Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 Apr 1859, p. 4

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f’ff‘tffiffij MUEN'FRA‘L 'AUC'i‘i‘ONE‘E‘? " “s ’ AND DR. JAMES.» .LANGSTAFF, C 0 M M '3 S ' 0 N. AG E N TS ! Iciclintand , 2-, VFEIE SUBSCRIBERS beg most respectfully ' ' ' y y / to announce to Po Public in general. that December, 1858. = l-tf no ' I I V they have taken out castes as AUC'I‘IUNEERS JOSEPH KELLER, for the Unitedfibunties of York dL Peel, AILIFF Second and Third DIVISION ‘ i Court. Office, Richmond Hill. And also for the December. 1858. COUNTY OF ONTARIO ! _ Said Counties are co.nposed of the townships , of SCEiZ'bOl‘O', Maikliain, " York Vaughan, l VVliitchtirch, King. 'Etobicoko.. 'l‘orotito, Gore i i I. i: i;- w ii I” .: L! i t i . . ER, ,of Toronto, Cliingucusha. Caledon, Albion. if §L } Fast GWillinibury, North Gwillimbury‘, Geor- ‘ &U lgiana. Pickering, \Vhitby. Uxbridgo, Reach ., . J , I l Scott. Brock. Tboiah, main and Rania. l-tf RiCti'MONo‘ntLL, A“ .. . -. . . - , t p I ' y person tequiitng out setyiws in tie 0c" l' 1838‘“ ' (’9‘13 above capamty, in any of the above named Townships. will write to us either at Markham , (11:0Iritppttfgtlillliegn and we will give it our ' ' '.,., " a, ‘ .i‘iLSON a; PATTERSON, x _.,» Markham & Stonffville, ( Auctioneers. “"l‘ .Fcbruary, 1859. S 12-ly BLACK HORSE HOTEL [i‘oRMEnLY REM n'v wn. aot.rit.] 33.2,. ‘ ‘ FONERAL: r silence, FUR I ORNER of Palace and George streets, eaSt _ CARRIAGE. , l of the Market Square, Toronto. Board $1 per day. Good Stabl‘ing and attentive Hostlers .always in attendance. An omnibus t0 and ' from the Railroad Station. : ' - l ‘ ‘ THOMAS PALMER, . I'lf Proprietor. I -t38-1y Waggon-s; Sleigh Maker: Opposite the -White Swan Inn. Richinoudiflill. Dec. 1858. ‘ ,,_. 6,31,, . --- . Toronto. Feb 96. 1858. JOHN“ HARRINGTON, 1.2., â€"~ -r inpry Goods. Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Hardwpre.Glass, Earthenware, &c- Q n ‘ ' THORNHILL‘? HOTEL. Ridiulfdiidmfiill, Dec. 1858. i l-tf f' lI'IIS Subscriber begs to lllfOl‘lil‘Ille ' I. ;;L 'Lfl, "I- a. ..- . _ Public that he- has leased the above RICIIMOND HILL HOTEL, pie-mises, and fitted them up in a neat and comfortable style. Boarders and transient visitors 'will find the acconioilations in every way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selected. ,Good stabling and attentive hostlers IIENR Y LEMON, Thomhill, 3 Jan, 20, 1858. y . A from the above "Hotel to ,-""T01‘0111.0 every morning, starting from the Eight-Mills at 7,‘ a.m. andreturiiing at 7, p.m. Flare 25. 6d. each wa,'. ‘ GOOD ACCpMMODATIO‘N FOB TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICIIOLLS, Proprietor. 1â€"55 Prop: ietor. Richmond tint, Dec. 2, 1858 £38 inn-WAY muss, manna lllLL y. mi "9.? doom-i Inn, tubscribor begs to inform his «12' RICHMOND HILL , ‘1'“; ,. ,.-. , .4 -. ,, ' _ numerous Patrons and the public. .9999». ACQVOB'IMODAlelN FOR.TRU'E'JAEKS'“ ’ that he has i‘eniOVcd from the White é ' ROBLRPRAYIII?NI),‘ bin“. [10th to the above Premises, s ‘ ’roorietor. . ... .-. 'i . . . i -_ Richmond Hm. Feb_ 1859' I 84y lulu it, llltlt. wnl be found cxullent at conitiiodzition for Travellers, nnu good Enabling. LE?“ I'IOI‘St‘Silnd Buggies for Hire. 'JdHN. COULTEI, , b k j .. - Proprietor. ,. -,Yon e. ,. Picliino dillill, , - , i r-- . r gag“ ‘ l‘» 22, teas. rm... ~ 1 DR. C.‘ S. LLOYD 1N. AURORA. Doctor Lioyd'beg's one and all, Not to iieglect'ininieoia‘e call; For having made the firinest stand-â€" With every choice at his command ; The Dr. feels the greate‘St pride,. That eytery want can be supliod, As far as “ Medicine” can do, With art and skill, attending tooâ€"- But that he can supply them all. Y thnthey can speak how they enjoyed .. 'Iilie..'beiicfits, j'rotn Dr. Lloyd: In fact his Store (has every kind,- - Antonin, Aloes, MyrthIllood Root. . With Soups, and Indian Hemp toeuit,‘ ‘ C lilorot’orni. Galls. Ginger too, Egot, Cloves. and Hops quite new ; Cassia, Cainplior, and Cayenne- I soon shall have to stay my pen; For it would give too long attention, The whole of this large stock to mention. A few words more oti the supplies-â€" Saffron, Fox-glove, Spanish Flies. I’leniltlck, Rhubarb. LomOn Peel. Ar-d choicest Selves. the wounds to heal, Infusions of the richest store, Then need I' mention any more. The Dr. once again must say, To hose that wish to give fairplav. To try nis “ Ointments.” and make sure That they have found a certain cure ! Antiinoniul, and Compound, Sulphur, Pitch, can here be found; Tar, Tobacco, best of spice, Essence and Sweets to suit the nice; ' Acids of afull supply ) For those who wish the same to. try. "l‘is needless here" to mention all. When eyes can view them it' they call I Give trial l and prove you have enjoyed y True benefit front Dr. Lloyd. Aurora. Feb. 18. 1859 His “ 'l‘inc‘ture‘s 5‘ Ware‘tlie mpsj't refined-12 , lQ-‘fl-m. N «fir ‘TR Efl I’Mâ€"EN‘T. Buffalo Medical Dispensary, ESTABLISHED FOR THE CURE OI“ DYSPEPSIA. GENERAL DEBILITY, FEVER AND AGUE, SCROFSLA, OLD ULCERS, GREAT IMP'J‘ RI'IY OF THE BLOOD, SALT RHl‘lUi‘vI, I‘IMI’LPLS, FIS'I'ULA, FILES, KIDNEYS, lll‘ZBlLlTY, IN- FIRMI‘I'IES 0F YOUTH AND 01.1mm), t‘tc. it?” No Iiict‘ciii'y Used. ‘59, I R. AMOS d‘iL SON. Corner of Main and I Quay Sheets. I‘lulI'iilo. New York, aré the only Physicians in the State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morti- .ing'until 9 o'clock at night, on every state and syiiip on) of disease. . The treatment they adopt is the result of tip- wards of 30 years’ extensive and successful practice iii London. The most inveterate sytnptoiiis of Disease eradicated in eight or nine days. and cases of a slight nature in two (or threc‘days at a very moderate expense-- The cure efl'octed without confinement or hin- ilrancefroni business. Your/0 Mcn--â€" Tet/7w Particular b a NOZ’ICC’. 