Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 29 Apr 1859, p. 1

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Itinutttrt. _._4 UNKIND WORDS. _. 0 breath them not in passion’s hour; Letsileiico chain thy tongueâ€" Lest, by their cold ti nfeelingness. Smut. gentle heart be wrung Speak kindlyâ€"dot no word of tliiiie Distress another’s heart; ’Tis eaSier far to make the (round, Than to withdraw the dart. Speak kindly to thy mother,cbild ; She needs tiiy kindness now ; The light bath faded l'iom her eye, The beauty from her brow, Speak kind to herâ€"be strong to guide Her bark o’er life’s dark wave :â€" Beww'e ! let not her head go down In sorrow to the grave. Speak kindly to thy father now ; His eyes with age are dim : He needetii now thy utmost careâ€"â€" Speak gently unto him. :He watched o’oi thee wnen thou wert weak, He is all weakness nowâ€"- 'iSpeak kindly: lct no words uor deeds Bring sadness to his brow. ‘ Speak kindly, swoctly, to thy wifv’, Vi hoover thou niuycsi be ; Remember that she left her home. HUI‘IH:1||)) home for thee: Remember that she left llt'l‘ hiends, “iili thee alone to dwell: She gave her lit-art’s best love to thee. U gnarl. it. guard it well. “'hat if her cyo has lost its light. l And her fair check its bloomâ€"â€" What if her brow so radiant once, Now blossoms for the totnli ! May she not love then now, as much, As on her biidtii iiiotn? 'I‘bcn speak not cotdiy to her now, Because her youth is gone. The rose may wiilii-r on the cheek, The snide ot‘joy depart ; But Iov: dics iioi~â€"it cvcr holds A Mossy/IL in its lieu/t Speak kindly to thy husband. wifeâ€"- Speak kindly to him now; Chase now tiie slindon's fiom his heart The sadness from his brow ; Thou kiio‘vost not of many cares That on Illh putnwny tbioiig, , IIeip him to IMZLIC on though iil'o; ' U Iioip him to be sitting. l l 4 Speak ever kindlv oftliy tiiends, bpeak kindly to tli\ toes; i These thou mnys‘t wi x with gentleness, With kindnea~ fetter those, Speak kiiidzy to too carting one; Let not [by licrt t forget Its own dcccit :â€"b‘penk kind to ltiiit, And thou mny‘st ivin liiiu yet. i Spoakkitidly to thy brother inan, Help thou to hear his grief, Remember one kind word from thee May yicld him much Iclicf. “earthen bis hardtopâ€"ween with him, And when he smiles, rejoice, Speak kindlyâ€"much of happiness Dwelis in akindly voice. Be kind to all. be kind to allâ€" I To sister’s, brothers. friends; Much, much of thine own happiness On kiiidliiioss do ends. We are like hundred blossoms, wreathed Around our parent stein ; i Our Father is so kind to nit, [at us or: kind to them. UCEOLA : i A ROMANCI‘Lâ€"BY CAI’T. M. REM). ( Continued.) My approbciisioiis wcro spccdilyat ‘ an end. Just on the fzii'tlicr cdgo of the savanna, the chase ctidcdâ€"â€"so farat least as tho dogs wore coiiccrn- ed, and one of tho door. I saw that they bad thing a doc. and Were stand- ing over her, one of tbcm holding1 her by the throat. I hurricd forward. 'I‘on minutes brought me to the Spot; and, after a short struggle, the quarry was killed, and bled. ' I was satisfit'd with my dogs, with the sport, with my own exploits. I was happy at the prospect of lic- ing able to redeem my proniisc ; and with the carcass across my shoulders. I turned triumphantly homcwnrd. As I fiiccd round,I saw tho shadow of wings moving chr the snnbt savanna. Ilookod ttp\'al‘d. Twit largo birds were above on: in the air; they were at no grout height, nor were they endeavouring to mount higher. Un tho contrary, tiicy were wheeling iti spit‘ul rings, that seemed to incline downward at each suc- cessive circuit tlicy tllttdc around me. At first .gltlllth, the sun's beams were in my cycs. and I could not tell what birds u'cro flapping above me. On facing round. I liiid tho sun in my favour; and his rays, glancing full Upon the soft crcuiii-cohinrcd pittin- age, eiiiiblod mo to rocogiiiso tho speciesâ€"they woro king vulturesâ€" ti‘ie most bcnutifttl birds of their tribe, I am almost tcniptod to sav the most beautiful birds iii creation: certainly they take rank iinioiit.r those most distinguished in the World of (.rnitliology. Thcso birds are natives of the flmvcry land, but stray no further north. Thcir haunt is on the green ‘ everghtdcs ’ and wide savaiiiins of Florida, on the “nuns of the Orinoco, and the plains of tlic Apurc. In Florida they are rare, though not iii all part‘; of it ; but their appearance in the neighbourhood of tho phmtti- ‘plnn nus implc ('Ilt)ll;1‘ll ‘i‘JII‘tftlSS upon tho north; and. hiking ‘ttnibct‘. 