Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Mar 1860, p. 3

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fits, and on ordinary Occasions when an "at, hand to watch her. On lllt‘. night in ' :question she was left to take care of two young children who were sick with the 4‘ i I R measles, while her father and mother, ' ‘_,De Lave, Blondin‘s rival, has been in itiiiis‘ Plank Road. Apply to " Bicll‘t'nond‘llill, March 532, 1860, ‘ fiO-tf: -nyw-... ~-s ... .. .-,-.. -M _ .‘._ , - , . I V heaviestof the " many; forcible arguments” ll. ,. . would requiromaiiy such to weigh a pound 11 Troy. “ Accomodation for the public must be I ._ I had; and‘ is most needed. precisely in those lo~. uliti’os that could not afford to pay such high rates. Just lookfat the confusion that willow. ""9- 011° T°wnshlP “(‘5 $80 {0" lisllcmls‘? r53: HE Examinacion of the Common School another only $40. I Department will take place on FRIDAY, . _ . ltlio 39th inst. commencing at 10 o’clock am. Here let me remind‘ you of a rule in logic : ' , l . . , . i On TUESDAY following. the 3rd day of which says that in. an argumelh the concmswn 3 April next. the Grammar School Department should embrace nothing not included in tho 1, will be examined. Examination to commence premises. You speak of “ accomodation’s for till 10 O’ClOCK. n-m- ' . . . , ’ . , ,' l ' the pubhc,” an moreaso of the “cause fee was . I'ho Eaieiits and Guardians of the l upils and . the Public generally are invuod to attend. ROBERT ROGERS. Headmaster. licensed to sell intoxicating drinks,” which are 1 Richmond Hill. March 21, 188.0. 59â€"1 very different things. We are aware, Sir, that the friends of the Temperance Reform have in RlN'l‘ING TYPES. AND ALL OTHER, many “spec‘s come short of their dun. But Printing Materials, are kept in large ' - - - . 'ties and sold at the lowest prices. for their rootest faults do not consnit ii their . "1mm" ' _ g I We ‘six months’ notes or cash, at Bruce’s New “m agitation regarding. tavern “conse- The” 1York Ti'po Foundry. Roman fonts of the great shortcoming. in. my opinion, is. that thev modern styles are always on the‘slielves, ready often, forget to bring their temperance Principles lioggggrigdime deliver.“ 1“ fouls cf from 66 w ’ S- Nine cents will prepay the postage on a pamphlet of “Priced Specimens of Fonds." RICHMOND HILL not asked for houses of “ accomodstion for the pubiic,” but “ houses of public accoiirodation ~tothe,Jpolls.vvlieii our Township councillors are l elected. If the late notion of the friends of wases pnrile as you say, there would l and other sheets. which will be mailed to all not have , been such comrnotions amongst the printing offices sending me" their address. .Jiquor vendors and their friends as we have late- Any publisher of; a newspaper .wlliolohooahol ‘ . i - . 