Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Nov 1859, p. 4

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1. 1‘ ' rd. .: .,- ._, - . , ' . '. 1., Iraq. -;.I . ,1? Photographs ! AmbrotyIpeIs !II " ‘ MELANEOTYPES ! ‘ ' LETTE'RGEfPi-IS';°&cI All styles of Pictures takenal the ,I. . ' Medical Hall, Markham, NWMN In.“ j _ ‘_ BEAVEij Fire Insurance Associam I I ' TORONTO, 0, WI 8 ‘ $333.35 82:23:91fittdfihfi‘k’t‘itt‘; . . MasoniC'Hall. ‘ _ .. Half the Profitsftb be returned to the Insured,’ y . , 00:15.0 3;; snowman-Nee MILLSI-I! HISTORY-OF CAN/ll)A .' W ['1‘ RI ' 3! 0 U R I' f l E members flIe-I300kselling trade, and . ’ I j... . "f 'cf' , Aii'.‘ l H \GARDING- fig- GRISTING, . the Public of Canada III general. are re- ‘ ' ' v i ‘ ' ' ' ‘ spectfully informed that it is intended to pub- ’ Wile"? Parties from‘ll‘. Pigtail” c?“ “1'9 it- lish, by Subscription, a NEW HISTORY or CAN- done 'td‘take with thorn on their return home._ ADA, (founded on that of Mn F. x. GARNEAUL Almira, May 13, 1859. 24-tf.” I as soon as an encouraging number of Subscri- ,. Mundane. mustard. . .l "THOMAS SEDMAN: I What? do witb‘ot'tt a paper ’3" no, " I’ve tried it to my sorrow, , fididbscribe for one 1’" go, «or, wait until to-morrow. J S . , , . ‘ Sii'dilld‘loves hang’ or drown themselves. : u I IIOIjIIotheIr foolish caper, I 'never get to hear of it, 1 do not take the paper. by, fibers ’s my neighbor, Jonathan Smut, 1,,H.,é,dlwa}'s.has.bis news. - ,- I ’ And having news to talk about, I " - He never gbté the blues: ' i 8 While others yawn in ennui, His mind is light as vapour; , :Themause is plain to, half .an eye, On reasonable terms, and in all weathers, hers can be obtained. , R L F CARRIAGE, waggon & Slei‘glrMaker, , 'Opposite the White Swan innil RichmondIHili. Dec. 1858. 5 l-tf J. WHEELER. WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, Pictures taken from the smallest to life size. I J, C, DUNHAM. Markham Village, Oct, 14, 1859, 46-“ w.yc. ADAMS,” D.D.s*.r ‘ Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING ST, EAST, ROUTE SIDE, THIRD noon WEST FROM CHURCH s'r, TORONTO, 15" the Proprietor of Oliver’s Patent for ap- tTRCI 1! g olying Electricity to prevent pain in ex- teeth; and also of an Aparatus for manufacturing Vulcanite Rubber Plates for . at theisubscriber’s Milk-near Stouti'ville, cheap , for Cagsh or ApprovetICredil. 'Qzâ€"anfi-fn ' 2005000feet of Lumber, NCLUDING Flooring, Siding. lncb Boards, " laud two-inch Picnic, Scantling, &c,, &c., ‘ ' JAMES BUGG. 23-tf. Stoufl'ville, April 12, 1859. TORONTO-0m marina Nouris' 185 YONGE J'STREET. " The recent appearance ofa third and much improved edition of L’HISTORY DU CANADA by' Mr. GARNEAU, has given rise to a wish,ex- pressed to Mr. LOVELL by several of his friends. "and commercial connections, that he Would undertake to publish a counterpart, in English, I, of the above workâ€"the best Canadian History A. extantâ€"with such modifications as would make ” it acceptable to the entirety of our people, ‘ whether of British or French origin. Accord- ingly, responding to the desire thus expressed, Mr. Lovell has engaged the services of Mr. Andrew Bell, Member of the GlasgowIArcbae- ological Society, also of the Canadian institute, Montreal: author of“ Men and Thingsin Amp. erica” : Historical Sketches of F‘etidalism, Igtbe balance invested to form a. ReserveFund. BOARD or DIRECTORS ; TIRdSTEEsâ€"Honry Rowsel, W. C. Chewett, Joseph Jackes. DIRECTORsâ€"Henry ROWsell. ITOronto, Chair-v. 1mm :’ J, W. Brent, Deputy Chairman ; W. C, ChewettuToronto ; Jese'ph Jackes. Toronto ,. W.. H. Smith, Toronto,- Managed; sng Helliwell, Highland Creek; 'Jobn ..Mowat. Kingston; Wm. Aglin, Kingston ;_ Asa. A. ' Burnham. Cobourg; Wm. Green, Hamilton 3. . Rob . ertSmitb, Cbing’uacousy; George Blair}, Toronto Township. - - Solicitorâ€"John Helliwell. Bankers-Jim ‘and of Toronto. ' He alwa stake the a or. JEWELLER’ 650' sets and Partial sets ofteeth- Teeth mounted ‘ m r. . -- British and Continental”: “ Lives of the 11- ‘ T ' " T" ‘ ' I? i1 3 ‘ I :. Tile :PIOVidmt Life, Amman” . 08"“ y I .. . .p IIp - I ‘ _ ‘ ‘ . ” : RICHMOND HILL, on Gold or otherwise, to suit the necessity of MORTIME HTS} 1 0'; B T TL E S msuumus n ; .. New Annals of 0m Scotland,” l lg I ' wiiyis removed tolthe‘same office. While neighbour-Stout bears an the news,. Oct. 1. 1858. 69-1! 1 the case. , . T 0 MB-S T 0 N S 62 'c. and other worksâ€"a gentleman of great literal-y I PROSâ€"PEICTU-SI I I . I {timing ggamed against loss pm,“ firIIerIyIln_I ,- vArid knows each current price. ‘ H _â€" ' Toronto August 27, 1850. 40-1y ‘ ' experienceâ€"as translator, compiler, and editor . I I swing your property, consrder If It would not _ , . ., 9 be as-wel‘l to make a. little additional provision V .