.. ......,...... . . .. ï¬brin}. RATE DAL’RYMPLE. II e was set house. far ayont yon mair. Where peoeeweeps. plovors. and wliaupa cry idroery. There lived a brew less for runny a langgyaer. Wham ne'er a lover e’er ca'd deary. A lonely lass was Kate Dalryniple, A thrifty queen was Kate Dalrymplo, Nee tnae‘c except the burnie'e wimple. We. heard“ around the dwelling of Kate Dalryémplo. 'l “or face had a smack of the gruesome and grim, Which did free the lash of e' wooere defend her 2 "or long Roman nose nearly snot wi' her chin, 'Which breng folks in mind of the aald Witch of Butler. “ A wiggle in her walk had Kate Dairymple, A enoevel in her talk had Kate Dalrymple. And many e carnelian and cairngerrn pimple learned on the dim face of Kate Dalryrrnyle., ' She span terry woo the halo winter through. for Kata waeaa lasy but evident and thrllty: lbs wrought amang the poets. coiled the hey. share the corn. And supported herself by her ain herd shift eye. let ne'er a wooer cam' to Kate Dalryniple, l'or beauty and tochor wanted Kate Dalrymplo; Neglected wee the queen‘by baith gentle and eemple. A blank in the world seemed Kata Dalrymple- Bet mony are the ups and downs of life. And the dice box of fate’s turned tapsalteerio. Be Kate fell heiress to a rich man's estate, And now for e wooor ehe'e nay cause to woary' for the squire catn' a-wooiag to Kate Del~ '3'!“le The priest scraping, bowing, cam' to Kate Delryrnple: On each lover’s face was eeonlove's smiling dimple. She’s nae mair Kate, but Miss Dalrymplo. Her aald 'cutty steel, that she used at her ' wheel, Wee firing by for her gilded sofa eae gaudy ; Now she’s arrayed in her silk and brocade, †And brags 0’ her with and mall's wi' any lady. But still an anco faith is to Kate Dalrymple., Wee dress end party clash to Kate Dalrymple: She thought a half marrow in life mair simple, A far better match for Kate Dairymple. he she often thought. as she sat by hersel’. Ihe'coald wed Willie Speediespoel the eerken weaver; Aod now to the webster the secret she does tell. Who for love or for interest did kindly relieve her. No flung by hie heddles for Kate Dalryrnple. He burned a' his treddlee for Kate Dalrymple, "I'hoegh his right e'e did ekellie. and his left leg , didwim‘plo. Ie'e wedded now and bedded now to Kate Dalryinple. % Hitsrtlluutuus. â€"â€".- ‘ My wife,’ said a critic, tie the meet eves tempered person in the world, she’s always niad.’ A country editor comes to the con- -c1usion that there are two things that were enade to be lestâ€"sinners and umbrellas. The only liberty-cap is a night cap. In it nice visit one-third of their lives, the land of sleepâ€"the only lend where they are always free end equal. ~When you see a men on a moonlight night trying to convince his shadow that it - is improper to follow a gentleman. you may be sure that it is high time for him to join a temperance society. iglt is said that a girl in Shoeburyncss eves struck dumb by the firing ofa can- .aon. Siaee then a number of married men hare invited the artillery to come and dis- charge their pieces on their premises. When people get money without earning it, It’s like taking a lot of lpirits at one draught. It gets into the head, and they don’t know what they are about. There’s a tipsiaees of the pocket as'will es the stomach. _‘ What, my friends is money 1 asked a preacher in a sermon lately. lTwo percent, almouth,’ said a State itnot broker, suddenly awakening from a use. , CONFEISIONn-A young man who was about being married, presented himself to the priest for confession. As he appeared father embarrassed. and did not seem to kpow how to prece'ed to enumerate his errors: ‘" Come,‘ said the father kindly, ‘de you ei’er tell falshoods l’ ' ‘Fethcr, I am not a lawyer,’ proudly replied the young man. ‘ Did you ever steall Ml Father, I am not a merchant.’ ‘ You have not committed murdcrl ‘I am a nocron,’ conscientiously re- plied the pcnitent, casting down his eyes. ‘ What are you digging there forl ' I’m digging for money I’ The news flewâ€"the idlers collected. ‘ We are told you are digging for men. oy l’ ' ' ‘ Well, I ain’t , digging for anything else.’ ‘ Have you had any luck'l ‘. First rate luck 1 pays well.’ All deï¬ed their hate and coats, and laid hold nibst' vigorously for a while. After throwing out some cart-loads, the question arose; ' When did you get any money lastl’ '. Saturday night.’ '. Why. how ranch did you get? ‘ Four dollars and half. ' Why. that’s rather small}. . ‘1 It’s pretty m-ll ; six etiillings a day is I .350 Dublin. prick for Jlggvilé . diurn' 'The seats went on and the loafers west WAIIEH & CLOEK OCI. It Amtion. Notice. Licensed: Auctioneer. All letters addressed to " Alniira.â€â€˜l’.0. will reciave prompt attention. the " York Herald †Ofï¬ce. Cavanuah, Mansion House. Sharon, where Terms, doc. may be obtained. 