.’ _ .3 . t .‘to the, business of .i . r COUNTIES? -. COUNCIL." ‘ , ‘7 ,‘j ‘Abt‘idged,froiii.tlieZLeadsbr. " ,‘f- 'V‘ . i. Monday, ‘June 6. ’i "The County Council 'tor‘ the united counties offli’ork and. Peel assembled at _two o’clock, the Warden iii tlichhair. There, were present : , I ‘ . Messrs. Armstrong, Chambers, Craw- ford,DaVis,Ego Evans, (Alb) Evans, G.) Evesfllutty, Hart. Hyde, How- laud, James, Jell‘i-t‘y, Jones. Lindsay, Mc- Leod, Mills, Musson, Marsh, l’rice, Perdu, Reesor, btariat, Scott, Tyrrell. Wadsworth, \cheler, and “'alke'r. The Warden said that with reference this session of the "Council, ttie principal portion ‘of which waste provide for the assessments of the The estimates were already'be- fore the Councit ; and be was not. aware that there had been any occasion for an increase in the estimated expenditure. 0t that there had been any change in the .SOurce. of or falling oil in the revonne. There was another subject he felt it his duty to talludezto. It was this: Accord- ing to the provisions of the amended Mu 'tiicipal Act, the Council was authorized to provide Poor-houses or Houses of lo. " dustry, where the destitute of all CltlSfl‘S fit: the country might bem‘aititaiued.aiid by being made to do a ceitain amount of laâ€" t-‘bort contribute towards di'lraying the exâ€" "p'enses of thrir maintenance. A-great many institutions of this character Were now being,r sustained by private charity; abut there was still a number of vagrauts and others uriprovided for. These the '* “Council should look after, and by the .t. I? _ establishment of poor-houses, secure them from absolute want. There was another class of people of whom he need scarcely '- speak, for almost every Village in the coun- try sopplied sprcinu-ns of themâ€""people without any visible means of support, ivliodid not seem to have or care to have. any employment or occupation, who wen thrown on the. surface ol society and who were ready, he iearrd to commit any ape cies of ciime that would appear to oti‘ei ' any means of subisieiice. home of the must notable crimes of late had been com- mitted by this class of persons. He would particularly refer to the case of the Brantford murder. In all probability tlue three men coniiniiting that murder were of this class~ men who lived from hand (0 month, without any desire to make an honest living. :30 long, as that class is Vunprovided for~--anil unless there .is a {Place to send them l0. they “mm b" provided forâ€"so long must act-oiliuioda . tion be provided for them in the prisOns. ‘And not for them only. but for a numerous progeny of evil,springing as it were from their exampleâ€"which Will spread orer the “whole country. ,The sooner steps were taken to provide against the continuance "'of slit-h an evil. the sooner would the duty incumbered on them be discharged. At "present he ivas'aware there were no means of fixing the locality of these poor tpeople. A man might be a pauper in one locality one day, and choose a distant 'locality as the scene oi his Operations the .1" day after! in that inspect the law iieedv-ii amendment. His object in bringing this matter before the Council was to induce them to take it Up. and if they devmed it necessary, to address the Legislature on the zubjrct. He had no doubt any reason- able amendments would be 'maile‘iii llte ", V _ law by the Legislature if the necessity l for the villages in. these United Counties .0» pASSeil by the Council-at its last semioti, k.‘ allowance for rent. 1 ., to~morrow move that the report of thu- ti Council, he referred back to. that-3 Com _ mittee for the purpose of aim-oiling the a. .- «‘ i to (transact committee: business, after ; which they adjourned. ,u fgdoptetl the lollowing resolutiong .. «of the real Value, instead of 6per cent as ‘1". wardenViu the chair. 1. ,, i r’.',.":"V;The \Varden broughtin a report from .--».t...-8Vlle Commissioners on County. property. . _ . The Council'rcsuined its 3:}; went into committee on the report. Lt ' an alphabetical arrangement of the names. for such amendments were shown.