‘And alwdys minds his P’s and Q’s, . 5" By taking good advice ; I cannot tell the pric‘e of calves. ,0; poultry, cofl‘ee, or . Any kind of‘merchandise, \ Because I take no paper. ‘ I have-Studies which require Much time and imen‘tal labor, Yet I can spare a little time, As well as Stout, my neighbor, IITherefOre Ifll, take' the 'paper. 7 illiterrlluuruur. He whose Soul does not sing need not ‘ Teeth Filled, Dr. s. an... PECK, URGEON Dentist. will be at Hall’s Hotel, Markham Village, on the 24th, 95th and 26th of each Month. Teeth extracted free. each 25cts. Dentistry , done cheaper than‘by any other De‘ntist‘in- the Pro- vince. Approved Credit will be given if re- quired. All Work Warranted.‘ * June 30, 1859,. JOHN HARRINGTON, JR., 3l-ly RICHMOND HILL: HOTEL. STAGE runsfrom the above _Hbtel to, Toronto every mornibg, starting from the Elgin Mills at 7, Ia.r'n. andreturning at 7, p.m. 'Fare 2s. 6d. each way. 6001) ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLE'Rs. RICHARD NICHOLLS, G. H. Humbandl, URGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’s Hotel, Richmond Hill, the FIRST MONDAY ofevery month,and the remainder of the month at his residence Thornhill.I All Work War-1 ranted. Barristers Attornies-at-Law, SOLICITORS. IN CHANCEEr, “ac. - OFFICE 3- CORNER or KING AND TORONTO STREETS, Over Whitemore & Co’s. Banking Ofiice. TORONTO. Twenty Per Ceirt Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMET. ’ 1,1113 ,Undsrsrgned Assignees of the estate ofD..C. 8*. W. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the superintendenco of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and D. CARLOS 'Yit‘l.E, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. I P.S All notes and accounts remaining on- paid on tbe'l'Stdtiy of June, 18.518, trill be put in tO‘Court for collection. T6 linger... aria m‘tsg- I i R. SNIDER, of the 7th corrceSsiori of i - Vaughan, hear Klinehurgb,“ oar-rantees' to cure . . - . v , Cancers, Erelrrrg Shocks, And many other Diseases. Persons laboring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, of what he purposes to entitle “ THE NEW AND COMPREHENSINE HISTORY ON CANADA,” from the foundation oftbe Colony till the year 1840, -â€"-to be besod ou the third and latest edition of L’HISTOIRE DU CANADA of Mr. Crimean.â€" Furthermore, Mr. Lovellbaving made applica- tiin to the latter for his sanction to the pro- posed work, is happy to say that his special ap- probation has been obtained; so that the trans- lation of his labors now proposed (with modi- fications and additions, as aforesaid.) becomes the only authorised reproduction of the French version of the work. It is proposed that the “ COMPREHENSIVE Parties taking an interesr in the early history of the Colony, are now respectfully called on tofurnisb, for the Editor‘s use, any unpublished or little~known historical. antiquarian, or other rare materials as they may have lying by them. The donors of all such may be assured that special acknowledgement will be made in the work of every favor thus obtained. it is hoped that the Publisher may be enabled VOLDRTE FOURTEEN I, .I BEGINS SEPTEMBER 11,1858. ‘v. lilEOlliiNlOSle’iiN'l‘illtS MANUFACTURERS. AND FARMERS, “I THE SCIENTIFIC AilERICAN hash-ow reached its Fourteenth Year, and willenter, upon a New Volume on the iltb of Septem-I ber. Itis the only weekly publication Of the kind now issued in this country, and it has a chanicai and industrial. worlds, as to please 'and instruct every one. If the Mechanic or Artizan wishes t6 know the best machine in ‘ use, or how to make any substance employed in his business-4f the Housewife Wishes to get a recipe for making a goodcolor, &vc.â€".if the,. inventor wishes to know what is going on in the way of improvements-â€"if the Manufac- turer wishes to keep posted with the times- .Ifor your family in case of your own premature 'dpefithPâ€"swbether it would not be as well, through the assistance of a Life Assurance ' Company, to provides legacy fer your wife or daughter, or, if you have not the happiness to be blessed withltbem, think if the possession of ’a few hundred'pouuds additional might not b9. :ofiad‘veitthge‘to ’your's’e'lfa'few years benc’e.‘» 1f ’ob decide thatit would. write to the Maria in: birectbr- ofthe PROVIDENT LIFE ASS R: NVCE ANDJNVESTMENT COMPANY 0 :Toronto Street, Toronto, for a “Proposal” ' fdrirl, dud adopy'of'tbe Rates. 1 - .- . .- EALER‘ in Dry‘Goi’ds‘ Groceries’ “lims’ n . v C. YALE. ‘IFTOR OF CANADA ” shall form three band- evrv extensive circulation in allthe States of On, . 