Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 24 Feb 1860, p. 3

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each sign the counterpart of the cheque of the licenses; also, party gives ample security for their good conduct and bar-room deco- rum. Let a real inspector, with a good fixed» salary be elected, so that the whole of his time could be given to the duties of his officeâ€" the duties of his oflice not to be merely a peeper at bed and bed- stead, but. to perainbulate his beat at all times and seasrins, to watch the indoor movements 01 taverns. and to lay humiliation of misrule against unworthy Innkeepersâ€"(the Inspecâ€" tor to be a police ct;instable)â€"â€"to haul ol’l' disorderlies, to a lock- up, order home, and to forbid the landlord supplyng more liquor to i the I‘ialf-drunkcn and quarrelsome. The thoroughly drunken to be or- DARING liUitGLARÂ¥.â€"â€"("I‘uesday) each At an early hour yesterday morning the premises of Messrs. R. &. A. Miller, stationers Yonge Street were burglariously entered by thieves, and $20 incash, a note of hand, and several old coins carried away. From the manner in which. the burglars went to work it was quite evident that they were not novices at their nefar- ious vocation. They seemed to have proâ€" vided themselves with a ladder constructed wlith ropes which they brought along' with them. They entered the latte on the north side of Mrs. Cook’s confectionary store. The ladder was then suspended by honks from the t0p of the high fence which is on the bouiiilry line between the pmperties. An enteraricc being thus ef- fected into the back yard the services of ii brace and bit were called into requisition A number of holes were burned in the door in the rear of Messrs. Miller’s store, and by brraking out the peace the lock ('19er 1191"" lll§lanllyi and ll mca‘ was forced and the thieves Were soon inâ€" Fable 0i walkmgi 1“ be removal .sidc. The drawers in the store were than home under 1'16 eye or me Inspector ransacked and the prOperty above mention- at the expense of the trinkeepe 1, if t‘tl stolen. The brace and bit used on his home be within one mile, 820. this Octtsimt were similar to those used to That no Inkeeper place a de- canter or bottle of spirituous liquor on the bar-board, untlera penalty of five pounds; but that all customers be served by measure. There ever has been a vast deal of under- hand work in granting tavern li- censes: hence the bad feeling and often vexed disputes. Surely a good house with bad inmates must be a greater scourge to the public welfare than a bad house inhabited by a lt')()"‘dl sober landlord. This sueclnt account may be startling to high tn’tagiualions, but otherwise to the sober and strong iriiu.letl. How preposterous to grant a tavern liâ€" cense to any one, sortie will claim. (‘X- t Suppose twenty omnibus-es I effect an enterance into the Grand Trtink store, Kingâ€"street, when upwards of $17.00 worth of goods were carried away. Thrre is a peculiarity about the means by which these robcries have been perpetrated which ought to be noted by the Detectives. This is the third time the same brace and hit have been used. On Saturday. a gallant rescu was effected on the river at Rochester, N. Y. The Democrat says that a boy ten or t'i'v'elvi: years old, named Charles \‘v’cbster, skated into a large air hole, where he came near drowning: Twice he Went bev heath the stirllicefbefore the eyes off. hundred spectators, none of whom dared to go to his aid. It‘inalli-y a young man named Gersham \\'iborii, arrived at the spot, boldly throwing otl‘ his coat, plunged into the Water, and swam to the. little fel- were licensed to run between I{.teli-' law. who, h). Wis mm, was emircly be- mond Hill and 'I‘t‘n‘outo, how s0on they would show signs of decay, as they found that the market was over-stocked, and soon the number would lower to the just require- ments of the travelling public.â€" The saute would be the exact case were twenty taverns licensed on the hill. Men soon stop, either through choice or necessity, in bi'isiness that won’t pay. If the number of local drunkards in this village. and the amount of money expended by them, could be fairly arrived at, it would singularly tally fora series of )‘t_‘.ll'S.