- cut-h .an amendment as that requiring each County to take care of its own poor would, be. doubted not, receive the assent .of the Legislature. Having: laid some documents- Jefor the council, the Warden concluded his address. The Clerk ofthe Council then read the quarterly report of the County Audi- tor’s, aid 3. letter from the Registrar of the him-regatta Coart respecting an al- ASSESSMENT LAW. Mr Scott gave, notice that he would on Committee on EqualiZation ol ‘A‘Se‘s- merit, brought in at the lttsl. session of the Vlame by reducing the usual amount rated in compliance- with the assessment law. V ASSESSMENT ROLLS. Mr. Marsh gave notice that he would on Wednesday next move that the Coun cil go into Commit'ee of the Whole for the purpOSe of considering “the resoluticni requesting the Council of each Muiiici pality to instinct their Assessors to make .on theirrespective rolls tor the purpose 'of amending the same. ‘ i The members at the Council then ad- ,iouriied totlicir several committee rooms. 3 ‘ I l . V Tuesday, Jane 7.‘ The Council met at 10 o’clock; the A few petitions-were presented. ASSESSMENT. H On motion of Mr. tcott, the Council went into Committee. of the \Vhole, and ' “ That the standing committee on VequalizatVon ofassessment. be instructed to" amend. their report by taking the annual value of rentals in villages at 10 per cent in the report.†_V The Committee rose and reported and " the resolution was agreed'to. ' The‘Couiicil then adjourned until two yp’c‘lock' in the afternoon. I ', , Sitllug'at two .o’clock. . . -= ' COUNTY PROPERTY. Several matters of no public int-crest were “tanned to. Accounts to tlie‘ain'ount ot $433 72 were recommended to‘ be paid. ' On motic'm of Mr. Scott the Council ~,In reply to Mr. Street, Mr. Scott stated that a communication had been I l addressed to the Mayor pinthe city in re- tereiice to the» amount due :by the County Council for the maintenanceof city pris- iniers in the. jail. No answerï¬vli‘ad been received in reply to that, lett'er,exccpt the acknowledgement of its receipt? if the matter was not settled imiiindiately an action would be instituted against the city iii time for trial at the next Court of VAssiZe. One of the clauses of the re follows : . “ With reference to the sum of $2,800 appropiiated at the June “bessioii of last year for the Provincial Agricultural Asâ€" sociation the Couiiiiissioiicrs litive'exainin- ftad the patent to the city of l-I‘oroiito, dated the QIst Oct. 18:38, for a portion of the public lands, including the hind occu- pied last year by tlie‘Ass-ociation as an exhibition ground, and ï¬nd in it a proviso intended to meet the conditions on which the appropriation was made, and there-tore recommend the payment ofthe money.†"ï¬'l‘liis claUse caused a good deal of dis- russioii, though not much Opposition. It was urged by some nit-inbrrs that the cotiiities‘vvnre not sufï¬ciently secured in their interest in the. pound, and therefore desired to withhold the payment of the money for the. present This argument was met by the statement that the patent from the Governmentpave all the security to all thepartiesiiiti-restcd that could be iii-sired. The clause was ultimately :i‘doptcd,.as was also the other clauses til the report. The council then adjourned. Wednesday, June 8. ‘ I‘he Council met at 10 o’clock. Mr. Marsh movod that the Clerk be instructed to read such part of the minutes ofthe proceedings of last year as contains the resolution l't‘quehllttg the. Council of each municipality to instruct their Asses- soi's to make alphabetical arrangement in their assessment rolls. The. Illil’tUll'S were read,,and the Coun- cil ivi-iit into committee of the whole to amend the respliition. i\‘l:. .