llatdwnrs. Glass, I'Iitithen ,\‘al .t, \\'i‘. I]? Also. Licensed Auctioneer. September. 23. I85; WELLIXG’I‘ON 110,- EL, AR the Itniltord Statiwn. Cancl‘ul Llostit-rs alwuys in attend llt‘t‘, (1. CA 1'). I‘iol-tii tor. ’ 1132 gilt-h Junuaty H. [‘58. MANSION IItIUSE, ‘ HI" RON. attendance. Attenlive'I§ nln ays - in J. KAVANAGH. l’iopt-It (01;. 1 January '4, IN)“. td.’ .B'SSIIS. .J. St W. BOYD, ' Barristers, &(-.I No. 7. \\'I:I.I.ING'I'tI.\‘ BUILDINGS, KING s'I‘., 'I'UItUXI‘O, June '2". 18.3. y‘all-try. CLYDE HOTEL, ‘ ‘ KINGISTEE T EAST, T0 LNTO. IOCD pudding and Attcnine llONll8I§ I JUIIN MILLS, I’mpiietur. Lht-III)’, a June. 18.37. .\tiI'oI.‘t. I Bottled Alt: Depot, 65. max S'I‘ItEE'I‘. .T-OItONTO, C. \V. M. MORRISON. Agent, Toronto, June Ich. 165?. gl-wy. ,‘ ROBERT J. GRIFEI'I‘H, LAG, Banner and Ornamental l’hitlter. ‘ Elizabeth Street, 'I'oronto,â€"U\‘er \l’. Uri!- ‘ titli‘s Gtuzory btoie. I13" Coats of Arms. and crarydoscriptjon ol Herald I aiming. executed with dospatclnand at l rcurotmnle charges. - Jnuu. 1857. fledâ€"t _ EDWARD m‘CflOVVN, AS always on hand it large and well assorted stock of URAI I)l(\’., (I‘IlU UtZIiILS, IIOO'Ia ultd S'IOI-ZS, &C. «1-. Inch \Hll be sold at prices Ilittt w'IIl defy coniâ€" petition. 'I'Iiot'uliill. Juli 3t). l85t'l J. \‘I‘ZIthY, Boot and shoe Matti-r. PI’OSI'I‘E A. LA \\ ’9, Yonge Slim-t. ll cli- Inond IIIII. ‘ x'lmdies‘ and Geiitlcntens‘ Boots and Shoes. made utter the latest st_\ ms. 1 August 6. I857. g. I w y. fill-h till-6m. SO] CIIAS. POLLOCK, 30] M I’tlll'l‘lill of Blitixlr l“l“’llt‘l| ( :t‘l‘lll'ti and AIIIt-iicnn. l‘ianly and Na -lt- Uty I VY'I oronio. hoods, No. 80, (TH) litti dIlIL‘“, King Nye I l‘lttsl opposite >1. .lnincs' culltellllr, toioiilo. (,'. \ Nov. 5. I657. g‘l‘I-i .lOIIN COUL'i‘l-lll, ,fa'tlor and (‘lothiorI . \oi.g- 5L, Richn ntiil tIill lune. N57. g.l-'.\ \ . CliLliCl‘l DUI I), Veterinary Stat-st on Lot L'tI'. 4th I on.. Ynuulmn “HORSE w FAIIRICIK“ l.\'.\'. gt.) voice STREET HOTEL, AURUILI. Good supplt of \\'I.\I-,s and Liqumts always on hand. Lxcoilon. Ari-umnto. (lotion 1m Cigars of all brands. 'l Ill\'t‘lkls. I'VaIInt-Is, hlld others U. MCIJ‘LUD. l’roptittot. Antoni. July 6. “58. 5: ti... .l.N.REID, 1)‘IIYSI(.IAI\ w sLItGI;o. Corner 0| Yonge and Crtiire Sire-tits. 'l‘horu Ii-i ll ~ \ugitsi l4. I857. Elll-tf Rx ACII’S HOTEL, \OIINLI'. OI Fund and lII‘OI‘b-t! s I‘t'L‘l> one black east of the Mat-Int. JOIIIV ItoAcn. l’t aprietoi. 139 March 5. l858. RDBERT» '§Iviifi,â€"' Boot fllId<SlI0€ Maker, XUJQINING the Wesleyan Methodist j Ll-l'ptl._Y0nge Sheet, thliiiiond llIll. \ choice selection at beiIIIt-tnens’. Luthes' and (.lnldreus' boots and Shays constantly on hand. and made tomder on the Shortest t\o- tics. ll? All kinds Shoemaker: Findin for sale. Richmond IIIII. .iutte IL‘iIt. 185?. LUV»). GLOUCESTER HOTEL, 13min "ILLS mom or TonaNIo. on VOHGIL-u‘. "I‘E above Hotel Is filled up in neat and dial” ortqble at) to. l‘ianuuni Visitors and other wdl find the Bl'cuflltlludallulss to be that on I is first class. VthIIo the charges wrll be exâ€" tremon low_ > ID“ Good Stabling and an attentive Ilostlnr. THOMAS CUA'I E5. Proprietor. .1935. Strut, AugJ, 1858. 62-:- CV AND YORK RIDINGS’ “NVV‘ WITH OR WITHOUT OFFENCE TO FRIENDS 0]? FOES, WA AW I SKETCH YOUR WORLD EXACTLY AS IT G()ES.â€"Byrnn. Vol. II. No. 21 DR. J. W. GRIFFITH. MAHKIIAU VILLAGE, C.\V. Juno 2!. I855 F. W. IIOLLISS, I ERCII "NT 'I‘AILUIK, has ultvms nu 5‘3-Iy . i ltnlvd II v: t_\' sitpeitni' stookol' (IIAI'I‘HS. l “LADY MAUI. ( LU'I Ill,\t-‘. th'. Gal‘- A _ _ [utoiib inni.e t . tire-.Isuto in IL!" first ~I_\ Is. A H O T t Lv‘goodiit “R‘lullh‘ll ‘ ‘I ho tIlIill. .Iutt III, 185‘ I; It BY G. 'I'Ui’tNER, t‘tt AH; s'r. (orruslit. Tut; i~l..t 'l oitox'to 01h wonlts) ‘ J HACK E'I‘I‘, M.D. :L‘Oentt Ltd of the BI trI 'II' ‘Jppzr Canada ...\'I‘I; IIIL>IIII1N i Gl.\I.Itkl. .I.\i‘|.l'l \'l|.l. \lll-l. 59-6”) Meals Q’l cent» t'it:.‘t.1illt"l good l't‘ttlltltlndll trod lot Fatmon and oihi r 'I'ni it'll“. .liitio I I. I’5>. I KL‘C' Uh nlttSl’llAly. ‘\'21I.l8.3t:l I t JAMES “ALL, in i AS alw on :i'ind -t In Eu assortment of, ()tll) .10! out odation» \\ tutu. and t ignrs ot the t-ltoit-e I btiiitils. It. .\I \liii. I'I'III’U'IIII’. c It. IIUDGI'. 81. (it). IIoI.t-:sI\I.i-: and Itt-Irl town. It”! 