Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 27 May 1859, p. 3

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. . ' a photographs at night, ‘V'I'he North Star was bound for Detroit "! burning LOUIS NAPOLEON’S DEPARO TURE FROM PARIS. " I have just returned from seeing the. EIperor’a departure for the seat of war. He left the Tuileries at half-past 5 o‘cl0ck his departure commences a new but in his eventful and dramatic life. ,‘When the Prince Louis Napoleon stood with his back against the Napoleonic co- llrumn at Bolougtie in 1840. defending him- le with his sword, and his friends begged him to fly with them, be said ‘No II have loft France for the last time !’ ~Agaiu when he entered in 1848, he used the same language to his triends ; and this time he stayed. But now he has left again, and although under different cir- cumstances, his mind must be crowded clsvitli reflections that would crush the opirit of a less collected, a less impossible man than he. “ Never before in his life, howevei,did Louis Napoleon see such a day as this. From the Tuilerics to the Railway sta- otion beyond the Bastile was one dense mass of human beings, and Item different points on the route I bear the some. re. “port : not a man or woman on that whole route but shouted over and over again with frenzy,‘ Vwc lcEmpereur!’ The military could not restrain the people. who precipitated themselves against the horses Ind carriage, waving their hats up to his Majesty’s face and shouting like madmen. At the station the cortege was arrest ed .for some minutes by the crowd, which was so dense as to prevent all furtherpro- gress. The whole city was out to greet him and wish him and the French army success. His Majesty was dressed in a red fati- gue cap, blue frock undress coat and red pantaloons, with the insignia of a General of Division. l-le rode in an open carriage with the Empress at his side, and one of He was preceded and followed by a small de- his oliit:ers in front of the carriage. tacitinent of the Cent Gardes, which will ' remain in Paris to do duty at the Tudor- ies,va'nd by several other open carriages, in which were sealed the officers who acâ€" companied him, among whom were the Prince Napoleon. Marshall Vailiant, Gen- eral Reguault dc StIJean D’Angely, his aid-de-camps, his ordinance officers, and the employees of his secretarial. The menial part of his camp household left two hours earlier. The Eu press will accompany the Em- peror as far as Montereau, an hour's ride lrom town,and will then return again to Paris" at eight o’clock. will not stop at Lyons, as was at first in- tended. and will reach Marseilles to-moro row afternoon. From Marseilles the Imperial yacht will carry him direct to Genoa.” The Em ieror l Msuscuou ACCIDENTrâ€"THREI‘. 4MIN, it WOMAN .tnn A LIIILD Ditow~ xED.-â€" We learn from a correspondent at Bayfield, that on the night at the 18th in- stant, James Thompson, Ali's. Gaspar and child, of Bayticld, and two men, names unknown, were drotvncd by the capsizing of the sailboat North Star, till the. mouth ofb'able t'tchr. It appears that the Wind, wiicli had been blowtiig‘ tresli from the Northwest, suddenly veered round to the ‘Vest. and while attempting to beach the boat she was upset. three men who were on board ivere saved by being wash~ ed ashore. The bodies of .tlis. Gaspar and child were picked up shortly alter, the babe being clasped to the breast at its mother. The husband of Mrs. Gas- par had proceeded by land to Port I‘Iu;on. Our correspOndent sire :â€"â€"-‘ It is a matter ‘ of regret that the state at the harbour is such that steamers are "prevented from calling; the want of a lighthouse being a very great drawback to the I’ot‘t, which- 'is the only harbour 0t refuge between Godrrich and l’ort Sarria. We underâ€" stand a memorial to the Government on this subject is in course of preparation.’ -â€"Hamz'lton Spectator. About seven o’clock on Wednesday night smoke was observrd issuing from the gable in rear oi'the Receiver General's ofice, corner of Wellington and Peter streets. The alarm was immediately given and a person despatched to Bay street for the engines. In a very few minutes the frame building was one sheet oltiame, the fire having spread with ra- pidity, owing to the fact that the stable contained aquantity of straw and cord wood. Several persons went to work and fibre down the fences connecting the sta- ble with the office, which had the etl'ect ot preventing the fire spreading to that build- ing. The fire brigade were early on the ground, and had a stream of water on the timber in an incredibly short space oftimc. and the other engines follow- ing with their streams, the fire was soon extinguished. The damage wil. amount to $120. A cow and horse which were '=- in the stable were got out without injury It is supposed that a fire-cracker thrown by some careless boy may have exploaded amongst the straw, or that some of the servants might have. been smoking in the stable, and so caused the fire. The prem- ises belonged to Mr. Bailey, and are fully insured. The Emperor Napoleon III.. having been born on the 20th of April, 1808, has completed his fifty-fir st year. Iota ' t ed that Mr. Collard, a Parisian \iotographist, has succeeded in takin TaUnx Rsthsr.â€"Just below as neither could have seen her. ed, friom examination of the place, that o the rails, with her feet between the tier. -She'.had a whiskey-bottle with her, the 1859. ently been drinking. mangled to pieces. zctte. sinned officers and men of the 11. Field mory of John Charles M’Laren,late of the or Country Gentleman’s Journal. Woman Kraut) on Tun Guano the WANTED IMMEDIATELY Grafton Station, a wOman, named Rafferty géfifn.’ 3:82:35 was b, the do,” “All” A Page!“ of doing all kinds of work. None need apply ger informs us that it was not gotng fast but of steady habits. at the time, and that no blame could he Apply at my Store. Thornliill, if by letter, attached to the conductor or engine-driver. preptid- It appear- at at giant” is PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatched to Subscribers by the earliest mulls. or other conveyance, when so desired. The YORK HERALD will always be be founo to contain the latest and most impor- tant Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- hate. and the greatest euro will be taken to ,ronder‘it acceptable to the man of business. and a valuable Family Newspaper. 'l‘ERMS.â€"-Sevmi and Sixpencexper Anuuin, IN anvascu : and if not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. EDWARD CROWN. Tliorubill. Mag 90. 1859. 35-2t the unfortunate woman was sitting on one .._._ ' For the Season. 1859 cork at which was oh'; and she had appar- : It is supposed she was in a state of stupefaction. She was The train was stop ped by the interruption. and it returned to Grafton with the body.â€"-Montrcal Ga- .â€"â€"â€" RATES OF ADVERTISING: Six lines and under, first insertiou.. . . .SOO 50 GREAT BRITAIN! will stand for Mares this season at the follow- ing places. via :â€" Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . . . . till 19} A YOUNG Hano,-'[‘he nonmomm“, Mend“. MM, 2. he “i” luv. his ""1 ammo I‘en lines and under. first insertion . . . . . ‘00 75 ‘ ’ Above ten lines, first iii., per lino.. .. ()0 06 .Lot 32, 8th Con. of Markham, and proceed to James Loadman’u, 65h Con. of Wtiitchurch, at noon: thence to Mr Christopher Smith's. 3td Concossion. and stop all night. Tuesday, Ma} 3, he will proceed to Aurora, and stop the night. Wednesday, Mat‘ 4, he will proceed to Mr. Each subsequeiitinsertion. per line. . . . O” 02 OF" Advertisements without written direc- tlttllr inserted