Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 27 May 1859, p. 2

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LORD DERBY’S DlPLUMACY. From the Norfolk.,News, England. Enry day this week the telegraph has sia. France,‘ and Sardinia would be found the Messrs. Armstrong, Smellie, : in accord. on. European affairs, and Eng- iV- Hairls‘m, Dielisoni Marsh 1 land would; lie isolatrd. Russia would Mm”, Ed W' Si’ndemoni “7- 53““ doubtless have its‘price in Turkey, per- II , ‘lstJohnBarkey.............. derson, trench, Palmer, and in- Qud Juhn Bn,don_I__III . I 1 MATCIIEU SPAN 0F CARRIAGE HORSES IN liARl‘iEbS. 606 300 THE m't‘ anoint-1'..- ..*., "var, i. .7. .i .. QUEEN’S C ELEB RA'l‘ION AT MOND HILL. cept in two cases, in which a small ’rcduction took place. rm“ . ,, t .‘I i . , 2 i * > ‘ ~ r a “Molnar? ~ ' ' 2nd ward, I and were eight iii Iabl‘v the sight of so many thousuua‘fn'a RICH, number. soldiers inn-d strike dismay into the heart at the llltndteds of volunteers who were flocking to the aid of b‘ardiiria, and who will tear that their offers Will be [weigh No alterations were made, ex- d“C(l‘ a“ lhe exmbimrsl bOllI'l suc' 3rd Robert Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 cessful and unsuccessful, Wlll ap- hrought us intelligence from tlle Continent with a shrug of the shoulders. 'In spit! It is said that the brightest gem I I I I I at all iitistrust and i‘i‘i’i‘sgivmg, however, it in a Monarcli's crown is the al‘l'ec- hops in Hungary. France will becom- The Council then adjourned till of the utmost interest, but varied and per lexin in its nature and sometimes trite lmmrid In “My onetime mum“ 1" h preamp “'0 Value “f these remarks' MAN DRAUGH; Vltlgmbis 1N “AR lion and loyalty of the subjects over Mondd'l’ “H mm dd) 1 June “Chow” “"5 l‘a'mm'“ be “1‘ and d°m¢° p ‘ I i W " ‘ III II" qr ‘ a serious business for ns,â€"innre serious We think much of a sentiment (.‘X-l Lbb’ which my)? rum we uwsum that “M"‘ A [l'hry "1"“ “0" ,“llow I”“‘¢"'$el"“ ‘9 “3 co“ m 'cI ory‘ e we” end 3 to m," for 'l‘uikey,â€"-â€"auil more serious still to. pl‘t‘SSt’d by a gentleman at the din- 1<tJaines Loadmnn . . . . . . . . 5 00 if Such is ,he “use 11M, Que”, Vm, {gels The Markham Councd Willi lulled, or" evuisrrulibed' intn inaction. “ounce m our last number’ that Ausma Austria. The terms of the treatiesâ€"for ner'iabl‘“, that it “(mid be a "59ml 2'“ E‘lwur‘l sanders” 3 00 tOl‘iu Dtmscsst's, in all its brightness me“ in 517393 “melt Ul“”“"'”‘"il “Sierlday lnelws' iiitvlfiuui‘ v:th “fight. ...I -, I I II I. ._ , I : I' . . _ ,. .. .0. '. iinoscieeru tesciiiio on i' iini had amsemad‘ or determm‘ d to p'e‘em’ there are twoâ€"â€"betWeeii PtUeSlfl and “may only 10 ham “'3 . pa”)5 and find D' Railnond" ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' 2 W and glory this priceless gtriiiâ€"eâ€"lol‘ "n hll’n‘ldl i“ Mi ll“ 00‘“ mN' pm pm), ac“ of me 'i'usca" proving!“ ‘0. 'ts [imut mto qnrdt iii ltd’ ' r. . . ~ ' i ' '> ‘ ' . ' ' .r a v. i . M ' ~ . «' n - - ~ lMMi ” ' " ‘ iI u u r. I n. , denui mg a Mame 1mm transpwd, By the fin, anxmu's l()l(lhOUght that Iliad beetly “no”, uuubh 1N “Annfiss. when ascending the throne she . I II,,, “,Uuyddu hum". to [he be“ “4 m disarmament and um dismissal of the vain" treaty Russia binds itself i the ovum 0‘ eypenUEd by Bad] OXInbnur 1“ lst Patterson tlrotl'ier.... . 4 0t) \N'dS a lllt‘t‘e girl, yt‘t. through 21 0i l‘eiicmn lmhlicmus Th'm“ “mice a! "I, I I I II ~ , I I .. - -I _I -" . I‘ . ‘I 1 IIUICICII'O' . I 7 k V" I O J i . a “We”, mm”, “we day, It appear, Ivar WIIII Amma Io aw,“ FI nee Wm b'mtllng “13 “091‘ and ""p‘fmima 2ittlJohll croshy , , , , , , , , , 3 no reign ol twentyelive ycars. during I I I V petsmm, their tlltfasur‘fls for the prnflvlv' A‘ t - d. r. d . . .d ‘ st. . i ’ h ' la ' m the“. “Risen! "tale of i'w'riccnun' 3 d A'tllu‘ McVeii . 2 00 which period lltdt’ty oi the mth LRULAi D‘ . lion ol order lortlie t'ecoitciliution Of‘par. mm in” “mm w‘" not m‘l e n” “Huh its fleet in the Baltic and the Mediterri 1‘00tlt dlldd'l oftll (‘\llll it re and i l | L i . I i i f l \ l f E l 3“ f l ' i h f h bit“ I I A. , . . 1- l ' ' i e ) U . t v -- t - '- s lll'oie lave ‘“ "‘" t'“. or tie' ami'etliii 0 t e 'no I _ , __ II II I ,, p0\\tl u rionatct o i I I _ in. g day, anId tliIiIl th: ictore the days of gm“ nean. and to place an army of observation sywctators, we luel truiy thankful SADDLE “ORDLS' had 10 abdicuge the 111mm“ and it”. '2 he London correspondent of the “an mm. feelings, and above a" filing. mimic“ on Him!” l'mmflmely 0" w of not less- than 50,000 men on the Au.» “’3‘ ‘hoy honored our Village With 3 m J°h" Palll'”r””“”“"”' 4 outfor their livef‘, yet has she. who Mam‘dlt’t‘lt’r Gum‘de il-lt'mSl'N’S their dispositions for increasing their mili- Celi’l Gill” thmuma Count Cam“ “in” from”. we m, PM! con-Pom! a vistt; and more especially are =2nd George Cook . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3 00 reigns De,“ Grand, never Once 1031 some anecdotes olthe rccentclectton tin-y establishment, and putting into apply teietlmldm‘l ‘0 “16 Fl'eltch Emperor. , ,. pg, II. 