VVHEREFORE AND VVHYI ' O the world is a happy and beautiful world !’ ' Said 3 child that I met by the way. ' For hark ! how th e wild winds rush through the pines ; And see how the sunlight dances and shines \Vhere the rippling waters stray, 0‘ the woodlands are ï¬lled. with wonderful things, There the woodpecker taps, aLd the storm- throstle sings, And the squirrels are every at play : There the startled water-hen claps her wings, And the dragon-fly airy summersaults fiingsi ï¬nd the trout breaks the pool into sparkling rlIlgS, And the the bulrush waves in the tangled T. J. WHEELER. WATCH & CLOCK JEWELLER, 82c- Dec. 3, 1859, Dr. s. N. PECK, 26m of each Month. Teeth Flled, each 25cts. vinco. quired. .All work Warranted. June 30, 1859. THOMASâ€"SOWMAN, FOR TH E MAKER, RICH MOND HILL. 53â€"Iy URGEON Dentist, will be at Hall’s Hotel. Markham Village, on the 24th, 25th and Teeth extracted free. Dentistry done cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pro- ApprOVed Credit will be given if re- 31-ly Auction Notice. Licensed Auctioneer, ,.. i ., .5 . l0. Uzi H .‘I. . n .1 a , z. n n . ca... .. .:.-_ ",7"".;.:_~.~-‘ J. ,....~.“.‘= ' < ‘ a v' '1 4- -..- t. :1 _ .- sir ‘,>.;:u,.’,_s:,,. v3.3. (. «pres... "III IM POP. TER OF OULD respectfully intimate to his Customers and the Public generally, that he has now received the greater portion of his PAH. f. His STOCK will be found well assorted and marked at prices that; will compete with the best House in the trade. 1 An Inspection iséi’tespectfully Solic ted. Our Musical Friend. 66 UR MUSICAL FRIEND," a Rare Companion for the Winter Months. Should procure this weekly Publication of Vocel and Piano Forte Music. costing but 10 cents a number, and COUNTIES OF YORK & PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira,†P.O. will receive prompt attention. Orders received at the ‘° York Herald†Offic», Richmond Hill; Mr. Henry Lemon, Thornhill. and Mr. James Cavanua'i, Mansion House, Sharon. where Terms. doc. may be obtaieed. No aecond Price. WHOLESALE 1th RETAIL J. CHARLESWORTH, No. 31 King Street, East of ange Street. springs Where the white-lily floats all day.’ Every Pianist, Every Singer, Every 'l‘eachcr, Every Pupil, Every Amateur, l ‘ Ah ! the world is a beautiful world !’ I said ' To a shadowless spirit like thine !’ . As from forest and ï¬eld through the shining hours, ‘ ~ . ~. ) , , , He heaped up his treasures ofeggs and flowers, §.lmlra’ii‘::-§fm1859w; “r W-" Pronounced b) the 0:31;): I leis 0mm comm)’ Toronto, October 21, 1809. 94). And fairymtones and ï¬ne. To " THE BEST AND CHEAPESI IVORK _,_»g____w_, __~ w "w" “MM†_ At times, from coppice and hollow hard-by. OF 'I‘I-l ll} KIND IN 'I‘HE.,WORLD-†‘ ' ‘ ‘ ""‘ “"“ ‘ ' “rs " ~â€" ~- Rang out his blythe and exulting cry, 8- W N ’S M l I ’I‘walve full~sized Pages of Yooal and Piano I E I A N Till the sunlight had ceased to shine. wâ€. 1,, Y 0 U R I orte Muste for 10 Lents. ; . J J t. _ ’ Yearly,$5 ; H alf-yearly,$‘2 50 ; Quarterly‘$l,25 Subscriber to "Our Musical Friend,†or order it from the nearest Newsdoaler, and you will have Music for your entire family at an insignificant cost; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, Accordion «Sec. 629. subscribe to-thc Solo Melodist, Containing ’2 pages, costing only 10 Cents a number; 'l'early, $2 50 ; Half-yearly. $1 25. All back numbers at 10 cts.. and Bound Volumes, containing 17 numbers, at $2 50 each, constantly on hand. C. B. SEYMOUR do C0. 107 Nassau St,. New York. When the blue veil of twilight covered the sky. And the spirit-like stars came out on high. And slumber fell soft on his weary eye, Still he murmuredâ€"' How fast the hours do fly For a life so happy as mine 2’ IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND F DRY GO ' AS received his FALL GOODS consisting in part of CARDING & GRISTING, where parties from a distance can have it done to take with them on their return home. Almira, May 13, 1859. 