. I. Auditing Iwill hi sang. sae enchanting and ‘ 3" PM Mary, deai‘ Mary,’exclaimâ€â€™d ltlfe fond lover, 2: Ye’ll carry-my‘hear ,",;l Be heard wi’ deli ' _ Andlong'will thenaImIe of,,his asp, Highland , .HURNS 'nND . HIGHLAND .M 'In Green Caledonia there ne’er was tw So catapulted ‘ and happy arms,‘ ‘ t ! Anti As Burns, the sWeet hard, and h'isldealiHighI-I‘I ' I land Mary.- -. So fondly: and sweetly 'he sang of her charms, r . lovely. I. ghIt qnhis dearpatiIve plains; .Mary Besacred to live heart-melting strain. Oh, it was one day when 'the flowers'ot‘ the ‘Isummer, ’ '1 ' â€â€˜ ' ‘ " Were blooming’ih inildne‘sls allover the plain, There Iwa’ lovers met in a grove o’ greenbus'hes . * Tï¬at grewon the banks‘o’ the clear winding ' Ayr. - ' ,1 ‘I, , I, “1., And oh .to them both 7twas a meeting so tender, I I I I For ithas the last fora whileflheylcould has :I ' ’ .And love’s purest ruptures†they, tasted toge- ther, , ,I ,_ .I I . . Til the red setting Isdiishowqd the IchoIse o‘ the day.l.I, ’ i . , ‘ I... thee ; Every bank, every bran, every grova and‘green bower, . ‘ , I ' May talk of the love 0’ my .Mary. and me. I i r - [My lips. sweetest creature. myain I’tharining' , IMary, > ,I I [To thee I’ll be ever'devoted and true ;~ I ’ And the heart that is beating so t‘astiii my I bosom, , II I Is a heart that can never love any but you. _, . ‘ ’He kissed her red lips, they were sweeter than Oh dinna bidelaiigI in the Highlands, dear . roses, And strained her lilly white breast to his . heart; , ‘ ~ ‘ .' . And the tears fell like dew-drop‘i’that ee’n on his bosom; ' As she said my fond lover alas! we mustIpai‘tf Mary, 0h dinna bide long in the Highlands'frtie me, "For I love thee sincerely, l'lo‘ve thee too dearly, I canna be happy my Mary free thee, I winna bide lang in the Highlands, said Mary, I canna bide long for you winna be there ; v .Although I have friends I like well in the Highlands, _. I I I, The one I love best is on the banks 0’_ the Avr, Then farewell said Burns, and he flow has his - Mary, ' Oh farewell said she, and they could say no . ii i {Pair/3 ' But little did they ken that they parted forever, .I That nighf when they parted on the banks 0’ the 'Ayr. ' ' ' ' “The green summer saw but a few“ sunny " I'll pour them all down on thy grave, Illighland .{l mornings, Till she, in'tlie bloom ofher beauty and pride, Was laid in ‘her grave like a bonny young flower, ' ' Clyde. Now Burns, the sweet hard in his sin Cale- ' donia, ~ ' Laments for his Mary in many a wild strain; E Surely did he weep for his [I\ or Highland Maryy But ne’er did his heart love so deeply again. Oh bring me the roses, and bring methe lilliesr And bring me the daisies that grows on the ' lea, - ‘ ' Mary, For the sake of thy Burns that so dearly loved thee, ' ‘ I. L A: , . it. ROMANCEâ€"BY CAPT. M. .RlzllD. â€"â€" x [I ,iI ( Continued.) . PROVOKING A oust... ,. ish accent: ‘it’s the, quarcst case- . that Iver came accrast your humble M) ye looked under his instip‘?’ friend’s experience. Mother 0’ Moses 1, the fellow must be the divil iiicariiate. Geordie, my boy, have. t Despite the name and ‘Ib‘rogue,’ I Charley was 'not a Hiberniaikâ€" . t I only the son of one. ,IHe'w‘dsa Now- Yorker by 'bi'rtli,and coold speak 'I_;g‘ood English When" be pleased; ""E'I’but‘t'rbm some freak of eccentricity "for ‘affcctation, 'he' had taken "to lithe brogue, and used: it habitually, When among'frtends, With all'the rich, garnitbre. f a. ,t’rue'IMilesiian fresh f’ ffrom'the 'sod‘." ‘ """He‘liwas altoget‘he’rian Oddl'lfelllowi " “,iwoiild not have been safe to "_t'i'id,†I He was already notorious for having“ but With a' seal; of. h‘onoiir, and, a her. ' Is itno‘t'so, lieutenant ’l’ heart‘ true as steel. He was no! ’dunce either, and the man above all others upon whose coabtail it' fifb'eé'nI engaged inftwo or three “af-i-i ~ - fairs,f in which he had played both! principal. and second, and had e‘am‘. : ed the bellicose appellation of “Fight.