'y "fy b J' I. the. thanks of the Yonge Street 3“! William Bull‘lonn-nvu - - - - - - - - 2 0" her popuiumy; buy, on the con. at Dover, which throw an interesta anon,may Well challenge thi- admiration . . . . He owe its cw‘aso userVainn .I I . I I I .. I, II_ __ I I , J _, II _I _ AI , _II I I I .; iii-iii! iotlboo Austrians are march- and “ng IheIP of IILIIIIII I, will be 0 Agmlmlmal SUCK“) due ‘0 the Jam” NR “Tux? ,2“ "’I’I‘, gem: trary, while “ vwetliia, and owe that mg light on tlit. manner in which win or tIhtm ,vlipI wItIieII loudest infyhyir , II. .‘ r, t 7. h l I .‘. ‘ .I. I, N" I ‘, . : ‘ - . - - J -‘ I 4"! ) 1") ‘ J. '.ll: ' I‘ mg on ’1‘”,qu [n a” instaut’ umme I II lI I I 3 I intcrprising spirit of the Messrs. :13?“ “Lumwv “I‘” 5"” '°’ “law” was roaring born the volcanic ()r|- tliciiibeis ol Parliament arc sonic urIIIIu 1:):aIIyIIII OII 1:: man u not or , 3 r , . o 4. . t ,. . ) . lo I“ J) c . I.' v . , I I, . ‘ t I‘ I J I I ‘ .. 4. a. y .i â€"i. '[f ') N‘I - of command was gIven liemment afier ,tIJLL .6XCItLd Insurrection amongst IPIanLlSOlL ‘At fir "- fufl “H ( Hug tlt on) oWeb uugruu fice 0* Every capnul 01 Europe; :illllLb Iilbt’cttld. I bil)S illfli. tilt, a II ‘ ‘ ‘ ' D in: 'uttt'rtll'liln an Sclavonic Meet the iris year it wil be seen that it “ORVED ' 2 ti ‘ 1 u i .. “ 1" r a he ore tie nortilnalion or erred .' . . a. D ‘ ‘r’ ' ' w I ~ I i CAT'IL - (1m save 1 ie Quun, rosc rout y II I regiment “35 hum“! “way “0'” 1‘1”: to discontented subjects of Austria; and was l'esaiv‘id ‘0 81‘“? the above Thom, h Bred Durham Bu” am. age Old Englan‘ds grind her colonies “101W “'"lcl‘ l’mceder“ the lmnlngt . Wards the 5011‘“- “le WW???“ “'3’- prmihiy 'it the s'img time 10 encouraae firm a VON" 0f thanks. R I g ' ' " III) also) “can like a pm} of mummy," and which, when there is no oppo~ A .Visrr T0 CA“'NI‘OR;I:‘..-â€"-i Visited ' I C . - “ ’ ‘ i ‘t ’ - I ‘ . ' i I I I I I l I O. I. U I .ll ‘ t I I I . ' ‘ ' . ‘ ' I ' ' r ' worked in every direction, and, in an in- IJIIIIHEIIIIOII III the DaIIIIbIIIII IOIIIIIII; THE MESSRSI PATTERSON & BROTHER std Edulélg“ ‘I'I‘mg' 3 00 mus Showing m 11“. world “my the sition, constitutes the election, Mr. once more tilt. st enc oi the ten-blo- flebibly “ho” lime’ me "'ar‘huls andi‘bm ~ d t -t ~' - d P i i. “ Moved b ' Mr G A Barnard - u “a: a“ mo” iiiiiiiiiiii royal died in, when placed on the 159m!“ 05b0m"1 (me. "i m.“ ng. ‘l'l‘ss‘wrl’ wmcl' Winfwcr mndéime .l f 17.. . . - . '8 sew" rt“ y's'g‘" 5° "cemly “5 3 ' ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ T‘VO‘FN” 0“. Dmha‘" 3” l ..d -f. m. . i V .m t . m,“ candidatce wrio inlorl'ned that a name ol this city itilitnious- Oi the genera: o iance were on their may to , m, I, . _ . and scumde by MrI JI Pam,“ ltd 0 d Vt 4* am H 01h: p M. I i , . . acouncii Orwar a, the Tune“ 5 ,1 ' "i “n t ‘5 “‘0” l‘“"“““‘“"')’ Wattle-'1 '0 I, I u t I, a l I I,. . b’ )sl Michael Raymond . . . . . 3 no m. Wimp“, is In), moo upuiiblc brunch nobleman Wished to see house not a vestige remains, except. .,_I ., ,, I . O . v‘ r C , J 1|,L I . - _ ‘ I _ n . - . . I . I I I Ih d II I ’aIfllI‘ d" the ethlIilg state of uttillis. It stipulates r}? Id“, fling ‘zlgy n; IUL’Il‘31y e 2nd Jucobl’tanior...... ............... 2 (‘U with ,he enjoynmn, 0f Hm large...“ mm. '1 be (Annie dc Paris “as the hues of mi, h)uudatl,uly “11".. 0 en 0 - - e '0" ’ 't ‘e 'e () essrs. ._ .. - ‘ ‘ I n ' . . ' M . ') a -- » . i ' p In til I s e common 0 he I ervlil may [{UI‘Sia al13l| (“Clare “ aragainst Alb- PII I & B I )1. I I [did lletny Jennings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 00 armour“ of 01V“ and rcliuluus ushered "L “,8 youyhtul \\.euy(nr [mg “L” I}, buyIrunndtd by grade, corps darmes were made and galetted; IIIIII IIIIIMII ,5 II I.“ “I” m Aummn “my I a lgrson d lI‘o., orI'I t1t6ctl \erIy Grad“ Bu”, “III ‘goI IIberIv . a (II. a dejum FIIIIIKIII crown mm may, swung Imlmg (I, “Mud. ,he mp, be_ I ‘ I i ‘ _ ‘ I ( ‘ '. ) n ) . . , - . a 4 _ â€" I -. .. ‘ I ,‘ . the "an‘l’ons at 1mm“ were fined W'U' has v'ol-ited Piedmontmi ttllitOt‘ W ximiniiliiieawmi‘i “iii )Otlidp ‘ (“dim1 1’“ G' P Diem” ' ' 3 00 A5“ Ql‘PPn *h" hag home hel‘P'rlt'l 0”“ duyi be ‘61 mm”) (1" fucto, “as lllg covered in \ttlll masonry. The I . .. a“ '. In it! : -'it'r_'( ( ,it'sc t’flle- " ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ f ‘. ’ . - . -. ... - .. .' -. . .. . troops and despatched to (welloa; the [III I I, I III II I. l D ’ {mm for the (ear 1‘558) n r Us 1 d Grade Mitch Cow. on stain, (iccasums wnh mi flue mg- anxious,alnong his otlit i studies 01 whim. {lldt‘ttllh Mid «tiim‘fit‘tti'g'mb' , I I _ d. d II LI o rt e la a Na) “xii uninark has _'Y b 0“ Ola“ 9 . . - . . (1.... 'f. i . . l . Enolish institutions It) prohth the. umrml Inla‘ctl hv swine men Cf he? regiments iiiasse in, an aroun ,)0n~ _ - I . to me snowy )7 131ummvhnmngs.... , , , . . . . . 3 ()0 ntty, an as a W] t, am a mot ILI‘, a _ i I , I I . , I, ~ _ I r I hero sunu taneonsly entered into by the I f , y' , , ',. I i . y , .. . , . . .. -y . f y. ,. - px “Wiener; 01 an English election Meiji:st 5 32d near the spot whet‘m a“d m the newhborhood 0, the NW WW, I _ I rung .0“ we flunk ,ha, um um ix, Lnbhflfi...” . . . . . . 