24-tf. ANCY 0% WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. JAMES JENKINS’, Grocery 8; Provision Store RICHMOND HILL 0 CREDIT GIVEN. PI‘OdUCv taken in exchange. The show is the oldest established Grocery and Provision Store on the Hill. Dec. ‘2. 1858. ° 0 this world is a dark and a wearisomo world I’ Said it man that I met by the way ; ° 1' look on my lifetime of fourscore years, And alas ! what apicture of gloo'n it appears. Scarce touched by a golden ray, What fearful phantasies fill the brain ; For the past with its visions of sorrow and pain Still haunts me by night and by day. What is life, when our pleasures to quickly waneâ€" VVhen all that we toil for, and hope for, is vain; And long in the dreary churchyard have lain 'I‘ho dear friends of youth ; and alone I remain, 0, would that I too were away !' FANCY DRESS GOODS, COLOR’D AND BLACK. COBOURGLâ€. PLAIN AND CIIETIKEI) 'II'INIJSIC‘I'S. PRINTS, GINGIIAMS, I I5 LAIN 3S, SIIEE'I‘INCS, SIIII’JI‘INGS, 'l‘lClCthi‘r,‘ DENNI N ES, Dll lLLS, PLAN NELS. BIIA NKE'I‘S, GLOVES, IIOSIIBRY, LACES, I’tlBBONS and MUSLINS 1‘1" 1%,... ,3 I In ' uann but “I l-tf 'I‘IIE GREAT I Together with a general assortment of 4 wt i. ._ ‘, r t,‘ | nj l ., . ‘ lulu unit in 'ltllllllll “‘ “III ' will! litmle my lll} ill AND DBAPERY GOODS. FOR DISEASES 01" THE EYE AND EAR. l ‘l l .1. p. i. . I ‘ v aâ€, ., ’ "I ‘Illll 55-1y Great discovery in the science of medi» cities. being a certain and speedy cure for restoring the sight and removing all dis- eases peculiar tho Eye. This is universally acknowledged the only safe ard sure remedy now known. It has been used with great success by the most skillful physicians in Europe and America. Patients in any part of the country can treat themselves succosst'ully at a moderate expense. thereby avoiding the danger and expense of falling into the hands of nuskillt‘ul physicians. This medicines [sufï¬cient to cure] will besent by mail or express, with all directions, on the receipt of $l0, small case $5. ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE ! MARKHAM VLLAGE. 00D Accommodations. Wines, Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MARR, Proprietor. Markham, June 1859. QG-tt' Doing business for Cash only «do no Second Price. llis Stock Will be found as attractive as any house in the trade. Buyers will do well to call and eXamine the Stock and Prices Before buying elsewhere. Remember the well known name 0 the world goeth round from sun to sun,â€" Now moonlight and starlight shineâ€"â€" Surely wiser we grow ; yet the Wherefore and Why. That this thing or that thing ï¬rst should die Poor man hath no wit to divme. The grey morn is breaking ; the cock may crew, The wind and the rain may beat and blow. And the dark sky redden and shine : Bt the child so light-hearted some hours ago, Is muteâ€"aye! and blindâ€"in death lying low ; Whilst the old man wakes up, and rocks to and fro, Meaning over.â€"' 0, would that I too might go, What a wearisome life is mine !’ Ill. LEISI’IMAN, N0. 81 King Street East, QO-3tn RICHMOND HILL IIOTEL. A STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto, overv morning, starting from tho Elgin Mills at 7.'a.1n, and returning at 7, pm. Fare, 2s. 6d each Way. G00†ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERB. RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Dec. 18, 1858. 1 .55 G. H. Husband, Toronto, October 21, 18439. .w _.._._....~....._~. - a... _. W.Mâ€".â€"._ N’M~._,W-_ my_ PATTERSO’NS’ IMPLEMENT IVORKS .Amww c»...» O “WW‘WVN Tin: Earnâ€"Certain and infallible cure for Deafness and Singing Noises in the Ears, the Nervous Head and Mind Complaints, affording instant relief to sufferers who have troubled with deafness for many years. After using this remedy a few days the patient is suddenly and almost maraculously enabled to hear ordi- nary toned converfation : in the course of a few weeks the most obstinate case of deafness :s effectually cured, ' Patients too numerous to mention have been restored to perfect hearing and forevar rescued from the snares of the numerous dangerous and unqualiï¬ed pretenders of the present