till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. . All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular customers. must. be paid for when liaiideo in for insertion. A liberal discount will be mods to parties ad- vertising by the year. Battery. stationed at \Voolwich. have sub - scribed to erect a monument to the me- Royal Artillery Band. who was interred ‘ s ' w - - ' ' a e Charlmn Ge ne'er! abcul a roll Christison’s Hotel, Yonge Street: thence to nielttsmce- The career of this young Mr..lohii Gillas’s. 3m Con. of Kiiig,at noon: soldier, who dled It the age of tWt-nty, thence to Lackey Village, 6th Con. of King, was most distinguished. He served as a “fidfmp “ll "WM , . trumpeter from the commencement of the “""sd‘y’ M‘y 5' 'l" m” "would ‘0 M“ ,1. . . . Graham's, 5th (foo, of Vaughan; thence to (’"me‘n "‘7 um" "5 Clo-‘3' “9 fought Mr James Dick’s, Maple Village, 4th Can. of in the raplts at two battles, and at the Vaughan, at noon; thence to Mr, Joseph but“, of Inkerman he suppned his own Gaby's Hotel. Richmond Hill. and stop all . g , ‘ H, night. hi0 . colonel own." will om”? ‘5 Friday, May 6, he will proceed to Mr. Wm. .e aving ecu shot.and he then l0l' Duroso’a Hotel, Victoria Square, 4h Con. of unteered to supply the place of a guttut-r Markham. at noon ; thence by way of Saml. who had been wounded during the action. MEMOWS'HCNWS’” CNN”. ‘0 hi“ 0"“ "‘b“. -- ' - _ an slope, night. tu addition to a medal and tony clasps l0! Saturday, Mm, 7. he Wm proceed to Swum ravery. he had ""30"?" :1 I‘TEnCll W3“ ville at' noon: thence to his own stable. and medal of the Legion of Honor. remain until Monday morning, continuing the stains route during the season, health and weather poriiiittiiig. JOHN FISIIRURN. Proprietor, Markham, April. 1859. All advertisements published for aless pe' riov titan one month. must be paid for in ad- name. All letters addressed to the Editor HID-l be post paid. No paper discontinued until all entourage: are paid :‘ and parties refusing papers without pay- ing up. will be held accountable for the sub- scription. --~â€"â€"-â€" 'I‘I’IE YORK HERALD Book and J ob Printing ESTABLISMENT. _â€"_-... " RDERS for any of the undermentioned description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :--â€" aoous, nch BILLS. BUSINESS cums. “nos; up SMALL ros'ricits, crucucaus, LAW roams, CURIOUS IIISTORICAL PAULâ€"During the reign of Charles 1.. a country girl came to London in search ofa place as a servant-maid, bttt not succeeding, she hired herself to carry out beer frotn the brew- house. The brewer, observing a good- looking girl in this low Occupation. took her into his tamin as a servant, and. after a short time, ma-ried her, but he died while she was a young woman. and left her the bulk of his fortune. The business of the brewery was dropprd, and the ydung woman was recommended to Mr. Hyde. as a skillful lawyer, to arrange her hus- band’s affairs. Hyde,who was afterwards the Earl of Clarendon. finding the widow's fettiine very considerable, married her. Of this marriage there Was no other issue than a daughter. who was afterwards the Wife of James 1L, and mother of Mary and Anne. Queens of Englantl.â€"-â€"Rcview, . “uâ€"â€"â€". ._.-..__.__ .._. NOTICE. 1'O'I'ICE is hereby given, that application will be made to the MUNICIPAL t‘oimcn. of the United Counties of York and Pool at its next itioetiiig, to be holdcn on the 6th June. 1859. at the Consrv Center House. City of Toronto, to pass it By law for the conveyance to Martin Mach-ad’s. Esq., the original road allowance hetweeu the Townships of Vaughan and King, in the let Concession J. ELLIOT, County Clark. County Council. May 11, 1859. 