2 til) s it ms sit an Lkrtlllp t. o (ctotion l n 7 . . ° . “611011 hml’eml'r‘tho IS thus preparudl'or “3 ‘ ’ ' ' ,dn . I, ' i , “in andymdprmmgmmhernuiypclsma .iind asked Mr. Osborne’s, leave in the “onion and childrenot the re- moved 3 5132.9 0,. “vanaer BleJmom , I . I above firm have grvmly pxcmldtld 3i only oltttltlg’s....-.o. . . . . . . . . , ... c I .3 J . .. y I I III I I II "I b ‘ WEI” Id Ir Id: is m Ilo' d i any and cmy “puma; 1).. up can can. . . ~ , . f H . ,xp .. H . d y . , attend on the liiisiitlgs. Ol course, but“! L IN“ b t. - It I t; d ll l' d ' - ' 3' all their ircViouscllorts to render “tin-\‘eam't’ldumit’n 0 0“ “I ‘l ""3" ‘m "mm 0 - * ‘“- -- ~ ' ' an a tits was one, or in prociss at be.- . . . . l ~ - _ o - . r w .1 ll-i 1‘ (r - - d l ill the same wav. file otilv addt. I _ I I out his tli-signn Without the assmance at me Socit-tv'q q fin 1 Show anch- anacobttunior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 tlieiiiaclves;therelore it, is that in 1‘ W45 9 ‘34“ I“ ‘3’ alwni a” '3" I - _ ~ ing done, Within altew hours after the ar- .. _ . . ~ ” “p 5 . . ‘ 111,5 ,hc fume”, cm- of he]. 30. Count made hisappcarance dulvat mm W the mute "WOW! Of the . ., ,, . , _ ungland, and he can, tftlt‘Ct’SSal‘y, do so IIVP. 'lhey 100k 13 dttlerent one-year-old Meifer- . . y . a" . d. . - ' . ' - " Ul'C'tt crime Mitch WHS )er-ietraied. rival of the baruinian application fOi' help . I, 5 , rizeq ,md exhibhed me fIIHIIw. I, and Wuhm a mam“ 01 me twemy 11 on the. .iy ol muninatiou, in- a i I l l . Cone: Pnndin‘r acfivi'y was displayed by In C ance 0t llt‘l'. warn oui' [‘03 it rd I?) ‘ a ‘ 8L ‘ ' f I ’ {HD is! Henry Jennings . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . . .. 2 00 0* her reinn th jg “vpo‘gg “ll-“ling t0 relurn [0 ins reoldi-nce licrb‘ is a VICiy llflntisulne triunumen' s . I . ,0 b.: ,"Tpared for gamma, imIIH-II I IIle (merits, c.,â€"â€"d o “hicli 2m, m, do I I I I , I , I I . _ , , . , . . , . 1 no . I D ’ ’ ‘ b , y . .1 l. 1.. ' .i 0) B t tnl slab ol red slime..wllrtth bears: . . I I ,. . i enie . . . by . b .i _.d y. l. 3 iii. a tunoon lam a ,a ti . out Goteriimint, tlioughin an OPPOolle oi , 0 rs were. much udmlwd . mde to . n. I si c, more c (Hit Man uer by _ . . . . - - - .- i .. i h.” u “m d w flu , ,d _ I. I, . . l . - ) JUDGES. FOR Sim” AND atomicâ€"John Coxs- . I I l, ,, u ,I y . , t “0|,nlnmlon u“ “m me innuwmg mscupymn :_ binned, . . . . .4 t ta «c t pioiincts ol Austria . - - ' all her sub ects“ and that the stub - “m1 1‘ 10L” 0 " counter-active way. A Lahuiet Louncu iiianv ol their lm lt‘tut'ntS it was‘ . a. i. J 1 i d K' - G ‘ * 3 r t '“ ‘ l r ‘ - l - .i ' fir - 'd Imd 1‘th A d“. Maid do, -. b,_ , ~ . . P “‘"lhv ‘Wflmm ' 01‘“ '° a“ t “‘3' °°’ 1-, .f h .11 .m. ., Q' .1. - 1 i 1 . moment. hxed lor his departure, the l” l “I mum”) " the “ome” a” was suddenly convened. and a resolution ' ' ‘I I I I "5 Us ' “‘i'dll)’ “HPOSSIMe ‘0 get close, so lylilier,l\'lalkllum. ‘Iy U3. m m. L up?” “H; "1,19: Groundmmw1m. [Ulnlinga waaone children of the late ill-filled ht. - “t’ 0“ “5- ' We me It ‘ . ~ ‘ - r~ »- A ~ v t . ~ - . » s am. In" armies- 0 re mos: va tau ‘5 -' I _ ‘* ‘4 r I . . “a, at once come ,0 and Magma,“ m Ill-.I II I: II I c mphs ofLoid great. Iwrie tIlit oiowds round tllLlll SHEEP qIIIdI rIon“) wmIIid I H r saw nIIII In grand arena 0, mnummuble p,le (,winpilny, 6th Lithuania), Bengal Ara ,, . ‘ . paint-s ur's (lioin z x- i7 3 , ’ ~ C‘» I ‘ l i." '. H . ~ _ p, , 33am” ‘0 View“, ltt‘O'VS‘l”! i‘gd'l‘“ m" i ' L) i u) \ e “e M" L‘fi‘rhlmfiliiitiiiiir is l' t ftl ' BostRam the fact that her shipa are iii-tuned llgms- “‘9 “Gill” lmrlya’, (’l with" M“) “LN” Sl‘lu’i‘ihmnd mar 1 ~â€" 1 ( , < . j . . ,_ I I '- x ( V k w _ . n - - a L. t. I ( , I I I ‘ I _ I J A hm 3",, of me Amm.1 yum“ ‘ "l‘ “‘ “lol’tim “O‘Wllladalt‘m,“1th b D a is 0 .10 1m . » - 300 e l n .. - . i . course had brouoht down a pOSSe “"5 5i“ l’.‘ “W “militia” "n "‘3 i. y I ._ ill . it . t. I, II . I , . prememg Show“ by me,“ Wm, ,1“. let Drivnl Smellie..................... by the blavcst stamiil llt, Run Mil , _ i , D . .,, t- I; y . 1&5] Ty. "11mm it is under “0d . .. .d, "“ f0"’t"“”m‘””l’ °“l.V 0' l'fl't‘tl Austria . . ’ . ‘ . d 0 on .y . i .- i . ) ol prizeâ€"bidders iroiu London and lb“ ” u "~ * '~ “5 m‘mu‘ II , I g , . [)lottlhtt at H”. I ‘ ) I ‘u-e a!_ 2nd lLd\\a'd sail arson . . . . . . . u o . . . . o - . ~ 5 , t 35:5 I D ,i A i‘ (.r .‘uth “v . 1)! . ) - and 0‘ Irl'tsolutu li'uwa. Lord Derbi . . . .. WN 10.; . . t ['d . cu ‘ . y it somehow happened that they WU“ 3' a ‘w / I. a “‘L ' same, and liussia had lust uncroy enou-li . , ‘ land. We are induced to give 'hd “we” M‘ P” ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ (m "‘ mom 5” l Ddfilb‘ 5“ a “5 (“m' - t - n i ll officer who tiirim'rl lielmi rcdt ‘ . D ' has to answer lor this to the 00mm" and ' ' i Y ilin Ram lotion is laid ( n thel vi tr' ll " l l‘mnd ()Sl’omla” “ mugh“ ready m “A " y ' . g to mutter its regret. 0n l‘l‘idi’)’, battn- ) . ' '. l’ “1”” Publ‘miYa [35031159 man) 93" M g i I ( i > 0 n’dm 0‘“ l' H 't t w'tli them The l” we 1’" C‘M‘W‘W- 6““ B“”““"”"“ . - MW“ lul'l'aW’m meets he “I” Slaud 0“ r N‘ l - v'sl to l' 11 v. ' . Isl David Smelliv ........... . --------- 3 0” hearts of her sons and daiio'liters.