day. Hospital and private testimonials and certiï¬c- ates from the most eminent physicians And sur- goons in England, in whose presence deaf per- sons have been cured. and many hundreds of private patients cured can be seen or referred 1’). A. case of this medicine [enough to eï¬'ect v cure] will be forwarded to and part of the We would inform the publictbat we are manufacturing a large number of STII The) have been thoroughly tested, both in heavy and light soils, and proved themselves capable of raising the largest Stumps and can be successfully worked by three men unaided by horse or other team. Price, completeâ€"$68 00. We also have in hands the patterns of a very SU PERIO R STR AIW ,VVith feed gear so constructed as to out different lengths, from it to 1% Inches. Farmers and others are requested to call and cxatniue their MACHINES before purchasing elsewhere. Price, from $10 00 to $20 00 Jilimllunrmu, URGEON Dentist, will be at Ni'choll’s Hotel. Richmond Hill, the FIRST Motion of every month, and, the remainder of the month at his residence Thornliill. All Work Warranted. 32oly. July a. 1859. HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMflND HILL 3 E Subscriber begs to inform his numer- 1' * "11m." {01‘ Fifteen Dollul‘s. H T ous Patrons and the public, that he hm. i removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises. where there will be found â€" .‘w DOBBS says some tailors would make splendid dragoons, they charge so! WHERE did you getthatlovely perfume. \, A ,- v ‘ i, - ' It wassent to me.’ (/U l i . AN architect proposes to build a Bachelor’s Hall,’ which will differ from most houses in having no Eves. Address R. GOODING, Drawer No. 3. Buffalo, N.Y. LADIES, take in your crinonues and gigglilesnttnï¬lqgtémmodahon for 'Iravellers. and R. Goodmg 1.8 only agent for the states REAPERS AND MO W ERS 2 let out your minds. as _ - - a“ mad“ In their season Also , , . . d ’ . . How“ and Buggies for 11"?†ll? Oflice in Kremlind Block. , N I . , 1mm: 18 this para ox m fear-be w JOSEPH GABY, Dumb“... .59. 56,1), Wooden, Crooked & Straight Beam Plows : most likely to inspire it in others who . Pro rietm‘. has none himself. p Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1858. '72-7 Vl'. HODGE 8L Co. “7 HOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin and iron Plate Worke/s. and Furnishing Ironmongers, Parties givmg this house a Call @ï¬ate will ï¬nd their orders punctually attended to and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. EDMUND GRAINGER, U 'I‘ C H E R, THORNHILL. Fresh and Pickled Meats, Poultry, &c., always on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. 'l'hornhill. Dec. 1858 41-1tf CIRCULAR WOOD SAWS, ROOT SLICERS, GANG FLOWS, HORSE HOES, SCUFFLERS, Constantly on hand. 9,36,; All IMPLEMENTS manufactured by us are Warranted. $2} PATTERSON & BROTHER. 41-tf 81.0. \VHATEVER Maids touched was turned into gold. In these days, touch a man with gold and he’ll turn into anything. ‘ THELESINA.’ said lisping Billy, ‘ if you love me thay tho; and if youlovc me and don’t like to they tho, sqeeth my hand.’~ Celestinn squeeZed and Billy saw lightning Fire insurance, CHIEF OFFICESâ€"3 PALL MALL AND 39 LUDGATE HILL. LONDON. Established in 1856, curler Charter of Imperial Richmond Hill, Sept. 9, 1859,. 54-1 __;:Z';me’ 21:: H~.ubm THE Loven’s PUZZLE.â€"-T0 read the followingso as to make good sense of the mystery :â€" I thee read see that me. Love is down will I’ll have But that and you have you'll One and up if you if Parliament. curl T.@L:â€"$2, 500.000 WITH UP\VARDS or 1000 SHAREHOLDERS. The Right Honorable Lord KLANIE, Chairman. Piz'rnn Moanison, Esq . Managing Director. WILLIAM CANWEI., Esq, Secretary: JOHN BOND BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Newmarket, Holland Ientitling]; Aurora, Rich- mond IIiIl, &c., that he intends opening, on the 15th inst.,witb a splendid assortment of DRUGS. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, Alli) MILLIERY. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, «kc. doc. And a great many Articles too numerous to mention. 0 Jo A copy of Stock Book can be seen on the coun~ I, ternt the 800‘; and Shae Nlakcra Head Ofï¬ce. Canada Branch. Toronto YONGE s'rneer, "m RICHMOND HILL. VVLIEN is a cloth cloak not a cloth cloak, asked one of our City Solomons at the Lord Mayor’s feast the other day, ‘ Give it. up I-\Vhen it’s \vcllwet (Velvet) , Trustees and Board of Directors in Canada. to he sure. Honorable Jens Ross, VV.I’. I’IOWLAND,I\'IPP. JonN CltAl‘t’FORD,ES q, WILLIAM Ross, Esq. Ladies, and Genuenmns» Boot. and Show. Win. b‘chAs’rnn, Esq. WM. HENDERSON, Esq made after tholatest styles. Bankersâ€"an; BANK or Moxnomn Decombor 18,-)8 Solicrtorsâ€"Ross. CRAWFORD AND Cnomaiiz. This Branch was only opened last January. and now has an income of $75,000 \Vhich is retained in this country. IN St. Giles’s, the following notice was lately posted in the window of a lodg- ginohouse; ‘Hay sack of flour to let, chickens and carrot.’â€"-The purport ot the notice waszâ€"‘A second floor to let, kitchen and garret.’ Particular attention devoted to the I‘l’IiIIinery Department I-m W.W,â€" His {5110 W ROOM will be open shortly after with a great variety of CAPS, BONNETI‘S, MIâ€"I‘ITLES! OPERA CLQAKs, ac. 8bC. Newnarket, September ‘2, 18:39. PUZZLE. Every lady in the land Has twenty nails on each hand If've and twenty on hands and feet All this is true without deceit. The increase of business in England is un- , precedenten, as shown by the Parliamentary re 'turns, and the following taken from the last September report : “ It will thus be seen that the total atnount of business done during the last nine months of the Company’s operatiODS has been 'I'WENTYJI‘WO THOUSANDNINE HUN- DRED AND ONE NEW POLICIES, pro- ducing an additional annual income of $150,000' - Representing property insured to the extentof THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS The Report further says. that “ the Directors congratulate the Shareholders on this satisfac' tory increase in the business of the Company, 40-6m THE ART or Nor QUARRELING.â€"- Sensible Husband :â€"â€"‘ How is it we never quarrel, Mrs. Xantippe? \Vell I will tell you. You see, for a quarrel, and especi- ally a good quarrel, it is necessiary to have two parties. One person can’t make a quarrel. Now, if I am in a quarrelsome humour, and break out, my wile remains cool and collected, and dosen’t say a word. If my wife is pccvish, and displays more ..__,....___...-__._._.._.__.~. _.._.â€"..._~ â€"_._._.-'â€"....._.._....._w_..._.__â€"_ CHAIRS, CHAIRS, CHAIRS BEEISTEADS, BEDS’E‘EADS, &c. . .1}. =. Les. AL ORANGE LODGE, No. 344, ‘N EE'I‘S at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL A Victoria Square, the last Friday even- LO RICHMOND HILL NARRA’I‘IVES on THE JESUIT FATHERS! AS'I' year the [french reading part of the Canadian people were edificd out do- lighted by the publication of the original Nar- ratives of the Jesuit Fathers, who were the pioneers of religion and its attendant civiliza- tion in Canada. This work, important as it is to the French Canadian, is not less so to the Euglislhspeaking part of the population ol North America. All lnlizibitants of this great continent, especially all Canadians, will assign it an honored place on the shelves which bear the stirring narratives of the first English and Dutch adventurers. It is fit, therefore, to make its reverend au- thors speak with an English tongue. The early history of Canada is at this mo- mentattracting much attention. The French Government has made large and precious con- tributions of historical matter to our Provincial Library, both manuscript and printed, relating chiefly to Cannon, its settlement and wars 2 the GOV61'111'11011t()ftl10 United Sta (on has been over zealous in collecting documents relating to the acts and suflbrings of their hardy and advert- turous founders ; and the encouragementwhich our own Government could afford in aid of en- terprizes of the same character, has always been promptly and