Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Sep 1859, p. 3

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Ti iE “ GRE AT EASTERN.” The subjoined announcement of the Great Ship Company appears in the Lon- don papers of the 2nd inst. The date of departure for her Transatlantic trip has been definitely fixed for 'lliursday Sept. 29:â€" “The Great Eastren is intended to leave her iiioOiiii-gs on Tuesday the 6th instant, and Will stay at the Nore to ad- just compassesâ€"and then proceed to Port- land, near Weyinouth, and be ready there for the reception of visitors from the 9th to the 15th; she will then start on her trial trip, which it is proposed shall not occupy more than three days, returning to Hulyhead. She Will remain there for the reception of Visitors from Tuesday, the 20th, to Monday, the 26th, boili inclu- sive. “ Passengers going from Weymouth on the trial trip will be received on board on Friday, the 16th inst. “Passengers, parcels and letters for America, will be received on board at Holyhead, on Tuesday, the 27th, and Wednesday, the 28th instants. “ The Great Eustren will sail for England from Portland, United States, on the 1st November. “ The Directors have every confidence that the above arrangements will be ad- hered to, but should any alteration un- avoidably occur, due notice will be given.” Upon the trial trip none but first-class passengers would be received, the fares to range from £6 to £10, according to cabin. The fares for the American voy- age outward remain as previousl pub- lished. Return tickets are sold ‘or t‘ a fare and a-half.” notations MURDER Ar siLvnu CREEK. From the Haltqn Journal Extra. Two of the most shacking murders ever perpetrated in the County of Bolton was committed last Monday eyening in the vicinity of Si'ver Creek, Esquesing. From the information that has reacned this office it appears that two men named Kel- ley and Magrather, were drinking at Pres- ton’s tavern in company With a disreputa- ble character named Thomas Donaldson on the Evening oftlie murder. The party drank some. whiskey and having filled their jugs left the tavern together about half- past ten o’clock. They were seen to- gether a short distance from the tavern, and nothing positive is known as to their subsequent conduct. The wife of Kelley became uneasy at her husband‘s absence, apprehending that. Something had happened him. Still nothâ€" ing was known to lead the peOplc to sup- pose that a diabolical murder had been per petrated in their midst. At last a number of the neighbours turned out to make search for the missing ones. The peculiar ragged character of the country rendered their search fruitless, At length in pass- ing a heap of brush, one of the men dis- covered a foot which led to the ultimate revelation of the whereabouts of the bodies. The men had been killed, and their bodies covered with brush and rub- bish to iiide them from public view. And the more effectually to prevent recognition, the coldblooded murderer had set fire to the heap of combustible materials slightly burning the face of one of the men. The day after the murder Donaldson went to Brampton without any apparent cause, and returned to Gear-getown when he was ur- rested. In the meantime Coroner Mo- Cullough summoned a jury to enquire into the circumstances which led to the perpe- tration of such a coldblooiled i..uti'age. A post mortem examination of ilie bodies was iiiade by Dr. \'\'right. and the Jury after hearing amass of‘evidence found a verdict of “ murder” against Thomas Donaldson. The Coroner immediately issued his war rant committing the accused to the County Gaol whether he was brought last night abought ten oclock. 'l‘he affair has created great excitement in the neighborhood of Silver (sleek and Georgetown where Kelley and Magratlier were well known. We understand the former has been in the habit of working for Biscoby and C0,, Lime-burners, and was always considered a harmless, inoffensive man. Donaldson is a young man ofabout 26, and has the reputation of being a most iio~ torious bad character. On several occu- sions he has been found guilty ol'stealing, but up to the present time he has escaped the arm of retributive justice, His trial will come off at the approaching Assizes. We hope to be able to give the evidence at Coroner’s inquest next Week. FEAut-‘Ui. VVflIRLWIlVD AND Loss or LIFE.