Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Aug 1859, p. 3

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we BLONDIN’S CROWNING FEAT. " â€"â€"â€". From the Globe’s Correspondent. NIAGARA FALLS, Aug. 24. A visit to Niagara Falls, for the pur- pose of seeing Blondin, has become the ashion, and is therefore a necessary. All who can spare the time and money, to- gether with a great many whocannot. flock thither by the thousand. Thousands of persons sat noon the banks of the river to-day for several hours, and it was. not until within a quarter ofan hour of five o’clock, (Toronto time), that more than ;found the Bradleys had been previously taken away by their friends, in order to prevent a collision betiveen them and the authorities. Mr. Cook did not convey armed men to the residence of Bradley, ias stated‘in the Tomes of to-day. Mr. Cook left the town the Magistrates three wagon loads, or. any number, of J CHARLESWORTH‘CH After I concluded that it would be better that the ' Riflemen should be called out by me, as Warden of the County and Reeve of the Municipality. in which the gl’fray occurred. Mr. Seymour and others volunteered to go with me, and at twelve o’clock called me out of bed, and idformed me that my occasional expressions of discontent was heard. At twelve minutes to five he stepped upon the rope at the American end ; and was hailed with loud cheers from both sides of the river. At one time he services were required in town. This was the first intimation had of what was go- ing on. I proceeded to the town-hall, and immediately signed the requisition for the titles, (though I very much doubted the would lie at full length upon the rope, and stretch out his arms to their widest possi- ble extent, then with a sudden twist would be seen suspended by one foot over the seething cataract. Yet again and he was on his legs ; but no SOOner there than with plunge head-foremost, which seemed to indicate that he had at last determined to close his existence, he would turn a som- ‘mersault, and fall with his back upon the rope. Another sommersault and he was again upon his feet, only to drop down again with fearful rapidity. Upon a close examination, it was found that he had an iron collar around his neck, from either side of which descended chains to his wrists ; and from thence again to his ancles. After a rest of' twenty-five minutes, be again went forward, bearing upon his back a small cooking store, with about tWO and a half feet piping attached. The stove Was perhaps two feet long; fifteen inches deep, and eighteen inches broad. Atâ€" tached to it were a spoon, small frying an, a pair of bellows, and a tin basin. Tnside were a number of eggs and other materials used in the making of omelettes. The wind, which had subsided somewhat, pow seemed to increase, and rendered the return more difficult. Blondin descended Very carefully, and by those whose proxiâ€" piity enabled them to do so, the extraordi- pary manner in which his foot grasped the rope, longitudinally was noticed; it seem- ed as though he could hold it as firmly as with his hands. He proceeded onwards, much more slowly than before ; as the wind acting upon the surface of the stove, continued to render it exceedingly difâ€" ficult to keep the required balance The center, however, was‘reaclied in safe» ty and down M. Blondin sat. He took his cooking apparatus from back ; lighted a fire within it; mixed up the eggs milk, &c., placed a portion in the frying- pan, and proceeded to the cooking ofa number of omelettes. How many he himself ate could not be seen. Some be lowered by a string to a crowd of passenâ€" gers on board the Maid of the Mast, which was brought underneath to receiVe them. The eggs and milk having been used, the stove was replaced in its former po- sition and the journey resumed. Twice did the. daring acrobat appear to loose his balance, and, in order to regain it, came down suddenlv astride the rope. On one pf these occasions, either the trying-pan or the basin fell into the river. The ascent to the American shore is much steeper than to the Canadian, and was surmounted yery slowly. When overcome, the crowd pn both sides joined in a series of long and loud hurrahs, amid which even the to r 0f the mighty Niagara was lost. 1; is reported that M. Blondin will not again carry over a man on. his back; the task being fraught with too much danger. Next Wednesday evening, about nine o’clock, he intends to cross in the dark. discharging in his progress a number of rockets which he will carry with him in a barrow. The Great Western Railway Company, it is said, has given him $1,000, in consideration of the extra traffic he has brought on their line. 