Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Apr 1859, p. 3

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- _nre unfounded in , acted upon, is vrithout foundation: tint, on, ‘ tons.” although this may be true in a strictly . cchnical sense. yet. practically, it had oc- ‘casioned no inconvenience, as not a single "instance is known since the passage of the .I ship of Jl’Iar/rlmm. ~~Municipal Council of its uncertainty, or that _ .ainined the By-law a few days after it was ‘ passed, gave it as his opinion that it was quite - «- STOUFFVILLE SHOW- _._.. HE SToc-FrVii.i..E BRANCH AG-iii- -. IGULTURAL SOCIETY will hold their Spring Show, ,ATSANGSTER’S HOTEL, STOUFFVILLE, on; .FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1859, WhotiIth'e following Premiums will be awarded Hons‘us. Canadian Draught Stallions. $5, 2nd $3, Imported Draught Stallions. . .best 5, 2nd 3. Lots Numbers eleven, twelve, thirteen. four- Numbers six, seven, eight, nine and ten, and teen and fifteen, in the fourth concession. _ School Section number six, Ichail be com- posed of the East halves of Lots Numbers sixteen,~ Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twen- ty. twanty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four and rwenty-five, in tlic‘third concession, and Lots Numbers sixteen, sev- enteen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, and the west halves of Lots Numbers twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty~th ee. twenty-four and twenty-live, in the fourth concession. ‘ " School Section Number Seven shell » be composed of the East halves of Lots Numbers twenty-six, twenty-seven, . twenty-eight twenty-nine, thirty, ' i ’ r 'v' "aw-r: - ~ . .A w _ v~-.A.-br-‘;~.~..:=r" two, fifty-three, fifty-four. fifty-five," fifty-six, fiftyuseven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine, and sixty, in the first Concession. , i = Union School Section number five, shall be composed of Lots numbers thirty-three, thirty-four [and thirty-five, in theiseCOiid concessiOn, 'and the VVost-haives of Lots numbers thirty three, thirty-four, .aud thirty- five, in the third concession. . Union 'Scliool Section number Isix,. shall be compo‘seid of the East-halves of‘iLOts Numbers thirty-three,thirty-four, and thirty- five, in the fourth concession, and the West halves of Lots Numbers thirty-three, thirty- four and thirty-five, in the fifth concession. Union School section number sevenf’s‘hall be composed of‘Lots numbers thirty-three, PPLICATION will be made to the Muni- cipal Council of the Township 3.: Vaughan. on the 2nd day of. May next, for :. By-law to establish a 1toad.: Firstly: acres:- the NorthiEast corner of Lot No. ill, in llit 8th concetSSion of the said townshipâ€"rfroin tht concession line in front of the said lot to III)! northern limit thereof. upon, or nearly upon the Road as ,now travelled across the sat. cornertsecondly, across Lots 11, 12 and 13 ii the some concession upon thalline of Road a nowtravolledufrom the southern, limits of Lo. No 11, to the concession line in front of Lo No. 13, and which Road passes by Mr. Sha .IEHONQQR warring i’s'v .w"“3i“m?’fvi‘;'§rizߤ"'fl;" ‘ ' " a. APHY, PIIQNOGRAPIIY wasdnvented by ISAAC .I,_.I:,V.I’l'1‘,i\/IAN. of Iath, England, in the ve'ar' .837. 1t is théirtiostsiinple, most natural most" ,utpid, and most easily-learned system of Writ- o'g 'virh'ich has'».eit“_e'i:;}been,<or ever can be inf: .r'ented ” U " ' ' ’ During the past. fifteen years, hundreds of; .housaiids of.persons. in England and Ame- ica, in both public and private life. have learned ‘.o Write Phonogra'phy, and thousands of social, illd business letters annually ‘pass through f at Harrisons’ Planing Mills, I I i All parties in want of ‘VVQIl‘t‘SGHSOIIBd Pinned FLOORING'aud IS'DEING will save money . EZSHINGLES, (which are superior to all others, 4113" ALL WORK WARRANTED equal to‘hand work. and executed with dispgtchgo. ,5 I I, :.~.. I -. v v .‘Iw, on, '3 - y A ~ _ .A-RPENTERS-and Builders save your Time and Money by getting your FLOORING: ‘ '5 Pinned. 'i‘ongued and Gro‘ovedat HA'RRISONS’ Planing Mills. Carpenters-sails your Money by getting your SlDEI N G Pinned at Harrisons’ Planing Mills. _ " ‘Wm Builders and others nseing PLANEDBOARDS, will save; money getting them. Pladmdfia in purchasing it at‘ Hart-icons" Planing Mills, I , II I I To Farmers and othersâ€"wifyd'u want a Good, Cheap and Tight, RoofI purchase you? ) at Harrisons’ Pianiiig Mills: , " ' " ‘ ‘ ' -' r I t p thirty-one thirty-two . . . , g in" Stank,“ for eneml -. ._ -. ,I- - ’. ,I ~ .’ thirty-four, and thirty-five, in the seventh vars Mil], (no post office My C naIfIIIIIIIIIIIII I II ..... gII I I I I IIIIIII I QIIII 3I myIphage:IIILIIIIEIIBEId aInIIdII $33,! mil-es ‘0", ConcessiOn, and Lots numbers thirty-three, GEORGE J. r. PEARCE. Nor is its great popularity “9.59 .Wm‘de’ed' ' ‘ 7 H 1- ' J ' H A R R I S 0 N. 1- . ,- .. amt ImporteIdStaliions for general Lots Numbers twenty-six ,twe.,tv_sevenI lhll‘lvafOUr. and thirty-five,in the eighth Con. I I , Township Clerk 13. Tlte present system‘ of writing is exceed- _ II I. ’1 ‘ PLANK ROAD .II_-, . purposeSI I I I I II I I I I I I I I Ibest 5I 9nd 3., menu-.6;ng twent\._nineI u’fiflyI thin-“one cessmn. - . . I Vaughan,.April 1, 1859. 19-4 ugly cumbersome, and totally unworthy these ' I I II III: I II II I II I Brood Mares. . . . . . . . . best $4, 2nd, 3, 3rd 2. thirty-two.,thirtv-threo. thirty-four and Iliirtv: 13- Rh ESOR, _______~ M 4110’s of'progress {ind ““Wniion' Phou‘3gmi’h-V . t a i i i h I I II may,“ the four-III COIIIIIIIISIOII - Town Beam .4 equallyIas legible, can be learned in one- IA II., I15 I1859 I ,I , -I 2033m- :- , _ ‘C‘T LE' ' ‘ ' r ' FOR SALE, wentieth the time. and can be written 812: 51,711.63, P 1’ - “ ' i . . ’ " Buns” . . . . . . . . . . . . . .best $3, 9nd 9, 3rd 1 . sumo] Section number 912“! Shall be Markham’MarCh 28‘ 1859' .Isfastl In other words. the labor of six days ‘ 1 " ’ 4 5! Milch Cows. for dairy purposes giving milk. . . . . . . . . . . . .best 52, 2nd 1. “All entries to be made on the Secretary’s Been 0r Steer or CowI I I IIIIbest 2 nine, and ten. in the fourth ConcessionI and ' , ' 1TUATED in the Villa 9 of Thornhill net 11' person may learn to write it slowly. in. a . . , I ‘ ’ SWINE ’ LMS “"‘T‘l’ers 0‘10: W0, three. four. five, six, S and adjoining St. John SIreet, (commonl; : coupie of hours. An hour’s daily practice the ai‘i‘ll’al 0f ills I I I II ,, I . . ' seven. eight. and nine, and the west half of = _. NEW . called the Plank Road). being pal‘tO' Lot No or a few weeks will enable any person to _' a i“: ; "if" ' 309.”.- ; - c - - - - - - - - ' ' ' ' - - - - - b0“ 1 59 2“d 1' 140‘ "umbm‘ "e"; i“ the fifth Concession. and , - \ 30, within a short distance of'Yonge Street,â€"- vrite Phonpgraphy: with certainty, and with . .7; " Brood SOWS..... . . . . . . best 1 51; 21rd 1. the west halves of Lots number one. two. containing four bed-rooms, sitting-room aiu ome degree of freedom. The same amount x) ‘ ,__ ' _Book before Eleven o’clock on the day of the Show. at which‘time the Judges will proceed on their duties. All Horses obtaining a Prize must serve for the season within five miles of Stout’fville, and tag the School Sections in the Town- THEREAS, by a judgment obtained in ._ the Court of Queen‘s Bench, Hilary .Term. 1859. in the case of ilecxr‘. as. THE NIUNICJPALITY or MARKHAii,tlie iiy-luwol‘the min Township numbered 77, and intituled. “ A Byslaw to rc-estahlisli and form new School sections,” has been quashed. and whereas the Mid judgment set forth ” that the By-law having been generally considered as illegal, has not been enforced or acted upon, that it did not propeer define the limits of the school sections; that the inhabitants of the old section, 16. have always since gone on acting under the old law, and raising rates accordingly, without regarding the new di- visions, which as:igned various portions of it to other sections.” II,AInd whereas many of the reasons set forth "in said judgment for quashing said lly-law factâ€"1st. The statement that the Iliyâ€"law was generally considered as ‘ llegnl, and that it has not been enforced or the other hand, it was generally considered as legal. and has been acted upon in good faith. in every School SPcllun in t 0 Town- ship, during a period of three years and tip- wards. 2nd. The statement " that it did not pro- ‘tirlv define the limits of the School Sec- By-lawI of any inhabitant of the Township complaining to any ofiicer or member of tho the intention of the By-luw was doubtful, or the) the limits of any School Section was not fully understood. And, furthermore. the Chief Superintendent of Education, who ex- eufi‘lcient in all respects. 3rd. The statement “that the inhabitants composed of the east halves of Lots numbers one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, thiree, four. five. six. seven. eight, and nine, in the sixth Concession. School Section number ten. which includes the principal portion of late School Section number nine. shall be composed of the east half of Lot number ten, and Lots numbers ty-fonr, twenty-five. twenty-six. twenty- seven, twenty-eight. twenty-nine. thirty. thirty-one. and thirty-two. in the fourth con- ceSsion. and the West halves of Lots Num- bers twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-fruit; twenty-five, twenty-six, l.W6|ll\'-SeVCn, tweiitIr-ctglit. twentyâ€"nine, thirty, thirty-one, and thirty-two, in the fifth concedemn. . School Section Number thirteen. shall be compOScd of the East halves of Lots Numbers