‘1‘. .- ,1»; w - on. c. s. LL‘ovo“ By-‘thmay be more particularly" understood, lsion, and Lots numbers one, two, three, four, the several school sections and union school live, emfjseven, eight and nine, in the eleventh sections in. this township to be reestablished thbreli'y may" be described‘as‘fdllowe :â€"'I‘ha"i is to sav,...School Section Number one, shall be be composed of the East-half of Lot number composed ofthe East halves of Lots Num- bers twenty-six. twenty-seven. twentyâ€"eight. twenty-nine, thirty. thirty-one,« thirty-two, thirty-three,thirty-leur, thirty-ï¬ve, Ilill‘l)'_~SlX. thirtV-Sevel‘r, f‘thirt’y-eighi. thirtyâ€"nine and fortv. iii the 'ï¬rst'COiicession.‘ and the West halves of Lots Numbers one. .two, three, four, ï¬ve.» six. seven. eight nine,’ ien, eleven, tWelve. thirteen, fourteen and, ï¬fteen, in the second‘co'nCession. ' ‘ ‘Sclio‘ol Section Number two.' shall be com- posed of the East halves of Lots Numbers one. tivof’three.‘â€"‘f6ui‘.' ï¬ve, six. seven. eight, k and? nine. in the seeond concession. and' Lots “Numbers one. two, three, four and ï¬ve. and the West halves of Lots Number six, seven, eight and nine. in the tlii'i'd,'coiicessi6n."and the West halves of Lots Numbers one,‘ two. three. four and ï¬ve, in the fourth ceiicession. School Section Number three, shall be composed of the East halves of Lots Numbers ten. eleven, twelve. thirteen. fourteen and fifteen, and Lots Numbers sixteeii,'seventeeii. eighteen, nineteen, twenty. and twenty-one. in. the ‘second concession,‘ and the West halvw‘ bf Lot: Number ton, eleven. twelve, thirteen. fourteen, ï¬fteen. sixteen. seventeen. eighteen. nineteen. twenty and twenty-one, inthe third-concession; , School section Number four, shall be com- posed of Lots Numbers twentv~two. twenty- ,twenty-uine, thirty, concession. _ SchooliSection. number twenty-one, shall ten, and Lots-numbers eleven, twelve, thir- lteen, fourteen, and ï¬fteen, and the East- ~halvos "of Lots number sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty and twenty-one. in the ninth concession, and Lots numbers ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, ï¬f- teen, s'ixteen, seventeen, eighteen. nineteen, twenty and twenty-one. in the tenth conces- sion, andLot number ten in the ele‘Ventli con- cession.‘_ " -. _ V School Section number twenty-two shall be composed of the East-halves of Lots numbers twentvstWO.‘tiventy-three, twenty-four, twenty- .‘ive, 'i‘tweiity-six, tWenty-seven. T,tvvonty- eight, tWentyâ€"iiin'e and thirty. and Lot number thirty-hue. iii "the ninth concession, and Lots inumbers-twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty- llour, twenty-hie...twenty-six, t‘weiityseve-n, twenty-eight,itwehty-iiine, thirty aiid‘thirty- one, in the tenth conceseion. l School Section number twenty-three, shall be composed of Lots numbers thirty-two. thirty-three, thirty-four, and thirty-five, in the ' ninth concession. and Lots numbers thirty-two, thirty-three, thirtyâ€"four and thirty ï¬vm in the tenth concession. Union School Stction number one shall be composed of the west halves of Lots numbers twenty-six, twenty-seven, tweiiiyveiglit, ' and thirty-one, in the ï¬rst Concession. FALCONBRIDGE, _ IS RECEIVING 1118 SPRING 8L SUMMER I srocK A LARGE ASSOI‘. MENT Richmbnd Hill, April 7, I859. 19-: I f' Which will be found unusually low. ' Milliner he will be prepared to make to order in the most fashionable style Aime? : Wm- WM G.A.BAnNAnD, Begs to announce to his Customers and the Public that he will open on IVednesday, the 13th just, in connexion with his General Stock. a it llilllllllllllllllllllllll i iiiiiiiiii, a Having engaged an experienced ORANGE LO m, M, mu, "BONNETS, MANi‘LEs, GAPES, And every description of MILLINERY, with Neatness, Taste and Despatch, and trusts by strict attention to this department andmoderate charges to merit the patronage of the surrounding vicinity. ' I IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatclied to Subscribers by the earliest mails. or other conveyance. when so desired. The YORK COMMONWEALTH will always be found to contain the latest and most imporâ€" taiii Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets. and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business. Paris, London & NewYork Fashions received monthly. Victoria {3%- Call & examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Richmond Hill, April 8, 1859. G.A.BARNARD. 19.“ I1 meets at Brother DGE, N0. 644., . ' \IEETS at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL i' VictOria Square. the last Friday even- ing in each month. JOI-IN BUTTON. Master. JAMES f‘ANAGHAN. Deputy» .THOMAS BOWMAN, Secretory. JOHN GAWLEY. Tl'reasurar. Square, May 7, 1858. 