â€"â€"llt‘IICC‘ the fewer the number of taverns in a village the greater the number to congregateâ€"â€" greater the forces for a row, and greater to drinking. (To be continued.) M.” ‘ I‘llli lr‘lll 13‘ IN IJRAN'I‘FORD. The following particulars in reference to the fire in .Brantford, which proved that town on Friday last, we find iii the Ilamilton Tums: «- IlitAN'rrottn, Feb. 17, 1860. The most disastrous fire which has ever visited liraiitford occurred this morning between three and tour O’clock. It origi hated in the buck premises ct McLean 61. Co. or I". llreiidoii, on Colboine street, whose pieinises adjoin each other. The fire rapidly spread, until the whole block to the easl,coiiiprisiu,_; the stores of I’. C. Allen,grocer; '1‘. Melcan 6L (30., dry goods; I“. Brendon, Ding-gist; S. Morâ€" pliy,jetveler; Cartaii 8:. Dee, groceries and dry goods; thence up Market street, tak~ ingtlie stores of l’itlcllte 8:. lr’vusseil, It. Shackcll,J. Ii‘ordt: & Bro., which were completely demoyed. The parties occuâ€" pying the upper apartments (it these stores are G. W. .‘tlallocii, barrister, Division Court Utilize; 11.,1'iacey; A' \‘Viin'vss. bookbinder; Dr. G. II. Preston; 1215. Long, barrister; \V. II. Morgan, Ind. Com.; G. It. Van Norinui, County Atâ€" torney; Gore Lodge, J. O. O. 13., and the dWelliiig-Iioust-s of S. Murphy and Dr. Sutton. In the rear of these build- ings was the Expositor office, Which, al- though nearly surrormdetl by the burning buildings, was miraculously saved with but U'Ifllt’lg loss. On the opposite side of Col- borne Street, the fire has been equally dis- astrous, commencing at the western ex- tremity of Mr. I). Stewart’s cabinet shop, which had been utterly drstioyetl; 10s» very large, probably about $5.000. Ad- sc fearfnlly destructive to joining him. are the barber shop of John-n ston, the grocery store and dwelling of Mrs. Smith, and the shop of Mr. Goodâ€" son. The next building was the large tavern of Mr. Newton, better Itnowu as Vantlerlip’s, which with the stables at- tached, are totally consumed, as well as the large wlirlesale and retail establish- ment ot‘Jas. Niiinno, Jr. at Co.,forinerly 111. \V. I’ruyn & Co. The whole 01 this range of buildings have been destroyed, and the snift rers are, G. Newton, C. Stew- art, Johnson, \thow Smithfi‘Goodson, NIrs. Kellincr, Nimmo. Jr., II. Leininon. CourierOllice,D. blcliay,saildlery store. Norwood, barber; \Vin. tVIatthews, J. P., and Orpheus Ilobinsoo, Provincial Land Surveyor. The aggregate is freely spoken of as approaching to $100,000. The insurance is only partial,sonie of the sufferers being uninsured. \Ve hear that the Royal is the company which will sus- tain the heaviest loss. The Equitable, the Plimnix, the Gore, the Mutual, the Provincial, the \chtern, and the State are the companies upon whom the great pro- portion of the loss will fall. Business in the town seems to be entirely suspended. A line of railway'neross the Aules. which would bring England Wllllln fifty days’ communication with Australia, is mooted. It is alleged that the Emperor of the French has written a second letter to the Pope, in which he tells his Holiness to re- member IIenry the Eighth, if he opposes the late propositions. numbed and exhausted. A purse of eight or ten dollars was made up on the spot and presented to Mr. \Vihoru by Georgi: .1. \I'nfsin, in behalf ofthe witness of the affair. Edward Fagan was on Saturday week, froZen to death in I’itrtou, while drtitik. In I‘lldlnlllon. on Friday, a woman named Stewart was found dead in her bed, having retired the previous evening iii a state of intoxu-alion. woman named Catherine \Velch was frozen to death while intoxicated. On Wednesday the tavern of Mr. lobert Clarke, Sharonvilln, was destroyed by lire. A part ofthe furniture was saved Loss covered by an insurance oi $1,600. The shipments from Detroit to Liverâ€" pool. 1‘t(LIIIk Grand Trunk Railway, in the month of January, amounted to 2,465 packages of meat, lard, pork, \‘v'vighing 1.010.746 pottntls,-â€"~not far from 500 tons. or nearly eighteen tons per day, direct from the \Vest to Liverpool. A. few days ago .1 young nnn named Mayltt-W. who lives on the townlirie beâ€" tween \Voodlionse and Townsend, While chopping, cutoff the fore part of one of his feet. Medical attendance being pro- cured, Iiis life has been saved. A boy named ,Lallziur a short time since escaped from the liel‘ormatry Prison Isle-atth'NOIx, to New York State lie returned to Montreal on Thursday, and was recaptured. He says when bi‘ got away from the prison he climbed a wall fifteen feet high. and crossed Lake Champlain on the floatingr ice. The Chinese are making great prepara- tions for war with England. Large sums of money are being contributed by the noble-s for the national defence; immerse nranaries are being formed, and very many cannons bought. The house of Mr. J. 11. Springle, Di‘tinimoud street, Montreal, was destroy- ed by fire on 'l.