526th of each Month. _Cigars of all brands. T. .1. WHEELER. MAKE R, l i JEWELLER. dze. RICHMOND HILL. 69-ly warranted. 'irIIOMas-s'OWMA-N, . volt rus' ‘ COUNTIES OF YORK its PEEL. Orders received at Richmond Hill ; Mr. Henry Lemon. Thornhill. and Mr James Almire, Nov.. 95, 1859 52-“ Dr. s. N. PECK, URGEON Dentist. will be at Hall's Hotel. I Markham Village. on the 24th, 95th and , Teeth extracted from: Teeth Filled. each 25cts. Dentistry done i cheaporr-tban by any other Dentist inttbe Pre- 1 vince. Approved Credit will be giron if reâ€" quired: All Work Warrantcd. Juno«30,1859. 31-1)‘ , JOHN HARRINGTON. JR"; ’ EALERinDry Goods. GI’OCOYIM.\‘VIDOO.I Liquors..Hardwaro.Glaos. Earthenware, l doc. RichmoudrHill. Dec. 1858. 1~tf RICHMON D HILL HOTEL. STAGE runs from. the above. Hotel to Toronto every morning. starting from the Eight Mills at 7. am. and returning at 'l. p.m. Eare 2s. 6d. each war. coon. accoitirem'rios roe TRAVELLEII. RICHARD NICHOLLS. Proprietor. Richmond llill.Doc. I8, 1858. l-55 JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothicr, Yoiige St.. Richmond Hill. December. 1'85“. .1. VERNEY. Boot and Shoo Maker, YONG): srass'r, RICHMOND. l‘lILL. 1-it Ladies" and Gontlemens’ Bootssnd Shoes. made after thelatest styles. December 1858- 1- m YONGE STREET HOTEL, ‘ AURORA. Good supply of Wisvra and LIQUOII‘ always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers. Farmers, and others D. MCLEOD. Proprietor. Aurora. July 6. 1858. 57-6m ROBERT SIVER, Boot. and Slice. Maker, DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. A. choice selection of Geiitlemens'. Ladies' and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- tico. I? All kinds Shoemakers Findingfer sale. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. Lt! JAMES HALL, AS always on hand a large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES. which will be sold at prices to meet the times. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. 54- Lily W. HODGE 8t Co. ' ' HOLESALE and Retail Copper. 'I'iu and iron l’late Workers. and Furnishing Ironmongers. Parties ginng this house a call will find their orders puiiotually attended to. and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. 54-1-ly EDMUND GRAINGER, ' U 'I‘ C H E R. THORNHILL. Fresh. and Pickled Meats. l’oultry. &c.. always on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. 'l'liornhill. Dec. 1858. 41 -l t! IAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker, RICHMOND HILL. ’ Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. I-tf JAMES JENKINS’, Grocery & Provision Store RlCHMOND HILL . O CREDIT GIVEN. Produce taken in exchange. The above is the oldest established Grocery and Provision Store on the Hill. Doc. 2. 1858. 55-11 ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE ! MARKHAM VLLAGE. OOD Accommodations. Wines. Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MARR. Proprietor. Markham. Dec. 1858. 57-†DR. L. LANGSTAFF‘, I’IRO'I' P003 SOUTH 0' THE FRANKLIN HOUSE, IARKHAI VILLAGE. Markham, May 13, 1859. 24-1y PATENT Drain Pipes, Evc Troughs All? ' Water Spotters, IARVI'ACTURID AND '03 SALE RY to H N. LAGSTA FF Sums Mia», 'l‘aoitsaiaa. Jane 3. 1859 274! PATRICK LYNOTT, LICENSED A-UCTIONE.ER,I L, int the sale of Cazt'e. Stock. .ic. is go- A. pared to attend Selena all parts of p~ par Canada - Richmond am Hey w. I“. ï¬nalise“; attorney. [foot and Shoe Store where he hopes for a. continuance of the pa~ ro iiage heretofore given him. Buttonvillo. Nov. 11. 1859. Photographs !; Medical Ila-ll, Mai-kiln iii, On reasonable terms. and in all weathers, Pictures taken from the striallest to life size. 2819. ‘ tomato, 333. April 1m AT BU'll‘llO N2V.I LLE. .F HE Subscriber returns his. thanks to the public for past support. bags to state that ie has removed into the Village of Buttoiiville, All orders oaccutedwitb despatch and work DAVIID GA LLOWAY, 50-1y Amhxotypes ! MELANEOTYPES ! LETTERG-RAPHS. &c,. All styles of Pictures taken at the J, C. DUNIIAM. Markham Village. Oct, I4. 1859. “otf W. C. ADAMS, D)..D.S. Surgeon Dentist, 99 arse: er. nas'r. 'OUTR. sins, Titian aeeit wit-r raoir nausea. or. roaorwo, 8 the Proprietor of Oliver's l'ataut for ap- 'ilyiiig. Electricity to prevent pain in ax- traci \gteath: and alsoaf an Aparatus fer mam \cturing Vulcauito Rubber I’latcs for sets ll.“ Partial sot! oftooth. 'l‘eeth. mounted on Gel or otherwise, to suit the necessity of the case. Toronto, August 27, 18M. 49-1y .,. H. Husband, URGEON Dentist. will be at Niclioll’s ,-. llotol. Richmond Hill. the Finer Mosqu of every month,and the remainder of the month at his residence 'Plioruhill. All Work War- rented. Julv 8. 1859. tiirtrrsou to. sustain, Barxist ers & Attornies-at-Law, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, die. orric: :â€" CQRNER 0" KING ANDTORONTO STREETS, Over Whiteniora 6L Co’s. Banking Ofï¬ce TORONTO. Agency. Particularly attended‘ to. ~ tetanus e. uavunsos. ‘I‘oronto, July I, 1859. 