'to publish this at vettiseinent. we 111 um t is ._ . L i b b’ seen. neither would their otgans be so promp “We. [brag times bofure the first day pf July. Fl“ ch'll'gl’c“w-7’w“'I/“urcr’tfl ism" in danger- 1860. and forward me one of the papers con- ?With one more remark I hasten to conclude. lainh‘g n‘ Win be allowed his m" at the “me - of making a pvrchnse from me of my own You Charge Others with not putiiig into force 1 manufactures, of five times the amount of said the laws that be. You say you are a friend of l blil- Addie” GEORGE BRUCE, temperance. Let me ask you what you have ! Type Found” 13 Chambers sheet N'Y done regarding these laws. Remindiug you of; III “(haying 1 close. “ First castthe beam 5..., l _ _ A """ fl " 1am. dear Sir, ' 7" I i ‘ Yours verv trnlv ’r EN DERS will be received at C. E. Law- . ) ". ~ rence’s. Lot 42 first concession of Van. “{0}”qu ION' glinn. until the lst of, May next, to Raise the School-house in Section No. 3. in the 2nd con- : cessioii of Vanghan. and to put under tho “" ' '~ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ - ~ ----- ~ 'building a STONE FOUNDATION win. ‘ A “7.03st {OASTED ALIVE___ Brlck Work thereon, to the height 'of 3 foot 10 . . , . ' .l . * 41’ e are pinned to learn that on luesday mp] ,0 1,0 Lathcd and Plastered inside. Vaughan, March 13th, '93:). night of last week a young Woman aged The Carpenter weik Co'iisists of Putting in 'aboiit 20 years, daughter of a farmer the Juists, Laying the Floor, Siding the Build - Lnamed Egan, MD Few,” on the Swamp ,,,g_ mining in die “indows., I,Makiiig the Rodd Uramlnm mp, hm. ch am under Desks and beats, With other itcpairs which Wlli . . . i a , . A . . be seen in Plans and Specifications at C. E. yexcccdiiigly» distressing)r cii'eunistaiices. [,nwroticg‘sor'l‘liollins Bootliby’s The dt‘CCBSL‘d. we are told, was subject to C. E. LAWRENCE. THOS. BOOTHBV, attack came on, some person was generally Vaughan, March 22, 1860. 69~5 3 Trustees. ___z_ \btting‘ thoroughly fatigued witliincessant watching, lay down to procure a little rc- plosc'. During this time, it, is supposed, society, will be given by he young woman was attacked by a fit, ' ‘ ' i ’ ‘ V ‘and lrll beau foremost into a large tire that ; [Ji‘l . was burning in one of those open fire-l “m Lemmd Bhuksm'th'm places" so common in. thc’couiitry; and Ambler’a Hal-1, , Lecture, in connection with 'ihe'EiChniond Hill Mechanics' Institute and Debating ‘liéing unable to make any alarm, was ‘ Richmond “i”, 0n the Evening of i-iifi‘ocatcd: About daylight. her horrified Y, 2, 1860, iarents found'li-r stretch: ' x ‘ I p p i Id lifeless in the SUBJECT : fluor Where she had fallen. her head burn- 'The Dignity & Comforts of Farm Life. ad aria/id"! 50 ii -' :z -‘ '. t L, l iriihli i muse oi Tick“... 153 cents: to be had of Messrs. death has not couie‘ within our'knowlcdgc ‘ Falconbridge' Cwsby, T686... Myers, wheel", for manL'gl dunâ€"St. Catharina; Con- iffurrison and at the Harald O-tlice. t "““""0”“‘- Lecture at haltpast Seven. ‘ A p l Richmond Hill. march 1860‘." .. _'[‘ii_s,1?niscr. or WALES COMING IN ' ‘ ' ' b SE-f'rllt‘, Court Journal makes the ' ,i '7 ‘1 following, ziimmincmncut :-â€"â€"â€"“ \Ve believe we are warriiiiteil’ in positively asserting 7 {balms Royal Highness the Prince Of HE Subscriber is instructed to offer for Wales will take his departure for Canada Sale the following Lands 3‘- tiic latter end of May or the beginning of The south half of Lot no. 6, in tho {tulle}!llil‘ilc'llflllitiswqf the Stillcltlla‘t willl‘ Con. 0f, Ea‘t Gwiuimbury, a ten In r0) a “5) mess, am t )6 (em! 3 Containing 100 acros, about 40 Clearedâ€"with vlS‘lf~.Allflve not yebbeen settled, conlfor-ublo Log House. Bum and \anl 0, “mug” “’0 he‘ll “18 156N020”. 