Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 4 May 1860, p. 4

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',, . . M a,“ ...â€". _ -_.-____ ‘._.. ‘AN' ELEC'I‘RIC POEM. .. i,» The night has come, but not too soon; Westward the star of empire takes it way; Ye banks and br'aes of bonny doon! Blue spirits and white, black spirits and grey. Rock’d in the cradle of the deep, Old Caspar ’5 work was done; Piping on hollow reeds to his pent sheep, Charge, Chester, charge! On, Stanley, on!’ There was a sound of revelry by night, On Linden when the sun was low: A voice-replied. far up the height, , 'I‘all acorns grow. r ‘ " ""IVlrtttvifx'a little rain should say, Iliave the world, nor the world me ! Ah, wellfiELday'; Woodmiiir": that tree! My heart leaps up with joy to see A primzosc by the water’s brim; Zaccheus, he did climb the tree; Few of our youtl‘y could cope with him. The prayer of Ajax was for light, Theligl‘rt thatarever was on sea or shore; Pudding and beef make‘Britens fight, Nevermore! Under a'spreading chesnut tree, For hours tbegither sat, I and my Annabel Lee; A man’s a man for a’ that. Truth crusb’d to earth shall rise again, And waste its sweetness on the desert air: In thunder, lightning, or in rain, None but the Infinite deserve the fair. Tell me not in mournfut numbers, The child is father of the man: Hush,my dear, he still in slumber, They can conquer who believe they can, A changecame o’er thespirit of my dream; Whaliéver‘isfls right; i A And things are not what they seem; My native land, good night,--Knickcrboc7;cr. 3th artllutnnur, ""Thcre is many a man whcse tongue might govern multitudes, if he could govern his tongue. Deliver us from a woman with a Spirit of opposition in her soul, who will pick you up on the point ofa sharp sentence as if' you were a dropped stitch in her knitting work. Query, \Vould a man who got intoxi- cated with delight, be turned out of the temperance society. Remenrbcr.-â€"â€"â€"\Vhat a world of gossip would be prevented if it was only remem- bercd_that the person who tells your of the faults of others, intends to tell others of yOur faults. rI‘he eye of the lawnâ€"It has become so weak from the want of proper practice in the difierent courts, that it is gomg to ad- .vertisc for a pupil. . r7. - - :‘Iaave you anyr traveling Inkstands i’; In the newest Styles and superior \Vorkman- asked a lady ofa young siationer.â€"â€"‘No malam,’ we have them with feet and legs but they are not oirl enough to travel yet , ) He who has made time his friend, Will. have little to fear from his enemies; but he that has made it his enemy, will have ' little to hope from his friends. The highest and most characteristic glory of all earthly beauty is to make us aspire to a heavenly one; and a woman is great in proportion to the idea she sugâ€" gests. “A bad wife,” says an old author, ‘is confusion, weakness, discomfrture, despair" bad enough, is it not. good woman? Spell the word Oxford wiihout using a .V, ' .,.;,.-. .. ,v .4.“ .A- . .,.., . .. . . . ' I Midis. matting. WALTER B. GEIKIE, MD. Licentiate (ftlrrcllfcdicul Board If Upper Carm- da, and recently one oft/Io r’llulicII/L qfliccrs 0f the Toronto General 1]ospliut, and 3; Professor o/Anato'nn/ and Surgery in Dr. Ralph’s Medical Sc/wut, I_ AS returned to AURORA, and I'e-taken : the use of Electricity, B y D 13.. e... E DIM ON D s, sducuon Dim'rrsrv, AURORA. ‘rV\/\_¢\l V (4 m. Teeth inserted on Silver, Golder Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, performed in themest approved manner and "Warrauted' . Aurora, March 9,‘ 1860. l _ y 67-ly Treatiix‘mtc‘rnr wrmaur PAINT! . ' LI-Hgvitlrarosm Good Healthw and Long Life. LAND ms SALE 11E. Subscriber is instructed to. offer for Sale the following Lands :â€" Tlre south half of Lot No. 6, in the 7th. Con. of North Gwillimliu-ry, Containing 100 acres, about 40 Clearedâ€"with Log House, Barn and Well ot good ware. The remainder is covered with EEELL iéfiESLEY, I STOCK, BROKER, Land & Municipal Agent, (to. No. 29Anne Street. or Box 54, P.O. Quebec. REFERENCES: Sheriff Jarvis, Ilon. George» Sherwood, Heir. B. M, Vankoughnet. C, J. Campbell, Esq.