twenty-five, twenty-six, twentyuseven, twen- tyueig‘it. twen y-ninc, thirty, thirty-one, thirty~two, thirty-three, thirty-four. and. thirâ€" tv-five, in the fifth concession, and the North half of Lot Number twenty-five. and Lots Numbers twenty-six, twenty-raven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty. thirty- onc, thirty-two, thirtyâ€"tli'ee, thii‘ty*<f01ir, and thirty-five, iii the sixth concession. School Section Ntiini-er fourteen shall be composctl of the East halves of Lots Numbers one, two. three, four, five, six seven. eight. nine. ten. and eleven, in the sixth concussion, and Lots Numbers one, two. three. four, five, six, seven, and eight. in the seventh conces- sion, and the West halves of Lots Numbers one. two. three, four, five, six, seven and eight, in the eight concession. School Section number fifteen, shall he composed of Lots number nine. ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen, in the sevanth conces- sion, and the ‘Nest half of Lot number nine, and Lots numbers ten, eleven. twelve and thirteen, in the eighth concession. School Section number sixteen, shall he composed of the East-halves of Lots Numbers seventh-en and eighteen, in the srxth conces- sion, and Lots numb rs fourteen, fifteen, six- teen, seventeen and eighteen, and the East- halves of Lots nnnilers nineteen. twentv, twenty-one and twenty-two, in the seventh Concession. and Lots numbers foiiiteen and fifteen, and the Viicst-hrrlf ot the East-half of Lot number sixteen. and the VVest-halves of Lots numbers sixteen. seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. twentyâ€"one. and twenty- two, in the eighth concexsion. ' School Section number seventeen, shall be composed'ofthe East-halves of Lots num- &_SHOES ‘J’UST RECEIVED. direct from New York, Q a large aud varied Stock of Ladies' and Children’s BOOTS &. SHOES which are Clark, Melinda [2] Courtney, William Cameron, Malcolm Collins, Mary Jane Chamberlain, Sarah Dobbie, W Dunton, James Duncan. William Davis, Charles Dowling, Hugh Durmnt, Charles [2] DeeGier, J B Eyer, Miss Lydia Fairfield, James Gray, William Goulden, Maria Goodwill, John- Gray, Joseph i'lolstertag, Caroline Hodson, William Harrington, ‘Win Harlney, John Innes, William Miller, Jamrs Moore, George McBride, Daniel Nolan, John . " Oughtby, Wm Pound. Jacob D Quinton, Wm Richmond, 0 IS Robe rts, Thom-as Sisco; Isaac v Sanderson, John [2] Story, John Stephenson, Joseph Storm, Adam Stevenson, John Smith, Mary Tibb, Richard Turner, James Taylor, James & Co Truman, Wm Vanderburgh, Peter VVilsmi, James Wheeler, Mr. M. TEEFY, RM. J. K. FALCONBRlDGE, IS RECEIVING 1119 SPRING 8t SUMMER sTocx A LARGE AssoaTMENT '9 Richmond Hill, April 7, 1859. 19-tf MAGISTRATES BLANKS III . Masonic Hall, the first Friday evening after 'A Desirable Family Residence. kitchen ; with a good stable for 2 horses, wool shed and other useful out-buildings. with yard garden and a good well ofvvater, and containin. about half an acre of land. , For‘further particulars apply to the Proprie tor on the premises. N 0. 644, ' EE'I‘S at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL I Victoria Square, the last Friday even- ing in each month. ' OFFICERS ELECT 2 JOHN BUTTON. Master. JAMES FANAGHAN. Deputy. THOMAS BOWMAN, Secretary. JOHN GAWLEY. Treasurer. Victoria Square, May 7, 1858. 48-1 Richmond Victoria, IOYAL ORANGE, LODGE. No. 778, 1 meets at Brother Robert Wiseman’s, the Full Moon in each month. Orricuns El.ECl‘-â€"Colonel D. Bridgford, Master, R. VViseman, Deputy Master; John Munholland, Secretary ; W. Pogue. Treasurer January 21. 1858. t33 THE GRUMBLER SUED I I FOR $2,000i 7 At the Suit of R. M; Allen. TRIAL TO COMEOâ€"Fâ€"E AT THE SPRING ASSIZES. The Gâ€"râ€"drmbl er ASjust commenced upon its second year, and it is the intention of its conductors to make it Still More Amusing and Useful, The following are a few of the many favor~ able notices of the press:-â€" I ' “ Evinces real ability.”â€"Beriin Telegraph. “ It is eagerly welcom ed,”â€" St. Mary’ :an be performed in oneâ€"one man can do the . vol'k of six ! So simple is the system. too, »t' practicerconti-nued for six months will on- unle a person to tsfke~reportsofI speeches, lec- nres, sermons,or-convorsation, and to read. item with accuracy. ' I Dr. J. W. Stone, of Boston.