5 ' on tho czii‘tli. _ltil sistct'. .stny to go round by the wicket. but, =ft:ll light as :1 fculbct'. » an». wit “it. . _ ,, o, m». ,: J â€" r , . W v \/ V V \Mm \_/\."\4"\_/W~/\/\.f\/*\V/V\ /\/â€"\. Vol. 5. flight ofan cngtc. Not So with tho other vulturcsâ€"(lat/torus our" iiiii' utrutusâ€"â€"â€"both of which are CUll’lltttll us crows. in pi'ooftlizit the king vultures or. rare, I may state that mv sistor Iltlu never seen Oiicâ€"cxccpt at a great distance; yet this young,r lady was twclvc yours of age. and a nativo ol the hitid. 'I‘rnc. sho had not gone much tibi‘o:id~â€"â€";=oldom bcyoiid tho bounds of tho pin-intiou. l rciiicm- ltt'l' licr cxpicssing tin urdont dosirc lo vicw tiiorc (:losirly out), of thcsv: ocii'itiftd birds. I roiiivniht-i'cd it that ntonicnt; and at oncc formed tho design of gi'ntify m3,»- bor \\ isb. Tho birds Wt-ro non r cnougbâ€"so near that I could distinguish tin- doi-p ycliow colour of tbt-ir lltt'inils‘. tbc coral rcit upoti llit’ll‘ crowns, and tho lnppcts tbztl (lrtiopctl along their bunks. Tch vvci‘c lit.,‘ill' ci‘ningiiâ€"witliiii lizilf I'L‘ilt'll (if my rifleâ€"but. inovmg about as tbcy word it Would havi: rcqnii‘cd ti hcttcr iii:ir2~sni:ni llltltl I to linvo bought onc of tlicni noun Willi :i indict. I did not. think oftryint,r it. in that way. kiiotbct‘ idon was iii my mind; and Without further pansc. Ii lil't'N‘t'tJllUtI lti t‘niry it out. I saw that tho vuitnrcs had cspicd the body of tho doc. whom it lay across my sliouldors. That. was why? tiicv wcro lt()\i't_'l'llltI ilIItIVLI mo. Myl I liiid tltc‘ l orniitzo mv i'ilic. walkod :twny towards tho; ‘ l I‘i‘ccs grow at fifty yards” distant-o front whore-I lind pinci-d llic doc; and boniiid thoncni‘cst oftiicsc I took my stand. I had not longr to wait. The unâ€" lHlllSl'ltan birds wlicclcd lower and lowct‘, and at length oiio :iliglitcd Its coitipnnion had not ‘ thin: to join it ticfoi‘c tho rilIi-i t:i‘;iclt-‘ oil, and laid li't': bountiful cronturc lilcloss upon the grass. The other, frigbtcd by the sound, roso biglioi' and hitiiicr, and thou flow away over the tops of the cy~ prcsscs. Again I shouldered my vcnison ;. and. carrying the bird lit my band, started bt'imcwnrd. My heart was full ofcxultation. I anticipated it doublc plcnsnrcâ€"from the double piozisurc I was to crctitc. I should makc bztppy tho twii beings that, of ah on earth, wcrc dctircst, to trim-my fond niothcr, my bcauti-i Ifl ‘ ISoon recrosscd the savanna, zi cntcrcd thc oruiigcry. I did not' climbcd over the fcncc at its lowct‘l cud. So happy was I, that my load Exnltinuly I strodc forward, dashing.r the loadcdi boiiglis from my pndi. I sent tlicii“ golden globcs rolling liithci‘ and thither. What niattcrcd :t busbcl of til‘ai'igcs I reached the pzirtcrrc. My mother was in tho Voi‘andub ; she saw mc :isi I approacbcd, and tittcrcd on oxr-lns, motion of joy. I filing trio spoils of tlio chaso at lici' foot. I had kept my promise. ‘ What is that ‘lâ€"a bird 7.3 , ‘ ch, tlic kinu vultureâ€"~11 pt‘cscnti for Virgino. Wlicro is she? Not, up yctl Ila! tbo littlc slncgiirdâ€"~1 I shall soon aronsc llt'l'. Still ttllt’:(l,, and on such a bountiful morning,r !’ I ‘ You wrong boluGooi‘gc ; she has liccii up an hour or inorc. Slit: bust been playing ; and has just this inotiicnt lift off.’ ‘ But whcrc is Slit; now 'I drawmg-rooin ?’ l In tho ' To this [ml/i .l’ i ‘ Yes. Silt: and Viola. \Viiut‘â€"â€"- ‘0 mothci‘ mother ‘â€"- ‘ Tell nicâ€"-Gcoigc 'â€" ‘ O heavens-"Hie alligator !’ UIIAI’Tl‘iR IX. BA’I‘II. 