‘hurslay. So rapidly did the flvtllllf's' spread that. the family had to make their escape 1.1 their night dresses. Vl'illinm E. Boltour. a tinsmitlt of Mitchell. hung himself on the 9th inst. He. is supposed to have perpetrated the- rasb act while in a state of despondency, brought on by business failures. A boy, a native of IIonoIqu, being carried away from his home iii a whale ship. leaped from the vessel and swam twenty miles to shore. On Thursday the lumber yard of Mr Wm. Pomerov, Coburg, with his work- shop, was destroyed by fire. Loss $1,- 000. The fire at Tonawanda, which was mistaken for a fire on the lake last week was thought by the people of Coburg to proceed from the house of Hon. Sidney Smith. Stevens and I’Iazlt-tt, engaged in the Harper’s Ferry affair, have been Sentencâ€" ed to be burg; publicly on Friday, the 16th day of March next, between the hours of 10 o‘clock a.m., and 2 o’clock p.m. The following have been elected mem- bers of the Boards cf Agriculture for Upper and Lower Canada. for the year 1860. under the 12th sec. 16 Vic. cap. I 1: Upper Canada. 11. L. Denisou, Esq. E. \V. l‘liompsoii. Esq. II. lluttan. Esq. Hon. George Alexander. Lower Canada B. Poniroy, Esq. .l. C. 'I‘aclie, Esq. J. O. A. Turgeon, Esq. E. O. Cassrain, Esq. Garibaldi’s marriage with the daughter of the Marchese Raiinondi took place near Como on the 9.4«th of January. The General and his bride had arrived at Milan. Thackeray, according to a whim afloat in London contemplates a continuation of Macaulay‘s History of England. 13 in 'r n . At Richmond Hill, on Friday, the 17th inst. the wife of Mr. George Simpson, 01' a daughte‘. DIED. At Headford, ofconsumption, on Saturday the 18th inst., Mr. Ions LEAK, aged 32. In Montieal,on Thursday a i ‘ Bmuwts, .7710. "tics l t..- ‘ ' "rerto-N'ro MARKETS. THURSDAY, Feb. 23. Fall Wheat, prime, per bush. . . . $1.15 a 1 3‘2 Spring Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 96 a I 05 Family Flour. . . 5 50 a 5 .75 Superfine do ...... ........,.... 415 a420 Fancy do ....................r 4658485 Extra do 5403575 Barley.......,.._........,.,. . 0 C7 41 0 7” Rvo, nominal “ . . . ...... .. 0 70 a 0 75 Oats, “- w . . ... (134 a (I 37 I’eas......... ... ..... . . . . . . . 0135:0535 Pork.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6503 7 00 V-llny, per ton . . . . . . .... I400a2t) 'Straw, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 011 l’otaloeS, “ 0320036 Apples, per barrel“ . . . .. . . . . . . . 2 ob a '2 75 Beef, ..... 4 5n n 5 no Sheep, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 a 5 00 LBII'IIH... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 3003400 Calves,each...............--.. 40035011l Chickens . . , . . . . . . ..... 0201\030 Wool, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 ‘25 a t) 90 Sheep skins, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 01‘ u I 1'2 Beefhides, per 100 lbs . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 a 6 00 Calfsktiis, per lbs . . . . . . . . , .... . 0 11‘ a 0 10 Butter, lresli, per Ih . . . . . . . . ... (-1 18 n 0 20 L .- . “...---” _.-..- .-. -.- - firm “enhancements. HORSES WANTED. r HE Subscriber is prepared to give the high- est Cash Price for any number of good FAfitr’liltG titanith HORSES! From 4 t0 7 years of age; also, Fat Cattfe. Sheep & Fresh Miluh Cows. And will he at Nicholl’s Hotel. Richmond Hill, where he will meet parties who have the name to dispose of. every W cdnesday, from 10 tum. to 4 p.m. GEORGE MORSE. , ‘T ’1' ‘ r W ‘t Fobrttarv18,1860. 