â€"~Un Monday last an inquest was held on the body OfJauies Leester, a tarm- er residing in the township of Ross. It appears that early on Sunday morning a terrific tornado passed over the farm of the deceased, confining its ravages to, and expending its fury on the circuit Of a few acres; the woods around the clearance hein levelled, the barn and shanty scat- tere‘ in every direction like chaff; the stone chimney, built of large blocks, was blown away like dust 3 while one side of a large stove was carried on the blast four hund- red yards over the tops of the trees, and the scoops of the shanty were found in a neigbour’s clearance. Several sheafs of Wheat which had been stowed in the barn Were found two miles distant from the scene of destruction. The impression that the storm must haye done some damage, induced one of Leeter’s neighbours t visit him, and on arriving, found the un fortunate man naked and dead lying close to Where his shanty had been, under two of the barn-logs, one over his breast, and the other across his legs. With all the appalling attending circumstances above narrated. As he was undressed, the only apparently satisfactory way of accounting for the manner of his death. is to suppose him to have been sleeping in the barn at the time the tornado burst, and was car~ ried along with the logs to the spot. where he was found. Deceased lived entirely alone, being unmarried, and had no rela- tives in this country. He bore the car- factor of an industrious sober mamâ€"Ren- frew Journal. A LARGE HAULâ€"On Monday Ser- geant Major Stacy, along with four of the Police Constables, captured seven persons belonging to the well-known Brooke’s bush gang. Information was conveyed to the police station in the forenoon that the par.- ties in question had broken into and taken pOSSession of an empty house situated be- low the Don, belonging to a man. named Kelly. The constables Went to the place indicated and found a girl named Mary Sheppard in the houseâ€"the others had taken their departure only a few minutes before. Sheppard was taken into custody and conveyed to the station in a cab, she being unable to walk from injuries she had received in fighting with the others. The officers then marched down the Kingston road a short distance, where they found the other six sitting in the bush drinking whiskey. They were all apprehended and brought to the station. Their names are James Coulor’i, James Coyle, John Dillon. lsabella Reid, Ann Maria Gregory, and Margaret Hagarty. They will take their places at the bar of the, Police Court to- day.â€"â€"Globe. Franâ€"On Thursday afternoon last, about four o’clock, a fire broke out in the carpenters shop of Mr. Robert Elliott on George-street in the East end of the town. The fire engines were speedily on the spot, but the flames had attained such headway, and there beinga scarcity Of water, the shop and out-buildings were consumed. and the dwelling house adjoining was saved with great difficulty through the indefatigable exertions ol the firemen and others. In the buildings consumed there was a large quantity of lumber, fire-wood, tools, &.c., all of which were destroyed. Mr. Elliott’s loss must be considerable, as we understand there was no insurance on the property. It is not known how the fire originated, no person having been in the shop for some hours previously. â€"--Peri,h Courier. THE ITALIAN QUESTION.