Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Dec 1859, p. 4

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r» 4 w r" S ‘. ( '»~P- Jaw”: I -. I- .r ..,» ..r . - . . MW- prim]. WW THE FIRST CIGAR. ' ' Not'miiny daysiand nights have flown" ' “ Since, seated in his room alone. ' Pedro assayed. with hope and fear. His first, but not his last ciga‘. That was atrial both sad and sore. When, seated ’by the'open deer, With baSb'n bright dOwn by his side, And good cigars'iii bundle tied ,' ' \Vith feet aloft on back of chair . He lit and smoked that first cigar ; I _I And as he watched the smoke arise In graceful wreaths before his eyes. la He wondered much why men shouldipkeachi ' Against a practice praised by each I -.And all who have its virtues tiled, .At Inorri’ing’sIdawn or evontide ; ‘ "But, as he wondered, he could feel, I Antagonist to his weal, Amightychange take place-withing, . I. , And in his caseI,a honied din. ‘ It seemed as if he could not speak, His very limbs seemed tired and weak, The room it soemed to whirl around ; ’His tongue would notgive forth asound; To tell you all the woe he felt" I ‘ Would make your heart with pity melt; THe was in truth, as you could see. A picture ofkeep misery, " 80011 from this state hejdid awake, lint sterner‘horrors did o’certake The shuddering victim as heilay Flat on the floor, with scarce a ray Of hope to cheer his drooping soul, He fled for refuge to the bowl That laywunused by his side, And which immediately he tried. 'Soon as the wretch had given up . His offering to, the crystal cup, His heart reviVed, and hope once more I Reigned in its place as erst before ; He felt no more life’s charms had fled, He wished no more that he was dead ; But-from thebundle took one more "To smokeâ€"the fatal spell was o’er, And now he thinks the days of June Are not more rare than smoke at noon; «And loVe. with all his earnest heat, The flavor that cigars impart. MW. "llirttlliiiitmia M .w..._..._.,. . .. â€"~ _-‘l’m down tipon you’â€"-as the young abeard said to the chin. "I feel for your situation ’â€"as the :p'roIbeIsaidto thebullet. I I , . . To See as ‘far into the mill-Stone as the man who picks it,’ requires you to Weigh every barrel of flour you purchase. A party who heard a gooddeal about the ‘f'l‘hcatre of War,’ suggests that the back geats mu‘st,beIdesirablc./. ‘ ‘l I I‘vVheIn'a initn is hideously ugly,'the only safety is- in glorying in it. Let him bodily "claiiif it use distinction. ' Marriage, without love, is the suicide of fhappiness. AS well might a'person under- take to build a dwelling without: either .~cash, credit, or material, as to expect to live happy in the marriage state without love. CAUTIOUS.â€"-Old Dr. Foster, who lpjractised asa pliysican at Buxfordts‘ome .years ago, was in the habit of cooking‘up all‘sorts of roots and herbS-into medicines and specfics and trying them upon his wife. . If they did not kill her, he was ready for 'all of his other patints. The plagues of India are” mosquitoes, ants, and cockroaches: “The latter. eat your clothes, boots and buttons; ants, your provisions. and one species, your house and all kinds of Vegetation; whileithe mosquitoes, more modest, eat nothing but yourself, especially if you are a new com- mer. VVaitah ! What, Sir'l Got any gréenpéas 1. Yes, Sirâ€"want some"! " Yaas, brine me three. Anything else, sir l' I II , I IIIYaaS, a slice or. two of strawberry, cut thin. I I, A r 'I " ‘ Certainly Sir, anything more 2 More, 52111! what ;_de you take me fort. . I 3' addl‘e im‘d Hab‘ncss Maker; a perfect hog, ah? “I, Lan ‘ MONEY QUESTION.’ ‘What is the chief and of existance? ‘ Pounds, shillings and pen'ce'.’ ' ‘ How should this end be attained?’ ‘ By any and all means.’ ‘ ‘ When and where? V "iAny Where, and at any-"time." , ‘ Honestly or dislionestly 'l’ ‘ Those are secondary considerations.’ ’ ‘ I y what principle do you justify such avowals'l : " ‘ ‘The end ‘justifics’ the means.’ , ‘But the laws. recognize no s‘ucli Idoc- triues?’ - " 14 I» v - ‘ And yet the ‘ end ’ silences the laws !’ ’ ‘ Well, does money make the man 3’ "Noâ€"iif'bhyshiiitd’“ ' I‘ .All men are not alike.’ ‘ Every man has his price.’ " There are some noble nature to whom the dress isno temptation.’ I L g ‘ A Snake triui'nphcd over Eve and a wo- man over man, weakness against strength.’ ‘ That is nothing to tlicIcase.’ I ‘Judas sold his God fer a ‘ han'dful Of 1 - silver ’ thirty pieces and Hell in balance, God, Heaven, happiness in the other !’ ‘But you would not have done it 2’ ‘ No man should boast of his virtue be- " fore. be has experienced:temptation.’ ; iii‘iCan a man pesseSS too much i" " ‘ ‘ *‘oti know by yourself that no one can.’., ‘ Is not enough as good as a least 1’ ‘ That argument would hardly serve as your forlorn hope !’ I. .t Why so?’ .x (a I .. ‘ ‘You don’t believe inits application one particle !’ - - ' ' ‘ 'I‘li'en‘to you Heaven has its price l’ ‘ That is a stock I never touch.’ . . «‘ Enough ’ is e'nbogb, and no treasuries can be carried into the grave.’ "I‘rue, but they ‘ carry ’ a man com- fortably to it!’ ' l ’ seams imii‘cttoéb. I THOMAS .SEDMAN, Richmond ’Hill. Dec. 1858. ,..WATGH.: & CLOCK MAKER, 13vince. . &c. ' December. 1858. ‘ Grocery 8; Provision Store ' O CREDIT GIVEN. Produce takenin . June 3. 1859 'FyNEnA (‘ “ i VQARRIAGE. 1 I .4. ‘ N . 3J1: ._ I; ,. gon & Sleigh Makers Opposite the White Swan Inin Ft: ; .. .u .5 ‘: 1-tf ll. "WHEELER. JEWELLER, cm. .- ~ 'RICIIMONDlIIILL. Oct.1.1858t : v . t ' ;: s co-iy Dr. s. N. PECK, URGEON Dentist. will be at Hall’s Hotel. Markham Village. on the 24th,?5th and 26th of each Month. Teeth extracted free. Teeth Filled, each 25cm. Dentistry done cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pro- I Appi-oyed Credit -will be given if re- quired. All Work Warranted. June 30,1859. 31-1y JOHN-- HARRINGTON, J11., EALER in Dry Goods. Groceries. Whigs, L’iquors, Hardwai‘fe,Glass, Earmenw‘arop Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. I I-tf i RICHMOND IiILL HOTEL. A STAGE runs from the above Hotel to ' Toronto every morning, starting from. the Elgin Mills at 7. am. and returning at 7, p.m. Faro 2s. 6d. eaoh war. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICIIOLLS, Prayirietor. Richmond Hill.Dec. 18, 1858. 1-55 ‘ CJOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothier, Yonge St.. Richmond Hill, , 1-it‘ .I.. VERNEY. _ _ Boot and Shoo Maker, YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL.’ Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots made after the latest styles. December 1858. and Shoes. l-m YONGE'STRE ET HOTEL, A URO RA. Good supply of WINES and LIQUORS A always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers. Farmers. and others .Cigars of all brands. D. MCLEQD. Prapiigiw. Aurora. ‘July 6, 1858. I ‘ 57.6.91 ROBERT 'SIVER, Boot and $1106 Maker, " DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. A choice selection 'of Gontlemens’, Ladies’ and Cliildreus’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest tice. ~ . firAll kinds Slioemakers Finding for sale. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. ' ' I 1-tt' AS always on hand a large assortm’e‘uf‘of If BOOTS and SHOES. which will be sold at pricps to meet the times. . Richmond flit]. Dee. 1858'. W. HODGE 8:. Co. HOLESALE and Retail Copper. Tin and Iro'n'Plate Workers, and Furnishing ~y"".‘i4-l-ly Ironmongers, mill find their orders punctually attended to. and thexlowest prices charged. . , 54-1-1y Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. EDMUND GRAI'NGER, ' UT'OHE’R. THORNHILLLf Ereshi Swan Hotel Ito‘ the above Premises, and Pickled MeatS. Poultry. 6am always" where th‘er‘c will be‘ found ’eXcellent’a'c- on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. «.I . 'I'hornhill.‘Dec. 1858. WILLIAM],HARRISON; ,vv. \V .inchMQND' HILL“, 3. Richmond Hill} Déc.-1858. - ' JAMES’JENKINS’, RICHMOND 1,111.1. exchange. The above .is the oldest established Grocery and Provision Store on the Hill. Dec. 2, I858. 55~1y ANGLQâ€"AMERICAN HOUSE! ' MAii‘KHAM VLLAGE. , 00D Accommodations. ’Wines. Liquors and Cigars of tho choicest brands. I R. MARR. Propriéibr. Markham. Dec. 1858. 57-” , DIR. I..I‘LAI1,\IIGISTAT"F, ‘ ' FIRST DOOR Scorn on THE FRANKLIN HOUSE, MARKHAM VILLA GE. Markham, May 13, 1859. 24.1), PATENT ' Drain Pipes, Eve Troughs H . Aim . Wes-sex - 333911133, 1 " "MANOFACTU‘RED‘AND iton. smear. if JOHN L'ANGSTAFF‘ STEAM MILLs,1_'1'HoaNmI.i.. 27-tf A f . . PATRICK LYNOTT,~ LICENSED AUCTIONEER, OR, the sale of Cattle, Stock, &c. is re. pared to attend Sales'in all parts.“ 11- ; pcr Canada. Kimmy gait in, at, toe. he has removed into the Village of Buttoiiville, where he hopes for a continuance "of the pa- ‘Itrfoiiage heretofore given him. ,1. 2', . warranted. n .\' No- I Parties givmg this house a call. 41,1“ Stabling. 2’00,1360;“ties-it”,~ Lumber, HE" Un‘dchigned' Assignees 'of the w duly acknowledged. . New lioot and Shoe Store AT BUTTONVILLE. I HE Subscriber returns his thanks to the public, for, past support. begs to State that I ‘fiAll orders executedfwith despatch had work . DAVID GALLOWAY, Buttouville, Nov. 11. 1859. 50-1y . III II, i' i - I P rill" Ir: 'm." I ’Ii III. ,, “l‘ ' lIll,'i‘vli l 1' .i, if“ iii .3 Photographs; ! " “AmbTOt’y'pes t xiii, " MELANEOTYPES! LE‘VTTEBGRAPHS. &c. ’ All styles of Pictures taken at the Medical Hall, Markham, ()n reasonable terms, and in all weathers, Pictures taken from the smallest to life size. Markham lVillage, Oct, 14.1859,“ ' ’ Add f 5 pg will-tr". {Sr} . WAN. HOTEIJI. TIIQRNIIILL‘ Good Accbiiimodation tui"’l‘ravellersf " - "'- JOIIN SHIELS. ' Proprieton 7.1)] _w. G. ADAMS, ID.D.S. « Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING 51‘. EAST, soorii Sins, TiiiaD DOOR - WEST room- cnuncn 'ST, TORONTO, Thornhill Jan. 10. 