‘ says ':' ‘ I deem ;”honography‘an invaluable adjunct to educa- nave acquired the Art, from many of whom the =Isubscriber fhas received. neatly-written ‘phonogi'apiiic letters, Lexpressive oftbeir do- light with the attainment. and the extraordinary erase with which they have acquired it. For the purpose of aiding in the disseminatibn of so important a reform in his own country, the subscriber is now prepared to supply all who apply, with the. MANUAL or -PHOl\GGRA- rev, and the Puoxoc‘nArHic‘Corr BOOK. sent by mail to any part of the Province. postage pic-paid, for the small sum of [13’ ONE DOLLAka Anybody and everybody, who can learn any- thing, can learn Pnonoonarur front the MA- NUAL, without other assistance. Those who-wish to be able to put their ‘thoughts to‘ paper at'the‘ raterof from 100 to 250 words “ per minute,” should send for the above-mentioned works at once. The instruction given by the Manual is as plain as A'. -B'». C.. and ten times as easy to understand. The “CANADIAN PHONETIC PION- EER ” is a Monthly Journal, devoted to the advocacy of the Reform. Price 25 cents per annum. ' ' Address, (post-paid) WILLIAM H. ORR. ' Oshawa. C. W. NEW Tam TMENT. Buti'alo Medical Dispensary, ESTABLISHED FOR THE CURE-0F nverrsrA,. GENERAL nEBierv,‘rEvr.a AND Aouu, 'SCROFULA, OLD ULCERS. GREAT meo- iinv or THE BLOOD, SALT RHEUM. PIMPLES, FISTULA, FILES, KIDNEYS. ,DEBiLirv, lN- ’ Frititii'rius'or YOUTH _ AND OLD AGE, am. iii? No Iiicrcury Used. 4:3 AMOS & SON. Corner of Main and Quay Streets. Buffalo, New York, are R. I._ ..,,,I h I THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully intimate to hisfriends and ciistometii TVVhich having purchased personally in the British Markets, he» ts-Iconfi'd‘e'nt that'ftlid‘f Style and Qualities are such ' Is to meet the requirements of tlie5i‘public,I and'Itble principle on which his bitsiness'is conducted, viz : Small Profits and ,foersertIilyLI cannot fail to serure that patronage winch aré attendant on tlie'sale‘o‘f CheapranId' ,, .t, . I ,Im _ , elem I t , 1 I -3. , I offered at the lOWe'stTOI~onto prices and from » - , ' - . 1 , I . . Skilled?” animals W'thm fol" ""165 °f and siitteeiifii’ie oilfield? “66:22:31]: ’ aiiiieflild Make" 8‘3"“ “d Maw’ia‘ca‘mmbé'smpmed' Thornhili A ril15 iegdeEL LEMCfiu‘ iiiinldlinitoli: idiiiiiidgdufmii’libtii: GOOd L1»? OdS 2-- } A i i i ' ' - MAXON'JONES N BUTTON west halves of Lots numbers ten arid eleven, 113’ Callalld See, the Stock. and examine ’ p ’ ' ends of dollars ” ‘ 'v v .AE ' s .. , & .1" ‘ PI Id, and Lots numbers twelve, thirteen. fourteen, for yourselves. _ The late “on THOSI HI BENTONI upon-hm VV, b « - - \II - I As, - 09101313 Yeaalii'e- 1133- BM- fifteen and sixteeu_ in the six”, Concession I G. A. BARN ARD. ug presented with a verbatim report of one of i ‘ Ii" p‘ found remarkablydleal“ ' . , . _ I. Sto’nffvill'e, April4, 1859. 21-1 coiggggh Epcflgps \Nnmbhei- eieven' span p9 Richmond Hill, April7,I1859. 195“ illSI rrIiastIezly speecpes. takeIIn by}; lIittIlZI boy HIS FANCY STOCK 0F DRY GOODSI. I III II III : - 1 um ers seventeen e. x- I -n y we ve years 0 a 8. flat ,: m is or! . . . _ , . j ‘ .. tponi; ninIeteen. twenty and twenty-mic, grid ILet'terS from known 40 years ago it would havestworl me W‘” I"? found to contain the neweSt gOOdS m Dresses, Shaw's: Mimtlcsy 3113130098??- Apprenuee Wanted 1.1:.tiffltlZL*’°:?.iLi’ES..ltffil’fifs , . . . , %=:.i:“t:.":£§. statutinlmu‘. 1119‘ M miner?» Department,“~' ~' , conca‘ssion 'and me Wé , I], m g I u“Wining "1 RIQHMUAD HILL POSi Office ‘1’ d, .“0. _ I 1c ' 1- h lilhong‘ ' Now Open, is now replete with the newest styles of Bonnets, 8m. 3 ~ T gg‘PRLMIUM SADDLERY VVARE' Numhe-s bcvcttleeii and esicliideves 0d APRIL ISL 509. M “an lleqqiles Slfx 36?? chic amp ls . mm- ' . b i . . QI -. i I I - - - I I r,_ e ii, an s gra iy W: or arm n . I . I or i o “om”magmaimamgnd HI” A lad 0‘ Numbers nineteen twenty. twenty-one .- . - 'IPo Clerrli'meii Editors Physicians Law- Dress Biaklna y Experlellce(l Altlstcs.‘ I I I go, none but one of IWHIIVIIIIO I I If, » d .I ' Atkinson, John [2] Keal, FianCIs I S LI, ' I r , 9 - St k 3: I, I.” . steady palms need app}? , v IIIIII IIIei qéIIIal'TIIAI} lCIlIIl‘C’IeI;I aIp pvenItIx-fopr. BeHmbyI Mam“ KirkI .Apen tIors,I SprgtaiiIes. E011;?;811061;.IIL:.W an: IVie-I - is co compii. cs 18 I 0 owmg I l . ~ g ( x t . um ‘ier wen v- : LiCfl u an s cc ers riiers, coioo . l . "‘7. . I I W. H. MYERS. fivm in me Sim, concessimh and the wést B'gwood’c ‘ Lund’ wm' [2] i‘eachers Mer’cliants Schdoli Bars and Girls . - I ' ~ Richmond H1”. 15.1859. 20.3 haw“ 0,. IIIIIII I I I I , I I Baker, Jonathan [2] Langstafi',Johii [2] II I . IPI oI II I II- III I D , . , II‘IIIIIIIIII .I..I inIuneis nineteen. twenty. BrackenI Mrs MinerI George it IiItow cdgeIot Iionogiap inso vast tIitt it},â€" I . ___~__ IIIIIIIIIIIIIpIpIIcII. IIIvi Ilely-two,II twenty-three, and Burnett, George MaddenI Ambrose IIII infect there is; no pIrotession or calltIng idn whgch I , I , I a $0,300, ‘96,, I0 five“, ‘I "O‘ICICSSW‘II II b Bi‘illitiger,/George [3] Malcolm, Alex 7 - a; '5 3“ “eff: 3“; no 51°‘mg lnlan '5' "cum" DRESS Goons.