91 gun ves- good water. The remainder is covered with Icl has been fixed upon for the helior of Valuable Pine and Hardwood Timber, and will be sold a good bargain on liberal terms.â€" Applicalion may be made to the owner. Thomas ' . . ' ' , _ Brodie Lot 25, 2nd Con. King, or to the ,Burglarics al‘t getting common in Ham Subscr'ibor. iltqn. The stories of 'l‘. N. Best and C. I “My Foster have bcrnrobbcd. From the for- The “.08, ha” gm”, “0,”, 1mm, Lo, No_ 29 nicr five watches were stolen, from the latter, three coats belonging to workmen. conveying the prince. 111 the 3rd Con. of Misouri, Containing 50 Acres of valuable Land. with an walking on a rope thrown across Clmtuum . Exgeuent: M111 Site "We, to the Naliuuul Theatre) New York. Thereon. VN ill be solo (. heap, for Cash. ” . - , ALSO ‘ Professor ‘iVise offers to go to Europe ' ffi'd balloon iftlie Boston Board of Altlur- The north hallof LUt NO- 13. in tho men will pay the expenses, which he csti- lst CON. 0F SYDENHAM, W“? at $9900 Mr' La Owlounmm Containing 100 Acres of choice Landâ€"well 0m?” to d0 It for $4,000. watered and in a good locality. and will be ,_ i sold on liberal terms. _ _ w . _-.. H -M. .._._-_‘ , , , BI it '1‘ H S. ALSO, ' ’xAt the Oak Ridges. on the lst inst.. the wife A '- of Mr. James Le gg_ jun” of a daughter, On leinperance Street, in the At4th concession Markham, on the 15th ‘ ‘. ' - _- r . l . . |Coiitiiining one fifth of on Acre of Land, with ill,“ ° {ho Wife or Mr. I‘homub Mg) 0" Of a son' {a ceininodiouu House thereon. Well adapted for the residence of a genteel family. MARRlED. At Maple. by the Rev. Dohald Ross. on the ALSO. 15th instant. Mr. Jenn McE/icnrun to Miss Many, eldest daughter of Donald Cairns. Eeq,. both of the township ofVaughan, The following 4 Village I ots in Aurora. Belonging to It Macliall, Esq. on the Plan of WW , . .1 ' ' - - .. .. , ,, r _ .survoy drawn by R. Lynn, D RS. Viz . " TORON TO MARKETS. Lot No. I, west of Railroad. 2nd range, one quarter acre. - ' ’ ' Lot at the head of Road, bett’vecn Lots 6 and THURSDAY, March, 22. 7. one quarter acre. Fhlf Wlt'bn't.-Tli'ere was about 720 bshls do. Lot No‘ 9' 2 "‘1 Hug”! “"6 quarter “cw‘ iiv'ored. 'l be highest figure paid was $1 25; Lot No. 17, lstrange, ooe qna‘gter acre. Prime louds- ruled at from $1 34 to $1 37; end ' . s ' from $130 tog” 35wng common and inffflor tillng which \‘l ill be sold cheap and on liberal fr'oni $1 20 to $12K. ’ . Spring Wheat.â€"'l‘lie entire delivery, which i i amounted to 380 bshs, won. all qt from $1 00 ALSO, ‘9 $1 “5- - - A number of Village Lots .’ Dataâ€"{I‘liei-eiivere 750 bshls on the marke . . Q ‘ . -. ‘Whi'c‘h Went ofl’ at from? 35c to 37c per bshl. 0” the prmmpnl fun” (if ’Auror?’ bolongmb’ Barl‘ey.