Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 27 Apr 1860, p. 4

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_ sons suppose, by fortunte speculations and \ Boston, one of his cows went into a barn- ‘ -..~ .: .m.W« ’91-. ale-1v: '1' '1.’.'_.-- e ’ event. shamanism {RICHARD VAILES, THE YANREE LOVâ€"ER’S SOLILOQUY. Painter. Glazier, Al thin as a hatchet I’ve grown, & Paper Hanger, And poor as Job’s turkey, by goll) ; RICHBIONI) IIILL. I stand like a scarecrow, alone, Sad victim of love’s melancholy. l IOUSE, Sign and Ornamental Painting ‘ done on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms . Richmond Hill, April, 20; 1860. 73-tf WALTER B. GEIKIE: M.D. Iiccntiate 0fthe Ilfcdical Bomrl (if Upper Cana- da, and recently one of the Medical qflicers of fits 'l'oronlo,_Gen.erul Hospital, and Professor of Anatomy and Surgery. in Dr. Ralph’s Medical Sta/tool, ' AS returned to AURORA, and re-taken his former residence. on Yonge Street, where he may be consulted at all times, on the »- w - r h w».â€" various branches of his profession. Aurora, Feb. 24, 1860. p" NEW TAILOR SHOP. {EHE undersigned begs respectfully to inform TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN! By the use of Electricity, By Dr- no- EDMOND’S, SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. \.r\_. \.- O,“ Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, performedin the most approved manner and Warrauted‘ Aurora, March 9. 1860. 67.11? I feel most confoundedly blue, Life’s rose is turned- tova thistle ; My sweetheart‘has turned out unt'ue, And sacked mess sweet as a whistle. AURORA. GOOD supply of Wines and Liquors L always on hand. dation for Travellers, Farmers, and others. Cigars o.‘:’.-all brands. D. McLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora. June 6, 1859. 25 1y Though lively and keen as a rat, Auidt’playifulfiasfany young kitten, l She has got. the Sharp cl‘aWs of a cat, And has showed ’em to me throlthe mitten. J AMES HALL, “i L my" “'3 “i i b A i M)?“ ° ' al'ivays on hand a large assortment of '11, GEQR Gig (,amrmm, pmfessor BOO 1‘s and SHOES, which will be of Music and Organist. of Toronto, 501d 0‘ l’rlcas to "wet the times Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. Of our village girls she’s the belle, And plump as a partridge she grows ; Her lips for two cherries would sellâ€" Her cheeks are as red as the rose ! .2, I is' “1‘47 51 65-)‘1 ill passes through Richmond Hill, 'l‘liornhill, disc. every Tuesday and Saturday. Communica- tions left at Mr. R. Nicholl’s Richmond Hill Hotel, will reciove prompt attention. Like two bran new dollars her eyes. Her nose is turned newer than wax, Her bosom with Vennses vies, Her hair-â€"it is finer than flax, l-tf PATRICK LYNOTT, the inhabitants of ‘ ‘ ‘ * 1d Hill 3; Vicinity 32 Trinity Square I courted her day after day, R’lbhlnol . T J . . .’ '1 I T 1 ‘ ' ‘ '0 , . - ' 1860. Sl-tf » . ,- . . l In the hope her affections to win, That he has commenced businessin the Tailor 0‘ mo a) u“) EPJRr But my trouble is all thrown awayâ€" mg Lmo m the house adlmmng “"memm‘ A“ â€" w I "HflwwwnfiMM.“- OR the sale of Cattle, Stock, die. is pre- Likg a fool I have been taken in, MR. SIVERS’ SIJOE SHOP, DR_ L), LANGSTAFF’ Eparsd to attend Sales in all parts of Up- VVliere, by close applicrition to business and PRINGHJLL, new Kin Smfien, House 9”. mm a“ . I Y ,. . . I am laughed at by all of our fulksâ€" Studying ,0 Please: he hopes to mom a Shaw 0,» foanmly occupied by gr. Hillary. Richmond Hill May 2.), 1859. 19 2. They expected a wedding to follow, public patronage. King. May ,3_ 1859' 244), «W --“ -â€"~- ~ She has turned out a tarnation hoax, ALL ounces PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED r0. SALE-’- o . . ‘ . . . i _ V - .__...~ .__.-.-. .u... ..._. . L _ . . H . 4 .â€" Her heart. like a pumpkin, is hollow . in (3132.33: cut to order on tie shortest notice, N 7 B t d «I . ‘ 200,000 feet of Idunbcr As thin as a beam pole I grow. ' JAMES B. BURNES, 6“ 00 a? b we Stow INCLUDING Flooring. Siding, iiici. Board's. And crabbed and cross as a bear, Richmond Hill, Feb. 10, 1860. 