'THE OUTRAGE ON THE DEPUTY SHERIFF OF LINCOLN. We copy the following from the Leader expediency of so doing.) At one o’clrck the Mayor and myself reached the resi- dence of Bradley, where we found six mew-three Orangeinen and three Roman Catholicsâ€"sitting at the door smoking their pipes. I told them the object of our visit, and being informed that Bradley and his son had left at ten o’clock, I told them that I would not be satisfied until the house and premises had been searchedâ€"â€" which I did with the assistance of Chief Constable Montgomery and Constable Devlin. There was no Orangemen, or handitti, as alleged by the Tunesâ€"in fact only two small children in the house, and not the slightest resistanco was offer- ed; on the contrary, the few who were We remained until three o’clock, and then returned to the town. ‘ The statement in the Times that I shook hands with the ‘ banditti,’ and or dered the Riflemen to retire in conse- quence of the number of men armed to protect Bradley and his son, is positively untrue. 1 cannot conceive where the correspondent of the Times procured his information; at any rate, he gives eviâ€" dence ofa very fruitful imagination. ‘ On Monday last I met Mr. Gray of the Times, and told him the facts, pre- cisely as I have above related them, and I also heard the same version of the whole affair given in his presence at the Town llall. It may suit his purpose to make the whole adair a political one, and over my shoulders take a fling at the Attorney General and others; but I cannot underâ€" stand how any persqn could pen sueb an article as appeared in the {limes of Sa- turday last, when he must have kmwn that the same was utterly at variance with the truth.’ ” ELECTION BRIBERY IN ENGLAND.â€" Tliere is one fact connected With the unâ€" seating ofLorrd L’urv and his live gilty fel- lows lll bribery, of far more importance to us than the matter of steamsliips and sub- sides, and we commend it to the particular attention of the Leader: we allude to the rapidity of action by which the immorality of twelve wouldâ€"be members ofthe House of Commons was detected and punished. What a contrast with our legislature, under whose system men, elected by fraud and violence, continue to sit and legislate for years, not only in the House of Assem- bly but in the councils of Viceroy? Con- trast the Verclieres election In Canada with that of Norwich in England, and the Canadian constituency carries the palm for unhlushing fraud: compare the result in both cases, and have we not reason to blush? One month sufficed to vindicate the purity of the elective system in the case of Lord Bury ;â€"â€"two years has Mr. Cartier continued to outrage common decency and Vercberes without retrebution. \Nhy has this view of the matter escaped the yigilance of the Leader '5 Is purety of election of less account with Canadian journalists than steamship subsides; or it is the Leader’s indisposition to cast a gloomy shadow over the latter'moments of Sir Edmond litleads’ Canadian career ?â€" Qae~ bee Vindicator. THE STRIKE iN THE BUILDING TRADES. -â€"â€"The master builders of the metropolis IMPORTER OP STAPLE AND FANCY DRY G MILLINERY, (9,9... c2309 pEDS’l‘EA 11s, BEDSTEADS. one. RICHMOND HILL CHEAP FURNITURE 'WAREEQQMS. IIIIIIIIII theiiiiiiiii iiiii iii IIIIIIIIII ARS, CHAIRS, HAIRS, PHONOGRAPHY, on. WRITING BY SOUND. t PHONOGRAPHY was invented by ISAA; PITMAN, of Bath. England. in the ve ‘ 1837. It is the most simple. most natural mo rapid. and moist casilydoarnod system of Writ-1 ing which has ever been, or over can be in- vented. During the past fifteen years, hundreds of. thousands of persons. in England and Ame- rice. in both public and private life. have learned; to write I’lionography. and thousands of social: and business letters annually pass through‘ the post office 4 s . Nor is its great popularity to be wondered, , J at. The present system of writing is cxceod- “ 'r " ingly cumbersome. and totally unworthy than" days of progress and invention. I’honography if is equally as legible. can be learned in one- twentieth the time, and can be written at: time: ‘ asfastl In other words. the labor of six days" Which he is determined to Sell at Prices that will defy competition. THE GOODS! 