Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Dec 1859, p. 4

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.i, . . HI|,ISTIQIi‘IlI,IY CANADAJHE: rJESUIT . “l I'.‘ . i't-Ci' f'l'. .. I Asr year the French Business New Boot and Shoe Store ' _ I, llEIg: sglficriper ,retufiis hifthtinks’ldl the; ‘r ' It: “ ' i - , I . ' "public. or past’shppori. bags to state that , WATCH ,8“? R: be has removed into the Village of lluttonville, , I . 'I' " l 4 where he hopes fora ’"éoliitinu'aiice of the pa- RICHMOND, Hu‘h. i-onago lieietofo:Ie given 69?} ’ t I All bl‘del‘s executed:ivtitliidespatch mid work I 3 I II: II II I ‘ * ;i -.» I. .1 ,Warranted. , i v .. I I - l DIAVIID hAILLOWAIr, Buttonville, Nov. 11, 1859, “I [5043‘ .I Licensed” Auctioneer, i Q °grap is. ~-lh‘ YPeS ~ . I,“ tn", . , r MELANEOTYPES ! . . COUNTIES or rioan IPIEEL. [‘EjETE-RG R,AfiH,s,.&c;t-, -' All letters addressed. to l.‘AltInira,I,’-.'rl?.0. will I I I, , -â€"â€"n: .I.I I ~I I . recleveprompt attention. hybrderstlrhceived at: l I" AI“. .1 II f :-I . I I I the t‘ Y0l'k.llerald ” 03¢; anion Ind ll'ill ; 1"" “s “ I'cll"°‘*“l‘ mam” Mr. Henry. Lemon. Til Milli. child ' James R'chical Halli. Markham, ' Cavannali, Mansion House. Sharon, where I . , I ' Terms, &.c.. may be obtained, -,,I .â€" On ;. reasonable terms. and in" all Weathers, I Almjm, NOVI 25’ 18394 52.”. Pictures taken-from thesmallest. to; life 9532‘. i J, C. DUNllAM. Markham Village, Oct, [4, 185,9, _ éfi-tf lantern. . fly m ~o . ._-.......... K 3..., ... ,..., , . II I, t z <;:l-.ti.t ‘ FATHERS- !7. Fire lnsuran-ce Associatith r -.m-*~_ie.v.rt..;r ‘ twirl. ~I 1pm,} ‘33! I' w; putt nitENEil‘l"i‘itit:Np.I ‘ I”; qIémlug id he budlb our John, " l've heard that talk before”â€" Aud then his eye fell straight upon His stick bblliiidtlle. door I I “ I wonder it‘I’ionuld suit. OurFriend- > :3” [John’s lobe-was rather grim] Ifiofiine tox§§he his coininghere. :\ BngoingI'there to him." ‘ IIIII IIIIIIIIIIMIMAWIWM-.11«0..t»! .-- 5 - . T. J.,,WHEEl-â€"-;ERI9 “HE members nfthe liooksellingItrade. aild; reading part of the. I I I” , OF TORONTO C, w. __»It‘l6 Publicol'Cnliada in genera-l2 are re)" ‘ Canadian peop'e were 'edil'le'd’ Iaii‘I'“del-7l I I ‘ I ' .I ' spoonfully lnlornied that it is intended to_pub-,--_ il'lghted'by the publication cl‘thI'e’Ildl‘Iigltial ~iNalr>i OFFICE" D'em‘ovéd from 54‘IK'i'hIg sheet Ea“ “bib, bIV SubSCJ-iption, a NEW HISTth or Icon-II ,rgtives of .the Jesuit Follierb.£ who: ‘weTqud'ewiToue-Nro 'S'mum n'ext' building: nIoi‘th of thd i: a; -uim,tl‘ounided.oii that of b’irLI'F. XS'GAIRNIE-AU), pioneers of religion and its ganglidanticivillzag IIII II, . II ‘ Masonic Ha” , . assdon as an encouraging number Iol I’pjubscrii" tior. in Canada, 'l‘liiswork, iuipoIiItIaiIit;ah‘it’is‘ H“; h P a _ b I I I. abetts'can‘be obtained. ‘ I' 1% . t’tIo the French Caniidian, is'initless soItvo‘itliel a l- 3 ,m (“to '3 (“turned “the [Insumdo * " l‘he recent appearance of a third null muchl iIIzEngli‘sh-sponltiilg part of the “population , of-Hintfitlllltlfince ltnvvfisled' W for!“ 3='R“'T°'V9‘F°nd- improved edition or L’H isroitv DU (IIAl‘iA'llA by I North Anierioosziihzll ;I.Illll'**l’ll:4‘vl3 “in”? groin, .; u '.: . .. BOM‘P ‘03 D‘AEVWRH i rIc , yMr GARNEAIIU; has given rise to: a wish. cx- 'continenl, especia y a (butt) inns, wil asSigu _I T IE __ IIII I, . ’ JII preSsed tog/1r. Lova‘u. by severalhof hIis friends. 'it an liolltll‘cd,Iplace 'Uliihel'iilltAlvélelllfllI;'béalgl"Eflggilfjickgznn I‘ Rows?!" WI C Showeltk. " «‘a’nd. cqntriIerciai"connections. t_ at“ in 'wglIiId [the stirringnarratives Ollie 'rst Eng. an. :l ‘1) 3.3)}; l; i -.,I'. 3 . . . I 2;: It "undertake to publish. a counterpart. in “English? ,"DuItrh iidvcngurers. . _«I , _ "'ngfilil’flls = Eqmltolp wa’i‘wI, I ofthe above workmlâ€"he best Canadian History " “’t is fit.‘t.lioIi-el'ore,_to make its reverend an: 'I I an?) NJ? ' (4‘7" extantâ€"with sucliIIriiIodificatioiis as wpIuldjmeke utlio’rs speak with an English tong‘ue. ‘ ’ W 9’ fimé‘m‘gfi’mjgm‘l’flo I “:3” d‘ “063° r. " 'i't uCCt‘Plablé lIdI like entire“ UfIQQlfililfii’lez; ‘ The early history 'of ICa’nada is 'at this m‘o- fiéhi'wén " m man; CI?“ ’g‘sfiwmowsl" Whether olI'Bl'iIttsh or French origin. ecoid- menummmmg Inu(,IhImw",ion_I The French] Khrhbnz ,llm..AtWI; 9P {‘3'} smuuiu . n Av infill. Tesl’bljdl'fifo lhe d-‘I’S'm ll'USI .‘l’lll’iefssed' Government has made large and precious con-I; “Mgha‘m’ Cubliill'h" GigeéIiIfigfilton: 'M‘V ltovallhfll‘l 'eng“g°d [he §erV'c°SII".l Ma“ tiiibutions of historical matter to our Provincial then spn-"h chin. .wmgv‘p uéuga lahinII . Al'dww Bel" M°'“b°’ °“""° “‘"Sg‘m’ Aloha" Library, botbiiiluuwirtwlruined. relating I 'l‘oronIlo TowiIi'siii g l L l -=.i it: "‘ ological Sooiety. also of the Canadian instituth “ifédgigqgwfihaymfgw“11,6”, find wars : the ,I w - ..P- wil . :::- -: ~ in 0 Montreql-s ’fl'gfiltiel‘v'bii.“ {than and 'l‘hings inf Aln- ' ' ’ ‘ “ ' ' Oct. l. 1858. l‘i'i' .tilil ' l 'I'T O‘Rorf'ro'; c.w . ,JofiNMILLs. 11.30pm N.IB-COOD STABLIINCA‘T‘. AtNED AND TZ'JST\ NOS . subcontractor: knowpold girl," says he._' i t “ II’m hearty, strong,and;hal6.‘ ‘ ‘ Andi’d be all the better for , ' IIIIIIIAlelIttlIe'Ibit arson. ‘ . ‘ i, I QuiteIsoundI in wind or limb. 'I’Ve’rbelly‘hdlt a thought, old girl,_. Of going there to him." " I I" ISolicitor-Jobit Helllw . 3W.Tho I I __ I 1.. .I I I. I Igoveriiugeriypf the Unitodb‘ta res-has beenever ligand (If-Torah“: i n it - ‘ 911$?) 