5""""""'- -'"“ “‘9” at (I won ' lute \\ ' amt Ii llIltlSlillIL" A” ‘. iIottiII IIL'EI". l’nritrI :_tl- in}; tni~ house .t Cvlll . STOR E, N E W to -i I” find llll'll' 1|;III‘IS pniiciti tl_t flllt‘ltdt‘tl to, 5,3: and Lli‘ ions 1 p ice clla :e .. ~â€" n l\lt'llil1t3tl(l IliIl Junt- IT, “3‘58. 5-l ly‘ {fig-haunt” , l ], ICUIIUNI) t AIXGICR, I? U 'l' (7 H E ll, 'l'lIUR \‘llll.I.. Pie-h I C I,“ a -d l'ti k-t‘d “oats, 'otillrt', .\c.. alwaysl "( "' ‘ I" hand Families >up|tllrd on the shot est Jltll- 1. W53- notice. 'I li-Irnliill. .\Ia:cII l9, Ir-SS. III 1" (VIIPEITI (i.‘“Ct‘I|P\ .ttItl ('Ini‘kory and Glasswan I hemp for ('adi. l) HOPKINS tilt (ttHle‘Ill OI / "LUKE." HOTEL: .._.§.7. HOLLAND LANDING I 'Illi ."uhsI-iilwr “9.15 to lllfulln llIl‘ ln> ll:llIIllIIl‘tâ€"1flltt' .IlIOYP-IIIIIIH’II \Villagt’ and surrounding Country. and the I’ulI‘ic you walk, that no hm leased tllH above llotol. bruit-II} kont lIy 'I‘iionus .\Iuv, \VlIIt'lI he has liitrd pand l'iiI'iti~ht-d lot ilm :iccotntiiodaiinnol lti~ Cnsiotnersmnd Ito trusts by constant attention in their wants to sot-Ina a lIlH-‘H’l pntronage. I41. l\'ll.LI;\M HARRISON, Middle and Harness Matron, .\c.\l door to G A. Ilarnatd’s, , Richmond Hill. JUN“, [:57. g.I-w'\, JA‘IIES JE KINS’, | armory .k. Pr Ivisian toro III/III)I().\D IIILI. '0 Clll‘lllll' GIVEN. ' eu'hunge. ‘I‘ho aimt’z- is the oldest e~ttib|islicd Grocon and I‘rot'i Ion Store on the “Ll. July 2. 1553. W. H. MYERS, SIDDIE ARI) IHIIAESS llIIIIlIIIl. TWO Duolts SOU1 H or THE TRIBUNE outfit. I}? A Ll. \\'( Ill K \VA ll “ANTED.l Rielmwud Hi“! J“"° 1’55‘ 55")" Iloaidcrs and transient visitors will find the _ accouiodattuus III every way ugrrcahlu. 'I he be>t uI' LIqttors and t igars carefully I.iqtto:s til the host brain]. at tho every attention paid to (Incas. THUS. LUKES. Proprietor, gI-l-Ilnt Pto. tic.- taken III Holland Landing. Sept. Ill. ldffl 55-ly. TIIORN HILL HU'I‘EL. ’ ‘llli >ub~criher begs to inform llIP Public Ilial he. has least-d the above ptruiises. and fitted them up III B neat and (-outt'ortuhlo style. [11C ll HUN I) HILL HOTEL. selec.ed. Uoud :Lubliitg and a.tenu Vt‘ ltobtltr> STAGE runs from the above ll--lcl to HILARY "E‘MU‘V' I 'lorottto etery Innining. starting Ii0iti Tho-IIIIIH. _ 3 PropJetor. tho [Clgin Mi Is at 7. II III and returning at 7, Jun 20.15.;S.‘ £33 I‘.III. Fate :Zs. Gd. each wn:. GDUD ACCOMMOIIAIIUN r0“ TRAVELLLRS- RICHARD NICIIOI.I.S. Proprietor 55- I} LEWIS MVACDONgAVLD, CLOCK AND WHICH M1KER’ S'I‘Cbt‘l-‘VInLB, I) £05 to rnturn his thanks to tho inhabitants lItllImlo Immod Richmond Hill. July 2. 1358. W.C.ADA MS of Plnulftlllu and the lllelill‘ who have him wtdt llIJll cu tom. and \\ otI.tI announce that he ha" cnIIIIIIrIIL‘eiI or lIIlrliIexs ag. in at his old shop, JoHn Yam.“ -w mmuIWwWWmemmfi ‘\ \f/ that cm s chargt. , I I \ s U R G E R Y their support. ‘ a ’r' I. All work wariantcd. ertlhy neatly I'tpttltt‘d, I.l.\\ IS .\I ‘ICUONAIAL _ Stntdl‘ville, Aug. 2J. 10.35. 6.5 II titi. King Sin/N East. Toronto l'nrticnlat- aitantion given to the Iepulanoti of ('ltildven‘s 'l'rezlt. Consultations FH‘C, and all “7qu \Varrmtli-d l'urottto. .ltint , IFGi. CHRIS i‘IAN wuas I‘ER, SADDLE&. HARNESS MAKER, UUIJ) Illloitll tlIr tIIIIaInianh n \\ \II.I.Ahr. and ‘IUIUIIIIUIIIL' c. ltl|l|\ , that he “as In em: a Nqu III the anovo tine. ulva ho \Illl. bt .‘tz‘Ct tltli‘lltIUlI to IIII orums, t-iitit'aVor to “will It s.i til: at hkfll suppuit. I‘uy n In \l‘l.i, I] I0 I'I'I'II. .liIr., ( ARRlAGl-Z. SIGN, I l,, I it l Iti-pntini: Ilt any and up. (IICIIHIM) ant llUL‘ll Io. d4 .Ul “.ka \Vutihnied. .\I>,i.- \Itliigt‘, .3in " halts. _ANII._ . I I, (It'lta.‘.at'nial t-‘aEntt-I' 1 634;”, “ thltii.tIiItI lit'l. Felt IT, 1‘5‘J LA.“ ,A,Vm BL \(,'K HORNE [FHIKMII’IIV kll’l HY \\'M I ll7>l\ l IIi I’l‘ICL mono] j\I ILLIAM L'. SKICNE, .\iit.l.\\'iti(;£i i , AL'l‘ .\.t, ( ‘(I|{\E,t “I l‘uIm-e “d lit-tug? st I‘PIS, 93>ll =}Ii\I.\ Io Ill‘llllil" llt‘ is now IIIV' :\ n' llh‘ \ln koi brpihrr, vInrontu. “INLd ii I In “I H. I-n-i-l A\lll,l,.‘~ Id vtrty -t‘| (l-n. \it'utl Mnltlii-g and um lIIl\'t' llmlli’f‘ a dc“. hum" 1w comma at otherwise, on le'u tn nitrlltlntiyttu- An omnibus to and ‘ 'emmmm, ,em'm H L,- ,,;.. “Mr,” 1... 3.....3 "0'" ‘1‘“ ““ll‘fi‘d‘ >{“'°f“ , . ,_ ,‘t.I tiIr nos. r‘nimtitys mt aittdt. Ail c Inn:ch l U‘ 1A” l“l"\ll,"“{', :joh~ w ~ll’tl it'd ..oiti thin: to six n.niIths. iopitvtm‘. pl .. - J -. ‘1 II- II: o. to ,, . , , It‘lll Ill'-llt n \e.i.s c.