32-lv JAMES FIII’ZOICRALD al-tl‘ JOHN N. REID, M.D., GORNER or roses: AND commons srs THORNHILL. C.W. 3l-ly Dr. DUNHAM, URGEON and Mechanical Dentist, Medical Halt, Markham Village. Jaao30.1859' 31â€"13! JAMES I. BARKER, ' MPORTER and Dealer in Dry Goods, (troceries. l’aints. Oils, and Dan Stuffs, \tery Low for Cash.â€"Markham Village. June 31). 1859. 3196’?" P. CROSBY. MPORTER of Dry Goods. Groceries. Wines. Liquors. Hardware. &c. Richmond uni. Jn-no.. 1859. THORNHILL HOTEL. 'l‘HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the. above premises. and fitted them up in anoat and comfortable style. Boarders and transient visitors will find the accomodations in every way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selected. Good stabling and attentive hustlers HENRY LEMON. 2 Proprietor. t38 ï¬ll-WM HOUSE, RICHMOND Hill. ll‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises, where there will be foound excellent ac- commodation for Travellers, and good Stabling. 03' Horses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GARY. I 1 Proprictma Richmond Hill,0ct. ‘22, 1858. 72 7m Thornhill. Jan 20. 1558. DR. JAMES LANGS‘I‘AFF, Richmond Ilill. December. 1858. I-tf GO T0 3. BOWMAN’S MILLS! wi'rrl nova CARDING & GRISTING, where parties from a distance can have i'. done to take with them on their return home. Almira, May 13. 1859. 24-tf. FOR SALE; 200,000 foot. of Lumber, INCLUDING Flooring. Siding. lllchBORfdl. and two-inch Plank, Scatitling. &c.. &c.. at the subscriber’s Mill. near Stouï¬'ville, cheap for Cash or Approved Credil. JAMES BUGG. Stouï¬'ville, April 12. 1859. 23-tf. TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS l85 macs: STREET. MONUMENTS. TOMB-'1‘ BLES TOMB-STONES ch. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAI All? OTHER ESTAILBHNET. f \HE Understgned Assignees of the estate ofD. C. St W. YALE, will con- tinue the business. under the superintendence .. ofonr duly authorized agents. Ass-nit Asset and D.. Cantos You. whose receipt, will be duly acknowledged. . RS All notes and accounts remaining on- paic-in the let day of June. 1858. will be put in: a Court for collection. . o. CUMMRR. [Protein Medicines. Glass, l'utty. Nail§.-â€"-Low !' 3141' ‘ trains to all parts of the country. ellâ€"if l yrar‘yr"/ ~ 3 M v m L. B Isl en ti a. CO ~lZ On (I), l-d i-i r-d s.a.cooosrisLiNc ATTACHiDaNDTRuSTV KOS’ ns ‘ iLinstait-Trnoiscs. .. ' ' z ". O >â€". WAN HOTEL. THORNHILL. Good Accommodation for Travellers. a JOHN SHIELD. Proprietor- Tliortthill Jan. 10. 1859. 7‘1! To. the Sick and Dying- SNIDER. of the 7r.h concession of ,' Ra bl Vaughan. near Kliiieburgli, guarrantoes to cure . Cancers. Enlarged . Necks, Arid'many other Diseases. Persons laboriiior under either oftlie above mentioned Diseases. will do well to call in time. All letters to be paid. and addressed to PETER; SNIDER. Klincburgli. N. 8. NO CURE N0 PAY. August 6. 1858. Gl-tl 159. in llllll. itii; Pix soliciting the increased summit of the Canadian public for the seventeenth vo- lunio of This: Gnome, the publisher has to state that nothing shall be left undone to render the journal worthy of the high reputation it has earned iii past years. A new and beautiful font of copper-faced typo, cast specrally for the Gauss. at the celebrated foundry of Messrs. Janice Connor and Sons, Now i ork, wrll sus- tain the typographical credit of the establish meritâ€"and the aid of an enlarged corps of Editors. Reporters, and Correspondents will memo to the readers of '11-". GLoBr. all that is interesting in News. Politics, Literature, and Commerce. During the coming year, the Globe will continue to pay all that attention to the public affairs of- the Province which has secured for it its present condition. 'l he. l’soviiice is ac- kt.owludged by all parties to be on the eve of great changes; and these the Globe will seek to influence for the beneï¬t of the people at large. Lt will adwcarc such a change in tho cursritutiori as will give to Upper and Lowar Canadatlio control of their own Iocalafl’nirs.and will give general matters to a joint authority of simple and inexpensive form The neces- sity of imposing such checks upon l’arliairiont and the Executive as willprevoiit the borrow- ing of money without the cont-out of the peo- ple, will be earnestly insisted upon. The Globe will also advocate the VOLUNTARY Pius. ctruâ€"Etruca‘rios, elementary and collegi- ate. 3am; vnon ELC'I‘AKIANISII-â€"llicorpot'atiuti of the Hudson’s Bay 'l'erritory with Cau- aduâ€"a Hasxnur'rcv Law for the relief of the honest debtor-aluminum MANAGIIIIZNT ol the PUltLlc i.ANusâ€"â€"Ri;(:truocat. Fain; 'l‘ium; with the United Statesâ€"tho improvoriient of Canadian agiiculturcâ€"ccononiy in every branch of the public expoiidirure.uiid gono- aally every triea.