- 1‘3, Woodside, Esq. Messrs. Gilrnour, Coulson & Co, Angus Morrison, M,P,P, 'l‘oronto; Messrs. Mills, Mattice 6:. j â€"-~. MAYOR'S ,LONG LIFE PILLS .I Are warranted not to contain any Mercury. These Pills. are composed of themost‘ select Drugs, and being purely vegetable,vhcauv be taken at anyxse-ason of the year if necessary, ANGIEâ€"AMERICAN _ his former residence- on Yonge Street, Where he may be consulted at all times, on the various branches of his profession. Aurora, Feb. 534, 1860. 65-v1 .- . :NEW» TALOR SHOP. f WHE undersigned begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Richmmrd Hill & Vicinity That he has commenced business in the Tailor ing Line In the house adjoining IllR‘. SIVERS’ SHOE SHOP, Where, by close application to business and public patronage. ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED ro. Garments cut to order on the shortest notice, 11 any style. JAMES B. BURNES, Richmond Hill. Feb. 10. 1860. 63-1)- I T. d. WHEELER, WATCH 8; CLOCK MAKER, J EWELLER, &c- | RICHMOND IIILL. Dec. 3,1859; 53-Iy Auction Notice. THOMASTIOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK & PEEL. , All letters addressed to “Almira,” P.O. wil receive prompt. attention. Orders rtceivcd a the " York lloraid”()flic«v, Richmond Hilll Mr. Henry Lemon, Tliornhill. and Illr, James Cavannafr, Mansion Hearse, Sharon, where Terms, Rte. Irraybe obtaieed. "Aimim, Nov. 25. 1859 ' (SQ-If %&50 ME $133115 £10321, RlCllIleNl) HILL, GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. OOD Accommodations and every attention shown to Travellers. Good Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose‘Boxes for Race Horses and Studs. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises first Wednesday in- each month. The Subscriber in calling the attention of the public and his Old Friends Io his establishment, feels satisfied be can administer comfortably to their wants and Will) mutual satisfaction. Richmond Ilill, April 20, 1860. 73-tf GO TO B. BOWMAN’S MlLLSl WITH YOUR CARDING & GRISTING, Ivhere parties from a distance can have it Ilene to take with them on tlreirreturnhorne. Almira, May 13. 1859. 24-tf. Cheap Clothing. THE Subscriber begs to inform the inhabi- tantsof Buttonville and the surroundiirg country, that he continues to make first-class COJITS, VESTS, Pain '“TS, we. ship. All orders promptly attended to and work warrarr ted. JOHN HARDY, Tailor and Clothier. Buttonville. Dec. 23. 1859.‘ 55-1y HOUSE?! MARKHAM VLLAGE. OOD Accou‘rnrodations. \Vines, Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MARR, Proprietor. Marklrum,.luire 1859. QG-tf .IICIIhilf_):\lD HILL HOTEL. , SPACE runs from the above Hotel to I Toronto, every morning, starting from the Elgin Mills at 7. a.m,, and returning at 7, p.m. Fare, .Gd each way. single letter belonging to it. Your may in- sert: a little Cockney pronunciation, how- eve,r,pif-.y_eu please, _ Give it up, eh tâ€"â€" I‘Iawks-phut. ' ' How TO RUIN YOUR HEALTH.â€" lst. Step in bed late. 2nd. Eat hot sup- pers. 3rd. Turn day into night, night inâ€" to day. 4th. Take no exercise. 5th. Alâ€"‘ ways ride when you cannot walk. 6th. Never mind about Wet feet. 7th. Have balf-a-dozen doctors. 8th. Drink all the medicine they send you. 9th. Try every new quack. 10th. If that doscn’t kill you, quack yourself. A young lady being addressed by a gentleman much older than herself, obser- ved to him that, the only objection she had to a union with him was the proba- bility of his dying before her and leaving her" to the sorrows of widewheod, To 1" ‘ivhich'he made theapt and delicately com l‘rliiner‘rtar‘y reply, ‘Blcssed is the man who bath a virtuous wife, for the number of his days shall be doubled.’ A colored cook expected company of her, own kind, and was at a loss how to entertain her friends. I'Ier mistress said: 4 Chloe, you must make an apology.’â€"â€"‘Lal misgis,f-lrew ann’I make it”! I. got no apples, no eggs, no butter, no nuftin to make it wid.’ ' . ‘ LADIES AND LOOKING GLASSES.»