Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 16 Mar 1860, p. 3

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.__- r..._ .4- FIRES ’DURING THE YEAR. 1859 â€"â€"'â€"THE FIRE BRIGADE. (Fromtho Toronto Leader.) The Chief Engineer of the Fire Bri- gadepresented his annual report to the city Council last night. The document is a very lengthy but interesting one, con- taining much useful information and throw- ing out valuable suggestions for the greater protection of the citizens and their pro- pcrty from fire. it will shortly be printed for circulation. From the copy laid be- fore the Corporation we make the follow- ing abstract : There were, it appears,during the year forty-seven fires and forty-five false alarms. Of the fires there were 20 the cause of which was not known; 12 incendiary 3 I5 accidental. Of the false alarms, there there were 21 arising from burning chim~ neys; 12 from shouting in the streets ; 4 from fires out of the city; 2 from bonfires, and 6 fromtrivial accidents. The total number ofbuildings destroy- ed of all kinds was 86, and damaged 39. On these thelsss as nearly as could be as- certained was $52,940, the insurance on which amounted to 544,620. The loss of goods contained in the-buildings destroyed or damaged was $10,450, wluch Were in- sured to theexteutof$17,344.- It should be observed that while several of the suf- ferers by fire had no, insurance on their building and goods, others were insured for far more than the amount of their loss. . With regard to the supply of water, ' much improvement has been noticed with- in the past year in the promptitude with which water has been obtained at the by- drants at such fires as have occurred witlr~ in a I"‘:unnnlile distance" therefrom. The practice, however, of shutting off the sup- ply from the city on 'l'uesdays and Fridays and the nights following is still continued ' and likely to continm- so long as the feed- er and supply .rnain” is one and the some. The amount paid caiters and others for ’ "water delivered at fires M‘as $474 30; a large portion of this was for pnmtums for the first, second and thirdpuncheons. The CIlit‘I Engineer then rennrks on the advantage'ofa fire alarm telegraph, which in cities where it has been introduc- ed would not (many consideration be now (Ilspt‘nsetl with. The cost of connecting by telegraph the St. Andrew’s Market, Berkeley street engine house, EliZabeth street engine house, Knox‘s Church and Bay street engine house, or as mary po- "'lice stations, with a central station, would not excel-d $1.100. The apparatUs is very‘simple and the expense of keeping it in‘ordrr would be Very trifling. The necessity of a prompt and proper alarm being given on every Occa1ion of fire is next considered. \Vere the mem- bers of the fire brigade, remarks Mr. Ashfieio‘, confident that when their services Were'reqnired the alarm would be sound- ed, many 'of the false alarms that are of ouch frequent occurrence, to the great an- noyance of the citizens and injury of the origin. 5 and other apparatus of tho Brigade, would be avoided. In ,order to give a prompt aln-lu it mould be. necessary that there should be a- hellâ€"towor in a central locality. The Bay street on inc-house is 'n'very eligible’site and would also afford the foundation and first thirty feet of the building. The eXpense of such an under- taking would be. comparatively trifling. and . ifcarried into effect might well be classed with the best rconomy of the year. The remainder of the report is devoted to statistical tables, showing in detail the description of buildings destroyed or in- jured by fires, the names of the owners and occupants thereof, the amount of loss co and insurance, together with the names ’ of officers and members of the Brigade. ______ M._I_~i ‘â€" w-m COUNTY COURT AND. COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS. (From the Globe.) The Court opened