Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 18 May 1860, p. 1

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I I . W _.,"‘ seaâ€"on‘p one year was in 1842, «rhea/«384 commitments were recorded, ff’r'om'i - ..«.',~..u- k..-..-.._ V._.. -_*..--m.__cqf;.s.-c ‘ ' - which time we find a gt'ttdti‘tjfycarlv V. . _m~i~v tincreasc, until the 'ti‘umbcr'lireaiihes Huhâ€".Wflofisgmg‘ni NEIGHBOR? 208.5 in 1859. During thisperiod - Lou x. 29. i I tli‘e ahnl‘ial’jgiil and court‘liouse,.,cxâ€"m penseshavcl increased from 80,983 gin 1843 to $22,426 in 1859, in con- . 7 sequence Of the increase in the num‘ . ber of city prisoners: ‘ ' In the statement given belowvan estimate is made. showing the .an- ‘ MWj\,\A,\/V-V-z until, payment the city should have ~ TERMS: $1 50 In Advance. 1 mode to the Counties, had tney enn- ~ “mm | tributed equitably in proportion to “‘7‘” the number of days their prisoners 7y. Thogl’ourth verse of this beautiful hymn is. I «Tomcat of most American collections:--‘ Who is thy neighbor 7â€"11.19 whom thou Host power to aid or bless. Whose aching heart or burning brow, Thy soothing hand may press. AURORA Akin. ALEX. SCOTT, Proprietor. 3 :< O o p a to ,. rs z .;i U ;> U < so if. m to E73 Thy neighbor ?â€"’tis the fainting poor, - Whose eye with want is dim; Q, him not from his humble door, Go, cheer and soccer him. 13),”: ‘5 Let: Scandaliieason weigh more with us than Popi‘ilar Opinion.” _ YV hole No. smn'ruxc Dl[.()l.OSUltES. occupied the jail, as compared with the number of days. the county prismtcrs'occupied the-jail. Front 1840 to 1845 inclusive, it will ho seen that the ‘Gowrnmcnt contri- buted nothing towards the expenses ‘ The iiiiie‘stiga’iiohinane:Since the of thc' zl'laws'mtion of justicc-â€"~* last session of our County Council, {from WI" 1" ‘853 .IhCh‘SIVOi the into the jail and» court-house ex- 9”." [WWW "“ “CCUPICLI the jail-"‘3 penses ofthe last'twenty‘ycars, ex- “fighegifi'l‘: "‘ 33517.23 days “ghmu‘i hibits a state of mattersuwhich, we 71,» ~40 "iii-W“ '_Wh‘°h “KR county ' venturetos'ay. has,(unparallcliiuithe [#190th Occupied the Ih‘l- ‘ The 4.”: y, a RICHR‘IOND HILL, FRIDAY, NIAY 18, [860. w‘l‘hy neighbor 1â€"4.0! that burdened one, u." ' ‘ ' "' __ ' a; - *~ _ - - Whose grief-cup at the brim ' Life's bitter sorrows over-run; Go than and comfort hint. . '2 4‘€%".»i-‘ for an hour. ‘ A woman. hazardSi as he spoke now. ‘1 should be sor- for a steady man. one who, to use I o s more than she bargains for, wheel H ry to feel it, even for a minute; I the words of a witness, ‘wouldn't she“ tips, ljprpglf for better or girl, should. be ashamch to do so: anl i tell a lie to screen himself from noth- 0"" l°“g 9““"‘}°" “helm” {here cam,“ worse, to one Of these attractivcgfeel ashamed of you. What did you ing.’ ' “2" ’0 ,M-I" Davvlil‘i9n..' “I? m9.5’9.9{’9g§..3pe°" men, and of course. she must put up i want with me ?" ' ‘ Did you look at the light.” inol'”en 0’ a" 0"] baéhe’d“ the "Mid "er quired the coroner of Cooper. {heard of. He hated women, especially old with the conscquences.‘ m j ‘ To show you the ki M j . .d _ d . ,t ,. .dt , H d . ’th consequences I, exc’uimCd “i” 3'0" [Ills-I ' ‘ 1,..IOO-I‘0daat both, 'sir. The lamp l ggltyllfadwitmho: "tilud oli:d*$.ivlie:e:’;r . ’ ' hlprirjxniw, ifggiillg' liar-5:91p puzzled’ Hc gd-vc'ventto an impatient w‘m-d that 'ivas at the end of the station, 3 chance ,hrew them “meme, . yet 5,," he by the speech altogether. and turned angrily to the door. She. and the lamp on the be- came and it was noticé'd um’Aunt pa“ ‘That of seeing hci's'elfa noglect- hcr hetuttbursting, went forward to , yond it.’ took Em“;ij pains with-hm. are“, when): history of the. Province. Who 10““ expenses during Ihls Perl?“ ed wife: the seeing others preferred the window; just st')"lifaii* it" been-“inf ‘ Ainlyou. ever he was expected, 0",, daft-he con- would have imagined that within "5 ’7 )‘cm’s amoml '0'1li201'56‘4, “f ‘ before her, as she must inevitably I the dream; just so had they seemed l lights 1" "I test waged'unusuany strong, Amtwpmrya the short space ofsevcnteen rears. “’hICh "‘0 G"Ve"m"°m have I“lid do, when her. (iiiti’tt,'§liort reign is l to part. he going to the door and she} ‘ That, they were, sir. The some left him'in disgust and went out into the these Counties'should have paid over $33,445. leaving 3 balance ‘0 he :- overc' ' the window; jtist‘sn had been the,greendightstthat are always up. He garden. 