could make them up by charging more than he was legally entitled in other cases, if he had been allowed to do so. Perhaps the men who are now maligned for doing what he considered to‘be‘ their duty, did not consider that a man was ï¬t to be a constable, no matter how intelli- gent‘he‘conisiders himself to be, who when be u "-51, :. \ . _- ‘ .__ A, .V... _, fusing to go he went into the bed~room to get a gun, saying he would shoot me. 1 followed him and endeavored to wrest the gun from him. In the struggle the stock broke, and in a short time the weapon was discharged. The contents lodged in - Pollock’s __ Column f W' (swift-Le‘i‘ï¬fvh‘iï¬.JQDKB‘ {vikflrim :2 can; masters 4:3,.» s =' r .2- . .. .__...ï¬.’ ’.__.‘.,.__.____._‘. . masonic , J ' ' RICHMOND HILL. GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. OOrD: Accommodations and every attention .__..- _. s. ,n .__... - __ mm,* gallant, FARMERS" “a:er -......»- :21. i. 4. ..,v. .. . is prepared to, Manufacture and-Sell { INTEREST. HE} Subscriber heirs to intimate to the . Farmers ofthe County of York,‘tli_nt he rad: ‘a/‘\N'WW\N\/‘\.Asu'\/V'V‘J \; '» 3§, §6L9~ ~ 1‘ 3. : :‘b‘d’ï¬ï¬‚‘hiï¬wï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬xmmwï¬ ;...;r a > 4. . V»V'\../"«J\r\, 1 ~_/ VW/ vvvv v‘\.,â€"\_/\/~..r-.~ I . p - ‘hown to Travellers. Good Yard: for ‘ » went to make an arrest sometime siiic0.thought . , r. . . - - 7 5., . the best course for him to adopt was to run mV llllgll' “’9 Pflsonel‘ lite“ l9“ llle l‘OOm. S P l Drov: C‘pttle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses 2 r away, when a pistol was presented at him, The wound was a severe one, and flay â€"-l- 0' L ‘ . , and “bu 5' , . , ‘ . . - ~ . . . . , . The Monthly Fair held on the Premises ï¬rst which was minusol everlllm'g have ‘1†Old on the fluor almost insrnsible and unable to Wednesday ,,,'each month With tlie‘i-uiproved Draft and: Coupling irons. barrel. But it is well known there .Ia man in I . . ~ . , - . move. had a pet-lect right to be in the, B]; G8 to inform his friends and the customers of G. 8: B. 13A RN ARD that lie his bought at Aurora who holds me (mum-whim, of we Peace} I . . V'l'he Subscriberin calling the attention of the The above [-Iarrows are far superior to any who- for ‘10“, mm“, Cunning could hardly be home, The pnmpw ,5 my Swipfather. public and his Old Friends to his establishment, now 1m use. being made on an entire new equalled in the uiiiveisc, n all the recent ap- ' feels satlslled he can adrninistcrcomhumbly to prinCiple: lhey Wlll he found to do the ntch pointiiients had bccn or the same stamp as no, Neonâ€, what words Pagwd byween Us their wants and willi mutual satisfaction. much quicker; and better than any Hother liir'n'._.t'lie list :ni‘ig'li't well: indeed be called black, I d. , t ' " , p , . ', ,. ' l | l ' ‘ f ‘ Richmond Hill, April 20, 1.860. 