Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Apr 1860, p. 4

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,.-.er1«« "-.~ “ J. n’ ‘ua .a -. '1 ' . _ ,9 A.“ WSW“ m V w a V» I h v 15.1.... fluorescence; c3: WALTER B. GEIKIE, M.D. DAILY WORK. W110 legs for dread of daily work. And his appointed task would shirk. Commits a folly and a crime! A soulless slaveâ€" , A paltry knaveâ€" .IA, clog upon the wheels of time. With work to do. and store of health. The man's unworthy to he free Who will not givo. That he may live, His daily tail for daily fee. I {cantiatsqft/Lo Ili'lrdt'cul Board If Upper Crum- da, and recently one Iftlir. [licdlcnf Ilflicers of the Toronto General Hospital. and Prq/‘cssm- of Anatomy and Surgery in Dr. Ralph’s Medical S's/tool, H" S returned to AURORA, and rc-talten his former residence on. Yongo Street, where he may be consulted at all times, on the various branches of his profession. Aurora, Feb. 24. 1860. i l .:.,t',til.'1‘.'iÂ¥liiili“i: r: i. 65-11 .3’ i the inhabitants of Richmond Hill 5; Vicinity That he has Commenced business in the Tailor in}; Line in the house adjoining MR. SIVERS‘ SHOE SHOP. Where. by close applimtion to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. ALL 031)?!" PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. Garments cut to order on the shortest notice. in any style. N03. Let us work! We only ask Reward proportioned to our task; 'We have no quarrel with the great; i ' No feud with rank-â€" With mill or bank- No envy of a lord’s estate. Xf-we can earn sufficient store T032311st our daily need. And can retain, For age and pain A fraction, we are rich, indeed. MUSICAL TUITION. "V R. GEOR :1“. F. (xRAl‘iAM‘. Professor I - of Moria and Organist, of Toronto, passes through Richmond Hill. 'l‘hornbill, doc. every 'I‘ttesdity and Saturday. Communion trons left :it Mr. R. Niclioll’s Richmond 11111 Hotel, will recieve prompt attention. 32 Trinity Square, Toronto. January 1860. JAMES B. BURN ES, Richmond Hill, Feb. 10. 1860. 63oly a No dread of toil have we or oursi. 61 if We know our werth and weigh our powers; ’ The more we Work the more we win: ‘ Success to Trade! Success to Spade! And to the Com that's coming in! And”: oy to him who. o’er his task. emembers toil is God's own plan; Who. working, thinksâ€"- m T. J. WHEELER. we'rcn a CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, 6co- RICII MOND HILL. 53-1y DR. L. LANGSTAFF, PRINGHILL. near King Station. House formerly occupied by Dr. Hillary. King. May 13. 1859. 24-111 I {1,311 1' . i _‘ I i.“ u'n'fltht. l‘lf NEW TAILOR SHOP. if; VI‘IIE undersigned begs respectfully to inform I 7 Doc. 3, 1859, g â€".__.__.____._. ..______ Auction Notiée.‘ New lions and Shoe Store And never sinks _____. 1N BUTTONVILLE. 1nd°pmd°n°° as 3‘ mau' 11111113 Subscriber rtIuThs his thanks to the Wh. on” asks for humble“ “7mm” 1110611864} A ucthlleer’ public for past support and begs to state that he has removed into the Village of Buttonville. who 6 he hopes for a continuance of the pa- tronage heretofore given him. All orders executed. with dcspatch and work wurran ted. DAVID G A LLOVVAY. FOR T1116 COUNTIES OF YORK do PEEL. 'All letters addre>scd to “Almira.” P.0. wil receive ptompt attention. ()iders rtceived a the " York l‘Ieraid’W'JITin, Richmond “1111 f Enough for competence and health; 'And leisure wnen his work is done, To read his book By chimney nook . Orlstroll at setting of the sun. . l , Mr. Henry Lemon, 'l'bornhill. and Mr. James Billion‘i'llle, Nov. II. 1859. hotly 331°”. as every man “0”” 1°” Cavannali. Mansion House, Sharon. where , T’ For fun reward. erect and free: Terms. &c. may be obtaieed. These are the 1non-- Almira, Nov. 25. 1859' 6241' Photographs 1 Ambrotypes l' Tito best of menâ€" . â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"..â€" M ELANEOTYP/‘is ! GO TO LFTTERGRAPHS, &c. BOWMAN’S MILLS! “'ITH YOUR CARDING & GRISTING, where parties from a distance can have it ilone to take with them on tlioirreturn homo. Almiro, May 13. 1859. 2441‘. WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Hat-n css Maker, 1110111110111) 1111.1... "1111.15 are the men we mean to be! ___._____~____.__.. 