.4 / “ «.... :-" ‘V 1‘ tration of voters act passed necessitating the ptjblication of alphabetical lists of voters to be printed, published and declared every six months. that" this Riding will‘compare favor- ably in the results obtained at its elections with any Riding inthe province, , It is well known that no party has ever really'land, energetically worked this Riding but the Grits.‘ and from be- ing in long undisputed possession all the ayenueii ti) the only mode of controlling the elections. the country and the riding have been deterred from attempting. what only appeared impossible because the Grits were in posses- Iien. But the death knell of the old fogies is now pretty well struck, and their political influ- enlce and power-to tamper with the constitution will ‘be’dor‘srei‘f‘myth-public opinion is tho roughly: aroused.“ and nbthing short of a com- plet‘b'eiposure of theg‘rotten system by which hundreds can belidisfrranchisod will be any lohger toleratedâ€"ntere‘thnn one-third of the whole constituency unpolled. hundred refused when they presented themselves, hundreds de- teï¬â€˜Ã©d from presenting themselves lest they should be refused; and when in spite of the efl'orts. tricks, reports and fabrication had re- course to by all the autaitoiiistic Grits: in this Riding. men dug up as it were from the ex» plededopinions of half‘ahcéntur‘y ago. and sti- n'iulatod and driveaiï¬g exertions unsuited to their time of life. unnatural alike to their-habits and their naturesâ€"I say, when in spite of all this Col. Beresford is able’ to poll 854 votes. and to‘iender three or four hundred other; which arb refused. It is manifest}: new political his- tb‘ry is about to commence in North York. and its-old rebellious tendencies to be forgotten in the glory of its triumphs over its revolutionarftv antecedents. ' 'Onr whole representative system. if based Upon the same tactics as those put in practice on this occasion in North York. is rotten at the were, and its reliable exposition of the opinion at the people can he arrived at tlirotiglia House of Parliament. sent t ~ legislate fer the country ‘ by tho presentsystpm (of electing our represen- tativoesâ€"olt‘l am to reccive~Norterork as a fair .- citations of the shortcomings of his flock G001") AnviCE.â€"-A well meaning but intcmperate divine, whose furious denunâ€" justly laid tum open to the commentary passed on Charles Fox, that though he knew how to hit the reght. nail on the head, he generally hit it till, he split his Work, was once impelled to ask one of his congregation what he. thought of his philippier. ‘ Sir,’ said his friend, ‘ I think that good advice is likebraudy and water; a capital thing in its way, but nobody likes to swallow it scalding hot.‘ SMALL Forte-Just before going to press, we were informed by Sheriff Smith that Small Pox, iu'a' severe form. has broken out at Coiling-wood, andhas al- ready carried ot’fthci wife Mr‘L‘yall, of that place. \V'e hopc‘t'his sad warning will not be lost on all persons who have not yet been vaccinatedrâ€"BarrieSpirit. . _ ,, It has been stated that through the’ agency of thc‘iflnglish “'esleyan Mnission- l ary Socrety, the gosnel is preached in more than twenty languages at‘3,’650 , places in various parts of Europe, India, China, South and .VVcst Africa, the , West Indies, Australia, Canada, and S. America. ' 'I‘nsrr FROM A Din? Goon STORE."- A woman namedRosanna Macdonell was arrestediby Constable MeDondugh yester» day aftei‘ridontéï¬â€˜hfliéft. It appears that she wont .to the-store of blgtï¬Taylor, dry good intrrcltantZ‘Y'onge street, and managed to steal a peace of Cantonflannel, with winch she made ‘Il‘lie’thi-ftjbciug discovered, howaver, the policeman was soon punn her track, and shortly after succeeded in taking her into custody. -.\lr. t-iurnctt subsequently committed the specimen of'the syster’n iii'Opéi‘at‘ionthrougliout I the country. then indced has it becomb neces- sitry that a change should be maids,“ taking away from every individual the power to tam pér with “as wéll as the temptation to violate the phrity and freedom of the elective franchise.