eflbclually granted. The publication of authentic and interesting historical records: has been favored and prompt- ed by all enlightened governments and literary bodies; because they supply the best evidence . . . . l of the truth of history, or the best materials forI its compmition. It has even been asserted, that the chronicles and private memoirs of co- ten‘iporaries are of higher value than the po- lished periods of Hume and Mozeray, 'l‘he Narratives now sought to be presented to the public are of great valve to all classes. To the religionist. whether Protestant or Ro- man Catholic, they afford precious evidence of the zeal of Il1(DSt)H:1'V811lSUf his lloly ltel gion who devoted themselves to its propagation aiiiongthe heathen, and went forward through many a fiery trial. to find too often at. last the crown of inurtydom. 'l‘lic ethnologist will find in them faithful descriptions of n race. now much degenerated and rapidly uplu'ouclnng to extinction, written amongst them as they lived and moved. hunted and fought, married and died, received baptism or ferociously murdered the men who sought to bestow iton then). ()r- dinary readers, from the intelligent scholar to the untaught peasant. will peruse with interest on account of inch who trod the soil on which they now iiiovo,â€"â€"~“.vho were the lords of the forest and the river, now smiling with the rich har- vest or glittering with the Vessels ol'commerce, â€"-â€"â€"uud will learn with some emotion that they live and sleep in security on the selfâ€"same spot which has been often drenched with the blood shed in warfare or massacre. The publication of so voluminous a work will depend entirely upon the support received from the public. The first volume has been translated by one of the host translators in the Province; and it will be put to press as soon as a sufï¬cient number of stibScrihors is obtain- ed to defray the cost ol'translation and publish- mg. ' The work will make :5 Volumes. toyalSvo., of about 750 pages each, in Long Primer type, Subscription lists will be found at the Book- stores in Montreal. Toronio, Quebec King- ston, Ottawa. Hamilton, London, &c.. and at. the Otileos of the Publisher, in St. Nicholas Street, Montreal ; also at. Ste., Anne Street Quebec. Price in paper covers per Volume, 53‘: 7-1, or for the set 538. 25. Price in half calf per volume, $3.50 or for the set $10.50. JOHN LOVl-ILL. Canada Directory Ofllce, Publisher. Montreal, Sept. 1859. PIIONOGRAI’IIY, WRITING or sense. ’ HONOGRAPIIY was invented by ISAAC I PI'I‘MAN. of Bath, England, III the year 1837 It is the mostsimple, mostuatural most rapid, and most. easily-learned system of VVritâ€" ing which has ever been, or ever can be in~ vented During the past fifteen years, hundreds of thousands of persons, in England and Ame- rica, in both public and private life. have learned to write l’houography. and thousands of social, and LLsiness letters annually pass through the post office Nor is its great popularin to ho wondered ' at. The present system of writing is exceed- ingly cumbersome, and totally unworthy these days of progress and invention. is equally as legible, can be learned in one- twentieth the lime, and can bewnitten sis; limos temper than is becoming to one of her beautiful sex, I, her husband, remain as unmoved as a Monument, or else cheat myself into the belief that 1 am listening for the tnomcnt to one of the Girl’s ing in each month. orricnas in.ch : THOMAS SNOVVDEN, Master. JAMES NEAL, Deputy. and the" have every reason to believe that from the co; 5.20:; now formed it will continue to increase in the same ratio. The Capital of the Company is devoted en- tirely to FIRE LIABILITIES, having no reserve for a Life Branch. CHEAP FURNITURE WAREROOMS The Subscriber has now on hand a most JOHN GAUI.EY. Treasurer. JOHN BUTTON, Secretary. Victoria Square. May 7, 1858. All losses in Canada are submitted to the gentlemen composing the Board who examine the particulars. and if found satisfactory. at once order the payment of the