lento]. h...- ___â€"_.___ THE TWO BARRELS. Tthre’s a barrel I have. in a corner so snug. 'Woll charg’d wlth the best of good ale : With a tankard of that how the time will slip by. With apipe and a song, or good tale. If a friend just from over tho way should step in, He's hailed with a hearty good cheer. And never repents, as he tastes the contents Of an Englishman’sbarrel of beer. There’s a barrel 1 have. but, much stronger than beer Is the charge which for that I intend ; 1‘3 hangs by the chimney, in readiness near, For I mean it my hearth to defend. 15a foe just from over the way should drop in, We’ll meet him with three hearty cheers ; But I think he’ll repent. when he tastes the contents Of the barrel of stout volunteers. And thus double-barrelled. my boys,letus live, Prepared for our friends or our foes ; The hand that in friendship we readily give. , Is as ready. at need, to give blows. And whether the spigot or trigger we draw. Our barrels won'tfail us, I ween ; So tankards and rifles let’s chargeâ€"hip. hurra I Ear our freedom. our country. and Queen. mirrtllunrnur, A currupt and tyrannicalGovernmunt is but the reflection of a debased and cow- ardly people. Folly pulls down what wisdom builds u11-- Itis useless to do battle with destiny, since every conflict must end in a defeat. Sluggards should remember that it is impossible to stand still ina world of. motion. Day and night, flood-tide and ebb, are the terrestrial heart-pulses of time and nature- 'Remember man’s past history only narrates one long preparationfot: his. inn: pending destiny. ELOPEMENT EXTRAORDINARYrâ€"Mr. Jones’s dog eloped with Mr. Smith’s dinnrr. Our: own. heart, and not other men’s opinions, forms our true honor. ‘Simon, did you ever go to sea 1’ ‘ Oh. yes, Intent to sea my girl. 'I hope you have a good husband, madam} saida reverend gentlemanto a lady arrayed in the depth of fashion. ‘Yes, sir,’ replied she, ‘and a good man, too, I think.’ ‘I don’t know what to say about his goodness,’ added the minister, ‘for, the Bible teaches me that a husband should clothe, his wife, but he lets you go half naked.’ Tits HUMAN Jaws._â€"'l.‘lie muscles of thehuman jaw produce a power equal to four hundred and thirty-four pounds. Thisis what science, tells us; but we know the jaw of some of our lawyers is equal..to a good many thousand dollars a year'to them. VYOMEN have a. much finer sense oftbe beautiful than man. They are by far the safer umpires in matters of propriety and grace. A'mere school-girl will be thinking and writing about the beauty of birds and flowers, while her brothers are robbing the nests and destroying the flowers. (New, sir,’ said. Briefless. to a horse chaunter who was under examination, don’t you think you belong to a very honest profession?’â€"-â€"‘I can’t say so,’ replied the witness; ‘for, saving you lawyers, I:~ think it; the most dishonest going.’ A gentleman, meeting an old friend whom he had not seen. for a long time, congratulated him on lately coming into possession of a large landedestate. ‘ There was such a report,’ replied the other, ‘ but you may dcpcndupon it that it was quite groundless.’ A PITMAN AVND Frasr PRLVCIBLES. In a bygone generation a Tynesids pit-_, man stroled, into a landowner’s park and was accosted by a young gentleman, who, asked him. if he knew he was tres- passing on his papajs ground? ‘iYor papa’sgrouods!’ eigclaitned the intruder, ‘aw thowt it was the A’mighty’s yirtltl Dees th’u want me to walk in the eloods! Get into thehoose, th’u wha-whang! or aw’ll eat thee l’ INCOMPARABLE ACCOUNT Books!