1859. To the Sick and trying. s v I r . - - i. 1 .R. SNIDEIR, oftlie'r'ith' concession Of 18 the Proprietor of 0.1ver’s Patentfor ap- Vaughan, near K‘liiieburglf, gii'arrantees 'ilying Electricity to prevent pain in ex- to cum tract \g teeth; and also of an Aparatus for ‘ v manu‘afcturing ,Vulcanite. Rubber Plates for ~0ancer3p$ldnla1fg‘ad,.9m:’e_ck&y sets 111.0 Partial Sets ofteeth. Teeth mounted " ' i "~'~ ‘ V on Glolul or otherwise, to suit the necessity of the case. . Tommi; noghsmy; i859. . And many other Diseases. V .i’iei’sousmlaborinii; underreitlier oftlie above ,lllOllilOlltd Diseases, will d2 well to call in time. All letters to be paid; iin‘d add'resscd‘to VI '1 “ ' HI 1 - r 1 Emits. . ' - 1 ’ Klineburgth’u N. B. NO CURE NO PAY. August 6. 1858. ' : 1 on ._.._,_y ____ _..__..__,_ mom... ; 61:11 llll. fill till. the RGEON Dentist. will be at Nicholl’s Hotel. RichmOIId Hill. the FIRST MONDAY of every monih,aud the remainder of the mouth at his residence Thornhill. All Work War- rattled. Julv 8. 1859. MATHESUN a FITZGERALD. Barristers & Attornies+at-Law, SOLICITORS IN CIIANCERY, &c. OFFICE :â€" CORNER er KING‘AND TOR ONTO STREETS, Over Whitemore & Co’s. Banking Office. TORONTO. I Agency Particularly attended to. THOMAS G. MATHEsov. Toronto, July 1, 1859. IN soliciting t‘Ie increased support of 32-1.; Canadian public for the Seventeenth vo~ - lume of THE (incur), the publisher has to state that nothing shall be left undone to render the journal worthy of the high reputation it has earned in past years. A new GLOBE, at the celebrated foundry of Messrs. James Connor and Sons, New 1’ oik, will sus- tain the typographical credit Of the establish monkâ€"and the aid of an enlarged corps of Editors. teporters. and .Correspmide'uts will assure to the readers of 'i'i-ir; GLOBuall that is interesting in News. Politics, Literature, and Commerce, . . During the coming year, the Globe will continue to pay all that attention to the public affairs of-the Province vrliiclflias secured for it its present condition. 'I he Province is ac- knowledged by all parties to be on the eve of great changes; and these the Globe will seek toinflueiieo for the benefit of the people at large, It will advocate such a change in the crustitution as will give to Uppbr and Lower Canada the control of their own local atl’uirsmnld w give general matters to a joint authority JAMES FITZGERALD 3t -tf NI 'M.D,, CORNER OF YONGB AND COLBOURN STS. II,TIIORNIIILL. c.w. 31.1,. of Simple and inexpensive form. The neces- sity of imposing such checks upon Parliament and the Executive as will prevent the borrow- ing of money without the consent of the peo- ple, will be earnestly insisted upon, The Globe will also advocate the VOLUNTARY PRIN- CiPLEâ€"-EDUCATION, elementary and collegi- ate, tram: FROM SEC'I‘ARIANIsMâ€"mIncorporation of tho Hudson’s Bay 'l‘erritory with Cau- adaâ€"a BANKuurch LAW for the relief of the honest debto,r-.y-Imriio.vpu MANAGEMENT of the PUBLIC LANDsâ€"Rimwaocai. Easy: TRADE with the United Statesâ€"tho improvement of Canadian agi'icultureâ€"cconomy in every branch of the public expenditure, and gene- rally every measure which teiids to the im- pmvement of humanity in religi'oiiyfanals. and material prosperity. D ring the next six months, in the constitu- 0 mos and meetings of the people, as well as .in Parliament at Quebec. many of these sub. ejects, will be discussed. the ingrolivital ifhd im» portant of them with-an earnestnébs and‘vigotir rarely before witnessed in this Province. As a’ promoteras well as recorder of the move- ments of the day, the Globe will possess extra- ‘ordinayyz‘ime rest for all classes -0 frreaders, and the t'rieiigds of progressare requested to aid in extending its I;Icii'cuiat101i arnongtheflmasses . of the people. ‘ ' "N " ‘4‘ ' " ' The editorial conduct of THE GLOBE can be best estimated by the uninterrupted success that has attended its publication. But a constitu. vtioual crisis denmndsfurther, exertion in that direction, audit»: will be supplied. Durward to news, fresh efforts will be used to supply to the readers ofthe Globe the earliest and most copious intelligence fi'om (All. parts of the world. Correspondence is received from Great Britain, British Columbia. the North ‘West Territory, and all that traiispii-esIat home and in the United States is diligently recorded â€"â€"- Special attention is devoted to commercial iii- telligeiice; the markets are reported more fully than in any other journal. " A limited space is devoted to agriculturall subjects, and everything vVlelgh Itends to the development of the most important branch of Canadian industry receives special attention. THE DAILY GLOBE is $6 per annum. pa) able strictly In advance. V It is published at four o’clock, every morning but'Sunday, and ‘is despatehed by the early trainsto all~parts of the country, . is, a. very large Sheet; containing a‘vdSt am’bni =bf how's, mercantile intelligence, and general informa- tion, of the latest and most interesting c‘ha~ racter. ' 1"‘Any person sending the- Cash for Ftvr‘. ‘ DrCDUNHA‘M, URGEON and Mechanical Dentist, Medical Hall, Markham Village. ‘ June 80.1859’ 31-1y JAMES I. BARKER, ‘ MPQRJI‘ER and Dealer in Dry IGoods, t (tnjjncpries. Paints. "Oils, and Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines. Glass, Putty. Nailsâ€"Low I very Low for Cashâ€"Markham Village. June 30. 