Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Mar 1860, p. 1

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‘i'..‘..4 s. ' TRIAL or WHIT WORTH’S RIFLED CANNON. Tits great incentive given to the im- yentive faculties of our countrymenby the introduction of the Armstrong gun into an ordnance, and the rifle cannon of his Ma~ jesty the Emperor of the French into the army, is manifesting itself daily to a degree. little known to the public generally. In~ vention succeeds invention, and the testing of the strength of metals is. practised so systematically that one wonders to what amount of perfection we shall ultimately arrive in our weapons of war. In fact. we can scarcely walk through the shops or our large iron-founders without seeing some traces of cannon constructing mania. Here. snugly placed in some little frequented pit-t of the works, kept from public gaze, is the. last invention-eâ€"not sufficiently developed. to be patented, but hidden to preVent pira- cy, while efforts of less pretensions: thrown open to the inspection of the cum. ous. In this our quiet old town, we know of one concern where there are some half- dozen different descriptions of cannon now being constructedâ€"two or three of int- 9 . mense sizeâ€"all experiments. It is col 3 ABSENT FRI ENDS. The night has flown wi’ stings and glee, I The minutes hao like moments beenâ€"- There’s friendship’s spark in ilka ee. And peace has bless’d the happy scene. But while we sit sae social here, . And think sic friends we never saw. up....g.......t..m.h..v. AURORA AND RICHMOND HILL ADVOCATE. The many mac that’s for own. v \AN , ALEX. SC OTT, Proprietor. 0 AND ADVERTISER. WWW/KW “ Let Sound Reason weigh more with us than Popular Opinion.” 0h, far beyond th’ Atlantic’s roar. TERMS : $1 50 In Advance“ F at, far beyond th’ Australian main. How many fortune’s ways explore. That we may never meet again 2 How many ancc sat by our side, Or danced beside it: in the ha'. Wha wander now the warld sac widoâ€" Let’s think on them that’s far awa. RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, MARCH 30. 1860. VOIs 110 N00 18% Whole N o. '70. his remains were interred with suit- able obsequies in the graveyard of Christ Chutch,wliere a plain mar- The extreme coolness ofour Wes- ble_51ab QOVCYS him, 0“ WINCh‘fml?‘ tern cousms is worthy of admiration. scribed his name and the date of his They see everything, in a practical birth and death. point of view, and as a general Eight weeks after the departure thing, they manage to get the best of Mr. Morris we receiveda very in matters of bargains by the cool should meet. We did meetâ€"andl “If I survive, do you and Mary oh! the feelings of that moment l :come to England as soon as practi- She shriekedâ€"â€"sunk at my feet, and cableâ€"will you I” clasped at my tottering kneesâ€"ask-l “ Yes.” ed prayed and implored me to for-l “Farewell! I must get ready to give her. ‘Forgive me only forgivcéslart. Mr. Vaux is my second in me; I ask for no more 1” she cried. l this affair. Would it were overl If . l . . . “ ‘ No! ncverl’ I repeated, and ii live I Will write to you from New inquiring tone and a look that piercedl me to the heart, for it told how much sorrow she had endured. “ You are,” I replied; “ you are now a widow and free again." “ Thank God I” she fervently ejaculatedâ€"mot because she rejoiced at his death, but the thought flashed A COOL MARRIAGE. There’s no a mother but has seen. Through tears. her manly laddios gao ; There’s no a lass but thinks 0’ ans Whase absence makes her often was ; The iiigle sides o’er a’ the land. They now are dowf and dowie a’, rushed like a madman out of the York. Be silent breathe not a across her mind that she was no leng- gratifin) letter from him dated a; i - . . For some one o’ the social band . p . = ’ . . _ . . g 7 , _ 9 . assumption of sample, unsophisti- few months ago that our townsman room. That vet m it I s o of or I es 1 an ‘h ~ â€" . a I‘- Haslemhm' and is farm". y gl wa n l 1:33;“ ” it to M y in l the r u t is live thli a m s 9 had London, announcing his safe arrival. gated manners_ our {mend Jehm Clay, Pawnmd we process of making pud- my way back to London.” In a day or two after receiving this, aihan waS one of me” “ But your wife 7” ’ dletl steel. Deubtless the inventor N (we had remained at the cottage to. ones ,_,, n ‘ green ’ , _ prompted in his labors to procure so useful. They"veleftus-â€"but, wliore’or