- Wight district had their hands full of“ business in hearing appeals from hundreds af-disoontentcd individuals from all parts otjthc island, who conceived they were charged, or overcharged, to the income} tax unjustly; and amongst others who ap- peared, ï¬gured the aged landlord of a small public-house at Yarbridge (named Cave), who came to ‘ peal ’ as he called it, against having been assessed upon a bun- dred pounds per annual, for his small beer brewery, the profits upon which. he do- clarcd, were eVeu smaller than his beer! when the following humorous colloquy took place : ' Court: ‘ Do you. keep any books I’ f Appellant: ‘Eees, setnc.’ ‘ Have you brought them here.’ ‘~No,’ didn’t think ’twas worth while. ‘. What books have you?’ t ‘Wliy, there be a Bible? t-Ah, yer.’ . ‘ A Prayer Book.’ -' ‘ ‘ Hem, ah.’ "And the ‘ Pilgrim’s Progress.’ ‘ (Ahetn) any other ’3’ 4' ‘ Eees, one more.’ I -‘ What is thatl’ ‘ A wold Moore’s Alamanac.’ The court went into hysterics. The old chap went off home, wondering what there was to grin at, and her Majesty’s Exchequer went without the tax upon a hundred pounds.»â€"~Hants Jrzdr'pmdcnt. t t WATCH 8: CLOCK MAKER, .ANGLOâ€"AMERICAN HOUSE ! LOYAL ORANGE IV ing in each month. Masonic Hall, the ï¬rst Friday evening after the Full Moon in each month. Master; R. Wiseman, Deputy Master; John Munholland. Secretary; “7. I'ogue. Treasurer Easiness ï¬fircttom. T‘. .1. WHEELER. JEWELLER, &c- RICHMOND Ill LL. 53-1y Dec. 3, 1859, Dr. s. N. PECK, URGEON Dentist, will be at Hall’s Hotel, l . Markham Village, on thg 24th. 2511. and QStq of each Month. Teeth extracted free. Teeth Elled, each 25cts. Dentistry done cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pro- vince. Approved Credit will be given if re- quired. All work Warranted. June 30, 1859. 31-1)- Auction Notice. THOMASâ€"ROWMAN, ‘ Licensed FOR THE COUNTIES.OF YORK 61. PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira.†P.O. will receive prompt attention. Orders received at the “ York Herald†Ofï¬Co, Richmond Hill; Mr. Henry Lemon, Thoruhill, and Mr. James Cavannah. Mansion House, Sharon. where Terms. &c. may boobtaieed. J Almira, Nov. 25. 1859-. 62:11: GO TO P B . B O W M A N ’S M I L L S g S formerly occupied by Dr. Hillary. WITH CARDINiG & GRISTING, voun done to take with them on their return home. Almira, May 13. 1859. 2441'. WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Hag'ness Maker, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond. Hill. Dec. 1858. JAMES JENKINS’, RICHMOND HILL NO CREDIT GIVEN. Produce taken In exchange. The above is the oldest established Grocery and Provision Store on the Hill. Dec. 2. 1858. MARKHAM VLLAGE. .OOD.Accommodations. Wines. Liquors - and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. IVIARR. Proprietor. Markham, June 1859. 26-tf RICHMOND HILL HOTEL. STAGE runs from the above Hotel to A Toronto. every morning. starting from the Elgin Mills at 7. a.m. and returning at 7*, pm. Fare. 2s. 6d each way. (100" ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERI. RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. 1-55 G. 1â€"3:. Husband, m Richmond Hill. Dec. 18, 1858. URGEON Dentist. will’be at Nicholl’s CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Hotel. Richmond Hill. the Filter MONDAY of every month. and, the remainder of the month at his residence Thornhill. All Work Warrauted. July 8. 1859. 32-ly. Fun THOMAS (LIMATHESON. JAMES rt'rzcmuu). 1‘ THE. Subscriber begs to inform his numer- ous Patrons and the public. that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises. where there will be found excellent accommodation for Travellers, and COME“ 0" VON†A“) comm“ "RIMS! Good Stabling. uj' Horses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GABY, % Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1858. 