Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 16 Dec 1859, p. 4

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ifiusturss wircrtorg. MM~ pr- W T. J. WHEELER. WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, &o. IUCHMONDIHLM 69-ly " {audit}. TWO PARTINGS. ~â€" ‘Ve parted once before. Yen wept When I rose up to go, you did: You: prav’d for me before you slept“ You little love. you know yourdidlt Oct. 1. 1953. Auction. Notice. THOMAS BOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, FDR ’rmc COUNTIES OI“ YORK 62'. PEEL, All letters addressed. to “ Altnira."‘l’.O. will recieve prompt attention. Orders received at the" YorliJler'Ild "‘Ol'lit-e. Richmond Hill ; Mr. Heuryx Lemon. 'I‘tiornhitl. and Mr James Cavanuah, Mansion House. Sharen, where Terms, (Sac. may be obtained, Ahnira, Nov. 25,1859 And no grief now is on that brow, Which then, you said, throbb’d so,yon.did'-; You loved me better then than now,-â€"-. You cruel thing, you know you did I Do you remember what the sea, I took you out to show you, did? You made a pretty sirnile ; You false of tongue, you know you did I You sighed, " that life were like its crests When sunshine breezes blow.” you did; “ To catch Iove’s light before it rests I” You cold, cold heart. you know you did. 52-tt‘ w»... .. _. -_,.._.._._...._ Dr. s. N.. PECK, URGEON Dentirt. will be at Hall’s IIotel. ‘ New Boot and Shoe Store AT BUTTONVILLE. I IIE Subscriber returns his thanks to... the public for past support. begs to state that the has removed into the Village of Ilttttonvilie, where he hopes. for a (continuance of the pa- ro nage, heretofore given him. All orders executed with dospatch nndt work warranted. ' DAVID GALLOWAY, Iluttonville, Nov. 11. 1859. 5f)on Photographs I M ELA NEOI'ans ! LETTERGRAPHS. 81.6. All styles of Pictures taken at the .Mcdical Hall, Jr arkhum, I t ,On reasonable terms. and in all weathers, ; Pictures taken from the stltallcst to life size. : .1, C. DUNHAM, I Markham Village, Oct, 14, 1859, til-If tm_-_m_.....__ _._-_.____- Ambrotypes I ' What have I done? You smile no more On me as months ago you did; You deem my homage now a bore ; You liked it then. you know you did. "' How blest." you said, ” were life with one Who'd love one truly “I” 0, you did ! Butâ€"you thought I was an older son.â€" You utter flirt, you know you did ! â€"â€"_â€"~._~_.. miarrlluuwur. He has a happy memory that forgets nothing so soon as the unkindncss of others. A man’s boots and shoes get tight by .imbibing water, but a man dosen’t. A HIGH Ramaâ€"A hole In the crown of your hat. \th is killing bees like a confession 1 Because you unbuzz’um. In India a lac of rupees is wealth ; here a sack of pence is poverty. Practiscd pickpockets and true philosoo phers take things easy. Why is Sunday the strongest day? Because the others are all weekdays. A country paper begins a forcible appeal to Its drliquents with this touching sentence; ‘ We Inust dun or be done.’ ‘Is your Watch a louver? ‘Leaver? yes, I~ have to leave her once a week at the watchmakers for repairs.’ In modern davs days people are accus- tomed to earn their living, but in former times it was usual for them to urn their dead! W'by is a blunt knife partially ground, like a young [ricprCket Iâ€"Because it is a little sharper. Don’t expect to be called a good fellow a moment longer than you conccnt to do precisely what other people wish you to do. How comforting to many must be the conviction that they are constitutionally exempt from any disease of the brain. ‘My dear wife, I wish and keep your temper. ‘ My dear husband, I wish you would :try and get rid ofyours. you would try It a woman could talk with the two corners of her mouth at the same time there would be a good deal to be said on both sides. ‘Do you like the game of droughts, madam 1’ ‘No; Idon’t like any game where I can’t take a man without having first to jump orer him,’ was the reply. Talk to vulgar people of any thought or- sentimcnt that may be expressed in a flower or a star, a landscape or a mowing, and they charge you at once with btfillg fanciful, and unsubstantial, and not fit for such a real world of dirt as our great brown mother is. Mrs. Partington hearing that a young man had set up for himself, ‘I’oor fellow!’ said she; ‘ has he no friend that will set up for him part of the time 1’ And she ,Siglled to be young again. Three oockncys being out One owning in a dense fog came up to a building that they described. The first said, ' There’s a musedâ€"Able} said the second, it’s a nut.’-â€"The third said, ‘ You re both wrongâ€"it’s a nin.’ ;Mcla.ncltoly is another name for tough moat. We care not how imaginative a man may be, let him eat two Wkled pig’s feet, anI he will feel as inanimate as a sack ofcoals. What we often think is mind is half the time gristls. The CLIMAX.â€"-An American says, ‘ In an evil hour I bee-amt- addiced to drink. From that moment I have become an out. cast, a loafer, a thing of no account, fit for nothing on this ’varsal girth but to be a member of Congress.’ An Irishman was going along the road, when an hungry bull rushed down upon him, and with his horns tossed him over a fence. The Irishman, recovering from his fall, upon looking up saw the bull pawing and tearing tip the ground (as is the custom of the animal when irritated); whereupon Pat smiling at him said, ‘If it was not for your bowing and scraping and your bum- ble apologies, you brute, I should think that you had thrown me over this fence on purpose I’ II hab always in my life,’ says Caesar Hannibal. ‘found de gals to be fust in Iub, fust in a quarrel, fast in the dance, fust in doling-cream saloon, and dc fust best and do last in de sick room I What would we poor‘fellers do widout deml Let us be born as young as Ugly, and as helpless as we please, and woman’s arms are ready to receive us; she it am puts close ’pon our helpless naked limbs, and cubbers up our footscs and touscs in long flannel petticoats; and it am she who, as we grog up, fills our dinner basket wid doughnuts and a,» plea as We start to school. and licks uaI when We but our trousers" ! D.D.S. Surgeon Dentist, «0 KING 8'1‘, VASTL “OUT” FII)I".,'1'HIR1) 9,00“ WENT FROM, CHURCH 5T. 'I'ORON 1'0, Markham Village, on the 24th, ‘J’TIIII and ‘ W . C - A D A M S, 213th of each Month. Tot-tit extiacIt-d ere.I Teeth Filled. eae'I 25cts. Deritvstry done I cheaper than by any other Dentist in the I’ro- ‘ Vince. Approved Credit will be gi;coni-f re- l quired. All Work I'Varrantcd. .Iune 30, 185-9. 3lkly 'ilying Electricity to prevent pain in ex, Itrac. '51 teeth; and also of an Aparntrtts for ,mnnt \ctnrtng Vulcanito Rubber Platch for JOHN HARRINGTON, JIL,I , . . . ,. lanIn-rset'oltcetb. IeetII mounted ’ll' otherwise, to suit the necessity of r sets an ' EALER in Dry Goods. Groceries, Win... 0" GUI Liquors, Ilardwnrc,Glaas. Earthenware. l ll": 63"- 'I'oronto, dengust ‘27,, 15859. t\'.c. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. 4Il-Iy “ Huabatndo STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto every morning. starting from the Elgin Mills at 7. a.m. and returning at 7, SURGEON Dentist. p.m. Fare 52s. 6d. each way. be at N'i'choll’s will llotel. Richmond Hill, the FIRST MONDAY of every month,and the remainder ofthe month 000D ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHOLLS. Proprietor. l-55 JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothier, Yonge St, Richmond Hill, December, 185“. athis residence Thornhill. All Work War- ranted. July 8. 1859. MitHEiOIi clinicians ""' Barristers & Attorniesâ€"at-Law, SOLICITORS 1N CEIANCERY, disc. OFFICE :â€" W___ CORNER or KING AND TORONTO STREETS. Over Whitemore dc. Co’s. Bankin Oti'lce, J. VFRNFY "’ ‘ ‘ ’ I TORONTO. Boot and Shoo Maker, YONGE STREET, I RICHMOND IIILL. â€"..___._ Richmond Hill.l)ec. 18,1858. 3‘3- I~it Agency I’mticu/arly attended to. â€"â€".â€". THOMAS G. MA'I'HESOV. 'I‘orouto, July I, 1859. JAMES FITZGERALD 3 l -tf JOHN N. REID, M.D., YONGE AND COLBOURN STS- 31-ly Ladies' and Gentlemens' Boots and Shoes. made after the latest styles. December 1858. 1- m I CORNER or ’l‘H()RN111LL.C.w. M~__.- ._ YONGE STREET HOTEL, quons' AURORA. A Good supply of WINES and LI always on hand. Excellent Accommo- ' dation for Travellers, Fat-titers, and others Cigars of all brands. Dr. DUNHAM, C‘URGEON and MechanicalDentist, Medical 0 Hall, tum-kt...“ Village. D. MOLEOD. Proprietor. June 30. l859’ 31-ly Aurora, July 6, 1858. 57.6“, ._ -m W-“*â€" Mâ€"W- â€"â€"[ JAMES I. BARKER, ROBERT SIV <1 {-3, l garnet-true and Dealer in Dry Goods, 1 (Ir-“caries, Paints. Oils, and Dre Stutls, Patent Medicines. Glass, l‘utty. .VailsL-w-Low ! I very Low for Cash.â€"-l\‘larkhom Village. Boot. and Shoe Maker, , DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist , _ Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hi”. Jim" 3'" l8l’9' 3"6'" A choice selection of Gentlemens’, Ladies’ -â€"---â€"~»â€"---~-Mâ€"<‘â€"--*W~~“-WWW""mm- and Childrens’ Boots and ShOes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- '3' C S B Y' tlce- Goods. Groceries, “‘ MI’OR'I'ER of Dry j. Wines. Liquors, Hardware. dtc. Richmond Hill. June. 1859. [7 All kinds Shoemakers Finding for sale. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. I-tf JAMES HALL, TI‘IORNHILL HOTEL. AS always on hand a large assortment of f “.1112 _ BOOTS and SHOES, which will be sold at prices to meet the times. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. Subscriber bch to inform the Public that be has leased the above 54.1-15' comfortable style. Boarders and transient visitors will find the accontodations in Mary way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selected. Good stabling and attentive IIostIers HENRY LEMON, l IIIIIAQWAV HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. f ‘IIE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous Patrons anti the public. that III: has remm'cd from the White 5wan 110th to the above PI'I'IIIi~-e~. where there will be found cchlIcnI ac» cOInInOdntion for Travellers, am. good .Slnbling. 