'The bearl"she mattered to lier- ninety-three thousands dollii'rii more Paid." by the (my and “011111109 .Of fill-ad. you. to experience that 19-‘sharp cotmciion of coming evil. i had taken the “glitch thc‘post, and self,“ she stoppéd' to gather a blossom than‘r‘theii‘fiust proportion towards $163,219- Oflhls balance the 01W- sliarply asked Mary Anne, intending I Mr. Like looked back at her; she'i was swaying it about, and I couldn’t wliichrnttr‘agted ittgr‘fitfentlonv fife mainteunnccfl’Of 'the- j‘l‘ll‘ and has Paid 341300 and the 000.1111“ the question to sting her. . had laid her head agaipst the wall conceive what he was doing it for.’ ‘ ‘ \Vhift dill jibifrun away tori? asked a court-house? But read the follow- Imvc’Paid 31262819 “19””? “lo-Ida 'l l’ equany returned L'tdy Elljs: ,n‘calt,thewindow: hcr hands'd'ropj'ied‘ ‘gBfill here are thrcc’witn‘éssns, Ethe gWIIfQIEI-z‘filow ‘0 her “de- ing'lcttcr and tabular statement : “’hlh’ lhe ‘CIIY has .cnj‘oyed five“? ",My husband had nothing:‘itii'aclivejdown; 1') her “lliil': air was utter statidb-mhslcr‘and the twoiné‘ti, who “11,0 “Wk?” , Yong Aunt past, us, Tdn'ox-To ~ Six’l’s or the use 'Of i “30 enmity about him, and \V:ts.‘nl(I as Adam. I lagony ot abandonment. Ills total-er? have. bivortiith'afdhe‘rcd signa‘lsiwerej :l’m" ‘1‘“de "' ‘M I”! t “ W '- . buildin-gS. they have Phld less than? spoke of the wives of attractive. ness returned to him, and he walked up. and not the‘gre‘c‘tifpersisted tli’ifi‘ b. “130;, you re "one Hm" n burdod‘ onc~fourth of the aggregate cast." metiz. othc'is, may humdrum on tlie'rlac-ross t 0 kitchen. As he drew her, coroner. “It is vcrv st‘ra‘ngeil’lfa't‘ air? 1, -d j- g} 9 CXCIUSIVC or “’9 Government gran" graves, and be at p in," .fuce from the wall he saw that if'you ~sho‘uldmaintain the cbntrarvlll , I 3:231:11? gt“. .0 m9 “when. Iu‘thjc three right hand columns of What Mary Anne Jupp may have I was white, and the tears were run« ‘ The three iii'ay‘be iii ailetigub to- . only in Eula m, 7 We hlhhlfll' 31310111051 WI“ he found thought lit to ansWer in rcproval niniz down her cheeks. getiier to say so, and hide their own «And um”? y. and me United Counties of York lhe thlhlblc WOPOI'IIOh the 1091300" Inegligencc,’ interposed an audible and beg], having been published in tive municipalities should have con- cannot be recorded. for her sister ‘Cltiru.' he exclaimed. as he shelter- 6 Marry me p Margaret and Mrs." Chester catucfcddicr upon his brunet, ‘thus I treat vmce from the most crowded patt ‘ What, us two fools get married? the Globe of February last, It find ml’uwd’ “I’d “the "'"m’um PM] ‘by‘ U[ the public have, in consequence, a "’0 commas 30ml)” more. “milk- up and interrupted them. Margaret , you and soothe you as I would a i (if the ‘room. )on which the cor- i What will people say 1’ . . . . u very erroneous impress-mph} to the their equitable proportion; c‘xhibitz‘ (X's-"‘2 marroorun COURTSHIP. From the Markham Economist. 'I'hy neighbor 7â€"yamlsr tailing slow. I ‘i'mmd in thought and limb, WMIC thoughts all he beyond (Its grass ; Go thou and ransom him. tchen. To Thy neighbor 'lvâ€"stiy bout bereft 0f earthly trust tr hope. Widowor orphan, helpless Iofti Go thou and lift them up. aay‘thcy were the greeni \‘thre'or thou scest ii. human form .ljowed down with grief and care, 1315 love can heal, thy kindness wartn;-â€"- Behold thy neighbor there! Thy neighbor Lupus no inournrr by,” light”): than coast redscdpt: on breaking heart from mison :~- Go. share thy lot with him. l â€"â€"- To the Editor of the Globe. Srn,â€"-â€"A report of the City Cham- berlain. relating to certain matters in dispute between the City of Toronto “I! , vvy q." l . THE SIGNAL LIGHTS. ~___.â€"â€"_______ --.