63.1y 1N BUTTONVILLE- and I.W0:lllCll Plank, Scalllllllg‘,.t\'c ,&c.. M h t 't ' l ‘ k d I k ~ , . ‘ at the subscriber’s Mill. near Stoufiwllo, cheap y our _i 13 ove cum 8 * "ow"- '”' ’ “ "" ‘ â€"“ r 11111. Subscriber returns his thanks to the for Cash or Am,de C‘rcdiL I shall lie down and die in despair I T. J I W H E E L E . public for past support and begs testate that JAMES BUGG. , he has removed into the Village of Buttonville, Sioufl‘vme. Apr” 12. 1859, 23,“, â€"â€"~â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"«â€"â€"~r~â€"â€"â€"~ 8; who she nopos for a continuance of the pa- . ‘ trouage heretofoi c given him. "WMW‘â€"”m“ ' HILL. All oydgrs executed with dcspatch and work warran e . Doc. 3, 1859, 53-1)’ . DAVID GALLOWAY. Buttonville, Nov. II. 1859. 5031y Boot and Shoe Maker, DJOINING the \Veslevan MW Athleticâ€":11“ “Notice . _ TI~IOMAS~I§0WMAN, Justice is certainly‘ an odd fishâ€"she has only a single pair of scales. A choice selection of Goiitlemeiis’, Ladies, and Childrens’ lloots and Shoes constantly on Shortest No- jPhotographs '.. Ambrotypes ! It is a good rule always to back your ‘ . ‘ ' i . e . ,. , ,. ;_ ., ,1 hand. and-tirade to order entire "'“as “d f“ ’ °“" Mimi I accused Auctioneer, MLLMWNW‘J ' tice. A frequenter 0f In]th dmners com' FOR THE L T E P H S, &C - [13’ All kinds of Shoemakers Findings for sale plains of the overwhelming quantity of I-tf dry toast. COUNTIES OF YORK & PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira." P.O. wil receive prompt attention. Orders received a the “ York Herald”Oflico, Richmond Hilll Mr. Henry Lemon, Thornhill, and Mr, James Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. All styles of Pictures taken at fr 9 " Medical Halli, Markham; On reasonable terms, and in all weathers. Pictures taken from the smallest to life size. TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE S'I‘ALE'I‘. What singing bird is not pleasant at sea? A night-in-gale. Love can excuse anything. except Cavanna‘i, Mansion House, Sharon, where I C DUNHAM , __ . b t k-”_ T , d Terms, doc. may be obtaieed. I ' ' ‘ ‘ ' N ‘ BT BLES mfannessa u meanness _ l 5 Ole: an A, . N $5 1 ,9 2 Markham Village, Oct. 14, 1859. 46-t TS: TOM A cripples even natural affection. 8° W ‘ .L-..“ - --...-_._.---.._-..,..~_____. TOMBSTQNES, &C_ Slanderers, issuing from red and beauti- GO TO W - C- A DAMS. D: Dw S. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper ful Ii 5 are like foul s iders crawlinrr from , . - me biiu’gfin. heart of I? rose. a B' N S M i , surgeon DentlSt’ THAN ant oruna. zsrannisnmrznr. 5 WITH YOUR ’99 KIhG s’r. LAST, stun-n smiz. THIRD noon wrzsr rith CHURCH ST. TORONTO, HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of I), C. & W. YALE. will con- tinue the business under the superintendonce of our duly euthorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and I), CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknuwledged. The latest Irish bull we read of is the ease of an Irish gentleman who. in order to raise the wind whereby to relieve him» self from pecuniary embarrassment, got his life insured for a large amount and then drowned liimself.’ CARDING & GRISTING, ‘ s‘ where parties from a distance can have it ilone to take with them on their return home. Almira, May 13, 1859. 24-tf. the Proprietor of Oliver’s Patent for ap- plying Electricity, to prevent pain in ex- tracting teeth; and also of an Aparatus for manufacturing Vulcauite Rubber Plates for sets and Partial sets of teeth. Teeth mounted on Gold or otherwise to suit the necessity of the case. Toronto, August 27, 1859-. ’“w'I’LLLiiii “irARRi'SON, paid on the lst day of June, 1858, will be put A long cane.-â€"A traveller, among other into Court for collection... 48-1y narrations of wonders of foreign parts, de- saddle and 113111858 bicker, â€"â€"--~«-â€"~â€"--. â€".â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"~~ C. YALE, ‘ clared he knew a cane a mile long. The RICHMOND HILL. &. FITZGERALD, 0- CUMMLR- company looked incredulous, and it was 1.“ 48-lf. Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, SOLICITORS 1N CHANCERY, 6L0. ' orricrc z..- CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over Whitmore £ Co’s. Banking Oflice, TORONTO- Agency Particularly attended to. â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. Toronto, April 29, l859. ANdLéé’AiiiiiiuCAN me“! MARKHAM VLLAGE. OOD Accommodations. Wines, Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MARR, Proprietor. Markham, June 1859. QS-tf evident they were not prepared to swallow it, even if it should have been a sugar cane. ‘ Pray what kind of a cane was it I’ asked a gentleman, sneeringly. ‘It was a hurricane,’ replied the traveller. LANDS FOR On Easy Terr-n; of Payment. 80,000 Acres, ITUATED in the counties of Lanrron and KENT. All necessaryiiiforii'iation will be given on application, post paid, to Wealth is not acquired, as many per- splendid enterprise, but by the daily prac- fiTCH HILL EIOTEL' . . . JAMES FITZGERALD tree of industry, frugality, and economy. THOMAS C. MATHEE’ON. He who relies upon these means will rarely I}, STAGE “17‘s fmm “1° “We .“Wfl ‘0 'ffi_‘fltfil“'3'_‘_{}f’39_’ AH“ 31'? MILES LAN GSTAFF. be found destitute and whosoever relies i, “homily? every mommg’ startmg from ' Wellweburgl‘ ’7 ' t e . gin L i Is at 7. 3.111,, and returning at 7 JOHN N RFID M D . F \RMS RENT u 0 i 0 h r Will e ll , , F - , ‘ ~, . . ’ ' " 7 ' ' Also, some improved 1 i to . , bp my t e g “em y become p m law A Gd em’h wad' council or YONGI') AND COLBORN STREETS, VVallaceburgh Nov. 94 1859:. 52-tf anbrul’h Goon ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. THORNHIL, ’ ' VVIIY is Oliver \Vendell Holmes like a RICHARD hicflgrfi;;siémr. [123” ’ ll Prescriptions got at the Ofiice must Whale? D’'eithr? Because he’s Richmond iâ€"iiii, Dec.18,1858.1 1.55 bePa‘d“°"°“d°“m¥‘ 31'” the. biggest fish in the Atlantic (Maga- W..__ a...) HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND Hlii. THE Subscriber begs to inform his numer- ous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the YORK MILLS HOTEL, YONGE STREET. GOOD supply of Winns and LIQUORS always on hand. Cigars of all brands. Excellent accommodation for Travellers, Fai- mers and others. Dr. DUNHAM, ~fiUltGEON and Mechanical Dentist, Medical llall, Markham Village. LEAP YEAR. Come, let us nerve our bashful hearts, :And quell each timid doubt, above Premises, where there will be found June 30" 1859. 31.”. ALEX- HILL.- PWPTIOW" And raise 'our drooping hopes, and smooth, excellent accommodation for Travellers, and â€"~w»â€"â€"â€"â€"~<~â€"â€"â€"v~~~â€"â€"â€"~~»-~â€"â€"-~â€"v~-w~ â€"â€" Y0 . , _ «~ -- . ' 1']: Mills Dec. 17, 1859. 55 0m Our wrinkled features out; G°°d Slab11‘1g' . ! JAMES L BARKER, ’ w Mia”- And write thereon in letters plain, (135' Homes and Buggies for Hire. in Drv Goods """"“”" ’ MATTHEW LEPPER EMPURTER and Dealer ' JOSEPH GABY’ Groceries. Paints, Oils, and Dre Stuffs, Proprietor. Patent Medicines, Glass, Putty. Nazis ""“EJ'JVV i , , ~ .. ,.. lie-1"l,’ l' C ‘ â€"â€" ' i 'lz'trre. Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1808. 12», 5 ““f" at“ M‘“”“““"” c That those may read who run-â€" Proposals thankfully received , . . . . i’lrix “lawns on hnnd a good assortment of fill eighteen stxty-one.’â€"Smglcman. they GOODS, GROCERIES, l . .Iuiz'e ilf’. 1959 iii-{Sin Misprints will present themselves in ' GE & C i -- . 3 &°' &c' &c' I p O. . - Wm...“ ..--..._..-..- , other columns beSides those ofncwspaperr‘. V‘ ' HOD r: it ~ 'A- t m . . ' 011‘ The author of a temperance novel who \ THOLESALE and Retail COM?”va .. I s VTQDBY’ the Mllhnely Depart,“ d wrote ‘Drunkenncss is Folly? was horri- “"6 "ouPlaw wmke’e' andFm‘mShiufl MPQRTEII °f Db" G°°dst Gr°c°rlest “I” be found imp-hem “filth “'18 Nf’weSt an fled to readâ€"b an error of the “int r Ironmongers, Parties giving this house a call , ‘r‘."iteS, Liquors. Hardware. 6&0: MOSt Fab "ma ) B St) 08 o y l e ’ will find their orders piuictually attended to Richmond Hill. Jun61859_ 31.6", Bonnets, J'Iantlps fi' Capes which also escaped the almost Argus-eyed aiid the lowest prices charged. proof-reader ('Z)â€"â€"‘ Drunkenness is Jolly.’ Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoe Maker, YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL. Mâ€"w~- (st-tr 54-1 " Aurora. February 17, 1860. To the Sick and Dying. ,i R. SNIDER, of the 7th concession of " Vaughan, near Klinoburgh, guarrantces to cure Cancers, Enlarged .N‘eclcs And many other Diseases. Persons labouring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do well to call in time. All letters to be paid, and addressed to PETER SNIDER, Klinebnrgh [13" NO CURE NO PAY. August 6, 1858 The boy couldn’t help kissing tierâ€"he had it in him! ‘ Who gave that kiss 2’ the teacher cried; "Twas Henry Hall, ‘ John Jones replied. ‘ Come here to me, ‘ old Switcliem said, And solemnly he shook his bead.’ ‘ What evil genius prompted you So. rude a thing in school to do?’ Said Henry; ‘ 1 can hardly say, Just how .it happened. any way. To do a sum she whispered me; And round my face her curls, you seeâ€"â€" That is, her cheekâ€"and Iâ€"-and 1â€"â€" Just kissed her, but I don’t know wby.’ - DR. R. W. HILLARY, PHYSICAN, SURGEON s ACCDUCHEUB, AURORA, C.W. February 1.7, 1860. 64 1y Auction . NOtice. THOMASâ€"TVILSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, YORK, PEEL 8L ONTARIO. All letters addressed, MARXBAM VILLAGE. wil receive prompt attention. [12? Orders re- ceived at the “ HERALD" Office. Richmond ill, where terms, 610., may be ascertained. Markham Village, Nov. 18, 1859. 51-tf Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes. made after thelatest styles. 1 December 1858- 1- m 61-1 P ___.__._..-.____..__. *_.._.___...L..__. “fl...” W. T. ATKINSON, & Co. IMPORTERS OF ENGLISH DRUGS, Manufacturers of Chemicals Patent Medicines & Perfumery. APOTHECARII‘ZS HALL, OPPOSITE ’I'Hl“. C‘THEDRAL, King St. Toronto. Proprietors of Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste. [13‘ Every description of Horre and Cattle . Medicines prepared with tho ber".English drugs Toronto, August 27, 18.5 . 4 =A man driving anumber of cattle to yard, where there stood a young lad. The drover calls to the boy: ‘ Stop that cow, my lad ; stop that cow.’ ‘ ‘1’m no constable, sir.’ ‘ Turn her, then.’ ‘ She is right side out now, sir.’ ‘ \Vell, speak to her, then.’ The boy took off his hat and very handsomely addressed the cow with: ‘Your servant, madam.’ The dro-ver rode; into the drove the cow out himself. Laconic and Pithy.â€"â€"Tlic late Mr. Samuel Rogers used to“ quote a brief in- vitation to a lady and her answer :â€" * HARNESS AND SHOE BLACKING. V. ELL’S Superior Waterproof Harness and Shoe Biacking is warranted to soften leather, and reucer it imperious to wet. factored at Richmond Hi“. and sold by Store- keepers and Harness Makers throughout the Province. February 10, 1850. No. (:44, B EETS at WM. DcROSE’S HOTEL' Victoria Square, the last Friday even- ing in each month. OFFICE-RS ELECT 3 THOMAS SNOWDON, Master. JOHN BUTTON, Deputy Master. HENRY RICH. Treasurer. A'I‘EN'I‘ Eave Troughs and Water Spouts superior to tin, put up at 5 and 6 cents per foot ; also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, Picket Gates, Waggon Fel- lows nnd Hubs, Barrel Heading, and Turning ii: general Manufactured and for sale by JOHN LANGSTAFF, 63-tf yard and RICHMOND HILL IRON FOUNDRY. YVONGE STREET HOT-EL, Excellent Accuiuimo- , . Methodist , Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. l’.S.-â€"-All notes and accounts remaining un- ' IJEO ; Manu- ‘ Good Health MAYOR'S LONG LIFE PILLS! Are warranted not to contain any Mercury. and Long Life. These Pills are composed of the most select Drugs. and. beingpurely vogetable, cambe taken at any season of. the year-if necessary, with safety and without fear of taking cold by exposure, whichre-rrders them of great value offered-to the public. The satisfactory and flat- tcriiig testimonials received by the Proprietor, has induced him to advertise these invaluable Pills ihat.tlie public may. be. convinced of a simple and efficacious remedy, is alone suffici- ent to subdue and cure the ordinary sickness of and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Soreness of the