72-7 W’. HODGE 8L Co. W7HOLESALE and Retail Copper. Tin and tron Plate Workers, and Furnishing Ironmongers. Parties givxng this house a call will ï¬nd their orders punctually attended to and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill. Dec, 185,8. EDMUND GRAINGER, ‘ U T C II R. THORNHILL. Fresh and Pickled Meats. Poultry. &c., always on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. ‘ 'l‘ltornhill. Dec. 1858 Ql-ltf .1. VERNEY, Boot and Shcc Maker, YONG}; eraser, RICHMOND HILL. .â€" 54-1 Ladies’ and Gentlemeua’ Boots and Shoes. ac The Commissioners oftaxes for the Isle of mm“ 3â€" "Mam" “3"†December 1858. 7‘ No. 644, EE'I‘S at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL Victoria Square, the last Friday even- OE‘FICE'RS ELECT : THOMAS SNOXVDEN. Master. JAMES NEAL. Deputy. JOHN GAULEY. Treasurer. JOHN BUTTON. Secretary. OYAL ORANGE LODGE No. "I. 1 meets at Brother Robert VVisemaa Orrtcnas Etscr â€"~ William Duncan, January 21,- 1858. t3§l a l,‘..~...,. uh“... .. .. .., Anotiongem Drain i‘Pip‘es, Eve Troughs JOHN LANGSTAFF,‘ iwhere parties from. a. distance can have it Ne‘v‘ Boot and Shoe Store Subscriber returns his thanks to the he has removed into the Village of Buttonville, who e he hopes for a continuance of the pa- tronage heretofet e given him. 1 4f warranted. Buttonville, Nov. II, 1859, Grocery 8; Provision Store Photographs ! 55-1y Medical Hall, Markhï¬ma On reasonable terms, and in all weathers" Pictures taken from the smallest to life size. Markham Village, Oct. 14. 1859. w. c. ADA‘MAS. D. 99 mm; sr. msr, socm sins. THIRD noon Toronto, October 21, 184351. trac’tipg teeth; .aud alSo of an Aparatus for manufacturing Vulcanite Rubber Plates for acts and Partial sets of teeth. on Gold or otherwise to suit the necessity of the ease. Toronto, Auguet27, 185:1. Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, i be paid for on delivery. SURGEON and Mechanical Dentist,Medical IMPOJCI'E R and Dealer Patent Medicines, very low for Cash--Ma1kham Village. W“ ' MPORTER of Dry Goods, ‘Richmond Humane 1859. THE Subscriber" begs to inform the Public and ï¬tted them up in a neat and comfortable st) ' selected. Thornhill, Jan .- 1859. ~_.__ Thoruhill, Dec. 1859. To the Sick to cure Cancers, Enlarged .N‘ecka And many other Diseases. under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do well to call in time. All letters to be paid. and addressed to . ID" NO CURE NO PAY. August 6. 1858 W. T. ATKINSON, Go. A POTHECA R1165 H ALL, QRPOSITI THE GETKEDEAL. Proprietors of Atkitisetilis"'Parisiau Tooth Paste. I? Every description of Horse and Cattle Medicinesprepared withthe best English drugs Toronto, August 9'1. 1!â€. THE JESUIT. FATHERS! LAST year the French reading part of the Canadian people were ediï¬e'd 8111‘: de- lighted by the publication oftbe 'original Nar- ratives of the Jesuit Fathers. who wei‘e'tbe pioneers of religion and its attendant civiliza- tion in Canada. This work, important as it is to the French Canadian, is not less so to the English-speaking part of the population of North America. All Inhabitants of this great continent, especially all Canadians, will assign it an honored place on the Bvl‘IC‘lVOS which bear the stirring narratives of the ï¬rst English and Dutch adventurers: It is fit; the‘rofbre, to make its reverend au. thors speak with an English tongue. " The early history of Canada at this mo- mentattracting much attention.' 'l'he French Government has made large and proctous corn 1 1M roman OF ' WPLE‘ AND.- S l . l " OULD respectfully intimate to his Customers and the Ifuiblic generally, that l i he has‘noiv received the greater portion of his < FALL DRTA TIONS I His STOCK will be found well assorted and marked at prices that will compete with the best House inthe trade. 