Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Apr 1860, p. 3

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TORONTO SPRING ASSIZES. (From the Globe.)- \VEDNESDAY, April 11. Before Hon. Mr. Justice HAGARDY. At the Opening of the. court his Lordship said that great delay had been caused on the previous day by counsvl not being ready, in cases in which they were engaged. It is expected that the “ Great Eastrenw will be able to start for New York about the same time that the Prince of Wales will visit Canada, and will, it is hoped. be able to ac- company the royal squadron. W. . He hoped that such delays would notito Miss Sornu BRILLINGER. Whitchurch. ‘3‘“? occur during the “lung 01‘ this On the lltliinstmit, by the samc,Mr, JOHN Assrze Court. He then. stated that If“ COOK, W’hitchurch, to Miss 'Rxcnu ZUBn, counsel were not ready when the cases -» Markham. were called, he would be under the necesâ€" sity of striking the cases off the docket. CHARGE OF HORSE~STEALING. Jas. MoDaaMoT'r, an old man. about sixty years of age, and who it is said was a member ofthe notorious Markham gang, T ORON TO MARKETS. THURSDAY, April 11. . E Fall Wheat.~â€"â€"Not over 350 bslils were do- was placed in the dock, and arraigned 00 livered to-day, and the prices were consequently an indictment charging him with stealing a firm. $1 38; having been paid for the best horse we property of 1“, James Cosh“! sample on the market. The average for prime . , , v , . ,, , . . . . residing in the township of V’Vliitcburch Etafiagogtliifiggfgfmion and warm ruled The Solicitor General West prosccuted Spring \Vheat.-â€"Only 75 bshlslu market, which on behalf of the crown. Mr. D. Mc- 50”“ “01:1 87010 $1 05 P0?- bslll- Mitchel defended the prisoner. Eflpls.â€"42.) bshls went off at 60 and 62c per JAMES COSFORD Said mat about the Daubâ€"275 bsbls at 33 and 35c per bshl. 4th Of November, 1859, he lost a valuable Baileys-.9405 hshls sold at 65c. Pt r lishl. ‘ sorrel mare from his stable. The mare luu{-Ei%lg‘*{fi':{4f\.i‘g '7:me alqgiflfiftw was ltolen on the evenin of the fourth, or ‘.°‘ 4 ,r 0 a: ",3 "WCâ€"Vii? , 0,?" “‘7‘. morning of the fifth of gNovember. He Eff“ $0 70 to $5 70' Daub]? L‘wa' w to $0 did not hear anything about the mare for Hay and Straw:=-'l'here isva moderate supply nearly three months, when he learned that at from $12 ‘0 $l8 f0" Hay. $5- 10 $7 it“ Straw I “T ammal had been m Possesmim Of ll'e Pblalbgsâ€"aare brought in plentifullr. and sell at l prisoner at the. bar, who at the tune resrd- aH-mm 200 m 39,, per mm, ' ed in Ihe township of Orillin. A Warrant Buttonâ€"Fresh is in fair snpplv at from 16c to was issued for the apprehension of the 990 P91” “L 0 prisoner, and a constable was dispatched t) l g‘éii’TFmSh from wagons we to 1‘0 per i Urillia. The constable found on his arri l val that the horse had been burned. He l made a search and discovered a portion of the head and one of the limbs. The con- stable brought the parts of the animal away With him, and also a halter which witm-ss was of opinion was on the horse the night it was stolen. To Mr. 3:0 .\liTC11ELâ€"â€"l do not like to swear pOSIllt't‘lY to the hnltcr. l hare been in the h..bit 0f>lluelllg my own horses and iilriiiiLicd the shoe on the leg of the lioisi- its in which i made. '1 nos. (humour), .3 nnr., proved that the [Iiucc of tilt: hind which he saw belongcd to tin.- liorsi: SIOlt'll from his father‘s stable on the night of the dub November. T. PEARSONâ€"I am a constable in the village of \‘v'hitchurch. A warrant was placed in my hands for the apprehension of the [ll'lSOllt‘l‘ of the bar, on a charge of stealing a horse belonging to Mr. Coslm‘d ‘ flew enhancements. M NE W TAILOR, A'l‘ THORNHILL. \VILIJAIH SUDDABY; KRIOULD respectfullv inform the inhabi- tools of 'l‘hornhill and the surrounding Country, that he has commenced business in the s:ho_\ lately occupied by Mr. W. 11. Ilollis, where he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. Thornliill, April 10, 1,3560. 