13,“- rows Specimens of the above may: be seen 1 and double'blacii, reviling his brother Magis- u no 0' U l "m ‘0‘“ 0, l "’ muse y f†and particulars. as to price ascertained. by ap- trates how to slander tlicrrr, seems to take Up lie but} all equal Hill" in hi: there Wllll sale, “-~â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" plying to the. subscriber, at his shop, Richmond Cross-exmined by Mr. CatncrmFâ€"I do the most of his time to the detriment ol' his own business ; iul‘ it is shrewdly whispered rou-pdrh-ow can he sit as a magistrate ; for if every man had his own, instead t~t' being able to qtiaiil'y for 56ml, he would trot be mine to command the suite number 01' cents. l have thus, 1 hope, shown that there are others who are as much to be shunned as the four Magis- trates ot Aurtra, who unfortunately differ in political opinions from an intelligent constable. 1 have neither the opportunity nor inclination to enquire into the truth or falsehood of the state- ments brought forth in Mr. Ashtou’s letter, as the solo object of this communication is to show, that even if what he states is trueâ€"~ (which 1 much doubt)â€"tliere ore others whose deiugs Won-d not bear to be scrutinized by an impartial public. 1 have only glanced at a few things, but if destred, i can enlarge in an- other communication. line 1 close 1 must say that the a.lii>ioii made in Mr. Ashton 5 letter, myself. ile went into the. room target the gun, l believe. and. not to put his coat and boots on. \l'hwii l entered lll" room, after him he had the gun in his hand. 1 could not say in what manner the gun went off during the scuffle. its muzzle might have been as often pointed towards him as myself. 'l’he prisoner always treated me severely or harshly. He, however, ordered inc aany about'thrce years ago, and I Went. My mether and the rest of the family remained in the house. and were there when the shooting affair tork place. about an hour after din- ner. I did not think that l acted impro. pcrly towards the prisoner, so as to give him cause for ringer. THE WHOLE OF THEXR Stock in Thule .At a great DISCOUNT, and is prepared to offer the same AT ANPrUNDER. THE WHOLESALE G. H. 'Husbaï¬d, URGRON 'Dontiet, will be at Nicholl’s Hotel. Richmond Hill, the Filter and 'l‘Hinn Mann.“ of every month, and, the re- mainder of ' the month at his residence le~.)ri:l\lll. All \Vo'ltW'arranted. ’l‘oezn filled with Osteoplartic or Artiï¬cial Bo: c.--~'l‘his filling: is put into the Tooth while soft. Causing no pain, as it requires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which it ï¬rmly adheres, rendering it almost impossible for the ï¬lling ever. to come, out. July is, 18595 ' 32.iy. NOTICE. Hill. who. wild punctually atteudgtio all orders. .sn'iiiuizt. SANDERSON, . Richmond Hill. Feb. ‘24, 1860. ‘ 5-tf BIBLES AND ' h i ‘ i " ' , ' T E S T A M E N T S IF you are wishing a GOOD, DURABLE and EASY WORKED" FOR SALE. CHEAP. M. TEEFY, Agent. , Richmond Hill. P.(). Purchase from the long Established and XVCllJ‘ROWR firm, of . PATTERSON & BRO. -. Or if prejudiced in favor ofa January 6. 2850. sitâ€"i: .. 5 '1 t u . i ill ll J'l‘iiili "" ': l‘ltiiiv llluiii'ii '. m (it-i,- one made wholly from IRON, Willi FLEXIBLE FINGER BAR, which to what might happen to a certain indivrdual. I V N . - r t - - - - - i u l . “0' 5 ". 