Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Jun 1860, p. 2

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1’. ‘ ~ - “indigo “Edema. .._+._- __..___._._ mini? it. Of? Tim BOHEAMJAN. __.â€"... INSURRECTION IN SICILY- At the date of last. despatch, the strug- gle at Palermora-ndt the bombardment of the city continued. Gen. Garibaldi having captured the park of artillery on the 29thult., is re- ported to have stormed the Citaded. of Palermo, and subsequently concluded the c “an”. _., . The official interview between the Emperor and Dowager Empress of Russia took place at Lyons on the Ist of June. SPAIN. A manifesto signed Juan of Bourbon. and addressed to the Spanish Courts, is published. In it the writer lays- claim to the throne of Spain in consequence of the abdication of his rights by his brother Charles, on the 23rd of April last. IIe disclaims all idea of gaining the crown by force. A treaty with Morocco published the first payment on account of indemnity to armistice on aproposition ofthe Neapolitan be made by Morocco on the 1st of July. General. Cardinal Wiseman was about to visit Spain on we 29,1,MGaribajd; hav‘ingcamumd to advocate the claims. of the I’Ope for a park of arpllpyy, stormed the citadel, airdncsubpequpjytly,“on. the proposition of Gen.’Iiaii'siEa-,-:' o‘mmander of the Near politan forcesaimistice was concluded between the Ei’tp‘yalftroops and Graibaldi. T he Neapolitaiflrodps edncentrated in the Royal. Palace and castle, which are situat- ed at the No extremeties of Palermo. Garibaldi demanded they should evacuate I these positions. v Other despatchcs‘assert that a capitu- Iation has been signedpn- board the British war steamer Hannibal 'petwtseii Lansea, Garibaldi, and‘Revolutary Committee, in which it was stipulatedthat thglNcapoli- tain. army, 25,000 stgprj Should: qpit Palermo all'vliono'i'slpiawar and em- ba‘rk.;.wit.h.i.)fheir material n board the Neapolitan" squadron. Subsequent de- sp‘atcfi'es indicate this statement as only ‘ partially correct. I I _ . t‘ "1. --°' z’llv' ‘ . A‘dtices'fromi Naples» of the 3rd, via Genoa“, sta’tc‘tha‘t the King had refused the conditions of the capitulation and that hostilities would. commence at noon. A despatch from Turin announces the re'nei'v7al€ of {bombiirdmentt Palermo was barricaded andpart of the Royal troops surrounded bylinsurg’ents. A Neapolitan General is- said to have gOne ore“: to tlie'iiisurgeiits‘s Later Telegraph, dated Palermo, June 3, announces that the bombardment had notrbeen renewed. '- Armistice- continued. Garibaldi is still master of the town, but the forts are occupied. Capitulations had not been carried, out, but negOeiations continued. ’ Letters from the French squadroni say thatit’he layipisticelis to last till Tuesday the 5th. Garibaldi .was.‘ forced to - grant~ an-ai‘inis- two for want of ammunition. A déspatch dated Naples 3rd, says 4,000 insurgents having pieces of cannon attacked Catama on the Isb. They were bravely repulsediby Gen. Clay, with the 5th Chasseurs, One regiment and: some ar- tillery. After a. combat of eight: hours, the insurgents“ wele‘ dispersed. loosing. three cannon. midstwoflagsu' The city bassinet: been declarel iii a state- of siege. The NeapolitanMinister at Rome has been summonedto.Naples.. Itis reported he would be entrusted With the formation ofa llerllltllslielu'y? " ' Me'siiria ‘is‘ quife'ideserted aiidithe enâ€" thusiasm tn favor of Garibaldi is spreading. The Nepolitan troops- are becoming more and more affected by it. The clergy in Sicily are publicly preaching in favor of the crusade againstythe Neapolitaiu Gov- ernment.‘ ,Itjs'iistatéilllat Signor Carafa, in a circular‘note‘,‘ 'h'ad‘ldemandedl a guar- antee for; the teizpi_to,ijy.pf_1 the two Sicilies, and hadf’calle'd fiir the iiitervcntioniof the maritime powers. 4 Piedmont. is gi-aisi'li.,to have protested ' against 'any iiitervedtion and is represented to have made application to the Emperor of the Frenclr andreceived anwiimnediate negative. ‘_ .- , GREAT BRITAIN.- Furtlierunfavorable weather havingre- tarded thetwork-dnxthe Great Eastern, the Directors defer her departure for a short time, l)ut,confi:d'eiitlyjjiexpect she will sail withir. a fortnight. The day of' herde- parture Wasiant announced in order to prevent any further di-sapointment. An extraordinarymeeting of the Com- pany is totbe hpld' to gen authority to borrow money.‘ L; In the House of. Commons out the 4th inch, Mr. Gladstone stated that an- other votc for £500,000 on account of the China \Var would be taken in addition to £85,000 already granted. and that the Secretary'of. war .would shortly give full details of the requirements. After some obstructive. proceedings on the part of. tlier‘Dpposition, the Reform Bill waydebated; iii: the’ Comittee. Lord John Russell in the course of his ryemm‘lfs, said|tli<atfltlierc was no,t{ldth in the numobthal‘tlm Government inteniiled to pOstpou'c the measure until the next session. He thought it ofgueatuimportance that the Reform Bill for England should be at once proepededqwith, bat'said it was im- possible no proceed with , the Irish and Scorch measures in thiifibfession. Mr. Disraeli defcudpd the course of the Cerisei"t'atii'es‘.