3- . mitttlluniuw, am...” Why is a cat’s tail .ike a swan’s bosom, Because it grows down. Shrer inquiries are being made. whéther the ctipot sorrow has a saucer. All styles of I’icturestalten at. t' 0 Medical Haiti Markhatm On reasonable terms, and in all weathers” Pictures taken from the smallest. to life size. 1. C. DUNHAM. Markham Village, Oct. 14. 18.59. {A *. ._.._- 46-1 W. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. ‘1‘ s Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING s1". EAST, SOUTH SIDE. THIRD noon Wits-r FROM crinttcti ST. TORONTO. IS the I‘ioprietor of Oliver’s Patent for ap- plying Ltectricity, to prevent pain in ex- tracting teeth; and also of an Aparatus for itiniiulticturtng Vulcniiite Rubber Plates for sets and Partial sets of teeth. ’l'eeth mounted on. Gold or otherwise to suit the iteCessitv of the case. Toronto, August 27, 185:). . l w ' ‘ f I The tuly independent man is he who is Richmond Hm. Dec- 1858. free from obligations. _ At what time of day was Adam creatch ANGLO'AMERICAN HOUSE 1 A little before Eve. MARKHAM VLLAGE. .You seem to walk more erect than OODizéccommodations. Wines. Liquors . 'r l ' ' _- . . mud, my fnend.,_‘.Yes, I have been an ipars oftte cnOicest b1auds . r I. , R. MARK. Proprietor. straightncd by circumstances. Mnrkhamfluno 1859' 26‘“ 48-1)‘ MATHESOM a. 1112135111111, Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, SOLlClTORS 1N CHANCERY, &c. OFFICE 2’- ‘Canlt We make your lover jealous, miss '1’ ‘ Oh, yes, sir, I think we can, if we put our heads togeather.’ RICHMOND HILL HOTEL. A STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto. everv morning. starting front the Elgin Mills nt 7.'a.m., and returning at 7, p.m. Fare. 28. 6d each way. coon ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHOLLS, A modern tourist calls the Niagara river ‘the pride of rivers.’ That pride. certainly has a tremendous fall. . . . . . . OverWliii.' C 1.13 1'» Z.i', An attorney, in Michigan, talking of 1 mm £ H mm)“ oq “3 corn, professors to have a couple of ears Richmond Hi“ Dec ,8 1858 Fromm?” TORONLO‘ fifteen inches long. Some folks are rc- ‘. ' ’ ' Agency, Pmficulafly attended to! markable for the length of their two ears. G. H. Husband, V J Wâ€" V _ " 'I'HOlll.-,L C“ “hf F:'-Z'i' 1" $111131} b'Zi’EGl‘fiAt‘li Fools open their ears to flattery, and shut their eyes to truth. T010119 1. .3121" I JOHN Iii"- REID, M.D. CORNER 01‘ team: AM) CULBORN 'l'llCRNillLli. resoriptions got at the Ofiice must. on delivery. 31-I\' URGEON Dentist. will be at Nicholl’s Hotel. Richmond Hill. the From Mosth of every month, and, the remainder of the month at his residence 'l‘liornhill. All Work Warrantcdr July 1". 1859. 32-ly. HALHVAY HOUSE, 1210111101111 lift. 11E Suliscri'ier begs to inform his numer- ous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises. where there will be found excellent accommodation for Travellers, and Good Stabiing. Of? Home and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GA BY. One person abusing another in the pro. sense of Churchill, the post, said, ‘He was so extremely stupid, that ifyou said a good. thing he ,could not understand it.’ Pray, sir, said Churchill. did you ever try ‘ Good morning, Patrick,‘ said a gentle- man to his Irish labourer. ‘ Slippery this morning.’ ‘ Slippery? and be jebers, it is nothing else, your honour. Uprn my word, and I slid down three times without getting up once.’ STREETS, 11'3" 'll 1’ be paid for Dr. DUNHAM, Q URG {CON and fileclianical Dentist. Medical 1..) Hull, Markham Village. June 30, 185‘. 31-1)' M JAMES I BARKER, MPORTER and Dealer in Dry Groceries, Paints. Oils. A man recently got married, in Ken- . . G d‘. tuokcy, one day, and hung himself the 00 a n 11d Dye Stittl's. I next. A No doubt, he wanted to try all Proprietor. Valfflilmsdlci‘lle-fi (“HI-rs, Pullifi bails â€"Low! “(lollies of noescS, to see “ibicli he liked Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1858. 