Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Dec 1859, p. 2

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an.“ .- ,s «- v A ‘ m _ . . ., .-.:...~ee.~ r - ~ I » \.i\t‘,-?:'r~ « i,.=o.v.-.v.n..=.. r ya can" .'.‘l'.'m"’r_ ..§:r.o~.rr,-y._w , ‘irvvwrrpn sow .~.->er.~""lnt£:.‘i.;‘ . A‘V‘iE-zcir'mtov! .. "'.l.i."lt‘~'-‘. w" ;. Lu,“ I Wâ€" _-r- A Protesta..t movement of an Adam Wilson, the present mayor ol'ESencd; andibat Upper (exceptr'l‘uverus) in or near Buttonvillo. term of office. been the means directly or in- Canada has " v 'poteirtiary. , . . The number of volunteers in France for , ,. , . . , . .d d. _ y . . the Climate” WW“ We” "WW than earnest and serious character has Toronto, and thg linn to pity thorn , not. been. robbed by Lower Canada, ll“ WNW“ “at”: “WWW?” 3: "80“) f’fc'ltfsmit ("If “We'll,”prevoutwgtho ' double “m le‘l‘lh‘e‘l- Sprung up in Hungary. The Em- in lllls their tor-torn t:mio.illloll,~ and ncitiir-r has sue been ruined by that 314‘" ' “Mt "I’m" WWW" '“ l“ M ‘:'°l°f “‘chaunglt‘lum “1 “1381010 Within LATEST. perur of Angola has assumed the consent to become the Clear urrimoriuectiou, but it anything, Upper ‘“;§°“’:1““3“”‘ “°’“ “'3’”? f n _ B at”??? is,” “w: Wj‘d-l °‘ "‘1‘" °"“ v 1 I v ’ s i ' ‘ . v . ' ' > . i ‘- i i' " n o . AL Uh lHle‘iOKJH BATAVIA Jan” Oct 23”] Power 01 suvernlng’ by a, Gunman, unhumulc. u... (ML \\ flan“) “5,” u . band‘ua “as been llmzsauwl. not. ‘Viwsi ( Alta“ introc'lluw1 in: do oping: 5 Hr doiseh.ompiol§:;e or1 court: f‘ And,f ., . , . '. ' ’ . . . _ , . . . ' -. ,. r , H , _ . , - , a h which waiii'eu a shat an tune ‘ zeni ' o e in advent o AMER“ VAN. The naval .xpedrtrnary loi'ce _ tor iion oi his own deVisrng. ilie var- and 114.39 animal uni“- -“ “Ml “‘“lb \\ Hualdudmg. all Hurts,- We “‘4', “B” “a page“, h,;,.,,,,,_,_,,,,, ,0 new,“ him,“ ,0, mo “,0 of. ‘ . Bout, left yesterday. Ui‘r‘at tears were ious Protestant coiiitiiuntous. ,Tlitt' fielUWd-i- bl“ l" Wlwwlu“ ““l"“tl‘3 i“). UllP‘"““‘P“'u am'um Pill'caneun I f , ,d. u u o - '1 ‘i‘i’ito'iiicniiiig liquor: tin or neer"‘Gorriiley’s *~ . ~ . dtllel'lullt‘ll that the natives Wlll rise . - ~ ' . tilt-res tit leii 'lll took my on tin-til Reioi'iiicis as is class that W}? ex- m “° 9‘“ " °' ’” “'3 '° ‘ “""°'l'“ - - . w, :- . v . r. . . Ponruso, Dec. 19. - Prrittsiaiits at Presonrgli and at l. l , I, a momma. m WNW“, “ms U, um “MP “mm, [Mm M, 2, when hmwmw ,I ' I “The North American arrived yesterday _ “it 101. Mi, making one of the best ' ' 'pjssagra of these-anon. the was detained ”‘ six hours- at let,‘ and lclt Queeiisiown “25304.1(” on the 8th, and made as highathlO knots in one day. The Asia arrived on the «tsunami the Hungarian on the 6th. , The Than regrets {Orlt‘m‘ll that after a ' full discussion by the Cabinet. it"lnis been determined that Lord Palmerston will tint attend. the Congress as English l’leni Lord Cowley will attend to ,explain, and asfar as possible enforce the views of his Government. The reason why ‘Lord Palmerston .does not attend the Congress that Parliament tact-ts on. thr- ‘24‘Alll.0.f.latllllry earlier than usual and very iihpoi'tatiit business unit at once he brought , 2,.f0ifvr2ird requiring the Premier’s pt‘esr nee. , ~ 'l‘thongrcss assembles nominally on .the 5th ofJanuary, but practically for real business not earlier probably than the lbth.‘ . The Paris Patric states that most of the EurOpean powers-trad given their adhesion of the Congress. A report was current that the- Court of Turin would so lav yield to the wishes of France as not to send Cavanrto Congress It.ivas considered probable that the Court Arese, a personal friend of Hit" .Einperor, would represent Sardinia. GREAT BRITAIN. Four merchants ofLiverpool have taken uponiheniirelvcs to write to the Emperor of the ,b‘rench inquiring what were his in» tciitions in reference to England. The ,E‘mperor replied through his Secretary. Mosquarrd. and furnishing thr- Paris journals with a copy of the letters. The action of the Liverpool Merchants in ‘addressing themselves to the EmpI-‘I‘OI' was very generally censured and ridiculed in England. The Daily Neu‘s‘rrm-nds per- 'rSOllS who are ambitious of corresponding with foreign soverigns that such an act is a matter of which the Attorney General may take note in a very disagreeable man- ner. The Emperor‘s letter had a favourable Ellery: Enrol-ran is well armed. Much exert-ement prevails among the nativ‘es owrug to then being to- ccd on board ship as Uoohcs lor Bout. A. conspiracy to murder the European residents has beenidrteated‘at Bandi. ‘NAp‘LEs, Dec. 3rd. News reached frein l‘alrrriio to the 21th Nov., states that the Coiiiiriaiidtl' .vtaiiescirlt-o, Direcior General or the blui- ltati Police, had been stabbed WlIllt‘ walking With his wile and cinldren in the Tulane oi the Cathedral. The Wound inflicted Was very severe, but probably not niorlal. 