'I‘II I3} ’SlllllllitHlS ; 'tbc grove; and. glidiny,r along the; i and slionidcrs. ,wliitc froth. thzit :tll'CtItl\' mottlcd tlic ,isui'fncc of the mud. -i\’o; slio has gone to the bath. : I ’I’Ils‘ o" ,:q<,-.~.~v ass «a... ,. M 2 ‘Cw ‘ v: 1M. ihi'bui‘“ mm _-"l>-IUM‘:V“1 2‘ I' “M, 1W" .l:‘"i-.¢i’.'!!»x‘4'$« u‘K-i.’ .‘Wln. ' 'i-t ,: “My, ,, ' any". «at; 211191,? . V. \va * J"‘J’\/‘\_/\M/\ /\,/ \,« r\/ \,,-V \ .“x/ ‘s,/ \/\/"\/ \./'_\MW m/ V' s/v * NA/‘Ar ' HA WP: ~i'-.43M:inr-‘ : ‘._-:« . .-»' ‘ic' . t.‘ " a. SCARBORO’, YORK, I‘dARKHAM, VAUGHAN, KING, AND WHITCHURCH ADVERTISER. “ Let Sound Reason weigh more with us than Popular Uni-lion.” RM)? w i‘it‘ifttpf’viib “H.151, .Et‘ZHEPAY, - ... .â€".-.. (ml, eye. I hit the shoulder; but from inostics, both fcn’iulcs and men. Din, _ «tiii‘tlod by tho suddcn cXcitoiii~:iit,: “it” I‘ll“! C‘ll‘l'lllvs’illed Skilh "‘3' “UL i no buying within the enclosure. ind fowls and cngcd birds scrcccb t. , . ,, Hum“, ’It made a whitish score, and that From bcbind come all those noises. W313 3“- It is not for tboni my cars are bent ; .: um listcning bcfot‘c me. In this direction I now hear sounds I‘nc plzisbiiig of \vntor is iii mv, ours, and mingling Willi it the tours. I of :i ciczii‘ SlthH‘y Voiccâ€"~-â€"-it is tho ill”! 10 ll!“ filial Si-llllllg' Voice of my sistct'! ‘ Ha. ha, llil !’ ll!” ll'Sl'd“! “lien ‘brought to a termination. The shot :nipeiircd to have given him pain. At all events. it roused him to iiiorccar- nest action, and . perhaps iinpcllcd He made it ‘l‘im mm of in” rmm-i Thank Inisliing the water with his broad H,_,,V(,,,.;i,u is my”; ‘ttiilâ€"iis if to gain iiiipctus-«l'ic dart» Istiiy my stop undcr tbc lllllil- "(I l‘t’l'f‘WU'd; his “US”. J-“W hinged once of n dolicntc thought; I call "Ul'llffillly llll‘Vill"l~ “I! llle I'Cd “punt ; b tlii‘otit slichd wulc agape ; an the c \7‘;,.,.;m,t Nth-mu it ncxt moment the floating skirtâ€"and pnmjiwm. lfimmt me mph.- oh! the limbs of my sister were in N'inc :‘ctii-iios nit- ' tho noise of the ' his l“”"'l‘! grille! ’ , wator has drowncti mv voicol ‘ . ‘ “V, ' r I (2 sh doom and londci'. ‘ V ir- , l'l’d’lll' “"3 2 gm“ 5,810,! Virgin“ 1‘ icrttsp. It liltltI-‘EI‘CtI me. I dmppcd " : _ I H,” {mm}, and in.“ : ‘II to the bottom, and swam on. .VHH, ml}, (i YU” (1,.0,.(,V '7’ i I cringiit Virgins in my arms. ‘ ch; it is I, Viiginc.’ I plunged in, and swam towards I -. ». I '. ~ I x .r ‘ And prov. wbiit want you, : “fif-ll'lir’glllg I!“ “him” ‘ puny“, if . l With all my strciixtli, I iicld iici' ‘ (l sislci'! conic out of the both.‘ ‘ UP: ll “cedcd 3” l" li‘Jl’ll Us i-Ebfwc. ‘ - r . w vi: .7. - ~)g- . t p,”- Wim, may,” mm,“ 1 i___ llit sniincc. I had no “(,dptttt , and iii bad bcct't :irincd, I could not thaw.- spui‘cd a hand to strike. I sliontcd with all my voicc, in tho lliopo of intimidating the assailant, land causing: him to lot go his hold. lit was to no purposi : he still held ion. (")tir frioiids Conic l 'l‘lioy :iro curly : lct tbcm wziit. my Georgy. Go you and cntcriiiiii them. I nicnii to on- joy mysolf this innst bountiful of mornings; tiic \vntcr‘s just rightâ€"- delightful! Isn’t it, \Yitllll l I’Io! I shall how: it swim round the poiid : hp“. WW8. it 0 Heavens! we shall both be , . h . . , V l ., \ t v ' t )- Aiitl tlioii tiicrc was :i ll‘t‘Sll plasb- idldgL’Cd um!“ dil’Wde db ' . . - ' ' I '__-__~ llth in tho \vntcr tumult-d \t'itli n WM“! ‘1 ' F ‘ _ lt'lii-crful abolition of laughter in littll A il'll'lg‘iv “5 “I “m3 'C‘llllllg {mm in lizgjb clcvntion into the pondâ€"ti lquick. hohl swimmcr from thcsliorc dork-skinned face, with long" black hair the. II tots behind it on tho iwiitci'ua breast glctiiiiing \vittt bright ' j, q . . _ p.5p::iit,rlcsâ€"â€"â€"a hodv clad in bond-cm- Mls a 5““ I 0“ (‘Obh‘mml‘o' fliroidoi‘ed g rincntsâ€"it man? a boy! \‘Vho iSillllS strange youth flint irushcs to our rescue? Ho is iih‘cndy by our sideâ€"by the voiccs of my sistcr and itt‘l‘ muid. lsbontod :it tho top of my voico : 'I‘ICHl‘ nit-, Virgiiic! dcztr sistorl 1For IIi'nVcn’s Stiltt‘, conic out i n: .mmnwt. . (:tiiiic' Tboi‘c thc t'ncrry toncs; tlicncumc a short shziry cjiicnliition, followed :iimost itistniitanoonsiy by :i wde scrcmn. I pci'ccchd that ticitber was a rcply, IO m-y “I’llml' . =till the earnest encrg' of his look, tone of cntrcaty suiticicnt to have , he utters no, a wmd' “ He w some raised allllmminsum" mm m!" ‘lmccs I hand upon the shoulder of the lingo that now i‘cncimd mo wcro iittcrc‘d;lizard, and WM] a sudden 8pm,)! iti accents. of tci‘ror. In my sister 5, waves himself (m “S b “(mic 1 build the wmids : lcould not have lcupcd more adroitli’ ‘ Soc, Viola! U iiict'cyâ€"-â€"thcl ‘ (7' t , H , , . . 