\ «3 «mm L 1 I0 nntu. Fob 2b. ISDI‘. 138'” ' I gite Lli‘llt'lvl must (‘llutl 63 6m VII) -1;;I‘ \f‘ :.JIOII2|. -\t Lust 2 . Idos. AGI-ZV'I‘ run I V I ‘ ‘ DarlTn; & Ailt‘histnl's 5“ AN “0 1 1314, ’I 'llt)ii.\.|lll.f.. ll lH‘ COMBINE“ I .7 , ‘r‘lttlt‘I'llI; his ttiuulu for In’hl li-H‘UH. won:d hog to cull l‘ttllIIC attention to lits NEW Lrlul-Iizliini'ul, 'l'lintnhill, and known in tho JIJACIIIIAYIJҤ1, twltiy Iloir.t., which he has mtrly t‘lllt‘tt‘d mio Richmond Hill, in i'onseqitroi-c (ll {ire iii-tuitiod'iuon III III old Juno. I857. : IilIsCI ibi-r in estabnshintni luring i-nti-rly qu hinticd lot the comiott o lll> llltilttI'Uu\ L’IIL‘rL~. The S“‘.\N ltonJ. in a It w days will he cuInplrIt-Iy Renovated, and respt-ctablo Vbllttls I nun -el\ on llII\IIIL1IlI£'III'al|\ tinmtitiatvly ut- trIIdod to. Ho has a ~iI \‘t‘H rustisirtv accumu- uat.0ii Iur flul\k'\ :iiiti (Kt-ImLh s. Hts but will always be totIiiil u'i-ll Slllt’t‘d with the cltnmrst t iq ors; whtieilit- >uh~cdher himself ititc-IIds in dl‘\'Ul(‘ his time ('1 the coin- torlo“ tall these who may honour lulu With a call z.Iw_\'. _ \l'IlIlI) «I; IIIcCiUSHIVD, I, Hoixsc, Sign 11an (l/Itumcwtul “PAIN'I‘ERS. liar: l I JUII I T0 ( I'I‘I‘ MARBLE WORKS I85 I’UNGE sTIti;c'r. MONUMENTS, TOMBT BLES, li cooD ontKIinx SENT TO ANY TOMB‘SI‘UNES- “‘6‘ SI HILLS, Prupneior. 133 Thornltill. J 1:“!!an 2". I355. tints, Gildt-rs, Glaziers, and iapt‘r Hangers. I ll '1‘]! (I t: N til i. L. :lW'I‘OROA E .411 my .i';i;-‘...â€";;I Paints it I Oils, Gluss, and l'uily. mm- or THE cocm-nv. ; Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ABY OTHER f ‘IlE l, ndorsigned Assignt‘t-s of Ihv »~ I mnmi’b. c. & n‘. YA I.I-:. willch , tiniie the business uiideI the su Ierintcndence G I let our duly authortlrd agents, AUSIIN ABBI v and D. CAiuos Y LII), wIIOse receipt wtll be FOR duly ut’kllw“ It (had. t 00]) “'atchexClockS. Jewelry. \Ielodoons I Elrclro \Vare, Silver Spoons and Spot-tip cira to sun every slght. ESTABLISHII'ZT. l July 333. 1357. ig-Iy. L-_-____.____._ I’.S. All non-s and accounts remaining utt- puid Ln the Istday ot Julio, 1655. “III be put into Court tor CDllcCltoll. C. YALE. “3’ Watch Clubs III Open-“on. wnnmed ‘ A R Clocks troni 9th: upw‘rdl. t 29 ‘ 118” G. SUMMIT. . “Home. Jun. 1857. 1. "‘“W - It" Ilat. and .\II.I)l= i\l. HFI'l till.‘ lkii B) I‘S ..iId S I‘IES, \\'lllCIl will he ‘ o u piii is to IiIt-rt illt‘ Iiitirs 7' , . ltt inpo it: Iltl‘. .‘IIIII t7 HIS-rt. 54 I)“, MALKHAM VILLAGE. 1.:(pmrs , 57-h. \Viigltl &. \i‘tix‘t‘ stun ls l I'i'niistnit~., Nol fitti‘iliunfi. 'I‘Ill'. I‘UI-ZI‘ A'I' HOME. l hon tho ho‘l; yes. llll'llr Iltn b~l|â€" ‘ ()lil nIiI ii llt‘lltllllfl1ill‘kltl'r0“ bringing:I ‘tl'll worth the knoll. U )L‘fl it sound "I. ilnp Or is It a II Id il ti‘oli'o no ii ig‘tpg? i I III-ai- tho hell! alas. 61” II ha The ,o- ~iti. tit I SOII will bi: echoed ln ttitnt; etxl Does It summon to arms the ~uldit-ryl No! It‘s only the bi) wtili the inullins and c. itlnpets. \Vllvll \Ull Id is that which gi'ceh ml to cars, 'I';_{.i itio nlnctd :tir sei’nti.«,, swelling. ‘.\s II III IIIv iiiiisii: nt tho split res Mime serapli his tale to t:io stars were Ie'ling? Ilow wild lllb sound! ‘ti~ a suitii: too I old Fni tits setoiiado ul guy ilece Vl’ls , ‘I look t'Ium my Ialllf‘Câ€"Itlitl 'In-aith Il lbl‘lIDltl 'I nose rascalty Inaitrm hunt-s .Ind clonvws! I lttni in the distance Iltn p o ismit gush ()I'watur. a~ il I'Initt 'I l'Iii-tll'liiuniuiti. \Vitn at iittsit'JL a ~t dili'H Illrll. Like the raimact h\\t‘e, H g down tho IIqu.I- Intn. Uh! what can i: bu? I li‘t-l l glow When I think oi ihn ltlllenl ltU'dl) dashing Down the derp any ssâ€"l look below, And see then lining the copper tut washing. I .â€"ink on my vouch, and [lie post's eye Is sperdtl. closod IIy sInIIIiIer's powor ; I dll'fllll that Iin Atatntuta is nigh. And beckons IIII‘ to some tatry bower. lllcdl'llt‘l'V0|Cu-â€"1l;l'ui\'~luuddtld w‘IId, As it III it'isiie~s upon IIIt‘ caihng: I awakrâ€"Hi, IItv wtt'e lids brought the ch ild. 5 Winch siio wants me to hold, to ltcep iI IIoIIIl squat Ing. â€"I;wlluy's J‘IlSCI Ilium. I THE IDENTIFICATION. A NARRATIVE 0F FACTS, BY A CON' al‘tJUtIht I' Ur‘r‘IU-iil. (Conclued from our last.) Tom Courtney was sitting on tho sidt: ol his bud, but started up to muct IIIL: the moment I unteicd, and. , stretching out both his hands to mu.