,u..4:«. ,. » .,,.,,-.--'.» ‘ ’ Easiness ï¬trcttorp. W W T. J. WHEELER; WATCH 8:. CLOCK MAKER, J EWELLER, &c. RICHMON D HILL, GO-Iy parlor, MiY SECRET. in! NOR A PERRY. .â€" Wliat'if l' think-ofyou'once in a while. M'ith a little blush and a little smile.- With a little blush tha‘ comes and goes, As the sweet. sweet wind of mentory blows 7 Oct. 1'. 1858. Auction. Notice. . ""‘ l \Vhat ifI picture now with care. THODIAS BO‘VNIAN, A t‘ete-a-tete and an easy chair '1' Liccllse(1 [lactiOIICcr l that in make the picture clear. FOR THE , By lightingit up with a chandelier 7' coUNTpES OF YORK & PEEL, All letters addressed to “ Almira,†I’.O. will recieve prompt’attention. Orders received at the“ York Herald †Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill ; Mr. Henry Lemon. Thornhill. and Mr. James Can you see by the softly shimmering flame 7 Can you see to read the musical name Of him who sits in a graceful state, On the little rosewood tete-a-tete I Terms. else. may be obtained, Can you see me sitting before him there. “myâ€, Nov. 95,1859 Sitting within the easy chair I Catt you hear the laugh, can you hear the jostâ€" The‘ iitu'sical laugh of my handsome guest 7 S'Q-if Dr. s. N. PECK, URGEON Dentist, will be at Hall’s Hotel. Markham Village, on the 94th, 95th and 26th of each Month. Teeth extracted free Teeth Filled. each 250ts. Dentistry done cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pro- vince. Approved Credit will be given if re- quired. All Work Warranted. June 30,1859. Is it unwise to paint the view, In colors so warm, and lit it to? Will somebody claim the graceful state On the little rosewood totem-tote 7 How many may lose by claiming that ! For many a handsome quest has sat Beneath the shimmering chandelier. 31-13‘ JOHN HARRINGTON, .IR., ' EALER in Dry Goods. Groceries, \Vinua, Liquors, Hardwarc,GlaSs. Earthenware, While the easy chair was standing near. How many may lose, how many may win! Ab. Vanity is a costly sin ! For the one I mean will never suppose That for him the wind of memory blows. 3... Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. 1-if RICHMOND .HILL HO'I‘ICI... STAGE runs from the above iiotel to Toronto every morning, starting from the Elgiii Mills at 7. a.m. and returning at 7. p.m. Fare :28. (id. each war. coon ACCOMMODATION For. TnAvrII.I.I;Rs. RICHARD NICIIOLLS, Proprietor. 1-55 Then what if I think of you once in a while, With a little blush and a little smile? With a little blush that comes and goes, As the sweet. sweet wind of memory blows ? mirttlluutuus. Richmond Hill.Dec. 18, 1858. JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothier, We should do well to take counsel from the wise and warning froru the foolish. Cavaiinah, Mansion House. Sharon, where on v.31â€. , :r, . New Boot. and Shoe Store A'l‘ BU'I‘TONVILLE. IlE Subscriber returns his thanks to the public for pastsupporrt. begs to state that he has removed into the Village of Buttouville, where he hopes for a continuance of tl.o pa- ronnge heretofore given him. All orders executed; with despatch nnd work warranted. DAVID GA LLO‘VVA Y, Buttonville, Nov. 11, 1859. 50-1y Photographs 1. Ambrotypes l MELANEOTYI’ES ! LETTERGRAPHS. &c. All'styles of Pictures taken at the Medical Hall, Markham, U U I < D 1 MI .- y. ‘ ,i‘ Z ,w )- 1 3 .1 <1 g. L. [-1 .31 '22 3.9.- U0 a“ n; gt: miâ€"l éH ' Z U: ..,o h, {/1 K h i W. O x r .- V) D 9' .â€", D I; D ht »: t ‘ pâ€" p. ‘ U z -J m. ‘ .- V1 D O O U 6 Z reasonable terms, and in all weathers, Pictures taken from the srria'lest to life size. .1, C, DUNIIAM. Markham Village, Oct, 14, 1859, 4614f llVAN HOTEL. THORNIIILL. Accommodation for Travellers. JOHN SHIELS. Proprietor- 7.], Good W. C. ADAMS, D.D.S. lThorii‘nill Jan. 10. 1859 Surgeon. Dentist, , 99 Kiss or, RAST. «00TH sum, THIRD DOOR wssr FROM CHURCH sr, TORONTO, To the Sick and Dying 8 the Proprietor of O iver’s I‘atentfei ap- ‘ilying Electric to prevent pain in ex- tract \gteeth; and also of an Aparatus for niant-"icturing Vulcanite Rubber Hates for sets 111.0 Partial set-~ ofteeth. Teeth mounted onGoliI or otherwise, to suit the‘uecessity of the case. Toronto, August 27, 1059. Vaughan, near Klineiturgh, guarrantces to cure Cancers, Enlarged .IVeclrs, And itrairy other Diseases. "ersons laboring under either oftlie above mentioned Diseases. will do well to cart: 1'" time. All letters to be paid. and addressed to PE'I‘ER SNIDER, Klinelrurgh. N. R. NO CURE CO PAY. August 6. 1858. Ol-tt W-.- -....a.._.__..___._._._.. -._1 ._.. pr. III tin. ritti 49-1 y G. HA. Husgana,‘ ‘URGEON Dentist, be at Niclioll’s will Hotel, Richmond Hill, the FIRST MONDAY ofevery inoritli,aud the remainder oftlie month at his residence Thoruhill. All Work War- ranted. Julv 8. 