8:?” Horses and Buggies for Ilirc. JOSEPH GARY. Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. ‘22, 1858. 72-7In W. HODGE 8t Co. \THOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin / and Iron Plate Workers. and Furnishing Ironmongers. Parties givnip this house a call will find their orders punctually attended to. and the lawnst prices charged. Richmond Hill, Dec. I858. Thor nhIIl, Jun 20, 1858. Prop: ietor. I38 54‘1'13' EDMUND GRAINGER, 7 U'I‘CIIER. ’I‘IIORNIIILL. Fresh and Pickled Meets. Poultry. the" always on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. 'l'hornhill. Dec. 1:658. 41-11! WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker, RICHMOND IIILL, Richmond Hill. Dec, 1858. 1°tf “- "W‘ _ __ Slings LANOS’I‘AFF, JAMES JENKINS’. Richmond Hill I . . c , I ' f". . I- I Grocery (c Provisnon More Dmnllfffllf‘fi w”- L.__L....___-f_ RICHMOND HILL GO To OéESIElILIe'I (11V rm. I’rotuc‘: taken In B, 80 w M A N is M I L LS ! The above (is the oldest established Grocery w H H Y 0 U K and Provision Store OII the Iliil. Dec. less. 55.1, CARDIN G & GRISTING. where parties from a distance can have it done to take with them on their return homo. Almira, May 13. 1859. 24-tf. FOR SALE: 200,000 feet of Lumber, NCLUDING Flooring. Siding. Inch Boards. and twoâ€"inch Plank, Sounding. duo, &c., at the subsciioer’s Mill, near Stout’fville, cheap for Cash or Approved Credit. JAMES BUGG. Stoufi'ville, April 12. 18.59. ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE! MARKHAM VLLAGE. OOD Accommodations. Wines. Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MARR. Proprietor. Markham. Dec. 1858. 57~1v ,â€" DR. L. LANGSTAF FIRST I‘OOR SOUTH OF THE FRANKLIN IIOUSE, F. 3-tf. 24-va 'I‘IIRON'I‘O CI'I‘Y MARBLE WORKS 185 Y ON G E STREET. MARKHAM VILLAGE. Markham, May l3, 1c59. _ . PATENT MONUMENTSTâ€"TOMB-T BLES Dram Pipes, Eve Troughs T 0M ESTON ES 5,, AND Twenty Per Cent. Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMET. Water Spouts, MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY :10 HN LAC-STA FF Swan MILLs, 'I'nonsI-IILL. Juno 3'. 1859 V "(HE Iinderstgned Assignees of the 27 f _ estate of I). C. 8: W. YALE, will con- 4’ thine the business under the :atperiuntendence "‘WMMWW'WW'“ of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN Anni! C. YALE. . G. CUM MER. 1543?, T-‘u‘ulrfo, by?! 185‘? {till i . and I). Camos YnLn, whose recelpt will be PATRICK LYNOTT, , I’.S All notes and accounts remaining un- ’ ; paioon the 1st day ofJuno, 1858. will be put 0 F pared to attend Sales in all parts of Up- per Canada. duly acknowledged. LICENSED AUCTIONEER R the sale of Cattle, stuck, 5w, is pm, f in :oCourt for collection. Richmstrd Hos $5319” . ,1. It. S the Proprietor of Oiver’s I‘atcutfor np~ fl _ .., r. .3241... ,0 a. i O t ~E I'lh’AN. HOTEL, TIIORNIIILL. Accommodation for 'I‘ravcllers. JOIIN Sl’llltZIuS. Proprietor. 7-1:; Good I 'I‘hornhill .lan. It), 1859. I To the Sick and Dying SNIDER. of the. 7th Vaughan. near Klineburgh, guarrautecs to cure Cancers, Enlarged .W’ec .78, And many other Diseases. "ersmrs Inborinrr under either ofthe above mentioned Diseases, will do well to call In time. All letters to be paid, and addressed to PE'I SNIDER, Kline-burgh. N. B. NO CURE NO PAY. August ti. 1858. 61-11 "N soliciting the increast suppott of the Canadian public for the seventeenth vo- lume of mu; (noun. the publisher has to state that nothing shall he Icll undone to render the journal worthy of the h5g1) reputation it has t-nrnrd In past years. A III.‘\\’ and beautiful font of copper-faced type, (1'an specially forth (,ilmlfll‘l. at the celebrated foundry ol Moxsrs. James Connor and, Sons, New I Ink, will sus- tain the typographical credit of the establish IIIentâ€"aud the uni of an enlarged corps of Editors, icporters, and Correspondents will €t>SIII'(‘. to the readers of ’l I”. Omar; all that is interesting in News, Poltttcs. Literature, and Commerce, During the coming year, the Globe will continue to pay all that hlll“llllt)ll to the public affairs at the I'rovmco which has secured for it [IS present contlitton. 'l he l’.ovix,tce is ac- kt.owlodged by" all [lill'll' s to he on the eve ol great changes; and those the (ill/be will smk toIIrlluonee for the bem'lit ol the people at large, II. “'III advocate such a L'Ililllgt‘ In the mnsxitntiou as will give to I=pper an'd Lowei Canada the control of their on It lot‘ul {III'AIFNJIINI will give general matters to a joint authority of >Itltplt‘ and Inexpensive torm The lldt'IfiS‘ stty of lll‘lylublltg such cltrt‘lts upon Parliament and the lilxrcutivo as will prevent the borrow- lug of IIIoury trtthuut the Cement ol the peo- ple, Will be oaiuestiy Insisted upon, The Globe will also advocate tllt‘ VoI.U.\'r.Inv Prus- CIPLILâ€"â€"-I‘;IIULA'I‘IOI~', elementary and (sullugl- ate. sung; I‘IIOM sr.c't'.IIrLIM l\l--Ill(:()|‘pOIalli)ll of the Hudson’s Iioy 'Iorvltut'y with Gnu- adaâ€"n Ilasxwr'rcv ‘ for tile relief of the honest debtorâ€"Jurtinvrm manauuumr oi the PUBLIC I.A.