they be, lpromised. We then descended Idid' not wait till morning to re- They ne’er forgot their native shore ; Anld Scotland, mountain. glen. and Ian. They have it pictured at the core ; Even now. when we remember them Our memory they perhaps reca', And while we fondly breathe their name. And whisper ours, though far awa. “ She never recovere*d""fiom‘tlio" effects of that meeting, but declinedl into a deep consumption; and in less l than in two years breathed her last in the village where I had refused a reconciliation. The tidings of her death were forwarded to me and I attended her obsequtes.” Here. he buried his face hands deeply affected. “ I did wrong l I did wrong I” he next CXcluii‘ned. "Twas cruelty in me to act as I did. I should have curbed my stubborn feelings at that moment. I should have pardoned her; it was my duty as a Chris- tinii.” “ But not to live with her again I” “ Nowâ€"nor did she request that; she only desired me to say that l pardoned her crime. Passions, dark passions, though. swayed my bosom; l spurned her prayers. her tears, hor agony! , ‘ No ! never!’ those words that I then pronounced whilst she knelt at my feetâ€"~tliose words haye echoed back upon my heart uncens- ingly since that hour.” Ilere there was a pause of emo- non. in his Iiirrulutt. 0R Leaves from a Gentleman’s Diary. Concluded. “I have no such thought,” said he. “ Nevertheless I would not have my daughter go dowcrlcss to her hus- band’s arms. It shall be thus. If my opponent fallsâ€"which, it must be taken into consideration, is but a matter of chanceâ€"my ‘risk being equal to hisâ€"but if it be his fair: to perish, half of my wealth shall be yours." " Mine P” “ Yours and Mary's. I have so arranged it. Are you satisfied I" “ Satisfied! Sll‘, you are too gener- ops.” " No; I give it to my daughter. She is yours-0r at le-astslie will be --â€"-and to her, dear girl, I feel that I can in no instance be too kind. My happiness is centered in hers, hers in yours; I have arrived at an age when we i'utlici' retire from. than suck, the pleasures of the world. Mary and \'.ill are just entering upon life’s cyciitful stage; my incmnc is amply sufficient for us both. and tlicrclorc I have i‘csochtl to divide it. In one word, tell me, are you content that it be so I” " Yes." “ Enough,” said he, and the sub- ject was dropped. " And now hear me,” he cried, as he walked to the other end of the room and returned to my side, his features gathered and dark with the conflicting emotions within his troubled bosom. " Fair- fax, your brotlier-in-law, has been topic the bittercst of enemies.” “ Indeed I" I responded, express ing rather more surprise than I felt, for the fracas in the woods at once flashed across my memory. “ Twenty years ago,” he continu- ed, “I was wed to Mary’s mother, a handsome woman, the daughter of a noble house. We were happy un- til about the period of Mary's birth, at which time Fate changed the brilliant colors of my existance to one dark mass of overhanging gloom. Unluckily I was particularly addicted to one fearful vicc-gam- ingâ€"and at the hazard-table. in Lon- don, a month or two after the birth of my daughter, I met with Fairfax. We played together muchâ€"we staked large sums-who was the win- narration. “ My time,” said he, was now do- voicd cntchly to the education of my daughter, who was twelve years old, and who was favored Willi all her mother's beauty, and resembled her in face and figure very much Hcro’liangs a portrait of that mo- ihci'. You haVc noticed it before, I presume 7 " l have. sir P" “ It is.” “ Mary told me that it was a por- trait of her mother.” ’ “Poor girl! many tears has it caused her to shed.” Ashe said this his eyes became fixed upon the portrait, and thus he remained for several moments, until startled. as if lrom a dream, he re- sumed as follows: _ “ For five years I sedulously la- bored for my daughter’s educa- tion. She realized my fondest hopes, and at a suitable age I entrusted her with the facts which I have now rc- hcarscd to you. To Mary and a few select friends I was afihblcâ€"one of which friends, I am proud to say ls Britain’s present most distinguish- statesmanm with him and a few I was sociable, but to the rest of the world, distant, gloomy, severe. l shunned society, and took especial care to keep my daughter from its polluting touch. ' “One circumstance, which alter- ed materially the complexion of my affairs, and which happened