1"‘n V'i,)-. December. 1858: Mt l. Ml”. 0nd [Li C of lessen scan HOTEL, 1(‘r1MiLizs sott'rii or 'r‘on'onro 0N "IRE . _ 'J. "VERNEY, and. Slide lilaItcr. .Afil-LAW’S, Yonge street, Bicii- ’- .wnnond HiiL . = V . . , . ' 7 Ladies" ‘vand Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes, 1 made after the latest styles. voucE sri'ttiE'r no“). . 11.114} Proprietor bigs to inform the 1 public that belies purchased the above llotol, and’has recently i'efitt'cd and D°§§?'l‘b°’ 1858' , ‘ '1 "8‘13 ' furnished it throughout iii a comfortable style. .315: ,. ,. , -. ' 7 The Bar will be continually supplied with good ': . ~ w “~_"’ Liquors and Cigars. G0()1)..E’1§3\:Bl.1:sgtgacl‘letl Y E T H O T E L, to the premises. with ‘c‘arelul ‘ Hostlcrsito "at- tend to travellers wants. . A URORA. ‘Gp'od suppr 'of \Visr13 and Liquons THOMAS STEELE, Preprietor. ’ " l'alv‘vay's on hand. Excellent Accommo- , (firmerly of‘the Bond Lake Hotel.) datjoii‘ffdr‘Ti~av,,l are, Farmers, and others Sept. .‘29, 1858. I 69-1y Cigars‘of-‘all brands. ‘ ' V . D. MCLEOD. Proprietor. â€"«â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"____._â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"~_.___.._._..._ Auroi‘a; "July 6. 1858. norm. 'l‘llORNlllLL. Gaod _ ‘t WAN ’ v b 1 Accommodation for Travellers. ROBERT SIVER, JOHN SHIELS. !; a. my: ; ' ‘ ‘ y ‘ v I p p _ Proprietor». 13.0% and Shoehjfiakcr, 'l‘her‘lihviHJEn-.19c=1859- . - I ~ 7'1? -the Wesleyan Methodist â€"* ' ~â€"- ~ ‘4“ W-“ I VCliape ,_Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. ‘ ‘ ~ , 1 ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL" A,,clipice selection of Gentleinens’, Ladies’ 142 KING STREET, TORONTO. 57-6m andLChildrens’ Boots and ShOes constantly on linmd.,attd made-tovorder on the Shortest No- tice. (EriAli kinds Shoemakers Findlngfor sale. T ‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his Richir'fond‘Hill. Dec. 1858. 1'.” ' , friends and - the public. generally J" i i. _ ' ' ' ' that he has opened the above llotél, opposite the St. Lawrence llal . .Toronto. “is bar will always be found replete with all kinds of Liquors of first-rate quality.'_ Ilis Table will also be found roe/torus. Good Stables are attached to the premises. OE'Ouci-zsrsa HOTEL: THEE! MILES NORTH OF TORONTO, 0N VONGE-STJ There is alivevil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing tip with them to manhood. andwhich. if not reformed by thorn in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happinoSs, but giwe rise to a Series of protracted, insidious. and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware oi the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccounta» bio feelings, and vague fears in the mind. . A Most Alumni/i0 Invention. An instrument for the cure of Genital De< bility, or inore‘proporlv known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debilitv, S; c., which are permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use oftliis instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. New Remedies and ch/c Cures. DR AMOS & SON take pleasure-in announ- cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cureof. the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physiciansin London, Paris. Philadel- phia and New YOik. It has been declared the only useful instrument ever yet invented for the cure of Seminal VVoakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of'youth. Dr. Amos &- Son, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of: these instru- ments, pledge themselves, that in‘ any instance where they may prove unsatisfactoryafter a fair trial, the money will be refunded by re- turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument will observe, that the price, with tlie..accom- punying directions, securely packed and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. r ‘HEabove Hotel is fitted up in neat and comfortable style. Transient visitors and Others will ‘find the accommodations to be that of thefiijst class. while tlie‘charges will be ex- tremely: low. . ' . [13’ Good Stabling and an attentive Hustler. ’ THOMAS COA'I‘ES, Proprietor. ' YorigeiStre’et, Dec. 1858. (SQ-13' W. M. SHORT. Vi-ft‘lNARY SURGEON, Proprietor. Toronto Sept. 17, 1858. 67-13‘ To. PRINTER s. .â€" f 1113 SUBSCRIBER. bch to inform the Trade, flint his Stock of PRINTING PRESSI‘JS, TYPE, INKS, and all other description of materials, has been very largely increased this Season, byarrivals " from NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, ‘BOSTON and MONTREAL ; and that he is prepared to supply orders for new OIIICOS, in addition 'to those iii operation, at the shortest notice. out... . .W. G Rt FFIT'H, MARKHAM: VILLAGE, (LIV. Dec:1:_’9."“‘11858.;' . 