~.ure which tends to the irri- provoment of humanity in religion, morals. and riiaturial prosperity . During the next six months, in the constitu- cnciee and meetings of the people, as mall at in Parliament at Quebec. many of these subs jccts wrll'be discussed. the more vital andirir portant of them with an earnestness and Vigour rarely before wi'rcssud in this t’rovinca As a promoter as well as recorder of the move- ments of the day, the Globe will pOSssss extra- ordinary interest for all classes of readers, and the friends of progress are requested to aid Ill extending its circulation among the masses of the people. The editorial conduct of Tin: Gaunt: can be best estiriiated bv the uninterrupted success that has atieiidedits nubl'raadon. Hutu coristituo tiorral crisis demands further exertion in that direction. and it will be supplied. In regard to news, their efforts will be used to supply to the readers of the Globe the earliest and most copious intelligence from all parts of the world. Correspondence is received from Great Britain, British (loluiiibia. the North West 'l'erritory. and all that transpires at home and in the United 51.316518 diligently recorded -â€"- Special attention is do voted to commercial iii- tolligoirco; the markets are ' reported more fully than in any other journal. ‘ A limited space is devowd to agriculture†subjects, and everything wliic" tends to the development of the IllOo‘l important branch ol Canadian indtistry receives special attention. 'I‘l l E DAILY GLOBE ' is $6 per annuni. payable strictly In advance. It is published at four o'clock, every morning but Sunday. and is despatcbcd b' the early tie a very large sheet. containing artist amount of nch. mercantile intelligence, and geiioraliiiforirra- tion, of the latest; and most interesting cha- racter. Any person sending the Cash for Fivr. Darn Subscribers. will be entitled to an ad. ditional copy rams. THE TRI- WEEKLY GLOBE. is issued every Moanâ€. Wansasnu. and Fat- Du. at $4 per entrant. in advance. It is printed on a large sheet, and in its columns is given all that appears in the Dailv Edition. with the Telegraphic and. other news to the L-tost ino- merit. Any person sending the Cash for Five: 'l'nl- Wracxas Subscribers. will be entitled to a rite): copy. T H E WEEKLY GLOBE is issued elicry Friday morning. at $2 per an- nuiii, payable strictly in advance. It is printed ou'an immense double sheet of paper. of first- rate quality; it is made up in a handsome quarto form. comprising eight pages of seven columns each ; and contains more reading inat- tor than any other political neWspaper on the continent. Great. care is taken iii the compila- tion of the paper: the news is carefully col- lectcd from the Daily Edition. and articles a o- cinila prepared for its columns Thu Mar ct Reports. at home and abroad, receive constant attention , To induce exertion on the part of the frioltds of the Globe throughout the country. it has been resolved. that any person making up a club may have-- Tea Copies ï¬r . . . . . . . . Fifteen Dollars! Twc'rrtyrï¬ve Copicsfor. . 'Ilitrlyoï¬ne Dollars! Eighty Uoptcsfor. . . . One Hundred Dollars ! Any person sending $10 for Five Wat-.3†Subscribers, will be entitled ton Free copy. The lVeek Globe will be sent to all Clergy- men for One ollar a year. . Money Letters addressed. “ Tits Posusatea or Tim Guns, 'I‘onoa'ro," can. be Registered by payment of one penny. and their safe ar- rival a'ill then be at the risk of the Publisher. ll? Subscriptions may commence at any period of the year. and be made for any term; and persons desirous of receiving.- the Paper need not wait for an Agent to call on them, but have only to enclose their money, - = - with their namepand .Poat‘Oï¬ice, te GEO. BROWN, Globe 05“, Toronto. 'antu, Nov. 15, 1859. ‘ improved edition ot L'HIS'I‘ORI no (Tris/lira by ' pressed to Mr. Lovum. by several of his friends NEW. a . HISTORY OF CANADA HE members of the lieuksellitig trade. and trio l’ulilic ofCatiada in general. are re- spec'fully informed that it is intended to pub- lish, by Subscription} a New Hisvoar or CAN- AliA, “blinded on that of Mr. I“. X. UAHNEAU). as soon as an encouraging number ol Subscri- bers can be obtained. The recent appearance ofa third and much Mr Ginssau, has given rise to a wish.â€- and; corririiemlal connections. that he would undertake to.publish a counterpart. in English. oftlieabovc-‘workaâ€"the beat Canadian History †extant-b-wirbrsuch iiiouiï¬catiuns as Would make it acceptable to the elllll'ï¬ln of our people. whether of British or French. origin. _ Accord- ingly. responding to the desire thus expressed. Mr.,l.ovcll has engaged the services of Mr. Andrew Hell. Member of the Glasgow Archae- ological Society. also of the Caiiadisu-Iiistitute. Montreal: author of “ Monarrd 'l‘bings iii Ain- erica" : Historical Sketches of l'eiidalisrri. British and Continental†:, " Lives of the li- ln-sirious â€; " New Annalsof' Old Scotland," and other worksâ€"ti gentleman of great literary experienceâ€"as translator, compiler, and editor of what he purposes to entitle “ 'I'tte: Nt-‘.w ANI) Liomrniznimsisic His'roriy or CANADA.