in less than a year after the elopcmcnt of my wife, I have forgotten to men- tionâ€"~the death of a maiden-aunt, at a very advanced age, by whom I came into possession of the fortune Is it a correct lilo was, In a few minutes, however. he resumed his intensely interesting to the parlor where Mr. Vaux and Mary were in conversation. Mary and I Were directly left alone. I tried to be lively, but the cflbrt was painful, and in spite of my endeav- ours I was so dull that she remarked it. She played and sung, whilstl lay abstractcdly at length upon the sofa, vainly conjecturing as to the probable result of the meeting that was to take place between her fath- er and my brother-indaw. " What is the matter, Guy? Why this sadness 1" she asked, as she seated herself upon the sofa, and bending over me with an affection- atc regard, rested my head upon her lap. “ Say, love, are you not well I” she inquired, whilst her lips touched mine, and her sweet breath fanned my cheeks. At that moment her father opened the door and announced to us that be was about to start. " Farewell, Mary,” he said mourn fully; but, luckily, the deep intonaâ€" tion of his voice was not observed by her. She extended her hand, and as be pressed her to his heart, upon her forehead be sealed :1 paren- tal kissâ€"-â€"pcrhaps the last kiss she should ever receive from him. “ Farewell, Guy,” llf.) continued, taking me by the hand, “you’ll not let my daughter be lonesome during my absence-Twill you I" “ N0 Sll'.” . “’0 then Walked out to the door, where stood :1 carriage and horses and Mr. Vaux walking to and fro; he was dressed in a suit of black. Lcmucl was busy putting' a Couple of portmuntcuux into the vehicle, and another servant, whip in hand was mounted upon the drivers seat. Mr. Vziiix bade its good-bye; and they drove olf. Mary and I stood upon the piazza gazing after them till they disappeared from s'ght, and then returned to the parlor. I again throw myself upon the sofa, and again Mary bent over me with wo- man’s affectionate interest in the welfare of those they love; and re- pcntcdly did she demand the cause ing them, and then informed hethut Tell her I dar- her father had so arranged ilthat D ed notâ€"I had promised her father his return to the cottage nee not --and was consequently obliged to be expected, as he should hasn to evade her inquiries by equivocal ‘ New York and from thence icing- of my melancholy. answers. Whenl reached the hoth evening I was met upon the colon-,onc. ade by Euphrnsin, who informrd me but her husband had left during the afternoon in company with another. that a letter from him the next do but I asked where he had gone to I “ In- ’7 ness. was the answer. Ii'etircd early to my chamber, but not to sleep. I lay awake toss- ing upon my pillow till morning. The narration of Mr. Morris was especially vivid , to my memory. , The shriek of Mary at the theatre hm" bl’undary mm, between 1" G' upon the night of The Stranger was now explained. The similiarity of iarms. to the State of Maryland upon busi-l turn to the cottage, but hurried back as expeditiously as my horse would carry meat that dead hour of the night. Afterl had knocked loudly, the old servant raised a window in the second story and gruflly ask- ed : “ Who’s tbcre’l ed ‘l” “I have important tidings to com- municate,” said I, and mustsee Miss Morris immediately, notwithstanling the lateness of the hour. “ Oh! it’s you Mr. Allen, he re- plied, recognizing my voice. “ Vait a little; I’ll tell my young mistiess, and come down to let you in dinet- lyni7 So saying, he closed the winlow and retired. Presently the doorwas opened to me. andI walked intctlie parlor, where Lemuel had already placed a light upon the table. bury immediately joined me in a use wrapper or robe dc chambre drawn on hastily over her nightuclothes. I drew her to my arms on the sfa, and begged her to be calm as I ier- ceived her alarm at the unusual lour of my visit. I then told her allâ€"of the meeting between Fairfax and her fatherâ€"who Fairfax wasâ€"â€"b>w the meeting had been brought-abut in consequence of the encounteiin Street. What’s wants since dead. that night Mary pillowed her head upon my bosomâ€"my beautiful. my affectionate wife. Ere the honeymoon had passed, agreeable to my promise, Mary and I sailed for England and joined her father in London, who proposed that the three of us should visit the con- tinent of Eumpe. which we did, re- siding