48-1 Richmond Victoria, I OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 7178. Robert Wiseman,’s. Doctor Lloyd begs one and all; * ' Not to neglect immediate doll :. ' _ For having made the iii-meat stand-u With every choice at his command : The Dr. feels the greatest; pride. That every want can be implied. r I I As far as “ Medicine†can do. . ., .i 5 With art and skill. offendi'ngt And fears not when his frieii. s-she'lle'm But that he can supply thomulir When they can speak how. “1:; oajpyu'll The beneï¬ts, from Dial.on .' .v -- I'Iis.‘9 Tinctures " are then)â€; m ' . 1 A“ In “fact his Store has ev’ory‘kind‘} ' ' ‘ l Antonia. Ale-as. Myrrhï¬mobfltï¬ofl. With Soups. and Indian Hompto suit. C hlorol’orm. Galls. Ginger tony; , ,7 ..-' Egot. Cloves. and Hops quite new ;‘ ' Cassia, Camphor. and Cayenneâ€" , I soon shall have to staysmyi'pen ;: ~ For It would give too long attention}. _ The whole of this large stock to mention:- A few words more on the sup line's-‘- Satfron. Fox-glove. Spanish lieu; ; Hemlock, Rhubarb. Lemon Poet. And choicest Salves. the wounditto‘lï¬eli' Infusions of the richest store... , .g‘ Then need I mention any wait, I The Dr. once again must'say. _ To rhose that wish to give fairpley‘, Zâ€... To try his “ Oiiitmentsd’ and melt. euro That they heve'found a certain care 2 \A. . .35? i _ U . g h 1 q . h , t , d, u I , I ,b, 1,- ., \. Y , Wmmmm_w “ Masonic Hall, .the ï¬rst Fridayrevening after Antimonial, and Compound. , , , thl'e'e. twenty-four. twenty-ï¬ve. twenly‘siX. "'0" f C 0.0, “ecfléu, ï¬lm)“: e.‘ " m Had" a)“ “d 0 8"†{1 6“ spam“ r A ' the Full Moon in each month. > 'bulphllr. Pitch. can here-ho found :1 _ iwentv-sevou; twenty-eight, twenty-nine. be “o'lli’oj‘m '05 “Iâ€, Bail “1 v ,0 5' my?“ I ILRMS.â€"-Sewn and Sixpence perAiinuni. is _ ’ OFFICERS ELECI‘--COIOII61 D. Bridgford, Ear.,Tobacco. best of: spice. ' . A' ,, thirty: thirty-one and thirty-two. in the second he†lh"".‘“.“’°y lull-Him“? t †it'hf’ituf .“L't‘ AIWAM‘E ; and if not paid Within Three > ' " , I, ' Master . R. Wiseman. Deputy rMester ;'Joliu 13531100 and Swaotï¬yw SNUIIO “$.93â€. ;,:- :‘I ~ concession; and the W'est halves of Lots '“"(frï¬gï¬lllï¬tz'ill’f’m;'ngzlfgsgégsiog‘3 Mg ’ Moumi “V0 donars V"'llb001‘al'g§*d~ , r ' g V. . . . g ‘0 Munholland. Secretary; W. Pogue. Treasurer, ACids of a full supply - y g ~ g ggfbgznlgeggit‘gggyigpingihszxg' anU-iion Scliodl Section number three shall ; ' Two Doors North ol G. A. BARN ARD’S Richmond Hill. January 21. 1858. . x ,33 For those who Wish the “melonâ€. . r r . ' t ‘ , . . twoulyieighi.‘"twentyâ€"nine, thirty, thirty-one and tliirtv»two: iu the third concession. |‘ School Section Number ï¬ve shall be com- posed of the East;hal_.ves_,of Lots Numbers six, seven. eight, nine. ten, eleven, twelve. ' . .1 ï¬g" , '1 - th 1! '-d . . . I plicmiouvwill be made to the Municipal . I _. bldldbzzgionfoudiiidmihZ“Wesfeeliiilvii; of?- Ilblts be cmnl’osw Of 130â€; “""’“‘"’;S “fly-0"?“ ï¬ll-y- R', . . . . . . " .1 CouiiCil of the Township of Vaughan. to pass IV '. Numbér‘, gix seven ei M‘ nine and ,6" and , two, ï¬fty-three, fifty-illu‘l‘. filly-ï¬re, lilty-srx, tixlinesaud undenï¬ist insertion Ll) 2s. 55.. I i a Ell-Law gstab'ishing acerlain Road leading v y lo“ V‘;nll)mrs clever“ gtwélvé “ï¬fteen pom. ï¬hyï¬geven,ï¬,.0._mgm, ï¬,,§._m“e’ and 5,5,.“ m Each subsequent inseition....-. 10 1d u 9 from the 2nd Concession across Lot 43. to Buffalo “ledlcal Disx’ensary,’ V " b ‘ - - ’~ . ’ ' the ï¬nthoncesiow 1.6““MSa“d"“‘le."“15:WWW"- 33- 4“ A'l‘ LllE LOWEST REMUNERA'I‘ING PRICES. connect witha Road heretofore established. - . 3 teen and ï¬lteen in thelouith concrssion. . . . . . 1,, .1 . l , , t U m ESTABHSHE FOR THE was or burn". school Sectidii number six shall be com- UM)“ helm†Seam†"umber live! Shml “1H él‘ll‘sellm’†.'“‘5b.m0â€""'." > _ from Yonge Street. between Lots No.42and 43. ' .'. D . ’ I 3.. , .3. imL-‘ed if the East halves ‘or'ioi. Numbers be Como-red 0“ Lots numbers thirty-three,â€" pbolvetin Meow“ ',“-s rer'luw 4113 All 0rd ‘l'S executed With Neatness and Desliatcli ' GEO. J F PEARCE. airmanLpasting;:lfjngh;A~:1.::fi-. _ h; r. i ‘ .4 t ., I .. u. _ ._ v. - ‘1 . st . u. {lusyrn I. l . I I‘ , . . . g" . ‘ ~ I: sixteen: seventeen. eighteen.~ nineteen, twene Lillltvlmlgg; aaqltli ISIS} lzz‘vélsie Opeqqgi: . 11:7; 11‘;que firstunupusu::.ngpoui I: rifle" dirt“ ALL \VORK WARRANTLD. I Township Clark. R11;OI;THE BLOOD. S'ALfRamw‘ V y. ._ A , ..