SECOND CLASS.-â€"-1. Sepsom Rennie. Scar- boro’, $10; 2. Wm. S. 'l'homson, do. :50 3, .Archy 1’. 'l‘homson, $8; 4. George Walton. " do. $7 ; 5. Samuel Kennedy, do. $6. THIRD CLASSâ€"I. Andrew llood, Scai-boro’, $8; 2. Wm. Sylvester. do. $7; 3. Allied Sheï¬'ord, Markham, $6; 4. James Aiuiour, York, $5; 5. Robert ltichaidson, Scai'boio’. $4; 6. John Burns, do. $3; 7. George Crew, do.‘$2. CATTLE FAIR. DRAFT STALLIONS. l. Jock o’ the Side, 1t. Graham, Markham ; 2. Sir R. Bruce, William Ciawl'ortl, Scan horo’ ; .3. Gainboy, McNear (SI. lrvine, Markham. STALLIONSâ€"GEX ERAL I’Ult ['0 ~ ES. 1. Coachman, Gilbert Smith, Scai-boro’; 2. 'Young Lion. James Lawder, do. BULLSâ€"-â€"DUKHAM. 1. Robert Armstrong; 2. William Artu- ‘Jtrong; 3. J. P. Wheeler, BULLSâ€"AYRSHIRE. 1. John Torrance ; 2. do. Yours Icspectfully, A. BA i’IKER. Markham, April 30th, 1859. To the Editor of the York Herald. SIR :-â€"1 should have been greatly so:â€" sprised at Mr. David llecsoi’s mention oi my name in the columns ol'the Economist. did I not know him to be a vindictive ltltttl The letter I wrote. and had the York Ilcmjd, was an aiisu'erto a in cried in long editorial condemning Judge Drapei on the Benchâ€"the Jurors in the Juiy box, and myself, as an humble suitor llltlit for jostice, which 1 am happy to say 1 ob- tained ; and if you will permit Inc, ,1 ml, state facts in as few Words as possible, and lorcver consign Mr. IithSOt‘ to his own reflections. 1n 185:3 I lent Mr. £300,payablc in three years with '20 pcK tier-so, cent Annual intcrcst, conditioned that 1 should receive a free Deed of uniiicuinberâ€" ed 100 acres in Nottawasuga, or the money After the maturing of the note i tried to have within that tiiuc.â€"-1 got neither. Mr. IIcesor settle but couhl not, and ultcl many fruitless attempts and rcpcaicd calls upon him .I found he would do nothing He sliirked Inc; and wlicul lzittcily calico at his house I was usually moi by the Vil- .‘LIIW‘ Iagefawcctz, R. \V. Esq, J. 1’. Icesor was invisible. As a last resoursc, 1 had recourse to the law, and after his I)L‘Illo served, 1 appealed by letter to his honor as a man; and how wasl mot? By an in- sulting reply. Noiwitnstanding the insult- ly reply, I offered to throw uii'iiitci'cst, and give two or three years longer for payment 7n. i 01 principle, ifs=curity was found. 1n;s proposal also was ri-jcctcd. \Ve went IntU Court, and 1 obtained judgment for full Tbcii Mr. out in Iiiin dutlgcons against Iiit‘l.ltlt1_;ti. (1r!â€" ainount claimed. licesor came .ciding that he, (Draper) was no Judge; that he liitd a softening oi the brain ; ant' ithat he (Ileesor) was to (1.) Wonders in a Court of appeal. \Vcli, Sir, by sonic ..hook or crook. and some qui er swearing) file was allowed a hearing, but the appea. the Then came the tug of dismissed and the decision in lower Court confirmed. “farâ€"execution was issued â€""oheriil took possessionâ€"many efforts Were inade thou “to turn me lrom my purpose ; to all those 1 said no. I did, lioivcvt;i', stay proceed mgs a while. I have now got my Iiioocy. I leave Mr. liccser to his own thoughts, .and will not again notice. his effusions. 1 am yours respectfully, T1106. 51.11 hv.i()NI)S. Markham, April 30th, 18.39. RO ROGA'I‘ION 0F I‘AIILIA M 15171“ P THURSDAY, May In the Upper House yesterday a des- patch was received from the Home (inver- mert. announcing that a bill to enable the Legislative Council of Canada to elect its .0er Speaker. would be laid before the next Imperial Parliament. An Address inviting Her Majesty to visit Canada was: also passed. A copy of the Address will Ilr‘ found in tne columns devoted to the Ic- port of the Parliamentary prom-edings Iii the Leivcr Housma similzir Atltlt'rss was passed, and other business was trans- :actf’d- In the afternoon, His exotallencv tho Governor General came down to the House, and gave his assent to a number .of bills. The Mt-LIQAN DIVOI‘Ct’. Bill .was also reserved for Her A'illjuSly's sant- Odessa. Nicnlnicll, and Sebusmprfl, '» r -aII hear tcsiiiiiony to that I'cgion, _.w' ,.«»_ ,,-_ .