52-1y £3 HALL, KISS fllfi'ays-on hand a large assortment of "BOOTS and SHOES, which will be sold at prices to meet the times. on dt 0 dun I 2‘ . h p 't- o i. (a . , momma 'H'llvmc‘ 1853- Best quality of NEWS iNK at One Shilling per 1h. C-uI Typo taken in exchange for new. ' D. K. FEEIIAN.. Colborne st . Toronto. Jan. 9. 18 57 g5 54~1-1y «aw. HODGE a Co. . VXYHOLESALE and Retail Copper. Tin 4and tron Plate Workers, and Furnishing Ironmongers, Parties givrng this house a call will find their orders punctually attended to, and the lowast prices charged. Richmond Hill, Dec.”1858. EhMUND . GRAINGER, U T C HE R, THORNIIILL. Fresh and Pick-led Meats, Poultry, 620.. always on hand” Families supplied on the shortest notice. Thornhill, Dec. 1658. WILLIAM - HARRISON, Saddle and Harness i taker; .Nex't‘door to G. A, Bernard’s, " Richmond Ilill. December, 1858. Lil I. I“ terms of the identical Witness, ' FOR 1859. ScinriJVcekly Edition, 'I'VVO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. vinegar/y Edition, 2 dollars per single copy, per annum. (i “ for clubs of 4 addressed separately. ‘30 “ for 20 copies to one address. When a club has been formed, additions may be made at the same rate. ' 54-1â€"1y 41-ltf A ny one rotiiitting ten subscribers for either or both editions, will receive a copy of the se- ini-weekly, giatis, except in the case of ‘20 copies to one address. The terms for both editions are strictly cash in advance, and the paper invariably stops when the time subscribed tor expires ‘ :JAMES JENKINS’, Groccry& Provision Store " ' RICHMOND HILL 0 CREDIT GIVEN. Produce taken in ..exchaitgei ; ' ‘ The above is the oldest established Grocery and Provision Store on the Hill. Dec. 2, 1858. The IVimcss has from the beginning been much indebted for whatever success -it has at- tained. to. the kind efforts of friends all over the country ill its behalf, and it is now as much as ever do eiidoiit on this voluntary agency. Advertisements, not at vaiiance with the character of the paper, will be inserted in the semi-weekly at 7 cents per line for fiist inscr- tion. and 3 cents for each subsequentinsertion: .n the weekly. the charge will be 2“ cents. per line fOr each insertion. I Every family should take a city paper in ad~- dition to the local newspaper. The lattoris iie~ Cessary, on account of the local intelligent-e it gives. whilst the former is valuable for its geno‘ ral information. ‘ ' ‘ All letters, orders. and remittances to bead» dressed, post paid, to. - ' Joun D'OUGALL, ‘ Proprietor “Moment. Wi'rsmss,“ Montreal ANGLOrAMERICAN HOUSE! MARKHAEI VILLAGE. . 60D Accommodations. VVi‘nes, Liquors aiidfligaifs of the choicest brands. ' - . R. MARR, Proprietor. Markham, Dec. 1858. 57-1y Printing MACHINESand ENGINES im- 1 Hon. JOHN Ross, Beware of Imposztion. Beware of empiries atid itinerant self-styled professors, who ATTEMPT cures, but never succeed Dr Amos & Son have fora long series of years been engaged iii an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified -1’hysicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. I’Etisoss IN ANY PART or THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of witch-cases, with a remittance for Medicines, the ,' which will be returned with the utmost dispatch, and secure from observation. Address Dr. Amos & SON, corner Main and Quay streets. Buffalo. N. Y. t46-1v State Fire Ensiirancc Company OF LONDON, CHARTERED BY ,AC'I‘ 0]“ IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL. £500,000 STERLING. Canada Branch, Ego Office: Toronte. Tauerns :â€" | JOHN CRAWFORD, Esx. Boast; or Diano'ronsâ€"Willtam .vchaster. Esq. Chairman; W. P. Howland, Esq. M.1’.t’., Vice-Chairman: William Ross, Esq. ; Williai‘n Henderson, Esq. ; F. W- Jarvis, Esq. Sheriff U. C. of York and Peel. BANKEns â€"â€"â€"Thc Bank of Montreal. SOLioi'ri~ns.â€"Ross, Crawford and Crom-‘bie Tho engagements of the State Fire In surance Companyare guaranteed by aresponsi- blo l’roprietaiy. All losses will be settled promptly without reference to the Board in England. ALEX. STEWA RT, A. LA W, Manager, B. N, America Agent, ~ Richmond Hill. February 18. 1850. 12-1)” TORONTiI CITY MARBLE WGRIIS 185 YONGE STREET. nonbnnnrsfironB-T BLES TOM B-STONES t&c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper . THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMET. r THE Illltlt‘l‘Slgl’ltld Assignees of the estate of D. C. 8: \V.Y1\.LIC, will con- . . . l ttnuc the liiisiuess under the snperinteudence, ofour duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBI'ZYl and D. CARLOS Yuma, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. ‘ . l P.S All notes and accounts remaining un-l paid on the 1st day of June, 1858, will be putE in Hi Court for collection. c. YALE. G. CUMMER. Toronto, 29. April 1858 4845f the Scottish American Jottr DEVO rm) To run Interests of Scotchmen in Amanda.» AND To THE DISSEMINATION 0F SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND ART ! w.