Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 Jun 1860, p. 3

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.;.~ wrw-m .:':»“,~â€" .. o. . fr, . ,,, .. .. . II . . . __ . . ., , i .. , v ~ ~. i ~ o. . h ,,. t t - 11.. CONF‘ESSION OF THE MURDERER SHINGLES FOR SALE. MA Hides-Lan YORY, June 6---chksi HINGLES that are Shinglesâ€"three to the the oyster sloop murderer, has made a full {nahâ€"and each bunch warranted to lay 8 WI confession. I He admits killing Captain square, Also, I I N.W§WWW\MNW\4ANV\ ANfAAAMAWVVVVM ' ' T " i ' v' _ . O o o . gigs?“iii”eiilliiiiiiiiisb°iiioiilSig ill; Seasoned Flooring & Siding, - v v I ' i. ., . . ” For Sale in large or small quantities. and will / ‘ V murders, also confesses he was one of the be PLANE!) to order I , . ’ I I are trimaran. r '2 Custom Planing lcba magi?) Idy Is 6 ‘ d e we Attended to as usual,witli despatch and at low EGS to inform his friends and the to e P” ‘5 L ' PI‘ICGS- ,I _ , B custoinErs of G.&B.BARNARD A fire occurred in Barrie on' Saturday H- & 3- HARRlSON- . that he has bought at last, which destroyed the stable and lofts of “I 21"} (fitm- Markhami Plfluk Road. Mr. JohnIBelL near Richmond Hill. April 27, 1860 74-3m ~wt Seiléi 311‘ T H- BIBLES On Tuesday. the 29th tilt. the wife of Mr. _ THE WHOLE OF THEIR CHARLES 'l‘on, baker, Markham Village, of a ' ' T E S TAME N T S MARKHAM CARRIAGE FACTORY Stock in Trade By the Rev. James Gordon, at the residence ofthe brides’ father. town line Pickering. on .‘ Friday, the lst inst.. Mr. ANDREW Bacon”), FOR SALE, CHLAP- . _ . , 7 . ESPiiCTFULLY be t r ' 1 t1 P b1' i ' " D UV - miller, Cedar Giovc, (late at leebles, bcot- . II gs 0 .emini 10 u to tint the SIOCR oi At 1 Great {800 T d l . . . . T E CA ’1 is." . i -. .. - . ‘ => ' * "m ‘sprel’are‘ - G ‘ land)I to Miss MAR” Anne” M. E FY, l» tlAtd S on ll'llltl, at llls Lstiihli hm at this senion, surpasses that. of to offer me same IF you are Wigmdg a COD, DURABLE and EASY ‘I,I-(:)RKED ‘â€" previoUs years; inasmuch, as some very important. additions have been made to the THE PROPRIETOR OF THE 2’ ; Mummeme llhfi : 7.: ~ . tliirl Agent. TORONTO BlAfiiilE'FS' Richmond Hill, P.O. V II ~ __ 7 , ,. . t i}? i no.7. Januars'cilsm- 5m LARGE VARIETY or srvLes. AT AND UNDER R E d 39 in do . Fall Wheatâ€"“3,500 bslils was the extent of the l 1 Purchase from the long Established and “Tellâ€"known tirm of PATTERSON 8: BRO) :Slplpgg'd‘svgfil; :gldhlgfid‘g 38211235: T3”; fizz; i U, Formerly used. He would also remind the public that among the improvements, one in THE wnoLnsALn bshl. the average being $l 43. For common 53.. . . . I . v » ‘ rades from $1 30 to $1 38 per bslil. B .â€" . 