Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 29 Oct 1858, p. 4

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WNE 'l‘he prosecuting attorney in one of on: cnualie: i: a gentleman who evidrnlly [m “was in the fill-ct of eloquence nnjurie~t In pl‘uscculiug [he murderer. and in slab in; the vase lo Hm jury. he advertcd l'eul- ingly lo the sad line of [he prison-11% wr- tim. and said: ‘ Gentlemen, lhe poor no- liul ul‘mis man's lndlish malice was sud» dcnly lulncrcd inlo (he presence of God; without warning. with no (me for Pre'pnrv aiion, he “a: sent unaunointed and unan- nealed, eillmr to enjoy the rewards 01 lhv bleszed. or to sudk-r llle‘ annoyances ’ oi the dammed !‘ A chemist and druggist who has a smatl shall in Mid-Lancashire, in a-Irm- lisiug Ina asmunlic ponders rvcmnmenlh lllt'nl lLu‘. probdbly with a View [a lumin; a slap tu emigraliou: ‘ Uf theae powd~ râ€" u may be :a-id Iruly that if their \‘a'u- wvre nnivrrsally known, no t'mignull wouhl leuVe his cnunlry, no [rave lcr 1m home. and no family would be “ithu lhcm.’ To make penplu quirt, ju~t give them “hm HII-y want. M II dull-‘0‘] iows, ll slmw: than she wants to l)» loved III r..- lIIIuâ€" Ion: her. I! Inlks are huIIeg. oiIr lhIIII cl-um brown smut hue! and plum- 'mdduur If Ilw) waul cash, hand it on! II III.) a r II! M flood “mm mm glm} ‘lniclu" huulm, sunshine, alld'bicll‘ Ilka Muk a nulc of (III: for relulence. U-‘t‘ In iva. a (-lnhlic Iu u-h'x-a A \\' HIL‘ :1 h' “BRIANâ€""HM: female of man in thw 0 'Im an uulu'c,bul aumelunes the mnlr In ihr: Ind-I nl muiuly. 'lllul'e are uLl women or bull] m'xm. The eflect of character is always to counnuml romixleraliou. “7:: Sport, and my. and luuAh wxlh men and women ulu') have none, but we never confide in llletu. Mnnmoxux. onxcaâ€"We can Ivil you how lo get a good wifeâ€"Jake a mum! girl and 20 lo the pdl‘aOll- ley have got a fast Operatorin Alkali- sasâ€" he cut: up clover and luy, and sells it for black lea. wont-y I” a: the old woman raid “hen slm :uw u moukl'y. What great plurennbgibt ha~l a mum most vxprrsaive at his puofemon as a w- seurclxer in hvudrs ? Combe. But now the fight is o‘er. my boys. and we are lal‘e and round. Ponce lo the ashes of the brave! Now let the cup go tor nd “’0 care not for the tropic sun. nor yet the win by wind. ’Whale'er the chme, we’ll ne'er forget the girls we’ve lol'L behind. Hllk Io Ihe Rusfian bugles ! whatstrikes upon the ear? ’Til the “ Retreat '." Stand firm. my boys. our brave allies are nanr; The fighl is won. xhe field is ours. and we'll ne ‘er fongulhe dn}. When a handful of true English kept the Rus- sian has! at bu}. Lfllfluk his lurJal The \des Ind urn-coly left his lips when down the old 1mm fa", The riflek deadly messenger had done its walk ‘00 Wt“ : “Away with grief,” IIIB soEdier shouts, " re- venge mm! he lhe cry : Our chirl' is down. the walchword now is death or victory." The cornl-nl raged on every aide. our ranks wen {him-ed npnce, But the bull's was not for the strong. nor for the swirl the rare: The nexl man filled his comrade's place. and no one lhongln of fear. And for avnry fallen Englishman. six Russia!» lay there. " Hm lbw nn- all urouml. The RUss‘nns Imvv rurprimd m. but still \m'll “and our ground: He Mendy. kr-ep your. powd" dry. their num- lyar.» do not mind. You’re fighling for your country and the girk )ou’ a left behind." His )1: ‘ulu-l XTRAORI‘LVA RY COM PROMISE.