72-4 J. K. FALCONBRIDGE - o n n ‘ )2 N ’ I Wcl'l to (Jrilhn, The prisoner lived in ‘8 0”“ G ou'ms the woods about ten miles from Orillin on the: Owen Sound road. when I saw the prisoner I asked him what he had done with the sorrel inure which he had stolen from Mr. Casi-ord’s premises. He said it was not a sorrel mare, but a chcsnut colâ€" oured one. I apprehended him and took him back to Oril.ia, where he was lOoked up. _ I then made a search in the vicinity of Mcllcimolt’s premises and lound traces of the mare. About ten rods from the shanty I observed a heap of lirushwood, i and on turning it over I saw several pieces 'or the head and trunk ofa horse which ha. been imlcntilied as being the renmins of the animal stolen from M r. Cosford. There were several marks as if inflicted by an axe on the head which I found. The wounds. in my opinion, were sufficient to have caused death. I found a small axe in the house of the prisoner, which might have been the weapon used. Mr. GoLDsivuTn testified that he had sold the mire in question to Mr. Cosford. He had been shown the parts of the ani- mal found by the constable, and indentilied them as belonging to the mare which he sold to Mr. Costord, , Bursar CLARKSON said that she lived with the prisoner for about six months. She was not married to him. Prisoner had odered to marry her, but she declined to unite her fortunes with his. While she was livingr with the prisoner they resided some distance from Orillia. On the first Saturdayin November the prisoner brought a mare home which witness charged him at the time with having stolen. He at first denied that he had stolen the mare, but ultnnately acknowledged that he had done so. Witness was aware that the mare had been stolen from Mr. Cosfo d ; and on the 1st of February she left the prisoner, and started on foot to inform Cosford that the prisoner had stolen his mare. She was three days in accomplish. ing the journey. Mr. McMicuAuL in his address to the jury contended that there appeared to be a doubt relative to the prisoner having stolen the horse, and urged the jury to give the prisoner the benefit of the doubt. After his Lordship had summed up, the jury retired. After a considerable absence they returned into Court, and handed in a verdict of “ Not guilty,” which seemed to surprise every one in Court. . The Parsoncn.â€"â€"'i‘hank you, my Lord. The learned JUDGu.-â€"You have nothing , SPIN NG 4% SURINH ER For Particulars see Small Bills. April 5. 1860. 71-3111 Letters Remaining in RlCHMi)ND I’lll.L PostOfliee APRIL 1, [2560. ------u- Lawrence, Mrs. James Lymburner, R. II. Murdy, Joseph Matthewson, Gilbert Miller, James Murphy, Francis McGillis. John McCartney, R. McGregor, R. P. McMahon, Miss Mary McVVilliain, James l’layter, Aaron Quanta, Frederick Rumble, William Story, Robert B. Sims, John Simpson, James Sheriff, Patrick [2] 'l‘ricker, Mark Trench, W. Washington, John VValkor, Mrs. Wright, Malcomb Wilson, Richard Willoughby, llov. W. M. TEEFY, P. M, 7. “ Anderson. John Armstrong, Sarah Badger, Nancy Bernard, Hiram Bennett, Jessee (9) Bailey. John Brazzel. Thomas Bleak. Margret Brooks, John Clark, Miss Isabella Craik, l’etor Campbell. John Clubino, A. Cleaveland. Miss M. Coornbs, Mrs, T. Devericks, John Doyle, Margret Denton, Mrs. Wm. Davidson, John Gloss, James Halley. John llorner, Mooney Heslop, John Hall, If: Kirkland, Charles. Kilfeder, Robert l to thank me for. You had better thank the jury for acquitting you. The PRISUNER having done so left the dock. There are other charges pending against him. After the disposal of some civil business the court adjourned. fill/IE dd be Yonge Street Agricultural, Society. The members ofthe above Society are requested to attend a meeting to be held at Simpson’s Hotel, Richmond Hill, on Saturday, (to- morrow,) the 14th instant, at 4 o’clock, p.m. Ill? SN 0818 H V H tLV '0981‘01 lawman ‘uin puowtiosa i ‘oanou oiqrssod gseiioqs aqi u; ‘fiagmi Liana i0 SSHNHVH ‘floM may“ 01 parathion swung SILLV ATLCIWOHJ SEIGICI‘JO ’I’IV GVH CEIEI NVO ES tZ D 7" MW w n~ FIRE A’I‘ PORT HOPE.