-â€"Flounced Robesâ€"one flounce, Flounced Robesâ€"4W4) finances: , " ~ 1 0‘ i “m “31 Neva. S «'l 6 3mm Mrs , lynndawI Joseph can eIconsi eie comp etc Witiout it. PI, d B I _ I PI _ BI a F I BI II PI .III F P II D L I, I I | FI I, .. A ,I CompOStd oftbe East halves of Lots Numbers Clark Thomas Malcolh, Martin . , -, ‘ During the past nine months hundreds of mm? aIzefIm‘sr ~I am. “Verges! {lm‘y “1.95959 ‘3‘ r'nc 9* “mes! “'1 Y" Proposed new By_La,w fm. ,.,,I_esm],ll’s],_ twenty~one. twenty-two, twciity.thi'ee, twen- ’ ’ persons in Canada, of every pursuit in life, French DeLames, Checked bhawllics, French TWills, I Milroy‘ Stripes, Financed Silk Dresses. .Fancy Silk Poplins, Hymalaya Lustres. ’- ' ' ~. ' ~.~;9':- . 'MANTLEs.â€"â€"Mixed Tweed Talinas, Summer Cloth Talmas. SeindtaTalmas, Black Glase Talmas,'B-ich Frilled Mantles,Tlie Union Talma Mantle, Tiffany Mantles. BouNETs.â€"-â€"t.‘.olorcd Mixture Bonnets, Grey Broad Bonnets, Indented Litton Bonnets. Black Broad Bonnets, Broad Indented Broad Bonnets, Girl's’ rind Maids Indented Hats, Tuscan‘Bonnets, RiCe Broad Bonnets, White Leghom Bonnetâ€"s, Fang Bonnets, infants’ and Girls Tuscan Hats, Infants’ and Girls’ Broad Hats, Boys’ Brown Broad lists. I I I I I'I, I I II, HostsnLâ€"‘NOmen’sI Cotton Hosiery, Women’s Merino Hosiery, Men’s Cotton Socks, Men’s Merino Socks, Children‘s Cotton Hosiery, Girls” Cotton Hosiery, Boys’ Cotton Hosiery. . a I - . I Alexandra’s Celebrated French Kid Gloves. Horrock's White Siiirting Cotton, Cheap Linen, Lawn Pocket Handkerchiefs, VVilcox‘8t Co’s. Celebrated Expansion Skeleton Skirts, Improved Cane and VVhalebonc Hoops, Ribbons, Laces. IParasoIlsI, Se’vire’thoOds, Stays, Veils,Sliawls, Shootings, Table Linens, Napkins.TowelliIngs, 8L6. Sales made for Cash Only, and-no second price. JOHN CHARLEswoaTu, ‘ _ pf? 41 King Street west, next to Beckett’s Druggist. Toronto, April," 9-3!!! M.IJHSHMANJ-J No. 81, King Street East, » next (1 oar to the “Colonist” office, has received his New Stock of ~ 1 D 333i" Lid-"de cf) sci NOVELTIES SEASON! of the old IsectionI,I lpI, hind: alwayIs since hers mm,,\._,h,ee and ,wemv “MI and LUIS 'FOR SALE AT THE . Argus. {Ibo oiiIIyIth’linI'sicigigjinIp the IIStétte'who arIeI msm- . , I . I I . , . H . gr}; II gene on acnng un or 1e 04 nw, ant raismg numb rs i , I __ Y ' I __ ' -. ‘ I ., . . ,,_ _ erso 6’ eye ~oI egeo urgeons, on one I , I .212. P o s T 0 F F I 0 E = “ It at be H o s i E P Y A N D G L 0 V E s - ' new divisions, which assigned various por- .’ , ’ .I : .~ ’ ‘1 )7 II than I I I ing mm] 9 o-chck at nightI on every State and _ _ I L . I “(ms 0,. It to oIIIeII SOCIIIIIII” II IIIIIIIIII III tinny-one and thirty two, Ill the seventh AT TOPI N10 pRICEs. I “Asmamy wmmn hula senapn__stmets_ svm Iom odesease _ I I I I 7 ' . " ('Ollttt‘SSlOll, and the West halves of Lots 164,. vine Review. . P A gone on acting under the old law, and levied .1 sections and « ‘on said inhabitants. excepting under the new variance with the truth, as the inhabitants 16, of the old section. have in no instance rates; not one shilling havmg been levied Bwlaw. and iii connection with the several School Sections, to which various portions of ' the old section had been assigned. ,And whereas the judgment in this case, having been laid before aspecial meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of Markhaniyheld on the 28th day of March, . instant, be it therefore known and understood, by all whom it may concern, that by the order and authority of the said Councd, notice is hereby given. that it is the intention ofthc asaid..Council. on the 23rd day of April next, to p-ss a By-law, re-establishing and con- firming the boundaries of the several school union school sections in this ‘ =township. on the same plan as that by which .they were governed up to the day of the 'quasfhiiig of the said By- law, and that on the said 23rd day of April next, and before the intended Bydaw is passed. the said Munici- palI‘Couucil Will hear, by petition and other- wise. any objections that may be urged against the passage of the said intended llyâ€"law. as well as allpetitions that'mav be presented in , . favor of the same : and that the said intended numbers twenty-three, twenty-four. twenty- fivc, twentyâ€"six, twr-nty-scven, twenty-eight. and twenty-nine. and Lots numbersi thirty, thirty-one and thirty-two, in the eighth con- cessron. School Section number eighteen, shall be compuscd 0‘ 'ho Eastslialvcs of Lots unit"- bcrs one, two. three. four, five, six, seven, eight and nine, in the eighth concession, and the “'estâ€"hulves of1.ots numbers one, two, three. four, five, six, seieupeight, nine and ten. in the ninth concession. School Section nttmber nineteen, shall-be composed ofthe East-half of the East-half of Lot number sixteen, and the East-halves of Lots numbers seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, lVVGlllIV'DnE‘, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six. twenty- seven, twenty-eight, and twenty-nine, in the eighth concession, and