- ,< RUMORED Case or ’NlURDERmâ€"FOI‘ some days past a rumor has been rife in this vicinity to the effect that a man named Nolan, residing in Melbourne, had been brutally murdered by his wife. From the confused stat: merits handed round, we ha a that in I’cbiunry last a '* party†was held in Nolan‘s liotisc, dur- ing which Nolan and his \viic had an al- tercation. Be that as it Illn)’, nothing has been seen or lit‘itltl ol the supposed unior- iunntc iiiaii since; and from the tact oi numerous marks ot blood being, loond in the house, from statements uitcii-d by those piescnt, and the asseitions made by the Woman Ilt‘l'htiIl-“ ho has Since tnkt-n her departure for parts unknownâ€"we l'car there is too much truth In the minor to allow of any doubt that the atrocious dt-cd has been pci'pi'ti'utt-d. 1:1owcvcr, the matter is now being, investigated by olâ€" iicinl :iuzlim-itics, and We hope guilty par- ties, iii any, Will he 11111115111 to justice; and if it proves only I‘uiiini' (and We hope It mar) we llll‘l tno~c who have been imputed of the aboiiiinahle ciiiiic Will have i an opportunity oi" vmdicaliug their char- at:ter._â€"[{ic/unr)ml (loan/U Advocate. A YOUNG \Vit.\i.E.â€"L)u Thursday evening last two young lads, while 11511111,»; in the titer, abirut tail a mile hum where it empties into the bay, succccticd in cup- >uiing with grappling book a sturgeon, 3 which. iroin Iis Immense size, may Well he ‘ tcimcd rhyming Iihiilit. .lt measured six feet and tour inches in length, and Weighed I one Itlllltlitftl and tvvcnty pounds. 11 not oitcn fish of such prodigious BIZt‘ a c taken in those vvatcrs.-â€"Bc//ccil/o Lida pendant. 'i‘Iiisanon Manner 1N AUsTIALIA. luvcry Wonk the icpoit from the tutor oiliccs in ion ii is that the demand is (’u I, that many nioic llit ii are oiici'ing titer \UHiC-‘L than are imiiicdintvly rrqiiiicu The :iirmcrs are suppli. d with all inc cxâ€"‘ tru bands they want 111:0“in the 1|ii|‘\t.‘bl. llundrcds ni' Int-.ii are idling about all the railway WOI'h‘S on the chance 01 being, taken on. Many tradesui 'n and mech â€" ics hare 10in; hecii slacking (5111,11‘13’111'511 n vain. EEIICII is the, burden of each Week‘s rcpoi‘t,aud unfortunater the statements are too true. Several meetings oi the i'neiiiployed trndvsmm and others have been lately held in Alcibou'nc, to nuke kii"i\'ii and direct attention to what ll.c s tankers llt‘llth'tl to he the causes of the present dillii'ulty in Obtaining i'iiiploy- nicut. An cxtruorrlirtmy suit-itlc has bet u cornâ€" Iiiit*cd in the lle. dc lie, near Rochelle. A giil named tinilel, filter-n years oi ago, in the service 01' ii trndesmaii, had lieâ€" quciit'ly to be Scolded for breaking crork~ cry. A 1er days back she broke two bottles, and was I'i-pri'iuchcd for her awk- wardness. Site with tears promised to he more t-aieful, but a few inintiets alter she ir-t a lttl'étl soup turncn fall from her hands, and it was broken to pit-cos. '1 his brought on her fresh blame, and, apparentlyto avoid it. she went out. Not having;J re- turned for some time she wu-i stitlgtit tor, and lit-,r dead body was Iiitlll‘i limiting; in too thl. into which she had thrown her- , scll'.«â€" (I'd/Lig/trt/H‘. The Madras Times mentions a rumor l’tll'it-ili loi' some (lays in .LIndi‘as, that ccai'taiu oi the leading IliudoOs and .\.izi-‘ honiiiiedains at the I’rcsidci‘icc have arran- gt'd the pi't-Iiiuiniiries tor a iiioiistnr tinti- iiiiSsiiiiizii‘j' int-cling. .\’ioulvies are to Le stunnioutl in large numbers from the Moiiissil. io lend the Iiiovcini~-in the sanction ot heir authority, and aid it with thair conned and rht’toric For the redress of thcir suppoan wrongs. and the altiiiiiiiiz'iit of their l‘t nit-Ilv, a nir-i morinl is to be presented to t.:e Sucrctn y of State for liidia. THE GOLD FIELDS or l’iitic’s PEAK. ‘ â€"â€"Tlic New \vtltli Hem/(l stinâ€" Our letters from Pike‘s Peal. and Clicrry Cr- ck This I spring will probably ivitiit'ss an inllux oi population into it from all pails of thr- Union which has had no paralh-l even in the emigration induccd by the Californian discoveries. That there is a great (ll'al oi rxuggeration In the letters \t'l‘lllt'll from the, \\'estcrii cities thorn can be no doubt. i l‘hn speculators who hoixe to iiinko money by the rush oi'goltl seekers have a siilliccnt interest in Inagi'ilying the results in ren- der that. conclusioii probable. Still they nrc stiflii'irnély reiiiuiierativc to justify the desire of the unemployed and ambitions to :.eek new iiclds of labour and enterprise. A. Pinssian Iiierclinnt of Berdianski an- nounces the sale, in his warehousras at of? 1100.10 compliance Wllh the Nile USIIUII)’ 7351 tons of iron and cast-iron coming: observed in matters of this. nature. The usual formalities having been gone after the war, throuab the Parliament was ii'orouued. b ’ I a RAILWAY ACCIDENT.