1859. ' soliciting the increased support Of the Canadian public for the seventeenth vo- lume of THE G1.0RE,1IIO publisher has to state that nothing shall be left undone to render the journal worthy of the high reputation it has earned in past years. A new arid beautiful font of copper-faced type, cast specially for the GLOBE. at Ilie celebrated foundry of Messrs, MATHESON 86 FITZGERALD, Barristers & Attorniesâ€"at-Law, The spoilt children of the present age , SOLICITORS 1N CIIANCERY, &c. rarely turn out the great men of the next. OFFICE :â€" COIINER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS, Over \Vhitemore 5L Co’s. Ba-ukiugOï¬lce. Yonge St., Richmond Hill, December. 1858. l-ti The hardest situation of a grumbler, is to feel like grumbling and have nothing to Wham- James Connor and Sorts, New York, will sus- tain the typographical credit of the establish ntentâ€"aud the aid of art enlarged corps of Editors. leper-tors, and: Correspondents will suture to the readers of THE GLOBE all that is grumble aft ‘1' TORONTO. interesting in News. Politics, Literature, and . ‘t _ â€"â€" Commerce, D0 net he‘leve one half that To“ hear, allIl $1106 Elak019 Agency Particularly attended to. During the coming year, the Globe will but make sure that you belith‘ all you say. YONGE STREET, continue to pay all that attention to the public RICHMOND IIILL. THE young woman who was ‘driven to distraction,’ now fears she will have to walk back. HOWEVER much painters may com- plain of ladies’ dresses being inartistic, they are certainly not without that essen- tial element of a good pictureâ€"breadth. Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes. made after thelatest styles. December 1858. 1- in YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. Good supply of WINES and LIQUORS always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers. Farmers, and others Cigars of all brands. D. MCI.EOD. Proprietor. Aurora, July 6, 1858. 57-6m A GLASS ofsoda water was offered to a country lad, who rejected it with the greatest indignation.â€"‘Do you think I am a salriri‘itindcr,’ said he, “to drink water boiling hot I’ LET a young woman take the degree of A B, that is A Bride, and she may hope in due time to be entitled to that of A M. A Momma. WHY should the underwriters wish the Queen to live fer- ever l-â€"-Bwause, during her life there would be no Riex (wrecks). ROBERT S-IVEIt, Boot. and Shoe Maker, DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist 1’ Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. A choice selection of Gentlenieus’, Ladies’ and Childrens’ Iloote and Shane constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- lice. 33" Allkinds Shoemaker-s Findihgfer sale. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. ll-tf ‘ Hold your tongue for a fool.†was the polite recommendation of an Irish hus- band. ‘ Sure, then, you’re going to spake yourself!’ was the polite reply oftbe wife. Melancholy is another name for tough meat. \Ve care not how imaginative a man may be, let him eat two pickled pig’s feet, and he will feel as inanimate as a sack of coals. What we often think is mind is halftlie time gristle. JAMES HALL, S always on hand a large assortment of A H BOOTS and SHOES, which will be sold at prices to meet the times. Richmond Hill, Dec. .1858. 54-1â€"1y W. HODGE 8L CO. 7HOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin and Iron Plate Workers, and Furnishing Ironmongers, Parties givrng this house a call will find their orders putre‘tually attended to, and the lowest prices charged. Richmond H i111. Dec. 1858. The question “ Why printers did not succeed as well as brewers? was answered thus: “ Because printers work for the head, and brewers for the stomach, and where twenty men have stomach, but one has brains.†It is strange, but every woman’s husband is the Vt‘l‘y worst that ever lived until he is attacked, and then, ‘dear fellow,’ he is the very best. 54-1â€"1; EDMUND GRAINGER, U T C H E R, THORNHILL. Fresh and Pickled Meats, Poultry, 620., always on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. 'I'horiihill. Dec. 1858 . THE following notice is posted at an American railway rtationzâ€"‘Trawllera should be careful to deliver their baggage to proper persons, as a gentleman a few days since intrusted his wife to a stranger, ' and has not heard of her since. 41-1tf WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harp ess Maker, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. ._._ JAMES JENKINS’, Grocery & Provision Store ' RICHMOND HILL 0 CREDIT GIVEN. Product. taken In ‘WHY, Bridget,’ said her mistress, who wished to rally her for the amuse- ment of her company upon the fantastic ornainenting of a huge pipe, ‘W'hat, Bridget, did yOu do this? You are quite an artist. How did you do it l’-â€"-‘In- dads, it was nicself that did it,’ replied Bridget- ‘Isn’t it pretty, man? I did exchange. it with your false teeth, mum.’ i The above is the oldest established Grocery and Provision Store on the Hill. Dec. 32. 1858. l-tf The separation of friend: by death is less terrible than the d.vorce Oftrue hearts that have loved but have ceased to arm- pathise, while memory is still recalling what they once were to each other. 