â€" ‘ \Vcll, to my mind, looking-glasses are the greatest, epeinicstladies have; they ought all to'besbroken to everlastin’ smash- It; isn‘t that they are false, for they ain’t;' . they will reflect the truth if they are allowed. But, unfortunately, truth never, looks into them. \thn a woman consults trcr glass, she wishes to be pleased, she wants to be flattered, and t9 be on good terms witlrherself, so she treats it asshé‘ would her-lover; she goes: up to itall' smiles, looking as amiable and as beautiful as she can. She assumes the most win- ning air; sire gazes at the image with all the affection she can call up; her eyes 2;: beam with. inteltigcucc antlwith love, and ' 'tsék'lipsi‘appear‘hllcaveman could Wish, or a man covet. \Vcll, in course the mirror gives back that false face to its owner, it receives ittit ain’t fair, therefore, to . blamc it for being unfaitlrful,’ -» w... .._._ GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLEI‘IS- RICHARD NICHOLLS, studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of YO-NGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. I GOOD supply of Wines and Liquors 1’ always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for 'l‘raVellers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of‘all brands. I). McLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora. June 1859. 25 1y i r “ JAMES HALL, a. on, hand a large assortment of and SHOES, which will be ' :2"\‘;es to meet the times l Richmond. Hill. Dec. 1858. I"... v MALES, Painter. GRAINEEE, Glazier, Gâ€"iider, a Paper, Hanger, RICHMOND HILL}. IOUSE, Sign and Ornamental ,Painting done on the shortest notice and'on Ilte most reasonable terms. ' ‘ ' Richmond Hill, April, 20, 1860. l-tf l PATRICK LYNOTT, lLlCENSED AUCTIONEER, OR the sale of Cattle. Stock, is pre- pared to attend Sales in all parts of Up- "per‘Ca‘natla‘. . V _ Richmond Hill May 25, 1859. FOR' SALE; [200,000 feet. of Lumber INCLU DING Flooring, Siding, lrrclr Boards, and two-inch Plank, Scantling, Sic ,é'cc., at the subscriber’s Mill, near Stoufl'villc, cheap for Cash or Approved Credit. ’ JAMES BUGG. Stoufl'ville, April 1:73, 1859. 93â€"tf. 73.“ “19-2. New Boot and Shoe Store - IN BUTTON VILLE. ‘IIE Subscriber returns his thanks to the '1 public for past support and begs to state that he has removed into the Village of lluttonvillc, whe:e he hopes for a continuance of the pa- tronage heretofore given him. All orders executed with despatch and work warranted. ' RO'BER'I‘ SIV 111R, _ Boot and Shoe ,Mnkcr, . r "DJOINING no \Vesleyau Methodist ,PhOtOgraphS f‘. -- Alnbf‘otypes Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. I l‘IELANICO'l‘YPICS . A choice selection of (lorrtlerrrcns’, Ladies, L FTTE RGRAPH S, 5&0. DAVID GALLOWAY. Buttenville, Nov. 11, 1859. Sflily and Glrildrcns", lloots and 51100.3 constantly on hand, and made to order on the Shortest No- tice, ' ‘ ' All Styles 0>f1)l0iu"05 lake.“ at 11' ‘3 lLF’ All kinds of Shoemakers Findings for sale chdical Haiti, Markham, Richmond llill, Dec. 1858, 1-tf On reasonable terms, and in all weathers“ .....L-.._.~...__....._.--._.-..w. Pictures taken' from the sm’allcst'tc lifesize. .. (1., Damn; " tort-"om CITY Innate Worms Markham Village, Oct. 14, 1859. 185 YONGE STAI‘. 3T. 46-t W. G. ADAMS, D; D. S_ menopause,ro‘nBTABLEs Surgeon Dentist,\r«.s, ac. 99 KING s’r. rcas'r, SOU'I‘II srnrz. 'rrirnD rroou Twenty Per Cent Wirsr rnon crinncrr sr. 'rouonro, THAN ANY 0711...: ESTABLISHMENT. S the Proprietor of Oliver’s Patent for ap- 1 plying I‘llectricity, to prevent pain in ex- tracting teeth; and aim of an Aparatus for manufacturing Vulcrrnitr- ,Rubber Plates. for sets and Partial sets of. teeth. on Gold or otherwise the case. ' Toronto, August 27, 185;). III) UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the " estate of D. C. 6:. \V. YALE, will corr- , tinue the. business under the superintendence 'l'eotlr mounted of' our duly etrtlior‘ized agents Ansrrs Annsv to suit the necessity of and I), Carths VALE. whose receipt uill be ,dcrly acl-Inrwledgcd. 48-1)‘ P,S.-â€"-All notes and accounts reirraiuing un- paid on the lst dav of June. 1858, will be put into Court for collection, MWMWLW/ ~~ \_____-.____-. MATHESUN 8o FlTZGE BALD, Barristers, Attorneysâ€"at-Law, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, &c. C. YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April ‘29, 1859. 