1859. 31-6m . C R O S B Y , I MPORTER, of Dry Goods. Groceries. ‘ Wipes, Liquors, Hardware. &c. ‘ l" : 3.1-tf _L__.â€"â€"â€"- Richmond‘llillJIunQ, 1859,, 3‘ _â€"oâ€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" THORNHI‘LL HOTEL. v‘ .HE‘“@bscribc;iâ€"h_c-gfixto inform. the ' :3 Public that behasfleased theinbove meatless. bud fitted .th'em upin a neat and comfortable style. Boarders and transient visitors will find the accomodations in every way agreeable. . The ,best of_I_L‘i_qu‘oIrs and Cigars carefully selefetdtl. Goodst‘sbling antipditoutive hoStlers HENRY LEMON, 2 ‘ Prepi ietor. t38 HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. “HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous Patrons and the public, White Thornhill, Jan 20'. 1858. that he has removed from the commodation for Travellers, and ‘gOod 03' Horses and Buggies for Hire. II ' JOSEPH GARY, f" I“ » Richmond.Hill,IQct. 22, 18.58. 72-7m DR. JAMES LANGS‘TAFF, Ipich’nOnd' Ilill. DAILY Subscribers, will be entitled to an ad- D b r L n I I f ditional copy FREE. “em a" “’8' ‘ “ 'I‘I-IE' 'I‘RI-l’VE‘EKL'Y GLOBE. ‘ r . is issued every MoNDAY, VVEDNESDAY, and FRI- ~ - " GO. 1 O . v- DAY, at $4 per annum. iii advance. It to printed . 2 I on a large sheet and in its columnsts given all B N S . M I L ' that appears in, the Daily Edition. with the WIT Li Y o u R. Telegraphic and other news to the latest ino- inent. , I . . I _ . Any person sending the Cash for FIVE TRI- WEEKLYI Subscribers, will be entitled to aITaREE copy. CARDING & GRISTING, ’ where ‘parties "frOm a. distance can «have ‘it done to take with them on their return borne. 7 Almira, May 13. 1859. Ql-tf. THE “ EEKLY IGLOBE _ is issued every Friday morning, at 32pm“ an- iiuiii, payable strictly in advance. It is printed on an immense double sheet of paper, of first- rate quality; it is. made up in a. handsome quarto formycomprising eight pages of seven columns each ; and contains lthI'eIl'Oadlllg mat- ter than any other political iIeWSpaper on .the continent, Great care is taken in the compila- tion of the paper; the news is carefully cel- ‘ lected from the Daily Edition. and articles .spe- ciain prepared for its columns. The Market Reports. at home and abroad, receive cénstant attcntior. ‘ To induce exertion on the part of the friends of the GloboIIthroughout‘ the country. it has been resolved,'that any perso'i’i making up a club may haveâ€"i / ‘ ' Ten Copies fir. . . . I . .;.F{./‘tocn Dollars! Twenty-fire OopicsI/‘or. . Tim-1y. jive Dollars! Eighty Copies for. . . . . One Hundred Dollars 1 Any person sending $10 for Five WEEKLY Subscribers, will be .entitled toe Free copy. The Weekly Globe will be s'eh't‘ to all-Clergy- 1 .men for One Dollar a year. I. j , I I I Money Leteis addressed. ” Tits PUBpISIiEP. or THE GLOBE, TORosTO,” can be Registered .by payment of one penny. alld'tllelt‘ safe ar- rival will then be at the risk of the “Publisher. [13’ Subscriptions may commence at any 7 period of the year, and be I made for any term; and perSOIisV'desirou‘s'Of receiving the Paper need not wait for anIAgent to call on them, but have only to enclose their money, with their name and PostOfliIce, to, ' ' .. GEO. BROWN, » / Globe Ot‘fico,Toronto. Toronto. Nov, 15, 1859. .3303. SALE; INCLUDING FlooringJSiding. Inch Boards, - . mild two-inch; Plank, Spaii‘lliiig, &c,, &‘c., at the subscriber’s Mill. near Stou'tf'ville', cheap for Cashier Approved Credit. JAMES BUGG. " ‘siouirviiie, ’April 12. 1859. 3-”: TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS - ~ 185 YONG-E STREET. no N on E N T sfro Iii B-T IBL E s TOM B-S'I'ON ES 650. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER IssrAeusnMET. estate ON). C. 8: VV'. YALE, will con- three: the business under the superintendence of our duly authorized agents,' A‘uan ABBEY and D. CARLOS Yams, whose receipt will be RS, All notes and accounts remaining tun; paidou the 1st day of June, 1858. will be put in : O‘Court'for'collection. ' ’ “‘ 3 - C.” YALE. G: CUMMER. 484! a!» Toronto. 39. April 185.8 and beautiful . . . - . . .. .1 ' n .l‘v‘ l ron o uebec Kin sten font of copper-tach type, cast specially for the “we: "1 "omrea ’ 10 i ’Q ‘ g ' ' 'Price 25-cents per boxs, five boxes will be :sent on receipt of $1. postage paid. . .chase. For particularsepfly to. : .r. " 'I “I ‘ OHN GRIS'IY. ‘- 9, 41,59 Thornhill 'NEW ' I THE members of the Bookselling trade. and the Public of Canada in general. arere- " spectfully informed "that it is intended to pub- lish, by Subscriptiom a New HISTORY or CAN.- ADA, (founded on that of Mr. F. X. GARNEAU’). assoon as an encouraging number of Subscri- ' i‘ hers can be obtained. I The recentappearance ofa third and much improved edition ot L’HIsTORY DU CANADA by Mr GARNEAU, has given rise to a wish.OX'-I pressed to Mr. Levant. by several of his friends and commercial connections. that he would undertake to publish a counterpart. in English, . of the above workIâ€"I-the best Canadian History.