‘ In: said, ‘ ()li, sir. I am glad you arc come ; I thought you would have bccll tot soc nit: III-tiny hutort: this hour. My Him: Is sltorI. Uh. bit'. I lI;I\‘t!Sllt‘fIll :I iiIIscrnnly wrcii-hcd night tIIILl‘ dayâ€"dunno IIsle' would hi: profor- unlt: to Hit,- night I spcnt. I wishod to htth ioiti you this morning. but you hurried away, I know not why. Uh, bii'. I hurt: own iicai‘ly madâ€"- at think I not you \I'tIIItch‘l tttltin‘wisu l lIIiIcs I tint-l. Can ()it, lI()\V coitld it be I wish it Was till m‘or. Imost Sl‘l iIIItti: mt tire. I ‘Clltlldlll; with lIi-tt. and at times I f~arl w,,C,-..,,,[,,,, opcnly l‘ultcl; yet with al. this more has ltl'Utl it constant prayer lllrlt II might lit: oIticI'wiso wun Inn; and my statoof II‘IIIil for tln: lust llitut' ---nh, how pt't:i'lilt1:l, l'.in invalu- tibia: Is an Hour now In Incl-"tins bci-il I‘i:(:oII(:ilt:d, and, I trust. stilt I had I'Iltfillilt‘tl. SJ‘, hail tlté Lord ptei‘ttIthied, to have undoi- \‘oi‘i-II IIIIII in it liII'UI-Jll liinl, fur whit-II UlIiIII'c tltut'c worv many reasons. llttvmg such a bright lig I, I full tirt-tl with ztml to tIIINSIVt: In Sulvu waitdor among distant and iinktimvnl I'ugtittls to lillllilrl it to I)ll1t'l‘$--- ltciIt'o, pvi'hnps. the ('Ullttet'lltttl of tiakctt swag s \Vllll my sit-oping .Is; iItIl Ilium was too IIIII' II of Iw.l[ in II]\' plans, IIIId lllr.‘ Lord has Inllt‘t'tl shoth mo that ‘ .\I.III pi‘oposctlt, lltll God d spnsialh.’ His wit: Iit- drum; With His iiulp, noth- in; stall again tIIinIi'li my Sltlll. God is Ln 0d; His will lie ilnii '.’ ' “o Is. indocd. good. 'I'oiii,‘ said I. pi'i-ssing his hand. which siIIl :tl- ' lie is vtli‘y good, and can save those who trust in him; “U can save to tho utturittost.’ 'I do trust Him with my whole hutti't and soul; I HIII Him: I am. () lmrd-«Ihino-uihint:; do with an as l‘hotI will.” hid his Int-c again in Ins hands."- ‘Dh. hit‘,’ ho add-:d, almost immo- i'Ii:ttt.-|_\' storing up. and turning his “lung _ItIll gaze upon Inc,- ‘iht: valon of‘ the shadow of death Is dark, Vcry dark; and to color II while thc sun is shining over mo, and birds sing:- ing ri und mo, :titd the fragrance of lht: liltItIiiIing flthL-rs I'I'csll tIptIII llIt‘ breath of spring. tll‘d III the prtmt: of lift: and liualth. full of young and' ardonl hopes-wall this Iittgltt. per-Imkc “mm. l‘lIIltIttc. lit: borne. had sii'kncss, or even at cidcttt brought down an lIlI- stillitcd trims to an Untimely grave: ; but oh! tints to ho (‘tlt oll‘lIt' it i-rtIol and disgraceful death, with tllr: stain of ItIurdci' falscli' sHtIIpt-d upoti my name and race; oh. Sir. It' Is it dark. it dicidt'til, a nirstcrious (Iispi'nsHtioIIl’ ‘ God is p MVCI‘lUIl its well Ila good," slIoI'tcnt-d‘ ‘ihnt Iln can not save; trust III [Iim saidl: 'llis arm Is not UVCII slIll, Tutti i. band lci‘vt-nlly. I-Ic turned a picrt-in me. “Take rare, Sir, nh, take ('Ztt't: what you say. I told um I Was and I pt‘cssod his it n gltiiICt' upon hopc again, or I shall the mad, and pct‘ll ups lie lllSl.’ ‘ Ilotzollot-t, 'l‘otn, Il‘ttl the knife (In, Sit, II I could stilidttc iII_\' lItrttrt to Hit: will ol Godâ€"ill couldfvil that I stilItIIiticd to [Its mystc-g will---wnn what pluasurt: could lIciIoId tlic light Ul tlittt fatal IttiiI‘IIIIIg Imw so “our III lIttII ; but I Ittirc had a lt'ttil'ul struggle. and, IIIUIIUâ€"Itll, yes, I do lIopcâ€"Ilittl I ban: not lost the IIiiIIlt: :\I I'iotis and that all was lost. On, Sir, III.- was actually l‘t‘tlst‘tl III Abraham's hand to slay his son baton: lllt: II-Ird siiw lit to into. cl‘t: save him. Ht: can save you CVI‘I) still, l‘nm, if It be ills w‘Ill todo Mn. ‘ Ila-d... hc I‘cptntIt-d. t-onvulstvuly, lli strike not llIt: spark (’l‘gnlllg on Iiont daylight. RICHIWONI) HILL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER ‘39. 1:558. t2ttlIlt‘.Ill.-â€"â€"‘ And Itc‘ l Ill. hi'okun tip, illlzl giishtrd forth in tot-- I'cttls id solt cool tears. his htllll‘l wore llc throw llIiIIV‘i‘ll- on his ltitttirs hr the: bud- stdc. and I loll Int,- room: A I‘cw words, by way of conclu- sion, art: net-usury to this sI-It'y. » II lLtn‘ ttli‘ctdy i-in-ntlud I'ztt‘ ln‘vad what I had :tttliuipzilcd wh.:II l com- III 'Ilt'till to Inkt: Il down In tho form of :I lllll'l'illth: from the hands given in mi III'I\'.