â€"Ii appears , probable that the Zurich Conference will break up without being able to carry out, the rather contradictory articles of the peace of Villa Franca, and that a Euro- pean congress Will be called to arrange matters. Possibly Louis Napoleon thinks this the best way Of Settling the Italian question, and arranged that the conferenCe SllOllld‘nOf agree. It is probable that the Italians will he benefitted by the change. The treaty of Villa Franca, carried Out to the letter, was the worst thing wliichcould have happened to them. The provisional government in the Ro- inagna appears to be getting on swimming- ly. The naive remark oftlie telegraph, that brigandage has ceased since the Pope was deposed in the Legations, is very sug gestive. When our Popes are deposed in Canada, our parliamentary brigaiids will, it is to be hoped, cease to prey upon us. â€"G[obe. DARING .HIGHWAY ROBBERY.â€"â€"A correspondent writes us from Morrishurgh concerning a daring robbery that was com- iiiitted about a mile north of that village, on the Winchester road, on the morning of the 6th. A young man, named Arclih bald Empey, brother of Mr. Charles Em- pay, merchant here, had started about ten in the morning with a load of goods for Winchester, and had Only travelled a short distance, when in a swamp through which he had to pass, two men came up behind him, dragged him offthe Wagon to the ground covi-rcd his llt‘ltd with something saturated in clilorform, rendering him iii- sensihle, and robbed him of about $8, all the money he had on know-Cornwall Free/bolder. COLORED EMlGRATION 'ro JAMAICA. â€"â€"â€"A mowinerit is on foot in the western part of the Province, having for its object the emigration Of colored persons to Jamâ€" aica. Nearly a week ago, about. fifty had resolved to go. They are to be provided Willi free passages; and the Government of Jamaica guarantees them employment Or to provide for their suhsistencu till ein-, ployment can be found. The advantages of this offer to those colored persons who desire to go to a climate less rigorous than this, and more suited to their constitutions, are clear and decided; and it can hardly be that they will not avail themselves of themâ€"Colonist. A trial has just terminated at Middle- sex sessmns. England, resulting in estab- lishing a low relative to kissing. A gen- tleman undertook to kiss a lady because she said he couldn‘t. A tussle ensuedâ€"- both fell on the floor, and in the melee she bit the man’s nose offâ€"hut did not get. kissed. He brought a suit for damages, and the Court ruled that a man had no right to run any such risk Willi his nasal Organ unless he was Willing to stand what damages might come from Such a trial of strength. DEATH BY BROWNING AT THE FALns mimic SECOND SAM PATCH.â€"â€"Cllnt0n, Sept. 13.â€"â€"Professor Shields, who adver- tised to jump from a scaffolding. on the 16th inst., into Niagara River, near the scene of the late Bloiidin feats, proceeded this morning into the river With the Inâ€" tention of searching for hidden rocks, when he was suddenly drawn down by the under current, and drowned. A boat was near, and every exertion made, without success to discOVer the bod mamâ€"Globe. ’ y o‘ the unfortunate FREE GRAN'rs.-â€"'I‘he Government have offered free grants of 100 acres of land on the newly Opened Severn and Muskoka road, and why have they not done so at the Sault Ste Marie "lsâ€"Globe. ACCIDENT A'r CLINTON.,â€"â€"A corres- pondent at Grimsby informs us that Mr. John S. Wa‘ker, a prominent and highly respectable farmer in the township of Clin- ton, broke his log by a fall, on the 25th ult. Dr. Fitch, of Grimsby, who is in at- tendance upon him reports that. he is pro- gressing favorably. KING ST. EAST, sour}; SIDE, THIRD noon ‘ ‘: L'H'U’v' Hr“. .-< “. v W___.._ iiiii’ a it iiiiiiii WATER iiiiLL, Rooms, AND PARK LOTS. WALKING ON THE “Mumâ€"Mr. , l'Iickliock performed his feat of walking on E II I V the surface of the hay yesterday afternoon . in presence of nearly four hundred spec- ' 'tators. The performance took place on the north side Of the island, a short dis- tance from Moodie‘s wharf. Shortly after four O’clock Mr. Hickock left the shore in a boat, and donned his ‘ boots’ in about sever or eightfeet of water. By means ofa long pole he steadied himself for a second, and then walked off with a brisk step. After walking a few rods, followed by a large number of boats, he turned briskly round and walked back to the place where the bulk of the spectators were