Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 20 May 1859, p. 1

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"-‘e 7" . r literature. sewn-w" r. r a /. ._____..~_m JUDGE NOT! I! Autumn ANNE macros! __ Judge not : the workings of his brain, And of his heart thou can’st not see ; What looks to thy dim eyes e. stain. In God’s pure light may only be A scar, brought from some well-won field, Where thou would’s only faint and yieid. The look, the air, that frets thy sight. May be a token. that below The soul has closed in deadly fight Vv’ith some infernal fiery foe, Whose glance would scorch thy smiling grace, And cast thee shuddering on thy face I The fall thou darest to despiseâ€" Mny be the slackened angel’s hand Hts suffered it, that he may rise And take q firmer. surer stand ; Or. tnustinglessto earthly things. My henceforth learn to use his wings. And judge none lost, but wait, and see, With hopeful pity, not disdain ; The depth of the abyss may be The measure of the height of pain, And love and glory that may raise, This soul to God in after days 2 _.__..~......._..~:, .,_, rm OCEOLA: m- A ROMANCEâ€"BY CAPT. M. REID. -â€"____. ( Continued.) The whole scene had the semâ€" lblance of a dream. So sudden had been the change of events, I could scarcely give creditto my senses, and believe ita reality. But the moment before, the criminal lay bound and helpless, beside him the pile upon which he was to be burnt -â€"-now was he swimming far and free, his cxecutioners a hopeless dis- tance behind him. Rapid had been the transformationâ€"sit hardly ap- peared real. Nevertheless, it was realâ€"it was before the eyes. A long time, too, before oureycs. A chase in the water is a very dif- ferent affair from a pursuit: on dry land; and, notwithstanding there was life and death on the issue, slow was the progress both of porn sucrs and pursued. For nearly half an hour we who remained upon the shore continued spectators of this singular contest. The frenzy ofthc first moments had passed away; but there was sufficient interest to sustain a strong excitement to the last; and some continued to shout and gcsliculutc, though neither their cries nor lotions could in anywisc influence the result. No words of en~ couragcment could have increased the speed of the pursucrs; no threats were needed to urge for- ward the fugitive. We who remained inactive had time enough to reflect; and upon reflection, it became apparent why the runaway had taken to the wa- ter. Had he attempted to escape by the fields, he would have been pulled down by the dogs, or else ‘-" : “It Search SCARBORO’, YORK, MARKHA WJmN\/V Some such crisis were they ex- pecting; and it could not be distant. for the mulatto was now close into the edge of the island; a few strokes would bring him to the shore, he was swimming under the black shadows of the treesâ€"it seemed as if the branches were over his head â€"-as if he might have thrown up his hands and clutched them. The main body of his V pursuers was still fifty yards in his rear ; but some, who had forged ahead of the rest. were within half that distance. From where we viewed them, they seemed far ncarcr ; in fact, it was easy to fancy that they were swim- ming alongside, and could have laid hands on him at any mmncnt. The crisis was approaching. but not that which Was looked for. The pursuit was destined to a far different ending from that anticipa- tcd either by spectatorsor pursucrs. The pursued himself little dreamed of the doom that was so nearâ€"a doom awfully appropriate. The swimmer was cleaving his way across the belt of black sha- dow ; we expected next moment to see him cuter among the trees, when all at once he was seen to turn side towards us, anti direct his course along the edge of the island! Vv'c observed this manmuvrc with Some astonishment~ we could not account for it; it was clearly to the advantage of his pursurcrs, who now swam in a diagonal line to interâ€" cept him. What could be his motive? Had he failed to find a landingâ€"place? Even so, he might have clutched the branches, and by that means drawn himself ashore? Ila! our conjectures arc answer- ed ; yonder is the answer ; yonder brown log that floats on the black water is not the trunk ofa dead tree. It is not dead; it has life and mo- tion. Sec ! it assumes a formâ€"the form of the great sanrian, the hide- ous alligator! ' Its gaunt jaws are thrown up. its scollopcd tail is erect, its breast alone rests