\.larsh said that there was great difficulty in the Assessors making out their i'e‘uriis alphabetically. lie would therefore more that the word ‘ Clerk’ be substituted for ‘ Assessor’ in the resolu- tion. Mr. Starrat moved that the resolution be struck out. altogether. Mr. .lonrs inoVed that the resolution read as follows: That the Council of curry municipality be requested to instruct its clerk to ltii‘u'sli the cmrk of the coun- tirs with a correct copy of the assessment roll. alphabeticallv arranged. M r. Maiin agreed to this latter amend- ment. It met all he requirid. Mr. Starr-alt. in speaking of the resolu tion. Said that when a certain bill was be- fore l’at'liaiiicnt in reference to the assess ment roll of the township of Brampton. which had been fraudulently inside out. the \l'arden stated that the. bill was intro- duced at the instance of the Reeve and Deputy Reeve of Brampton and the other petitioneis, for corrupt purposes. \\'ardi‘h denied the statcii‘irnt. Flu: said he made no reference to the petition. but did say that certain parties «we interested in the passage of the bill. lle would leave the matter to Mr. Scott. Mr. Jones‘ amendment was then put and carried. The council the adiourned. ' ‘lie FROST IN JUN3.â€"â€"Tlie stray flakes of snow which heralded iii Saturday in this city, were the precursors of a sharp frost, which has left evidence of its ravages in every garden. orchard and field in the Vicinity. The day and night of Saturday WPI'C, indeed, the coldest known to have occurred in June during twenty yeais. Slight. frost had occurred previously Which and do .c some damage to the for ward fruit and vegetables; but the trust of ï¬atniday night did its work tliorrmghly. There was no dallyiiig, .IIU mrtltl‘dlt‘llCVfl. in its perfm'iiiance. (a‘riape vines Wltlt'll before exhibited a luxuriant growth. and had pas hetl through two winters unharmed. are cut down to the roots. Apples hardy as they are have somewhat sutl‘cred in exposed SItUZtlIOII‘; and we have heard of one gar- den in Willt‘ll a large, well cultivated straw- hurry bed. has been nipped at least into partial barrenncss. Gieen corn will he s: area, so completely has the eaily garden maize been kilicd. Tomatoes. int-tons. and a tiibe of table dilltlll"ï¬ of similar kinds have been killed ; and beans and po- tntOes preSi-i'it only blackened leaves. The sweep has been complite ; and will i'oinpel its to rely in a gi‘rat degree upon an imported supply of market garden stuff until late in the season. From lying south westerly from here, We learn that though lrost has been CXpet'lettcetl, its efects‘ are much less mischievous than in'tliis litilgl‘llnt'lIOOll. It appears also to bare extended into Northern and VVestt-rn New York,aiid Northern portion ofOliio. â€" Globe. _. A PRACTICAL Josue-The only, thing ofthe kind in which Mi. Barham was ever personally engaged was as a boy in "Can.- lei-bui'y. when a sclioolfellow, now a gal- lant IllnjOI‘, ‘ famed for (lt‘tftls of arms,’ he entered a quakor’s meetingaliouse ;‘ looking round at the grate assembly, the latter held up a penny tart. aiiilsaid solemnly, - Whoever speaks first shall have this pie.’ ‘ Go thy way,’ commenced a drab-colored gentleman, rising,â€"‘ go thy way aiid’_â€"â€", ' The pie is yours, sir,’ exclaimed l) . , placing it before the astounded speaker, and hastily effecting his escape. There is a report in Paris that the aiiiperor intends to take the command wearing,r a little cocked hat and gray riding cont, exactly lashioned after the world~ famous garments of the great Napoleon. General Bouat. who led the ï¬rst French division orer' Mount Cetus†ilied from drinking a glass ofsnow water when heated. Not long ago an album leaf on which 13er had written-a few lines'of pOetry was sold at Venice, and a Russian gave 1000 dollars for itl There were but four linesmtwo hundred and ï¬fty dollars a line 3 places . port is as l “TORONTO MARKET-S.- s" t t THURSDAY, June. Fall Wheat, prime, per bush. . . . $1 75 i2 10 l ' " “ ‘rrlodiuni‘ “ 145111 50 Spring Wheat, prime, for seed, per -bushal..,j........... . . . . . . . ....I50al85 Spring W‘ht‘tnt, oidiiiary per-bush: ' 1' limit 1 (it) Barley, pnrbushel. . . . . . . . . . .. U 75 a 0 80 Rye, nominal “ . . . . . . . . . . . 0 75 a 0 80 Oats, “ . . , . , , . . . . 0 57 a it (it! Peas, , t H .. ...... , o no at or Potatoes, ' “ .. . . . .. . . .L ‘0 70 If 0 80 Apples, per barrel. . . . . .. . . . . “ dried, per bushel. . . . . . - Pork, tresli per lllO le.. . . . . . . . - (I 3 00 a ll 00 6 5-» a7 no Reef, “ ......... 7 no a 8 00 Moss l’ork. per barrel . . . . . . . . . . . I7 00 . Prime," " . . . . . . . . . I3 00 tlacon, side’s. per 100 lbs. . . . . .. . 8 00 'a 8 50 Hams, “ . . . . . . . 9 00 Sheep. each. .« . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 “0 21-7 00 Cnlves,eacli....... . . . . . . . . .... 35llat5 (ll.l Wi)ol,pcrlh........ . . . . . 0 261102“ Sheep skins, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 75 a 2 00' Illiet‘ binds, tier ltttl lbs . . . . . . . . . . ' 6 (ill a 0 50 Cults-kins, per lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Ill :1 0 l2 Butter, fresh, per lb , . , _ , , . , . 013 a 0 16 “ tub, No. I“‘& 2 per lb . . . . . ' 0 ‘20 a 0 22 EQgs,pordozeti.... ...' . . . . . . . . i 0 5&0 b' ('hickens‘, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘. 0 45 a 0 5t) 'l‘iirke'rs. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.‘..‘ ‘1 (lit a l 25 Geese,each....'........‘ . . . . . . . 05021060 Honey, perl b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 015 a 0 20 “av, per ton. . ...‘ .; H. . "2000' Straw, “ '...~....... . . . . . . ‘ . . . 800 Wood, per card, delivered. . . . . . . 4' 00 a 4 25 " “ ‘pï¬r load-.-.-..‘.......... 3 50 a 3 75 House to Rent. V O LET, in’the thriving Villago'of Maple, a House consisting of seven rooms. a good Stable and half an acre of-ground. For particulars apply to J. INGRAM, Station Master. Richmond Hill. Jane 3. 1859. 27-2 r s NU'E‘HCEL! In cotsequencc of the disseiiiinaiion by inter- ested and malicious persons, through the country of a great variety of reports respecting the Si liscriber, to the eil'ec: that ho is about leaving the Countryâ€"going to New Zealaiid or the Moon. ' l have deemed it expedient therefore to glVl‘ all iiiv old i‘atrons. Friends and Iniiciiiies- the benefit of a public and an unequivocal contra- d.0iion: and that all such reports llnt’t' no foun- dation in truth ; that I cannot. and will not In; (Ii-"gnawed or driven hen) the country, either bv the questionable zeal of a viiidicrire and vir- ulent persecution, or puerile vraveriiigs of ter- ritied fiieiids. J. N. RElD, M. I). Thoriiliill, May 31, 1859. ‘ 2T-3t. 1859. For the Season. 185.0 GREAT ERITAIN! will stand for Mares this season at the follow,- llILT places, viz :â€" Mondav, May 2, he will leave his own stable, Lot 32, 6th Con. of Markham, and proceed to James Loadiiian’s, 6th Con. of Whituhu'cli. at. noon: thence to' Mr Christopher Smith‘s. 3id Concession. and stop all might. 'l‘nesday. Ma} 3, he will proceed to Aurora. and stop the night. ‘ Wednesday. May 4, he will proceed to Mr. (.‘hrisdsoii’s Hotel, Yonge Street; thence to Mr. John (tillag’s. 3rd (Ton. of Kiiig.at noon: thence to. Laskcy Village, 6th (Jen. of King. and stopall night. 'l‘hursday, May5, ie will proceed to Mr. Graham’s, 5th (‘0ii. of Vaughan; thence. to Vlr James Dick’s. Maple Village, 4th Con. of Vaughan, at noon ; thence to M r, Joseph (Baby’s I-lotel. Richmond Hill. and stop all night. ' Friday.- May 6. he will proceed to Mr. \Vm. DurOse’s Hotel, Victoria Square, 42h Con. of Markham. at noon ; thence by way of Saml. Mighton’s, Crosby’s Corners, to his own stable, and stop all night. t "aturday, Nov 7. he will proceed to Stood“- vilio afnoon: thence to his own stable. 111.11 remain until Monday morning. continuing the same route during the season. health and weather permitting. JOHN FISIIRURN. Proprietor. Markham, April. I859. RICHMOND HILL ' " FAIR t 'WtLLIAMâ€"Tâ€"t-IARRISON. ' SADDLER, VI‘HINKS it nothing but fair to return thanks to the Public, and respectfully request a continuance of their hitherto liberal patioiiago. ‘ Richmond Hill. May 13. 1859. DR. .L. LANGSTAFF, FIRST noon sourii or Tm: FRANKLIN HOUSE, MA'RKHAM VILLAGE. Markham, May l3, 1659. 24-ly GO TO B. BOWMAN’S MlLLSl WITH YOUR CARDING &'. GRISTING, where parties from a distance can have i'.’ done to take with them on their return home. VAlniina, May 13, 1859. 24- tf. PATRICK LYNOTT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, OR the sale of Cattle, Stock. 6pc. is pre- pared to attend Sales in all parts of Up- pcr Canada. Ricl ii (lid Ilill. May ‘26. 1859' 0 ï¬ 6-1" Letters Remaining in itiouM )ND HILL Post Office rum: 1st, Idol). . «gmâ€"- Binnkskill. Robert (‘2) Law. A. [2] lliitlinger, George “Lawson. Jane Craig, John Lawrence, A. C. (70oper, William Moore. Rot-t. ‘ Coulter, Mary A. McMnllen,Malcolm [2] Crown, Edward ' McKillops,‘ John Cowan. Mary McDonald, John Curry, J. K. Nolan, John ' Dexter, Hiram Peck. Clarisa Eowling. Hugh ' Palmer, John ‘ Elliot. William Quinton, William Elliot, James Peassell, John Dyer, David V Revel. Mr. Gamble, J.