Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 29 Apr 1859, p. 4

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,, ' -t-‘¢'r' ' ‘ "H‘ "Wefiafiunvi tenant. ‘ FAI’I‘H.II, BY'ALFRED QURNETTI _â€".. i “ Blessed are they who die in the Lord.” v I I watched beside a dying childâ€"â€" And mourners stood around, ‘ While others wept he only smiled, And prayed to be unbound; Prayed that his spirit might go free, And soar to realms afarâ€"â€" Immortal realms of purity Beyond the shining star I Istood beside a maiden fair. When on her bridal bed And saw the tears of dark despair Her friends and loved ones shed ; But smiles alone lit up her eye. As when she bade farewell, And peacefully-gâ€"resigiiedty “In death’scold arms she fell II I stood beside a dying man In agony and pain, His cheek was thin, and pale, and wan. And fever racked his_braiii-- II'et ever and anon he prayed, And with his latest breath, I Did tell of wondrous love assayed, 1 0f love uriquenclied in death I J gazed on one whose locks were gray. Whose form was bent with years. Who’d'journeyed clown life’s Weary way. Amid its Smiles and tears; i " .1 saw him tottering t’waid the grave. With calm and peaceful breast. In faith the old man’s heart was brave. With Faith his heart was blast I i'Oli ! blessed hope to mortals given. Which, on the bed of death. Can point the parting soul to Heaven, w With life’s last fleeting breath I Thrice blessed FAi'iiiâ€"â€"li0w pure, how free Its fountain . how divineâ€"â€" It spririgeth never ceasinegâ€"- Oh I be it Father. mine. .. _._.. ._. .__...‘- -‘_ mittttlltltttflttfi. VVIicu any one complains, as Diogenes did, that he has to hunt the streets with candles at noon-day to find an honest man, we are apt to think that his nearest neiglr bor would have quite as much difficulty as .himself in making the discovrtry. Self-love, in spite. of all that has been :said against it. performs divers necessary offices in the drama of life. and, like fric- tion in mechanics. is not without its com pensations of good. It is a beautiful custom in some Oriental lands to leave untouched the dates that are shaken from the trees by the wind; these being regarded as sacred to the poor and the stranger. If the great Harvey, who. discovered 'the circu'ntion of the blood, Ilad riot Iditfâ€" cred from all firepltysiciai‘isIofhis owp 'day', all the physiciansol'tlre preéent iijay .would not have agreed with him." i ' An Englishman is never happy but when he is miserable ; a Scotchman is pever at home but when he is abroad; and an Irish- man never at peace but when he is at war. ‘ I am sure-I cannot. live long,’ said a yery dirty-looking patient to his physician. ‘ Is that any reason, sir, why you should carry dirt enough to bury you I’ “ Slyness or cunning is a characteristic of i pretty ’large pi-Oportiou of the better of lice. the sexes. M any a woman, like'tlie Spar- tan boy, carries a fox in her bosom. Travellers are entitled to courtesy and politeness. The man who undertakes to conduct a rail-road train should have learn- ed to conduct. himself. The happiest thing in life is to chcrve and obtain the love of valuable men ; and theiicxt felicity is to get rid of fools and I, villains. ' I fear you are about sewed up,’ said a Icroaking friend to a cheernt invalid. ‘ Oh, no, I have only one little s’titcli‘in my side.’ It is published hat several young ladies in New Orleans are studying dentistry. We suspect their object 18 to get near Wthe gentlemen‘s lips. When a preaclier’s sermons are full of ‘ ipoWer’, We suppose we may call him Miri- ister Plenipotvntiary. ‘ Come here, my little dear,’ said a young man to a little girl. tonhose sister he was paying his atltlr‘esws, you are the sweetest thing on earth.’ ‘ No. I am not,’ she replied, artlessly; ‘sister says you are the stvectcst.’ 'I‘trc puestiou was pepped next day. '1' br- Ayrshire Express tells a tale of a ': collier tau who had Initt‘l’lr‘d amillincr, and who, “hen his airy breeks wanted repair- ing. hinted to his Wife his wish to have the aid of her needle. But day after dry went by, and the rent grew more and more indccorous, fill at last be determined by a novel device, to shame the lady, if he could. into the performance of her duty. Rising, as was his custom, at peep of day, he prr cecded to array himself in his holi- day attire. fiable dorskin tromers, vest, and coat, were donned with the utmtist gravity; nor vwre polished bluchcrs or glossy c/Lupcau. a. Paris 'awanting to complete the llnliOt'llllIIyI of his it'eSture. Having , finished.’ .dressing." deposrted his ‘ bait’ in“. one coat ‘ pockct, his oil flask in another, hung his lamp from the brim of his Castor, took his tea-can in his hand, and strode towards the dour with a stolidity of manner and truly distrionic. DUi ing’ all his manoeuvres, his wife lying in bed watching his every movement. He was aware of it, but neither spoke. W’hcn his hand was on ‘the latch, however, she suddenly called out: ‘Johnuyl ye hac forgotten some- thing.’ ‘.- What it‘s 1’ said hc involuntari‘y. ‘ Yrsilk umbrella.’ Alas! alas! for John’s determination. I’Iis wife‘s coolness and , the idea of an umbrella iMa coal, pit were "too much for him. A r ' December, 1858. . Markham, Dee, 1858. Easiness monetary. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, Ililll . . in 7 JOSEPH KELLER, - AILIFF Second and Third DIVISIONI Court. Office, Richmond Hill. December, 1858. Richmond I-tf T. 0. WHEELER. r WATCH & CLOCK MAKER,l JEWELLER, &c. RICHMOND HILL, 69-1,, THOMAS SEDMAN, Oct. 1. 1858. URNl CARRIAGE, Waggon 8; Sleiin Maker, ,IOpposite the White Swan Inn. Richmond Hill. Dec 1858. l-tf JOHN HARRINGTON, JR., ‘ EALER in Dry Goods. Groceries, Wines, Liquors, IIardware.Glass, Earthenware, x‘LC. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. l-tf â€"RICI~1 MON D HILL HOTEL. STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto every morning, starting from the Elgin Mi Is at 7, am. and returning at 7. p.m. Fare 28. 6d. each \va.'. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHOLLS. Proprietor. 1-55 'I‘HE PLOUGH INN, RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill. Dec. 2, 1858 'Qi‘i-VV ~ .. a: ‘1' v .‘V".‘ TO“ FARMERS &‘OTHERS. AND new‘iiweew BEGS ‘to iriforiii tliddfiiirmeisj iandi others, r that he is prepared to manufacture any 3 thing in the VEHICLE LlNEfro‘niI a BABOUSHE To A wrrur-artrrow t“ On the shortest notice, of the best materials and workmanship ; also, Genrral SmithiWorlt Forgings Of any kind. Parties about to purchase will i ‘ please call and examine the work and material, and compare prices before purchasing else- where. u l Paiiitin g and Tri m min 1;, Done in the most approved style. Virulence of all kind: constantly on hand. NB. Saris/action gal-vans Richmond Hill, March 95. 1859. ‘17-tf BLACK HORSE HOTEL [FonnERLY KEPT BY WM. ROLPH.] ORNER of Palace and George streets, east I of the Market Square, Toronto. Board 3341 per day. Good Stabliug and attentive Hustlers always in attendance. Ari omnibus to and from the Railroad Station. I THOMAS PALMER. Proprietor. ,Toronto. Feb 26. 1858. t38-ly THORNHILL HOTEL. 'T ‘-HE Subscriber "begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above premises, and fitted them up in aneat and comfortable style, Boarders and transient visitors will find the accomodations in every way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selecred. Good stabling and attentive hustlers HENRY LEMON, i HALF-WAY HUUSE, RICHMOND I IIII.I.. I ‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his 1 numerous .I’atrons and the public, Thomh‘ill. Proprietor. Jail 20. 1858. t38 ttlraf III: has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises, ' where there will be found cxrellent ac- GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS- ROBERT RAYMON D. Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Feb. 1859, 8-1y JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothier Yongo St., Richmond Hill, December. 1858. V Iâ€"it i J. VEuNEY, ‘Boot and Shoe Maker. PPOSITE A. LAW’S, Youge street, Rich- iiioud Hill. Ladies’ and Geiitlemeiis’ Boots and Shoes. made after the latest styles. December 1858. 1-8m STREET HOTEL, IAURORA. Good supplv'of WINEs and LiQUous always on hand. EXCGIIOIIL Accommo- .VONGE ‘ dation for Travellers. Farmers, and others Cigars of all brands. I D. MOLEOD. Proprietor. 6. 1858: 57-6m I noBERT SIvErr, . Boot and $1106 Maker, . DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist 'I Chapel. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. A choice selection of Gentleuieris’, Ladies’ and Cliildrens’ Boots and Slices constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- ,A more. July (EriArr "kinds Shoemakers Finding for sale. Richiiiohd‘ Ilill. Deci’1858. l-tl‘ GLAOIICESTERAHOTEL, THREE MILES NORTH OF TORONTO. 0N VONGE-ST. " ‘HE above Hotel is fitted up in neat and com ortable style. Transient visitors and others will find the accomnrbdations to be that or the first class. while the charges will be ex- tremely low, ‘ I13" Good Stabliiig and an attentive Hostler. THOMAS COA'I‘ES, Proprietor. Yonge Street, Dec. 1858. 62-Iy DR. d. W. GRIFFITH. ,MARKHAM VILLAGE, C.W. Dec. 2. 1858. 52_-ly JAMES HALL, ' AS always on hand a large assortment of ,, Boers aiid SHOES, which will be sold at prices to meet the times. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. 54f1-ly w. IIODGE & co. ‘ ' HOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin \. and tron l’late Workers, and Furnishing Irorimuiigers, Parties givuig this house a Call will find their orders puiietually attended to. and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill Dec. 1858. 5-1-1-1y EDMUND GRAINGER, _ U T CHE R, TIIORNIIILL. Fresh B and Pickled Meats, Poultry. 520., always on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. 'I‘horuliill, Dec. 1858. WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker, ' RICHMOND iiiLL. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. l-tf JAMES JENKINS’, Grocery 8; Provision Store RtCHMQNDuILi. . ' t . 0 CREDIT GIVEN. ‘L exchange. The above is the oldest established Grocery and Pl'OVIrIOII Store on the Hill. Dec. 2, 1858. Prot‘ucU taken in 5513’ ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE! MAB KHAM VILLAGE. OO’D Accommodations. Wines, Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MARR. Proprietor. 