Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Jun 1860, p. 4

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q- _ g «A: w. . a q... .2 A, .‘r-".'~';"~€!"‘5’~it ,*- audit"! . f. as jA'i‘imT concussedwarns...“ Good health and. Long Life. ' ' U ' ' '. six or r to tin.’ luti‘u at5 and f cents STOCK BROKLR‘ per foot li'iiiiso. Drain Iiipes.?Seasone'd Siding, Land & Municipal Agent. 620. v A.» 1. '1‘1‘ ,.. ,, "'-.":“,'lԤ'f "1‘ 3‘3. ' ‘ If ' “I v r, wt“:- , , I 1‘ L fur-2:14:39‘" W'kWWgEWoM mlhfifitkmeMm > be"? Wi‘““-‘m‘z‘l’fil‘i‘lt‘rfil‘Wvfiiiufit 1_ _..,., V.’ ' a 1 vi..- "1 .. . 3 r3, :1_ ;. w», -- ‘ .1 11hr 11111111. 111 your mum , V : By the use of Electricity. By Dr. E. c. EDMONDS, ._ ,. IMF”. .qm. q, .,. '1 fl _ w. .. MAYOR’S . \ LaddersfiShin’gles, PiCket Gates. wag on Fel- ‘lows and Hubs, Barrel Heading, and liming TO MY POCKET-BOOK. .â€" BY J. CLEMENT. My guid auld frieu’, my Pocket Book,. i; 1’ time 0' need, “ by hook and crook," Theu'lt pointed to some Cozie nook Frae Trouble's glower, p ‘ Nor ance. till now. has me forsook,‘ 2. Or missed the stoure. Wham I was but a ram-scam chiel. ~ An’ constant mid on Pleasure’s heel," “The verdant brags 0’ youth to speel... m ,Thyfhelp was near, .. l“ ‘ Au' 'pil‘m,‘ senses i’ a cree ' ‘ Wi’ shining gear. Through mouya season thou hast been In bitterest hours my sweetest nick". An’ aft dispelled-free life’ deep glen.“ The gathering gloom, Making the flowers 0' joy again Mair gain bloom. When weary wi’ a load 0’ ‘care, Orgwben" misfortune pressed me sair, An' Poverty began to stare Wi' eldrich look, Theii 1’ my hauu thy siller fair I Was freely shook. " Ilk turn 0’ Fortune's whining wheel ' flu brought me roun’ sic glorious weal! Long hast then been her favorite chiel, Plump, sleek, and braw ; _ But. wae's me! Look kicks up her heel, An’ rin’s awa' ! New thou art thin as any sprite, That gallopslon the back 0’ night. :_ Thy ghaistly form my een doth fright , ,. Thou art sae lean; Thin! lookeut° like a starvingkwigb‘t _ _Wba has nae frien'. ” ' 9 l = suspension. cruel as the rack, Has not his greedy. thieVIsh pack. ‘ Without remorse upo’ tby back,“ Nor glen thee rest, Till thou art robb’d of like pluck " By thee possess’d. ‘Blill I'se na let my tentless Music Wf' crambo-jingle harsh abuse ye: The’ ehll'nl I naemalr may use 3:6,; ; i Yet. for the past. lame shelter I free harm will choose ye. While lifegshall last. An' and acid Time continue “ hard,” An’ press yet mair the hapless Bard. Waesucks ! his fate mean he ill-starr’d; Starvation's pet. He'soon within the auld kirk-yard A home will get. . ,p ,‘ I - .._..'_.__..._w _.._9-.. miarrllunrnur, wwutâ€"w- ....-.....-~ ....., -. .WW..... .. A reliable SWell declares that he lately danced one evening with three young ladies, ‘the united circumfrancc of whose dresses amounted to an hundred yards. On a tomb-stone in a churc-‘hyard in Ulster, England, is the following epitaph, “ Erected to the memory ,of John Philips, accidentally shot as a tiled: ofatfcction by hiabrother.’ 1.. ‘ A. person asked a Grecian philosopher what he thought the preper time" to dine. ,“Sir,” said the ancient, “the proper ~ time for dinner with the opulent is when they choose, with_tbe poor man, wben'be can.’ A young lady has discoveredthc reason why married men, from, the age of thirty years and upwards, are more or less bald. They scratch the hair off in dismay at their wive’s long iiiilliner’s billsl Yes, it is eeitain. You have all obsert’cd that when a gentleman is cumminga f‘littlb account,” ,he always scratches his head, and the longer the billtbe harder he scratches. Helsu young man. after: my lawn heart,’ , said a ladyto acaller. of one nae had just passed her window. . , “ Then he told Mary-an awful story last night, mother, after he thought Ed gonerto slceep on the sofa,’ said little Pele. “ for he said he wasn’t after ,japybody1ls:heal't ‘ but. hér’s.’ An Irish gentleman meeting an English- man-thus addressed him “All, my dear, is it’yObvl when I saw you at the other end ‘ of' the street} thought you were your cousin; as'1'yoeu came nearer, I thought yous-serge, yonyselt; and coil see you arexybur brother. 55 a ‘ “Don’t do dat,’,said,a,oolor.ed oratoq the other day, when iniploi'ing'diis "Re? publican friends not to apply the torch to“ theL Union: “ don’t do‘dat,‘ massa (Iréély and massa Steward, and massa ,I’hillps, and massa Conway. I) " lbyou ngf'ine to set dis country onvfire. Dan's a nigga In dtbt‘ulll. - ‘ - :. .gl. - Swell.â€"-"I want ypu. 1.210... measure Inc for a vest, plea'se.’ ' ' " ' ‘" “he do not make here but the robes of ladies)? Swellwâ€"“Ya-as, I know; but what‘sa man to do? The women are all getting their things made by,tailoys, and, there’s no getting anythinngnef ' A culprit asked Jack Kethh ifhe'had ,’ any commands to the other world? ‘~Why, said Jack, ‘ not many; I‘ll ehly,’ 7 added. he, as he had adjusted the knot ’ 0.1.. b ‘ ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE 1 , r , ' likinnoud IIill. Dec. 1858. Licentia ftho llhdicol Board of Upper Cana- da, recently one of the Medical officers of", c Toronto General Hospital. and {fessor of Anatomy and Surgery " Dr. Ralph’s Medical School, “returned: to AURORA, and re-taken ' this folmer residence. on Yonge Street, where he may be consulted at all times. on the various branches of his profession. Aurora". Pub. 24. 1860. 55.). NEW ETAILOR SHOP. THE undersigned begs respectfully to inform l. the inhabitants oil ' ..R,ich-mond H ill & Vicinity ‘ That he has Commenced'business in the Tailor ing Line. in the lio‘uoe'ndjoining MR. SIVERS’ SHOE SHOP, Where. by close application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of .. _ public patronage. 1 ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLYI ATTENDED To. 11 any style. 1 JAMES B. BURNES, Richmond 11111. Feb. 10, 1860. T. J. WHEELER. JEWELLER, 8co- RICHMOND 1111.1... Dec. 3, 1859, 53-1.! Auésicsn CNotice. THOMASâ€"EOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK (Se PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira.” 1’.O. w the “ York Herald” Office, Richmond ‘Hilll Mr. Henry Lemon. 'I‘bornlrill. and Mr. James 'Cavannab. Mansidxfflomsej Sliaron. where Terms. doc. may be obtained. : Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. x. W-___ ._..â€" masonic arms motel, I RICHMOND WHILL. GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. OO-D AccommodaIiOâ€"Iis and livery attention shown to ,'I"r'avellers.- Good ‘Ynl‘dS‘ for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for ltace Horses and Studs. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises first Wednesday in each month. A ~ The Subscriber inlealling the attentibn of‘the public and his Old Friends to his establishment, feels satisfied he can administer comfortably to their-wants and wilh mutual satisfaction. Richmond Hill, April 20. 1860. GO TO B. BOWMAN’S MILLS! " wrru vouu CARDING & GRISTING, done to take with them on theirreturnhomo. Almira, May 13. 