pram. BONNIE BELL. w -â€"â€"â€" Llhe twe rosebuds crushed in snow Are the cheeks of Bonnie Bell; Like the violets that grow ’lleng the daisies in the dell. Are her eyesâ€"the star of night, Ne’er a mortal heart did swell With such pure and fond delight As the eyes of Bonnie Bell. Music trembles on the lip Of the fairy Bonnie Boll: Ob! I'd give such sweets to sip. \Vealth _that C rmsus ne'er could .10". . Ivvould coin my brain and. soul. Could the mintage buy a spell. That wouldwaftfrno to my goalâ€" stt sn‘dyin rigs Bonnie Bell As the voice of silwr ï¬ne Is the voice of Bonnie Bell: Wit, like bubbles on the wine. from “pearls in ocean shell, Sparklb through her golden theme; Joyful as a marriage hell, I could glide sdown life's stream ' II one heat with Bonnie Bell. ___..... mirrtllumnrw, A young gentleman of our acqnsintanee says he thinks that young ladies who refuse good oll‘ers at marriage are too '- No ing by half.’ Chance to ‘sell out.’-â€"-A man who is tired of his wife has only to take her to Japan. A traveller, who went there lately accompanied by his wile. had several good offers for her. in money. A lady asked a poor man the other day. “ You-are not~ English are you?" fancyrng fromhis speech he was not; to whichhi replied. I No, marm. no. born in Norwich; but arn’t had no Iarning tnarm.’ A vulgar. blustertng man. attempting to push past John \Vesley cried out, ‘ Sir. I never make way for a fool.’-â€"‘ I always do.’ replied \Vesley, stepping aside, and iealrsly passing on. I T. d. WHEELER. I was bred and: I Almira, Nov. 25. 1859~ I I I ‘ TEETH txrrucrrn, wtrnourrnnj business mirrctom. M IWALTER B. GEIKIE, M.D. I icenliatc in’u IIIedical Board If L'yrpcr Camr- da, and recently one «y‘_t/ro,rllodicrrl (ï¬tters write Toronto Geuc'ol Husptiyl. and 13']; {fessor of Anatomy and Surgery. In Qr. Rolplr’leéchoul,Se/tool, ' AS returned to AURORA, and re-talten his former residence- on Yonge Street, _vehere he may be consulted at all times. outbo various branches of his profession. Aurora, Feb. 24. 185.0. V\t \. v-. ... . 65 - y 1 NEW TAILOR SHOP. VI‘HE undersigned begs respectfully to inform _L the inhabitants of Richmond Hth & Vicinity That he has Commenced business in the Tailor ing Line in the house adjoining MR. SIVERS’ SHOE SHOP, Where. by close application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. ALL ORDVR! PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. Garments cut to order on the shortest notice. n any style. ' JAMES B. BURNES, Richmond Hill. Feb. 1.0. 1860. 63-13' WATCH a CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, 6m- tt;cnsrosn HILL. Dec. 3, 18.59. 53.1,- Auotion. Noï¬oe. TIB'OMA showman, License!I Auctioneer, Fort'mt: COUNTIES OF YORK do PEEL. All letters addrersed to " Almira." ITO. veil receiVe prompt attention. Orders received n the " York lloraidâ€()tlic--, Richmond “'1†Mr. Henry Lemon. '1 hornhill. and M'. James Cavanna . Mansion llmrse, Sharon. where Terms. Soc. may; he obtained. 6‘2;tf. s. masonic arms motel, RICHMOND HILL. GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. OOD Accommodations and every attenti ~n shown to Travellers. Good Yards for “ John, what brought you to prison I’ Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses " couple of constables, sir.’ “ And had liquor anything to do with it? “Yes, sirâ€"olflliza teazed me so, I had to lick her.’ “Pray came the said a well dressed youny man to a young lady. in the second tier of boxes at a theatre, ‘I wish to go up stairs and get some refreshmentâ€"don't leave your seat.’ A sailor seated in the has near his girl. and disposed to do the same thing. arose and said.â€"-â€"‘ IIarkee, Moll, I am going aloft to wet my whistle don’t fall overboard while I'm gone.’ A conceited divine, being asked by a student how he might acquire conï¬dence in preaching. gave him the following method: “My father had a ï¬ne field of cabbages and I made a practice of going into it, to repeat a discourse, {alloying every cabbage- W a man.’ 3‘ And now,’ said the witty student. ‘I should think, from vour sermons you fan- ctsd every man a cabbage’head.’ 'I say Sambo, were you ever intoxi- sated? ‘rNo, Juliah, nebber. \Vss you 1’ ‘ \Vcll, I was Samvbo.’ and Studs. The Monthly F‘air held on the Premises ï¬rst Wednesday'in each month. The Subscriber in calling the attention of the public and his Old Friends to his ostablishm out, feels satisï¬ed he can administer comfortably to their wants and wilh mutual satisfaction Richmond Hill, April 20, 1,860. 73~tf GO) TO B. BOWMAN‘S MILLS 1 WITH YOUR CARDING & GRISTIN G, where parties from a distance can have it done to take wrth thorn on theirreturnhbme. Almirn, May 13. 1859. 24-tf. Cheap Clothing. I I l[IE Subscriber begs to inform the inhabi- tantsol' Buttonvillo and the surrounding country, that he continues to make ï¬rst-class 'C 0/) TS. VES'I‘S', PflJVTS, &c. In the newest Styles and superior Workman- ship. All orders promptly attended to and work warranted. JOIIN HA RDY, 'I‘ailor sud Clothier. Buttonville. Dec. 23. 1859. 55-1y ‘ Didn’t it make you feel good. Julius?’ ANGLO'AMERICAN HOUSE I ‘Yaw! But, oh, galley! next morning I thought my head was a wood shed, and a.†“13 Diggers in Christendom were splitting wodCl in II“ , An anxious mother, Sorrcsponding with her Son in California, wrote t?â€" “My dear son :«Come home. rolling stone gathers no moss.’ nother.’ ‘ To which the son returned an answer as follows :-â€"- > _' ‘ Dyer mother :â€"â€"Come here. ‘ A set. ting hen never gets fat.’ Your son,---â€".’ ‘ A Your Tits LONG no we Stronr or Ir.~â€" A tall girl named Short long loved a certain big Mr. Little; while Little. lililu thinking of Short, loved a little lass named Long. To make a long story short. Little proposed to Long, and Snort long. ed to be even with Little‘s shortcomings 80 Short. meeting Long. threatened to marry Little hefOre Long. which caused L'ttle in a slur! time to marry Long. A city editor announces the following terms, that he has suspended specie pay. ment :-~ If any man Wants to see stars, and ap- preciate one of the uses to which brick bats may be perverted. let him approach our vicinity with an account against us. - P. S.-â€"-‘-\Ve keep a pile of bricks in our sanctum, and carry a brick in our hat. An abominable storyâ€"Mr. Phibbs is an exceedingly fastidious man; so much so is Phibbs that he doscn't even take his oysters promiscuOsly about town. *‘ For, d’ye see. my boy,’ says Phibbs, “ there’s a calculating on these promiscous oysters; they might be a manufactured article.’ \Vith this always in sight, Phibbs goes to De‘hnonico‘s. ‘ “ Hall a down row on a plate.’ II» notices, just as he has downed his one, that a corpuleut Dutchman stood be- side hitu. sorrowl'ully surveying a single oyster on the plate before him. The mo- ment that Phihhs sWuIlowed his ï¬rst the expression of the Dutchman’s face changed from sorrow to joy. “ Ah, mein Gott, you schwallow him whole? Eh I’ says Meinherr. " Of course,’ says Phihbs.’ ' “ Can you schwall dat'l’ says the Dutch~ man, pointing to the oyster- on his plate. 2‘ Certainly I can,’ says Phibbs, and uniting the action to the word, the oyster Resort his fork, and in a moment ‘ schvral- lowed? ‘ _ “ Oh, mein Gott! dat is wonderful! wonderful! I never did see! I have try to MARKHAM VLLAGE. OOD Accommodations. \Vines. Liquors and Cigars oftho choicest brands. R. MARR. l’roprictor. Markham, June 1859. QGâ€"tf RICH MON D HILL HOTEL. . STAGE ru..s from the above Hotel to ‘ 'I‘oronto. every momin , starting from the Elgin Mills at 7. a.m,_ and returning at 7, p.m. Fare. 23. 6d each way. “001) ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERI. RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. Id, 1858. 1-55 HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL IIE Subscriber begs to inform his numer- ous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises, where there will be found excellent accommodation for Travellers, and Good Stabling. 0:? Horses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GARY. Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1858. 72-7 W. HODGE 8:. Co. , "IIOLESALE and Retail Copper. Tin \' and tron Plate I‘Vorkore. and Furnishing Ironmongers, Parties givrng this house acall will ï¬nd their orders punctualiy attended to and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. 54-1 J. VERNEv, lBoot and Shoe Maker,, YONGF. RICH M O N D STREET. It I L L . Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes. made after thelatest styles. December 1858. I~ rn OYAL ORANGE LODGE No. 778, meets at Brother Robert VVisernans. Masonic Hall. the ï¬rst Friday evening after the Full Moon in each month- On'rcnts ELECI‘ -- William Duncan, seh'wallow him “70, 0.1‘ NINE-6 timesâ€"every Master; E. Chamberlain. Deputy Master ; J. time I spit him back}. ’ ’I’hibhs has been Qutlo unwell "ï¬r since. ‘ Munhollena. Secretary ; IV. Pogue, Treasurer. I January '11, 1858. (lb-t1“ By. the use of ~Electricity. sonoizos niznrrsr, notions. Teeth inserted, omSilver. Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations in, his P'I'QI‘SSSIOD. performed in the most approved manner and Warrsuled' Aurora. March 9. 1850. 67-1y AURORA. GOQQ supply of Wines and Liquors nIWays on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers. Eartners, and others. Cigars of all brands. D. McLEOD, I’roprie’tor. r Aurora. June 6. 1859. DINDROL . .. q: , 05. m.» . Z _. z. I". t't. t-I. 5†*0. ac . o ."d x I-d is: a, a w. .2 P. n, ‘0 o a m .4 ' .D- G! .>.: I"z in .-<_’. .VI.‘ â€"’ '30 s: an 4,0 ;M,>' .22 at: ,_ 2': "e: for _4 ’~ J (x O m d ’ in as \"1. JAMES HALL. A AS aIWsys onuhand a large assortment of BOO'I'S and» SIlOES,which will be at P A I N T I N I “T†I sold at prices to meet the times Ft . V A I L E S , Richmond Hill. Dec. 18:38. Painter. GBAINEII, Glazier, « â€"- . Gilder. &_ ilaper Hanger, PemeK LXHQIZ'E; premium mm. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, '_ OUSE. Sign and Ornamental I‘aintl‘ngl I 1-tt OR the sale of Cattle. Stock. tin-3,, is, pre- pared to attendSoles in all parts of Up- per Canada. Richmond Hill May 26. 1859. 19-2. SALE; . 200,000 feet. of Lumber INCLUDING Flooring. Siding, Inch Boards. and twooinch Plank. Scantling. 62:; ,&c.. at the subscriber’s Mill, near Stouti‘ville, cheap 'erCashor, Approved Credit. JAMES BUGG. Stouï¬'ville. April 132. 1859. 93-tf. done on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Richmond Hill, April, 20, 1860. 73-tf New Boot heads She-a Store IN BU'I‘TONVILLE. rl‘I-IE Subscriber returns his thanks to the public for past. support and begs to state that he has removed into the Villago of Buttonville, who a he hopes fora continuance of the pa- tronage heretofore given him. All orders executed with, despatch and work warranted. DAVID. GALLOWAY. Buttonvillo, Nov. II. 1859. '5lhly ‘ RQEER’E srvnn, Bonn and Shoe Maker, DJOINIING the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Yongo Street. Richmond Hill. A choice selection of Untitlernens’, Ladies. and Childreus' Boots and Show; constantly on hand. and mode to order on the Shortest No- use. l‘lU’ All kinds of Shoemakers Findings for sale > Richmond Hill. Doc-1558. I-tf I m l IPhotographs ! Ambrotypes II I MELANEUTYPES l LFTTERGRAPHS, etc. All styies of Pictures taken at t: o ' M Grimm}, H in! Is 3 IQ-xkha In.) (In reasonable terms, and in all weathers“ l‘rctures taken front the smallest to life size. I. C. DUNHAM. Markham Village, Oct. 14, 1859. TORONTO Cl’l‘Y rmnrwivoruts 185 YONGE S’l‘AiaET. monuments-3. soauBrsBLEs 464 Wt. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. 531168011 Dentist, TOM BS'I‘ONES, 310. {IQ-Irma s1". usr scorn-ems. 'rnrsu noon _ svrzsr FROM environ or. Tonosro. I Twenty Per Cent Cheaper the Proprietor of Oliver’s Patent for ap- ""3 “It only! "unusuumr’ S I. plying Electricity, to prevent pain in, ex- tracting teeth ;I and 3450 an Apuretus for manufacturing Vulcanite Rubber l’lates for sets and Partial sets of teeth. 'I‘eeth mounted on Gold or otherwise to suit the necessitv of the case. ' Toronto, August 27, 1853. W. E UNI)EI1$JGNILD Assignees of the crtato of I). C. & \V. YA L13, “ill con tinue the business under the superintondonco of our duly euthorizcd agents, Aunts Ann and D. Canct's‘Vch. whose receipt will be duly ackn wledgcd. l’.S.-â€"All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the let day of June. 1858, will be put into Court for collection, II 48-1y MATHESON a. EIIZQERAID, I Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, I SOLICITORS 1N CIIANCERY, &c. OFFICE :â€" CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over Whitmore tSr. Co‘s. Bonitiarg Ofï¬ce. TORONTO- Agmcy Particular/y attendcd to. us..