- WONSIDERING the multiplicity of news- ] papers in America. it has to many been it And fears not when his friends shall can matter of surprise that the numerous'body of Scottish residents should have been solong un- represented. To supply this desidei‘atuiii,-No. ;’ l, of the 'Scorrtsu Ancitican Jouniit'il'Was :‘publislied on Saturday, August 8, 1857.»;in‘d 'is 16w continued weekly; I ‘ " " ' l , The primary object of the JouannL is. to fur- ;nish its readers regularly with the news of ', their native country. ‘It presents a weekly re- ' cord of all events of interest occuriing iii Scot- land. and its subscribers are in this way as fully iltilurined of what is transpiring at home as if they were in regular receipt of an old~couiitry iicwspaper. Scottish questions Will be discussed - I with intelligence and impartiality in lllOCtIllOl“ ial columns, and the sentiments of the leading parties on these subjects will be fairly retire; seiited and commented upon. In the literary and miscellaneous department of the paper, while merit and talent will be ap- preciated from whatever country they emanate, the Seottish element will preponderate. 'I'ales, sketches. and poetry, illustrative of the Scottish Icharactor, and ofa nature fitted to call forth the sympathies of Scotclinion ‘both at home and abroad. will occupy a conspicuous place. In this department. the co-Operation of various distinguished authors. possessing unrivalled facilities for the task. has been secured “in ‘ politics, thé JOURNAL will occupy 8 thoroughly independent position, alike free from party bins and national prejudice. In orâ€" der to it terest its readers whcieVer situated, it will take a broad view of topics of this class, clioiding theiio ofa tiioroly local nature, except iti so far as they may p;esent points of import- ance to the general public Questions involv- ing the interests of British residents in “the United States and in the British Provinces, will be specially considered, and it is believed that the information and news of the JOURNAL 011 this impotent class of subjects will be such as shall command attention. The SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL, will in every respect he conducted iii an efficient and busit ass like manner. with every requisite guarantee forits permanence. The proprietors. who are responsible parties, resident in New York and elsewhere. therefore look with con- tideiice for the support of their numerous coun- tryiiien in all parts of America, and they will be glad to communicate with respectable par- ties nt 3. distance who may be disposed to co~ operate with thern'l'or the establishment of the paper in their respective localities. A publication estab‘isliod With those objects must of course look for support mainly from those connected by’bii'tli or descent with the country whose current history it chronicles; but as the broad basis of this journal necessi totes, in addition. the treatment of all import- ant questions affecting Aiiiorican interests, and as itsvlitorature will be cosmopolitan, it is hoped that even to the general reader its columns will not appear unentei'taining or prolitlcss. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ’ PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Otto Copy for one year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54:2 50 .. Five Copies .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 (ill Twelve Copies ....=......... 0 (It) Twenty-five Copies. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. 4t) tltl To parties getting up a club of twenty -fivc a copy will be sent gratis. 7 Copies forwarded to I'Iurupc pcr mail. United States postage paid, for or 135. sterzing, l per annual. if? Office. No. 29. Beeltnian Street, NY, Fire! ion-.3: z l'V E S TE It N Fire Insurance (‘Oiiipany of Toronto. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. 0.9131129]. STOCK, £100,000. '1. GILMOR, Pros. I GEO. MicutE,Vi¢e Pros DIRECTORS : Rice Lewis. Esq. James Meaty. Esq. T, I". Roberts, Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. l Bernard llaldan, Esq. Secretory 'l'reasurcr. Angus Morrison. Esq. Solicitor. Ilatik of'Uppei' Canada. Bankers. Btnjaiiiiii Switzer, Esq. lnspcclor. Thus, Ilaworth, Esq, \V. Henderson, Esq. ‘v‘V. Macl‘arlano, Esq. [1? Ide (Mice, Church Street, Toronto. £3 THIS COMPANY Insures all descriptions of Buildings,Manufactories, Mills. $10.. and Good.~ and Furniture, in the same, against loss Oi (1810" age by fire, on liberal terms. Losses prompth settled. I, A. LAIV, Residnce; ' Genera -igont. Richn‘eond Ilill, August 13,1857. glO-l (if? LOOK 'AT THIS 14:0 LMOST EVERY BODY is ordering the j PLOUGH, mom and A NI/IL. "rim: the test may be as wise, and possess tlioiiiselves of what we are boundâ€"at any ooSt to ourselves â€"to make the Leading industrial Journal of the tittiesâ€"the best for the Farmer, the Mechanic and the Family Circleâ€"we make the following unprecedented liberal otl'er :â€" ' i _ Our EleVenth Volume will commence with, January, 1858â€"will run to January. BSD-mane ' contain 768 large octavo pages, on fine paper, with new type. It will he issued within the first week of each month‘ in numbers of 64 pages each, done up in the lost magazine style. To all who will forward the money for this volume, as single subscribers or in clubs, we will send gratuitiously, the numbers of the cur. rent volume, front the time of their forwnrding, and one month previous, thus giving in two, three, or four numbers, accordiii to the time, to all who subscribe before January. 