-" Il'e ithOught if the Government proceeded with the bill now it would be without the slightest necessity, and in.,its own convictions. Mr..Mc-Kinnon moved that the bill be postponed: .till after the result of the ap- proaching census is ascertained. After some debate the matter was pestponed till the 7th inst. : ‘ a a , Lord Palinerstjohisthted. in reply to Mr the course pursued by them so uln- Wyld, that the Adlniltry intend. to furnish :ships for surveying vhe northern seas; in connection with a project for laying dbwri a Telegraph Cable between Engltintl and America, by way of Iceland. Recruiting for the Pope’s army is in active progress in Ireland, assisted by the publication of accounts of the gracious re- ception which had been accorded to re- cruiting at‘Romc. _., ' Sayers and ,-Hee,nan had commenced their sparringtour- iii'the Provinces, and attracted a goodly attendance at high prices, at Mguchggter and LiVi-rpool. FRANCE. Prince Jerome Bonaparte lies almost hopelessly ' i i l Elfin iliuli gnaw. pecuniary aid. RUSSIA. The Gazette du Nord states that the principal measures proposed. for the eman- cipatiouof the serfs in. lussia had been adopted by the majority of the Deputies of the Nobles, and that a. general enfran- chisement. wouldbe realized next Autumn. TURKEY. It is stated that the French and Russian Ambassadors at Constantinople {had of- ficially inforned the Porte that their government approved of its resolution to institute an inquiry into the situation of the Christians in. Turkey of its own free will. ’ Disturbances were reported at Beyrout. The Christians and Di'uses had assumed an hostile attitude. The American. portion of the mails would go forward. in the Illinois. _ A fierce controversy about the budget was raging in India. The season through- out India had been. very fine, but deadly in its effects. Cholera had committed fearful ravages. Transports with English and French troups were reaching China in quick suc- cession. It is reported from Shanghai, that the ultimatum had again been sent to the Chinese, but unaccompanied by a demand for indemnity. It was antici- pated. if these were facts, that the effect would simply be to embolden the Chinese. It is understood in event of hostilities, that no blOckade will be enlorced to southward of Gulf of Pecholi. ‘ The rebels in the neighborhood of {Canton were causing great injury to trade. ‘ In Japan a serious conflict: had taken place between the followers ofnn insurgent chief and those of the Liegent. , The foreigners were in much alarm. The iii- surgent leader was bitterly opposed to the coneesion made them: under the treaty. LATES" VIA LONDONDERRY. The Advertiser: says that in the event of Mr. McKinnon’s amendment being carried, the effect would be to postpone the Reform Bill indefinitely. Lord John Russell and Mr. Gladstone will resign in the assumed contingency, and it is understood that Earl Clarendon would return to the foreign office, and Sir. C. Lewis to the Office. of Chanceler of the Exchequer. The Conservative party do not wislr to soothe? Palmerston administration over thrown. Nothing. positive is known on the sub- ject of the armistice. gum. TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE? CHEAP, A RAMAGE PRINTING PRESS, In good working order. For further information apply to the proprietor of this office. June 22. 1860. New Advertisements. 1Compotitiou Defied,â€"-Macliell, Fiel. &. Cc. .New. Good & Cheap Harness.â€"VV. H. Myers Hill Testimonial Postpond School Examination Live and Let Live.â€"T. Dolmage Printing Press for Sale ‘ .Haying Inipiements.â€"W. S. Pollock Half-dollar Tea. &c.â€"â€"W, S. Pollock Land for Saleâ€"Apply at this Oflice Sauderson‘s Rotating Iiarrown __..___....4â€"' __ . F. ._ __.__._.__.