Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 16 Dec 1859, p. 2

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. ’l'liu FALL or L'iiix'oine â€"-'l he new:~ from Luiope. parlir ulaiy from the capital in art}. science and instilling asl’arisiun rockneys delight to rail their city, is of the inns'l‘iilari'ning "and lt‘.\'0lUllt'IllliY chard-i uile'. An r’dicl “has gone out from the northcll board ofher Nl‘iljestv the Ii'itipres‘si,“ which will rat'r'y'terildi‘ and change to the utmost parts of the? it’al‘lh.” 45hr- decreed the :llloliltttff 6f cr‘i'nol‘i‘ite. ' She furnishes“ Nutsâ€"Mr. Bowman and tlursh. Loat b; itllc crating Vote of tll'1 ftoovo. Mr. ltur'roii presented a petition hour. It. Grundy and others, praying that no shopli- come he allowed for the sale of iiitoXicating intercom-st,- has assuredly ellllollletifld..llb ualbuying, selling, or owning him in DiViSiON CoUR1'§.â€"t‘lie above we should not. have bwu ollll‘l'tt’im- WE Whose “nostrils was breathed the Court Will be" held at Markham 1‘3"“ found I” um“ ‘1 elm-WWW" "'le lbreath of life” as a slave. We Village on ill/tedncsday, the l8.h, Pl'lm‘ll'lt’, 3541"“ '3 “"d‘3V’lUO‘l “Y a“ “W lblush at the ‘ halite of christian, and at Richmond Hill, on Thurs- “m “l ‘1“? “mid, “mum,” "'“Mr “'“W ‘when such crimes are perpetrated day the 19m January next. moral sentiments wrth l'efrl'etlce to all the ,by “s Pmt-(‘SSWS_ we hope, hm,“ "i.. 'J" ' ‘fl ov.‘-l , . :blld‘t;”':l (ll 1;” .“w “mutual I, 6:), lever. that the day Wlll soon dawn Cl'll ltlll‘ a. “ERNIth L llt’ .‘Vb ‘lII I . . . c y . f “- l . lwbcu such aboiiilnaiions Wlll be government ant. doctrine which they hate l done away. Ill common. As long as the atlanisbt so- i gr‘uriign filling. The oilfithal niotion was trienput and carried by the RR eve. ‘ 1'. Moved by Mr, Marisa, seconded by Mr. liquors, in m- hear iii‘ttuuvillv; also petitions l out the Good leitipiars- Lodge of Menthold. and Buttonvillo. playing ior the same. ' THE COMING STRUGGLE AND CATHULlC CHURCH. _.._â€"_ From the Scottish American Journal. bii'riion, t‘nattlie sum of Lia-52 be appointen it) the â€"â€"â€"~â€"»~â€"â€"-ro .Wâ€"â€"»» J H Will l‘Cfl Ulttlll COUNCIL. Mr. Bowman presenttd a very humorously support of t’tacliael Cloiirionmg and her chi.- signed petition flout J Frolieller and others, than, according to the report of the committee Pursuant to adjournrnclnt,tho above Coun- cil met at all. bangstur'l fun. Stouffvihe, on praying that no action be taken on the aforesaid U" “W Che-“Cfllllk‘d- , petitions of it, Grundy and the Liood 'I‘enrp- il‘ltb Comic“ llwn ~utljoui'iivd fill 'I'hurailiiy - The record of every week‘s intelligence tends to confirm the theory thatch are on , the rt’c of at great crisis, wneitthe spiriiu. I Ill no less than the material interests of” Christendom will come into collision. Those who would assign, the hostile dc- ruomitrations that are now, manifesting themselves on all “ides to no deepcrcause than the selfishness ol‘.tln- French, inon~ arch, and the irritable. disposition of the French and British peoples, take an en- tirely false and shallow view indeed. of“; what is in reality the conflict of great ,principles. and momentous interests. The Italian question, with its brief but bloody war, and its now unsettled: pO'fiIIIOII, preg- ln'ant with future consequences, seems but .tlhc prelude to a contest of the most. com. iplicated and terrible nature,_ in which, the political righis, the religious beliefs, and the natioual interests of different coriisnu. nities are to be tried in an.ordeal,not.less fierce perhaps than any of wlltcli.tlte mo- dern world has had experience. Louis Napoleon, who was the instrument by which this evil spirit was evoked, l5 evi- dently losing control of the tleii'ion,tvlliclr for selfish purposes he has called into ac- tive lite. While he has presurnptuosly been deali g with the ltulian question the partisans of the Church have been dealing withhiin, and their influence, atzfirstaex- ercised in France alone, is now. being put forth int-very cit'ihzul community., From all countries the slavish priesthood of Rome are calling to hint. to become, the champion of l’upal pretensions, and offer- ing to him every inducenlenMo pursue a career winch may (il\‘t‘l'l from its original direction the blood-thirsty appetite he has engendered, and lead it on in a cruxadr which strikes at once at Protestant belief and the crvil liberty of all communities, whether Protestant or Catholic. There can no longer be arty doubt as to the share which the priesthood have had in arousing the anti-brinin passions of the French ,penple. ln lrelund they are throwing off the slight mask which has heretofore cov- ered Without concealing, their truitorou~ a d greedy prnprmrtrrs; and even here. in this land of democratic freedom and equality, every leprsh priest is using his influence, and every Catholic print is pour ing forth its fiercest inteclites. in favor of the crusade against t’rotrstaniStn, liberty. and the hated poiver of England. That the French Emperor will ulti- .matrly place himself at the head of this movement, and seek to turn it as be best may to his own amount, there is little lien. son to doubt. 