53â€"} Â¥ ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE! MARKHAM VIJIM'RGE. OOD Accommodations. Wines, Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MA RR, Proprietor. Markham. Dec. 1858. 57-1v THE LOVE OF C0NTRADICTION.â€"~ A story is told of Hallain, the historian. After a night of contradiction at Holland House with Lady Holland, Luttrell, Sam Rodgers, and Sydney Smith. Hallam re- turned tO his house, his tongue still tip- ped with ready contradiction.â€"-‘ Past one o’clock.’ cried a watchman, loudly, with a yawn.â€"â€"‘ No,’ cried I'Ia'lam, tartlv and loud, throwing up the sash of his bedroom window, watch in hand, ‘it wants three DR. L. LANGSTAFF, FIRST I‘OOR SOUTH OF THE F RANKLIN IIOU SE, MARKHAM VILLAGE. minute.) Markham, May 13, 1859. 94-13' THE MOTHER’S PORTRAIT.â€"â€"â€"In a ‘ certain and much frequ-nted room hung a I PATLN 1‘ large portrait. Tis a speaking likeness! Drain Pipes; Eve Troughs There’s lore, and tenderness, and deep A“, solicitude enstamped upon its brow! .. Though not a word is uttered, yet again, that Portrait speaks in ksndest, dearest accents! It counsels. cautions, and com- forts I It reiterates in gentlest, sweetest, most loving tones, the words of bygone years. The feelings of that long-past but not forgotten day are reenkindled, They come with freshness, vigour, tone! yea. more sorrow than when ï¬rst wakencd; became knowledgeâ€"â€"proofâ€"experience, has given weight, and force, and faithful pass, to the counsel and advice that were then enjoined. W ater Spouts, HANUFAC'I‘URED AND FOR SALE BY JOHN LANGSTAFF STEAM MILLS, 'I'HOIINIIILL. June 3. 1859 27-tt‘ PATRICK LYNOTT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, OR the sale of Cattle, Stock, doc. is pre- pared to attend Sales in all parts of Up: per Canada. Richmond Hill May 2?, 1815?, 1&9. A»! “mmâ€"-“W affairs of the Province which has secured for it its present condition. '1 he Province in ac- knowledged by all parties to be on the eve of great changes; and these the Globe will seek to influence for the benefit of the people at large. It will advocate such a change in the constitution as will give to Upper and, Lower Canada the control of their own local athii-rsmnd will give general matters to a joint authority of simple and inexpensive forin. ’I‘he neces- sity of imposing such checks upon Parliament and the Executive as will prevent the borrow- ing of money without the consent of the peo- ple, will be earnestly insisted upon, The Globe will also advocate the VOLUNTARY PRIN- Jutns YlTZGERKLD 31-tf THOMAS o. MATHESO‘I. Toronto, July 1, 1859. JOHN N. REID, M.D., CORNER or YONGI: AND COLBOURN STs. TIIO‘RNUILL. CZW. 31-1y Dr. DUNHAM, URGEON and Mechanical Dentist, Medical Halt, Markham Village. June 30. 1859’ 31-1y , , ClPl.E--LDUCATION, elementary and collegi- ate. BREE FROM SRC'rAaIANImâ€"Incorporation JAMES I. BARKER, of the Hudson’s [lay Territory with Cau- adaâ€"a IlANKuIrrch LAW for the relief of D“. GOOdSr the honest debtorâ€"IMPROVED MANAOL‘MENT of I‘MPORTE R and Dealer in Groceries, l'nints, Oils, and Dye Studs, Patent Medicines, Glass, I‘utty, Nailsâ€"Low I very Low for Cash.--Markham Village. June 3‘). 1859. the roams I.A‘NDSâ€"-â€"RECI‘PROCAL Friar; 'I‘aADI: with the United Statesâ€"the improvement of Canadianagricultureâ€"economy in every branch of the public expenditure. and gene- ,rally every measure which tends to the im- provement of humanity in religion, morals. and 31-6m PLCROSRY, MI’OR'I‘ER of Dry Goods. Groceries, Wines. Liquors, Hardware. die. ‘Richmond Hill. June. 1859. THORNHILL HOTEL. r THE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above premises, and ï¬tted them npin' aunt and comfortable style. Boarders and transient visitors will find the accomodations in evory way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully 3f-tf in Parliament at Quebec. many of these subs jects will be discusaed. the more vital and im portant of them With an earnestness and vigour rarely before wi'iressed in this ProvinCe. As a promoter as well as recorder of the move- ,ments of the day, the Globe will possess extra- ordinary interest for all classes of readers, and the friends of progress are i‘chcsted to aid in extending its circulation among the masses of the people. The editorial conduct of THE GLOBE can be best estimated by the uninterrupted success that ltas attended its publication. But a constitu. selected. Good stabling and attentive hostlers “on,†crisis denmnds further memo“ in tha, HENRY LEMON, direction. and it will be supplied. In regard Thomhm' Premium. 1to news, fresh efforts will be used to supply Jan 20.18.38,} 138 to the readers of the Globe the earliest and most copious intelligence from all parts of the world. Correspondence is received from Great Britain, British Colui'rrbia, the North West i'l‘erritory, and all that transpires at home and I "HE Subscriber begs to inform liiS' 1 numerous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises, where there will be foonnd excel-lent ace commodation for Travellers, and good Stabling. w†Horses and Buggies for Hire:- JOSI‘CPI’I GARY, Proprietor; iclrmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1858. 