upon the water. On this as a inot it spins round and round, brandisl‘iing its tail in the air, and at intervals lashing the spray aloft. Its bellowing is echoed back from the dis‘nnt shores ; the lake vib- rates under tlze hoarse barytonc, the overtaken by swift runners (m. wood-birds flutter and crv, and the . ’ l' l ‘ : - . there were many swrftcr than he. mm" crane mounts semammg “no There were few better swimmers, however. and he know it. For this reason. then, had he preferred the water to the woods, and certainly his chances of escape seemed bcttcr. After all. he could not escape. The island for which he Was makâ€" ing was about half a mile from the shore ; but beyond was a stretch of clearwater of more than a mile in width. He would arrive at the is- land bcforc any of his pursucrs ; but what then? Did he purpose to remain there, in hopes of conceiling himselfamong the bushes? Its sur- face of several acres was covered with a thick growth of large trees. So'ue stood close by the shore, their branches draped with silvery rill- andsia, overhanging the water. But what of this? There might have been cover enough to have given shelter to a bear or a hunted wolf, but not to a hunted manâ€"not vto aslave who had drawn the knife upon his master. No, no. Every inch of the thicket would be search- ed : to escape by concealing himself, he might not. Perhaps he only meant to use the islandas a resting-place ; and, after the air. The spccrators stand aghast ; the pursucrs have poised themselves in the water, and advance no fur- ther. One Solitary swimmer is soon struggling on; it is he who swims for his life. It is upon him the eyes of the al- ligator are fixed. Why upon him more than the others? "lhcv are all equally near. Is it the hand of God who takes vengeance? ' Another rcvolution,another sweep of its strong tail, and the huge rcp- tilc rushes upon its victim. I have forgotten his crimesâ€"ml almost sympathise Willi him. Is there no hope of his escape? See! he has grasped the branch of a live-oak; he is endeavouring to lift himselfupâ€" above the water-~- abovc the danger. Heaven streng- then his arms! Ah, be will be too late; already, the jaws. That crash? The branch has broken! He sinks back to the surfaceâ€"be- low it. He is out of sightâ€"ho has gone to the bottom! and'aftcr him, open-mouthed and eager, darts the gigantic lizard. Both havedisap- breathing himself, take once more to the water, and swim on for the «oppoSite shore. It was possible for . a strong swimmer to reach it ; but it would not be possible for him. There were skills and pirogues upon the river, both up and down. Men had already gone after them ; and, long before he could work his way across that wide reach, half-a-dozen keels would be cutting after him. No, noâ€"he could not ‘ escape. : '«etther upon the island, or in the water beyond, he would be captured. Thus reasoned the spectators, as they stood watching the pursuit. .The exoitement rose higher as iIhC swimmers neared the island. It is always so at the approach of a ‘lci‘isis ; and a crisis was near, though rno't’such a one as the spectators an- ticipated. They looked to see the runaway reach the island, mount up the bank, and disappear among the 'j‘t‘rees; They looked to see his pur- ‘ fishers climb out close upon his heels, and perhaps hear of his capture be- fore he eculd cross through the tim- ber, and take to the water on the other side. pearc'l from our view. The froth floats like a blanket upon the waves, clouting the leaves on the broken branch. , We watch with eager eyes. Not a ripple escapes unnotcd; but no new movement stirs the surface, no motion is observed, no form comesi he rather {cared me_ up; and the waves soon flatten over the spot Beyond a doubt, the reptile has finished its work. Whose work! Was it the hand of God who took vengeance? So they are saying around me. The pursucrs have faced back, and are swimming towarls us. None cares to trust himself under the black shadows of these island oaks. They will have a long swim beforcthey can reach the shore, and , and t m , VAUGHAN, KING. “ Let Sound Reason weigh more with us than Popular Opinion.” medâ€"are now carried to the island. They go to continue the searchâ€"- for there is still some doubt as to the fate of the runaway. They landâ€"~the dogs are sent through the bushes, while the men glide round the edge to the scene of the struggle. They find no track or trace upon the shore. But there is one upon the water. Some froth still floatsâ€"there is a tinge of carmine upon itaâ€"bcyond a doubt it is the blood of the mulalto. ‘All right, boys !’ cries a rough fellow ; ‘ that's blueskin’s blood I’ll sartify. He‘s gone under an’ no mistake. Durn thc varmintl it’s clean spoilt our sport.‘ The jest is received with shouts of boisterous laughter. In such a spirit talked the man- huntcrs, as they returned from the chase. CHAPTER XIV. niNCGOLD’s nizvnnon. Only the ruder spirits indulged in this ill-timed levity ; others of more refined nature regarded the incident with due solcmnityâ€"â€"somc even with a feeling of awe. Certainly it seemed as if the hand of God had interposed, so ap- propriutc had been the punishment-â€" almost as ifthc criminal had per- ished by his own contrivancc. It was an awful death, but far less hard to endure than that which had been decreed by man. The Almighty had been more mercrfnl; and in thus mitigating the punish- ment of the guilty wretch, had re- buked his human judges. -'lf-' a: 4‘5 =l€ fit all: I looked around for the young in- dian : I was gratificdto find he was no longer among the crowd. Iâ€"lis quarrel with Ringgold had been broken off abruptly. I had fears that it was not yet ended. His words had irritated some of the white men, and it was thrtmgli his being there, the criminal had found the opportunity to get off. No doubt,had the latter finally escaped, there would have been more of it; and even as matters stood, Iwas not without apprehensions about the safety of the bold halfblood. He was not upon his own groundâ€"~the other side of the river was the In- st. RICHMOND HILL, FREDAY, MAY $0, {859. arm that away 7.’ . saddle.’ ‘ The old hunter did as desired; and after exchanging another word lor two, I rode off in the up-river ,‘dit‘ection. 3 Up the river was a'ferry ; and at its landing it was most likely the lyoung Indian had left his canoe. In : that direction,thcrefore, he should go ’to get back to his home, and in that direction Ringgold should not go to return to his, for the path to the Ringgold plantation led in a ‘course altogether opposite. Hence 'thc suspicion that occurred to me 'on hearing that the latter had gone up the river. At such a time it did not look well, and in such company. still worse ; forI recognised in the names that Hickman had mentioned, two of the most worthless boys in the settlement. I knew them to be associates, or rather creatures, of Ringgold. My suspicion was that they had gone after the Indian, and of course with an ill intent. It was harlly a conjecture ; I Was almost sure of it ; and as I advanced along the river-road, l became confirmed in the belief. I saw the tracks of their horses along the path that led to the ferry, and now and again I could make out the print of the In- dian moccasin where it left its wet mark in the dust. I knew that his dress had not yet dried upon him, and the moccasins would still be saturated with water. I put the old horse to his speedâ€"â€" As I approached the landing, I could see no one.for there were trees all around it; but the conflict of angry voices proved that I had con- jectured aright. I did not stop to listen; but. urging my horse afresh. I rode on. At a bend of the road, I saw three horses tied to the trees. I knew they were those of Ringgold and his companions, but could not tell why they had left them. I stayed not to speculate, but gal- loped forward upon the ground. Just as I had anticipated, the three were thereâ€"the half-blood was in their hands! They had crept upon him una- waresâ€"that was whv their horses had been left behind-41nd caught him dian territory ; and therefore he just RShO was about stepping mm his AN ACT TO REPEAL THE ‘0 yes; only help me into the WEARING 0F HOOPS, CR1- NOLINES, doc, W'hereas it has become necessary and expedient for divers cogent reasons hereinafter set forth and fully shown, that certain Customs relating to Crinolin: and other arti- cles of Female Dress should be re- gulated and reformed by Special Act, be it therefore enacted by and with the approbation of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal. and Com- mons, in this present Parliament as- sembled, and by authority of the same as follows : 1. From and after the respective Times herein after appointed, the {certain Potential, Rights, Powers, ‘Claims, &.c. held by the Female |SCX, by Virtue of which they have chosen the pattern and configuration and determined