‘lll1»UI‘IIrIl ; but I do not Iii-sitati: to say that it is a faithful dcttttl ot facts wh'ch took plan: under my own knowlcdgi'. All the Conversation in court, as wcll as 'I‘ont Cou- they 5 :id .rt-ss upoii tum- \wt‘IIoIi, III'L' sliitcil ptin‘ls‘t‘ly :Is Ilit') oI-t-III'I‘ctl. :Ind \\'I‘t‘t: tukcu down by Itin so” .it tho lIIIIU. ' 'l‘om CiItII'IiIiy SIW Hopkins bi:- Ilorc he: lclt tllc jtil,‘ In: smilcd ni .swornttd Smith: as In: lookcd tit hint; >ht: tIdIIIitItrd than: was a strong likcnoss lIUI\-\'UCII thc.n, but ill: could kiwi III; so good a judge upon that IpoiIII :tsoihcrs; he I‘ctIIiiIdcd inc, ilIIHI‘I'VuI‘, of his drnra -I, recurring ‘Io tho sII'Ijiut scvei‘iii times at some lt5llt1lll, and docltiri-d at last that ho lully and l’rocly forgave the pel‘SIIIIS who sworc against himâ€"adding, “that hid it lIccii in the IIIIleIIIU: l - . :lic cvuld scarcely have forgiven Ithcni. Sir \Villiam Smith it was who llI‘Ii:tl Hopkins at Câ€"â€"r, and he told IIIC :tl'Ii-rwnrds that even [Ic- IlVlCI‘lI Iwms ho had never seen so port'ch it ltkuncss. Courtney’s Inn- lher also siiw Hopkins. and-"Uh! ,Iht: fondness of a mother‘s heart»- lshc s'rcnuouslv dciilcd thtl Ihci‘t: Iwas Iiio smu/[rst rrswmblimcc bc< iwut-n him and hcr ‘boy ;’ that Im- lIody bitt a Common fool could mis- This opinion shc mun)- liIIIIUtl to tho last, and ltloubt not iInil >llc I'cally Lcltcvod it. The dtty fortnight that I told Tutti Courtitcy was s‘tIVcd, an ordur for his discharge: having :ir In: rIVmI, thcrc Was a merry and a happy party at tho jail-gate. The whoh: parish Came In It) give poor 'I‘om a joyous greeting and a ('llt‘el'- I'td escort to IIIS home once more. Cars of all descriptions, low-hark and high-hark. gigs and tax-carts, dl’I‘lVIlIg cvury moment; suizli brushing of straps, and stilt-hing of harness; sui‘li rubbing of stii‘iups, aitd piIIIt‘liIitg ol holes ; such smooth] tug of roshtuns, and gI‘UIISlIIE of wltccls. was Itcvt-I‘ soon as had lIci-ii Upwm‘d (III llItflI'I horses, tILI'cc abreast, in llltftl l-I'HIII Iiltct'tt to cars and other vuhit'lcs‘of suit or other, hilt-d with tho of sixty IIicII. IIIotnIch Nintttt‘y fiotil; l‘nr'L‘llly UIIU ('illllt.‘ I III-:ttity and fashion of tho pai'islt.- - Next tin: jziil~gittc stood an empty juvttIIIIg-iutr, ltto Itotsc’s licnd cov- ltl't‘d with IIIIII'JIIS of t‘Vt'l'JI'UL‘II, nod-v UIIU‘ l.tIn:l Ictii'trd I litid bot-II t-tniipit-I‘t‘d.‘ “lHlU “It: l’Ul'HlH‘l NEWS "1!” ‘l’M'N‘IIIIIg llt thn ni't'czc. \\lllI now and his “Iists IIIIU his t‘tlill'SlteVL'S-"' l thcn :i proud. IIIIpttIIcnt loss of lllt' ‘ lIâ€"aII. Sir, you,coit|d not [In St':||uud‘ “mi u puwmg (f the LVI'UIIIIIJI “"UUI “5 l" sl‘c‘d‘ “ms 'l. “"‘m (Nib) tltt: :IIIIIIIttl ; Ior ho was old Nod ! . no hope. ltmurt cy's JatItIlIIIg-tnit‘ lIItI'SIE-"IIILI t-uiiIIIItIird. and it curious change ‘(’il|IIt.' iI\‘t:i‘ lIiIII; ' tIlI, SII'. l llitVu‘ spout a IIIISIII‘JIIIU lIILflII. Uh, how I wish I had not slept nt :Il--- ‘tool. his hand ; 'twus I‘ud hot; itlldl it said, the W-tlilttl to .I now t-tn‘tdtnt} ul t'tIIISl'IiI'ISIII‘SS was frightful; and I had I‘II‘IIIIFIIIIIII‘; druntiLâ€"I l thoughtâ€"th It must have l)t‘Cl| hiIi thoughtâ€"hut about two It :urs :tgu. tIittI IitIlc Window abort: my hch was opt-II as it was now; and l Iain-Ivdâ€"I‘tn MII'U Il must have lIi-cn IIuI ltllt'_\â€"lttll I did think I Itctird some out: Iii IIIt: yard satvâ€" l il ‘II that be two, it savcs I‘o-II Courtney.v ' I’m almost sun: I licitrd tho- woids, or soon: ol IhtIIII ;l II thoru not you. at lcasi, Sir, would not have lclt the so loopr a pi'cy to dcspiiir.’ ‘ lIc hid his tan: in his hands, and lguurd upon tlic t‘ilgt: iIl llit: tattle \\litt‘ll was near ll“; bcd where he Sitt. I Iut, stII‘cl\‘,. I had let hint run on all this Iimc,l Il host to do so; indeed, ll kiicw not how I ttould havi: stoppi d‘ or iIiItI'I'in'ed him, such was Ihcl I‘.I|t.tlll_\' wtth \\'lIlI'lI he spokc, with out IIt-ing totrsuddcti and abrupt u my connnutiivation. I now sat down hosidc IIIIII (III the bud, and; "PIN", my good friend. I could wish to sue you calmer and more, t-oiIIpoScd; more totally tttiown' upon the Lord for help and (tutu-i Iot'l.’ He IIIU‘I‘I‘UPlCd me with--- 'Olt. Sir, the ttittcrcst pangs with- In my lltfiII'I Is that I have not been able to Stick help and condom an I ought; that I have not been able Iosuhmit myself blindly, t-IIIII't-ly to His will, without questioning tt.. Bull siItiItrtitIius»--:Ilt, too often, I want to know llis rcasoiis for this sotc :Imlt'llnil; ntimcritud, Illtht'd Sir unIIIcrIttd. so far as regards the crime which has been put upon 'IIIc ‘nti: wnurc did you get it. ,a VilliIIII as over livcd,’ said I: -m ~']‘.nn.’ I continued. as he still. kt-pt his law: hid III its llillllls~I ‘do you I‘ctIIiniIIIirt' (vet to him.- g-von a pltl‘su to to Iiti'inv: blur-i pity ; the who, I suppose, which she: snow to Ill Iici‘ t vidcncc I. III: raith his hood and lookt-d :ti mo. ihcru was a ',vtlditt:ss in his eye. and a twtlslnng about tlii: cor-l tiers of his mouth almost frigh- toned inc, and I even still found ollccis o1 tht: (ZOIIIIIIUIIIt'ttlItItI that was rIsiiIg on my tongue. I ‘ Yos, said he, more calmly than I input-tad; 'somc ycats ttgo.â€"-. \Vhy do you ask I’ i ' Wonk: you know it again, 'I‘om,‘ if \ou saw It nth l' , U“, grunnds pm. “01%,. ' but'c-y, any win-rt: In the: world : hum. [was It Icilltlx‘l' pitrsc, liIItitl “'IIlI Silk, and ltfllUl'S tnai'kt-d upon the lining. But why do you talk or Sul‘ll thmgsuowl I should think ot other matters I expect the licv.MI'. A.-â€"â€"â€" uvct'y IItoIncnt. Iulk not of them now, I bcsccch‘ \‘ou.' . ‘ls that it, Tutti I' said I, throw- ing it upon the tank: bcforo him. i ‘ Yes, stud lIc, snatching it up, that Is the very purse. \thrc. “hm-c, did you got Itl Catherine, Muiphy swore it was Iakclt away the IIIurdcrcrs. Uh. b‘ir. tolll Wllt'lll, “ her-c ’lâ€"how 'lâ€"spcnk quickly.’ ‘In the pocket, 'l‘u , ol‘ as great, by tho pocknt of the real IIIurch'cr.‘ “Then, I am savod!‘ shoutch Tom. sprutsini,r tr lits loci, and sctz- lug Inc by tlic collar (II the coat Wllh both his hands. and shaking IIIe furiously. 'I am saVcd! on, pg” IIIU I am saved! My God, I thank thee! Uh. nty mothci'l' - You are. 'I‘um, saved, b(:\'t'IlIt.l the posStbtlity of a doubt : not par- dullt'tl. Ior they have nothing to pardon; hut I‘til‘y. fret-Iv savod.’ Ht: stood for a InoIIIeit like our: bewildered, like a statute; the me. I know it is as :t t-hild Ishould submit ; but I inquire His reasons; and became as it was wont to be in Clul)’. and .5009 idler Wusd “I‘daillt‘i ‘3‘“ I Ink what I have done; I argue Tom Courtney's happier days. The ‘3” 0f “19" “mime”. 3“ hailene ,but It good into. Uilly was now tIIutIIII- ed in tho during-scat, \\itli whip attd Icttts In hand. ready for the start; \tlidu about two hiItIdrcd IIIL'M. Womt-u. and 'zlnldrtett, on foot. filt'd along tin: jailâ€"wall, to the right and It‘ll ol'tllc gttlc, I'ctttl) to folâ€" low, thI abreast, III the roar. Pius-unily in-Instcr koy was heard struggling in tho look. and WIIII ;i IotItl short shoot of thc bolt. the putt: was thrown opctt, and forth ISsUt'tl 'l‘oiII Courtnvy loaning on his Isitltct"s arm. while upon his own li:IIIItftI his IlIHIlJr‘l‘, sniihtig and ,joy- ous. though rusctiod. I may sttv at the List IIIIIIIIUIII, from a broken- hcartcd grave. I wish you would linitt‘d the shout that rent the am as may :Ippctti‘cd : l have heard loud simultaneous shouts tron as- scitihlcd thousandsâ€"my, tens of Ilious:iitdsâ€"â€"bui so hcat'ty, so enthuâ€" slasllv, so devoted a choorl novcr bound, and IiterI‘ run again l'tltll‘. Shall lstty Il .’ Yes, nor do lblush it I I 4 to own II, that it brought ti-at's Ol sympathy and joyâ€"of cxultuttnnâ€" swelling up in my eyes. If they ran ovur it, It is no illl‘tlll' of yours. many thorn: wort: lltltl wcpt outright. 'I‘om Courtney and his moihm llIUUIIlUd on out: Side. While his ftt- thcr and Philip Moran IIIHUIIlt'd on the other. ‘I'ltrcc (‘llttt'l‘s itioru rcnt Inc air; tht: word ‘ Forward 1‘ ran from mouth to mouth; ' CotIIIiIcy ('t'.IClit:t.l his whip; old Larry .\Iurt’in. the pipcr, drosscd In itspltfk and span new suit, sti'UI-k up a livolyquickstcp In advance ol Inc wliolc procession. which moved forward with smiling. happy, tzlmt- ting ’uitcs ; uIIl in loss llIIllI 1W” ltoiIis 'l‘oiit Courtticv. 