1'! z 0 > 2 (5 Fl h 2 G N v, V! a. .r I 0 U1 l q '1: Library, both manuscript and printed, reltiilifg chiefly to Canaan, its settlement aud,w\ars : the Government of the United Sta tea has been ever zealou's in collecting documents relating to'vthe acts and sufferings of their hardy and adven- turous founders; aridthe encouragement which D l hâ€... Anlnspcction is itcSpcctfulvly PATENT No Second. Price. WHOLESALE 11M) ‘ ’BETAIL J. CHARLESWORTH, No.31 Iiihg Street, East of Ytngq Street. AND W'ater Spouts, Manufactured and for sale by terprizes of the saute character, has alwars been promptly and effectually granted. 1 The publication of authentic and interesting historical records has been favored and prompt- ed by all enlightened.gpjgermneuts and literary bodies: because they supply the best evidence of the truth of history, or the best materials for its composition, It has even been asserted, I STEAM Mums, '1‘nonsn1LL. '1‘ ‘ . “no 3,1859.‘ 1 . 27M oronto, October 21, 1809 DR. L. LANGSTAFF, RINGHI‘LL. near King Station. House mm“. M- temporaries are of higher value than the po- lished periods of Hume and Mezcrav. The Narratives now sought to be presented to the public are of great value to 'all cIasses. ,, , , i To the religionist. whether Protestant or Roâ€" IMPOR I Hi or ’man Catholic, they aflprd precious evidence of the zeal of those servants of his Iloly Relgion’ s T A P L E A D F A N C who devoted themselves to its propagation I .. , amougthe heathen, and went forward‘thgougli ' - ‘ ‘ many a ï¬ery trial, to find too often at last the » ‘ crown of martydom. The othnologist will ï¬nd i . . . ’ ' . . . . in them faithful descriptions of a race now HAS received his FALL GOODS consisting in part of M. Luisuuau, King. May 13. 1859. 24-1}' IN BUTTONVILLE. â€"_ itiritch degenerated antlo'rtpitlly' approaclnng to public for past support and begs to state that extinction. written mango 'tbt-in as 1110;. fivrd FANCY DRESS GOODS, COLOR’IJ AND BLACK COBOU-RG‘S. PLAIN AND CHEL‘KED LINDSEYS. PRINTS, GINO-HANS. DIS LAINES, SIIEE'I‘INGS, Sllllt'l‘lNGS, 'I‘ICKING, DJGNXIN‘ES, ‘1)l’tILLS, FLANNELS. BLANKE'I‘S, GLOVES, HOSIERY, LACES, It] Home and, MUsLiNs, ll u If“ I ",1, ‘ill,’ ’11! “up qi‘ 4, '2,"_- ‘l-' y. x if“, 1pm. Ill '11! 'lpl 1 (ill‘ “III!†I‘lu‘l‘ru “In hymn: “tun “Will 'uum’ "trim in“. an "trait “turn '“imn "1111111111" 11111111111 AND DBAPERY GOODS. Doing business for His Stock will be found as attractive as any house in the ttadc. Buyers will do Well to call and examine the Stock and Prices Before buyingelsewhere. Item,ei,n._b,cr the well known name died, recOiVed baptism or ferociouslr lllhl‘tltJl‘ti‘tl .the men who sought to hmhnvitou thrm ()r- tlinarv readers, from thi intelligentscuular tn the untatight peasant, will [it‘i'ttsalï¬xiitlrinterest an account of men who ll" II the soil on which they [now move,â€"-.v|m were the lords of the forest and the. river, now smiling with the rich har- ve~t or glitteriug‘ivitlt the vessels ofcumuiorce, â€"nud will learn with some emotion that they live and sleep in security on the self-same spot which has been often drenchcg. with the blood ‘shed in wnrfqye or massacre. " ' All orders executed with deepatch and work DAVID GALLOWAY. 5031y Ambrotypes I MELANEOTYPFJS l LETTERGRA P'HS, &0. Together with a general assortment of II The publication of so voluminous a work wlll depend entirely upon the support received from the public. The first volume has been. translated by one of the best translators in the Province ; and it will be put to press as soup as a sufficient number of subscribers is obtnih- ed to defray the cost ot'translatiou and publish- mg. The work will make 3 Volumes. Royal 81-0., got'ahont 750 pages each, in Long Primer type. Subscription lists will be fepud at the Rock- stores in Montreal. Toronio, U Hech Kin - aton, Ottawa, Hamilton, Londï¬i. 8.10., a? grit N0. 81 Kinw Street East’ the Ofï¬ces of the Publisher, in St. Ni ""' as a . . 1 ‘~ bu“ Qoggm Street, Montreal , also at Ste., Anne at Quebec. __‘“_____ "Price in paper covers per volume, . - for the set $8. 