'lhis is smrrcely a matter of chorce on his part. indeed. If he gues- to war wrtn Britain in behalf of those ini- _pulses of french ambition which it ha~ been his more special object to cultivate. he must accept the Church as his ally, and this, of cour.~r-., she can only be on the con- dition ol subsert‘iency on his part with re forehce to the antagonism of the Papal potter to popular rights and liberties in Italy and elsewhere. On this condition. and this ialone, he will bare. the co-oprra- tion cvcrywlu-rc and in all countries of a ppwcrlul priesthood, whose allegiance to Rome is superior to that which they ac- knowledgcltoany temporal power. This alliance, theizelore, may be regarded as in a fair way ofibeconnng an accomplished fact ; for‘bowevor much the French Em- peror may desire to have Ills own way With reference to whathe has been so foolish in to consider the possible reform of the'l’n- pal Administration, .it is evident that hr must perforce abandon that idea and sacri- fice his penaltth views to a greater moral force than his own. Against this combined movement of the Catholic church, the friends, not merely of Ilrotcstantistn, but of human freedom, are now called to unite in energetic prepara- tion. They have the advantage, in this instance, of not having provoked the col- .lisioh, which arises entirely out. of that tyranny ol'the I’apal Government wlttch accused even the sovereign of a Catholic pc0plc to Intervene for its mitigation. The Pupacy is now not merely engaged in a work of self-defence, or, if it can proâ€" tend that such is its object. it is promoting it by the ancient method of carrying the war into the enemy’s country. It seeks .to make war wherever free Protestants .excrta moral influence in behalf of .the cause of which Italy is but the centre and theatre of action; and from making .a mire diversion in favor ofthe Papal Got- mxuncnt. it is encouraged by the prospect of sticcerss to entertain enlarged design}. of aggresrndu and conquest on its own two count. Being better organized and tinder more systematic drill, it has been able to .take the .‘lfllf ofthe I‘rorestant interest, and it 15 MW time that the latter shouln theroughly awake to a sense of the peril with which it is threatened. the greatest. beyond all question, since the mint when ,solvcrcigns fought and martyrs died in pro- test against the tyranny of Bottle. In the nineteenth century that tt'rahnyis neces- sarily worse than it was in the nixteehth, as being more repugnant to the spirit oi the time; but Protestantism, in the most enlarged sense, will.i.h this age. we have no doubt, show itself hum"! puwmrful than ever Under the leaderchipof Britain it will gite good account of all‘coniers. and though the struggle may be severe, it will vindi- catc the cause of progress against the powers of dai‘km-tm and Oppression. we put forth these ideas in no spirit oi .blind repugnance to the Catholic Church. rule have never parti ipated in the anti- rllopery sr-ntirnent, as that is wont to be indulged by many pimple. in reason and out ofseason. Uur freedom front prejudice in this matter. has allowed lh‘ to have op- portunrties of lltaklng personal acquaint- ance With, the spirit of the system. as it is represented by the priorithood on both sidesof the Atlantic, ‘ Believing that it is .cietchittinue in then'hsrial state there H l nothing marked in their conduct, :tlltlllmy may be good wrongll citizens of a l’rotesr- ant or rather ironâ€"Catholic country, loi Britain is in reality riotttnrgtlin'cfi But The blood of, the martyr is fre- quently the seed of every good cause. We hope thatJoliu Brown‘s ashes willprove the death knell of this curse. We shall Silt: viliether let any conflict of ltlL‘dn’ or interests. oeru. lim- mcn of the North will be pus- ltold out any prospect of success to. tt_l."u- ' give as they hewmmrc “avg “pen, pal aggression, and their. all si-utirtients oi Um,g,.(.s§ lb. “55m”,ch . patriotiaiil and citizenship are thrown to the Wind, and; the foreign enemy, whim- bannersnre conserruted by the Churchns every possible way oy thy. men who pro- fess to. be the subjects. and who, it may be, enjoy the pay as well as the protection 0f the Government under \tlllglt‘lllx y live. Through the conduct of the priests in Ireâ€" land and elsewhere, the prizlllun of affairs this now become such that it ls.llct2r'>$ltl'y to watch their condUct as that of the dc clared enemies of British interest and hu- man freedom. To b‘cnsclttm;lts.â€"-~-'l,'ol.hose of our SIILhCl‘llh ors who receive our papers from Holland Land- ing, Picwmarket. Aurora, and Oak itidgen, we bug to announce that Mr Janusllocmtuv. of Aurora. is authorised to receive monies for this loflice, as he has kindly consented to become our A cut for the ahovw.-anled places. Job lowest. reuiuneratingpilccs. ‘ I .. owe tinti- drill; l IClIhIOND IllLL. DEC. 16.18.39. it BUSiNEss NoTiCE.