- . . ,._l. ' T 9 _ ,' * 1‘ ’. I‘ V Y . :- _ _ , . f __ . R .r li'bliii' miiiiil trlwecliitlv-[ï¬hf’d iiielllieliliifd "UMbCH‘ mm." “"93, lllll‘l}"l°“l'7 alld mill)" tioin inserted till forbid. and charged accord- RlChmond HI“! MMCII 18, 1859- 16‘“ RIChmond H‘n‘ Fvb' 2‘" 1859' 13““ “TIZE::'YS riggx‘l'ï¬, PST." -. i ' " - live in the third concession. inn-1.- , , . g. coticcssxon. and Lots Numbers Sixteen. sev- A ,' . .I .‘ . 3 . a .- â€" _ - - ._- .m- -. - _ -_. _ “mum†0F YOUTH, .. , ellieella' eighteen. lllnelea". ï¬lld twenty. and heblyzlrlmigéoogfbtï¬goqpqgiwï¬fgs “(if Elli]: All transitory advertisements, from strangers _ I 'I‘o the and Dylllo'. AND OLD AGE. 6w. 4 - , .. “‘0 Vii-05‘ halves 0f LOIS Numbers “"“lll"'°ll°~ ' l. - . 3k . t I f .i or irre rular customers ii'ust be iaid for when v t - . . . . _ I mwnhum,’ ,wemv_,h ea, ,.,,,en,,._f0l,,. and Numbers thirtyâ€"three,thirty-tour, and thn’tx- “mums,†foriusemonis I l . . B / R. SNIDLR. of the 7th concessron of (if? N0 Riel only Used. I. twenty-ï¬ve: l" “'6 Wm“ Confession live, m fill MUN“ [Clncessliln’ mid than“ in“ A lb 1 i l 'ount 'll be d t ‘ d Vaughan. near Klineburgh, guarrantees .__. 3..†I .a, -' . ~. ' .- ,_ raves o‘ rots . um )E‘i'S t, irty-tn-ee, iir y- t i e‘a tisv .Wl mu e 0 parties a - to cure . . R. AMOS & qOV. camerormï¬‚ï¬ in .- SClel beumn hummer “He†HR“ be four and lllll’lV’ï¬vt‘, in the ï¬fth Concession. vortisnig by the year. ‘ ‘ , ‘. composed of the East halves of Lots Numbers- tweiityrix. twenty-seven. twentyâ€"eight twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one. thirty-two. tliirtv'-'three, thirty-four, and thirty-ï¬ve. in _ the .lllll‘d conceSsion, and the \\ est halves of _fl.ots ’Ntiiiibet‘s twenty-six, twenty-seven. twenty-eight, twentyâ€"nine, thirty, lllll’ly't‘lie, thirty-two. thirty-three. thirty-four and tlii ty- ï¬ve, in the fourth concession, School Section number eight shall be composed of the east halves of Lots numbers one, two, three, four, ï¬ve, six, seven, eiglii_r nine, and ten, in the fourth Concomion. and Lotp numbers one,two, three, four. ï¬ve,six, be composed of the west half of Lot number forty, and Lots numbers forty-one, forty-two, 'fortv-three, forty-four. forty-five, f0i-tysix, forty-seven. forty- iglit, forty-nine, and ï¬fty, in the ï¬rst Concession ‘ Union School Section number four shall Union Scliool Section number seven shall be composed of Lots numbers thirty-three, thirty-four. and thi lyâ€"ï¬vc, in the seventh Concession, and Lots numbers tliirty~tlirec, thirty-four, and thirty-ï¬ve, in the eighth Con- Ct.‘SSlOII. ' n] unseen, Tow n vag. Markham, March 28, 1859. Lotte I'S Remaining iii RICH M lND Ill LL Post Ulfice MALCOLM MACLEO’D, EDITOR A NI] 1’ ROPRIETOR RATES OF ADVERTISING : All advtrtisenients published for aless pe rioo than one month. must be paid for in ad- vunce. All letters addressed to the Editor inth be post paid. No paper discontinued until all arreurages are paid : and parties refusing papers without pay- ing up. Will be held accountable for the sub- scription. “AKAWFA «AA, .. AA... AA...“ THE YORK E . l l thld respectfully .TOBIAS VDOLMAGE inform the Public that he is prepared to make to order CLEARING SALE ! THE Subscriber having determined on disposing of all his WINTER GGODS Previous to leaving for the British and other European Markets, has commenced and is now SELLING OFF ! ._._.â€"_.__.â€"..__.‘__~a_~_m._ .... .._.__.. #0....“ 7 NOTICE. N MONDAY. the 4th of April next, ap- C‘ancers, Enlarged Necks, And many other Diseases. Persons laborin under either oftheebove mentioned Diseases. All letters to be will do well to call in time, paid, and addressed to PETER SNIDER, Klineburgli. N. B. N0 CURE N0 PAY. August 6, 1858. 61 -tf Mn“... ’Tis needless hero to mounting". ,z‘ t . . , : i v? ’5. -‘ When eyes can view theni‘iftheyceil“! , , ., . Give trial ! and pro'Vo you heye enjbyflig' i True beneï¬t from Dr.:I.loyd.-‘ jâ€; g _ Aurora. Feb. 18. 1859 4 12-3“; ,' l y ‘ a: I Quay Streets. Buffalo. Ne_w,.YorIt. the only Physicians in the State who no month bers of the Royal College of Surgeons. Lotti“. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morn:â€" ing until 9 o‘clock at night. on every into M symptom ofdisease. _ , f. . E N The treatment they adopt isthe result oh, o , wards of 30 'ears’ extensive and “council practice in‘_ ondon. The most†inï¬m symptoms ’of Disease eradicated in eight 0; 1 nine days. and cases of a all htttmmresintï¬bli or three days. at a very, the crate expenseé» The cure efl'ected without conï¬nement or. him ' i 'V -’ ' drance from business. ‘ . . . i « seven eight and nine and the west half’of Mn“, 1, .. 