3 I1'1I1.s‘l°tl‘l93 bilgl‘v'hf-‘IS I‘ll, lestdallS'n‘e zealous in collecting doctIiInIiIents relating to.tIlie ‘BIlll'l'f‘h-‘w “oniule‘ll? ‘i ' L‘Wfs 0‘ we “I: acts andsuéjfcifiegs ollthcir hardy and adven- -iluSll‘II0uSi ~l _“-I1\‘9W“Almm'15 0f §c9llandi turIous founders; and th9,t‘.llIt30 lfag’eliielllWlllcll? I I l. t , and other .worke-a gentleman of gIreathIliteriit-Ipl I(,u,..qMI. érIIIIIIIIIIIII “W? IIII.III\I,9Iin a“, (Imam JOHN ISlilJSbS. experienceâ€"ens translator, compiler, and editoi térpnzbs m, the, same éha,.awm.IIIIhas alwus ‘ ’ 1 Il’roygrietor- I of what he purposes to entitleVE-jll'nit ‘N'lllw not .156“, prompt“; Arid éfibcmaj;\.‘lg=rahte’dI' I I ‘ ‘ '. .I 7‘1)? Co Pnizumsmi: llisroiiv or ANIAIUA I” fl’OlllIr 1,, n -’ 1' . themi‘oundalionoftlie Coloantill theyedIlI' l84il 3 I ll? publlcfll'q" 9‘: aumgnllcfil'd ll'tprislmg I L 5' ba .ed on the third a'nd lame, edIm)" 0} historical records haslieen favored and-.pronipt. TI? “60' ‘I: DU CANA’ of MI, IQIIIIIIIIIIIIm "QdI hyIaIll enlightened.governmentsuntil-norm}: C ,d I I _ I . If .215le 1; t L ‘Dfih v‘in "5 I)“; _ bodies :I because thIeyIsupply.llio :bosLt-n‘idepce IdaOHIEMW. to ifmIVl, 9,.“ egatvyvl‘m)0l}.£w‘}vl ‘5 0" -‘““ ’lf’°3°£..'rri fl“. .2 ....l"... i.” all .2 “of “is truth “fill-um). was: «mm-elem lit fer-i?"- 'l’g’“. “in. Perth“. innit?“- ‘°. “ 9r 3". . m I« l I’ll , h _ I .in ‘ ‘its ceinpoyitiott. it has even been; asserted," l 9”” w'lh t 9"" “Ml”! the, sffilon 9 \I ‘ Poised W" ‘o '5 hal’l’.‘ ‘0 533' “dl '5 bl’ec'a al" low huhditedlpoundsadditlonal" tinglhifiiot be. ’l‘he Provident Ilil‘ei‘ Coma. panyIis retnovedito the semis dfilc’e‘.“ "u l Having guarded'against‘luss‘frbui filld byla- Isuring your property. consider iif= it"Wdu|d not, be as well to maker: little additional movision, for your family in case ofyour own premature. »death :-â€"-W‘ll8l.b€l' it would not las’ well, the ..assistaiice.of‘ a: Life hlsflurance, . r i.) , WAN HOTEL, THORNHILL. Aucon‘imOdation for Travellers. 369:}. I "Besides. youIIknow, lshouldIu’t be- I I - ‘I I Q‘Ke‘iranger to the“Way. ' ‘ 13 Visited the spot before . In Bonnparty’s day. ‘ That every, stick 1 took with meâ€". I ,I I'll hdsn’tgrouin more slim;I ‘ ' i"l‘eIIIsweaI'r, bid gal, l’m half inclined To goIaoroos to him. gm. 5. iv. PECK, URGEON Dentist. will be at Hall‘s Hotel, I v 'Markham Village. on the 24th, 95th. and 26th of each Month. Teeth. extracteda free). Teeth Filled. eac'i 25cts. Dentistry 'don‘Ie ' . cheaper than by anyother Dentist in the Pro- lvince.“ Approved Credit“ Will be given if re~ quired. All Work Warranted. gal-1:; 1’3 .I a ,n g » l,‘ , r a - '. 4. I t- j _ ‘ W- pIfi-D-S-Iemittrululiigntiga1859.. f v Surgeon Dentist,I ‘ , I _ 99 KING 8T. EAST. scorn sIrI'IoE, 'llHlRD noon ' "P0 the‘ Sick and“ Dyin g WEST FROM CHURCH SII’ TOWN”, R. SNllMJlt, of the 7th.coucossiou iii the Proprietor of O iver’sI l'ateiit.for~.ap-~ i' "Vaughan, near Klitichul‘gll, guarrantees. wlying Electricity to prevent pain in ex- ‘ r ' l «4 '~ Jane 30, 1859. ,0 cu,.eI LI II . I I , I .. ,I I , I . I i ‘ I_I the tliIeIIclii'oiticlesaiid privatejrneiiioiis of co" )3“ II I . v IuIJIhuto to give a gentleman. J trac. \ p; teeth ; and also of an Aparatus for I F;g:::t:,?IhiI?iaii::sIlI didh‘IIiiidpidetdIiIhIilliiiiILIlliI Ilénflmmmes a e or “Ighfir valuaIIIhanlIlm‘eIPQ. Igii£¢dvefiiidaegfhhiIiiod‘bh‘lgIagfii:igiiizgizggizin" ..«‘..r I ' - r, . .i f :‘ , .. " ' .' I . ’.n .' . g,- » Rn inIIzuIn icluring Vulcauile Rubber Plates .for Ian-i 563.981.," lfartialseh of teeth. ~ I’ls‘oeth mounted EALER in Dry Goods. Groceries, VVih.s, on Get or otherwise, to suit the necessity of Liquors, Hardware.Glass. Eartl-ionvvure, ‘ the case. = v - '&c- T oroyito, August, 27,, 185.. Richmond Hill. Deo.1858. ‘ r' v -- ‘ cancers, Enlarged tWchclrsi, Add manonthIeIr Diseases. Persons laborii‘ior under either ol'the above nientiontd Diseases. wil! do wellto citIlI_lI__ in tiIIiIiiIe, , "All ,ltgttersito be paflfiifidfiddxosmd was“, . w - v PETER SNIDER. ficatioI-nsnudhdditions, as a.l'(iiesaid,) becomes “Shed lfeII,l9,d$v:UfrII“lIln.Jer and dummy I‘- J. tlie'O‘n-ly authorisdd reproduciio‘u of’tIl‘ie' French. . 'l‘he lxliri'iitlvbs now sought to be presented version of the werk. ' I I‘ I, to the‘p'ublicI are oi great, val-Io to-all'classes. p20 III‘OImImImmmI .rommoI-for aI IIIIBrmuIWI It is proposed that the “'CoMrit'Irinizns'iv'i-f lo the religioulst. whether lIrotestalIit or R0- {Gum 'and acqpy of the Rams. I ’HlsTOR! or‘CAMD/t '1 shill form tlnée hand ""3" Calm“?! may film-“l WWW?" Iel'ld‘?“c°,‘“f”' “‘Or.I possibly. the’IAgentI of the ".BeIavem’b- some volumes, in deiny octnvo, and be” printed;- {lll'Iio zeal pl fili‘ose'iervants of his. llolyt‘ibel gItoIp I,ImayIpoSRessfl‘copyof; bmh dowmenw‘jwhich «client» ‘of the“ PRO‘VI DENT 'LIF IASISUR-t; More trouble than there’s need, , . . . . l; ANC-E nANJiID' lNVl-JS’I‘MEN'I‘ ‘C )‘Ml‘ANY And crossing water makes Our Friend Uncommon cross- indeed. And it. as those here letters say. To meet m3 is his whim , exunction. wIi'itten amongst- tileiii‘as they lived ‘ I ‘ ‘ niid moved. hunted arid fought, married and .Fil-c 1 Fire I I died, received.baptism or lerocmudv murdered-L I _ I It, I I. ' the int it who sought to be>towiton them .Orâ€" E II T . . I I _ _ .. . . I. -, . , in asuieri r able (in .apoinof thiehest ‘nalilv I Wl‘“ dUYOlt’d- lhItimsfi‘lveS l0. PITOl’flHmWIll, 18 ca,“ r m 0d,“ - t. Itln'ajdl " '3 - WhIIdan mv buttons Mother BuIIII G, HI, I ., Kluebuxgh. II I , I.l:I rise IIOIII 4IIII~QII III: I aIIIOII IIlIe hemhemwd we", fur“,de unmmh. ! ,. .I, rater, _m e 301 wt _ iIII giverou a, 3 g . , . , . , Lach volume it our p I , t O . g . little lllftll‘lllmilou on the subject besides. - I’ll go across to him. RICHMOND HILL HOTEL- , r. . ‘Nr 13:, 1‘0 .CUMQ'ZNO P’sAY't-i Pages. Price $1.5o,‘ur $4.50 for the whole: many a lien “‘irlx'WOfiH‘l “’0- °“‘“‘ “Um “‘"I A" I t Itlt'l I H‘Ill J I - It I .I IL I I .4 4 v "I; ' STKGE . h b .. H i,” I' ‘ 5i AIugtIlsl 6.II_'I1858. 