'ossiblwvthe A m, of the “Beng ’l, Though “'90 P9_i’r§°l°“sr 1 0"“ “5° . Iflquorsr Hardware’Glass’ Earthenware! July 8' 1859’ 32 h G, CUMMER. :orfie vdlumes, in demv octave, and be printed tbe'Union. It is not. as some might suppose may pegsOSS a'copy of bgfh documents. whéh pA huge}; m‘fimght "1173?: 4 550' a I‘ ‘ ‘. ~ ' ‘ ' - ““ Toronto 29 Apr“ 1858 ‘ ‘43-“ in a superior style, on paper of the best quality. from its title, a dry, abstruse work‘on technical he can accommodate you with, and give you Q And'thusl‘lakll.tim° “533 the news: RiChmond Hm.) D°°~ 1858- r: ,, l-tf & E ' ' _ H Each volume will comprise from 400 to 500 science ; on the contrary. it so deals-with the mile information on the subject besides, -v r I ' ‘ 1 I - ‘ I I ,I I,“ -~II I , : pages. Price $150, or $4.50 for the whole. great events going on in the scientific, me- AgenIt at Richmond Hillâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. i"March 92. 185/92." ' ' ' l7-tf' A*r0"I‘iIEc.iit'InsrHALL IN G STREET, Toronto, 2nd door‘east of Church Street, opposite the Cathedral, W. T.’ ATKINSON, & 00., Late of King street West, how Offer at their new establishment, ‘try tO'Sihg With u'e throat Pro " - ~ " - ' ' - t l “ l ' 'l l t ' 'l r ' the and to em Hey the best facilities in his busi- . . . . * r A Imam- Illdo well to call in time, All letteIs to be 0 mug outtle worn compee. 6a)} m _, 1 . , , . ‘ , . . , , l) h i ‘h ‘ ' - . Richmond Hill.Dec. 18, 1858. 1-55 Agencg Panwularly attended to. 3;;(1’ and addwssed to Fall of 1860. I nessâ€"It the Man of Leisure and Study wrsbe. Genuinei. Lflghfll D7 “gs, Patent , ’ “Dc. _te-a¢ es book-keeping m three . . ' " ‘ L PETEE, SMDER Subscription Lists will be found at the book- to keep himself familiar Will] thohrogress Jihdicmes, French and English 2,. words ‘Never lend them. THOMAS G. MATHESON. :AIIIEs FJTeeLnA D. KIâ€"IIIebuII. h stores in MontrealI TorontoIQuech’ Klngstem made m me chmmcal Iabmflmy’ 0,. m the P) ~ . II P I ' " I ' , ’ Toronto, July _1, 1859. 3l-tf I g ' Ottawa, Hamilton, London; doc. and at the construction of telegrapbs, steamships, rail- (’fumery7 01 3) (ants) .1; , a Can a Miss be said to y , play the piano in 5.79 manner. Why'is a pretty girl like a locomotive! She «sends- off sparks, transports mails I.(rnails,) and has a train followingber. “ if Why are the sheaves of grain like ‘rude boys, Because they must be thrashed 31...},before; they are fit for use. There is th L. is if v: ‘t F Pompey said he once worked for a man who raised his wages so high that he only reached them once in two years. 'IHoioway says that it is just as sensible a move to undertake to get married without courting, as to attempt to succeed in I business without advancing. l a‘ ' I . - ought to be very little use in a man’s meaning well, if he cannot express this meaning by his acts. ’ " " " fMIy inkstand is-Ista'tionary‘, as the school master said, when he found it nailed to his desk. - slid . ing, chanced to remark, I am no prophet.’ ‘ Trpe,’ replied a lady present, ' no profit to yourself qr any one else.’ An-‘administrator on the estate of a deceased female, adVertises for sale at Atyoung. man, in conversation One even? ‘Tailor and Clothier, Yonge St., Richmond Hill,, r. 1858. . . J. VERNEY,,4- Boot and Shoe Maker YONGE STREET, RICHMOND 'HILL. Decembe 1 -it 7 Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots find Shoes. made after thelatest styles. December 1858. 1- m YONGE STREET AURORA. HOTEL, A .Good supply of WINES and LIQUORS always on hand. Excellent ACCommo- dation for Travellers, Farmers, and others Cigars of all brands. , I ,D. MCILEOD, Proprietor. Aurora,1July6,‘1858.' ‘ N i _ ROBERT SIVER, > 2 Boot and Shoemaker: DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond ‘Hill. A choice selection of Gentlemens’, Ladies’ and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest ,No- ‘ 57-6m . Temperance. _ The Subscriber is prepared to furnish .On the most reasonable terms and shorter. possible notice. CHARLES TOD, Baker. June, 1859. Markham Village. JOHN N. REID, M.D.,, CORNER ‘oE‘YoNGE AND COLBOURN STS. THORNHILL._C.W. 3l-ly Dr. DUNHAM, URGEON and Mechanical'Dentist, Medical Hall, Markham Village. I June 30. 1859' 31-ly JAMES I. BARKER, ‘ MPQRTER and Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, l’aints, Oils, and Dye Stufl‘s, Patent Medicines, Glass, Putty, Nailsâ€"Low ! very Low for Cash.-â€"Markbam Village. June 30, 1859. 31-6m P. CROSBY, To GoodITemplars and Sons of PIC-NIB PARTIES AND TEA MEETINGS, -' " N. B. N0 CURE NO PAY. August 6, 1858. til-ti The Scottish American Journal DEVOTEI) TO THE Interests of Sootchmon in America, AND TO THE DISSEMiNATlON 0F SCOTTISH LPI‘El‘tATUR‘ 7’II‘QD ART ! 