standing. Although his boots haVe rather a clumsy and unwieldy-like appear- ance, Mr. llickock appeared to move about with great facility, and in whatever direction he wished. The feat would no doubt have scored more wonderful had Mr. l'lickock been walking at a greater dis tance from the spectators, for in all likeliv hood, in this instance as in many others, distance would have lent eucliantmeiit to the view. Alter marching upon the water for about lialf’an- hour Mr. llicliock approached the land and explained the theory of this invention. He also stated that in a short time he expected to appear lin another pair of ‘boots,’ in which he [would leap into the middle Of the bay and walk about wherever be pleased. The performance was over about half-past five O’clock, and the spectators reached the city by the steamer Fire Fly, sail and row boatsâ€"Globe offllst. S’IMPLEMENT WORKS. We would inform the public that we are manufacturing a large number of“ STUMP EXRAGTORS l 'I‘bey,have. been thoroughly tested, both in heavy and light soils, and proved themselves capable of raising the largest. Stumps and can be. successfully worked by three men unaided by horse or other‘ team. Price, completeâ€"$68 00. ' ‘ \Ve also have in hands the patterns Of a very summon s'rnAW CUTTER: With feed gear so constructed as to out different lengths, from a. to 1} inches. Farmers and others are requested to call and examine their MACHINES before purchasing elsewhere. Price, from $100010 $20 00,4 REAPERS AND MOWERS 1 In their season, Also, _ Th. P , . H b H d. C , ,0 d ., At. b d Wooden, Crooked &; Straight Beam Plows !- is ropery is no 0 e eqiia e in unaoa r goo 501, goo im er, an ‘ localityâ€"being adjacent on Yonge Street, 16 miles from Toronto, and 3 miles from CIRCULAR WOOD SAWS’ ROOT SLICERS’ the Northern Railroad Station. For a Brewery. Chicory Grounds, Nurseryman, GAN FLOWS, .HORSE HOE-S, SCUE‘F‘LE RS,‘ Market Gardener, Machanist, or Grist Mill it is. invaluable. A Constantly on hand. " 0:?" Terms will be made known at the time of sale, All IMPLEMENTS manufactured by us are Warranted. For further particulais apply to J. DUNCUMB, Esq. M.D. Richmond Hill, PATTERSON 81; BROTHERa . JOHN LANGSTAFF, Junr. Esq., Thornliill, or to Messrs. J. 8i. W. BOYD, 414i] Attorneys, Toronto. Richmond Hill, Sept 20, 1859.. TY W‘AGGON MARKHAM VILLAGE. ll The remaining part of this VAL-UABLE ESTATE will be sold by Auction, at Mr. GEORGE SIMPSON’S HOTEL, Richmond Hill, on TUESDAY, the 11th day of October next, AT ONE O’CLOCK, NOON. The PARK LOTS, of five Acres each, viz : 2 acres cleared, and about 3 acres of good timber. Two PARK LOTS, of three acres each, wholly cleared. The VVA'I‘ER MILL will he sold with or without the HOUSES an ACRES OF LAND, including the Alill Pond. d NINE The whole will positâ€"ivcly be 30.7.4119 as. above. 1&c. Richmond Hill, Sept. 9, 1859. NEW STORE iii NEWMARKET. J',OI-IN BOND BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Newmarket, Holland T«andiiig, Aurora, Rich- mond Hill, &c., that he intends opening, on the lbth inst.,with a splendid assortment of DRUGS. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, AND MiLLiNERY, HABFNWARE, CROCKERY, dire. doc. ‘ And a great many Articles too numerous to mention. 42-3 WORKS l NOVEL {ESPITE OF DR. SMETHURST.-â€"It Will. we think, he with a feeling of relief that the public will learn the respite of Dr. Sinclliurst, who, if the law had been allow- The Sucbscribers beg to call attention to the fact that? they are making ed to take its courSe, would have. been ex- .. , . 1â€"1, x? 1:] 'w.7- g _ _I m, . CCUletl on Tuesday “extfor the "under Of 3 I? .43.! .3. ._ g (.1:- J ! Isabella Bankes. And when the Quality is taken into account it will be found that they are selling After a careful consideration nftlie evi. them at prices that will defy com-ietion. I: is also a. fact beyond dispute that our dance when at me trial, as m.” 3., M“ (be WAGGONS stand better, and are oflighter draft, than any other. opinions which since the trial have been The following are our list of Prices and Terms :â€"~ elicited from the most eminent medical - . ' ' ' .l , ‘th box. . . . . . . . . 