57.1y cormr‘iodtttion for Travellers, not. good Stabling. 0:?” Horses and Buggies for Hire. v JOSEPH GARY. ‘ ' u Proprietor. 1858. I 72 7m GREEN Boer-i Horst, Richmond Hill, Oct. 22,: 1C- iiiiLEs sou'i'ii or 'rouorrro on 'iiIiE Terror. STREET ROAD. ' ~ IGOUDS btlorigirrg to Mr 'I'Hoinas CtOPEIt, Il‘IIE Proprietor V b. gs. to inform the public that he has purchased the above Hotel, and has recently refitted and furnished it throughout in a comfortable style. The Bar will be continually supplied with good Liquors and Cigars. G001) STABLEs attached to the premises. wrili careful Hustlers to at- tend to travellers wants. TIIOM As STEELE, Proprietor. I (firinerly of the Boiid Lake Hotel.) Sept. 29. 1858. 69-1y \WAN HOTEL. '\ TI'IORNHILL. Good Acoomiiiodatiou for Travellers. JOIIN SHIELS. j Proprietor- 7-1 'l‘hornliill Jan. 10, , 1859. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL I42 KING STREET, TORONTO. Vi‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the that he has opened the above Hotel, opposite the St. Lawrence Hall, Toronto. His bar .1 I l .r .i.- so». .»..- .8541“ L ,L O Y D. AURORAQIJ‘ ’ tr O f " ittt Doctor LIovd-beg’s one and all. it Not to neglect immediate call ; I I For having made the fitriiiest standâ€"- With every choice at his command I; ' ' The Dr. feels the greatest pride. ‘ As far as ‘i‘ Medicine” can do. . I i' With artaiid ski‘lt. ittending to‘oâ€" ' ‘ And fears iiotwlieii his friends shall call‘ " ‘But that be can Supply them all. When they can speak how they enjoyed ‘ 'I‘Iie beiiefits,‘trom I)1‘.‘Lloyd; I I His "‘ I‘iiictures ” are the most refinedâ€" I'ii fact his Store has eVery kind. ‘ Amoriia. Aloes, Myrrh, Blood Root, With Soaps. and Indian Hemp to suit. C IIIOI'OI’UI‘III. Gulls. Ginger too, Egot. (loves, and Hops quite new ; Caesia, Campbor.‘ ‘an'd 'C-ay‘enii‘eâ€" '* *‘i- I soon shall 'll‘av‘e to' stay my pen ; For it would givetoo long attention, The wlioje of this large stock to mention. A few Words more on the suppliesâ€" Safi‘ou. Fox~gloye. Spaniin Fliesy. IIetiilock', Rhubarb, Lemon Peel, " And choicest Selves, the wounds to heal Infusions of the richest store, 'l‘hcu need I mention anv more. The Dr. once again must say, To hose that wish to give t'airplav, ' To try his “ Uintnients.” and make sure That they have found a certain cure I Antiinonial, and Compound. Sulphur. Pitch, can here bo found ; Tar. I'obacco, best of'spiCe. ' Essence and Sweets to suit the nice; Acids of a full supply For these who wish the same to try. "I'is needless hereto mention all, \Nheu eyes can View them if they call I Give trial ! and prove you have enjoyed True beiicfit from Dr. Lloyd. I Aurora, Feb. 18, 185‘.) _ ____.__ I __ . _ NC) i ICE. 1 ‘ iiE sunscitrnEu desires tuiriforin his ' friend-.4 that he has purchased the S'I ORE IQ-Ii-m. and will be ready at all times to supply them with DRY GOODS; GROCERIES, Liquors, Hardware, &c. &c. Of first quality, and at Reasonable Terms. ' ' Jr )IIN BRUNSKILL. 'l‘hornhill. Jan. 94. 1859. ' «Ste. 9~tf The Scottish .IIIl-tltlluztit Journ .l DEVO'I‘EI) '1‘0 '1'“ E Interests of Scotclimen in America, 1 I i ANIJTO 'i‘iii-Inissrinisa‘riou 0F ‘ SCOTTISH LI'I‘EKA'I'UKE AND ART 3 10NSIDERING‘ the irrulriplicity of news- (J. papers in Aiirerrca. it has to marry been a matter ofsurprise that the rinrriei'ous body of Scottish residents should have been so long un- represented 'l'o supply this dcsidez-attirrr, No. l,'of, the Scori‘tsii .triiziticxs Jouuvir. was published on Saturday, Augusts, I557. and is now continued weekly. The primary object of the JOURNAL is to flir- riisli its readers regular 1y , with the news of “IIIBII‘ native country. It presents a weekly re- cord ot'afl events of interest occurring in Scot- iaud. and its subscribers are in this way as fully I I11l0 iiie'd of what is trairspiriug at home as it they Were in regular receipt of an old-country newspaper. Scotti:in questions Will be discuSscd with intelligence and iriipartialit) iu the editor- ,ialcolupins, and the sentiments of the leading "pair-ties On these subjects Will be fairly repre- sented and oomment'ed upon. In the. literary and miscellaneous department i' of the paper, while iiici‘it and talent wirl be ap- precia cd from whatever country they emanate. the Scottish element will preponderute. 'l ates, sketches, and poetry, illustrative of the Scottish ' character. and ate nature fitted to call forth publicygcncrally _ will always be found- replete with all kinds of Liquorsof first-rate quality. His Table will also be found recherche. ‘ ‘ Good Stables are attached to the prerniSes. W. M. SHORT. Vti‘iiuiir Stinoizori. Proprietor. 67-Iy w THE GRUMBLER suso FOR $2,000 ' At. the Suit. of R. M; Allen. TRIAL ‘To COMES}? AT THE SPRING ASSIZES. The Grumoler ASjust commenced upon its second year, and it is the intention of its conductors _to make it Still More Amusing and Useful, The following area few of‘the Imany favor- able notices of the press:â€"â€" ' “ liviiices real ability.”-â€"-Berliii Telegraph. “ It is Argus. “ It aims at something big. ”â€"-Duiidas War- der. “A smartly written little serial.”~â€"Streetsâ€" vrlle Review. " 'I be wliolecoutents are ,or’igi’iial.’