-â€"â€" ‘0 “W 3 “u l ‘ . t ' s- '- day, and Dumb, Hwy ego” was made _ p tear-t d t l. l inow 1e. nitrous I , , , ,D . ~ , . ‘ I. . ‘, } ,.' ' U bpiit‘c ttiv people. ott'..-â€"â€"lm:l it. . ’ -- J t i - - 0 I I-J, s 2 (it) .. . . . . .. . Loam altt r patiillt y \taltin . v I _ n.» dc “lunatic, macium,q manufactured b H“. «Hdl wt) “mint; - - - - - - - - in connection \\ llh this tact is an- > .0 n 'pi . . .. r - . yd, ~, . by the mediatina powers to avert war- ’ * I y 1“, . I. . . ,hmuuh 1mm: hours 91 up, 5,,“ w m 17. it. bXLbutltitl ant csrgiiaiw n , ”- -. __ w and the incps at \vhich H i r - Two Ewes and Lambs. other 0t no HIP-3U] SlUnliIC'dIICE’, U I ’ . . . ,d' . , . . .l‘ , . x but distance” WW” great. liOslile ful't‘t‘r- w . T. w ' m in “I my me iQtDnvid qmellie 3 00 namelyâ€"Ater it is” not Tiltelv that ill" “*1” l“’Pe mm ill" filmed)“S 3W“ ("if Hing w we 0'“ “it? :0“ I , _ I E . x, _ x _ , ‘ o a a ) e: - .‘v - ~ - - - - ' ' ' ' - - - ' ' ' ' - - ~ ' ' I‘ I . I _ ~ r p ,t , - - tor w iocver be may lie V\ 0 Iain- monmmo to at least half‘ _ .. ' i‘t ; . I , _ , . - 2 v -. .. . - ., I. were IUOlD" to ht Jtn 0 ML!) inti- a _ it t a I . a ll'tlllotl ol lm.. (i, j y I 1‘“, Reapers, $120 each, much 2nd lltn.\ Jennings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ipe succession \VilIlIIbr, (iisputcd, tor IIIIdIIIdfiIO O‘Iimifipmm he had mus “wrkcdmm ,,w“,,g_pi,,ce of me. were machllng tOWdltls each other, [lii- _ ’7- MMâ€" I udrntn-d; one, blower, $100, dry“: 3rd Jail” pi‘lumru" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' lufn’ lb (lune ‘1 5“ ‘r’ltln “ginbf 1.01 nu“, thIIn ( [Inc enuuwh Of finalist, wives tiliti ('lllldifib‘u 0i. ills implth Austrian meeror was determined it... *Aâ€" 'H' M” "WV 5:154:5-"311'331 universal attention ' Stiiinvi Mu- Yeariin Ewes “l'lld't'” 1” Sl’cme “3 “mplre 1‘” a ' " 1 W” a " (‘nntr'ttit’S The drive oi Sir \Vm I ’ I . I I . ’. l . g ' 10m, “me .lein‘.‘ my, mnmp. 3,,“ election proceedings, and took his ' ’ i ‘ a. ’ . ' . " l‘rench Emperor was no less 50, and Hit RlblldlUND UlLL. MAX ‘27. 59. Ohm", 51ml)1e and t'ilt'mu'dla umwr‘ N mm" Marsh ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 2 00 . Lbf 1- fl l l i - departure no doubt It'IU(‘ll edifit-d DY reel “(is it". away “Um “"9 SP‘W in“ . _.______________________ . . ) . "e are (fat to 1m tiat ever” / ‘ i , _ ’ _I '_ ~ . , , .. , Sardunau King was undaunti-iLâ€"wlmi » ~â€"â€"~ ~ mmy lfi'Il-‘tdIiI ht?”- G‘iug “Wt-{hi ‘~’ud do do ------------- 1 0“ mace III “IEPIIOVIIICII hwth I_,UII"I the 5mm ,5 moms 0, firms-u “(W the llitlb comet»), “hue his 10* , . -« . I. . I,,,.. , , 1 ’.'¢...\ . t , _ ,' .' . A ‘ n ‘ . hope, the“, cpuId IIIEIII be IIIat III“ WIIIII" YONGE s p AGRICUL , URAL praise d are fizzy), ()11(I\t.tiy6lllgllly SWINE. lIIyIIHy Her MijNka IKIIIIIIlIIuVo IiUm whwh he had Just wnnesw¢ mains. I Itinst. linId but a tempting ‘ I I II V g , .rI . 0- . , L A ( .k k. '.’..'â€"‘ I , / t,t _ 3-. n: r v of the telpgniph could keep in check “MINI SOLJE'I Ylb SPRI‘AG SHOW. “[2,: 11:10” Ill): :Itld ;:::%:LflII'lIylliI\Itf ‘â€" Best Boar. on In Forum” they new,” the 001(4),,“ It 18 said that Air. Usbm‘nedeclzll‘cs IIcsllItlg p dribbllptltft, (Itptntryv :‘I°%.& unmanageable elements-’2 O ’1‘ . i. . - i '- . 1g til, i (I H m Ldmrd sandemn ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' ' ° ' 3 tion in the riUlit injuner b Utivino ‘ llmlAdmlmlb‘” H Lee!” and Mr“ H) mum: ” “it w i F m “i i . H n “(udl’m The Sprinw S'iow 0f the above pnce ’ lune “06' “my $85 m- 2"d William sandem’" ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 2 on f d b i \V ’ D D Nicol by whom he and his friend l’mwr Sm”? “Ici'd d‘Wk’v "eve" d’d’ f“ the morning, we Were told that the Au» . . ” ' . ilturltably ch 'ap; Root Slicerâ€"ob- Brood Sow. "0 ‘0 “L l)‘)"'° t' ““‘h mi“ .- ,’ ., ‘ , ,. N, . bolder Soldier (Jtlmv sword. ncvcr . . “WWV W115 “PM 011 the amund ol ' - I i ever ‘\\'llere the mm were or l"'1il ’ '5”. \V' “3’59” “Tm” bad‘eni “ mw' ~ ' ' I' i . trians had crossed the 'l‘icino, and wet-i “I. If”q Glhyig HIIH- W'I-dy “0H9 pact at great curiosity, $12; Horse 1 tWi ham Oatbv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0‘ ‘ 4 y -' l 'l“- 3 (Id lac, in we” did ltllliorj'.Si)lt‘ll are for llonor,duty,, l n no I. t. l ‘ tr. , I marching across the plains of Piedmont direct on the capital. In the. afternoon we received a telegram apprising us that Richmond Hill, on 'l‘ucsday, the 24th inst., being the anniversary of tier inost gracious Majesty’s, Rake, very superior, $7. We need not here add one word in praise of the implements because. all “ho saw them did that themselves. \Ve JUDGES FOR Fowis .ixv DAIRY PRODUCE.â€" Messre. Robert Warren, â€"â€" andcr, and A. Law, Richtllglld Hill. considered. . here, were. also 0.xâ€" cursions both to 'l‘oronto, and from Toronto to other places. Then there was the annual review ol the. great nightly proceedings before the polling day -â€"-liir ng the theatre, where they ii:- gularly took their seats in the and lfliiglauitl. than “filliain Poul.