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"W.‘*â€" proclaimed that Mrs. Chester was ' child l’ oncr threatened to com'mit'auyhgdy ‘ Well, no, then.’ . . .. t. , . H _ 8" "I" M’mon OF "sm‘m' ‘ No, treat me as tour tvtfc,’ she about to take her on the expedition , {so interrupting, for contempt bl" tVe-ry’well‘, good I’l'e- I 91'3"" come true merits‘ofhthe question at issue, “’3 an aggregate “’h’Ch {he “’9me I- from which Mary Anne i‘cttii‘iictl-â€"-'passionately :tuswcrcd, breaking in- . court. ‘ ' agam.’ and beg, ‘hcrcfmc’ briefly 10 state have Pnld more Ihim the” C(llhlhblo " Continued. that of seeing the kitchen and other to a storm of sobs. ‘ All I can say is, sir, that there. ~, ‘Bul “OP a L}!"“”’“" a PUCI‘" t° he the facts of the case. Prol‘omon dum’g the 17 year-5 Cm" oiliccrs. IIc suffered lict‘ to sob for a few , was no difference that‘nigbt,in the "’7’; , ‘ Suppose I may not ask to be one moments, till the paroxysm had 1 lights, from those cxliibiictl‘i'in oilh'é‘i“ ‘cs or no I , , of the party.’ cried 'Lndy Ellis, spent itself, and 'lIlCll.S[.)C.liC;r in :1. nights,’ concluded Co-per. ' They ,gjf‘r'gthf‘3"}‘lllfllm on ‘W 0,.1 e mm. g”, 5 starting up and looking at Mrs. tone of remonstrance, it is true, but Were ‘thc_ green lights, and not the __G:cod E P; a Y - ‘g - - ,(flwsten Wllll deep tenderness. ‘ It is possn .rcd, and if I had to dic‘n’ext minute, ,hb” Yip W do u h. .f i. Q Why not i’ blc that youjcan allpw a foolish .su- l [’d sav it.’ ‘ 1 mice "3" “‘19' L a 00 ' ome . (i , . , ' . - r , ‘ . r Tpmlajul) ‘Odu T‘s: l q ,é, ._ , d ‘ II N. ,m. ‘ . I (H , I f, back, come back, I say. “by. l believe _ _ , I ' I s s o r w ~ ; j H k " n 1 s c s ,This m “m. has, kmth US. it} proCcc et “sure 3 across pct tiqimi, i remit to (JUN. H: Wt A gentcman presents. ttmscf or me cm," hasmken me for amen. Jab” gllcf’ examination, and . I. l ,: I;t\\' : t 't) the It i' t . ‘ . . i ' , planted Mrs. (/licstcr; ‘ tliev cookl I“ I" m” " um’ 3'10 )f’h” , . , . , misfit)” _ 00’ Andrews III COIISIdLr-â€"’ m me ("her “mp, VOL, ‘3“ “mil house towards the bark entrance. It. 1‘5 not the dream that is cans. \Vcst, ‘ In Justice to the driver, I (Idon’twant no considering. I‘m gouc. “,0,qu m, “m, wc‘shfm {HG ms" Masturbate. Mr. Lake hpd, gone. in, mg t'lio grief You are causing that think it right. to offer my testimony,’ Becky IIasling is waitinglor me. Illiought - - I I 3 s‘. ch ) l" v" ‘9 iii ob li * ' i . 'mi never so sool‘c t i mu' when I x . ' - ' ' ~ - ' . " It it,i,,v,',;t,i.ter, but Willlt: the Weather is U" ‘r “3 ‘ m' I c‘ “I” I" 5 t \ ‘ y ,IhL said. addressmg the cotonct and [would give you the. first chance. 1 ll ing with 1856, of $93,176. The figures are startling, and exhibit a description of legal robbery,- sol». mittedz-t-o patiently by the counties duringaqactiod of 17 years, before tinli'eard‘bf in the .liistorv of our‘ municipal institutions.r There are two arguments that have been urged by the city authorities against being“; charged in‘ proportion to the number», of their prisoners. ~lst. ~ -Tiicy say” ‘VIly, it is like print I uttered Mary Aime , in her hasty manner: ‘ not a speck of dirt about it, chrytniug in place I How ever have it in this order, 3o soon after din- .g,;; 1’, The Jail and Court-house of To- ronto were paid for by, and 'are ex- clusively tbcjproperty of,these conn- tie's.“ By varib'us statutory provi- sions, however, ever since 1837 the county authorities havebee‘n com- pelled to receive“ audirnaiintain'tlie city prisoners in their jail, and also to allow tltc city to use the court- house. So far all is well, as there need necessarily be no objection to s 1? I. i'.' l‘. . ' .“rc Y s' ' I ~: ~“I .'7 ‘ . , .. .u . '0 hot. 1 mm the C(mkmg (mm: “s h” licr sum..ious, and found hot iii the ,said ll. might iotctcll my (hath, you Um), I am enabled to state that tight. brood bye. the two mummpajmes “mg, “,0, that many parties committed by the, from tho sitting-rooms as possible. Come and look at the. other: it is in the yard.’ They went ou_t,of, the room, H Clara did not. She stood, more like one in a trance amaze, than a living. breathing one. 1 she glanced there, at the doors, the large window. the fireplace. :it the furniture and position of everything. When Mrs. Chester and Mary Anne came back, slit had not stirred: her cheeks was pale, her hands were clasped, she looked very like a stuf tue. .Mrs. Chester began explaining where the Several doors let: to: one down to the cellar, one to the co..l house, one to the dairy, and one to it china closet; four in all besides the entrance door. Then they turn-' cd to leave. ‘ Are you (()tlll,§.; but Clara l’ ‘ Directly,’ she replied? " Mary Anne, I Wish you would spud Fred- erick here when you go back; I want to speak to itim.’ ' Mary Anne delivered her message Mr. Lake was then seated at the table, pccl'ug a pear for Lady Ellis. He went towards the house when he had given it her, just as Mrs. Chester ran. in dire wrath, after her tijisclticvous yopng son, who was climbing up a ti‘ee,'to the detriment of, his trousers. '1 had no idea, till jost now, that ' Mr. Lake was a married apart"?- 0‘15- l served Lady Ellisft'“) Mary Anne. as I she leisurely eat her pear. ‘ No 1 Then who did you suppose [latte they been married Do you It is a C Mrs. Lake was ?’ ‘I did not suppose anything about m1 did not know she was Mrs. Ellie. longl' ‘ ‘ About three years.’ .‘_Any children i ‘Therc Was one. A beautiful little child. but it died. not think her very lovely 1 sweet face 1' ' Lady Ellis shrugged her should- ers. Sl’ic,'has no style. And she' seems as much wrapt up in her lins-l band as though theyhad been married yesterday.’ ‘ YVVhy shouldn’t she be “t” b-Fl ntly asked Mary Anne. ‘ only girope when I not marriedâ€"«if ever that’s to bcâ€"that I and my husband shall be as happy and united as they arc.’ " ‘ As she is,’ spoke Lady Ellis. I would not answer for liini.’ I I I Mary Anne .Iupp felt cross. She believed that somebody had been whispering tales about Mr. Lake’s nooscnsical flirtation with hersister flow; and pore non's‘engsc on both sides. she knew that tube. ‘ Fred. epiclj Mike is opp of these men that n. u o h . u C. r§ ' ganpot live Without Illt‘litllQll, sltc aberrant «it/11,9. statue every wo- man they meet. and take eat-e to let them know it. knowing that his love, is excluschly liters.’ ‘ ‘ Lady drew down the cor- ners of her mobtli, and coughed a little cough of disbelief, for which .Iti-ry Anne Jupp, upright and high principled, could have scolded I16!“ I IN -I .. She glanced here. i " la ugh, l-irg’t: kitchen. ‘ 'D‘i‘d' 'ydu it"aiiii inc Glam '1’ I ‘ Do (tome here ’ she whispered, iii an awe struck tone: and be ad- »,a'npea", and. stood, beside liar. an; poiiitcdout the schral features of the room. ‘ Do you see them? Do y ou remember 1’ ‘ l,'lmvc"i_fd.t been in ti.) bcftirc.’ vy‘iis his, littiswci'. lbokitr curiously at The riiom and :it her. ‘ It is the kitchen of my dream l’ ‘Tlit: what l’ uttered Mr. Lake, iti- clined to fall into an irreverent I *4 C kitclfien l {7 E9. ‘ It is. Frederick". she whispered her voice sounding strangely hollow. ‘I described its features to you that night. and now you may see them. W câ€"Wc airc, stat‘titl'iplg in the saute position l’ sh litirsf fr ' ly, as it the fact ItillI but that ino- mcnt occurred to her. She! I was here. you on the side of up, (rayon ,.. H'Ill more eager- . {turned my words into ridicule. it I the light exhibited on the signal post iis :is if you do not care whether I and which the man took down and IMO or die. ,swaycd about. was green; when the i ’ Clara you I(llU\‘.’ billlt‘r Illilll Illill. driver asserts that {vas field; hell ilVlittl can ‘i tltiHEiii‘Cyiiti l. '1' ' ‘ "i 'I soothe you'l‘ ‘ Do not speak to me in th ,again 1’ ‘My dearest. I will do anything \OllAQ‘fltill 'iii' 'riitisiiiiiyour know ‘ ' i ask ‘ Jabezâ€"Jabegbl, That stuck up Becky Hastings 'shan’t "have liit'ri,"if"I for it. .Iabezâ€"yc'si' ' Do you hear? Y-c s l’ 3 t‘ I, _ ‘ , wi . . . How can speaks the trutli.’ C ‘ t l Skin. mics "1:0 Easy INDIAN Osmot- “fiklf'crc you at the stationifi , , in- “JPâ€"A return made to the House (paired the coibncr or the witness. of Commons shows the annual sal- ‘ No; I was in my garden, which aries and emoluments of all Ind-an jis precisciy Opposite the signal-pom, employer. Thesalary of the Go- . \ _ , j .I I A w you, otter side ofthclinc. Iwas vernor-Gencral is 1325000 a-year, will; but lyou must nbt int! 10 \v'alking'ab'out in it smoking a cigar. in addition to which there is an out- Iput faith in that dream AIHI if my I heard the tiai‘n ajiphon‘cl)_it1gtiirgl allowance of 135000, and other voice sounded harsh-~ by, it would saw the man take the lighi off i m ltillowituces, which in 18,5;8vamountcd vex any man to find his wife solpost, lean forward, and swing it to £12,863. The four” foolish.’ about, evidently to attract attention. members of the Supreme Council ‘\Vcll, Well, it shall pass; I will A minute after the accident happen. receive £8000, and an outfit allow- zntit vex you with it again. If any cd,’ ance of £12,000, and they are ap- gii’l‘docs'conie, unjust; anl if notâ€"’l i And you say this. was. [193.1 a)“; pointed at home. The four ordin- ‘Irhm 3"” will hl‘il‘llOl'VlC‘lgC'whatlred lii'zht’t’ii' z "I "N f ‘1 ' “ary' "tri‘cmbe'rs of the Legislativ ’ a Slil)‘ Child )‘0U have hCCtI’ he ln‘l ‘Iteu'as not. Council receive £5000, and tcri‘uplcd, holding her to him and'is generally up, the grccn.’ clerk to the Council £3000. lkissing the tears from her face. ‘ The Coroner gave an expressive ~ secretariat is composed of." live "Silly. “hd EUPUI'SIIIIOHS, If you look at the station-master, wl‘i'iélilc'rctaries to the‘vaerntnentl“th ‘\‘-_‘ll.'.’ She whispered, ‘fbnl Hot 8 spoke volumes, and the latterlmked of whom have £25,000, one @3600, chili]. jlifthink at toncl It was the light that 0' vouchers {hc County Treasurer. showing the 'Iha annual coSt of the-jg'til‘and court» 50‘: illness" from“ react-o. 1:850. "'inblusive; rhe’ the" [county " builditjgs,.- : provided each pay, toward lithe aggregate ex« penises, in proportion to the benefits respectively ‘cnjoycd; Here, then, ‘is the issue. Has the» city paid an equitable proporticnl The Chain;- bczrlain, in the report referred 16. gave a detail of the-sums paid by the city for a series of'y‘e'ars, ’itnd complains that the conntics'lshould care and maintainancc of the city’s prisoners for the years 1857 and ordinal)" 1858. ‘ To understand whether the City or the counties have been'uns fairly dealt with, I submit herewith a statement, made up from the jrtilor’s’books,-antl"confirmed by the in the bands of the .»_ l 'amount paid each year by 'Go- vernmcnt. and the amount paid ask any additional‘ payment for the“ city authoritics’rcside in: the confine; tics, come to the city, get (.Il‘lln‘h‘,‘ and are: sent to jail "by the police magistrate: 'Thc second argument is‘,“*'thjat‘= are ivould"=liave to keep a. jail and court-housesiwhether we: received their prisoners or not,- and‘ the joint use of the county buildings should make no great difi'ercucc.â€"-,â€". In reply to the first, and-one need only refer to the" record‘of the per: lice magistrate, to be satisfied that~ the lines paid by residents of the‘ county, through that Court, wilf very much exc. ed the expense in- curred "by' arr occasional acomt‘nite- meat of the characters referred "'10".- In regard to the second argument. we may simply reverse the questions and say, that ii the city did not. unite with traj“tli_ey would have to» mainiai‘i'i‘a .jail and court-house en-t tirely'nt their own. expense; in» which case they Would‘flnd it to be'. .t v .541; ‘ . . ~ -. ; Is. -. by v; .i. r - . . .,-e 11¢ng ‘, licrc was'tlic small round I am lest: J Child a! red and indignant. There was some and one £3000 , four under-secte-l tl’kirk'lablc close in us; this is the heart titan many who are older. talking, some confusion, and whenit taries, two at £2400 and two at . . . . ~‘ ' ‘ . . . , . . - large Window With the ironing-board «I‘ ““ICTWI‘, II will (-Ollltl CV0! gm“ .. ..