in several of the Italian cities, nor returned to England until after Mary had given birth to a son, born at Rome on the 4th of September, 1834. The year following was spent in Londonâ€"Mr. Morris deep- ly engaged in politicsâ€"but Mary longed for the cottage on the Brandy- winc, and I felt a yearning towards home. With our child, after an absence of more than twoyears, my wife the woodâ€"moi Fairfax’s death-- andI again crossed the Atlantic, andâ€"-â€" _ . . and early in the spring of 1836 we “Dead l’ she exaluimed, iner- once more located ourselves in the rupting me. "Fairfaxâ€"hemth cottage ornee, of which Lemuel had lured my mother from the path of been the faithful attendantsince our VlJluc and of peaceâ€"is he the sme departure. Perhaps “I doat in my Fairfax tl.ut is your brother-inâ€" own comforts,” but ineffable is the ,, . . . law 1 happiness that I experience whilst I f‘ lie is." . ” now pen these pages-my firstborn " And he is dead. you say P . is gamboling over the carpet of that “ Yes; less than an hour Sine I parlor which is sacred to so manv saw him as he was brought tithe delicious memories; and my sweet hotel, cold, pale and still in deili.” wife is seated at mv side, with the “Fallen by my lather s handyou ‘joy of maternal affection glistening , H ' ' ' say . in her bright eyes, and caressmg her “ Yes; he has met the rewal ol second babe, ' his crimes.” TH E END. She replied not, but sunk intmy arms. I-Icr emotions at first 'ere powerful, but I succeeded in ilm- NOBLE ACT OF GENEROSITY.-â€"- The record of an act of generosity is always pleasing. The late Colonel . , who died in Cornwall, bequeathed £1,000 in various le- gacies, giving the remaining part of his fortune, amounting to up- wards ol' £40,000, to a neighbourâ€" ing gentleman, Mr. C ,'who, it is generally understood, is no re- lation, leaving a son and three daughters, without even mentioning their names in his Will. Do hearing of his death, Mr. C repaired to the house, taking with him two gentlemen to witness the transactions of the day. On read- ing the will in presence of the sons and daughters, for whom no provi- sion had been made. Mr. C , With a degree of honorable gene- rosity, which many of our readers will be found to applaud, though land-â€"â€"and also that I should rtech Still she spake not. Shsob- bed upon my shoulders, and two, as it peeped in through the lnds, still found us within each ocr’s The next day (the 18th ithe month) the following was wh We read in one of the Piiilamliia papers: “ On the 16th inst. a meetinlook vplacc, on the Delaware and cry- H. Fairfax of this city and Mr. Morris of England. The lmer gather two months,) Mary and I left for Philadelphia, where we put up at the Mansion House, in Third That evening Mary came to me in the Sitting-room dressed in white, with a single ruse in her hair. ' I gently placed over her shoulders the cloak that she handed me. (for the weather was now cool,) and arm~ in-arm we walked to the residence of the venerable Bishop Whiteâ€"- Without bridesmaid or groomsman. We were married; and ner. I liked his societyâ€"he was agreeableâ€"I introduced him to my familyâ€"still playedâ€"~still lostâ€"and awoke from my delusion not until he had fleeced me of all I possessed and-l can scarcely utter the words -â€"dishonored my Wife 1” “ Is it possible I” I exclaimed, al- most breathless with astonishment. “ She fledâ€"fled from my just ven- geance; and was, eight or nine years after, deserted by him as she had abandoned me. Fairfax came to the United States. I now enjoy. “ Eighteen months ago, haying read much of its history and institu- tions. Mary expressed a desire to visit this country, and in compliance with her wish we sailed from Liver- pool and arrived at New York after a stormy passage of six weeks. Up‘ on inquiry, I found that Fairfax was a resident of Philadelphia; and to keep from coming into contact with him, which above all thingsl dread- ed, I purchased this retircd place. Afriend of mine and resided here undisturbed until who had been intimate with us at that encounter, which you were a the time of our marriage, traveling witness of yourself, took place in the through Wales, accidentally discov- cred her. He wrote immediately informing me of the circumstance, and mentioned that she was repent- nnt and desired a reconciliation with me. ‘ She desires a reconciliation,’ he said in his letter, ‘ but, whenever I speak upon the subject, she ex- presses her doubts as to whether you will acquiesce. Oh I that you could see how truly penitent she is.’ “ Upon receiving thisI went into Wales, found my friend, and put up at the same inn with him, in the immediate neighborhood of my wife’s residence. At various times I saw her, but was unseen myself; at last, through, my anxious friend, intent upon bringing us into each other’s presence, contrived by an in; woods. I hated him, yet Idid not wish his death, but endeavored as much as possible to avoid him. He saw me, though, in Philadelphia, two or three times lastautumn; and has since seen me once or twice in this neighborhood; and, as, suspici- ons always haunt the guilty mind, he thinks that I seek his life, and for that reason has attempted mine. In no other way can I reconcile his at- tack upon me. And on that occa~ sion, sir, it was undoubtedly owing to your interposition that l escaped. You have saved my life, and my daughter’s hand shall repay the gal- lant act. Cherish herâ€"love herâ€"- and, if we never meet again, remem- ber me. “ With Mary for my wife, air, is noceut stratagem of his that we it possible thatlean forget you P” her mother’s fate with that of Mrs. Hallcr in the play was indeed re- markable. Nor is it to be wonderâ€" l was mortally wounded at thifirst fire, and expired in less tli: ten minutes. The cause whiclgavc ed at. that upon a mind so susceptiâ€" l “Se ‘0 “"5 fatal lelng- “5 3” ’35 ble as Mary’s the coincidence should ally k‘lC‘Wledge Whatever 0f Sm“ act with such an electrical-like shock. VlVO’U '5 as Yet ‘1 mYSICW- 1mm“ The following day I spent at the VOW: Perhaps: We Shall be am" ’3” cottage with Mary, and though in below 0"" made“ some fur” ‘1" her presence, it seemed the longest day of my life. I was upon thorns as it were to bear the result of the duel. Which would fall? Which? I wished thatl knew. Uncertainty was torture. My hopes were that Mr. Morris would escape. At night lleft the cottage, promising to be over again at ten in the morning. That night the corpse of my bro- ther-inâ€"law was brought to the lio- tell Fairfax had fallen! Mr. Mor- ris had escaped! I did not rejoice, but my heart felt easier. We were awakened from our slumbers, and I was the first of the family at the side of the body. Euphrasia was almost the last of the throng that collected. ‘4 Dead l” she exclaimed, stealing a tearful glance towards the corpse. How came he dead? HOW-mliow did he die l” “ He has been shot," I answered, “ shot in a duel,” and briefly related formation in regard to it.” Late upon the third dayiubsr: quent to the duel, Ircccivedie fd- lowing brief letter from MiMo- , ris :â€"â€"- v “ NEW YORK September 190833. DEAR SIRIâ€"YOU have dobtles been apprised by the daily paersf the termination of our metin. Fairfax is dead. He courtd h ruin. I waited on the groundilli breathed his last; and may How have mercy on his soul l Far-two! I leave tomorrow for Englan, nl have made arrangements Wit It. H , who will put you i p» session of funds, to a considrab amount, with which I rcquet yu to follow me as soon as you urtvle ded to Mary. Give my loveo li' ~â€"a father’s love. I remaiitriy yours, Janus Mons. The packet sailed from Neerk to her the circumstances connected 0“ "'9 20‘“ With Mr- MOIS’“ with it. board. Our family left the trigs. “Andlam free again! free I” she Wllh the bOdY Of Fairfax it 3)’ cried, when I had finished, win, an I after it was broughtto the behind i we fear but few to imitate, freely rc- linquishcd the whole of that property which, on legal grounds, he had a right to claim. The equitable distri- bution of his property he submitted to a gentleman of integrity and ho- nor, fi‘om whose decision there should be no appeal, An act of ad- ditional honor throws, if possible, more lustre on his conduct. When Mr. C first became acquainted with the contents of the Colonel’s will, he was on the Western circuit. He then instantly formed his resolu- tion to return to the children of his strange benefactor the property he had so widely bestowed, and to pro- vide for any accident which might arise in case of his own death, he added a codicil to his own will, di- reeling his executors to return that property which he had the pleasure thus nony to accept. It is said that her Majesty was so gratified when informed of this trait in Mr. Câ€"â€"’s character. that she caused an inti- mation to be conveyed to him that she was