'I“ til-ti , ‘ [flames tithing an inlet-es in the earl“ Ilyi'utory crown of inurtytlom. 'II'he eibnologist‘w'ill find gall 9‘. E"? lmondl , l " r f' Mayhaphe’d like to have a crack. A .1. 5’1“ zl .. a ovq. 093?“? l > .‘I 'I' 1, _ I ,I ‘I ' i} f I} ‘ I “I? "ix 5.?“ ithuflg of the Voicing-are now' re>fiecllul‘l\Ik:,all‘pd on Ill .theni faithful desoriptions ‘of a’ more how Mych 2?. 1859. - . It I i v lull17-tf l' V v II -°r°ll.mII°v°ry“ pomlngr'smm‘mg “infill iI‘-‘ it ,. {Hui} 22......» r»? Lt" «1 '- t l' '.h {0} 1m. 1311,1095 “as m, v l,“ )ub‘izsh’pd: much degenerated and rapidIlIyI apptoIhCltIillg to _-___.,I___.___. _ . _ I , .- <Ab0utv°lddalsg9n° by, the Elgln Milk at 7. aim. and retarding ac'lzl‘ UBOEON Dentist. will be at NlClIOll’s 0‘ um” ’ I' ’ 3 l I" ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' I ’ ’ or little-known historical. antiquarian, or otllol'l rare materials as they may haVe lying by them. The donors of all such Inlay be itsstii'cduhat special acknowledgement will be made in the Fate 2s. 6d. each w": v. I I, I soon IACGOMMODA’I‘ION 'rnu raivuouel. I RICHARD NICHOLLS, éfigypt, dud IISpain,IIand.’l‘rafalgar, If he would, so would II. About those days I rather think p.m. , .I llotel. RlIClitll()l;dIIlI"_llll. thallium; MONDAY ‘dl‘etlery inoiiih,and the reriia‘inder ol'tllomontli .atvliis' residence Tliornliill". All Wolk War- ranted. Fire 15;: ill.- in: trill till. .t... .. ‘lell- 'lN St)llClllll}_l‘-'-l'le iiicroeswl support'of the I I I II I ,- .I I I -.I - . . .I -- ~ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ~ .‘ ' .d. . “innrv readers, from the intelligent scholar to the His memor .95 8mm, dlm I I Proprietor. II I I I Lailadlan public lot the SUVellltelllll vo- “Nth "l 9V8”) “1“” till!“ “blame - I , I I I - - l I, , , . .. . . . . 3'! And that’s finial: wagon. da’mei Richmond HilhDem'lIS, 1858. l-55I 3"" 8' 1859" 32'“ lunio of Tm; (plump, the. pul.llsliei lift-5‘10 state ll "' hoI ed 1h?" “13 l lll‘ll-‘her may be enabled ""lm‘i-lht l'adsa'nfi W'“ Wm” w'll' mille‘sl ‘1“ [Fire Ills" [31100 (,‘qiiiptin xi- . Il'll ~ of 'l‘oi'on'to; .icconnt ol men who trod the soil on which they}. . .,, I ,now move,,--ivho,we*'e the lords‘ of the l'oiestI Innd the river. now siiiiling.\t:itli the .rich liar-I \‘Hrt or glittering. with the Vessels obcomiii-ei-ce. -â€"nnd .‘l’lll lcaitnwith some einotionittintvthey vlive and sleep in security on the self-same spot Wllil b has been often (benched w‘itli tllelblood shed in wurlareor massacre, ' ' The publication ofso 'volumiiiousa work? will depend entirely upon the support received lioiii the public. IIlIllt‘ first volume has been translated by one ofthe best trarslatoi‘s in the to bring out the work, complete, early in; the I Fall of 186”. . Suhwription Lists will be found at the book- I stores Ill Montreal, Toronto, QuehI-c. Kingston. Ottawa, Hamilton. London; &c. and at the Oflices of the l'uhiisher. in St. Nicholas Shoot Montieal ; also at file. Anne Street, Quebec. JOHN LOVELL. anada Directory Office, Montreal, b‘cptcinber l859. . that nothing shall be lelt undone to tender tllt‘ journal worthy of the lbgli reputation it has tariitd lll past years. A new and beautiful font of copper-faced type, Custsptciully for the fitness, utitlio,cel«b.ated foundry (ll Messrs. rdhiiieslconuor and Sons, t\ew \Ioik, Will sus- tain the tI\ pographicul Cl't‘tlll. of the establish ineptâ€"anti the. aid f0f" airelilargml Corps of luditoi's. " ’topol'ters, Ialid Cori-estpondcnts will ,flr-Stlle' totlie leaders at 'iiii. ULOBIlfLI all that is inlerestiiig in t\cws. l’olitics, Literatuie, and .Coniineice," - “ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ll Why I should go to him.” dâ€"â€"‘_â€". MATHESON 86 FITZGERALD, Barristers & Attornies-at-Law, SOLICITORS [N;sCEItIIi,I &c.I;,; ofiicic‘E-a ‘ "" I CORNER or iriuounnroiromfosrnsprs. : ‘Over \Vhiteniore & Co’s. Banking Office ‘ TORONTO. I ' I I I JOHN ‘couursu, "'Il‘aiélor and Clothier, Yongo St., Richmond Hill, December. 185“. INIcpltPoIIllA'l‘ED Â¥YI acr- OII‘ (ARI-JANE“. ,I II â€"â€"---â€"â€"III I n.1, ‘.'.' till}! , MEI 'IVIL. on) 0113. stucco... 0- There's Master Jack may mind the house. I’rInI'g'laId he’s boughta gun, I Iflheidon’t’keep; you Isa‘fe' and sound 7 I: Hal's not liisIfalli’er’e‘son. " ls l so fill/a thug. O'ur‘lt‘riei‘id’e good health, Yes fill it to the brim : I IIfl-lieIIli, Iiitdiiyhe means to come... ,4, l. t). Gltnon, Pros. | blue I I I iiinizc'rong '. I II ltice‘Lewis. ’l‘bIos. HavvoIriliI,,t,Iqu. .Ilulllesulfehtyt Esq.“ W. - iibilde‘rson'. Esq. T». l’. llobarts, lusty, . t J.‘ VERNEY, f » Boot and Shoo illukcr, Jr} nil-V'BI. » a ' n â€" , , ., ‘ ,"'“.“' .‘ tI 5 r {I ' . _ . . . ~ w' klaclar'lumewi)&Â¥ .j I I) I Gorge. 1 ll go to him. I ., ' .' . " " = ,i, -»' - ., t ‘i - - ‘1. .‘E l V ' , ‘ l’iovnlco: and it w ii In». ml to )l'eeh‘ as soon as . i ' ~. ‘ , 'L’Pumilhi * ’ IYONG’E STRE'ET’ , lit: II ' I chlIlI)th§t ii‘tii‘aiiiioiiIioIIiIthliiiililiii I a sulllcient number of Milo-cold” i- obtained to , EIsléIIIILIfIISSIIII‘iIIIIEanI E, I S. It ' lIIIIIlI.IIII§I ____"‘”‘"_‘_“/ " I“ RI C H M 0 N D I ‘ 1110MAS (Ii. MATHEsov. I aflhiis ot the l'rovnice vtllicli hag. secured tor delII'a}‘ the COSL 0lI ll'fillSlflliOH and Pulll Slllllll- -- r ' fill-.5 0079,4339 Revamp. “II t. In. J AMES FITZGERA LD . gar-r it it? presw‘lt condition. It be l’ioIv'ince is ac- liffo'll‘letlged by all‘Ipuriics to be on the eve of great changps; and these the GIL/lie will seek :g‘l; m NI REID, piilidtiei.eeIIfoiwtlie both-iii oi the people at . Int-go. lt wnl advocate such a change in the v CORNER OF YonGE AND COLBOURN STSI 'YONGE STREET HOTEL, Il‘lie worlt will intake 3 Volumes, Rovnl ovo, oi'ahout 75 pages each, iii Long lIllllle' type Subciipt‘ion lists will be found at the Hook- stores in Montreal. 