3001i antii 0] 0b l’l‘llltlng IIO 11 .411" Y ‘ I M T k P H . . _ a ,_ .. . . L . st. 3.)). , ,. . V T oung en... a 6 ar “u ar Lot number ten, in the lilih (,once.»sion. and EsrrABLISMENT. His “timer Stock of Goods at nnprecedeutedly low prices, for CASH ONLX. O COMMODIOUS TENEMEVTS N t. _ th-e we“ halves -0f [ms "-umbw one? {iv-0' Allill‘SU", John [9] K0“: Franc-ls He is enabled to sell lower than usual in Toronto, from the factof havino‘ purchased ‘ ‘ ‘ 0 we. ltliiree. four, five. SIX. seven. t'lglll, and nine, in r, rthe sixth Concession. School Section number ten. which includes the principal portion of late School Section number nine. shall be compOsed ol’ the east half of Lot number ton, and Lots numbers eleven, twelve,_ thirteen, fourteen, ï¬fteen and sixteen. in the lii'ih Cont-Essie“, and the ‘west halves of Lots numbers ton and ol-iven, vzand Lots numbers twelve. thirteen. fourteen. / ï¬l'teenvand sixteen. iii the sixth Concession. Wheel Section Number eleven. shall be composed of Lois Numbers St‘Vt‘titPCll, eigh- teen. nineteen. twenty and twenty-one, and the East halves of Lots Numbers twenty-two, twenty-1h es... and tweiiiy’four, in the fifth concession. and the Most halves of Lots Numbers seventeen and eighteen. and Lots Numbers nineteen, twenty. twenty-one. twenty-two, twenty three, and twenty-tour. and the South half of Lot Number tWt-iity- llellarby, Martin Bigwood, C linker, Jonathan Bracken, M rs Burnett, George Briliinger, George [3] llreit, Mrs Clark, 'l'liomas Clark, Melinda [52] Courtney, William Cameron, Malcolm Collins, Mary Jane Chamberlain, Sarah l)0l‘)l)l6, W Dunton, James Duncan. William Davis, Charles Howling, Hugh Durraiit, Charles DceGier, J B ,ltiyer. Miss Lydia Kirk, Allen Lund, Win. Iniigstali', .lcliii Miller. George Madden. Ambrose Malcolm, Alex Mnrdey, .lo.~epli Malcolm, Martin Miller, Jam 6 l Moore, George 1 McBride, Daniel Nolan, John ‘ Oughtby, IVin i’ound. Jacob D Quinton, Wm Richmond, 0 S lobei‘ts, Thomas Sisco, Isaac Sanderson, John Story, John [2] Stephenson, Jeseph ‘ RDEIIS for any of the undermeiitioned description of I’LAIN and FANCY JOB W'ORKwill be promptly attended to :â€" nooxs, FAhCY BILLS, BUSINESS canns. LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, ClRCUI.AItS, LAW FORMS. BILL HEADSJSANK cnncxsmuxrrs, AND PAMP HLETS. And everybther kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING ! done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety new Fancy Type and Borders. for Cards, Circulars. doc. kept always on hand. his goods in the best Markets, on the bust terms, and now having A GRAND CLEARING SALE 1 All parties in want of Goods, will ï¬nd it to their advantage to call and examine the Stock and Prices. French Merinoes, French Double Twills, Cobourg Cloths, De Laines, German Gala Plaids, Plaid \Voollen Shawls and Scar-ls, Paisley Shawls. Woollen Mantilla Shawls, Fur Boas and Cuffs, Polkas, Flannels and Blankets, . . Grey and VVhite'Cottons, Striped and Fancy Shirtings, Prints and Ginghams, Grey and White Cotton Shirtings, Linen Slieetings, Towallings, Table Damasks, _ Cassimeres, Sentinels, Cloths, Fancy Flannel Shirts. adapted for Shops. situated in the most central and commanding part of the Villa e ; each containing 6 rooms. good cellar. gar en. and other conveniences : well suited lor Mil- -liiiers, Tailors, Tin Smith. Saddlers. or Shoe Shops. Rent moderate. Apply to G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, Jany. 20, 1859. 84' SAP BUCKETS. f HE Subscriber wishes to inform Farmers, Storekeepers and Others, that he has now on hand a large quantity of superior SAP BUCKE'I‘S. which he is selling remarkably cheap. Lot No. 11. 2nd Con. Markham. or by letter, prepaid. to Buttoiiville P. 0. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys. in solitude. often growing up with i them to manhood. and which. if not reformed by them in due time. not only begets set-ion: 3. obstacles to matrimonial happiness. but- ‘givei ‘ rise to a series of protracted. insidious. tth deVastating affections. ‘ Few of thosewho give v way to this pernicious practice are aware at 3-, the consequences, until they ï¬nd the' iiervou'l ' system shattered. feel strange and unaccounte- ble feelings. and"vague fears in the mind. A Most Sczmtz/zc Invention» An instrument forthe’cure of Genital Du bility, or more properly known as Semitic“ Weakness. Nervous Debility. &c.. whiclnare' permanently cured 'in‘from' I510 '20 days by' i the use ofthis instrument. when used conjoint), , , with medicines. Now Remedies and , Quick ï¬ve in the sixth concession and the “lost . . A , February 18, 1859, 12-4p _ Cures. ‘ . 3 ll ' fxl l. .l s '3 810! i Ad' in , o . o , - 31:31:31" Lugmglgs gauging,Vegan,2(51:..‘3t..212? l 3 s...I.