-‘~2t)0 bsh‘ls brought from (306 to 65c. per to 39h“ Mosh)" qu"â€"w'”'be 50 d elm”) “d bslil..- V on liberal tcrins. J Essaâ€"430 bslils brought {mm 50c to as p... Apply to [If by Man post rind.) bshl. W. MOSLEY, Clever’S‘eed â€"â€"is not quite so firm. 100 lots Land A gout and CONVGSWCN- £137!!!ng hands today at from $4 75 to $5 per Aurore. March 1, 1860‘. ‘ 68~th s, . Sigur.â€"fSiiperfiiie No. 2 sold at $4 40 to $4 50; vâ€"‘hâ€"W ~ 0 ~~ -': ,. . . - ~.~- ~â€" 4'0. '4 ‘ " t ' '- " - . I Ex": :5 75, tpfififlgstfigfiéfifii Qé'GlEES 40' l ATENT Eavo .Trouglisand Water Spouts Hay andStramâ€"Jl‘here was a good supply: = superior to “.n' Emulfii” ‘md 6.67"“ $512 ‘0 for Hay, $6 to $9 for Straw per ton. P" {0” l’ D”? llpes.’ 559%”?th S'd'gg’ Pommoa._Thure is a {air supply which 8083' Ladders, Shingles, I what Gates. Vt aggontl‘el- off freely at from 30C ,0 35C p6,. 'bShL lows and Hubs, Barrel Heading, and Turning Rutterfif-Flom is source at from 180 to 20c per i“ gem“! M‘muf‘mmmd and!“ “1° by Epgg-fâ€"Fresh from wagons 15:: to 17c per H N N A F F, dozen}. ' STE/m MILLS, 'l‘nonnnum. June 3. 1859. 27-tf l-ztaem monument-#- HUGH CAMPBELL, w ~ ~ u ‘ r etch an O ' ' i w,“ A ‘V: ESEI lock, “Ink-.61, A PERSON WANTED to attend Ton J ‘ER’SC' . Gate No. 1. (in Markham and Elgin Yonge Street, Aurora, Jewelry, Watches and Clocks repaired and , cleaned on the shortest notice and lowest'terms Aurore. February 17, 1560., . _ . 69-6 A. LAW. President. \PATTERSONSiEE‘ FAILS & SAC , Cash will be given for HIDES and SKINS. «a A'v W' NA .x- WW xmmawwm V WWM/‘J‘AJWWVW‘V x- W.~.~-~uu_ m“... w-.. .. ,_ ... . .-_..__._.‘ GOOD, PAIL is a domestic necessity and superior BUCKETS are much in, demand. The Subscriber begs to inform the public that he is prepared to, IMPROVEMENTS To‘ . , manufacture any quantity of first class FAILS and will? ROCKETS-Auk; ‘1,» \Mm; . 7 ' - recently made several Additions and- i ' HIS ESTABLISHMENT, BY which hiepis'enabled to makcbelter PA] LS: 0‘ “Very Size: and SAP BUCKETS' ind sell them CHEAPER, than any other House in, Canada. 114: would especially. . E . - I» ‘ call the attention of Farmers and others to his if ' .ilfll‘ii y' ill: , ll,3'..j...., ’ . ll? 9.. up! - "all? “illit- i; Markham, December 23, 1859-. IF you are wishing a GOOD,DURABLE and EASY \VORKED REAPER! Purchase from the long Established and VVell-known firm of < ” iiiPLEMENTS? :m “:25: .L‘.1..â€".H“ ‘2: if: 2:73;...3â€" "X'n'fimm'T 311: ’1" "â€"22.1" 7.3.22: _ BAP-- Bnqu-ris. As they are, allowed-to be the best ever made, and, as he has a large stock on hlld‘, he willuscll them at unprecedented low Prices. ' All orders by lettcn', prepaid. sent to. Buttonville, P.O. wil'l'reccive prompt attention. ‘ ' ‘ ' JOHN AMOSS, ‘ Lot No. 11, 2nd concession. 