'REMovED’ N0. 31 KING STREET, EAST OF YONGE STREET, idside treated the whole. affair as a joke. August 12, 1809,. TORONTO. 9-1 y STOLEN PROPERTY FOUNn.â€"-â€"We l ' have of late announced several instances in members of the Municipal Council persist which houses have been broken into at night, and property stolen therefrom. The detectives have been steady on the look out for the bhrglars, but, until yester- day, did not succeed in obtaining any clue to them or the stolen property. From iii- formation‘reCei-ved yesterday by the Chief of Police be dispatched a body of 5}; men to ‘Fox’s bush’ at the west end of the pity, under the charge of Sergeant Major Ferrisâ€"all of whom were dressed in plain clothes. When the police arrived at the rear of Mr. Dalton’s they found four of the bush gang fast asleep, one found the wo- men sleeping with a bottle of whiskey un- der her head, from which they lied evi~ dently all been imbibing rather freely not long before. These were taken into cus- tody and secured. Proceeding into the bush the police happened to light upon eight more individuals, two men and three women. all most ‘ gloriodsly tight,’ and fast gsleep. The whole batch was arrest- ed and marched off to the cells. There is among them one colored man, and one col~ ored woman; all the rest are white. At this time it was supposed that their was no charge against them except that of being found in the bush, but when they were brought to the station Sergeant Greaves noticed a black velyet cape, and other articles on some of the women answered the description of some of the articles which had been lately stolen. Making a nearer inspection be found that one of the shirts was marked with ink, ‘Hackette’ the person residing on Park Lane, whose house had been entered some time ago, and then announced in The Leader. The velvet cape also belongs to this woman. The whole party will be brought up to-day before the Police Magistrateâ€"Leader. THE MARKET FOR BREADSTUFES. â€"â€"It seems to be now universally admitted that England will want some wheat from us this fall. It is yet too soon to estimate the actual amount of damage done to the crops of France, and Southern England by the drought and subsequent storms in July, the deficit may prove quiet considera- ble. But all the letters from the other side concur in stating that some wheat will be required. Thus far the movement of the crop: has been very slow. does not rise, as is too generally supposed, This 1 Venice is still without a Podesta, as the in declining to propose any one for the ac- ceptance of the Emperor. _ DIFD. On the eyening of Tuesday last. the 93rd inch, on the 4th Concession of Mnrkhnm, Mr. losnrn GALLOWAY, a. native of Ryhill. York- shire. England, aged 61 years, \_ firm flUthttfimBfltfi. GRAND ,UNION TEA MEETING. B ICHM 0N D HILL. -â€"â€". On THURSDAY, SEPT. 1, 1859 A TEA MEETING will be held in con- nection with the Wesleyan and Presbyterian SABBATH SCHOOLS! or Tms PLACE, TEA will be served on the grounds of the Presbyterian Church, after which I. P B. 0 CE 8 S I o N Will be formed, headed by tho Buttonvillc Brass Band, And proceed back to thePnEslrukiAn CHURCH where ADDRESSES will be delivered by several Ministers and Gentlemen of both do- nominations accompanied by RECITATIONS from the Children. Tea will be Served at 12 o'clock. noon- TICKETs. 25 cents. Children, half-price. May be had of the Rev. James Dick. Messrs. A. Law. W. Harrison, Dr Langstafi', James Jenkins, and Henry Sanderson. Richmond Hill, Aug. 18, l859. 38-2 M NOTICE. I REBY FOR BID any person or persons pu‘rchasing :1 NOTE OF HAND drawn in favor of WAnron BRUNSKILL, or order, for the sum of $8, dated about 1859, and at three days after has been paid by me. the 12th March. date, as the same WM. McMORRAN. Thornhill. Augustl5. 