1, i ,to the saddle. moris or. a. to is coinii ,, i s 1 ~ - . .. . I i y 2 ‘ 3 way! 0 incrcvl Holp Gooroc. hclp I l A kan 5’“ mm’, m- hls upmull . o f ’ " ,,’ 1‘ giltllltl. It dcscciios-its blade is TINTâ€"SH“; “it . f” lburicd in tlic eve of tho alligator! ' ' cw .3 no: 'irr o t) . t p L’ l“ ,I l “Hi Hi“, “I ( Tho roar of the sacrum botokens tit) \‘rt’ ‘(illlt Ctitti- - r - - , d l l ,r I (J I , , its pain. The cai‘th Vihrtitcs Will) the ‘2: ct. 3 2, â€"co 'cron worts,an ‘ , - iii: l('iiiitiiiiicilhsci‘ciimintr th'itI s'iti- sm‘ultl ; mi; Imm. mes ul) under the ‘ , 'd t, "‘ ' ' ~‘â€"‘ ( “ ' ilasbnigs of its tail, and it cloud of 'l I l l I. b ‘l- l A . (’L’Tlxsmwi Illcome I (WHO ,, tispruy is flung over us. But the b c 1 . r . i A . y . .lntillh'lt‘l‘ has now rolttxcd its rri )8 Quick as thought. Idoshcd for-i i” l ' ..â€"â€"-‘.1 n u I had cullcd out iii a‘ et ul v': ' . l‘ i'tl'l itr tlirotitrh the bout‘rhs . t I: “Id TNT {'5‘ t , ‘5 Vipw *5 lie the shore. .tu s t . in term: i or itiv - . i , H H m , . , H p ‘ Oh pcrbupsl I sbali be too into i A glam L. hm I‘V‘uld Himalsi-m_me R, ‘ . , i .I h in strange Sightâ€"I see the :il-igntor 3‘. ts ,. ‘1 i”. v. .1; Ax u - ,v( u t - ’ ( \ _ ‘f “NHL‘HHS 11:. ITMl-‘I’,.S L, 8 WI“ ~ {diving to the bottom \vttb tho hold 1" '7 C ' Ir; ()2. _ ’ i . . . I” I b kl Isl)“ 1‘ “ I’l still Lipon its back! He ls l . ridci‘ . u g u ix ' 0/ II : J 0 , A dozcii bounds t It (I int ( lcni f3 ,OS,__hc IS 105,! , I t. t, ‘ , , Ii With painful thoughts. Iswim on. cut )iiti tiiicnt o it: til". it craw i j. r In] . -_ - stood by tho cdgo of tho tank. ’Ali'i‘lhrllb. “wilfulirlilfiw my {Milling f“ _,. I. H" 3 ‘, ‘f w ) isis ci upon to at. L.” it .n ) can was )L tilt, inc. Hm, ‘ t .\- "'.‘..:‘W‘.‘"“lliiPil‘COfl - - , Alli SN” .‘h “Ile I" “,1 I ,1 i Joy, Jovl the strange vouth is l l. . ‘H’ (l‘ (\ til'tS VI"! ' I'd m “9m 5 "mum" )V L more above the snihicc, and i l r- There stood the u'idroon lonw (“"5 " ' ’ ‘ . q ‘ .' . in'iming frcclv to the shore. Upon knocwlccpâ€"si-rccchiiig iiiid flinging. ' ‘sw her arms frantically in the air. Bo-i idoons form also above i IS ' tl‘t“ ‘3r'tr:it': '.i‘ ' ~ - - yimd’ w‘m m d “H u” H. H I]? “(1 ’1strug0‘hnrr by the ctlgcâ€"â€"lrziiitic and his whole; lioth arms. bands. tindi V . D b - ' i i" ilurious With the agony of its chins clonriy tracciiblo iii litt.‘ pclltt-: cid watcr,;iliovc tlic surfacc of which i, rose the scaly sorrntnro of his back , IIis snout and wounds. .Iov, joy! my sister is unharmed. t.,,l,Tll€. flouting: skirt had saved her: ijmncd 5,” high”; and Wm, thwiiscnrccly a. Scratch slicws upon bcr hum. m. was. “gym,” Hm Wm” i,,,,,idehc:ito limbs; and now in tender h ‘ar 5:, amidst swch words and looks of kind syn‘ipnthy. she is borne away [Io was itot , _ from the scene of her pot-ii. ton foot f'om his llllt)lltl6tIVlt1lltll- gtiunt jsiws almost touched tbc‘ grccn biiizo skirt that floated train- likc bci;ind her. At any momcnt, the might have darted forward and scizcd itct‘. My sister was swimming: with all her might. T‘il‘il: was rt capitol swim- mcr; but what could it avail? I‘lcr CHAPTER X. TIIE ‘nALF-BLOOD.’ death, and dragged to tho shoreâ€"~a work of delight to tho blocks of the ‘ Yellow Jztkcl tho alligator ll Tin-y wcrc till 'iic words I could uttci'. My mother ciitrontcd an ex- phnnition; I could not stay to give it. Frantic with zipprclicnsii‘in, I tore of terror that rivalch my own. I run towards tho lioiiiiiioclt-â€"-tlic both. I wait not to follow the duri- ons route of the walk, but kocp straight on, looping ovci' such obsta- clcs its prcscnt ihcmsclvos. Ispring :icross thc pa inc". and rush thronin tho ('ii'niigcry. causing the bronchus to cracklo and tho fruit to fnll.