--Prir,ties writâ€" ing to this Office will please brar in mind that they are wasting their title, paper and ink, unless they, prepay their Lotti-rs. All Letters ,addrr‘sscd tothls Office must be post-paid. "‘WH. New" SPECIAL NOTICE. I , ...._. We take this. opportunity of re- minding our niiiiierous subscribers who are indebted to us, but th ir year’s subscription is past due. and, as we have some bratty payments ,to make, we \vot'ild feel onliged if they would pay up as early as possible. The amount due from each individual is but small, out the aggregate is more than we ran uf‘Iiu‘d to lay out of. The above notice will also bear on. our adver- All - Using and, other accounts. registered letters will be at our risk. Marâ€".4 AMERICAN b‘ LAVE R'Y'. t Recent events have again given to the subject of slave renewed importance, and we are free to confess that We hope the agitation of this question will never cease till every man, woman and child, shall be free. As we hold that this crime isthe bluckcst that can be perpetrated ; the. holding man as a chattel to be bought and (sold in the shambles like cattle, is an in- sult to our common humanin ; in- deed it is the câ€"mme of criiheslâ€"â€"- Therefore it is that we cry no peace with this i'i'iottster vice till earth 5 fair plains are unstained by its presence. The words uttered by the Roman orator puts to eternal shame the christian apologists for this [tell-spot on American boasted freedom. I-le saidâ€"w“ I am human, and no human is foreign to me. ’â€" lt proclaims the grand truth of uniâ€" versal brother/mod, and herein is its justice and beauty. Does not boastful America pretend to adopt this sublime truth, by having it Iernblazmied on her haunt-rs, " 'l‘hat God hath made of one blood all nations of the earth to d“ ell upon [the face of the earth.” Yes, this indeed is her grand theory. What then is her practice; let the remains of the martyred Brown answer to its undying infhrnym~~ This untitled nobleman has gone to his reward, but his death, like Saltipson 5, shall destroy his foes, and the foes of freedom far more effectually than his life. Already are heard the sounds of sluvery’s dcceaae. The public mind, which a short time since seemed dead, is l now aroused. People are asking for what did this man die, and the answer is, he died which our forefathers bled, which we profess to hold dearer than life, multiplyâ€"liberty! Yes, his notions of ffi‘eedoiii are not con- fitted to a class or a colour. No; he yearned ,to he woedgone brother also free his idol of liberty; “ no human ” was foreign to him. But what shall we say of his judi-l clal murderers. They clrndciunedl him to a felon's death in accord- once with the statutes of Virginia. Some u ho holdin bondage their fellott'men, profess to be. followers of the tucek‘and lot,va Jesus. No. wonder that infidelity in the States raises its hideous Itead, whet-‘1 the virtual followers of salon can t‘lgtus work (lotto on the shortest nodro, and at the t for that for! I u“dithc iiir'iubersol the Yonge Street tmond's I'Inlel, Richmond Hill, on lSatigirday (toiliorrnw) the I'Zth inst, - . . 7 t e his sabre and l‘” 4 0," . I ,lihal important bustnr-ss will be oittbraeed all mankind ; l bmllgl'l “P- I expected. gree of ALA. at the annual convn. ,natiou of the U iverstty of Trinity , the South lthreaien dissolution of the Union, turtless the North collie to tcrips. - . l l ct ti~-lii lluster. preferred and intrigued for, titldutdrtu in: " lb ' ~- Wo SlllCt‘l‘L‘ly hope that. Congress will stand firm. The Union may be desirable, but rthe price of blood is too dear to. pay for it, perish for ever any lunion, that to be. sanctioned must ’sauclion slavery with all its con- ;coiniiant abominations. John iBrowu may not have been (-1 Wise men, but 'he was a sincere and lbravc than; and as such, should the esteemed by all who love to see in good, cause defended by the brave and the true. H.-. «aspaw The Eight. Anniversary Meeting of the Richmond Hill Branch Bible rSocietv was held here on the even; ling of Wednesday the Mill instant, Robert Marsh, Esq. in the chair. :Al'ter the usual religious service-s, lthe report Oftllr‘ corhriiiitee was read lily the Rev James Dick, Secretary, detailing the transactions of the 'Socivty for the past year; from which it appears that the Society is in a tfl().\'l prosperous state. The lSltl'U of £25 was voted as a free gift to the Upper Canada and Bri» llsh and Foreign Bible Society, be sides retaining a consideriible sum on banil for purchasing Bibles for the use oftbe cmr’ii‘nunity. The society Bibles and 'l'estamcnts during thr- .pa.~itt vrar, and still have in the De- lposltory a large stock of books. The meeting was addressed by the Rev. hIr. \Villottgllbv, \Vesleyan illiuister; the Rev. Samuel John- son, Head Master of the Gramiriar and S. B. Johnson, Esq, Agent. for like. Upper Canada Bible Society. The speeches were good and the meeting highly interesting. The following is the financial statement of this branch of the b‘o- lciely :-â€" ,ABS'I'ILKAT Oil1 3 'I‘REASURER’S. Accouu'ijs. Drwsintoav. Dr. ' Doc. ll lBSH.