1859. " 38-‘3 STANDING PINE TIMBER, etc, lTO be Sold on Lot No. 60, Markham, the manufactured at this Establishment have now been tried for the last fourteen years, and, the best proof that he has given entire satisfaction, that all who have once pur- chased at his place invariably come again. GEORGE BONE. Richmond Hill, dd]: 29, 1859. 35-6m BOOTS AND SHOES! Two Doors North of G. A. BARNARD’S Richmond Hill. TOBIAS DOLMACE Would respectfully inform the Public that he is prepared to make to order lllllll‘t llllfl Slllllll lll' lllllllY lllllllllll’l'lllll, AT LHE LOWEST REMUNERATING PRICES. All Orders executed with Neatness and Despatch. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Richmond Hill. March 18. 1859. 16-tt‘ 'â€"â€"-_â€"f BREWERY“ & - OHIOORY. RICHMOND HILL- LANDs ANDaiIEL FOR SALE 1 BOUT FIFTY ACRES OF LAND, including nearly Ten Acres of Superior A Timber ; also, a WATER. MILL and DWELLINGS, suitable for any Factory purpose. Also llWllllllli iiiiii, units, it. The wholegof the above Estate is offered for PRIVATE SALE until the Ist of September next. If not then sold, further notice will be given of an Auction Sale. TERMS EASY. This Property and situation is invaluable for a BREWERY (an establishment much needed in this locality), or to a grower and manufacturer of CHICORY, which will, ere long, supersede the wretched coffee of the Provmce. For further particulais apply to J. DUNCUMB. Esq. M.D. JOHN LANG- STAFF, Junr. Esq., Richmond Hill, or to Messrs. .1. 8; W. BOYD, Attorneys, Toronto. . Richmond Hill,~July 20, 1859, align NOVELTY WAGON WORKS l MARKHAM VILLAGE. The Sucbscribers beg to call attention to the fact that they are making SUPERIOR lWAGGâ€"ONS And when the Quality is taken into account it will be found that they are selling them at prices that will defy competion. It is also a fact beyond dispute that our WAGGONS stand better, and are of lighter draft, than any other. The following are our list of Prices and Terms :- . . .$106 00 Thru- ond three quarter inch Twp inch iron axle. w tb box. . .. . . do Twp and a' quarter inc " pxlb, with box 105 00 with cap-nut do .. . . 85 00 Thrdé and three quaitér inch thimblg Seat with steel springs. . . . . . . . . 10 00 skein, with box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 00 Double-trees and neck yokos. . . 7 00 Fourincb "do "' do do.. 83 00‘ Crib or railing................ 7 0t' '“' “ ‘~ Sidebords.................... 400 Terms; Six Mouths, if longer, Interest from Ditto. Fire per cent discount for Cash All orders attended to with promtitude, and Work warranted. T. SPEIGHT 8r. SON. Markham Village, June 30, 1859. 3 ing in each month. Victoria Square, May 7. 1858. can be performed in oneâ€"one man can do tho" work of six! So simple is the system. too. that a person may learn to write it slowly. in» a coupie of hours. An hour’s daily practice for a few weeks will enable any person to write Phonography with certainty. and with some degree of freedom. The same amount‘ of practice continued for six months will ec-l able :1 person to take reports of speeches, leno‘ iires. sermons, or conversation, and to road born with accuracy. ‘ Dr. J. W. Stone, of Boston. says: ‘I doom Phonog‘rnphy an invaluable adjunct to 'oducn-‘ lion. and one which, when acquired in youth ‘ would not be parted with in manhood for thiiufqnE sands of dollars ” “ The late Hon. Tuos. H. BENTON. upon bo- ng presented with a verbatim report of one of’, his masterly speeches. taken by a little My only twelve years of age. said : “ Had this art been known 40 years ago it would have saved me! 20 years hard la‘ or." The learned senator" spoke but a portion of the truth. What long-" hand requires six years to accomplish, Phono-' graphy will perform in one. To Clergymen. Editors, Physicians. Law- yers, Secretaries. Convoyancers. Law and Meâ€" dical Students, Lecturers, Printers. Schoo ‘ Teacher's, Merchants. School Boys and Girls. in knowledge ofPhonography is ofvast utility.