__ __. RICHMOND I‘IILL. JUNE 20. [860. THE) COMING STRUGGLE. There is a trite saying to the effect, “ that he who will not work shall not eat." in this saying is evolved a most importantpriiiciple. It implies that nothing is to be at- tained without perseverance, and a resolve to “do or die.” Uni- versal history teaches that good to be achieved, or evil to be success- fully resisted, demands vigorous labor, united effort; and never was determined resolve more needed than now. Who that reads but knows that in this Canada of ours we have unpriuciplcd but energetic politicians, who if successful in their nefarous designs, will drag our noble Province down to irre- trievable ruin? It is so plain, and blushing, that whose runs may read ;. for, like wreckers, they hold out a delusive light, which if fol- lowed will wreck the noble vessel on the sands of Dissolution, and they will revel in the plunder get- thercd from so untoward a disaster. Need we add that the party we al» Iiide to is the Clear Grit party,atthe head of which is the reckless Brown. In King’s Division we shall shortly have to measure strength with this party. Already they have begun to abuse and misrepresent us. They call us “Jllmistcriofists, De- gruders of Upper Cirnada Pan‘dercr to .7“. the moutinparty. Corruptionists,’ and a host of other vile names, and thus they attempt to excite the passions of the people against us, being per- fectly aware that “ hard words burn ;” and as they have no argu-. meals but those which have been oft refuted, calling names is their only resource. As proof, let any reader of the Economist read “John Smith,” and the rejoinders of “ Common Sense, $.50." in the Tri- bune and Herald, and they will find that the arguments have been oh the side of “ Common Sense,” and the billingsgate has been “ John Smith.” Let any one who desires informa- tion, also read the discussion be- tween the Globe and the Leader on the Previncial Expenditure, and he will be astonished at the shameless mendacity of the Globe and its sa- tellites. Nor is this all; not. only have we of the moderate and con~ stitulional party proud the Grit press guilty of endless munchausens. but like the renowned Kilkenny cats, the Reformers themsclwis, when tired of abusing the “ Minis- terialists,” have- turned round and devoured each other, as seen in. the set too betwoen Foley and Brown, who in broad day accused each other 'of being unp‘rincipled syco- phants. Then there is the editor of the Hamilton Times" proving to a de~ monstration that Geo. Brown is a wolf in sheep’s clo'thibig; and lately the Seignorial Tenure question, or “ where is that document” wherein true eminent Reformch give the lie direct to each other, proves beyond cavilv that ever since the Grits were two days in office,it has been Satan abusing, Satan amongst them. Yet this is the party who with unabash- ed forchead calls us of the. Moder- ate Party ill names; and these are the men with whom We in King’s Division have to fight, and who are constantly boastingâ€""even nowâ€"â€" that they are sure of victory. That they have been successful oftimes in the past, is too true. Do we ask why? The reply is easy ; it is that of the poor apple woman, who though generally out of bed at peep 0’ day, found her apples all stolen one fine morning; and~w~hen some one who was condoling her said, it’s strange the apples were stolen replied, aye! but knavery rises long before honesty. And so it is in reference to the Grit party ; they have been always ahead‘of us, and stolen a march whilst we slept. Why, even in King’s Divisiontwo of the present aspira‘fn‘sti; the. no- mination have been hard at work for years preparing for this struggle; and one of them even now has tra- velled through toe entire division, and has employed agents who are plying {their arts with an! industry triumph for their employer. Yet another reason why they have gain- ed their triumphsover us is‘, that al-' though like the Jews at the siege of Jerusalem they fight with them- selves when the Romans arc away, yet the moment the enemy appears, they with one accord rush unitedly to the conflict. To these two peculi- arities, EARLY on THE FIELD, AND UNITED AGAINST us, have the Grit party owed their truinphs in the past, whilst for the want ofthese ele- ments ourjust cause has sometimes suffered loss. It is to secure the Moderate Party against such a dis- aster in the coming struggle, that we venture thus to write. In little more than a week the delegates will meet at Marr’s Hotel, Markham Village, (on Saturday the 30th inst.) there to choose a Candi- date. On that choice much depends; and we hope that each man will go there determined to act solely for the public good. But we would impress upon every individual the grand fact that when the Candidate is chosen the battle is only begun. The next thing is to elect. him.â€" Our opinion is that steps ought im- mediately to be taken to canvass the entire division. We must have no honorary members. We want all to work. and work hard. The times we live in are fraught with danger to our Province. To avert that danger should be the-aim ofour Moderate Party, and in order to do our share of the workfo'bc dono,‘ we must elect our man. , We must not rest till we place. him at the head of the poll. It can be done, if we only work with a will. We must bury the hatchet of all pri- vate preferences or animosities ; and if we know any oneâ€"even'ifl a private foe-â€"that will Work and use his influence for the common good, let us work shoulder and shoulder with him. Our foes are concentrating their forces. Let us not wait to be attacked, but like brave men, go out to meet them.