‘ ' Robins. Mary ‘Ai-n Gray, Joseph ' ' Sheppard, Edward Goggiu, William Squire, Rev. William Hudson, VVlllafll ‘ W. ‘ Hodgsou, Thomas Smith. Thomas Senr. Hi iitiay, Eliza Stephenson, Mary llisson, Robert Thompson, Charles (2] Hall. Charles Thomas, Robert Killnps. William Twigg. William Lawrence, Eliza Trench. William Lawrence, J S. Wright, Amos Lewip, Rev. Father Wheeler, T. J. m. TEEN}. P. M. 5ll0a550' V is PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ’MORNING, And'despatcbed to Subscribers by the earliest The YORK ‘ HERALD will always be lie-found to contain the latestand mostiinpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets. and the greatest care will be taken to. render it acceptable to the man of business. and a valuable Famil} Newspaper. TERMSâ€"Seven and Sixpence perAiiiium,-in Aiivascn ; and if not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. ‘ Toronto, 29, April 1858 Qd-Im. RATES OF ADVE RTISING : Six litres and under, ï¬rst iiisertiou.. .' . .9300 50 Each subsequent insertion. . . . , . '. _ . . . (lit 12; Ten lines and under, ï¬rst insertion . . . . . 0t) 75 ‘ Above'ten lines, ï¬rst in., per lineâ€... ()0 06 Each subsequentinsertion. per line. . . . U" 02 lift†Advertisements witlioutwritten direc- tioiis inserted till forbid. and charged accord- ingly. i All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular customers. must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad- veitisiiig by the year. All advertisements published for a less pen rioo than one month. must be paid for in ad: vance. ’ All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. ‘ No paper discontinued until all arrearuges are paid : and parties refusing papers without pay- ing tip. will be held accountable for the sub- scriptioii. ..M M THE YORK HERALD Book and J ob Printing ESTABLISMENT. â€" " RDERS for any of the undermeutioned description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOKS. FAth cums, BUSINESS cums, LARGE ANII SMALL rosriciis, CIRCULARS, LAW roams, BILL HEAI)S,BANK cuccxsmuu‘rs. no r A M P H i. i: 'r s. And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING ! done in tliebest style, at moderate rates. Our assnrmw“, of JOB TYPE is Gums“. b_ mail to any part of the l'roviuce. postage o new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Type and Borders. for Cards. Crculars, doc. kept always on hand. House and Lot For Sale. ‘ HAT HOUSE AND LOT situated on the toad ltading to Mr. Arksey’s iiiill. on the Ist concession of Vaughan, within a few rods of Yonge Street. with a good rough cast house. stable, shod. garden. and a ï¬ne orchaid. For particulars apply to S. C. LAWRENCE. On the Premises. Yonge Street, April ‘31. 1859. 21-2in TORONTO CI'I‘Y MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. no N U M a n T sTâ€"To M B-T BLE s A Desirable Family Residence. TOM B-STONES étc. 'I‘wcnty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMET. â€"â€"_ fl‘lâ€"IE Undermgned Assignees of the shed and other usetul out-buildings. with yard, estate of D. C‘; a W. YALE, will con. tiiiue the business under the superintendence ofour duly authorized agents. AUSTIN Anne! and D. CARIOS Yam). whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. P.S All notes and accounts remaining un- pa id '11] the lot day othme. 1858. will be put in to Court for collection. C. YALE, G. CUMMER. 48-h†BARNARD’S NEW V . BOOTS 85 QHOES k . US'I‘ RECEIVED. direct from New York, Q a large and varied Stock of Ladies’ and Children’s BOOTS dz. SHOES which are offered at the lowest Toronto prices, and from Make. Style, and Material cannot be surpassed, 113’ Call and See the Stock. and examine, for yourselves. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond H ill. April 7, 1859. FOR SALE; 200,000 feet of Lumber, INCLUDING Flooring. Siding. Inch Boards. and two-inch Plank, Scantliiig. 6w . 650., at the suliscioer’s Mill. near Stouti‘villo, cheap tor Cash or Approved Credit. JAMES BUGG. Stoufl'ville, April 12. 1859. 