-,,t..i... '1 UlitICl‘llC'Il't it, and. there to the left Uhlith‘l- Iv. my ht"’vt.,’;);’-;:J._LI dic- much greater than tliéi ’bquitablo‘: proportion we have claimed under ajoint use. The city has alrcad voted nearly $200,000 tobuildt‘tf each'ycar-by the city and counties, _ , , _ ,respectively. The statement also was subsulcd,0livcr Jupp was stand- £960; and four assistant tintler-se-,shows the number of prisoners ing by the table. cretaijies. one at £720 and three at are the di‘csscrand the shelves. and even the Very plates and dishes up- on tlictti ’ ‘Of the precise willow patcrn,’ put in Mr. Lake. ‘ 'I‘hcn behind us, is the fire-place; and around are the several doors. in tliu'fv'cry self-same place that I saw them,’ she' cdntiitucd,'toq eager to notice the interruption. ‘ i told you it looked like a farm-house kitchen, ltiijgc'hnil bleak; you may see that it does, nonpl ‘ I ‘I shall height to think you are dreaming still,’ he returned. ' I wish I was I. I. wish Iliad never, seen in reality the kitchen of'that. Like-rim. I'di'd not at the first moment recognize it. 'When I came in with Mrs. Chester and Mary Anne, it struck upon inc as bein gi~.;.iliar, and I was just going” to say to, them. f I frr'ti’s‘t hayc ecu" here befo._i;_c,’ wiricn' my dream wished upon inc' like a‘ child; I {en aygiegtmck; {Heel so ycl. ‘ ' ' ‘ This beats spirit-rappiug.’ said Mr. Lake. Let us lay holdi‘of the table, and séé whether it‘ 'gion’t turn.’ " ' ‘, Why will you turn it into mock- cry 7’“ she 1:0811111ed her tone one of sharp painâ€"'3‘, Eredcrick, you know that my dream seemed to foretell tnyideatlt-P’ " ‘I declare to gotidness, Clara, you will make me angry l’ was his ire? tort, in a changed voice. ‘ What has come over you these last few days 1’ ‘ ' ‘vhlql tightfilm has conic over; mo.’ she replied. with a shiver. 1‘1 thought iiw'as done with; done with by the accidént'last night; 'an‘ iio’v’v the sight of this “16118111158 renewed .r {n slA , t 1 El. jpl all'zi‘t'é’ hijtfipoy. ” If you could. pnly for one minute, feel as I am feeling, you would notji‘wondér at 'I‘Ier state of mind appeared to him most unaccountable; not'foolish, one or the jury , , . ’ I “CV91” WI”. "13' illhl'llhg- inguired why; h'e'wa's’PItlt fatt'ivard. £600.: The Chicl‘Commissioner of i Standgng looking m at um chin}. '1 don’t know,'.rcturncd Oliver‘l Oudc receives {36600 a-year. and (of the door, having come s-ftly happened to mention that [saw the‘there are 37 assistant and deputy- ja'mxg the passqgg (minim: “1,51,de , light in question exhibited and sway- seaming;commissioners with salaries j Ellis. What unforeseen She saw ed, about: I suppogc ll“ :3 for that}? ra‘tigmg fir-om to £4,530. The his face bent down upon his wife’s " Which light Was it 1’ inquired lieutenant-governor of Bengal has and heard, his all but heard the coroner, when he was sworn. £10,000, .and allowances which i his swcwt 'words; lieard quite enough ‘ The red.’ amounted tn to £1738, and the to imagine them. An neg Iookof ’Eh'ere has. pause. Bprhaps,irontenant-godei‘hor of the North- ,lcnv'vg “cm-1y of ham, looâ€"Sc its Iicrimore than one' present thought of \Vcst Province and of the I?unj:ib pale t'caturbs: he wasuihat slid lihtil the old: i fable of the chameleon receives the some .salary, Wlill ‘al. called him, an attractive man; he ' ‘ffrefn whence did you, see it 1’ ask- I‘owances varying slightly in amount. had that day paid li:r attentions ed the 'ciironer,’ "- "“ ,said seiitimtintal nothings to, her in a, fl was in the train. 'As we got . How Voice; and there are some {VD-1' to Cbombe Dalton station I looked ? v of Counmf men who would fain kccp such men ; out at the window, and saw a red £6400, with an‘ optfilt allowance of to themselves, whether they may a light being wavedabout. Irethailt-lfilfiOO’. The Gove’r-n‘or' and ‘tnem. lhaVe wives or not; nay. their hav- cd it to my sisters, who were in the g bers of Council at Bombay receiv'e ing a wife is only so much the great- i carriage with me. and one of them the same sums. ‘Among‘ the low ier inducemcni.’ ' "Was Lady Ellis. observed that it it was the red light salaries of subordinate oihcmls w lone? " there liLELISl be danggr.”’Flie accident fiottoe a few offlmb. but these “‘ The voices 0.,- Mrs‘ Chcswr and occurred almost as she spoke.’ 