- fthere ; but there need be’ u ’tibout‘theniatther.’ , ‘ ingGalliagherJ knew what his advice would be. before asking its-é 9.031! the. 'schoundrel. out: by i all. manes.’.- . . «‘I Istatcd the difï¬culty as to my reasons for challenging Ringgoldf ‘ Thrue, ma'bohill! You're right Othfouble Willow 7' i ., I, the I'S‘palpccn "challenge ,-Y0u,~,...'1‘tmi’s neitherâ€"besides, In I ,I gives you the choice of ‘wayponsf; _..‘In what way can I dothisl’ 1., , V -,- v‘Ochlme'_itiiioicent gossqon; p, @hlfle Athatiï¬ as asy. 'asI .wturnblin,’ lovers, l. I ’ ‘ I "HI each oth ers . PsoARBORo, YORK, : MARKH ' : ance; ~ for? vvFind’ me the .gint, and I’lli t to the "Highlands wi. .. ‘No, Gallagher,’i said I. disliking rather more resolute. "walked filter my companion, and W Nor was there. ifollowirigi Gallagher’s advice. ' among“ the croWd, :before "I found . I . I - ‘ c-dii'sc' sufficient for my purpose. ' Bad luck to me !’ said he. m'Ir-m I ‘s-ni'd .he, ‘iio one this been so suc- . arrived ofï¬cers?- 'that ~of~an Indian maiden.’ A. W va W\/\NV\JWâ€"V‘\J‘ VA “ Let. Sound Ramon enieigfi' more witft' us than. Popular Op \_.' AND WHITCHURCH; ,_GARDEN. .LfllilfiLIi‘. 453,1; . Frequent stirring of the seilg about all growing crops, intheIab- sence of rain, admits of the atmos~ plieresfnridï¬hey‘? enjoy. the beneï¬t of‘ the dews, both most salutary in their effects: 'f“'~'" ’ " Wood ashes. liberally sowhiitinder large trees, where the grass-liaisin- appeared, will speedily ,pt'deco. White clover and other grasscunt *hUntil‘out of danger spri-iiklem'het , ADVERTISER. \J"~/v v \Nrw-ï¬}W\/\l‘v" m , x I , rested 'l’ from a haylcock.’ Call him a liar , an’ if thatlsI not sufï¬ciently disa- igotton to say she is his sister? 'That’ll fetch him out, I’ll be ‘ What l the sister, of Oceola l’ bailifor ye.’ r ‘ - ' ‘Ncithor more nor ' ‘Come along,=my boyl’continued j blood like him ,too. Among the bounséclldrj moving to- i whites, they are known by the name is this , of Powell, since that. Was the cogno- lni’e‘n of the worthy old gcntlermtn who begot them. ,Oceola, which signifies ‘ï¬the. Rising Sun,’ is the name by which he is known among the Seminoles; and her native up- pellationâ€"â€"ah, that is a ver iianie-iudccd.’ , _. ‘ What is it? Let us hear it lotus judge for ourselves,’ 'Maumce.’I ‘ Very pretty indeed ?’ ‘ Beautiful! If the damsel be only as sweet’as her name, then Scott is a fortunate fellow.’ . ‘Oli, she is a very wonder of I ,bcauty :,. eyes liquid and .full of appropriate appellation of ‘Bcau. ï¬crIv ,,lovcÂ¥â€"lOiig lashes; lips lusci- Scou,’ . ITlle latter was aid-dc-Ious as honeycombs; figure tall ; camp to the) commander-in-chicf, ofIl bust full and ï¬rm; limbs like those Whom he was also a relative. ml of 'thc‘ Cyprian goddess ; fcct like I pointed Itinggold outflto my"Cinderella’sâ€"in short, perfeCtion’ companion. I I i . ’ ‘Wonderful. Why, Scott, you ‘Hc'in‘thc civilian dress,’I said. are the luckiest mortal alivc.â€"â€"â€"-’ ‘ Och !, man, ye needn’t be so But. say, Ringgold! are you speak- pui‘ticular , in _' your Iidintiï¬cation : ing in seriousness? Has he really that Spill‘pil’ll-lOQk spokes for itself. conquered this Indian divinity ’lâ€"' Be my soivl! it’s, an unwholesome look .altogithcr. ,Tliat follow needn’t fear waitl‘icrâ€" the siiy'll nichr drown your tobacco in his ugly counten- :myi'ready wards the door.' "Where :Mister Ringgowld to be searched shew: you how touscratch his . but- tons. Comc along wid ye !’ Not much liking the plan of pro-r cedure, but: without; the moral. strength. .to~:rcsist, I followed. this? impetuonsson of-n Uclt throughtlic doorway; . . .' I r . VV61‘VVEX'C scarcely outside-before we .saw‘ him v for whom we {were searching; r Ilc .uns, standing at a short distance from the p01‘ch.