'l‘he assassin who wasn't-lidressedescaped. b‘cars Were entertained that the attt-iiiptrd assassination would be followed by an in- ‘thtl‘t'cllOlI, but tranquility prevailed. EUROPEAN AFFAIRS. " From the Norfolk News. Who would be a king these tro- blous tituesl “ Uneasy lies the head that wearsa crown." Poor Victor Emmanuel! lloncst, pairi- otic, brave to excvssâ€"but alas! not strong enough to begin to fear, for his place! No than in wine Eu- rope is more deserving of pity, not the Pope, nor even the Sultan, sur- rounded though both of them are with conspiracies and troubles of all kinds, most difficult to escape and must trying to hear. The Sar- dinian King has to undergo an ex- quisite and tantalising torture al- most intolerable by a man of hot blood and quick triiiper. Central Italy. is the luscious fruit which hangs almost within his grasp. lt bends towards him, comes close to his very lips, but when he strclcherl forward to make it his own. it bounds away and mocks him. The freed states of Italy have invitedl him to be their king. He dared not accept the lio.._or, though he fain would. They then invited liiscou- sin, the Prince de Carignan, to be Peslh have met, and in no sup,» pliant terms have demanded the Withdraw al of the iegulutir-ns, and. the it-cognition ol the Piotcstairt. rightofsettlgoVi-rninent. Through- out Hungary the Protcstaiits are preparing to support the Comrtuts ot Presburg and Pesth, and overy day the agitation is becoming mine anti serious. We see in this another- proof that bent-nth the troubled suit- iacc of European society, some- thing is working which statesmen little dream of. ' The forthcoming Presidential. election is looked forward to, by all. parties in the United States, with. extreme anxiety. It seems to in. volve the very existence of the Uri» ion. The northern antioslavery states are coriipiicted against south em league. of slave statvs. A line from east to west would separate the territory of the southern Demo- crats from that of the northern Re- publicans. This unhappy state of efiairs may be illustrated by the supposition that Great Britain, above a certain liner oflaititude, was entirely Radical, and to the south of that. line, absolute Tory. When- ever such a territorial line can be, drawn between fiercely-antagonistic put’tlt's, a strong inducement todis- ruption presents itself. This eon- iiiigency is feared by Ariieriran statesiticn, and is rendered more probable by the simple and defined issue to which events are forcing the 'clnctors of the Union The question before the. peoplt‘ isâ€"-â€"' For slawry or against it?’ And the danger lies in the absorption of all other considerations by this supreme idea, and the concentra- tion of all the political energy and l party virus of an excitable commu- nity upon one terrible controversy. and as the Cube assures us atelul’l - against his wiiil tZUlr§utilc.u io-_.oc-‘ 't‘UlliC lite scapegoat, niitt oic'ci. tliiii- ,scil as M snorincc to their wrencs‘, and is consequently inc Ul'tl. Condi- ‘oatc lor i\oi'rii lortt- ins: lilt.)l'ill of this title shitciircirt. oi tut: lucts ol' the case is so apparent as to need _ _. no pointing out. Mi. \v.l.~oii is also the Candidate lor' tire 'i'oi'oniro- lull) Ul'iillly. oppos‘cd by Mitt. tlicw Cariici‘on. , flow on. WHCUU can Ut: .rn M.l’.l‘., spending a quilt tci' ol the your at toluene-c, and. stiit be an ctliciciit May or of ' loi‘oiito, We are at it loss to t‘utluclVU. ltowidiid Burr is also tiliXlUUS to run on too but iickci--â€"it will we irringiiic be to- tnci: riitlicult to full liiru oll tire track. not what "we woulriiinc 'lo know, are our Coirsci‘vtilrvt: litciitIs about? \‘l'licrc’is Col. Uci-osroiui We lictir lie is Ill lire herd, and we sincerely hope that he will t‘uii.- - tie is a gentleman oi lilgll stunning, thoroughly posicd up on politic.“ sutljt‘ms. itlld iiioi'cUVcr‘, practically understands the Wants oi the consti- iuci.r:y ; indeed we know oi no one so thoroughly qualitied to be the iiiciiibeit tor i\oi'iii York. He t'c- sides iii the heart oi the Vicinity ;. .iiid tlici'cloi'c We hope ttiiit till \viio desire a real good local man to te- pi‘r'scnt tooth. will critic and gm: mm a hearty support. "4*â€" â€"r-â€"‘ FACTS AND FIGURES. It is all but universally admitted that there is in Canada a Vltilt‘lll class ol politicians, who have takon every opportunity and adopted every conceivablestratagcrn to iii- tluiiie the passions of the populace of Upper Canada against Lower Canada- -lll'd.l thrry have succeeded only too well is appart'ut to allâ€"as nitrongsi a certain