55-3- WAGGONS, ac. MANUFACTURED AT THORNH'LL. . PATTERSON 82 BRO. " ‘ ._..._.._.. Or if prejudiced in favor of a VII-{1:2 Subscriber begs to call the attention of the Public to the fact that he i . ' , , prepared to malte‘ first-class ' ‘ ' ' nuns Get one made wholly from IRON, with FLEXIBLE FINGER BAR, which WAGGQNS. SLEIGHS... BUGGIES. will cut equally well on Rough or Smooth ground, from ' Also! a new and PATTERSON a BRO. 0.1.012 (savanna, , Would you have your I-Iaying done Cheaply, Easilyâ€"with Neatness, and in Good .. Tune? Then secure one of the FIRST szn MOWERS! Which every Farmer ought to possess, and iii. iiiii ill .iiiiiiii‘iiil. llllllllllltl't. }UAl’tDS that never were known to clog, manufactured by ‘Are there Stumps on your Farm'l If so, do not fail so procure immediatedly one mid it to their advantage to call. *°{ “‘0” ' Thornhill, October 21, 18.69.. SUIT-TM? EXTRACTORS! ‘ At the shortest notice, and: at the, lowest remuneratmg prices. Those requiring real, PATTERSON BRO. substantial and good \Vaggons, Buggies, Sleighs, Agricultural Implements, will .1. HOLMES. 474g WW__:_:,.._“.__~- “A - --â€".~u_.â€"-.w_~.~-____ .,_,_,__.-_ _._ __ m - M Of which S. Bnown, Esq., of the New England Farmer, says :-â€"-“ They Will move anything on the earth, or out the earth, that any; reasonable man can’fldesire to 9, . Letters ‘move , and 179 good, respectable Farmers in Canada stand ready to endorse the Romainin in RICHMOND flILL P0810115,“ statement. To be had at the Iron Works at .MARC l I. 1560. Allan. Robert Lunda JOBGPh Is Your Ground infested with foul weeds? Remember the ' ‘ Arm'd' J°hp R' Lulldy’ Mm 51mm rm MILL, Ciiiisniiicniii 0N SCIENTIFIO PRINCIPLES! bilabial-‘9'” {stumbling “1 7 . ‘ . a y, , q _ . Bond. John Maughor, Miss C. pr huh w,“ u seperate \Vheat from 'lares, and render your seed pure and clean, Bleak, Margret Miner, James (2) Manufactured at Beynon. Edmond Mindy, Joseph ' (St. Booth, James Munshaw, Lambert If you wi h Broadborry. George McMahon. Miss Mary 3 V v j _ Chico. Mrs. Susan MCDottqld, John PLO VV .5, With Cast Beams, Campbell. Alex. [3] McKinzie. Jes. junr. PLOVVS, with Wooden Beams, C'hig, Pete}. Nelen- Jamel PL0WS with \Vmugbt Beam3 . Dcwefoot, lhomas Neill. James ’ . . . ’ ‘ Duncan. vWilliam Newton, Andrew PLOW S, Willi btgf’l Beams, _ Dcvericks, John Nolan. James FLOWS, Willi Straight Beams, Dancy, John O’Brien. Ann FLOWS, with Crooked Beams, Elsie, Mr- Phillips, Miss 3- 9] Elliott/Miss MaryAnp Russell. w unfit-2 " _ » r. v Foggin. Miss... Jane Ross. Marti Green bward PLO“, 8’ ' Graham, Miss Sarah Stewart, Samuel or Ar: Centre Draft PLOW‘S, Harrington, William thtir Sub Soil PLO\VS, Heslop. Gideon StanleyflJo‘im - 1 ~ . Hall, it, H Smith. Mary Ann [2] croumg Plg‘vséLowS , Hoaslop. Mis- Jane Simpson, Wm. ang , I l Hysey. John (junior) Snyder. lamb Lap Farrow PLO WS, FLOWS, for $10.00 : v i ‘ M . . f i' Hinton, Robert [2] Simpson. James ' I’LU\VS, for $1290, V ' Homer, Elias Talley. Patrick PLO “rs for $1490, ‘ Hunt. William Temple. Compton. ’ ‘ Hardy, Samuel . -I.O.G.'I‘. ’ PLOVVS’. for $16L00’ , Johnson, J. Trench, Tilly f9." Jenkins. Jam" M. Trench. Robert . ‘ P140 “’3, for $22,00, Kieswotl, Charle- Trpnch. Mytilda Go to ' , Lively. Johln, . Syn] ianélAn: h w . x - awreuco, nines jlllt. 