1 i' 'i I k . t FARMERS’ INTEREST. r ‘IIE Subscriber bears to intimate to the Farmers of the County of York, that he is prepared to Manufacture and Sell lll‘llll'llllli Hillllll I With the improved Draft and Coupling Irons. The above “arrows are far superior to any new in use. being made on an entire new principle. They will he found to do the work much q nickcr and better than any other Har- rows Specimens of the above may he sectt and particulars as to price ascertained. by ap- plying to the. Subscrilior,at his shop, Richmond Ill 11, who will punctually attend to all orders. SA MUEL FANDICIISON. Rich mon d I’lill . Feb. ‘24, 1860. 5-11" WALTER B. GEIKIE, M.D. .’ iciintiritr, of thi- Mrdicul Boar/I If Upper Coria- da,rnnd recently one if (Its Medical officers of the Toronto General Hrisyrtinl. and Professor (ff/11111107in and Surgery in Dr. Rnlp/i’: Mollie-Ill Se/ioot, "AS returned to AURORA, and re-takeu his former residence on Yonge Street, where he may be countlth at all times, on the various branch es of his profession. Aurora. Feb. 24, 1560. HUGH CAMPBELL, Watch and Clock Maker, JEWELER, 5w. Yonge Street, Aurora- Jewelry, Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and Iowestterms Aurora. February 17, 1860. 60-tf 552V! Iiifi'ii", N \Vcdnesday, the 15th instant, between Cliiistison’s Tavern, Oak Midge-s, and the 31(1601100551011 of King, A SIIEEF'SKIN ROBE. lined With carpet. Whoever will reâ€" turn the some to the subscriber will be re- wurdcd. ROBERT HOPPER. ’ Richmond Hill. Feb. 16, 1860. 64-1 DR. R IV. HILLARY, PHYSICAN, SURGEON 86 ACCOUCHEUB, _ , AURORA, C.‘i‘~'. February 17, 1860. MATTHEW LEI’E It Has always on II'HHI a good assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &e. «1': e. The tilillittery Department ! Will be found replete with the Newest and Most Fashionable. S \‘les 01 J‘ Capes Aurora. February 17. 1860. (it-If NEW TAILOR SHOP. ([‘IIE undersigned begs respectfully to inform L the inhabitants of Richmond Hill & Vicinity That he has commenced business in the Tailor lug Line in the house adjoining MR. SIVERS’ SHOE SHOP, \‘Jliorr-. by clown application to business and studying to please, be tropes to merit a share of public patronage. 64~1y &c. A”. OKDFRS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED T0. Germanic cut to order on the shortest notice, iii any style. JAMES B. BURI‘IES, Richmond Hill. Feb. 10, 1860. 63-ly sq ‘niH puquagu y '0981 ‘01 A«Wat CIVH ‘EIEI NVO SNUSIEI ll V H .LV 'WA’I 'OJ. (ICEItINEIJ.J.V A'IJ.<II\’O‘:I¢I SHEGHO '1er ant iiooi pin: ‘iteitt in ‘tnitt mil oi rowwm swim .t SSHNHVH l l/IlflIIlOdltlEl SSHNHVH I‘llfllltlEl dd 'NOSIHH V [-1 31‘89 'saogid ainniaunmai )QJMO] aqt 112 pun ‘aauou alqtssod isauoqs aqi n J ‘Ktapus [Jane ;0 RICHMOND HILL ~ ltttttttt hints ESTABLISHMENT ~WVWVV Vvvv‘dw vvvvvvv~ . .... ~vw~<vâ€"~~vvvvww W. H. MYERS EGS to return his sincere thanks to his numerous Friends and the Public B generally tor past favors, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of tho Patronage he has so long received ; he has now on hand a large stock of GOODS consisting in part of DOUBL it} AND SINGLE HARNESS of every description, Ladies’ and Gentleman’s SADDLES, BRIDLES and SPURS, MANE and CURRY COMES, HORSE BRUSHES and CARDS, - TRUNKS, VALTSES, 8r. Travelling BAGS With an‘en'tllcss variety of,WH1PS, and WHIP LASIIIGS, All of which will be sold at prices that will defy Competition. The Goods Manti- fartured at this Establishment have now been tried for the last five years, and, the. best proof that they have giverrentire satisfaction is, that all who have once purchased at his ptace invariany come again. COLLARS WARRANTED SAFE! Ey'ery description of Horse Clothing, Rollers and Bridles made to order. I ' A11 Worlz: War-ranted. All orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. 1021511 willbe given for HEDES and SKINS. Richmond trill, February 3, 1860. 62.1) i Cheap Clothing. HE Subscriber begs to inform the inhabi- tantsol' Buttonvillc and the surrounding country. that hoeaiitiiiues to make first-class V looms. v ‘v' Q ' v , S we have made arrangements which will . Vbé‘r‘” P"q‘/vj 8’ (Yb materially increasing our circulation. thus '1n the newest Styles and superior VVoi-kinan- rendering the " Yonx lltzttiui” the BE: '1‘ ship. All orders promptly attended to and Advertising medium north of Toronto, and as we work warranted. huye now a circulation along Yonge Street and 1 JOHN HARDY’ adjoining Townships larger than that of any I Tam“. and (“which other Journal. Now then is the time, and the g Bunonvme' Dec. 23. 1859. 