‘..’,....j‘....,. Millinery, Mantles and Ready-made Clothing. m “ms... DR AMOSWONtakorlwmlmum' oweaNy-fmir..iu the seventh concession, School Section Number twalve, shall be composed ol‘2tlie East halves of Lots Numbers twenty-one. twenty-two. twenty-three, twen- rty-four, twenty-live. twentyusix. tWi-nty- seven. tweiity~cight. IWt‘lllï¬'nlllG, thirty. thirty-one. and thirtyâ€"two. in the fourth cou- cession. and ilie~West halves of Lots Num- bers twentydwo. twenty-three. twenty-f ur. twenty-ï¬ve, .tweiitv- six. twenty «seven, twenty-eight. twenty-nine, thirty. thirty-one, and thirty -tuo, in the ï¬lth concession. School Section Number thirteen. shall be «composed of the East halves of Lots Numbers nweuty~ï¬ve, twenty-six, twenty-seven. twcii-‘ ty-eig‘it. twen yâ€"niue. thirty. thirty-one. thirty-two. thirty-three, thirty-tour, and thir- zty-ï¬ve, in the fifth concession, and the North half of Lot Number twenty-ï¬ve, and Lots Numbers twenty-six. ti\eiit\'-t.cven. ' irarityâ€"eight. twenty-nine. thirty. thirty-l tone, tliirly-two.‘ thirty-,tli'ee. thirty-four. and thirty-ï¬ve, in the sixth concession. School Section Nuinier fourteen shall be composed of the East halves of Lots Numbers tone, two, three, four. ï¬ve, six, seven. eight. nine, ten, and eleven. in the sixth concession, and Lots Nvmliers one. two, three. four, ï¬ve, six. seven. and eight. in the seventh concesâ€" sion. and the West halves of Lots Numbers one. two. three, four, ï¬ve, six, seven and eight, in the eight conco-sion. School‘Sectioii number ï¬fteen, shall be composed of Lots number nine. ten, eleven, »twelt’evaird thirteen, in the seventh'Conces- sion, and the “(Vest half of Lot number nine, and Lots numbers ten, eleven. twelve and thirteen. in the eighth concession. SCJIOOl‘.,SflCtl0II number sixteen, shall be composed of the East-halves of Lots Numbers seventeen andeighteen, in the sixth Conces~ sion. and Lots iiuiiib rsfourteen, ï¬fteen, six- teen, seventeen and eighteen, and the East- halves of Lots nunners nineteen. tWenty, twenty-one and twenty-two, in the seventh concession. and. Lots. numbers fourteen and ï¬fteen. and the West-half ot the East-hall of Lot number sixteen. and the West-halves of Lotsuunibers sixteen. seventeen,‘eighteeii, nineteen. t‘weniy. ,twr-nty-one. and twenty- two.'i'n..tlié’-'t‘ightli concession. ‘ School-Section number seventeen. shall be ceinpowd ot'the East-halves of Lots num- bers tueiitydhree andtwenty four. and Lots Goulden, Maria Goodwill, Joliil Gray, Joseph l-lolstertag. Caroline l,l0d«oii, William Harrington, Win Hariney. .lohn limes, William Smith, Mary 'l‘ibb, Ilichai‘d Turner, James Taylor, James (in Co 'I‘i'uiiian, I’Viii Vanileiburgli, Peter Wilson, James Wheeler, Mr. M. ’I‘EEFY, 1’. M, THE GRUMBLER SUED FOR $2.000 At the Suit, of It. M; Allen. TRIAL TO COME OFF AT THE SPRING ASSIZES. ~ The Grumbler I I‘ASjust commenced upon its second year, and it is the intention of its conductors to make it ' Still More Amusing and Useful, The following are a few of the many favor- able notices of the press:â€" “ Evin’ces real ability.â€â€"-â€"Berlin Telegraph. "' It is Maiy’ Argus. , _ “ It aims at something big. "â€"Dundas \Va'r- der. . ‘-’ A smartly written little sei‘ial.â€â€"â€"â€"Streets- ville Review. “ The whole contents are origiiial.â€-â€"King- ston News. “ Laughable allusions and hard hits.â€â€"Barâ€" i‘ie Advance. ' “ Devoted to wit and humor in a dry way.†â€"St. Catheriiics l’ost. ' “ It cannot fail to be a great blessing to the l’rovince.â€â€"St. Mary’s Journal. . "' Capital thrusts at the prevailing follies of the day."â€"â€"Markhani Economist. “ A facetious sheet, and will he a common beneï¬t.â€-â€"Ricli.inond llill Tribune. “ A very clever production, evidently ofa scholar and a gentleman.â€â€"Kingston ‘Whig. “ I think its piquant satires will exercise a wholesome influence.â€â€"l.etter from Charles Dickens. , eagerly welcon‘ied,’ ’â€" St. PHONOGRAPHY, warrinc BY SOUND. )iiON‘OGitArnY was invented by ISAAC l’l'l‘MAN. of Bath. England. in the year It is the most simple. most natural most 1837 ' rapid. and inOst casilvvlearued system of Writ- ing which has ever been, or ever can be iii- Venied , During the past ï¬fteen years, hundreds of thousanns of persons, in England and Ame- rica. in built public and privati- life. have learned to write I’lionography. and thousands of social, and business letters annually pass through the post ofï¬ce Nor is its great popularity to be wondered at. The present system of writing is exwed- iiigly cumbersome, and totally unworthy these duys of. progress and invention. l’honograpliv is equally as legible. can be learned in one- tweiiiieth the lime, and can