clique the cry of they writ stilt coniinue, their utiiruiiiiul. hue and cry, as they. are convinced against their Wili,â€"- .f we tear that they. wrircsciiipliiy me did udugt', "that caiiVitit-c a iiiati .'agaiiist his will. iicii be ot the some opinion stilt.” "‘ PUBLIC, Mil-LE t‘liVG. li‘l JUNG- , Uri Saturday last, the Hill ult., a Grit riicciiiig was held tit txcttictry ~â€" tiic “.UUVU, Capt. Aiiiistiotig, pro- slditig. Dr‘s. llullrcl' uiitl pull, rival-l rzaiioiuiitcs loi' Uri it lul'tiis,..i.ut.ltcset:tl tlic iiiccltiigr and wont ‘ovci' tot: usual irst oi stereotyped grrcVnnccs. l'ltcy Wci'c,.liOwcvci', tupl} co to by “in, plastic). bag. Ul‘. Uc‘lillc) very ably addressed the ‘uicctiog, and ptovcu beyond can-limit the Opposition tinct- rnorciy adopted the Ministerial iricnsui'c. with a lcw l|l=|.. tiititci'ial ullct‘ultoiis. Dissolution it- was evident would not go down, cvmi til it Cull tiicclrtig, its was! pi‘iivml ll)‘ lllr.‘ resolutions Collin-d, t snip. tor the year icbo’. shall be as t'urloWs :â€" 1 tint is to stay, the Lieciion tr r Wind, no. I. , to be held the mist day at the Uruirge “all. m' mowu’s Lormis. on the din concession ; the second day at the: Llano “corn, _1 no iinili. lot in. in the m concession. hit. Ucoigo Footy. to on twiuvtiing vtboer. . hot n did no- 4. to be licld'oii'the first day in. the Court tiouse, hour i‘ricnuii’s iioter, iviehiiiond iiiili the second day at. too ouu' in}; opposite .Uuiose's “incl. Victoria cqnare. , nil, James G iinley to be Returning utncer. ror nerd Au. .1, to be trial the titan any a‘ trio Connor. Ullallld-Ua. Unioiivufe , the mound day at too rheumii’s null... nimnnuiti Vlllhgk’. ALL- lViliiaiii Lahiii. to on Returning Unioer. for w ind no. 4, in be Item at in» cciiour lAQUoU. on lvl no. '44, in the itu CollcuiyeIUit.-- .iir. i‘irriiu. Aio Minder to be stlltllllllg Ui‘iicor. t‘ut' tv uru no U, to be timdtiio iii‘st day at the ternpcmucu unit, near banea' union. bloultvulu, oti tne second do: in a buildi'ilg near niapcs’ uuroi,‘ opioid. an. i humus bit-aw to be “stunting utficer. turmu iotri accrual-er. 16.”.- DAVID itmsun, [own Reece. Ll. l‘. Ciioslv. Clerk. . i Moved by Mr. iVlAnSfl. seconded by Mo", Wlllt'll resolutions “on: In luVUl’ 0'“ bow‘lafl. that too Clerk be. and. is here“) lil' it:ch atroii.“ papw. MARK HAM LOUACIL. The above Council "til it title‘s [late-l. Unioiivrllc, on Thurs day the 15th rust. Moiiibers all present, The Know iii the chair. Minutes 0: last mcoiirrg read and approved enacted to pay mains in the account t' RotorsI Marv t'o dorendiiiiz the ml at ttu its Marr as. i' G. Ilaacke, ii Its-:7. amounting“) $‘Al. Yi;Asâ€".\len~rs. Marsh, Buwuiiuruud Button binsâ€"Hr. l'euwick. The ioeolution was carried. Bowutx. that the Reeve be authorised. on be I lmll it this Council, to get legal «three as to Mr. Fuswwx presented a petition Loni J l the course the Council shall take iii refere ce lt‘eiiw'ivk and others, prayugl‘or aid for Jane l in the Mills now pending between curtain in- btowait, Who was loft in a destitute coutli‘iou. , 'l'lref Rmvr: prisontro a petition truiii. R l liuiiitants of School Section. No. 16 and dairies Gibwri. relative to School 'l'axes collected un- Wiiideor and others. praying. that lots Act. 3.1 ! dot is lly-law at this 'I owrisbip.-Cnrried. and 34, lit the lib UUIICcnwa of .Vltallklauti. be annexed t-r school Section. No. l7. .“UVed by ‘ Mr. Marisol... seconded by bill llowsiitx. that the sum oi $.15. be granted to Mr. L). [lot-irer. to assist towards the support at an indigent person who has been tor some time dependent upon him l'or'siipport.â€"â€" Carried. MoVed by Mr. Mtum. seconded by Mr. Moved by Mr. :r'izivwrcx. Incurred b_\ Mr. Manon. that the iovi-~ioii and Consolidation ol the Uplawm of this I‘ownshlip be referred .o it Committee consisting of tho Reeve. Mr. But- ion and Mr Marsh, whose duti rt shall boto maki- their report at the non iiicetrng of this Ytusâ€" Messrs. Marsh, Burton and Foiivviclt. tavern was n'év‘ér‘knri'wn ? Does not the In. spec-tor of iiii‘idwar'd alsoi’etaiid pledged in the some wayi’? ICOuuc‘illoiiwaiid liihpector. both professing solid at "'I‘eiiipeiruuco. and fol! lowersl ot the-week and; lowly: Jesus, a then why eingle out Mr. field» of Buttonvdle,‘ 'l‘bo lllllflbllulllfiiuf that Marmot do not, require the interference of Mr. Marsh or his constitu- ents. initiatorl as it is iii ward N0w|,5alld under thocdiai'ge chutnbowrmen, agentleman who has servod thp voters for sortie years with ubi- Iity and so isluctiou, and whosekcen’eve is over open toilie welfare of his Word." iNow. Mr. Editor, the Councillors “having Iflshufiled.’ you lllllSylfllflW your corn-.