--Vulue of books on linud.......;......._. . . . , . ,,£l() 3 8 Value of Bibles and 'I‘estariwrits purchased for the Society ‘clur- the)‘oim........,..,... 613 15 l l .._--____ l £i6 its 9. Dizirostrom. Cr. By Cash paid Sociotv for Bibles 7an l 'I‘mtammits sold... ....£ 5. l I” l Dec. 12. lt'l59â€"Value or Bibles on ltniid.,.. . . . . . . . . ......,.,,,_..’]1- I410 £16 iltwlii TREASURER, Dr. Dog. 11,4, lr5-‘t-.â€"-To Casiionnhandfl 5, 14,. 3‘ Doc. l4. IF5U.-â€"~'I'oCa.~'lt for auto hf of Bible“. and“ l‘estaitmuts sold,. 5 1 11' To subscriptions of \‘Ietnbrs and friends of the Society for 1859. .26. 0 3 flungâ€"s.- £37 16 ti 'I‘REASUit-itx, Cr. l859â€"llg Cash for Bibhn.... .. . . £ 6 l3 Donation to 11.0. Bible Soc’ylh ll 0 Do to British 81. Foreign do IO it (I lucrdental Expenses. .. . . . . . 0 'Z ‘2; Balance on hand.........,.. 5 I6 229 £37 ‘16 ‘5 “>44 RICHMOND HILI. MECHANICS IN- STt-TU'I‘E AND Drzmwmo SUCXETY.â€"â€"- lThv first debate will take place in {Ambler’s Hotel, on Tuesday next, (at hall-past 7 mu -â€"Amos Wright, Esq, M.P~.P., in the chair. the execution of Charles Tickets to be had gratin of the iCommittoe. , -â€"~â€"-â€"ntqu-v~-- RiCHMoVD HILL LlBRARY,-.-.-Tfl(‘. stockholders of the Library and the public are requested to attend a meeting in Amblcr’s “all, on Mon- day evening next, the 19th inst., at thrill-past 7 o’clock. to take into con; sidcratirm what can be done to make the Library of some use. lAmos ‘eright, Esq. M.P.P. will preside. w â€"- mm». 4 m-â€"-- 3%.. We are requested to remind Agricultuml Society and others, that a meeting takes place at Ray- lock, p.111. We understand A large attendance is ~01”... OUR Grumman Scli.ri0L.-â€"-We congratulate the Rev. S. Johnson, Master of the Grammar School in - this place, on the honor done him by the conferring upon him the de- Collee on Thursday the 81h inst.â€" We think that as an efficient teacher have sold-.1 considerable u umber of School; Mr McNaughton, 'l‘eiicher DEPOSITORY‘S AN 1.) It Sub- ject: " The policy or impolicy of I.),_~_' Morittny._tlte :lllt inst. t'rosnnt Maser-r. Mason, Jones, R. Joseph Tit.» for, I‘iiihp .tlacaloni, and John Iroiivildu. Deputy Kocvo in the chair. When the following ruins of but-linens was brought up,, Defer-rod bill of costs and, Icon. by Countable Ashton; also, front Constable ticarson, amounting respectivoly to $4 4."), and $7 94; and the petition of William iIUtdBll, UQStl‘lllg nllOl’hliutl iii ocitool Section-l No. 2 and 7, so as to it elude in property within the houndsof b‘octrorrNo. 7 i 3ndiyâ€"â€".\'ew iiLISilian.~â€"Pl‘osetlted a petition from Johns Cook. asking for an additional al- lowance on the contract on the road between lots 20 :pid '21, in the (ith con. Also, the pi tition of Thomas Balloon), de- siring to have a portion of his license, as paid, refunded, on accuririlot' the ditchuctionlby filo. of'lllfi promises IH June last. And nlno the petition of Jonathan Randall, with the names of two suretios offered for a "Parent license. on lot No. 30, in the 81h con. And a iiuriibm' of bills for pnyitiont, via: One by Isaac lninrlt‘, funeral expenses of the F-rhiidli g Child‘plncprl in his chargeby ‘ Council at its last treating. amount-rig to,,$5,, And by tlieClerk, for the postage, stationary. &c., $6 3r), : and E Jack'utt'e bill. for print- ing. advertising, 620.. $46 33§ ; when Mr. Macxmm iriovad, seconded by Mr. I‘iri.ort, and Rcsnlcerlâ€"“ Thar Jonas Cook he, allowud four and a half-pence peryardfor the number of yards at enrtli rein vodlori side-road. between lots ‘20 and :I. in the 6th 00in "-â€" Carried. This sum of $48 was. presented. to William I’Iarden. for stoning and fit lug the dich on the airton‘oad. between lotq It) and If. in the 4th. com, under the Sup‘eryisipr and l a} for. The following bills. doc. Were respectively allowed. and ordered to be paid by the 'I'rea IlIlOf‘. vizzfl Asbton’n, $4 45; I’earsuns’s .557 94 ; Cl-nl‘k5,$6,,3(l§ ; E. Jacktioii’s,$4ti.35§: J. Lnndy’s, $5. to the Clerk for selecting Jurors. $5 : anilto the Assessor, 553. On motion of Mr. Macar.uu,srcondod by Mr. 'l‘AXMCsR. the 'I‘roztsnror war. aritltnrimd and requiierl to call on J,,f). f’hilips, Esq., and re- iptostnn OXHI‘AIIIHIOII and settle hour 0- a hill of costs and liner- in iltaleverul cast-s of Brown Boyhton, and lloopor, for vio atioti of ticrsnso law in title I‘r.v twig, aidp oucrttol to his Council on the 26th day of Augth lust. On motion of Mr. 'I'n'inut, seeo' (led b, Mr. Iitonminz. $23250 was ordered to be re- t'utided to Mr. 'I'lromrnr Ransom. Uri motion of Mr. Iuotrsiirh, seconded by Mr. 'l'n‘oh, Vt'iliinm Silver-side and Jasepli Cook were accepted as euroiies for Jonathni Randall. arid the l‘reanurer instructed to issue the license as soon as the law Ullul‘llllflVO boon coriiplied with. On motion of Mr. TAYLOR, eoconded by M . Ironside, the Clerk was: authorized to purchasi- one copy of the Revised Statutes tor the “he of the office On motion of Mr. TAYLOR, seconded by Mr. IRONttlDIC, thu tlme for completing the let the roads. was ex- tended to the first day of March next contracts now upon On motion of .