willing to confer the honor of Knighthood upon him if he would accept it; and it is therefore, not improbable that Mr. Câ€"â€"--â€"- will be so rewarded at the next leveeâ€"- Court Circular. If misfortune comes into your house, be patient and smile pleasantly, and it will stalk out again, for-it can’t bear cheer- ful company. Western villages, in whiCh the courses, door. The visitor A minister settled in one of our .. Pri- mitive manners of pioneer life had not been smoothed by refinement and cultivation, was sitting in his study one day, endeavouring to ur- range the heads of to-morrow’sdis- when his attention was called by a loud knock at the front proved to be a tall, gawky shambling countryman, evi- dently arrayed in his Sunday suit, and a stout girl attired in a dress of red calico, which, from the frequent and comparitively cheap an article by the fact that it would be a great commercial, been in ironyship building, etc., but the pa-. tentee has followed the example of bond- reds of others, and he has been testing the. strength of this new description, of metal by manulacturing cannon of it, which have been found to he of extraOrdinary strength. In a few weeks we shall, perhaps, have to record the trial of a gun made of this metal, which is upwards of ten tons in weight, perhaps the largest piece of steel in the world. Amongst the number of in. venture of cannon, three or four stand pro- mineatly forward, and one among the num- ber, Mr. J , Whitwortb, the great machine and complacent glances towards ,, manufacturer, of Manchester. We were by the fair owner, was considered quite a magnificent affair. .‘ Won’t you walk in l’ asked the minister, politely. ‘Much obleeged, squire, I don’t know but we will. I say you’re a minister, ain’t you I’ ‘ Yes.’ ‘I reckoned so. Betsey and me â€"-that’s Betsey ; a fust rate sort of galâ€"anyhowâ€"’ ‘ O, Jotham,’ simpered the bashful Betsey. . ‘ You are now, and you needn’t go tor to deny it. Well, Betsey and me have concluded to hitch teams, and we wanted you to do it.’ ‘ You wish to be married I’ ‘ Yes, I believe that’s what they call itâ€"â€"I say, though, Mister, be- fore we begin, let’s know. what’s go- mg to be the damages, as I reckon it isn’t best to go it hlind,’ ‘Oh, I never set any pirce, I take what they give me.’ I‘ Well, that’s all right ; go ahead, minister, if you please. We are in a hurry ; as Joe’s got to finish a plantin’ the tater patch afore night, and Betsey, she’s got to fetch the buttei'.’ Thus adjured, the minister com. menced the ceremony, which occu- pied but a few minutes. ‘Kiss me, Betsey,’ said the de- lighted bridegroom. ‘You are my old woman now, ain’t it nice I’ ‘First rate I’ was the satisfactorv reply. ' ‘Hold on a jerk, said Jotham, as he left his wife abruptly and darted out of the gate to where the wagon was left. i ‘ What’s your husband gone out for?’ asked the minister somewhat surprised. ‘I expect it’s for tho sassages,’ was the confused reply. Just then Jotham made his appear- ance, dangling in his hand a pailful ofsassages, which he handed to the minister. with the grin of one con- lerring a favor. ‘ We hain’t got much money, and we tho’t we’d pay you in sassuges. Mam made them, and I reckon they are good ; if they ain’t you just send them back, and we’ll send You some more.’ Mas. MARTINEAU 0N Common-â€" What is to be done 'lwâ€"for cooking does not come by nature, nor even ordering a table by observation. The art must be learned like other arts, by proper instruction. We want, and must have, schools of domestic management now that every home is not such a school. Mothers can at least teach their daughters to know one sort of meat from another, and one joint from another, and, in a rougher or more thorough way, what to order to the every day way and for guests. Thus such, then, every girl should know, from childhood upâ€" wards. A little practice of obser- vation in the markets would soon teach a willing learner to distinguish prime articles from inferior kinds, and to know what fish, flesh and fowl are in season every month in the year. We have seen ladies buy- ing pork under a sweltering summer sun, inquiring for geese in June and July, and taking up skinnv rabita in May, and letting the seaeoh of mack- erel, herrings, salmon, and all man- ner of fish, assed unused.-=»-..-Oncc a Week. p i i A COMMON ORNAMENT. ~‘ Ah, Charley,’ said one little fellow to another, “Ye are going to have a cupola on our house.’