11 4.; ONSIDERING the multiplicity of news- papers in America. it has to many been a matter of surprise that the numerous body of Scottish residents should have been so long un- represented. ’i‘o supply this dcsideratum, No. l, of the SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL was published on Saturday, August 8, 1857. and is _ now continued weekly. ' The primary objectof the JOURNAL is to fur- nisb its readers regularly with the news Of their native country. it presents a weekly re.- cord of all clients of interest occurring in Scot- land. and its subscribers are in this way as fully Informed of what is transpiriiig at home as if- they were in regular receipt of an old-country ucwspaper. Scottish questions will he discussed with intelligence and impartiality in the editor-- inl columns, and the sentiments of the leading parties on these subjects will be fairly repre- sented and commented upon. ‘ 1n the literary and miscellaneous department of the paper, while merit and talent will be apâ€" preciated from whatever-country they emanate, the Scottish element will preponderate. Tales, sketches. and poetry, illustrative of the Scottish Offices of the Publisher. in St. Nicholas Street. Montreal ; also at Ste. Anne Street, Quebec. JOHN LOVELL. ('anada Directory Office, Montreal, September l859. DR. MORSE’S lino ith Root Pills. ’ R. MORSE, the inventor of Morse’s Indian Root Pills, has spent the greater portion of his life in travelling, having visiied Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as North Americaâ€"s has spent three years among the indians of our Western countryâ€"it was in this way that the indian Root Pills were first discovered. Dr. Morse was the first man to establish the fact that all diseases arise from iMl’URi’i‘Y OF THE BLOODâ€"that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony with the dif- ferent functions of the body, the blood loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted and diseased ; thus causing all pains, sickness and distress of every name; our strength is exhausted, our health we are deprived of, and if nature is not assisted in throwing off the stagnant humors, the blood will become choked and cease to act, and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. ‘ How important then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put a medicine in your reach, namely, Morse’s indian Root Pills, manufactured from roads, reapers, mowers, and a thousand other machines and appliziinccs, both of peace and warâ€"alltbese (losttloratc can be found in the Q in. x. ,W.‘ an I d 1.,» ’1‘] , erthllI‘lL AmilJ’iltmn, .m not c bollublfi. Icy are here presented in II reliable and Interesting form, adapted to the cornprebonsion of minds unlearned in tbebighor branches of screnco .- .yl - (LIAM it“. me) . 1.?“ ! Terms : One copy, one your, one copy Six months. ; lire copies, six moatths, $4; ten copies, six months, :58; ten copies, twelve months. {3315; fificon copies, twelve months, $22; twenty copies, twelve months $138, in advance. Specimen copies sent gratuitously for in- spection. Southern and i’estern money, or Postage Stamps, taken for subscriptions. ll? Letters should be directed to ‘ MUNN do Co., 128 Fulton-street, New York MESSRS. MUNN dz Co. are extensively en- gaged in procuring patents for new iiIVentions, and will advise inventors, withon; charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. N E W TR Edi? TJiIEJ‘t/"T. Bud'slo Medical illspen. ry, ESTABLISHED FOR THE CURE OI“ DYSi’l‘Ii’SlA, GENERAL DEBILITY, FEVER AND AGUE, SCROFL'LA, 0L1) ULCI‘ZRS, GREAT IMPU-I Rl'iY OF THE BLOOD, SALT RHEUM, PlMi’LES, FlS’i‘ULA, FILES, KIDNICYS, L‘l-ZBILITY, IN' Filillll'l‘llib' OF YOUTH 'u,‘ it. Colours, Dye- Woods, Combs Brushes &c., At such moderate prices as cannot fail to se- cure custom. ' W. ’i‘. ‘A. &. Co. having considerable ox- perionce in the Drug business in various partu of England, have no hesitation in saying, that a great many of their Manufactured Article: will be found very superior. Medicine: used in compounding Prescriptions, Family Re- ceipts, Horse “and CattleMedeoines, &e.. are of the very best quality, direct from the prin- cipalEnglisb Drug Houses. W. 'l‘. A. & Co, bog recall attentionto their Celebrated Prepa- ‘ ratierilfoif,the,1'eeth, Atkinson's Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their muchadmired Perfume - THE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. , Soda Water’bdttlcd and from the founnain: St Catherines Mineral VVlIiUi‘. and the i’laningono‘ Water. «celebrated for tbei: healthy proportion , April 5.22.1858. 