_l-_â€"Kihg- ston News. “ Laughable aIIuIsioiis and hard hits."-â€"â€"Bar- rie Advance. I I “ Devoted to wit and humor in a dry iw‘ay.’ â€"St. Catheriues I’ost. , “ It cannot fail to be a great‘blessiiig to the I’rovince.”â€"St. Mary’s Journal. “ Capital thrusts at the prevailing follies of the dzty.”â€"-.\larkhaiii Economist. ' -" A facetious sheet, and will be . a common benefit.”â€"Richmond Ilill Tribune. “ A very clever production,’ evidently ol‘a scholar and a gentIci'naii.”-â€"Kirigston ‘Whig. “I think its piqnant satires will exercise a wholesome influence,”â€"-I.eitet froiiIiI Charles Dickens. V . ' i ' '* “Spares no classes : winks at no corruptioiis. *I it eagerly welcorn ed,”â€"St. Mary’ A talented, don Free Press. , . “ Enclose $1 to Tim Germans. and you Will get ten times the value ofyour tummy.”â€" Sanduicb Maple Leaf. ' i “ l’lumo'nrous talent Sparkles in its pages. * if if vigorous fiedgiiig.”â€"Loii- It has acquired a pOSitioii and reputaiion never before reached by any street of wrtin Canada ”â€"'I‘oronto Globe. 'I he Gunmanitu is published every Saturday, and regu-larly'niailed togsubscribet‘s athrm D'ollar per annum, in advance. Letters, ad- dressi-d to the uiidersignedwill be‘attlie risk of the publishers. ' ' ' ' " 5 5 W YMAN &. CO. " I . .II Agents; 3‘IIIQIII11g Street,TorontIo. Nievoh Rfl. 1850" ' ii i i M 1 Toronto Sept. 17, 1858.. s r" HA if" as. B r_. Fou‘sAiE-A't‘ THE I I P as '1‘, OF F 1 CE! -A'I‘ TortONT-o PRICES. RichmondHiH. March-18. teas. lr- ‘ ,I‘VIAGr a " Iii-ff Iaichrrondntn, August raiser. the sympathies o'. Scotchnicii both at home and abroad. will occupy a conspicuous place. In this, department.‘ the co-operation of various IdtSI'IIIgIIISIIBtI authors, possessing unrivalled facilities for the task. has been secured' , ' In politics, the JOURNAL will occupy a thoroughly independent position. alike freon from party bias and national prejudice. In or- der to it tcrcst its readers wherever situated, it will take a bl‘Ohd View of topics of this class. avoiding those of a merely local nature, except in so far as rliey may present points of import- ance to the general public Questions involv- ing the interests of British residents in the United States and in the British Provinces, will be spccmlly consrdeeed. and it is believed that the inforiiratiori and news of the JoUiinAL on this important classl, f Subjects will be such as shall command attention. The SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL, will ill‘ every respecttbe. conducted in an efficient and" btl‘sitess,‘ like iiian‘er. with every requisite guarantee forits permanence. The proprietors. who are responsible parties, resident in New York and elsewhere. therefore look with conâ€" fidence for the support of their numerous couri- tryriie’n in all parts of America, and they will be glad to Coriiiiiuiiicate with respectable par- ties at a distance who may be disposed to co- operate with them for the establishment of the paper in their respective localities. A. publication estab‘ishod WithI these objects must of course look for support mainly from those connected by birth or descent with the country whose current history it chronicles; but as the bond basis of this journal necessi ,iates, in addition, the treatment of all import.- ant questions ati'ecting American interests, and as its literature will becosiiiopolituu, it is hoped that even to the general reader its columns will not appear iiiientertaimrig or prolitless. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, PAYABLE is ADVANCE. One Copy for one year .. . . . . .~ . . . . . . . $2 50 Five Copies .... .... .... .... ..i.. 91111 'l‘welve Copies ...‘.:.... .... .... . 0 (It) 'I‘wenly-five Copius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 00 To parties getting up a club of twenty-five a copy will be sent gratis. Copies foIi'wardc'd'to Europe per niail, United States postage card, ,for .33.,or 13s. storing, per annuin. It? Office, No.29, Beekniau Street, N.Y,‘ Fire 1 Fir-ct 1 Fire! t .' WESTERN Fire Iiisui'an cc Coizi'paii y of Toronto. INCORPORATED IVY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CflI’ICII/IL STU (1K, £100,000. I. C. GILMOR, Pres. GEO IVIicniiz,Vice Pres muncrous : ‘ 'I'hos, I'Jaworth; Esq, James lSeaty. E-q. W. Ilendcrson. Esq. 'I'. P. Robarts, Esq. W. Macfarlane, Esq. M. IRtiiss'Iiii,’Esq.' ' I ‘ : " " i Rico Lewis. Esq; ‘Ber'ii‘ard lilaldaii, Esq. Secretary & T’I'BILS'ILTCI'. Angus Morrison. Esq. Softcitor. Bank of Upper Canada. Brut/rcrs. Btiijamiu Switzcr, Esq. Inspector. [13’ Head iOfl‘ice, Chino/i Street, Toronto. in THIS COMPANY Insures all descriptions of Builrliiigs,1\' aiiut'actorios,IMilIls, &c..‘and,Goods ankil Formatting. in tliélsaiiip, against-loss oi dam. age by been liberal terr s‘." Losses prorii’ptly settled. .A-,LAW. ' ‘ l Ge‘iie’r‘slngent. gIO-I Residence. ' Miss .Souriiwoit'igii. Colonel G. ,W. Chou: my.” CHAitLEs Bunnrri‘jiz, TuDusN ENGLISH, M-D. That evervtt’aiit can be suplied,‘ ' t ‘ - and address as above for terms. .w-r, .,, IIJENRY CLAPr, Junl GEORGE ARNOLD, SAMUEL Youku',' ‘ "MrsA’Nu WHELPEE’v. Mrs.»Di Vl‘lR.