'l‘oronto. Quebec, Kiiig~ stun. Ottawa, ilnniilton. London, the. and at the Ollie-as (if the Publisher. in St. Nicholas Street. Montreal; also. at Ste, Anne Street Allgus Morrison. Es .IS‘IIlicijrfII-i-I , hank ol'Upper Cana a. ‘flu‘r’t‘I'cfiI; ' l‘oronio,_.luly lfldfifl. . , . . - BtnIianiin b‘wttZer. Leg. [Inspectoréif I Ladies’I and Gentlbiuens‘ Boots and Shoes. .I U made" after'tlie latest styleei ._..__._.._..L'__._. December "35,8- . Indian Root Pills. R. MORSE, t-lie inveiiior of Morsc’s lndiaii ) 1 Root i ills, has spent the greater portion ot his life in‘ travel lug, having visited Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as berth Americaâ€" has spent tliieereaIrIs among til 3 Indians of our IA idluiitlcr»Bussâ€"â€" Head ()flicc. Chili's/i Strgct, Toronto. 4]; d D t 8 l ‘ . _ rt ‘ I I ‘ _I I I t I 1. ’u'I’V‘ u I 0 h mni‘ Lanada the control ol their own localul,l’.tii's.alld IHIS (’OM' AM: “mules 8-" d-cbcnpfiwm o“ woman“ TllORNHH’L,’ C'w‘ I 31"” Will til“ gelmml “mum's W a joint authority W eetern countryâ€"it was in this wu)‘ that the Quebec giilIiIt‘IliIigib'ItIdIizIIiiIiIIOigIIIBSI “IIIIISI'i‘NiIlIIII‘IIIIi‘II (dawn .... . ~ .. - ~ ‘ " . mu - " .-. - '. .. v . . ‘l ‘. ..«saiiieaaiiis slalom. . I he “Inch tsecmttuHerI oplmonI of AURORAI I I ol rlliinIlc rndI 1|“.th n IiveIItoiin lIlieIuews lndiun Root 1).“? “ um first discoveitd. D . pnce m paper covers per volume, $2.74, or age lwfi're (III “beIIal [arm's gLosw: mm U ‘ h ha d . I Good II I, W I d L Dr s'll‘ Ol “tutoring NW“ “1% is upon lalll‘dllwlll Morse nus the rust man to establish the act pm. the 86, $5325, I l 1- 7' l ' .- ‘3 ‘9‘ ., .P y IIWII p‘I ’ III I I alwayssdt‘IiIIliimd ‘ k‘;:dliennIIAconU0Rs I I ’ and I‘he hxtcmmfi “b “I'll P'I‘I’Ve‘“ “’6 b”"°w' lha' all (1.513215% ' wire “0‘” IMFUMIIIY 0F l: ' ' i If if i ’ 3%" ’ll orf um“ I A I AW I I‘I II" :1 . ' ‘ l - - """0‘ URGEOV ‘ d It .. -. -. i in of inonty without the COIlht‘llll ol th ) o- 'I‘HF :IBL(’()Dâ€"&l t ‘- 1- III I l 'ltl ' l “c” l“ "1 $13.. Per V” “me "‘0 0" . .4 ' m \ __ - ‘ _ . I I _ J. an ’letJlaincalDentist .edical g. . I . . ° l9 ‘ ‘ ll" 0‘“ 5 “’“EH' ‘6.“ ‘.""-" > I r - ‘ ‘ ' ’ ’ v - HOV l0 become a great Broker dation l0! 'lraVellers. Funnels. and otlieisI . I,_,a“IM.aIk,IaIII Village} ’M the, Will be teltlllcSlly lllslstcd upon. the life depended upon this vitalfluid.,. -’ ‘ me 5‘” $ld'5ll- Rostdellce. Geitfltlhfént. ,Cigars Of all brands. ‘ II I D. MCliEOD. Proprietar. I._ I..,,§l__1ll,}°I,l}(l. l85I9! I I II 611‘)‘ ,r. “a ,I I Bleak a mile every three monlllfiv When the vailous passages become rclogI'ged. [and do not act in perfect huiinony With llietdit- Gillllfl w_iIllI_,also advocate the -Voi.ozvrunv'1"i'trs J 'CiPl.Eâ€"-â€"I‘l.‘.[)UtAI'i‘loN, clcllieiitury and collegi- ute. prim; vuoiii SLC'I‘‘p0‘allull JOHN LoVELL. ltioliiioulellAngwi-Iat. may. rite.) ’ 'ig‘IJXI Canada Directory Office, Publisher. , . .. .I,, Every». age-neatlstbe influence of every i 5. i 3 if; Davis says, i“ 3“ Illi'mis paper’ ngtliyll age, lchep it lit-ailiiiui. God is like the air, never seen, yetal- ways about us- Liesi aire‘hiltless swords, that cut: the Itvyield them. opiilar vote of Texas has increa-I . m».*elg'lrt'to sixty-three thousand in two {more} ’, z, _ ' iiiEeiloc‘ily islsomelimes ,assumad as Well Aurora, July 6. 1858. ROBERT SlVElt, Boot and 81166 Maker; I lice. I I I I I,I, II, I? All kinds Slioemokors Findingfre; sale. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. ‘ l-tl‘ . .DJ’OINING the *Wesiet‘an T‘Ne‘lhodist Chapel. 'Yongo Street. Richmond I Hill. Achoice selection IofIGeiitleinens’,Ladies’ II I and Clii~ldreiis"Boots and Shoes constantly on I: ~ I hand. and made toorder on the. Shortest No- ; of the Illudsou’s buy 'leriitory n'ilh Cau- aduâ€"a liAhKJlk'l'CV haw tor the relicl of the honest dclitorâ€"lnruovnn MAhAGltMENT ol the PUBLIC LANDSâ€"lihCIPRUCi-tl. rum. IlIRADr'. L‘illll JAMES I. BARKER,- I' gI-MI’ORTEK and Dealer in Dry Goods, I (tr-curios. l'aints. Oils, and Dye Slufik, Patent Medicines, Glass, l‘ully. Nail.<.â€".-Low ! very Low for Casii.-,.â€"Ma.rklinin Village. June 3‘). 1859. the United Stan'sâ€"the improvement of Canadian agiicuIntroâ€"economy iii every 31.6," branch of the public expendiure,and gene- ~, rally every Illegnut'd which tends to the im- proveine'nt‘of humanity in religion, morals. and material prosperity ‘ During the next six months, in the constitu- encies and lllet’tlllgs oi ill.» people, asInell a ll]="i’al'ii‘fl‘in€llt at Quebec," iiiény of ItIliese subs je'cts Will be discussed. the more vital and llll‘ P.0ROSBY, Mt’ORTEB. of Dry Goods. Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Hardware.&c. Richmond ll.i1ll..:'.lniie. 1859. 31 -tiI' C(llS‘liuUIUll as \vill give to llppor and LVW Il'erent functions of the body, the blood loses lie action, becomes thick, corrupted. Hlldidlheused : thus causing all pains, sickness and (listens of every name; our strength is' exhausted, our health we are deprived of, and if natyize is not assisted iii Lirowiug ofl' thestugnant liuniors, the blood will become chokt-d and cease to act, and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How important then that we should keep the various passages of the body freevaInd open. Montreal, Sept. 15.59. flair TRE.