†from the foundation of the Co ony till the year 12-540, ' â€"-to be based on the third and latest edition of l ' '1‘0 be sold by Private Contract. .a,good Steam . payment to be agreed upon at the time at pur chase. F or particulars apply to. I.’HIS1‘OIRE nu Cessna 'of Mr. Garrison.â€" Furthermore. Mr. Lovell having made applica- tir n to the latter for his sanction to the pro- posed work. is happy to say that his special ap- probation has been obtained ; so that the trans- lation of his labors riow proposed (wrtli modi- ficstiuns and additions. as aforesaid.) becorrres the only authorised reproduction of the French version oftlio work. It is proposed that the “Cour-aurirzsstvr; Hisronv or CANADA †shall form three hand- some voluiiies. iii demy octuvo, and be printed in a superior style. on paper of the best quality. Each volume will comprise front 400 to 500 pages. Pricu $1.50, or $4.50 for the whole l‘o’rtios taking an iriteres‘ in the early history of the Colony, are now respectfully called on to l'uriiir-h, for the Editor‘s use, any unpublished or little-kttown historical. antiquarian. or other rare materials as they may haVe lying by them. The donors of all such may be assured that special acknowledgoiiicnt will be made in the work of every favor thus obtained. It is boy-ed that the Publisher may be enabled to bring out the work. complete, early in the Fall of 1860. Subscription Lists will be found at the book- stores in Montreal, rI'oronto, Quclwc. Kingston. Ottawa. Hamilton. London: Arc. and at the Ofï¬ces of tho l'ublisbor. in St. Nicholas Stroet. Montreal ; also at Ste. Anne Street, Quebec. JOHN LOVELL. anade Directory Office. ' Montreal, September l859. DR. MORSE’S Indian Root Pills. R. MORSE.tho inventor of Morse’s Indian Root l'ills. has spent the greater portion of 1) his life in travelling. having visited Europe, Asia and Africa. as well a.- North Americaâ€"- has spent three years ariioiig th s Indians of ottr Weston. countryâ€"it wa»~ in this way that the Indian Root I’ills were first discovered. Dr. Morse was the first. man to establish the loci that all diseases arise from IMI’URI'I‘Y OI“ TH E BLOODâ€"that our strength. health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the Various passages become clogged. and do not act in perfect harmony with the dif- ferent functions of tho body. the blood loses its action. becomes thick. corrupted and discussed : thus causing all pains. sickness and distress of evcrv mime; our strength is exhausted. our hcalib we are deprived of. and if nature is not assisted in throwing off the stagnant burners. the blood will become choked and cease to act. and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. Ilow important then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and upon. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to piit a medicine in your reach. namely. Morso’s Indian Hoot Pills. manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the mono- atiitous cliffs in Nature’s Garden. for the health and recovery of diseased man One of the roots from which those l’ills are made is a Sudoriï¬c. which opens the pores of the skirt. and assists Nature in throwing out the finer parts of tho comiption within. The second is a plant which is an Expectoraut. that opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic. which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys: thus encouraged. they draw large amounts of im- purity from the blood. which is than thrown out bouiitifully hv 'be urinary or water passage, and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Cathart‘ic. and accompanies the other properties 0! the l‘ills while engaged iii purifying the blood ; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets. are thus taken up and From the above. it is shown that Dr. Mo'se‘s Indian ltuot f’rlls not only enter the stomach. but become united. with the blood. for they find their way to every part. and complete- ly rout and release the systcrii from all impurl‘v. and the life of the body. which is the blues, "oocoinas porl‘ectly healthy; consequently all sickness and pain is driven.