~â€"-â€" My cars are kocnly hunt to catch every sound. Behind iirc sounds enough: I bear niv n‘iothor’s voicc uttcrcd in ac- cents of terror. Already have her lions excites an interest similar to cries alarmed the l'liousc, and are myself away, leaving her in a state . - . . plantation. bathing-dross was impeding hor; buy what ninttci'cdtliut? Tho alligator had gm ,0 the ,Hmdflpn. I had might have seized burnt any mo- “Ht S“Id ,, ward 1,, any (me. The mom; with a single effort, could have caught her, and yet be had not I'm”, H“, fiver, m. the l,,g,,,,,,s___as ,mildu ll- others bud done before : and Yellow i I w‘mdemd Wily he had "m; 1 June, the most active of all in its ‘ \t‘tit'idci‘cd flint lit: still held back. Ildcsu-umimj, was [ward sevcml \vondcr to this hour, for it is not yct times mpcm‘mg 1mg hy'piniyegis tâ€" ”xl’l‘ll'lc‘l' I m” il‘l‘i‘mm ll” ll only Little did the Villain suspect that his 1”“ “ll” Sul’l"’5ill"'li ill“! he li'v‘li mill secret was known. I thought that il'ls Vial”! was ll‘l'l‘l‘cmll' Will'l” ills besich bimsclfl was the only one li’m‘b‘"; “lid “3 lllb‘ ‘5”! ‘5 i‘dUS Will! privv to it; in this, liowovoi‘, I was iniisttikcn. ltho monsc. so was be ndultzingr in tho plcniindo of his tyrnnt Sll(:li;[_lll. The dnmesiics had gone back in These observations wcrc made in the hUUSC‘ s muting’ the huge (my- a single sccoiid of timeâ€"while I was ‘ “ass with mlma and uttering shouts .Ctti'l'llilg my “ll”. 1of triumph. I was alono With our l Itiimcd,aiid liiod. There were but ganam [-,mse,-Ver_ I stayed behind itwo places whore the shot could purpose“. in thank him, have Proved filial"!he eye 0" be“! Mother, father, all had given ex- AE’ it“. 37.3%}, tone. I i was just in time. for tho alligatori iside of our terrible antagonist. \Vitiii tick. A rider; .and I am SVVIt'X'lttillIg With my sister. I again look. the furthorsido of the pond, the Ill-i watcr.‘ The alligator was soon clubbed to. No onc suspected how the reptile . bclicf was that it had tytiiidcrcd lbcrc, (signified their admiration of his l igallant conduct: even my sister, lct glinth as front a granite rock. 1wbi had recovered consciousness: Among the rhi‘in’iboid [.ii'otuberaiiccs 3 bcfoi'e being. carried away, had, illltlltlictl him with kind words. i He made no reply, further. than to l The play of the monster waslackiiowlc’dge tho coinplii‘nents Littld' j;liim; and this he did either by a. ;smilc or a simplc inclination of tho ‘iiczid. With the years of a boy, i I i l in man. i i Ilc appeared about my Own ago iand SiZti. His figure was perfectly ipi‘oportioi‘icd. and his face l‘iiiitilsoiiio.i i I'bc comploxion was not-that of a ipurc Indian, though the style of its idross was so. Ills skin was i‘icriror ibruncttc than broiizc : be was cvi- ‘ldontly a ‘ liaIf-bloiid.’ . IIis nose was slightly aqiiilinc. i which gnvo him that lino cuglc-look . . . i . . , I . {run I still carried in my 1peculiar to some of the t‘vorth Ameri- iczin tribcs; and his cyc,'tiiough mild in common mood, was easily lighted up. Under excitement, as I had just (To be continued.) , men or INCH urwititD. The life of Goorgc Stephenson. the celebrated English cngiticci‘. gives an iiistructivcs illustration of pcrscvcrainco iii pusuit of worthy ends, of progress dcsp to the most ‘forniidaiblc oostaclcs, and oftriumpb ovcr seemineg ~ insupcruble dilfcnl- illcs. - Born in a poor village, in one of tlic iowcr rooms of a common two storied dwelling,r whose Walls vvct‘o poscd. and whose floor was of clay, .Ucorgo titopbonson, so soon as be icoultt corn a penny, was put, not to sclmol, but to work. Ho first bad ‘one Sltlllltig per week for minding cows; then two shillings per wcek for lending: horses to plow and boe~ ling turnips; then three shillingsas “‘ picker” :1 a collicry with an elder brother ; than four shillings as di'ivcr of tho gin horse at Black CttllCt'tOll, to