â€" Oouroge then independent men of North York; your representation is rapidly passing from the hands of those who have too lor.g misrepre- sbnted you, and a truthful basis will be arrived at for the establishment of your claims to the li‘onest exercise of the franchise; and “a system will be established which will cure the corrup- ti‘c’tns that have crept into every Municipality in the Ridingâ€"ever: the last formed community.“ amongst the incorporated village of Newmarket hiss, it is reported, had its franchise tampered \dith for political motives, and a dodge is said to have been perpv trated by~which from ï¬fteen to twenty persons have been struck from the aissesmncnt roll. Men of North York, rally ayeund those who will emancipato you from tli‘is disgracoful thraldonr: shakerc‘flf this iii- cubus of years ; insist upcn’bdihg‘ ‘pe‘rvfnitte’d to l l l e‘xpress your voice at your "elccti‘oua. because - yen are by the present syisloi‘n: atit‘he mitrcy of p‘artisau oflicials :7 because by the present sys- tinn you are deterred frolrr' tilting tile ‘trouble it» appear at the poll for fear alip’drtpoll’clerk elr other ofiicial should jeoriirgly aiidv‘dgrrisively prisoner for trial at the present Assizcs. â€"â€"â€"Gl'ol*8. 3 7-"-’ ' ' L‘ w. i A Pansox‘s FEELINGS AT SEA.â€" I‘lie first hour that a person spends at sea is commonly devotcd'in "admiring man’s triumph ‘Ovc‘i' tho tit-epâ€"â€"â€"theâ€i‘.cxt in ad- initting that the deep is graduz’illy rriumphâ€" lug over him. -’ Steward where’s my room? I begin to feel as if I. should very soon need a little wrak brandy, or a good deal of tin basic. ' 'i ' Bad company is like a nail driven into a postuw'hich. after the first or second blow, may be dyagw‘i‘i'ouit with little difï¬culty; but “being once driven up to the head the pinchcrs can not take liold‘to'd‘raw it out ; it can only be done by the destruction of the wood, ’ A Plfl‘MAVN AND FIRST PRINCIPLES. In a bygone generation a Tyncsids pit- man strolcd into a landowner-’5 park and was accosted by: ti young gentleman, who asked him if he knew he was tres- passing on his.» papa’s ground? "Yor papa’s grouttddl" exclaimed tho intruder, ‘awg thotvt'it was the A’mighty’s yirthl Doc": th'uiwaint‘wm'e to walk in the clouds! , all y in you had no vo'o. Away with such it ."Gc‘l‘, ihto the "l’rCCSC, thin "ivhtrtwhangl ‘01‘ irate-m ; let us have a registered act by which l aw’il eat, “koala†‘ 1‘“ ‘v " N no man, except through ‘his own neglect, shall V ire (lepllted of his veto. Pttition the legisla- tiirr for a proper act to‘secine your rights. D0 are without delay, andtlre tyrannical faction who have so long demiuecredmver the Riding of North York in 'tlihir'antiquirtétlgud autipio- greasive suffer ‘ extinction. notions. will a i- political 3V ours truly, I * """- VINDEX. Newmarliet, Jan. 16, 18(3). - -- - , W ' ACCIDENTALLY KILLED.â€"A man named Hugh Mullaney was killed by the falling Of a tree, in the township of Sullivnn On Saturday last. Neighbors and friends to the number of twenty-two nad met at a chopping bee for the b_enifit of a Widow Muldo‘on. Two of these had chopped a large hemlock tree and lied given the alarm that it was about to fall. 'Deceased and, another; map who was working togethbr 'ran to avoid the tree in its fall, when as hemlock; is very apt to do incold. frosty weather's the tree broke effect-058 the cut, instead of falling with it, and deceased was struck by‘ the top of it on‘the crown ofthe head, crushing the skull, and producing. dehth in†a short period. An inquest washeld, and a ver- dict returned in accordance with the facts stated-~me Sound Times. 5.1:. A young man 113dqu Nugent Riordan, a dénizen‘ Of "Stanley-street, was hpp'res' ‘ heiided- last evening. by Constable Burrows on a cliargeuefreccijring a coat supposed to have been stolen. "It appears that Riordan‘s house is frequented by both men and women' of doubtful: character. Last evening a woman ititlined Maria Delany was in the house, when a row t'ook . place. rims- out, intormed Burrows that there was a coat-in the houSe which 'had been stolcn'by an. abandoned woman named Mary Crooks. Burrows Right to the place and found the cent as she had described. As Riordan could not satisfactorily account ’for‘ ’ the manner in which he received the garment, Burrows took him into custody and conveyed him ,fothe City Hall police station, where he was lucked up.