â€" Let the watchword of our party he no Dissolution of the Union and Constitutional Reform. WE DE- FEND NO WRONG; WE UP- HOLD NO INJUSTICEI but at the same time let usI be determined to politically kill our opponents. But whilst de- termined to win the battle, let us all remember that the only weapons to be used are the weapons of truth»? and justice. To the moderate men worthy a better cause, to gain-ea: lSioily, Italy, and, the Church. There are those in every age who preach up the doctrine of the divine right of Kings, ignoring the fact that a king and the 't'great r, unwashed are alike the created ones. Thus if kings have, rights, they have also duties,‘ apd when the governed are enslaved, the. rightful king descends toa Despot; and all people have a right to enjoy civil and religious liberty, and if denied to them and all other means fail, then they are perfectly justified to try and regain their inalienable rights by the strong right arm, as it never was the design of the great “I am” that the few were to be tyrants, and countless millions slayes: and though deploring revo- lutibns,still we hold that revolutions are just. when and. only when they are inevitableâ€"such for instance as that fierce conflict which drove Charles I. from thefthrone of Eng- land, and which a’little laterhurled EJames from power, and gave the licrown to the Immortal William, {Prince of Orange ; and on the same grounds whilst we deplore. the necessity, yet we bid God speed lto Garibaldi and the Italian Pa in their struggle "against hoary- headed despotism and gigantic wrong. We feel that these patriots have a kindred spirit with our forefathers, who so nobly and gal- lantly fought. to give to us the liber- ties which, as British subjects, we nUw enjoy. The people of Italy are rising in! their mightâ€"~let tyranny beware! Sardinia’s star is in the ascendant, and We hope soon to see Italy free from the Alps to the Adriatic. Al- ready the Neapoliian Government is doomedâ€"that Governii‘ient has long subverted all that is good, up- rooted all that is free, and been a standing mockery of all law, human and divine. As proof, look at the horrible tortures inflicted by King Francis. Flogging by the balston- lnade is openly practised, asrecently ja lady, “ far gone in pregnancy, perished under the lash." Another lperson for carrying a letter in cipher had his hands and feet tied ; was! put into a sack, and held in the wa- ter until he could .move no longer; was tlien'restored, and as he stated that he had nothing to confess, was plunged again into water, from which he died. The iliuiribscrew is used, and a tourniquet, which when applied to the head. makes the eyes start forth and almost drop. Then there is an armed chair, in” which the victims (if this accursed gdvornment areplaced-in a sort of gridiron, under which is a pan of coals, “ an angelic instrument” by which the limbs the victims are crushed, and otlieif§,toi-turers too nu- merous to mention are constantly practised; and yet we, as Protes- tants, are taunted with insincerity because we fervently pray for the downfall of such a monstrous des- potism. Who that loves humanity will not join in such a prayer. As Protestants, we Wish for no revolution in Italy [or elsewhere, simply because they are Catholic countries. We sympathise with Italy and Garibaldi, because we be- lieve in civil and religious liberty. We want to see man recognised as man, and allowed to enjoy the rights of citizens, independent of any creed, and as such is not the case in the fair plains of Italy, till Italy is free from both spiritual and temporal domination, we shall sympathise with this brave people in their struggles. There is no inconsistency in our creed ; the inâ€" congruily rests with those who up to the present moment cry justice to Ireland, who preach about the tyranny of a State Church, and who every week fill their papers with vituperation against England’s inâ€" justice to Ireland. and,th defend a thousand fold greater wrong in Sicily and Italy. Strangers and foreigners are constantly sending letters of condolence “to the. “ Holy See,” because Rome .wishes to free itself from his temporal yoke ; and yet call the Bible SoOieties, Home Missions and otherâ€" Societies, ill names for trying more moral sua- sion to convert what, they and we believe the people from the error of their ways. Surely if ever incon- sistency is glaring, *it- is here.â€" Again, the True Withers says that Protestantism makesgthe Church bow to the .State. - Surely he forgot Chillingworth, who states “ that the ‘ Bible !’ alone is'the'religion of Protestants l” Indeed, as Protestants, we are opposed to a state church; we want thechurchand the world to be dissev'ered. We loathe. from our inmost soul, the State Church of Ireland, the Maynooth Grant, and Pio Nono being temporal King of 5:) numbers in a year, comprising 832 ' Rome. He has a perfect. right, if Roman Catholics desire it, to be their spiritual head; he may hold the spiritual keys of St. Peter if he choose, it is an affair of Roman Catholics and not ours. What we [object to is the temporal power he 'wields contrary to. theâ€"wishes of the people. Dissever the tenipal . \Vrsll-lCIIOWD . Patent Solicitors, obey his behests orlsuufler the con- Sequences" Of their cohtumacy. If the. Romlsthrelates had refused the gold and then been branded as' felons for disobeying the behests of the King, although differing from them in creed, we would have ap- plauded their pluck apd denounced Sardinia. At present it looks ions as mean to receive the wages and then refuse to perform the work.â€" As it is, all true Protestants can but rejoice at Garibaldi’s success, and wish the struggle not to cease till the Pope is shorn of his tem- poraliiies, and they gain for them- selves that lor which they are stri- vi.iig,namelyi to escape from a cruel and bloody despotism. It is Irish Roman Catholics who are. incon- Sistent and not Protestant Britain. We, with them, would cry justice to Ireland. but more than that we cry yes lâ€"and to Italy, Sicily and the wide world. VICTORIA SQUAREâ€"The tenth annual Soiree of'the Rising Star Division, S. ofT. NO. 176, was held at Victoria Square. The day was a lovely one, and a goodly company sat down to an excellent tea, pro- vided by the ladies of the neighbor- hood, Afler which Henry Lever, Esq., was called to the chair, and addresses Were delivered by D. Reesor, Esq, Mr. Garton, Mr. Dyer and others ; but the greatest no- velty was the admirable manner in which four lads (whose names we did not learn) recited a dialogue be- tween 21 druukard, a moderate drinker, and a lectolaller. 'l‘rud- geou's Masonic Band was present, and we need not, say gave the most entire satisfaction. They had also an adjourned Soiree lhe next day, which was well attended; indeed two delightful days were spent. pHWâ€"â€" TEMPERANCE DEMONSTRATION AT S’I‘OUFFVILLE.-â€"â€"On Monday last, the lSth inst., the S. Of T's. had a grand Soiree at Siouflville.â€"We have no hesitation in saying that it was the best 'I‘eu‘rperauce Soiree that has been held this season-â€" About 700 persons sat down to an excellent tea, which was provided by Mr. C. TOd,of Markham Village. Excellent addresses were also de- livered by, John Ham Perry, Esq, Whitby; D. lecsor, Esq... Mark- ham Village; Adam Wilson, Esq., M.P.P. for NOith York and Mayor of Toronto; Mr. Tagarl. Stow-Dr. Prevel presidii‘ig. The. Sharon Band also discoursed sweet music during the day, amongst whom were two *l-a’dy performers, whose playing was much admired. l "C >LiTniiAiiv'No'ricnâ€"One of the most Intel‘t‘Sllllg and useful publications which comes to our sanctum is the Scientific American, a weekly publication. devoted to popular science, new invention, and the whole range of mechanic and manufactur- ing arts. The“ Scientific American” has been published for fifteen years, by the I Messrs. MUNN 8L Co., 37 Park flow, New York, and has yearly increased in interest and circulation, until it. has attained, we under- stand, nearly 30,000 subscribers, which is the bestofevideiice that the publication is appreciated by the reading public. To those of our readers who may not be familiar with the character of the paper, we will state some of the subjects of which it treats. Its illustrated descri- ptyons of all the most important iii'iprove- merits in steam and agricultural machinery, will commend it to the Engineer and Far- mer, while the new household inventions and shOp tools which are illustrated by en- gi‘avings and described in its columns, with the practical receipts contained in every number, renders the. work desirable to housekeepers, and almost indispensable to every mechanic or smith who has a shop for manufacturing new work, or repairing old. The “ Scientific American” is univer- sally regarded as the inventor’s advocate and monitor; the repository of American inventions, and the great authority 0n law, and all business connected with Patents. The Ollicial List of Claims, as issued weekly from the ,Patent Office, in Wash- ingtOn, are published regularly in its columns. All the most irriportont Patents issued by the United States Patent Oflice are illustrated and described on its pages, thus forming an unrivalled history of Am- ericaniiiVentions. It is not only the, best, but the largest and cheapest paper devoted to Science, Mechanics, Manufactures, and the Useful Arts published