1859." ‘ “ Cheap 010171111113. tantsof Buttonville and the surrounding country. that he Continues to make first-class In the newest Styles and superior workman.- ship. ‘All Orders promptly attended to and work warranted. JOHNIIARDY. _ . _ :Tailor and Clothier. Buttonvdle. Dec. 23. 1859. 55-1y ‘â€"-â€"â€". 1 MARKHAM VLLAGE. 001) Accommodations. \Viues. Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MARK. Proprietor. Markham, .lune 18.39. QB-tf RICHMOND HILL IIO'I‘EL. ' STAGE runs frOm 'lhe‘above Hotel to Ioronto. every morning. starting from â€"Kd- the Elg'“ Mlns 3‘ 7- 8-1111. {Fm-l returning 3‘ 71,» tracting teeth ; and also of an Aparatus for I manufacturing Vulcanite , Rubber Plates for p.m. Fare. 28. 6d. each way. 600!» ACCOMMODATION Foni‘TnAvr:1.1.uRs.ii, ' RICHARD NlCllOLLS, Proprietor. Richmond 11111. Dec. 18, 1858. 1-55 ous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the _‘above I’remisos. where there will be found excellent accommodation for Travellers. and Good Stabli‘ng'n' . H . I I Horses and'Buggics‘for IIirc. JOSEPH GARY, .. V_ V , I Proprietor: Richmond Hill, Oct. ‘22, 1858. 171'. HODGE 81'. Co. ,yNFHOIJISALE and Retail -Copper,-Tin and iron Plate VVorke/s, and Furnishing Parties givingtbis house a call Ironmongers, will} {iqd‘tbeir orders punctually attended to and the lowest prices charged . 54-1 3.“, V‘ERNDY, Bent and. Shoe. Maker, Dressmker..â€"â€"â€"“ You mistake yourself. * YONGE STREET, 1 RICHMOND “HILL. Ladies’ and _Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes. mhde after the’latest styles}? - ' ' December 1858. :1 â€""m . 63-1)‘ , WATCH 8: CLOCK MAKizu, pi, 9111.111 111111111er ‘ ' 62-lf ' i 73.“- v . ail-us ~' TllESubscriber begs to inform the inhabi- Buttonville, Nov. H, 1859. COflTS, VESTS, PJINTS,-&ci Photographs": llALF-‘WAY 'HDUSE, RICHMOND, fill. a V THE Subscriber begs to inforniihis numer- i72-7 ' ' : . MPORTER and Dealer in Dry Goods. , very low for Cashâ€"Markham Village. ‘HJmmaoua'swu 1111 prior IM’QiIOL’NOH-OL . , , : .}7.\ pt," ‘- sixLSON 1. Lsnaxogtv anon.” on liausaooa'a' , S “pilinrnvai’ .IIiAiS law-airs 011'. hand a: large assortment; of. .. n. .v A1 1.5 s, r. . t .5 Hi. ( . _, .r it“s Garments cut to order on the shortest notice. Painter. J i (“alien Gildor,_& Paper Hanger, RICHMOND IIILL. . 0USE,_.Sig,n and, Ornamental -,_I’,aintin,t_r (1011.0‘onlthBIj‘ShOI'tqst nbtice and on the most reasonable terms. ‘ ‘ ' Richmond Hill, April. 20, 1860. M A *r T H II w DE PIP E R; 'AouonA, AS just received It now and full assortment of Spring nudVSummer D it ‘1 - G0 ODS, . . v w I . -:' v. a. ‘4 ' 'receiveprompg'uttemion; 'o‘rders recéivé‘d a, Will be found replete with the newest and most Riel‘mond “11" Dec' 1558' Fashionable Styles of you ,soldpt prices-tonnes;thtimes , v 73-11 r SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. Teeth inserted onfi Warianted' Aurora, March 9. 1860. 67-131 ., GE STREET-"HOTEL, ‘AUKQII,¢3+" ‘ GOOD supplv of, 'Wines and Liquors L always oinliaud. ' Excellent Accummo-' dation for Travellers. Farmers, and others. Cigars ol'alllu'unds. 3, , . 3 )1 ~ :' ' D.’Mc1.EO"D, Proprietor. Aurora. June 6. 1859., . ,7, * v ’_ g25â€"1y, " MES 'HA‘LL’ more and rfillOES,which will be 1,1 Richmdnd 11111. Dec. I1858.‘ ', 'l-tf FOR SALE; .gtfllflsflflt). feet of ~. «Lumber INCLUDING Flooring. Siding..lnc11 Boards. and two-inch I’lunk, Scandingfikci,&c.. at the subscriber’s: Mill. near Stoufi'villc, cheap for Cash or Approved Credit. 