-poirdenttodeul with, and not misaeal. the pick of diamonds shining so brilliantly in our Township Council, ever ro- , ,1 tllili‘dlllg tli'enrot' ‘ ” The good olil.'rule.itho simple plan, ‘I but they sliouzldiget who have tho power, ' Arid llieyuhotild keep wuo chin”; Ntlj‘ l i I‘LFBS IS ' . ~ 'I‘RUMI'. Mtitkhain, Dec. 20' l859, 1" ' . - . [Inreferonco to the .above, we bog to state that the first petition of ' R..- Grrinrly a-ndr others was prcsr-ni- ed by Mr... Marsh, andr‘llie scrond one,“ hich was the some as tin-oth- er, only that‘weie aim, more Slg- natures attached" thereto, was pre- ecntrd by Mr..Biitt,on, aiidby left-r- ringiri another. column, it will be found that the By-lnw in question was introduced to thr- Coiiiicil. Ins- dr-cd‘ as f‘oras we can understand the outlet”. there was no shuffling pt‘lllltll‘lsll’nlli one to the other. As: to why llli‘ petition Was not prc» sealed to Mr. Bournbn, our r-s-. tr-eriir'd'[correspondent had better ask the gentleman who presented the petition Neither as tar as we are aware in it thr- intention of Mr. Marsh or the- inspcclor alluded to, to license any additional house for the sale of intoxicating liquois in or near Gd)!‘llllt'_\'.]‘--ED. ti oâ€"«un- r effect in' London Exchange. Some jour- nals intimate that the Liverpool merchants wrote their letters as a joke, and were _ tinder the influence of drink, and were “greatly suprised at receiving an athel'. 3'15 Gmmdu, is all bUl uanCl'Sill- The Run: read a communication from Mr. ,Uur iiiirtiaculate- Grits ever since Gisou, staring tliatiie iraelmri x-und lo the the Union, have been tit)ng nothing Division Couit in live actions aliiollllllllg to bill lit‘SlII-eul‘lllg \Vllll (lll‘l our allies, ,plSrl each. under the ntitlwiioiv of the 'l'inslcee, as in doing St) i‘tlslt'tl lllt‘lr only for the purpose of detiajiug the expenses oi chance ofgainrng the spoils (if of. building School-houses in b‘ ctions No. 13. iiiUl'dl plunder. The Cry ()l' “ W'Oll‘! and praying the Council to defend the laid _ New Advertisements this Week. NANâ€"Mr. unwmn... VA HUMAN COUNCIL. Regent. He dared, not accept the Regency, though he fain would. Then the Prince named agnod mart and tree, M. Buoiicoiiipagni, to bc Regent. France objected to ll'lL' King’s cousin’s nominee, but this l , The teso ntiou was carried. State Fire insuranceâ€"A Luv Cirdsâ€"W. U. Skeiin Dark Bay More Strayed Cheap Clorbing--â€"John Ilardy New Store in lluttoiivilleâ€"F. Plebs [Com m unmatod. l [Fridaj the 23rd inst. 5.4” On ledocsd iv List. at rum-ting of the 1 Heavy. gale: had again vesited the m'e'l'aym‘s “ll \le'rl NW 2- ‘V-ls'lk‘ld ill , Mrliriglis'h coast. CHRISTMAS Brienâ€"We tinderâ€" -\lr. James Dick's Tavern. in Maple Vil- _.-l_ittle hopes of saving. the crew. i'" ' the master. . The Steamship Boru~sin from llirnburu. to: complete the ship, to charter her for “"i’a‘imell’é month} [my elm-reholders. '5 prl‘ The ship ,Caplet from Calcutta, for London, was wrecked on the Sussex Coast . and only low seamen saved. latter objection has been subse- quently modified, it not wholly withdrawn. The King, it seems, Sap Buckets and Pal sâ€"J obn Amos Meeting of Electors Win-d No ‘2, Markham l‘empe. auco Electors of Vaughan wolf! ’ has been the coiis'ani bowl of these g.ctitry,-â€"â€"iilnd truly the wolf suits. or priv him to do the some. Moved by Mn Furs-wick, seconded by Mr. stand tliril Mi'. Jars. Hullriiliiy, the The Council then ndjouned tiil this dnv butcher f.o n Aurora. has purchased Inge. for thr purpose ol nominating a. fit an! prOper pr-rson to represent the above - - ii iii - I ‘i \l r’ t.‘l liin.r I n i. . , , l, I 15' .' 'di- " i. The Maltese bark Maribilta for when the Question of Regency was was “"7” dri'fltd’ h‘mevt r‘t m luifuidmu “odour-m o i ah” grflj-‘idjjuwi we "is" lel'l” 'h‘” M" H‘Tl’m’r min.“ w‘ dim me in “in; let" - Landau went. ashore. on the idle of Slarlflda asked the advice til-tite- EIII- '~l“‘o Sumerians-"To those of our subscrlb. aligvpfl‘m' Aciioid Di; m mew “'6 mi- ‘ rif!“f Mari: Hippo” o m gem l’UIt‘llttl'. th'llllmtid Hill. has also “"3 allet'd-Wie "M tlmnfit‘m'fi and le- " ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ (writ statesiiietiail along, not only P“"“’"““‘,""‘° “5 ‘w‘ll‘ bought sumo splendid bur-f. Wu specialties. J. lIiickelt, iii-qu. D..wue .VV-ightg. and 10 of the crew. were drowned, ,- 'fyhe Schooner Sentinel from Caruarvon went ashore near the same place, whiih , ,Lord Palmerston- had endorsed the . volunteer movement, so far asto join the peror Napoleon. Sir James Hud- son was enraged because Sardinia, by asking France for advice, sur- rendered its own independence. The French Ambassador, Prince Letour d‘Auvorgnc, was in in his turn wroih because the King, nav- evsavho receive our pupors t'rorri Holland