be written sin: times asj'ust! In other words. the labor of six days Can be performed in oneâ€"one man can do the work of six! So simple is the system. too. that a person may learn to Write it slowly, in a Couple of hours. An hour’s daily p nctice tor a few Weekswill enable any person to Write I’lionograpliy with certainty, and with soureidegree of l'ieedoni. The same amount of practice continued for six months will en- able a person to take reports of speeches, lec- tures, sermons, or conversation. and t) read them with, accuracy. Dr. J. W. Stone, of Boston, says : ‘I deem Phonography an invaluable adjunct to educa- tion. and one which. when acquired in youth. would not be parted with in manhood for thou- sands of dollars †i The late Hon. Tues. 11. BENTON, 'upon be- ng presented with a verbatim report of one of his masterly speeches. taken by a little boy only twelve years of age. said : “ Had this art been known 4U years ago it would have send me 32'...» yours lurid la‘or.†The learned senator spoke but a portion of the truth. ,Wliat long- hand requires six years to accomplish. Phono- graphy will perform in one. v. ~ . - To Clei‘gyiiieii. Editors, Physicians. Law- yers, Secretaries, Conveyancers, Law and Met dical Students, Lecturers, Printers. School 'I'eacliers, Merchants, School Boys and Girls, :1 knowledge of I’vhonography is ol'vast utility.â€" N.B.~â€"'I'lie Store on th: cornor of King and Church S15. is discontinued. JOHN CHARLESWORTH, 03’ 441 King Street west> next to Beckett’s Druggist. Toronto, January 1859. M.[JHSHMAN No.81, King Street East, next. door to 9-3m the “Colonist†ofï¬ce, has opened out a complete asssortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DIIY (} OCXDS! MILLINER Y AND 0L0 THING, Which be will sell at Prices that will favourably compare with any House in the Trade, his determination being to sell Goods of the best qualities and at such Prices as will recommend themselves without the additional aid of P UFFING so universally resorttd to by most Parties in the Trade. llllu,"l y 11., It i, . lulu “lulu I y i] ill ll, lit, 5' ® "l i (“limit “in llLimit Q‘lii‘iuih lllll," flu. if, ’ ullhl ["1 lllluiillii E Comprises all kinds of Goods suited for Family and Domestic use. THE FANCY STOCK l Is replete with the Newest Goods of the Season. T-HE IIIIIILINERY_ STOCK! Is sheice, and remarkably cheap. Clothing, ready-made and tirade to order very much below the usual Charges. Sales made for cash only. Toronto, Jan. 1859. No Second Price- M. LEISHMAN, No.81, King St. next door east totbe Colonist ofï¬ce. 9-3ni NOTICE. TO FARMERS & OTHERS. MAGISTRATES BLANKS FOR SALE AT THE POST OFFICE I AT TORONTO PRICES. Richmond Hill. March 18. 1858. 16-tf NOTICE. HE SUBSCRIBER desires to inform his friends that he has purchased the STORE GOODS belonging to Mr. THOMAS COOPER. and will be ready at all times to supply them with " DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Liquors, Hardware, &c. &c. &c. Of ï¬rst quality. and at Reasonable Terms. JOHN BRUNSKILL. Thornhill. Jan. 24. I859. 9~tf m. , BEAVER Fire Insurance Association OF TORONTO, C. W. OFFICE. [removed from 54 King Street East. Touosro S'rauic'r' next building north of the Masonic Hall. Half the Proï¬ts to be returned to the Insured, the balance invested to form a Reserve Fund. Boxnn or Dinncrons ; Tavernsâ€"Henry Rowsel, W. C. Cbewett. Joseph Jackes. Dias'croasâ€"HonryRowsell. Toronto. Chair- man: J. W. Brent. Deputy Chairman; W. C. Chewett. Toronto: Joseph Jackes. Toronto, W. H. Smith. Toronto, Manager ;-, Wm. Helliwell. Highland Creek; John Mowat. Kingston ;, Wm. Aglin. K'ingst’dii ; “Am! A. Burnham.’ Cobou‘rg; Wm. Green, Hamilton; Robert Smith. Chinguacousy; George Blain, Toronto Township. ‘ " ' “ cing that they have invented a most important- instrument for the cure of the above disemp. It has been subjected to a testbv tlie'mm, eminent physicians in London. Paris. I’hildd ', phia and New York. _ p i only useful instrument over yet invented 1'91 It ha been 'doclarédiihoi' :6 the cure of Seminal Weakness. or any disease" "j of the genital organs, caused. the secret gr habits ofyoutli. Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfy thO' most skeptical as to the merits of these instran. ments. pledge themselves. that in any'instenco where they may prove unsatisfactory after u fair trial, the money will be refunded by re- ‘- turning the instrument in good order. ' Persons wishing the above useful instrument. will observe, that the price. with the accom- panying directions. securely packed, and-en . by mail or express. is ten dollars.