72-7 “'3‘ 1"” ‘0"L"*”l‘“ll']3‘klmm Winge- best. June 30, 1859, 31-6111 M W. I‘IODGE 8L Co. Va- HOLESALE and Retail Copper. Tin ’ and tron Plate Williams. and Furnishing Ironmongers, Parties giving this house a call will find their nidets punctually attended to and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. J. VERNE , 0t and Shoo Maker, Yotvcn 51111131311. RICH MOND MILL. Every man,’ says Sallust, ‘wlio WOuld rankbigher than the beasts of the field, when greatest object in life is to adminis- ter to the craving of nature. must. seek to excel "in pursuits bent-fitting a rational being.’ P. C R O S B Y, 'MI’ORTER of Dry Goods, ‘11 ‘stcs, Liquors. Hardware. dzc Richmond Hill. June 1859. Groceries, 31-6111 5-1-1 'tt‘o the Sick entailing. ‘1 R. SNlDER. of the 7th concession of 1V Vaughan, near Klineburgh. guarrantees to cure Cancers, Enlarged Necks And trinity other Diseases. Persons labouring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do well to call iti time. All letters to be paid, and addreSsed to PETER SNIDER. Klineburgli {IT NO CURE NO PAY. August 6, 1858 W. T. A T K IN IMPORTERS OF ENGLISH DRUGS. Mannihctu'crs of Slicinieals Patent Medicines & Perfumery. APOTHECARIES HALL, OPPOSVIE '1111‘1 Cg-‘I'HEDRAIq 1 King St. Toronto. .â€"â€"-. Mitts Toodles says a friend of 11ch has invented :1 machine to renovate old bachelors. Out ot'a good-sized, fat old BO bachelor, he can make quite a iii-cent young man, and have enough left for two young puppies. Absence 0f D'Il'ld"‘The first Lord Ladies’ and Gentlemens' Boots and Shoes. Lytthton was very absmt in company, made after thelatest styles. and whyen he fell into the river by the tip- December-1858. setting 101'». boat, at Hagley, it is said of him 1111\1 ‘lic had sunk twice before 11c recollected that he could swim.’ I‘m lfllealtli is not acquired, as many per- son'sxsuppos'e, by fortunate speculations ind splendid eilterprises, but by the daily practice of industry, frugality, and econ- omy. He who relies upon these means will randy be found destitute, and be who relioof’upon any other will generally beâ€" - come bankrupt. Proprietors of Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste. 11:?“ Every description of Harm and Cattle Medicines prepared with the bor‘.English drugs '1‘01'01110,A11;:;ust 27. 181.9. 4 ATEN'I‘ Idave Troughs and Water Spouts superior to tin, put up at 5 and 6 cents per foot ', also, Drain Pipes. Seasoned Siding, Ladders. shingles, Picket Gates. Waggon Felv lows and llubs, Lariat Heading, and Turning in general Manulacturod and for rule by i t" LODGE, Ma, what’s for dinner to-dayl"â€"-â€"â€"Din- tier, i111d89d, bless the child, I do believe you never think of anything else but what you’re going to have for dinncrl’â€"-â€"‘Oh, yes, I’do sometimes ma.’â€"-‘ Wlien'l’ After I’ve iiad it; then I’m licginiag-to think of Minnie to. be for supper l’ Etiquette of Advertisingâ€"A servant recently advertised for a situation, and the wife 012a merchant Sent to make inquiries abouflier.‘ The girl called at the house of the inquirer the next morning, and apologised for so doing, stating that. she was passing through the street and tliougl t sherwould call.-â€"‘ i sent for you,’ said the house-keeper, ‘nod thought ofccnrse you ' not; No. cu, EETS at WM. DcROSE’S HOTEL Victoria Square. the last Friday evon- ’ ing in each month. t l orrtcnns ELECT i THOMAS SNOWDON. Master. .10 HN BUTTON, Deputy Master. HENRY RICH. Treasurer. ALFRED READ. Secretary. Victoria Square. May 7. 1858. 48~1 W Richmond Victoria, OYAL ORANGE LODGE No. 7"8. , J meets at Brother Robert Wisemaus. would come.’â€"‘ No, marm,’ replied the Masonic Hall, the first Friday evening after a‘ j.’.\- whey, .711. lad,» advertises for a Place, the Full Moon in each month.- it qtgxpsi‘eq that the Person wanqflg her MOn‘icnns Ionizer -- William Duncan ‘ , .. . , . , ‘ , aster: E. Chamberlain. Deputy Master; .1: stances will c1111. I but 13 the etqucttc of blunhol‘luuomfiecretufy; W.l’og’um'l‘reeaurer. RdYCfillln‘l’ 1 January ‘21, 1858. 35,“ STEAM 3111.1.5, ’t‘uousniLL. June 3,1859. HUGH CAMPBELL, Watch and Clock Maker, JEWELER, 5w. Yonge Street, Aurora- Jewelry. W'atch'es and Clocks repoired and cleaned on the shortest notice and lowont terms Acme. February 17, 1880. 90-1! l 1] TEETH ., smitten, CORNER or KING AND TORONTO srnssrs ‘ 61-1 SON. & 00- YORK, PEEL & ONTARIO. JOHN LANCSTAFF, IRON 27-tf f manufacture of O, S. Richmond’s improved 1 IRON BE Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs. Fanning ranted. Richmond 11111, Jan.19,1859. . J... . 