\'0N,‘ Mia's ‘Vvl‘RGIMA'VAUGHA "- FiiyLicr Joussos,r “Miss I’IA’H'IE CLARKE. sur Writeouly for the (searcher. Puma. If? 1. . ~i..Tu.Ei : ' G O L‘DEN ‘PIRII‘Z ILLUSTRATED. DEAN 61. SALTER," Editors and Proprietors. I I I I THE New York Weekly Go/(le'n Prize is one. of the Ingest and best literary papers ofthe dayâ€"an IiiiperialQuarto, containing “our PAGES or vou'rvI commas. of entertaining and original 'iiiatter. and'elcgantly illustrated every week. ~ ’ ‘ at! PEKIESEJVT wou'rn riton 50 CENTS To $50 01) IN GODL Will be presented to each subscriber immedi- ately on receipt of the subscription money. This is presented as a Memento of Friendship, and not as an inducement to obtain subscribers. TERMS: One Copy for one year. . . _ , . .$‘2 and I gift Ono Copy for to 0 years. . . . . I. .3 50 and 2 gifts One f‘opy for three years . . . . . 5 and 3 gifts One Copy for five years . . . . . i8 and 5 gifts '*r. 0 Jun To cums Three Copies, one year . . . .155' and 3 gifts Five Copies, one year. . . . . . .8 -aiid 5 gifts. ’I‘en Copies, one year. . . . . . .15 and It! gifts 'I'Wenty .0118 Copies, 1 yrar,.30 and 2t gifts The Articles to be given away are comprised in the forlowing list : 2 Packages ofGold. containing. . . . £501) each 5 do do do . . . . . . 2'00 each 11) i do do do . . . . . . 100 each 10 Patent Lever Hunting Cased ‘ Watches . . . . . . . . 1000068011 2‘0 Gold Watches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 (If) each 5tl do .............. 1611 llllcacli 100 do . .‘... .. 50 (It) each uâ€" 301) liridies’ Gold 't'i’ntches . JD (11) each 200 Hunting Cased Watches. . . . 30 (If) each 501: Silver Watches . . . “53:10 (it) to 25 (it) each ltr'frt) Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chaim»... “3310 OH to ‘25 ()0 each Gold Lockets. Iir'aceluts,;Breaches. Brcnst' Pins, Cuti' ‘. ins, Sleeve llnttoris, Rings, Shirt Studs, “latch Keys, Gold and Silver"1‘irinrbles, and a varion of other articles. worth from 5t) cents to each. ' We will present to every person sending us“ 50 subscribers, at 2 dols. each. a Gold \‘Vatcli. worth 40 dots. : to any one sending us 10b sub- scribers, at. :2 drils. each. it Gold IVatr'Ii. worth 9" dols. Every subscriber will also receive a present, lriin-edintely on receipt of the iiioncy, the subscriber’s name Will be entered upon otir book, and the gift Will be. forwarded within one Week. by mail or oxpresmpost paid. All cullltttlllllt‘aliutis should be addressed to DEAN .v. SAL'IER. 8115 Broadway. NeW'York. ' on. MORSE’S Indian Root Pills. R. MORSE, the itchiitor of Morse’s Indiiiir Root l ills, has spent the greater portion of his life in traveling. having visited Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as North Americaâ€" lias spent three years among tli .-. Indians of our Western countryâ€"it was in this way that the Indian Root Pills were first (liscovercd. Dr. Morse was the first man to establiin the rent. that all diseases arise from IMPURI’I‘Y UF 'I‘IIE IiI.UUI)â€"tl‘iat our strength, health and life depeiidrd upon, this-vital fluid. When the Various passages become clogged. and do not, act in perfect harmony With the dit- l'ereirt functions of the body, the blond loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted and (In-eased ; thus causing all pains, sickness and distress of every name; our strength ’is exhausted, our health we are deprived of, and if nature is not assisted in t.irowing off the stagnant hurriors, the blood will become choked and cease‘to act, and thus our lightof life will be forever blown out. Ilow important thcii that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put a iiieilicine in your reach. namely, Morse’s Indian Root Pills, manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the men Ii atntous cliffs iii Nature’s Garden. for the health and recovery of diseased man - One of the roots from which these Pills are made is a Sudorifrc. which opens the pores of the skin, and assrsts Nature in tlir'owiiig'nut the finer parts of the COEI'IIIIIIOII within. The second is a plant which .IS.8.11 Expectnrant, that opens and unclngs the passage to the lungs by copzous spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged, they draw. large mnounts‘rif im- purity from the blood, which is their tlirnwri out bountifully by the urinary or Water paSsajle. and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourtlris a Cntbartic, rind accompanies the other properties 0! the Pills while engaged in purifying IIIB' blood ; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and From the above, it . is shown that Dr. Morse’s Indian Root I’r’lls not. only enter' the stomach. but bccmne united with the blood, for they find their way to every part, and complete. ly rout and release the sy‘stern from all impurity. and the life of the body, which is the blond, becomes perfectly healthy; corisequeiitlylall sickness and pain is dt'iVen from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes, so pure and clear. ‘ '- , "3 The reason \\ by people‘ are so distresSed when sick,‘aiid why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine u hicli will pass to the afflicted parts. and which will open the natural passage Ior tha disease to be cast