3 ' .' J . ought tor obvrous reasons he roll, out. llie I 0 Hr I“ on I I†in “am r said dispensmmm 0" a†“HM-m, Hovuteuce ouzm when he left the room in which we were not to be commented on in such a manner as standing. that he would shoot me. My is alluded to in that letter; for we well know LL Persons indebted to the undersigned as Book debts contracted on or before the first day of September. .1658, will please to COST PRICES. he does nothing but what we may learn a les- i-on bum. lwill now conclude this letter by relating an instance of this, which has come un- der my own knowledge. in nurora there lived, some time slime, a man who was en- gaged in businese; he, like many others, be- came bankrupt and turned over his property to two preferential creditors, for the beneï¬t oftlie other creditors. It was supposed, and with good reason too, that it» was done for the piti- poxe of cheating the poor mr-rt who unfortu- nately could not help themselves. Amongst object in following him was to prevent him Obtaining the gun. .f. D. Stevenson, M. 1)., was next called. He snidâ€"â€"l am a medical prac- titioner residing: in Klineberg‘. and was called in to attend the. lost '. itness when he was wounded. I found nim lying in the bed-room, having received a gun shot wound in the thigh which fractured the bone. About flflt‘t’dl minutes afterwards And trusts, hf; strict attention to business, to merit their future patronage. He has also PURCHASED a General Assortment of come forward and settle on or before the 15th E_ {J'- 7 dav of April next. and therele save costs. I The ï¬rin having been chanced since the ï¬rst men- tioned period â€"al-o, all notes due and not paid or renewed bv that time will be left in his At- ,omsz hands for collectiou.aslittteud leaving No_ 29, Anne Sweet. or BOX 54' R0. Quebec. Time , for Eiigland. A R. MACHELL. Machells Corners, Aurora 28th Feb. 1860. NEW i TAILOR, STOCK BROKER, will cut equally Well on Rough or Smooth ground, from. PATTERSON 8,; BRO. Land & Agent, &ct Would you have your Haying done Cheaply, Easilyâ€"with Neatness, and in Good - REFERENCES :, Sheriff“ Jarvis. Hon. George Sherwnod, 1101).. P. M. Vaiikougnnet, C, J. Campbell, Esq. T. Woodside. Esq. Messrs. Gilinour, Coulson 6;. Co. Angus Morrison, M,P,P. Toronto; Messrs. Mills, Mattice dz. Co. Montreal; Hon. James Patton, Barrie; Then secure one of the 1' FIRST .P'IKHJZ E EEOWEIRS ! Willi IRON FRAME, STEEL CU'1."1.‘El)t-IBAR, and FSELF-CLEARING }UARDS that never were known to clog, manutacturrd by. - » ; ' FAT'ERSON 8: BRO. the creditors was a hiind man, who was acid- l “'35 Slimmmw‘l to attend the prisoner, f, ‘7‘. V 1"â€- THORNHUJM James Webster. Esq, Guelph. 67-tf ‘ . . . ~ _ ally robbed 0‘â€. of about allot). hit murlsthe who had attempted to cut his throat. ~ j; - _.._____ Are there Stumps Oll Your FM")?- If 50-: do “Qt fall so l‘mCWe lmmedlatedly one“ result. 1 no of [llunt‘ prcieroiiiial creditOis The wmmJ rpcvived h), the prosecutor ‘ ’ l of thosa I has been for some time in a state of blindness, ‘ , y , , but is now somewhat better, which ought to . “nf‘llllll†ll} ‘1 lllllltll- flit-d from ‘zl gun. ‘KIOULD respectfully inform the inhabi- Go‘ernnlent in, a warnmg p, in,“ m {mm-U m ac, “mummy w l his closed the evidence ior tur prose ‘ , .. , tents of 'l‘hornhill and the surrounding all men, and to deal in truth. which it lie I cution. countrv, that he has commenced busines: in does, honesty lllu:~t tollow, the she} lately occupied by Mr. W. H. Hollis, “tended ,0 . also . , . . , 'l'nu ioicgomg, 1 think, ought to be a lesson , A, H. 1. , I. d. , where he hopes. by Strict attention to busincSS. ' ‘ ' ' _ moveâ€; and .179 good, reSpectable Farmers in Canada-stand ready to endorse toe to all who kntw or it. not to mock at the dis-- 0" l“ m 0 l ‘9 llllsonef- 1‘5 “1 ll“ to merit a share of public patronage. Patents 1,01. Inventions, statement. To be had at the iron Works of ; PATTERSON 82 BRO punsnnunsp an albwisn Provinmice; and call any witness. Thomhm, Aper 10, 1860. 72.4 Secured by the Subscriber. hoping. it Mr, Ashton writes again for the puiâ€" The jury found [hp prignnpr guilty of - ‘ I Address Prepaid E J CHESLEY post: ol enlightening the public, he Will bear ' -â€"â€"â€"‘-â€"-â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"~â€"-â€"â€"â€" ‘ ' ' ' ' ’ common assault. lie was tho. sentenced No. 29 Anne Street, Is Your Ground infested with foul weeds? chip‘u‘ibcr Ytrhe ‘ ‘ 7‘ to an imprisonment. of six {months at liardl J. K. Quebec'March 6’ 1860' Queéipct, l l . ‘ STUMP EXTRACEI‘ORS '2" USINESS connected with the CROWN Of which 0‘ BROWN, Esq., of the Newjingland Farmer, says ;_â€"-“ They will ‘ . LAND and 0W†PUbilc Departments move anything on the earth, or out the earth, that any reasonable man can desire to Mr. M. C. Cameron addressed the Jury this in mind. 8LT. Etc. 8m. 1 remain. Mr. Editor. . . v . , . . labor' Which will “seperate Wheat from litres,†and render your Deed pure and clear, Yours, die, Manufactured at . , c PATTERSON. & BRO’So ASTHMA 2 rs 0?!!!an our are FOR the I‘NS'I‘ANT RELIEF and PER- Y ,1 “'19,. E . . 7 MANLNT CURE of this distressmg PLO‘KVS, with Ca'st Beams, levypsbtpI of} Giuliaâ€. , t d †complaint use PLOVVS’ with \Vooden Beams, .' on . . i‘ Ol‘l‘lStlll contiuc c ll‘ case , «, ‘c. _ . FEW]; T’s FLOWS, with \Vrouglit. Beams, 13in†“0â€â€? ‘lwt’r'sonerwasumlefvnd- LESS PREV-55’ for GAQH SP1th G do SUMMER BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES! PLOWS’WM ‘5‘?“ Bears, . ' - PLO \Vb, Willi bt'raight Beams, ' PLO ws, with Crooked Beams, THE QUEEN vs JOHN CLA Ktz. I)1111411’ TELL 'I'liU'l‘ll. T, . ,7 . R Aumm, Apr†H: 186,). . ic piisonei in llllf- case was rlinrged With stealing a nistol and other articles, ‘V ‘ “ I I H“. Pmperw 0,» Mn Pam. Snyder, or the Which he can allord to SLLL at mucn ljlillill,)l'."‘ ‘i (_1()LLlSlUN ON THE (S ti";t.\‘ l) '1' til i N ii, A [1‘ dill it A 1‘ butt 1,). ONES-1A}; KILLED AND FIFI‘EEN OTHERS l The jury acquitted the prisoner. SEVERELY INJURED. 2 l Made by C. B. SEYMOUR & Co., 107 Nassau Street. N.Y. l’.ice $1 per box; sent free by nest. For Sale at all Druggists. 'l‘he (lislirifzuislied Mr. Morriswy, the t . WH-.W prize-fighter, has received honorable at. Richmond. H111. tention. lie was taken into Bell’s Life‘s ' - Notice is Hereby Given editorial room. was presented to the editor. HAT Mr BUTTON DEGIER is not in " said he had bet 000 on Sayers. and W "W employ, “or authorized“) tulle any p] Q\V"< for $1000 :“t last accounts was about to visit his "WM" 0." my account J ' \, PLOVVS for $12 00 ' favorite. with the idea of‘posting" him on J' DUNCUMB' ’ PLO W’s for $1400 l-Iccnan’s Weak points. Richmond Hill, March 25, 1860, 70-tf ,l;i.'