~â€"Glo£je_.fan 17. ‘._An old washerwoman would hang her clothes to dry on. the railings of a church, and after repeated prohibitions from the church-wardens, she at last came out with the following burst of‘ eloquence: “Bless ye, sir, y'e Wouldn’t a go an’ take the bread of my mouth, would ye i v’sidm, .sir, cleanliness comes next to godliness, parson says.’ -" vv ‘It‘iitunus 1N MON'rnssr..-â€"- I‘lie ru- mours of.fai|ures in Montreal turn out to be true. Se’voral grocery houses have suspended. The telegraph does-not give t-heiunaines accurately, and we await the receipt .of later igitelligcnce before, sayipg more. . I few? ‘ 5": A gentleman, meeting an old friend whom he had not seen fora long time†congratulated --him on lately coming into ' FWODFO: January 4' 185".- posscssion of a large laniled'cstatc. ‘ There was such a rr-poi‘t,’<“replied the other, ‘ but y'ou'iita‘y depend upon it that it i was quite groundless? 12:1“... "_“ R" " " "" " BIRTH S. At Richmond Hill. on the morning of the 17th inst, the wife of Mr. -â€" So :gor. your. art a son. ' W‘_.â€"W nut »'l‘estimonials of the highest character will be mics, rl‘lll“. undersigned begs to inform the public BlltlofaVllle. ‘Dtic- .. . . (IRON BEAM WORM“ DESTROYER. VI‘HIS Splendid Medicine can be given in -~; one flalLet any time.of_' the year, without injury to the Horse, and has been usedvby the Farmers of Markhamm‘fer the last two years with a success unprecedented. By the use of 'this remedy \it wrllycniivince the owners of that noble apimal‘tlie inconsistency of anu‘nnecps- sa‘ry outiny by’ using Artiï¬cial foodaorrfloudition Powders. which are too well known: to contaln minerals which are injurious to the membrance or coating of the Stomach. Ball is a compound of Pure chetabe, an warranted not to contain,either Mercury, Arsenic. Airti- mouy gran; Other Mineral; ‘I’ts i'minediate action is surprising and its ultimri‘lb effect has If__tlie Animal is out of ' ‘ .. , sorts, there.:is a cause remove that and he is numb"; Yeafll'v"$2 50; lialf~§'oat'l,\'. $1 25- astonished thousands. all right. Ono dose at the cost of" 25 cents gs sufficient to ctii-e'Tlide Bound, Loss, b’f Appe- tite,.C‘oughs, Colds and Fever. ,Distemper. stoppage of Water,'Swelled Logs. Grease. is a complete Destroyer ofIW'o‘rms, a great purio fyer of the Blood. .and is a good Physic, always recommended to The given in the Springmnd, Fall, which will act as a preventive and im- provo the general condition. Makes him com- pletely up to the mark for his work, thereby giving every satisfaction thu‘owner can require. forwarded to testify to the above if'required.’ Letters prepaid enclosing a‘" remittence. will be promptly attended to. _ Printed Directions wrapped roundem'h Ball with iriy.signature,,iu full, without"“whiclijnoue other are gen nine. v ~- Oflice-«Vietorie Square, concession Markham, “ THOMAS MAYOR. ‘ P ‘ e The only maker of the original; Yorkshire Dritiield Oils in A morica., _ ' 60 ' Maniifactory'érttth Good Health and Long Life 1 MAE†LONG LIFE PILLS! Are War-ranted not to contain any Mercury. M. These Pills are composed of the most select Drugs, and being purely vegetable, can be taken at any season of the year if necessary, with safety and without fear of taking cold by, exposure, which renders them of great value and supeript" to any other medicine ever yet offered to the public. The satisfactory and flat- teriiigtestiniouinla .received by the Proprietor, has induced him to advertise those invaluable Pills that the“ public may be convinced of a simple and cflic =cious remedy. is alone sufï¬ci- ent tb'subduo andsc-ure the ordinary sickness of this country, such an Pains in the flood, Back and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Screnoss of the Threat, Cramps. .0)"; hand; been awed; ï¬ndl'many