100 00 Three and three quarter inch do I I â€"‘ I I . I M mcn’ mm the deal“ 0‘ MM. Bank” “"8!” rifdhiirdiiaiiiaiihlzb axle, with box$105 00 with cap-nut d6 35 on Partlcular attention,“ devoted to the Millinery Department, possibly hate been produced by natural Three and three quarter inch thimbln goatbwith steal scpring: , , _ , 11; . r ,I . ' _ ‘ ,1 A, - ‘ . _tes‘n e. ... ' I . ' c‘lllses’ ” {'35, Dee“ dw‘d‘fd ‘0 re’ll'te 'll" , 55‘8"," “m: b0" ‘ ' ' oi riding. ,, 7 or His SHOW ROOM Will be open shortly after With a great variety of prisoner (luring Her Majesty’s pleasure, PM" “W 1 ° - - Sidebords. . u l u . i . ' . . ~ I ‘ i I . i . ' I; 00 and this respite will probably result in a commutation of the capital sentence. A cominnni ation to this effect was made to the lligii Sheriff last evening, and the Welcome news, was, ofcourse, im- tlledlately transmitted to the pi‘isoner.-â€"â€" Times, Sept. 37d. “ BONWETS M Ail‘lfl‘LlflS l Terms: Six Mouths, iflonger, Interest from Date. Five per cent discount for Cash E), i ( k , _ l i“, q E All orders attended to with promtitude, and TWorZ: warranted. 0 PER A C LOAKS’ 85C. &C_ T' SPEIGHT & SON' Newmnrket, September 2, 1859. J. OHARLESWORTH Ill/[PORTER 0D 40~6ni Markham Village, Jane 30, 1859. â€"â€"â€"â€". PHONOGRAPHY’, WRlTING e'v sourio. HONOGRAPIIY was invented by ISAAC Pl'l‘MAN. of Bath, England, in the year 1837 it is the mostsimplo, most natural most rapid. and moat easilyvloariied system of Writ- ing which has ever been, or ever can be in- vented During the post fifteen years, huiidredn of thousands of persons. in England and Ame: rice, in both public and private life. have learned to write Plionography, and thousands of social, «,1 and business letters annually pass through ‘3 the post office } N0 Nor is its great popularity to be wondered “’ ‘ 9 l at. The present system of writing is oxwod- EETS a, W‘M. DUR()SEVS HOTEL iiigly cniiibersomo, and totally unworthy these Victoria Square” “,6 last [afiday “an; days of progress and invention. Phonograpliy P,‘;:Oiroani>uY.-~“For five years I , have depended entirely on Plionngraphy for the transmission of my thoughts to my fellow-men; and ifthe art were to perish lOâ€"day,] could not summon resolution enough to make any progress in the old truck. ’”---C. EDWARD Lus'rnn, Merch- ant, .New York. Winn. Tu-m' 1 gâ€"Mfi STAPLE AND FANCY MARRIED At the house of A S. Patterson, Esq, West- field, New York, by the Rev. Dr. Massey, Mr. PETER PAr'riziisuN, oftlie firm of Patterson & Bro.. to Miss KATE E. flAri-‘izx', both of Rich- mond Hill. LOYAL O MILLINERY, doc. exec. , n, . . is ’o ually es lo, ible, can be learned in one- FIR “ H' mg m “Ch mouth. , tweiitieth the tiifie, and can be written at: times HAS At Mono Mills, on tho 26th nth. the wife of “TM?” ELECT : asfast! In other words. the labor of six days Dr Griffith 0“, mm THOMAS SNOWDEN. Master. can be performed in oneâ€"~ono man can do the . . . JAMES NEAL. Deputy. work of six l So simple is the system, too, E M 0 E D JOHN GAULEY, Treasurer. that a. person may learn to write it slowly. in TORONTO LMARKETS‘ JOHN BUle‘ON, Secretary. n couple of hours. ‘An hour's daily practice ' o - - n . ~ , for a few weeks Will enable an , arson to View“! bqlmm' M” h 1858' 48 1 write Phonography with certniiifj',paiid with THURSDAY, Sept. 22. some degree Of freedom. The same amount [he]: "10nd Victoria" Oi’ practice continued for six months will ec- OYAL ORAN-GE LODGE. No, 773‘ , able a person to take reports of speeches, len- 1 meets at Brother Robert Vi’isornziii‘s,|lll'05i Sermons. 01' conversation. and to read i hem WIil'l accuracy. Fall VVlioat, prime, por bush. . Spring Wheat . . . . . . . Family Flour. . . . . . - - .. 95030:;104 08t|al00 Masonic Hall, the first Friday evening after no... u a . o u col-Ole... EH1 31 ill? can be considered complete without it. Duriiigihe past nine months hundreds of persons in Canada. of every pursuit in life, Snperfinedo V D~J W St ' st "Id ‘ ‘ 4 ( h F H M ,, l m ‘th. i. . . i one, o Oston, says . oem F‘Ruc." d0 . . . . . . ...... . . . 