~T1',MENT. Buffalo Medical I Illispt-iisary, nsninllsnm)‘ iron 'I’Tii‘r‘. ‘ com: or hrsrizrsu, GENERAL IJEBIIJTY, FEth AND AGUE. s'c'norvm, on) uncnas, 'GREA'I‘ twirl}- I RIJIY or Tm: BLoon, SALT nnizun, 'PiMP‘i.i;s‘, FlS'lULA, rites, KIDNEYS. Dl‘lBllJ'l'Y, IN- F’iitiii'i'iliics 0!“ room power to put a medicine in your reach. namely, .I I Morse’s Indian Root l’ills, manufactured from. plants and roots which grow around the men i« aliiious clifi's in Nature’s Garden, for the health . ‘ r ‘ t [i ,Stato Fire lllrurimco Company- or LONDON, ‘ . an Citan’rmtlcli nY AIC’l‘ or IMFERIAL naturism , CAPITAL. £.‘.()(l.t)0t) S'lIEilLllN'Gt’f‘i‘ -* canada Bramhl ‘fieâ€"ad Ofiice: â€" I I' r.!.-. TRUSTEES :â€",- lion. John Ross, BOARE or Dioramaâ€"William ivchaiil'dr. Esq. Chairman; W. ,P.‘ Howldndpgflgqé l. Jone IORAwronul‘Eque . l ' ' l ' ‘ . ' . ', . ' I’ ’ ‘- - " ‘ - ' ‘ ' . . ‘5‘3‘ge‘I’lIl9lge’s- I I1 hpre are 82 many “well, # â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" poi-taut of them wzth an earnestness and vigour and recovery of diseased man One of the “‘1‘, OLD AGL‘-&c‘ lecgégIIImmElI' III/3’12? 1}?”317 - xiv in W0 ves clot ling as there are wolves in rarely before wi’nesscd in this lrovince AIS roots from IWlliCll these Pills are made is a 6:}: N0 Mercury Used. Sherifl‘U O of §odilt elitil i’edl ~a‘IIIl‘I‘s. sheep’s. Fortune onn in a day,Iis lost in a dint ya lortune \vou slowly and .510le I ooiIanactIed, seems to acquire from .the " handjtli‘atwon it the property ofendurancc. JAMES HALL, BOOTS-and SHOES. which sold at pricesto- mootthetimes. , :3‘ .. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. 3. 544.21.}? W. Home‘s. Co.” I I AS always on. hands large assortmeiit oi will be, , ,I, . aI promoter as well as i'ecoi-det of the iilIfIiIve- I I I1, I, vI intents of the du),.tlio Gliibe'will possess elimiâ€" r Subscriber begs pic liiforlh ilch orIainai-y interest for. all elasticslpfreaders,..hlid Public tliat'iie has“ leased the‘abové [the “lands “f l’r‘jélm‘s “"0 "NW-“l0” 10 “id “t extending its circulation among the masses of the people. I 'l'lIiIeI editorial conductof TfleE-vGLOBE candle. ,best les‘tlniated by, the iiiiiiitcriupied , succiiss that has atIteniilcd ltsInntillca.ioii. vBu-t a constitu- ;_ premises, and fitted them up in aneat and comfortable style. ' ‘ Boarders apd transient visitors :will find (finbdatlonsv,liil-eVery W'ity. agreeable. ,' if; And how pleasant to us that we have it in, our Sudorific. which opens the pores of the skin, and assists, {Nature in throwing outthe filter parts of the c0rruptioii within. The second is a plant which is an Epreotorant, that opens and out-logs theIpassage to the lungs by copious spitting.’ "l‘h’e third is a Diuretic. which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus Encouraged, they draw large amounts of im- II R. AMOS 6L SON. Corner of Main and Quay Streets. But‘llalo, New York, are the only Physicians in the State who are metri- bei's of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o‘clock in the morn- ing until 9 o'clock at night, on every state and . .. . . i ' so. purity iron) the blood, which is then thrown “mp0” 0t disea Bauhaus -_,â€"'l‘he Bank of Montreal.,; soil Sl)l_,.lCl'l‘i~RS.â€"-I1I{OSS, Crawford and Croniij ’l‘he engagements of the State Fire ii- sni-ance Coinpanyare guaranteed by Iroilddhbi- ble Proprietary. I ~ All losses will be settled promptly without reference to the Board in England. I ,, ALEX. STEWART, A. LAW.. I tliIaIItino liling man can malcli him as a ‘ IllImIIbel’It 0F Liquors 'alidTClg‘mLQurefulld' tional'cri'slisl‘de-infinds forum" ' " ' I'I ' ' ' ’ I ‘ Th t' l l“ ' d lI ll '“ ll f ' M I B Iv A A I ,, 7:. II - q I I I it 1. . ‘ .v . ,. r ., ~ . I v t - ' ‘1» e‘xeitlon in that out bounttfnlly by the urinary or water passage, e 193 "'6" ‘0) n "P )5 l9 ‘9‘“ 0 “l’ wager- - A I men” I gent. ,I, I. g mg'gr‘o ~ We'fidn t'suppose that any dead \A HOLLSAlJE and Retail. Copper, 'l-‘in‘ PsalBhEd-r ""“00‘1 “Sibling and attentive hostlers dire-mom a“d it “ m in, supplied, in ragwd ,,.I,d_‘wthc|;I could not have been discharged 5,, words of I30 'ears’ extensive and successful Ric'h’m‘olid Ugh ‘8lld'll'0fl l late Workers. and l urnishing HENRY LEMON. a“). up,“ wayI The fnurth is a cathartic. and practice in ondon. l‘he most. llivelel‘ntf- Febman. [8. 1850 (“isch itin, while the-other closers itself, l" 'titl bo of-;,his acquaintance on the cars, ii’l’lié“'bdy answered that he never knew 'rltot’lti‘t’eiltmx opinion. on'Itlie fowL I should {i 9 . I , t. I . ‘ ‘ qireSenCe“‘o‘l mind. ‘ It happened one day, Chelsea, and had a mind to have llll‘Oan one can. though Death iiimself‘ could beat to news, fret'h ell'orls will he “Mid to supply ‘ .f. him I IronmIongersI. IParItieIs givIgugtliis h-ogséiut'ca’ll Thomhm. ,. Propliotor-V . to the, readers of the 'Glo‘lm the earliest and accompaniesth other properties 0: the l’ills S.lI'lllPlO'lm or Disease eradlcmed I'“ eight 01' F. ' My I II “'Ill findI their Orders punchually attended to, Jan 20I155BI 138 most copious intelligence IlIl'Ulll all parts pf the lelileI engaged in purifying the blood ; the llllleI,da.\S.I-I and 03598 Of a Shall” nature “1 lWU __ . . ' I .I'~ I I .' . .2 land‘th “We” l'lqefiI‘ChN'fle - I “Ma... ‘ ‘Wm'ld. Uorihéilondeu‘co Is received frothr‘oat coal‘sorIiarticles of iiniuritywbichcainot ass 0" “"90 a.“ 3‘ ave‘.“ "W. male exllellS°-â€"’ HERE "7. due “3 0,“?