â€" Thomas a. MATHESON. ‘ Totem), July 1, 1.559. 0. YA LE, Q, costings. l Toronto, April 29. 1859. 4841‘. LANDS FOR SA LE. 0n Easy Termâ€"s: of Payment. -~ r..- 30,000 Acres, ITUA'I‘I‘IDin the counties of LAIPTON and Kass-r; All'rtecossarvinformation will be xiv.“ Ii.“ nut-viscous». IIPFP'PRIII. to J .t Mil! FIYZGERLI D 3~i.-tf . l JOHN, N- REID, MD. YONGESMEELT HOTEL,I 2‘5 15" Secured bythe SubscrIbor: I , m ‘ T...L___..“__m__m_.._.__m _ .. . ._ , . E. ,J'. Dissolution oggfartnershig; ., Good Health and Long Life. STOCK...BR0KER., ‘nr: PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing he.“ -â€"- - ' tween J. do R. SIMPSON, ButtOuville, MAYOR'S Markham. has this day. March 24, 1860, been N9. 29 Anne 3,1,3“, 0, Box 54‘ KO Quebec. dissolved by mutual consent All account due I 'l A I to the late firm are requestcdto be settled forth- Rm‘annscus: Sheriï¬â€˜ Jarvis, Hon. George with, Sherwood, Hon. 1’. ML annkoughnet. C. J." 1 JOHN SIMPSON Campbell, lsqu. .VVoodside. Esq. Messrs. RQIIIQRT SIMPSON. Gilmourh Coulso‘n do Co. Angus Morrison. Buttonvillo, March 94,3860. 75-3 M,h’,I?, 'l'oronto; Messrs. Mills, MuttiCd, WE LAND FOR Co. Montreal; lion. James I’L'tto'n, 'Bnrrie; James Webster, Esq, Guelph. 67-t‘f I‘} Subscriber is instructed to oï¬'or for Stile theulbllloyving Lands ziâ€" LONG, LIFE PILLS r» - Are warranted not to contain any Mercury. Thesei’ills are composed of the most select Drugs. and being purer vegetable, can be taken at any season of the year if necessary, ,. with safety and without fear of taking cold by ' ' exposure. which renders them of great Value and superior to any other medicine ever vet offeredth the public. The satisfactory and (fat- tering testir: onials received by the Proprietor, has induced him to advertise these invaluable Pills that .the public rnav be convinced of a simple and other cious remedy. is alone sufï¬ciev, lent to subdue and cure the ordinary sickness of"- this country, such as Pains in the Head. Back and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or lridi'gestioh, Soreness of the 'I'hroat. Cramps. Colics. Worms in Children, and other disor- ders, which will be found on tto wrapper with 1“ Quebec Government Agency. '1 ~USINESS connected with the CROWN} ‘ .- I If H] ~11 i If f I. tN . 529 LANQ‘ “climb.†Balm? Dlglgmfluoms 'Ihe west in o to nor 1 to o .0 o . attended to; also. ‘ 1.1} the 31th Con. ofMisourr, Containing 50 Acres of valuable Land. with an Eggcellent MillBS’ite Patents for I nvcn tion 3, . .Addreso. prepaid. El Jr CHESI‘IEQ’ZV N0. 29 Anno Street, I'I‘horeon. Will be Sold (j‘heop, for Calll- instructions for taking 'hdtn. ' ' Qpehec, March 6, ISGO. Quality-(if ALSO, price, 25 Cents oath Box. .m_ n.9,...t...†mm. .surf.Ernesto:tarts:traitor.» ASTHMA : "1st 001s, 0s SYDENHAM, IAW‘“ , .. THOMAS MAYOR. OR the INSTANT RELIEF and PER. Containing 100 Acres of choice LNHI.-â€":\_Vell IQmWâ€"VIcmrl‘ S‘l“"°~ MANEN'I‘ CURE of this distressing watered and in a good locality, and will be (“M‘- Mllrklmmt complaint uso ecldotimiihernl terms. FEJVI) 1‘98 | BRONCHIAL CIGARETTESI A Village Lot»: Madg by. C. n. SEYMOUR 6.: (30., no Nassau Street. N.Y. Price $.LTQ1fll3QXJ. sent free by post. For Sale at all Druggists. Mauut‘actoryâ€"dth A Splendid Property For Sale, in the VILLAGE OF SPARTA. Ninth Concession of Markham, suitable for a, On Temperance Street, in the VILLAGE OF AUROHrA Tanner or Iltcuer, consisting of Containing one ï¬fth of an Acre of Land, with I A A W a cotrrnrodious House thereon. Well adaptedl one ere . . . W'l 'I‘ ' ' .‘ , for the rofldeucgnf Qg‘QHLQCI fi‘un‘I-y I “1 W0 Dualllug IIOIISC‘N (“MI is Inigo! il‘onnery. Seventy l‘vet long by Thirty-six, W'ILLIANI SUDDA 31'- m twido. with 7' Spring Creek running through OSLO, respectfully inform the inhabi-, I ‘ tants ot"l‘hornhrll’andï¬tho surrounding l 4 ‘7ilgfliâ€"ic I 01"“ in Auroraâ€! the lot. 'I‘r‘lO indisputable, and a clear Deed , I for $0110. Er further particulars inquire of country. that Ire has commenced business in Belonging to It )lnchsll, iris-q, on the Man of; the $110} lately OCQUP-itd I}? Mr- VV- Il- I’IOIII‘. 3 surer drawn by R. Intro, I) 155., VIZ : " 'l‘IIOMAS SI’EIGII I'. Markham Village, Rel). It), 1861). GO if, . where he hopes, by strict attention to business. I to merit a share. of public patronage. Thornhrll, April 10, 1560.