the shape and di- mensions of their exterior habili- ments, shall respectively cease and determine, and shall be, and the same is hereby repealed. II. That from and after the pass- ing of this, Act no female shall, un- der any pretence whatever, wear or immerse herself in a certain pro- truding Skeleton, Grating or Grid- iron pattern Under Skirt, nor any other anatomically-formed frame- work, which shall be in diameter more than two yards, whether the same be made or fashioned out of Steel, Whalebone, Cane, Cord, VVicker-work. Cat-gut, Indian-rub ber, Gutta Percha, Wood, or any other material, fabric or substance, whether screwed together or fitted with hinges for the purpose of fold- ing or decreasing the dcrncnsions thereof, nor shall the same be con- tractible or collapsible in any man- ner of form, whether the same shall be made after the pattern of an um- brella, or with radiating spikes, lead- ers, ribs, connexions, strings or framing whatsoever, or any other complex machinery, by means of which the same may be drawn together, for the purpose of making way or facilitating the transit or passage room for any person or‘ persons in the Public Streets, Parks, Bridges, Churches, Theatres, Door- ways, Public Vehicles, Steam Ves- scls, or Private Apartment hereto- fore incommoded by reason of the might be deemed an intruder.â€" Truc, we were at peace with the Indians ; but for all that. there was enough of hostile feeling between the two races. Old wounds re- ceived in the war of 1818 still ranklcd. I knew Iinggold”s resentful char- acter he had been humiliated in the eyes of his companions; for, during the short scuffle, the half-blood had had the best of it. Ringgold would not be content to let it dropâ€"he would seek revenge. l was glad,thcrcforc,on perceiving that the Indian had gone away from the ground. Perhaps he had himself become apprehensive of danger, and recrosscd the river.â€" There he would be safe from pursmt. Even Ringgold dared not follow him to the other side, for the treaty laws could not have been outraged with impunity. The most reckless of the squatters knew this. An In- dian war would have been provoked, the supreme government, though not ovcr-scrugmlous, had other Views at the time. I was turning to proceed home- ward, when it occurred to me that Iwould accost Ringgold, and signify to him my disapproval’of his conduct. I was indignant at the manner in which he had actedâ€"â€"just angry enough to speak my mind. l’tinggold was older than myself, him. On the contrary, I knew that The insult he had offered to one who, but the hour lbcforo, had risked his life for us, had sufficiently roused my blood, and I was determined torcproach him for it. \Vith this intention, I turned back to the crowd to look for him. He was not there. Have you seen Arens Ringgold 'I’ I enquired ofold Hickman. ‘ Yesâ€"jest gone,’ Was the reply. ‘In what direction '2’ ‘ Up river. some of them will scarcely accom- plish it. . They are in danger; but no, yonder come the skiffs and piro- goes, that will soon pick them up. I They have seenr’the boats, and for, waiting their approach. =They are taken in, one after an- 1 other ; and allfiboth dogs and Georgy. boy, you can’t ride wi. your ’pecred.’ ‘ A painful suspicion flashed across my mind. . I ‘ Hickman,’ I asked, ‘will you swrm slowly, or float upon the \va- lend me your horse for an hourrp " My old critter? Sartint sure ‘will But : a day, if you wants him. canoe. He was unarmedâ€"for the collisions and casualties caused ‘ M7 4 he s 1‘ of 9’ ’ f 'I if I a i I" " A _ F, , f “I . J «a A, r .579, , r“ 'r'7 f u “I\*:" ' . r )1 ‘txl . } kt .. it)? ~ v ' E: “fol ' . , a . ‘ r i were “wit u firm-“V “an. o “Wynn {vi 'X’nww'fit r. of“ xi“ i "‘ “I AND WHITCHURCH ADVERTISER. W/v and practised. VII. Provided always any female who may have in hcr‘possession prior to the passing of this Act, any Frames, Rope Ladders. Skeletons, Gratings, or W'icker-work, or other Machinery, shall be at liberty, with the consent of her nearest relative, to deposite the same at any of the Metropolitan Police Courts, Sta~ tions, or Workhouses, that the same may be distributed to and be used by the poor as Fire-guards, Door- mats, Bird-cages, or Clothes’diagS, such poor persons to whom they shall be given being furnished with the particulars of the trifling alter- ations required to produce, and transmogrify them into the articles named. and the Petticoats or Under skirt may be applied