1:; 1 - -. N. “.53, ,. ; ,- -'¢ ,wtttitiutiAm 1 Good Health and Long Life. By the use of'El‘ectricity. . ....._‘ By Dr. E. C. EDMON'DS, sunofiou DENTISI‘. AURORA. . . 1 Am“. MAYOR‘S ' LONG“ ILIFE Pr-LLs .1 Are warranted not to contain any Mercury. [IE Subscriber is instructed to offer for Sale the following Lands :â€" The south half of Lot bro. 6, in tho 7th)C,o_n. of Eat Gwillimbury, Containing 100 acres. about 49 Cleared-with Log Iloure. Barn and Well-0t good w-atei.‘ The remainder is covered With Valuith .‘Pine and Hardwood Timber, and will be sold a good bargain on liberal terms.- Application may be made to the owner. '1 homes Brodie, Lot 325, 2nd Con. King, or to the Subsm'iber. ‘ 14 Teeth inseriird on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized Rnbber. All Operations in his Profession. performed'in the most approved manner and _ Warm it led? Aurora, Marcth, 1860. These- Pills are composed of the most select Drugs. and being purely vegetable, can be taken at any season of the year if necessary, with safety and without fear of taking cold. by exposure. which renders them of great value and superior to any other medicine ever yet. offered to the public. ’i‘lte satisfactory and flat- tering testit: onials received by the Proprietor, has induced him to advertise these invaluable Pills that the public mav be convinced of a simple and effic cious tenn-dy. is alone suffici- ent to subdue and cure the ordinary sickness of this country, such 8.15 Pains in the Head. Back and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Sorcncss of the Thorn. Cramps. Colics, Worms in Children. and other disor-. r ders, which will be found on tte wrapper with instrucuons for taking '113111. Price, 25 Cents each Box, Sold by Druggi'sts and=general Starekeepers, who are requested not to purchase of travelling Agents. 67~1y YONGESTREET HOTEL, AURORA. GOOD: supply of \Vines and Liquors alwavs on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for "I‘rnvollers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. I). MGLEOD. Proprietor. Aurora. J one 6. 1859. 25.1.3’ use, The west italfof the north halfof Lot No. 9-9 Containing 50 Acres of valuable Land. with an Excellent M1111 Site Will be sold f‘beep. for Cash. JAMES HALL,»- ’ ’AS always on hand alarge assortment of _ ~ _ BOOTS and: SHOES, which will be sold at prices to meet the times Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. Thoreau. ALSO. The north halfofLot No. 1.3, in the let CON. OF SYDENHAM, Containing 100 Acres of choice Lambâ€"well watered and in a good locality. andwill be sold on liberal terms. l-U THOMAS MAYOR. Officeâ€"Victoria Square. Manufactory~4th Con. Markham. PATRICK LYNOTT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, 1 OR the sale of Cattle. Stock. doc. is preâ€" pared to attend Sales in all parts of Up. in Canada. ' 151-9. 'AFFLICTED READ 1.. EUROPEAN MEDIGAE HOUSE AND Botanic Dispensary, No. 1'11, Kiso S'ritusr Wasr, Touou’ru, C.W. ESTABLISHED 311 Dr. GOODING, (formerly. of, England- A Liver Complaint, Dyryiryisia. Nervous Debi/z’ty. Mair/cums or Wasting Con shiny/1.1012. Seminal “lea/CHESS. Dzs- 611368 (3/ the Kid/toys am! B/arl/lcr Rheumatism. Stare/11m. Ste/t Rheum Mercurial, C/imizz'c (Jump/1111113, cS-e 11:3" No charge for Advice. ‘ Du. Goomso is now engaged in treating this class of maladies with the “lost astonishing suc- cess. The treatment udoptrd by him is new, ,it is based upon scientific principles. with new discovered remedies. without minerals or pois- _._.. one The tacilities of cure are such, that pati- 1.1.50, tents can be cured at their own houses without , , “ m ~ , extiense, in any part of the country. from an 321(22be7' (if Vzflnge Lofs ! accurate description of their case by letter. and have the medicine rent them by mail or express. use. A. Village Lot 1 011 Temperance Street, in the VILLAGE O? AURORA, Containing one fifth of an Acre of Land, with a oommodious [louse thereon. 'Well adapted for the residence of agentcel family. Ric-1111101111 Hill May 25. 1859. FOR. SALE; .2001000 feet of Lumber INCLUDING Flooring. Siding. inch Boards. and two-inch Plank, Scantling. 