~â€"AI "l‘was 5 black Nova mun morning. the camp W8~‘ calm and still. And noughl “as heard except the lrnmp of sehlries on the hill. The 1'ne's d-md 5:9. “as hik‘Hl lung o'er the bleak of day : No lmlm were on the [Inssinu fo’Lw, nosignals in the bu} . TI-ul silence soon wan broken, the bugle nob-s 'l lime 33111100111 fliruhingfi. “ “‘llat queer things men will make for id. he Mlle fllhwc Tll of di THE FIFTH ("4‘ NOVEMBER. mug out. no heurd lhe cannons booming, and the di mu hullle sham: HJdiers 22' rang lion) of? the ground. and whim paper mentiom as am/‘n; “Illa"!‘s ‘Irrn‘ed from a rude c Il:al ‘ purple who have valued “‘3 uumu "or ' lo [he-3r: nun)‘ 3': ms bflhs‘ on rrlnnving Ihvrc hanvr- 655.1] mm ' \vell-spning of plau- ”u: in“ extent of mm deflre.’ who now ll ere “illne'er forget (he field mvm'rd \luutly ;_ ~' and if il~ leuce lo L'uu, I.“ take a lilll: karmann .I kindly nld Cnthcart cried IhF â€" Punch What, after all is at present the re:u|t of recruitintr the ln- diam Civil Scnice byb competi- tion instead of nomination? bimplythis. lle are Sllbbtl- tuting Irishmeu for Scotchmen 1n the Civil Government oflu- dia. Englishmen, who me impartial jud'res 01 the ques- tion, may be allowed to ask whether the empiic gains by the exchange. 'lheie are some points of national char- acter in which Scotch and SCOTCHMEN UR IRISH- MEN FOR INDIA“! mots should be well Iivd to stakes, to prevent their being blown over by the winds.â€" American Agriculturisl. a decided advantage by'this treatment. If set out eznly in the l‘ull, the ground gets well settled about the roots, and considerable root growth is made before “inter sets in. By this means, they are pro-- pared to endure the cold of Winter, and to start forth viâ€" gorously in the Spring. In Fall planting, it is well to throw up a mound of earth a foot high around the trunk, to prevent hard freezing of the roots and to keep them firmly in their place. 'Jhis precau- tion will also prevent mice from barking the trees. Lurue trees and those with shortl h jth some exceptions like lhese, we say, plmt in Ihe Autumn. Hardy m-es. such as the apple, cherry and plum, and forest txees generally, svt out in good warm soil, again, That evurgreens 70f every name Mmuld be transplanted only in the Spring, we new] not now $101) to show. Same ni'lhe llardival kinds mny go through the Winter sufely,u1- ter, Full planning. but thvory and cxpcricnce lesiiiy aguimt the practice. Again: trees whose hzn‘di- hood is at all doubtful, should not be planted in the Full. They are not in a condition to resist the cold of Winter. Trees are often condemned as tender, and the nurscryn.en who sell them get roundly abused, because the trees per- itsh tzle first Winter alter trans- planting, \vhenthey WoulJ un- duubteuly have lived had they been set out in the Spring. The same genernl principle Would apply in the. case of planting upon an exposed and bleak site. These set out in the Fall, on such land wouldl be likely to get lashed about or blown over by the winds 01‘ Winter, before getting estu- blished. Sct out in April, the roots would get a pretty firm lmld efore Autumn came around, and would sustain the Iwe in its plzivc. “ heel thorn in” "in some dry and sheltewd spot for the Will- ter, and set them out as soon as Spting failly opens. But we must say th:,1t considerénu the many kinds of d1smses to which all kind of trees :1 1'0 subject, we would go without tro ‘ â€"-f1uit trees, certlinhâ€" ruthel than set them 111 .1 c3111, wet soil that (-unnot be re- claimed. Would it not bP bet- ter still to sell the unconscninl land and buy better ifdrnining cannot be etfected .7 And when all this does not occur, the stem oftlle tree is swayed about in the soft earth, making a hole around it fur the dcscvnt Ofair to the root's. When Spring opens, such a tree, ifulivc, is in :1 poor con- dition to make a vigoruus growth. Before planting, the question to be considered first, is the nature ofthe soil into which our trees we to be svt.