to Agricultural purposes by tearing the same into ribbons for the scaring of Birds, or presented to the Shoe Black Bri- gade. VIII. That it shall not be lawful for any female under sixteen or over forty to wear any b0ots with mili- tary or high heels, which shall ex- ceed in height three inches, nor any Boots made of Buffalo or Cow-hide ; nor any Boots with Brass or Ger- man silver Eyelct-holes, nor any Boots with Leather laces, or Black Boots with pink, red, blue, or green binding, nor any Boots which for color or configuration, shall draw the attention of the passengers either to the large sized or expen- sively elegantly shaped foot of the wearer, under a penalty of Ten Shillings, the same to be earned at the Wash-tub in a Laundry, at the usual rate of payment ; which fine may be remitted by the nearest Police Magistrate, provided the of- fender have a bonajide offer of mar- riage while so employed. IX. That from and after the pass- ing of this Act, any female, whether married or single, above the age of ten years, who shall wear or cause to be worn any Bonnet which shall be more than ten inches off the foreâ€"head, or pinned on the back hair, or the curtain of which shall sit or rest on the back of the neck, or shall be fastened on by stccl springs or otherwise, so as to sit entirely behind the Ears, shall in. our the same penalty as provided in sec. 8. the express provisions of the Act, and the same shall be duly observed commandment. 0 ~- performance of his dulyâ€"partly for the foregoing reasons, but mainly because it is a; direct infraction of the golden rule. Sup- pose, for instance, that your next neighbor is asleep; by you sunning, he will be dis. lurbcd, probably awakened. This, you, perceive, is not doing to others as you 'would that they should do to you. 3. I deem it uncbristian to sleep will! the bead thrown back and the moth wide open. It is wrong to. injure one’s. health while offering worship :, and all physicians admit that such posrtion is liable to produce sore throat and hoarscness. Besides, flies sometimes getginto the mouth: on such occasions, and by their injudtcious explorations, tickle the delicate mem- brancs and cause horrible sternufations and coughings, which, I am told, are very injurious to health. , 4«. To Sleep with the bead resting on the arms of the worshipper, and the. face buried up in the cuffs of the coat. is a most improper way of offering sleep-worship. First,because it is als.) injurous to health, and is altogether a very unsafe way of performing the duty; and second, because it is a sinâ€"a direct violation ofthe Scripâ€" tures,"ivliich commands us to let our light shine, that men may profit by our example. In this case it is impossible to know whether the Christian worshipper is asleep or awake. It IS a positive case of luke- other. My cogitalions have well nigh exhausted the subject. Let me than say, that the only truly pious way of performing the im- portant duty of sleeping in church is, to sit bolt upright, with the face to the minister, eschewing, nodding snoring, and (IClll'eSSr'. ions oftlie bead. That this is the true way, appears from»; the fact that the minister is strongthnedl labours are not in vain, seeing they have- prodnced so marked an effect. And just here, Mr. Editor, if I was not afraid of giving offence to our clergy, I would say, that when a minister finds himself in a pul- pit with rather a slim sermon, it must be a source ofgreat consolation to him to see his congregation asleep. I mean no re- llection on ministers. Now, Christian brethren Willi long necks object to this mode of worship hem cause of their inability to maintain their- head erect when the will is lost in sleep.. I admit the force ofthis objectionâ€"lam deed have felt the evil myself, and hence it appears that some apparatus for the sup-. port of the head, such as the barbers have: on the backs of their chairs, might be fix- ed on the pews. Those aids of worship. might be movable, fastening on the pew- with a clamp ; and when one worsliiner is. through his devotions, the machine mightE he slid along to another. W hen the seré vice is ended, the sleeping Christian could take his Bible and l‘sabn book under one arm, this little aid to devotion under the other, and trend his way home, well satis- fied that he has performed his duty in a plain, worthy and decent manner. EXPERIMENTS WITH CAPT- NORTON’S LIQUID SHELLS. m... Nor is it proper to more in tlie‘ warmness ; neither the one thing nor the! I and encouraged by the evidence that his; ‘ . thereby, under a Penalty of Twenty The messenger, which he calls a. . See ’im gallop Off Wi’ Bill Williams an’ Ned Spence â€"-â€"desprit keen upon somethin’ they rifle I had given him was still wet, and the mulatto had made away with his knifeâ€"410 could offer no resistance, and was therefore secured at once. They had been quick about it, for they had already stripped off his hunting-shirt, and tied him to a tree. They were just about to vent their spite upon himâ€"by flogging him on ' the bare back with cowhich which they carried in their hands. No doubtvtliev would have laid them on heavily, had I not arrived in time. ‘ Shame, Arcns Ringgold! shame!’ l’cried as I rode up. ‘This is cowardly, andl shall report it to the whole scttlement.’ Ringgold stammcred out some excuse, but was evidently staggered at my sudden appearance. "The durncd Injun dcsarvcs it,’ growled W'illiams. "For what, Master VVilIiams 7.’ I inquired. ‘For waggin’ hisjaws so imperent to white mcn.’ ' He’s got no business over herc,’ chimed in Spence; ‘he has no right to come this Side the river.’ ‘ And you have no right to flog him, whetheron this side or the othcrâ€"â€"no more than you have to flog me.” ‘ Ho, ho! That might be done too,’ - . a . Il 1 . a 'I' . and biggtzr ; but I was not afraid of 531d bPWCC 1“ a Snet‘lllg lone) film! set mv blood in a boil. ‘Not so easily,’ I cried. leaping from the old horse, and running for- ward upon tho ground. (To be continued.) A DANi)Y.â€"--â€"-'I‘ouching daudics, let us consider, with some' scien- tific strickness. what a dandy specially is. A dandy is a clothes wearing momma man whose trade, office, and existence consist in the wearing of clothes. wisely and well; so that, as others Carlyle. Burnic says his brother, who edits a He has had two new hats within the past three paper out West, doing first-rate. years. Every faculty of his soul, spirit, purse, and per- son is heroically consecrated to this one objectâ€"the wearing of clothes dress to live, he lives to dress.â€" Shillings for each time of offence, such sum to be earned by the offen- der, either at plain needlework, or ishirt-making, at the usual slope charges, at the discretion of any sitting Magistrate. Ill. That it. shall not be lawful forany Female above the age of Forty to wear, deck, or bedizen herself in any under skirt or petti- coat, the pattern of which shall be red and black striped, tub or barrel pattern, nor any other pattern ap~ preaching to chess ordraught board pattern, or any other pattern or colour, which shall be likely to cause the taking fright ofany Horse, Ox, or Ass, or shall be calculated to cause the unnecessary barking of Puppies, or draw forth the preco- cions remarks ofany small Boys, or Charity Girls of the present gener- ation. who cspy the same, although the same remarks may be gratuit- ously delivered. IV. That in any case where a female is a married woman, and under the age of fifty years, or has not been married thirty years and a new article of dress is required (the necessity of which new dress I shall be determined by her husband), a pattern or piece of the stuff shall be first obtained by her. or in case ofillncss, by some person duly auâ€" thorized by her, from the shop- keeper or person having the selling of the same, which pattern, together with a certificate stating the quan~ tity to be purchased and the price thereof, shall be submitted to the husband for approval, within t\vo days after the same shall have been so obtained, and the husband shall signify his approval of such pattern by a certificate whichshall be deliver- ed to the party selling such stuffs or materials at the time of such purv chase. V. That where an unmarried fe- male undcr the age of Thirty shall require new articles of dress, a cerâ€" tificate of either of the parents, of river of them shall be sufficient. VI. Provided always that any husband or father may purchase any article or articles of dress for his wife or daughter, or female relation, without any certificate, as long as X. Provided always that it shall be lawful for any female of common sense and discretion properly ae- t complished and of an average stati- dard of beauty to wear under cer- tain restrictions, (which she may herself determine), Large Cloaks, Hairy Dogskins Cloaks., or Bear Skin Mantlcs of Embroide Pcttb coats, (if the actual work of the Wearer) or neg