72 7m HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. in the United States is diligently recorded n Special attention is devoted to commercial iii- telligonco;' the markets are fully than in any other journal. A limited space is t’evored to agriculturall subjects. and everything wliicw tends to the development Of the meet important branch of rCanadian industry receives-special attention. THE DAILY GLOBE is $6 per annum. pay able strictly In advance. It is published at four O’clock, every morning but Sunday. and is despntclied by the early trains to alf‘parts of the country. It is a very large sheet. containing a vast amount of news. mercantile intelligence. and general informa- tion, of the later-t and most interesting cha- I'IICIOI'J Any person sending the Cash for Frvr; DAILY Subscribers, Will be entitled to an ad- ditional copy run). THE 'I‘RI- WEEKLY GLOBE. reported more R LANGt‘TAFF, liiri‘arttoud .57.? 5 . December, 1858. DR. JAMES 1-tt’ _ W...“ Go TO is Issued every MONDAY. WILIrNirsOAv. and Fai- " DAY. at $4 per ariririni‘..i‘n advance It is printed B . W M A N ’S M I L I on a large sheet, and in its columns Is given all that appears in the Daily Edition. with the w IT H Y o u a Telegraphic and other news to the I test mo- ment. , , Any person sending the Cash for FIN; Tui- Wnnxu’ Subscribers, will be entitled to a ram: copy. CARDING & GRISTING, whore parties from a distance can have it done to take with them on their return home. Almira, May 13, 1859. 2441'. I i t l TH E WEEKLY GLOBE is issued every Friday inornipg, at $2 per an- nuiii, payable strictly in advance. It is printed on an immense double sheet of paper, of first- rate quality ; it is made up in a handsome quarto form. comprising eight pages of seven columns each ; and contains more reading mat- ter than any other political rteWspaper on the continent, Great care is taken in the compila- tion of the paper; the news is carefully col- lected from the Daily Edition, and articles spe- cially prepared for its columns The Market Reports, at home and abroad, receive constant attention , V , To induce exertion on the part of the friends of the Globe throughout the country. it has been resolved, that arty person making up a club may haveâ€" Tsn Copies ,ï¬n‘ . . . . . . . rFI/‘teen Dollars! Twenty-ï¬ve Cop'tcsfor. . Third/jive Dollars! Eighty Uopiesfor. . _ . . One Hundred Dollar: 1 Any person sending $10 for Five Wu:va E‘OH. EALE; 200,000 feet. of Lumber, 1NCLUDING Flooring, Siding. Inch Boards, and two-inch Plank, Scaiitling, &c,. &c.. at the subscriber’s Mill, near Stouï¬'ville, cheap for Cash or Approved Crcdil. JAMES BUGG. Stoufl'ville, April 12, 1859. 23-‘tf. TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YON G E STREET. MONUMENTSTâ€"TOMB-T RLES TORI B-‘S'I'ONES ‘LC. material prosperity During the next six months, in the constituo eucies and meetings of the people, as well a Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER HE Undersrgncd Assignees of the estate OfD. C. & W. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and D. CARI os Yauz, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. ES'I‘A‘ BLISHMET. P.S All notes and accounts remaining un~ paid on the lat day of June, 1858, will be put in ‘i it Court for collection. C. YALE. G, CUMMER. Toronto. April 1253 $84!, Subscribers, will be entitled to a Free copy. The chckly Globe will be sent to all Clergy- men for One Dollar a year. Mo’ney Letters addressed, “ THE Filaments or rein GLOBE, TORONTO,†can be Registered by payment of one penny. and their safe ar-‘ rival will then be at the risk of the Publisher. III? Subsoriptions may commence at any period of the year, and be made for any term; and persons desirous of receiving the Paper need not ._wait for an Agent to‘ call on them. but have Only to enclose their money, with their name and Post Ofï¬ce, to GEO. BROWN, Globe Office, Toronto. Toronto, New. 15, 1859. : "., , v‘:e~m.-2-c~4r.rw-, .9 a . n 1 ,NEW _ HISTORY g cANAOA . HE members of the Bookselling trade; and toe Public of Canada in general. are re- spectfully informed that it is‘iiit‘Suded to pub- lish, by Subscription, a NEW! His'ronv or CAN- ADA, (founded on that of Mr. '1“. X. (human). as soon as an encouraging number of Subscri- bers can be obtained. ' ‘ ’ The recent appearance ofa third and much improved edition of I.’Hisrouv Du CANADA by Mr GAnNaAU. has given rise to (Wish, ex-r pressed to Mr. Lovsu. by several of his- friends and commercial connections, thats'ho. would undertake to publish a counterpart. in English, of the above workâ€"the best Canadian History extantâ€"with such modiï¬cations as would make it 7 acceptable to the entirety of our people. whether Of British or French origin. Accord- ingly, responding to the desire thus expressed. Mr. Lovell has engaged the services of» Mr. Andrew Bell. Member of the Glasgow Archm. ologlcal Society. also of the Canadian Institute, Montreal : author of “ Men and Things in Am- erica" : Historical Sketches of Vandalism. British and Continentalâ€: “ Lives of the II- lirsirious â€; †New Annals of Old Scotland,†and other works-a gentleman ef great literary experienceâ€"as translator, compiler, and editor of what he purposes to entitle " 'I‘nii: NEW AND Courtuzutzssmt: Hisronv or CANADA.