146 State Fire Eilhtll‘tmt‘it’ Company '_or LONDON. CHARTERED BY.ACT 0F iMPEitlAL PARLIAMI"? CAPi'l‘A 12; £500,000 S'l‘EitLiNG. Canada Branch, Head Ofiiee: Toronto TRUSTEES :â€" l-lon. .lorIN ROSS, [ .loaN CR-th’b‘ORl), Esq= lice. . . . . - . . BOARD CF D:MOTORSâ€"V17illlem McMaster - , - . Character. and Of a nature “tied to can fonh )antS and roots which row around the moun- AND OLD AGE also. 1, . - , A . .» ‘ aucuon The wgarmg apparel 0f Mrs' A' O I? All kinds Shoemakers Findingfor sale. MPORTER °f Dry G°°ds~ Groceries. the sympathies of Scotcbmen both at home and imious Chg-s in Naturerg Garden, for the beam] N0 WING“ ’ L5,}, up,“ man ; w_ y_ licwiaud. Lick I ‘ ' Inna dbcyetised, I CORSistihgjof one bed, two car- p’et'S, ‘ and one sleigb.’ } '3 IhCalIy believe, husband that you and I‘I‘your'fellows Wlli eat up everything webave ‘ ‘I‘Ob, no“, we sha’t, wife; we miean‘to (lurk one it.’ ~ ‘ ' Some one insinuates that in'America it takes three to make a pairâ€"he, she and a 1 Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. JAMES. HALL, . _ .AS alwayson band's large absOrtment of BOOTS and SHOES, which. will be sold at price to meet the tim . \ ~' ‘ Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. l-tf I 54-1.” » per day. Wines, Liquors, Hardware. &c. Richmond Hill. June, 1859. BLACK HORSE. HOTEL [FORMERLY KEPT B! war. ROLPHJ ORNER ol'iPalace and George streets, east of the Market Square, Toronto. Board $1 always in attendance. An omnibus to and 3l-tf Good Stabling and attentive ‘Hostlers abroad, will occupy a conspicuous place. in this department,“ the co-operation of various distinguished authors, possessing unrivalled facilities for the task, has been secured' in politics, the JOURNAL will occupy a thoroughly independent position, alike free from party bias andnational prejudice. In or- der to interest its readers wherever situated, it will take a broad view of topics of this class. avoiding those of a merely local nature, except in so far as they may present points of import- and recovery of diseased man One of the roots from. ivbicb these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which opens the pores of the skin, and assrsts Nature in throwing outthe finer parts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant, that opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged, they draw large amounts of im- purity from the blood, which is then thrown cury Used. egg R. AMOS 6L SON. Corner of Main and Quay Streets. Buffalo, New York, are the only Physicians in the State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morn- ing until 9 o‘clock at night, on every state and symp‘om of disease. The treatmenttbey adopt is the result of up»» wards of 30 years’ extensive and successful M.i’.t’., vlCt“-(.illitll'lllillli William Ross. Esq.§ William i'LlGildt‘l‘SUll, Esq. ; l“. W. Ja Sheriff U. (j. of York andPeel. BANNERS -â€"-’l‘lio iianli of Montreal. SOLICITORSâ€"Ross, Crawford and Crombie The engagements of the State Fire in- surance Company are guaranteed by arosponsie ble Proprietary. ' All losses will be settled promptly without reference to the Board in England. If ALEX. ST EWART, A. LAW, rvis, Esq, liired girl. Had Adam been a modern VI . 8L CO. from the Railroad Station. ance to the general public Questions involv- out bountiftu by the urinary 01-wav,01-passage, practice in London. The most inveterate Manager, B. N, America Agent, there would ha". been -‘a hired girl In 'YHOLESALF . " THOMAS PALMER.I mg the interests Iof BTILISIDI reSIdcnIts In the and which could not have been discharged in symptoms of DiseztseIeradicatod in eight or Richmond Hill 'Paradise to Ilook after little Abel a d I ‘ q , . qII‘IId etail (3021395.,1!“ II I Proprietor. United IStatesandI in the britisnIProvIIIIceS,I\VIll any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and nine days, and cases of a slight nature In two February 18, 1850. 12-11 ‘ ‘ ' " . I r n and “‘011 Plate Ollie”. andF rmshmg ' Toronto, Feb 26. 1858. t38â€"ly be spoolally‘ oonsrdered, audit Is believed that accompanies the other proper-ties of the Pins or three days at a very moderate expense...“ "" raised Cain"? . Pair Cousin: ‘You don’t mean to say you’re going to smoke, Charles, and there are srangers In the “carriage '1’ Charles: ‘rW'ell, as I don’t see any gentlemen ameng ’em to kick up a row, I think I may as well taken whilf.’ A COMMERCIAL IDEA.-â€"-Dick Ledger stated to us in very measured terms, that he'~-~‘ didn’t happen to be married yet !’ ‘The time was fixed for yesterday,’ said'we Ironmongers, Parties givmg this house a calli will find their orders punctually attended to, and the lowest prices charged. ' Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. ‘ 54-1-1y EDMUND GRAINGER, U T C H E R, THORNHILL. Fresh and Pickled Meats, Poultry, &c., always on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. ' ' 'l'bornbill. Dec. 1858. 