\Ir. Inclusion, seconded by Mr. Micah-M. the T‘I'Slbtll'rsl' was instructed to call on Mr. Joshua Willsqi,.t‘nr the amount due tho corporation on little of timbor. and unless paid within thirty days. ‘0 place the saute in the Division Court for Collection. On motion of Mr TAYLOR. seconded by Mr. tVlACKr HM, the Treasurer was ariihoiized to dispose of to the best advantage, Interna- tional and Colonial Bank Bills received from Collector for taxos,while current. to the amount of $40; and also to inth thpl’unds arl<inl£ front the Clergy Reserves, in the City Toronto Debentures. Passed a Ily-lttt’.’ to amend lly-lnw number 123, in respect. to SchoolI Sections, Also, a. By-lliw appointing the place for polling tho Township Election. Also, paused a By-iaw fixing the salary of the Inspector at $2 per day, for each day necessarily spent. Other salaries retriainihg as before, viz :â€" To the Assessor. $70; Collector, $60: Clerk and Treasurer. $200 ; Aud tors. $2 each The Clerk ‘ Copy of the following to Mrs. Joseph Hartman was authorized to liorwar u and also tattle New Era, for publimtion. Unanimously Ri'solia'l,-â€"'l'liat this (loun- cil rlceplv sympathize with the bereaved widon and relatives of tho l to Juseph Hartman. Esq, (“cave of tho 'I‘owtisltip f Wltitchurch. Warden of the United Counties uf York and Peel, and M.l’.l7. of the Noitli Riding or York. husband and father, and esteemed friend of all who knew him, ant. whose interests were the interests of the community. and whose health. time and talents, Wee 8:1CI'ifIC-fld to the public good : and this Council would most respectltiily request to subiriit this as a intrill taken of the respect and esteem over entertained for the damned, and humbly beg you to be assured that t is poopinpunicd with our bent wishes for the bulb and prosperity of you all, (Signed) MAXON JONES, I) R. JUSEl’ll TAYLOR. ., PHILIP MACKLEM, JultN lltrn‘istuf. The Council adjourned gin: (its MABKIIAM COUNCIL. Tuvrrsnu, Dec. 8, l859. This Council met at Sizo’s Hotel, Union- villu, on the above data. Members all present. The Reeve iii the chair. Minutes of last meeting road and approved. Tim Itizitvic, promoting! a petition from It. Windmr and others, praying that lots 35., in the 1th con.. and lots 35 in the 8th can, he added to School Section No. 17. The “new; road a communication he had tors of Buttutivhle and iloadiorn. All. H‘tlBl‘ he. nau weervod‘i.0iii John Hunter. schiz, bowuu RIM) handed to the Reeve a stating that since he signed the pennon of it. u‘rrunuy and others. he had seen reason to alter his view.” and thereioru prayed the Louncrl 0 take no action oti,tne petitions to t‘isnl.ow the 3‘ng o. lllthlCfltlllg‘ liquor; ill or ttvdt‘ but- to .vrno. I ' Dr. iroiu .tlaiia Llufll‘ ilrey residing in Buttoirviylc, Justice nandcd to ihe sleeve. a petition praying for aid for lrerseil and tnreo l:llll(ltL‘fl,11‘ tier liusnand “ad .eit not three tllnltlltd since in the most destitute condition. Ur. Jusrro as Hired lite Council that tum poor VVUIHLHI “unit. the most deplore-he condition. and Without any Visible means of support. Mr. the pl‘Ucautllllg:~, canto ioiuard and guVu t0 the tlebns. ol Briitonville, at this tateri Unctqr a $2 bill, an act which was much applauded. Moved by Mr. BU'lf't‘o., secoirdedb‘. Mgr: Bowman, that the petition in rote-«nee to granviiig shop-liquomictuses he re ortrd turn coniiiiiiteo, to be criiripowd of Messrs. Bowman, Vlarsh, and mittens-Carried. After string write time, the cont-times rose and reported, as follows: ‘~ l‘hnt havuig cxariiinedthe’ petition of It. Grundy and others, p aging for u By-iuw to prohibit the store sale of intoxwatiug. l-qhor . in or near Iiuttonvillo, and alrio the petition 0! .l. Fierlteilur and others, praying that no action be taken, theraon, bug to, report that havrng ext unlined the sail. petitilii ., nit-i finding it grew flnlnllllt of influence on both sides of the qiie-- tinns, wqu (l suggest, that no. action be taken thewon at present. but that said petiiiohs llt' laid on the labia until next inc-sting. 90:: further co,irstilsrialioii.â€"â€" Mr. button, Cl‘thll'tirgll.” Moved by Mr. But‘roh. that on the qpiriimi of th-s Council, it womd be for the advantage or the people nl tho village of Burrouville and neighborhood, if a hydaw were passed by this Council to prohibit any liceti~'e for the sale of spirituous liquors in any store or other house, (except taverns) iu the said village. 'l'otne abovn motion of Mr. Bur'ron’s. there was no sec-under: the report of the (‘ohiinittr e was consequently adopted. Tm: LATE Mir. annulus. 'I'ho lint:er laid before the Council the following resolutions. which were unanimoust adopted :-â€"- Knottedâ€"That this (Jouncil has received wnh deep and so'r mu littoral-rt the intelli- g nce ot' the death of Joseph Hartman. oar esteemed Walden-~- mnn alike (listi »gui.~h- ed in the Councils and in the Legislature of his country. dirriive of M--. Hartman li ve mos. efficient and upright officrr: the country a in the counties Resolved.