554). “ YoRK HERALD ” is the Paper in which to Ad- I Verllfie ! I YORK MILLS HOTEL, l YONGE STREET. GOOD supply of “nuns and Liquons always on hand. Cigars of all brands. Excellent accommodation for 'I'ravcllers, Fai- .iners and others. A LEX. HILL, Proprietor. 55-0": JOKE W WTE would respectfully call the attention of . , _ Mmebants, Auctioneers, Ii ar inc-rs, and {York Mills, Dec. 17, 1809. others. to the fact hat we we prepared to ex- ecute JOB WORK on the FIIOI'OFI possible notice, and on the most reasonable termsâ€" For Cash Only. BIBLES T E S T A M E N T S FOR SALE. CHEAP. M. TEEFY, Agent. OUR AGENTS. IIE Inhabitants of Aurora and Vicinity are informed tha. Mr- JAMES IIOLLADAY and Mr. James Ton are authoiized to receive Sub- scription and orders for Advertising and Job Richmond Hill. P.O. January 6, 1860 \Vork. AT 03.3; RIDGESâ€"NIT. Cliristtson is our g M'W'T’M'mâ€"‘m " _ Agent. Where our Subscribers in that part Letterq Mr.. C. will ' Remaining in RICHM )ND HILL Posthlice _ FEBRUARY 8, 560. will in future get their papers also grant receipts for Subscriptions. HARNESS AND SHOE BLACKING. V. ELL’S Superior Vv’aterproof Harness o and Shoe Blacking is warranted to soften leather, and ten or it imperious to wet. Manu- factured at Richmond llili, anti sold by Store- keepers and Harness Makers throughout rho l I’rovince. February 10, 1860. Atkinson. Edward Allan, Robert Bond, John Baker. Jacob b’IilIe‘ , James hiunsliaw. Lambert Mitchell, William i‘t'lurdy, Joseph Brooks. Julia McCartney ROI)ch Cliirksoh. Margaret McLean. Robert Copla..d, ‘v’t‘illiam Neill, James Clark, ‘l'ltonias Prentiss, James 63-11‘ ’ Campbell. Peter Phillips, Henry rw~____ Davidson, J. Rumble, IVilliam Goodiellow, A. E. Rupert. E. 8. German. David Rutledge, James [‘2] O T I C E . N HIHSUXI, Robert Ross. IVIark ALL Persons indebted to the undersigned, Keg“, Thomas Sims. John L either b." N01“ 0" “00k Accoum' WI” Langstail', John [3] Snyder, Jacob please attend to the same by the 1st of March, Luomis. A. Shéppard’ Charles by 0°"llllg fmward "'“l l'nlilllll IHm and "lakll'g l Langstaff. Dr. Ja mes QVVi-isliiiigton John arrangements for the balance they will be liber- l Mammwson M”; wheeye'r' T: y [2] ally dealt with. '1 hose neglecting to attend to l ’ ankmson. Remnemv Jese h this notice may expect to be attended to. Mongol; M". Matthew P. CROSBY. M. TEEFY, P. M. Richmond 11111. Feb. 10. 1860. 63-tf TAVERN NR SALE. V ‘HE Agricultural and Commercial I‘Iotel, , Victoria Square, is for sale on Liberal Terms. For particulars apply to u. J. HARRISON. V Richmond Hill. Feb 10, 1860. 63-th THE “MONTREAL WITNESS” IS PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK AT Two Dollars Per ilnnm in Advance WEEKLY EDITION. ‘2 dollars per single copy per annum,iu advance ' “ for clubs of 4, addressed separately. ..____.,__________ 6 AFFLICTED READIL12 “ “ ‘10. u u .... 120 " for ‘20 copies to one address. E UICOPEAIV BEDICAL 110 USE l \Vhen a clttb has been formed, additions may AM, he made at the same rate. I I , f ° , . ' The terms for both editions are strictly cash Botanic flispeusm y, . in advar co, and the paper invariably stops when i 7 . ‘. . . i ' ‘ y .‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' dl, 1&th SIREN “IF-ST. l OKOhTU, C-VV. the tune BUIIS‘TIIKHI lor expires. I (No. l usuBLtsuro BY All letters. orders and remittances, to be ad- I , _ y-Dr. GOODING’ (formerly of England_( E dressed. post-paid, to , _""' JOIIN DOUGALL, Proprietor "Murmur. W’i'rivzss,” Montreal. I lLi-im Complaint, Dyspepsia. .Nervozzs ‘ chilz'ty. [Hulda/nus or “fasting 0021- l mmption, Seminal I‘I'feft/CIZCSS. Dis- enses of the Kidneys and B/(derrl' . liltmnwtism. Scro/‘rtZa, Salt Rheum flit-rcztrz'ul, Chronic Complaints, {S's NEW. SPEEDY, AND MOST SUC- CESSFUL mode of treating Anvnit'risiso,â€" l he " Montreal Witness ” being extensiver patronized by town and coun- try merchants. presents an excellent medium for advertisements. The terms for advertising are, when over eight lines, 7 cents per line for first insertion. and 3 cents per line for each ,subsequent insertion. Under eight lines 50 I and 25 cents. Atlcei'tismnmits not exceeding 7.713 "1-1." i D, No charge for Advice. , twut y jrc cents each Insertion, in. Di: Gt-OIHNG is now engaged in trentingtliis class of maladies with the most astonishing suc- cuss. The. treatment adoptt'd