- conu vcrsing width 3. group of ofï¬cers. among wl’ioniwastlie dandyalrcady alluded to, and who passed undet‘I the y pretty ) t , You understand what I mean 7.’ * “ .Most certaiinly,’ was the prompt him. Now, look Ihprc,’ Gcordy, reply. 4 ‘ bov,’ cominucd Gallagher, facing Up to this momentI had not in- towards me, and speaking in o more tcrfered. The first words of the, earnest tone : ‘I’It‘ollow my advice to" COHVGI‘SaIIOO had bOUl'ld me like a the letthcrl" . First trid upon his spell, andI stood a‘s'if glued 'otlic toes, :in’, see how he takes it.’ The ground. “13’ brain was giddy, and fcllow’s got corns :I don't yc see, my heart felt as if the blood passing he wares a tight bent? Give him a through it was molten lead. The -goodiscroug'c; make him sing out. bold cnunciations had so staggered 'Ov coorse, he’ll ask you to upolo- me, that it was some time before I gige‘__he must.._’you won’t, ‘Shurclv could draw my breath; and more 'tliat’ll do thé‘bi‘ii*iess'tirithout further than 'onevof the bystanders noticed ceremony? 'IfIii‘dIoIn’t, then, by the eflcctwhich the dialogue was Jabus! :liit ihim'ja kick in the latter producing updn me. 1 After a little, I grew calmer; or The very the programme. I‘llt‘Will neverdo.’ despair that had passed intomy ’ "Bud luck win, an’ why nailâ€"u. bsom had the cflcct of steeling my end." ' You’re not ‘gci‘n' ‘to back Out, ‘arc nerves; and lllS! a‘S Ringgold uh In 'Greetiocho yard, on the banks 0’ the“ will Think ‘man! a villain ivlio tcrcd the flippant afï¬rmative, I was would mur'dl'ier you! an’ maybe ready for him. I I I will' some day,â€'if you" let" him ‘Li‘ar!’ l exclaimed; and b9- tzscape.’ ' ' fore the red could mount into his "I‘rueâ€"b’ut’ I check, I gave it a slap with the back ‘Bah‘l no‘ buts. Move up, ‘an’ of my hand, that no doubt hclpcd. let’s see what they’re talkingidbout, to heighten the colour. ' r l . anyhow. "I’ll fliidjyc'a chande, or ‘Nately done !’ cried-Gallagher; iny ‘nam’s'not Gallagher." ‘ there can be no mistake about the 'Undbtcrininctl how to not, 'I- maynin of that.’ ' My antagonist joined tl‘iegroup‘of ofï¬cers. ucccpted the act for what- it was :Of course, Ilia-d no thought of meantâ€"~11 deadly insult. .. In such 1 company, he could not dootliei‘wisc ;‘ was in lidpcs that some turn in the and, ' muttering some indistinct cei‘ivcrsatiOn might give methc ops.g threats, he walked aWay from the "I‘rueï¬ answered .Ringgo’ld ; ‘it graablc, twukc his nose, or squirt is the fellow’s name.‘ I had for- .lcssâ€"ha l-f- . l IHonour brightvâ€"has he succc‘cded?â€", by my side. _1 eve itâ€"al cannot belicve it.’ is over, I shall explain.’ ,tl‘iey’rc in barking condition. portunity' I dosircd, without pro-:ground, attendch by his especial ceeding to such rude extrcm‘cs. ‘ friend.- thc ladyâ€"killer, and two or ' 'My' hopes did“ not deceive me. {hI‘CC OtllleIS- I v Aren’sr’llinggcld seemed" to tempt The incident. Instead of gather- hls‘ fate, for '1 ’had scarcelycntcrcd mg a CTOWd, llild the contrary 0L fcct: it scattered the little group --who had‘witncsscd it; the ofï¬cers retiring indoors to discuss the mo-_ tivcs, andspeculatc as to when and where ‘ the affair would come off.’ Gallagher and I also left the ground ; and, closeted in my quar- ters, commenced preparing for the event. ‘ ' ' "'Ii‘iilking; ‘of’ Indian beauties,’ cessful among them ‘as Scott here.â€" ‘He h’d's been ;playing Don Giovai’irii cycr since he came. to the fort.’ "‘ Oh,“ exclaimed one of the niawly does- not surprise us. He has been a lady- killcr ever since I knew him. The man, who isii‘rresistible among the duclling was not uncommon in b0;llC‘S‘0f.Sfliâ€lat0'ga, Will Surely ï¬nd the United States army. In wartime little difï¬culty'in carrying the heart it is not uncommon yet, as I can 4 THE CHALLENGE. 