yesterday at the usual hour, Hon. S. B. Harrison presiding; R. Machell Esq. M. Lepper. E-q., Rice Lewis., and XV. J. Mitchell, Esq., As- sociates. CHARGE OF HORSE STEALING. Jas. McDarmid, an Cold man about sixty years of age, was arraigned on a charge of horse stealing. He pleaded “ not gulls ty.” Prismmr was a member of the once notorious “ Markham gang,” and there are several other charges against him for horse , stealing. Hts HONOUR agreed to transfer the case to the coming Assizes, as it is ex- expected that several other indictments will be preferred against McDarmid at that court. ' ’ . A dreadful murder was perpetrated in '- Cincinnati last Week. A man named Patrick h/IcIJIugh, with his wife and two children, were visiting at a friend’s house. The wife, refusingtcfgi-ve her husband the liquor hedesircd, placed his arm round her neck, as iffor the purpose of embracing her and cut her throat with a razor, killing her instantly. V TORONTO MARKETS. THURSDAY, March, 15. Fall Wheutfi-uThope was about 4.000 bohls do- livorod, The highest figure paid woo 3| 43; Prime loads ruled affront $1 35 to SI 43', good from $1 30 to $1 35 and common and interior from $1 20 to $1 ‘28. Spring Wheatâ€"Tho outiro delivery. which omountod to 550 bobs. wont. off at from St 08 to $1 10. _ ' - ~ Dowâ€"There were 1.000 brhls on the morko which went off at from 35c to 37¢ per bohl. agitey._200 bohls brought from We to 65¢. per :efi.â€"2.100 bshlo brought from 60c to 63 por 8 o Clover Seed â€"is not quite so firm. 100 lots gli‘hgul hands to day at from $4 75 to $5 per Flour.â€"-.Super:fino No. 2 sold at $4 40 to 4 50; No 1, $4 70 to $4 80; Fancy. $5 20 to 5 40; Extra. $5 75; Double Extra. $6 to $6 25. Hay and Shame-{Photo was a good supply; $12 to $18 for Hay, $6 to $9 for Straw per ton. Pototooa.â€"'I‘here is a fair supply which gooo ofl’ freely at from 30c to 35c por bshl. Buttonâ€"Fresh is s Containing one fifth of an Acro of ‘Lond, with o connnodious Houso thoroon. 4 Village I ate in Aurora. survey drawn by R. Lynn. D P.S.. viz : quarter ocro . 7. one quarter ocro. ' tonne. 0n the principal Streets of Aurora, bolongin Juno 3.1859. "A! LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, MARRIED. By tho Rev. G. S. J. Hill. at the residence of tho brido'o father. on Thursday. the 8th inot. Mr. Thomas Fonby Boynton to Mioo Ponnoy. third daughter of Goorgo Monkman , qu. both of Markham. On Saturday. the 3rd inot. by tho Rov. Mr. Garner, at Victoria Square. Mr. John Stork to Miss Mary Ann Moore, both of Hoodford. hem ahhcrttomeuto. LAND FOR SALE HE Subscriber is instructed to offor for Solo the following Lands :â€" Tho south half of Lot No. 6, in tho ‘7th Con. of Earl Gwlllimbury, Containing 100 acres. about 40 Clearedâ€"with comfor.ablo Log House. Barn and Woll ot good water. The remainder is covered with Valuable Pine and Hardwood Timbor, old will be sold a. good bargain on liberal terms.â€" Application may be made to tire owner. Thoma. Brodie, Lot 25, 2nd Con. King, or to tho Subscriber. . ALoo, The west half of the north half of Lot No. 3. 1n the 3rd (301:. of Mlsourl, Contliuing 50 Acres of valuable Land. with on Excellent Mill Site Will be sold Choop. for Coob. l Thou-on. ALSO, The north half of Lot No. 13, in ilk. let cool. OF SYDENHAM, Containing 100 Acres of choice Lond.â€"-woll Watorod and in a good locality. and will bo sold on liberal terms. use, A Village Lot 2 On Temperance Street. in tho VILLAGE OF AURORA. Woll odoptod for tho re-idonco of o. gontool family. Auo. Tho following Belonging to R Mocholl, qu.. on tho “on of Lot No. 1. wool. of Railroad. 2nd rongo, olo Lot at tho hood of Road. botw-oon Lot: 6 old Lot No. 9. 2 nd rongo, one quarter oero. Lot No. 17, lot range, ooo quortor ocro. All of which will bo sold chcop and on liborol .