'I‘Eiimszâ€"z‘fis? a year in advance; $1 50 to clubs of four and upwards: for s X-tnontbs Advertising, ten ’cents a line. For giving pub. licity to improved stock,agricultnral implements, mechanical iii‘iproveinenis, and like matters of general interest, there is no other medium good at the price. ' Liberal terms to persons disposed to act as agents for this work. Let us hear from tiein J. A. NASH, ' M. 1’. PARISH, 7 Beekinan Street. New York, October 22, l857. P I: cocoa sin Pia-r at? UK WRITING BY SOUND! )ITMAN’S Manual of Phonography is a 1 work of about i 100 pages. every other leaf Of which is printed from stone engravings, giving writing exercises in the art which the book is designed to teach. Ily the use of this Manual. any school boy or girl, ot'5 or 6 years and upwards, inav learn. in a surprisingly shoest space of time, to read and write Phonography or Phonetic Short-hand, and a few months 01 daily practice is all that is required to enable a child of ordinary intelligence to write 100 or more words per minute 1 This rate of speed is sufficient to take down ordinary sermons, . i, mi, Miss Sournwon'iu. Colonel G. W. CROCKET'I‘, CHARLES BURDETT,» '1‘. Dunn EnGLtsH, 11). 11min! Ci.AuP,‘Juii. GnonanRnOLo. SAMUEL YOUNG, Mrs. Ass VVHELPEEV, Mrs. Dr Vernon, Miss VIRGJMA VAUGHA Fist.“ JOHNSON. Miss I'IA'I'TIE CLARKE, R. Write only for the Gunman szn. THE GOLDEN PRIZE! ILLUSTRATED. Dnan dz. SALTER, Editors and Proprietors. V THE New York \Veekly Golden Prize _ is one of the largest and bust literary papers of the dayâ€"an Imperial Quarto. contalningnionr mass or FURTY COLUMNS. of entertaining and original i'iattor. and elegantly illustrated every week. fl PlkESEJVT .' wouru FROM 50 cans To $50 00 IN com. Will be. presented to each subscriber immedi- ately on receipt of the subscription tnoney. This is presented as a Memento ol‘Fiiondship. and not as an inducementto'obtain subscribers. ' T E R M S = Ono Copy for one year.. . . ..,.‘2 and 1 gift ()ne Copy for two years . . . . . . .3 50 and ‘2 gifts One (.‘opy for three years . . . . .5 and 3 gifts One Copy for five years . . . . . .8 and 5 gifts AND TO CLUBS Three Copies, one year . . . .$5 Five Copies, one year. . . . . . .8 Tell Copies, oneycar. .. . .. .15 ‘ and ' 1” gifts 'l'wenty-one Copies, '1 year,.30 and 21 gifts The Articles to be given away are comprised in the foelowiiig list : 2 Packages of Gold, containing. . . . .S5‘Ill each 5 ‘ do do do . . . . . . Lilil each, 10 do do do . . . . . . lUO each 10 Patent Lever Hunting Cased YVatclieS .... .... .... ..,. it... :20 Gold Watches. . . . . . . . . .. .. 5” do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ltlt) do 30f) Ladics’ Gold Watches .... . 120’.) Hunting Cased \Vntches. . . . 3“ on each 5(lil Silver Watches . . . .5510 till to ‘25 ill) each 1000 Gold Guard. Vest and Fob Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41:10 Oil to .‘25 (‘10 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets. Brooches, Breast Pins, Cuff i’ins. Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, \Vatch Keys, Gold and Silver 'l'ltiiiibles, and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to ottcl‘i. We will present to every person sending Us 51) subscribers. at 2 dols. each, a Gold Watch, worth «Ill dols. ; to any one sending us till) sub- scribers, at :2 dols. each. a Gold \Vaiuh, worth 9” dols. Every subscriber will. also receive a present, immediately on receipt of the money, the subscriber’s name wtll be entered upon our book, and the gift will be forwarded within one week, by mail or express, post paid, All communications should be addressed to DEAN th SALTER, 55 835 Broadway. New York; and 3gifts and 5gil'ts 1(10 ()0 each 75 (Ill each (in (if) each ‘51) tit) each 35 00 each on. MORSE’S Radian Root Pills. 1 1R. MORSE, the i'tht‘lllOl‘ of Morso’s Indian _ - ’u‘iot iills, has spent. the greater portion of his life in travelling. having visited Enropc, iAsia and Africa, as well as North Aiiicricuâ€" has-spent three years aliiopg tli 5 Indians of our VVestorn countryâ€"it was in this way that the lndiun R‘o‘iot Pills; were first discovcrrd. D'. i that all diseases arise from IMI’URl'i'Y ()1‘7 THE lil.U()l.).-~tliat our strength, IICZLILII and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and do not'act iii perfect harmony With tln- dil- ferent functions of the body, the blood lives its Ht‘llOH, becomes thick, corrupted and di>eascd ; thus causing all pains, sickness and dist use of every name; our strength is exhausted, our health we are depriVed of, and if nature is not assisted in throwing off the stlignant lininors, the blood will become choke-d and cease to not, and thus our light. of life will be forever blown out. How important then that we should her-p the various passages of the body fire and Open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put. a medicine iii your reach. namely, Horse’s Indian Root Pills, iii-.iiiufacturnrd from plants and roots which grow around the input atnious cliffs in Nature’s Garden, for the health and recovery of diseased man. One of the roots from which these l’ills are made is a Sudorific. which opens the pores of the skin, and asststs Nature in throwing out the liner parts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant. that. opens and nticlogs the passage to the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives ,ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged. they draw large amounts of im- purity from the blood, which is then thrown, out. bouiitifully by the urinary or water passage, and which could not have been discharged iii any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and accompanies the other propeities ot