‘ 1 _ Beware of Imposition. Beware of empiries and itinerant self-styled“ pi'ofesSors, who ATTEMPT cures. but ‘ nmr succeed ' ~ - -‘ Dr Amos & Son have for a long series of" years been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints. and? v are the only legally qualiï¬ed Physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints. or from whom genuine European remedie‘s can obtained. . ‘ . . i’snsess rN ANY PART or run: Wonco may be successfully treated by forwarding [correct detail of their cases. with "a remittance for Medicines. &c.. which will bereturncdwith-tho utmost dispatch. and secure from observation. Address Dr. Amos do Sou. comer Mthi- ' 146-†Quay streets. Buffalo. N. Y., w 1 State Fire Insurance Company“: or LONDON.“ I CHARTERED BY ACT OF IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL. £500,000 STERLING. , ' Canada Branch, Esta-t1 Oï¬ce;.:1'oronta.t i TRUSTEESiâ€" . ' Hon. Jens Ross. 1 Joan Gunï¬ght). Em... BOARE or menswearâ€"William. NIcMautora Esq. Chairman ; W'.“ P. Howland. Esq; M.I’.t’.. Vice-Chairman;WillibmiRï¬Ã©. Esq. ;: William Henderson, Esq. ; F: W. Jarvis. Esq" Sheriff U. C. of York and Peel. . . . . "’ S ares no classes : winks at no co ru 'ons. . . . . . SOIiCil9r-J0hl] Hemwem iBankers“Th° BANKERS â€"‘-The Bank of Montreal“: " numb-9’s ,lwem) ‘ï¬ve, WWIâ€) "Six. Weill)" * a. pA ,alemed, vigorous fled in 3331mm In fact there is no profession orcalhngin which I . â€"' ‘ ' Band of I‘oronto. ’ SoLlClTnRspâ€"tRoss Crawford-'aiid'f‘rembie 90W“: tWONS'Nghh , lwamymmei milk", d F. p. g g' it is not useful and no youno man’s education PPLICATION will be made to the Mum- NIACBE [H [1? Th p -d Ir ' ‘ '. ‘ thirty-one and thirty two in the seventh on lee 1885' b 'd d l t 5 'th t 't cipal Council of the Township of 8 row out life iAssumnee com- The engagements 0f me Slam Flue In. . , . .- , u ‘ . - . . . can 8 consi ere com is 0 WI on I . ' ' ‘ ’ A -' A r . '- 3‘ concession, and the was, halves of Lots Enclose $1 to Tm. Gaonmma, and you P pan} is removed to the same ofï¬ce. surance Company are guaranteed by arosponu , numbers twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty- ï¬ve, twenty-six, twenty-seven. twenty-eight. and twenty-nine. and Lots numbers thirty. ihirty-one‘and thirty-two. iii the eighth con- cisswn. will get ten times the valuu of your money.â€â€" Saiidwich Maple Leaf. ' ' “ Humourous talent sparkles in its pages. * * It has acquirrd a position and reputation never before reached by any sheet of wit in * Duiing the past nine months hundreds of persons in Canada. of every pursuit in life. have acquired the Art, from many of whom the subscriber has received neatly-written plIOIIOgl‘flplilC letters, expressive of their de- Vaughan. on the 2nd day of May next, for a By-law to establish a Road. Firstly : across the North East corner of Lot No. Ill, in the 8th concession of the said townshipâ€"from the . concession line in front of the said lot to the] BEGS to inform the Farmers and others. that he is prepared to manufacture any thing in the VEHICLE LINE from a BAROUCHE TO A WHEEL-BAERUWI Having guarded against loss from ï¬re byln- suring your property, consider if it would not - be as well to make a little additional provision for your family in case ofyour own premature OFFICE-RS ELECT 1 ’ ble Proprietary. g All losses will be settled promptly without reference to the Board in England. ‘ ' ALEX. STEWART, A. LAW. Canada ,,__To,.0m0 Globe_ light with the attainment. and the extraordinary northern limit thereof, upon, or nearly upon, 0" me shone? “‘1'â€? 3f. tile Ibo“ malenals death :â€"-wlietlier it would not; be as well, manager, 3- No America . Agenl-V ,' School section number eighteen, shall be The GRUMBL†is ,ublished even. Sammav e~,se with which they have acquired it. the Road as now travelled across the said an W01 man. up . aso. mlough me asswï¬tance of a Life Assurance F b .18 1850 Rtehmondflill. composed m .he 1.;as,_halvcs of Lots ,,,m._ and regularly mailed to subscribe-rs at 06,: For the purpose of aioiiigin the dissemination corner; secondly. across Lots 11, 12 and l3 in 1 General ‘vork & Forgings Companv. to provtdea legacy foryour wife or 9 mar) ' t .1231) here one, two, three. four, ï¬ve, six, seven, eight and nine, in the eighth concession, and the West-halves ol Lots iiiimbeis one, two, three. four, ï¬ve, six, seten, eight, nine and ten. in the ninth concession. School Section number nineteen, shall be. composed of'the East-half of the East-liall'of Lot number sixteen,and the Last-halves of Lots. numbers seventeen. eighteen, nineteen, Mty, twenty-one, twenty-two. twenty-three, twenty-four,‘ twenty-ï¬ve, twenty-six. twenty- seveii, twenty-eight, and twenty-nine, iii