claim, This system has called forth numerous cards of thanks. heavenly songs. Thus, while one party is volcanically fuming, the other is as calm as a cold potatoe. In all our quarâ€" rels, there is in this way always control- ling power. Seriously, we never quarrel, because there is a philosophic compact between us never to quarrel togeatlter. We only quarrel one at a time; and it is llllllllllll It EXTENSIVE SIII lll' Flllllll'lllll \Vliichhc is determined to Sell at Prices that will defy competition. GOODS l manufactured at this Establishment have now been tried for the last fourteen year and, the best proof that he has given entire satisfaction is, that all who have once pur 48â€"1 Richmond Victoria, .1 w a 1 If diï¬â€˜erences should arise between claimants OYAL ORAN (1E LODGE. No. 778, , . IJ meets at Brother Robert Wiseman’s. and “1° company. the Illalmtml' 15‘ “my em‘ Masonic Hall, the ï¬rst Friday averting after powered to “will or an} process 0f a‘l" the Full Moon in each montb- ALEX. STEWART, A. LAIV, N “StOI‘ISlllllgi if you leave a ‘luarml “lone, OFFICERS Euzcr -- William Duncan, Manager, B. N, America Agent, I . chased at his place invariably come agflim how very soon it dies out! That’s our Master; R. Wiseman, Deputy Master; John Richmond Hill.†GEORGE BONE. secret, Madame, and I should advise you, M‘lllholland. Secretary; W- 1’02â€. TREE!!!“ December 23. 1859. 55-6m - ' ' and all Xantirrcn to follow it, ‘ MW: ‘21. 1858. t33 To the IIditor of the Herald. ' Richmond Hill; Juliâ€) 1859‘ 39f†asfust! In other words, the labor of six days can he performed in oneâ€"â€"one man can do the work of six! So simple is the system, too, that a person may learn to write it. slowly, in a coupie of hours. An hour’s daily practice for a few weeks will enable (my person to write Phouography with certainty, and with some degree of freedom. The same amount of practice continued for six months will ec- able a person to take reports of speeches, len- nres, sermons, or conversation, and t) read hem with accuracy Dr. J. W. Stone, of Boston, : ‘I doom Phonography an invaluable adjunct to educa- iiou, and one which, when acquired in youth would not be parted with in manhood for thou- sands of dollars †The late llon. Tires. H. BENTON, upon be- ng presented with a verbatim report of one of his masterly speeches, taken by a little buy only twelve years of ago. said : “ Had this (1.7:! been known. 4-0 years ago it would have sated me 20 years luu'd la’ or.†The learned senator spoke but a portion of the truth. \Vhat longs hand requires six years to accomplish, Phono- grapliy will perform in one. To Clergymen, Editors, Physicians, Law- yers, Secretaries, Conveyancers, Law and Me- dical Students, Lecturers, Printers, School Teachers, Merchants, School Boys and Girls, a knowledge of Phonography is ofvast utilit.y,â€"â€"- In fact there is no profession or calling in which it is not useful, and no young man’s education can be considered complete without it. During the past nine months hundreds of persons in Canada, of every pursuit in life, have acquired the Art, from many of whom the subscriber has received neatly-written pliouograpbic letters, expressive of their de- light with the attainment, and the extraordinary ease with which they have acquired it. For the purpose of aiding in the dissemination ofso important a reform in his own conning. the subscriber is now prepared to supply all: who apply, with the MANUAL 0F l’Hoaoan- HIV, and the l’zioI-IOGRAPIIIC CorY Boon, sent by mail to any part of the Province, postage pro-paid, for the small sum of 33†ONE" DOLLAR. 3:1] , Anybody and everybody, who can learn any- ~ thing, can learn I’Iâ€"ioa’ooitAPHY from the MA- , NUAL, without other assistance. Those who wish to be able to put tlieirl thoughts to paper at the rate of from 100 to i 250 words " per minute,†should send for the The “CANADIAN PIIONE'I‘IC I’ION-l EEII †is a Monthly Journal, devoted to the .- advocacy of the Reform. Price 25 cents per i aunum. 3 Address, (post-paid) t \VILLIAM ll. ORR, Oshawa, C, IV. "5. 