610 ,&c.. at the subscriber’s Mill. near Stoufl'villo. cheap for Cash or Approved Credit. , JAMES BUGG. i Stonli'ville. April 12. 1859. 9341'. NEW. SPEEDY, AND MOST SUC- ALSO. CESSFUL mode of treating The following 4 'i’tllagc t 015 in Aurora. survey drawn '11}: ll. Lynn. 1"»)?l’.5., vizi: Lot No. 1. west cf Railroad. 2nd range, one quarter acre . I ' Lot 111 the head of Road. between Lots 6 and 7,. one {pint-tar, act-e, Lot No. £1. ‘Zrid range, one quarter acre. ROBERT SIVEN. Boot. and Shoe Maker, DJOINING the \Vesleyan Methodist Chapel, Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. A choice selection 01' Gentlemens’. Ladies. and Cliildrens’ Boots and Shoes constantlv on hand. and made to order 011 the Shortest No. two. [13’ All kinds of Shoemaker. Findings for sale Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. 141' Lot No. 1’1, lest range, ooe quarter acre- ‘\11 of which will be sold clwup and 011 liberal terms. On tllt~ principal Streets of Aurora, belonging to John Ainsley, Esq ,â€"-â€"t\'ili he so 11 cheap and on liberal terms. Apply to [if by letter. post paid]- \.V. MOSIJIIY. Land A gout and Convoyaucer. Aurora, March 1, 15130. 675-111 TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS ! 185 YONGE STALET. MONUMEN TSTII‘OMBTABLES ’l‘OMBS't‘ONEe', sic. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN LAY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Yourg men n 110 are troubled with weakness generally caused by afind habit in youth. the efi'ccts of which are dizziness. pains, forgetful- ness. sometimes a ringing in the ears. weak eves, Weakness of the back and loweroxtretnev tires. confusion of ideas. 11.51. of xiii-mum, molaicboly, may be cuiedrby the New Botanic Remedies. COUNTRY I’A’E'IEA'Y'N. i ‘53 RIN l ING TYPES. ANDALI. OTHER A; Printing 3111111111111, 1110 kept in litrizo quantities. and sold at the lovvos.‘ prices. for Medicines; with t'ulldirections scntto any partISIX inonths’ notes or cash, at Bruce’s Now of the United States or Cannda,by patients YUlk 1.1110 1‘0"“d“)’- “011131! 101118 OfIbO communicating their symptoms by letter... modern st) loss are always on the shelves, ready Business correspondence strictly confidential, ll'lz;'(i||:;liltl‘llfllv delivery. in fonts of from 66 to " ' , ‘U 111. Address, ’V' ' DR GOODING blue cents W111 prepay the postage on ii ' 1 liaitatiiblet of ~"tu1’riced_ Si'ccinieus of Foolm.“ No. 51 King Street \Vest, Toronto, C, “1.. and other sheets. which will be mailed to all Toronto. February 3. 1860. 673» printing ot’iicvs sending me their acdtess. NE W T11 EA T111 .2511” T. Buifiilo Medical bispcnsury. ESTABLISHED 170R '11115 CURE 0F DY‘PIZPSID‘ GEi‘Vl-ZiiAL Dl‘JBlLl‘lY. Fl-VIlR A51) AGUE. SCROEULA. DLD ULCI‘JLS. GREAT lMd‘U' lll'lY 01" THE 141.0011, SALT RH LUM, I HE UNDERSIGNL‘D Assignees of the estate of I). C. & 1V. YALlu. willcon tinno the business under the superintendence of our. duly euthorized agents, Austin Anuizv and D. UAHLPS VIA/LIE. whose receipt will be t duly acknowledged. l’.S.-All notes and accounts remaining 1111- paid on the 181 day ct" June. 1851:, Will be put into Court for collection. C. XALE. G; CUMMER. 413-11. ,, to publish this ridveith‘oinent. including this 11031:, three titties before the firrt day of July. 18110. and forward me one of the papers cott- taitiitig it. will be allowed lzis bill, at the time 'of'tiirkiiig n t-vrciitise 1:01;. the of my own manufactures, of tire times the 11111011111 of said bill. Address GEORGE BRUCE, Tpr Founder. 13 Chambers street, N.\' Toronto, April ‘29. 1859. LANDS FOR SA EQE. On Easy Term: of Payment. 3%,.GQQ Acres, 1 l l 23.: i't‘UA't'rli) in the counties of Lanrros and I U Iii-ant. All necessary information will be ; writer. on applicmion. post paid, to MILES LANGSTAFF. Wallaceburgh Also, some improved FARMS to RENT. Wallaccburgh, Nov. 94‘. 1859. 52-tf __ L...