†front the foundation ofilie Colony till the Veer l84tl. -â€"to be based on the third and latest edition of l.'llls’1'01RE inu CANADA of Mr. Gamma.â€" I‘Iirtliei'inore. M r; Lovellliaviitg made applica- ‘N’ R. SNIDEIL 0f “‘9' 71“ C(mce-‘Slon 0f tlri‘lIO the latter for his sanction to'ihe pro- posed work. is happy to sayttliat his special up. ‘probatiou has been obtained; so that the trans- | lation of his labors now proposed (with mOIII‘ fications and additions. as aforesaid.) becomes the orilyauthorisi-d reproduction of the French version ofihe work. It is proposed that the “C(iuraimi-zssivr. I'IIs'l'ORY or CAN‘.1)A †shall form three hand- some volumes. in d0n1}'()cl.llV0.flllfl be printed iu‘a superior style, on paper of the best quality. Each volume will comprise from 4th in 5H) pages. Pr'ici- $1.50, or $4.50 for the whole Parties taking an interes' in the early history of the t‘olony, are now respectfully called on to furnish, for the Editor‘s use, arty unpublished or littleâ€"known historical, antiquarian, or other rare Irraterials as they may have lying by them. The donors of all such may be assured that special acknowledgement will be made in the work of every favor thus obtained. It- is hoped that the Publisher may be enabled to bring out the work. complete, early in the Fall of ISO“. Subscription Lists will be found at the book- stores iii Montreal, TorOIito,Quebec, Kingston, Ottawa. Hamilton. London; &c. and at the Offices of the Publisher. iii St. Nicholas Street. Montreal : also at Ste. Anne Street, Quebec. JOHN LOVELL. ( anada Directory Office. Montreal, September 1859. DR. MORSE’S Indian Root Pills. A R. MORSE, the inventor of Morse’e Indian Root l'ills, has spent the greater portion of his life in travelling. having visited Europe. Asia and Africa, as well as North Americaâ€"- lias spent three years among the Indians of our Western countryâ€"it was in this way that tile Indian Root Pills were first discovered. Dr. Morse was the ï¬rst man to establish the fact that all diseases arise from IMPURITY OF THE BLOODâ€"that our strength. health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged. and do not act in perfect harmony with thedif- ferent functions of the body. the» blood loses its action, becomes tltick. corrupted and diseased ; thus causing all pains. sickness and distress of every name ; our strength is exhausted. our health we are deprived of. and if nature is not assisted in throwing off the stagnant hunters, .the blood will become choked and cease to act, atid thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How important then that we should keep the various passages of the body freeand Open. Arid how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put a medicine in your reach. namely, Morse’s Indian Root Pills. manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the moun- .atnious cliï¬'s iii Nature’s Garden. for the health and recovery of diseased man One of ‘the roots from which these Pills are made is a Sudoriï¬c. which opens the pores of the skin. and assrsts Nature in throwing out the ï¬ner parts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant. that opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged. they draw large amounts of im- purity from the blood. which is then thrown out bouiitifully by the urinary or water passage. and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic. and accompanies the other properties of the l’ills while engaged in purifyii‘rg the blood; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets. are thus taken up and From the above, it is shown that Dr. ‘MOvse’s Indian Root Pills not only enter the 'stomach, but become united with the blood, for they find their way to every part, and complete- ly routand release the system from all impurity. and the life of the body. which is the blood. 'iecomos perfectly healthy; consequently all sickness and pain is driven from the system. for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die. is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts. and which will open the natural passage for the disease to be cast out : lieiit:e,a large quantity of food and other matter lodged. and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation, constantly mixing with the blood, which throw~ the corrupted ritatter through every vein and artery, uni-ll life Is when irorrr the body by disease. Dr. Morse’s PILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory. by restoring iirilli‘ty‘ns Olillte sick to b‘loO‘t‘rri‘iIg health and hap- piness.