757k E g MILLWRIGHT, all“ I. T 0 JV ail 5 BEGS to intimate that he is now prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by, contract or otherwise, on reasonable terms. He is also agent for the. best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altena, Dec, 23, lieu) to.- {LS-II .52... ,- .,â€";,-._-,_,» LUNAâ€... . “‘03,, .-,_ 5., 5 ,, ,,-,. ; . l‘lionographv ' I LANDS FOR SALE. On Easy'Terms of Payment. 30,000 Acres, ‘tITUA'I‘ED in the counties of LAMPTdN and KENT. All necessary information Will be- giveu on application, post paid, to MILES LANGS’I‘AFF, f, W'allacebprgh- Also, some improved FARMS to RENT. Vl’allaceburgh, Nov. 94, 1859. I 52-11 _._~ Felling 8; Cloth Dressing : AT LAWRENCE’S FACTORY. I t' JIIE undersigned having leased that Ex- tensive Esiablishmeut of Mr. «C; E. Lawrence, feels confident in saying that he is prepared to give general satisfaction to all who may favor him with their orders, having had long experience in the business of Dyeing [and Dressing Cloth. Blankets Full’d and Napp’d, l On the shortest notice. I W. L. KING. Richmond Hill, Nov, 18, 1859. 5l-tf B E A V E B. Fire Insurance Association or TORONTO, (3, W. OFFIC E, [removed from 54 King Street East. IORON’I'O S'i'nnm‘ next building north of the Mawnic Ilall. Half the Profits to be returned tothe Insured. ,the balance invested to form a Reserve Fund. BOARD oi‘ Diniccroxs ' l ’I‘nusrizicsmllenry Rowsol, W. C. Chewett. Joseph ditches. Diitncronsâ€"IIonryltowsell, Toronto, Chain 1 nut/i : J, W. Brent, Deputy Chairman ; \V. C. Chowctt. 'l‘oronto; Joseph Jackets, Toronto , W. II. Smith. Toronto, Manager; .Wm. l‘Iclliwell, Highland Creek; .lOlIIl Mowat. Kingston; I’l'm. Aglin, Kingston; Asa A. lluiiiham. (Yoliourg: Wm. Green, Hamilton; RobcrtSmith, Chinguacousy; George Blain, Toronto 'l‘ownship. * Solicitorâ€"John Band of Toronto. 33" The Provident Life Assurance Comm pany is removed to the some oflice. . l l Ilelliwcll. Bankersâ€"The Having guarded against loss from fire byln- suriug your property, consider if it would not be its well to make a little additional provision for your family in case of your own premature death :â€"-whetbcr it would not he as well, through the assistance of a Life Assurance. Company, to provide a legacy for your wife or daughter, or, ifyon have not the happiness to be blessed with them, think if the possession of a few hundred pounds additional might not he of advantage to yourselfa few years hence. If you decide that it. would. write tothe Mane ing- l)iiector of the l’ROVlOEN’l‘ LIFE ASS R- ANCE ANI) INVIES'I‘IYIENT COMPANY 32:) 'I'oronto Street, Toronto, for a “Proposal†form, urd a copy of the totes. Or, possibly. the Agent of the “Beaver†may possess a copy of both documents, which he can acetinmodato you with, and give you a little information on the subject besides. Agent at Richmond Ilillâ€"J. It. ARNOLD. March 22. 1859. 17-,tf Fire! Fire! E Fire! I .' \V E S ’l‘ E It Insurance {.‘oiiipany oi ’i‘orori to. Fi 1.‘ c A (IT 01“ PA 1LI.IAMEKT. corners S'ro (11f, £100,000, I LC. G11.Mt)lt,l)1‘(\r~. l Ciao h'lit‘uii.,\'ice Pug, inurei'ous : INCORPORATED I: Y Rico Lewis, Esq. James lï¬eaty, Esq. il‘, l’. Itoburts, Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. l 'I‘bos, llaworth, Esq, IV. Iltndei‘ron. Esq, W. Mitcfarlane. Esq, Bernard llaldan. Esq. Secretary t? Treasurer, Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. Bank of Upper Canada. Brut/rut. liciijaiiiin Switzer, Esq. Inspector. ID†Heart Q/jicc, Church Street, Toronto. .51) Tnis ComrANY lnsures all descriptions of Buildings,Manufactories, Mills, the†and Goods and I nrniture, 1n the same, against loss or dam‘ age by fire, on liberal terms. LOSSOS promptly settled. A. LAW, Residence, General agent, lticlin'ond liillAugth I3. 1857- A 210-] w“ ‘w‘_~r» >A IAW dlirliarlt gljtralt EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatched to Subscribers by the earliest mails. or other conveyance. when so desired. 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