impaired. of- ' Colt-cs. \Vorms luRC‘liildren. and other disora ‘dors, will be found on tire wrapper with instruc- tions for taking 'hem. Sold by Druggists and general Storekeepers. who are requested not to ,purchaseuef travelling Agents. k' ' i ' "V " " W ‘ isXAiiiiNAii'iON 01‘“ COMMON SCHOOL TEACHERS, COU TY OF YORK. Notice is Ilia-1'.ch Given, l'lAT'au examination of Common School Teachers. and others, will take placeon 1 Tuesday, the'7th February 1860 At the Court House, in~ the City of Toronto. at Richmond Hill, and at Newmarket at 9. sum. Candidates will be required to produce certi- ï¬cates of moral character from their respective Ministers, and if 'I‘Ouchers before, also from their respective School, Trustees. J‘Oi‘lN'JENNINGS, 111). ‘ Chairman County Board. 59-2 .1 i i. r RIC trump. inn]; " murmur. , . thathe has opened a FOUNDRY for the manufacture. of (LS. Richmond’s improved PLOUGHS, At Headford, 3rd Con. Markham. on the Wgod. Beam Gauge Ploughs. Fanning 13th inst., the wife of Mr. George‘Squlres O't" adaughter. “ ‘ ' 't MA RRIED. 0u_"I‘lrui'sday. iihe 12th inst., by the Rev. Mr. upper, Mr. Thomas Lane to Miss Harriet Cook, both of Thornhilh ‘ DI E D. In Yaughan. on the 15th inst.. Eliza Kennee aged 3 years and 7 months, daughter of Daniel and Jane Kennee, andgraud-danghter 'ofJ‘ohn and Mary Stephenson, of the saints place. n W ToRowi’qhiimigia'rs. I.\ ,s- THURSDAY, Jan 19. 51205195 100a105 550 11575 Fall Wheat, prime, per bush . . . . Spring Wheat. .,. ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . Family Flour. . , ..., . eeeeeeoe Superfine do ...... ......-;3-- 4' 553-14 Git), f Fancy ’ do ......'............ 485a490 ,r Extra do sis... one? yes Barley............‘Q.......V . . . . . ll 60a065 Rvo,nominal “" ... 07081075 Oats, ~“'†...... . . . . . 03811040 Peas..,,..............i.....'... 0568060 Pork.. ...}.1 . . . . . . . . 525‘060tl Hay,per ton...... .... . . . . . . ISUtlaQ-I Straw, “' .1000 _ Potatoes, h'f‘fl .. ... . 1 . . . . (1132:1536 Apples, per barrel. . . . . . . . . . 200 a 2 75 Beef. . i : ,_ 4,5,0 n.5,tlt), Shoep,eacll........ . . . . . . ~150a500 Lambs...‘.‘..,.. ..... 2003250. Calves,eaoh . . . . . . 4008500: Clnckens.;... . . . . . - 1120:1030 \Vd'ol, per in ............. 025a one Sheep skins, each......... . . . . . l 00 a l 19. B_eofhi_des,._per 1011 lbs . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 a 600 Calfskins’, per le. . . . . 0103012 Rutter.,ti‘esh, per 1b.. . . ...._... 0 18 a 0 £20 "Wga’““asn..m.m M WW. ' '\ ._ ‘33,,†LOST, YOUNG PUP. "Ye‘llow. with short tall. '58-! Was last seen following i1;slei;‘,r'h Ifrern l our place this forenobiw: *Aity person returning , him will be suitably rewarded. ‘ f ' " " PPLICATION will bsinadse to the Mimi- . 'pj‘gTTERSQN a.) 3R0. j ' cipal Cou’ucil‘ of' Va’ughall‘ at 'theii" ï¬rst . . ' w ' meeting in gunnery next, toienact 1a Bwaaw Rmhmond udu’ lam)" 19' 186“? to establish a Road along the south side of Lot M~~ ~v “w-;--‘-~+â€"-â€"4~+â€"â€"55-J-LLâ€"-â€"~»â€"~~~râ€"~ Number'43. in the. First Cdncqp'siou. from' the M. ‘ 2nd Concession lirf'e eastwardsito meet a Rd ‘d SL3'I‘IE'ALYVIE‘I)’ leading front Yonge ‘Stre’et w'estw‘ardsp tie ROM Lot No. 32. 5th concussion Vang. land constituting the Road sought to be esta- han, about the beginning of October last, blished being the' Nope-Hy ’0? ML George 3 - Arksev. . , A S All parties objectingto the proposed By-Law Rising? years old. \Vhoevorwill return .the are “(199519†1° attiil‘g.’ . ' . ., i 1.3; .- same to the subscriber will be rewarded. . ‘~ ' GEORGE 'J. F. PEARCE. THOMAS CHAPMAN. tsunami» Clerk- Vaughnn, January 1860. l Brown, J. W. ' 7th December 1859.. Mills,†Horse, Hoes, &‘I-Idrse Rakes-~ lï¬â€™ All Work manufactured by me is War- ranted. IRA ll. RlCIlMOND. Richmond Hill, Jan. 12,1859. 59-1v BiBLEï¬ TESTAMENT S ‘ FOR, SALE, CHEAP. M. Tsar: Richmond Hill. P.O.: January 6, 1860'. t v, Agent. Letters l Remaining in RICHMOND HILL Post Ofï¬ce .t.tNii.i:1_tv 1st, r60 McMurchv. D. McKiunon, Miss M. McPhillips. George Sivers, Robert IIflfileekstou. James "I'iirner, Henry" Trench. Wm." Thain. Charles Trench; Robert Tricker, Mark “’illoughby, ‘Rcv. W. li’ateithouso, .iiolin \‘i’alson. Mrs D. W. 