- Yes. thousands who have been racked or tormented With sickness,» pain and anguish. and whose feel-rife from-es have been scorched by the burning elements 'of' fever. and who have been brought. as it were. within a stepof be silent grave. now stand ready to testify that they Would have been numbered with the dead. had it not been fer this great and wonderful medicine, Nlo‘r‘sa’slirdiau Root Pills, After-one or wire doses had been taken, they ware as tonished, and absoluter surprised. in witnessing their c‘lia‘rniiiig effects. Not only do they gIVe immediate ease and strength. and take away all sickness, pain and anguish. but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disuse. which is the blood. “Therefore, it will be shown. especially by these who use there Pills, :that they will so clense and purify. that diseaseâ€" that deadly enemyâ€"will take its flight. End’th flush of youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect ofa long and happy life will cherish and brighten your days. ' Grimmer-Beware of a counterfeit signed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. WHITE .&'Co.. on each’hox.‘ Also the signature of A. .I. thtte 4- Co. All other: are spurious. ' ' ’ A. .1. WHITE & 00.. Solo Proprietors. 50 Leonard Street. N ow .York. Dr. Morse's Indian root‘Pills are soldby all dealers in Medicines. ‘ Agents wanted in every town. village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the agency and address as above for terms.- Pric‘e25 cents per boxs. ï¬ve boxes will be sent on receiptof $1. postage paid. 33 Steam Engine for Sale! 0 biotion by Private Contract. 33"" , Steam Engine, and Boiler of aboptg iverrse Power. for the ’ small sum of $220. Terms of payment whengrcod‘uron “the tits? Pf an! chasm Far MFWIFMRPIY 1.0-" ’ HN GRIS'I‘. a, 4M floweth w I“: ‘ ,r. a; p, . “ W-†,ua-rvrwa-uwrrâ€"v-mvmw. NARRATIvRs OR 21153?†34.? $38.3. I AST year the French reading part of the . Canadian peoplewfluter ediï¬ad..aut. .dee lighted by the publication fold-Ire origiiial- as». natives of the JOSDII‘J‘ulherH. who were the pioneers of religion arid,,iis..,atteudaut civiliza- tion in Canada. This Tyre/I It, Important as it is to the French Canadianan qqt lestino to the Englisliospeaking ‘ purine? the ..popu,lati0n of North, America. All . Inhabitants 9f. this great continent, especiallyall (gayiadians, will assign it an honored piece oti thgenoltelves which bear the stirring narratives of the ï¬rst English and Dutrh adventurers. , g It is fit. therefore, to make its reverend there speak with an Eiigliiih‘tougiio. The early-history of Cauad’gtis, at this mo- ment attracting much u.tteiiiiOii..,,,.'l,'he French au- quornuieni has made twig}. a‘ndprecioiis eon. , tributions of historical matter to 0ttr,;,1.’if0vincial Library, both Iiiatiiiscript and-Ipr‘iiii'e'd,‘ relating t chiefly to Cannon, its settlement andpvars : the Goveruiiieni of the United Sta tea has been ever zealous iii collecting documents kti'l‘al'iiig,,to the ‘ acts and suffuringsiof their. hardy nhd'advmi. turoue founders ; and the GDCUUrflflétfitflyhyl’lilcll ourown Government could affitrdiuantd en- terprises of, the some chug-actor... hae‘alwavs boonprmnptly and, effectual}; granted. ., , The publication of authentic and interesting historical reCOr'ds has been favored and prompt ed by all enlightened governments and literary bodies : because they supply the beat'evittetice ' ot’ittg truth of history. or the best material! Iâ€? its COIIIPOrllIOII. It has. even beetrrpsaertod, that the chronicles-mid private monwirnrof co. teiIiporar-res are of higher value than the po- fished periods of 11111110 and ,Mezeray, .. The Narratives new ‘sought to be Mesolited rI‘O the reltgiouist. whether Protestant or RO- iiian Catholicpthey affordrprecious evidertee‘of tho zeal oi those servants of his Holy Rel giou =Fi1: "Richmond Hill, Nov, 18, 1359. tO the public are of great valve to all classes. l '.â€" " » . . if? LANDS SALEc On Easy Terigef‘ (Payment. 80,000 ,j ITUATED 'in the counties of Luirros and KINT. All necessary information will be . .. +i7"r>«v?r'i given. ounpplication. post paid, to ‘ ; r EMILES‘ LAINGSTAFF. . . r, ,M’allaceburgh- Also, some improved FARMS to RENT. Wallaceburgh, Nov. 94. 1859. ‘. 52-th Fulling 3‘ Cloth Dressing . ......,.~..; .,,. ‘A’T IAWRIINCE’S FACTORY. HE undersigned having leased that Ex: teiieive Eaiablishment of Mr. C. E; Lawrence. feels conï¬dent in saying that be Is! prepared to give general satisfaction ‘to all‘ Who may favor him with their Orders. having had long experience in tin-business of Dyeing? andi"l).i'e‘ssing Cloth. ' Blankets Fullld " and ,Napp’a. 4’ l“ '5 "I? On theAshorteItiiotice. - - “i 4" w. 1.. KING; ., {It-ii? B ER ' 63115111111100 A ssociation Triz‘ .