24-4t aim. HEADSJEANK CHECKS.DRAFTI. AND r a at r u L s: 'r I. And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING ! done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Type and Borders, for Cards. Crculars, &c. kept always on hand. ACTIVE FORCE. COUNTY OF YORK. \TO 9 Troop of the YORK VOLUNTEER l CAVALRY wdl musteriii YtilllVlLlJ‘. at 10 o’clock, A,M., on the 24th tnst., to join in celebrating Her Majesty’s Birth‘day, as div reeled by the Militia General Order of the 5th May. NOR. THOR. MACLEOD, Major Comp’y. No. 2 Troop, Y. V. t. Richmond Hill.,_Moy 13. 1859. 24-2t House and Lot For Sale. HAT HOUSE AND LOT situated on the road lrading to Mr. Aiksoy’s mill. on the 1st concession of Vaughan, within a few rods of Yonge Street, with a good rough cast house. stable, shed. garden. and a fine orchord . For particulars apply to ‘ 5. C. LAWRENCE. On the Premises. 21.2m It is stated that the American sliiP Edward Frost appeared off Guernsey, re- cently. and stood on and off for nearly two days. the captain having lost his reck- oning and being ignorant of his where.â€" abouts. He at last signalled for a pilot. and one going on board be commenced in the most unmerciful manner to abuse the inhabitants of the island, who, he said. ‘ were the. stupidest set of critters he ever met in his whole existence. They were as frightened of his ship as if she was a float. ing earlhquake.’ Yonge Street, April 91, 1859. W TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. MONUMENTST’TOMB-TBLES TOM B-STONES the. Twenty Per cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER IS'I'AILISIIET. V ‘HE Understgned Assignees of the _ estate of D. C. 8: \V. YALE, will con- tinuo the business under the superintendenc'e ot‘our duly authorized agents. Ausriit Ann” and D. CARLOS You. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. RS All notes and accounts remaining un~ paid on the let day of June, 1858, will be put in ‘. a Court for collection. ..__â€".â€"â€"___.â€"_â€"â€"~â€"â€"._â€"â€"W_.___. RICHMOND HILL FAIR! WILLIAM*§A~RRISON. SADDLER, i I IIINKS it nothing but fair to return thanks to the Public, and respoctlully request a continuance of their hitherto liberal patronage. Richmond Ilill, May 13. 1859. The following anecdote appears in the French newspapers. A general having taken an opportunity of expressing to the Emperor a hep: that he might be employed in the coming campaign, his Majesty re- plied, ‘ Never fear. generalâ€"4f war breaks out there Will be commands for every body 34-11:). W“ DR. L. LANGSTAFF, PM!“ DOOR SOUTH 0' THE FRANKLIN HOUSE, CVQ‘II for me.’ M‘RKH‘. VXLL‘GEI C. YAIJE. M“‘““‘“" M“ ‘3’ 1859' 9”" Toronto 29 A ril 1858 G. CUMMEiihi Senioth Acornnsr.â€"We have bee n I l p ' informed that a and accident orcurred in CO To ' Drumbo, on Thursday the 12th inst, 1 A RD,S whereby one person lost his life, and many 8' Blow MA N’s MlLLS 2 NEW others were endangered. It appears they “'1‘ H Y 0 U K were engaged in raising a buidiing for a foundry, the main part of which had been erected successfully. In raising the por~ tion to be used as a moulding shop &c. CARDING dc GRISTING, where parties from a distance can have it dons to take with them on their return home.- Aliiiira, May 13, 1859. fid-tf. BOOTS &_ SHOES "UST RECEIVED, direct from New York, . a huge and varied Stock of Lndies' and Children's BOOTS 6L SHOES which are offered at the lowest Toronto prices, and from Make. Style, and Material cannot be surpassed, [3' Call and See tho Stock. and examine for yourselves. G. A. BARNARD. TO RON TO MARKETS. NOTICE hereby given. that on Monday, the sixth dat‘ of June next. applicatio it will be made _._.â€" Tnunsnsv, May 26 . IS FollWlioat. tin, b l.... " I" ~ ' I ' ' - u Sukanlnr ll“ u . . s: :3 5-3 to the Municipal Council of the Township of Rlchmond Hlll' Apr“ 7’ 1859' 19 ll spring when, prime, f" "ed, PM, Vts.ttgll€itii,l pass a IBmeQw. cataliglis‘hinlg ulcer- busliel,___,_,,,__”_”_.