â€"-â€"Oti Friday ilast, an accident occurred on the Port Hope and Lindsay Railway. by which considerable damage was done to the en- gine “Hope,†and her tender knocked all to pieces. Some cars had been left on 'the track near the Mauve-rs Station, and by some carelessness or other the lumber 'train ran into them damaging the engine and tender to the extent of about $500. We have not been able to ascertain ex- actly who was to blame; it appears that the driver of the “ Hope†was ignorant of the cars being on the track, and as tliev asmciatp were close to a bend, and hidden by two Jorge piles of wood or lumber, he did not see them until too Iate.â€"â€"Limlsay Advo- cute. _A slaver has been captured off Porto Rico With 1080 young Africans on board 3 it Is supposed they were bound for Cuba. According to advices from Caucasus the Russian General had. made proposals .ofarrangemcnt tovthe chiefs of the Circas titans. from projectiles picked up in the Criinm rI his Will give an idea of the prodigious consumption of shot amt shell in the siege oi Sebastopol. ï¬cheral balloon aiccnts, recently made . in New South Wales by a Mr. Brown; have excited the wonder of the italives.’ The near proximity ofthe sea obliged him to take very short flights; and on one occasion, in eii'ecting his descent, to avoid a ducking, he was dragged a considerable distance through the scrub near Botanyi M, TEEFY 1’. M, Bay, to the imminent peril of his life. The Princess Frederick “iilliam has (1 herself with other ladies oi the highest. rank at Berlin, to establish an asy- lum for governesses who may be tempor- arily out ofemploymeut. Experiment has commenced on a small scale. A fund of 2000 thalers being all that was required to make a beginning, the Princess at once contributed 500 thalei‘s. The Stafletta of Turin states that a society of ladies has been formed in that city to supply the military hospitals and ambulance: with lint and linen bandages in v case oi'war. '..‘A.- ~. 'r i»: '- t{.‘.,~ “. .n; gtiic piticcctlings oi t 15‘ Their Iirnhiiiins and ‘ ' Ariiisti'otig. Sarah war; 1:...11 w. 51k ,, I We learn from Venice that information ’liad just reached that city that the colonel ,ofa Hungarian regiment had been tried by courtâ€"niartial, and sentenced to be shot n3: .3... J‘ S.‘ i "- ~' 2 malignant IS PUB LISHED till) lat Verona, for having attempted t‘oe‘pcr- EVERY FRIDAY NIORNING, ,siiadc his regiment not to light asaiiist the Italians '1 he sentence was immediately :61.“ch into clfcct _‘ A writer who is publishing in the {Vizugafltwvn Chronicle an account oi he Central Indian ,JS‘OICU, says that just after the mutiny at IMhow, cvrn I'lolkar was in doubt. Like :a trite liidinn. be consulted his astroIOger, rand t'ct:ctht1 the following i'eply:â€"â€"--.11 la†the litit‘Opcans save one are slain. that gone \thI remain to flight anti then coaner. An accident has happened at Rio de iJani-iro on Don Pedro liailway. The 10- ;‘couiotivc ran oil the rails, tansihg the And despatched to Subscribers by the earliest mails, or other conveyance. when so desired. The YORK HERALD will: always be ‘be found to contain the latestaiid most impor- tant Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets. and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and a valuable li‘nniil} Newspaper. TERMSâ€"Seven and Sixpence perAiiuuiii, Is ADVANCE ; and if not paid with-in Three- Mouths two dollars will be charged. MALCOLM MACLEOD, EDITOR AND PROPRII‘LTOR :tlcath of three [H‘i‘S"iiS, among whom Was I SKATES OF rhDVERTISINGr : Be- illlt‘ iiispvctor-general ol- llir railway. jbltlt'a tlic killcu',six persons were wounded. E "’1..,____ «._._.,__.._._._ A~_......A..-. ,.m.__.. ‘ TORONTO MARKETS. I l THURSDAY, May 5. I Fall VVIieat, prime, per bush. . . . $1 55 a I h“ i “ medium “ 1 45 a l 5.) Spiiug \Vhe at, pi line, for seed, per bushel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 60 al 05 'Spriug V\"licnt, U.