0“ lf Prelud‘ced m fal or Of a I I I I Spring Wheat â€"â€"500 bslils in market, which g G R R l g g 1 g X » ' x x‘ ‘ II ,. II II “II “I i 1, MI - . i sold at from $1 10 to $1 13 per bslil. 9-- tjtj 1 ¢, . R S iliih It “I I :i,IIII ,I , iiuIIIIIII quIIIiII “III alI 111W ,hI .I til,qu m Peas.â€"15U bshls went off at GU and 65c per 1: . o , 1ng1 '11 illitll ll*ll llll HM in l "U bshl' ' ll 7'3. T ' 1 "a v I) 11, ‘t . Dewâ€"at 3’3 and 350 Pel‘bshl' V H : ~ . ' m .i . . . . Get one made Wholly from IRON, With I‘ILLBLILLL FINGER BAR, which Barleyâ€"sold at from 50 to 58C. l""""l Has [mm “m “duud ’ And “Us”; by Sm“ attentlon to buSlness’ will cut equally well on Rough or Smooth ground, from Haysâ€"is from $6 to $16 per ton, Straw $5 to S I I & $7 per mm :1 C: ANOTHER “Ba- 0. J to merit their future patronage. . _ 1 I I _ *I ' Nounâ€"Superfine No. 2 sold at 55.? 05 to $5 15; "a" T c E. g; Would you have your llaying done Cheaply, ILamlyâ€"Wltll Neatne’ss, and in Good No 1, $5 to $5 ()5 ; Fancy (Spring) $9 ‘25 to H Fâ€"H , . . T.m 7 when secure One of the :2 it; ‘5““tit5r3? that other“ 9 ear-i A VOTHE R In H E r i r i v- N i ' e ' ' . , . . u 0 2 01.110. 3X ra. ' 0 . ) . I I I _ . r I I . N Potatoesâ€"are brought in plciititully. and sell at g1 tun-4 l- l A j: He has also PURCI‘IASED a General . 2 “from 17° ‘0 '35“ per “M O b ' Assortment of . “ ' ‘ ‘ m . r; s ' . . i 1 o. 1 it , B““°’-~â€"F‘05ll is in {W Suppl" at 170'“ 15010 ' Besides others of Importance. All of which add very much to the I‘t‘RAME’ DELth OlgliE 1â€"Piipbéda83 thFâ€"CLEARING r S in ne‘v’enwere (norm 0 c 0g, manu ac ur 18¢ per lh. E gagâ€"Fresh from wagons Re to 10c per (ln7cii ' . PATTERSON so BRO.- E giggly Stumps on your Farm? It so, do not fail so procure immediatedly one .. .-, ’ STUMP EKTRACTORS! 01* PHIL V L “ g. H ,-i- I HILLF GROCERIES’ Of which S. BROWN, Esq., of the New England Farmer, says :â€"â€"“ lhey Wlll move anything on the earth, or out the earth, that any reasonable man can desire to move”; and 179 good, respectable Farmers in Canada stand ready to endorse the statement; To be had at the iron Works of , I V I I_ _ II " PATTERSON 8L BRO if ossible more than ordiiar . e .. J ‘ ' l ' s v . - i - - o " p i y car has been tiiiten in he selection of Is your Gr0und infested With foul weeds? Remember the ' , ° - " g‘c' 8‘“ 8“” FANN MILL, CllNSTRUCTEI) 0N SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPIES 1 ! Which will “seperate Wheat from Tares,” and render your Seed piire and clean; This Season , Manufactured at I I “ ' ' I \Vhich he can aflord to SELL at much PATTERSON dz. BRO’S: If you wish flew finnertiamrute.” Cl VH (>18 NV 0 I vitli" LLV A’leIt’OHd 833(1th 'I’IV E has not rm? ‘iieiii 1hr ‘iishi mil 01 pmva Swim £8 SihlUSll‘ii 11 V H LLV Sio‘ElNill "It At State Fire Ensnraiicc, CHIEF OFFICESâ€"3 PALI. MALL