Land- ing, Ana/market. Aurora. Illtl Uak Ridges. We beg to nonounco that Mr J Alias llOLLADAY, ol Aurora. is authorised to receive "ladies for this office, as he has kindly consented to became our A out for the above- nailit‘d places. Job work done on the shortest notiro, and at the lowest reiiiuiierutiii‘ prices. has our Pl’tllt‘SlunllSl‘ll been endan- gered,but we have brt'u robbed and plundered most uurnr-rcifully by these rascals, the French Papists. Now we. _spcuk candidly when we state that we never believed "this YI'ZAS Messrs. Feiiwick and Marsh. Nn’sâ€"Mr-ssis. Bowman and Button. Carried by vote of tho Reeve. Moved by Mr. BUI‘TON, seconded by Mr. i'izswicit, that $ll'lU be appropriated in part to get iiiaierials and erect a bridge acessthe river Rouge. in the 9th Concession of Markham. hope that both hutr-liei‘s \v Il dispose f their inc-at iv.tbout tl fliezolty. «>04 llis Excellent-y the Governor General has been pleased to make the following op pointinent. viz :- ti Iploudid liccf weighing 2076 is called to the chair. and the. discussion of various innit-er»: connect ed with the Towns ship. clearly demonstrated that "the rate ‘ payers ol this section are beginning to be more alive toilicir interests then they for- . : Irish corps, which was being enrolled in j W > . j H , . London. 1 ‘ “masked for “w adv-we (,1 “is G(,,,_ I. ,. stateiplcnt to be. other than Dosh. triad, OWN,“ ,0, No. ,9. ‘ JUN 80,“. Esq“ 0,. "W my a, Tomnm inerly were. [be r absolute. need V 1,, (he div-om a” brought by Mr eminent, decrdcd what to do before rel-Ul- yi 0”" el’llvmll‘m“ “11 1- Isl 'Y,;,,s_;\jesmg Bum,“ and “Mick, BarrNrPabLaw m ,w Jun,” Judge 0,. of a change of representation was James N1. Be“, . wealth, London mcr_ ‘he advice (mum, and by appmnnng f d t L , t NAYsmMessrs. and Bowman, ” C0“ ‘ (.OU ‘ . a d f r we U .t d universally acknowledged ; and, af. ' ' ' t ' â€"-â€"~ â€"-â€"â€"~â€"« ~â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"---~ . ‘ U '. .‘ ‘ ,‘3 - , ' . . , , 'l, I ‘ J i , ri ' ' i I . ., chant, against his Wllc. on the ground of M. Buoucampagiit to the Regency, â€" "finâ€"1W u y red '“a l ll ‘ lWU““““ lldl gamed by W“, 0, W, mug t’ ' l l" “ H‘ m, “We”, expwswms: 0,. Puma . adulterypwitli the Marquis of Anglesea, a ‘ Iverdict was given drsolving the marriage. ‘_ . and sadtlling the Marquis with with £IO " ' 000 damages. . The official report of the recrnt in- quiry into the Royal Charter has been published. The report concludes by stat- . ing that. looking at all the circumstances 7 of the case, it is one in which the loss ol " the sliip‘can not be chars-3 d to the lault of Only £l4n.000 of the gold on - board had so far been received. FRANCE. The Emperor and Empress had returned ' to Paris. All the London journals which contain- ed the letters of Prince De .loinvill», V . denying the insinuiiions of MrRocouck 'had been seized at the Paris Pest office. .The letterszof the Emperor ot the Liverpool , merchants 'was prominently co- mmenced on by the Parisjournals. The Patric considers it will contribute mat a little to allay the uneasiness of the angliin people, and that in the history ol the relations of France and England it will remain a testimonial of moderate and 'magnauirnity‘ of'the Emperor. '- Aititrivst. or THE VANDERBIL'I‘ "' 'New'YOitv, Dec. 18. .Thn steamshipyvanderbilt from Herve. via Cowes"von the 7th instant, arrived r sh‘Ortly after one o'élock this afternoon 7": Her-mails Wore forwarded this evening. "ff‘fl‘llil Southampton tin-the 4th, arrind one .hourpi'iviously. . ' x .: The Vaiidei bill's advices arr- thee days later. ‘but are not important. _ Minister VVard‘had returned from China Tibedananres Embassy is to start for V‘Vllavlnngion in the frigate Pow‘hattan on" irthe 22nd Fobuary. “The Australian advices represent that 1,600 vomoesfof geld trad been sent to Englimd, . ’_ g ‘ ' i V, i A steam .lrug had arrived with 36100,. ' .000. in gold, saved from the wreck of tho- R ’3'“ chant-r. , Mr.‘ [fever .haii. Ioffered to buy the Great Eastern. The terms is said to be £60,000 down. to form a working capital ‘ itiehtfin advance and to ban the option of i purchasingclhe ship for £330,000 the .atnodmi‘of capital ‘of theprrsent company A complete IQtponnd battery of ,Armstnongfis gum were to start on the WI. hy-overlhnd route "for Quinn. _ . Tirofliravy batteries of 6‘81-Mptlcl‘s were being shipped for China, with equi- ments to form a thorough siege train. showed a most culpable excess ci independence. GeiicralGaribaldi, in dudgeon at such small discus- sions and jungles, in the presence of immense interests lying in such cruel jeopardy, laid down his sword books. patienceLâ€"tbe Italians themselves and maintain an atti-r ' tude of calm