(ltliul_\' per bush. 1 35 a I 40 llarli y, per bushel. .. . . . . . '. . . . (l 75 11118“ ltvc, nominal " . . . . . . . . 0 7.3 a 0 80 lOuts, ‘_‘ , , , , . . . . (l 57 a it till .l’czm‘. “ . . . . . . . . . . . 0 80 a U 90 1'1 iiiiotii_\' Seed “ . . . . . . . . . . . l 75 122 Oil (‘1 ~ver Seed “ . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 =11; ‘ I~ . Potatoes, 1‘ . . . . . . . . . . . 11 (ill {11170 ' AI l’lt‘r. iwr harm! .............. 4 5n 3. on I “ Ciictl, per illlrlltf‘ . , , , , , . 3011111100 l’o:k, iii-sh per 1110 lbs . . . . . . . . . 6 5;) a 7 h“ liehl', “ “ , . , _ . . , , _ 7 (III a 8110 Mt ss I’oi'k, per barrel . , , _ _ . . . . . . 17 00 il’iiiiie, ~‘ . . . . , , , , , lb’ till ‘, Iiarou, sides, per 100 lbs . . . _ . , . . 7 00 a 8 00 i Iiniiis, “ . . . . , . . 5) till Slit‘t’li, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calves, uncli , , _ . . . . , , . , , , . , . . . . 5110 a 7 ill) 1, \Vtio', per 11) , , . , , . _ , _ _ _ . . . _ . , . (12†it (125 ,Nici-p skins, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 a 521m ,lilici‘ binds, tier Itttl lhs . , , . , . . , , . ti till a 7 ()1) iCall’skiiis, per lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (I 10 a 0 1'2 i Butter, trcsli, per lli . . . . . . . . . . . . ll 26 a 0 25‘ ' “ tub, No. 1 61.2 tier lb . . . . . (I 133 a U :2“ I l‘iggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ii a 117% it'iintkens, per pair . . _ , . , . . . . . . . 11 55111165 I'I‘uikevs. each . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . 1 (Ill 3 l 25 I ; Urine, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 501111611 IloiIcy,pcrib..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1153.020 j llai, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271111 i Sii'aw, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ()0 i Wood, per corn, deliveicd . . . . . . . 4111) a 4 ‘25 “ per loud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 a 3 :13 MARIUAGES. I At Richmond Hill. on Sa‘urday. April 30, i by the Rev. James Dick. Mr. \VM, 1], Mvuns lto Miss 1:):iiiiii Staimitsou. second daughter of l l l ' Mr. Samuel Sanderson, 0f thosame place, At 'I‘horuhill. on Moudnv, the 2nd instant, of Toronto, to )lxitv WILKII: of Thorn~ hill. At Richmond llili, on Wednesday, the 4th IIXFSlfllil, bv the same, MELCHI l'r'rcn, to Miss ANN BAKER, both of Maikham. mm: W ï¬rm 'flbtrttnmrutï¬. W | I . I - ‘ “J i Edwin. 350E 11S Iieichy given, that on Mowing“, the sixth , day oi Juno next. application will be made to the Municipal Council ot‘ihe 'l‘owiisliip of . Vaughan, to pass a lly-lniw, catabihliiugncer' iain lit-ad bi tween Lots. 2:“ and 1'0, in ‘he Firs-i. Cont-essin of the said 'l‘owiiu‘ ip, from Youcc 5120 -t to die Second Concession, when all par- ,tics interesch are requested to attend. GLORGE .l. 1’. l‘lCAltCE, 'I'owiiship Clerk. 523-4. I . i i May 4th, 1859, ‘ Nifducxémf I"VJ-Ill“. Municipal Council of Ilie Township of I j. V:.nghnn, have ï¬xvl Monday. the ‘33id davot' May. 1850. for homing and deciding ..p'an all appeals that have been lodged with the 'I'oivnship Clerk. agaiiht the iespectivo Asses- .s.r.’ AssessinI-Iin for the present year, and such ('ourt of Revision will be held at the Town 11:.Il, on the daj above named, at 11 o’clock in Ih-- foreiiooii. when all persons interested are icque~tcd to attend GEORGE J. P. PEARCE, 'I‘ownship Clerk 23-3. May 4th, 1859. FOR SALE; 200.00% feet. of Lumber, NCLUDI NC l-‘Iooiiiig. Siding. int-h Boards' .l- and twoâ€"inch l’laiik, Scaniling, the , (VCR at the Fulbc ioer’s Mi'l. near Siout‘l‘ville, cheap for Cuin or Approve-d Ciedil. J A MES BUGG. Stoufl'ville, April 12. 1839. ‘23-tf. Letters Remaining in RIC H M lND lllLL Post Ufï¬co MA 1" ist, out). Artriss. William Armstrong, William Lymbnruer. James Lawrence .1. S. Langstaï¬', .lohn Jun. Anderson, Miller Little. John , llrilliiiger. (it'OlgB [2] Liiil'oot. John Lawrence, Miss E. Malcolm. Martin B’lI-(latl’rey, Charies McMm‘aIi, (Irâ€"mge [ :] McMu c iy, Mr. Neluii. John Priest. George I’lavter, James Rank. Margaret Robins, Mary Ann Richards, Jacob Slfitilidi-ile. Miss E. Smith. Mary Sheppard, Aaron Straclian, GeOrgo Sanvidge, John ’I‘ibb, Richard Thompson, David Williams, .lohn [2] VVilsou, 'I'hos. i(iHOlllI)N, John howling. Hugh El 1', “’illinm Haiti. John FOL!th M S , l‘ogerty. 