â€" Oiie cincuiiistaiice connected with the Camiipol'e tliitssacttc which I never heard before was told me bu . r. u FOWLS. . . .. v _ . Ami,” had extended us “we days (II Qiictn VicItIoria s biIiItIlt day .lllt mink ma, ,1”, cum,“in will be Bmcoc} and Iwo "on, Volunteer .‘ililttia Force, which t)0.\.t.>, stiiioiindull byItlii it support, S.” JIIhII [Imus IIIIII mu IIIIIIhIIIIilII "a. . ~ I I n . , , , I, . - c . r , - 7 . I n n ‘ . grace to fourteen. 0n “‘eduesduyI m. tidy. as ‘XI ("‘3' Ci)le deflrtt and glad that they decided upon giving (. P D kI .2 m, wem 0“ 1“ imme Slyle' Him“ 11-?" , “an :1“: till-InfrnILIId a (:3: mix), the cxcclleul chaplain, the Hell. Mn. ,e d I II I II. at 9.4) y mmn pulp 9 (lgdn to flock .’ I“ 1, I [I I N I I II I I) txt reo. . c son . . . . . . . . . . . . we“, also “whim”; Gumps and L“in an I\\(l (.l Dot lb, d I} t ( \I I I I II II IL I I h I arne hat the mecror Napoleon was - .. ,1 , ,l J A 1-b- ~ . 3mm» 0i litmus, d3 ill“? “fill out, do d. y 50 , . ’9 . , , I, “fl”, ) h“ H) ,m, “Herve,” r note... t appcuastdut alter t a about to (lull Paris for the scene of con- “i Clo“: S fol inf ( 3“” rump, WINCL three good sus Shown’ and a :ird N Ki bv i i i I i i i i i I i . i i i 1 0t) Lmket Muldms’ rand the hm 50d Uinil”: {at '(l "t" l ir‘rf rm" n - d: "i‘l’lmli‘llt’u m“ bGSici‘b’Cd‘ “we “I” mm and mat Prince VMOIeO I d t. I was one Io )LI toes} “I? have ever your“, one on the ground, but it ' i l i i i i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ of the proposed loronto and Geor- "f ‘I'I° “if Ill)“: "'{I‘l 01m? (IA? MW“, m Walk {may}. “u, M- ,h‘, in” 7 J. o to aim: sun, an} “L ltdt‘tl y congratulate was no, emeer Th9 Quocesfim Drake and Two Ducks. gum Bay Lanai was dug by me o to Iga on r t iii t its IIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIN mm ,IhIII “II” “Waugh I ‘ . . . o . L z b L n . - a I '~ ' ' " ,1 . i r the Command of the Imperial truaid, lllc SW31“)? uPon 113 SuticeSS-â€" 0mm iUH “He Wm “an; (n 1““ G‘WE“ K”"’l“h"”-' - - ' ' ' ' ' Q n president ('l‘lltN Clal‘lrsoii Esq “mm” C‘mdld‘ne' After ‘1‘" “m iliiut tilt neighbor-mun] will even . I I I . . . . 3, , u‘ I I __ I u ~ b. no u , s ,. , l I .‘I . I I I I I ‘ - ‘ : l I J I \ . which Was Under ("arching (rders,â€"â€"IIII1I NeVOF before \Vas \111_ ()i “fur, and Bernard . . . . - . . . . - . . . . . o ....-- l 00 ‘Jvoy'liylg ‘herp \vas a Olliy Ail. Obbtnnt’. Eng d-‘v iming . . k. . - i ‘- ) ' t u I“ - , h, L - . - I. v. I < v v > r ,4 Q a i 1_ " - ’ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ i _ .‘ all the French railways iii the direction o. '15" 50 qu'nf‘lI‘Imsd‘m, dsw'l‘bldg“ ster, Maple, and R Mchw ltich- DAIRY PRODUCE R’wll‘hgl‘l l“""""~"s“m i and “WW .“ “h in". 0W” W hdlmu” Elam“ were allowed. the some liberty and . . '3 t x l .‘ '- " . . '. '. I'm g : "..‘t‘,a'])\"---“)l ‘ . the 50'“ We” OCCUitlt-‘d m "OMB-yin; id“??? 61’ a]: e: I“ hurt. ll“ iiiond Hill BesiSixllm ofButtor. “"15 41>" ‘1 PLL‘m“ Pal” held at SDSLTLQTM“? jg woof ;LUI‘ thcv Went to the t2liuizieli,_wliii:lt is ' '4 "l 1 5 n” a" 9 ' " ,n . . . . . . V. o o 'r c 1 ' i ' . .. troops towards Italy, that 200.000 men in,“ “,L hth, {tn “Ii x” mm; We Will only add that at the leatEdward Sanderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 on bunnysidc, and also bOlIlc other kind a y l y not wiry tar limit the slaughter- .i a 4 s I o v ‘1 . I I . l, I A I l ' - I . "etc in m0ti0n.'md tliata portiouotthesl \hofis mun conch, h a] “1;”: all“ conclusimi of the show the mem- L‘nd Henry Jennings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00‘ Sam”: 8“- liousc,_ and heard. div no service.. ‘ i . .‘ ..‘ ' s H. ' t J - . . . 5 . I . . . . . . . L 3 . "l l l‘ Ut'l'S ol the. society were provrded 3rd Frederick Paco - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - 2 00 At R' .i A 1 [1-1] y - i d ,__ m (in the loilownin inonliino the gain- had already crossed the frontier ot Picd- larmers are fast awakening to a - . .- . '9 “m’n‘ ' a "‘8 'i m} "‘ "-" , . t T, .I f due gen“. OI. Ih VI qt , With an excellem dmneI-I by BostCheoee weighing over six lbs. early on lineup”, min-ninfl the Vll- NAP DIVIA Still. lllzlt‘t'llird (10th to the guilt. mm" "5 “1‘” "HOW" by a" 3" (I,.I,I9“I';_IIIII ,I‘IHI‘I“ lml’on‘m“ Nichols, after which G. P. Dicli- N"0""-lm~"i"2*----~-~--- v - - - - - - -- 9 n” 1.4....“ were wan dwarglmg ,he “ l L where the boats, \Vl‘Sfi [copy-ed, nouncement that Au~tiia had acc ptul tln l g 5"“: qu') Pl‘t'Sldema Presmwl 1“ and Dam bmenw ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ° ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l 5' bill With tour beautilul archesâ€"one 5"”“3 wm' MU‘ll‘l‘lbl I‘m] “uh and mediation of England and that France had refused. An ugly fact had, it seems. It is scarcely possible to over- rate the aii'iount of good accoiri- plislied by these and kindred in- the table, and made some excel- lent remarks on the various toasts~ that were proposed; and here we Junans you FARMHG immanentâ€"Weave. Amos \Vriglit. M l’.