- t'rom the systorri, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure antl clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick. and why so many die. is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts. and which will open the natural passage for the disease to be cast out : hence. a large quantity of food and other matter is lodged. and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fertiiomation. constantly mixing with the blood. which throws the corrupted iiiattor through every vein and artery. until life is taken from tlto body by disease. Dr. Morsc’s l’ILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory. by restoring millions ofthe sick to blooming health and ha - pincss. Yes, thousands who havo been racked or tormented with sickness. pain and anguish. and- wliose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning eleiiiouts of fever. and who have been brought, as it were. within. a stop of be silent grave. now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with tlie‘deud. had it not been for this great and wonderful medicine. Morso’slndiau Root Pills. Afterone or two doses had been taken. they were as tonisbed. and absolutely surprised. iii witnessing their charming effects. Not only do they give immediate ease and strength, and take away all sickness. pain and anguish. but they. at once go to work at the foundation of the disease. which. is the blood. 'l'borefore. it will be shown. especially by those who use there Pills. that they will so clause and purify. that disease-â€" that deadly eiisiiiyâ€"wrll take its flight. and the flush of youth and beauty wrll again return, and the prospect ofa. long and. happy life will clierialt and brighten your days. Clones.»15ewaro of a counterfeit signed .4. B. Moore. All genuine have the tissue of A. J. WHITE & 00.. on each box. Also the signature of A. J. White J,- Co. All others are spurious. A J. WHITE & 00.. Solo Proprietors. 50 Leonard Street. New York. Dr. Morse’s Indian root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. Agents wanted in every town. village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the agency and address as above for terms. , V ' Price ‘25 cents per boxs. five boxes will be sent on receipt of $1. postage paid. 33 Steam Engine forbade! Engine and 'rre‘ilorrof aboutl‘ive Horse Power. for the small sum of $220. . Terms of JOHN carer. s,m W .. A ~.. m. . mt. . NARuA'i‘rVEs OF ST year the French reading part of the ‘ THE JESUIT FATHERS ! Canadian .lwu-p'e. were ediï¬ed an de.‘ A L ' Nar- ‘ lighted by the publication oftha onginal ratives of the Jesuit Fathers, who were the pioneers of roligioii and its attendant civiliza- tion iii Canada l‘liis work, iiiiput‘tatit as it is l to the French Canadian, is not less so to the l English-speaking 'part of the population at North {\lltï¬l’lcn-v All inhabitants of this great . con it'iciit, osrrrcially all Canadians. will assigh it an honored place on the shelves which bear ‘ the stirring;narratives of the first English and ‘ llutl-li adventurers. , It is fit. momma; to make its reverend au- lliors spenkevitb an English tongue.I v. BEAVER l Fire Insurance Association or 'l‘OltUN'l‘O. C. w. câ€"pâ€" OFFICE. [removed from ’54 Ring Street East. i'l‘onos'ro Srnui-zr next building’norih ol' the ‘ ‘ Masonic Hall. Halftlio Profits to be'retnrned tothe Insured. tlie‘halance‘invasted to form a Reserve Fund. - Bomb or Diaccroas: Tnvsrrzns-o-Henry Ro‘wsel. W. C. Chcwett. Joseph Jackes.‘ « ' . Diam’roasâ€"chry. Rowsell. Toronto... -.Cliairw 1mm. .° J. W. .lltput. Deputy; Chairman ;‘ W. C. leowett. 'l'orotitb ; Juisepb Jar-ken. Toronto . v \\ . H. Smith: “Powwow-MMW p. Wm. The early history of Canada is at this mo; v Heltiwen‘ Highland Creak, John Mow“. iiiotit attracting llltN'll attention. y'l'ho ,Frencb Gavel-irritant has made large and precious con- Library. both tiinniiscript and printed, relating" chiefly to (lamina, its r‘t‘lllelllt‘lli and warn :“Illv Government of the United Stair-s has been ever zralons in colloctrng documents relating to the actuatid sufferings of their hardy and advon-i turoits founders ; and tho cricouraucriicntwhich our own Government could afford in aid of our, torpriZes of the same character. has alwavs been promptly and effectually granted. . , .. historical records basbeoii favored and prompt" ed by all enlightenedgovernments and literary bodies: because tbev supply the best evidciico' of the truth tr£.li_islory. or the best' materials for its cornpmitiou. that the chronicles and private memoirs of co‘i toinporaries ire of higher value than the pol lisbed periods of Home and Mozcray. -l The Narratives now sought to be presented to the public are of great val e to all classes. In tho rolrgionist. whether Protestant or Ito‘- man Catholic. they afford precious evidence of who devoted themselves to’ its propagation atnorrgtbe heathen. and went forward through many a fiery trial, to find too often at last the crown of iiiartvrlom. 