\IIsâ€"â€"lti.t:IrItocu. rim. 'l‘rtanr: _ uith the Umtetl Statesâ€"the IIIIIII'UVt‘IUL'III of Canadian agiicnlturuâ€"i-cononIy in rvm‘y branch of the public expcndture, and gene- rnlly cvety nrcu~uro winch lulltls to the Im- provemeut of IIuIIIaIIity in religion, IIIoIaIs, and material prosperity During the next six months, in the constitu- cncres and met-tings oI‘ lllt‘ people, as “all a ll) Parlian’ront at Quebec. many uf thew subs 3I-lf jams Will be discussed, the 111010 vital and im portaut of them wrtb at: earnestness and vigour rarer before \\'I' Les-sod in this lrovince As a [lltllllolel'ar' uell as II'CUHIU' of the move. “tents of the day, the Globe “ill passess extra- ordtnury interest tor all classes ol readers, and lthe friends of progress are requested to aid in premises. and fined them up in u “out and extending its circulation among the masses of the people. The editorial conduct of THE can be best estimated by the IIIIiIItrr.nptcd success that has attentch Its Dublitzaion. Buta constitu- tionnl crisis demands fuIIIIcr exertion in that direction, and it \\Ill be sIIpplrt-d. In regard to news, fresh etl'orts will be used to supply to the readers ol the. Globe the earliest and [1108! copious itttelligcitcu ll'uttl all parts of the World. Corresposilence Is received from Great Britain, British Columbia. the _\oth West 'I'etrtory, and all that tI':iIIspi:t;s at home and in the Units-d States is diligently recorded --â€" Special attention is devoud to commercial in- telligence: the markets are reported more fully than in any otherjouinal. A lmnted space is Certified to agriculturall subjects, and everything wltic‘ tends to the development of the must important brunch of Canadian Industry receives special attention. 'I‘Ill': DAILY GLOBE is $6 per annum. payable strictly In advance. It is publisned at four o’clock, every morning but b‘unu'av. and is despatclied by the early trains to all parts of the country. It is a very large sheet, containing a vast amount of IIeWs, mercantile in'olltgouce, and general informa- tion, of the latest and most interesting cha- racter. Any person sending the Cash for FIVI; I)AII.Y Subscribers, will be entitled to an ad- ditional copy FREE. THE 'I'RI-WEEKIX GLOBE. is issued every MONDAY. Wsnsusoav. and Fru- DAY, at $4 per annum. in advance. It Is printed on a large sheet, and in its columns Is given all that appears III the Daily Indttion, with the Telegraphic and other news to the l~test mo- Inent. Any person sending the Curb for FIVE 'l'Iu- WI2I;xLY Subscribers, will be entitled to a rut-LI; he Sllelll grave. "0W Stand randy 10 tvsul‘y “‘81 copy. T 11 E WEEKLY GLOBE is issued every Friday morning, at $2 per an- num, payable strictly in advmice. rate quality; it is made up in a handsome quarto form, comprising eight pages of seven columns each ; and contains more reading mat: l9" Illa" an)’ 0m” I’OIlllcal 'WVYSPHPBI 0" Ill” which Is the blood. 'I'lIerefore,itwillbe shown, contment, Great care IS taken In the comlea- especially by tion of the paper; the news is carefully eul- lected from the Daily EditIon. and articles spe- ciuil'. prepared for its columns The Market Reports, at borne and abroad, receive constant attention. , 'I o induce exertion on the part of the friends of the Gbllfltl throughout the country. it has been resolved. that any person making up a A. J. w club may haveâ€"- ’l'en Copies fir. . . . . . . . Fifteen. Dollars] 'l'wc'uly Copies/or. . 'l hull/"fire Dollars! Eighty Copiesjbr. . , . . Um: Hundred Dollars / Any person sending bill” for Five WELKLY Sllbitfllllt'l‘fi, will be entitled to a Free copy The IVwkly Globe will be sent to all Clergy- men for One Dollar a your. Money Letets addressed. “ THE PUBLISHER or THE GLonE, 'I‘onos'ro,” can be Registered by payment of one penny. and their sale ar- rival .-iil then be at the risk Ot the Publisher. IL}: Subscriptions may commence at any period of the year, and be made tor any term; and persons desirous of receiving the Paper need not wait for an Agent to call OII them, but have only to enclose their money, with their name and Post Ufllce, to GEO. BROWN, Globe Office, Toronto. > p ‘13. Dual T‘tcnm. liar, . wmmâ€"mâ€" (,-oucet.sion of . 1‘ I5 I’llf'md touished, and absolutely surprised on an Immense double sheet of paper, of brst- their v'- ,,~a,4 .. rm .v.-~j.. ~ I . .:<~ Tamw- - ~ ..I HISTORY of CANADA II‘II E members of the-Bookselling trade, and 1.116 Public of Canada III general, are re» Ispec‘lully intormcd that it Is Intended to pub- lish, by Stillt-Cllpliflll. a NEW. Illsronv or CAN- AIIA, {founded on that of hlr. I“. X. GAMNEAU). as soon as an encouraging number ol Subscri- bers can be obtained. 