3 'er, iza ot . . ., PATTERSON 8‘ BRO- Langstafi'. John sour. White. Moses TREAD HORSE-POWVERS, with Threshers, Lund, Richard Woods, James II. ' TREAD HORSEâ€"PO WERS, with Tl‘lireshers and Separators, kcgattv‘ygm- James afifiérskfihflm TKEAD liORSEâ€"EOWERS, with Thrashers, Separators and Cleaners, Liirgncr’cmr,” Wino”: Richard Circular V: nod Saws, Lawmifi’ A. ‘ Horas? Rakes, Root Slicers, I M. TE,pr2 p. M; Scuttle”, Horse Hoes, Road Scrapers, . . ' Cultivators, Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers, I r felic- 3‘?" HOMtEOPATHIC PHYSICiAN, I‘o be bad at the AGRICULTURAL lMPLEMENT FACTORY t , , A * 0F PAT'FflRSON & BRO. _ â€"â€"_‘_'__m Richmond Hill, Canada \Vcst, March, 1860. 67.4,", alothm§_ MAIN ST,, NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 ‘””WW HE Subscriber begs to inform the inhabi- tants of Buttonville and the surrounding ‘ . . country. that he/continucs to make first-class l’lllllllllllll lllllllllll ESTABLISHMENT ship, All orders promptly attended to and WVWWWWW-Mwwvwwwww-wâ€"wwvwwn-m‘ work warranted. ' SpcdDi‘ills, DR. D. E. SEYMOUR} l M...“ M“... a... .i FARMERS’ INTEREST. Subscriber begs to intimate to thq Farmors ofthle County of York. that In is prepared to Manufacture and Sell ll'l‘lli‘llili llllllllllWS l “’ith the improved Draft and Coupling Irena. The above Harrows are. far superior to any new in use. being made on an entire new principle. They will he found to do the work much quicker and better than any other Her-f rows Specimens of the above may be open and particulars as to pripe ascertninqd. by up: plying to the Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond Hill, who will punctually attend to all orders. ' SAMUEL SANDERSON, Richmond Hill. Feb. 24,1850. “sir T S T A M E N T FOR. SALE. CHEAP. M. TEEFYa Arc-t. Richmond Hill. P-.0._ January 6. 1860,. "-U' TAVERN FOR SALE. r VHF. Agricultural and Commercial Hot _ I 01, Victoria Square. in for all. on Libero! Tunis. F or particulars apply to. A i I H. do J. HARRISON. Richmond Hill, Feb. 10, WED, 53-“ 33- «T- STOCK Bnoxnn. Land Municipal Agent. cc. No. 29 Anne Street. or Ber; 54. P.O. Quebec. Rnrnnnncns : Sheriff Jarvis. Hun. Georg. Sherwood. Hon. P. M. Vankoughnot. J. Campbell, Es. T. Wopdside, Eng. Melon, Gilinour, Con son 6.; Co. Angus Motrin“. M,I‘.l’. Toronto; Messrs. Milli, Mnttice k. 30. Montreal; Hon. James Patton. Barrio; » JOHN HARDY. J w bt ,E G lh. . ‘V H i E R S Tailor and Clothier. am” 8 Ear Sq’ uep 67 if . s . ‘ “ Q . . . 3 . Buttonvillc. Doc. 23. 1859. 55-1y ‘” EGS to return his smcere thanks to his numerous I‘ricnds and the lublic generally lor past favors, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of" ww~--~"““m““m‘*‘*“‘-‘~”W Quebefi Gflvernlnent Agency. tho Patronage he has so long received ; he has now on hand a large stock of GOODS consxsting in part of DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS of every description, Ladies’ and Gentleinen’s SADDLES, BRIDLES and SPURS, _ MANE and CURRY COMES. HORSE BRUSHES and CARDS. TRUNKS, VALISES, 8L Travelling BAGS \Vith an endless variety of \VHIPS, and W-l*lIl‘_"LASlIES, All of which will be sold at prices that will defy Competition. The Good: Manu- factured at this Establishment have now been tried for the last five years, and, the best proof that they have given entire satisfaction is, that all who have once purchased at his place invariably come again, COLLARS‘" wA'RnANTEo SAFE! 