Throat, Cramps, ’(Ier‘s, which will be found on tre wrapper with instructions for taking them. Price, 25 Cents each Box. Sold by Druggists and, general Storekeepers, I .who are requested not to purchase of travelling Agentsg . THOMAS MAYOR. lolliesâ€"Victoria Square. ,Con. Markham. E UROPEAN MEDICAL HOUSE AND , Botanic Dispensary: ‘No. 51, King STREET VVrcsr, 'I‘oaoa'ro, C.W. assumes-arm BY Dr. GOODING, (formerly of England- NEIV, SPEEDY, AND MOST SUC- CESSFUL mode of treating _Live7 Complaint, Dyspcpse'a, Arcs-eons. suwzption, Seminal Weakness, Des- eascs of the Kidneys and Bladder Rheumatism. Scrofula, Salt Rheum Mercurial, Chronic Complaints, tj-e [13’ No charge for Advice. Dir. Gooniuc is now engaged in treating this class of maladies with the most astonishing suc- cess. The treatment adopted by him In new, it is based upon scientific principles, with new ons. The facilities of cure are such, that pati- expensc, in any part of the country, from an accurate description of their case by letter, and have the medicine sent. them by mail or express. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Young men who are troubled with weakness generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forgetful- iness, sometimes a ringing in the ears. weak melancholy, may be cured by the New Botanic Remedies. COUNTRY PA'I'IENTS‘. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Canada, by patients coniiiinn'icaiing their symptoms by letter,â€" Business correspondence strictly confidential, Address, DR. GOODING, No. 51 King Street \Vest, Toronto, C, W. 'I‘oronto,.February 3,1860. 63 NE W TREA TMEN T. Buffalo Medical Dispensary. asunusnw FOR 'rnr: court or DYSPEI’SIr GENERAL DEBILI'IY, rsvna AND AGUE, scnor‘urht. 0L1) uncnus, aura/tr rim-u- iwrv or rm: moon, SALT RHEUM. PIMPLES, r‘rsruLA, mans, xumrvs, DEBILITY, IN- YIRMI’I‘IES or vovrn AND 01.0 son, die. 0.”? No Mercury Used 4:0 R AMOS dz. SON, of Main and Quay Streets, Buffalo, New Yolk, are the only Physicians in the State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon. don May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 o’clock at night, on every 2 state and symptom of disease. practice in London. The most. inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or nine days, and cases ofa slight iiaturo in tWo or three days at a very moderate expenseâ€"â€" The cure effected without confinementor hin- drance from business. Young Menâ€" Take Particular Notice. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys. in solitude, often growing up with them to 'manliood. and which, if not reformed by them in due time. not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracred. insidious, and de- vastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware oi the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered. feel strange and unacounta~ ble feelings. and vague fears in the mind. A Most Scientific Invention. An instrument for the cure of General De- bilitv, or more properly known as Seminal Wehkness, Nervous Debility. 610., which are permanently cured in from 15 to ‘20 days by the use oftliis instrument, when used conyointly with medicines. New Remedies and Quick Cures, Dr AMOS 6r. SON take pleasure in announ- cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. 1t has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians in London, l’aiis, I’liiladelo phia arid New York. lt has been declared the only useful instrument over yet invented for tie cure of Seminal \Voakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. Amos & Son, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of these instru- ments. pledge themselves. that in- any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by re- turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument will observe, that the price. with the accom- panying directions, securely packed and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. Beware of Imposition. Beware of empirics and itinerant self-styled professors, who ATTEMPT cuaas, but never succeed. Dr Amos & Son have for a long series of years been engaged in an extensive practice in and superior tonaiixy‘. other n'redieine over yet. Colics, Worms in Children. and other disarm. ' Manufactoryâ€"«dtb ‘1 ‘AFFLIGTED READ-1‘ ch’llity, Illmacmus or lVasting 007,2â€" . discovered remedies, without minerals or IIUI~S~ ; icnts can be cured at their own houses without ' eves, weakness of the back and l0.