'I'be recent appearance of a thirdland much improved edition 01 I.’Hts'rotlv bu (IMAIIA. by Mr GABNEAU, has given rise to a wile ex- pressed to Mr. LOVELL by several of has friends and commercial connections, that he would undertake to publish a counterpart, in English, of the above workâ€"the best Canadian History extantâ€"with such modifications as would make it acceptable to the entiretx. of our peOpIe, whether of British or French origin. Accord» ingly, responding to the desire thus expressed, Mr. Lovell ha- engaged the services of Mr. Ant’a'ew Bell. Member of ttte Glasgow’- Arches- ologit'al Sonit-ty. also of the Canadian Institute. Montreal; author of“ Men and I lungs in Am- erica" : Historical Sketches of Vandalism. , NEW l Ilritishmnd Continental”; " Li,w-s of the II- I lustrious ” ; " New Annals of. Old Scotland,” and other worksâ€"a gentleman of great literary experienceâ€"as translator, compiler, and editor of what he purposes to entitle "'- 'I'I_ir: NEW AND the tonndation ofthe Corony till the year 1840, â€"-to be based on the third and latest odtion oi l.'I‘Il~"l‘0|RE nu CANADA of Mr. Gunman.â€" Furtbermore. Mr. Lovell hailing made applica- ti II 10 the latter for his sanction to the pro- posed work, is happy to say that his special ap- probatipn has been obtained ; so that the trans- lation, of his labors now pro-posed (With modi- fications and additions, as afmosnid.) becomes the only authorised reproduction of the French version of the work. It is proposed that the "Contrastinssivr: 111570le OF CANADA ” shall form three hand- I l 1 some voII'IIIes, in domy octave, and be printed in a superior style, on paper of the best quality. Each volume will comprise from 400 to 5}") pages. Price $1.50, or $4.51) for the whole Parties taking an interest in the early history of the Colony, are now respectfully called on to furnish, for the Editor‘s me, any unpublished or little-known historical, antiquarian, or other , rare materials as they may have lying by them. The donors of all such may I).I assured that special acknowledgetncnt will he made in the work of every fist or thus obtained. It is hoped that the Publisher may be enabled to biing out the work, complete, early in the Fall of I86". Subscription I.l>l.‘= will be found at the book- stores in .h’lootreal, 'I'Orobto,Quciwc. Kingston. Ottawa. Hamilton. London; die. and ill the Ofl'lces ofthe Publisher. in St. Nicholas Street. Montreal ; also at Ste. Anne Street, Quebec. JOIIN LOVELL, ! nnada Directory Ol’lit'e. Montreal, September I859. DR. MORSE’S Indian Root Pills. ‘Ill. MORSE, the inventor of Morso’s Indian Root l'IlIS. llHr‘ spent the gleator portion of his life in II H‘el itzg. havinglvisited Europe. Asia and Africa, as well as North America.â€" Iins spent three years among III 2 Indians of out Western 00.Illlll"_\‘«.-.â€"â€",ll was in this way that the Indian Root Pills were first discovered. I) . Memo “'15 the first man to establish the Will! that all (lit-Qilf‘cs naise rom IL‘rII‘IIRI‘I‘I' OI“ 'I'IIE Ill.!f)lli)â€"that our strength, health and life dependrd upon this vital Illlld. When the various passages becmne clogged, and do not act In perfect hnIIIIony With the dtl~ ferent functions of the body, the blood lows, its action, becomes thick, corrupted and (lit-Otth thus causing all pains. sickness and distress of every name; our strength is exhausted, our health we are deprived of, and if nature is: but assisted in LII-owing; off the stagnant humans, the blood will beronw ttliokvd and ceam to act, and thus our light of lilo will be forever blown out, llow IIIIportunt then that We should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleas-tint to us that we have It in our power to put, a medtcino in your reach, namely, Morse’s Indian Iloot l’ills, manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the mob I atntons clill's in Nature’s Garden, for the health and recovery of diseased man One of the roots from which these. Pills are made Is a Sudorilic. which opens the pores of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the liner putts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which Is an Expectoranl. that opens and unrlogs the passage to the lungs by copious spitting. The thitd is a Diuretic, whirli gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged. they draw large amounts of im- purity frotn the blood, which is then thrown out bountifttily by the urinary or water passage, and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Catharttc. and accompanies the other properties or the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood ; the coatser particles of impurity which cannot pass, by the other outlets. are thus taken up and FroIII the above, it is. shown that Dr. Mo'se’s Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomach, but become united with the blood, for they find their way to every part, and complete- ly rout and release the system from all impuil‘v. and the life of the body, which is the bloou, becomes port'ectly healthy; consequently all sickness and pain is drtven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the atllicted parts. and which will Open the natural passage for the disease to be cast out: home, a large quantity of food and other matter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing wtth the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and artery, until life Is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse’s PILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory, by restoring millions oftlIe sick to blooming health and hap- ptness. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning elements of fever, and who have been brought, as it were, within a step of they would have been numbered with the dead, had it not been for this great and wonderful medicine, Morse’slndian Root Pills. Al'teroue or two doses had been taken, they were as , in witnessing charming effects. Not only do they give Immediate ease and strength, and take away all sickness, pain and anguish. but they at ones go to work at the foundation of the disease, those who use there Pills, that they will so clause and purify, that diseaseâ€"- that deadly enemyâ€"WIII take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty wdl again return, and the prospect of a long and happy life will cherish and brighten your days. CAUTION.â€"â€"I58Wal‘e of a counterfeit signed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of HIM: & Co" on each box, Also the sigtntturrty‘ A. J. Willis g? Co. All others are spurious. A .1. WHITE & 00,, Sale Proprietors. 50 Leonard Street. New York. Dr. Morse’s Indian root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. Agents wanted in every town, village and hamlet in the land. l’artiesdcsiriug the agency and address as above for terms. l’ricr 25 cents pct’boxs. live boxes will Ila, sent on receiptof $1. pus-Inge paid. " d d Strain huginc for Sale I I ‘0 be sold by Private Contract. in good Steam Engine and odor of about Five Horse Power, for the small sum of$221_l. Terms of payment to be agreed upon at the time of pur chase. For particulars apply to, JOHN GRIST. Thombill -oi,Ir own Government could afford in aid of on- i _ ‘ _ ' been promptly and eil'ectnpl'y granted. C(IMI‘lt,EHI,NSINI<‘. HIs’rottv, 0E CANADA." Irom - " now moverâ€"who were the lords of the forest NARI’IATIVES OF B E A V E R. THE JESUIE; FATHERS ! 3Fire Insurance Associatmg _ AST year the French reading part of the i . ,. . . . ,. , Canadian people were edified on do- or IORONIO' L’ W‘ lighted by the pnbltcéitipthofthe original Nar- ratives of the Jesuit Fathers, \\ ho Were the pioneers of religion HIltI its attendant civiliza- Masonic “a” tion in Canada This \\ ork. Impotont as it is ‘ , ,0 ,he “pm,” Cummmu ,3. “I”, 1,,” w ,0 m6 , Ilall‘the Profits to be returned tothe IIIsured._ English«peaking purl. of the population of I “‘6 balance» "womed ‘0 1.0”" 3 “933,”? North America. At: Inhabitants of this great ‘ BOARD or Diane-rose ; , ,.- polmnonl. I'spI-cmllv all (Futuritans. \inI assign lTRUSTH‘s_Hem-V Rowsej W C Chew“; ' , . l ‘ ‘ t ' I . It on honoer place on the shelves which boar ‘ ‘ ‘r" i . t } fi ‘- I. t d Joseph Jackes. 11H stirriiur :‘ht't'ztllvcs o tie rst all r tsn an § , . Dun.“ ,,,,:,,,,,,,,.e,,,. l“ 3DIRnc1‘oRsâ€"Honry Rowsell. Toronto. Chairs. . l i . . ' u 3' It is lit. therefore, to make. its reverend au- J' “I: Bren" 0’7"“?! Chmrmm‘; w' (J' tlIors speak I\ hit an English tongue. ‘ .wwm“ .19ro'l“),l Jose'ph Jackes’ momma“ 1W. H. bInIth. Ioro’nto, Manager; ' W'm. . I‘IeIIIWFII, Highland Greek: .Ioh'n Mowa’t'; 7' - . ‘ I I l I I 1' W , ‘1 H ' ' hIIIgMOII: Wm. Agltn. Kingston :‘.Asa AL ,(rovounment Ins mu u may: ant pretions (,011- .Bu,.,,hmn' cubomg: Wm. Green. Ham'in H. - I ' s of histori :al matter to our Provincial . w ' - I ~ tltblutlbll , I I I "Y J 1 i I , Itobett brmth. Chinguaconsy; George Blain,‘ I.II)I.1Iy,'ts(III manuscript, Itllslyplllllel , relating, pummo vpownfihip . ,, ., (:IIII-‘II\ to Cartoon, its settlement, and wars : the I 50hcimr~John Hgmwcn ('x‘ovortrmont of the United Sta tealtns been ever I Band opvpommo I zealous in collecting docugnents relating to the ,. , . . ‘ arts audsnlfcrings of their. hardy and advonâ€" LG» . “10 lmv'dom Life Afs'lmnc’ 0°!” to removed to the same oIlice. tnrons founders ; and the encouragementwhich l 1m“: V Having guarded against loss from fire bv III... tot-prizes of the same character. has alwan raring your property, consider if it. would net, be as, well to make a little additioan provision, The publication of authentic and. interesting I” 30'" "mm." "‘ cf‘” “[50” "w" PW'M‘P'R~ death :-«\VI)811181‘ It would not be as with, historical records has been favored andprompt- I , H ‘ ed by all enlightened goveinnnents and literary I‘lwngh “‘0 ass'fiimnce “f: a In” A’sur‘f‘m‘r bodies; because they supply: the best evidence ("m-’lla.”" '0 PIOVI‘I“ " “3331’! 1"" your .w‘lfliflfr later, or, Ifyou have no). the happiness to, of the truth of history. or the best materials for (“mi , . _ u _ , _ its composition. It has even been asserted, be b~"Q"'°‘-1W-"h lhem' um'k“ the Pov'fle-“Iun'olrr that the chronicles and private memoirs of co- 3 MW hand-f9" Pound=1 "ddl‘twm‘l “"81" "0“ 8% tottlhorartes no of higher value than thal’o- $33$Â¥L§Tޤfhm belied periods of Ilunie and Muslin}. “ham,” 0,7,,” pIUJVlDE‘NT LIFE .Asgfy ,ANCE AND, INVES'I‘MENT COMPANY I 'I‘DFOIIIO Sitr‘leel, 'I'orou'w". {by n H Propuulm‘y. form. and actipy of the Rates. . ()r. pt.