which ho bad to Walk two miles each morning and return at Alright; their six shillings as assistant fireman to his father, at the age of fourteen ; then the same wages with the honor of being fire-titan on his own account ; than twelve shit“ .workor at a pninpii’ig c1135 ‘3 ,tticn a small in- crease of wages as ctigincn'izui to the engine whore his futhcr workcd .us ‘fiI'CltlilIl; thcn scvcntocn shillings and siXIcnsc to twetitv shilling as '! brakcsnuin :it tho Dolly Pit, Black ‘Callcrton; then, after day’s work, trunking shoot; and shot; lasts and sav- ling, his first guinea; thcn, thirty one iyctirs old. ciigiiie-wrigbt to Killingâ€" worth Colliery at the salary of£1()() per year; then the salary of £300 i pci‘ year as ciigiiiccr to the Stockton land Burlington Railway ; tiicii iii- 1Vc'iitiii'.,1'tisiifcty lamp and getting ,£1.UU(), with which be hogan a. ilocoii‘ioiivc factory at Newcastle; ililtjll with ample i'ci'i'iuucration, en- iginccr lL. the Manchester and Liv- Etbl‘lioul Railway ; thcn. with it largo ‘foi‘tuno, standing conspicnoust he'- forc the eye oftbc World as acknow- lcdgod " Father of ItaiIWays.” i At scvciitccn, Goorgc Stcphcnsoii lcould ncitlcr read nor write. The task of learning to real be found ,bardcr than that ofloai'niiig,r the conâ€" !sti'uction of stcum.cngincs or of woiking them when made. Yet. hard as it was. be achieved it. En- tering himself It scholar in an cvcn~ int,r school, iii the village of his birth. ho had learned. as he tells us. in two }\'cars’ timc f' to road corroctlyfyund iwns “ proud to be able to write his own name.” Becomiinr d int-in, he imarricd, and bad one son. Kcenly ifcohng the disadvantage of his own want of curly education, he i‘cstilvcd to give Itobcrt the host in his power. iTo do this. after working hard all lday, at night. he made and mentch ishocs. rcptiircd clocks. cut out. the i(?lt)lllt.‘5 of tho pitiiicii, for tbcir wives :to make. and thus wrung,r from rc- llncinnt fortune the thumbs of educat. lint,r his boy. Saving £100, be re- ‘niovcd his son from the Parish schoo‘ ito a superior academy iti Ncwcnstlc. Tbcn begun an interesting period of his history. Father and son studied together in tho cvoningâ€"â€"-tbeir joint .cduciition proceeding rapidly, and successfully. IIc bcczimc an omi- nciit niccbiiiiical and civil engineer â€"â€"~an illustrious oxumplo of what a man may bccon’io ifdctcrmincd to go upward inc/L by inc/hâ€"fimcricun Presbyterian. It is tcriible indication when the heart crows black as the head gmth white. 1'5 He that has much anti poor ; he who has little and wants no more that which is occasioned by tbe'echoed and answered by the do~ihind the forearm. I aimed for the pression {otheir gratitude; all had igrigh - snowman .. , . my» nuts «w. m‘ll'Mva‘fit p44. iVanuatuunmounswmt. 6‘ - .._. ...«..-m.-..« . he seemed to possess the gravity oft unplastcrcd. wliosc rafters were ex. us more 'is, V _ .w...‘ (-‘o--wi'l»~. ,. .... i .. .i;.,v,,-g.-_.',i.z.j . dag->5 .. pawn-a”: . J- in...“ i. NVWWVWmA/WWV\MRN\KI\/\NV\M/V\/ No. “ CAI-lEWORN.” Is a familiar expression, and con- jures at once an image ofa fact: St) pnlcgfand sad as 'to V.bow that its ‘t)'~\7tft§l’ was utterlydisheartened. "as =wctiry of himself, of life, and of all the world besides. Many such are met any day in our public street. feeding upon what is destroying them. it is moral medicine which those unfortunates require. but no- liiippily the place where the " balm" for Soi'ow is to be ha i. free of cost. is not frcquctitcd by them: who most need its healing power. But calling in at one of thesu nioi'al " d sponsor- it's” on Fifth Avenue, during thc “crisis of 57.” we gathered upsome },ii'csci‘iptii_iiis from the " Doctor ’ of Divinity which We thinkought to be spread broad-cast over the whore country as of enduring value; for iii cases not a few We have found that lit was a diseased mind which was . wasting the body into the grave, and no drop or drug, or» pill, or bolus known to the apotliecary cool avail to break up the malady oftlic heart. â€"Aiid, not wishing to assume re- sponsibilities out ofour proscnt line, we wdl uSo the identical words of itlic gl‘fiittt pi‘cscribcr, leavingr it to [the r thI' to con’ipurc and find out whether it be according to the law and testimony ; Trials it'icroase with age. but the path of thcjust shincth more and mom unto the pcrfcct day. Thinking over the past trials, iii ordcr to rectify them, is most un- "Vtiilitig. (1') i i Ul! bullet its billct.