-â€"-- Iii fact therp is no profession or calling in which it is not useful. and no young man’s education can be considered complete without it. During the past nine months hundreds of persons in Canada. of" every pursuit in life. have acquired tbe'Art, from many of whom' the subscriber has received neatly-written phonographic letters, expressive of their do- light with the attainment. and the extraordinary ease with which they have acquired it. For the purpose of aiding in the dissemination of,.so important a‘ reform in his own country, th'e subscriber is now prepared to supply all who apply, with the MANUAL or Pnosooru- PHY, and the PHosoonArn’ic Corr Boox. sent by mail to any part of the Province. postage pie-paid. for the small sum of [LT ONE DOLLAR. £1] ‘ ‘ Anybody and everybody. who can learn any- thing, can learn PHONOGRAPHY from the MAo‘ NUAL. without other assistance. ‘ Those who wish to be able to put their thoughts to paper at the rate of from 100 to,~ 250 words “ per minute.” should send for tho“ above-mentioned works at once. " The instruction given by the Manual is u plain as*A.‘B.' C.. and ten times as easy to“ understand. ‘ ' ' " ‘ " ’ The " CANADIAN PHONETIC PION- EER. ” is a Monthly Journal. devoted to: the advocacy of the Reform. Price 25 beats" per” annum. ~ 7 Address, (post-paid) ‘ I ' WILLIAM H. ORR. Oshawa. C. W. No. 644, MEETS at wM. DUROSE’S HOTEL Victoria Square. the last Friday ovens t orricnns ELECT t THOMAS SNOWDEN. Master. JAMES NEAL. Deputy. JOHN GAULEY. Treasurer. JOHN BUTTON. Secretary. 48.1, Rich mond Victoria, OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 773. 1 meets nt'Bi-oth'er Robert Wisemnn's.‘ Pine'and othe‘i‘T‘imber staridii'ig on 100 ' Acres, abutting on 2nd'couce‘dsipn; or the I to Pine on 'a"simllar qtiaiitil" hf laud ' abutting on havmg come to the determination to dis- charge the whole Of their men on Saturday unless Messrs. Trollope’s men resume their Masonic Hall,‘ the first Friday evening often the Full Meon in each month. ' OFFICERS" ELECi‘-â€"Colonel D. Bridgford. Master. R.' Wisemaii, Deputy Master; John' Munhollnnd, Secretary ; W. Ppgue. Treasurer" January 21. 1858. t33 â€" â€"W\‘House and Lot For Sale. " HAT’HOUSE AND LOT situated on the ' read, leading to Mr. Arksey’s mill: on the" 1st concession of Vaughan, within a few rod: form an unwillingness of the farmers to sell They are too poor, as a general rule, . _ _ 1 . You 6 Street, on e‘hsy'te‘rms. to the removal of have any chOlce 111 he matter. and; be; the timher“,and'to the payment ofthe instal- . i It' I sides, present prices reward them very ' 'l‘l’ms' , ‘ handminly for their labour, and they see DrynocmAugust MACLLO318):3 very plainly that the longer they wait the ' In Pound. less they get for their stuff. Tlie| true cause of the delay in the receipt of. ' CAME to my Pound. at Victoria Square A YELLOW on LIGHT RED Gow. about 5 pf Saturday, August 20. It will be seen at. once that the charges brought against the Orangemen in question were without foundation. We havnig published the fact last week, it is a most agreeable duty to give publicity to the denial. The Leader says :â€"â€"“ We published, some days ago, from the Hamilton Times, without com- W HOW TO SAVE MONEY. CAgPENTERSfand Builders save your Time and Money by getting your FLOORING . 1' lanod, Tongued and Grooved at HARRISONS’ Planing Mills. ‘ Carpenters save your Money by getting your SIDEING Planed at Harrisons’ Planing. Mina, Builders and others useing PLANED BOARDS will save money by gettidgthcip mtg,“ ‘ lr ‘ ‘: ‘ ‘ 7 employment, the conference of the united tiades issued a notice to the operatives to attend an openâ€"air demonstration in Hyde- park. The meeting took place on Wed- ensday evening, and it is calculated that between 40,000 and 50,000 workmen the crop is the disdrder into which the organization by which it is forwarded has . . . . I . o - f You 3'0 Street with a good reugh cast ment the story Of an £1”?ng Outrage on were present Mr Tracy a workino‘ man I years old. She is gm“ 1k - at Harrlsans’ PMimi-i Mills: 0. . 5 -’ . , , _ w _ . v . I , / I . g mi . The owner is _ . _ lieuse. stable. shed. arden. and a fine orchard. the Deputy b-henpf of the County of Lim Occupied the’chair. Mr. Cremer aajoiner fallen. Most of the dealers who bought, requested to come and prove property and lake A11 parties Ill want of‘Well-seasonlod Platned FLOORING and SIDEING; Will saws money by t. l . . gl , , ; . col“, And the subcuqu'ent version of the moved . that [bl-Se meeting views ’with re flour or wheat In the West during tne past 1 her away, ' purchasing it at Harrisons’ Planing Mills. - ' ‘ w - 'r I ’\ ,01' Patio“ MS app) 0 ‘v , ,D u . .’ .. - WM, DUROSEt Pound Keeper. 38-2 month or two have done so badly with itl that they are not in a condition to renew . . _ . V t S A . 19 . their opperations; many of the banks for '0 0m quam’ ug ’ 1859 "’ S. C. LAWRENCE. ' On the Premises. 21 report only shows how careful the jour- . . I gret the position of antagonism assumed by nalist ought to be in accepting tales w’hicli To Farmers and othersâ€"If you want a Good. Cheap and Tight Root purchase your the employers, inasmuch as the spirit they SHINGLES, (which are superior to all others.) at Harrison's: Birthing M‘illé. \r) V'nge Street, April ‘2]. 1859. are not thoroughly authenticated. The statements of our Hamilton cotemporary display is calculated it) widen the breach already existing, by endeavouring to train- went to show that the Deputy Sheriff, in the discharge of his duty, was prevented from making a seizure by a party of pie out the spirit of humanity which origin- ated and still animates the nine hours’ movement; and as the pledge which they it? W the same reason are not prepared to make the advance necessary for forwarding the crops. These and other obvious causes of delay may keep back the first of the wheat Letters ALL WORK WARRANTED equal to hand wdrl}. and dissented with dispatch. To LET, wo COMM'ODIOUS TENEMENT adapted for Shops. gsituated in the mo: H. 8:. .I. HARRISON, Remaining in RICHMOND i ii ROAD, HILL Post Office AUGUST Ist, 1859. ' ‘ ' ' . . RICHMOND HILL. central and commanding part of the Vil ego : Orangemen, and that the secret'bond 0f would extract from us by signing the docu- U“ the end Of the month' After that It findelrsofi' W’ M‘ MCK'm‘on' M'ss M‘ April. 15. 1853‘ 20. 3m each containing 6 rooms. good cella'i: glint. a. the Order Was 953d t0 reSlsuhe execution ment they propose submitting would rob k I .H b b, . Alfigeg,’ Gigi; Ill/14:13:35“? 9' ‘ ‘ and'otherconvenibnces.; Igoll suited tor Mll- Of the law- Fortunately {00 the Call-5b 0f us of every privilege of freemen, and re- 3:“? mar 9t .2?th ,prto adhy gwed .way' Bi-illiiiger, John McDonniill. John .-‘..H isnlileIS. TglgfiinfggefiigllhzSafl‘lfirs' °' Sh”. truth, and let us add for the cause of duce us to the condition of serfs, we de. t Prawn“ ls “Ola” “ M an a "me" Brown,J. W. O’Conor, M. ,OPS' \. I, ,, ' .Ppy peace, the Warden of Lincoln has come forWard under his own name, and in a letâ€" ter to the Spectator, that gentleman gives a new codstruction to the whole business, and in justice to the Orange body, it is proper that we should lay before our termiiie to use every mortal power of re- sistance, and pledge ourselves to use all constitutional means for bringing the nine hours’ movement to a successful termina- tion.’ The motion was supported by Mr. ing tendency.â€"N. Y. Herald. F: TORONTO MARKETS. may be expected in large quantities, and THURSDAY, August 25. Campbell, Mrs. Susanl’aine, P. H. [2] Campbell. Mrs. Thom Riley. John Cotter, Mary Robins. Mary Ann Coleman. H. Sheppard. Edward Durham, R. Saunders, Francis Elliot, J. [2] Seager. Ann Glover, Thomas Schunk, Mrs. C. , G. A. BARNI RD. M 2 H N’, Richmond HithJaiiy. 20, 1859. ' ' yr! No. 81, King Street East, next door to the “Colonist” office, has received his I " New Stock of. ‘ ‘ ' ' STOLEN. ' ' ' ' . I r NOTE or HAND, from Mr. DECKER d th . . f l W. d , Bloomfield’ My; osbmne? Mr' PaCeY, and Fan Wheat' prime, per bushnu $1 00 a 1 12 Gilmour, James Tremaine, George [3] T A E A N A N _ Aumm. agahm M,...WILLIAM REID: rea ers ' ‘e main points 0 tie ar en 5 Mr. Potter. 1 he latter, at the conpr Farm”), Flour. “ u ...... . . . . . . H 5 00 a 5 25 Homer, 1), [2] Thomas, J, R. ' ‘ Sh‘aron, on which a‘balance of $10 is past one. lem‘l‘o lhat gentleman saysf‘ AS soon Slon of his address, remarked that bll‘ Superfine do . ..'. L . . . . . . - . . . 4 75 a 5 00 HOdgson' T 'lho'ffas RObOI’t ' This is to caution’ any person against buying. as it was known that Deputy Sheriff Ker- Morton Peto had said that'tbe pine-hour Fancy do . . . . . . . ....... . . . 