â€"Ifit i< wet, and cannot easily be made dry by draining and trvnrhing, 1htâ€"n in that case, assurt'dly, Fall planting is not the best. l‘rces set in such soil in Autumn, get but a slight hold nt'tho earth belhre Winter sets in. 'l he stagnant water at the roots not only c::nkvrstl1em,but by alternate freezing and _thn wing, .hoavos lftrees must be planted in such soilâ€"which, by the way, we much questionâ€"the best way would be to wait until Spring, 01‘ to dig up in the Fall, Wuh every rntnrning Fall and Spring, the qm stion arises: \\ hich, on the whole, is 1119 best season for trans- planting ? We do not propose, now, to discuss the queation at length, but merely to state a flaw general principles. :hvm out and cxposevs them 10 the air. BES 1‘ TIME FOR TRANS- PLANTING. his proleniou. it was impas- m’ble to pass Iighlly uver such a very serious (meme. '1 he sentence mum therefore be a a very l'ebUVU animal, and Lluâ€" used to 30mg along crowded thoroughtares. ll iIh respect to the assault, he expreswd hi5 deep regret Illdl he had so tar lost his temper as to uae his whip in the way he had done, and which he could not justify. Baillie Lliss l, in pusfiug seri- ;euce, enlarged on the gross breach of the peace which the defendant had acknowledged to ban: committed, and mid that, looking at his social i I v 9a brl‘ug read owr to him by the clerk 01 the Court, the rev. defendant pleaded guilty to both, 1111031118, in excute fur the violent pace at which he \VHS driving, that his llul'bt’. \vab At the Edinburgh Police Court on 'llnaradayâ€"Bailic liuswl presidingâ€" ll illium Mackay, a human Catholic priest belonging to Dulkeith, was placed at the bar on a charge ot TECkLSblY and fu- rioualy d.ivin,‘_{ u horbc and gig along lhe horth and South Bridges on the evening oi Monday last, as ‘dlbU Willi hav- ing on the same occasion vio- lently asaaultcd three individ- uals, and will] a riding whip atruck them l't‘pculcdly ilCl‘Ubb the face, buck, and ahouldera. 1 he occurrence in qut‘alion oc- casioned a good dCul ot'ularnial "Ill: time. About ten o’clock A ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST AT THE BAR. strange country and'to deal With men of a strange faith; The answer must certainly be in the negative as regards Scotchmen. It is one of their oddest peculiarities that, separ- ated from their blessed native land, they become the most cosmopolitan of human be- ings. A Scotchntan in India puts his nationality and his Calvinism in his pocket, and no more thinks of obtrnding his home habits on the native than of forcing Fakees to dil- ttte their Ganges-water with wiskey, or to sing Burns to an accompaniment of tom-toms. Asa tact, the Europeans who have most understood the na- tives, have most sympathised with them, and won must of their confidence, have been econ Ittnen. ll hen, then, we insist on substituting lrishmen for them, it is a fair question Whether the favoured race is distinguished by the same charaeteristics. Is it oris it nottrue that an