25. W x. ~ \,, r) W Price in half calf per volume. $3.51 or for PATTERSON e um LEMENT WORK ‘ - JOHN LOVI‘ILL iC‘auada Directory Oiflr‘fe, ' Publisher. Montreal, Sept. 1859. All styles of Pictures taken at t a Cash only (it; no Second Price. 1. C. DUN HAM. 46-1 D. S. Surgeon Dentist, WEST FROM CHURCH 8T. TORONTO, S the Proprietor of Oliver’s Patent for ap- plying Electricity, to prevent pain in ex- 'l‘ceth mounted ““v~\.‘\\r\~\' WM ‘V‘OJ4 .I'N W'e would inform the. public that we are manufacturing a large number of zero 3 I the) have been thoroughly tested, both in heavy and light soils, and )HONOGRAPIIY was invented by ISAAC proved themselves capable of raismg the largest Stumps and can be I].~ I’I'I‘MAN-yfBlimv England. in the WI" successfully Workeg three [nan unaided by llgmgig’r ol‘l’p‘ap 18.31 It is the most suuplo, mostnatui-al most Price, Opinpleteâ€"ï¬l568 00. rapid, and most casilv-loarued system of Writ- I’Ve also, have in hands the patterns Of a very; SUPERIOR. STRAVV CUT’I‘ER ! 48-ly PHONOGRAPHY, MATHESON 86 FITZGELALD, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, &c. ornqc :â€" Over Whitmore 1". 06's. Bonlgipg Ofï¬ce, TORONTO- Agency Particularly attended to. s otonto, July 1, 1559, 3l-tf vented During the past fifteen years, hundreds of thousands of persons, in" l‘luglangl'and Ame. rice, in both public and private life. have learned to write I’houography. and thousands of social, With fetid gear so. Constructed as to out different lengths, from I to II and bigwigs letters mm‘i“l;‘,3‘ Puss “WWI†: s i - v .3- : v i it I t ‘7 -. '- I.)Osoce ' inches. Farmers and others a1e requested to call and caamme then N10, is“, g,.ou,po,,,,,m.i,y ,0 be wondered ., ., , .. MACHINES before purchasmg elsewhere. Price, from $1000 to $20 00 at. The presentsystem ofwritiug is excwd- _ " i i i ’ " ineg cumbersome, and totally unworthy tliesc JOHN N' REID; M'D' 1 days Ot’progress audiiivoirt'ion. l’honographv ' is equally as leoible, can re. learned. in one- THORNHILL_ In their season, twentieth the urge, and can be written six times , , . . ‘ r . ' l x. 3 , g e .0 0. . ' asfast! In other words, the labor of six days 115’ ll Irescriphons got at the ()fhcegppit Nooi‘ell, & htl‘ï¬tlbht Real†PIO‘VS . ‘can be perfonnod in‘ one__0gg man can do me y S,AWS’ work of six! So simple is the system. too. snows, HORSE HOES, SCUFFLERS, r 81.0. Constantly on hand. 8% All IMPLEMENTS manufactured by us are Warranted. ca} Dr. DUNHAM, GANG a coupie of hours. An hour’s daily practice for a few weeks will enable orgy, person to write Phonography with certainty, and with Hall, Markham Village. some degree of freedom. The same amount J . . _ r V of practice continued for six months will ec- une 30’ 1859 ’y , , _ ,ablo a person to take reports of' speeches, len- â€"â€" -â€"â€"~-â€"â€"â€"â€"- Richmond Hill, Sept. 9, {Hill lures. sermopzs, or conversation. and t) read JAMES L BARKER, ‘ " hem with accuracy Dr. J. W. Stone', of Boston, says :. ï¬l deem Phonography an invaluable adjunct'to educa- iiou, and one which, when acquired in youth Would not be parted, with in manhood for thou- sands of dollars, †The late Hon. Tires. 11. BENTON, upon be- ng presented with a verbatim report of one ’of his masterly speeches, taken by a little boy only twelve years of ago. said : ‘_‘ Had this art been known 40 years ago it would have seized 111/6 20 years hard la‘or.†The learned senator spoke but a portion of the truth. \Vhat long- hand requires s'x years to accomplish, Phono- graphy \vill ‘perldrgi‘i in one. To Clergymeu. Editors, Physicians, Law- yers, Secretaries, Conveyancers. Law and Me»- dical Students, Lecturers, Printers, Shiidol Teachers, Merchants. School Boys and Girls, a knowledge Of'Phouography is ofvast utility.