48-tf. orrrcr; :’- _ CORNER ()1' KING AND'TORONTO STREETS 1 Over Whitmore 5.: Co’s. Banking Oflice, TORONTO- Agcmg/ Particu/ariy attended to. [ ....._._. LANDS FOR SA LE. Easy Terms of Payment. 30,0509 Acreage, JAMES FITZGERALD l VITUATICD ‘m the counties of LAMPTOH and 3L4f g Kim'r, All'necessai'yinformation will be g‘givet‘rmr application, post paid, to ' ‘ ‘ . ,IIIILEs LANGSTA Fl", , “’allaceburgb Also, some improved FARMS to RENT. THOMAS e. MATIiIcseN. Toronto, July 1, 15.39, “Ah *I l JOHN N. Ruin, MD. connru or roam: AM) corneas STREETS, 'l‘llt)§tNi!lLl,, Wallaceb‘urgh, Nov. 94, 1859. 52-11 ’ [13" I’l‘CSClillliOllS g0t iii. lilO OfiTCO "lust ’ “~"‘ ""‘M’fl‘im ‘ia'mwv- ~~Cfl be paid for on delivery. 3“"vonk MILL S H (5.)» TE L,I YONGE STREET. GOOD supply of Wxsrzs and LIQUORs always on hand. Cigars of all brands. Excellent accornrnsdation for Travellers, Far- rrrers and others. . W. _,_,-,_,._~._.._,W.~,____ ALEX. I‘IlLL, Proprietor. JABTES I. BfLEI‘iER, York Mills, Dec. 17, 185.9. 55-0m 1‘“E?J飑l?i‘ .f.‘.‘f.‘..]";‘;t: .?::.1.’;25.E:13;.‘:' " ‘ ‘ ‘ " “ ‘ " " DR. ,R. W. HILLARY, Patent flit'btfilllL’S. (ilass, Putty. Nails â€"â€"â€"Lew! It... _ . Dr. DUNHAM, SURGEON" and Mocha nical Dentist, Medical l'lnll, blarkhnrrr Village. June 30, .1859. 31-1)‘ ' I : Pmp,.,-ct0r_ very low for Cashâ€"Markham Village. & Richmond Hill, Dec. 18, 1858. 1-55 June 30. 1859. Ill-Gm AURORA. C.w_ _____._,“ ,_IL...,__~._..__~.L..â€".-â€"â€"--»~ -â€"â€"â€"»~ - *â€" | ~ ‘ '* " “ ' ' ' “‘"w ""N‘“ i if” 1‘: -"4‘ y i.’;;v;’ht_ 1y HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND HlLi. P. {11‘ BY, .. . 7 _ ML...“ 1' H E Subscriber begs to inform his numer- ’ g‘.;’.i‘7l._,‘-ffl : i~ I I "v o" ~, lire" MINI. ous Patrons and the public, that he has J ’Ir‘v' v : a ~':: ‘1 , :. . removed from the White Swan Hotel to tbn Richmmm v “mg, 3L6,“ 5 above Premises, where there will be found excellent accommodation for Travellers, and Good Stabling. 9:? Horses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GARY, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. ‘22, 1858. 72â€"7 TIC-DOE & CO. " ~T‘IIOIJIISALE and Retail Copper, Tin " and Iron Plate VVorke/s, and Furnishing Ironmongers, Parties givrng this house a call will find their orders punctually attended to and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill, Dec. l858. J. thNEY, Boot and Shoe Maker, YONGE STREET, RICII MOND HILL. 54-1 . ,.-_.s.‘.‘. _‘______.__.._.__~ Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes. made after thelatest styles. December 1858. 1- m l l l s: w.65. ‘ ' Richmond Victoria, ' OYAL ORANGE LODGE, No. 7’8, ,1 meets ‘at Brother Robert 1Wiseman s, Masonic Hall, the "first Friday evening after the Full Moon in each month. ' Or-‘rrcrcas Echcr â€"- William Duncan Master; E. Chamberlain, Deputy Master; .1 Munhollana. Secretary; VVJ’ogue, Treasure January 21.51858. 2384! THOMAS-WILSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, YORK, PEEL & ONTARIO. All letters addressed, Marianna VILLAGE. wil receive prompt attention. [LT Orders re- Ccived at the “HERALD” Office,» Richmond ill, where terms, &c., may be ascertained. Markham Village, Nov. 18,1859. 51-tf To the Sick and Dying. / R. SNlDER, of the 7th concession of B1 Vaughan, near Klineburgb, guarrantees to cure Cancers, Enlarged W‘ecks And many other Diseases. Persons labouring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do well to call in time. All letters to be paid, and addressed to - PETER SNIDER, Klineburgh [13’ NO CURE NO PAY. HARNESS AND SHOE BLACKING. Angus“ 6’ 1858 61.1 V. ELL’S Superior VVaterproofHarneas --~ » -~<w~'â€"- vâ€"â€"â€"-â€"-~â€"~â€"~â€"-â€"~ . and Shoe Blacking is warranted to soften leather, and rem er it imperious to wet, Manu- I factored at Richmond “Hi, and sold by Store- keepers and Harness Makers throughout the W. T. ATKINSON, & Co. IMPORTERS OF ENGLISH DRUGS, _ Province. IlIanufirctuicrs of Chemicals “Maw, 1860. 