Irishman is the same everywheteâ€"in New York as in 'l ipperary, in San Francisco as in Dublin? ls it or is not true that he carries his religious prejudices every- where. that he can always be mastered by any one adroit enough to use them, and that he is everywhere anxious to secure their ascendancy? it this be hue. ofhim, it is not much to the, purpose that the new Irish eivrlian will be a uniVersal genius at twenty, while his Scotch predecessor was a long legged and at first ignorantaninral,who generally developed slo\\ly, and rarely found all his wits till he. was close upon thirtyâ€"Saturday lt’cz‘icw. Irish agree. They are equally noted at home for their local patriotism and their narrow religions prx-judlcvs. Arethey, then, equally unfit to govern a 0115, with .520 cannon l0 ll lnulluls uul \\llulc um: lulmu'us lo bu, “llclllul‘ m Inc In uu'L, lnc chum“. [nu uruumg-nuum. [mu (:m- lugc, [he ulnmum, ur the mlmu) cunmEu, Hm sucus ul a mmuJuj UH), or the ruunlr'x, um: Is ulnmal (SUI mm 01 pulling Ins kml ”1'0 1 mmâ€" II .c m lhuau quu-nllul two; 5 illung um“, :5 sl 1: lsul Yes; you IIIUaI cumcaa‘ H. l bil)‘ ilg'dl“ Hurt; ls nulhmg In all HM: \HH‘ld “d” an Licuulnlul, lI-nll >0 guud, 11"“ :u ‘(zlml'mlug. m n " mu: gm." bin: 15 Am: swL-ucsl uuwm‘ 1.. mu pun: ul lulu. That are umurs Iill' mun: blulul} , 5m “lulu gurguum, bul nhusu “u mural) hunmu as “u Inns LI), “nth: an Inn: 5mm.- lnne “u mu Inuk- um um fur a " un-c gm "â€"Almlu- glam-v lur on: up mg an muchm )nul aluamu lime.- uud space. l mu um, bafiumu‘. ul CIIUUIIUL. 'lnurc as u numclcss than” about u “(1) luul “In-:11] luclluvu Lulu uhuu‘ umlu luaugmm a. A uuuli} Unuluu mm mm hull-Mhllwd unluu. m cun- JUM'ln-n “H“ u (quU “lulu IIU1||~ uuul imd Haul :luduugs, Wu]. A um am’u, umnpunmlc lur mu uumumu ul mul sllcul. humuu; . cnuulmu. u; Vul‘ ulusa, Mcul um.” and Much Huuu ouunu U) in Human Hlllu lJHmL: uurb’u. nu aunllhuu mu; u .I- uU| malw; anu m .ul I|I\L', am uunmmn. I mun.- ulluu lnuugm ll. “mum uu hup‘» n h§ nu m: m, lu m.- uulmwu u; :uu. mung qua. «mu lunduu u) am.“ lam' II-luua. Un‘u ul lhu must annual) mallmu umu'mzluxlauua ul u " mu.- 5m" la aunpmm} In urn»; mu; :3 mun .uul) .nasuuuluu m nu nmnu nllll llAuLb In nul 1.1mm ‘ am.- .a u I'LlllJCl. IquaL-I‘n'. ID Uh; ‘ mm; b” I." h nun Murat Luuma. ll |5 an“; “no ulluma mm Unuu-AHHE ‘uumuuu «In; anh (:numm;r ; lhulu ls nu “an. nu amount ul lullguu Mu; um nut un- mun): dulmv, i|l\\d)§ lZlIlellUI u c'lll hmu‘um; am. mnu‘ Lyn-ans nu «llJthU nuu uaunul mall! the LL” dune: ' am; [full ullhu SUI“: um.- hub uucn Inn-lunar m ”nu mg In: ac! \ ILL :. lllnuhlubl mu, mu.- dlvcs mm 1m; Mlmwu m an; uuuul unmur. 01mm umu_\.~' Owing, ill\\|l)§ lilIucllul ullu A. Ht ltunll'uhu; mu. “cur LunaLS m 0. he gnaw; ur lnu uu- .ut g: I D} In: mun»; ll 15 lnu " mm: gut. uu' umuduu l-ulul Inn chu pul- lurmcd 111 mu am” that Imnmlu lI-nU ; _\ul ,lmw (manning nun hunt I: umw, MU“ annpl) uwgunl Io" “cl ulna; mu! chm! h nut “cal I.) #135155 a.n: una- tl'luUlUS Unuand “mung luu mum- Uula 01 Inc mun!) :a-Iu uuuanul In»- aunl lm‘ ulwun m ncl‘ Mun, llm: the “m: gut, mu “mu: llu; Ilnllulnu hcr bun, "nu Mam» lm: no) :, um: ullcl Um Uluul. nun .m uudnun' " mun-n." lb (lulu: ul humu :u umun.’ Ill-us m m_Mam-a In)... [nu huuu lllU huu and luplumauuu lHu loam-I mm In nu): umud pupa s luua‘l, mm (:illllua Up mum- nm's Ical! \Hm I. u “1.11pm; vul- luns uu 1m: DU)» slnrls. \hllula lln; u-mula’. lucdb llu; lmmlr) . and mum» mm) Hung “'8'” “nu cumlulmmu .1: 1m,-|.r( in“ [nu sum Um; I) uul luau u-rvms, Sllu .s umu'm lUu nusg. \\ L: dunUchl lnu " nu u gun” all home. “/hu .3 u 11ml lhue um nu luu uwrmua, um] gels mu Lumin- nut I‘uad) ! n nu I: u lnul “mm: pupa-s lnua‘l, mm callllua up mam- um's lual! \Hm I. u “1.11pm; Dul- luus on [he Luna slnrls. \hllula lln; L. queue um: :l mu; am; uuvu' I.m« humus, ahu lh luu mmvc ; mm d «:3 uul luau uuvms, sin; .5 umms hm lubl uuw org-Ia ; ul' Ihc E” II gunne- luulxlug g H, \\'I.u (:qulka am LIL c. u_\ suuupmgm..J:a‘i1u;m_\ lnluubh u unnumg mum. lllu ' mu.- gm’ dllt‘b lml cum datum.- \\‘L:H ur 1"“) “ch; slnuuucs Inn Luann “an M: u. quuuu “ll“ :1 Ian; am; nuvu' l-lll‘ xh: truulul'us, nnum “u Illcul m 1m.- alnl‘c‘e ul lmmu. \llllumng .uuunu (In; dull-Lallu lluul'lll 1m. muuunuc ul m;- I‘l lm; II.” n «uuunuas “In: mu (ibhunlu 01 : ‘l-AIHAK'IS. \Vlml nu an] knuw " mu: gill” As nut lnu mngul luau.) “nu lmls ulmu mu 3 la luiks at ”It; Llal new nmul or lual uuw ()lvcld ; ul' Ihc E” II {-5‘ luukluu L! H, \\'I.u (zluulka u“ ‘ \Vc lake lhc fl’llnwing wry sonsi- hie I‘Cnlfll'kh' rl'nn‘b ”Ur ('Slvclni'd (‘OII- tempnrnr} llm Jl'lunc/mxlm' Ema/"'72- er, “hum: unluums have lately been cniiu-ncd by communismmus on [hut inlcrcsling suluj.:(:lâ€"-â€"" The Ludlcs." As so much has ln-vn s lit] about ynung ludlus ulm do nothing lml 1;].1} .m Inc sofa. and 301mg mun \AIm nru I luul \\llll lhc lumus Ul' lulmlfl‘u brand} and \mlcr, [lul‘llnlus \nu 5.1m“ nu: to MIL-r u [my n-u ’ and m “In: “ish In In: " Illt‘u gnis.’ gain ruspucl and ullummu from ulI wlm are l ruughl inlu (‘unlm‘l “'1'“ “mm. and huvu nu dllfirully in line- mg gclallunum “ho uuuhl he rum!) in lulu: uplnn lncmsuh'us llu: I‘Uslmll‘ slhi ll) 01 lvl'xn'idlltg l'ul' Inuirlnuluc- mm and llilmllncns. lugmmm‘r mu number ul burl-clols, um] nugmunl- mg lhc number 1:! Hum») humus. Tu II|_\ Inlml linen: IN mulling In a“ lhc Wunld hulfsu lluuuulul, hull m 'lullshllul, Ul' hull su hn'cumc us a , . ' mm: gun I. ’ I dun l mum u prull) gill, nr u dualung gun'm' .m unuguul gill, but u " un-c 3m ;’ mm: M Hum; m Ll) ,guuu-Iumpvuuu, good “can hm. I gill, but u " un-c gm; mm: M lm n\ l.l'\ ,glmu-Iump'nuu, 3mm Hqu h SHUUI'IU u. aluminum, In‘ul. uluu keep the peace" for twelve mouthsâ€"failing which, thirty (lays’ imprisonment. The fine was instantly paid, and the n-v. defendant left the Court accnmpnnied by a number of his clerical friendsâ€"Edin- burgh 1erx. nlmu mu [m utlcl‘ u kswmu (-l‘ “Iliuhl (-x. uld tlm'umcnl in my 1 HM: culmdurullun ul IIIAU' Mlluu bllu \Hll .uzulcla, ul ll Uilbllll ml: lmun Cd .1 NIUEGIRLS. um Id lmlgmsll “L ‘VUI lunVule HIU. AL \\ lb unu 0| luul " llwu um.‘ u " mm: 311' )uL vnm ‘n'uluamu ul “HES mm uuu “UH; 1U“ ulnaaca, Uulmul, m a [Huh-mun bl“; m m] luu thummlh: ”I, a nu mm.- In “ In I}. nus lulunuu ll “qu In“: mm lull) l’Ul I‘llups \ nu \\ H A, L: gill. DIAL: lnu annual“: \(Illll pm} uunl hlllnlCn, [rum in: lunmrkx ull 3\1\U\.‘I ILUBL‘ IN ‘lnn am) r L Allu Unuw \ , U. W From whmu all Ellfllirll or Amunuau l‘hou- grayio Wotlu may I: (mild. (-Ilml l bug lu H. 'l‘. A'Ixnwm. & (0.; Law of Km; alw- \’\¢-~[. nuw nfl'vr M II-eu' m-w lulrlrlmunL Guzulm’ Eng/[sh Drugs, I’uH'u U‘A’H/ACUII’N, Frvm‘lz rtud lu'ngllsb l‘t'l'fllI/ltl‘y, 011$, l’muls. i‘U/Ulll 3, Myr- ”hm/x, Cum/Is Brus/u's fin. .