\\'GI'QXiI'eI,Ile- 3 ties, confusion of ideas, loss at memory, with . The treatment they adept is the result of _ upwards of 30 years’ extensive and successful ‘ tits. Coughs, Colds and Fever, Distemper, LAND FOR SALE I1E.Subscriber is instructed to. offer for Sale the following Lands :â€" The south half of Lot 1V0. 6, in the 7th Con. of Eat Gwillimbury, Containing 100 acres, about 40 Cleared-e-with Log House, Barn and Well of good wate.. The remainder is covered with Valuable Pine and Hardwood Timber, and will be sold. a good bargain on liberal terms.” :Applicaticn may bamadeto the owner. Thomas Brodie, Lot 25, 2nd Con. King, or to the Subscriber. ALEO, The west half of the north lisxifl‘of Lot No. 29 this country, such as Pains in the Head. Back 111‘ the 317d (301’: Of niisourii Excellent Mill Site rI‘hereon. Will be sold Cheap, for Cash. anso, The north half uf.Lot No. 13, in the lst CON. OF SYDENHAM, watered and in a good. locality, and will be sold on liberal terms. â€"â€"â€"â€".â€" ALSO, A Village: Lot 2 On Temperance Street, in the ViLaAGE or: AURORA, :Containing one fifth of an Acre of Land, with a coinmodious [louse thereon. Welli adapted for the‘residence of a genteel family ALSO, The following . 4 Vildnlgc i ots in Aurora ’_Belpi-igiirg to R Macliall, Esq, on the Plan of suWey drawuliy It. Lynn, D I’.S., viz :' Lot No. 1", west of Railroad, 2nd range, one quarter acre . Lot at the head of Road, between Lots 6 and 7, one quarter acre. Lot No. 9. ‘2 iidlrarsgekone quarter acre. Lot No. 17, lst range, 000 quarter acre. I“\ll of which will be sold cheap and on Iibera .tertus. Auto, A number of Village Lots ! On the principal Streets of Aurora, belonging to John Mosh-y, Esq,â€"â€"will be d. cheap and on liberal terms. Apply to [if by letter, post paid!) W. MOSLEY, Land.» A gout and Conveyancer. Aurora, Mar-ch I, 1800. (id-ill RIN I INC: TYPES. AND ALL ()Tll l-Ilt Printing Materials, are kept in. Large quantities. and sold at the lowest prices, for ‘six I‘llollilb" notes or cash, at Bruce’s New York Type Fov'ndi‘y. Roman. fonts of the modern sly Ies are always on the shelves, ready for immediate delivery, in fonts of from 0.6 to l0,(‘UO lbs. Nine cents will prepay the poems» on :1 pamphlet of “ Priced. Specimens of P‘OIII.P~"“ and other sheets. which will be mailed to all printing oflices sending me their address. Any publisher of a newspaper who chooses to publish this mitt-ellixcii'ient. including this note. three. times before the first day of July. ‘ l860, and forward the one of the papers con- taining it, will be allowed his bill, at the time of making a pvrelmse from me of my own manufactures, of five times the autumn. of said bill. Address GEORGE BRUCE, ' Type Founder, l3 Chambers street, N.Y ._._..,..â€"..-..L-.:,__.f. __._,_._ __. . NOTICE. LL Persons indebted to the undersigned either by Note or Book Account. will please attend to the same by the lst of March, by coming forward and paying part and making arrangements for the balance they will be liber~ ally dealt with. "These neglecting to attend to this notice may expect to be attended to. ' 1’. CROSBY. Richmond Hill, Feb. 10. 1860. till-ti a tilt Tl] " tutti. CONDITION PH YSIG AND WORM DESTROYER. l ‘HlS Splendid Medicine can be given in If one Ball at any time of the year. without injury to the Horse. and has been used by the Farmers of Markham fer the last two years with a success unprecedented... By the use of this remedy it Wilheenvinco the owners of. that noble animal the inconsistency of an unneces- sany outlay by using Artificial food or Condition Powders. which are too well .known to coutaln minerals highly injurious to the membrane or coating of the Stomach. The Ball is a compound of Pure Vegetabe, and warranted not to contain either Mercury, Arsenic, 'Auti- mony or any other Mineral. Its immediate action is surprising and the ultimate effect has astonishedthousands. 