the VVcst-lialves of Lots nuiiibors sixteen. seventeen, eighteen. nineteen, twonty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twcii'tyvfive, twenty- stx, twentyâ€"seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine and thirty, in the ninth concession. School Section number twenty. shall be composed of tho East-halves of Lots numbers one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine, in the ninth concession, and Lots Richmond Hill. March 18.1858. die out guilt is PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatched to Subscribers by the earliest mails, or other conveyance. when so desired, The YORK HERALD will always be be found to contain the latest and most impor- tant Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and a valuable Family Newspaper. TERMSâ€"Seven and Sixpence per Annnm, IN AnVAxcn ; and if not paid within Three Months two-dollars will be cilarged.\ ' MALCOLM MACLEOD, EDITOR AND 'PROPRIETOR RATES OF ADVERTISING: “ The whole contents are original."â€"King- ston News. ' “ Laughable allusionsand hard hits.”--Bar- rie Advance. “ Devoted to wit and humor in a dry way.’ -.-St. Catlierines Post. ' ' “ It cannot fail to be a great blessing to the Province.”â€"â€"St. Mary’s Journal. “ Capital thrusts at the prevailin the day."â€"Markham Economist. “ A facetious sheet, and will be a common benefit."â€"Richmond Hill Tribune. , “ A , very clever production, evidently of a scholar, and a gentleman.”â€"Kingston Whig. “ I think its piquant satires will exercise a wholesome influence.”â€"â€"i.etter from Charles Dickens. . . - “Spares no classes ; winks at no corruptions. " " A talented, vigorous fledging.”â€"Lon- don Free Press. , “ Enclose $1 to THE GRUKBLER, and you will get ten times the value of your money.”â€" Sandwich Maple Leaf. “ Humourous talent sparkles in its pages, * It has, acquired a position and reputation never before reached by any sheet of wit in Canada ”â€"â€"-Toronto Globe. I , The GRUMBLER is published every Saturday, and regularly mailed to subscribers at One g follies of if it- The treatment they adopt is the result of up- wards of 30 years’ extensive and successful practice in Lotidon. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicatedIin eight or nine days. and cases of a slight nature in two or three days at a very moderate expenseâ€"â€" The cure effected without confinement or hin- drance from business. Young Menâ€"Take Particular Notice. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys. in solitude, often growingup with them to manhood. and which. if not. reformed by them in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious. and devastating afi'ectiens. Few of those who give way to this pernicious-practice are aware of the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered. feel strange and unaccounta- ble feelings, and vague fears in the-mind. A Most'Scicntific Invention. An instrument for the cure of Genital De- bility. or more properly known as Semina‘ Weakness. Nervous chility. &c.. which are permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use ofthis instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. SIâ€"IAWLS, MANTLES, 01? Sales made for Cash, and no Second Price. M. LEisHMAN, No. 81, King St. next door east to the Colonist ofliper 20.3"] ($0.. ’I Toronto, April. 1859. NEW 1 MiLLINER G.A.BARNARD, Begs to announce to his Customers and the Public that he wiiifopen on \Vednesday. the 13th inst., in connexionwith his General Stock, a NEW lllli‘i'llllll‘, ill Billlllil‘l it Ililllllllll. Which will be found unusually low. Having engaged an experienced Milliner he will be prepared to make to order in the most fashionable style ‘.- . - ‘ . . - .. ,, ““ml‘ei's‘ 0‘39: WW), three four fivo " six , Dollar er annum in advance. Letters . ad- - ’ ' V > ' -.- - . x ' THO-1:33:11} ibuhddrrSeiifibliizuiiiiifnil'bdimfttimli sew“, Piflhi and “"119: in 1119 Will“ “O’HCGS: Sixiines and under, first insertion.. . . $00 50 dressadpto the unde’rsigned win he anhe risk of N610 Remedies and QWle r 1 l D 1 ii I I S C A E ) i -'-., SIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I‘IIIS IOIIIIII'IIIII III III; IIII'IIS'IIIII‘I?IIII(’II(II inon, and Lots numbers one, two, three, four, Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . 110 12.} the publishers. , I Cures. , i 3 i 3 J . , f , ‘Ii ’ ' ’ “ P ' ‘ ’ hve, six, seven, eight and nine, in the eleventh I‘en lines and under. first insertion. .'. . . 