634,. Patent Medicines & Perfumery. APOTHECARIES HALL, OPPOSITE THE CATHEDRAL, King St. Toronto. , g-tICHMOND II‘ILL IRON -- FOUNDRY. fl‘I‘IE undersigned begs to inform the public that he has operredia FOUNDRY for the manufacture of O, S. Richmond’s improved IRON BEAM PLOUGHS, Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs. Fanning . Mills, Horse Hoes, & Horse Rakes» 11:? All Work manufactured» by me is War- ranted. Proprietors of Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste. it? Every description of Horse and Cattle Medicines prepared with the be?",Engllsll drugs Toronto, August ‘27, 1859. 4 ATEN’I‘ Eave 'l'roughs“and‘ Water Sponts superior to tin, put up at 5 and 6 cents per foot ; also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, Picket Gates, W'aggeu Fel- lows and llubs, Barrel Ilcading. and Turning in general h’Ianui’acturcd and for sale by JOHN LancsTAFF, f?» LAM MILLS, 'l‘rionnniLL. June 3,1859. HUGH chrrcfisrm, “latch and Clock kicker}, JEWELL‘R, &c, Yonge Street, Aurora- Jewelry, Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and lowest terms Aurora, February 17, 18150. IRA fl. RICHMOND. ‘ Richmond Hill. Jan. 12, 1859. 27-tf DR. 1.. LANGâ€"STAFF, , PRINGHILL, 1. car King Station. House ] formerly occug .et‘; by Dr. Hillary. i 3 King, Marle 1859. ;- y tea. D. E. SEYMOUR, HOMCEOPATIHC PHYSICIAN, MAIN ST., NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 In»; 'I I Crieaper ' i â€" ction ,i-ise to a series of protracted. insidious, and deâ€" .«_.~-er “1'..- I .years been engaged in an extensive practice in are the only legally qualified Physicians who James Webster, Esq, Guelph. 67-h" Quebec Government Agency. BUSINESS connected with the CROWN LAND and other Public Departrrrents attended to ; also, Patents for Inventions, Secured by the Subscriber. Address, prepaid. 7E. J. CHESLEY, No, 29 Anne Street, (.0, Montreal; IIon. James Patton, Barrie; with safety arrd‘iwitlrout fear of taking'cold by exposure, which renders them of great value and superior to any other medicine over yet offered to the public. The satisfactory and flat. tering testimonials received by the Proprietor, has induced him to advertise these invaluable Pills that the public may be convinced of a sirrrpie and efficacious remedy, is alone sufiiciw out to subdue and cure the ordinary sickness of this courrtry,’snclr as Painsin the l’lead, Back and Loins, all Nervous DISOI‘CIGII'S, Dyspepsia orr Indigestion, Sore-tress of the 'l'hroat, Cramps. Colics, Worms iir Children, and other disor- ders, which will be found on: tie wrapper with Valuable Pine and Hardwood Timber, and will be solda good bargain en liberal terms.â€" Application maybe made to the owner. Thomas Brodie, Lot ‘25, 2nd Con. King, or to the Subscriber. nose, The west half of the north half of? Lot No, 291 In the 3rd Con. of Misouri, Containing 50 Acres of Valuable Land, with an Excellent. Infill Site ' Quebec. Thereou. Will be sold Cheap, for Cash. illttt'uclions for taking them, Quebec, March 6, 1860. 67-tl' Price, 25 Commend; Box. ASTHMA. 2 OR the INSTANT RELIEF and PER~ MANEN'I‘ CURE of this distressing complaint use H . FEJVII T’S BRONCHIAL CIGARE'ETES ! Made by C. B. SEYMOUR dz. C0,, 107 Nassau Street. N.Y. free by post. For Sale at all Druggists. â€"â€".r L... NEW TAILOR, AT '1‘.” ORNIIILL. \V I I. LIA RI SUDD A BY. OULD'respectfullv infornr the inhabi- ‘ country, that he has commenced business in the she) lately occupird by Mr. \V. 11. Hollis, where Ire hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. Thoruhill, April 10, 1860. 72â€"4 G: H. it URG l‘ION Dentist, will be at Niclroll’s Hotel. Richmond Hill. the Fran and TMIIIII Mommy of eVerv month, and, the re- mainder of the month at- his residence Thornbill. All “’ovldVarrantI-d. Teeth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Ileneâ€"This filling is put into the 'l‘eetb while soft, causing no pain, as it requires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which It firmly adheres, renderlng it almost impassible for the filling ever to come out. July s. 1859. 324,-. W. U. E?) K E N’ E MILLvrnic “'1‘, of I. T 0 new 3 BEGS to intimate that lie is now prepared to erect MILLS of every deseription, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable lerirrs- He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altena, Dec 93. 