'l‘liomas Frock, James Grant, George Gray. Joseph ' Gla~s, Thomas 1 Ilotlsoi, William Iltilstot'ltitr, Caroline llust, William I llodgson. Joseph llarris, Henry Jones, William Johnson. Henry F. Kirkland, Charles I Kilfedor. Margaret Kibble, John GRAPES l GRAPES ! 11E Subscribers. having imported more GRAPE ROOTS than they require for setting, utter a few VERY CHOICE VINES, Of the far famed “ Isabella.†for sale at ï¬fty I cents each. PATTERSON, & BR0. 1 Richmond Hill, April 26, 1659. 22.~2 I . Apprentice Wanted T the PREMIUM SADDLERY WARE- HOUSE, Richmond Hill. A Lad of from 14 to 17 vears of age, none but one of,- stoady habits deed apply. w. H. MVERS. Richmond Hill. 15. 1859., 6 (It) a 81111 ] A nglo Saxon. . . . Six linesnud under, first iiisertion.. . . .$0tl 50 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . . . . 1'11 132% Yen lines and under, iirst insertion . . . . . Oil 75 Above teii lines, first iii., per 1iiie.... 00176 liacli subsequentinsertion, per line. . . . It†(12 if? Advertisements without written direc- i.ion.~ inserted till forbid, and charged accord- iiiglv. All transitory advertisements, from strangers ‘ oi irregular customers, must he paid for when handet- in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad~ veitisiiig by the year.‘ All advertisements published for alcss pe rioo than one month. must be paid for in ad- Vance. All letters addressed to the Editor Innst hr post paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid : and parties refusing papers without pay- ing up. will be held accountable i‘orthc sub- scriptioii. TUE YORK 11 ERA LD Book and .1 oh Printing ESTABLISMEN '1‘. .â€" ‘ RDERS for any of the undermentiouod description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOKS, FAch BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LARGE AND SMALL res'rmis, CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS, BILL “cannons: cmzc1ts,DRAI-"i's, AND PAMP HL}: 'rs. And every other kind of . LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING I done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortiiieni of JOB TYPE is entirely mmm\w now and ot' the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Type and Borders, for Cards. Crculars, t‘s'cc. kept always on hand. House and Lot For Sale. TIIA’I' HOUSE AND LOT situated on the road leading to Mr. Aiksoy’s mill. ou the 1st concession of Vaughan, within a few rods by the name. Mr- unns 'I‘xvmn, of the citv of Youge Street, with a good rough east house. stable, shed, garden, and a fine orchard . For paiticulars apply to S. C. LAWRENCE. On the Premises. Yongo Street, April ‘3], 1859. 21-2m TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONG E STREET. IiiONUIflENTSfTOMB-TBLES TOM B-STONES «SEC. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMET. uâ€"nâ€"u V‘WHE Understgned Assignees of the lestate of D. C. & V'V. YALE, will con tinue the business under the superinteiideuce ol‘our duly authorized agents. AUSTlN ABBEY and 1). CARLOS Yawn, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. RS All notes and accounts remaining un- paid an the lst day of June, 1858. will be put in : a Court for collection. C. YALE. G, .CUMMER. Toronto, 29, April 1859 48-“ BA RNARD’S v! NEW soars it 8110 US'I‘ RECEIVED, direct from New York, 9 a large and varied Stock of Lridies’ and Children’s BOOTS AL SHOES which are offered at the lmvest Toronto prices, and from Make. Style, and Material cannot be surpassed, 113†Call and See the Stock, and examine for yourselves. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond 11 ill, April 7, 1859. 10-ti J. K. FALCONBRIDGE, IS RECEIVING 1118 SPRING 8: SUMMER STOCK A LARGE ASSOII MENT Richmond Hill, April 7, 1859. 19-tt' Montreal Ocean Steamship Co. Under contract with Izler Majesty’s Provincial Government for the conveyance of the Mails between Liverpool and Canada. The fol- lowing Vessels will sail as follows 'â€" FI‘OI’II Liverpool. From Quebec North Briton, VVed’dy Apl, 20, Sat’d ' Mav14. Anglo Saxon. . .do. . . .do. .27,. .do.. . .do..