â€" Amo, A number of Village Lots! to John Mosley, qu.,â€"-wi|l be sold choop on: on liberal tormo. Apply to [if by letter. post paid] W. MOSLEY, Land A gout and Convoyoucor. Aurora. March I, 1850. ‘ ' ‘thh A TENT Eovo Troughs and Water Spout! superior to tin. put up at 5 mid 6 cont. )3? foot ; also. Drain I'ipoo. Soosonod Siding, udder-o. Shingleo,l’ickot Gates, Waggon Fol- lows and Hubs, Borrol Heading, ond Turilng’ ’ in gonorol Monuiocturod and for sale by JOHN LANGSTAFF, STEAM MILLI, 'I‘flollllt.t.. No. 644, b EETS at WM. DuROSE’S HOTEL Victoria Squaro. the loot Friday on» in; in ooch month. OI‘I'ICKRI ELECT 2 THOMAS SNOWDON. Mutor. JOHN BUTTON. Dopnty Master. HENRY RICH. 'I‘roasnror. ALFRED READ. Secretary. Victoria Squat o. May 7. 1859. “.1 N OTIC E. LL Poroons indebted to tho undorsiguod no Book debts contracted on or beforo tho first day of Soptomber. 1858, will plouo to come forward and settle on or before tho 15th dov of April next. and thoroby oovo oooto. Tho firm having been changed sinoo tho first mot-u tionod periodâ€"ol-o, all notos duo and not paid . or renewed by that time will be loft in bio At. tornev’o hands for collection. so Iiutond loaving ' " l d. f" M“ w . n. MAcnrzt.t.. - Machollo Corners. Aurora 28th Fob. 1860. ch-W. W '0981 ‘or Imam ‘tcrt mate WHIHOclltEl s§itii§rin name at SNOSIH H V“ tIlV '01. astronaut! mmwoua sumac 11v 115% ll”! W ‘lPAt lid ‘llolh 199M 01 P9139119“ 1m[it’ll ‘50 I[and “grammar Juno; sq; 12 purifootiou alqtssod 1533.10qu up a) ‘fzayu [son “3 lSSHNHVH 'NOSIIDIY [I 'NA’L { nâ€"ss HUGH CAMPBELL, Watch and Clock Maker, JEWELER, &c. Yonge Street, Aurora» lb. ' ' ~cm° “ from we ‘0 90° P" Jewelry. Wotchoo and Clooko ropoirod old Rogerâ€"Fresh from wagono 15c to 17¢ por dozen. clooned on the shortest notico and lowoottor‘mo Aurora, February 17, 1899. ‘9‘! ‘ common. ‘ An ordoro attended-to with promptitudegand Work warranted i Thrusts Village, Jan. t, 1859. ___ N”! mam-mm . .. ’f NEW STORE Wau‘onvrn ~W,’W ~ A WW-w‘m/ ‘MWWWVW VM . ‘HE Undersighed begs to call the attention of his Friends and the Public gol- craily to the fact that he has opened a NEW STORE in the above place, which will be found replete with a large and splendid assortment of llllllll'lllllll fillifllllll, llllY [llllllli [illllfllllli PURE LIQUORS, Wl’NES, BRANDIES, fiARDWARE, ORQQKERY», ages W hich be isprepared to, Sell on most rear. .1 Jle terms. Parties, before purchaoin elsewhere, will find it an advantage to Call a .4 con.‘ :tre Prices. Clothing made to Order- Qn the shortest Notice. FRANCIS PLEBS. Buttonville, December ‘23, 185.9. 5541 m, - PAILSQEA} BUCKETS IF you arc wishing a GOOD, DURABLE and EASY WORKED REAPER! Porchooo from the long Established and Well-known firm of PATTERSON & BRO. MESEhWM. (let one mode wholly from IRON, with FLEXIBLE'FINGER BAR, which will eut~cqually well on Rough or Smooth ground, from PATTERSON I BRO. Would you have your Haying done Cheaply, Easilyâ€"with Neatness, and in Good ‘ I f h _ I‘ll" I The" "cu": 0"“ 0 t e As they are allowed to be the best ever made, and. as he has a large stock on hand, g be will sell them at unprecedented low Prices. All orders by letter, prepaid, sent to. was IRON FRAME, STEEL CUTTER-BAR, and ,SELFELEARING B““°“'l“9t [‘0‘ "i" "393‘" NW." al‘en‘i°fi~ GUARDS that never were known to clog, manufactured by PATTERSON Qt BRO. Arc tborc Stumps on your Farmt If so, do not fail oo procuro immediatcdly one of thooo .. IMPLEMENTS, movo anything on the earth, or out the earth, that .ony; reasonable man can desire to movo”; ond,179 good, respectable Farmers in Canada stand ready to cndoroc the ototcmont. To be had at the Iron Works of _ , PATTERSON .1 BRO- YIHE Subscriber begs to call the attention qftho Public to the fact that be is Io your Ground infested with foul weeds? Remember the ' ' prepared to make first-ciao [ANN MILL, CCNSTRUCTEII 0N SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES l W G 8 Also, a new and i , Which will “ scpcratc Wbeot‘ from Tares,” and render your Seed pure and clean, Monufoctu‘rod at ' , PAT PERSON do BRO S. CLO]: . Which every Farmer ought to possess, and FLOWS. with Steel Beams, mwmw-tanHMWMhmmn PLOVVS, with Crooked Rooms. At the shortest notice, and at the lowest remunerattng prices. Those requiring real substantial and good \Vagzons, Buggies, Sleighs, Agricultural Implements, &.c. will find it to their advantage to call. ‘ l . ' â€"-â€"â€"â€"--â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"--v--»~w â€"â€" m ~A - â€"â€"â€"~»~~~-â€"â€"â€"n-â€" ' ~ A~â€"~~.