AND 32 LUDGA’I‘E Hlliln LONDON. Established in 1856, under Charter of I'mpcria Parliament. Cfll’lTflL, gammooo \vi'ni urwnnos or 11100 SHAREHOLDERS. The Right Honorable Lord KJiANE, Chairman. I l’rz'rizit Monmsos, Esq , Managing Director. PLOVJS with cast Bean“. , . nu, WiLLIAM CANWEL, limp, Secretary: ”" "‘ ‘ " - > I, ) I 7 II II II I II ‘ , *7” CALL A g g ' 9 for 1L0“ S, With \Vooden Beams 1 _ A COPY 01' Stock Book can be seen on the coun- J- I§~ {It} 1 I PLOVVS, With \N’vrodgllt Beanie, “3r “‘ “‘0 '« , news, with Steel Beams, _ .. Head Office, Canada Branch, Toronto 6 F H -. Than ever before offered on PLOVVS, with Straight Beams, 'liu icon and L011110f Directom in Canada is (“IRVING OUT HIS | Lap Furrdw FIJO‘VS9 I I I FLOWS, with Crooked Beams, 3311'? $333.53.? 3.3.3352: lli‘.li;.iffi“ii‘;?o§“$35.“ ' Markham Village June 8, 1860. 8M Richmond. 11111. Green sivoi-ii mews, , “'M. MCMASTEH, Esq. WM. l'lENIHCRSON, Esq " Centre Draft PLO “73, I M "“ Sub Soil PLC)‘ 78, Bankersâ€"Tim BXNK or Morihioi2Ai.. I .. Crossmg FLOWS, , L l SSENHVH "0.1. G ’NQSl‘J {it’ll '83:)le esiieiaunuioi isahio] our in pun ‘oniiou oiqissod isaiioqs an) o) ‘ifiatim iiiaaa to ltlflltlild 33'89 Solicitoi'sâ€"ltoss. Cnswronu AND CROMIHE. & â€"â€"â€"--â€" I .. ‘ .___-, ._ > V _. 7 This Branch was pnly opened lastganunry. and n h PI OVVS for Gang PLO“ 83 “‘5 $ gins-3111:2131L36oo z I RE g (11'? Call, Examine and See for Your- , PLCVVS, for , . ,. .. Which is retained in this country. "" "l"; 1,5", NI PLO \VS, i‘ot‘ $14500, “ v WWW selves before Purchasing elsewhere. T ‘ “I. .. The increase of business in England is un I WWWWWW‘“‘""”""”""“WWM~W‘ â€" PLO Vt b, for “$th00, 0, procedenéed‘as sIIliiI‘)IiViiIby tlioIl’arliFnieiitpryIi-e- “S I PLO\V6, for $18, I I s, i o o o ' or town roni tie ast - ’ ‘ v '1 r '. stators... ‘3 . H R S, You may depend ollBargalns. Go ,6 “Ows’m Wm it it will thus be seen that the total amount ‘ ,V , . I i , r. i . i. , W 0fl)llt~‘llleSS done during the last nine months BEGD 10 acquaint his very numerous Friends and Customers that, on Wednesday = -- ~ - i - » - - , & of “1° Comrauv's operations has been the 23rd uit., he was owoi-iio'ii the ’ Will open on TREAD HORSE-POWERS, with Threshors, . . T JtEAD HORSEâ€"POVVERS, with Threshers and Separators, .I 'I'WENTY-TVVOTllOUSAN DNINE HUNâ€" RED AVD 0w: NEW POLICIES, -- I I _, _ H I I I , II D l 1 pm . TREAD HORSE-POVVLRS, wnli lhreshcrs, Separators and Cleaners; SA Y, April 21, Circular Wood Saws, duciiig an additional annual income of ‘ , E (K I. 150 000 H AR DW \RE w . . i. . $ 9 a. . -- f 3 Horse Rakes, Root Slicers, . , Representing property insu red to the extent 0 . .. . . Scufilers, Horse Hoes, Road Serapers; f AT THE THIRTY IVIILION DOLLARS. ' Yâ€"onme qtrcct A“. .. 