â€"â€"'l'liat those lost a sound. practical and able legislator; the peo- ple an honest represent ntive, and a truly Chris- tian and excitiplary citizen. Basalccd,â€"â€"'l'hitt this Council. sy patiiiz rig With the bereaved family of the deceased, do reqnestt at the Kenya will doeplx transmit to them a copy of these resolutions. Moved by Mr. Maura, seco..don by Mr- r OWMAN. that tho but“ of$lllbo granted out ') the fund :‘uisl'd for the support of indigent per sons in this township, for the maintenance of Maria lluinphrcy, a poor person residing in the village of Unionville; and that Mr. G. David: son be ar-pointed to apply the same coco ding to the necessity of the case â€"_Carried. i Moved by Mr. lluvvluAn, seconded by Mr Malian, that in (-0- l‘ quence or Mr. II. I’ ".‘rosby resigning the office of Clerk and Trea- surer. Mr. G. l'. Eakin be appointed in his stead, Mr BUTTON rose “2 oppose the motion, as he was not then prepared to name a successor; and moreover: Mr. Crosby had stated to him that he was willing to Ct‘tltiltuo to the end or the year; and Mr Reesorhad positively state“ that he was in favor of postponing the appoint- ment at pieseni. and he thought tit‘t'tl‘ time He chine to that Council quite unprepared for any should be given for further eottsideratinn. sucn inorion, and he had unnorsxnr'd from both Mr. Marsh and Mr. Beee‘ui', that ho appoint. mom was to, be made tltat day ; and he hoped that Mr Mars-h would withdraw his panic. as ‘eoconder to Mr. Bow man’s motion, Mr. ltrzitma stated that when he had plld Mr Button that no will in favor or p0~Lp0tlt5tlI6ut, ho had no idea that Mr Bowman woner have ‘roposed any one for appointment: but us it ‘ggas done. lilo should most cgriaihly, it' trimes- sary, vote With the years; and here he would state that he thought it was not propnt‘ to bring . . .. . , L, ' . r ' . doc.) for the irrepnra'ilo loss 0t an nffictionaie ' hr “film.” “W L”“""'1 “"3 Suil’l“"“"~i Pr‘vw’ cogiveijs'itioh, as experience proved that patties were apt to draw interferences never itlthltIt‘tl at the huge these conversations took place, Mr. Bowman stated tlyat up Had “Mays acted consistently, as Wflo proved by tum notice he gave. last meeting. Mr. Mung stated that he was quite willing lid him; to explain undyustity the course no urnued it necessary ; and it Mr. Bun Illa“ de' med. .or till-part lie Woe to Withdraw his name as seconder, out as he had given his name in good faith, he Sligptd not withdraw it WlllIt'ut Mr. Bowinah’s sanction. Mr, Feuwlcx wr-hed to explain his pusitiom in what he had done. lie was actuated by no l'celi: gs or ltOcllIlly to Mr. Crosby, who he be- [.tlr, As to the appulntlllvttt ot' hoved resigned office on his account. Clo by, no, no !] Clerk and Treasurer, ilie certainly thought it ong- t not to be done that day. There were several gentleman who he had thought, and named to Mr. Keesor. some of whom he [.tIr. linesor] had admitted were fit and proper per- sons, others not. I: this motion was pressed, he should be compelled to vote in the negative. i He hoped, hon ever, that the motion Would be withdmwn. M.. ment was put, he should put the motion. M wed in amendment by Mr. Bur'ron, sec ended by Mr. anwicx, thattho matter relat- ltu..son stated that unless an amend- tho lath rust. UUUN rY CUUtb.l".ANI.) UUUR l" or QUAtiiEii bbbblUfsb‘. F-dn. the Leader oi the Idtlt'. The County and Court ‘rif""Q‘iiar- ter Sessions incl yesterdayâ€"tile flint, :5. B. flat“someouniy Judge, PlCDILlfllg; associates, tilce Louis and John lupin, E:~q., JP . When the. lt),ltU~\ltlg gentlemen were. sworn Ill on l-llt: Grand Jury l: Messrs. Samuel StrollItflI,EliitrlUu,l\.t‘, hlrll'clttlttl); i. C. Appleton. King ,; t’. U. Bunlmn, Albion ; Seth Chap- riian, Georgina; Alexander Card, tdrhtncolug tJrnintrl Cameron, fur-v ohm. '1p.; Num‘l‘l Cl'utt'trrrd, Clim- gtirtrtousy; Wrillitrii Dalton, Gore t'ui‘uuiu, W. Fisher, toronio 513px; Will. Foster, Bralripioh; George.- Ftly Sutton, Qi‘ul‘gluu upvpy-i, Vaughan .; J. iii-mild, king; 1). i. Jessupp, York ; ' Kohl-rt Johnston, - uhuu- A. In“ Vau 'ili-lt'l' Eur . , .. , . .. ._ . le‘h ) . 4 . 3 g ’ yltlkfillly IdlfilJ it sits: “1”” (ll ","hce. I] he Mel’hutt. Yorkville ; Geo. IV lcbolls, Markham ; J. P. ltiipeit, Vaughan, and John litylrll', York. The Grntnl'Juiy havingbeen any panelled, Ills Honor naid that a.» the cases: to be brought befoie them were priiicu ally charges of larceny, he need DUlfdtldlL‘sS‘lllCHI as to the duties they would be called upon to perloriii. hie then (lisiiiissed lilt-‘III. The Court adjourned till 10-day, without transaclitig any littslflt‘sts hf IIIJPU‘I‘IVQIQCE'. WEDNESDAY, Dec. Hi. The Grand Jury entered Court Willi (true bills against Margret \\ ilhs, Mary Ann Howe, and Mary Anni l’tihgwood, for and. (,ill‘l\l()llltt‘.i' Carroll. loi vnivsteulihg. In the now at .Bl'tdgt'l Currey, who was detained On a charge ()l rarcr try. the grand jury ignored the hill Margaret \tiiiit. pleaded guilty. :nprisoiniwnt of three ironlhs itilail at hard labor. The other prisoners Witty. plan arraigned 'rnd pleaded " r'ot gUllly.” The (.‘titlllU -..‘.iown Attorney , .