1| ll't'c “'“l happy "1.1”, sit at 'ln‘cakl'ttst >\\' 1"! II nu ocrons party ol doligtttcd Iricnds III Ins old home. Snitmwhai about two yi'ars sub- sequent to th- tct'tiitt.atint (It. the noon: traits Clint] 'I'uiti CiitIrItim' burning I‘lusli Ich from his cheek joined the VV-Jslcy (tit I‘I :IlIodist 5.;- Billy" . loss. “711010 No. 73. to fulfill the aspiration of his heart â€"-â€"I think it was to tho oozist (If Air I. It‘ll. I IV] :I lcltci‘ fi'ti iI hint to :i i‘cligiotis friend : he was well : and ,Irmdy alluded to the itIt-idciIIs ‘Wlllt‘ll I have en Icavorcd to detail. ,llc thanked God for what had no- It‘lll'l'i"l. saying, that ‘ lIU considerel ,‘ it liitd houn I‘Ic gl'ttilti’sl of thc tn.ItIy lllIth‘l'lL‘S with which h - liitd lIccu lit- ‘vinrudf That is now upward rII thirty years ago, since \'\'lIlt:lI period I h:tvu ahoguthcr lost sight, or Intel- Iigcnce of him. [From the (baton Prize] A NIGHI‘ OF TERROR. BY FINLEY JOHNSON. \Vc were on our homcward voy- age, we had crossed the burning IIIIc, passed through the regions OI trade winds, and swept round the Western Isle. Evcry heart beat 'with joy; and hopes of future hap- piness were anticipated by all, but, alas! for human fancy ! reality soon teaches a mournfut lesson. We had or board one ofthe pret» lest and gentlest of waiting maids, who, by her winning manners won the love and admiration of us all. But there was one in particular among the crew, who, by his mark- i-d attenttom, showed plainly that love had possession of his heart. Edward Bates, was every wav worthy of a faithful woman s heart. He was ayoung man offiuc talents; and his good taste made him avoid the coarse language so common among sailors. It was therefore, with no common interest that we watched the course of events bctwccn the two; and when he told us that she had pro- tIIIsed to be his upon their reaching shore, we wondered notâ€"but in the language of inspiration, we bid thcm ‘ God spt’cd.’ VViIiIe Edward Bates was enjoy- my,r the unspeakable bli~s of Wu- man‘s fond devotion, there was also unothvr on board, who was seeking to wzn bright eyes to beam upon him. Charles Burns was mate of the vessel, and nature had lavished her gills npon him most bountifully. For a short time his suit appeared to be prosperous, but suddenly a change \vus‘percepttble in the con- duct of her he loved. Loving Looks now 110 more she gave him, her SIIIIICS were withdrawn, and coldâ€" nesa and guarded words were oh that he obtained. Ot't he \VOndt‘Itd at the change, bitt vain were all his attempts to fathom the cause. Could ho, how- ever, have seen \vitIII.I the chain- bets Ol IItrr hoart, he would have dIscth-ied love and pride engaged m a serious contIIt. Kate St. Clair was the daughter of a rich IIIercIIanI III the oily of Baltiitturc; and as Vis:ons ot splendor lllltt‘tl before her eytrs. she Would contrast them with Inose that IIIIgIIt be expected if she wedded the humble mute. Love strugglcd, and painful Indeed was the conttict, but tor the time, pride tI‘ILtlIIlHIL'Ll : and when we reached the AAUI‘t'S,lI€I‘ coldness had so stung the young III'dn, that he no longer t‘lIIt’tt‘d the cabin, but paced to and tro upon the dt~ck,in gloomy silence. At length we passed the Islands, and the weather became more on- pIt-asttnt. The wind blew 21 per- lt’ct gale. Charles Burns Icared toss the other cleinonts, than he ditl the coldness ol Kate; and as he gazed upon the happy faces of Bates and his l)ell1l'01ltt‘d,lIe turned away in bitterness, and cursed his fate. The storm increased to a fearful height, and upon every countenance were the traces of anxiety. Carrie De Vere, as she met the loving glances of Edward Bates, It’lt secure in his presence. It vas Indeed, a terrible thing, there upt n the Wide wastt- of watt-rs, exposed to the pttilcss pcltiugs of the ele- IIIcIIts. As evening closed in, Kate St. Clair would often gaze acrOss tllt' I‘deck. and MW heartfelt anxiety tor Ithe Voting mate. But Charles imt’W lnotpttht-se kind feelings. and us was his usual custom, shunned the cabin. Ninltt came upon us. It was ‘dark Dinurkov, moonless, and star- ‘ 7 v \Ve could not sleep, for the world of waters clung too closely around our spirits not to extle us - g 7&2}, (Tlrtltmu, GAZETTE. ‘Captain, there’s a man over- board.’ ‘ Overboard !’ exclaimed the cap- Iam, starting to his feet, ‘ who is it 9’ ‘ Can’t tell, sir,’ was the reply, as the sailor left the cabin. ‘ Do you hear that ?’ said the cap- tain to us, ‘We have lost a man overboard.’ ‘ What is the matter ?’ cried Kate 5t. Clair, as she caught the sound-1 of out exclamations of horror. ‘ Only a man overboard,’ replied the captain, bitterly. A wild shriek from Kate was III!