1t . , , I W, S, POLLOCK; ‘ Cultivators, Straw Cutters, The Report furtlicrsays. that “ the Directors 1 ' 9’ N A 51 [cu “1 “1 goaletyes $1101") 1 Grain Crushers, Congratulate the Shareholders on this satist'ac- And while retu' ' l, I ‘ E . . . ' - . i Q i r and they have every reason to believetlint from ., i . 3 the connection now formed it will continue to To be had at the iiiiinIiIzsaiinIgfosgoIiI:zigIoIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIII CHINA, 8“; &CI Harness, Saddles, .Brzdlcs, ($0., «You ' FOB ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEEEIRSFSQI’CII‘fggY'! OF : {11 .L ’ tirclv to FIRE LlABlLl’i‘lES, having no reserve WHICH WILL BE {obtdllfdiiZelsjmihm‘Canada are submitted to the Richmond Hill, Cdnado. \Vest, hiarcli, 1860. 67-4m gentlemen composing the lioard who examine For Particulars sec Small Bills. the ' li‘ ul 2’s. nd 'f f lild.‘ t'st' t ,t â€"'-w , . oncaldtile: the pzymeiit 2f 1th'(‘aalcll‘aihrii.m)Tli‘is AIM]er 1860. 713“) C O L L A R S W A R R A N T E D S A F E 1 WV WV ’ I 5 system has called forth numerous cards of END ‘hm‘ks- . . All Work w o i ~ _ - r r r » -- , turns “1 1d s 1 tie. i. its vfimâ€"m._.___._ , air-“ranted. , v = r . .. - “d m“, (5:11:32,T,3f"lheafl{,1:,,:f‘g;‘rfsx‘fuj‘,;‘:;n_ All orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to CHEAP GOODS S 4.- powered to ae’cept of any process ot'law. Trudgcon’s filasonic Band ALEX.STEWART, A. LAW, - - . . o. “LL AT Manage“ BI NI America AgentI Cash Will be glvcn for EIH DES and SKINS. WWWFWVVW Richmond Hill m 1 , . . r . December23I1859I 5mm Pattersons’ Ploughs and Shares constantly on hand. w. 3' P0 LOCK. S MACHELL FIEL 8b CO M W A- 1 1 " ' >' nmn iii-tn J . . o , , , . . _. - A Bargainn. uc n l ’ une 1’ 1860' 62'1)’ (late G A Bamard S) BEG to intimate to their Customers that they have Just received a Choice FOR SALE’ HE Sullwcrib dos to item the Public a i i I, 7‘ “MCIIQMMM***M O]? G . i h i . _ FRAME HOUSEIHEMH 1va Withone [ass all! 113111 6 311119 AND THE Subscriber begs to intimate to the New Spring Delaines, from 71d per yd. CONSISTING 0F Acre of Land attached, situated on Lot 15 now complete» and ‘3 Prepared to make 6"- Farmors Offlw countv of YOIk' that he New and Beautiful Bonnet: Ribbo f V 6d r ya “5’ mm c o A. '1' :i: N G ro, Gents Lady’s Felt Hats, pe . ,. 1. 4th concession of Markham, being north gageme‘“? in ally Part Of the Pl'o‘llnce' Man' \\ is Wellaer to Manufaémm and Se” v )i'west cdrne'r of " VV'on'c‘h’s Lot.” A Spring" ago” 0“ bxcurs‘onsi som‘es' Pic Nics! Prlvme H B. D ‘ ‘ ! VESTINGS, S T R A W G O O D S, E‘ And an excellent assortment of i. . ' -. _ - - - Dress Goods of all descriptions And a choice supply or runs through it. A rare chance for a Butcher, Il’artiES, or Public Parades may depend on hav~ Storekeeper or Mechanic. Only one quaiter mg (100d MUSIC 0“ V61‘)’ reasonable terms..