- flOWBl and HM} 10 ~ ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ l l ' l p The cure efi‘octod without confinement or liin- I another, bevausa one opens its cup and and the drop runs ofl'. God rains his Wines; Iandimercy as lvide-spredd as the sthaIdenge lack them. it is; because Itve"’t‘l'.i -“ ii t‘o’p‘en our hearts to. receivc tillehl'.’ d. id'to" I‘Iln’m, ‘ this. is quite a stormy day, my son.’ ‘ Yes, sir,’ said the boy, k this is a very wet rain} The clerayman, . Richmond l llIlI.IIDBCI. I858. t 544-11 EDMUND GRAINGER, U T C H E R. THORNHILL. Fresh and Pickled Meals; ll’oultry. &c.,‘iilways on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. 'l'ltornhill. Dec. 18.58. 414m WILLIAM IHARRIISONI, SaddleIande-ness Maker, ' RICHMOND HILL. stillbirth ‘ B‘i'ituin, British IICUllJllJlJla, the North West 'l‘eIrritory, and all, that trans-piles at home and in the United States is diligently Irecorded -â€"â€" IHOUSIE, meltdown, liltI'L. Eubscriber liegsIIto inform his ll‘H‘IL“ . numerous Patrons and the public, wingeuce; the ,,,,,,pm me lowned more that he has removed from the White fullythaninanvotlierjouijnIal,I . Swan new] to the above Premikem AI'l'i‘i‘nited space isIt’evoled to agriculturall where there WI” be found excelleIII ac_ subjects, and everything \vliict tends to the I I I II I III development ol‘th'e must iliiport‘hlitIbranch Iol commodution for lravellers,‘ and good Canadian indUstry receives special attention. it is published at four o’clock, every morning , but bundaylhatld is despatched by the early ‘ trains to all parts of the country. it is a very large sheet. Containing a vast amount of news. JOSEPH ; .5 " Proprietor. by the other outlets, are thus taken up and ‘I IFroni the above. it is, shown that ,Dr. ‘MIo'sIe’s Indian Root l’llIls not only enter the stomach, but become united with the blood, for “thoyiind their way to every part, and complete- ly root and release thesystein from all impurity. and‘ the life of the body, which is the blooo, Iieconies port'ectly healthy: consequently all sidkness and ,pain is driven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes drance from business. Young Menâ€" Take Partzcular Notice. There is an evil habit som'etihies indulged in by boys. in solitude. ofien growing up with them to manhood. and which.“ no. reformed by them _in due time, not only begets serious Obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives when sick, and why so many die, is because tIh‘eydo, not'get a medicine which will pass to the atllicted parts. and which ,, will open the natural passage for the disease to be cast out : hence, a large quantity of food and other matter the' consequences, until they find the IInIervouIs system shattered. feel strange and unaccounta- ble feelings, and vague fears in the mind. Most Scientific Invention , l.‘.{‘.’~_‘l,t.I. title is PcaILlsnsi) I II. EVERY FRIDAX MORNINI tI And despatched to Subscribers by‘tlio “rile-t, niails.'oij other conveyance. wlienisode'ili'bd; Wilt glint 111:2; kets. and the'- I greatest caIre willbptakeutq, render it acceptable tothe manol‘ basins-i; and evaluable Family Newspaper. ‘ 'l.‘EltMS.â€"-Seven and Sixpence per Annun . Iii u I kI t b k h l b Richmond Hill, Get. 22, 1858. 72-7”) mercantile intelligence, and general input-ma: . ,I d d d I I d . “IVAch I, and if._notI,.Imid. “mm-“I .’ “n In 0 re u e sue I l I, I I t , , ' ~ . I . . I r ' ‘- zit l ’ ’ , .' ' ‘ _ is O l e an lie SKIOIHECI an illlcstliiesial‘e , - N, , 'I a, _ . ' ' 1, ' _ l ’I I ~ ' I I _- I- ,I g yne bole, aelfl’d Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858, I II :fé:;ro.f the latest and most interesting clia. “terafiv :Iverflcwiug with me corrupted was“ An in.tiunientl'01 the core at (Jenital De Mom,“ two douum win be charged: I II I, ,II. . rf'llb'éver knew' of other tliaanet rain. personally of any ‘othtari‘but he had read in a certain, book oIfa time when it rained JAMES .l'ENKINS’, DB: GSFAEF, I” IIi’iIchIImo‘udIHiu. éDeceiI‘riber,1858.I : Auygpeisqlr sending. the‘i' Cash for Fivr. DAll.Â¥ Subscribers. will be entitled to an ad'- dit‘ional copy-Tunic. Hf ‘ s= 'l‘llE“'l"ltl--WEEKLY occult. liility, or more properly known as Seminar Weakness, Nervous Dehility. &c., which are permanently cured in from 15 to ‘2“ days by the use oftliis instrument, when used conjointlv with medicines. tliuIsI “undergoing disagreeable fermentation, constantly mixing with the blood, which throwu the corrupted matter through every ' vein and artery, IuntilIliIfo is taken iron: the body by m w iv i 5‘ ‘I’. RATES or ADYERTtSING: Six lines and under, first insertion.. .$0ll 50 . - Grocery Pl'OYiSiI‘OH 'StOlI'O diIsen e Dr Morse’s Pll LS have Itttldetl' to- ' v a ' ‘ Each subse uenl inserti l . ‘I .,, l, I~ ,I ‘r I ,. I, “I I I I It. I I s 4 I I i , ' ' i _ , Qllo---....o.. fi it “"02", gal“? Ihe guessed that J .RICHM-(JNDItulLH !. .fi ' , fl _. II I _ , is issued every Mommy, Wtosizsoiv. and Fer themselves victory upon victory. by ‘l‘flb‘tulting, [V970 II Rmnedws “Nd Quick ’l‘en lines add under, first insertion“ . . . 00 75k“ - ‘93‘3’l5'tla; etlram' f I" § 0 CREDIT GIVEN P c . I L (’0 10 i _ I DAY. Iat $4 [IlIel‘,alllludllIl, iii advIance. it is prime? millions oftlie sickIto blooming health and halls-i .v I Capes I Above ten lines, first in., per liner... 00 0,7 ,5 , ‘ I. I I r : ' ’ I I ,I_ ' I_r0II quII 3 'en in B w s ‘ ‘ ' ' 1 Oil a arge s met, an ill its co unlIiisls given al piness. Yes, thousands who have been racked . I . . , . . . Each subsequentinset-tic)“ pal-1mg. I I _ ‘()i’i 02,}. ‘ Pagfigmadameâ€"tougn, dui you say 2’ ' exchange.