'l‘liï¬ ctbnologisl will ï¬nd’3 in thorn faithful descriptions of a race now much degenerated and rapidly approaching to extinction. written amongst them as they lived and moved. hunted and fought, married and died, received baptism or ferociouslv murdered the men who sought to bestow itou them ()r- tliriaryrcaders, from the intelligent scholar to the untaiight peasant. will peruse with interest an account of men who trod the soil on which they now wrongâ€"who were the lords of the throat and tho river. now smiling with the rich bar- vest or glittering with the Vessels ofcomnierce. -â€"and will learn with some emotion that they live and sleep in security on the self-same spot which has been often drenched with the blood shed .n warfare or massacre. The publication of so voluminous a work will depend entirely upon the support received from the public. The fin-t volume has been translated by one of the bust trarslatots in the Province : and it w ll be put to pres†as soon “a a sufficient number of sttliscr'bers is obtained to defray the cost (if translation and publishing. The work will make 3 Voliiriies. Rorall'lvo., of about 75 pages each. in Long l’rimar typo. Sitii<Cliptiolr lists will be found at the Hookâ€" stoica in Montreal. Toronto. Quebec, Kitig~ stun. Ottawa. Hamilton. London, Arc. and at the Ofiiccs of the Publisher. in St. Nicholas Street. Montreal; also at Ste. Anne Street Quebec for the set $8.25. Price irt halfcalf per volume, $3.50 or for the set $10.50. JOHN LOVELL. Canada Directory Ofl'ico, Publisher. Montreal, Sept. 1559. NE IV 'I'R Eel TJIEN’T. Btill‘ailo Medical Illsptnsary. csvanusrnm ron 'rmc curry. or iivsrizrsis. GENERAL iirzatrn'r. nzvmt est) satin. scttnrumi, 01.0 llLCIuer. uriiu'i' lair-u- “NY or THE BLOOD. sltxr auit'n. Pratt-mas. visions. PILKS. KIDNEYS. DERIIJYY. ta- riiuuirirzs or room All) our AUDI. are. 83“ No Mercury Used. 4;; I‘ll. AMOS 6:. SUN. Corner of \Iain and ) Quay Strut-ts. Buliiilo, New York. are the only Physicians in the State who are morn- bors of the Royal College of Surgeons. London Mar be consulted from 8 o'clock in the mom- syrnp our of disease. The treatment they nlItipl is the result of up. ward.~ of 30 youn’ extensive and successful practice in London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated iii eight or or three dayr at a ve=y moderate oxpoiise.-- The cure effected without corifinoriiont or hiri- drance from business. Young Menâ€" Take Particular Notice. in by boys. in solitude. often growing up with thorn to manhood. and which. if not rot‘orrriod by them in due time. not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness. but gives rise to a series of protracted. insidious. and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences. until they find the nervous system shattgmd. fool strange and unaccountav ble foolingg’tiud vague fears in the mind. A Most Scream/1c Julianna. t. An instrument for the cure of Genital Dc- bility. or more properly known as Seminal Weakness. Nervous Debility. &c.. which are permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use oftbis instrument.whon used conyointly with medicines. New Remedies and Quick Cures. Drt AMOS &.SON take pleasurein announ- cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physiciansin London. Paris. Philadel- hia and New York. It has been declared the otin useful instrument over yet invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs. caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. Autos 61. Son. in order to atisfy- the‘ most skeptical as to the merits of these instru- ments. pledge themselves. that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial. tlionroney will be refunded by re¢ turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above usent instrument will obsert'o. that the price. with the accom- l partying directions. securely packed and sent. by mail or express. is ten dollars. , Beware of Imposition. Beware of empiries and iririeraiitsolf4stylod professors. who aWEMP‘I'_ cures. but never succeed V Dr Amos 61. Son have for a long series of years been. engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of those delicate complaints. and are the only legally qualified Physicians who, now advertise to cure certain complaints. or l from whom genuine European remedies can be i obtained. Pzasous IN ANY PART or new: Womb may be successfully treated by forWardiiig a. correct l detail of their cases. witb,,a remittance for Medicines. 61c . which will be returned with the ? utmost dispatch. and secure from observation. l Address Dr. Astos do Son. corner Main and Quay streets.'1£ufliilo. N. Y. “ti-1.x .. â€"-.__ JOSEPH KELLER, slurs. Second and Third DIVISION Court. Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. December. 18“: ‘ Bur riliaiii. Cobourg tr'ibittiotis of historical matter to our Provincial; Robe“ 8mm]. Chmguacomy; Georg. main" The publication of authentic and irite'rostiiig . It has even been asserted;. boomer of'the l’ltthuEN'f‘ the zeal of those servants of his Holy Rel gioh " .Jaiiies floaty. Esq. nine (lists. and cases of a slight nature in two , Kingston; Wm. Aglin. Kingston; Asa A. : Wm. Green, Hamilton; Toronto 'l'ownsbip. SOIICIIOl‘vâ€"Joilll Holliwcll. Band of. Toronto. 113’ The Provident Life Assurance Coin» pain- is removed to the satire ofï¬ce. Having guarded against loss from fire1 bylue suriiig your properiy.