'Wilmot. Jackson. Halon; Jaime?! Pli illips. lIoiiry Pearce, G. Juli. - Routlcdgo. J]. ,._ Simpsonth’ivi ' Sisco, Mrs Susai. Constable. .lohn Craig. Robert ' Drewerv. John Dellenbncli Cliition DeGeir. J.- B.' ' ’ Gratit,-Jessio Gilmore. James l-layhurst..-Rev. W. Harrison. 1V. Ilisson, Robert Ilewit, Robert; llauii‘ltott. J-‘ohfii Kdllei', Joseph K'iuck. John. i, Kirk, Ainn’“ King. W. I... Motcalf. Robert h‘lnttiiewson, Joseph Muns‘haw, Mrs, Goo. Murdy. Joesph“ ‘ M. 'riJErv‘.‘ M. NOTICE. _ ._._.___. _ .__. 54-4. ' to. ‘ “‘iFrié nd._ a. MUSICAL minnow a Rare Companion for the Winter Mouths. Our 6 6 0U Every Pianist“,- 5’ " Should. procure thi Every Singer. ‘ . weekly Publication 0 Every Teacher. Vocel and Piano Forte Every Pupil, ‘ ’ Music, costingbut 10 Every Amateur, cents a number, and Pronounced by the entire Press ofthe country, to she .- “ THE BEST AND.- CHEA-PEST WORK OF THE KIND IN THE WORLD†Twelve full-sized Pages 'of Vocal and Piano Forte Music. for 10 Cents. Yearly,$5 ; H alfvyeerly,$;9rf50 ;~ Quarterly$l.25 Subscriber to “"‘Our Musical, Friend.†or order it from the nearest ’Newsdealer. and you will have Music -' for "your entire family at an insigniï¬cantcost; andflit'ypu want MUsic for the Flute. V'i'oli'u. Corn‘et, Clarionet. Accordion . disc . 6'1. 3 . subscribe to the scans ‘ MelOdist, Containing 12 pages, costing only 10 Cents a, All back numbers ‘ati-iltl cts.. and Bound Volumes. containing".1,7,.numbers, at $2 50 each†constantly onzha'n'd. ' “ “ c;“i§.:ss*v1tiOU'it 61.00. . 197 Nfuasau St..~ New York. ‘ .... ‘, 'ENGEIISH REMEDIES ! .1 ‘,o»' - Hon Disnasns or THE 'EYE ' EAR... Croat discovery in the'sci‘ence of medi- A. cities. beingua certain and spegdy cure for restoring the sight‘a‘n‘d- removing all dis- eases peculiar the Eye.‘ Thisis universally ,pckrioyt'ledgcd-ithe only safe aid sure remedy now known. it had been used with great success by the most skillful physicians in Europe and America. ‘ ' Patients in any part ofct‘he country can treat themselves successfully at a moderate expense. thereby avoiding the danger and expense of falling into thoihands 'Of"‘nnskillful physicians. This medicines E-suï¬icientï¬to cure] will be sent by mail argon-press. with all directions. on the receii)th{'$'10, small case ‘ ..‘~ «*1 Tin: Esraâ€"Certain and infallible cure for Deaftiésé'agid Singing-'- Noises in the Ears, the' Nervous [lead and Mind Complaints, affording instant relief to stttfonérs who have troubled with deafness 'for many years. -After using this remedy a few days the patient is suddenlt’ and almost niarnculolusly enabled to hear ordi- nary toned corivetifntiom: intho course of a few weeks the most obstinate case tit-deafness :s effectually cured, ' '-'< ‘; 1,. . Patients monumerou's to; mention have been restored tov’perfect'hearing. endlfo-revai rescued from the suaresï¬-ufxt'he‘i, numerous dangerous and unqualified pretenders of. theypresent day. -»':-Hospital and private" testimonials aiid‘. ce‘rtiï¬c~ ates from‘ the 'inost'eminoh't physiciansand sur- geons in England, in whose presencexieaf per- private p‘atieiits'r'cure‘d can be Seen or referred: a cure] will be forwarded to’ and part of the country for ï¬fteen. Dollars. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' Address R. 'GOODING, Drawer No. 3. Buffalo. N.Y. N.“ R. Gooding is only agent for the States and Canadas. 113° Ofï¬ce in Kremlind Block. December ‘29.. ’59._ 55-1}; BUTTER i Butter 1-. BUTTER! Di Per lb‘ï¬h’ldb‘b given any quantity of Good * z: , FRESH: ROLL BUTTER . no, A', BARNARD’S Hill, oy. .18, '12959, tiff-ti†,r Richmond Cliean ï¬lothing. HE Subscriber begs; to inform the irritabi- tants of Buttouvilleyand'line‘sua'rounding country. that he cioutini'ies to make first-class con TS, VESTS, MNTS. “drew In the newest Styles and superior Workman-rv All, orders promptly. attended to and’ ship. .work warranted. JOHN HARDY. ' 'Tailo'r and Clothier. 