33,,r2,,,.ct'jfl,,m,” ,,."ém approaching, ' {Are share it was the. i'etl!de and Lady Ellis pushed open the door. ‘ Iliimi SIII '“(Iu'red "no Of the 1‘“ Y»; iLlara dried, her eyes hastily. ‘ (.ome : Colonel \chvs c“ . Cine ,day..wry..coo1y Owned meadow 0 mill ’0' .ihec (Eleni-)1}? I‘m 7:253:- 6 Gait-193313]? i the Sbnate Chamber, was about to pa<s ~-‘l'l- H ' ‘- “' l rivilcored mcinbéi’l’ ' < .' j ()1 VS ‘ .' ‘ U : '1 r z, .. -. ward,- gltrwly pass the WIIlJtHV, slic j” “I slfil'ha l“): If’m: but “’0' i What do You mean by that} asked }éa,',,*n.,‘0n {up .m'n ' - a w , out I.‘ rcutatkcd one juiyman to an. the stmng” - v1_“'1.1 ,b ‘1‘} \._ i 1.. , ' . . t ' ,,;-.v,t _. v” - t 0t ‘1 t \ s i " ,‘ V hzgltcsvltitizlolttl‘ctk[0119lliltlllcllloughtl we re )1 was “A Governor, bx- 1 "I a j I y ‘i' t tor? ; . . . i ' Member of Congress, or a foreign minister. Assembled in the largest room’ I a molw" i- Imughllly regime" I’I‘lie‘ stranger replied that items tr . 2. v- z . . ~ - .. .. - u that the small run at Loornbcllalfitou th‘vl, I-lhlhg UP the WMle Iant mnmw. . could afford, were the coroner and i Pl” her," I" Smut,“ Emmi)? Whal, IfiaWi ‘From what court or counlyl’ his jury, inquiring into the cause oft I exl’CCli “will”? 113.5210 00" I0§S- I.olficial. ‘ llic railwav accnlcnt which had been I. “i” S‘m')’ ‘0 {I've CVI‘IC'I"_° that “my ‘_V€"Y gravely P011111"; “I’r Ihe SING p,.'0'du‘,g,iv,; of so many (lamps, The. tell against Cooper, who is respected I replied, ‘ From heaven sir." Smumpnmstm. the c S'michnm-n !_ 5H,“! m Kattcrley. but I am bound to say ‘ To this the’ deer keeper waggishly re- ' i . .' r t‘r I t one porter. all who had been at the I It “3” ill" “‘I lighl- gl'l'hfl-r, "1h"; gigegn'gpmr ’Etfficsenf hams station on the Sundav nlght testified (JUIOhCI “7051' was recalled: ah" i “C' illilfim‘grife. ‘; I , ’, ‘l’ mug” polfef' ' u ' .2 I a “ ‘ ’ 1hr; jl'ic red lights were exhibited in fu‘mller QPCS'WDMI; 1,33” he “"‘Yel'il ww'mfi w'nl‘filtiimuwf hanger, and that'tlic' I “9‘ “11“” the Ilghl 53W W’i." di‘ivei','i_ii reckless defiance of- 1110113, of}, ‘II’QUl‘fla? "I", bloc”! ‘ s, r lg'i‘v. “W 4 rt h "‘ . ‘ v j 1 i : had gone’ dashing on, and so caused . ~‘Y‘vllr efclthlhffid the comhcrs. . .,,,_, _ , ,.,th. .j. . “j "' ' ‘*‘ " = ‘there’s hard swearing somewhere“a “019 from 8110‘th late}, inquiring, e the 00"?"130‘vp 18' " i' r ‘ ‘ ' ’ ' "W‘l It") tri'ilrc tickles " it“ the‘itlot‘tf'smn Wyl'l’he‘dfirivor,Cooper, who was per- II lit “himssmle, at the Presehl 31113709l ‘y d I I‘ ,. ‘..’d b, ,; xii“ ’ .. ., . , ;. __ ‘.-. -,_ , I -, g- ‘ -‘ , ' . w mitted it. ‘gwc his testimony’at his to emit? jtyi'ksatisfnlrtot’y copiqji‘fgjeliég ,g-‘gOrégj‘gfhgtgg m‘eifslg‘sc 3:3 " ». . .. ‘- ' ‘ T ‘ ' sion. ant tiiii reiit'ctn'cn o “the” .. .» . . ‘ . .’ WW“. dbsll’i’ was L““.“‘.’.“e". 15!]th wl’a’ - '= -= i j 1 .5 ’ I" h . “it'd; - l the glorious mother of the Sick‘ children “’0 said might be uscd ag‘llmst I’m" Jur-y’ we lair eucr ‘1 I.” .m. z.“- In~- read with horror the foll‘bwing:~‘ Scald llt Vvasrto” the eifec't that‘ the usual ‘lml'yi when Perhaps further ‘Yllhcs’ l £12,800 aiye’ar, "with £25.00 for his outfit ; and the members partmcnts of the Government.‘ ‘.s.'a dense.’ .- . tn ‘ Are you a he with tic 'ineitsles,"'ivrdl‘é ida’friélill fo‘r the , 7 them three or four times in very'liot vine? l l [fished or“ madc‘out, and of’ ‘co r: .2 1- ~ .‘ - l I‘he Governor of Madras receivesv ' I clnution of crime in the counties “"0 the Irare; £240 is the lowest in ‘most ner i all of whom had been impressed with A griitleman on a that to Washingtonl ‘ .l“ 1856, fol of ‘Yorkf‘and the county icontinued to share in the use of the asked thclcounty buildings until 1854. A ‘ nod lady, who had two children sickl best'réine‘dy. ‘ The ‘fri‘tind hafljustl'iicbbivetlj. .comniittcd'to the jail during each year. and the number ofdays the jail of its own; this sum, at 8 per risoners of the respective munici- can” ’voumlcqualfl 695’ or 316’000. Palities were maintained in the jail. Per amwm ’0 bcgm “ml” and If “my The facts here“ "set’foftlr‘arc the one hundred“ vcarly ' commitments rcsuh of mud], jubo‘rtdvcr “To old from the counties would-necessarily books of the," jailbr': and treasurer, 095’ $1.090?! tile 2:090 afmulzsl com‘ ahd, with’ the exception of Some ml’mcms O I L “’5” “on ' no” {Duper five wars on, of “,53 period vwithstauding the noth economy of of twenty yéars,‘ ‘the partic’i‘i’la‘i‘s set the" city Corporation. cost $15,000: forth below were never before pub- ursc making.