â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"--*:::o 0. «- . GOOD PAIL is a domestic necessity and superior BUCKETS are much in demand. The Subscriber begs to, inform the public that he is prepared to, manufacture any quantity of first class ’PAILS and SAP BUCKETS,hoving ' recently made several Additions and IMPROVEMENTS TO HIS ESTABLISHMENT, By which he is. enabled to make better FAILS, of every size, and SAP BU CKETS and ocll them CHEAP ER than any other House in Canada. He would especially call the attention of Farmers and others to his or if prejudiced in favor of a JOHN AMOSS, Lot No. 11, 2nd concesoiou. Markham, Decemberi23, 1859. 55-3ru w“-_.v.~. _ _. _.__c _.-._ W, . W WAGGONS, &o. MANUFACTURED AT THORNHLL. If you wioh FLOWS, with Cast Booms, FLOWS, with Wooden Beams, PLOWS, with \Vrought Booms, Lop Furrow FLOWS, Green Sword FLOWS, Centre Draft FLOWS, J. HOLMES. Sub Soil PLOVVS, Thoruhill, October 21, 1859. 474m Crossing FLOWS. -"â€"~ ~--~â€"~-â€"â€"â€"â€"-~-- â€"-‘~-~â€"â€"~«~ . -r~-z:;;.;.:;.:::_.x_, ' w 0 0 Gang FLOWS, Letters ' * “‘0 S' M $1 ‘0 amnion in tucuruonomnt. Postthco FARMERS INTEREST. FLOWS, for $1290, MARC , W, FLOWS, for Syd”. ' "E‘srtlbacripo; in s to intimate to tho ’ f 15 00 . “5° '- ° WM." f Y R. th ti ‘ 1"" S’p‘i‘lciwé. :1. $18.00. that his... £1323; trio‘s... "- to when?" «31? an" PLO “78, for $2290, Andorohn. Miller Long'ofofi'. J. jnr. [5] G. “ Allou. Susan Munshaw, John Maughor, Mio C. Miller, Jomos (2) Mutdy, Joseph Munsliaw, Lambort llTATlllll llllllllflWS l With the improved Draft and Coupling Item. The above Harmows are for ' I . . on error McMahon. Miss Mary now in use. being made on ariJ entirdorfon: McDonald, John principle. The will he found McKinzte. Jul. Junta much quicker niid better than tiiiydbtlidi Nolan. Jamel rows Specimens of the above mnv be soon Notll.Jamos and particulars as to price ascertaino'd by op- Newton , Andrew plying to tho Subscriber, at his shop Richmond Nolan. Jamel Hill. who will punctually attend to Jill orders. ' O’Brien. Ann ‘ 1 Phillips, Miss a. 52] SAMUEL SANDLRSON. PATTERSON a one. $33,325 ,,, Temp HORSE-POWERS, with Threshero, . Boynon. all...“ TREAD HORSEâ€"POWERS, with Threshers and Separators, Booth. Jame- TREAD HORSE-POWERS, with Throshers, separators and Cleaners, 313%“; gag" Circular Wood Saws, Chmpboll. Alox. [2] Horse Rakes, Root Slicers, Craig, Peter Scumero, Horse Hoes, Rood Scrapers, D°W°f°°b “Wm” Cultintors, Straw Cutter-o, Duncan. William Groin Crushers, Dflmcks' Jon“ Seed Drills, Doncy, John Elgio, Mr. a... a... g... Elliott, Miss Mory Ann Russell. Wm. [2 Richmond Hill. Fob. 24,1860. 5... ‘ T b d h Foggin. Miss Jane Ross. Morh m.“ ° e I“ u l e ! graham, Miss Sarah Stewart. Samuel 0r Arc --â€"~â€"-â€"-â€"-o. . I Horpngrgrh William stthpr M i or PATTERSUN & BRO. uiitf’ii. n' °°" 3.3331531... [91 BIBLEB Hooslop. Mio- Juno Hyooy. John (junior) Hiooon, Robort [21 Hornor. Elias Hunt. William Hordv, Somuol Johnson. J. Jonkins. Jamoo M. Kioowoll, Chorloo Livoly. John Simpson, Wm. Snyder. Jacob Simpson. Jamoo Taloy. Patrick Temple. Compton. I.O.G.T. Trench, Tilly Trench. Robert Trench. Matilda Vaughan. Ann Richmond Hill, Canada \Vest, March, 1860. 