â€"â€"Yesterd9y a 5: marineg about 5 o’clOck, a fire was dis- 2 2 5°. Fj covered raging in the (IWclling house of U Cb_I-_-: 2 Mr. Thomas Johnson, on Cavan street, E31 " the alarm was given and in a very short :3 ‘ g -: l‘d time the Fire Engines were on the spot > ’1 n- and quickly extinguished the flames. The w Lâ€" 5 .a 0 fire appears to have commenced in an un' E m occupied bed-room up stairs, the flooring r H of which was very much destroyed, as Z a. m C: , also the pratition in that room and the of g p ' l -~ room immediately underneathâ€"Guide. :3 § l >9 °,- - ‘ " MARRIED. On the 3rd instant, by the Rev. James Dic k, Richmond Hill, Mr JOHN Hoovrm, Markham. J. .. .,. i Z ._.___‘..__.__.~....W.___ ______._Aâ€"_..â€"__.._.._._ ~ A w. .... .. . . .‘. ‘L-‘W'U‘ * . .L.r._'-. .. w . â€" -_ y ,.- . .W " < «a. .s 9.. r. - ... t. '., _, _ $.-', .._) '.. ,..-;:‘.’.7 o‘;"‘...’.‘ -. I,:'. 3‘." x “ ;.~ ’ s ‘-~‘ ~" < r ‘ ‘ s....._..._._._._.__â€".__.; ;:_.L_._. " N n, M] crawv-N va W‘JVV‘..FV c \4 s. V r _, ‘1’» ». \ 4...,W ___..___._____...___._ .._-__.... fl..." ‘Mr:»“Cobden’s'« >Laiicasliire....aud.. -London l P the friends, it is stated, got‘up a princely testi- monial [£40.000] to him, iii-consideratiou or". E; HE Subscriber belts to intimate’ 1° ' ‘ ' ' - ‘ ‘ ‘7 ‘ 7 ’ he 1 is l t n * - banners ofthe bounty of inrk.‘ that 1‘ a e u portant labors in connection Wltll the IS prepared-10:, lanufac‘ur ‘ u , e“ I‘ ronch treaty. ' ' V ->j - . . V V a a . \/\./\./\.1\/ ~../ .x' (VNMN l "new E. 3 l 3 LL Persons indebted to the undersigned as Book debts contracted on or. before the first day of September, 18.58, will please to come forward and sonic on or before the 15th day of April next, and thereby save costs. The firm having tioned period -â€"also, all notes due and not paid or renevved by that time will be left in his At- tornoy’s‘ hands for collection, as Iintend leaving for England. R. MACHELL. Machells Corners, Aurora 28th Feb. 1860. GREAT PLOWING”. MATCH EAST alumâ€"Tc} or YORK AGRICULTURAL .SthIEYY ! HE Townships of'iMarkham and Scarboro’ have amalgamated with this Society for the purpose of holding a SPRIN G FAIR, _ PLOWING MATCH, lVedzzesday theUISt/z April 1860 On the farm of ELIJAH MILLER, Esq, lot No. (S, 7th concession of MARKHAM.‘one and a quarter miles south of Markham Village» The following Splendid Prizes are offered for competition :-- FIRST CLASSâ€"OPEN TO ALL. 1st Prizeâ€"A splendid Harness pre- sented to the Society by John Bell, Esq,, Barrister, of ’I‘oronto,.... . . $80 00 been changed since the first men- . .With the improved Draft and. Coupling Irons, ‘ The above Harrows are far superior to any now in use, being made on an entire new‘ principle. They will he- found to do the work much quicker and better than any other Harp rows Specimens of the above may be seen and particulars as to price ascertained. by ap- plving to the Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond» Hill, who will punctually attend to all orders. _ ,' SAMUEL SANDERSON, Richmond Hill, Feb. ‘24, lE'tiO. 5-tf' 0' Brianna TESTAMENTS FOR SALE. CHEAP. M. TEEFY, Agent- Riehmond Hill. P.O. January 6, 1860. 58-tf’ E. a". QHJQSQEY, STOCK BROKER, Land Municipal Agent, No. 293Anne. Street, or Box 54, RC, Quebec. REFERENCES: Sheriff Jarvis, Hon. George Sherwood, Hon. P. M, Vankonghnet, C. J. Campbell, Esq. T. \Voodside, Esq. Messrs. Gilmour, Coulson 8.: Co, Angus Morrison, M,P,l’, Toronto; Messrs, Mills, Mattico Gr. lWMMMI'a IF you painting a G_oop,il)UuA‘B‘LE and EAsr WORKED, ’REAPER: Purchase, fromi the long Established and \Vell-known firm of PATTERSON 82 BRO. Or, if pgejiidiced~ in favor of'a Illll I, I I "in. ', 'l I“, u p in. I “,I in. l“ , MSW “that V ‘1 i‘lllllillllh 4'laugh if. ,1" 'ii “Wt "‘r all“? I" , on one nag; wholly from IRON, with FLEXIBLE FINGER BAR, which will cut equally well oh Roughor Sargon. gropnd, from ‘ ‘ ' ' i ' PATTERSON 8t BRO. \Vould you have your Haying done Cheaply, Easilyâ€"with Neatness, and in Good Time? 