00 75 - WYMAN & CO, DR AMOS &SON mke pleasure,“ ammun. ' .. iuv’: .. thereby may be described as follows :â€"'I‘hat is to say,â€"-School Section Number one, shall be I ,pomposed of the East halves of Lots Numâ€" ; hers twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, ,LWItwenty-nineg thirty.I thirty-one, thirty-two, n. thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, _4 I‘ thirtylseven, ,I ,rforty. in the first concession. and the West. ’ halves of Lots Numbers one, two, three, four, eleven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine and five. six. seven, eight nine, ten, -'tWelve. thirteen, fourteen and fifteen, in the second concession. - school Section Number two, shall be com- posed of _the East halves of Lots Numbers 1 one. two. three, four. five, six, seven, eight, andInine, in the sezond concession. and Lots Numbers one. two, three, four and five. and ucessiou. School Section number twenty-mite, shall be composed of the East-half of Lot number ten, and Lots numbers eleven, twelve, thir- teen, fourteen, and fifteen, and the East- halves of Lots number sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty and twenty-one. in the ninth concession, and Lots numbers ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fif- teen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen. nineteen, twenty and twenty-one, in the tenth conces- sion, and Lot number ten in the eleventh con- cession. . School Section number twenty-two shall be comprised of the East-halves of Lots numbers twenty-two. twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty- Eve, twenty-six, titreiitv-scvcn, twenty- 100 Above ten lines, first in., per line” .. 0006 Each subsequentinsertion, per line. . . . 0“ 02 11:? Advertisements without.,written direc- tion.» inserted till forbid, and charged accord- _ iiigly. ; l. I All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular cust01ners.I must be paid‘ for when handed in for insertion. ‘ ' A liberal discount will be made to parties ad- vertisinghy the year.I ’ All advertisements published for 8.1ch pc- riotl than one month, must be paid for in- ad- vance. I All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. ‘ ' ‘ :March 30, 1859., To the Sick and Dying. R. SNIDER, of the 7th concession of Vaughan, near Kiineburgh, guarrantees to' cure ‘ Cancers, Enlarged Necks, And many other Disseses. Persons laboring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do well to call in time, All letters to be paid, and addressed to PETER-SNIDER, Agents 34 King Street,Toronto, ' cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cureof the above diseases. It has been ‘snbjected‘to a test by the most eminent physicians in London, Paris. Philadel- phiaand New York.I It has been declared the only , useful in‘stah‘rfiéht over yet invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits ofyouth. I 1 Dr. Amos & Son, in orderrto satisfy the mast skeptical as. to the merits of these instru- ments, pledge themselves, that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair tria the money will be refunded by re- turning e instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument will observo,.that the price. with the accom- And every description of MILLINERY, with Neatness, Taste and Despa’tch, and trusts by strict attention to this department and moderate charges to merit the patronage of the surrounding vicinity. ' Parts; Loii‘ddii &"Nefv York Fashions received midnthily. A I V before purchasing‘elsewhere. . v . G. A. BARNARD. April 8, 1859. I . . -’ ' ‘ 86-. Call 8ii'exainine our Stock I Richmond Hill, 19-tf BOOTS AND SHOES! ‘the West halves of Lots Number six, seven, eight and nine. in the third concession, and the West halves of Lots Numbers one, two. -.I...I, tumorfour and five, in the fourth concession. : ‘ iScliool Section Number three, shall be composed of the East halves of Lots Numbers _. ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fifteIen,and Lots Numbers sixteen, seventeen. eighteen, nineteen, Wendy. and twenty-one, II, IIin the second ' concession, and the West ' '5i’h'nlves wife-11015 Number ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. sixteen, seventeen, I eighteen. nineteen, twenty and twenty-one, in the third concession. » ‘ . ' .' ‘ School Section Number four, shall be com- .I:’ .ipo'sed' of Lots Numbers twenty-two. tiventy- I throeal twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, a. iwenty-sevon, ' twenty-eight, twenty-nine. thirty. thirty-one and thirtyt-two, in the secmid concession, and the. West halves. of Lots, I Numbers twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty- -!