[’.: Geo. Darling, Yong) reaching from the Victory Hotel to the other side of the street, another From Correspondonco Dilly News. 1 tires at l'urin on Siiiidav t:i'eiltii;..iri d an attack of the Austrians was UlltVPl'mlill' I then. the iiiiittdct‘ begun. All hem- Sittit'tbh of the tiger, its feline trait-n celery and crucliv, sectn derclupudi - "1 [iii ‘ ', . .. u . . V r - .‘ t 'u ' -‘ - x - u i ‘- ' ' "1 I ‘ ~ I I. - - ~ ' ' ‘ transpired to the martial aid.” Ul “HmHmSI I he“. wndency ,0 9k” 1 I dd II I I IdII II I I, btnet , James btmi enhnrg. Victoria bquare . stretching ll()lll hit. lccty’n to tho a‘itltllita cd. I was their: aiittil lastIcmn- h A I) , , I _,. COIIHIII nude”, Avill'lilim’d 30 W” “3’” its fierce and vote the farmer and bin put-quits- Kidde 111.1%?" I‘j‘” '0‘ YIN?“ George “um”: U’“°"V”et Jam” Bugg‘ Richmond Hill Hotel; north ol .n_;,antl every one seemed to think no UL?" “W'b ‘ ‘1? r I, a . .. ' f ‘ ' ‘ r. arst or 1 ie a le l'cinar 's t l‘it Stonfl‘ville. n Mu ' 1- v ' ' " ' ' *' "‘ ’ ' ‘ reckless crnpemr. Russra, on 1 “day cannot well be oveiestiniatcd; for ‘ ‘ [ht-be “Ht t\\0 01th beautiful Sillou‘t‘tlLOulllLl llbtly to late place on last, had made a treaty with Ffflnthâ€"(l we invariably find that those coun- he made on proposing the press and also the President and coin- FARMING lMPlrEMENTS. arches, erected by Mr. Gaby, of the this side of the 'l‘iciiio, unlch the French and l’iedmontese so studied their move- 'l‘nii Queen‘s Brahman-diam n“ , I _ ,I I mes which are mos, a V, I - I _ I Bag, 1,0“ mm)”, Halt-way Houseâ€"the. one reaching I _ I I .. __I V . ‘ “mm ‘1szch “"51 defeWSlW- Au‘ll‘la. mthr” ,3 II . a 1 (‘1 dncoilfl patty, for the entlmstasm Willi which I” Paueruon Bromer L 2 M from the above hmel 10 me {once 01 ineiils as to cut down the enemy in their “(1‘5 KW“ 13‘ I] “MIMI”- l PW“lam On llt‘ar'ttlu' of that became. alarmed P If ‘} nmptI ("‘- prembc .l the dump h . ‘ S l' u ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' , .. - .- . 1‘ ) , retreat. The oart who had inraded aim-“0i the \\ 0"3llll'll‘vl “*9 Mufti" "l" . t” ’ ' ' those in which Sltllll'dl‘ exliihitiom ‘y i ' l'- H‘ M ‘ km" Sand d0 d0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - 1 00 Amt)” anhl" h’q" M'P‘l '7 me i y ' t, trim the citizensan Toronto to ob» mti;llt have dared to hunt :wainstbardniia - . .‘ the only member ol the press prc- other tils‘t‘tlil about till tard- ‘tlld Nivara we” “0 mm” Mm" 400 mm and ‘ H“ l l ' ' ' i - I ' til“ i b k d l) l:3 h ‘ are mOSt promment’ nor can It fa” sent bl‘iPllV thanle the l‘t‘s‘idt-n" “fwd” Plough . i L V y ' i" i 50 horse. 'lillt‘y' laid a tax 0'! the. town “5‘1".” WJS‘W‘l’“ 3’ ‘5 ht’lldly' m" mun" )' V ,. ' u 1 L , "I ’ 'i . n_) u" . .1 a. . .4. 7‘ ' ' r ' e ) {O‘ce n - Trench . . . . u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ‘() :AOI- l-nllHnys in [nuler an” {yr-0.. Inhiubi}: iertluiii'd' . - . . ' ' . ,1 Vi’S, ‘ 11" l ‘ )l'. )w l I ' V ~i ‘V ,. ‘ ' France, the odds WOuMI even m u,“ of hoydmg out mducvmems ,0 AIIIHI l)InLy)I(II(r 21:"1 )IlIlm( [gal 2nd Patterson, Brother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 bf‘fl Ltc s. OtlIOllt oi tht. dtcllts waded towards Vermille but had “0, put um C31,,th of Wash...” gammy,“ Bur- - . , ~ . ‘MH 2 ,(u c" .-. l..»' .. .‘ .. case, have been against Austria, but not Cause the [)9St MOP-k. [)mduce and t ,a .1 . u . . . . . b k i.) y lion‘headt‘d Plough- hitched by Ml; (“my W‘ bdw “111m croswd the bestaat the tune the last nul- Kilt” “fl” *“t’lmfli‘ ‘i- "W “I” “mm” Pub overwhelmingly ML The amwamnce 0, ittiplei’rlt‘nts, to be insiieclcd by our ‘ b B It company m t Up. . 18‘ Willle Tm'wh' 5”"- - - ’ - - - - - - - - - 2 0') evenmg lllull'lmaled’lheIwords ll‘al le'iu Wthlssutftl. The troops lroiii Pavia tilt: others and tt'odkesiiicns'stuws were Pussiia how ve I OI., f rI intelligent yeomen ;' is of “self I JUDGES F0“ HURS“‘5'_M°5"”‘Jam”Lmrl" ‘an George Kempsholl . . . . . . . . . . . . l 00 were 011 every one S llph‘, “ GOd and l’iucenza have not "loved one inch l'clO-‘P‘l l'l’l“"'u.iil"““l “"3 a“)? “m “Tamfl‘ L .. I. e r, ao-nbsite o tiaiiceI food for IIIOIIWIII and reflection I0 bearhoro’; Robert Armstrong. Markham; Fanning MI" save the Queen” The”, were also Dmond me Pofimum “copied at mph. Iiwas all that could be desired for out-door made the odds too heavy, and the Aus- Ihek‘e Classes and me Ieachinumcn John Bzown, Scarboi-ov; George Robson, ,thlmeI Weed I I . I I I I I O I . I . ‘ I I I “I” 2 no several 100, races, 8,0” which “I,” Onset. DIX days II, was, of “up” I‘.iiiiihi-iiieiids, (at which, ownig,wc presume, trtan Emperor, at sight of this, would [0 mink amid p,,m.IIIIIIng ma“ I0 Whitby ; Win. Miller, Pickering. ,2an “I G. Peck I _ t I I I D _ I I I I I I I . _ . . I. , 00 added considerably to the, funIâ€"â€" valuable. time have been lost in tin-account."(I1 ll"? Scafflll)’ 0‘ ll“? B'I’Ctii'dilll-g m¢dlum> gladly have. backed out. But Franci- vigorous action is: the wiseet plan HORSESâ€"‘DRAUGUT S'I‘AU‘IONS' Lumber Waggon “16 Vimmia Brass Band was also "mu Imam“ 3 Six ddys' during mud} in? i“Thva'liimltjhed lhiss than ‘lu‘ihjifiau‘s. . . , . .L . K i ‘ t t _ , ' . r .. . . - ~ . v' F'- i -h ti'oo )‘ 'Hitiiunr the K‘ardiui: on mil '3" 3‘- '“ “W”m ml“ as l” ' ’ baring, as it thinks, taken the tide “ at its to the insuring of success; indeed I“ w'“- Che”? - - t - - - - - ~ - - - - - - non-ow 0” 1st William Eakui . . . . . . . . . 