'At the time of Which I write, lhope the scamps won’t blab'at headâ€" , would be suflicient. testify from late experience. It ‘Don’t be so conï¬dent about that, i ' Captain Roberts..- Sometimcs these American serviceâ€"as I believe it is forest'damsel-s are very shy of us of every other in the civilised pale-faced ( lovers.- Lieutenant world. Notwithstanding, an infringâ€" Scott’spresent sweetheart cos-t him ment of the code militaire in this re? a long siege" before he could conquer gard is usually looked upon with le- _ ' ' niencyâ€"morc often ‘winked at’ than ‘ ‘ Nons'ensc,’ replied th‘e dandy punished. This much I can afï¬rm with‘a‘co‘nce’ited smirk. " †iâ€"â€"â€"that any ofï¬cer in the American fBut‘sheIIyielded at last’l’ said army who has received the "lie Roberts, turning interrogatively to- direct,’ will ï¬nd more honor in the wardsIIIb‘cot‘t.‘ _’ ’ breach of this military rule than in The I dandy made no reply, but its observance, ' ' hissimpeting smile was evidently After all that has been said ‘meF’ded' 40. I)? lake“ in the. aflir" and written about duclling, the out. mauve; , , _ ‘ ~ . v orv againstit is a sad sham, at least .‘0 YCSaâ€vreJO>‘ned Ringgomv' †She in'thc United States of Americaâ€"â€" yielded all?“ 5.’ and ‘3 now the "la‘ nothing less than a piece of superb Vourite,’it1S<sald-’ - hypocrisy! Universal as has been :Z’H‘I†“a'me'f'herflame 3’ this condemnation, I should not like ' Powell-Miss Iowell' to 'take shelter under it. I†Well “What! That name is‘ not dian'l’ - ‘ ' ' “(-Ne. gentlemen; the lady is 'no savage, assure you :_ she can pl andsmg; @ndféad and Write faithâ€"F papers loudest in their .declama- Why'th ,bZZl-‘iis‘dflux: 15- Ii. “0‘ tions against duelling, are the ï¬rst so, lieutenant l,’ ' t ) ,I-Befoige the. latier I re- ply. another spokes» ml. .. x , -.~,5Is gnot . thatt‘dhci name of the T young chief who has: jiustnbe tion." ‘poltroon.’ ' I have :noticed him who refuses to ï¬ght.. ‘ zisi izi iiiul -.~\.I.~. ‘. s contrary 'tO'thcregulutioa‘s of the I 1â€â€œ knOW it W0uld not protect me from ,said. the gentleman, advancing to- being called by that ugly appella- wards me, . aY. ovieiiand over again, that the news- no reply. if,†Qâ€"H’ET who may challenge you is not thus explained. It is‘ called ‘backing and he who does this, need look no . more upon hislady-love : she would a; flog him with her garlers.’ More than once have WI heard this threat, spoken by pretty lips, and in the centre of a brilliant circle. His moral courage must be great who would provoke such chastise, ment. . ., With such a sentiment over the land, then, I had nailed Arcns Rioggold for a meeting; and I joy- cd to thinkI had donc so without compromising my secret. ’ _ But ah! it was a painful provo- cation he had. given me,- and if-hc had been the greatest coward in the world, he could not have been more wretched than I, asI returned to my quarters. r. My jovial companion could no longer cliccr me, though it was not fear for the coming fight that clouded my spirits. Far from itâ€"-â€" farothermsc. I scarcely thought of. that. My thoughts were of Maumecâ€"â€"of what I had just heard; She was fulseâ€"falscâ€"betraying, herself betrayedâ€"lostâ€"lost for ever! _ In truth wasI wretched. One thing alone could have rendered me more soâ€"â€"â€"an obstacle to the antiâ€" cipated meetingé-anything to hin- dcr my revenge. On thc duel now rested my hOpcs. It might enable me to discmbarrass my heart of the hot blood that was burning it.â€" Not allâ€"unless he too stood before ence. A refusal to meet the man out,’ ï¬shewing the white feather :’-- is’on‘, to- protect th» .,I ALEX. SCOTT, Proprietor. inion.†TERMS ":'$1 on in Advance. , .C,_,,,,,.m,c,.I ,quash undmem :punu, *5 ' u ‘ « V I . w _._ . ,y , I, __,.._ _ _T.