in the world. I-Ion. Judge Mason, formerly Commissioner of Patents, is not only engaged with the publishers in their, immense Patent Agency department, but as a writer on Patent Laws and Prac- tice, his ability is forcibly portrayed in the columns of this paper. The “ Scientific American” is published once a week, (every Saturday) each num- ber contains 16 pages of Letterpress, and from 10 to 12 original Engravings of new Inventions, consisting of the most improv- ed Tools, Engines, Mills, Agricultural Machines and Household Utensils, making pages, and over 500 Oroginal I‘lngravnigs printed on heavy, fine paper. in a form ex- pressly for binding, and all for $2 per annum. A New Volume commences on the 1st ofJuly, and we hope a large number of our townsmen will avail themsclves of the present opportunity of subscribe. By re- mittmg $2 by,,i'i‘iail‘to the publisher MUNN 8c Co., 37 Park Row, New York, they 0f.all_ ranks and Owed.“ We make from the spiritual, We. say. But will send you their paper one year, at the this IerVent appeal, which We trust ‘ if the priest? will take Say-dining .end of-which time you will have a volume will not be in vain. oi .. ~rgfljd’ like paid,'Sc'ryalpgyhey musp-pwhieh you would“ not part with for treble but charge. lts cost. willingness to mail a single copy of their pap_er.tq_sueli as may wish to see it with- x >0 NARROW ESCAPE FRO M Duo WNING,A ND GREAT PRE- SENCE or MIND IN A BOY OF .FIF'I‘EEN. Daniel Mckinnon, of the township of Vaughan, iii the employ of C. E. Law- rence, Esq, of the same place, narrowly escaped drowning in the Factory pond, on Wednesday, the 20th .inst. After his day’s work was over, on going into the water to bathe, he got beyond his depth, and, not being a swimmer, sunk apparently to rise no more. The boy Goggins seeing he did not rise, threw off his clothes and in an instant dived :into the water and brought him out,-â€"with much struggling and risk to himself: All credit is due to the lad for his. praiseworth exurtions, as the man is above the ordinary size.--â€" Communicated. ____._...;_.....____ SABBATH Scrioor. TEA Momma. â€"-We would advise all who take an interest in Sabbath Schoplsarou‘nd these parts, to attend, the tea meet- ing to be "held at Thornhill next Friday, in the United Presbyterian Church. A select choir of musici- ans will be present, as well as se- veral eminent speakers. Tickets, 25ers. each, can be had of Mr. Crosby, Richmond Hill, and the va~ rious stores at Thornliill. Tea will be served at 3 o'clock, P.M. _______...,.., PlCTURES.-â€"-â€"T0 all those who wish to “secure the shadow ere the substance fade.” we Would The publisher expressâ€" their . ’ ' At'l'Iempt: to Rob air-"Bank‘rm (Frozn‘the Shorbroolso Gazette. June 16.) We learn that a very bold attempt was made to rob the Waterloo Branch of the Esstorn Townships Bank on Saturday night last, which came pretty near proving successful. The Bank is for the present kept in the Counting Room of the Agent, Mr H. Lyltobinirqn. who after locking the safe, and fasteniugtlie store. took the keys to the Bank Safe and table own Safe, and put th‘em'iiito his pocket. It appears that about midnightch or more villains en- tered Mr. R’s. dwelling house and proceeded to the sleeping room of Mr. and Mrs. IL, took a valuable gold watch which hung at the head of their head, his-panialoons and vest. which they carried inter-tho parlor.) and tool: from them the keys of ,boytbjsqfesrhis wallet and memorandum book, and a silver pencil- case. They also went ,to molten Foundry, the door of which they forced by drawing the staples. and took thence sledge"hamiiiers, crow-bars. angers, and chiosels. and armed with these broke into the store and took from. Mr. It’s safe some 40 or 50' dollars iii bills 31 they also tried the bank'snt‘e, but the lock be- ing a patent one, and not having obtained-tho wrench, which Mr. R. had fortunately do- posited in a safe place, they" were unable to get the Bank funds. It is believed that the returned to the house in search of the wrong to open the'Bank safe. Between o'iie aiidltwo o‘clock Mrs. Robinson awoke aud‘ilieavd‘l ' noise in the house, and woke herbasboiid.» ()n getting up his clothes were missing. but found in the parlor. rifled. as we have men- tioned. The rogues fled: 'l'ho wallet was found in the garden. with paper», a $2 compo . torfelt bill and one oi- .itsfo"‘couiito'rfeit quarters remaining, indicated that the Tobbél‘tl"'l'w:6fO good judges of money. The gold watch it"! valued at $125. making hlr. Robinson’s loop about $I75. We are not aware that any clue has been obtained as to who committed the robbery. . {I CHILD BUN-ovumâ€"A couple of days ago while a little'boy named O'Rilly, between five and six years 'of age, was playing at the corner of’King and George streets, he was rim-over