- mile from a School-house, and in the centre of Having secured, at great expense. the services of some of the Best Musmiaiis in the countov, three Villages. . ‘ . I W. 1 l . . ; Terms Easi'aud l’i-iCe Low, to suit the purâ€" the undersigned feels convmcod that every OILS AND PAINTS 1“ he Improved Draft and Couplll‘g“xr°‘ls’ Factor and Bleached Cotton Stri ed v ' - ‘ - ‘ - chaser. For particulars apply to the proprietor Taugfmiunii WI“ lw g'VB" w those Whom he may , The above Hmmws are far superior to am, Shirt'no p BROAD CLOTHS’ DOESKLNS’ BOO-t5 w Shoes, & on the reinises. . "W91"? 011°“ 0 serves now in use, being made on an entire new 1 a: I , I P w jOHN MAcEy. “yI TRUDGEONI & P I principle. They will he found to do the work Blue Denims Soc. 866. &C. ' &.C. &0. 8w. Markham. May 23, 1.86;). 77-“ A" communication? addressed re aid t . ' much quicker and better than any other Har- , l . . , , o . 7 ‘1 - ’ I - A. ' ~ . - _. W. 'l‘rudgeoii, Victoria Square. Maiâ€")khgim, or {iiihsporlsigiiifleis tiffpi‘lilcee 2112:3511):th we“ ‘ COtton Dnns, ‘Vhlcn they are Offering at the“ usual low rates. ,.I, .I ‘,.I . . . . . «I I ~' .yap- . " 10 James 7‘ llSOXI, Richmond “ill, Wlll {6016176 plying to the Subscribe)" at his shop, Richmond HOSlel‘y, Aurora) Apr” 27’ prompt attention. Hill, who will pui’ictually attendto all orders. I 0 be Sold on terms to suit, for the benefit V-Ct ~ S~v My. 93 186‘,\ ‘ -.~ of “‘8 Estate of tho late George ire-as l Iona (inure? ' '3 7 [L 4 AND GENERAL dale, the West-half of Lot No. 31. iii the 7th ” ' ’ Concession of Pickering, containing about Letters ' Richmond Hill, Feb. 24, 1860. 54f . . 1 , ‘ 1 Shelf W are HATS, CAPS, 1 * i » I i 00 Acnhs,socioorod.oodohouitoAcncs . . mi. . _ ’ ,_ v of Fall Wheat, which may be had at valuation. u‘fl‘fi‘gflg TQGOILHMOBD 1”“ “mom” Farming Implelnents i " " ” " *4 BOO TS SHOES ’ For terms and conditions, apply to I ’ T - w, ' ~1 \, a 9 é?- . . _ I WILLIAM SANDERSON. authoring-IRE} , poogsioir, Jo int &c. coo. &c. B thLEa l AT EXTRE‘IELY MW PRICES MARKHAM VILLAGE; Lot No. 14. 3H 0 i. M. kham. unis-tor, wares mud. R. M .D. w ,. . i i‘ I ANTHON(Y ii‘dwifi, Bridgmgn, Wm. Munslia‘W, .10 mi at JAMLD lODD’b. l on l ' .WvMWWWMMV No. 6, Bond Street City of Toronto. Bigwoo : Charles Muruhy. Frauds Aurora, A 31‘ll 27 1860. '74-tf E: X H A Ker r . Markham. April ‘26. 1860. ’ ' 74-tf Brow!“ Aver-V Munsm‘w’ “(imam I i C __ ' Every Deseription of «my all forbid» 851:5; titty-"Moo iiithl‘h {Phi-i i- Wm~w~ ~â€" UF offers or save i F F- F i o .i LiGHT AND HEAVY ,3. 