55-1y ‘MENV’S AND Boris Baptg "V “ eats : IN Satiuettc. Full’d Cloth, and Doeskin. new- est Styleg and host Materials“; “we,†made, durable and warm'fon whitenâ€"as CHEAP as the same qualities canbe had in Toronto. at BARNARD’S, Richmond Hill, Nov. 17,1859. 51-th LDR. .l AI‘LIES LANGSTAFF. R'iclmgmrd 'II’iIL. December. 1858. ' is! Y o R K Mitts H o '[E L. "’ - ‘YONGE si‘REET. GOOD. (supply ibi‘llh‘i’inms and Liqueu- q A. always'oiph’und.{Cigars ijgall brands. Excellent accommodation forITravellers, Fai- tnerq and others. , "g ALEX. rueL,.-:P‘roprietor. ’ York Mills, Debt 17,1859. -: ' 55-0m ‘ m. t c é ., A_ _ .r ‘ ' "" "" "â€"‘ Auction -;- 331' $1210 is. THOMASPWILSON, LICENSED .AUGTIONEER, rdn rm; obt'm'razs or YORK, PEELT ONTARIO. All letters addressed, Mluiir'isig' Vinrmomwil‘ receive prompt attentionf-j- [13’ Orders re- ceived at the “' klsas‘nu’,’ Oiiice. Richmond ill, where tertns,~&~c.. may be ascertained. Markham Village, Nov. 18, 185$. ‘5l-tf a ., "n! .. ,4â€" Fi'om 1000 to'iiztltiqgollars V110 be advunced‘by-Moytgnge.~ on Freehold _ Land in the neighborhood of Richmond , ,\.. r."“.‘:¢,,, -.. . -' Apply, by letter pre:pnid, J. D. - . . . Hernia Ofï¬ce. j Riphmond Ilill. Doc. 7; 185?, f ‘_ ‘ 54-tf uni. (:Loiiiisfl FLANNEIB, Oo- ‘nounos, DELA-INES. and GALA :I’LAIDS‘, the cum PEST in the Village .- , ..w 'ar‘o; A. BARNAR’D’S. Richmond Hilhoct. 7."1859. ' ' E 45~tf LOST. v N or about the 15th ,Deoember‘last. be- ' tween Victoria Squat-sand.MrhAbriihsm Homer’s Lot 13., _4th concession <Mark'ham,‘ a BUFFALO ROBE. lined with green the.‘ and a HORSE BLANKET. Whooaver yvill return the same to the Subscriber will be re- warded. , ' ,JUHI‘? STFCKLY, '. 7 1.191;?†4th Con. Markham. January 6. 18-60. . ‘ ; - - V... s into Court for collection, , A case of this medicine [enough to effect; the onlyj’liysicians in the State who are mem- will obserige,,tlizitgtligrpriae...with. the action», ‘partying.,dlirectigiys. securely packed andgs‘ent" ' ,Medicines, tSao..’w.hicli.'t'villj'-be rdturpéd" with sold ot prices to meet the times 5&3 Richinondflill. Dec. 1858. 1' ....a :....,-,;...»..; ,3;..’.... ._ i-v -.'-, min-m. ~- 1...»). - .~»,.,uis.-.-..tn....»‘......-. . ... CITY-anytime WonKS N EW Tononro 185 YONG‘E srraan'r.’ MONUMENTsTâ€"TOM‘BTABLES. TOMBSTONES,. 810‘. Twenty Per gent Cheaper THAN uv' ornm'f‘fs’nsusunssr. HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of D. C. &. W. YALE. will con- tinue the business under the superintendence ,of our duly authorized agents, Avs'rin Assn and D. Cannes Vans. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. 'ii' 5' l’.S.â€"â€"All notes and accounts remaining inn- paid on the 1st day of June.'1858. will be. f‘pu: mmwxmr‘us ("\/'\/‘W\ AA f \IIE Undersighed begs to call the attention Of his Friends and the Public’ gen: ‘ orally to. the fact that he has opened a NEW S' ‘ORE in the above place,» which will be found repletewith a large and splendid assortment of »- PURE LIQUORS,VllNES,BRANDTES, OasQQKERY, we. \Vliich hii is prepisred i0 Sellon inostircas“ in». letting. . Parties, before "purchasing- ,Iyelsewhere, will findit an advantage to Call a o con :re Prices. é"*Clotmiug-muqu to Order‘tsn the shortest Notice. ‘ "-""‘" ' ‘ FRANCIS PLEBS. l . C. YALE. , _, G. commas, .. _ r , Toronto, April 29. 1859- 48":E :Buttonville, December 23, 1859. _ I-.. .a._..__..____...4». » . -vug...- ___._.._ .....s.......__‘..__s --.... _...-_...,_ ,..-_. , .mc...†,. ... ,..c .....--,_... N...“ .. PAIL s: & sauï¬vniJOKETs; PATRICK LYN OTT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, OR the sale of Cattle. Stock, doc. is pre- pared to attend Sales in all parts of Up- per Canada. “ †Richmond Hill Mi‘y 25": 1859. "“ 19‘9- GOOD PAIL is a domestic necessity and‘ superior’BUC/‘KE'I‘S are much in demand. FOB. spat-E; . “..« 5"†200,000 feet. of Plumber NCLUDING Flooring-Siding. i’ii‘ch Boards. recently made several Additions and IMPROVEMENTS TO HlS'ESTABLISHMENT and two-inch P-laiilgtl‘Scsntling. &c., &c.. at the subscriber’s Mill. near’Stouffville. cheap for Cash or Approved Credit. 3 JAMES BUGG. Stoufl‘ville. April 12. 1859. 