\l smh mom-mic prim-s us unnnul [ml l0 m- (‘ul’t‘ “HFIUIII. Wu Mm! mmlnn will: m- wvek I euch, d‘ (If? LOOK AT THIS I J“ v. the re L ma} 1»: as u iw. and [u)~~ ol' whw we are Ilullndâ€"HL any n. â€"'u make [nu Lt'tulwg luduslv'la =iu|e~â€"-I| P best for the [“211IH9" mul 1le Fan-Hy ('nuieâ€"u’e maid unlm ucd‘ med lulu-ml uni-r :â€" ()ur I‘JeVl‘lllh Vulume null m January. ”58â€"“ I“ run Iu J-Illll: mmlnm 71h huge uclavo [Inge-x will: m-n' typo. II “II: he is u- d [HS FARM «mum w alurul Fil'lI “Ill! 3 Home. (Lndvn. hllll >mal| alch. and N wull lillllit‘l'kd. The “'ult-r Including 'l‘hne guutl Dwrl'nug “UIbe‘ Gulllelh'. mull almul Full-en Ann“ 0! ‘f vequned lu‘ [he pu clmsnr‘ 'I'In-lm are nl pit-SPIN Iwnl us an Agricultural l llll‘lll 21nd l“il¢- l“;lclol’_\'. All the above pmperty “'Ill he sold 0 l. nus l'ul' Cahll or Yearly l‘apm-nb. l umlhj the auvuliuu of tut) Mm hanic unu ance. and Including '1 Guilleul<.: ‘f :equned aim-ml {Member 10 1857 LJM'I) JV!) Ill-1TH]: .TIIILL NEAR Rmmmu mm“ the HI k For particulars apply lo [Column [HS FARM l..\l()§'l‘ [IVEIH “1 vDY I‘LUUl-H. LUUM and :7? 0 3'06 I! .1 I' f! 3‘ WRITIIXG BY SOUND! “man and Cut \‘ex_\‘ he~l qunnl ,nglxsh UIIIL' Hu cum all mum to TERMS ()l" SUUSCKH’ l I ').\' nun”. l\ .wvur 1-1. on (in. .md c PRIVATE (well nmnlh. in 0 up in the Ines! n ho “ i I ‘or «a ahrhled Im lhei M L \V Cu. hmillg [ha ()1qu lumur lleQ‘ Im hA‘SIlflH n' 01 lhv-u' Man Addmsa. pod-unit]. “'lLLlAjM H. ORR 'IICU und i upnuuhl; in (ne cumu- Knd Ina .«emimrnls of [Ur Icmhuu axe .xuhjerux ml] bu l'nnly rnld'c- ummeulmd "me ml 10 [In- an to. the [ARM] and AA I'll. :nlmxmr. Mmlu: I‘mscnlnlmns. l"n Cut-lo Modecllms. will}, dnum hon: Du. L)U.\'(‘U‘\IR‘ nmulm their charming rfleclx. Sol on|_\ du ll:e}_ylve ”mundane was and >Lengih. and um: uwm ulo ~~lukurss. pan: and unglllhll. bul lhr} at once go to walk at we lonudnlionol’ (he dN-u e. “ll-ch I the Innnd. 't lwneluxe, il quI-Iap shown. Iurcmlly ln’ Ill-N: uno ure [have P: l<. um hey \\'|l| m Home and ynrll'}. [llul uhwuwâ€" :||al. dcudly enmnvâ€"wnll lake ib fl-qln. and the flu.~h ul _\‘uul|l nnd llrultl) \v.Il agmu u-Inru, mu] the Druspecl ufu lung and hupm lil'e “m chemh and uni-1mm }our dams. ( AU'IIuh â€"â€"brwurv u!‘ n coumelfilil Sigurd A [1. [Nature All gvuuim’ have llne name of A. J. “um: 61 (In. on ouch l-ox. A|n~u lhe slguflllflt If A. J. lV/ulc 4- Co. All Others are D‘nc: 2:5 ceuls pvrbox. five box“ will b.‘ Kmidnce. coma-v rmipl of t]. postage plid. 33 Richn‘oond spmiuus A J. W [”112 L‘C (XL. 50“ Prnprielurs. 50 Leonard Slrrl‘l. hew York. Dr. Murse‘s lndmu roul l'ills are sold by all dwuem m Mrdwiuu. Agems wnnu-d In every town. village and humlel m 1h!- laud. l’nr.i~r~ dusirivg tho ngeum “in “draw as ub we hr terms. Mi<s Snuunnmv H. Coluncl (i \V. “llanE'l’l‘ (‘HAI‘Lm l‘wnu-rrr. 'l' l)l'\.\ l-ZNuLIm. u u llmnv \jmvv. Jun. Gunner; Amul. .. SAMUH. hum. M» An “Hum-H. Mrs. [M V“; ox, M s VIHGI-n VAUGHN. “ALLY Juuss-m Miss ”AI 1|». L‘umx' W0 ’1“ Fl‘ A J. WHITE & CO.. Sula P. (ROLE)! OLDEN PREZEZ [ITI ‘mi (1 \\'nw oulv 101 (he PIE E 22. EC. b, I Kanidnce, Gonen» agent. 33 Richn'oond Hill.Augn-l 13.1851. 'IO-I SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 1i Dr. C A l) W E L L MECHIMCS, INVENTORS DIANUFACTUHERS AN‘D FARMERS, THE SC | lerX'I'II’IC A MERICAN has no“ renal upon her [7" Head (Mica. Chum/l t bellied: I. C. GILMOR BuihhngaMunufnrlonen. Mills. Am . all-U ”00d: and Furmune. Ill Ilw. Milne. nguilbl 1085! d8"! age b; ("6.0” libe‘al wrung. Losses pl‘oIHP"‘ luud IIIIw i~~uml III “II I-0IIIILrI. and II hm II evn «MI-II. iV!