..O W's, for 8515,00, {than ever before offered on Lap Furrow PLO'NS, Green Sward FLOWS, Centre Draft 1°LOVW'S, Sub Soil PLOV‘VS, Crossing PLOVVS, Gang FLOWS, .' About nine o'clock on'the night of 'l‘ucsdty, there. was a serious itCCldctlt on the Grand 'l‘htuilt Railway, about a lllilt'. from Strutford station, resultingr in the Ldeat'ii of a man named bechnu, and the sri'iom inin y of fifteen other persons. it apprai's that a freight ll‘iilll, coining c;i~t, left Sti'ati‘ord about nine o’clock, and when about. a mile from the station, it came into collision'witli a construction GROCERlES. 3:? Call, Examine and See for Your-i \,,<_..,. train, on Which was a large number of, workmen. llotli trains were on the main track at the time the collision took place, andhoth n'crerunningJ at a rapid t‘alc. '1‘he t‘llélllus and tenders of both trains were literally sitiaslicd to pieces, and the debris strcwwed along the truck. The plat- form cars, which composed the construc- tiOii train, were loaded with ‘ties,’ on which were scaled a numerous body of workmen, who had been out on the line during the tiny, making some noceSsury repairs. “firm the collision took place MARRIAGES. By the Rav. James Dick, on the 17th inst.. Joseph lleadniaii, to Sarah Ann f’ntcrbough both of Vaughan DEA'I‘rlS. Suddenly at King. on the .‘itli Apiil. Mar" Fergusson, third daughter of the lulO Thomas Fergusson, aged 22 years. At King on thel th inst.. Mrs. Robert Stew- art, aged 35 years. On Saturday the Tth inst, Ricli'ird John Nicholle. son of Mr. R. Nicholls. of Richmond sclvcs before Purchasing elsewhere. HARDWARE, ,WW . “CAM TENDERS WANTED. You may depend 011 Bargains. ENDERS will be received at C. E. Law- 1 h retice’s. Lot 42, ï¬rst concession of View . - ' E I Will open on SATURDAY, April 21, 1860 W. S. POLLOCK. CHINA, 8LC. etc. For Particularsisee Small Bills. an, until the let of May next, to Raise the School-house in Section No. 3. in the 2nd con- cession of Vaughan, and to put under the building a S'l'OXE FOUNDATION with Brlck Work thereon, to the height of 3 feet 10 inches. . . it is to be Latlied and Plastered iiisrde. 'l‘he Carpenter work consists of Putting in I the Joists, Laying the Floor, Siding the Build - ing. Putting in the Windows, Making the1 Go to TREAD HORSE-POVVERS, with 'i‘hreslicrs, TRlCAl) HORSE-PO\VE RS, with 'l‘hreshers and Separators, TREAD HUBERâ€"PO \Vli lid, with 'i‘hrcshers, boparators and Cleaners, Circular \Vooel Saws, Horse Rakes, Root Slicers, - Scufllers, I’lorse Hoes, Road Scrapers, mews, for $18,00, FLOWS, for $2290, ' PATTERSON s; BRO. Cultivators, Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers, Seed Drills, ._ . . “mi “Sad Q SONS “"d H “lonlhsv April 5. 1860. 71-3!!! Desks and Seats, with other Repairs which will ' &c° 8‘0†(‘9' the gisater portion 03 the linen Wf'rcfpllcm- _M_A_WW___,_ i... seen in Hans and Speciï¬cations at c. E. To be had at the pitatc to tie groun , ant many 0 tiem " N ' mm“ ' r’ .._........M.... ._ ~_______ Lawmncovs ("Thomas “Mumps V I were SUVCl’t'l)’ iiipu'cd. A large number TORONTO illAl’tKE'l‘iS. C. E. LAWRENCE, é Tun, g had their legs Cl‘Usllctl when the trains LCIICI'S THUS 300 “115V, ’ 005- 0F I)Af["1‘d.