‘27. Nova Scotiaii. , . May. .4,. .do. . .do .28. N. American. . .do. . . .do. .11 .do, , June..4. l-lungariau . . . . . do. . . .do. ..18,. .do. . ,.do..11. Indian . . . . . . . . . do. . . .do. .25.. .do. . do.‘.lt'5. North Briton .do. . .Juno . .1,. .do. . .do 25, Anglo Saxon. . .do. . . .do.. . .8,. .do. . .July .,‘2. Nova Scotian. . .do. .,15,. .do. . . do. .9' N. American. . . Huiigaiiau. . . . . do. .do. ..‘22, . , .do. . . 29,. .do. . .do.‘23. Indian . . . . . . . . . do. . .July. . . 6 do .do.3t) North Briton. . . ..d )... . 13,. .do..Au 6, Anglo Saxon. . . . ..20,. .do. .do. .13. Nova Scotiaii. . .do. . . ..27,. .do. .do. .20. N. American. . .do. .Aug. . . . 3,. .do. .do. .27. Hungarian . . . . ., 3 Indian. . . . . do. , .,do. . ..17,. .do. .do. .10. North Briton. . . do. . . nil-1,. .do. .do, .17, do. . . ..31,. .do. .do. .24. Nova Scotian. . .do. ..Sop. . . .7,. .do. .Oct. .1. N. American. . , .do. . ,.14, .do. . .8. Hungarian . . . . . .‘21, Indium... . . . . ., North Briton. . . .do. .Oct. .,. . .4,. .do. .do. .29. Anglo Saxon. . . .19,.,._da._.Nov. 5 Nova. Scotian. . .do. .,. .19,. .do..,do. .12. N. American. do. .,. 16..,.du. .do.. .19 - -. ,» ".K‘Md, « .s‘im .3' Win: 5.: PHONOGRAPHYJI on. I .' ' I} WRITING BY. SOUND“; " " . ,. ,, ., ~ ARPEN'l‘ER-SiaiidfBuilderssave your Timsmid...Money by' gotriii‘g’wour’Fï¬OOIhiNG» , V Y , "led ISAAC I’Ionedi Tongued and Grooved at'HARRlSONS’ Pinning Mills. ~ « ho 1‘11 MAN. 01 Bath, Lnglaiid, In the vear‘ . s T . . - . . 1837 ' it is the most simple. mostnatui’al" "most Carpenters save your MOMF by geltl'lg'ym" SIDLIRG Pinned at Hamsomr ‘H'lmlg‘ 'Miï¬" rapid, and incur easiiyvlearned systeiii‘ot' Writ- Builders and others anoint: PLNNEUBO'ARDS Will .Have' money by god“? them hand: ing which has ever been, Or ever can be iii- attl‘larrisous"l’ltniiiiig Mills, . . Vemed, ' i All parties in warn‘tbf VW‘elI-seaisonedPinned FLOORING‘and SIDEINvaiII‘mi-z did“? by . During the past fifteen years, hundreds of purchasing it at Hamsouss planing Mins’ I M“? mousalms 0' persons’ In England and Almi- "I‘o Farmers and others.â€"-â€"’1f you want a'Good, Cheap‘ and Tight .Roof‘ punchâ€! y'a. . ' tl'rd" .I‘i'. - .. . . . .. igcxjjjgbliflglljflgi,21$; gillgatl:0:]:a1m2‘izfliztjzfi &, SIIINGLLS. (which are superior to all others,) at I‘Iari-fï¬ons' Planing Mills.- flnd bus-“1953 1011913 annually Pass through 113’ ALL VVURK WARRANTED equal to hand'Work, andexecuted with dispatch," ‘ ‘ :- thepostoflice _V . J‘. H A R R18 0 g. Nor is its great popularity to be wondered , at. The present system of writing is exCeed- PLANE: ROAD. ‘ : RICHMOND ‘ HILL...‘ ineg cumbersome, and totally unworthy these neg-‘31.. . .. SAVE, MONEY: H‘ONOGVRAPHY was iuve days of progress and invention. l’honographv is equally as legible, can be learned in one- ' , l, _ twentieth the time, and can be written six times Apnl' 1‘" 1839' usfust ! In other words, the labor of six days v , 3 ’" i Can be poiforiricd in oneâ€"one'mau can do the work of six! So simple is the system, too, that a person may learn to who it, slowly. in a coupio of hours. An hour’s daily piactice tor a few weeks will enable (my person to write l’litiiiogiapliv wi'h certainty. and with some. degree of i'xeedoni. The same amount of practice continued for six months will on- ahlo a person to take reports of speeches, loc- i would respectfully intimate to his fi'ienidsand citatioan .: a oils 1 (111117. SUBSCRIBER the arrival of his ,. . )‘q . I, .I ‘ mres’ wmwns‘ or conversation. and h read it Inchliaviug ptiichased pirsonally in the British Markets, he is confidth that the them “111) accuracy. _ 'btyle‘and Qualities are such as to meet the requirements of the public; andfltlt. Dr. J. W. Stone. of Boston. says: ‘ l deem principle in which his business Is conduct-ed. viz : Small Profits and for Coshl'Only, EIWHUEWPI')‘ 3“ )“Vi‘lual’le adjunct {0 edl‘ca- Carma: fail to secure that patronage which are attendant on the sale of Cheap and. ion, and one Wlitcli, when acquired In yo nth, . d , d“ would not be parted with in manhood for them (700 '(JOO g r . . - sands of dollars †"‘ ‘ ) 41 I“ I. 4‘ i The late lion. 