- extantâ€"with such modifications as would make it acceptable to the entirety of our people. whether of British or French origin. Accord- ingly, responding to the desire thus expressed. 'Mr. Lovell has engaged the services of Mr. Andrer Bell. Meniborof the GlaSgow Archw- ological Society. also of the Canadieulnstitute. - Montreal: author of “. Men and Thingsin Arn- erica” : Historical Sketches of Feudalism. British and Continental” ; " Lives of the 11.- lustrious ” ; " New Annals of Old, Scotland,” and other works-La gentleman of great literary experienceâ€"as translator, compileryland editor. of what he purposes to entitle “ Tun New AND Comrunnrnsms HISTORY OF. CANADA.” from the fOu’if‘dation 'of- the Colony tle the year 184.0. -â€"to be based on the third and latest edition of L’I‘IISTOIRE DU CANADA of Mr. Gammon.â€" Furthermore, Mr. Lovellbaving made applica- tia n to the latter for his sanction to the pro. posed' work, is happy to say that his special ap- probatio'n' has been'obtaiiied ; so that the trans» lation of his labors now proposed (with mod-i.j fications and additions, as aforesaid.) becomes ' the only authorised reproduction of the French‘ version of the work. - , It is proposed ‘ that the "‘ ICOMPREKENSIVE HISTORY OF CANADA ” shall form three hand- some volnmes. in demy octave, and be printed in a superior style, On paper of the best‘quality. Each volume will comprise from 400 to 500 pages. Price $1.50, or $4.50 for the whole. Parties taking an intereSt iii the early history of the Colony, are now respectfully called on to furnish, for the Editor‘s use, any unpublished or little-known historical. antiquarian, or other rare materials as they may have lying by them. The donors of all such may be assured that special acknowledgement will be made in the work ofevery favor thus obtained. It is hode that the Publisher may be enabled to bring out the work, complete, early in the Fall of 1860. Subscription Lists will be found at the book- Oilawa. Hamilton. London; &c. and at the Offices of the Publisher. in St. Nicholas Street. Montreal ; also at 8113. Anne Street, Quebec. JOHN LOVELL. ('anada Directory Office, Montreal, September l859. t DR. MORSE’S I. find ian Root Pills. R. MORSE, the inveiMor of Morse’s Indian Root Pills. has spent the greater portion of his life in travelling. having visited Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as North Americaâ€"â€" has spent three years among the Indians of our Western countryâ€"it was in this way that the Indian Root Pills were first discovered.' Dr. Morse was the first man to establish the fact that all diseases arise fien'i IMPURITIY OF THE BLOODâ€"that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged. and do not act in perfect harmony with the dif- ferent functions of the body, the blood loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted and diseased : thus causing all pains, sickness and distress of every name; our strength is exhausted. our health we aredeprived of, and if nature is not assisted in throwing off the stagnant" humors, the blood will become choked and cease to act, and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How important then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put a medicine in your reach, namely, Morse’s Indian Root Pills, manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the moun‘ atiiious cliffs in Nature’s Garden. for the health and recovery of diseased. man One of the roots from whiCh these~ Pills are made. is a Sudorific. which Opens the pores of the skin, and assrstsr Nature in throwing out the finer pahtsbf the'corru ptiou within. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant. that opens and u'nclogs the passage‘ to the lungs by copious spitting. The third is 'o. Diuretic, which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged. they draw large amounts of im- purity from the blood, which is then thrown out bountifully by the urinary or water passage, and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and accompanies the other properties of the Pills while engaged iii purifying the blood ; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other out-lets, are thus taken up and 5 Front the above. it is shown that Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomach. but become united with the blood. for they find their way to every part. and complete- ly rout and release the system from all impurity. and the life of the body. which is the blocs, becomes perfectly healthy; consequently all sickness and pain is driven from the system, 'for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. _ . The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get aimedicine which Will pass to th fll'cted arts. and \h'ch '11 *th ‘ . - . . e a I p v l W! Open 0* blofeelings, and vague fears In the mind. natural