bv him is new, it is based upon scientific principles, with new I ‘ ‘ disoriveied remedies. without minerals or pois-, ,. .... oils The facilities ofeure are such, that pati-, O v t L T W R K S 5 ionts can be cured at their own houses without ,. ._ , expense, in any part of the country, from all IV] A LIX HAM- EVIZItY DESCRIPTION or accurate description of their case by letter, LIGHT & HEAVY WAGGONS and have the medicine sent them by mail or lVIanufactured by the Subscribnrs. Having an express. immense stock of Lumber, of the best quality generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the , _ _ “pews m- whmh aw dizziness, pains, {mgmfup l and well seasoned, and will the great'tnmhttes ,which they have in b’lacl‘inei'y, combined Wllll tress, sometimes a ringing in the ears. weak . _ ‘ IlrSI-Ct-‘tSS workmen,â€"â€"the_v can, and do make. ’eycs. weakness ofth back and lower extrcme- W , better it hushed. More Durable. and CHEAPER ties. confusion of ideas. loss of memory, with , , _ quelaLchoyy’ um). b3 cured by the New Bonnie glaciers titan any other establishment in arm! a. Remedies. COUNTR Y PA TIENTS. Medietnes with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Canada, by patients communicating their symptoms by Iottor,___ Busmess Correspondence strictly confidential, Address, , DR. GOODING, No. 51 King Street West, Toronto, C. W. ‘ Toronto, February 3, 18-60. 63 No advertisements can be inserted ofa cha- racter Inconsistent with that of the paper. NER VUUS DEBILI'I‘Y. Young men who are troubled with weakness T. SI’EIGIIT do SON. ‘ Markham Village. Feb. 6, 1860. 63-t .tho, A " Splendid I’rOperty For Sale, in the VILLAGE OF SPARTA, Ninth Concession of Matkliam, suitable for d. Tanner or Brewer, consistingr of mâ€" “ A. One ficre Lot, To ‘I‘END’ 0.“ g°°d J‘ec‘lrlllh With Two Dwelling Houses and a large Ah’O' 3" mlmense “Od‘ 0f Tannery. Seventy feet long by Thirty-six B E D S T EA D S 3 wide. with a Spring Creek running through On hand and fur Sale at the lot. Title «indisputable, and a clear Deed AW“, ,0 GFORGE BONE for $500. For further particulars inquire of Richmond inn, rm. 17,1960, “IOMAS SPUG“ l - l m. in, 1860. 64â€"6 Markham Village. | l 601g Richmond Hill, ON. 26, 1859. Our-“Musical Friend. 66 UR MUSICA u FRIEND,” a Rare Companion for the Winter Months. Every Pianist, Should procure this Every Singer, woekly Publication of Every Teacher, Vocel and Piano Forte Every Pupil, .Music, costing but 10 Every Amateur, cents a number, and Pronounced by the entire Press of the country, to be “THE BEST ANI) CHEAPEST WORK OF THE KIND IN THE. WURLD'” Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Forte M ttsic- for 10 Cents. Yearly,$5 ; H nlfâ€"yaariy,."‘3 50; Quarterly$l.9.5 Subscriber to °-' Our Musical Friend,” or order it from the nearest Newsdoaier, and yru will have Music for your entire family at. an insignificant cost ; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin. Cornet, Clarionet, Accordion &e. die subscribe tetth Solo Melodist, Containing 12 pages, costing only Cents a number; Yearly. $2 50 : Half-yearly, $1 :25. All back numbers at 10 cts.. and Bound Volumes. containing: 1.7 numbers, at. $2 50 each, constantly on hand. (I. B. SEYMOUR 3.: Co. 107 Nasrsau St.. New York Auctiora None e ., THOMAS“ 37w LSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, YORK, PEEL & ONTARIO. All letters addressed, MARRHAM VILLAGE. wil receive prompt attention. Ilj” Orders re- cvivud at the “ Ilmtami” t‘tlico. Richmond ill, where terms, &c., may be ascertained. Markham Village. Nov. 18,1859. 51-tf MAYOR’S CONDITION PHYSIQ AVD WORM DESTROYER. fl‘IlIS Splendid Medicine can be given in one Ball at any time of the year, without injury to the liaise, and has been used by the Farmers of Markham for the last two years with a success nupr' eedentcd. By the use of this remedy it will convince the owners of that noble animal the inconsistency of an unneces- . nary outlay by using Artificial food or Condition Powders, which are too well known to contain minerals highly injurious to the nietiibraiie or coating of the Stoiiiiicli. The Ball is a compound of I‘uro Vegetahe, and warranted not to contain either Mercury, Arsenic, Anti- mony or any other Mineral. Its immediate action is surprising and the ultimate etfcct has aster-5 ll‘J’I thousands. It' the Animal is out of sorts, more is a cause remove that and he is all right. Ono (lose at the cost of 2-5 cents is sufficient to cure Ilidn Bound, Loss of Appe- tite, Coughs. Colds and Ft ver, Distemper, Stoppage oi ‘v‘r’ater, Sweiled Legs, (12 rcmemnd is a complete Destroyer of Worms, 3. great puri- fycr ofthe Blood, and a good I‘ltysic, always recommended to be givonin the Spring and Fall, which willact as a provmitive and Im- prove the general condition. Makes liiiii coni- pietely up to the mark for his work, thereby giving every satisfaction the owner can require. 