out; heiir-e,a large quantity of food and other matter is lodged, and the stomach and iti.estities,,_ayc literally overflowinir with thei corrupted mass; thus undergoing: disagreeable ferritentation. constantly mixing with the. blood, which tlirotvs the corrupted inattcr through every vein and artery, until life is taken iroiii the .body by disease. Dr. Morse’s PILLS have added to themselves ‘victory upon 'victcry, by restoring millions ofthe sick to blooming liezrltli and III-1p- pincss. Yes; thousands who have been (racked or tornientéd' with sickness. pain and anguish. and 'wliose feeble l'raiire's have been scorched by the burning elements of 'l'eve’r. and who tibv'e been brought, it wore. Within a stupor he silerit-grnvo, now Stand ready to testify that they Would have been IllllliIiOl't‘d with the dend, "had it-uot been for this great and wonderful m‘ediciiio, Mor's‘o’sliidian RootPills. After one ' been taken, they were as or two doses I][t(. toiiislieil, and absolutely surpriscd,in witnessier their charming 'c't’r'ects. i\ot only do they give immediate ease and stl'étlg‘tllpand take away all ickuess, “pain and anguish. but they at once go ‘to Work at the inundation 'of the disease, which is the blood. 'l'hert-lore‘, it will be shown. especially by ‘lliuse who ‘use there Pills, that boy will-so clause and purrfy,’tbat disease; that deadly enmityâ€"Will take it's flight, and the flush of youth and ‘treauty WIII agai’ii return. and the ti't‘OS})6th't:fa long and happy life will cherish and brighten your days. ' ‘ ' ; CA’U'ivioN.’Iicware of a coiti'iter‘fé-i‘t' signed A. 'B'. 1111mm. ‘ All genuine lia'Ve the name of A. J. Wurrit & Co;, on 'eucl] box. I Also the Sig-nurture of A. J. White (I? (,‘o.’ All otlieifs aye spurious. ' ‘ " H i A J.~WH‘ITE & 00;, Sole‘PrnprIcto‘rs. . 50.1..eonard Spear. N ew York. Dr. h’loit‘se’s‘ludiaii root I’ills are sold by all dealers in: Medicines. -' r » _ i g .I Age‘nts‘wantcd in every town," village and hamlet iii the land. ' Parties desiringtlie agency Price-525 cents perboxs. five boxes will be sent on receipt ofsl. postagen‘ paid. E}! 33' Richmond Hill. March 11. 1,859. rir SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN I ' ». rnoIerC'rUS.‘ v‘o LU M E FOU RTEEN Bisoiss sar'i'irnieiiit 11, 18.38. 3 111 E r 115i Mt‘ SEN v E pr ea 2»; MANUFACTUR ERS- AND I FARMERS, reached its Fourteenth Your. aild I w'ill'eiiter upon a New Volume mi [Ilt‘ lltli of Septemd her. kitid now issued in this country. and it'lius a cvry cxtcrnivo circulation in all the States of tilt Union. It. is not. as some might. suppose front its title. it dry. abstrum work on technical science: on tho (flitill'tt:_\'. it so deals with the great. events going on in the Scientific. me- cliaiiicalaiid industrial worlds, lth‘ to please and instruct every one. If the Mechanic 0r Ailintiti \ri lies to know the lust riiacliiiie in Its-9, or how to make any substance crrrIploItml iri'liis bu~ messâ€"«it Illt‘ lioiisr-iy'il‘e wishes to get a recipe. for making (1‘ er'd color, t&(.‘..-â€"-III the Inventor wishes to know what is going on I11 'tlie way of 1111pl'tnf‘tltfltiIEwâ€"If tltc t‘v’Iaiiufac‘ iurcr wishes to krop posted ‘.\'III1II10 times- urtd to (‘Ilfpltn the best t'rrt-rlrrivs in his but-i- to. keep himself friniliui' nib the progress triad iii the Ullt‘ltllt’til Iriboialory, or in the construction of tclcgi‘ziplrs.I Mourns-hips, railâ€" ro d4, rompers, Ititltk‘t‘l“. and a thousand otlrcr' ll]:tt'.l11110~‘1t11(l2:,tpllétnt't‘s, both of pour-e. and ,u :ii'â€"-nll them rlrrsirltmtrt can SQItuN'I‘IFIC [Minute-AS. :rnil IIrrl.(,'/-'(:1I‘/I(:I(;. They :rri'c here presented in a reliable Ittlrl interesting "loriii. adaptcd to‘t'hc. Coiirprelierision of mind:- utilearned iii thcliig’ior branches of sciciicr and art. Torzns: One Copy, one your, #2; one copy six months. .351 ; liic (topics, six itioruris, :54: ten (topics, six mourns, :58; ten copio<. twelve lilolfilth‘, .7415; lifrceri t,‘-‘1I.‘It‘,fi,l,\\t‘l'\'6 riiniitlis. twenty copies. twelve months .528, in advance. $2?! : Specimen copies sent gratuitously for inâ€" {spcctioin Southern and Western iirniiey, or ’ I’osttrgc Staturps, taken tor subscriptions. [If Letter“; should be drccttd to I MUNI‘I ."r. Mussus hl‘uxrt .\' Cu. :irrI exlt'ti:~'i-\‘é‘l\‘ cu- gnggcd iii procuriarr patents for new inventions. and will advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the novclty of their tiirprovcnpcnts. Co- 128 Fulton-street, New York N rJ'I’V TR 13.71 Toll a fluffon rdic rte-Tn arisiricii i1 Iiisprnsary. n. . F07: 'I‘III‘) (71111 It; (1F ItYFl’l-IPSIA. GERICRAI. DEIHIJ’I Y. I" LEVI-.1: A‘I) AGUEI. SCRUFI}I.:\. 01.1) ULCI Rs, (‘ylll‘LI'l IJIPU’ iiii v oi" 'f‘Hl“. r;i,oon. um um UM. 1’1MI'1.! s. i‘istui.-\. FILES, ulnar-.vs. Ilt.llll.l'lÂ¥, l.\'- ]I‘IIIMI'I‘IIIH (1F YOUTH AM) on: Aciz, (to. (11'? No Mercury timed. 4:0 hf}. AMOS A". SON. Corner of Main and [5 Quay St (Wis. liriliitlti, New York, are the only Physicians in Illt' State it I10 are main hers of the Royal College of Stit‘vcons. London May be (run u'tctl from 8 o’clock iii the morn ing until 9 o'clock at night, on every state and symp our of disease. The treatment they adopt is the. result of up- wards of I30 _\'l‘{tl'~’ cxtcrrsive nnd stir-ccssi'iil Practice in London. The most tnvt‘tternti symptoms of Disco-so orndicntcd in ciglitO‘ nine (In s. and crises of n slight nature in I\\-'(. or three days at a vc y iiirrdcrnto expense.