1f the Animal is out o£ sorts, there is a cause remove that and he is all right. One dose at the cost of 515 cents is sufficient to cure Hide Bound, Loss of Appe- Stoppage of Water, Swelled Legs, Grease.and is a complete Destroyer of Worms, a- greatpuri- fyer of the Blood, and a good Physic, always recommended to be given in the Spring and Fall, which will act as a. preventive and im- prove the generul condition. Makes him corn- pletely up to the mark for his work, tltoreeby giving every satisfaction the owner can require. 'I‘estimonials of the highest character will be forwarded to testify to the above if required. Cash '1‘erms--One Dollar per: packet containing four Balls. Letters prepaid” enclosing a remittance. will 1be promptly attended to. Printed Directions wrapped round each Hall with my signature in full, without which none other are genuine. Officeâ€"Victoria Square, Manufactory~4th concession Markham, ' THOMAS MAYOR The only maker of the original Yorkshire Drifiield Oils in America. 60 Containing 100 Acres of choice Land,â€"well ~ ‘ of Toronto. }. l R.’ 'Answerâ€"JVVon’t I? C. D.’ ‘ \Vill you come to breakfast to-inorrow, ALF RED REA 1), Secretary. , , _ . . Victoria Square, May 7, 1858. The followrng is as good in its way:â€" At a meeting in aid of the proposed Art Gallery at Manchester, Mr. Thomas Fairbairn' read the following from a friend, whose name he did not disclose: ‘ My dear Tom,â€"-I have read you-r let- Richmond Victoria, ' OYAL ORANGE LODGE, No.. 7‘8, J meets at Brother Robert Wiseinans, Masonic Hall, the first Friday evening after the Full Moon in each month. . d . Orrrcrzas ELECI‘ â€"â€" William" Duncan, I": and 1 5”“ gomg to 0 It' Put me Master; E. Chamberlain, Deputy Master; J. 484 June 3.1859. STEAM MiLLS, 'I‘nonkniLL. 27-tf HUGH CAMPBELL, “latch tunIClock blakcr, ’ - “ JEWEI.ER-,&c, Yonge Street, Aurora: . Jewelry, Watches and Clocks repaired and down £1,000 for 1110 110110? and glory 0f ‘ Mnnhollano. Secretary; W. l’ogue, Treasurer cleaned on the shortest notice and lowest terms l my native towed January 21, 1858. 38-h“ Aurora, February 17, 1860. 60-tt' 1' IRON BEAM 1 IE? All Work manufactured by me is War- HE undersigned begs to info-rm the public that he has opened a FOUNDRY for the manufacture of O, S. Richmond’s improved PLOUGHS, Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs, Fanning Mills, Horse Hoes, & Horse Rakes- ranted. IRA B. RICHMOND. Richmond Ilill, Jan. 12,1859. . Quay streets, Buffalo, N, Y. the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicians who W. U. S .now advertise to cure certain complaints, or MILLWRIGHT 7 from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. Pausons IN ANY PART or THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for Medicines, &c., which, will be returned with the. utmost dispatch and secure from obser- vation. Address Dr. Amos 6r. Son, corner Main and 46-ly JLTOJVc/fla EGS to intimate that he is now prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable termS' He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction. fittest, Dev. 23, 1.859 4 A Splendid. Property.- For Sale. in the. ' VILLAGE OF. SPARTA3. Ninth Concession of Markham. suitable form. Tanner or Brewer, consisting of .A. One Acre 1101:” With Two Dwelling Houses and a largext Tannery. Seventy feet long by Thirty-six. wide. with. 9 Spring Creek running through the lot. Title indisputable. and a clear DOOdJ for $500. gjr further particulars inquire of THOMAS errGri‘r. Markham Village, Feb. 10, 1860. 60'“? THE “ MONTREAL WITNESS” IS PUBLISHED TWICE A..- WEEK AT Containing 50 Acres of valuable Land. withan I‘Two-Donhrs Anum in Advance WEEKLY. EDITION; ‘2 dollars ier sin le co :v or advance 3 l. (in " for clubs of 4, addressed separately. 12 “a “ V 10.. u . 0.‘ 20 “ for ‘20 copies to one address.