[{sul\ & BRO. came into cou'azt, and it is lirareil that in mall)lu‘lliflillltltés,“ttlllptlltllloll will he iii-ces- sary. A man named Fechnn. belonging to Guelph, and who had only been two THUR SDA Y , April 19. Fall \Vlieet,-~Nol over 55“ lislils were do- livered tO-day, and the prices were consequenth firm, $1 38; liiu'iui,r been p::i.l for: tho brzstl FOR NEW GOODS Remaining in RICH MJND HILL PontOflice APRIL 1, 1660. Lawrence. Mrs. James Li'rnhurner. R. H. Anderson. John Armstrong, Sarah Vaughan. March 22, 1860. 69â€"5 DR. D. E. SEYMOUR, Richmond Hill, Canada West, March, 1860. 7 67-4,â€, RICHMOND HILL da '9 eni’h’urd on1 the road was killed inâ€" "t‘ml’k‘0"“‘¢â€â€œâ€œ"“*“- The 8"“luileifm'l’limt' " ' \ n M d‘ J . h . fl 1 'r . . ., . Smlnw ° 61,â€: 0, me ï¬remen was mo w was nl out $t 35. Coriitiion and inferior ruled l}i€ï¬Â§f3‘,’]2‘r‘gm szm-‘gmztfpcubm H{)M(EOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, - i i '. . . . ‘ ‘ â€_ _ at from $1 ill) to 531 3'1. AND » Hal“ ’ r , , . ’ p ‘ V ‘ V = . .. ,_ - i - - i I ~ ‘ » r - ~ - um. Jamel?) Miller James . iAr‘t ST., NLWMinKLr mo. 65-. luv “Fe‘l ‘3l~““‘f‘rl.‘.i“‘.23.“;- it“: :1". are H P. G 0 OD. Mm Mun» " ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ l ‘ airfx - ' Al" 3 5 l u i I ' c .0 i )5 l . I ‘ b . r V ‘1 ‘(\-â€v . J NWVVVWW'VQVT’VIV‘VVV~vi(vvv‘v'“‘VVVVVVVVVVWVflw fakcn to btrntford. where an inquest was fiï¬â€˜S-“flf’ “Ems we“ 0“ “l 5†and 620 PM U 'M‘arfaï¬ S “Jig-2:8 . ‘ I ' - . , opened yesterday foreiioon. Four persons gal,;__275 [Ems a, 33 and 35¢ per mm C “1,†AT V inanimalohp l †ï¬cgmhflm- P' M Cheap Clothing. o o E ‘ _ 3 gm“ deal inilured’ werefr‘llugm on to lrla‘lt‘X-“W-‘l “his 501" 1‘1550-l’t1'll‘hlv iii: mm a Mngilliiiiii Jiffaoa an “Esul’sfrib†bags ‘0 “mm†“’9 lnh‘fl’l' EGS to return his sincere thanks to his numerous Friends and the Public I Toronto by an Express train last evening, l“l0l1r.-~â€"Snporï¬iie No. ‘2 sold at 94 2:5 io$t 4L; w s ammo john “ l'levter Aar'on: tamâ€! Buttouymo and the smmm'dmg .enerallv for past favors and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of ti ' . . ‘tl't l " d it i N" 1 $4 55 [0 if“ 75; Vancv. $5 ll) 10 $5 ‘25‘ ' I i - A A , ' .' F I '- countri‘. that lio'coutinues to make ï¬rst-class g r ' , ’ . ,‘ a“ were "mm m 9 Y “WWW ‘0 lt- Mm: 70 ,0 75 Dow-,6 Fle W to $6 . . Ejubnnls, 1. M M (sprang? {starick Coï¬TS VEsTS P a VTS & tho Patronage he has so tong reserved ; he has now on hand a large stock of GOODO ('Ji'i "5' l. N ’ " i; ' .i- " ' ' ‘ " . ‘eaveant..iss . um o 'iiam , .j .c, r - 1“ Chi 1b lma O mu“ h 1‘ bum 20' 7 Gale G‘ A‘ Barnard s)' Coonihs. Mrs. 1‘. Story. Robert B. ' , b ‘ consmmg m part Of assigned for the accident. Mr. b’liunley reached Stratiord shortly after it took place, and is investigating the matter. A telegram was also transmitted to the superiiitcudant of the Western division of the road, Mr. Christie, who is at present at Chicago. TORONTO SPRING ASSIZ ES. [lay and Strawâ€"'l'here is a moderate supply at front $12 to $18 for Hay, $6 to $7 for Straw per ton. Potatoes-«are brought in plentiltilly. and sell at at from ‘20c to 31)(: per lishl. illutter. ~Fresh is in fair supply at from 160 to 20c per 1h. d 'gs,~F'resh from wagons 106 to 12¢: per Eomu. ma?» .