'l'estiinonials ol'tiio highest character will be forwarded to testify to the above if required. Cash Termsâ€"One Dollar per packet containing four Balls. Letters prepaid enclosing a. remittence. will i be promptly attended to. Printed Directions wrapped round each Ball with my signature in full, without which none other are genuine. Otiicou-Victoria Square, concession Markham, Mnnufnctoryâ€"dth T I I 031A S IVIAYO Ii The only maker of the original Yorkshire Driflield Oils ill America. 60 '3’th II \1 ON D IIILL TRON FOUNDRY. undersigned to inform the public 'IIIF. that lie has opened a FOUNDRY for the tittinufactnro of O, ltichniond‘s improved IRON BEAM PLOUGIIS, Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs= Fanning Mills, Horse Hoes, &. Horse Rakes. If!" All Work manufactured by me is W ar- ranted. IltA B. RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. Jan. 12,185‘J. 5 Good Health and Long Life MAYOR’S LONG LIFE PILLS! Are warranted not to contain any Mercury. These I’ills are composed of the most select Drugs, and being purely Vegetable, can be taken at any season ot the year if necessary, WIIII safety and Without fear of taking cold by exposure, which renders them of great Value and superior to any other llll’tllttllte ever yet oll'ered to the public The snttstactory and l’Iut- ‘ tcring testiit-onilils received by the t‘ropriotm‘, has induced him to advettise these Ilthtlllttllitfi I’ills that the public may be eonvutced of a simple and eliic ciotts thllt‘(I_\', is alone stilliei- out to subdue. and cure the ordiiizi y sickness of this country, such a-s I’flll‘S iii the Head. liack 1 It. and Lotus, all Nervous Disorders, D)S[Hf1)r~lu or Indigestion, Sottiiess ol the Throat. (Lamps, Cellos, W'oriiis iii Children. and other disor- (lots, which will be found on tte wrapper with instructions for taking ‘iteiii. Price, ‘25 Cents car/L Bozo. Sold by Druggists and general Storekeeper. who are requested not to purchase of travetdng Agents. THOMAS MAYOR. Officeâ€"Victoria Square. f\IHtIllfflCIOI‘)'-â€"4Ill Con. Markham. MUSICAL TUITION. V 1%. GEORGE F. (iltAl'IAtVI. I’ro'cssor .l. of Music and Organist, of Toronto, )aSses throuin Itichiiiontl tlill, Thornliill, doc. every Tuesday and Saturday. Coinmnnica trons left at Mr. 1i. Nicholl's Itichiiiond Hill Hotel, will recievo prompt attention. 32 Trinity Square, Toronto, January 1860. 61-tf To make Chopping Easy ! )UY Di: MO'I‘T’S warranted Cast Stee ) AXES, for Sale at the Stave Factory by {1.5; J. HARRISON. 484i“ Richmond llill, Dec. 185& .-w TGIWNTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE S'I‘ALET. MON-UIIIENTSTTI‘OMBTABLES TOMBSTONES, so. Twenty Per Cent THAN ASY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. HE UNDERSIGNEI) Assignees of the estate of D. C. & W.,YALF.. will con- tinue the business under the superiiitondenco of our duly authorized agents, Aus'rtu Anuu’. and I). CARLOS VALE. whose receipt. will be. duly acknowledged. ‘ I’,S.-â€"-All notes and accounts remaining um. paid on the Isl day of June, 1858, will be put. into Court for collection. - C. YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April ‘29, 1859. 484?. PATRICK LYNOTT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, OR the sale of Cattle, Stock, &c. is pre- pared to attend Sales in all, parts of Up. per Canada. Richmond Hill May 25. 1859. 19-2. SALE; 200,000 feet. of Lumber NCLUDING Flooring. hiding. Inch Boardl.‘ and two-inch I’laiilt. Scanning. the ,&c.. at the subscriber’s Mill. near Stouii'villc, cheap. ' for Cash or Approved Credit. JAMES BUGG. Stottii‘vi‘lle. April 152. 