by a buggy in which Were seated two women apparently from the country. The front wheel of the vehicle passed entirely over the child, n ’ ‘ . say VlSll and so violently was the horse checked that Mr. Gilberison s Excelsior Ambro- the wheel returned Ot'ei' the child‘s body, _ type Car and sityou down, and in and the horse also stepped upon him. less than a minute afac simili‘e por- lie was picked up by a person! on the trait of yourself will be giVen you; as he is an excellent artist, and cannot fail of giving entire saris- faction. The Emigration Question. (Correspondence q)" the Quebec Chronich Simâ€"My attention has been drawn to an article in the columns of a city Colilmiipo'nry of this day’s dnto, wlii-ieiii some iingciicroiis remarks are made about the “ fruitful inacti- vity " of Mr. Cluster. the resident Norwegian Agent. ‘ It is utterly iilipouslblo that Mr Cloxior can ceiiipoto just now. successfully with tho orgniii’lmd system of runners. totllers. and promoters of tho injurious through ticket iiyiitaiii on this and the other side the Atlantic. The destinations of all the Norwegians who will leave their homes this summer have long since been determinedâ€"their pnssagos'm-oureil and paid for. ,The improved condition of Canada has justified more activity in the Eiiiigrntioit Department, and Agents are now~ earnestly engaged in Norway. Germany. and Greatllri- tain in giving suclirelinblo information about Canada as may invite attention to l_l¢'l‘ lllsl'qtlftl.’ led advantages. The presence of Mr. llawko in England has ntlb'r‘drdhim many opportunities of fulfilling his mission of which he has not fall- ed to take advantage. lie has visited Plymouth . from whence wo‘have had so many and stroll intelligent t'arriiers'and furrii laborersâ€"lie it... gone to Commit". in the extreme West of Eng- liind, where he has given eiiciinraging though cautious accounts of the vast mineral Wealth in this l’rovrnce. now waiting for British criter- priso and capital to ensure its devalopinent. He is about to visit the ~\‘orth of Ireland, the future starting point from Europe to Canada.â€" His residence Ill Liverpool has. done infinite good as laying the foundation of next season’s emigration. It is too late to alter the destina- tion of those now oii their passage. The enu- tious policy of Mr. Vankouglinci in this inni- tor, is beyond all praise. When the country was depressed from over-speculation and de- fectivo crops, when Opposition journals, with l l -\_ l street and carried into Monkhouse’s tavern. ‘ He was not much hurt and was taken' soon alter to. his father's house on Po‘Wer street. The women acted in the most: heartless manner, as tlwy proceeded on their way without inquiring into the extent of injuries the child had sustiiiiied.â€"-Globe. 'I‘rianA'i'icxtsi; 'roEiiOO'r.â€"â€"-'I‘wo men named respectively llugh AleCaulay and Joseph Charboit, got on the spree Ifllj" the ‘-nld \Vi-llington,” corner of Church and \‘Vellinglon streets. yesterday. In: the middle of the ear-oust: they quarri-lled, _ ~ land chasm, it amid. mm MeCaulay that he wonlilknoek him down if he tlltli' v not hold histongue. McCaulay . nothing .dannted pulled out: a pistol and threatened ' to shoot his comrade through the heart. Charbolt, however, tliil not at .all like the.- i," turn affairs had taken, and .liurriedly left. . - V A . L'on'dalile \\'l'|)l 1:0 the place, and on ex- llie house in Search of a policeman. ariiination fotind the pistol wris riot loailg‘ifi‘ be however look NcCatilyVinm custody and locked him up'ini the cell; atfltlu'; City”; Tire (incur \Vit‘S'i‘em'v Tolls/too.â€" The late distinctive tornado. in the \‘l'est, according to the calculation of the Chicagow ' Tribune, swept ovrr the space ol'four hundred and fifty miles without diminution ' of force, smiling towns, farms, and forests”. .V and everything on the surface of the earth. -, with appaling violence and destruction. Towns were laid low and whole forests Cl‘lblletl in an instant, and large streams of" water literally scooped out by the mighty tempest. The course of the tor- nado is now traced from Fort Dodge, “uiifruitl'ul activity ” falsely Nlttlt’ld that Cnnn- \\ “ll-“Cl. cull”le 10w“, more lllim “'0 do was on the Verge of bankruptcy, that the Ministers of the Crown were incapable and cor- rupt, this prudent statesman waited for “the good time coming,” and his anticipations have been happiiy realized, and his careful policy I! on the point of being rewarded. Last years’ crop was from 20 to 30 per cent. in excess of several former years. in quantity and quality: this years’ crop is full of promise ; the finances of the country are in a healthy and prosperous condition ; strong minded men are at the helm of affairs, “ and bold and great steps in the forward march of a nation ” have evoked