‘tlr. Dempsey, was pre- fill't'fl lupl'orcerl with the cast; to Illt' iii rncn iil~lauce. but they ills lloiiol' larceny ; Was arraigned and rr'osrciition Were not really for trial. ;rniitr‘d lift“) a poslpohr-menl. heart: no it viliwi‘iii la 1N ’l‘ultUN rt). Loads: of Hill. A fire broke out EilJLtll lltlli past ~ix o'r-lock last evening Willt'll, llt’lllit‘ it bir- canw FXIlllrUl'ilt‘tl, destroyed sax valuabh ~trn'es on \{llt't‘ll street. together virlh oth er proprriy to largv ('Xltlll. 'lln nurses were i\vr)-.~liiry and situated Oppo- it Me .Lluiiiiiir-r P-‘it'f‘l, 0n the \(itllll side of Queen strert. Three of thr-ih Wt'l‘t' orâ€" ciipled respectively by i\.it*’.‘*\lԤ. (i. \'\ . Williams, cabinet-maker ; John Dpcnrrs. grocer, and liohr rt McCurnh, grocer. l be fire originated in one of the IlltOt‘Ctl- par-d houses, beliweh the stores of Me- Uoinb and bpentrr. \\ llt'll lirst obs»: vr-d it wa~ confined to the front part ofthr- lower story, and the alarm being given. the firemen were quickly on the i he scent- of the lire, her/ever, as has rinâ€" forluiiately happened in several rasm lately was at some rli~tnnce from the nerireut hy- dr.riil~, and this much \aliiable time was necessarily pomnptnl in laying down the -r08t‘ and obtaining a su,ip|y of water. In -.itlll§t’qllt’ll(It-‘ of this. «llltl i.rittt’itlt<tltil(llri._ thr- alai-rlty and en. rgy of the firemen. the flames had gained ronsnli-iable headway .ief‘itlfl the engines could be brought to near upoii thrill .‘ouh after the fi it bad ronrrnuriica'rll to them the roofs fell iii..ii- t‘liliiiltr' cit-lesion of some coin lilhllilll‘ subslanpe in the upper portion-of ll-r- liitei'l'rl'. the rr-phrt (it which “as plain- ly heard, we brliv t‘e. by litany oi'lhc sper- i.itors The whole of II was of House. Ct)ll>l,lllltlil. as the was lir.'~t noticed III the room in which it wa~ d.--»o.~y'tvd tl ilhy respect tn the value or ill bii Magi. thy-re is no doubt that it will reach tho full .rrnomit lltsuri-d ill/L50 T 9 solar of ’llt‘ L'Ot'tis tliitl Ulilt’l' piript‘t‘ly‘ 8.1 'l'tfir',prl is probably nincli greater than the Insurnncru 3600. r the whole loss may be stair-d at betw. err £3 000 and £44 000. The cause of illi‘: destructive (it),:'fl.tzgl‘..ilinli is un Ktt' ill; but there l> no reason to suppow that it was other than arrldrn'il. A quarter of an hour previous to titratirrybe lug discnwred .‘tli ,.\’Ic(llr:try. we learn. had been in the lipase where his goods Vere stored; and if is possible that by «me owrsight ihllrunmabie materials wr-rr left in thirty-rolls proxindliity to each other. Wha'r-Ver the camp, the effect is much to "e deplored, for l’omnto cannot afford at this time especially by fire. Spill, A MAN Ni.) r -â€"i'r~.~terd:ry a pigeon drooling match took place at one of the taverens mar the Don lliVer, at which a serious accident occurred. I‘. appuam that a man named John Scarborough. residing in Yorkt‘ille, came Within, the range of a vwrmn who was shooting at a ‘ pigeon as it ascended from the trap, The while of the *‘l'nn'tr‘nis of the {grim l‘tdg‘r-(l in his fast» mil 'etl his "ight eye in such a manner as to deprive him per-inalien- ly of the use of it. It is feared that he may loose. the sight of his left cw. bPSist‘ having: his face lunch disfiunredg. Dr, ul. loioiinr; John Dawson, Guru of l bill» Was sentenced to, an . hoops from the “p‘t’tl‘tir'e 'of‘the r uillet'ies and lb:- tirshihi‘i‘“phl‘tti’s‘bll 't‘ll‘r‘" 7720(16'3 'l’arv J'sr'mms \\ till a dash of her pc-n akuve o. llr‘f' hand. a boon ritfhei augusteye» bums shr- tll'ltrfa out of titanium braille-ft, of llliltlsliy tn’r-arl'y oii’ which'lriige’iiiaiiit2 laclories not i-tery portion ol'the hubilable globr‘, and ruin hands and enliipelsl ill. tllttlllUil-llllflt'tJI'.‘ and‘dthcr constructm's Of women “ as you see them” to learn their" trade anew. floops and (YtIIIOIIlle b‘ettig thu~ rle‘nnct. (had hit led. out ot .l'ashion, ,77urmwu’s try/1.. and tiigh‘lullt ralgar, by~ llrllpi'ilell t'ttllll'l. llt‘l' gruel- U‘ lIttijt‘sly pf‘l‘,1 v~c.ih. s to llt‘l‘ court mongrel/me (le Iaimz tor promenade and ordinary toilette, and lllPl cour; do m-ar the some. Not to lol- rirw ihr {asthma obliie court is to be ridi- Rinform- in Farris; and not to follow Paris ‘is. m iira’ters ut lttbillflll. to bl ridiculous levriyuherl- rises Conscquenily, we ex? lprcl III a few Wei-ks, to see all the women .n Brundnai s'nhunlt from the size of a l nine ty gallon lnigshrad tn the ninth-st. (ii. lirensioits authpli‘asihg shape of a five-gal- lon churn \\ elm-(an rlvrhing particularly try the .‘rllllllf. ttlhlltjltgl} a~ most of the worth-ii aezi-ii'i-d to. ltlpk a: ll butter .w h'dnl unit in “I'll iimiirh~. it might abolr'rnu nt Cl‘tlit'ltllt' is not. hbwr't'er. the loult li-zirlul ‘l't'l't‘ltlllttn and enormith .ti"r~tlglll about by the 'lirripress Eugeni. ."llt' has dr-crr-rtl Ital drest shall no i‘nger trail, but be short enough to Show, ttlt' lhwm part of he legit little. “'2 are. in fact, celestial rosy t't‘d up in the .mns of life bar. and truth n2 bn‘ the dis», him of the fact wuiild compel it f'oili us. lint it is so' We may bL'usl: tor the im- rnudmly oi tll‘plttllttg it heat galler-boot ,rtlt'l pretty fool and Wt'll liiihld ankle; we may weep for lllt’ cruel fate of young tvnxnln All) :i r-rrnligioirs under-staridihg. and n ship'~ llt'rfil stepped In the middle ot'i’ll, but the ttili‘l has gone forth. and team and blip-hes are alike gain The I‘anre‘s, itas said it ; lllfr court obey; l’ai'is follows sung, and England and, America. in six months. will fu‘ ail uricrinhlnwll and short-~ pettiroated gt’nel‘ddtlnyw New York Suit,“ Joust uttowx's nUltiAL, "0â€".