- l I I ' l I The following I Ulll‘ Itinsicnl Fricnd._ “OUR MUSICAL FRIEND,†a Rare Cotrrpnnion for the “'intcr Months. Every l’iu'r‘st, Every Singer, Should procure this \vocklv I’trblit-ation of Evv-ry 'I'enchor. Every I’upil, I Lot No. 1, west of Railroad, 2nd range, one a quarter acre. 734?»,‘odol'liqnd, bntwr-en Lots 6 and 7. one quarter acre. ‘4». G- Huaband, Lot No. 9. ‘2nd range, one quarter acre. - O ‘ r Vt‘t'l'l and l‘rsno hurts Lot No. 17, Isl range, one quarter nc,-.._ ‘ Music. casting but It); I. -\ll of which wiIl basalt? cheap old on libero term... IZVery Amateur, cents a number, and a, URGEON Dentin. will be at Nicholl,“ ___w. I’ronourwed by the entire I'rcss ol the country, :3 Hotel. Richmond Hill. the Fran andI Alain). I _ WI†' 'l‘mnu Mosmi’ of every month. and, the re-l v- "' 'I‘llE Bl-ZS'I‘ AN!) CIIEAI’ESI WORK.- uminder of the month at his residence IA. "um/267‘ (31‘ lib-lithe? LOIS I or" ’I'HE Ktxn 1N 'rnr; \VUIII.I)"’ ‘* Thornhill. All VVothVVarranlvd. I‘Orr the prnmipalftre-rts of Ant-ma, belonging 'I'tyalvo full-sized Pages. of Vocalsnd I‘iauo 'I‘eetlr filled with Osteoplart‘c or Adifrcial I [0 thll" I‘Vlm‘l‘ï¬'y lien ;"*“‘Ill be 5011 Client) and , Forte Minic for 10 Cents. Boneâ€"This filling is put into the Teeth while I 3" lllmm- It This. I Iy,_.,ri‘.‘$5 ; Il,lII‘.‘.Curi\.‘$t2 5O; Qumwtlyézljï¬ soft. causing no pain, as itreqnires no pressure, I AI‘I’IY 1° ill l’,‘ I‘llâ€. {’04 Paid] g ~ 1' H ' ' ' ‘ . I it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which XV, MUSLEY‘ burp-cuner lo “ Our Musical VPIICII‘I." er tt ï¬rmly adheres, rendering it aimostirnpossible r ‘ Land _y gem and CCMOWHCN' gurdor 11 front iiit‘ nerrrrt Newark-stem rind y u ‘Wlll have Mttstc tor your entire tatrttly at an insignificant owl; and il' \un hunt Music for for the ï¬lling cvor to come out. Auroral Mm“! I, m» Gym .llrs. Flute», \rluliu, (lntlu‘L (Tlnrimrct, Accordion,“ July 1‘. 1859. g _. do L‘L’: Mil) crrlle to tho 8010 Melodist, . ‘ â€" I ILTuniaintng I2I17€ztn rusting only 10 Cents .1 3:31;. . (Al. . ___.a... W. U. SHE NE MlLLWlthll‘l‘, cull E 1' 0 .71" 9 Igrurnbrr; Yearly. 50; Hall-yearly. $1 93. i l I l I I t I l l . Albimclr numbers at 10 01s.. and l’rund IVolurrrozt. Containing 17 numbers, at 52 5t: . lent-h, constantly t n Imml. ii . ('. 13.,St11'bK1'R .t. r... ,’ U I III? Nassau St†New York~ I --~.~,___-_.__-._M_. Fin: 1 BE. {$40 iyrlitnato that he is now prepared to l erect h’ll‘l‘LIuS, of ovary description, b7, contract or other-Wise, on reasonable terms He is also agent for the best Foundries in Co ’ nada. and from his lengthened exposing-cc he , hopes to give general satisfaction. Allona, Dec ‘23. 1859 [III III I CONDITION PHYSIC AND Fire! i Fri-git ’ r ‘I 1 r \V ‘ ) , f , 111.5113be 1 7 M H ‘ jgiaxc, Insurance (:Ompan} I “_p, . , ,1, .I . _, g. . , , . W O 1. M 101‘. s l R 0. t sorta. 0,1,, 1‘01 onto- #5 This Splendid Medicine can be given in , ,7"? , . . . one Ball at any time of the. year, without “LOKMR‘UM' n’ A“ H “LLHMM injury to the Horse. and has been u-t'd by the Farmers of .‘Intkhartr fer the last two yours with a succws unpr'ccdonted. By the use of Ithis rented} it Will convince the owners ofthnt noble animal the inconsistency of an nnnecesv sary outlay by u~itrg Artiï¬cial food or Condition Powders. which are too well known to contalu n inoral' hi hi ' it 'uri.u t '. a in. -~ 1 s g y r] c s 0 he n cmhrnnt I I. R “ohmâ€. buy or coating of the Stomach. The Ball is n I - ~ ‘ < . 7 .M. Itossm. IBHI. I I compound 01 1 me \ t-getabc, and warranted I 4 I NE W T1? EA TMENT. I I l Buffalo Medical Dispensary. I'OR THE CURE 0P DYSFEPSII' GENERAL DIIBILI‘IT. FLVIZR ARI) AGUE. SCROFULA, OLD ULCKRS. GREAT IMI‘U- an! or; Tl'l‘r. niropn, serfs: statues, Plhll‘lJZS, FIEIULA. £111,115, nrnsrrs, nesrmrr. In" FthrtrLS or Young, AM) our sun, the. 0:}? No Mercury Used, w czar/mt. 57110 (Jr. £100,000. I. C. GILMUR, I'ros. I Orzo Mtemr..\ ice l‘rm . DIIU cross : ‘I'hos. Iiaworth. Esq, W} Henderson. Lory. W. Muclutlattc. 