the eighth concession, and the West-halves of Lots numbers sixteen. seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, »twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty- six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine and thirty, IIIIIIG ninth ceiicession. School Section number twenty, ,shall ,. be composed of the East-halves of Lots numbers one, two, three, four, ï¬ve, six, seven, eight and nine. in the ninth concession. and Lots numbers one, twv, three, four, ï¬ve, six, Dollar per annum, in advancr. Letters ad- dressed to the undersigned will be at the risk of he publishers. t WYMAN & CO. Agents 34 King Street, Toronto, March 30,1859. B A R N A RD ’3 NEW BOOTS & SHOE ‘ . . S US'I‘ RECEIVED. direct from New York, I a large and varied Stock of Ladies’ and Children’s BOOTS (Sr. SHOES which are oliered at the lowest Torontdprices,‘ and from ‘ Make, Style, and Materialcaimoi be surpassed. _ [13" Call and See the Stock, and examine for yourselves. ' of so iinpuitaiit a reform in his own country, the subscriber is now prepared to supply all who apply,wiih the MANUAL or PHOM’JGRA- knit, and the PHUNOGRAI’HIC Corv Boon, sent b; mail to any part of the l'rovince. postage pie-paid. for the small sum of ll? ONE DOLLARS Anybody and everybody, who can learn any- thing, can learn I’HONOGRAPHY from the MA- NUAL. without other assistance. Those who wish to be able to put their thoughts to paper at the rate of from 100 to 250 words" per minute.†should send for the above-mentioned works at once. The instruction given by the Manual is as plain as A. B. C.. and ten times as easy to understand. The “CANADIAN PHONETIC PION- EER †is a Monthly Journal. devoted to the advocacy of the Reform. Price 25 cents per annum. Address. (postépaid) the same concession upon the line of Road as i now travelled from the southern linilts of Let I No ll,to the concession line in front of Lot No. 13. and which Road pasSes by Mr. Sha- ver s Mill. GEORGE J. F. PEARCE. Township Clerk. Vaughan, April 1, 1859. 19-4 ' Stray Horse. CAME into the premises of the Subscriber, Lot20, 3rd concession of the Township of Vaughan. on Monday. March 14th. A DARK BAY HORSE, about 4 years old. The ewnercaii have him by proving property and, Paying “Pensâ€. on application to WILLIAM RUMBLE. Vaughan, March 23, 1859. 17-tf Of any kind. Parties about to purchase will please call and examine the work and material, and compare prices before purchasing else- where. Painting and Trimming, Done in the most approved style. VEHICLES of all kinds constantly on hand. N .B . Son's/action given. Richmond Hill, March 25, 1859. l7-tf To Borrowers of Books. 'l‘I'IE PERSON who borrowed a book entitled St. Ignatius Loyola and his Companions. From M. Teefy. many months ago, will please return it with'out.delay.--as it is the gift of a friend. it is more highly prized. than fgr its in- trinsic Value. daughter, or. ifyou have not the happiness to be blessed with them, think if the po~session of a few hundred pounds additional. might not be of advantage to yourselfa few years hence. If you decide that it would. write to the Managing Director of the PROVIDENT LIFE ASSUR- ANCE AND INVESTMENT COMPANY 20 Toronto Street. Toronto. for a “ Proposal " form, and acopy of the Rates. Or, possibly. the Agent of the " Beaver†may poasessa copy-of both documents. which he can ace ommodate you with. and give you a little information on the subject besides. Agent at Richmond Hillâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. March 22. 1859. ' l7-tf lMPORTANT NOTICE. - ERSONS indebted to the undersigned. whose Accounts became due on the ï¬rst of January last. are respectfully requested to TORONTO CITY iiliiiiitii‘woitiis 185 YON GE STREET. MONUMENTSTTOMB-rpl‘fl " TOM asronss a... 1.;“ .r' 4’ Twenty Per Cent"Chitia'prn~ THAN ANY OTHER ssraatisunx'r. HE Undersngued Assignees of the estate ofD. 8: W. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the superintendent»- of our duly authorized agents. Aosrm Anny and D._ CARLOS Yuan. whose receipt will In duly acknowledged. ‘- ' P.S All notes and accounts remaining tilts I ' l v paidon the [st davofJuiie. 1.858. will beput intoCourt for collection. . 4- ' i H g _ - He trusts this hint will cause its “me lh°m' 0- YALE' seven, eight and nine, in “,0 penâ€, cone“- R_ d _ IG. A. (BARNARD. WILLIAM H. OR‘R. ' Bradford Chronic!‘ plungingâ€, three “mes; immediate return, J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. G. (SUMMER. tc "non 1]], Apr-1| 77 19-“ Oshawa, . d send in account to the ofï¬ce of [his paper. Richmond DJEI’CII 17, 16 if RlChmoud “lard! 11’ 15'“ Tomntol 29! H i .‘8.’