-ssibly,- the Agent of the "Beaver"- may possess a copy of holh._ documents. wltit'h. he, can accommodate you with, and give you a, little information on the subject besides. Agent at Richmond Hillâ€"h. ILARNOLI). _â€" l OFFICE, [IGIIIOVcd from 54 King StrcctEnst, TORONTO Sinner next building north ‘Of ‘tlib. 9s The early history of Canada is at this Ino- IneI-t atltnctltlz Inntm attention, The French Bankers-+13“. The Narratives now sought to he presented to the public are of great val e to~ all classes. 'l'o the religionist. whether Protestant or Ro- ‘ man Catholic, they atl‘ord precious, evidence of the :geui of those servants of his Holy Rel giou who devoted themselves to, its. propagation . among the heathen. and went forward through _ many a fiery trial, to find too, often at last the crown of martydom. The ethnologist will find, in them faithful descriptions of a race now MM“!- 1859: v 174! much degenerated and rapidly approaclrmg to .__.._..__.._L,___L __._____H a extinction. written amongst themes they lived and moved. hunted and fought, married and [dire I : Eire ! 1 .9 died, rnceiwd baptism or l'erocionslv murdered, the men who sought to bestow itou them. Oro tlinnry readers, from the intelligent scholar to the untanght peasant. will peruse with Interest on account of men who trod the sullen which they . WESTERN Fire Insurance Company oi Toronto. and the river, now sIIIiliIIg with the rich bur. vest or glittering with the vessel's.ofcommerce. --â€"aud will learn with some enrotitpn that they live and sleep in security on the. self-same. sprig which has been often drenched with the blood shed In warfare or massacre. iscoui'onavxn RY ACT oIg “manna”. (7,0 Pl' LIL STOCK, £100,000. I. L. GIL-Ion. Pros. I Grzo MIrnIL,Vice Pres. DIRECTONQ :. will depend entirely upon the-support received ' from the public. The first volume has been translated, by one of the bust Ira: slalom in the Province : and it. w II he. put in press as spun as n stillicicnt number of subscr'bcrs is obtained to defray the cost of translation and pnbl string. Itlcn Lewis. Esq. Jaqu Meaty. Esq. 'I‘. l’. I'tobnrts, Esq. , M. Itosain. Esq. I 'l'hOs. IIawortII. Esq, W. Itlendorsou. Esq. The publication ofso volnirntrpua a world W. Maclmlnne, Esq. ' Bernard, I'laldun. Esq. Scent/1.3.3; & Treasurer. Angus Morrison, Esq. bulimia”: ' Batik of Upper (laundn. firm/u". Iii: nyamtn b‘witzm, Iqsq. lyusltcrtor. The ninth will Innin 3 Volumes, lini'alb‘vo., ofubout 251: pages each. in Long Primer type. Subscriptionlists will be found at the Book- stores in Montreal. 'I'oroulo. Qurlwt‘, King- ston. Ottawa. ilamilimt, London, \kc. and at tlIeOllict-s of the Publisher. in St. Nicholas Street. fi‘letrircal; also at ita‘te, Anne Street Quebec II)" 111,93“! (Mire, Claire/I Street, 'k'gp‘onto. a Tupi (Tourism Insurer. all tlggscriptionr of Blilltlltlflr. Mannr'actortes, Mills, t\_t;.. and Goods and. Igv‘ttriiitttrc. in tiresome. against ct dam: age by tire. on liberal tertits. ' f‘rire in patrrr covers per volume. 3311.74, or “ones promptly settled. '. . ’ for IIH' set 34%.25. ‘1 t, a... Price in half calf per volume, $11.51) or for t the Sti $lil.5ll. T IL 7‘3" ,.i .t 5 but”: I .sggrut. -i it. glint . P..~r:itlni'.I-o. Iliclm and Hill Asylum 332. It ions 1AA his. 1' y,’1bis;’icl‘. (Tammie fhrct'lnry (Miler, .iVIotttroaI, Sept. 1.9.39. ‘1‘, ,, ",‘tr up . ‘ . I .sala hm: laurtxrnner {lantpaitv I I)?” LONDON, Ill-,lxlfli'lltlll 37 AC! or lt‘ql'ltltlAl. I‘Ahltli‘tbiilflr- t'.\l’t"l‘;\l., .t.‘.’.l?ll,<,ttl| h'i Lill (3. .l‘y' I'll li’ TR ES} TJII F1331"; bitilllo llwl‘lititllti Ilizspmsnt‘y, 1.". )s.‘ .zs'I'AIIIJsIIILb, iron 'I‘H'r, cum: or Ixrsrrrsra. ,~.~ “I so i w .v v: .7. ‘ I _,.In toe. brunt: 1.1m" 1- as: or i to GEMLRAI. phllllJ‘lY, new»: A‘l) Argus, ‘ " “3'- l'"“ “ 0‘1 senoram. our mamas. GREA'I Intro» 'rrtus'rurt 1 I10". Joys Ross, I .Itms (Imwnmn. Esq}, BOAIII, or DIum’rrmm-TWilllnm ochnsto‘r. unit of; TH); numb. SALT llllH'M. PLMI‘I.IZS. P'IS'IUIA. rims, xIIINILYs. lIIZBIlJl'Y, IN- . I rummms 0,. YOUTH , Esq. (.,litIIrIIIan: \‘v . I’. IIowIand. Lat. ANUULDM;,;' “is, 1 .\I.I’.P , ‘1 II-n-Cltairnmn: \S‘illinnt in», 1qu. ; William Henderson, I'lsq. ; F. W Jarvis‘.1‘is Ib‘ucritl' U. (I. of York and Paul ‘ Burgess ~â€"'I’hc- Bank of Montreal. SOLILII'i-Illi.-:I{UN-, Crawtord and '('Iomhto 'I'Ite I-IigngeIm-nts of the Flute Fite It» snrnuce (Iompa’ny are guaranteed by aresponsi; . . - 1- 61‘? SH) Mercury LSI‘EI. .23) I y ' It. AMOS a, sox. Cornerof Main mail Quay Stunts. Buffalo, New I irk. are l the only Physicians in the Single who are MINI)- ,blo I’IOprietaiy. bers of the ltoyal College of Surgeons, London. _ _ ' All losses will bn settled promptly without May be consulted from 8 o’clock III the morn- l iug until 9. o'clock at night, on every state and reference to the Board in England. S.Vllll’ 0'” OI (“Sea-“6' MILEX. S'I'EVVAR'I'. A. LAW, The treatment they adopt is the result of up. Manager, B. N, America Agent. wards of 30, years‘ extensive and sin-tu-ssl'ul I Richmond II practice in London. The most ittvmeratc February 18. 