23rd. , PATENT Drain Pipes, Eve Troughs AND Water Spouts, MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY JOHN LANGSTAFF STEAM Mums, 'l'nonsuina. June 3. 1859. 5274f Montreal Ocean Steamship Co. Under contract. with llor Majesty’s Provincial Government for the Conveyance of the Mails- hetworn Liverpool and Canada. The tol- 1'.V10tviiig Vessels will sail as follows iâ€" From Liverpool. From Quebec North Briton. VVed’dy Apl. ‘20, Sat’dy Mav 14. Anglo Saxon. . .do. . . .do. .27.. .do., . .do..27. Nova Scotiau. ..do. . . May. .4,. .do. ...do..28. I_NuAinericanâ€.do....do..1l,..do.. June..4 Hungarian“.,.do....d0...18,..do....do..ll. Indian . . . . . . ...do....do...2.3...(io... do..18. North Briton .do....liiuo ..l,. .do... do..95, Anglo Saxon...ilo....do....8,..do...Jul}..2. Nova Scotiaii...ilo....do..,15...do... do..9 N.Aiiiericnn...do....d0...22,..do...d0.16 Hungarian...“ do....do... 29,..(10...do.23 Indian . . . . . . . . . do...July...ti...do...do.30t North Briton....do....di....l3...do..Aug 6. Anglo Saxon. do. . ..do. . ..20,. .do. .do. .13. Nova Scotiau...do....do.V...27,..do..do..‘.2(). N. American. ..do..Aug.V.,. 3,. .do..do..27. Hungarian . . . . . do....do....l0...do..Sep. 3. Indian.........do...,do....l7...do..do..10. North Briton. . . do. . ..do. . ..‘24. . .do. .do. .17. Anglo Saxon....do....do.,..3l...do..do..24. Nava’Scotiaii...do...Sep.,..7...do.’.0ct..I. N. A‘iiierica‘n’. . .'.do. . ,do, . ,.14,..do, .do. Huiigariaii...‘...do...do.,..21...do..do..l5. ludian...l.....‘. do...do....Qt€,.ido..du..22. North Briton. . . .do. .Oct. . . . .4,. .do. .do. .29. Anglo Saxon....do...do....l9,..do..Nov. 5. ‘ Nova Section. , .‘do...do. . , V... 19,. .do. .wi.1%‘ - ykr‘Wy-vhttï¬ damn/‘0'“! .0 .. gnu-u «mama. vw vv-vs dirt butternut ' mails. or other conveyance. when so desired.“ r days of progress‘and iiivei'itioh. ‘ Phonogrnpliv 19-tl , ‘l i - ,0: .‘ SAVE MONEY-w war-rim: _._ 'v. «souno, , V . ~ ‘ > ' .1 ,u t 3,3 . . V . . A, ‘ v' i ' ARPE'NTERQQand Buildera‘savo' your Time arid Money by getting your F ORINQs .. it? 1837 It is the iiwstsiinple‘, most natural most. rapid, and most easily» learned system pf51Writ- ing which has 'ever‘ been, or'ever can be' iii- vented V ,1 V . V I During tbe‘past ï¬fteen years, hundreds of thousands of persons. in England and Ame- :ricn. in both public and; private lite-.ztiave learned to write I’lionogmphy, and thousands of social,. and business letters annually pass through the post ofï¬ce- ~ . v Nor is its great popularity to be wondered at. The present system of writing is exceed- iiigly cutiibersoit’ie, and totallquii worthy these Carpenters save your Money, by getting your SIDEING Planad at‘HarrisonsV' Planing Milln. Builders and others useing ,PLANED BOARDS will save tuoti‘oy"'by felting ill'ém Hing; at Harrisons’ l’laniiig Mills, _ '. - .’ ' . in . t . , All'pariieSin want ofIWell-seaiénod Plant-d FLOOR purchasing it at Harrisons’ Pipping Mills, To Farmer, and,others.v-lf you, want a Good. ,Cheap and .'I‘iglitI.-qut‘,,pu;phw, I.†SHINGLES, (Which are shpérior to all others.) at Harrisons‘ Planing Mills.,V V_ , it? ALL WORK WARRAN’I‘EI) equal to hand Work. and executed with disputing; 'H- 1.81:“. J. HAR‘RI'SONi’ ~ PLANK ROAD, , “‘~ RICHMOND HILL. ' , p "20.3:- IN G and- S'DEINGMHI lave/money by: "t ‘ 571i ‘-.. a ' 1‘ t“ ~ is equally as legible, caube learned in orie- twentietli thatime. and can written six times usfast! In other Words. the labor of six days can be performed in oneâ€"one‘man‘cnn do the Work of six! '80 simple is the system. too, that a person may learn to Write it slowly. in a coupie of hours. An hour’s daily practice _"April‘.' 15. i859] ' m Dress Matting by" ~Expcricnced iiiiii till!liftsfllillriftllilliillilltttlllll.tit. Dunsstloous.~â€"Fl0iinced Robesâ€"«one flounce, 'Flouncod ' Italieswtwqtilounces Printed llalzerini-s,‘Plaiii Bzireges, Fancy Bareges, Plain French DeLaines, Fancy “French DeLaViiiigs, Checked Shawllies, French Twills, Milroy Stripes, ,Flounced Silk Drbss‘os. Fancy Silk Poplins, l‘lymalaya Liis'tres.’ ’ ' ‘ ‘ ' HMANTVLESgâ€"lVllXt’tl Tweed Talmas, {Summer Cloth 'l‘altiias. [Scindia Talinas, Black G-lase Talmas, Rich h'i'illcd Mantles, The Union 'l‘alma Mantle, Tiffany Mintles. ,1 Bosnmsa~dflolored Mixture Bonnets, Grey BrOarl Bonnets, Indented Litton ’Bonnetsi Black “Broad Bonnets, Broad Iiideiited Broad. Bonnets,Girls’ and, Maids indented Hats, Tuscan Bonnets, Riot: Broad Bonnets, White Leghorn Bonnets, Fancy Bonnets..lnlantsj‘, and Girls Tuscan Hats, lnfauts’ and Girls’ Broad Hats, Boys’ Brown Broad Hats. ' ' ' l'losuzavrâ€"Women‘s Cotton Hosiery, ’VVomen’s' Merino, Hosiery, Men’s Cotton Socks, Men’s Melina Socks, Children’s Cotton Hosiery, Giiths’ Cotton Hosiery, Boys’ Cotton HMiery. ’ ' "“ Vi Alexandre’s Celebrat-od,,Frenoh Kid Gloves. IIorrock’s White Shirting Cotton, Cheap Linen Lawn Pocket Handkerchiefs \Yilcox 8L, Co’s. Celebrated Expansion "Skeleton Skirts, Improved Cane and \Vlialebone Hoops. Ribbons, Laces, Parasols, Sewed Goods, Stays, VeilsJShawls, Shootings. Table Linens, Napkins. Towellings, 85:. Sales made for-Cash Only, and no second price. . ;: JOHN CHARLESVVORTH, cf}? :11 King Street west, next to Beckett’s Druggist. ' - ~ ‘ 9-311: M. ’L' E1 S H MAN. j No. 81,Kin’g Street East, next door to the “Colonist†ofï¬ce C Y. . ' New Stock of! STAPLE AND, FAN N OVELTIES ormrHE SEASON t EH0 S IER Y smurmos, SH‘EETJINGS, ~SHAWLS, MANTLES, 'BONNEVTS ‘- ' "31 (3:?! Sales made fur Cash, aiiano Second Price. A N D G L O V E S . M. LEISHM‘AN, the; 'I'NoJS 1 ,i King St. m: V _ Artistes -. ' :"t’v, I V, .,,-. I ,,VV|" VIVH'E SUBSCRIBER would respectfully intimate to his friends and, customer..â€" . , . l ' iv of ii . . . - .. tor a. tow weeks vvill tenable (my person to .V the air ' a! l s ,. t't't? ~» » t ' w' , write Phoiiottrapb)’ with certainty. and with . . » . . ' some degree oth'reedoui. The same amount I 5 , , . - ‘ " ‘ of practice continued for SiXJIlOlltltS will on V ,, ‘, , V , . r _ able aperson to take reports ol' Speeches lec- , .. , . ‘7, , $2 . . , . .-' tires. sermons, or conversation. and t‘i'read thtch liat’tng purchased ly tn the :Bftll‘slt‘ Marlmtsr he '3 'C'ORï¬â€˜l‘f"t “lat ll" hem with accuracy. ,‘ :.-:3tyle‘and Qualities are such as.;‘t’o meet th黓'reqiiirei'iients 'of tlie"public, and tho ' '7- -. ..'- ,, . . . - -,‘~ t‘... .. . “Dr. J. 11}. Stone}. oikuolzhtonzlsayst.t 'Vl Seem, ,m, [we ,.,n Much ins biisiiiesstis, gonducted. VIZ : bmall Profits and for Cash Only, ionograpiy an min; at: e a June 0 e ucaéi . ~. .. t‘ r . x 1V ' ~ a _ , . ,, .. ‘ ,0â€; and one which. Win,“ acquned in yomh' cannot fail to secure that patronage which are attendant on the sale of Cheap and Would not be parted with in manhood for thou- (10981 UQOdS . i . . , ‘ , ‘ sands of dollars" ' ' “ it "~ ‘1‘ , - ' I t 7' 4 ' ‘ . l The late Hon. 'l‘nos. H. Benron. upon be- V ,S rig presented with a verbatim report of one of, ' ' ' ’ ' ~“fill he found remarkably cheap. his masteer speeches. taken by iii little boy“ ' ~ I " " , . i' . ' 7 only twelve years ofage. said :' “ Had this art FANCY STOCIC 1;?" k'mwr 42-1/2"?“ “5" lif,â€â€ufd‘h“m:,w“d in“ Will .be found to contain the newest goods in Dresses, Shawls, Mantlcs, Ribbou.,&s. Li yea-rs mr a or. is carne {ISBIIE oré . .t . . ‘ . ‘ ~ - ‘ Vspolie but a portion of the truth. , What longa' His , VMilliniery- Department. hand requires‘srx years to accomplish, Pliuiio- , . V lyowï¬pen, .sViiow replete With the newest styles of Bonnets, &c,.,;;._,~ grapliy Will perform in one. ‘ To Clergymoii. Editors, ‘l’liysiciana, Law- yers, Secretaries, Convevaiicers. Law and Me.- dieal Students, Lecturers, I’rinters. School ’I'eacliors, Merchants. School lloys arid-Girls. a knowledge of l’honograpliy is ofvast utility-â€" In fact there is no profession or callingin which it is not useful and no young man’s educatiOii can be considered coriiploto without it. . During the past nine months hundreds of persons in Canada, of every. pursuit. in life. have a’cqulred theï¬Art. from .iiiatiy of whom the subscriber has received neatly~written phonogr’aphic letters, expressive oftlloir de- light with the attainment, and tho extraordii’iary ease with which they have acquiredii. ' For the purpose of aiding in the dissemination of so important a iel'orin in his own country, the subscriber is now prepared to supply all who apply, with the MANUAL or l’noaoonx- ray, and tho PHONOGRAPHIC COPY Hook, sent pro-paid. for the small I sum of ill? ONE UJ-LLAILQ Any body and everybody, who can learn any- thing, can learn l’iionooiuriiv from the MA- NUAL.without other assistance. V Those who wish to be able to put their thoughts to paper at the rate of from 100 to 250 words- " per minute.