-â€"-â€"iicceive each trial as front God. , , Cultivate the habit of regarding .dnily voxations as ti‘illcs. N 'ver be troubled with trifles, and soon all trouble will app an as trifling. Daily educate your mind to turn away from trials. We can’tilcssen our trials by think- in;r of them. You can’t mend them by brood- ovcr them. ' Your motto should be-â€"“ Look forward and go forward.” Lot past trouble go, except for thanks or penitence. Nothing so kills fretfulness 9.5: ud- vancing iti duty. ‘ Moe. a fire with a newline ; meet one crigroSsing trouble by zeal in sortiein'iportttm duty or ei'tterprise. Many llCtIi’iS'anIy now be fretting about yesterday’s trials, or to-mor- row's oiigztgcmcnts. Don’t dwell too much on seeking for consiilatioii. Blessed are they which * “ endure.” The more disinterested, the more. happy Will you be self overboard in a storm, and the lighter will the vessel be left. Trouble not about want ofsuccess in worldly business, or that Wuallll is endangered, or departing or is gone. Aim to reap benefit from your trials. All unnecessary care tendsto evil. Hcavcn is perfect freedom front czti'c ; bell is complete vcxatioti. Examine how we have fallen into , a fi‘etlul tcmpcr. The cure of fi‘etful care is in re- ligion. Reflective brooding cni‘cs greater. 'I‘o nttt'sc our cares is to create more of thcr. . Trouble comes like a thunderbolt son'ictimcs in it family ; and tbusarc irrcligious men daily now driven over the brink of di'ut’ikentiess, in- sanity. and suicide. We don’t know how much mate- rial wealth has been consumed in the Into coiiimcrciztl disasters; but the Wear and tear of anxiety, and tho shortening of life, must be computed by hundreds of millions. When trials come without our own fault, it is wrong to brood over them and to frot.-â€"â€"Ha!l’s Journal. J l i l makes our ‘rANNY FERN'S IDEA or A BASHFUL MAN. Why do pcoplc dccry a masculine blush? I don‘t know. I immediate- ly love the man who blushes. I am sure that ho is unbackncyed ;. that he has not a» set of meaninglcss, cut and dricd compliments on hand for every bonnet. be moets ; that he has not learned to sniff at the Bible, or the Sabbath, or pratc transcendent- :illv abou ‘-' affinities,” or any other corruption under :1 now-fangled name. I know that his love Will be worth a pure wornntt’shaving ; that helwill not bo ashamed of liking home or his baby, or laughed out of stay- ing init in preference to any ,other place. I know that "when he Stops Throw m: >re of “ _.. M‘W Each trial has its errandâ€"«as an i i .. légtllhhi‘ .’ A "2.? a. mu. . .. . A at a hotel, his first business willnpt be to hold a private, conference with the cook to tell him how he likes-an omelette made. I know that-luv his conversation be will not pride-him. solf upon the small fi‘ipporics of talk“ in the way ofpronunciation and-navw ly coined words, to show how well he is posted upin dictionary matters. I know that be will not be closeted tum-thirds ofliis time witbtbistailor ;, or think it fine to be continually quot- ing Some dotid-nnd-gonc book. knownv oan to some rcsurrcctionist ofscarcc‘ authors. Iknow be will not sit in: :i grim-starchcd-statucsquc-nessin a car, when a woman old onongl-i tobe his mother, is standing woarily in lront of him. swaying,r to and fro With the motion of the vehicle. In short, I know that hc’is not a petri-4 faction ; that there’s human nature" in him. and plenty of it ; that be it not like an animal under an exhaustâ€"- cd rccciVi-r. having form onlyâ€"int whom there is no spring, nor 'elasti-~ city. nor breath of life. A fool. hey i No sirâ€"«not neccsr sarin a fool either. The fool is he who, not yet at lifc’s meridian, has exhausted it and himself; who thinks every man "' green" who has not taken his diploma iii wickedness. For wli m cxrstonce is as weary as :t thrice told talc. Who has crowd,- cd four score years into twenty, or h as ; and has iit:itiiii'i,t_r:lcft for it but to snccr at the healthy, simple, pure, fresh joys which may novcr come again to his vititttcd palate. 