4 (ill a :4 C” l 60;.ICERZOHEE,:TL(1,301,,“ D_ Bridgfm‘d. Phonogrnpby an invaluable adjunct to educa- 1 ~. ~ 7 s r MY“ "’0 ' ' ' " " ' ' i ‘ H - ' 4 75 a " ll” Muster . R, Wisemun Damm- Master; John lion, and one which. when acquired in youth EAST OF YONLJL Si REE r9 Bane)”. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . (l 6“ a 0 55 I . n w , .'. . 1' ,. T.., s . ,., would not he parted with in manhood for thou- ' [he "mmna, ,, 0 6.) ,1 0 7,, Mlllillollalld, Secreta.y ,, «mum s "d f dollars ” , . . . . . . - .« . a so u 0 Cats, “ . . . . . . ‘27 ii fl 3H January ‘21. 1858. 1‘33 I ' The late Hon. Titus. l‘I. BEN'rou, upon be- T . T I ...... . tissuoso ~â€"â€"â€"-â€" â€" n ~v ' 5' ‘ ‘ ' \ _ , g piesentea Willi a ver. atiiii report of one of . ‘ Pork. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . B 00 a 7 ('0 IJEI‘g ’ his masterly speeches, taken by a little boy AugUSt 12’ 1809' 9 Play, per ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1700a ‘29 j W M 03in twelve years of ago. said : “ Had this or! 3 WWW; “ - ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 00 l’ iEVO COM MODIOUS TENEMLN‘ been known 40 years ago it would have saw! me Potatoes, “ . . . ... . . . . . ‘ 0 33 It. 0 35 . adapted for Shops, situated in the mo 20 yea”. [Mu-d gator}! The learned senator Apples, por bar-ml. . . .... . . . . . . . l 50 a 25 central and commanding part of the Village ; spar“, but a pomon of me “MIL what long_ , i ‘1 S C H IR S Beet, “ “ . . . . . . . . . 4 00 a .5 (Hi each contalillt‘g 6 “50””. g°°d cellars Eafd“ l“ hand re uires six ‘ears to accom ilish Phouo- ’ Q . - . . . q 3 l o L k 3 9 .. 3, itwep, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 245) a 3(0 and other convcpicncses “will gamed torshzlll- graphv will perform in one. mm s . _ , , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . l 7 a i liners, Tailors, ' 'iii iiiit i, .ers, or me To 'Cje-pm-men' Editors Physicians, Law. . w w “4 " Tallies: eaOll- . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 6 50 a 7 00 ShOPS- R01“ mo‘lel'ale- Apply to vets, Socroi’ai‘ies. COiivevaiicei-s. Law and l/le- DB, &c. lliickeiis . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 0 50 u 0 55 , -, areal Students Lecturers, Printers. SchOOI â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"~“' ppm," pie, lb. . . ‘ . . _ _ I . . . _ . . i 8 $6 a RH] d H." J og'lgs'gbARN '4 g D" Teachers, Mei-bhaiits. School Boys and Girls, ., 0 teen film, one i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 a_ _ 1c. mon I . alll'- ~ . - - “"l a knowledge ol'Plionogrnpliy is ofvast u’i'ility.- . ' I Bey: fluids; per lo” lbs.. . . . . . . . . 6 (l0 s 6 all In fact there is no profession or calling in which ’ Con Mun-t, per le. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 It! a 0 12 it is not useful, and no young man’s education 1â€" . Butter, fresh, per lb . . . . . . . . . 0 l5 8- 0 l8 Letters F l 8‘ Remaining iii RICHMOND HILL Post Office in measurements. VTIHWHW ‘ II , 4 w " ‘ . oe h 3 now on nand a most i OEPIEMBE‘R ISL' 3") have acquired the Art. from many of whom The SUbscn r 3 ~ . . the subscriber has received neatly-written ,, T‘ » . . . -' . WWW firvtt’lsltlropg, Sarah Bulggbtvh in care 01 Phonogmpmc jeimrs‘ expresswe of Ihe". de_ Our advice is often asked in regard to purâ€" hm“ ’ 0m ” l light. with the attainment, and the extraordinary ease with which they have acquired it. For the purpose of aiding in the dissemination of so important a reform in his own country, the subscriber is now prepared to supply all who apply, with the MANUAL or PriosoGRA- Lnngsfaff, John [2] Laiigstaff, Dr. [2] Lawrence James, Moore, Robert Malcomb, John McKiniion. Margaret MucMalii ii, Patrick Nigli. Frederick Phillips. B. Paige, F. Playtor, James Ritcne, William Richmond, 0. S. Riley. John Stockill, Robert Story, D. Sheppard. Charles Wright, Amos Webster. Beckham Williams, Jacob Brigwoud, Charles Baniiermen. John Brilliiigor. John Cross, Miss Eliza Coleburii. H. Cook, Sylvester Cook, Caleb Coupland, William Dove, George