‘ four, twenty-five, twenty-six. twenty-seven. - vtwenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one I and thirty-two. in the third concession. ‘ school Section Number five shall be com- _ I I I Klineburgh. N. B.,NO CURE NO PAY. August 6, 1858. ' ’1‘ eight, twenty-nine and thirty. and Lot number thirty-one. in the ninth concession, and Lots numbers twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty- four, twenty-lite. twenty-six, tweiity.seveii, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty and thirty- one, in the tenth concession. School Section number twonty-three, shall be composed of Lots numbers thiriydwo, thirty-three, thirty-four, and thirty-five, iii the ninth concession, and Lots numbers thirty-two, thirtyâ€"three, tl‘iirty-four and thirty fivm in the tenth concession. Union School Section number one shall be composed of the West halves '01' Lots numbers twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-mine, thirty, and thirty-one, in the first Concession; - Union School Section number two shall be composed of the west halves of Lots num- bersthirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thir- ' lv-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty eight, and thirty-nine, iu the first Concession. ' Union School Section number three shall be composed of the west hull" of Lot number- . forty, and Lots numbers forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four. forty-five, forty-six, N 0 paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid : and parties refusing papers without pay- ing up, will be held accountable for the sub- scription. - panying directions, securely packed and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. Beware of Imposition. Beware of empiries and itinerant self-styled. professors, who ATTEMPT cures, but never succeed , , " " . Dr. Amos &;Son have for a long series of years been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate. complaints, and are the only legally qualified “Physicians ‘who now advertise to cure certain‘com‘plaints, or from. whOm genuine EuropeanIrerned-ies can be obtained. ' ' _ I PERSONS IN ANY PART or THE'Woa'LD may Two Doors North of G. A. BARNARD‘S Ric'iiiriondIHill.'-7‘ Sl-tf W ORONTO. CITY MARBLE WORKS ‘ 185 YONGE STREET. MONUMENrsTroma-TBLES' ‘ RD‘ERS for any of the undermeutioned' '- ITOMB'STQNES‘af-c' wo‘lfif‘lfilfllflmfidihfiilidlfilfii JOB Twenty P01 Cent Chapel nooks, FANCY EI'LLs, BuSIIsEss' mans, LARGE AND SMALL ros'rsias. oincutAas, LAw nouns, ‘Bi‘u. HEAns,aANK CHECKS,DRAFTS, AND ' PAMPHLLETS. i I And every other kind of ' LETTERâ€"PRESS ' PRINTING i, done in the best style, at moderate rates.‘ 1 Our assertnient of JOB is entirely “roams DOLMAGE . . Would respectfully inform the Public that he is prepared to make to order Blllli‘l till] lHllll lll lllili“ illitiil‘llllll, A'r LHE LOWEST-REMUNERATING PRICES. . ,, All 0111 airs executed with Neatness and Despatch. " ' “' ALL WORK VVARRANTED. ' be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for RIChmIondVHm’iMamh 18’ 1859' Medicines, &c.. which will bereturned with tho - utmost‘ dispatch. and secure from observation. Address Dr. 'Amos dz. Sou, corner Main and 'Quavstreets. Buffalo. N. Y. t46-1Y lMPORTANT’NOTICEâ€" ERSONS indebted to the undersigned. whose Accounts became due on the first W " THEI YORK HERALD , Bock and Job Printing ESTABLISMENT. uâ€"qâ€" THAN ANY OTHER asrAnnisqu'r. 6 II. M ..â€"â€"â€"â€". . / . .o LET. [SAr Buc'uums. 1W0 'iCOMMODIOUS TENEMENTS I V I I II I HE Subscriber Wishes to inform adapted for Shops. situated in the most I I I I central and commanding part of the Village; FarmprsI Smmkpepers and OIherSI that he has now on hand a large quantity of - each containing 6 rooms. good celIlar, garden. and Other conveniences ; well suited tor Mil- superior SAP BUcKETIIII IIIIIIICII I” Is .SIIIIIIIIII ‘. remarkably cheap. ‘ .H'E Undersigned Assignees ' of the . estate ofD. SK'W. YALE, will c0n-_ ’ tinue the busineSs under the 'superintendenco of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY . and D.‘CAni.os Yams, whose réceiptwill be] duly acknowledged. ' P.S All notes and accounts remaining un- Pa'idi’“ lhé 15‘ da)’-°f,‘i““°' 1858' will be PM liners, Tailors, Tin Smith. Saddlers, or Shoe VF d‘ I" ' '7 . . ‘ I - I : ' . _ , . , ' gfiésegnlhgi Eat“ £23617“? Lms Numb?“ forty-seven, fortyquight, forty-nine, and fifty, new and-opulent“, patternsI Ala, evafiet, mmsmm for “ne‘mon' . I I of January last, are respectfully requested to Shops. Rentrmoderate. Apply to Lo, No, 11, grid-Con, Markham, or by -’ ’ g ’ ’ ’ eieven’ ‘twel e n the frst Cone ssor v ' ‘ v g 3 C YALE settle them i r 't P 0 I thirteen. fourteen, and fifteen. in the third 1 Unioln 'Séhoofg'egfion number ',,0IIII Sh‘II“ of new Fan-er Type and BordersI.fOr-CudsI I _ G’ (SUMMER ‘ ‘ ' r I, K FALCONBRIDGE- - G. A. BARNARD. Iletter. pre«paid, toIlquttonvr leI . II, .I, III 4 . . .I I . » V . I - . I r ' ‘ ‘ I ' I I , , I . I at” . IL. , .°‘.m°°ss'°"' and ‘h" “7°” haw“ °f Lw' be composed of Iota-numbers fif‘l"°"°afifl}” cr°“l“'v&°'.k9f”l“'ai' engbandm Toronto.‘99. April 1.8.58 " -: ow .mehmord.aiii..t€arehii, i959. wet-r .Mahmudmlkmr-Wrim' 3” F‘ma‘wa‘l ’ ’ - P in 3 I N" 1'! ‘3‘ -.-u'.-' .41..

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