1359. ‘23-tf. Rt ) BERT Si Vlfltv’, Boot and Shoe. Maker, 5. DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodilt Chapel, I’onge Street. Iticlinioiiu Itill. A choice selection of tit-iilleii.eiis’, Ladies. and Ctii'rdreiis’ iloots and Slices constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- Ill‘C. llif All kinds of Siioeinnkers Findings for sale Richmond Hill, Doc. 1:358. I-tf NE W T1313 A TMEN T. Bnflltlo Medical Dispensary. itsritntisurco FOR 'rmc court or nits-Hirsu- Gammon. DEBILUY, FLVER AND Imus, SCRUII‘ULA. or.» oceans. GREAT innu- nitv 01-"IHE moon, SALT union. rturmzs, l-‘ISIULA. Bit-.tcs. Ktnsiys, minim'rr. ru-. l-‘tiutrrtrzs or room Mb 01.11 non, Jae. (If? No Mercury Used 4;; R AMOS do SON,Corner of M (III and Quay Streets, Buffalo, New York, are the only Physicians in the State who are mem- bers oi the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon. don May be consulted frotn 8 o’clock in the morning until 9‘ o’clock at night, on every state and symptom of disease. The treatment the y adopt is the result. of upwards- of 30 years’ extensive and suceouful practice in London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or nine days, and cases of a slight nature in two or three days at a very moderate expense.-- The cure effected without continementor bin- di'auce from business. Young Ellenâ€" Take Particular Notice. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood. and which. if not reformed by them in due time. not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but given rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and do- vastating ail’octions. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware at tho consequences, until they find the nervouu system shattered, feel strange and unacountm ble feelings. and vague fears iii the mind. A Most Scientific Invention. An instrument for the cure of General DQ- bility, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous nobility. &C., which are pern’iaueiitly cured in from 15 to ‘20 days by the use ot'this instrument, when used conjointlyt‘ with medicines. New Remedies and Quick Cures, Dr AMOS &. SON trike pleasure in announ- cing that they have invented a: most important instrument for the cure of the above ditto”... It has been subjected to a test by tho moot eminent physicmns in London. I’aiis, Philadel- phia and New York. It has been declared the lily useful instiunu-nt over yet invented for no cure of Seiiiinnl \Veaknesn, or any disich t" the genital organs, caused by the were! iabits at youth. Dr. Amos &. Son, in order to satisfy ttho l‘IOrt skeptical as to the merits of them instru- nents, pledge theiiiseivw. that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactur." after: lair trial. the money will be refunded by r.- tarning the instruiiioiit in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument will observe. that the price, with the accom- panying directions, securely packed and lent by mail or express, is ten dollars. Beware of 1m posit ion. Be ivare of oinpirics and itinerant self-ntylod professors, who .t'r'l‘EMPP CUKES, but never succeed. Dr Attics & Son have for a long serial of years been engaged in an extensive practice in the tioiitiiieut oi these dnlicate complaints, and are the only legazly qualilied I’Iiysieinns who now advertise to cure certain ciiitlpltlluts, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. l’nnsons IN ANY PART or Tut: VVORID may. be successfully treated by forwarding: a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for; Medicines, Jet: . which. Will be returned with the utmost dispatch and secure front obscra yahoo. 7 Address Dr. AMos & Sort, corner Main and Quay streets. Iinri‘alo. N, Y. 1436-1); DR. s. N. PECK, ‘tUllGI‘ION Dentist. will be at llall‘s Hotel. t, Markham Village, on the 24th, 25th and 16th of each month. I‘eoih extracted free. Teeth Filled, each 250w. Dentistry done cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pro. vuices. Approved eiedit will be given if re-. quired All Work Wurrantod. Juno 3;), 1853. 31-1} YONGE STREET HOTEL, L\ GOOD supply of ‘W'ines and Liquor]. L _ always on hand. Excellent Aecvmlnm dation for I‘ravellers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. D. McLEOD. Proprietor. Aurora. Juno 6, 1859. 25-Iy -.- --.. -..._.__.___. J A MES HALL, AS always on hand a large assortment of i BOOTS and SHOES, which will be sold at prices to meet the times let! Cheaper

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