~ - OF ‘I'URUN'I'O. C, W. ()EFICEJIIemyiVedfroiii 54 King StreetEast. "’50503‘30 :S'rasazr next handing north or the .;,. - Masonic Ilalh - Halft-he Profits-4o be returned totlrc insured. the=b§lnnce invested to forrirn Helene l‘iind. ' ‘ _ "BOARD or Diascrons ; I Tnosrnnsâ€"IlenryLRowael.‘ W. C. Chowott. who devoted ihentsolvm to its propagation J-(igolilllat'ke‘s. among the heathen. and went forward through many a ï¬ery trial, to ï¬nd too often at last the crown of Iiirirtwiom. The etliuologiiit wrll ï¬nd in them faithful descriptions of a race now much degenerated and rapidly approaching to He, extinction. written amongst them as they hired K," and moved. hunted and fought, married and B“, died, received baptism or ferociously murdered the men who sought to bestow itort them Or- dinary readers, from the intelligent scholar to the uniaught peasant, will peruse with interest an B account of men who trod the soil on which they now move.-â€"-who were the lords of the forest DIRECTORS-Henry Ilowsell. Toronto. Choir- no... .2 ~W_’.‘Brent. 'Drprirty.6flinir1ndp : WILL Chewett. 'l'orouto ; Joseph Jackets. Toronto . \V. N'IIJ SIIIIIII,†_:I‘0it)'lit0,,' Manager ; “in. iiwell, iiigitland- Creek;- Join. Mowat. gstou ; Vl'm. Agliii. Kingston ; Asa A. ithaiii. Cobourg: Win. Green. Ilairiilion: RobertSInitb. Cliirrgpaconsy; George Blaiu. Toronto 'I'Ownslppf ‘ ’ Solicitorâ€"John Ilelliwell. 5 and'ot' Toronto. 113' 'I‘hel’roviderit Life Assurance Com‘ Bankersâ€"The and the river, now smiling with the rich har- PMY I†INNOVNIID the same ofï¬ce. vest or glittering with the vessels ofcommerce. Having glinrded against loss from ï¬re by In- â€"anI Vl'ill learn with some emotion that they puring your property" considor if it woula “0L live and sleep in security art the self-same spot be as well to make a little additional provision which has been often drenched With the blood for your family in case ofyour own premature- shed In warfare or massacre. - death :--â€"whether it would not be as Well. The publication of go voluminous a work through the assistance of a Life Assurance will depend entirely upon the support received Cvmimu‘v'. l0 provrdc a legacy for your wife or from the public. The. ï¬rst volume has been daughter. or. lfl'ou havo not the happiness to translated by one of the host trar-slators in the b°,b1035¢d Will) 11161“. lllillk if the possession of province; and i, w- n I", pm to Pm,†I... won ,. , a few‘huiidred pounds additional might not .be a sufï¬cient number of subscr'hers is obtained to 0f.hd\tnlltnge to yourself a few years hence. If defray the coat of translation and publmhing. The work will make 3 Yolumea. Royal 8vo.. 'ef about 75" pages each. in Long Primer type. Subscription lists will be found at the Book- stores in Montreal. Toronto. Quebec, King- ston. Ottawa. Hamilton. London, the. and at the Offices Of the Publisher. in St. Street, Montreal; also at Ste. Anne Street Quebec Price in paper covers per volume, $2.74. or for the not $8.25. ‘ Price in half calf the set $10.50. per volume, $3.50 or for JOHN LOVELL. Canada Directory Office, Publish". Montreal, Sept. 1859. V NE W Ta EA TJllEA ‘T. Buffalo Medical Dispensary, you decide that it would. write to the Managing Director Ofthe P’ROVIUENT LIFE ASSUR- ANCE AND INVESTMENT COMPANY 20 Toronto Street. Toronto. for a “ Proposal " form. and acOpy of the Rates. 0r. possibly. the Agent of the †Beaver†Nichol“ may possessa copy of both documents. which he can accommodate you with. and give you a little information on the subject besides. Agent at Richmond Hillâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. ‘, March 22.11859. l7~tf Fire ! .Ii‘i‘rc l 1 Fire 1 l .' w Fr E R N Fire Insurance Company 01‘. Toronto. IHCOIIYURVTtl) FY ACT OF PARLIAHIIT. ___.__. ,‘flPITflL STU (,‘K, £100,000. vISTAIIJSIHZD ron Tm: cum: or nvsrizrsu. l.C.GIi.Mon.I’ro.. luno Micuty_,\'ic¢ h", ennui. omitm-rv. raven Aw onc, scuorou. OLD Dumas. emu-i inw- nnv or run aLoon, SALT IUII'U'M, rim-ms. mm... "LII. ‘IDNEYS. DEIIIJ'I'Y. IN- rtnurruzs or vouru Aim of.» Ass. die. 817' NO Mercury Used. .51) R. AMOS JL SON. Corner of Main and Quay Streets, Buffalo. New York, are [r]- de (y the only Physicians in the State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons. London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the memo iug until 9 o'clock at night. on every state and symptom of disease. Dimcronn : Rice Lewis. Esq. Thou, Hawmth. Esq. James Beaty. Esq. W'. Henderson. Log. '1‘. P. Roberts. Esq. W. Maciarlane. Laq. M. llossin. Esq. I Bernard Haldau. Esq, Secretary 4- Treasurer. Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. Bank of Upper Canada. Brut/tux. B: I'ijan'iiii Swiizm. Esq. Inspector. s flies. Church Street. Toronto. 43) THIs CourANv Iiisures all description-Of Buildings.Mauufactories. Mills. Arc. and Good. and Furniture, in the same. against less or (lam- age by ï¬re, on liberal terms. Losses promptly The treatmeiitthey adopt in the result of up- settled. wards of 30 years’, extensive and successful practice in London.. The iimlt inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or mehnoud tgnlAum,“ ‘3. 