5:“ JAMES BUGG. ,,.93-1f. 0. ., .fl . "9‘ i1 ' N x ,, ROizuu 1‘ SIVEll, Boot. and Sliecghlalrcr, ~_;" DJOINING the Wiilsleyanfhketbodist Chapel. Yonge "Street.'1{ichnio'nd Hill. A choice selection of (ientlemens’, Ladies, and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes constantlv on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- tice. I'.A.Stoufl'villle.iApi-il 12.: .1859. i ll? All kinds of Shoemakch bindings for sale l-tf BOIIIIGI 39 : Capes, All 01 which Wm be Sold in the lewest remuuer nting prices. I, Aurora,.,Apl‘i‘lg ‘27. 1860. .v . ., fl ,_ pig, .. "SHINGLES 1.101"? LE." ‘ IIINGLES that are Shinglesâ€"three to the inchâ€"and each bunch warranted to lay a square, Also. Seasoned Flooring & Siding, For Sale, inlarge or s ' ' be I’LAINL‘D to order, >â€"â€"d>â€"4â€"-o Custom Planing duly acknowledged. Attended to as usual, with despatch endat. low prices. ‘ . v . ' ~. - ‘ .1. -‘ ‘ - .1. i i.- ll. 6L J. HARRISON. Qud Con. Markham, Plank Road. near Richmmld I‘Iill,‘ April 27. 1860 New ‘ Boot and Shoe store ...., ' u -‘ 2.; IN lIUlP'IWVIIS’IIEii « VI‘HE Subscriber returns his thanks to the ' public for past support and begs to state that where parties from a distance can have it be has removed into the Village of Buttonville. _ whom he hopes for a continuance of the pa- tronage heretofme given him. All orders executed with despatch a'nd’tvork warranted. , , DAVID GA LLOWAY. 501111 MHfiWWâ€"firr-‘â€" â€" “VT”.-. .'_ Alnbro‘types ! MELANEOTYPES ! LFTTERGRAPHS,&C. All styles Of Pictured“ taken attit‘ehg t Medical Hail, Markham; On reasonable terms, and in all weathers.. Pictures taken from the smallest to life size. ‘ ‘ ‘ 1. C."DUNHAM. Markham Village, Oct. 14, 1859. 46-t W. C. ADAMS. . D. S. Surgeon Dentist, 99 ruse ST. EAST, SOUTII 5101:. THIRD DOOR ,, :3 gr?- wf~ .t' w W:- vr.‘ . ISIi the‘,Pmpriet.or» of Oliver’s lPatent-fo‘r‘l ap-~ plying Electricity, to prevent pain in ex- sets and Partial sets of teeth. 'on Gold or the case. 7- - ~ Toronto, August 27, 185:). ) 'l‘eeth mounted 48-1y 4MAIHESUN; 86 ,KEIIZGE BALD, 9 Bariisters, Attorneys-at-Lavv, SOLICITORS 1N. CHANCERY, &c. OFFICE i;â€" CORNER or KING AND TORONTO STREETS Markhaui'K/illalge. Nov..--18,1859. - Over Whitmore dz. Co’s. Bonking Office, ‘ _"TOROI~1T0Â¥ ‘ ' ' - A gcncg/ Particularly. attended to. _ ~â€" THOMAS c. IuATIIIcsoN. Toronto, July 1, 1559, JAMES "noun/11.1) 31 -tf . ,A.--..-,-..-.s;__fl___ JOHN N- REID, ,M.D. cous‘Eu' Or mam: ' Aim scohsoau ‘s'rucu'rs, 'l‘IIOItNlIILL. , i it? ill Prescriptions got at the Office must be paid for on delivery. 3l-ly Dr. DUNHAM, ' . URGEQN‘and Mechanical Dentist.-Mgdical'* Hall. Markham Village. W ' ” .lune 30, 1859. 3l-ly JAMES BARKER, ,Gi’écs’i-‘i'bfsi Pails? 3011‘s. lava“ Dye Stuck. Patent Medicines, Glass, Putty. Nails «Low 3 June 30, 1859_ ~__....._~-_ 31-6m nall quantities, and will 1 . 74-3m‘ -â€"""‘“""“~“~~â€"-â€"-~~~~ ~â€"~-~~»-~-â€"‘â€"â€"._~W‘« _ Toronto, April ‘29, 18.39. 1’. ., WEST rrtogrrcuoucntsr. 'reuon'ro, 11' ‘1 1.: - .. ,, . .1 .r; w;- epz otherwise .to suit, the necessity of , ‘ HABN’ESSIAND SHOE . February 10, 1860. famed. _,__ 1135 YONGE slur-.111: ' 7.4.1: MONUMENTSHOMBTABLES ,. 'I‘OhlBS'I‘ONES, &c. Tchty‘ Per Cent 4 Cheaper THAN AhY OTHER. ESTABLISHMENT. HE UNuuRsIstzn Assignees' of the. estate of D. C. 65 W. YALI‘J. will c011- tinue the business under the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, Aosris Anunv and D. CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be into Court for collection, (3. YALE, G. CUM M 113R. 415-11”. '\. 