3“: I \Dl’l.‘ A GOOD Y. A gentleman, responding after his: boa th had been drunk. spoke as fol- lows: " Gontlen’teiiâ€"-y0u have been pleased to drink my health with wine ; for the former. I thank you ;. to the latter, you are welcome. Your drinking me will do you no harm ; your drinking,r it will do you no good. I do not take wine. DC" cause I am dctcrmincd wine slial not take me. You are most during 1" but I am most secure. You have courage to tamper with and flutter a daiigorons enemy. I have courage to lot him alone. , We are both bran but our valor bittb opposrtc quali- ties. Ido not drink your lienlths. My doing so would he no more gen- ct'ous than giving change for a sov- ci'eign. I would rather drink your .IiScaso; would rathcr root out front sou whatever is Wrong and projudi-. cal to your happiness. Suppose hen lifting my broad or my water, to my lips. I exctaim, “ Here’s luck to you i” All the luck attending the action would come to incâ€"«in thew mouthful of meat or drink I should; take. But if, in the partial adoption of society’s custom. I take the op- portunity of scattcring a few good. ideas which may govcrn your lives' hereafter, then there is luck to you, and to all of us. In that way, I thank you for your cordiality." A NEW AND DEADLY I’ito.ii~:CTiLE.. â€"-'I‘he liitc foreign news mentions a- new gun invention. One VVurry, of} the Itoytil Engineers, is the origin- ator of this now war-ry projectile, which is said to throw Sir VVm.. Arnistrongis into the shade. The London .News thus describes it :â€" "Tbc new gun, like its rival, is a breech-loader anti rifled. and. as long as it 's supplied with ammunition, it will continue to pour forth a shower of shot, shell. or case, at the rate of' one disclnirgocvory three seconds, or 1.200 rounds per hour. There is fitted to it. at the left side of the chamber, a lover of very simple con- struction, which by one iriovement, and almost at the same instant, Scizcs the cartridge, cuts it, applies: the priming t0 the nipple. hermetic-- .illv closes the brooch, and fires the charge. In precision, it equals any gun that has yet been tricd, audit has this great advantage over Sir W'm. Armstrong's, that, whereas his being made of wrought iron. is necessarily, Vct‘ycxpcnsivc, Worry-’3. iichntion can be applied to all our existing},r ordnance of whatever :aliâ€" bro, and at a coii'ipzirativcly trifling Costâ€"ii very important fact, consid- ering that there are some 15,000 runs in the British niix y. Tho W'nrry un ‘vus tricd on Monday at Chat-- binn. with the terrific missile invent- cd bv Capt. Norton. and charged withihis 'hqnid Iirc.’ The result Icft but ono It'lllH'CSSlnn on the minds- ofthe spectators, and that was that ti=tvul Warfare. as heretofore cott- dncted. must be ,dct-n'ucd at an end." 3:) THE TENDER PASSION. Thackeray says that, " W hen a man is in love with onc woman in a fumilv, it is :istoiiisliinp,r how loud bo- bcconics of cvcrv one connected with it. He ingrutintcs l‘iin‘isclfwith the maid ; ho is blond with the but» lsr; tic intorcsts iiiinsolf with the footinnn ;lic runs errands for thlllgl’tl- crs; he gives and lends money to the young: son at college ;. hc pats littlc dogs which he would kick other» wise; bc smilcs :it old stoiics which" would make him break out in vnwns were they uttered by any one _but‘ papa; he drinks swcct port Wine, for which ho would curse the steward ’ and the whole committee; and he. beats time when tIIIl‘IIllQ‘ little Fanndi” perforn’is hcr pioco on the pianri, any smiles when wicked little Bobby upf- sets entice over his shirt.” '

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