1857, nine days. and cases of a slight nature in two or three days at a very moderate expense.â€" Tlio cure effected without confinement or hin- drance front business. Young Menâ€" Take Partrculm Notice. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys. iii solitude. often growing up with A. LA w, Residence, Gem-r: l ..gent_ 210-1 on trait strait 13 PUBLISHED . FRIDAY MORNING, them to manhood. and which. if not reformed And deepatched to Subscribers by the earliestâ€" by them in due time. not Oiilylregeta serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but ivea rise to a series .of protracted.†.i’iisidiouei'and devastating affections. Few of those. who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences. until they ï¬lfllwlho nervou~ system shattezed. feel strange and unaccounta his feelings. and vague fears in the mind. A Most Scirnti/ic Invention. Au itistrttiiieut for the cure 'of Genital De bility. or more properly known as Seminar Weakness. Nervous Uebihtv. &c.. which are l permanently cured iii front 15 to ‘3“ days by the use oftliis instrument. when used cmtyoiiitly wiilt Iriediciiies. . . New [town'de -- and quzr/r. Cures. DR AMOS 6: SUN takepleasurein aunt-urn cing that they haVe invented a most important instruiiteiit for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to“ a test ‘bv the must eminent physiciansni London. paria. Phi-ade'z. I l... phia and New York. It has been declared :ht‘ only useful instrument elrer yet. invented for the-cure of Seminal Weakness. or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth ' most skeptical 'a~ to the merits of these instru‘- ments. pledge themselves. that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after I fair trial. the money will be refunded by re- turning th'e instrument in'g'ootl‘order.‘ “ ' Persons wishing the above'useful instrument .mails. or other conveyance. when so desirad- The YORK HERALD will ' always be be fouuilto contain the latesiand Iitosr Iiiipurr taut Foreign and Provincial News and friar- keis. and lilt' greatest cure Will be taken to render it acceptabit to the man of business, and a valuable Patiitl. Newsyiaper. TICK MS.-â€"-Sew~n and Sixpence pe" A infirm, ;.~ “WANâ€. ; and it not paid WIIIIIII Three Mouths two dollars will he charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING E nixliiiesaud under, first insertion†. . .3103 ' Erich subsequent Insertion . . . . . . _ , _ , . ‘ ‘I‘eii lines and tinder. first Insertion. . . . . 05" Above tan lines. first in., per linen... ' i. Erich subsequent insertion, per line. . _ . r III? Advertiseirients witltorit written drum-» inserted till forbid. and charng accent- HUI. mgly. All transitory uuverrisotirenis, from strange 1-:2 ii'rogitltti customers. must be paidfov 'miitief’ in for insertion. ' DO". A liberal discount will he made to parties unit a vertisiiig by the year. Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the’ All advertisements published for a less pe rioo than one month. must be paidubn iii adv vance. All letters addressed to the Editor must M post paid. ' ’ ' 'No paper discontinued until all arrearagesare“ will obsorveJhat the price. with the' accomb pa‘id : aud'pa‘rties refusing papers without pay-w panyin ' by mai or express. Is ten dollars; Beware ,of-ir-Imrosirien. . Beware of ‘ empiries and itinerahtise'lï¬styled professors, who Ant-Inn cures. but never ' succeed r . Dr Amos 61. Son have for a long series of ' years been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate Complaints. and are the only legally qualified Physicians who directions. securely packed and soot ing up, will be held accountablefor the eub-~ scription. ‘ -‘ M_â€". . -THE YORK-HERAH9.... Book and Job Printing. ESTABLISMEN‘T. " RDERS for any of tho' under-mentioned! fnow advertise to cué'ercertain complaints. or .‘ ‘Pitasoue IN .m Pastor Tun Wannabe)! , Deco description of PLAIN and 'I‘AN‘CY .1033 _WQRKiwill bo'prompltlyattended to :~, nooxs, nch BILLS. business crises. LAM: AND sMALI. res-Inns. CIRCULARS. LAw roams. nILI. HnAos.uNx‘ canonsnnu't "mks-v ‘ ‘eruI-IILIITLV' " ‘ And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING l dene in the best’style. ail moderate rates. Our’assorrtment of entirely Aiurr s‘mmd and Third DIVISION MW Mid-5f “it, blottiaueteééfk‘i farts W5“! "“Ql'fufl- 93,3165;Rï¬ghmpp’djflil'f: i""“"-‘* e! newaanCy Type and Borders. for Cards, I V ,I-tl Creoler r,&e. kept aims“. eaéklad. ’ . \,.%sA from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. be successfully treatedb'y forwarding a correct detail of , their cases. ,with, a ,rqmittance for Medicines. &c..'which will returned with the utmost. dispatch: sadnecuiie :fi'onii-olioervefion- ' Address Dr. Arlee do SON. corner Main and Quay streets. Bufï¬lm’N-JY. ‘ ' t46-lv JOSEPH KELLER.