1 I . I ,at’ J, a, . . ‘ H ~ v - or me reri oo Delleiibeugh, Dr. F. McKinnon, Margret M A T T H W 11 E P P Rt; reasonable terms’ ’ d , J J‘SSigllmfint NOticeo 120nm“, MIi s MIoodio, Alex. ‘ TEAS, ._ I I, G. B. 3:;;'§;:;}’3:§1‘:rd My MRS it my; e ,. "W A t} t } O N S l ‘ COFFEES, and ‘ ~ ‘ ' o Richmond Hill and Bradford. have, this Filmev Pet,” 0,80‘46 John l AS inst received a new and full assortmentI day, assigned all their estateIto the undersigned Foggh}: John pattoh‘ hugh Oi Spring and Summer v . . . . . . i . . _ . - _ i . in trust for the benefit of their Creditors: The FOXI Edward Quinto'm W-imam. . i I , I I I Situated in the foll‘ovving Townships :â€"â€"- TO'BACC’OS‘, ManUffilCtIUled by the Subscribers. Having an immense steekof Lumber, of tIh'é leistssslg'islllelijdc1122y(gecierfsmatBt;lr:ist:?;c?§m0f G‘Orman- 301m Shepard. Edward [2] D G O O D Selttel‘ville-â€"County of Victoria, _ II I‘ , ._ I I I bcIstI qualityand well seasoned, and with the great facilities which they have in Ma- AdeIéIde éIIIITomnIOII 1, i u, (fiIiergsm gInIEhéoiIothhn L j Bexleyâ€"Coun'ty of Victoria, He cam)“ be SURF-ASSET) In qualities chinery, combined with first-class _Workmen,â€"â€"they can, and do make better Finished, cf WM. S. POLLOCK. Glover. 'l‘liomas Sitngs‘ion.y Wm. 7. _.., “I I I :ydeshlamgcotlmfgr Grey; 1101‘ UNDE RSOLD in Prices. Nlore Durable“ and Assignce. Horseman John ’l‘reiich Wm. junr. i 3 ' ‘sv ' i ll . ma 6 " ounly 0 “106' ’ ' I ' . a . i . 1 1 may epaitiiient ~ - . o . Pe b t '11 i i i t A r1130.1860. Helm‘kev. John Trad eon. Wm. ' Fora ortion of these L ds ‘ d . ” mem 9" 0 ‘33 at I II _ in I h!" _I I». 'II t: I I . pAnaccmmts in connexion with the above Ham I] 01m Thomgpsom Staphen Will be found replete wiIth“then'eWest and most scriptionrbf Farm" Stock Willanbe tlfli‘dlfrliii e:- W s 0110 ok, l [ll 'th ‘lh 1m lllu hm “1m, WWII“ “hm”, hm 11 due prior to 1st April, must be immediately new”, Robert [2] Thompsml- Joseph Fasmonable 5‘31“ 0f: _ Challge- I I I 8’ . . settled. and accounts to mature, at the” terms HIqston’ Ph'llp Watkins, T' ,. B011116t5§ Hats and capes, Fur further pamcumrs apply to (late G. A. Barnand’s). Than any other Establishment m canada' of payment made by Messrs. G. A. or. B. Bar- Kl'mk; W'lllam W?5tv Mrs' Elcy - . . . . G. J. F. PEARCE; ' ' ' ' - ' " f nard. Kelly. I‘homasI Wilson. Robert All 0*. which erir be Scldat thelovi’est remu’ner Ricmmnd m". p0. lglcufllowp All orders attended to Wlth promptltude, and Work warranted \VM_ 5 POLLOCK'ASSignee Kirby, Nathaniel \Vilson, Richard a‘tingpi-icen. x I Canada west o TI SPEIGHT SON; S . 5 Richmond Hill. M“? 17: 1350- 75'“ M» TEEFY. P» Mo Aurora. Art” ‘37. 1850. 744D lune t, 1860. 79-1" , April 5.10, 1860. - 73 3m Markham Village, Jan. 4'4, 1859?. 56-5111

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