____’ ~ - ' tw:c’e7a' week ‘wit’h woorl"tiisltes, VOL I. :RICEEEKQND . EEIEAL’ .Kï¬ï¬gflflA EJY fag, H959. NO‘ I34. early in the morning-when the dew em against insect, deprcdations. ‘ ' ~ v: ‘Uarcfully' tie up the 'I'OSBJ and, other flowering plants and; shrubs. ENCQUII‘ng it. In another place wire. supporters are recommended. ' In re-planting corn Which has; failed, let it soak for three of: four. hours in rich manure. watch-Sand. .then roll in a plastor.. It will-sprout. ’ - in. nearly half the time ofothersced, From observation,I hazard this “‘dOWfl bleaksi†and r0"‘3"sedi'n." remarkâ€"that the politeness exhi- engine, but I knew it was impossible bitcd between the seconds in a due! to SIOP- NOblY did the Old-‘Lenglne cannot be surpassed bv matof the try to snvc’hini. ‘ "I‘he awful strain- most accomplished edurtiers in the ‘ing and; writhing 0f its IVOH‘UTIVCI'S world. ~ , told but ten plainly of the terrible The time occupieci in the: busi- velocity she had-attained. I‘wus boss was brief, Gallagher We“ out of the cabinI windowfrI aiIid dgwn knewthe routine, and 1 saw that 0“ the cowc‘atc‘icr in a ast." "he I I . the other wasnot unacquaintchith lilt‘leifellow’ 3"00d Still} ‘1 "FUD-“Cloned “to; $9339“ "propeuy’ and" gl‘ve' it. V In ï¬ve minutes, every-thing was him OIIaDd Showed ; “IIS' “We WHO 5 '53:??? ath' O gebeni s Hack at‘rniigedqâ€"time, place, weaponsIand eye's opened with astonishment, alldi'Ei-I‘ ï¬lm“ 5;, 'Ig‘ 91‘)“ . e ’h ,- 3’ distance. 5 a roomy laugh was upon his lips. I cr’l'es’ an; “is? “ma? 8 Qu‘dinB' I nodded- Gallagher made ai-held‘my breathes wc rushed up to mulchedm'tllleaves Orhghl’mffnu‘et sweeping s-aqum - “Te aid-d¢.cam him and modc'a dospcratcattcmpt regularly {W'Cc “'yeur‘ It'W’ll‘m’t ‘ " H ’ ' p only keep down the weedsâ€"the bowed Stifï¬v and \vithdl‘e\V.I, to Save him, but missed, and as his . . 3% r a: as ittle bo‘dv‘ passed, I heard a feeble g'ï¬ft-‘Onï¬my Ff 1113?? arm‘sâ€"413‘ :3 i - . . , 7 r t ) ~ . - Ishall not trouble vou with mv ICI‘Y "'Mmhel'!†and the forward “‘1. create 4.1â€â€œ “Cl Dam an“‘a ’ reflections previoué “to thé due-I Il'lle (:l‘USllCtl him [O atoms. l ’ foxéiabundanl crops. . ‘ “1 v' 1 ’ P or gardeanalks there is no man .Oh God! that moment‘! I‘may live sir. to be an Old man, but the agony of that moment can never ’be » erased from'my memory. The cars Isto “pod some rods from the spot, nodal ran back as soon as posSiblc. iI-Iis mother'saw the train stop, and dinary kind in the Weapon used-- a feal‘fill f01'0b0dmg “‘15th FPO“ We fought with riflesI instead of her. ‘hc cunic rushing frantically swords or. pistols, It was my to the spot where we stood. Never choiceâ€"as the challenged party, I Shall I forget the 100k nor yet with many details of the of- fair itself Accounts of these deadly encounters are common enough in books, and their sameness will serve as my excusefor not} describe ing one. I. I _ Ours differed only from ’the or. terizil, in. our judgment, . to. compare. ,with coal ashes. If. the walks Or. ,alleys ,arc'dug out six inches, and ï¬led up with these ashes, and. rolled, it will act not only as a drain tolthe» alley, but to the adjoining beds., in the wettest.Weather, and inï¬ll“ seasons, these ,walks are in good-j condition. .If.but twenty or thirty yards 3. year are made in this way, in a few years the .whole garden, will have thoseadmirable paths ;_ andafter that, they. can be to.p-, she gave. me ï¬nd the rightubut it was equally when. slicbcliold her first borne a agreeable to my advel~sm~y,' who shapcless mass... Iwould have gtvcn was as we†Skinec] in the use of the my whole existence to have avmdcd rifle as I. I chose this weapon be- cause it was the deadliest. The time arranged was an 'jhour before sunset. I had urged this early meeting in fear of interrupâ€" tion; the place, a spot of level ground near the edge of the little pond whore Iliad met Haj-Ewe; the distance, ton paces. V ' We mctâ€"tookourplaccs, back mcâ€"he the seducer. who had made this misery. Would I could ï¬nd pretext for challenging him. I should do so yet. Why had I not? Why did I not strike him for that ‘ smile? ~‘I' could‘have fought them both at the same time, one after the other. ',- . Thus I raved, with Gallagher My fricndgknew not all my. secret. .I-Ie askedwhat I had got ‘ against the aid-dc-cong.’ ‘Say the word, Geordie, boy, an’ we’ll make a. fourâ€"handed game ov it. Be Saint Patrick! I’d like mightily to take the shine out of that Durty paycock !’ . ‘ I 'No,, Gallagher, no. It is not. your affair; you could not give the satisfaction for that. Let us wait till we know more. I cannot be- ," Believe what I’ ‘Not now, my friend. Vthn itl ‘All right, my boy! Charley Gallagher’s not the man to disturb your saycrcts. Now, let’s look to the bull-dogs, an’ make shurc I quarters, an’ disappoint us after all.’ .It was my only fear. I knew that arrest was possibleâ€"4probable ~â€"ccrtztin, if my advcriary wished it. Arrest wouldtput an end to the affair; and I should be left in a worse posmon than ever. ling- golds father was goneâ€"I had as- certained this favourable circum- stance; but no matter. The com- inatidcr-iii-chicf was the friend of, the fumilyâ€"â€"a word in his ear I feared that, the aid-dc-camp Scott, instructed by†Arcns, might whisper that word. I ‘ After all, he ,darcn’t.’ Gallagher ; ‘you 'driv the nail home, an: clinched it. He dzircn’t do the dhirty thingâ€"not a bit ov it : it ‘ might got' wind, an’ thin he’d have the kettle to his tail; besides, ma Zia/till, he wants to kil you anyhow ; a so he ought to be glad of the ï¬ne handy chance you‘ve given him.â€"â€" He’s not a had shot, they say.»â€" Never fear, Geordie, boy! he' won’t back out this time: he must ï¬ghtâ€"~he will ï¬ght. Ha! I two you 50. Sec, yonder comes Apollo Bclvidare! Holy Moses! hold I’hocbus shines!’ A lIi,nocl{I~â€"‘Comc. iii‘â€"â€"-the door was opened, and the aid-dc-camp appeared in full uniform. ‘ To arrest me,†thought I, and my heart fell. ' . ~ But no; the freshly written note spoke a diï¬â€˜erentpurpose, and I was reiieved, It was the challenge. ‘ Lieutenant Randolph, I believe 'I’ I pointed to Gallagher, but made 1am to understand that Captain _ I _ IGallagher is your friend I’ to fling ‘coward’ in the teeth :of I nodded assent. _ II The two faced each other, and It isleven so. In America, mo-_ the next instant were on rapport; a1 courage, though‘, much. be. talking the matter over cool as ou- ‘al" praised," does not find, ready cred-s cumbers_andsweeIt‘_as sugaif-plun'is, from the mountain, t‘op,I whistled bone broke above the ilbow-Ijoii’it.’ upon the N.Y.C.R.R. My run was -I do say it, the old _'I‘ornado could said ~ to backâ€"waith for the ominous signal, ‘Onc, two, three ’â€"â€"reccived itâ€"faced rapidly roundâ€"wand fired at each other. , I heard the ‘ hist ’ of the lcadcn pellet as it passed my ear, but. felt nostroke. . The smoke puffed upward. I I saw my ‘ antagonist upon the ground ; he was not dead : he was tvrit'ning and groaning. ' : . . l The seconds, and several spec-‘ tators who were present, ransup to him, but I kept my ground.‘ ‘ , i ‘ Well, Gallaghcr'!’ I asked as to friend came back to me. , ‘ Winng, by japcrs! You’ve spoilt the use Iov his dcxter armsâ€".â€" ‘That all 1’ (To be continued.) LIFE or. A Locomorivn r ENGINEER. - . To whom to credit the following we know not. It seems .aI person had quit the business of engineering locomotives. Upon'making hold to ask him his reasons. he gave. us. the following story, and since-We have ' found it to be strictly true : , ‘Fivc years since I was running from .Bâ€"â€"-â€"-â€"- to Râ€"eâ€"â€"â€"â€"-. It was the Lightning Express train, 'and .it was what its name denotes,..for;.it was fastâ€"~21 very fast runner, and if go. I have seen her throw her six foot drivers so as to be almost, in‘ v visible to the cyc.v- And lctinc hcre‘ remark, it is supposed by many that railroad engineers are a hard-heartâ€" ed set of men; their lives are hard ‘tis true, butI do claim to have as ï¬ne a feeling, and a heart that can sympathize With the unfortunate, as anyman that breathes. But to my story . 