- Innfact th’e’ré is no profession or calling in which it is not useful. and no young man’s‘education can be considered complete without it. During the past nine months hundreds of persons in Canada, of every pursuit in life, havp acquired the Art, from many of whom Ilis SIIO W ROOM will be open shortly after with a great variety of the Silhécril’er 1'35 medial, “Baily-“"1061! phonograpluc letters, expresstve of their de-; " '1 ' i ' "f 1"“1 . , r t' “V "‘t ‘ light with the attainment. and the extraordinary lb†l ease with which they have acquired it. Accommodation for Travellers. For the purpose ofaiding in the dissemination JOHN SHIELS. Proprietor. OPERA CLOAKS’ &C' &C' I’HY, end the I’HONOGRAPHIC Corr lloox. sent I f t ‘1 ' i 7'} ~'1 ‘1 fl , i q Anybody and everybody, who can learn any~ i h g ‘ k 3 j "v “I L 1, 9 g j g P L thing, can learn Prtosocitirug f'zljoi‘n the words " per minute,†should send for the in Dry Goods. and Dye Stuffs, Glass, Putty. evaow ! Groceries. Paints. Oils. NEW June 30. 1859. 31-6m BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Newmarket, Holland Landing. Aurora, Rich- -1nond Hill, 83c†that he Intends opening, on the 15th inst.,with a splendid assortment of . caucs, GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, AND MILLINERY. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, 650. And a great many Articles too numerous to mention. P. CROSBY. h ' . Groceries, 'VIIICB, Liquors. Hardware. &c. THORNHILL.‘ HOTEL. that he has leased the above Premises. 'le. Boarders and transient visitors will find the commodations in every way agreeable. The best of Li pore and Cigars carefully Good eta ling and attentive hostlers. HENRY LEMON, Proprietor. p-53 Particular attention devoted to the Millinery Department â€"... WAN HOTEL, THORNHILL. Good 40-6111 Wan...“ .w-.--.. -............y-. R. SNIIZER, of the 7th concession of who apply, with the MANUAL or Priest:an- and Dying. DOLLAR. a] Vaughim, near Klineburgh. guarrantees thoughts to paper at the rate of from 100 to of so important a refOrm in his own country", Hf Newmarkct, September 2, 1859. by mail to anyfpart ‘O'f thp Province, poctao‘r NUAL, without 0th i'ass'i'staitco. "†" q x, ‘ s ‘s s “‘17 v s N 1513133 :1 EA use, Elia are 1--l:,A,Db_, 1&9. the subscriber is now-(prepared to supply all' p1e~paid. for the small sum ‘of [13’1"D C Those who wish to be able to put tltcirii Persons labouri 11g tibO've-rnentioned'works at once. i t I RICHMOND 1111.1. CHEAP FURNITURE IVAREROOMS. The Subscriber has now on hand a most understand. - The "CANADIAN I'IIONE'I‘IC PION~l EER {’ is :1 Monthly Journal, dovotpd to the '3 advocacy of the Rdforiiii" Price 2533110; p’é'ri aunum. ‘ "ll-"1m EXTENSIVE an IF 111111111111 13mm sumac. Klineburgh. 61-1 WILLIAM H. can. Oshawa. C. IV. Victor“ swam M“ 7' 1858' 48" 'mm'.“ or “ï¬ne†any“, - \Vhich he is determined to Sell at Prices that will def] competition. WWI-“it: N ii? I L Manufactui ers of phegptcals . , , W. . K _ ,] Richmond Victoria, Patent Medicines Q Perfumery, -- \1 \1 p - MILLWRIGH'I‘, ' " THE OOODs . i EGS to intimate that he is new prepared to erect MILLS of 'cvery deacrlptiiih, byl c’ontract or otherwise, on reasonable terms. He is also agent for the her-t Foundries in Ca- 1 nada. and from his leugtlu‘iletl experience 119 I I hopes to give general esprit-non, Altona, Dec. 23, 185? King TOIODtO- manufactured at this Establishment have now been tried for the last fourteen years "‘ ’ and, the best proof that he has given entire. satisfaction is, that all who have once pur- chased at his place invariably come again. GEORGE BONE. 49.13. Ric-limo“ PM, 185% 356m.