Sun Shades, or Pink Stays, Coloured Stockings or Gloves, without any hindcrance or interference from any person or persons whatever. TIIE PROPER MANNEI’» SLEEPING IN CHURCH. OF Some vain persons have been so weak and wicked as to raise a question upon the merits of the caseâ€"~yea, they hare gone so far as to say, that sleeping in church, so far froth being a duty, is absolutely, and to all intents and purposes, a sin. They allege that the church Was built for the purpose of divine worship, and that it is an insult to our Creator to go to sleep in it. They further allege that it is dis- respectful to the speaker and to OUI'Sclf to do so. This is going a dreadful length, and it is only another instance of the radi- cal and extreme tendencies of the age. “find! that a slumâ€"which has existed in the church since the days of the apostles themselves lâ€"ei'cn under Paul’s preaching! You remember the striking example of that worthy young man, Eutychus. A sin, indeed! It is not a sensible act in me to waste time and arguments upon such cavilicrs. The uniform practice of the church, (especially on warm afternoons,) for eighteen hundred years in decisive. Assuming, them that it is a duly, let us consider the manner of performing it. I hold that, like all other Christian practices, there ought to be uniformity in the manâ€" ner. \Ne find it it in all the other parts of worship, 1'. c., all sit while the sermon is being deliveredâ€"all stand or all kneel while the prayer is being offered; why then should those who are engaged in of fering up sleep-worship not conform to some one attitude 1 1. It is an improper manner ofpcrform. ing this duty to 720d, and from the plain If there be only OUC Parent, the SUT‘W ison that the worshipper attracts too Ill ich attention. Now we are every~ where taught to avoid ostentatious display in our worship. The Pharisees were conâ€" demned for praying at the corner ofthc streets, that they might be seen of men. On the same principle the nodding wor- liquid firebrand, is to be used for the purpose of setting fire to build- ings at long distances off, blowing up powder magazines, and destroyâ€" ing aflcet at sea by setting fire to each individual ship. The missile consists of a spherical-shaped piece of soft Wood ofabout six inches in length, or generally a little more . than three diameters of the bore of the rifle, or cannon used in dischar- ging it. Before proceeding with the experiments Captain Norton ex- plained that by using shells or brand: of soft woodâ€"pine, for instanceâ€"â€" the shell part itself becomes in- cendiary, as well as its charge, which is ofthc utmost importance, as in ordinary shells the outside inctcl takes no part in the confin- gration. which it rather retards, whilst in the new missile all is fire, because the inflammable compound with which the shell is charged is- imbibed by the pores of the wood. In order to demonstrate the case- Willl which a vessel of war might be set on fire by means of her sails, Captain Norton had a quantity of canvas sacking hunrr about on poles to represent the sails of a ship. He then charged one ofthc cases, or wooden shells, with a portion of his liquid fire, and immediately after- wards discharged the brand at the sucking. The instant the missile struck the canvas the shell began to burn, and communicated the flames to the canvas, the whole continued. to burn furiously for a quarter ofan. hour. One grand advantage ofthis invention is that these spherical shots, after being charged with the liquid fire, may be discharged from an ordinary cannon. They are. also most Valuable {for blowing up. ammunition waggons, as it Is a thing almost impossible fos thorn to. miss setting on fire the object they strike, ordinary shells not being al- ways to be depended on for this, purpose. Wâ€"â€" Lord John Russell, by the numu. ber of Administrations which he. has succeeded in overthrowing,has. secured for himself a name in. [2-1 is» lory. It is that of Jack the Cabineti onsh purchase be consistent with Ship" l3 mildew“: for be Is making Killer.~â€"Punclz.. too public a display of his (letriffikfris“:ii'.w'fllllill Those in his immeditate vicinity, instead ,, 4 of atending to their own worship, aretosfl" in admiration of the profound state. ini which his devotional meditations bane-r... placed him. Peradventure they may envy his condition, and thereby break the tenth?" v I r i

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