â€" Front tho Globe. The account. of thr- burial at.” John, Bromth his home in North Elba New. York. will probably touch inure hearts than t‘t't‘tl the (lr,.~tf|‘tplf()t) of hi~ exi-cutiun, The cordial sympathy ot friehlls and neigh: burns, the tnourriinl lfllllllt‘y, bearing the. body of the ill-ml. oter the hills of Veré tnont, the thrilling With the wee-ping wnlows. daughters and sisters of those. who‘ (her? for n dowil-tioddr'n race, and. finally, the ~iltipli: burial amidst the deceit hills“. all llt‘t'rt‘fll pictures Worthy of a béttr‘r pencil th-ih- the reporter of a New York. daily jou had. The irrrahgrrnl ills for the littl-l'incnl twre prirlirlrd by John Brown himsiell, and they put ltlh‘t‘ of ti e siliiplicity: oi his (hurnr‘tr-r. 'l'li.oiigh all his con- .Eur‘ .‘. ill all his letters, Here is not a touchI 0' till“ vulgar lore ol admiration wliirh'has‘l so often liCt‘TrJIlptltllt‘d and rilarrrd rt‘cnx g ell and llt-fl'fltt' ale: ils We cannot dis; c vur in his most uuguardrrl sentence! an min or ram glory. . e thinks and speaks, ot himself; it l.‘ natural that he should do so, when he burl been the actor in deeds, ill-till which every brin is talking. but it is w lit a (1»ngin and propriety. rarely neon, vii-ii hi liter! ()l the highest eullu e. Ilia letters are thi- Wink of agt'r‘at than gram"; t’hl,>ttll|.lt§. r-minr‘nlly truhtul and noble. If is a raw sight to witness the ascent of; Hits fine spoil out of the un ney hunting, cotton w=.r~liipping American world: \Vendell Phillips does ju-tice to him in“ Ins speech at the grave, biil we cannot” but think that the skill ofthri paints-r ought to be fiddled to the i-qunence of the era: mr, rightly to cniniilernnrali- ihr death ill John Brown. is there hot among "I; painters of America Otw who can filly Mfg" call the .noirirnt when the prisoner on his war, to er'ttytli-ru stooped down to kiss the little negro r-hii'l. tor whose race he was about t"' r. ruler up lll.‘ life! The artist who Will ila', let that <Ct‘ltt‘ trrithfullv will, earn thr- grafilhllr of the. frirnds of free- limit. and Win everlasting lame. 'A Inqu R rs‘iiuP DEMULISHID Iv ’IH'E imnrtus â€"-â€"\\'e hear that a whisky shop m the Ming» of Jefle son. in this CtlllttiV. was curi’lplr ‘e-y cleared out by a party 0l"i§l~.iit‘h, one day last week, .It ap~ '4‘:th that a yr-ung than named Ur'larnater was in the "ital-ill of hanging around the "*gtnggl‘ry" against the Wishes oi his par; t‘llIB‘, and one day ltlsi Wt‘Pk the liqu'irtlcal- ur- .~.-ni th» y. uh; than home sick with the" delirium trl'lncns. i he mother intuit-dining ly I'tllltx‘ti a number (flier :fl‘lO-‘lltlfl and“ , to be a heavy suffrrer Mn”, neighbors, and our I'ltl f ir-lirl. Alden HEW. in. Volunlf'jutfl’t'd l0 thkn, them [0 the VII- lage. Will] his horses and wamn. and sec fair play. The party, stormed the- .‘r rum, lhole” and completely destroyed .Wory t‘t’stigr: of botllvs, casks, liquors. Sun. and, would hay-v burned the building had not put ar (I‘Otltt‘l'h discouraged'such q proceeding. 'b‘o far ‘a. we can learn.this pipe» of summary illslié‘e was richly deg, served“. inc/(Sim Citizen; . ‘ .___-m r l . ACCIDENT on THE one”, “7381*an iiAILWAY.-;-CHAI‘HAM. (I. W. Deal}. Late on fiatttidiiy nith an Indian and squnw m-n- killed by a freight train on the Great Western Railroad. about two'miled east of Chathrrn'i. Ali‘inquest was held to. .lay. andva-iverdict returned to the rifle! that tlieiludiart,’lsnac, and .Sq'uaw. Nancy. were killed by a freight train, while sitting on the (track? in a .state of intoxication, , 'l‘horbui'n was called in and themed the land yegqufityaluupi the.- ofIir-ers of. the Com »' wounds ofthe injured man with“ much'pgny frriin'all blame and recmnend that rQCeiVo-d from G. l’. Dickson. Esq . surrender, ing in the name of the Uii'cctors.ilio Elgin I’lnnk Rom. biweeu lots 25 and ‘26. in the 7th con. best to obtain a knowledge of any system V or set of doctrines front the persons who pray “like angels, and sin- like ' no professitpve have gone to the priests thvm demons." A8 to our mind, fi‘lffig fey information about Pottery and our greater Sin can be committed than promptitude. Scarborough was taken to the parties who afll‘l them the liquor rthould his house in Yorkrillc in the running. be prosecuted according to the utmost '-Glob¢. severity of the lammmGlobc. ing to the appomtment of 3 Clark and Trea- surer be laid over ti ll next meeting. thtlwrMossr'fi. Button and Fonwick. lthere is but one opinion on his ,‘tucrits; we wish him long health :-to cuyoy the honor.

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