‘consider if it woitld noL be as well to make a‘little‘additimial provision for your "family iii case ofyonr own preniaturu death :â€"â€"wbe‘tb'c’r it would not be as well. through the assiStMtco of" 'a Life Assurance Janitorsâ€"The. ,Coriipariv. to provide a legacy for your wife or daughter. or‘.’it‘yoit bav‘e‘i‘mt the happiness to be blessed With them‘.'t‘li‘ilik if the pail-session of“ a few hundred pounds additional might not be of advantage to yours-alts few years hence. If“ you dccide't‘hat‘it would. write to rho Mariachi LIFE ASSUR- ANCE 'AND‘ INVESTMENT COMPANY 20 'I'orotito Street.“ ‘l'o'ront‘o‘. for a “ Proposal "' from. and ‘a‘c‘opy of the Hatés.‘ or. possibly; the Agent of the “Beaver†may possessor 'c‘o'p‘ybl' both documents. which. be ciin accommodate you with. and givo you a. little irinforitiatioti on the subject besides. Agent tat IkibltmollfII‘HlIlâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. March so. 1859., mt Fire! Fire! I, Fire! I .' 'WEETDRN Fire Insurance ' Company" of Toronto. m INCORPORATED I“ ACT 0" PANEIAHRNT. ( ,‘JlPl T31. S'DO CK, £100,000. m 5 than Micnii;,Vice l’roe. murmurs : I'lios_ llaworth. Eeq., W. Henderson. Esq. W. Maclarlaue. Esq. l Barnard llaldaii. Eric}. Secretary dc Thurman. Angus Marni-on. Esq. Solicitor. flank of Upper Canada. Bunkers. Br njaimn Swillâ€. Laq. Inspector. I. (I. GILMOR. l'ros. Rico Lewis. Esq. 'I'. l'. ‘I’tuliarts. Esq. M. Ilirssiti, Esq. if? Hem! Qflice. Church Street. Toronto. 11 ‘THIS (tannin insures all descriptioiiaef‘ lIiiiltlinga. b1aurrfactorias. Mills. 0.12.. and Gender and Furniture. In the anltlt‘, agaiiirt loose. Items Price in pancr covers per volume, $2.74. or age by tire. on liberal terirrs. Losses promptly settled. A . IJA \V , Residence. (lotion l ..g‘olt., Rielrr- oua' .' ill August hit. 1857. glad --...._ ... -_.._._.._._._.-.. -. wâ€"w .. State Fire ï¬nsar'nncr Company“ trt‘ (4151305. (‘tun'ritumo I! act or alternates. Daemon!!! CAl’l'l'AL. £:1on.ooo STERLING. Canada. Branch. 5.1.x Ofï¬ce: Toronto Tsunami :-- lion. Joint Runs. 1 Jon: (‘arwream KUAKL or Dim-unnamâ€"Willlsm richlaster. Esq. Chairman; W. P. fiewlaad. Ileq. .‘rl.l‘.t’.. ’t'iisc-llliairiiran: William Reel. hm; William Henderson. hLaq. ; F‘. W Jarvis. Esq. Sheriff U. C. of York and Pool. Mistress â€"â€"'1‘lir- flank of Montreal. tit-Int:th tutâ€"Hurts, Crawford and (Womble 'I lie oirgagi-irieiits al‘ the State Fire II- snraricc (Ioiiipaiiyare guaranteedby aurpeaoin. blo l‘roprietaiy. V K ' ‘ ' All losses will be settled promptly ' without? iug'uiitil 9 o‘clock at night, on ovary stats slid WINNWG ‘0 "1° "0"“, I" highwa- AI.EX. STEWART. ‘ fa. LAW. Manager. ll. N. America , Agent. Richmond Him Febeitari' 18. 1850 IQ-I)‘ .__..._.__ K... . _-_-....__. ... _ ._._. _._ _ . ____.._‘_.._...â€"._â€"- lllllt‘ but firra‘ll . IS PUBLISHED There is an evil habit sometimes indulged Arid dcspatcbed to Subscriber's by the earliest mails. or other conveyance. when so desired. The YORK HERALD will always ho. be founrl to contain the latest and most impor- tant Foreign and Provincial News and Mar» lists. and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable tothe man of business, and a valuable Faiiiili Newspaper. TERMSâ€"Seven and Sixpence per Annum. is .uivasce: ; and if not paid within Three~ Mouths two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING: Six lines and under. first insertioii.-. . . .80" 50 Each suboquont insertion .. . . . , , , (lb 12*, Ton lines and under. first insertion. . . . , 00 15 Above tan lines. ï¬rst~in.. per line.... 00 07 Each subsequeritinsertiou. per line... . . (in 03 ll? Advertisements without ‘written dII’OOs IIOII.‘ inserted till forbid, and cliisrgeil accord- ingly. " ' All transitory advertisements.'from strangere or irregular cuiitoiiiers."uittst be paid for when builder in for insertion. ‘A liberal discount willrbe made.-topetttiee ed- vertising by the your. ‘ ‘ All advertisements , publishedlfos; a less pe- rioo than one month. nuist be paid for in. ad, vunco. , v All letters addressed.†to the Editor must be post paid. . N o paper discoritin'u'od until all ‘axreareges are paid : and. parties refusingpdphrsjwithout pay‘ ing up. will be held accountable tortho sub. scription ’ ‘ TilE‘ YORK Bookrund Job Printing ESTABLISMENTL. ' RDERS for our of the â€' lidesm-ontioned description of I‘LA‘IN and ‘ANCY JOB: WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" sooxs. “so? “his: ‘sï¬sts’itt‘sésfnns. Lanes. aim SMALL rosrtas.ycltacvt.ans_.lt.aw roams. ’ ‘ aim. flxai’Sï¬ARMECXS.bh-Af13. aria rla‘atr nu: 1 s. ’Andvevor‘y other kind of LETTERâ€"*PRESS" «ERIN TING 9 done‘iii’fthe' beststyle. ir'rrllpdbrli. at... Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirer newline of, the latest patter-m.» tAilerge variety ‘ ‘ of new 'raneyfrypo 'it'it'd ‘ Eordd’rh. for M i I-“ Cuisinart. ï¬c. bird