____.._ YORK MILLS HOTEL. YONGE S'sitEE'r. GOOD supply of Wtsus and LIQUORS always 011 band. Cigars of all» brands. Excellent accommodation for 'I'ravcllers, Eat- more and others. YIMILEl, FISIULA, BILES, KIDNI YS, DIGBUJ'lY. IN‘ FIRMITUQS UF YOUTH 11111 01.1) acre, dice. _ , L Persons indebted to tlto undersigned I. (11'? N0 DHCI‘CUI'y USBd 4m either by Not-‘ or Book Account. will _.._. please attend to the same by the let of March. R AMOS die SON, Corner of M iii) and by coming forward and paying port and melting Quay Streets, 1511112110, New Ymk. tire arrangements for the balance they will be liber- the only Physicians in the State who are inetn- ally 0051111. with. '1lioso iii-pleating to attend to bars ot the Royal College of Surgeons. Lon- this notice may expect to be attended to. (1011 May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the R CROSBY. mornin until 9 o’clock at night, 011 every . . . . state ting sy niptoni 01' (11:01:10, lelmm‘d HI”- Fd" 10- 1860‘ The treatment lllct‘ adopt is the result oil upwards 0130 years’ extensive and successful practice in London. The mast inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or nine days. and cases ofa slight nature in two NOTlCE. 6311' ALEX. HILL, Proprietor. ,or three days at a very moderate espense.â€"- ‘ , *‘ . ., . The cure effected without cuniiiieineutor hin- _ 13%;: York Mills, Doc. 1., 1859. 05-0111 drama fmm husiuoss. q I M” Young Men” Take Particular M AT'I HEW LEPPER Afottce. __ - . Has alwavs on hand a good assortment of , _ , , , ' There is an evil habit sometimes indulged MAl OR. S DRY GOODS: GROCERIES» in by boys. in solitude. otten growing up with &c. &c. die. them to manhood. and which. it' not reform id 0 O N D I O N I C - , b ' them in due time. not only begets serious . obstacles to tiiatriiiioniul happiness, but. gives “‘3’ rise to a series of protraced. 1.1sidious. andde- vastating all’ectiotis Few of those who give . .1 11y to this pernicious practice are aware o; 11110 consequences. until they find the nervous system shuttered. feel strange and unacouiitau his feelings. and vague fears 111 the mind. A. Most Scientific Invention. A11 instrtttnent for the cure of General De- bility, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness. Nervous Debility. «on which are permanently cured in Iron] 15 to 20 days by the use Oflltl§ltlstl‘u1116111. when tiatd conjoiiitly with medicines. New Remedies and Quick 021783, Dr AMOS 81. SUN trike pleasure in announ- cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians 1:1 London. Paris. Philadel- phia and Now Yoik. It has been declared the only Ltsefscl. instrument over yet invented for tie cure of Seminal Weakness. or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. Amos do Son, in order to satisfying most skeptical as to the merits of these iiisu-u. tiients, pledge themselves. that in any instance vhcre they may prove unsatist'actot'v after a lair trial. the money will be refunded by re- turning the instrument in good order. Vthl be found .replete with tho Nowest and Most Fashionable Sty les 01 Bonnets, .Wlaiitlcs .t" Capes Aurora. February 17. 1860. 64-tf fl‘HIS Splendid Medicine can be given in one Ball at any time of the year..without injury to the Horse. and has been used by the Farmers of Markham fer the last two years with a success unprvcedentcd. By the use of this remedy it Will convince the owners of that noble animal the inconsistency of an unneces- sary outlay by using Artificial food. or Condition Powders, which are too well known to contain minerals highly injurious to the membrane or coating of the Stomach. The Ball is a compoundot' Pure Vegetabe. and warranted not toe-011111111 either Mercury. Arsenic. Anti- many or any other Mineral. Its immediate action is surprisng and the ultimate effect has astonished thousands. If the Animal is out of sorts, there is a cause remove that and he is all right. One do:e at the cent of 25 cents is sufficient to cure little Bound, Loss of Appe- tite. Coughs. Colds and Fever, Distemper, Stoppagc of Water. Swellvd Legs. Greaseaind is a complete Destroy error Worms, 3. greatptiri- fyer of the Blood, and a good Physic, always rccomtiiendod to be givenin 1110 Spring and Fall, which willact as a prewntivo 1111111111- prove the-general condition. Makes liini coni- DR. R. W. HILLARY, PHYSICAN, SURGEON 86 ACCUUCHEUR, AURO RA. C. W. February 17. 1860. 