†should send-tor the above-mentioned works at onco. ' i The instruction given by the Manual'is as plain as A. B. C.. and ten times as easy to understand. The " CANADIAN PHONETIC PION- EER †is 2: Monthly Journal, devoted to the advocacy of the Reform. Price 25 cents per. HIHIHHI. Address. (pos t-paid) “’ILLIAM 'H.‘ ORR. » Oshawa. C. W. 5. Toronto, April, 1859. . , , has receiv‘ed Iii. FOR SALE, - I'l‘UA'l'ED in the Village of 'l‘hornliill, and adjoining St. John Street, (commonly called tliel’lank Road). being part 0, Lot No.1 30. within a short distance of Yonge Street,-‘â€"- containing four bed-roariis, sitting-room and ’ kitchen ; with a good stable for 2 horses, wood gaidoii and I good Well of waterï¬tnd containing about batten acre of land. For further particulars. up tor on the promises. ply to the Propriw , SAMUEL LEMON. Tliornl-iill, April 15,1859. QO-tf ,. c. 'I‘ordnto,April, 1859. at door east to. the Colonist ofï¬ce. MILLINERY.‘ RANGE LODGE- NEW ‘ N0. ~’644,v . ' M"MWM~W-W EETS at WM. DUROSE'S norm." ' ' ‘G' in in i‘gï¬l’miï¬mm' ‘h' 1ҠF'lday °"°“", Bee's to. announce to his Customers and the Public that g ' Wednesday, the 13th inst, in connexion with his General Stock. in NEW Aggt‘l‘lllltll iii innit it Mitlllllllll. THOMAS SNOWDEi'. Master. JA M ES N EA L. Deputy. Which will be found unusually low. Having engag Milliner he will be prepared to make to order in the be will open on .10 i 1 N GAUimv. 'rrtt‘tmar. _ ' JOHN BUTTON. Secretltry. Victoria Square, May 7. i858. 48-] ed an experienced most fashionable style BONNIE-TS, * MA N '1‘ LE 8, .CAPES, And. every description of MILLINERY, with Neatness, Taste and Despatcli, and trusts by strict attention to this department andinoderato charges to merit the patronage of the surrounding vicinity. ‘ ' ' A Richmond Victoria, IOYAL ORANGEV LODGE. No. 778. 1 meets at Brother Robert VViseman’s, Masonic .Hall. the ï¬rst Friday, evening after the Full Moon in each month. OFFICERS ELi:ci‘â€"â€"-C0lotiel D. .Bridgford. Master. R. VViseiiian, Deputy Master; John Munholland. Secretary; W. I’ogue. Treasurer Paris London 8; New York Fashionsrcc ? -' " †. January 21. 1858. 133 ' ‘ ’ 01‘ ((1 monthly. {3&- Call 8t examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere.†‘G. A. BARNARI). ‘ ’ 19-tf‘ Richmond Hill, April‘ 8, 1859. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE‘, ‘15 RECEIVING ms BOOTS'ANï¬bdloESt SPRING & SUMMER Two Doors North ol G. A. BARNARD’S Richmond Hill. STQGK A LARGE ASSORTMENT "Toot/is DOLMAGE' \Vopld respectfully infurm the Public that he is prepared to make to order Bll'll lllll ' Slllll F llllll't lllllllll’l'lllll. . A'I‘ LnE LOWEST REMUNERATING PRICES. , Alluot'd 21's executed. with Neatness and Despatch. ALL \‘VORK VVARRANTED, RichmondHill. March 18.18.59. I . - . Richmond Hill, April 7, 1859. 19.. To the Sick and Dying. ‘\ SNIDER,’ of thei'Ith concession of l Vaughan. near Klineburgh, guarrantees V to cure ' ' - ' Cancers, Enlarged Necks, l And many other Diseases. Persons laboring l under either of the above, mentioned Diseases. _will do well'to call in time, All letters to be paid. and addressed to PETER, SNIDE R. .164! O LET' ’ l * ~ 9 . S A P B U C I L T ‘S‘i VFWO COMMODIOUS» TENEMENT ‘ ‘i V' ‘ adapted for Sligps. situated in tpe‘mo t r \HE Subscriber wishes tow‘ ,nporm central andcoiiiman in part of the ilapo: 1 , . r ' . ' ' ‘ each containingï¬ roofing. good 'collar, ga'dc It, Farm'm' bto'EkPel’ers ‘md Omen! .. ~ . t 3 d a lar e uat'iti‘t of and other: Conveniences; well suited to! M_il- that h,“ ha†“0‘†“‘1‘ ha‘“, _ E q _ , Y_ “new. Tailors. rpml Smuh' simmers. o, Shoo superior SAP BUCKE'L‘. which he iclullin' V A . _ , ~. ., . remarkablycheap. , 'Klineburgb. Shgp‘ Rent médoime Appym' to? W I . . _ , 1.0:. No. ii. entices, Markham. I E m V’Ar. ~ , V Gt; A. BAR." .3; 0t letter. pro-paid. to Buttonlrifl? E. O. V 4 .. an. a. tans. - Lit 4-3.4; Tawny {as ’ e .