‘ ' M I ' that appears in me Daily Ldition. With the or, tormented With sickness, pain and anguish. DRI AMOS ALSO“ takepleasurem mum!“ Advems'gmems‘ w,t},o‘,,t'Ieril’ten said he irasciblc boarder to the landlady ‘ls hIewaas WY“? to "73"? What was 05" Dec. ‘2. 1858. I I 55.1; “ CARDING ,G'RISTINIGi Any person sending the Cash for ll‘lYEI'IlIHl-,:I nevi: beeiiIbropglit. as it were. within a step 01* 1‘ ll.“ been .Igl‘l’j°?md l9 ‘1 “‘5‘ “#3... "‘93‘; i'i’gIll" - it .- 1’71”: y a L ellâ€"u I1 (:5 I II I I I s I v I., I II it; , m“ 'N'vhere from] a dis‘ance, can have VVELKLY SUbSCl'leng ‘Vill b6 euillled [I0 31 FREE graIve‘ now stand Ready that elunlenl phVFlClans in [‘ond‘)". Fall“, I “ladel. 4 ‘ ‘ 'l say it was old enough to have scratched The above isIthe oldest established Grocery and Provision Store on the Hill. ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE! w iI'r H I v 0 U R 'l'elegiuphic and other news to“ the I test lilo-I Special attention is devoted to commercial mom. I done to take with them on. theirreturh homo. cop-l: 'I‘llE WEEKLY GLOBE ,_ and WhOse feeble frames have been scorched limg thm may have inveuled 3 "mm ml.Ponam b‘t {he burning e‘lemems 'or I-eva'r and ‘ who instrument for the cure ol the above diseases thIeyI would have been nuiiibeized with tlie‘zdead. pma and ‘\ my \ ml" I; has been .declmfld lg" hard. It not be“ t-I-II [hi5 only useful instrument over yet, iiiveipedI,.Ior. lion.- inserted till forbid,I§lidI Cbhfgfidjboordfi ‘ ' All transitory advertisenienterfroni' mil 6"? mill WI. r '5’ pi irregular custoiiiers,.i_iiust be'ppid for ' hamlet; in. for insertion. . - ~ " 157"“ . ' d .awoulleil'ul ~ ‘ - ‘ » - " I‘ "- . . . . . . . . t. ( Alniira May13.,l859. 24-tf. I . . l « - . ., - g'em‘fm. . the cute-of. biannual ill/malnwfismi'all.““Mawl ; v ; -. ' - "l " up Woods at original sm when they MARKHAM VLLAGE. > ’ i ‘ isissuedt‘riuay "mmlnlrifll$2l’,°r on: “‘°"'°”‘Z’..I‘ll‘l'ii§§lilLdéfil't‘l‘L‘llvilli. MW“? at the genital organs. caused :by. tile secret -A.‘fl’qlg'fifctt‘lfllwll"?thithlf'ltlt‘t'fitlrl were first, planted 1’ II __Inuii_-. pa} able strictly in advdnde! Ill isI'p'rlntedI or two it?" ' ‘ M" " " were I ‘13 habits ol'i'lluth. Yb'l's'llg H '6 N41" "‘I‘ $544 .Tliomas More displayed grout says Aubry, ‘ that a'IMaId Tour of Bedlam came- up to b'ir Thomas as be was con- I memplating according to his custom, on the leads ol'thc gale-house of his palace at him from .tliebuttleinents, crying, ‘Leap 'r-oin t {lilieal' [it The chancellor wa- in it‘s GOOD Accpmipodations. Wines, [yiqum and Clfll‘rd QlItthe choicest brands," I,‘ R. MARK, Propriclor. Markham. Dec. 1358‘; q . I 57-lv DR. L. Measure, FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF THE FRANKLIN. house, in RKHAM VtLLAGic. "i .: I on an immense double sheet of paper, of first- . r I, I_ a rate quality; it is made up in a handsoan " 'Of Lumber, quarto form, conlprising eight pageaI'of seven“ ' NCLUDING Flooring SidmgI Inch Boardsl Columns each; and contains more reading mat 1 and twmimh piaHkI Scanning. 5m” 6w" tor than any other political newspaper on the at the suliscxioer’s Mill. near Stoufl'ville, cheap gommgm’ .Greut cam is taken. m we co'mpl'mf " ~ tioii ol the paper; the news is caieluily Col- 1 . W . t I t”: "I I I I I I ‘ I I I I I 1.03-9.11“ 9' .Allfii9ved-L “ISX'MES BUGS lecled‘ll'om the Daily luditiou. and articles spew Smufl-vme Am,“ 12.1859 ,4 , '23Iu- ciuili piepaicd for its columns The Market I ’ I " ' ' _ ' ltepurh‘. at home {Iand abroad, receive constant I «“-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"+â€"â€".‘.é‘â€"Lâ€"â€"W ' Il I ' ., attention, > TORIO ‘i’l‘O CITY MARBLE W OlllllS 'l o induce exertion on the part of the friendsl tonisiied. and absolutely surprised, ill witnessing I tiliIeIirIchaiI'ining. effects. ,l‘iotonlydo they give; iiiiliiedlate’ease and Sll'fllgill,fillfd take away all sickness, pain, and anguish, but theyat UllCt' go to work at the loiiiidation oi the disease. which lento blood. 'I llerelore, it will be shown. specially by those who _ use these Pills, that they will so, clause and purify. that disease-- tlia't deadly enemyâ€"will take its flight. and the fluIsllIIol' youth and beauty will again return..anu the prospectul‘a long and happy life will cherish and brighten your days. - most skeptical a.» to, the merits of these instru- , lithium-pledge theiinelves. that in any instance wile eI'lhIey may prove unsatisfactory after a, fair trial, the iiioiiIey . will be refunded byfrer turning the iiisli'uiiieiit,ju good order. ‘ . Persons wishing the above useful instrument , will observe, that the .p,iice,,with the accent: partying directions. Securely paghbdiand sent by mail or, extiress. is ten dollars. l . Beware Of Imposition. ant-asp _ pi . I , , I , , I I All letters addressed tot-lie Editor must be post paid. ' " I ’I ' I'No paper discontinued until 'all arreurageo it", paid : and parties refusing paper-o'withoui, . . . . . t . i - . :. input). will be held accountable 'for. themgbj'; .. . . < ’ - ~ ' ' II I XIII-If! scriptiu" ' . I i . . t . A...o~lergyman of Concord N H so 5, l ' - . - . n - t t ' ' ' . aw - ' ' ' allan. . t . '1‘, E DULY (‘1 QBE . so pure and clear. I I rise to a selles Oi promoted. Insidious. and . I . » i . . , r sa .8 the Statesman of that lace meet a '*iâ€"â€". > a. v , : ’ ' .fi . i, I -f ' 5 I l . . ' T » TlI I ~ II 1 v e l ' tilt .~ d devastatin afi‘ections. Few of those ,who ive bel°“““l.° comaluthedhwsmng mQ‘l-“mlmfi y p ’ 'innId Bpggies {ar‘filtreII ‘ ‘3 $6 Per all““”'~ Paldble, Wilsllé 1" fidVflllce- ‘8' mahgn‘ “ I” p Op 0 me so is re‘se way' to this pernicious practice are award! ol “1'” Form?