1 . 1. 2v ‘ , . ;""'l_, Payment. 30,000 Acres, SITUATICD in the counties of litnirrou and KENT. All necessary information will be given eut‘f‘dpplicatitui, post paid, to , ' '- " " ‘ ' sup-us: giANCS'rAI‘r. : v v "k Wallacebnrgh Also. some improved FARMS to ,ltlSN'l‘. Vl’allaceburgh, Nov. 94. I859. LANDS iYOFtK MILLS HOTEL, YONGE S'l‘ltEl-I'I‘. ‘- always on 11111111.. Cigars of all brands. mers and others. _, AL‘EX. HILL, Proprietor. York Mills, Doc. 17, 1859. 55-0111 CVWIIVDR. R. W. I-IILLAIIY: PHYSICAN, SURGEON a ACCOUCHEUB, AURO RA. 0.1V. . 1860. r. I .V I 3 “if ' n s. M February 17 64.13“ mouse. . 'I‘HOMASTIVILSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, - ' roan”: cousrrEsfiF r YORK, ‘ PEEL ‘& ONTARIO. All letters addressed, MARIIIIAu VILLAGE. wil receive-prompt attention. [13" Orders re- _’,'._.'_.I-+..A. ..'. cehved 1at r the ." 'HERALU” Office. Richmond ill, tvl'iere terms, &.c.‘,.;maybefascertajned. , 51~--tf' ‘ M BLACKING. ‘VgELL’S‘ Superior Waterproof Harness e and Shoe Blocking is warranted to soften leather, and rent or it imperious to wet. Manu- factured at Richmond Hili, and sold by Store- a p keepers and Harness Makers throughout the Province. ’ 63-tf .. __-....._,._._T.,â€" , IICIIMON D. _ IRONFFOUNDRY. r 111E undersigned'begs. to inform the public ' that hebas opened aFOUNDltY for the manufacture 01'70. S. Richmond’s improved IRON BEAM ' PLOUGHS, Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs, Fanning Mills, Horse Hoes, & Horse Rakes- , ID” All Workmanufacturediby me is War- , , ' ‘.i'._'Il”tA‘B.‘i RICHMOND. Richmond Hill, Jan. .12, 1859. liver, Goldf'pr Vulcanized], Rubber. All Opelatious in ‘hIs Prbfession. performed -. in v, the ,,most approvedgmpnner. and ‘ Quebec, March 6, 1860. P.S§V«Alilu;1ioiles aifd riccqiiilts riiinaining 1111 . paid on mustang; minus...1358. will be put» 5w GOOD supply .of, Wins and [(IQUOHS Excellent accommodation for Travellers. Fal- . the cure ofSeminal "weakness, Or any disease No. 29 Anne Street. oryBox 54, P.O. Quebec. ‘ Rurumcscus :‘Slleii‘ll” Jarvis. Hon. George Sherwoodhflon. P, ,iVI.j7Vs11konghnet.’ C. J. Campbell, Esq; '1'. 'W‘oodside, Esq. Messrs. Gilmour, C‘o‘nlsmi '&“Co'.‘ A'Il‘gus Morrison. M,P,P. Toronto; MessrsLMills, Mattice do C0,".Illpntre’al; lldn.‘ .laines Patton, Barrie: Jansesi’Webster, ESq, Guelph. (ST-ti Quebec . (internment-Agency.. ,USINESS connected with the CROWN LAND and other Public Departments attended .th ; also. ' ' ; . 3. , "9 Patents fer "Inticn tio‘ns,“ “Secured by the Subscriber. ' i ' Address. prepaid. E. J. CHESLEY, No. 29Auue Street, i ' Quebec. 67-11 L ,. STZEEIMA,!_, ' ORthelNi'S’lTAN’l‘ RELIEF and PER- MANENT CURE of this distressing complaintuse , ~ g 1 p, , . FEJVZUT’S BRONCI‘IIAL CIGARETTES! Made 1.3150. 1;. SEYMOUR 8.: Co., 1117 Nassau Street. N.Y. Price $1 per box; sent free by post. For Sale at all Druggists. ’ i Ixjtssioand, URGEON Dentist, will be at Nit-hell’s dietel. Richmond Hill. the I“llt1~"l‘ and THIRD MONDAY of every month, and, the re- malndcr of the month at his residence 'l‘horuhill. AllWo'kVVurrnutcd. 'l'eoth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial llorxe.â€"-Tbis filling is put inIo the Teeth while soft. causing no pain, as itrequircs no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which it firmly adheres, reuderlng it almost impossible for the'filling ever to come out. July 8, 1859. 