__U 1 50 p.35 lain oat etwimn ..ots, San ‘2 ,111'. a wet Spring whom, mm,er p" bush. 1 35?, 1 4n Concession of the said 'l‘ownsfip. from Yong. l ! Bart.» I?" bush“. ,: . . . . . . _ n 0 75 a 0 8” Street to the Second Concession. when all pare HE Subscribe”. having imported mo“ nominal . . . . . . . . . . . 0 75 a ll 80 "03 “‘“resm‘lfn “was”: " ’t‘end' GRAPE ROOTS than they require for P6”: “ . . . . . - - - - g a :1, GEORGE J. t -"VPEAP_CE(III k setting, otter a few , ‘_ r . . . . . . . . . . . a AOWIIS up . or . (rimming Seed 2: ........... i 35 a 2 on May 4th, l859. 23-4. VERY CH OlCE VlNES’ [1033’s wd ,, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3 :ggg Of the far famed " Isabella" for sale at fifty ‘ I 0 o o s a a c . . n o Apple”: per barrel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (If) a. 5 50 culls .‘Ch' pATTFRSON & BRO it ' , . 4 i ' Nome-E- 33.“ l, “k I: l ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' 7 00 n 8 ('0 HE Municipal Council of the Township of ‘Prisl‘o or 0 P" :r“ - - - - - ' ' - ' - - Vaughan, have fixed Monday. the 33rd F ’ . ° ' ' ~ r r - i - , dav of May. 1859, for hearing and deci lug . . flac'og’ "du' p" 5,00 “’9' ' ' ' ' - ' ' :5 00 3 8 50 upon all appeals that have been lodged with the 200,000 feet 0f Lu‘nbel 9 Sin: ’ h ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' J "U Township Clerk. tgnlnh‘t tllo respective ABSOS- INCLUDING Flooring. Siding. Inch Boards, Cain,” a“ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 5 0? " 7 on sors’ Assessments for the present year. and and two-inch Plank, Scantlriig, doc. &c., wows’ “on; ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ’ ‘ ‘ 3 5‘) n 00 such Court of Roviswii will be held at the Town at the sulisc'ioor's Mill, near Stoutfville, cheap Shea ' Pf! ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° - - r r 0 2‘3 ' 0 25 Hall, on the do: above named, at 11 o'clock in {or Cash or Approved Credit. Bherqla‘égs’ walla"; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l 7" ‘ 2 W the foreman, when all persons interested are JAMES BUGG, Ca" 8km“ rpzt‘r‘b' 1‘ - - - - - - - - - ° 3 : g requested to attend AR Stouffville, April 12. 1859. 23.11: I ease-oaosoaona . ‘ Bq‘ttor, trgsllt‘, P" ‘2’) . . . . . . . . . . . . O 26 u 0 28 GEO RGL J. {gffihip (Sink 'â€" l . s t . Em, p2, Quinlmff'" ‘l’ _______ g 2g g May4th,1859. 93-3- Montreal ocean Steamship Co. Chickens, per pair . , , , , , , , , , , _ , u 55 a 0 65 ,_._m___~_ww-___a_# _,*,,.W.____ Under contract with H. or Majesty's Provincial Turkey-a, each, H. _ . . . n . a . U” 1 00 a 1 25 Government for the conveyance of the Mails Geese, each , , , , . , , . , _ . , , . . u , . . o 5” a u 50 Letters between Liverpool and Canada. The fol- Honoy, porlb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 15 a o 20 lowing Vessels will suit as follows :â€" Hay, per ton, . , . , ., _ _ . . n . h o 20 [m Remaining in RICHM JND HILL Post Office pwm Lintpool. From Quebec Straw. “ ............ 8 00 MAY 1”. 509- North Briton. Wed’dy Apl. ~20. sway May 14. Wood,por cord,dcliverod....... 400 ad25 _ . . ""â€" Aiiglo “ pr lold................. 3 50 st 3 75 Ann‘s" wuhm Lymbmm“ J'm” Nova Scotiaii,, Armstrong, William Lawrence. J. S. .do.. Juno..4 N.,. “r” ~ . - Armstrong. Sarah Langstaff, John jun. Hungariw do ‘ do 1” do do [1 Anderson, Miller Little, John ' ‘ ' ' ' 5" ' a ' " ' fish) fiungxflgmgutg. mining". Gem. m “Mm. John Indian ........., do..18. North Briton .do. . .June . . 1, Anglo Saxon. . .do. . . .do.. . .8,. . .do.. 410.325, Lawrence. MISSE- .do. . .Jul\ ..2. Malcolm. Martin Coomha. John bowling. Hugh . :' ..,1.... ....’,.. ... .. N o r I c E. mtwrmm , trz.§za:::.-:.z....3:...u,..t‘:,...::..z- AVING, on the 19th instant. disposed of £3.21”? Jazz}. $§§l::::: fif'ge I. J Hungarian” . .. do. . . .do. . . ‘29,. .do. . .do.‘23' my finger", in the u York Heralds. to °88‘“'_ ' N ‘ J lh' ' Indian . . . . . . . . .July. . . 