the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood ; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and Front the above, it is shown that Dr. Mo'se’s Indian Root l’ills not only enter the stomach, but become united with the blood. for they find their way to evr-ry pat t, and couplete- ly rent and release the system from all impurity, and the life of the body, which is the blooo, becomes perfectly healthy; consequently all sickness and pain is driven from the system, -~for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick. and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts. and which will open the natural passage for the disease to be cast out ; lienite,a large quantity of food'and other matter is lodged. and - the stomach and intestines- are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass ; thus undergoing disagreeable ferinentatibn, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws artery, until life is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse’s PILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory, by restoring millions oftl'ie sick toblooming health and hap- piness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish. and whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning elements of fever, and who have been brought, as it were, within a step at be silent grave, now stand readyto testify that they would have been numbered with the dead. had itnot been for this great and wonderful medicine, Morse’sliidian Root Pills. Attorone or two doses had been taken, they were as tonished, and absolutely surprised, in witnessing their charming effects. Not only do they give immediate ease and strength, and take away all ickness, pain and anguish, but they at onCe go to work at the foundation of the disease. which is the blood. 'l'liercfore, it will be shown. especially by those who use there Pills, that they will so cleiise and purify, that diseaseâ€"â€" that deadly enemyâ€"Will take its flight, and the. flush of youth and beauty will again return. and the prospect ofa long and happy life will cherish and brighten your days. - (IAU'i'iON.â€"â€"Iletvai'e of a counterfeit signed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the-name of A. J. Wui'rr: & (10., on each box. Also the signaturr ofA. J. IVliilo ¢§~ Co. All others are spurious. speeches. and conversation as fast as spoken. The " Manual of Phonography.” 75 cents, and the “ Phonograpic Copy-book,” 25 cents, are sent to any address, by mail. post-paid. on receipt of the price. ONE DOLLAR. Address, post-paid, . WILLIAM H. ORR 'Osuitwa, C. W, Front whom all English oriAmerican Phen- grephic Works may be procured A J. WIIIT F. & 00., Solo Proprietors. ' 50 Leonard Street. New York. Dr. Morse’s Indian root Pills are sold by. all dealers iii Medicines. Agents wanted ,in every town, village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the agency and address as above for terms. 1 Price 25 cents per boxs, five boxes will be sent on receipt of $1.postage pad. Morse “as the first. man to establish the tact, the corrupted matter through every vein and * earrings 3. 0 J.” , a '/_-'.M"’:) ‘omno‘a ‘auvubs Lasting usz ’1 r-' i D. .( V1 '2 p ’4 4 M .yz C >. 2. o n _. 5i"! Hamid _" " 0'" _\.|LS,M.LONV nz‘uovuv'annans ma ,1. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN‘ PROSPECTUS. V0 LU M E FOU RTEEN BEGINS sanEMiiizit I], 1858. M130 11.1 MCS, iNl” ENTGRS MANUFACTURERS AND FARMERS, THE SCIENTIFIC A MERICAN he now reached its Foniteeiith Year.'and“wil'l'eiiteif' upon a New Volume on the Hill of Septem- 'ber. It is the 01in weekly publication of the kind now issued in this country, and it has 'n evry extensive Circulation in all the States of the Union. It is not, as some might stipjitiso from its title. a dry, abstittse work on tocliiiiCal science; on the contrary, it so deals with the greatevents going on iii the scientific. nie- clianical and industrial worlds, as to please and instruct every one. If the Mechanic or Artizan wishes to know the bust machine in "so, or how to iiiako any substance employ ed in his businessâ€"4f the Housewife wishes to get ’a recipe for making a good color, &c.â€"â€"if the inventor wishes to know what is going: on in the way of iinprovontents~if the. Manufac- turer wishes to keep posted with the times- 5’ and to employ 'lie best facilities in his llllsls nessâ€"â€"if the Man of Leisure and Study wishc. I to keep himself familiar with the progress made iii the chemical laboratory, or in the construction of tolcgraplis. steziiiisliips, rail- ro.'~.d:<, reapers, mowers, and a thousand other machines and appliances, both of peace and WED-21“ those (lash/Hutu. can be found in the SCIENTIFIC Annuity/is, and not elsewhere. They are here. presented in a reliable and interesting form. adapted to the coiiipreiicnsioti of minds unlcarncd in the higher branches of scwnce andurt. Terms: One copy, one year, ; one copy six iiiontlix, $1 : five copies, six months, $4: [on copies, six months, 5,35; ten copies. twelve months, filth; l'it'tren copies, twelve lllmlllle‘, $22: twuity copies, twelve months in advance. Specimen copies- sciit gratuitously for iii- lspection. Southern and Western money, or Postage Stamps, taken tor subscriptions. IE}: Letters should be directed to MUNN &. (.30., 1328 Fulton-street, New YOik NILSSRS. MUM & Co. are extensively en- . gage-d in procnrii patents- for now llin'lltiolls, . and will advise inventors. without charge, in regard to the novelty of their iiiipiovcnients. 