‘ ciIcnluuon In III] [he Slums uf‘ |l|' UIIIUII. ’l l\ "OX. [1‘ FUIIIU Illlghl 9‘“.IP(L\U .11!" iii IIIIe. nxlry. nbsLIUIu work on Iel'hII'Ical «is ca; on the (mummy. IL 30 denls wiIII (he gIenI evems mung uII III Ihu scieIIIifiu. IIIe- cIIIIIIiI'al and iIIdIIsIIIal \Iorlds. II: to plense :IIId iIIsIrIIcI every one. If Ihe Mechanic or Amznn III has In know me IIIsI IIIarhIIIe in “SP, or how Io "Inks any suhslanve eIII|I|o_\I,-tl -II his l)l|.\l|le\\â€"I| Ihu III lh’l‘Wila mush» to Lift :1 vsrilne I‘orI lung 11 good Color. & â€"i|' Ihe lllVl‘lllOl‘ Iv hrs 1» kIIuw \I'lIuI II goIIIg (III III [he wav of |lll|ll'0\elll€l|L‘â€"if vhu Manumc- Iumr VI ~hI-s lo k-ep pusch “III IlII- lilllt‘s. II-Id (III-IIIIIIIIV ‘lIc burl fauhlivs Ill his In Iâ€" newâ€"II (he MrIII of Lei ’lll't‘ and ‘ftudy wi~he~ lo kI-ep hIIIISI~|l fIIIIIhur VIi h the magma mud in lhr (:hrIIII 'Il labum or). m in Ihu I'IIIISII‘HCCHIII ol' Ieh-gruphs. bluhIIhlIIlm, InIl- II LL. IQ‘HIIOI5, IIqu'I-Is. uIId II [IIUIIN‘IIId oIher lll-N‘lllllt“ )Illl‘ fl'qlllhllfi't‘S hull] l“ l‘t'kll'fl "IHI \Inrâ€"nl: lhI- « Ilrsulu'um «'IIII lll‘ l'uund iII [ha >II A'IIHL AM: uh,” Id 1: (cl-1min. a. T117 THIS COMPANY lnsmes BnihhngaMunufnrlonen. M Nico Leads. E>q. l'hu‘. Huwonh. Esq. Jame: heal}. L q. \V. Hendvrsuu. Let}. '1'. l‘. laolmvls, Laq. W. Maclallnue. haq. M liusain, qu. | Bernard llnldun. E51. Secrtlury .y ’I‘rwsunr‘ Angu< Munhuu. EH]. outwit”. hunk of Unpsr Canada. BL-Akcrs. Buumnm b'wuzer. Laq. lusyzctur. PROSPECTUS. V0 LU M E FOU “TEEN (.‘ail’l’lul. s’l'ucK, £100,000. Bmlxs su‘rzmmzn 11, 1333‘ "8 h! alas any suhslunve employul I llu- ll‘ lN-wile wish!» to us! mg a good Color. A â€"i|' Ihe .u know u'lml H gomg on m vowmeanâ€"il' 'lw Manumc- f'n DIK'C’I 0'4! ”(LY IN AMERICA [ hm. l\thlr.,ViL-e Prus- ear new l_\'pe and .~u- ollIt-I emu-l 0- expense lhr- Rural (mniunnlhl) vulaunn is almimny throughout lhu “in-1e local paper llm Rural liq-rt l' 0)‘ PAIUJAMI 'I' i‘ Imh'i-hed weekh . Eelghl large ulouhl. mulls]. pruned and in. Terms :â€"On|”‘90 copies (or Five A. LA W, bnmc inclwslrr. N hm Tao-1. 'I'amnln. a l('u|lurl 11) ”HI. [I m (I \\ikh . FOR all dascriplfl Ian {0‘ um uumL-rml <4 l‘jmh :nring Ivoruui. mel'nl u u! ”limb ul r n m x i0: . Lilmmy III.) “nun ding l'u ms. AU; Juurxml I llann‘u |858 Ill! Id a! “0W “elu umll». l'l 1LTN1VBRSALLY known lhrfluuhout (‘ana- da and the United Slates for his skill (and smems In And "moving all Di-eases of the Eye fllld Elf L'r‘nen-llV. lu-gs iiiosl respectfully to inform those nfli l'lPd in them delicaie orga'is. [llal he has for- u'nrdrdm l'lPl‘lee of llii~ paper a few dozes vupirs nf [lu- 41lli‘dllloll ufhis 'I‘rwlise nu Disca- srs qf (In. Em: mul Eur, pul-lixhed l is day. \\ hilrh will bu pieseiiwil to applicants. Restoring Lost Sight & Hearing! Ten Thousand Cupios me nmo rmtlyfur llLS‘ri- [ml-inn. Th-r wo k cumains neml‘! 2000 [HEW of rendilrg ”lint!!!" in which will he found rapnrled in large number u" must [Inrlunlund successful ~-per:nim:~ on Ihe Eye. and moro lllnn Una Hnmln-ml iulnruting (‘usrs ul‘ men-v doswip‘ inn. Il'mlmlml \\'Ilh umuornniPnIs- nd I’ll!!! Axsn. null lu- sm-n. Lane's and er- rem-es I'mul Inghly n syomulrle [tallies fro. all pm!» of Cunn- dn null llw Uqu-d slnlL‘flâ€"II" of which wiU I)? Found “ell worth)“ the careful pn-Iusul ol' the :nfllimed. 