“ alld Pm‘llllglal News and MB”, Dr- Aiin & Son. in order to satisfy the' IIIAll- ildllt‘lllfifillldlIliIliltltllélwd.Iloil’ elm i192” I tliangne, month, Initial be paid _ for inmate. ..4,;i"~»- i l t. 'r'. gown, and'besidesI ancient and unable ‘0 Markham, May 13,1659. 24-ly I I I of the' Globe throughout the Iconntiy. it has IL’MIH‘IIIQN':IBBWam D! .8 “°.“"“I"If°“ s'gned IBW'ZH'I‘? m empmésI a"? l‘llnérmn'gelfIM-‘Iled l THE II I I 1h!" ll“ I; struggle ‘vIfl‘zb such a strong know. My I XIOAGE STREETIII . EffgyltlesslygggIâ€"l‘llal any person making up a gIIf I‘SLfil‘geéléllgfcfififisxlllbXilxulhué $22223”. wlio AIT’lLMP'l cures, ut never 1‘00}; , Lord had 5 lml" dog “I'm ll'll" ‘ NOW: PATENT M0 N UM E'NTSTTOMBLT BL E 5 Ten Collies Jin' . . . . . . . fifteen Dollars! . s‘gllflllllkqf'HA, J- While it Co. All others are 9;; :Axr'ios &. Son have fora longr series'of . , .ESTABLISMENTI said he, ‘lct us first throw the dog down, Drain. Pi es Eve T"N 0.11,, " ' I I 'I . ' ’l’mmyI/iu; (Apples/1...I’linnygfirg Dawns] SEQ-‘TWW' ' i y- ' 'IIyeais been engagedIin an extensive practice in ' " ‘ ___'__ I, II and see what Sport that win be: Db “III . ; p ’ In 5 'l‘ OM BvS T ON Es “55¢; ’ Eyghzy yawn-fut vI IIUm,»HI,,,,d,chu,,u,,,~s [I I A J..W'IlIllTL & CO.,_iS'nle'-P1I‘0prictors. the treatment ofth‘ese delicate complaints. aiidII I I I I _ I, I. I ‘1") Any person sendinfi I$ltl for i‘iIveI Vi EIlriliI I 5” L‘OOlWl‘dISU‘eeL New York: “'Ie ‘he‘W‘l-‘I lfigally quallfil’d llllfilclflus who . RDEBS TO!" all? M the und°r'l8;”3g° dog was thrown over, ‘Is not this lim- #' I . . >- up ‘ahd try it again.’ As the madman was going down my lord fastened the door, and called. for liel . W' ‘ - ' STEAM MILLS 'l'aomiaim. ' . .v . . - v OF THE, GLOBE 'J'oauwro ” can be [to isteied'lIN‘d “‘dd'es“ ‘lIsI‘lbOl’l‘,lI”"le’,""*I“I- . . . - w ,. . . I .. t , v . v. i u: .I _ I i , “It faith gI’IS. .md’ be thea’ 1859 l 5 I "I .I I 3 it}; eSlatll‘I'Ol 13- C-I Vl’ . YALEJVIII con-1‘: by payineiitof’one penny. and their fate ai- Prim 2.5 cellls P" I50“: film box“ .Wlll bl, (legally, m9” carp? 'Ie'Im'Il‘gamfeiI ll“ " ‘BlLl-IHEAl’Si"‘NF‘fflflgl‘solmArTst “m ~I It 'I 9 I59 “I If: 3?“:“3” who I' I I it I I 'I I of. i ‘ 'I, 5‘", tinue the business IuIiidei the Isuperintendencte rival .~ ill then be at the link ol the' liublisher. IfiOlllI‘Oll‘r.l3IC°llll 9f $1. prlIalzfiI, Wald» °3I Mob-'9'”? ‘kch' w' ‘IIe eflIgtu'gi hf): I PA‘Mil’ I." “.5. T 5'. I ' C 0l 9;; lurid”? IESYllbll . A -' " ofour duly authorized agents, Apsriu II my I I lLi’ Subscriptions may commence at any. i I l 'I ‘I I , . ""“33‘;‘l'.‘“l,",“c Aw“ is: " I I.“ my: I IApd every other kind of - . ’l - n l WIMP "l lilf‘ billlillnd'. and P . ' and B'EAMOIS IKE-Lil. “'l10584vrebeiptrwtli period of the year. and be. Iinade lor any “T I \ Io I I, I v A “‘58 r' Rios N I “,N’ owner * “‘I ‘ all. . I . II - ‘ ' ‘ - I I I 91 up. Evil .15 good part in mat“. “in, iuIIIII LYNOTT, duly‘iicliilowledged. I _ I I term :I and persons. desirous of, receiving the . bu'a‘m Engine for I hide a Quas’ strefllsn Bufifllo- - 1- “5'” tIIIILI , ‘ . _ - ’ pIS Alum,“ and accounts remaining. “In, l’aper’hecd not wait for an Agent to call on ._._ ' "I" 'I I ' I I I ‘ 3o, it I.‘ 5 ‘, ’ I :1 i" ’ lI ., t t ' . -I ; a,” i.;,.- I LICENSED. AUC'I‘III(_)NEEK l. e ‘ ' v SP‘Q‘F‘lp‘I SWl ill? Oi‘dslllp,’, let us fetch him '- , ' Water, $p¢:>ut$, I, DIANUFAC‘rUBaD ANID run sans BY JOHN LANGSTAF r ‘ ’ iiIlI’jit e flinch. the. is pit- :Lulioulu hunt...) I“ “it. Puiib UK L",- F Twenty Per Cent Cheaper. II I Subwrihel-s, will be entitled to a Free copy THAN ANY omen, ns'ruuusnium; '1 he thdtlg (ill/be will be sent to a‘llIClergyâ€" men for One Dollar 3 your. Money Leteis addressed. “ THE. PUBLISHER â€",__.,. FI‘HE Undersigned Assignees of the ’ : puioiiiigtpe lst day ol‘tluue. 1558, will pm‘ them. but have only to enclose their money, " with their mono and l’ostUflice to‘_I Gizo. BI I’ d but, ‘ in '. :- conit :or collection. 0. YALE. now advertise t0'cnre certain (.‘l'llllpltiIlIllls, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. . I . . . .. I Il [timeouts in ANY‘ Prim or vita Wont In may be successfully treated by, forwarding a correct 1 Dr. Morse’s lndian roo‘t Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. I " I , Agents wanted in every townnlvillage and lianilet' In the land. Parties desiring the agency fliOI‘be'I IsoIIdIhy Private Contract, a good Steam i‘ 'Eiigiiie'Ialid oiler of about Five Horse- i l’IoIM'Ier. [or the, small ,sum ores-4o. ' Terms of pat‘.v''.agv ed urw smile, time. of Phi .2. JOSEPH KELLER. i I description of PLAIiN hid FAN I I II IIWURl‘s will be promptlgtiitto‘lided"to':_‘-â€" ' “ anti slum. Post-aus.-putopi.aus. LAW resale, done, lutxtliebeetstyle. at moderate r’a‘tei. ' " ’ Ourvassortmbm' of .103 TYPE ie'oiiiirlfl .I.;t .I LI ,“aooxs; iri-ch sites, rookies 'oIAIBDS.'|.ARj¢£I.I » ill I'- 4. AILlFIF second arid 'l‘lifrd DIl QISIdN. newj’end 9f the ill-W Pfillms- I' A 1"!” "WV-‘2 :5 ' C9??? .. 0939“ WWW-"l Hill-g, . 2% “W “my. TY?” “Pd B9ld°"' it‘llIMMIIl Decololmufifififi - A M Gloom ionl‘i‘wsl' (III I, I. ,I ,«IS .1 I III, {I;‘III:.IIIIIIII'IVS HUI“? Ir Willi nun, auu sec tutu Jump treat the ,zchasIIe'.I FIoIr partltfulare at?“ 10. - bottom of the building to the. top. I I o‘n'N IGRIST. .li \ ‘ G. CUMMER. ' ‘ Glob: Office, To‘rlmto. Toronto. Aprillsts 43.“ l -. ~ . . Toronto, Nov, HS. 1859-. ,. . I Canada. - . Richmond in Ma; 90:13”, ' M, ‘ I) 51;, fit

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