passage for the disease to be cast out ; hence, a large quantity of food and other matter is lodged. and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation, cOnstantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every‘ vein-and: artery. until life is taken from the body~by disease. Dr. Morse’s PILLS have added to themsele victory upon victory. by restoring millions ofthe sick to blooming health and hop? ' piness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frameshave been scorched by the burning elements of fever, and who have been brought. as it were. within a step of be silent grave, now stand ready to testify that" they would have been numbered with the‘dead, had it not been for this great and Wonderful medicine, Morse’s Indian Root Pills. Aftercne or ,two doses had been taken. they were as: toiiished, and absolutely surprised, in witnessing 1 their charming effects. Not only do they give " Iiiniiiediate ease and strength. and take away all sickness, pain and anguish, but they at once they will so clense and purify, that diseaseâ€" that deadly enemyâ€"“will take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty will again return, and the pros" ect of a long and happy life will cherish and brig Iten your days. Oklahomaâ€"Beware of a counterfeit signed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. WHITE & Co.. on each box. Also the signature of A. J. “Nuts (8‘ C . All others are spurious. ‘ A. J. WHITE .8; 00.. Solo Proprietors. 50 Leonard StreetyNew York. Dr. Morse’s Indian root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. . Agents wanted in every towri, village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiringthe agency and address as above for terms. 33 Steam El ‘giine ’f0r Sale! Engine and 'Boiler of about he Horse Power. for the small sum of $220. Terms of .m I ' H b d till t. f wit: . .. MI, I_ ., w '- "r: palm“ ° “gm “pm” ° “"me AILIFF Second and Third DIVISION {North Aiiiei'ica. continent, especially all Canadihus. will assign ,terprizes- of the. same. character, has always -. . The publication, of Aliment; and:_i'iiiteres\tiig . I New ' Remedies and Quick 'prOfes'sors, succeed- . _ Dr. Amos & S'on ha‘ve't‘ora long series of ' . years l‘é-énzengagedin an extensive-practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicians who now advertise to.cure certain complaints. or from whom genuine European remedies canbe Obtained. ' " December. 1858. W: “Morgan-nut" v: -. NARRATIVEIS, 1 0E JESUIE‘ I hire Insurance ASSOOiatiOIli" LAST year the French reading part of the ~ Canadian peop'e Were edified an de- lightedby, the publication of the original Nar- ratives of the Jesuit Fathers, vrlio wei'e'tlie pioneers of religion - an‘dn'us attendant civiliza. tion in Canada. This wink, 'iriiportaiit as it is to the French Canadian, is not lesseso .to the . English-speaking part of the population of All inhabitants of this great it sit honored place on the shelves which bear the stirring narratives of the, first English and Dutch adventurers. - I . . . “is fit. therefore, to make its reverend au- thors speak with an Euglishtongrue. . The early history of Canada is at this mos merit Attracting much attention. “ll-'he French GOVOl‘lIItlclll has made large and precious com: .‘ 5".I'V i. .';1 . 3 ‘ ' ’- ' .' . . . s tltl)tl.10n.~_ ol iiiaiitr to our lievincial .Robertp‘smnh‘ Chmgugcousy , George mam. ' Library, bo‘th iiiannscript and printed, relating chiefly to Cannon, its settlement uiidrwars : the. GOvernme‘nt of the United States has been eyer zealous in collecting documents relating ‘to‘the acts and sufferings of I‘their hardy and adven- turous founders ; and the encouragement which our own Government could afibrdtineaid of en-r' reward been promptly and effectually granted. historical records hasbeen favored a‘nd prenipt-' ed by all enlightened ,<I_roverifirients"dtid~ lité‘tilty bodies; because they supply the. best evidence of the truth of history ,2 or the best 'materialsfor its composition. It has even been asserted, that the chronicles and private. memoirs of co- , temporaries are of fliigher value than the p0. llslied periods of Hume mid Mczeray, : ' ' The Narratives now sought to ‘beprfeserited to the public are of great .vali:e to alleliasses. To the religion ist. whether Protestant or RIO- inan Catholic, they afford preciOus evidence of ' the zeal ofthose servantsof his PIon IRel glen who devoted themselves to its propagation .among the heathen. and Want forward through many a fiery trial, to find too often at his: the crown ofmartydom. The ethnologist will find in them faithful descriptions of a race now much degenerated and rapidly approaching to extinction. written amongst them as they liVed and moved. hunted and fought, married and died, receive-d baptism ortferociuusly murdered the men who sought to bestow iton them. untaught peasant. will peruse with interest an account of inen'who trod the soil on'which‘they now moverâ€"who were the lords of the forest and