64 ly Auction Novice. , ’I‘HOMASâ€"TVILSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FUR T1115 COUNTIES 011' All letters addressed, 3111111111.“: VILLAGic. wil receive prompt attention. [13’ Orders re- ccitted. at the “ Hanan)” Office. Richmond ill, where terms, 310.. may be ascertained. Markham Village. Nov. 18, 1859. 5l-tf 'I‘estinioiiials oftho highest character will be forwarded to testify to the above if required. Cash 'l‘ortnsâ€"nOne Dollar per packet containing four IMill’s. HARNESS AND SHOE BLACKING. V. ELL’S Superior \Vatorproof Harness o and Shoo Blocking is warranted to soften leather. and rent or it imperious to wet. Manuâ€" factured at Richmond Hili. and sold by Store. keepers atid Harness Makers throughout the ' Province. February 10 , 1860. Persons wishing the above useful instrument will observe. that. the price. with the accom- panying directions. securely packed and sent by mail or express. is ten dollars. Beware of bizposmon. Beware of empirics and itinerant self-styled professors. who ATTEMPK‘ cums, but iievcr succeed. Dr Amos & Sou have for 11 long series of years been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delican t-oriipltiints, and are the only legally qtihlified l’hysiCians who now advertise to cure certain Complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. PERSONS IN ANY Pour my THE W ' _ _ I ’ be successfully treated by forwarding a correct EGS 1° “minute “‘3‘ b“ 1" “0w l’fel’amd' 1“ detail. of 1111311" cases, with a remittance for ere“ [HILLS'OIT ever" d°50llllll°lli 1’7 Medicines, 15m, which. will be returned with contract or otherwne, on reasotialile,.tei'i1is- the utmost dispatch and secure from obser- “8 13 3130 1119‘“ for 1110 he“ l‘oulld'llejs “1 Cfl' vation. 11ada.,and from his lengthened experience he Address Dr. Anon 5: Sort, corner Main and hopes .10 [two general, satisfaction. , Quay streets, Buffalo. N. Y. 46-1y Aliens, Dee. 1351? be promptly attrtidcd to. with my signature in full. without which none other are genuine. Officeâ€"Victoria Square. concession Markham. 63-tt' THOMAS MAYOR he only maker of the original. Yorkshire Uiiffield Oils in America. (it) RICH 111 ON D MILL- FOUNDRY. HE undersigned begs to inform the public that he has opened a FOUNDRY for the .-â€".. W . U. $KENE ,1.1ti.i.v.1iiictir, , AM PLOUGHS, on I. T 0 .71“ .o . 0R1 D may M1115, Horse Hoes, & Horse Rakes. , 113’ All Work manufactured by me is W ar- IRA B. RICHMOND; LANDFOR SALE A 111 the 317d Con. of Mismlris Belong-itig‘tc. R Mt.i~cli:1ll,1".sq,. on the Plan of 18010? lllCOHSISlelll W111! that Of 1116 Any publisher of a newspaper who chooses| “ l I and Furniture, in the $11 W 0 R M D E S T R O Y E R, The YORK HERALD will pleter up to the mark for his work, theroeby . rion than one month. must be giving every satisfaction; the owner can require. vunco. Letters )1‘6 aid enclosin a remittance will lmid ‘ ““dlmml‘ls refusmg 1’ I p g ' (mg up, Will be held accountable for the sub. Printed Directions wrapped round eat-h Rail Scrllllwll' ‘ " ‘ ' cosmos: WI Splendid Property For Sale, in the VILLAGE OF. SPARTA, Ninth Concession of Markham. suitable {one ' Tanner or Brewer, consisting-11f ' ' A One Acre With Two Dwelling Houses and 8. 1111‘ ex,” ' Tannery. Seventy feet long by Thirty-six ': wide. with "’ Spring Creek running through ‘ the lot. Title indisputable. and a clear Deed -; for $500. sir further particulars inquire of THOMAS ‘ Markham Village, Feb. 10, 1860. 60-‘tf ' THE » MONTREAL. WITNESS "I. IS PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK A1. . l t we.» ‘ Two Dollars Per llama in Advance 1 I. ~â€" WEEKLY EDITION. 2 dollars per single copy perannumdn advance. : , 6 " for clubs of 4, addressed separately. If) u it 10. u u 320 “ for 20 copies to one address. When a club has been formed. additions may be made at the same rate. The terms for both editions are strictly cash in advas co. and the paperinvariably stops when thetimo subscribed for expires. 1. All letters. orders and remittances. to be ad- dressed. post'paid, to JOHN DOUGALL, Proprietor “.Vlos'rnnat. Witnss,“ Montreal. Anviziirtsiuc..â€"- l he “ Montreal Witness " being extensively patronized by town and coun-. try merchants, presents an excellent medium. tor advertisetiicnts. The terms for advertising. are, when over eight lines. 