and vigilant prepara- tion for tho e‘xirciiicst eiiiergencv. If the Italians have not she wn them selves pcrlectly fit tor frc'edoiii, u but else, We ask, could they have done. what more could they have suffered and to what proVocatious greater and more. trying could thev have been subjected in order to test and prove their fitness? . It is rumored that the long-talked ol Congress will meet in about three weeks. Considerable difficulties had to be suriiioutitcd. in the way of preliminary conditions and un- derstandi'ngs Arid it is not certain that the way even now is quite smooth. ’ The 'Regt-iICy difficulty, at which we have hinted, is, .we believe, “disposed "bf; Butiothcrs may ‘tit any motiicnt arise. The sooner the Configri's‘s meets and dee spaiche‘s the important business committed to it, llic'beller will it be for the interests and comfort of all concerned, provided only that thr- Congress come to a wise. conclu- sion, and that concede to the Ital- ians the right of self-governtiient. There is, happily a considerable abatement iii-tire ill-feeling which has for some little past-been grow- ing up bttw‘cen France and this country. The French press has been “invited’uto adopt a more conciliatory course iii-its tertiarks on England; and a disposition has been titanlfcstr'd to unite with its energetically in the expedition to China. A better understanding, has, at the same time, it is hoped, been come to between. the two countries in relation to Italy. The quarrel about the Suigz speculation is‘too contcinptil)le,aj_rart from oth- er causes of disagreement, to dis. turb the alliance. Lord. Cowley, who ("dth to London onhtlie special, quotations pending, has returned to Paris with a solution ofnll dith: culties. So' it is rumored,‘and the Route: have risen rapidly in conse~ quenoe ct it. .LlCllMUND HILL. DEC.‘23.1859 Busmcss No'rics.«~Parties writ- itig to this Office will please bear in mind that they are wasting their and retired to the Island'ol'Szirdiniu ll” Cr Puller and ink» unless they to watch events and study iiiillilary prepay lhelr Leflt'l‘s- Mean“.“110...”,arvenuus addressed to this Office must br- govern POSl’l’ald' ‘ SPECIAL NOTICE. We take this opportunity of re- minding our numerous subscribers who are indebted to us, that li‘l.:il’ year’s subscription is past due, and, as we have some heavy payments to make, we would feel obliged if they would pay up as early as possible. The. amount due from each individual is but small, but the aggregate is more than we can afford to lay out of. The above notice will also hear on our advcr: tising and other accounts. All registered letters will be at our risk. NORTH "YORK; For months past there, has been an'f‘unseemly strife ii‘i”"tb'e 'Gr’ii Crimp. as to who should be the re- prcscntativo of this Riding in the room oi Mr. Hartman. Long er:- the breath was out. of this-"gentle- man's body. Drs. Hunter and Bull. Will othereqiinlly small fry. worrc working iiiigbiirind main to step into his shoes, Each of these aspiring gents have been busy; night and day, oiideiivoring With all their puny might to prove" to the electoral that for patriotirn. (only ‘frincv Um lluuter a patriot) each was unrival- led, and his Co-gi‘it rival a mere place hunter. Dirc have been the contention for the 86 per dieinâ€" irivule cauciissiiig, and hole and corner meetings have been nearly as numerous as leaves in autumnâ€"- Wliat Was in be done? cide the relative merits of. these local All Letters ‘ tire revenue.l How do... bead were fully Ctltllil‘tlit‘cl by care now taken place between the. Lraderatid the Gr’obe. We, unhesi- iatingly, affirm that no honest man can have read the articles referred to without at once acknowledging that the Leader has entirely lll'ddt' out his case, and that the terluy’s Premier has been soundly flogged. Has he (George Brown) not con- iinually boasted that ho was able to prove beyond questlon that Upper‘ Canada pays two-thirds of the en- flas he not kept particular parties in this Province in a constant state of nervous ox- cileiiient on the way in 'whicl-i we are robbed? The Leader wok thr- matter tip, and in a clr-ar ozil lucid ' manner convicted the Globe, of falsehood; it showed by undisput- able figures that such was not the arse, and challenged con rarliction, -â€"-miy, it Went even further.â€" it of- t'crr-d to leave the correctness of its statementsmot to tirinisterial-jiidges, bul'io a comiiiitiee of Clear Grits themselves. Here indeed was a Splendid opportunity for Mr. Brown, if his cause was a good one or his assertions at all within the bounds of truthfulness, to stop the Leader's “lying mouth.