'I’Hos. ll. BENTON, upon be- [‘LV" Iig presented with a verbatim report of one of W I“ 11" {Ulln‘l remarkany Cheap. ' his ma~te Iy speeches, taken by a little bov ~ ‘ - only twelve years oi'age. said : “ Hull this mil- ' ~ - [Seen know/It 41Iy2516‘I'5 ago it would luwesorctl me “711] be found to contain the newest gorids in Dresses, Shawls. Maiitlcs,,1’tibbon,.&c.. ' iycm‘s mm! It or.†The learned senator - ' ' spoke btit a portion of die truth. What lung- hand requires six years to accomplish, Puono- IVOW Opt‘ti, Is now replete With the newest styles Of Bonnets, 81¢. . ' grapliy will pcri'oi'iii in one. I . ' 'I'o Clw‘vynwn- Edrors. Physicians. Law- Dress Making by Experienced Artistes. yers, Secretaries, Convevniicers, Law and Me- .1, ' ' , Students, Lecturers, Printers, School his SIOCII COtnpi'is‘t’S the following , 'l'euchers, Mcichaiiis, School Boys and Girls, I ' ' W - a knowledge oi'l’lioiiograpliy is oi'vast utility.â€"- ' 'V ‘ Iii fact there is no proIeSsIOII or calling in which W‘ . I It is not useful and no young man’s education ‘i 9 9 ’ ' cahrhftnlilgetfll(011311:6:333:10?tt-d d f DRESS Goons.-â€"-F|ouriced Robesâ€"one llourice, Flounced ,Robesétwo flounces. . is I s i r s . . . _ i _ .I . ,. . perm,†{i‘u Calmda. up we“. paws: i: “,2 Printed Balzerincs, Plain Bareges, Fancy Bart-gas, Plain French DeLaIues, Fancy- ~ ’ , s - w . . , . . .-. . ‘ " haven“,qu me Aâ€, from many,“ whoâ€, French DeLaiiics, Checked Shawllies, French 'IIVIIIs, Milroy ,bII'IPBS,‘FIOUIICC& the sub-‘ci‘iber has received neatly-written Silk Dresses. Itancy Silk l’ophns, I’lymalaya Lustres. , jjllï¬ilg‘gmptllpc {letter-“v (:XIH‘GETIVG 0111163, de' MANILEs.â€"â€" M ixin Tweed Talmas, Summer Cloth ‘l‘almas. Scindia Tabpas, g I o a ninmeu , on Io ox raor inary , w I , -. . . . I w . V . . t , . v ' , ' e M, with which the}, have acquired 1." Black Glase Talmas, Rich I‘Irilled Mantles, 1 heflUnion I alma Mantle, liffany Mantles. Forum[ml-pose“aiding,â€thedmsenï¬naï¬on BONNETsnâ€"tuolorcd Mixture Bonnets, (Irev Broad Bonnets, Indented Litton; of so llliPUII'ltillL'a. reform in his own country, Bonnets. Black Broad Bonnets, Broad lindenicd Broad Bonnets, Girls" and. Maids.‘ the hubscttbh‘i'is now prepared to piiiiply 21†Intlcnted Hats, Tuscan Bonnets, Rice Broad Bonnets, \Vhite Lechorn. Bonnets, who apply,\vith tho MANUALOF luosoona- F; B. t , T p, d C-‘I T I f ,4 d (cs-.12?) , d PHY’ and the PHONOGRAPHIC COPY “00K, sent tIl’lCY 011118 3, In all b all 111 S USLJII 1115, n all-b an J11 5. Bron ‘1‘.' b; mail to any part of the I’rovinoe.’ postage BOYS, Brow†Bmml HMS' pie-paid. for the small sum of 11? ONE HOSIERY.â€"â€" Women’s Cotton Hosiery, \Vomen’s Merino Hosiery, Men’s Cotton UULLAR‘LEU Socks, Men’s Merino Socks, Children‘s Cotton Hosiery, Girls" Cotton Hosiery, Boys’ Cotton Hosiery. ’ ‘ Anybody and everybody, who can learn any- thing, can learn l’IiosoGItAPHY from the MA- , ., . _ N T . , . . NUAL, without other assistance. “ Alexandre s Celebrated Ii roach Kid Gloves, Horrock’s Vi bite Shirtng Cotton, l'llipse who wish to be able to put their Cheap, Linen Lawn Pocket Handkerchiefs, \Vilcox 8L Co’s. Celebrated Expansion WOWâ€? “3 WW†.al ““lfale “f {mm 1'00 ‘0 Skeleton Skirts, Improved Cane and Whalebone Hoops, Ribbons, Laces, Para‘soll. 200 weids ' per minute, should send for the . . y - -. ~. . r, - - 7 ~ y \ - bowed Goods, Stays, V cilspbawls, Shootings, Iahle Linens, I\apkiiis, lowellings, 8%,, above-mentioned works at once. , I Sales made for Cash Only, and no second price. The instruction given by the Manual is as JOHN CHARLESWORTH, . plain as A. B. C., and ten times as easy to understand. 8:? 41 King Street west, next to Beckett’s Drugg is!» - [D The "CANADIAN PHONETIC PION- EER †is a Monthly Journal, devoted to the advocacy of the Reform. Price 25 cents per 1111111111]. Address, (pos t-paid) WILLIAM II. ORR, Oshawa. C. W. NOTICE. PI’LICA'l‘lON will be made to the Muni- _ cipal Council of the Township at Vaughan, on the 2nd day of May next, for a By-Iawtoestablish a Road. Firstly: across the North East corner of Lot No. 10,111 the 8th concession of the said townshipâ€"from the concession line in front of the said lot to the northern limit thereof, upon, or nearly upon, the Road as now travelled acress the said corner; secondly, across Lots 11, 12 and 13 in the some concession upon the line of Road as now travelled from the southern limits of Lot No 11, to the Ct)llt;6~51011 line in, front of Lot No. 13. and which Road passes by Mr. Sha- ver s Mill. , . GEORGE J. F. PEARCE, Township Clerk, Vaughan, April 1, 1859. 