- _ .... ,7 ,» _ . I ‘V- tributions of Iiistorical'rnattér to our l’ro'vipcial“ our own GOVerument could afibrdiu aid of e‘n-. that the chronicles and l'pritgate rpprpphs of co» and moved. hunted and l'inglit, llllellJl illltl‘ig‘lllgSH)â€; Wm. $9 or . lWRlTlNG av SOUND. A 1' , - u - . that a person may lean) to write It slowly, in ‘ vortising by the your. scription. ' til'ilfl. | g __ , . _ lOn Easy Terms oï¬zPaymiezitt ‘ 30,000 Acreagig; ITUATED in the counties'efrbmhotti ' a: Ken's. All necessaryinformatioanK 3111831 Qllï¬l’l’llcmlm'i 1’0“ Paid!†. 3‘ ' MILES LANGS’TAFF.‘ .. , ' Wuhactibnrgllu ’ Alsoiisdme‘lmproved mans to new. :’ « 5Wdfla$bhrgh‘,"Nov. 94, 1859. ‘ " '52:}: Falling..&i Clot,“ guessing, , nrmwrmncn’s “WORK; s.â€" HE undersigned havihg' leased that Exi- . I, tensive Esiablishment . of Mr. C. It}. Lawrence. feels conï¬deirt in saying that he is "prepai‘etl: to give general shtisifaction to ‘a’ll’; wliu'may IfavOr him with their orders. havin †had‘longeaperigtice in tlte'bttsitioi‘s‘of Dyeing and Dre‘sSlIlgVClotlI. Blankets Full’d and On the shortest notice. !' . W. L. KING. Richmond Hill, Nov. 18, 1859. I 5141' B E A V E R Fire» Insurance Associating: ’ Or TORONTO. C. w. " OFFICER-[iemove‘dt‘rom 54 King Street East. ’I‘on'onfro STREET .nextbuildingnorth of tbef I Masonic llall. . , [l 2111' the Profitsto be returned tothe Insured, the balance investe’d to form a Reserve Fund. BOARD or Dinncvoae ‘; TRUSTEESâ€"Henry Rowsel, WV. C. CheWett. J'oseph J'ackes. ‘ ' i ' DIItFIC’I'ORs+I‘I(‘IIl‘yRowscll. Toronto. Chair. mun .' J . WV . Brent. Disputy Chairman ; W’. C." Chcwett, Toronto; Joseph .lackes. Toronto . i W. 11. Smith, wl‘orouto, Manage-r; “lip. illelliwell, Highland Creek; ‘Jolln Mowat. V ‘ Aglin. Kingston ; Asa'A.“ ’ lluiuhaiu. (,Ttiliourg: Win. Green. Hamilton; Robei'tSuiiih. Chinguuceusy; George Blain, Toronto'I'Ou'uship. ' Sillttiliol‘v-jill'lll ‘ Ilelliwell. Band of Toronto. llaiikerrthe 113" The Provident Life Assurance Cour“ pan) is removed to the same oflico. Ilaviggyguarded against loss from fire by I:- suring your property. consider if it would 1161. be as well to make a little additional provision for your family in case ofyour own prematur ‘ ‘dnath :--whetl1er. it would not be as well. through the assistance of a Life Assurance Companv. to provide a legacy for your wife or, daughter. or, ifyou have notth happiness to be blessed with them. think if the possession 0 ~ a few hundred po't‘i'nds additional might not be of advantage to yourselfa few years hence. If you deciile‘that it would, write to the Maria in { Director oftbe I’ROVIDEN'I‘ LIFE ASS R- ANCE AND INVES'I'MEN'I' COMPANY 2;) Toronto Street, Toronto. for a “ Proposal ", I'Orm. and a copy of the Rates. Or, possibly. the Agent of the “ Beaver" may possess a copy of birth documents. which he can accviumodaie you with, anil'give you‘dl little information on the subject besides. .’ Agent at Richmond llillâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. March 22. 1859. 1"- t 1 Fire! Fire! I Ia‘irc' ' ' w E 371‘ 1a RN ï¬re insurance. (70111113111352. of Toronto. ' â€"â€"-..._. INCORPORATED NY ACT 01" PARLIAMRRI. {1,41’1'11111. s'ro (, 1.: £100,000. LC. Crunch, Pro» l (1120 Mtt‘iur..Vir:: l'res numerous : I 'liico Lewis. Esq. James Busty. Exo. 'r, r. ltobarts, IZJ‘q. M. Rossiu, l'lsq. 1 Bernard llnldau. Esq. Sam-Hum; .{~ 'l'rcuurer.. Angus blurrith I‘;>q.1_\.’tlllCI-t"l'. i" Ilair‘k'ofUpper Canada. Bun/Hrs. litnjamin Swim-i, 1:.sq. Inspector. 'I‘hoa Ilaworth. 331;, H. Henderson. Ln]. = \V. Macl’arlane. Esq: [IT Head (Mice. Church Street, Toronto. Cg This COMPANY lels-UI‘GS all descriptions of. ‘Buildiiigs.Il’lanufactories. Mills, the" and Goods1 and Furniture. in the same. against loss or dam» age by fire,on liberaitériiis. Losses promptly: settled; 1‘ . IJAW, Residence, ' Gener:.l Agent. Richn‘ond Eiill August 13. 1857. 210.1‘ \. Gilli link, @8th IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. 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