'About half a mile from the vil- lage of B there is a nice little cottage but a few feet from the track. At that time a young married couple lived there. They had one child, a little boy, about four years old, a bl‘lgl’ti, black-eycd,curly head- cd little chap as you cvcr saw. I I think it weak in me to shed tears, that moment. I have seen death in all its forms upon railroads. I have seen men, women and . children this, but the innOCcnt boy, as he looked up in my face, and was killed almost ‘in' my armsâ€"it unherde me, and from that CltIY I made a solemn 'vow never to run a locomotive any more.†, II ' l ' “That‘young mother is. now in the Utica Lunatic Asylum. From the hout‘jher boy was killed reason had left its throne.†I’Ic stoppcdfland wiped the tears from his eyes, and said; “ vou may but I can not help it.†“No/’41 replied, “but think it noble, and Sll‘,'\_VOl]ltI to God every man lia‘da heart as large as‘yours.†.I" h‘aveaoften- thought since, hoI-w tho'u’ght’to the man of strong nerve and stem" arm, who guides them through darkness and storms with the speed ofthc windsafely to their journey’s end. i ' They ddnbtfor a moment turn. their attention to the iron monster' that is dragging them forward with a. fearful ,vcl-ocity tomcct friends and? relations, or home and all its loved ones. They do not realize that the fiery monster holds all their precious lives :.xt,,liis command, and, mangled and killcdâ€"â€"I have each all * wheatâ€"«that dressed every spring with the -ac~. ' cumulatcd ashes during the winter, and again rolled, ‘ ’ ‘ censor. RECIPES. ' Ei'y‘sipelas, ,a disease oftencomr. in‘g without premonition, and ending. fatally in three or four days,I is; some-times promptly cured by ap- plying a poultice of rztw cranberries, pounded and. placed on, the. part over night. 'i Insect bites, and even those; 0ft“ rattlesnake, have past harmless,- by stirring enough, of common salt in, the yolk of a good egg to, make it! sufficiently thiti for a plaster, to, be kcpton the bitten parts. ~‘ Costive bowels have an; agreeable. remedy in the free-use of tomatoes . . . . -at‘mcal:'-t in ’ ' » few are those who give one passmg . - a he ' seed a'cung m’ the way lef‘s‘ee‘ds’ of white, mustardgor. figs, bysti‘mulating the coats, of the. bowels over Which they pass; in, their whole state, to increased; ac: tion. A‘ircmedy1 of equal efï¬ciency- in the same, direction, is. cracked I is, common white, wheat grains, brokenin twodr three pieces, and'thcn boiled until it, is. as soft as rice, and eaten mainly at two, meals of the day, with butter molasses. ' ' ' ’ ’ Common swcci cider," boiled doan thatIthc least neglicncc upon his part If? one ha†makes, a most email??? would cause sorrow and mourning Syrup for Coughs and. Colds for'dhll'. in a‘thousa-nd- homes that are now waiting the return of the absent loved. ' '_ AvoiniNG 'riin iESPQNSlEILITY. â€"â€"yâ€"Br’oither Noel was ‘ sore troublod’ ‘ at the scandal Brother - Crump brought upon himself by drinking too much, and especially rcgl‘etcd the injury it! brought to society at Sharon. So one morning he step- ped over to Brother Crumps. and found the old man in' a dose in the little porch. ‘ - I ‘ V'Von’t you take a drum ?’ asked Brother Crnmp. as soon as he was madcawurc of thc’prcsciico of his neighbor. ‘ Why, yes,l’m not agin a dram when a body wants it.’ Brother Crump got his bottle, and the friends took a dram u-piccc. ‘Don’t you think, Brother Nocl.’ said Crump,_‘ that sperits is a blcss: in l’ ‘ ch,’ replied Noel, ‘ spci'its is a blossin that some of us ahuscs.’ ‘WCil, now, Brother Noel, who do you think abuses the blcssiii’ 'l’ ‘ Well, it is hard to say-but people mikeâ€"don’t you think that you drink a little to I much, Brother Crump l" ‘It is hard to say,’ returned Cr'ump, ‘_Sometime‘s I’ve thought I‘ was a cold cellar. drcnâ€"éis pleasant to" the taste, “ind, will keep throughout the year‘iii,"b, In recovering 'fromjan illness, the, system has a craving for some plea? sant acid drink. This is found, in: cider which isplaccd on the fire. 'as, soon as made, and allowed to, come to a boil, then ecolcd, putin, casks. and kept inIa cool cellar.I Treated, thus, it remains for many monthsas, good as the day it was made. We once saved the life of an. in: foot which had been inadvertently drugged with laudanum, and was, fast sinking into the sleep, from, which there was no wakening, by giving it strong coffee, cleared the white of an. egg, a teaspoonful, every five minutes, until it ceased to seem drowsyâ€"Hall's Journal of- HcaZt/i. ' \VINTERING BlrlES.--,All experis incnt in" wintering boos, somewhat now. probably, was tried last winter, In December last we took two, swarms and buried them (in the hives) two feet under ground, lees ving no air holes. To one, of the swarms he allowed honey sufï¬cient for tlicir;nourishmcnt, and to, the had taken ‘1 great deal of inter?“ in drinking too muCli and then agin I’d Other swarm 11000. Or! taking the the little fellow and had 'thrownIthint; may be “Qt, What is man ’lthivcs up he found both swarms crudy and oranges to him from the train, and I was sure to see him peeping through the fence when my train passed. 'Onc ï¬ne sunny afternoon we A weak worrum of the dust. I So I alive. and, 3i50- {011ml “16 honey um left it to the Lerd to say whethcrI molested. BO!!! swarms are now was a it goin too far in the spcrits, I put the whole ’sponsibility on him. I prayed efI was drinkiii’ too much were behind time and running lust, for him to take away my appetite nor did we stop at B I was making up one hour before reaching R We came up at a tremendous swooping round a curve, my eye followed the truck ;/ not over tWo hundred feet ahead snt' the little fcl~ low playing with a kitten which‘ he held in his lap. At the sound ofdur approach he looked up and laughed, clapping his little hands in high glcc at the affrighted kitten as it ran from the track. Quicker than lightning that blasts. theItall pines , and I for sperits'. I’ve. prayed that prayer three times, and ' he hain’t doiit it. So I’m clear of the ’sponsioility, speed, and ' when dany “ravf An Irish IlillopemIcnt.â€"An engine driVer in the employment of a railway company, had a sweetheart who lived near the line. She engaged to elopc with him one day by the train he ’was'driving, and made her escape for the purpose, upon which her father and brother, having failed to inter- cept her, deliberately turned the points of the line thewrong way, and sent the whole train, passengers, driver, sweetheart and all into a hog that lay 5 convaulent.’ ) at work, apparently in a good con-A (lition, and as active as the bees wintercd in the usual way, " If a thick rope be extended among. the branches of a fruit tree in blosé som, the end of which is directed downwards so as to terminate. in a, pail Iof water, should a slight frost take place during the. night it ‘vvillI not in the slightest degree offset the tree, while the surface of the, water. in the pad which receives the rope will be covered with a cake of ice olmore or less thickness. Though water placed in another pail by the side of it, at the same time, by way. of experiment, may not, from the slightnoss of the frost, have any ice atallon it. i ' i " I I