32-ly. __._...W_ __ v t.»_.---...__.,--___-.-,c W. U. s K E N E . MILLWRlGl-l'l‘, .151 L T 0 JV .1, EGS to intimate that beisnowpreparod to A erect MILLS of everv description, by contract or otherwise. on reasonable terms' lie is also agent for the best. Foundries in Ca- nada. sud'from his' lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction. Altona, Dec. 23,, 1859‘ H I, ,4 ,W. T. ATKINSON, a CO. . (IMPORTERS or usmun‘i‘Dnucs‘, Manufacturers of Chemicals Patent Medicines & Perfumery. APO'I'HPZCARIES HALL, OPPOSITE THE Cn'l‘HEIHtAL, 1' \ King St. Toronto. Proprietors of Atkinson’s Parisian T0011) Posts. I . 113" livery description ,df Horre 'janid Catile , Medicines prepared with thcfrber‘. English drugs Toronto, August ‘37. 18.35 . «I A”-.- ._. .. NE W TBEA (171mm: 1 a »: “BIIIIIIIO Il'lcdicalj‘iDispensary. ESTABLISHI‘J) FUR inn: noun or D\'<1'1-:1's1v Gusuuau DEBIIJ’IY. FLVICIL .lh’l) Amm, sonorom. 1.1.11 Uncmis. omen lMl’U- ltl'l‘Y 01‘ '1‘111', 111.0011. saxrr 1111121131. PXMPIJCH, 111511114, 1111.143, KlDNhYS, 111;u11.rr1’. 1N. i‘lnmrrlus or room AM) 01.11 AGE, 810. (LC? No Mercury 'Uscdl 4:1) . It AMOS db SON. Corner of M sin and "Quay Streets, Buffalo, New-York. are i the onlv Physicians in the State who'arc mem- bers of'tlie Royal College of Surgeons. Lon- don. Mav be consulted from 8 O’clock in the InOrIiing until 9 o’clock at night, 011 every state and symptom of disease. The treatment they adopt is the result of upwards of 30 years’ extensive and successful practice in London. The must inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated 1n eight or nine days, and cases of a slight nature In two or three“ days at a very moderate expense.â€"~ The cure effected without confinement or hin- drance from business. Young Men-â€" Ta/re Particular Nollie. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boysfin solitude, often growing up with them toT manhood. and which. if not reformed 'by them in due time. not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted. insidious, and de- vastating affections. Few ofthose who give way to this pernicious practice areaware cl ' the consequences. until they find the nervous system shattered. feel strange and nnacounta- ble feelings. and Vague fears 111 the mind. A 1111031?» Scientific Invention. An instrument for the cure of General De- bilitv, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness. Nervous Debihty. O'ch which are ermnnentl‘v cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use oftliis instrument. when used conjointly with medicines. : New Remedies and Quick Cures, Dr AMOS~ & SON take pleasure in announ- cing that‘tbéy have Invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has‘lieleit :éhbjcctedvtola test hylhe most " eminent physicmns in London, l’aiis, I’hiladel- phia and New York.’ It has been declared the only useful, instrument ,ever yet Invented for of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. Amos & Sun, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to. the merits of these Instru- ments. pledge themselves. that 11) any“ instance where, they fmay' prove unsatislactory after a fair trial, ibis money Will‘be refunded by re. “timing the instrument in good order. Personswishing; the above useful instrument will obi‘ervc“. that the price, w'ith‘the accom. panying directions, securely packed and sent JO 1-1 N ‘LAN CST-Ar Junei’), 1859.. , ALANDJKHRSALEI In sine 