41-1tf ‘ THORNHILL HOTEL. HE Subscribeâ€"PTng to inform the - Public that be has leased the above premises, and fitted them up in aneat and comfortablelstyle. Boarders and transient visitors will find the accomodations in every way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selected. GOOd stabling and attentive hostlers HENRY LEMON, the information and news of the JOURNAL on this important class of subjects will be such as shell command attention. I The SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL, will in every respect he conducted in an efficient and business like manner, with every requisite guarantee for its permanence. The proprietors, who are responsible parties. resident in New York and elsewhere. therefore look with con- fidence for the support of their numerous coun- trymen in all parts of America, and they will be glad to communicate with respectable par- ties at a distance who may be dispOsed to co- operate with'them for the establishment of the paper in their respective localities. while engaged in purifying the blood ; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse’s lndian Root Pills not only enter the stomach, but become united with the blood, for they find their way to every part, and complete- ly rent and release the system from all impuri‘v. and the life of the body, which is the blooa, lincomes perfectly healthy; consequently all sickness and pain is driven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason why people are so distressed The cure effected without confinement or him drance from business. . ‘V Young Menâ€"- Tcrke A’artzcular Notice. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood, and which. if not reformed by them in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise toa series of protracted, insidious. and devastating affcctions. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccounta- EM‘ this gluon! IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, ‘I know it,’ rejoined he 'I Thornhill P ' . . .. . . . When Sid" and Why 8° mm” die, is “cause kets and the greatest care will be taken to . ’ ' , » ' ' ropnemr' A Pabhcatm“ 0513813le With “1059 Oblems they do not get a medicine which will pass to his feelings. and vague fears in the mind. ' ~ - - ,‘Weu’, hf}, Jan 20’ g must of course 100k {01' support mainly from the afflicted. parts, and vyhich open the A ‘2‘ bn‘ln°." and approaching ‘oIIr . ear confidentially, “the 'fact Is, 1 have got an extension!’ An Irish, servant having entred the drawiugyroom. with, the mistres’s favorite poodle ‘ *Wringing wetâ€"fâ€"How is this, Bridget"? " How come Fido to get so wet? inquired the lady. '1 ‘ ' An’ faith, room, an’ it was little Tommy Saddle and Harness Maker, , RICHMOND HILL. ' Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. l-tf JAMES JENKINS’, ' Grocery 8; Provision Store RICHMOND HILL. HALF-WAY -HDUSE, RICHMOND HILL. THE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous Patron-S and the public, that be has. removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises, where there will be found excellent ac- commodation for Travellers, and good those connected by birth or descent with the country whose current history it chronicles; but as the. broad basis of this journal necessiw totes, in addition, the treatment of all import-- ant'questions affecting American interests. and as its literature will be cosmopolitan, it ire-hoped that even to the general reader its columns will not appear unentertaining or profitless. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, PAYABLE 1N ADVANCE. natural passage for the disease to be cast out; hence, a large quantity of food and other matter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and artery, until life is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse’s PILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory, by restoring millions oftlie sick to blooming health and hap- . An instrument for the cure of Genital De- bility, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, &c., which are permanently cured ‘in-from 15 to 20 days by the use oftbis instrument, whenused conjointly with medicines. New Remedies and Quick Cures. DR AMOS & SON take pleasurein announ- RATES OF ADVERTISING : that had the tiny haste lesbed to‘ tb ' ~ ‘ ‘ ’ I th “h ’ h ' d ' t 8 end " ‘ One Copy for one year . . . . . . . . .. . . . . $2 50 piness. Yes, thousands who have been racked 9mg a 03 ave "Name a most Importan - . - - n of a powl, and was Washing the winders 0 CREDIT GIVEN. Produce taken in Stablmg' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ Five Copies . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 9 00 or tormented with sickness. pain and anguish. msuument for “1,? cum 0f the above diseases‘ Each subsequfintmsemon:perlme'.‘ ' . 0 .03 f: 'Witi"'hiirt~'.2 . ' ' ' ' -' exchange. ‘ ‘ ~ 013' Horses and Bu0‘gies for Hire. 