“ a "total of $31,000 per a’m nun‘i,‘ nearly twice as much as the never' before kuo‘wu even to‘j'i'bur counll'891IIF'f‘9f’lc; asked "rm" “I’dj . . . - s r -. 'i u _ county authorities. These figures “0‘” y 50v“ “no as mm" as no will be found interesting, not only its“'fti_i"liis'liiiig a his’toi‘y‘of the diffiâ€" culties *between’the" two Corpora- tinnswui they exhibit the gradual ,increascmf "Crime "with~ tlib’growth‘of be city, and the comparative dimi- as y have gained in Wealth and ge- ill prosperity, with certain fluc- tuations, however, arising from the unprecedented agricultural a'nd'c'om‘e met-rial prosperity of 1855 and towed by the generdl de-’ pre'ssion and failures which’ the whole country has bufferednuri‘ng t'lic’i' last thr’éc vd‘a’r’i‘s. ‘ In this con’3 lnection, it shobld be observed that, lduring 1840 and 1841, the county of Shame formed a partof the county of Ontario ’Dizr- mg the ten “years. from "1847 to thin? as compared \v’i‘tli” 'the"genci‘ali"‘ifii cfehse‘bf pol'iulati'on‘iil tirecounties, the commitmdnt’d'tb tl'i’e’jail from the counties show’ a‘bomp’at‘htiv'é‘ ile- ,cre'at;'c in numbers; "t‘v‘h‘ile during the ltr‘yin‘g ttmc‘c'dt’ 1858 and gene, the cbmmit‘m’énts from the Counties inâ€" leib‘zlééd‘hbdut 25 per cent. The mitt‘cd'by‘ the county iii any one year \vas id 1842, being only 37, while the tzighes‘t number was in 1841, be- fore the county,‘ of Simcoe was be- parated from"Yo‘rk. in ‘which year the "deihmitme'nts from the counties chaired iitjmber “of prisoners com- , ,counties have ever receivedfrom” l them for anyone year." Further: more, it should be borne in mind. tli'at'thc‘ Counties are not optional landlords, but they have ‘everibeen” compelled to furnish the use of the- courtzlm‘use and. jail. and receiver,- lodge, and feed the? City’s prisoners. Being forced into a joint partner- ship, both parties should share the ldisburscments in proportion to the re '-" ach Ii r, advantages spb‘cti'vely. But this sum of «$93,176 is gone, and as it" was assented to by tho county“authorities ‘of‘ former times, we do not now expect, nor do we ask, to recover one shillingof it; what we claim is‘simply'a fair re; moderation for the 'c'tirc‘ and main- tenanCC of the city’s'piisonerS' for the years 185'! and 1858. NI have given the figitrcsiof l’ortticr'years to show simply that"th complaints hitherto made have only had too muchfoundation. ' “’6 derived c 1.; It; lnow propose ’0 accef'l a‘i'tiutdr'lers , than the figures show to be! equitably due to tlie"t:otirtties for thc‘ye‘ars 1857,1858; and"1‘359, rather than" be - subject to continued delays and annoyance; and if the ‘ city authorities deem the amount claimed‘stilli the1 high, we would gladly! have ’ i‘t settled by arbitrators itidilfcré l ently chosen, their dt‘cision to he finalsâ€"- But here an objection arises. It is urged that the lawdoes net authorize" any'tp'ay-l merit to the countié‘s’ for the fonding and lodging oi' the cit‘y’s4,000 prisoner‘s duh ing the years 1857 alnd"58. ‘ The cor- porutiou acknowledgesi that something -r - ., . . . 2- A “" "W: '-.:t ,1. . worse. than foolish; and‘nev’cr in bird hghl. the green. W88 eXhXbNCJ. and ’93 may I?“ forlhhohhhg» i . gun’an‘d sprinkle them with salt, and in 3 {11110011le IO 204. The Wife“ hhm‘ life had be spoken ' so slisrply'to her “01 th‘ Ted: Th0 0010"“ knew him To be Continue/I. l ‘ few days they will be cured.’ ' «,1in committed by the” City ‘ in ~' i ‘ l ' ' v =' A - , might to be paid, but plead the‘rlsck-of 33’? 'aii’thoiity. “’c archers ready- to meet \ 5 . | 3

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