67-4.. W RICHMOND HILL ' mmrmmnnmmmn VMHVVW~WV~ y vu- u‘ «V‘Moâ€" m~wvwW TESTAMENTS FOR SALE. CHEAP. M. TEEFY. , . Lowronco, James jun. Walker, Elizabeth M. ‘N. S Longotaff. John oonr. White. Mosoo . " o H o Y E E Land, Richard woods, Jam” IL Richmond Hill. P.O. Loggo. Mro. James Wood. S. S. January 6, 1860. and} BEGS to return his sincere thanks to his numerous Friends and the Public generally for past favors, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of Lund,wm, Lowronco. Chorloo Looomio, A. walker. Knthorino tho Patronage he has so long received 3 he has now on hand a large stock of GOODS Wilson, Richard consisting in part of DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS of every description, Ladies’ and Gentlemcn’s SADDLES, BRIDLES and SPURS, MANE and CURRY COMBS, HORSE BRUSHES and CARDS, TRUNKS, VALISES, 8t. Travelling BAGS With an endless variety of WHIPS, TAVERN FCR SALE. [LIE-Agricultural and Commercial Hotol, Victoria Square. is for sale on Liborol , Terms. For particulars apply to. CHESLEY’ H. a. J. uanmsorv. Richmond Hill. Feb. 10, [860. 63-“ M. TEEFY. P. M. W*_..._ m...â€" .._._-..__ E. J'. STOCK BROKER. Land & Municipal Agent, &c. and WHIP LASHES’ No. 29 Anne Street. or Box 54. P.O. Quebec. All of which will be sold at prices that will defyCompetition. The Goods Monu- Rnnucm , 5mm? Jarvis. Hm, Geo,” fuctured at this Establishment have now been tried for the last five yoaro, and, tho Shemood, Hon. P. M. Vankoughnet. C. J. best proof that they have given entire satisfaction II, that all who have once purchased Compboll. an- T- Woodside. Esq- Moss"- “ hi. phce invuiably come again. Gilmour. Couloon & Co. Angus Morrison. M,P.l’. Toronto; Messrs. Mills, Moltico 6L COLLARS WARRANTED SAFE! Co. Montreal; Hon. James Patton. Barrio; James Webster. Esq, Guelph. 67-tf Every description of Horse Clothing, Rollers and Bridles made to order. E 411; Work Warranted. Quebec Government Agency. All orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. usmgsg connect... Wm. the CROV‘JN LAN!) and other Public Deportmonto Cash b0 givcl‘l for alla ottondod to;olso, r Richmond um, February 3, 1860. 62.1, Patent“ for If“ mum", Secured by tho Subscriber, Addrooo. propllid. Iii. J. CIIESLEY. ADVEETISE. S we have made arrangomonto which wil materially increasing our circulation. thdo rendering the “ You: IlEnALQ” the BEST Advertising medium nOrth of Toronto, and so wo. have now a circulation along Yongo Strootond adjoining Townships larger. than .that of on} other Journal. Now then is the time, and tho " Yon: Hanw ” is tho Paper in which to Ad: rent" 3 NOVELTY WAGGON WORKS .,"“"”°S’§332;§. M ARKHAM VILLAGE. Every Description of LIGHT AND HEAVY ’WAGGONSl Manufactured by the Subscribers. Having an immense stock of Lumber. of the boot quality and well seasoned, and with the great facilities which they have in MI! cheap Clo-thin“ chino: combined w' I - , __ " 3th HE Subocfibor be 5 to inform the inhabi~ y, rt 1 first classhzlgpzkfinflgblcthgdoan, and do make better It mi , T mm of Buuonveno and the, surrounding country. that ho‘continuos to make first-.class “V q l" ; I i 'Ip h %% “bl "ht hi hi h E COflTS. VESTS, PJUV'TS, &c. Than any other stablishment in Canada. WE would respectfully call the attention of Merchants. Auctioneers. horrnoro. and others, to the fact that we are pro arod to ox, ocuto JOB WORK on tho shor'oat possiblo notice, and on the most reasonable torture FQI‘ Cash 0111?- OUR AGENTS. DR. D. E. SEYMOUR. uoumorwrmc Buvcrcux, MAIN til-'1‘" NEWMVARKET, 11.0. 65-1 HE Inhabitants of Aurora and Vicinity oro inforde the. Mr. JAMEs HOLLADAY and Mr. ionns Ton are authorized to receive Sub: script and orders for Advertising and Job Work. I Ar OAx Emacsâ€"Mr. Christtson is one Agent. Whore our Subscribers in that port will in future got thoir poporo MrmC. will the grant receipts for Subscriptions. . V In the newest Styles and superior Workman- ohip. All orders promptly attended to and work worrontod. JOHN HARDY. ' . ' _ Tailor and Clothior. 1" ngIGHr 8 801166 . Bottoovillo, Dec. 23. 1859. 55‘1y

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