'I‘welvo‘Copie‘s . 20 00 and whose‘feeble frames have been scorched 1‘ has been SPbJeCted to a WSth the most [13’ AdVOrtisements Without written dlrocx . I . .o . ' - ~ ' eminent physictans in London, Paris, Philadel- A Western editor lately called his The above is the oldest established Grocery and Provision Store on the Hill. JOSEPH GABY, Twenty-five Copies.................. 40 00 To parties getting up a club of twenty-five by the burning elements of fever, and who have been brought, as it were, within a step of phia and New York. It has been declared the 5 devil’ to him . and told . ' Dec.,2, 1858. 55.1y , Pro “gator. . . - I be silent grave, now stand ready to testify that only useful instlument every“ “1””th for All tranSitO advertisements, from Stren on, if d t h. h " hlm he could “at ~-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"~â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- l (1 HI“ 0 20 " P i a coPy.wl“ be, sent gland. . . they W0uld have been numbered Will! the dBfld. the cure 0f Seminal weakness’ or any disease or irregular ddstomers. must be paid for WIN] .a 9" 0 "‘8 IS sernces any ion er un§ . r . “0 "non l .1 Ct- ~, 1898- 72'7"] Co res forwarded to Euro 0 or mail United . - . . . -. . . Of the muted or ans caused by the secret " - . . ,1 [lb r _ g r - A V. l , 4 1’ .V .. _p p ’ . bad It not, been for this great and wonderful h b. g ’ I handed m fox-insertion, . es” 9 W9 A agree t0 take mnepence per ANGLO'AMERICAN HOUSE ! W gggggg I ___~ States postage paid. for $3. or 135. sterling, medicine, Morseaslndifln RoothSI Afmmne a ltso youth. I I .q I I . I _ Week ,or ,sharé equally the rofitSI .f thIHI I I I1 I pm. “mum. .or two doses had been taken they were as Dr, Amos & so“. 1,, mam. to sausfy the Abberaldrscountwrll he made,to parties Ids. p o e MARKHAM VLLAGE- H EL, ' ' ' most skeptical as to the merits of these instru- Vertlsmg by the? Year- l’aPerI. The boyyrconbludedttoagtay.’but unbesrtatin A ~ I .. wa’ges. .. -,.,,The..£ Young Men’s Debating Society,’ having dismissad the question ‘Where fire go to: when it goes out’l’ have got a new , ml 5 more ,exeiting one upâ€"â€"‘ When a ' house Is destroyed by fire does it burn up, or does It;burn down .7’ There is to be a mono debate on this question. A shoemaker was taken up for bigamy and brought before the sitting Magistrate. gly ch’os'e "tile niriép-niifcc for his 8 ' O‘OD Aeoomiitodatipns. Wines. Liquors and, Cigars ofIIthe choicest brands. I ‘ : RQMARR, Proprietor. Markham. Dec,“1_858. 57-13' DR. L. LANGSTAFF, FIRST DOOR SOUTH or THE : FRANKLIN HOUSE, MARKHAM VILLAGE. Markham, May 13, 1859. 24-ly 10 MILES NORTH or TORONTO 0N Tar: YONGE STREET ROAD. public that be has purchased the above ‘ Hotel, and has recently refitted and furnished it throughout in a comfortable style. The Bar Will becontinually supplied with good Liquors and Cigars. GOOD STABLES attached to the premises, with careful Hostlers to at- tend to travellers wants. THOMAS STEELE, Proprietor. V lHE Proprietor begs'to inform the ‘ [13’ Office, No. 52.9, Beekmau Street, NY, V V 7 0 Fire 1 Fire 2 Fire 1 WESTERN Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. INCORPORATEDIBY ACT OF PARLIAMENT- CullPITflL STOCK, £100,000. 1, C. GILMOR, Pros. I GEOI. MICHIE,Vice Pres. t'onisbed, and absolutely surprised, in witnessing their charming effects. Not only do they give immediate ease and strength, and take away all Sickness, pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease, ,whichi‘s the blood. 'i‘bercfore, it will be Shown, especially by those who use these Pills, that they will so clense and purify, that diseaseâ€" ‘tbat deadly enemyâ€"will take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect of a long and happy life will cherish ' and brighten your days. CAUTION.â€"â€"Bewal'e of a counterfeit signed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. WHITE do Co., on each box. Also the signature of A. J. EVILth (in Co. All others are merits, pledge themselves, that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by re- turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument. will Observe, that the price, with the accom- panying directions. securely packed and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. Beware 0 f Imposition. Beware of empiries and itinerant self-styled profe5sors, who ATTEMPT cures,” but never succeed Dr. Amos &. Son have for a long series of years been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints. and | And despatched to Subscribers by the earliest I be found to contain the latest and mostimpor: ADVANCE ; and if not paid within Thug Sixlines and. under, first insertion.. . . .