1859 4 NE W T1? EA TM EA T. Butfirlo Medical Dispensary. JILS'rAIiIanLD ron THE court or DYSFEL’SII‘ GENERAL DEBILHY, FI-zvna as» .rsnr-r, scttor'UI.A, LLI) ULCl'ZIIS, GREAT lMl‘U- any or‘ Tm: moon, st'r nHwM, rmrrms, i‘Is'IULA, nIere,, DLBIerv. rs- r-‘rnnrrrrcs or room. AND OLD non, &c. 0:? No Mercury Used 4;) yR AMOS (5:. SON, Corner of M sin and J] Quay Streets, llutl'alo, New Ymk, are the only Physicians iii the State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon- ,don. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 o’clock at night, on every state and symptom of disease. The treatment they adopt is the result of upwards of 30 years’ extensive and successful practice in London. The “1051.. inveterate symptoms of DIseaso eradicated. In eight or Irirre (lays, and cases ofa. slight nature in two or three days at a very moderate expense.â€" The cure effected withoutcontinementor hin- drance from business. Price $1 per box; sent tents of 'l‘hernliill and the surrounding ALSO - . .‘ . ' Sold by Druggrsts and'ga-nczal Storekeepers, who are requested not to purchase of travelling Agents. ’ The nerth halfcf’Let No. 13, in the 1st CON. OF SYDENHAM, Containing 100 Acres of choice Land,â€"well watered and in a good locality, and will be sold on liberal terms. -â€"â€"..__._. ALSO, A. Village Lot 2, On Temperance Street, in the VlLLAGE OF AURORA, Containing one fifth of an Acre of Land, with a corrrnrodious llouse Ilicrcon. \‘Voll adapted for the residence of a genteel family THOMAS MAYOR- Office-Victoria Square. lt‘lauufactonyâ€"sth Can. Markham. A Spiiemlid Property For Sale, in the 7 VILLAGE OF; SPARTA, Ninth Com-onion of h’larkharn, suitable for a I I fl 1 s tanner or Br on or, consisting of One Acre Lot, jl‘i'iilr 'l‘wo Dwelling [lenses and a largex Tannery. Seventy fth long by 'I'lIirtyâ€"six l\\71(lt‘, wiih 3 Spring (,‘roek running through l l “‘50' like lot. Tillt‘ indisputable, and Ir clear Deed The fopomng i for $530. Er further particulars inquire of . , THOMAS SPEIGH'I' ’ l 5. I ‘V . ' 3" I‘ . . 4' ‘ E‘ll'urgé" 5 0h“ I“ “3” bl ‘3 Markham Village, Feb. 10, 1860. 6011' Belonging to R Macbzrll, l-Isq , on Ilrc Hair of, a m- “ALL _._._____fi. survey drawn by it. Lynn, 1) I" xiv. : l y , 7 l . V. ’ tr 0 a ' 1 e A _ Lot ‘.\‘o. 1, west cl Railroad, 23nd rang-1’, one 1 will? 5% {ISAC/(ll 1‘ l'l€.fl& quarter acre. . $601711 MUSICAL FRIEND,” ‘a Rare Companion for tho \Vintcr Months. I‘ii'cryl'iau'st, [Should procure this Let at the bond of Road, between l.ct:s ti and 7. one quarter acre. Ili\t,tl')‘5111gfll', weekly Publication of .t‘IVery Teacher, Vo‘ccl and Piano Forte livery Pupil, illusic, ousting but 10 I‘iVUI‘)’ Arrrateur, cents a number, and Pronounced by the entire Press of the country, to be I - -‘ 'I‘llI-l lllCS'l‘ AND CHEAPESI WORK A. numfm of l I/lr/gr/ Arm .’ or ring KIND 1N 'l‘IlE WUltLU” On llli‘ principal Streets of Adi-ma. belonging l Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano toJohn Mosley, lisq ,mwill be so :'l chomp and Ports Alusic for lOCents. 3“ {Piqrmuipffi}? l H L ,U ' Yon.“l\‘,$5 ; llnlf-rca-riv,:$?50; Quarterly$1,‘25 z 'r\' r\‘ t‘ or >o> ‘Ittlt ' ' ' . , . l’ “ W, “'0” Fail l to “ Our Musical 1‘ l'lt‘lrtl," or ' ‘ I l‘ “ ‘ I ‘ itlltit'r II from Ibo nearth rNowsIll‘nlor. and y. u ""d A2119”! “3d ("lll"‘i""l“(i“l" ‘wrt; have Music for your crrtim‘ :arrily at an Aurora, March l, lStitl. iiirripliilii’ttllt oust; and ifi'ou want I\.Irsic for ‘ :Iiro Pluto, \Vrolin. ( orirct. Clariurut. Accordion i l l i do die sub crrbe Io the ‘ i of 37310 finale 611513,. 1 . i i l l. . . .. Lot No. ‘J, 21:..l.:ange,¢one quarter acre. ) Lot No. 17. ls: range, one qttuttcr :Icro. IX” of which will be sold churp ar.d on lihcr‘a terms. ALSU‘ Sutheribor il“'lli (‘on'nmrng l2 coating] only 1t) Cents ll numb» r; V :52 50,- llntl-yr'nrly. $1. 95. J All back numbers at Ill one. and Bound 'Voliirrrcs, corrtzrirringgI 17 IrI.rrrbcrs, at $2 50 . R, ,w' I ,enclr, constantly on hand. wt. . a I (I ll. SEYMOUR & ('05. ,L. ,1 1127 Nansau:St.. New York | 1 I curl} . llit ii CONDlTlOM PH ’r’SlC lw O n M D i: s 'r n O Y E n. lil‘llls Splendid Medicine can be given in MAYOR’S Ii‘ir‘tj i l w 14: F771}: II N lii‘ir'c insurances. {fornpany If‘Ii’t‘ 1 Fire I I .' l.\('Ultl‘(Jl't.-\'11‘lll NY .\('1‘ U1“ PARLIAMRSIL" .