the river, now smiling with the rich liar- vest or glittering with the vessels of commerce. --aiid will learn with some emotion that they j live and sleep in security on the sr~lf~sarIIIOSpot which has been often drenched with the blood shed in warfare or massacre. The publication of so voluminous a work will depend entirely upon the support received from the public. The first volume has been translated by one of the best translators iii the Province : and it ‘w ll be put to press as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers is obtained to defray the cost of translation and publsshing. The work will make 3 Volumes, Royal 8vo.. of‘about 7431) pages each, in Long Primer type. Subscription lists will be found at the Book- stores iii Montreal. Toronto. Quebec, King- ston. Ottawa. llnmiltou, London, &c. and at the Offices of the Publisher. in St. Nicholas. Street. Montreal ; also, at Ste, r Anne LStreet Quebec 3 .. ' . j 5" Price in paper covers per volume, $91.74, 'or for the set $8.25. Price in half calf per volume, $3.50 or for tbeset$10.50. '. ' ' JOHN LOVELL'. " Canada Directory Oflice, ' Montreal, Sept. 1559.. NEW Titan TJIIENT. Buffalo Medical Dispensary, ESTABLISHED FOR THE CURE or Drst-nrsm. GI:NIIRAI._ DEBIIJTY, raven AND AGUE, SCROFOLA, OLD ULCERS, GREAT IMPU- Riiv on THE RLOOI), SALT anizum. Prunes. FIS'I‘ULA, . TILES. KIDNEYS. DEBILITY, 1N- FIRMI'l'IES or YOUTH AND 0L1) AGE, 6w. 0:“? N 0 Mercury Used. 4:9 I R. AMOS dz. SON. Corner of Main and â€" Quay Sheets. Buffalo. New York. are the only Physicians in the State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 O’clock in the inorn- , ing until 9 o'clock at night, on every state and symptom of disease. ' The treatment they adopt is the result of up- V years’ extensive and successful I . wards of 30 practice in Landon. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated; in eight or nine days. and- cascs of a slight nature in two or three days at a very moderate expense.â€" The cure effected without confinement or hin- drance from business. Young IMe-nâ€" T also Particular Notice. - - - There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys. in solitude, often growing up with them to Inaiiliood.’and which. if not reformed by them in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but rise to a series of protracted. insidious. and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find the Iiiervous system shattered, ,feel strange and unaccounta- A Most Scam-Mic Invention. An instrument for the cure of Genital De- bility. or more properly known as Seminai Weakness. Nervous Debility. &c., which are permanently cured in from 15 to ‘20 days by the use of this instrument, when used con jointly with medicines. Cures. . .Da AMOS & SON take. pleasurein annOun- ‘cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to. a test by the most eminent physiciansin London, Paitis._,Philadel- phia and New York. ‘ Itphasibeen declared-the only useful instrument ‘ over yet invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease 'of the genital organs, caused ‘ by the secret... liabits‘ol‘youth. » . Dr. Amos &. Son, in order to satisfy the. most skeptical as to the merits of these instru- . merits. pledge 1b ourselves. that in any instance _ . twhere the ma ' rove nnSatisfactor go to work at the foundation of the disease, ‘“ y 5 p y which is the blood. Therefore, itwill be shown. iv turning the instrument m goodIorder. especially by those who use these PINS, that ‘ _ after a fair trial. the ii'io‘uey will be refunded by re-. Persons wishing the above useful instrument. will.’ observe, thatthe price, with. the accom- panying directions, securely packed and. sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. ,,I _I Beware of Imposotwn. Beware of I empiriesand itinerant self-styled who ATTEMrT ‘ cui‘es,‘"but vneusr PERSONS, IN ANY PART or THE WORLD may be‘s‘uccesSfully treated'by 'forwarding'a correct ' detail of their cases. with a remittance for Medicines. &c., wliich‘wdll be returned with the: utmost dispatch. and secure from observation. I I Address Dr. AMOS &. SON, corner Main and 1 >Q-uay streets..Bufi‘alo. N. Y.‘ " .3 1.46:1); 0 be sold’ by Private Contract. 5 opdzsteam. v g JOSEPH...IKELLER, .. " court! Office, Richmond Hill. who can accommodate you with, and . little information onIthacabjectbesidcsa ,; . i 3 0r- ‘ dinary readers, from the intelligentscholar to the ‘ i T. P. Roberts, Esq. Publisher. . I “on. JOHN Ross, gives ' "' Wm» BEAvDR' or. ,TORON'ror C, I W, OFFICE, [removed from 54 King StreetEnst. 1 IIMasoniIc Hall. I, I .flalf the Profits to be returned tothe Insured," T ORONTO ISTaua'rmext building north of the balance invested 'to form 'a" Reserve Fund. ‘IBOARD' or DIRECTORS ;' TavsrnEs-Ilenry Rows'el. "W. C . ‘ ‘Chewett.’ Joseph Jackes. Diuac'ronse-LHonry Rowsell,"’1‘6ronto. Chair's: ' "'mrm :~J. “W. Brent, Deputy. Chairman ; C. Chewett.‘ Toronto; Joseph Jockey-Toronto ,_ W.’ H. Smith. Toronto..