93-tf. l 1 V I callothe attention of Farmers and others to his S A. P B U 0 K E 'I." S. As they are allowed to be the best ever made, and, as he has a large “stock on hand, he“ will sell them at unprecedented low Prices. All orders by letter, prepaid, sent to Buttonvllle, PD. will receive promptlattention. - ' - ROBERT SIVER, Boot and Shoe Maker, DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. A choice selection of Gentlemens’. Ladies. and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- tice. [1? All kinds of Shoemakers Findings for sale. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. lotf' NEW TREATMENT. Buffalo Medical dispensary. ) nsnnusnso son 'rmr. cnai‘or nvsrsrsu, oxsxiur. nrniu'rv. nun Aim sous, senorULA. can uLcsas. GRBAT turn: any or run amen. um nastier, "‘ PtbtPLzs. FISTULA. ntLls, KIDNEYS, basin". is- nmurnrs or room arm OLD ms.â€&c. 0:? No Mercury Used Will be p .DR """' JOHN AMOSS, Lot No. 11, 2nd concession, Markham, December 23, 1859. 55-3m w.,‘:-mz: '; , ‘ ,J J. ' ‘4, T " T.1;.~r,:;x=:~m‘ ’ i FHAâ€"I110 o N Britt) GE, Ré‘speotfully begsto an‘no‘tmce first be has received his , r ‘ - r T 1 ' ' AUTUMN AND WIN] LR. GOODS. ‘ His STOCK is try-rm the, » LARGEST but“: RICHMOND HILL, i I P Q And equal to any NORTH of TORONTO. . .. Strict; Pgrsonal .Attention aid to the busirfess, and all GOODS sbl'd‘ atbthe lowest remunerating prices AMOS 61. SON, Corner of Main and Quay Streets. Buffalo, New York, are be“, Mp“, Royal Conoge of Surgeons. Lem He takes this opportunity of returning sincere thanks to his old Customers and ... MAN UFAC'I‘URED AT, 'I‘HORNHLL. “‘SLEIGIIS; ‘ ;; J. HOLMES. ‘ ‘ 'I‘horrihill,OctObcr51711859. ‘ . . 4.7-5... 1 '1 : -wwwaa Pew CROSBY, RICHMOND HiLIZ,‘ HAS RECEIVED HIS , 3 FALL WINTER. RETOCK‘ ynvoeonsi iiiirii iinitiii iii tllNTltY uni tic/c “M... 5;. «r. i The treatment they adopt is the result of upwards of 30 years’ extensive and successful practice in London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or nine days, and cases ofa sli ht nature in two or three days at a very. moderate expense.â€" The cure effected without confinementorhin- drance from business. . . Young ï¬leanake Partzcular t 1111‘. Subscriber begs to call the attention ofthe Public to the fact that he is -- _ Notice, , prepared .to‘make‘ï¬rstâ€"cl‘as j . ..q o _ . There is an evil habitflsometimes indulged in by boys. in solitude. often growmg- up wrth " , g " r . I. , ,._ g , ' . them to manhood. and.wh‘ich. ifnoyj'reformedf ‘ Also, ainew and r - . by them in due time. not only begets serious ' r , _‘ e , obstacles ‘0 matrimonial.lur-piness. but gives 1 IMPB.QVEDX CLOD GRUSIâ€"IER. rise to a‘serieslofprot'ricled. insidipus. and de- , _, ' ' , "u' M; _. . “Stating “Remus: FEW MEWS" Wh°igiV° Which every'Farmer ourrht to possess and ' 1 way to this pernicious practice are aware of r ' -~ - - .° ’ the consequences, until they ï¬nd the nervous , . . ~~ '- 4 7 system shattered. feel- strange and unacounta ’ ' , ' , ‘~, ‘~ ble feelings. and vague fears in the mind. ’ AA M?†At the shortest notice, and at the lowest remunerating prices. .Those requiring reali n m: rumen or. is re ‘ ' . u“ - . - e - ' - - bunks†more Propflflyclimgn ï¬lle‘s‘gmig, substantial and good ‘\Vag9,0qs, Buggies, Sleighs, Agricultural Implements,_§ec. will Weakness, Nervous Debilit‘y. sensing-irate ï¬ndit-SO their adimhage 1.0, valh permanently eured_,in frbm 151620 days'by ' ‘ ' i i ‘ the use ot‘this instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. ’ New Remedies and Qu Cures,» . v . . .» Dr AMOS do SON take pleasure in announ- cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases.» It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians in London. Paris. Philadel- phia and New York. It has been declared the only useful instrument ever yet invented for the’cure of'Sfeminal‘ Weakness. or any disease of ‘ the genital orgnnl, causod by the secret habits oftyouth; *1 -’ ‘ ‘ " †4 Dr. Amos dz. Son, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as tothe merit! of‘thes'e instm. merits. pledge tliipmselves. that in any insane“ where they-.may prove unsatisfactory aft†a. fair trial, thdinpney __will,be refunded bird-5‘- tarningthe instrument irr'good Order. ' i '5 Persons wishing the aboveuseful instrument .9 ; ..