- ’Ian response, and throwinghnrsclf 'tn'm the floor. she gave vent to her agony. ‘ II is Charles,‘ she cried. ‘Idid not prize him as fought. and now he is lost to me. Save himâ€"save him I’ and she *vould have rushed upon the deck, if we had not re- strained her. ‘ It is not Charles Bttrns,’ we said, but even as WP spoke, our eyes bent on Carrie De Vere. She was «shy pale, and only a slight tremor which shook her trams, gave evi- dence of life. ‘ Kate, Kate, do not weep so,’ said we, it cannot be Charles.’ ‘ It is,’ she replied, ‘ yes. it is him, or else he. would have come himself, to report the loss.’ ‘Wn will inquire,’ we said, and ascending to the deck, we soon dis- covered who was the unfortunate man. So “’P. again entered the cabin, they all gathered rouncl to hear the recital. Carrie was evidently uneasy; and as we told them it was poor Edward Bates, she sank down Cold and lifeless. On the- second day the gale moderateo, and soon after WP reached our native land. On our arrival, there was a re- spectable elderly man and woman came on board, and made inquiries concerning Edward Bates, and f ai-t'til was their grief, when they heard his fate. Carrie De Vere was an orphan brotherless, sisterlessâ€"and on be« ing offered a home with the parents of her lover, gladly accepted it. Kate St. Clair, was married to the handsome mateâ€"and never regret- ted the day when she became his bride. The above is no fiction, and DPVCI' shall I forget the Two Maidens, and the Night of Terror. ' A N ORGANIC DIFFICUIJI‘Y, A parish in the west of England. after murh effort, lately purchased a self-acting organ warranted to play twenty/tunes, and a larger congre- gation than usual met to inaugurate it. The first psalm had been suc- cossfully brought to an end, when after a short pause the organ chose to commence psalm tune number two. In rain the officiating person endn'avored to stop it ; in vain II (-5 church wardens left their own pews IC stitlo its noise; still the organ, as though uncontrollany pleased with its own execution-kept on with the new air \tht was to 'be done"! The service was suspended, in the hope that the musical stranger might hecmtlcut when the second time was played out. Vain expectation! It Commenced lune number three I and nothing remained but to carry the instrument into the church yard,:tnd there to cover it with the vestry car- pet to choke its vmce, for on and on it went till the number of twenty had been played out, much to tho edificalion of the less attentive part of the congregation, who could hear only half-smothered melodies. SPEAKING OUT IN DREAMS. A cm‘rcspondemof the Richmond Dispatch tells the following in a let- tor from one of the Springs. An amusing incident occurred in the cars of the Virgin'a and Tennes- see road, which must be preserved in print. It is too good to be lost. As the train entered the Big Tunnel, near tiiis:plane, in accordance with the usual custom a lamp was lighted A servant girl, accompanying her mistress. had sunk into a profound slumber, butjust as the lamp was lighth she awoke, and half asleep. imagined herself in the infernal re- gions. Frantic with fright, she implored her Maker to have mercy on her, rt: marking at the same time, “ The devil has got me at last.” Her mis- tress, sitting on the seat in front of the terrified negress, was deeply mortified, and called upon her. -- Molliv. don't make such a noise ; it is I, he not afraidâ€"” The poor African immediately exelaimed. “ 0 missus, dat you ; jest what I ’spect- ed ; I always thought if eher I got to de bad place, I would see you from the land ol dreams. ‘ At twelve, the captain came be- Iotv, and retircd to his cabin, and as he ptsst-d us he remarked, that the gale was steadily increasing. In about five minute-s, all was still, save the. hoarse murmur of the waves. and the roar of the windâ€"- then every one was staitled as 8 Ion way, unit's votes cried out. dar."â€"-These remarks were uttered with such vehemence that not a word was lost, and the whole coach became convulsed with laughter. Our but thought', the brightest and purest. the profoundest and truest. (Om Ltisnught, Welling tin spontanvously Iron Iieaxy step descended the compan- the fathomlen dept.- of the mutton-tibi- infinite.

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