- Mlirqagcrt’Wm, '_ Helliwell, Highland Creek“; "John 'Mo‘wat.- " I (i H, 5. Kingston ; Win.’ Agliii‘.‘ Kingston :“viAsa'A... ' -* Burnham. Cobourg; Wm. Green-,JIatnilen; I . TOrcnto Township. _ ' Solici‘t‘Orâ€"J'ohn' HelliWell. Band ofé’l‘orouto. 113’ The Provident Life. Assurance] 1‘ pany is removed to the same office. II JHainnIg guarded against loss from Compahv. to provide a legacyforvour wifeor 1 Batikersh'llhe . I _ fire b Ins, suringyoiir property. consider if it w‘Oul not; ‘5 as we'll’to‘i‘nak‘e a little additionalprnvisiom .1 5 ‘ for your family in case pf your own‘ premature. ,; ‘ death :--â€"whether it would. not be v as well, ' wthioughthe assistance of a Life AsStIraiiCO" r‘ Ii daughter, Or, it'you have not the 'happiness'to. : . be blessed with them. think if the possession (it? a few hundred pounds additional ‘mighrt’in‘u of advantage to yourer a few‘year's house. If you decide thatitwdnlmw‘ritc to the Mona ‘ng ct be ' Director-0mm PRDVI DENT i..IrIr,.‘AIss - it. , ANCE .ANDJINNES’I‘MENT COMPANY QUI'I‘OI'OHIO Street“: TOrOIito. for a “ Proximal” . form, and ‘a'cepy b‘f‘fhe Rates.- 1 . .I 0r,”pOSsibly. the ‘Agent‘ of the 'v‘vBeaVeri'h.” may pOSSess a copy of. both documents. which), V give you 8. Agent at Richmond Hill-+J.,I’I...,‘.ARNOL,D. y; branches. 1859... . . v vIgiIv-tr; Fire I Fire 1'! Fire ll!» . ,, W RN Fire {neurones Company of Toronto. . . . INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CflPITflL' sro CK, £100,000. ‘1. C. GiLmon. Pres. | CEO. MicnisNice Pres. ninnc'roas. : Rice Lewis. Esq. Thos. Hawortli. Esq. James Ifoaty..ldsq. W. Henderson, Esq. M. Rossin. Esq. i Bernard Haldan. Esq. Secretory tS- Treasurer. Angus Morrison. Esq. Solicitor. Bank of'Upper Canada. Bunkers. Btnjaniin Switzer, Esq. Inspector. II? Heard Oflicc, ClLu-rchAS’treet. Toronto. .5“ W THIS COMPANY Insures all descriptions-of. Buildings,Manufactories. Mills. &c.. and Goods and Furniture. in the same, agahist loss ordam- age by tire, on: liberalterins. settled. ‘ . I I A. LAW, Residence, I General agent. Rich H‘olld Hill August. 13. “.57. {LID-Ii State Fire li-iisurnncr Company OF LONDON, CHARTERED In ACT or IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT-- CAPITAL. £51)U,0t)0 STERLING. ICanada Branch, Office: Toronto; TRUSTEES :â€" | JOHN CRAWFORD, Esq. Bouts: CF Diamorousâ€"William svchnstcr. Esq. Chairman; W. l". Howland. Esq. M.P.I’.. Vice-Chairman: Wi-lliiaiii Ross. Esq. ;, William Henderson, Esq; F. W Jarvis, Esq._ Sheriff U. C. of York and Peel. BANKERS w'l‘lie Bank of Montreal. SoLiCiToRs.-Ross. Crawford and Crombio The engagements of the State Fire Inâ€" asuriince Companyare guaranteed by attesponsi- ble Proprietaiv. All losses will be settled promptly. without ,reference to the Board'ii’n England. ALEX. STEWART. A. LAW. Manager, B. N. Amenica. Agent. February 18. 1850. i \ _.__.._..‘_ din that hath EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And: despatchedito subscribers by‘the earlieba mails. or'Ollier cOnveyanCe. when so desired“ The YORK’I I HERALD will away; he. be ‘found‘to contain the latestand most impor‘ tant Foreign and Provincial TN awe and Mar- kets. andtlic" greatest pare willbe taken to. render it acceptable totbe man of business... and evaluable Family NewSpaper. “ ' TE RMS.~â€"Sevon’bnd Sikpeuce per A iiirum, m 124,1" ADVANCE"; land it‘- not paidwwithin {Threat . Mouths tondollars willbe charged. I RATESOEA‘DVERT‘MINO :- . SixlineIs and. under, firSLIIIISethlOII.I. , $01) 50 Each subsequent insertion” . . . . . . . '.. 0012.}, Ten lines and under", first insertion. '. '. , 00 75 Above ten lines, first in., per line.. .. 00 07 Each subsequentinsertion, perlinc. . -. On 02 B3" Advertisements without wiitten‘ direca. tioria inserted-“till forbid. and charged accord- ingly. r' : v ,. '. L . All transitory advertisements. from strangers. or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to par-tie. ad“ vertising b‘y'"‘the‘year; 4 .. , u a ,,, .u‘. I. All advertisements published for, ales pe- riod than one month. must be paid for in adâ€". vance. "All letters addressed to the Editor must be postpaid. . . ,. , I I No paper discontinued until allvarrearages are paid : and parties refusingpapers without Ila)" ing up. will beheld accountable for the sub-. scription. ' 1 ~ ~ ~ ' . - , ‘ _‘ Trials-Ont: GERALD Book and Job. Printing, 1 ESTABLISMENT- . I " ~ l . . . RIDERS for any ’of the undermentloned; description of PL'AINI. and FANCY 'JOB. WORK will bepromptly attended to nooxs, FANCY BILLS. BUSINESS CARDS, almost. AND SMALL POSTERS,- cmcuuas, L‘AW FiOBMS. BILL HEADS.iiA-Nk'caucus,DRArTs,AND iterators. ' Arid-every. other'kind of}: - LETTERQPRESS‘ PRINTING. r "done in th‘e’b‘e'st' style; at Incident-crates. Our assortment Of 'JOB TYPE is entirely newand of the latest patterns. AIlarge variety. of new Fancy Type and; Borders. for,Cuds,, 1 lat! Creators; &o. kept mm .on hand. I W. Mactfarlaue. Esq. Losses prompI'IV. , Richmond Hill; vj':-. 1' V r. l i

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