3 00 m mupddqu’ “nough 11'" ,lfimd’ “it ., a] b ,djy rip ., i :1 f 1;) liimn ruled a. stun of money. and wisely flood,” was not di‘ttoscd to give W21)- thc grand iirllmdiment to success- 2"" W”"M"N°”r ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 4 “0 2"‘1‘1' MCNair """ """ 2 "0 Hess O‘Emmr ’lli‘iasmr fwrirl' Mud- idiiiiiim‘ \lieiiii) titlnti’aintl'tii‘ 5wait it, Hm iii ttil‘hlI-li"llt5 mid-memorkb ' ' - . .. : - i . . . . . . ' . . . v.) t" -‘ 2*.“ ' ' '. ‘_"‘ - ~ °“ .~ The word had hm, dwwm the from,” lul tanning hitherto has been the 3“! ‘°”’°“ C"“"°' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ’2 OJ Reaping Machnes. Monufactlwd In Canada. g in? I I? ), , l 3 - p ‘L-vffr‘il it has been contt'udlctetlâ€"tllllt the. Arm- hut in prowling, bread. tor the acct-stiletto had been Passed, French blood IVIII IIII idea that all that was required to S'I‘ALLIONS. GENERAL . URt’Os‘ES. Isl Patterson. Brother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 on Wm”: ‘Im gale “Hive”? Sdub u"- trians (:iosseil the frontier with 120,000, poor ‘ ' . . . ’ '5 r .'= - ,i , . _ - .= The Emmor we ,d I. I I . , inalre a successful farmer was l~tJolin Sanderson, . . . . . . , , , , I I _ _ _ I I I t; on 2nd do do . . . . . . . , . ,,,,,,,, 4 (to “9? n We ‘4‘“ “ImIls 11"” Wd‘ d ImmI they would at m, Present mum,” At an early limit, the natal day of tier 1 u go mti t it! tide, in the 31mm, and will,” mm_ a d Q d R T. I“ I , . , brilliant display ol hire-works, and b - ,v 3“ ,' i , b .. a, .m . : ,,. \‘lajusty was ushered in try the booming we ho "I that it mium I. Ie II II I r b _ g , n “o . in ac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Mowmg Mat-lune. Manufactured in Canada. I (I, .1. I I, 4”.“ PI I II I. ,, e to en reien in nu.“ eis . , porn .5 I I _ I, k. 12. l a a 0“ l0 01- that the most ignorant clown, or 3rd J. Stong............... 2 06 1st Patterson, Brotherw . . . . . . . . . . 4 to' d 0”" b ‘ 109555”?- . I beg to refer you to all my prevmw lotâ€" 0! CaHmNI and "13 st""‘l’ ctIfiIs'" "‘“u’ “‘10-, stupidly obstinate thick-headed fel- BROOD “ARES 2nd do do 2 00 Much amusement was occasioned ,ersI'where it i, ma 10 clear that it“, Am- inerable ftl’fil'OiS and similt arias in‘genemli .' _ 1 t. 0"‘oncuooo-aua- ‘ n ‘ ~ ‘ . .' . _ ‘ II.I I I) II . ~ .s unde tI ,. OI I v F 10w, [1 he did but pussesg Strength - I I Horse Rake tilt, VlgOlOUb tillt)\Vlng 0f File- [plans could not slit-cl any gel-mus attack which (WORM d tht‘ City lrom its Hiulflbel‘l, a I: antinh lLtl’tet‘t‘l more (If muse,“ would make a ‘I fine” 1st John Crawferd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 LO .1 [Emerson B “My ' 2 00 balls, more Particularly when they Ion pied,an and Pmbabyy new, am“ and, der for”, a” “NI. gaYI gaggazd Irv};- an ussiaiw icliwe havelonn'suspected, f - r - ’ 2nd Edward Sanderson . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . 4 00 s 7 r ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' call 6 in cl ‘6 cotlt' t "tl tl I t M d 't ' d on will «3- now ill-it in“ “Mile” “hie” it isn‘t ‘9‘" “ °‘ I r ' arnier. 'Ims erroneous and hurt- . . ‘I 0” dc “1 l “v "ml"l *‘ Nd“ ), ~ t I‘ a , I . and several tunes alluded to, i.»- all ugl, {Hi meow . thanks ,0 those Q mm, "‘d d° d“ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° ' ' ' ' ' 2 0” Smmp M““h'"°° Ladies" Hooiis, Urinolines, &c.â€"â€" orients bear me out In my assertions. 'l be. room to be able to disiulflypn with auspt‘ “ct {or others as Wt“ as for MN“, qhowg is exploded , and, II {sin I: LNIJRE COLTSâ€"run DRAUGHTPUKPUSES, l Ist Patterson, Brother................. 2 00 “re forgo, also 10 name mat at Plaijmmnesu and French are preparing“) cious occasions. Littler in theIIdt‘tiY. thcfi .' i i i k k i . ’ “ U DNOI‘PEI)IN 1556. “‘ i ’ .. . . i . v . . “s . - - . l N' ol 0‘ wi WWW“ were il‘mn‘W‘ with “"3 ' "339' l Our readers will remember that we, so”... shown beyond dispute that farming I I.“ (m 4 Col 'ILAM HARNESS curly down “6 were all distmbed :I‘li;:IlI‘SILRlii'SIEI “é'I'ILh I'l’lIf‘II'I‘y‘l'I‘fIrIEII: WON, mm), of Mg,“ ind poured in from, . . 5 no is . . . . . . . . . . " - ' t ' " J": " ‘ Hi". ‘i' i "i i i i " ' L i", 1- - momhs ago, Inferred [.IIIIIII the CIIIIdIIcI of ,3 a summm and reqmres “mug ‘,_ 2 d J“; I; I“ 0" 3 00 lst William tiarrisnn . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 4 to flour our sltilnb(.1.Iby «1 INF/“551011 as ma, 5 eedlly bun” the coated to a” the country to honour the Queen. ,wlnliit I _ f l q, ,d - .d, I I . H OH! Wall-nun”... - . - - - . - - - - end R. McNair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 ol reports rescillblinu miniature ar- .' l p ' 5 ’ - ,- -. . , - . . ' " ' «the French (.rovernment in reward to the u " u y m 01 "r ‘0 Frosei’uu n LVHRE COLTS 1-“ w 11- 1‘ a t b issue. "‘“J‘ll‘l‘g “W” lea”). Wild")? 1.- and‘JudF'nE I I I __ t" ‘ I. .3 ‘L â€"i‘0lt GEN KAI. runrosn , 1 er , e um ' 1,; never 9. I .I I. _ AI I- t. _ I I .