'I‘hen secure one of the ' ' ' i ' ' i ' ' ' - ‘ FIRST: PRIZE, RIOWERS ! With IRON FRAME, STEEL, CUTTER-BAR, and SELF-CLEARING: GUARDS that never were known to clog, manufactured by Co. Montreal ; James Webster, Esq, Guelph. 67-ff Quebec Government Agency. USINESS connected with the CROWN and other Public Departments LAND , attended to ; also, 2nd do Cash, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 00 3rd do do . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . . . 15 00 4th do do 1000 51k do do .........._....... 500 6th do do 400 $134 00 SECOND CLASS. lst Prizeâ€"Iron Plough presented to the Township of Scarboro’ So- ciety, by Mr. John Likens, Inn- keeper, International Hotel, ’1‘0- ' routo, . . . . . . . $43 ‘ 2nd do Casii ifiiéijl 3rd do do 2400i 4th do do . . . . . . . . I20 5th do do ..,,V...., ...... 1000 6th do do 800 7th do do ...,...,.. . . . . . . . . 600 8th do do .....,,.,,....,.. 400 $110 00 THIRD CLASS. rort YOU'I‘HS UNDER 18 rams or AGE. lst Prizeâ€"Cash . . . . . ......... $10 00 ‘2nd do do .... . . . . - . ,..,,,,. 900 3rd do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 4th do do .............. . 700 5111 do do . . . . . . . 600 6th (l0 (l0 ltt‘ueooonoiotll‘v 7th do do 400 8th d0 d0 . u n o o . vo-n....oose 9th do do ,,................ 200 IUtll (lo. d0 O'OOQQttuoqqquhto c5400 Rules and Regulations for Plowing First Classâ€"Open to all. Parties, Members of the Township of Markham, Scarboro’, or of the Society, and who have paid up their sub- scriptions, $8: others,’no’t members, residing within the bounds of Electoral Division, 3153; all others, 355, ‘ Second Classâ€"Open only to, parties who have never taken a first prize at any Plowing Match, excepting Youths under 18 years. En- trance. same as first class Third Clllss.=:-Opell to all youths under 18 years of age. Those resident within bounds of Electoral Division, entrance, $1 ; without bounds of Electoral Division, $2. ADDITIONAL RULES. 1st. The Ground will be measured off. A time-table prepared for each lot. 12 hours per acre allowed for performance of work. and from which no deviation can be allowed. Each lot will be drawn by ballot. 2nd. The furrow must be at least six inches deep, The centre half of lotto be gathered am- the other two quarters to be thrown out, so that each 10‘. lit the field be equal in width, and pro \orly ciogcd up when finished, 3rd. 2 fter setting of stokes, at which assist- ance may be had, no person will be permitted in any manner to interfere in arranging fur- rows or otherwise, and any interference in this respect by friends of the Plowmeu will cause loss of premium if awarded. 4th. l’lowmon must be on too ground br half-past 9 o’clock. a.m., and be ready to com- mence operation by It) o’clock, at which hour a flag will be hoisted. ' ' ' 51h. Entries may be made with Mr. John Likens, International Hotel, Market Square, Toronto ; H. R. Corson. Secretary, Markham Society; John Crawford, Secretary. Scarboro’ Society, Malvorn Road ; or with the Secre- tary, Markham Village HORSES AND, BULLS! DRAFT STALLIONS. lst Prize, . . . . . . . . . . . , . $800 f2nd do . . . . . . . . . . . . ----.......... 600 3rd do .....,.......,,_., . . . . . . . . . 400 STA LLIONS 2â€". GENERAL PURPOSES. Isl. Prize",,..,........,............ . .... 600 52nd do ..............u.... . 3rd do I v - o s . s s - . . - t . . . o o u u . n . o s o DURHAM BULLS. lst Plilze,..,..g--'-o-sooooo-qg9,-0- 2nd do coo-.9, - o . . . _, . - u - n a ,s-usg-c 3rd do .s.......-...-..