'l‘he Anlhm I‘m-k fully assured [hm ovpry un- prajnllu‘ui tom/av uI' Ih|< “lurk wdl bepnnv nt'ed [hm liiwusn o: I"? In- nr l i l. n ma; To POSTM‘STERS. Postmaqcrs lhruug ml! the coun queue] lv- act as agents, and dcducl IMPLUY|U¢NT FOR LU?! Any lady of good address-sf an balms, can make from live lo [well war-k. by canvassing for sulbmih Advrcale. \Ve want >IIP’I harm gsitisl) mm“: 'I My Advocate muploys‘ in 1‘ I- van}; du- pu lll;l‘lll>< u| Illn I "sine: . mun} uumrn. who (“1‘ paul lur llarlr lalmr Mn high prim-nus Me mud In men lnr the same amount ol wulk. To nu- ed (In null [Iloplio‘lur the pxm III ecu \euxs Ill wm- I) shu hm been rum-20d in [bits w- rk. mun Ina-n )enls uI amiely and mi]: lm Ilm rlllt‘lpllze In» hem {allit‘d on wi h Ihe Imp- u!‘ du ng Lmnd lu nlhvw. and fund} gun-mu Illa «4mm» la n x: rcosslul luinl. when it mu) ll - n Inemle all vol-(warned, “'Ilh ”Us llnpe she when the li. Id l'ur numherwnr. uumng [0 the man) avlunm-os of [Honda n all runs of the ruuully,‘ for and and (tn-Uprlaliml. ThflMi or svnstmr'l For ()no Cup '. nun yen” . . For Five C"l’|°-“-- . .. .. . .. . . For Ten Copics. uwmhuu and ch} in the Uniletlw-“la'ow and the Canada“. 10 any one W|.\|I0§ lo eutvr upon a lm'ralive emplmmenl. and will sem‘ a Yel'OllI‘ mendulinn fur hone-sly and ulrilily. lht-y w-IV lmvu credumials forwarded to the-n lo acl a! agents. FRI-1E2 or CHARGE Ten 'l'ltousuml Copies me mm; rum “'i l I iam 'l‘r ml :41: 0 n done in tho hes! slyle. ll moderate rates. Our assurlnmm of JOB TYPE I. 6min" new and of u-o lalest panems. A lug. ",3.“ of new Fancy Type and Borders, In! Cant; Cimfllfl. he. kept lll‘l)" .3 5",“ ()RDERS l'nr any of the undennaulion descriplion of PLAIN null FANCY J0 \VORK will be promptly attended to :â€" l nooxs. FAHJY nILLs. nuslnss cums. Inna}y ANII spun. rosnms. cmwuks. LAW Fox's. Opera/or on the Eye and Ear. Book and Job Priniin ESTABLISHMENT. nd dcsyulched Iu Subscribers h_\' the Mrliw mm». or other umlvevance. when so (hadn't-‘3 he BRITISH TRIBUNE will nlwny< t luum (om-1min (ha lulesland mos: imparlnu Form” and l’ronncml Veu'suml .‘vlurkels and 1h. gremesu-a'e “ill eluken Inrmulrr l :u-m-pml. lo the Imul nl business. and :1 why able Munil} Newspaper. H K M S.â€"Twn [lollnrq per Annum. I Aunts” : and il' um raid \vnllin Six Mun-lb m'o dollars and u l - ll “'iII Im charged. LETTER-PIKE VERY FRIDAY MORNING SEA l.l. POSTERS. Ml tellers il imid. OCULST & AURIST. u; u paperd INLL HEADS. HANK A. E. \l’C J. )‘lhKSUN. Address, ANNA H. N’DOVVKL, Editor llllll I'rupru tur ' l‘hiladeII-Iun. Pu. EDITOR A ND I’ROI’RIETOR nlv. ruse: yer (hacouliuuctl unlil n” mrenrngrs an Id put 5 reins: g llflllcafi wuhoul P'fl'.‘ “Ml he hr“! at uuuluhlu lorlhe sub ' ‘ov'\ min-Him I'm ”Isa-rum: \ Illo And ovary Hm mm Fourth Vulumn addn-swd m the Ed.|nr Inn-s! 0 F TORONTO IS [’1‘ BUSH ED fm-k fully Insured [hm awry un- 'cv uI‘ lln- “lurk WI“ he Cull“ m'ed : ll r- In» or Hm in «.méwlze ~10: (iimlg‘nnizumu. run an my I I. I<| upp- m widen: In c-veu ~un that llw primal/ml muse Hf n rmiN'ln lh~ w nm-s :huu _vlmul xm- r‘t'sllll or unpr-npw [rmluunL uxr» lb M1. sKu. . Mud cum-r,- I I ol'alum- prnlommgur «um: pl- mm lullr' lh. mum u I” In- UH I! L K 1’ S. (ulnar kind of l HliclflgbkanS, AND address.‘ II)" energetic live lo lwenlr dollars a for sulmrlihirs for the >III‘II age 1le in ever} 9 United 8131' as and the r the pml III ea \enxs rum-20d in [bits w- rk. My and mi]: lm Ilm it‘d on wi h Ihe Imp- u!‘ lvd I'nml} gun-mu Illa .I.. ITnu. quuma ".l ”on iulwll for I It»! pa he paid for In ad PRINTING 3 sl I»: paid mud: l0 lmrlirn nd 'vocaic It‘d lo iquvi- Iwi: add as nil infinlnm- u. :6 hli\0 In . mu! “hivh I-ll-nru [I‘ll] 'r‘\' are re- lhe “1-qu h Illa M [or w I 64

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