1850 1.3.1,. syIIIpIoIIIs of Disease eradicated in eight or 4 nine days, and Case-s of a slight nature in two or three day:- at a yevy moderate expenseâ€"u The cure cilia-ted without confinement or bin- d ranco from business. Young [tle'tt-â€" Tceice P articular There is an evil habit sometimes indulged I EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, in by boys, in solitude. Often growing up with ' ' them to manhood. and which. if not reformed ( And dcslmm'ed ‘0 Suh’iwribc" by m. "flunk by them in due time, not only begets serious I Inuils,or other conveyance. when so desired. obstacles to IIIutIiIIIOIIiaI happiness, but gives , , . , rise toa series of protracted. IIISIdI()llH.VaIId1‘ “:8 .YOIRK IIERALJI)! WI” “I'VE,” 5'. devastating affections. Fetv of those who give , "’ 10;)” Ito Louli‘nifholmym“lid mm“ "mm!" way to this pernicious practice are aware ot‘l mm Drug“ “Did rovllwml PP“! and M"'- - kets. and the greatest care will betukeu to the consequences, until they find the nervous d . , system shatteted. feel strange and unaccountm r6" er " “00“I’IPI’I*_ if} the "m" or bu'llwue - and a valuable I‘annlx Newspaper. his feelings, and vague fears in the mind. ‘ A 11103; Scientific Inventio \3. 'I‘LRMS-zâ€"Seven and Sixpence per Annum, III - ’ ' abuser; ; and if ngt paid within Threa AII instrumenth the cure of Genital De- Mom“. ,wo damn” Wm be chm ,ed bility, or more properly known as seminal ' ' L ' Weakness, Nervous Debility, &c., which are permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use ol'this instrument. when used conyoiutlv with medicines. New Remedies and Quick Cures Du AMOS do SON take pleasure-in announ- cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent pliysiciansin London, Paris, Philadel- phia and New York. It has been declared the only useful instrument eve; yet invented for the cure of Seminal Vifeakness, or any disease ' ' - s 7 I ' . . :Lbittlgeofgiegmgl organs, can ed by tie secret vemsmg by the W“. Dr. Amos &. Son. in order to satisfy the) All advprtisemants published for IMPO- Inostrskeptical as to the merits of these instru- ‘ riou than one month. must be paid for 3! d4. ments. pledge themselves, that in any instance , Vance. lvl‘e!°.'lll’ey| "my W9” ,i‘l'llsa‘iSlrmarlé Eff” ‘1 All letters addressed to, the Editor must bu IaIr trm , its money Wl we re un e y m. lpuslpaid. turning the instrument in good order. , T , , , Persons wishing the above useful instrument 9'0 PM)” d'sfiglllmf'efj “m” 3“ “Emmi”, a“! will observe, that the price, with the accqm- I Pald ‘ alldl’ar‘m5 lemmug Paper“ wnhol“ 1?"?- ,,a"yi,,g dilecuons. seemely packed and mm I my up, Will be held accountable for the sub: by mall or express. is ten dollars. . lscl‘ll’lml" ' " Beware of Imposttwn. Beware of empiries and tiinerant sell-styled ’- 5â€". M, _..L_ , ..__._.;_H~..__....-..._.._. -._...,.._._.__...‘_ clinic literati Is runnisrirzn RATES OF ADVERTISING :. Six lines and under, first insertion” . ..$00 50 ' Each subsequent insertion . . . . ,,, I, . ., (Ill 12‘ Ten lines and under, first insertion. , . . . 00 75 Above tell lines, first in., per. line“... 00 073 Each subsequentinsertion. per line. . , , I)“ 09 IE? Advertisements without written direct tion» inserted till forbid, and charged accord- iIIgly. All transitory advertisements, from strongere or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. ‘ A liberal discount will be made to parties/ed; MM 'I'IIE YORK H ERA LD rofossors, who ATTEMPT cures, but never I , e Succeed ‘Book and J ob Printing Dr Amos 61. Son have for a long series of ‘ ESTA B LISM EN T. years been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and l are the only legally qualified Physicians who1 now adyertise to cure certain complaints, or from wlIOm genuine European remedies can be . WORK w,” bb prompt“, among“, ,0 ,_ obtained. , ’ ‘ - v a - . .. . . I’IznsoNs In ANY PART or win: WORLD may .3001“: “WY IBM-3v Wyn” “"1”? "4-H" be successfully treated by forwarding a Correct 4st. SMALL rnsnias, antennas, Law rungs, detail tol‘ their. cases, with a remittance tori! m”, HEADS'HANK' cgsgcxs,upkyys,asn Medicmes, that: , Much Will be returned quI the. ' ' ' - s ' . II LI: 1 s. utmost dtspatch. and secure from observation. P‘ M P _ And every other killfl‘of I - - Address Dr. Amos & Sou, corner Main and 3 g LETTER-:PRESS PRINTING} Quay streets. Buffalo. N. Y. t4Ii-I)’ done in the best style, at, moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE ,Is entirely . AIL”? Second and Third DlvyslUN ‘ new and, ofth latest patterns. A large “variety 1 Court. Office. Riclunond Hill. ,‘ of new [Fancy Type and Binders. for CM Dec-ember. 18-58. lat! (Iranians. kept always on hand. ' ‘aIlDEItS for any of the undermentioned description of PLAIN and FANCY. W... l l l

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