-â€"‘ Pooh l that’s nothing,’ rejoined the other; ‘Papa’s going to get a martâ€" gage on ours,’ yesterday invited to witness the trial of another ini'ention of his in rifled cannon. Though the day was cold and clieerless, a goodly number of gentlemen were present. at the practising ground, on the sands, ‘ about three miles south of Southport, Amongst the company were Sir John Burs goyne, Captain Campbell, and an artillery officer who represented the Government, Mr. Thomas Fairbairn, Mr. W. Brooks, Mr. Reid of the Bank of England. Mr. Fender, and Mr, W. Entwistle, late M. P. for South Lancashii‘e, and a gunner- from her Majesty’s ship Hastings. At a short distance off, well covered by the, sand bills, were some 50 or 60 inhabitants of the neighborhood, who appeared to take the precaution of keeping out of “ harm’s way.” The practice of testing commenea ed shortly after one o’clock with a 3 lb. light field piece at a range of 7,000 yards. The distance reached at a slight elevation was, 9,680 yards with a charge of 15 lb. of powder. As far as we could ascertain. all Whitwortii’s guns are breech-loading. The field-pieces are neat-looking instru- ments tapering slightly from the breech to the muzzle, and are made of a solid but of iron. They are constructed of homogene- ous ironâ€"a new metal, and manufactured by the tilt hammer. The first tested were mounted on gun carriages, and consisted of two three-pounders and one twelve-v pounder. They are very much lighter than the ordinary field-piece, and are evi- dently easily handled, from the ready way in which the workmen moved them about. W'liitwortli’s gun possesses these especial advantagesâ€"the metal, the breech-loading and the rifiing. The nature of the metal we have stated; the breech consists of a large iron cap, fitted by means of a dou- ble-threaded screw hung on a hinge, which is said from its peculiar construction, to be much stronger than the solid part of the instrument. The process of screwing and unscrewing is performed by means of a crank handle fastened to the cap. By having a clear breach from end to end the process of riding can be performed to the nicest. accuracy-Abe rifiing being in the smaller ordnance of one turn in 60 inches. The shot tapers slightly at both ends, and is made of common cast iron, though pol- ished. It is grooved and made to fit the gun. By this means Mr. Whitwortb says he gains one mile in distance. In addition to the other advantages possessed by the gun, the charge is made up in a tin canisq ter, also grooved to fit the gun, at the end of which is a composition of tallow and beeswax, which lubricates it at every charge. and prevents fouling. Should anything happen to the breech, the gun can be loaded through the muzzle, as the ordinary gun is. The IOUCIl-llole of the gun is at the extreme end or cap, and the facility of charging and firing is very great. Mr. Whitwortb is of Opinion that a ball from one of his large gaps could penetrate ' an iron-cased vessel at 600 yards distance. At the close of the day several shots were fired from the 68 pounder, and with a charge of 12 lbs. of powder grazed at a distance of 4,000 yards, and rebounded at between 5,000 and 0,000 yards. Tho bore of this instrument is a fraction over fire inches. Sir John Burgoyne and his stafi’ were much pleased with the accurscy of the firing, as well as the immense dies lance to which the shots were hurled. On Tuesday target practice was made with one of the 3 pounders at 1,000 yards. when eight shots out often bit. the target, which appears only the breadth of a man. at that distance, The firing was continue- ed till after four o’clock, and, though a. keen north wind was blowing during the. day. every one appeared greatly interested. in the result of the experiment. A Gov-. ernment official present said the small guns. are better in every respect than the Arm-. strong gun, especially as to accuracy of." aim, and the distance carried. The. VVhitwortli gun certainly possesses one. great advantage over its rival in. not hav. ing the shot cased with any material;- A, few days only will be required, to bring this new instrument of warfare more prop. minently before the public. The Govern- ment examiners have to make their report to the Government, and until then we shall patiently wait the opinion of men of sci: ence on the Whitwortb invention.

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