- it c ~e by mailï¬or express. wten dollars. ‘ J ' *- ~Bewgre (f Imposition. ‘ Bewdre of empiridu an’d itinerant;shitâ€"styled professors iwlxpï¬snuurr chins,â€- bdt never ' ' Those favoring him wrth a call will find his GOODS to BOTH THE SEASON†“AND THE‘TIMES, succeed. I _ n ,I I , _ _. ‘, I’I’aving-iredacd the priceaof his whole Stock considerably, and, at'ithe‘aamé timé, Dr. Amos & Son have fora long series of having reduced, the long credit system ,sliorterâ€"ehoping it will be anadvantage both {farts beta" “22:20: in anlexteusive practice in for the buyer and seller. , ie rea men 0 t we eicate complaint. and ., . ' 5 ' ' ‘ are the only legally qualiï¬ed Physicians ’who Bwbmond Hm’ OCtOber 13" 1859' now advertise to cure certain complaints. or ' ‘ ‘ ‘ from whom genuine’European remedies'can be obtained. ‘ ' _ I’rzlnsons is ANY PART or nu; Wonm may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, wither remittance for ' "seat 5 NOVELTY WAGGoN "rm: # MARKHAM VILLAGE. ' , wâ€"a’v“ the. tltilllohsif‘dlilmtcll and securb‘from ‘o'bseri vationS ,’_ ,,. ,. V - Address Dr. Amos & Son, corner Main and Quay streets. Buffalo, N. Y,“ xt46v'lv- The. Sucbscri'uers beg to call attention to. the fact that they are making ï¬tIPER'x'QH ‘2; And when the Quality is takenï¬into account it wiltbe found that they are selling?» theta. at prices that wllldéfy“completion. It is also a fact beyond dispute that our ‘ \‘VAGGONS stand better, and are of lighter draft, than any other. I" The following are our list of Prices and Terms 2â€"â€" DR. 5. iv. ‘PECK, "tUltGEON Dentist. will be at Hall's Hotel. Markham Village, on the 24th, 25th and 25th of each month. 'I‘eethextracteo free. Teeth Filled, each 25cts. Dentistry done cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pro- vinces. Approved credit will be . .gl‘lell; “it?†iTwo inch iron axle. with box. . . . . . . . . $100 00 Three and three uarter inch 1 do qu‘md". A“ work wurrff‘lq‘lf r, A - Two and a quarter inch axle, with box 105 00 with capâ€"nu:a do . . 85 0. June 30, 1859. 31.13- 'l’hr‘ee and three quarter inch thimble Seat with steal sy‘ings' . . . . . . 10 O. _‘_->-___HM_MHM skein, with box. . . . . .a . . . . . . . . . . 80 00 Doubleâ€"trees and neck; yekes. . . 7 00'- , 7“." I Fouriuch do do do.. 83 00 Crib or Falllllg.’.}-. .4._‘.....*.... 1 09"? YONGESIREET HOTEL, Sidebords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (00‘ sAUftQBéu -.. . GOOD siippliti'bf'lhï¬ines and Liquors always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers, “Farmer-g, and others; Cigars of all brands. ' ‘i ' “" ' . ,D- MicLEQll. Proprietor- 1859. 25'.†‘ ~\~_,_ Terms: Six Months, if longer, Interest from Date. Five per cent discount for Cash‘ All orders attended to with promtitude, and Work-warranted; ' 'I‘.:S‘13EIGH'P SON. r 3,, ; Markham Village, June 30, 1859. Aurora. June 6, w.“ Public N oticc. L persohs indebted to me will please call ‘WI To make Chopping Easy ! j A" and'settle their accounts on or before the‘ tst‘of January next, arrd thereby save expenseqf or on Morris wm‘im’iad'; Cgast Stee} ‘Jonn N. 3310.34.11. AXES, for Sale at the Steve Factory by . I].‘&-J.'1~1AR'RZS@N. , I q "‘f' Richmond Hill. Oct. 26. 1858‘. ' 7 ‘; dB-tf ! Thornhill, Nov. 1859‘ JAMES new, AS always on hand a largevas‘sortment of BOOTS and SHOES, which ,will be. . i i he therefore conï¬dently solicits a continuance‘~of-the patronage he has so long received.,_ in 9 STORE IN BU’I‘TONVILLE: a 1 55-1m I The Subscriber begs to inform the public thathe is prepared to manufacture any quantity- of first class PAILS and SAP BUCKETS,having By which he is‘ensbled to imakei‘better PAILS, of every size, and SAPBUCK'ETS ' and sell them CHEAPER. than any other House in Canada. He would especially ‘ do“, Maybe consulted from 8 o'clock in tire Friends, for the very liberal support they have hitherto given him. 1 morning until 90'clock at night on every r state and-symptom of disease. ’ october’ 18‘)9' IAvg-5 m )E inn-Mini uninitiiii ttiii, iiiiiiiit _'