11m; ESTA I1 LIE‘II ID i Iticc Lewis. I'qu. .Jarnes Meaty. I'b-q. Bernard Ilnldnn. Esq. Secretary 4- Treasure». . MILES LA‘NGssAEr. I‘m W‘W'u‘mj" “mm lit-vino: Amine» Ami- . . . ~ .1- _ , . .,. .., 3. , . .. -' - - . . '\Iorrr>on Ian. \ulrcrtor. * ‘ , , _ b I V ‘ H I M, worry 9. any 'Oillcl lisprlernl. 151,-. rrrrrrredrnm A11qu { f l_ k - CURNER oi‘ roam: MD CULBUBN numeral . â€" q j a] utédirgl R AMOS & SURE-VFW? 0f: niï¬llacuo†'5 sill'l’r'ml'lI-“ml lilo \“lllmale ém‘Cl hi" Bank “Upper (“analm' Bunmu' THURNUILII Also. some improved I‘Alt. If: to RE. I. Quay LII’OCIG,' in «so. I my no. . an “tom’th [huu’mnd‘ H um AnimaI i†out m. ,3, “Jamâ€, 5mm?“ “(1. haptdun ' - ) . . A ' VV3llnc'3burL'llr NOV- 94' 1859- ’2‘“ the only} Ill-“Clams!†me I “it? “ )0 “H? mm". sort-'1, there is a cause remove that and he is." A l Er, u homnpuons g"t 3" lilo Ofï¬ce mm“ be†“I “‘8 Royal Loneâ€? 0‘ *7“"l:’°°“".l‘°“' all right. Our do~o at tilt-"cost 'nl' 25"c‘ént‘s ifri‘lllï¬" Hem! (Ijicc C/mrc/t Street Toronto. m be mud for 0“ dam/01.)" 31"}. ‘ “““'"‘"“’""‘"'""â€'k"Ҡ""‘"' do“ _Mn-V bflcgllS,llIu;i"£111,333fit)?“ 21:23 I sufï¬rient to cure Ilzdn Bound, Loss 0f Appâ€. ' i ' __,____b____. mor’lmg "I" 0 c 0 . ' ’ ‘ - tile. Cou hs. Colds I I“ ~ -, 1)‘: . - ‘ ‘. - c »- - -- ' ‘ Y O R K M I L H O T E I... state and symptom of disguise. _ i v I f Smppsgo iiiwater, Swilliad life}: G:(";;;..}II'llrtI BIiiIililrigsfMiiiiirIJctojrli‘cr,x'§Ij“fill{\vstLJ-ngzzzgfl Dr! YONG-E; STREET° A u fluid "Ergrgl'ggirgg:uzlgilce 31(tllinr:::;éf3’, .hvt tg‘qtlgg‘prlgï¬g Igget‘rgyer or Worms, a moatt‘ruri- and Furniture, in the mine. against loss in dens†. . . . “ n‘ S 1-, w ' "‘ - ‘ ‘ .. s v") ‘-U' -. -‘ :.-='“:-h-- ‘tz. . .. ‘EJRGIJON and Mechanical Dentist Medical G001} Ski-ES“ OI.‘ “ “‘33 “WI Lawns t' e in London. The must invoteroto 'f-‘N ortm loam and. “ Kwd‘ “131°? t‘h‘w“ ' ’3" l‘.‘ mu' “a ‘t'il’d‘i‘tlrtilillls‘ 1103*" I’mmlm‘ I I . I _ , _ ‘ prac tc _ . . . Irocourmonded to be given Ill the Spring and Isottled Hall, Markham Village. Emu)“ 0“ hbllhlr., Us“? ,"f a†br‘md'" symptoms at Disease eradicated In eight or I Fa†which Wm ac, M .‘ Prevpmivo and ,m. I ' V June 30’ 1859' 3143' I E‘cenem accommwizi‘twn for l ruvoncm' Fm. ".1110 days. z“1d Cit-505 or a slight “mm†m two Prov’o the general condirion. Makes him com- I - A ' LA \ i ’ more and others- » l r or three davs at a very moderate expense.“â€" I New“. up ,0 “,0 $33.52 :0, 1.;3 we,“ mt “I†I Rcst‘tlgn‘gg.‘ Getter: I “gent. ___._____--._._.,__._..._.__ i _, ' - . r - -' .. . =~. ‘- 's w: - I. . - .‘ ~ : t: * ‘ I v ALEX; Proprietor. Th" cu?“ “II‘IGMI wuhtoud‘. Y‘Ulmnememor hm giving ovary satisfaction the owner can require. I “mm and 1“ Amy!“ H' 'Iié-l. V “In I†' _‘p ‘ _ ‘t mace IO!" 3115111055“ 'l'estirrronials ol'tho highest character will be “"""â€""“““""‘â€"“““"""""‘“"“‘†’ York Mills, Dec. 17, 18.99. 5mm . f . .. .. . t a. .. g ' ‘ A ' .. .. / _ ‘ . . or worded to testtly to the above rl required. v -! e I‘ Ihlgaféelrg? lplsitltIthgIIsr 13y. gpogs, Young Pal “Culaz ,Unsh Tourist-One Dollar per p’acltotcontaining i i’atont Mediciites, Gliit-s, Putty. Nail: â€"-L:wsl DR R VVI’ HILLA RY once. fblIIeiii‘lil:'prepaid onclosir‘h‘ o. .I'C‘t iitteiice w ill 2 I. . ‘ . e e . v I - I ‘ -‘: i y I p 7‘! S P wr} law {0' cwhï¬Mmkham V‘Hago' , There is an evil habit sometimes indulged be promptly attendedI to. ‘5 I is L I‘u'flII-I')‘ June 30. 1859. Shem in by I“ solimde, ot'ten growrng up With Printed Directions wrapped round oat-h Hall _.__ __.. ___.. _. AURORA. CAM them to manhood. and which, if not relot'rtr'Jd with my signature in full. without which none ’ ‘ F b v I†‘860 64 1 v by me,“ in due time, not only begets sopoyus other are genuine. And dcspntched to Subscribers by the earliest1 P- C S B Y. e m") " ' ' 5 obstacles to matrimonial lrgpprrrfise, but [Epics tOsicu-TVicIIpr'itL Sangâ€, Maxlungwn._ï¬ph‘ m “Us. 0,. 0mm. conveyanc?‘ when ‘0 desired: M’OR'I‘ER of Dry (‘oods Groceries â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" -â€"--â€"u rise to uévl‘lcs “It’l‘lmiclo """'...l°“s' a" .°' coneMelon at ham. I t" '8 d in - - I 1 Wm“, Liquors. “Ardwzue. ‘ic. ’ vastatirrg affections I‘ew of those who give 'I‘IIOMAS MAYOR “If I. YORK {IFRIALD 'm" away†boi I . . a 1: In ‘ to this pernicious practice are aware 0, , The on! ' mak f h ,a Y k1 , I, e ou‘noto cou.altr)t ro'lntest and mosttmpors. I Richmond Hill. June 1859. 