11s, nil, offal.” S if Bwu I’ll 13331-1 Ill '1‘ 1'15 11S. The reputation of these i cry celebrated vege- table remedies is now unequalled by any ()Iilt‘l'S in this country or iii Europe. They are fully established as the mus-t universal family medi- cine now in use, and they Will maintain tiirir [lie-01111110111 .enown by tilc intiinsic and coin- preheiisive virtues which acquired it. The usual mode-s ofpull'ery would be unworthy ot them and is unnecessary. 'l‘housands and tons of thousands of persons now living in pellecily restored health, can testify, as thousands have testified, to tiiei: prompt and decided elbow-y not only in all ordi- nary derangetitriits ol lltfllill. from impaired Digestive Functions, Costivencsa, lfilious ant. Liver Complaint-s, Rlieuiiiaitc and Inflatiitiia- tory Colds, Coughs, Nervous Weakness, Loss ofAnpctiie, Failiiieof Flesh, Headache and liiipure State ofihc Blood and other Fluids, but also in Rhentiiatism, Fever and Agile, other Intermittent I‘levers, Asthma, liroiicbits, Clio- lic, I‘lcurisy, l‘nlpitation oft‘ie lleart, Rush Of Blood to the Head. Settled Pains iii the Joints. Limbs and Organs, Alicclions of tho Bladder and Kidney s, Jauiidicc. Dropsy, l’ilcs, howevo: inveterate, Habitual (Jostiveness, Scions atitl Bilious Loosencss, Obstiiiate Headache and . New Voume, NewDrossvoz Terms 1 Journal of its Classâ€",reiidering it. :empbeti- a: Giddiness, and an immense number of other maladies. , They require no dieting nor ceiifiiieiiioiit,aie perfectly mild and pleasant in their operation, but will powerln ly restore healthâ€"that greatest of all earthly blessingsâ€"to the most exhausted and dilapidated constitutions Prepared and sold by DR. WILLIAM B MOFFA T. 335 Broadway. N. Y. t34 Canada Tyne Foundry l REMOVED T0 Sr. TrinitEEE Six, 1N DEBERAT’S lininoisas, MONTREAL. V ‘HE Proprietors of this Establishment beg to ii'il'orn'i the Pi in :ers of Canada, that they have now iiiaiiufactitred and ready for delivery, ' alarge quantity of Small l’ica, Long Primer, Bout-gemse and Brevier, of Scotch face, which they will guarantee cannot be surpassed by any3 Foundry upon this continent for durability and appearance. They have also on hand a choicur assortment of variouskinds of Oi'nmiicntal Type. The prices at which these and other types are sold at the Canada Type Foundry, will be found at least :lil per cent less than they could be pur- chased previous to its establishiiieii t. It is therefore hoped that the Printers ofCana- da will shov. their appreciation of the advantages it holds out, by he towing upon it a fair share of their patronage, iii return for which the propriet- ors pledge themselves to leave no means untried to give ample satisfaction. Printers .',nitiri. the reduction iii the price of type s nce this Foundry was opened ; and bear in mind that a greater Cdlictltllt depend upon your- selves. Our motto isâ€"snpply the trade with type ofsucli quantities and atsuch prices as will pre- Vent the necessity of patronisingforeign matin- factnros. The following list ofa few oftlie principal arti- cles roqnited by piiiiters will give an idea of the great advantages of the Canada Type Foundry. â€"~~P R I C E S :-~â€" Nonpariel. . . . . . . . . . . . .‘2s 9d per lb. Minion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2s lid " Brewer. . . . . . .........2s Id “ llourgeoise . . . . . . . .. . ls Illd “ Long I’iliiier.. . . . .. . . ls 8d “ Small Pica .......1s 7d " l’ica...... ..1s 6d “ l]:r All other Book Fonts in proportion. LEADSâ€"~6 to Pica and thicker, Is per 11).: Pica, 1s 3d; Bto Pica 1s (id. 'I‘IIOS. J. GURNIN 61: Co. St. Therese Street Montreal. May IBth. 1857 g3 N.B.â€"â€"â€"Pu_blishers of newspapers giving inser» tion to this advertisment for :2 inonths‘ will be allowed their bills upon purchasing five titties their ambunt of'our manufacture. Editors will confer a favor by, directing‘attenten to this announcement. .I- .. v ."vi in” .I‘ M o o .B E’ s nuiifl.ui'i‘.w§v,g‘h.xttii; The leading and largest drummed; a . notiicumcxaa. LITERARY m) n‘imvlymiuz' VOLUME _x. roit 19,593.. . W 'l‘m'; Roan. NEW-Yattiuznis-so' favorably known in the East and West, ,7 and South. as the 'niost, popular Agr‘icultufilo .l Literary and Family. Newspaper of the Agent. thatwe omit all expletiites it! announcing-thy: 'l‘enth Volume, Suffice it to saythatnopmpflgo effort or expense will hampered, to fully. maile- tuin and increase its, reputationpaenthe Bast r; cally. the Standard y I}, I j . Pym. ‘ iiUiiAi. ‘AND '1 FAMILY r WEEKLY “ Excelsior ” its glorious Motto. and “ Pro- 4 gross and IIII}II‘OV8I1’IOIII” its laudable Objecw.‘ r the Ruial continuously exacts in Merit and ten.» ports decided PROGRESS in Circulation and Use- fulness. As an Agricultural. I‘lorticultural.rhim terai-y. V Family and N ews Paper. combined, it has long been unrivalled. Note monthly 0!. only twelve issues yearly, but a Large and;- Beautiful \N’cekly--wbich embraces in out a? greater number of Useful and Timely Topics ban sEv an“. ordinary journalspâ€"The Rurnlséi s, mm EXCELLENCE, ' .i THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE AND rnn TIMES ! . ~2 The Tenth Volti me will be Printed and tibia trated iii Superior S tyle. while its Contents wii vie with its improved Appearance. All who desire a paper which ignores trash. humbugt, and deception, and earnestly seeks to protiiote. the best, Interests and Home Happiness of its. ;,11').