â€"_____ (1.1147191. sync-K, £100,000. l. C. (x‘Imron, Pros. one Ball at any time of the your, without injury to the Nurse, and has bcetf ll’-t'(l bv the i Farmers of Markham for the A i with a success rrnprr ccdcnlcd. Iiv the rise of this remedy it Will convince the owners oftlrrrt l noble animal the iiicOIrsistcrer of at; unneccs» H . sat)‘ outlay 1y using or Condian V PW“ INW‘S' “Fli- ll’cwders, wlif ii are too well known to contain 732mm“. brill-l" Liq‘ Irrinerals higlriy injurious to (no lilt‘lnlllzrlIt [HI I" “9PM”, l‘i-“(l- or coating or the Stomach. The Ilnll is a l ‘l'i' liOSSln‘ EN‘l' l compound of line Vt-geizrbc, and wtrrr'ontml - llerrrard llaldnn, Esq. Secretary 4' Treasurers irot to contain either Mercury. Arsenic, AIrIi- Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. 2rrronyor any other Mineral. its inrirrctlirrto llarik OfUpper Canada. Brut-knit)!” action Is surprising and the ulifirraia edict has I Dr rrjarrrin Switzei, ltsq. Inspector. astonished Iliousands. if the Animal is out ofl sorts, them is a cause remove that and he is I all right. ()rro dose at the cost of :35 cents is sufficient to cure llide Bound, Loss of Appo- Iite, Coughs. Colds and Fever, Distemper, Stoppage of “’nter, Swollod Logs, Gr'ease,aritl is a corriplcto Destroyer of Worms. a fyer of the lllood, last two \‘cazsl 1 (int). Mr('HII;,\'ice Pres. Dilutions : 'l'hos. llawortlr, Ifirq, W. Henderson. I‘qu. \V. Maclarlane, Esq, uâ€"â€"_._.._ {113' Ifcoof (wire, C/Itu'c/I. 311'ch Tacoma. fl This COMI’Ah v Insures all descriptions on 1 Buildings,blarrulirctories, Mills, t\:c.. andGooda land lv'urrriture, in the same. agairrstloss or clam- Iricmpirri- . - . . r; one by the on liberal terrrr '. Losses I and a good Physic, always ‘ b ‘ ' a 1mm},in . r - . , . settled. recommended .o as given In the Spring and a I A\-‘, Fall, which will act as a preventive and Im- , R ., I J I,” ’ prove the general condition. Makes him corn- "5“ ence' helm"! “gem” bletely up to the mark for his Riellll‘mld “ill Alum-“l 13. 1857. 210-! wume \vork, tl-rorccby giving every satisfaction l‘co owner can require, l x.. .. ,7 bung Mcn~ Tar/1:6 Particular Notice. . '1 here is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with their) to rrrarrhood. and which, ifnot reformed by them in due time. not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives vastating'afibctions. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware ol the'conscquences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unacounta- ble feelings. and-vague fears in the mind. A M'ost Scientific Invention. An instrument for the cure of General De- bilitv, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous Dobility. Cvc., which are permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use oftlris instrument, when used conyorntly with medicines. New Remedies and Quick Cures, Dr AMOS do SON take pleasure iii announ- cing that they have In vented a most irrrportant instrument for the cure of the above diseases. Itt has been subjected to a test by the rrrost eminent physicians in London, Paris, Philadel- phia and New York. It has been declared the only useful instrurrrcnt over yet invented for tie cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. Amos «S; Son, in order to satistythe most skeptical as to the merits of these Instru- Irrents, pledge themselves. that in any Instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial, the rrroney will be refunded by m. turning the instrument in good2 order. Persons wishing theabove useful instrument will observe, that the price, withâ€" the accom- panying directions, securely packed and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. Beware of Imposition. Beware of empirics and itinerant self-retyled professors, who ATTEMPT CURES’, but never succeed-.