- Wlien a club has been formed, additionsnayi be made at the same rate The terms,od.itions are strictly cash in advance, and thapaperinvariably stops when the time subscribed for expires. All letters. orders and remittances, to. be ad,» dressed, post-paid, to JOHN DOUGALL, Proprietor "Mos'ramr. WITNESS.” Montreal... ADVERTISING.-â€"-'1 he " Montreal Witness ” being extensively patronized by town and coin. try merchants, presents an excellent. medium t'or..advertiseiiieiits. The: terms for advertising are, when over eight lines, 7 cents per line {on first insertion, and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Under eight lines 5.0.: and ‘25 cents. Ailvcrtiscm,cn1.r,not exceeding three lmes, twenty-five cont!»~ m‘iuuflian, in. advance. No advertisements can be insertedmfa ch... iacter inconsistent with that of the paper. Our Musical Friend. “OUR MUSICAL FRIEND," a Rare.- Companion for the Winter Months. Should procure this, woekly Publication of _ Vocel and Piano Forte Every Pupil, Music, costing but 10» Every Amateur, cents a number, and. l’roiiouncr-d by the entire Press ofthe country,, to be C “THE BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK: OF THE KIND IN THE WORLD'" Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano. Forte Mu>ic for 10 Cents. ,u. Yearlysi ; “beyond-3250; Quarterly'$l.,2§. Sub-criber to “' Our Musical Friend." or order it from the iienrrst Newark-titer, and ycu, will have Music for your entire fatnilyat an. insignificant cost; and if you want Music {on- tlie Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clhl'lf=lll'l, Accordion. 620. &c Fullncl'lbt‘. to the '1 $010 Melodist, l Committing 121mg“, costing only 1.0 Cents e. t nutrilar ;. Yearly, $2 50 ; Halt-yearly. $1. 95.. All back LIIIIlibctb‘ at 10 cts.. and Bounds Volumes. Containing 17 numbers, at $2 50 , each, constantly on hand. 3: it. it. SEYMOUR (.70.. 107 Nassau St.. New York.- Every Pianist, lflvcry Singer, Every leacher, l _,.. ., ~ â€"»-.â€"‘-« â€"» -w Fire 1 Fire I I .' W E S '1‘ E R N Insurance Company'- Fire I I 1 Fire A INL'URRO-ILAJLKD 3.x, ACT or. HAIUJAI‘KNT. ~_‘____. (1119129911. sf‘O CK, £100,000. I. C. GILMOR Pro... ’ I Lir:o-1\IICHII’.,Yice Pr... INKLCTOHS : 3 Rice Lewis. Esq. l Thus, Ilaworth. Esq, Names Meaty, Esq. 6 W. Henderson, Esq. 'l‘, l’. Robin-ts, Esq. I1 W. Maciarlane. Esq._ M. liossiii, Esq. I ' Bernard llaldan, Esq. Secretary 4- Treasurers. Angus Morrison, Esq. solicitor. llciik ol'Upper Canada. Bunkers. BLWIIIII Switzer, Esq. Inspector. [15" Heart (mica. Clfllfdt' 8175‘“ Town!" Tins Cour-Amt. Insures all descriptionsofi I Buildings, Manufactories, Mills...«‘kc-. and Goods, and Furniture. in. the same, against loss ordama age by fire, on Iiberalderms. Losses promptly settled. 1/1 I , Residence... General agent... Ricliirorid Iiill August 13,, 1.857. (IO-I, little budgeted Is rvcusrrrzr) -EVERY Fiâ€"ilIi-‘AY Pi/IORNING, And desputched to. Subset-them by. the earliest in ails. or other: conv.eyanoe.,wlieii so desired. The YORK HERALD will always be- be found to contain the latestand mostim on. taut Foreign and Provincial News and ar‘. hats. and the greatest care will be taken to. render it acceptable tothe man of business._ and a valuable Famin Newspaper. ‘9 'I‘EltMSn-Sesen and Sixpence per Annirm, II ADVANCE ; and if not paid within Three. Months two dollars will beomged. RATES OF ADVERTISING :; Sixlinesand under, first inscrtiou..,.,.,.$00 50 Each subsequent insertion . . ..‘00 12* Ten lines and undenfirst insertion. . . . . 00 75 Above ten lines, first in.,,pcr line.... 00 07. Each subsequentinsertion, per line... . 00 033 If? Advertisements without written diroc~ Lions inserted. till forbid. and, charged accord. iiigly. ,‘ ~ All transitory advertisements, from strangers. or irregular customers, must be paid for when. handed in. for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad~ vertising by the year. All advertisements published {on aless pe- riod than one month, must be paid for in ad, V31)CO.. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. Ne paper discontinued until all arrearagel as. paid : and parties refusing papers without pay. ing up, will be held accountable for the sub. scription. 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