\'1‘lttd of readers in both Town and Country. are invited to try the Model Farm and Fireside . Journal. roan, STYLE AND TERMS. The Rural New-Yorker is published “'eeklv- each number comprising Eight Double Quart. Pages. An Index, Title Page, &c., given at. the close of each Volume. ' Tl-ZRMS--IN ADVANCEâ€"TWO Dollars it Your; Three Copies for 35: Six, and one free to club agent. for $10; Ten, and one free, for $15; Sixteen, and one free for ‘22 ; 'I \yenty, and one free, for $26: Thirty» we, and trim free,‘ for $40, [or (50 for $37.50] and any greater number at same rateâ€"-only $1.25 per copy 1â€"â€" with an extra-copy for every 'l‘en Subscribers over "l'hirty l (‘1th papers sent to different postâ€"omens. if desired. As we pro-pay Ame~ tican postage, $1.37 is the lowest club rate for Canada. ‘ Now is the time to Subscribe and form Clubs for the New Year and Volume. Specimen Nutiibeas, Show-Bills, Prospectuses. &c, cheerfully furnished [by mail or otheiwise, at our expense,] to all disposed to lend a portion of ' influence in behalf of the Rural and itu Objects. Address D. D. T. MOORE, » Rochesmi', N. Y , ritosi’igci‘Us OF' - The “Runner’s Advocate ' . - t'tlit 1858. a l fourth Valumn.‘ A. E, .‘ll’t‘Oll'I‘ILL. .Elll’l'OR. L. J. l’lERSON, ColtitESI'ONDLKG EDITOR. The object of film Worriaii’s Advocate is the opening out of new ~-’_.tl101f.!S of employment for women who have so long suffered the distress attendant upon the insuliicient remuneration, and a too limited llllllillt‘l' of occupations. 'l'hepnper elltlcuvurs to collect all inforiiiaâ€" 1 tion that can be important to \vonii-n. relative _'i:t-Ctip7itio:is better suited to them. and which will yield a more comfortable subsistence than the low unhealthy trades upon which they have been so far ohligrtl to depend for axis.- imitte. , . The Advocate employs, in the various de‘ llulitltt‘llls of the business, many women, who are paid for their labor as hiin prices as are paid to men for the some amount of walk. To the editor and proprietor the past thiee years in which she has boi-i. engaged in this Work. have been years of anxiety and toil ; but the enterprize‘lias been carried on with the‘hope of = doing good to others. and finally pushing the- buuiness to a successful point, whon‘it may roo' niunerate all concerned. With this hope sh. enters the field for anoliieryear, trusting to the , many assurances of friends in all parts of the I ' country, for and and co-operation. . 'rsiiMs or sunsoiiir'rinN: For One Copy, one yeah. . . . .. . . .. “$9 00 v For Five Copies. . . . . . . . . . . . .8 00 - For Ten Copies”... .... . ... .15 00 TO rosi‘Mas'rEas. . Postinasters throng out the coun‘ry are re- quested to act as agents, and deduct the usual conitiiissioii. J~.1\1PI.UYMENT FOR Limes Any lady of good address. and energetic habits, can make from live to twenty dollars a week. by canvassing for subscribars for the Advocate. We want such agents in every'. ownshiu and city in the United States and the-k Canadas. If any one wishes to enter upon‘a lucrativo employment, and will send a reclam; inundation for honesty and ability. they will bava credentials forwarded to them to act as agents“ ‘ ‘ Address, ANNA E. M’DOWELL. Editor and Proprietor. Philadelphia. Pa' “._... ._.--._..,._ _.._.._ .A..._._...,~.._._..._._ APGTHECARIES’ HAL-L I<ING STREET, Toronto, 2nd door east of Church Street.>opposite the ('Zatliodral.‘ W. T. A'i'xisson. &. (30., Late of King street West, now offer at their new establishment. Genuine English Drugs, Patent Jlfcdicines, French and English ‘ P67: time/y, Oils, Paints, Colours, Dye- I'Voods, " ' Combs Brushes &c., At such moderate prices as cannot fail to no. cure custom. ' W. ’1‘. A. & Co. having eonsithrable exâ€" perience iii the Drug business in various parts of England, have no hesitation in saying. that a great many of their Manufactured Articles will be found very superior. Medicines used iii compounding Prescriptions. Fairiin Re- ceipts, Horse and Cattle'Medeciiios. &c.. are of the very best quality, direct from the prin- cipal English Drug Houses. W. 'l‘ A. &. Co‘. “ beg to call attention to their Celebrated I’repa- ‘ ' ration for the Tooth. Atkinson‘s Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their much admired Perfume . THE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. Soda Water bottled and from the fountain; St. Catherines Mineral Water, and the Plantagenet Water. celebrated for their healthy properties. April 22.1858. 146 WHOLESALE Paper & Stationery Warehouse. VIV‘HIC Subscribers have always on baud, _ a large and general stock of the 'bestc‘?’\_~ British and Provincial nianut‘actured'Writing, Colored, Brown. and Wrapping Papers, Wax, ' Wafers, Slates, Ink, Steel Pens; Envelopes, Metallic Memorandui‘n Books. Twines, Copy Books, School Books and General, Stationery, &c.. 6L0. ‘ ‘ The facilities which the subscribers have I, for n'iauufacturing, having two of, the largest 1 Paper ‘Mills :n Canadmythey are prepared to manufacture all kinds of paper to order.‘ BUNTIN, BR0. .5; Co..- Yonge street,tToi-'onto. 'l Januney 8, 1858. v 31

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