- Dr Amos & Son have for a long series of the treatment of these delicate complaints, and now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. Pansons IN ANY PART on THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct deter-1 of their cases, with .a remittance for Medicines, &c., which, will be returned with the utmost dispatch and secure from obser- vation. Address Dr. Ana & Son, corner Main and Quay streets, Bufi'alo, N, Y. 46-ly 'l'estirnonials of the highest character will be r I Kl: forwarded to testify to tur- above if required. :Caslr Termsâ€"Ono Dollar per packt Icontaining . ‘ four Balls. Letters prepaid enclosing a remittance, will be promptly attended to. Printed Directions wrapped round car-h llall with my signature in full, without which none other are genuine. Otbce-â€"Vrctoria Square, concession h’larkhamt. IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And (lcspzrtclred to (in? Hurt. by the earlier". mails. or. other-corrvcymuxn, "when so desired. l'l'lre YORK HERALD will always be found to contain the latestaml nrostirnporw Tll(_)r\‘1AS MAYOR The onlv maker of the original Yorkshire Him Foreign and Provmcml NT” “d MM" - huts. and the greatest cure Will be taken to: Dritlicld Oils in America. tit) . render It acceptable totherrran of: business, and a valuable Family Newspaper- Man IIfuctoryâ€"--lth . J." AFFLI'C'TED READ 3 EUROPEAN ME DI CAL 110 USE Ah!) Botanic Dispensary, No. 51, KING STREET VVEST. TORONTO, C.IV. rjsranusnnn BY Dr- GOODING, (formerly of' England- 'l‘l’ilLI‘IIS.~â€"Sevmr and Sixpence perAnnum, II “runner; ; and if not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. Sixlincs and under, first insertion...” .$0fl 50 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . 00 )2} Ten lines and under, first insertion.. . . . 00 75 Above ten lines, first in.., per line..." 00 07 Each subsequentinsertion, perl‘ilre . .. U“ 92 NElV, SPEEDY, AND MOST SUC- _ CESSFUL mode of treating Liam Complaint, Dyspepsia, Afcrvous chilz'ty, 111m acmzzs or lVasting Con- smnptimz, Somme! TVca/rmss, Das- euses of the Kidneys and B/adrlcr Rheumatism. Scrafula, Salt. r’ihezmz .Mcrcurial, Chronic Complaints, 4‘6 [13° No charge for Advice. Du. Goemss is now engaged iii treatingthis class of maladies with the most astonishing suc- cess. The treatment adopth by him is- new, it is based upon scientific principles, with new discovered remedies, witlreut minerals or poisv one. The facilities ofcure are such, that pati- ients can be cured at their own houses without expense, in any part of the country, from an» accurate description of their case by letter, and have the medicine sent thorn by" mail or express. NERVOUS DEBILI'I'Y. Young men who are troubled with weakness generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the H ‘ . effects of which are dizziness. pains, forgetful- l RDERSIfor any of the undermentronod; ness, sometimes a ringing iir the ears, weakt, description of PLAIN and FANCY J’OB eyes, weakness of the back and lowerextreme- ’ \VOR K Will be prorrrptly attended to :â€" ties. confusion of ideas, loss of memorv, with Bow“. FANCY “H‘s, Busmxss cums. LAM“ 'nalmcmly’ may [3'3 cured by me Now Bommg AND SMALL Pos'rrzas, CIRCULA'RS. aaw roams. Remedies. B-lLl. IIPJAI)S,BANK crineK5,DRAFTS. AN’ COUJVTRY PATIENTS. pAmp rich't's. Medicines with. fall directions sent to any part And every other kind of of the United States or Canada, by patients LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING communicating their symptorrrs by letter,â€"-- " or ‘es rrdence strict] I confide tial _ Bubmess' c‘ I W i n ’ done In the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely Address, new and of the latest patterns. A large variotv DR. GOODING, No. 51 King Street West, Toronto, C, IV. v of new Fancy Type and Borders, for Card! Toronto, February. 3, 1860. 63 l Circulars, 8pc. kept always on hand 1L? Advertisements without written diroc- lions inserted till forbid, and charged, accordâ€" irrgly. All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal discountwill be made topmrties ado vertising by the year. All advertisements published for a. less pe- riod than one month, must be paid‘ for in ad- vanes-.- All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. No paper discontinued until allarreamages ar - paid : and parties refusing papers without payâ€" lmp up, will be held accountable for the subâ€" sc ri ption . ' .AAA‘ LAM,_---W -fltwq THE YORK HERALD Book and Job Printing ESTABLISMENT. of Town to. JV RATES OF ADVERTISING: \ 7

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