â€" 'I‘lie cure I-‘-III'(‘I(“(I without confirminan or hiri- drrince from business. "T .Yourrg Jijcrzw~ Tar/re i’m'ttculrtr Not-ice. . There is an evil habit Strttielimos indulge! in by boys, in solitude. often g1ciivirig up with them to manhood. and which. if nr reforriied by them in due time, not. only lsegcts serious obstacles to irrritrirrioninl linppiur-s-, but givvr rise to a‘ series of protracted. insidious. and devastating affections. Four of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware o. the consequences, until they find the llel'VtilI' systetii shuttered. fccl strange and unaccouutn ble feeling“, and vague fean in the mind A jlrlost r‘r'rrtr'n/t/rr; Juror/mo. 3. An- irrstrurricut for the cure of Genital De bility, or more pr-opcrlv known as Seriiiiia, Weakness. Nervous DUDIILIV, fire, which are pe='iii:-riiciitlI\' cured in from 15 to 211 days, by the “>0 oftliis IIIbLI'lltltt’llI. when uSi-d corrjointli with iiicdicinosi. New Itcrricclws and errc/r Cures. DR AMOS &Sf)t\ trike pleasurcin announ- cing that they have invented .1 most Iiiiportnut instruirrent for the cure of the above diseases It has been subjcctrd to a tcst by the most enririoIiit plivsiciansrn l.on:lon,. liaiis, Iillllfltlfll‘ pliia and .‘i cw I'Ork. It has bur-ii declared lIlt "oiily useful IIISII‘IIII'IQI'II‘ cvcr)et invented for the CIII't‘ of Sr-rrii-nal VVenkticss, or any .dI‘~eU5-ti of the genital organs. caused by the score“ habits ot'rontb Dr. Amos & Son, in order to satisfy thy. most skeptical as to the ir'iorits of these instru: ir’iclits, pledge :hetinelves, that in any instance who. e thoy_iiray prove unsatisfactory after t fair trial, the money will be refunded by re turnir‘rpr the iii~~truniciir in good order. Persons wi~lring um above u<cfuliinstruriien will observe, that the pilot), with tliu‘ n‘ccoiii- banying directions. .sccurcly pacltcd and sew by mail oIr express, is ten dollars. 158206176 ()lfI 1772/)r’).'s'l.l’1.077.. Beware of eriipirics and izriicrzint sclfâ€"StylvG lir'ufvSsOi‘S, who A'i‘iizmri' cures, but never 'succced‘ ‘ Dr- Amos & Son have for a long series of years br en engaged in an extort ivo-prnctir-c II. the treatiiicnt of there delicate coiriplnints, and are the only legally qualified lliysiciniis WI)!» now advertise to cure certain iioiiiplnirits‘. o from whoriiporiuirie Eumpciin reiiicdi‘es can be obtained. . , . I’izusoss IN ANY I’Aii'r or THEIIVour I) may be sti(:(:t3$sfttllI\‘ treated by forwmdiug a'correc” detail of their cases. with a t'crrrittzincn lot Medicines. Ni: , which will be returned with Illf utmost dis'piitclr. and secure from observation Afddress Dr. AMUS 61. Sex, corner Main nnr‘ Qpay sti'chtsI. Buffalo. N. Y. t4ti-1Y .IMP‘O RTAN TI NOTICE. jERSONS indebted to the undersigned. _ Iwhose Accounts.hecrrme due on the li'st' of JaIriuaryIIlast, are respectfully requested to settle them. » ’1‘ K. FALCONBRIDGE. ' « ’ . ‘ New volume, New be Ma r . , ~ , v a I -A’GKW~BTURAL.‘LWERARY AND i‘tniiivl‘rbuanl ' press and .Iriiprovetiieut” its laudable I) the Ruiz-if continuously malls in Merit hind re- ‘ THE SCI I’LN't‘lHC A .‘rll'lR‘IC‘ArN lia'snowi i It is the only ,weckly publicationnf the. nessâ€"if the Man of I.oi~'iirr- and Study \\'I>I16 . he found in the ‘ AILEX'. S'I‘EWIAR'I‘, tau enemy is. i850. mm»:rr..*.‘ - ‘ H m r "rut .3. ss& New emu . The leading and largestlcirctilatIed a. _ ._..._._._,~ r r. :3. t? ? ZFVQEUMEXJ‘OR 1.859. 1..., r . .Tuc Ronni. NEWrdYorixim isso orders“ avorably known‘in the East, and West. -N0rth and South. as the most, popular Agricultural, Literary and Family Newspaper 'ofIthe Age, ' that we omit all *ta’kplelives i'n' announcing the ; 'l‘eiuh Volume.- - Sufficeit tosav that’iropréper effort or expense. will be spérpedtofiully, main- tain and increase its reputation,as,the,;BesI Journal of its Ultissâ€"r'eriderpig'fif. emphatiâ€" cally. the Standard' " " i ’ "" 3 » .., , ., ,.....-i an; itUttAi‘. AND FAMILY, WEEKLY " Excelsior ” its glorious Motto. “anda‘r‘dfro- ' cts. ports'dccidcd caucuses “to Circulation fihdiUse- fulness. As an Agricultural. HorticulturahttLi- ,tci'nty, and Family News I‘“ar»ei',,combiued. it has long been unrivalled. Not a montth of only twelve issues yearly, but a Large and Beautirui Weeklyâ€"~tvlricli embraces in on; I greater Itiuuiber of. Useful .aiid 'l‘imely .Topice nan SEVERAL ordinary journalspâ€"The Rural is, ert EXCELLENCE, 'rrrE'rArEn Eon THE morn: AND » TiiE TiMEs t ' .I I The Tenth Volu iiievrill bel’rinted and film frateti in Superior S tyle, while its Contents wit , vie with its ‘impi'oved' Appearance. “All who desire a paper which ignores .trash, humbug and decuprinii, and earriesrlygset ks to promote the Best Interests and Home Happiness of it: rrryrrnd o1 io'dersin‘bdrli 'I’owri and country. are invited to try_the‘Mode1 Farm and Fireside ,JOIII‘IlaI. FORM. STYLE AND TERMS- i ' The Rural New-Yorker is published Weekly- each number comprising Eight. Double Quart. rages: . An- Indek, 'I‘ufe i'a‘ge”,'&c;, givenzat the close of each Volume. ‘7" 'l‘rzurisâ€"â€"1s Anvxscs-Two Dollars a Year; 'I'lirce (‘opies for n5: Six, and one free to club rig-cut. for 3:10; Ten, and one free. fortjsl5; 51.3.”