----or~ood GALWAY BULLS. lst Prize. ............. ..... $4 00 ‘2an do ,.,..................,..., 300 3rd do . . . . . . . . . . . . .....‘......-.. 200 AYRSIIIRE BULLS. lst Prize. . . . . . . . . . ,..,. . . . . . . . . ,... $4 00 3nd d0 .s..ypyeoo.-,.,, c....-- 3rd do . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 200 Rules and Regulations; lst. Members of the Township of Scarboro’ and Markham, or of the Society, who have paid their subscriptions, are entitled to enter stock free of charge. 2nd. Parties, other than Members, desirous of competing, must pay $2, entrance. , 3d. No Parties exhbiting shall interfere with the Judges, whilst in the discharge- their duty, by conversation or otherwise. under forfeiture of premium. 4th. Animals obtaining prizes must have a stand, the season within bounds of Electoral Division 5th. No animal entered for competition shall necessarily entitle the owner to a. premium, unless deemed worthy ofa prize by the Judges. 6d] . Judges of plowing will not go upon the ground until the whole is finished. Horses and Bulls will be shown on the grounds attached to the Wellington Hotel, Markham Village. Dinner will be prepared at Inchs’ Wm.- LINGTON “crap, at Four o’clock, p.rn., after which the Judges’ awards will be publicly an- nounced and premiums paid. A. BARKER, Sec'y & Treasurer. v J. P. VVHELER, President. Markham, March 27, 1860. ing, Putting in the VVlIIdOWS. ‘ a. 4 . f2. . in... .m 5‘ .. E. sis in} ELAQJIE twins, . Secured by the Subscriber. Address, prepaid, E, CIIESLEY, No, Anne Street, I 4 . ll I my?“ FAM Quebec, March 6, 1860, ‘ 6 --- .. ___..._.._.__. ___._.__..._.._....__..‘__ ASTHMA. 2 OR the INSTANT RELIEF and PER- MANENT CURE of this distressing complaint use FINVI) T’S BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES l Made by C. B. SEYMOUR & Co., [07 Nassau Street. N.Y. free by post. For Sale at all Druggista. _. . _.__.__.c __-_......__â€"____._~..._____._.._.__._, Notice is Hereby Given HAT Mr, BUTTON DEGIER is not in my employ, not authorized to take any PLQXNS, for $1090 money on my account. J. DUN C UMB. Richmond Hill, March 25, 1860, TENDERS WANTED. G0 *0 ENDERS will be received at C. E. Law- rence’s. Lot 452, first concession of Van- ghan, until the lst of May next, to Raise the School-house in Section No. 3, in the 2nd con- cession of Vaughan, and to put under the building a STONE FOUNDATlON with Brlck \Vork thereon, to the height of 3 foot. 10 inches. It is to be l..atlicd and Plastered inside. The Carpenter work consists of Putting in the Jnists, Laying the Floor, Siding the Build- Iaking the Desks and Seats, with other Repairs which will be seen in Plans and Specifications at C. E. Lawrence‘s or Thomas Boothby’s c. E. LAWRENCE, .1. us, 'I‘HOS.BOO'I‘HB", ’ 605' Vaughan, March ‘22, 1860. 69-5 ~.â€"J»â€"â€"s DR. D. E. SEYMOUR, HOMGEOPATHIC FHYSICIAN, MAIN ST” NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 Cheap Clothing. HE Subscriber begs to inform the inhabi- tantsof Buttonville and the surrounding country, that he,continues to make first-class ship. COfi TS, VESTS, PflN TS, &c. In the newest Styles and superior Workman- All orders promptly attended to and work warranted. JOIIN HARDY, Tailor and Clothier. Buttonville, Dec. 23, 1859. 55-1)‘ ’CADvruniSE. S we have made arrangements which wil materially increasing our circulation. thus rendering the “ YORK HERALD” the BEST Advertising medium north of Toronto, and as we have now a circulation along Yonge Street and adjoiningr Townships larger than that of any other Journal. Now then is the time, and the “ YORK lInnALD “ is the Paper in which to Ad. vertise l JOB .m- TWORK. 