31-611) ‘hoz‘consequouceq mm, mm. ï¬nd the nervous Drifï¬ M 03.“. I†°. t ‘3 °“s'â€31 W KIWI tam I'oretph and Irovmctal News and Mar. ...,.. , w . e : - ‘ ' . - ' ‘ I ~-~~â€"â€"â€"‘~~~â€"â€"~ Symon) cluttered. feel strange and unacop‘lttm l m ‘ menu ’ I 11611;. and the gnitItest Clare wrlI bollflkau m. I V‘ , a ..v .. .. I H I v d. - w . p _ ___w ren er ll accepta ) r totremeno :usinoes, 11“) the and l)ying. blo feohngs. and Vague fearsrn tro min --â€"--â€"â€"â€"-â€"U _ W.“ H W___ _ ‘ d ' I I“, _ . Y if LI ENSED AUCTIONEER . .~ ... . , t a v hum“ Mwwrwr- v It svmcn of the 7m Concossiou of c ’ ’ A Most Sewnth 1306711310"- A F F L l C T E D R E A a l 'I'Elll‘ls-rsï¬rtwwd SiXPl‘m'Wcr-“Wmo't r t r , son nu: cons-rise or , "" , A .' ‘ .; ' d i c .' ' ' ‘ ' ll ‘7““3"““’“°‘“K'â€â€˜Â°b“'3“'3"“"‘"‘°°" YORK PEEL & ONTARIO An instrument to. a... c... of c......r De-l EUROPEAN MEDICAL HOUSE: aréiiiï¬'... ï¬ndwiltidiiiim‘ilil"“ 11"" to cure , ' . biiitv, or more properly known as Sernina MD ' v D u ' ' ‘ ' . ' . ‘ " ' r ‘ . ‘ _ - W I .. Nervous Debrhty. A c. which are . u _ , T \l ' ounce, 3’ 17",!" god 3 ed“? All letters addressed, Murmur VlLLAGL. wrl )Olf-‘I‘Zlfl‘igsliw cured m 1mm ,5 we“ aim, by Boga-5,3"; ï¬gspcusary, RATES OF ADVERTISING : And .mmy other Diseases. Persons labouring receive prompt attention. It? Orders “P l} I I fltliishu'srumont when usvdconjbintly \‘ ' I. K S a W" 'I‘ - ‘ W 59' 'l' I i- f t ' ' 00 5f under either of the above mentioned Diseases, ccgved M the .r “Hum,†(“13%. Richmond treluse 0}. '.q; i , . t o. o , we Thur usr. OKOthi, C. . I.i"ranrrreszl:rtt 11111 or, rrs _ rusertron.....$m’ 9! will do well to call in time. All letters to be ill, when terms, 510., may be ascertained. “'t‘ "Tl" mm“ ' . . I" xsrsBLrsttnu BY 1 fE‘T-llngli-sï¬sial1:12;granoslé};is};4" ' ' 6†;5'. ., . . . ' , - , . .“ " u to ..,,j". n... paid. and address]??? VIDER K] b h Markham Village. Nov. 18,1859. 51-tf Aew [If/71.63363 mid (gun DT- GOODING, (forth,eg Of England- Above ton lines, first iii†per tin..." till 07 P ‘ 3 Si ' l“ “’3 I Wâ€...â€" ur'es “c " l‘ach subset ' ' ‘r ‘ t“ to V V ’ V ‘ V .. Iueutinscrtron,per rne.... I I VII-r N0 CURE ho PA" . t . ‘ ‘1 annouua x- 3343" SPEEDY' "Np MOST SUC' If? Advertisements without written uni-II. Angus, a, 1558 61~l cingrtiiaing‘yï¬aigfil:zlillegleflatllzzil lmi’m’mm Chi/.551. 1;“.mt0dgflrtblhlg 7v .rron. inserted till forbid, and charged accord-f __m. ___..â€"___.....â€" Y. Suporinr WaterproofIIIrHBSS instrulnent for [Ii-8 CUI’O OI. the above dlsea’ws' lvc, , .OInP/yazn ’ y‘ll?€‘vsza. _‘ argon" Inf-III- e and Shoe Blocking is warranted to soften It has been subyectcd t0 a! 1.165.? “2" ll“? “’0†Deb'LZZZ'I/‘Mmucmus 0’ I'Vasung 60â€â€ All transitory advertisements, from strangers, W- A T K IN S O N: & C 0' leather. and run or it imperious to wet. Mnnn- eminent plrysicxtyauis in Iotandotti). l’arIp. llllrrlpflplal-~ §u777pyiol,l‘ Semuud [Veakncss‘ D15- 0' irmgnlnr chmomam' mus, I,†paid for when“ . ’ r- d “‘1'. l - Ed by Storc- 1'2 and New or (- r ms eu-n cv- m w ' r - -. . . ' r ' sen†' ' IMPORTERS or £56m“. DRUGE' {M‘qu at \Ilaltotiiu ‘Itti‘ourvliout \l‘IO useful instrument ever vet invented for gases (1/ tile lad/“31‘s and Ii/gddrr I haw-i": I!) 9? illsu‘ttli’tX-l_ . ‘I f. I . . f Chemical“ rel)?†a" i i ' ‘ “(cur-c 0f Scum,“ woukuosg. or any dlnease Rheumatism. Scrofula. Sta/z Rheum, A. hberul d18C8nIHWlIl ho tirade Io parties nil-v i ("la il$ 1" er†0 k Prime,“ ,860 53.,f of the genital organs, caused by tho encrotI Mercurial, Chronic Complamts, (Isa , "“lum‘lg b." “13%;???- . Patent Medicines. & Perfumery. ° “mi ’ ' M habits 01' WW“ . as†No charge for Advice. . A‘s, Itgfil'gzjjldyï¬fr'tiff ,h . ,, ,, m~ww-mu~ ' .I s ‘ . 1' , ' 7. ‘- . ' . _ l t' "In 01 e ‘l, . : l " wmggcimm rum, orrosrr: raccanwiu. 71CIIMOV D “[1 L . D‘" "11105 8" 53°“) I" VIIâ€, “1’ c‘this‘gtth†Dn, Ghouls-o rs pow engaged in treating this yarnâ€. "" l " ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ .~ most skeptical as to the merits o t1 ‘5' “1- class of maladies wnI, ,ng “1,9,5: astonishing we. .. ‘ _ ‘ King TOIODIGO. T 1 ' T | . . merits, pledge themselves. that in any .tusttsnce cess. The treatment ado-mica “yr-him iv" _nhwl A†mm,“ “95131959.! to 1|", Edum um,“ I“. _ __ , It I vIwre. me}. may prove. uusattslucttarï¬d a ter a it is based upon scientiï¬c principles, with new post paid. I’rOIrtietors of Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth P381102 lm-r .trmlt-rmp money WI“ be mm" 6 b‘ re. disorrvcred remedies. without minerals OI‘ PUIB' I No palm? dis?°"â€â€œâ€œÂ°," “m†1’†“1".“‘r“.Â¥-35~â€â€˜Ã©r [13'- Evarv d(.,,cri,,mm of Hm.†and Came " I ' WIN“?! “‘0 “lslmmmn m 300d “"18" I one The tacilitios of cure are such, that. pati- ’ paid : and parties refusing papers wrthfovu't'pa '-_ Modicineéprepawd with “m but: English drugs '1‘“ I". undersigned be e é‘ngfgï¬iip‘léerpuIIIrc persons wishing. the above useful instrument ,ems can be cured at their own ltousos‘wtthout I mg up, will be held accountable forgthe an 2‘ ‘ Toronto Aurrnst Q7 18’9 ‘ 4 tfhm he ha: (86"? I: I L d. - “rots - “’1†Obww‘l“ “mt “I†Pl‘C‘I- Will‘k 13° "300m" expense. 111 on)“ Pa†01' Ill!“ .‘3°llllll‘}‘.btr0ltrr“8n ISCI‘IPIIUII ' " ° " man" “011110 0 o 5- 10mm" 5 ""1"" " -‘ directions. secure v pac u an sent a cum“, down “ion or new ease \‘ e or, .-â€"-»-~--~~-«-Mu- ~ parryrng ' . G l . . r . . . . y r I )ATEN’I‘ Eave Troughs and \‘Vnter Spontsr IRON BE AM' PLOUGHS, by mail or “Weâ€! We“ do'lm- And have the I!ir’ii9â€i?s§l‘,Â¥ that» in? {H.931 grl ms 101â€; neutral). - ~ ' ' ‘ v i l duress. I i v I ' i 1 superior to 1111, put up at 5 and 6 cents e V, e per foot ; also, Drain Pipes. Seasoned Siding, ‘ Ladders. >hingles, Picket (Bates. Waggon Rel- ! lows and llnbs, Barrel Heading, and Turning in general Manitlacturod and for sale by JOHN Ll’\I\IG$TAFI"rI June 3,1859. l l I Sven: Mitts, 'l'rtortsn'tu. t I i I I noon CAMPBELL. ' ‘Watch and Clock Maker, JE‘VELER, «to, Yonge Street, Aurora- Jewelry, Watches and Clocks repaired :and cleaned on the shortest notice and lowest terms Aurore. February 17, l‘éG'l Gil-t Beware of 1772120321 ion, I 130 were of empirics and itinerant selfiutyled i professors. who nutter wuss, but never Wood Boom, gauge Ploughs. Fanning M1118, Horse Hoes, & Horse Rakes- NERVOUS DEBILITY. Young men who are troubled with weakness generally caused by a bad habit in youth. the Book and J Oi) Printing ESTABLISMENT. â€"â€"-.â€"- [13" All Work manufactured by me is \‘l'ar- . , 60d. emu; ufwhich are dizziness. pains, forgotful- IlpERS for any of thy underwentioue , “‘m’d' . “A: A. . Q; so“ haw {or a [on series of ticus, sometime-so ringing in the ears. weak , ()tholscriptiou of PLAIN and I',A.IVCY JO ‘; IRA ll. RICIIMO) D. '7 r59“ ‘ g promptly attended to :â€" years been engaged in on extensive practice in the treatment o.l'"thcse delicate conrpIaIrrts, and I Richmond Ilill. Jan.12,1859. V are the only legally qtialjfrod I’hysicrans who a. SEYMOUR. "UM‘EOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, ' MAIN ST.. NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 1311- L. LANGSTAFF. , . now advertise to cure certain cot‘rrploints. .3; from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. Pmnsoss 1N as! Per or run Wonrn may he successfully treatodby forwarding a correct I detail of their cases, with a remittance for MetIIIcincs, doc, which. will be returned with the utmost‘dispatch and secure from obser- l PRINGHILL. 3 doors West of King Post mm“, , 03360- Address Dr. Arms a. Son, corner Main and I mpg, 31.3.13, 15.5.9. ‘2". 1y , Quay tll’t'eitt, BttII‘nlc, N, Y. tS-Iy eves. weakness of the back and lower extrerrip- ties. cenl‘usion of ideas, loss of memory, yyph melatcholy, may cured by th‘p tipping breadth: ' ' £30 U N TR Y PAC! '1 E M718. Medicines with full directions sent to any part, of the United States or Canada. by patigrits communicating their symptoms by lettoi.‘â€"-_ Business 'corrpspondence strictly confidential. Address; assortment of 503 s at W‘- ‘i-‘IOD‘W' upwind trainings piitérna- it lets? this"? N“ 51 King Sm†W95“ Townw' 9' W‘ lt’I iIBXWHF‘U‘iCD' T-‘I†#Ptl 3?“??9' I†59713! Toronto, February 3, 1660. 6:3 Circulara. “I allâ€? ‘33 il‘l’d 1 tracks. use? quns. go‘srsus csnm, LARGQ“ ' ssn swim. rosrrzns, crgrclu'uns. LAW some, ' nru. “summarise crrrzgxsmnsr'rs, up ' " rs'rxrrirtt.rgz’rs. And every other kind of. LETTElthItESS. PRINTING, done in the best style. at moderate rates. Our I "'"“E is entirely