.1‘6311, and one trite for .22 : 'I “only. and one flee, tor $26; 'J'lrrrty- no. and two free. for $41), [or 30 for $37.50] and any grenth number at same rateâ€"-oufy With an extra copy for every Ten Subscrib t I | o ‘ T . . ‘chi‘ Irrn'tyt (lub papers sent to drfi'ereiit. post-offi'cns, If desired. As we pro-pay Ame- rican posrage, $1.37 is the lowest club rate for Canada. . Now is the time to Subscribe and form Clubs for the New Year and Volume. Specimen Numbers. Show-Hills, ‘ Prospectuses, (kc. ct'cci'tiilty furnished [by "Hall or otherwise, at our cypeusénl to all (II‘ilOe‘t‘Id to lend a portion of' influence in behalf” of the Rural and its Objects. Address r i I). I). T. MOORE. Rochester, N. Y B E A V E R Fire lirsurniic : Association 01.“ 'I-‘ORUN r O, (I. \V. ' ()It'IFICE, [removed from 54 King Street East. 'I'oiios'ro S‘iurcr‘fi‘ next building north of the Masonic llall. ' llalf’tlie I’r‘olits in he returned tothe Insure-d, the balance invested to form a Reserve Fund. BOARD or Iliiii-‘C'i'ous ' ‘ 'I‘iinsTEESâ€"Jlcnry Rowsel, W. C. Clieweli. Joseph Jarkcs. DIIU‘ZUI‘ORSâ€"IIt‘lll')‘ Rowsell, Toronto. Chair- man. : J. W. “'61”. [)r‘praty (.T/Hu'r'iiiuin': ‘W. C. Cliowctrt. 'l‘oronto; Joseph Jackets. Toronto , W. 11. Smith. 'I'U‘obto, Manager; Wm. lleliiwcll. lliqlrland Utâ€"‘cek: .Iuiiu Mowat. King~i.oii; “in. Aglin, Kingston; 'A‘sa A. lfu iili'ririi..Coli0itr'g; \Viii. tireeu, ‘IIfiIllII tau; Robert Smith. Clrrriguacousy ;. George Blainp ’I‘oronyu'I'ownship. Solicitorâ€"â€"-Jolrri Band of 'I'oroiito. I153 'I‘lie Provident Life Assuraiicb ~COIn-- parry is removed to. the same office. ‘ Ilelliwell. Il‘zrnike'rsm'l‘he~ Having guarded against loss from fire byla- suriiig your property, consider if it wouldnpt be as well to make a little additional provision for \our family in case ofyour own premature. death 2â€"Wlletllet‘ it Would not be as well. through the assistance of ,a Life Assurance Company, to provide a legacy for your wife or daughter, or. rfyoi'i have not the happiness to be blessed with them, think if the po session of" u few hundred pounds additional iiiiglit,rml 110+ of advantage to yoursetfa few y‘ea’rs- hence. ' you ilccid e: that it would. write to“ the Managing lhrecror of the I’ROV-IIDIi-LN'I‘ LIFE ASSUR» -‘iNCE AND INVES'I‘MEN'I‘ COMPANY 2i! 'l‘oronio Street, lei-onto; for a “ Propoiia'l "" torn). and aeopy of the Rutes’.‘ ‘ Or, possibly. the Agent of" the ?‘ Bezk’ef’” may possess a copy of both documents? Iwhiclin he can acct-inniodate you with, and ive you a. eittle information on the subject liesi. es. 1 i ‘ ~i .Agent at Richmond IIiIlâ€"J. R."AR‘N‘~OLU§ " March 2‘2: 1859. ' ‘ 3"}73“ I“ II II‘I‘ I ~ [I 4â€"“, findâ€"V}: Ii '- r i ' n , y * 'il ' .1 [’0 I HLQARILS’ HALL. ING STREET, Toronto, 2nd door' eaStioE‘ I Church Street, opposite the (tatbedralu .v. 'I‘. Afi‘itisson. & C0,, Late of King street. W est, now other at their new establishment. Genuine English 3 Drugs, Patent Jllcdrcincs, French. and Englifii ,' ' Perfumery, Oils, I Pat/Its, ' (Jo/o urs, Dye.- I'Voods, Com/is Brushes &c., ' At. such moderate prices as caiiiiotfail to son cure custom. I j ‘ W. 'l‘. A. o'e Co. having ornsidnrable ex« pericnce iii the Drug busi‘riESs in verrbus parts. of England, have no? hesitation in saying. that: a. great many of their Manufactured Article's. will be found very superior. Medicines mask in compounding- I’i'escr‘i[,rtioiis, Fainin iReI- ce'pts, Ilorse and Cattle Medecrues, &c.. are of the very best quality. direct from the. prin- cipal English Drug Houses. W. {I & CIo. beg to call an rition to their Cr-lebrnted Prepa'» _ '._ ration fortlie 'I'eeth, ’I ' Atkinson's Parisian Tooth Taste.“ Also their much admired Perfume . :- ' THE ENGLISH NOSEGAY» soda Waterbottled and from the‘foubtaii’i-{Stl Catherines Mineral Water, and the Plantagenet” Wamr,’ celebratchtbr their healthy propertiesI. Ntii'Ii’I QQLIUSS. V [I46 I . L ‘I.I.I it. r“. 1 «Insurance Company or LONDON, ‘ CHAR'rknitii‘ BY'AC'I‘ or iinéu‘uiii‘i'. "ventilating. CAPITAL: £5,001000 S'I‘ER‘LIN‘G. 1 fi’ Canada Branch, Head. itltfieezi-z oronto: :' i l iii :l v.: TRUSTEES ':‘-â€" . Lion. JUHN Ross.‘ . I Join: dnrwpomrpnsxz. Borituit'or D1REC’I‘OR‘Sué-hVI-Illhim’dMaster, Esq. (Illttltii'Imant . W,‘ I’i, II..I..o_wIiiInd,r Esq; .\I.1’.t‘ , Vice-Chairman: William Ross. Esqi g, William ’IIeIHiBI‘SOII, Esq ; F. ‘W' Ja'r'v'i's, Esq- S..or'iti' U. C. of Y.o'rk. and Peel; 4- -- 3-’ BANKEits â€"'I'|io.Bank oanntreaI‘. I - AI Sol. Cl'l‘» us.-â€"â€"Ross, Crawford and Cromhim 'l‘he engagements of the State Fire In-‘ suranoe‘Conipunyare guaranteed by arespo‘ti‘si; ble I’ropricta.y.- . “ . ‘ ' i All losses willbn‘ settled promptly without. reference to the Board iiilEnglandII. II, . Mr; A: I. {éft'l' ‘ Manager. B. N, America " state: Fire ‘ A an} ,g. It magnolia tutu .' "f‘m.’1, . O‘FtE’S' nunfintwif’dfixsn- $1.25 per copy l--~ ‘ If" 'Y‘‘u

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