__... }ood Prints, fast colours, from 4d per yd. N ew New Spring Delainrs,’ from 2s ‘2d per yd. anti Beautiful Bonnet Ribbons, from 6d per yd. i - l Sims. John Simpson, Jamel : Sheriï¬', Patrick [-2] ‘ "'l‘riclter. Mark ' Trench. W. Washington, John Harrier. Mooney Walker, Mrs. Herslop, John Wright. Malcomb Hall, H: , 1 Wilson, Richard . Kirkland, Charles ‘ " Willoughby, Rev, W. Devericlts, .lolin Doyle. Margret Dcnton. Mrs. Wm. Davidson,John ‘ Gloss, James Hall'cy, John In the neweSt Styles and superior \Vorkman- ship. All orders promptly attended to and work warranted. JOHN HARDY, ' Tailor and Clothier. Buttonville. Dec. 23. 1859. 55-1y DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS of every description, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s SADDLES, ' ' 'BRI’DLES and SPURS, MANE and CURRY COMES, ' , HORSE BRUSHES and CARDS, TRUNKS, VALLSES, ‘c’t. Travelling BAGS YVitli an endless variety of \VHIPS, and Willi) LASERS, All of which will be sold at prices that will defy Competition. The Goods Mann. THE ‘ ' l k . factored at this Establishment have now been tried for the last five years, and, ï¬bg . . best proof that they have given entire satisfaction is, that all who have once purchased And an excellent assortment of Kilfeder, Robert _. » i M. TEEFY. P.‘ M. £2.21!) ï¬tnurrttemmte. l l SATURDAY' Apr†14" 1860' Factory and Bleached Cotton Striped The Couit opened this morning at half KINGS’ Shirlinfl.’ Q- S W° WV]? ",“d? arrangements. whicli‘wil at Ills Place mvanably come agan" I past iiii'e'o’clock, Hon. Justice llagarty . ‘ ’ , ' 3' ~ 3- v d ("mega y,lâ€Â§'°a“"§9“r c'lfmimofiélws. C O L L A R S W A R R A T E D s A F E ! .d. . 1 ~. .11 a Blue Dawns, 3 ,5 #3 ran errng ie . ORK arth tie a l __ presr mg. -- - o '1 Advertisin medium north of 'Ioronto and as we _ , . . . . = a $4 g t ‘ i j | THE SEDUCTION CASE. Cotton Drills, C:- ° < a have new a. circulation along Yonge Street and LVCI’)’ deSCflpthD 0f 110139 Clothing, tellers and Bl‘ldlcs mildï¬ f0 Order. ' . _ ' .__... _ a = 917 adjoining Townships larger than that of any â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- I‘he Jury in the case of Henry vs. Meeting of the Moderah, Party Hosiery, E p) a ? other Journal. Now then is the time, and the All work warranted. Macdou all which was tried ' esterdn , . * m x: ’ F-"l “ Yoitx HERALD†is the Paper in which» M. . . ' ' rem-mag... Leann verdict it... 5.0mm... .yn l“Etéll‘lNG «film friends of Constitution» Readydnade Clothlng, :1 g 3 1, l--t vertise i All orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. ' .( ‘ ". ’ 5 a1 0V61“]nlfllli, as oppisml to Revolu- c‘ 5; 5 â€"â€"â€"-â€"-.~ . favour of the plaintill and $5100 damages. 8, pruc, I . - . . . . , . n . -1 A d . I p es. Will take plwe at AMB b . r i a ) " : i "I - ‘m - 0 . . "f T .. THE QUEEN Ts. MARTYN SMITH‘ y “ALL_ Richmond “m' IiAFD: b, g g g . ' g > s i r. - ’ v Y " r N 'r‘ - ' A . - . . J l ‘ ‘0' " 'l he. prisoner. Martyn bmith, was arâ€" 0“ rucsrla.