7 cents per line for first insertion. {111113 cunts perltno for each. subsequent insertion. Under eight lines 59' and ‘25 cents. Atli-crt‘ismnntts not exceeding t/irec ZIIIES, lu‘t‘ltly'jll‘b’ cot/ls mch insertion, in udrmicc. ' No advertisements can be inserted ofn cham paper. 0111' Musical Friend. 1“ UR MUSICAL FltlEND,” 11 Ram ' Companion for the Winter Months. I Should procure this 1 weekly Publication of i Every 'l‘cuchcr. \"occl and Piano E‘oitp Every Pupil, Music, costing but. 1.1) Every Amateur, 1 Cents a number, and Pronounced by the entire Press 01 the country, [U be “THE BEST AND CllEAPESi WORK OI“ '11le KIND IN THE \‘VURLD,-” 'I‘Welve full-sized Pages of Vocal and PM .‘ Forte blusii- tcr 10 Cents. ‘ Yearlygfifi ; ['1 alflyeariyyi‘zi‘.) 50‘. Quarterly$1.‘25 Subscriber to “ Our Musical Friend.” or order it from tho. heart-st Ncwsticaler. and y1 u will 111.10 Music for your entire family at an insignificant cost; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, (joint-t, (Tittrioiict. Accordion 6.11.6919 sub. (:r.bc to the :- l @010 Etielcsuist, (1011111111111); 1211114301». costing only 10 Cents is nought-r; Yearly. :31": 51); Halt-yearly. $1 ‘25. All back numbers at. it) 1:15.. and. Bound Volumes. Containing 17 111.1iibezs, at $2 50 each. constantly on hand. (I. 11. SEYMOUR do Co. 1117, Nelson .51.. New York 1 it: livery Singer. very l’iu‘i'st, Fire 1 . Fire! 1 Fire! I .1 l W 1; s 'r i: 11. it . [Fire insurance Community _~ I' 1 u ._ ,. r . 1 01 E INCORPORATED 131' A01. ('9 l‘.‘.lii'.lr\.,3U€N'l'u 1 0.1113171?!“ 2:17! ’0 (51'1". £3 3151,0610. 'l. C. GILMOR, Pro». 1 (ti-:0.illichii;,‘1'it:oPres 111:1 t'tfi‘ctts : Rice Lewis. 1:14;. i live, . James lieutv. qu. '1 a -1 1 \. \‘i '1‘, 1’. “011111718, qu. '. M. Rossin. l'jsq. Bernard 11111111111. Egaq. Scorciary 19- Treasures. Angus Morrison. 151M]. Solicitor. Iiank of Upper Canada. Brut/wits. Biiijaiiiiii Swinger, qu. Inspector. 113’ Hand QJ/‘icc, Church Street, Toronto. .53 T1115 COMPANY lnstties all descriptions of Buildings,hianuthctories, Mills, 61c" and Good: mo, agitinctloss ordain- age by tiro,on hberalterins. Losses promptly settled. A. Law, Residence. Generpl'ag‘ent. Richtvond llill August 13. 1857. 210-1 (tinâ€"T111111 15111111 is runmsrinn . EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatcbed to Subscribers by the earliest mulls. or other conveyance. when so desired. always be be found to contain the 181681111161" most impers- taut Foreign and Provincial News and More ltcts. and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable tothenian of business. and a valuable Ifaiiiilt Newspaper. TERMSâ€"Seven and Sixpence pct-Annuin, IN Aiivaaca‘ ; and it' not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Six litres and under. first insertion.. . . . $0.11 5.0 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . 110 122i I‘en lines and under, first insertion. . . . . 0075 Above tan lines, first in... per line.... 00 07 Each subsequentinsertion. perline. . . . 0’102:' 11:? Advertisements wtthout written. dimes» tiotis inserted till forbid, and charged accords ingly. All transitory advertisements, from strangers. oi irregular costomei-s. must be paid for when. litindeu in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties-ads vei'tising by the-year. All advertisements published for 111955 p5- paid for in ad- All letters addressed to the Editor must ha. post paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearages as apers without pave TUE YORK HERALD.- Mnnufactory~4th 8001i apl(§ IE 01) Ekrillting ESTABLISMEN 1‘. ~â€",â€"_ [‘ RDERS for any the undermentionod W ORK will be promptly attended to :-â€" Books. vitich BILL-B. BUSINESS “1105,1411”: description of PLAIN and FANCY .103 AND SMALL POle‘LRS. CIRCULARS, LAW FORMB, BILL HEADSJBANK (7111129115,DRAFT3, AND 1’ A M P H L 1': T S . And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRI-N TING ’ done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and ot'the latest patterns. A large variety ' of new‘Fancy Type and Borders. {or Cards. 4‘ Circulars. die. kept always on bond.

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