- ‘ Dauuman PNMIIIIIIIIICNI and IIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIII \UEIEIOI‘II‘IItuII d “ROWE” m IBSSI . DISLRETIONARY PRIZES. lfore an“: \IeIIn SO many VIQIIOIIQ in “cattle. as I hare aIWtys berinto Louis I lium dlhtIJl couottganiges. tew‘l rzr on that “me item of “IE IWO BOII’IIIIdS “5 '5: l‘e "(P P01 a Yer)? “I I Couristing ot'Articles not named in the list. I. -. -u, a, , , d , , f) ‘1 I, ,. Napoleon. l am now compelled mallow '9‘”? {mm "“l’ll‘m'hf ».' Paul} 7 I- I ‘ n . gm,“ Sup m the “gm dwecmm irtblmotl Shunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (0 Cu,” to tits VI dht. , an \\ c cc t 16.1 tie II_I,II IIIII Show“ CGIIIIImIIIIuI INTI" ,le the special attractions prouded in thin. that Pun“ had Km”) "l' “'3 Engll’d' Al‘ and we hope soon to“ see the qci: ENTIRE COI'I‘Sâ€"l‘or Draught l’urpos-es , to R r J I a rs. l 00 do bl“ eel”) 1h" Sl‘niilnh‘ms “f a“, ,nlfndlémlz, of hisdipionmi‘c (r:‘,,s.w,inm ever-attractive city netwrtlistanding.â€"- . II II - I, I I III t - . t 1 I I- - , a merge onn . . . . . . . . . . . , I ‘ b , -, , v t _ 2'5 ' -__ t “I ~I -- V ' trance, and was pit palm]. lot some hect'e ence of agriculture valued in pro- Dropped in 185i. 2nd George MorganIIIIIIHIIII I I I I I I 1 00 WW“ w" midldlly “I‘md‘ me ("’11) and is likt'l)’ to exliib-i equal genius in the. G305“ - . , . I . . . . j _ 1 - I - . . - . t -. __________._.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"‘â€"iâ€"- ‘ ' consrderation, lojul‘zhc/f Russia/7, dang,” portion to Hi merits; for WhtlSt. lst Thomas Dennison 4 (0 iron Cultivator. immee ibr “db”. we“ Gnu“ d zeal conduct of his military operations. 'lllat I 'I I H II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I, I. I _ II _I II II . __,, .I m the East. that secret cniisidi:ratior,I \H lltdl and set in every direction ENTIRE CULTS_FM Gene”, Purposes 1st Geo. P. Dickson .......... 1 00 ‘n_"dl§“n_b’Il”' "m" amUDLmem 0“ his lit'atl. linneter ditlirent the Imuld, is BRITISH ICOLIUMBIA. lite letter: we suspected had to do mm “III , “II the marks of the triumph of mind DmI d ; “57 Gang Plough. this auspicious daY' not interior to that of his uncle, is no mat- which we publish train“ the Daily. News: I. d I I ‘I-l'I 0V9]. manmI it is Pliiusinq to (,b_ . ,J l .l. I, we "1 J ' 4 00 1st Panama“, B other _ , I , _ II 1 00 M ter of doubt. ] only wish] coiildiflatter correspondent m British (‘oluinhia .show :0 meat tie same time, lttut lithslll wls SIIIIWI IlIaI Ihig I“ wen nm IpIIInIIy In 38 1311;] I?) or..I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I; W Home Hoe myself he IIIII, II beIItIII ,IIIIIIII’ and “III, ,IIII “III, “III Project of chsnuctmg ,, ram", .cccminointimat b" i " '; - ~ - i ii ' ’ "" 0‘" “mm” ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' - - - - ' ' - - - ' ‘ ' . . - ' - - f e - ~~ : -r .‘ i ".h‘ e 'or I . D . C Vliltll Aldlttll. dud was the Invention of [he sleanlbuat, the 3rd ‘Vincurn . . . ' . I I . ' I ‘ 2 ‘0 I 151 Patterson, Brother................. 1 ’n means m .d0 in, “My .whrlt its dents» Lon‘me'it 9‘fr IBrfl,hdt‘rr"'hy receiring valuable accommodation for its milan or the telegraiih nor in i I w i i no“ Slim“ â€"’ unc'e m the be“ is said to have Wendi-d. ‘h antracnng “"mmm‘ new. ant “In alt: .. ‘ n, ' i ‘_â€" ' . ' -~. lhlpplflg in the Pledillontesc port of Villa the inanulactnre of weapons for the l H 0L GILL!)le Dropped m 1857 15‘ Pattemn’ Br°lh°r"'m~”""m- 1 0° The Vaughan Council met at me ; Afiel‘Il‘lltlt: inomeInt "51”; (fitPst’gnff21nghIi’ “2333?; r338,firgyzermufsimwl ' - - . ' - - 3t . nr' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Eun or litttl e coun I , In ie C‘ - I- : . . I - Franca. Putting tog‘clhcrthese (‘lrcum- ‘leSllUCllOni 0i man. but also m e ) 3 ' 3 00 PatemChum' TUWn Ha” 0“ Monday the 231'd- .. . . .y' ~. ‘ ~ «v - ‘ d' It ti" h tof * ~ . n - - - . ’ out 0 - d irtliuismn. see the extent of ties have. occurie in to en ants men . . . . ,. the mug, uch l t H , COLIâ€"Dropped in 18.58, tst Geo, P. Dickson............ 100 All I. . b. . .. . P”‘“ N . ' - - stances Wlth others at t‘lttht‘ srgnthcancy, _' ' _ j ‘ I” ‘1’ a I §El$n0€3i I I mug“ Ham“! ' t"; men} ( m Pl"St m succor Piedinoud has obtained on her first the government, chiefly ow'ing, we have but "Inch as straws showed the course OII that Inertiamng the lacylnws of 131 Edward Sanucraon . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 I“ ChrISIIan ‘v‘urq-Ier ' I 0,) File COltnCll met for the purpose iunerance 0, ‘5‘single cry of (Infirps‘. [ every reason to believe, yo. thIe appomt- ,heitream we Mdu'lvd Hm when III? growing and reaping the food 01 Ftl..LYâ€".â€"Uropped in 1658, """ ' Of hearing ’dPt’eals again“ the would rather the French dirl’uot do all merit of Mr. Douglas. the ,[iiidson’s Boy arm. n ’m, d .. - - me countless m'mons 0i- eanh’s lstHenry Jennings................... 3 00 There were 127 Battles-2i Over Assessment f01' the present year. the work of the Italians. even if they did Factor, as Governor. it Big, be hoped I“ ’9 “3 W9r W" “n‘m‘wn‘r RV" inhabitants, We are assured that and wmmm Bm.m,,,_ _ 2 m i any prevroue year. The appeals were confined to the I it wholly for the Italians. Unqucstion- that this error will. be speedilyalcorrecttd- -~o,».'<

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