6.. .do. . .do.30 . ALEXAt‘iDEtt SCOTT. All parties in- $933 “m” pil‘ll‘cf ;‘ North Brlm- - --dU- - "dim . ‘3~ - Aim-Au: & doItod to the concern are requested th pay then Gigi“; ($23.86 plat, 3,5; A‘Igl" §BXP“- - -‘d°' - “d” - "90" 'd0' 'd0- '13‘ “counts to him or hi. om". Gr“ .Iosophg Rafik Mun,“ 1130:: Section. . .310. .Kdo. . ..‘2;,. .go. .30. .520. M. mason. on"... Tim... an... M...- Ann titulillfifli : :dz: 3.353.110: :di: 32.12.35. Richmond Hill. Mav 96. 1859. Hodson, William Richards. Jacob Indian. . . , . . do. . . ..17.. .do. .do. .10. Stockdale. Miss E. “mam: ‘ . HOW To SAVE mom-w“ WRITING BY sauna. ' , , HONOG‘RAPHY was invented by ISAAC - - PI’I‘MAN. of Bath. England, in the 'v'gar 1837 It is the moatsiinple, most. natural most rapid. and most easily-learned system of Writ- ing which has ever been, or ever can be in- vented During the past fifteen years, hundreds of thousands of persons, in England and Ame- ricn, in both public and private life. have learned to write I’honogiaphy. and thousands of social, and business letters annually pass through the post office Nor is its great popularity to bo wondered at. The present system of writing is owned- ingly cumbersome, and totally unworthy these days of progress and invention. Plionography is equally as legible, can be. learned in one- tweiitieth the time, and can be w'iitten sin: times asfust! In other words. the labor of six days can be performed inciteâ€"one man can do the work of six! So simple is the system, too, that a person may loam to Write it slowly, in it couple of hours. An Iiour'it daily practice for a few Weeks will enable any person to write Phonography with certainty. and with some degree of freedom. The same amount of practice continued for six months will on- able a person to take reports of speeches, lec- nres. sermons, or conversation. and to read them with accuracy. Dr. J. W. Stone. of Boston, says: ‘I deem Phonography an invaluable adjunct to educa- iou. and one which. when acquired in yo utb, would not be parted with in manhood for thou- sands of dollars " " i The late “on. Tues. "H. Busron. upon be- ng presented with a. verbatim report of one of his masterly speeches. taken by a little boy only twelve years of age. b‘ttld : “ Had this or! been known 40 years ago it would have sated me 2tlyearo hard lu‘or." The learned senator spoke but a portion of the truth. What long- band requires six years to accmnplish, Pituita- grapliy-will perform in one. To Clergynieii, Editors, Physicians, Law- yers, Secretaries, Ceiivet‘aiicers, Law and Me- dical Students, Lecturers, Printers, School Teachers, Merchants. School Boys andqa‘drls, a knowledge ol't’honography is ofvest utility.- In fact there is'no protession or calling in which it is not useful. and no young man’s education can be considered complete without it. During the past nine months hundreds of persons in..Csnada, of every pursuit in life. have acquired the Art. from many of whom the subscriber has received neatly-written phonographic letters, expressive of their de- light with the attainment, and the extraordinary ease With which they have acquired it. For the purpose of aiding in the dissemination of so important a reform iii his own country, the subscriber is now prepared to supply all who apply, with the MANUAL os‘ Puoaoom- ear, and the Punisooiuruic Corr Book, sent by mail to any part of the Province, postage pie-paid. for the stitull sum of U ONE DOLLAR- .511 Any body and everybody, who can learn any~ thing, can learn l’uouooairuv from the Ma- NUAL. without other assistance. Those who wish to be able to put their thoughts to paper at. the rate of from 100 to: 250 words “ per minute." should send for the above-mentioned works at once. The instruction given by the Maiiualis as plain as A. B. C.. and ten times as easy to understand. ‘he "CANADIAN PHONE'I‘lC PION- EER ” is a Monthly Journal. devoted to the advocacy of the Reform. Price 25 cents per annum. Address, (post-paid) *‘ WILLIAM H. ORR, Oshawa. C. W. ARPE'NTERSand Builders save your Time and Money by getting your FLOORIM' Planed. Tonguod and Grooved at HARRISONS’ Planing Mills. Carpenters save your Money" by getting your SIDEING Planed at Harrisons' Planing Mills. Builders and others useiiig PLANED BOARDS will save money by. getting them“ Hunt at Harrisons’ Planing Mills, , i All parties in want of Welleseasoned Planed FLOORING audf S'DEIN purchasing it at Harrisons' Planing Mills, To Farmers and others.