“ ==Dltl he accept this challenge? hNot he indeed; be is fat too cunning for that. He knew full well that many of his readers are excr'eding gulluble, and so like other bad men, he would strive “ to make the worse appear the better" causrq” for if he could not argue he could ridicule; and if no Could not logically wagon on the subject, at least he could bully and abuse, and by those nit-ans throw- dust in the cyes'of his admirers, and thus hide from view his seri- ous discoriitiiure, and by gross per- sonulities or Billingsgute r‘Xpres- sions, such as “perjurod Governor General and perjurcd administra- lions," he hoped to conceal his own reckless and utter unveraciiy. But we predict that this ruse will not answer. The people want facts, and no fiction. The Leader Hfipimlllfi 3 Sing": 6‘" “"Y We “f has to our mind given the real facts them, when lo the rest so dearly did tiicv love their country....thiit. tlicv declared go over totlie enemy they would. What it pretty pickle to be in. restricted to Hobs'ou’s .choice, " all or none.” (We learn that at last‘the Grits were reduccd to the sadneccssity .of going on bended knees to. Mr. of the case in a masterly ' manner. Let the Globe-bully or ridicule as it iiiathe old proverb still holds good, that “facts and stubborn things. ’ The great facts, to our mind proven by the ,Ltiadél' beyond cavil, are that; the! taxes of'the countryhave not been increased during the pastl few years, but have rather been lee-l Monti by Mr. llur'ron, seconded by, Mr. MARSH. that $l38 be granted in- aid to erect a bridge across the Rouge iii the village at Sparta. Yi-lAsâ€"Mcssrs. “noon and Marsh. NAvsâ€"lt‘r-nwick and Bowm'ru. Call‘lcd by vote of tho Reeve. Mr. iVI'AKSH presented a petition from James Got-rule) and others. praying to how: the east linll‘ol'lots No. 31. in the 4th Couces ioii ol Markham, annexed to School Section No. 7. hlr. l.cVer was heard before the Council in support of the petition: Moved by Mr. MARSH. seconded by Mr. Bawnan. that the Clerk be. and is hereby in- i-trirctod to issue the proper notices to the. rate- payers of‘ School 'Sectiou No. 12. that this Council intend to introduce ally-law to annex ‘ the vast'llttll of lots No. 3|. in the “ll (.‘oticos- ration of Markham. to School Section No. 7.â€" Carriod. . . Moved by. Mr. Vnnwtcn, seconded by Mr. Ilurrorv, that the Treasurer do now state to the Council the reason whv there is so much dif- leronco between the balance sheet recorded by him, and tborepori of the Committee on finan- cial afibirs.-â€"Carriod. The Clerk (II. I’. Cro by) said that he couo sidcied that the resolution of the financa coni- mitioe was virtually. a grave charge rig inst himself. and such charges did not ouolit to have: gone before the public or til he had atrop- por'tiinity of explanation. The fact of the case was. but he had .to keep hick thM inonov then on hand to meet the unpaid a'ipmprintiom o" tlio previous your, and also the amount due to the various School Sections. lle (tho Clerk) than detailed ti o ' various amounts due. which in the aggregate he showed aiii_ouiii--d to more mortar than was at that time on. hand. which fact he had previou<lv stated to Mr. Fenwick, Moved bv Mr. Mih‘vii. soc-mded by Mr, flurrov, that the Treasurer's explanation is , poi-"ectly sortirl'uiito y.-â€"Carried unanimously. ‘ Mow-d I) Mr. MARSH. seconded bv Mr Bo .vMAiv, that the printing necessary to be done for this Coun cil shat be contracted for by tender and that no printing shall be paid for by the Treasurer. unless authorised by resolution of this Council that this resolution shall apply to all future contracts â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr MARSH. seconded by Mr' l’nNWch. that this Council do enact a llv-tnw to repeal llv- law No. 99, intituled ii lly-lnw to re-osteblieh the several School Sections and Union School Sections of this Township : and to enact another inelend thereof annexing lot~ No.33 and 34, in the 7th Coneession. and the- wesi-hall and the south east quarter of Lots 35, . and tho west-half of Lotsjld. iu the 9th 1 Con- cession ; and the south-west hall of Lot 55. S. the 8th Concession. being 20 rods iii copth and 2 rods in width, to School 1- Section No. 17.:â€" Carrieid. , ' i _ i ' Mr. Mkit’sii introduced a Bydaw to prevent the sale oi” intoxicating iiqoora in any house, Counties of York and Peel. Court'rs. --Tho above held at Markham DIVISION Court will be Village on Wednesday, the mm; and. at Richmond Hill. on Thursâ€" day the 19lb January next. M...”- School, as also other notices, till next week. ' (finite tlltt. - iipiiiili . We Want it to no dmnnciiv ulldlrrtomi, that We do not hold ourselves responsible for opinions expressed by coiieupwdeuta through our- columns . To the Editor of the Herald. SlR.