‘ 3 1"“) 13‘ 18609 gjOOZYS, é‘c. *5 g g- 2 > hi R‘Chm‘md H1â€, I‘memy 3’ 186 62 1)’ migued and pleaded H not guilty†to a At the hour of TWO o’clock, p.111. for the pur- -* pd 9., g m ' w “ ~ ~ , ‘ . a, .. ‘- - pose of taking ineastres to >6tllll‘6 united action . l H U) ‘ F’ ‘ " ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ " '. ‘ unannounced, nmwwmm ~MMMMWNWWWMM§ .82. ob>=' â€"- iOVELlY lNAGGON VWflhflsl V ‘ i ’ ll ' I ’ ' i ° ° .4, ' .' '. . w 52 r i I - ' '3. ed three CO,,,,‘s_u,e ï¬rst" charging [he {,ajldldate for K11}ng DIVER-inn], _____, g g a: w > “7 would respectfully call the attention of . Wisoner, “Hurshooupcr with the imth to . . . v. » a p; a Merchants, Auctioneers. Farmers, and p K ‘I’ .4. _ . .. __ _. , n. . , Gentlemen from all parts of the DlVl510111Vlll _ w .1 a w 2 w Others. to me fact that we ale prepared to ex. .‘M ._W-.,W,_, kl“; ll“: “Gouda with migm ‘0 m'fnmi and address the meeting- For Fine, Fresh, GOOd a S .3, W M ecute JOB WORK on the shor'est possible EVâ€). Description of the third, to d ) some greVicus bodily harm. All friends ofthe partv are invited to attend. TEAS ‘ {-1 a g ‘ m H '04 notice, and on the most reasonable tei'msâ€" ‘ ‘ , ..‘ I J - C. R’lOl‘l'lSOfl, bOlICIIOl' General 'rho Division celnppises {lie ’l‘ownghips of ’1 a .‘ fl v†' b. r West, prosecuted, and M.C. Cameron Vaughan. Markham. Scai‘born. l’icliei‘ittg.l SUGARb, a; “ '3 m U ,[2 m For Cash. Only.- 3: defended the Prisonep. : Llolllcoke, hitby [Last and \Vest] and the COFFEES, and .3 =3 3’ m ' ‘“ ' Jesse C'rith was called and said I Towns whm’) "nd oshalla‘ ' TOBACCOS he 9" .. v . . , iv. .. I t4 6â€"- ' r ‘- A 3‘ .. , ‘g' . .' . " ' a me in the township of Vaughan and know Apr“ 18' 1860' 73.2 . . ’. . a a g 3- b: 2 Manufactuied by the Subscribers. Haring;r an immense stock of Lumber, of the the prirtoiim‘; we both live in the same w" "WWW He “mm†be SURF-KS5 ED I“ qual‘tlos U 3;: 2 w. p ‘ bt‘pl quality and Well seasoned, and With the great facilities which they have in New house; on the 20th of Oct, last, after . RIC HA RD VANâ€"ES: “0,. UNDE RSOLD in Prices 7‘ P1 " 3 â€"â€" chinery, combined with first-class \Vorkmen,â€"â€" they camand do make better Finished, dinner I was standinrr at the window ° w? i " “~=’ ’ . H U :3 : Pd 1 I More Durable 'md I i if when éhe ,Prignér conï¬de“, ,0 speak 0, P3111191. GllAlilhtl, Glamor. Perinmber to call at 3' e E. E “E I"““"“““‘5 “Am†“"6 Vim“ i H to Q J , , y .. t. . . ' , , . l , v " the children, and asked whether 1 intended (Hillel, & Papel Hallgel, 8- Pollock’s, a r... g . a) lylr..t101IEs Ion are authorized to_i~eceive bun. . 1.1mm.“ iii, mm li,,,m; “hm†“lam,†mm, W ' g,“ to purchase books for them I re lied RICHMOND HILL H 5 "‘ pd bCr'P and Oldels ft“ AdVW‘bmg and J00 ‘ i w - - w ’ P ‘ ' ' . ~ . a. c 93. ‘ Than any other Establishment in Canada. that, of course, they must have books. OUSE Sim and Ornamen,a, Painting (Lite. (1. A. Barnand s). C6 3‘. a. H Work. R M ' I p , . .l‘pe ceiit'ersatjori then assumed an angry 1,10,,6‘0“ the short“, mm. and 0,, m, , RICIIJHOJVD (’11, L. g (i d A311“.Ogitherénipï¬â€"Suggcggg‘;:llisrpÂ¥:h£ gig All orders attended to With. promptttude, and W’ork warranted tone. the prisoner put his list to my nose most reasonable terms. - l _ 0 I“ , “g g‘ F, win in {mum get their papers My†(3, Mi] T. SFEIGHT $1. SON. and ordered me out of the house. On re- Richmond Hill, April, ‘20, 1850. 734i“ APT†~0i 1800! 7331" g; ,3" aka grant receiptst'nr Subscriptions. M ark-ham Village. Jim. 4:. 1959. 56-599.