-â€"-If you want a Good, Cheap SHINGLES, (which are superior to a ET ALL WORK WARRANTED equal to hand work. and executed with dispatch.. H. a. J. HARRISON, PLANK ROAD, RICHMOND? HILL. ' 20‘ 3n G' will. save money by and 'I‘ight R‘oot‘ purchase you ll others.) at Harrisons’ Planing Mills. ‘ 0 April. is. 1359. VIIHESUBSCRIBER would respectfully intimate to his friends and customers shill” SPBI roots 1 Which having purchased personally in the British Markets, he is confident that the Style and Qualities are such as to meet the requirements, If the public. and the principle "in which his business is conducted, viz : Small Profits and for Cash Only, cannot fail to secure that patronage which are attendant on the sale of Cheap and Good Goods HIS STAPLE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, \Vill be found remarkably cheap. HIS FANCY STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Will be found to contain the newest goods in Dresses, Shaw'ls, Mantlcs, Ribbon, dcc. H15 Millinery' Department. New Open, is now replete With the newest styles of Bonnets, 810. Dress Making by Experienced Artistes llis Stock comprises the following l'l‘llll lllll llllll Ill llllllli, llllllllllllll, fill Dunes (:;OODS.~‘-FIOUIIC€(I Robesâ€"one lloiince, Flounced Robesâ€"two Ilounces Printed Balserint-s, Plain Bureges, Fancy Bareges, Plain French DeLaines, Fancy French DeLaines, Checked Shawllies, French Twills, Milroy Stripes, Flounced S'lk Dresses. Fancy Silk Poplins, l‘lymalaya Lustres. MANTLES.â€"~ Mixed Tweed Talmas, Summer Cloth 'I'almas, Scindia Talmas, Black Glase Talinas, ’tich Frilled Mantles,Tbe Union 'l‘alma Mantle, Tiffany Mantles. BONNETLâ€"UOIOI‘ULI Mixture Bonnets, Grey Broad Bonnets, Indented‘Lttton Bonnets. Black Broad Bonnets, Broad Indented Broad Bonnets, Girls’ and Maids lndented llatsflluscan Bonnets, Riot: Broad Bonnets, White Leghorn Bonnets, li‘anev Bonnets. lnfants’ and Girls Tuscan Hats, Infants’ and Girls’ Broad I'Iats, Boys’ Brown Broad Hats. Humanâ€"Women’s Cotton Hosiery, \Vomen’s Merino Hosiery, Men’s Cotton Socks, Men’s Merino Socks, Children‘s Cotton Hosiery, Girls" Cotton Hosiery, Boys’ Cotton Hosiery. , Alexandre’s Celebrated French Kid Gloves, Horrock‘s \Vhite Sliirting Cotton, Cheap Linen Lawn Pocket I-landkerchiefs, \Vilcox & Co’s. Celebrated Expansion Skeleton Skirts. Improved Cane and Whalebonc Hoops, Ribbons, Laces, Parasols, Sewed Goods, Stays, VeilsShawls, Sheetings, Table Linens, Napkins. 'l‘owellings, &c. Sales made for Cash Only, and no second price. JOHN CHARLESWORTIâ€"I, 317’ 41 King Street west, next to Beckett’s Druécéist. - in Toronto, April, 1859. M. No. 81,1{isg Street East, It LEISHMAN. ext door to the “Colonist” office, has received his New Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! Comprismg all the NOVELTIES OFHTHE SEASON 1 £3 % fim FOR SALE, A Desirable Family Residence, ITUA'I‘ED iii the Village of Thornhill, and adjoining St. John Street, (commonly called the Plank Road), being part0 Lot No. 30, within a short distance of Yongo Street,â€" containing four bed-rooms, sitting-room and kitchen ; with a good stable for 2 horses. wood shod and other usetul Oulrbuli‘lllgs. with yard. garden and a good well of water, and confining about half an acre of land. For further particulars apply to tho Proprio tor on the promises. SAMUEL LEMON. ThoriihillpApyi-‘l 15, 1859. 