'Et‘erydcscription. of- Horse Clothing, Rollers and Bridles madc‘to order. .. \ A11 Warm‘ ' 'QVarran-eeq.’ ' All orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. w- SNOSIBEVH .LV '0981 ‘01 Kuwait ‘lllH NW‘PSH mm as nvo ilifllthdlli-El'SSENWH-ltfllltfldd Richmond Hill, February 3,1860. . 62-1)‘ WELTYMAWAGGO‘NWWORKS i ARKHAM VILLAGE. 'm. aaunamv mmwoua scam-10 'ITV ‘llant llWI PM but lid ‘ilil'9At 199111 01 WWW-m“ “Elton 651} l S S H H teiaunuiad 158nm] out yepuc ‘ao-uou oiqissod 1SBJJ9IIS aqi OJ ‘rfiaiaea Lian i0 ’NOSIHHVH 'WAX _ Every Description of LIGHT AND HEAVY -WAGGONSl Manufactmed by the Subscribers. Having an immense stock of Lumber, of the be“ quality and we” Seasonal, and with the great facilities which they liarevin- Ma- . . . . - . . LL 1’ ' d ht l chmcry, combined With hrst-class Workmen,-tbey can, and do make better Finished, A Bo.§.”’§§§,;".§..,f.fif§dt ’f..“‘2,‘3°1§;'§3§‘ii?: More Durable. and ' ‘ ' i i first, day of September, 1858, will please to . J1'89 would at; l l , . I I , I a . i come forward and settle on or before the 15th “fig . ,,~.L , ii“. , day of April next. and thereby save posts. The illlllll ll . ’ ' ‘ ' ' 'illllli ‘ “ - lull: firm having been changed since the first man- Tbanony other Establishment in Canada. iioned periodâ€"31w. 3” 11.0188 till? will "01 Paid or renewed by that time will be left in his At- . All orders attended to with promptitudegand Work warranted {army’s hands for éollectiqu.asliiiteud leaving ‘ ~ â€"~ - for3Eiiglandf ' . . 4 n ‘ __ .‘ . . T, SPLIGHT.& SON. ' ' ~ ' »“ *' ' ' ‘ R. MiACHEiiL. Markham \ dingo, Jan. 4’, 1859. ’ 56-631 Macbells Corners. Aurora 28th Feb. 186’}. BUSINESS connected with the (:3an LAND and other Public Departmental, attended to ; also, ' ' ' Patents for- Inventions, Secured by the Subscriber. ' Address. prepaid. E. J. CHESLEY. ‘ N9. ‘39. Alum Street. - Quebec. Quebec. March 6, 1860, “gt? ,..___..._._ ADVEETISE. S we have made arrangements which. vi), .L materially increasing our circulation. than, wondering the “ YORK HERALD" the: 1,1119}?- Advertisiiig medium north of Toronto, lipid have now a. circulation along Yonge Street and adjoining Townships larger than that of- an! other Journal. Now then is the time, and thg “ Yonx Hanan " is the l’epgrip which 9,4“ vortise ! " M Jen WORK. .i .. E would respectfully call the attention g! Merchants. Auctioneers, Famine. 514 others, to the fact that we are prepared to' .1... cents JOB WORK on the shortest pol-i“! .notipe, and on the most reasonable terms-q E913? gash. 9191!. OUR. AGENTS. HE Inhabitants of Aurora and Vicinity an informed tha. Mr: Juan: HOLLApAy- and Mir. iontcs Ton are authorized to receive Sub: script and orders for Advertising and Job Work. ‘ Ar OAK Ethaneâ€"Mr, Christian in u: Agent. Where our Subscribers i they)“ will in future get their papers 3%....(1 319W ‘ also grant receipts for Subscription.

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