the warm admiration. even of our neighbours and rivals in the United States. The abolition of the Tolls on our Canals has attracted the atten- tion of our cousins across the line, and sugges- ted an article in the New York Courier which does honor to the head of its talented author, whoever he may be. How far more noble, how far more truthful is this concession of arrival state, than the conduct of certain Canadian journalists whose only aim and happiness it seems to be to. slanderthe. country and tho iii- stitn’iions in which they have had abundant personal success. One word more about Mr. Closter, He has not been. and is not idle ; he has lately visited the Norwegian settlements in the Western States and delivered to. the. Depart- ment :1 very ’sensiblo. useful and gratifying Re- port which we hope soon to see in print. What can Mr Cluster do now iiioro than he has done 'l Nothing is more easy than to find a fault.â€" Why has the entire 'Pre'ss of Canada so long neglected this subject of Emigration in which now such universal interest is felt 2' The Canadian Government infq'uietly but eflibctual-. ly at work to promote emigration. Let the country second. their efforts by pointing out where employment is to be had, and pmpsrty to be obtained upon honest terms. Your’s truly. A Sm’rum. Quebec, June 4th, 1860. BLONDiN’s WALK YESTERDAY.â€" Judging from the small number of persons who assembled at the Suspension Bridge . yesterday at'ternt on to see Bloudin walk across the Niagara River on a rOpe, the interest in the little foreigner is a good deal abated. Not over 52.000 persons witnessed his feats yesterday. About a' quarter past four he left the United States side of the river. (.ll‘eSScd in the usual tights of an acrobat, and crossed the rope in nine minutes. having during that time made se- vral extraordinary sumersnults, and divers wonderful gyrations, and restel three or four times to have photographe of him taken. After remaining for about an hour on the Canada side he prepared to renew and perforn the wonderful feat he had an- nouncedâ€"walking blindfolded, and envel- oped in a sack. He Was not quite on- veloped, however, for the sack did not reach far below his loins. though covering his head completely. It thook him thirteen minutes to rarestâ€"Lender June 20.’ l hundred miles west of the il‘lississippi riwr, to the lllll‘lll'L‘itfslel'll corner of Ottawa county. Michigan. Nor is it at all prob- able that the entire range of devasation is yet known, through its direction at bottt. extremities leads us to hope that liOWever, far it may have traveled, it did not involve much mere destruction of human life than. is already known. The time occupied by' the- tempest in making the entire distance- cannot yet be correctly estimated. \"c know merer ‘that it swept over \Vebstef' county, Iowa, on Sunday afternoon, and.' Ottawa county, Michigan, on Sunday night. It is believed that not lessthanr. 175 persons were killed and mono than. 9.00 injured. NAPLES INVOKING INTERVENTION.â€" Tne King of Naples we learn by the-v Ariel, appealed to the Great Powers to in- tervene and guarantee the integrity of‘ his dominion against his re‘volted subjects. England and France have ‘severally‘dew clineil the invitation; which settles the question of intervention. At the same time, Piedmont is to be advertised by all» the leading Powers. except Austria, .not i, l to meent disturbance in the Neopolitain. dominions, in order'zthat{anon-interventions may be carried ouf' completely in good.» faith. Now that the Sicilians are, to be allowed to work out tibeiri‘own destiny,. without hostile interference from any quarter. there is very little reasonto fear- the result. Black leprosy. a terrible disease, communi- cated by a.Chiiiamaii, has broken out in New York city. TORONTO MARKETS. THURSDAY, June 21. Fall Wheat,â€"-2.000 hslils was the extent of the- supply which soldresidily. at. high prices. Seve- ralloaitls sold as high as $l 45; to $1 40 per bshl. the average being ‘51 35. For common v grades from in 25 to $1 30 per bshl. i Spring Wheatâ€"«500 bshls in market, whicbi sold at from $1 05w SIP It) per bslil. Peasâ€"450 bshls worst ofl’ahflO and 636 per: bshl. Oatsâ€"at SI and 33¢ per bslil. Barley.â€"â€"sold at from 50 to 550. Hay.â€"is from $10 to $15 1181: ton, Straw $610: $7 per ton. Florinâ€"Superfine No. 1 sold at. $5 00 to $5.05» No 1, $4 to $5 ()5 ; Fancy (Spring) $3 30 to. $5 50: Fancy (Fall) $5 30 ; to- $5 50: Extra,, $5 to $5 95 : Potatoesâ€"are brought in plentifully. and sell air. at from 20c to 95c per bshl. Buttonâ€"Fresh is in fair supply at from lilo to: 12c per lb. ‘ E,‘gs,â€"Frcsh from wagons 9c to 12¢ per bum Hall Police Stationféâ€" ($1053.. my; all Double Extra. $6 20 to $860). _' #-

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