Durrant, Charles Phasing BOOTS and SHOES, where the best place is. In our opinion DOLMAGE sells better Boots for less money than any house in town. 42-3 lllllil‘l’l l1 lll‘lllllllli llllll lllllllTlllll Which he is determined to Sell at Prices that will defy competition. PHY, and tho Paosocmrnic Corr Boon. sent by mail to any part of the Province. postage T H E ' . pie,paid, for the small sum pf [1? ONE manufactured at thig‘Est‘ablishinent have now been tried for the last fourteen years, DULIfiARj J and, the best proof‘tbat he has given entire satisfaction is, that: all who have once pur- Aillh'Od'l and everybody’ Who can 19am an)“ based at his place invariably come again. ‘ “fainted Immediately: A FIR ST-C I. AS S . JOURNEYMAN _ SHOEMAKER.-â€"one who is capable of doing all kinds of work. None need apply Davidson. Benjamin but of steady habits. Fowles, Edwin Apply at my store. Thornhill. it by letter, Fl‘eek- Jam” prepaid. Foggin, Jno. Mrs. ' EDWARD CRQWN_ Guiiiiaii, John Tliomhill, Sept. 15, 1859. thing, can learn Puouonaarux from the Ma- c NUAL, without other assistance. w ’ Richmond Hill, July on, 1-359. GEORGE BONE.” Thosg who wish to be able to put their 30-618 thoughts to paper at the rate of from 100 to 250 words “ per minute,” should send for the above-mentioned works at once. The instruction given by the Manual is as plain as A. B. C., and ten times as easy to understand. The “CANADIAN PHONETIC PION- EER ’»’ is a Monthly Journal, devoted to tho idvocacy of the Reform. Price 25 cents per iiinum. Guniiaii, Elizabeth Hart, John Hisson, Robt. Hollinshead, Mary Hauno, Jsas. tunes, William 42-2 M. LEISHMAN, No. 81, King Street East, next door to the “Colonist” office, has received his New Stock of ' Address, (post-paid) . STAPLE AND FANCY WILLIAM H. ORR. WWDRY oooosz NOTlCE. . -â€"- Comprismg all the £4500 FOR INVESTMENT, Superior Leicester Rain ! F, Subscriber begs to inform Farmers, and fl. T all who wish to improve their Stock. that he is new prepared to take in Ewes at the low rate of $1 50, to be paid down. The above Ram is two shears, and took the 1st prize in W, T. A T K 1857 at the fairs held at the following places : Miiiiico, Weston, and Boulton Village, and, in 1858, at the county fair held at Unionville, also at the fair held at. Richmond Hill, in 1859, EDWARD SANDERSON. M. TEEFY, P. M. INSON, & 00. r IMPORTERS OF ENGLISH DRUGS, Manuflzctniers of Chemical Patent Medicines & Perfumery. v -. ~ ~ ~~ NovuLvi‘s or any SEASON' Cm hasslescataracts ~ 1 ' lie ' ~ - ii . i september 15‘ 1859' 42'“ King St- Toronto' at reduced interest, . ' ' i ’ IN my Proprietors of Atkinsdiâ€"irsâ€"Pai'isiaii Tooth Paste. R - - N . G O 0 C . l, u i, {I llal‘l‘f,‘ w- C. A N'sg D.D.SF 33’ Every description of Horse and Cattle y R, we. lllb la lltlllillll I lllllll ll, Medicines prepared with the best English drugs. [REAR or THE EXCHANGE] Toronto, August 27, 1859. TORONTO. 18,59 team Engine for Sale! July be sold by Private Contract. a good Steam 0 T Engine and lloiler of about Five Horse Power, for the small sum of $220. Terms of payment to be agreed upon at the time of pur- chase. For particulars apply to, A . . norm GRIST. Sept. 9, 41-3 Thwahilh BONNETS , ,HOSIERY AND GLOVES, Siâ€"IIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, SHAWLS, MANTLEE, 8:? Sales made for Cash, and no Second Price. M. LEISiiMAN, A No. 81, King St. next door east to the Colonist ofioe. fill-Bin Surgeon Dentist, 40- 1y 35-4 WEST FROM CHURCH ST, TORONTO, NOTICE. S My Wife, LUCY LEGG. has left in.“ bed and board without any just cease or 18 the Proprietor of Oliver’s Patent for ap- plying Electricity to prevent pain in ex- tracting teeth; and also of an Aparatus for , lmanufacturiiig Vulcanitc Rubber Plates for provocation, I hereby give notice that I will sets and Partial set“ of teeth. Teeth mounted not be responsible for any debts contracted by on Gold or otherwise, to suit the necessity of her from this date. JAMES LEGG. the case. Toronto, Angst 81, 1859,; 40.137 p Whiwhumh. Sept. 15.1859: we. Audi,-

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