5 ‘25 a 0 00 g°d$s°m W- Tomlinsou --â€"â€" _ pm said Note as payment hds been stopped. by had been resisted, me Mayor prompliy movement would COS, the country £3QQ’_ Extra do . . . ..,. ., , .. ..... 5 25 n 6 0H Hzrgtlsivhf- $77,723:: 132:}??? ..‘, . Com rum " the . ~ «I Y 3 Aurora, June 29, 1859;. y 31 despatched five constables, among them 000 a year, but if it did, how could it be g:geig;n‘iilgi",}":"?.7TT f ’ ' ' ‘ 2' 3 Husband, G. H. Whiitel. John JP g ‘ "l" ‘ " John Devlin, a Roman Catholic, (not an better spent than in improving the working Oats: u 0 40 a 9 45 Lawson, Jane Wills. William ‘ l - ' ' ‘ J - ~ ‘ A Orangeman as alleged by the Times) wlio classes? Sir Morton Peto advocated the Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..' . . . . . . . . 0 50 a 0 55 1‘9"”, Rf’l’e" Wi‘hPrfordo Mrso * L , ' ' -- ’ ' ‘ .. - r - j p ik -‘ H 1600 17 ,0 Milne, William Wilkinson Joseph. . . ' ' ‘ ' ' at once went to Bradley s house. Ibty Saturday hall-holiday, which cost the 0' ' ' ’ ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' a l M K- ]N ' S ' Hav per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1400 a. 19 c “"10": A’ » HEREAS. ELIZA 13- WAT 0N 11"- findmg a number of men armed to Prom“ l coumry £200,000 a year, and yet he Straw . “ . . ..‘....‘ . . . . . . . 10 00 M. TEEFY, M. . u . , iiig left. my bed-and'board without any Bradley, and being threatened With vio- would resist this demand, which would cost Polgt'o’es, - w i n . ......... 0 50 a o 55 i H % just crauso.’ I-hemby give Home that I Win n“ 18009 if they attemPIEd to take the Brad- only £100,000 21 year more, and he a Apples, per barrel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 a ,2 37 Imr" "I" "'1 r all!“ '5" I- "I'm m be ansuerabie for. nor pay any (36th fthat thho, leys, thought it better to retire and 59- much greater boon. He could not say ggef, u h u . . . . . _ u, BONNETS flittiEllza D. Watson may con ract romt IO. cure more aSSlstance' 0“ “’aehing the more to them than no ‘Liberty to them eep’eac ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' a > i ' WILLIAM D WATSON . . L b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 25 I75 ~ .. A - - - town there was consultation among the that dared not contend for it.’ (Vociferous Gillies, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5034 00 £4500 FOR INVETTMENT? H O S I E R Y A N D G- L O V E S Thomllill,yu1y 20, 1359, 34.3 authorities, as to the expediency of calling cheers.) The resnlution was then carried, Chickens , . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 50 a 0 55 IN first class Mortgages, on Farms and other ’ ‘ 3 out the Rifles in aid of the Constables, and three hearty cheers were given for the 3700" p}? H" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ 0 29 a (j 28 39?"??? Properli-es? f.°'i .a illfm °f 3'9flr5' SHIRTINGS’ SHEETINGS, and it was then suggested that it. would be nine-hour’s movement. Immediately af- Blefiphiéns’ enclo'o'fb‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' g g E, at” ll”. "llf’fesi! ' ‘ LOST’ H _ M C -k d l ‘ _ ' ' no in 5, per s . . . . . . . . . . n R N H VV LS, MANTLES, we. N or about the 20m of June last. A GOLD as we for I _r. 00 an ot IBIS. to pro terwards a copy of the {limes newspaper. Calfskllis, per lbs. 010 a. 0 l2 ' , ' ' ' ' “ ““ ' . " ’ - r " CHAIN between Dr Duncumb’s and ceed to Bradley’s and persuade him to de- suspended from a gibbet, was burned amid Bdtterflresh} Per lb - - - - - - - ' - - - - 0 1,5 all 17 WIORV'E R! 03'. Sale; mad? for Cash, and no Second Price. the 3rd conces’sion bf Markham, Any person‘ hver hunseu‘ gp_l,l,ns,31f and son_peace the hisses of [he muhimde- The meeting, E tulthzghl per lb. .' .' 8 a g ' {3113 or Tali: Intimacy} - r I M. LEISHMAN, who has found the same and leaving it at this; ‘ably. Mr. Cook accordingly went with which had been orderly throughout, then fifigf’ge. §O,d,'.‘,;f,,;,;,;,;,‘_jj“' I 4 00:4 25 " TORONTO." '1 No. 81, King St. next dopr east to the Colonist Office. , Qflico;Wil| be suitablYl‘éwatdedf ' an; or two friends and, as I am informed, quietly dispersed. " u ‘ ’ ’ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ’ ‘ * porload.......“no-In; 85.0.3975 moment was, Richmond Hill. July 29, 1859. ' 35:4.

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