90-tf BONNETS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, SHAWLS, MANTLES, we. 03" Sales made for Cash, and no Second Price. _ M. LEISHMAN, No. 81, King St. next door east to the Colonist office- Toronto, April, 1859. ' 20-3m NEW MILLINERY. W-¢MV(WVMWWV - VMNV G. A. BARNARD, Begs to announce to his Customers and the Public that he will open on; Wednesday, the 13th inst., in connexion with his General Stock, a till lllllll‘lllll'l‘ F Blltllll'l l1 Mlllllllllll. 43.1 Which will be found unusually low. Milliner he will be prepared to make to order in the BONNETS, MAN'ILES, CAPES, LINERY, with Neatness, Taste and moderate ORA No. 644, EE'I‘S at WM. DUROSE'S HOTEL Victoria Square, the last Friday ovou- ing in each month. OFFICE-RS ELECT 2 THOMAS SNOWDEN. Master. JAMES NEAL. Deputy. JOHN GAUIJIY. Treasurer. JOHN BUTTON, Secretary. Victoria Square, May 7. 1858. Having engaged an experienced most fashionable style“ Richmond Victoria, OYAL ORANGE LODGEaNo. 778. , meets at Brother Robert VVisemttii’s. Masonic Hall, the first Friday evening after the Full Moon in each month. ’ Orricszus Ei.s:t:i‘-â€"Colonel D. Bridgford. Master . R. “’iseinan, Deputy Master; John Munholland, Secretary ; W. Pogue, T'cuuro' January ‘21. 1858. t33 And every description of MIL Despatch, and trusts by strict attention to this departmenf and charges to merit the patronage of the surrounding vicinity. Paris, London St New York Fashions received monthly.- 6(9- Call 8: examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. w G. A. BARNARD. rid Hill, April 8, 1859. 194! J. K. FALCONBRIDGE, Ri°hm° '13 Brennan his SPRING & SUMMER STOCK! A LARGE ASSORTMENT TOBIA DOLMAGE inform the Public that he is prepared to make to order Would respectfully llill'l‘l lllll llllll Ill llllllll llllllllll'l'lllll. A'l" LI-IE LOWEST REVIUNERATING PRICES. All 0rd are executed with Neatness and Despatch. . ALL WORK \VARRA‘N'I‘ED. Richmond Hill, March 18, 1859. 170 LET, W0 COMMODIOUS TENEMENTS Richmond Hill, April 7, 1859. 19ot To the Sick and Dth. R. SNIDER. of the 7th Concession of , , Vaughan, near Klinoburgh, guarrauteoo to cure Cancers, Enlarged Necks, 164‘. WW wflWVW/ SAP BUCKETS' “olmmm Cardin. North Briton do do .24 do do 17 ‘ . . . . Hust. William Smith. Mary . A S d "' " “l A d W 0th , n, as , persons 1 berm adapted for Shops. situated in the most r HE Subscriber wishes to loft PATRICK LYNOTT, fingsoufiJosoph ghoppard,(l;aron N25i030223nxzd22 “3.2,. . mildeiueaitlier ofothe alhhvcumentioued Disease: coit‘tral andcomnéanding partdof illpo Village : Farmers, Stomkpepers and Oil ' ' arris, enr' tracian, nor 0 ~ '1 1n 1' ' ' , 1 t oact containing rooms. goo coat. gar en. < w- Innes. Willialn Sanvidgg, Johng N. American. . . .do. . .do. . .8 Wilddo V30 d5) cal "1 “mo All 0W3“ 0 b9 and other convenience“ i won finned lor MIL I that ha ha now on hand a large 9‘2“. ’ ,, , Hungarian . . . . . . do. . "21,. .do. .do. .15. pl) 9 8“ a 1155M” . . .. . bupenor SAP BUCKET“ “111011 he to on m {C l . Johnson, Henry F. ibb, Richard Ind,“ do “do “'28 do do .22 , PETER S‘UDER liners. Tailors, 'Iiu Smith, Saddlers, or Shoal umrknbl The” p3"; graznd giro; 5:031? 3. l6" Kirkland; Cha’l” Tl}°f“P‘°“r 0"” North Bii‘toiii. . . .do: .Oct: . . . doiido'. :29: filinemrltfi, Sh0P" 3°“ mmrale‘ Apply to N 1,0,, No), 11 , pdud Con, MarkhoI.’ g. p" cm“... - ' . P P' Kilfedor. Margaret thllflmfi-hh" l2] Anglo Saxon. . ..19,. .do. .Nsv. 5. I B. m m! m 45%,, _ 6, L “RSARD; , My”. pm.paid, to Buugmrillg P. O. : . - ,mbbhs Job! Wilm- Th" Nova . ..19, .12, .. . .t t :. .- - - .. .. . y I , _ . . . t “hm” Hill-.31“? 95» 1859' “My ' or. ‘rwnt r. at. N. smut... . cones. to. other. .ui. ,A‘ttw‘s‘t ‘1 193 “W ' new ' “ ' twain-r- ”. I” "’ ‘ ‘

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