$00 50 tions inserted till forbid, and charged accord... All advertisements published for aless pe- * All letters addressed to the Editor must be paid :rand parties refusing papers without pa 9, mails. or other conveyance. when so desired, The YORK HERALD will always in tent Foreign and Provincial News and Mar-i TE HMSâ€"Seven and Sixpence per Annum, in Mouths two dollars will be charged. Each subsequent insertion . . . . , . . . . . . 00 12* Ten lines and under, first insertion . . . . . 00 75 Above ten lines,‘ first in., per line. . .. 00 07 ingly. riod than one month. must [be paid for. in‘ ,ad-i. vance. v post paid. N 0 paper discontinued until all arrearages are ing up, will be held accountable for the 8'ng scription. - ' I THE IYORK HERALD Book and J 01) Printing . _ , . f Irmerl of the Bond ,Lake Hotel.) DIRECTORS : -' ' .. emf. a , , PATEV'I ( y I I . spurious. . , . 7 . . . ESTABLISMENT. .' ,: blob “if? abked a bysmbder, , _ , 1' . Sept. 29, 1858. 69-15" Rice LeWis. Esq. Tbos, Haworth, Esq, A J WHITE &00 S l P. c .. me the only Phiswlaps Who ‘ __ 147mm,; be ob], ed to t k or D .a n e E r T . 0.1 r . . . , . - -, 0 0 70127181075. now advertise to cure certain complaints, or Brown alwags d a e . I I l l 1’ s9 ‘6 Iona 1S ‘ iplréesRBiaty. WYWi/lleniiell’son, ESQ 50 Leonard Street, New York, from whom genuine European remedies can be ' RDERS 1-6,. an , of the undermenfioneq ’ 3 "at Y 3‘ “Joke: replied: AND WAN HOTEL. THORNHILL. Good ’ - ° “‘5' “1' ° “'3 arm’ “‘1' Dr. Morse’s Indian root Pills are sold by all obtained- description of P3LA1N and FANCY JOB. ‘ He is a cobler, and of course, Water Spouts, Accommodation for Travellers. JOHN SHIELS. M. Rossin, Esq. I 1 Bernard l-laldan, Esq. Secretary 6} Treasurer. dealers in 'Medicines. ‘ Agents wanted in every town, village and PERSONS IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct WORK will be promptly attended "to :â€" <musii-'Stick' tobis last ’ I I MANUFACTURED AND FOR sALE BY - I 1‘ 4w .1- M i.‘ :7 ' ' l v A ‘ M i" E S l' 1'15 - ‘ ' - - - d ' ' H . ' - ' BOOKS FANCY BILLS BUSINESS CARDS Lute; V #4? ,, .l - My ‘- I I .v ‘ Pm rietor. “gus , 0” “on; 5‘1' 0 W 07' hamletin tbeland. Partwsdesrringthe agency “all .Ot the“ 08588. With & lemlltance for ' ' - " - »~ ’ c EMS-‘Thehands are the tongues of J O H N L A G A Thomhm Jan. 10. 1859,, p a.“ Bank 0iUPi’e? Canada. Bankers. ' and address as above for terms. Medicnies. else, which will be returned with the I ANDISMALL POSTERS, CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS, {fin lo * I _, Btnjamin Swnzer, Esq. Inspector. price 25 cents per boxs‘ five boxes will be utmost dispatch, and secure from observation. ‘ BILL HEA‘DsmANK candxsmnggm, AND dérs. Many a baSliful swain, who could never find courage to open his mouth, has, by a 3gentle: pressure .ofthe hand, betrayed the. secrets of his heart to the beloved object. When the hands of two i{such loveIrsare locked together, their Ibeagts‘ start into' theirIfinger-ends, and STEAM MILLS, TNORNH'ILL. ' June 3. 1859- f ‘ " PATRICK LYNOTT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, 27-tf JAMES LANGSTAFF, . Richmond Hill. December, 1858., DR. I-tf . JOSEPH KELLER, [1? Head Ofico, Chm}. Street, Toronto. £0 , THIS COMPANY Insurers , all descriptions of Buildings,Manufactories, Mills, 616... and Goods and Fur‘riitu're, in the same, against loss of dam- age by fire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly sent on receipt of $1. postage paid. 33 Steam Engine for Sale ! O besold by Private Contract, 8. good Steam I Engine and Boiler of about Five Horse Power, for the Small sum of 33220. Terms of Address Dr. AMOS dz. SON, corner Main and Quay streets. Buffalo. N. Y. t46-1v IMPORTANT NOTICE. ERSON S indebted to the. undersigned. whose Accounts became due on the first I PAMP HLE T S. And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING! t I‘ done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment Iof JOB TYPE is entirely . .. . ., . _ . I . I. OR the s is ofC ttle, Stock, &c. ' -. .> v , v - . settled. _ , . , 7“ ti ' d t h ' ‘ - ofJanuar last, are res ectfull re nested to - - . evbry linger Is transformed Into a tongue, , pared.It:atténdIasalIeain airpamsfi‘iig- AILIFF Second and Third DIVISION ‘ I _ ' A, L Aw, gaggeanrgifg‘ffmsugsyatot 8 “me °f pm swung, p _I q I I II new and of the latest patterns. .Alargem-riety winch" FPSWPIQQWMIY 0f the FE Canada" ' M 0,93%, 9113526. Richmond Hill- . Residence, ' i l GeneraliAgent. , , JOHN GRIST, ,_ J . rK. FALCONBRiDGE 1- of new Fancy Type and ,Borders,for I i I ‘ ‘;Nisso.~mticb |S_ burning Within. M. Richmondflill May 99,1060ng ', ‘_ WM. December, 1858.‘ V" Hill ABIfaj': cl,.~"i BIN-1‘? ‘ Thomlrill Richmond Hill. March 11. i859. , L's-id Cronkite, doc. loops always "'riflhi

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