-â€"ll| your Herald of the 16th inst” 1 ob- served who: appuars to be a little ‘ shuffling ’ on the pint ol some of our counsellors. In your report of the Council meeting held at Union- vilte ou the nth of December lost, you say " Mr. Button presented a petition from It. " Grundy. praying that no shop-license be at- l“ lowed for the sure of tntoxrceting liquors iii " or near Burtonvillo.” Mr. ttoesor in his report of the: ime meeting, asserts t at the Rogue, presented and pelll.l0ll.. Aow, sir, I understand that you attended the Council upon that day, for the hurposo of giving to your readers a ‘ Correct ’ report ol the deliberations c that august board. Who i~' guilt) oi the falsehood, the “avoid or the Econ-must ." ll'l am not mistaken. your report of the inner- irrg held on the lélll of November last. inl'orrii- rod us that Mr. Ms sh presented. the ‘scli- Mime ' petition. and be [Mr Marsh] also gave notice that. at too next meeting at the Council he would introduce a, Bylaw to prohibit the side of llthXlCullllg lquors ill or near Button- Ville. If the petition in first place was lllil‘lls oil to Mr. Marsh, why has Mr Marsh ' shuffled ’ it into the hands oftbe Rooms. or as vou sey.inio the hands of Mr. Hutton? Does Mr. Marsh feel his inconipeiency to ‘ g apple with tho question ’ or does he feel ashamed of the hu- dsrtaitiug? The again, where isthe By -law, the birth of whicn he gave its tiriicly notice 27â€"- llas it gone to “ Jericho .limbles’ with'hlr' Buttou’s posswsiou not 7 or is Mr. Marsh hug- ging it in his bosom until the election, and then make it aquestion at the polls? Mr. Marsh at the last election declared to his 'c niieiiiuents that he was a member of gand standing in the Richniond Hill Division Sons of Temperance, and that it elected. he would do allho pos- sibly could to prevent the evils of interoper- unce. I ask Mr. Marsh, he: be, during his 03’ We are obliged to defer the report. of the examination of the Grammar School and Common 'â€" ler-ling. the. following. ‘ resolution was. proposed by Mr. 'vVilliiizn Cratldock, se- condedbv Mm. Nelson, and carried unani- mously, viz :.--'* 'l hot this meeting having every confidence in Wall. Devlin I Esqr, , believingr him- to be in every sense wuell qualifith to reprsscut [his \Vrirtl ,.«f0l‘ the ensuing year in the Vaughan Comic“. have great pleasure in llOlllill Illt|{,l|llll\ a Candi- rla'e at the next ill-J:Ilt:l,ltl election. __.. ._ .__..___._ _.._... A NOVEL. iiLcC'rioN Ber. â€"_-It appears from a norm" “hell was current in the city yesterday. that 'l'oroénto is not to be “LII done. by NM York 'or any Yankee city in the way of novel bets at elections. it is rr-potteil that two of otrr’ grave C'th Fathersâ€"one ol whom is in favour of the return of Mr. Wills-zoo as Mayor. and the hirer in favour of Mr. Cartieronu have entered into an \agrrer-inent that, in the event of Mr. Wilson braingi-h-cted- Mayor. Aldei‘iiizrnâ€"«w-will Wheel ,3. barrow, loaded with a bound: of ap l s f on: the. Rossin llnu~e lo the Lrwrcnce Hall in open day. It .\lr. Carrierou is the lucky man which front present appearances. is not wry liker to be the. mowâ€"then Corinctl- iri:iii-â€"â€"ivill‘ take charge of the wheel- barrow. iind show his agility to t'heicrtiznns Hf 'l‘ornnto. This feat is “pooled to l'OlllP oli 0n the ‘la'h ol‘Junurry -â€" Globe. ATTEMPTED Solemnâ€"(m 'Sonrlay evening about six o‘clock a titan named James C‘Inlll‘lt. residing on Maria street at. lt'lllplt‘tl to commit suicide by hanging hint. ~eli'. lie tied a handkerchief around his neck, nil-l .sccuu-tl the and to 1'3 'stuut pin iii the wall. He then sullrr‘rd himseli to drop. bill a fr-‘w, secnnrlsyuhsr qurntly was dthtl'vtfd'tl and not down by it man named Fogt‘i‘ly, w ll’) was n‘ariniedhy the cries «if he children of {aiiiilh , Utlttirstic tr .uhlrs are said to llthr' liceii,illvie cause of the .ash attempt. whit-tr fortunately ormed uti~ injurious to the foolish bring ‘ ZLBRAS is llAirkEss «4â€" n th lust rwnliry thc Lin. rti ol l‘ortugiti‘l‘liad a learn of eight 'zr-bi'as. 'Which i robably cami- from Angolan M Corn-n rle Serra. the per- petual secretary of the AC‘nrli-iny' of List. hon told .‘vl. Darwin de la Mrrile. in 1802, that be hall o‘to ii seen her Majesty about Lisbon with her zebra r-qiiipagr ;:and one ol the royal stables in Lisbon is sltllcalled the stables oi the zebras. It is stated that the capital hf £600,- 030 sought to be raised by ihe'Atlaniic .li'elrgraph Company, in Eight per Cent. Preference shares of £5 rac-li,‘subscrip- lions for .le-slthati one-sixth have not as yet been St'cutvtl. The assistance ~ extended to this national undertaking by the British Government is obviously inadequate. u

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