19-4 FOR SALE, Toronto, April, 1859. _ . ‘ i V V M. LEISHMAN, , No.81, King Street East, next door to the “Colonistâ€.ollice, has received his. New Stock of " S'TA'iS'LE AND FANCY DRY‘GOODS! Comprismg all the ‘ NOVELTIES OFIN'I‘HE SEASON i: ‘ _BONNETS, HOSIERY AND GLOVE , ,SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, SHAWL-‘8, naANTLEs, we 93"“ Sales made for Cash, and no Second Price. " M. LEISH’MAN, No. 81, King St. next door east to the Colonist 03100.. 20-3m S, A Desirable Family Residence, l'l‘UA'l‘El) in the Village of Thornhill, and adjoining St. John Street, (commoan called the Plank Road). being part0 Lot Nd. 31), within a short distance of Yonge Street,â€" coutainiug four bed-rooms, sitting-room and kitchen : with a good Stable for 2 horses, Wood shed and other useful out-buildings. with yaid. guide†and a good well of water, and containing about half an acre of land. For further particulars apply to the Proprie tor on the premises. SAMUEL LEMON. Tliornhill, April 15, 1859. 2041' Toronto, April, 1859. N! MILLINERY. s. ‘ » . MW, MW. v""'wwvu WVMN G. A. BARNARD, ‘ ‘ Begs to announce to his Customers and the Public that he will open on Wednesday, the 13th inst, in connexion with his General Sinck,'a Illlll liilll‘llillT 11 111111111 ii 11111111111111. Which will be found unusually low. Having engaged an experienced: Milliner he will-be prepared to make to order in the most fashionable style. BONNETS, MANTLES, CAPES, And every description of MILLINERY, with Neatness, Taste and: Despatch, and trusts by strict attention to this department andtnoderatoa charges to merit the patronage of the surrounding vicinity. ' " w. _. --53: sew LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, No. 644, B, EE'I‘S at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL ‘ Victoria Square, the last Friday even- each month. “ï¬e Paris, L011C1011“& New York Fashions received monthly. (3%: Call & examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. 433 ing in i G. A. BARNARD. OFFICE-RS ELECT 3 THOMAS SNOVVDEN. IIIastcr. JAMES NEAL. Deputy. JOHN GAULEY. Treasurer. JOllN BUTTON. Secretary. Victoria Square, May 7. 1858. W Richmond Victoria, IOYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 778. _J meets at Brother Robert VVisernan’s. Masonic Hall, the ï¬rst Friday evening after the Full Moon in each month. OFFICERS lCI.I;(;i‘-«â€"Colonel D. Bridgl‘ord, Master . R. Wisenian. Deputy Master; John Munholland, Secretary ; W. Pogue, Treasurer Januarv 21. 1858. t33 Richmond Hill, April 8, .1859. 19-11†BOOTS AND SHOES! Two Doors North of G. A. BARNARD’S Richmond Hill. i __ .0. .._.._.s.._.._._._,‘.__.__.__....... .-_. rooms DOLMAGE Would respectfully inform the Public‘that :ho is prepared to make to order 1111111 1111111111111 111 1111111 11111111111111. . - 111‘ LEE LOWEST REMUNERA'I‘iNG PRICES. . _ All 0rd 91's executed with Neat'ness and ‘Dcspatch... ALL \VORK VVARRAN'I‘ED. a. summit, of the 7,}, cmmession of Richmond Hill, March 18. 1859. ‘ Vaughan, near Klineburgb, guarrantees ’ ‘ “ ‘ TO LET, S ‘4, W0 COMMODIOUS TENEMENTSI “ E Subscriber wishes to inform adapted for Shops. situated in the most i r H 31 and commanding part of the Village; 1: F ‘ ., each containing Brooms, good cellar, garden. . Mmeâ€, btorekpepers and Others. and other conveniences ; well suited tor Mil- that 118 has now fl", hand a large (rift-"ti in? liners, Tailors, 'I‘iu_‘SmithhSnddlers, or Shoe :Perli’raAPhBUCKLTD. which he ll ul ing‘ . o are e. l' to I mar“ 1": elat." . . . Shops t 110'. N0. 211d blarhhgm. bv Ga‘A. BARNARD- " ' letter. pro-paid. to Buttoavlll‘e P. 0. 91.6 Richmond mu, hay. 20. 1w. 8-»! can...†is, 1939, To the Sick and Dyina. ii to cure Cancers, Enlarged Necks, And many other Diseases. Persons laboring under either ofthe above mentioned Diseases, can" will do well to call in time, All letters to be paid, and addressed, to PETER SNIDER. Klinebui-gh. N. B. NOV CURE, NO. PAY. August 6. 1:858. 154: “-m.--“ ._ -. flux P B‘UCKET'S. ,.. ,iz-o