7E would respectfully call the intuzziinri of , f ers, and -.:’ 'v’ Merchants. Auctioneers, I ar others. to the fact that we are prepared to ex- ecute JOB WORK on the shortest possible notice, and on the most. reasonable terms-â€" For Cash only, CUR; AGENTS. HE Inhabitants of Aurora and Vicinity are V informed the. Mr- JAMES I'IOLLADAY and Mr, tionEs Too are authorized to receive Sub- scrip ‘ and orders for Advertising and Job Work. Ar OAK Emacsâ€"Mr. Christison is 0 Agent. Where our Subscribers in that p% will in future get their papers Mr..C. in also grant receiptst'or Subscriptions. Hon, James Patton; Barrie; Price $1 per box; sent 704 BATTERSON a into. Are there Stumps on your. Farm! If so, (to my fail 5'0, procure imm‘ed‘iatgdly one ofthose ' ‘ - -- v a 1. 2 Of which S. BROWN, Esq, of the New England Farmer, says :-â€"â€"“ They, will more anything on the earth, or out the'earth, that any reasonable man can desire to move”; and 179 good, respectable Farmers in Canada stand ready to endorse the statement. To be had at the Iron Works of ' ‘ ' PATTERSON in. mm Is your Ground infested with foul weeds? Remember the MILL, CONSTRUC'I‘ED 0N SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES 2 Which will “ seperate wheat from Tares,” and render your Seed pure and clean; Manufactured at" H i ' i ‘ ' ‘ PATTERSON do BRQ’Sn, your with PLO “’8, with Cast Beams, I’LOVVS, with Wooden Beams, PLO\VS, with \Vrought Beams, PLOVVS, with Steel Beams, I’LOWS, with Straight Beams, I’LO\ ’S, with Crooked Beams, Lap Furrow I‘LOVVS, ‘ Green Sward PLOVVS, Centre Draft FLOWS, Spb Soil PLOVVS, Crossing I‘LOVVS, Gangâ€"PLOVVS, ' FLOWS, for $12,00, rnows, to. $14.90, ‘rnows, for $16,013, . ' ' pnows, for 3518,00,, - FLOWS, for $2230, PATTERSON & BRO. TREAD HORSE-POWERS, with Thresliers, ‘ ' V ' " " ‘ ’1‘ USA D HORSE-POWERS, with Threshers and Separators, . TREAD IIORSE-POVVERS, with Threshers, Separators and Cleaners, _ Circular Wood Saws, ' ' ‘ Horse Rakes, Root’Slicers, Scufilers, Horse Hoes, Road Scrapers, Cultivators, Straw Gutters, Grain Crushers, Seed Drills, ' is“? f“? IMPLEMENT FACTORY i PAT'MRSUN 8: BRO.- 67-4m To be bad at the AGRlCULTURAL Richmond Hill, Canada West, March, 1860. RICHMOND HILL Pllllllllllll HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT ~~4\’\I.'\‘u-4Mvv\r~vvv. «cc- . ---Vvvvvv~~~VVV~/VWW W. H. MYERS EGS to return his sincere thanks to his numerous Friends and the Public B generally for past favors, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance bf tho Patronage he has so long received ; he has now on hand a large stock of consisting in part of ‘ DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS of every description, Ladies’ and Gentleman’s SADDLES, BRIDLES and SPURS, MANE and CU {RY COMES, - , HORSE BRUSHES and CARDS, g TRUNKS, VALISES, 8; 'I‘ravellirig BAGS With an endless variety of, \VIIIPS, . and VVFIIP LASHES, ' All of which will be sold pt prices that will defy Competition. The Goods hlanu: factured at this Establishment have now been tried for the last five years, and, {he best proof that they have given entire satisfaction is, that all whobave once purchased at his place invariably come again. COLLARS WARRANTED SAFE! Every description of Horse Clothing-Rollers and Bridles made to order, A11 V 'W. V arranted, All orders will be thankfully ream-veal and promptly attended to, Cash will be given for 11191333 and. SKINS: Richmond Hill, February 3, L860. , 62-ly WM ,NOVELTY”ivIoo0NironKsi MARKHAM VILLAGE, ‘ \AVKW’NMMA. Every Description of LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGGONSl Manufactured by the Subscribers. Having an immense stock of Lumber, of the best quality and well seasoned, and with the great facilities which they have in Ma- chinery, combined with first-class Workmen,â€"â€"they can, and do make better Finished, More Durable. and r. . mu 1. “l l- . l ' ‘. ‘tm [w ill“ ll l H lip, M iii ii. v. % “inn illumii l‘lliiiilii iTuir l“him llhill “hr “in llliiwui l l Than any other Establishment in Canada. All orders attended to with promptitude, and Work warranted L T, SPEIGHT fir. SON. ' 56-6131; ' Markham Village, Inn. 4-, 1859.

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