3111! on». Of Misduri, i Containing 50 Acres of valuable Land. with an [EUROPEAN AEDIOAL HOUSE Live? Complaint, Dyspepsia, ZVorvous , LONG LIFE, Corpus .1 in ‘genetal‘Manutactured and for sale by . I ‘ I Are warranted not to contain airy Mercury. F1, .. ThesePills are composed'ofi the most select 27-“ Drugs. and being purely vegetable, can be "taken at any season ef"‘tbe ’year if hece‘sbary, .with safety audflit‘bout fear of taking coldby exposure, I which reiiders,.tliem of great value and superior to",any other medicine everyet offered :to theepulolic. ' The satislhctoryandfiat- lt-rlllg testimoniald. received by that Proprietor, has induced him to advertise theseginvalueble Pills that the public may be convinced ofta simple and eflich‘cit’rus remedypi's' alone sufiie}. out to subdue and cure'the ordlnary’s‘icliine'ss 61‘ this country, such as Pains in the Head. :Bnek and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or indigestion, Sorenoss of the Threat. Cramps. Colics, Worms’in Chimp-mend other‘disero ders, which will. be found on tse wrapper-With instructions for taking them. Price, 25, Cents each 1302:. Sold by Druggjsts and general Storekeepers. __\vho areqrequesl'cil not to purchase of travelling Agents. ’ Sim»: MILLS, 'l‘uousmu. _.........;_J.A.__A __.__~'__Ac,,-_ m, ,, i HE Subscriber is instructed 'to offer for‘ Sale the following Lands :â€" ' The west halfoftbc north balfof Lot No, 529 Excellent Mill Site. Theiebn. Will be, sold Cheap, fer Cash. i“. ‘ A 1.30. The northhalf of‘Lot No.‘ 13,,inntbe lei; “CON. OF ‘ SYDENHAM, Coiltaining‘lOO-Acres of choice' I..and~.â€"â€"‘\vell Watered and in a “good locality,- and will be sOltl on liberal terms. ‘ i - W‘ ' ALSO, A. Village '11: 011 Temperance Street. in the ' THOMAS MAYOR. ; {miceâ€"whilstorie » Square; “if Manufaclory-Ldth 1 Con. Markham. l 1 l 1 1 A. Splendid Property .’ _ , For Sale. in the ~ . VILLAGE OI" SI’AI’.TA,'N" ' Ninth ConcDSsioiiiqf Markhan‘i, suitable for is I 'l‘ajiiierpr‘lircu er, consisting of , 1- “ ~ ' VILLAGE OF AURORA, ‘ , _ H , 1A 01.19 .Acre Lot, Containing one filth of on Acre of Land. w1tb' WM, Two 1)“..6”;,,,, .Hmmes 7am; a 1,” to); n cmnmodious [louse thereon. \h'Vcll adopted Tannery. Sevemv We, “mg. by Thirwiix for the rcsrdcnce of a genteel family wide. WM, 9 8pm,”, ,Umek running ,,,,.,')u,,,, the lot. T1118 indisputable. und,- a clear. Deed for $5110. 2% "further particulars inquire of v " i _ - 'IEIIUMA'S,,SI’EIIQIITIX " Markham Village. Feb. Ill, 11860. 60- if «12:; l ALSO, The following 4 Village I 01.2.1711 Aurora Belonging to It Muclwlli Esq, on theil’lun of‘ I _ i ' survey drawn by It. I.) 1111, I) l’.,S.. viz : 1 “1' llsical -l«‘l‘i(§ll(§. t MUSICAL li‘ltllEZNI)." a Rare , “OUI' . . i (T ' ‘ «11"A‘\" M 1 ~. Lotat the been of Road, between Lots (3 and l mnpnmo‘“ iur El 1m” um N , t 1 Should procure this 7, one quarter acre. . . . weekly l‘nbbrutinn of livery 'l'eucbcr. Von-l and Piano Forte livery l’upil. illnsic. costng but Ill Every Anmlcnr, lie-Ills a number, and Pronounced by the entire I’ress ot the Onion-try, - lu be i i ' q , '1‘111; nits-’1‘ A'Nl)‘ 01111111111131 WORK r- 01“ THE KIND IN THE “0111.3?” " 1111712 0‘ I" ,1 tr, ' ! . . . . A ' ég (yr DP 'LOZ'S "l'welvo full-sized Pages of Vocnlnnd- I'luno ()n the principal Streets of Aurorn, belonging Fin-Io Willrii' for 1() Cents. , e lo Jill)" MOSH)" Ehll‘Fâ€"“I'” he “I” d cheap and Yearlt',$5-; llulf-Vcnriv.$‘2 50; Quarterly» 1.2-5 .111 libernrlerms. i, ' - ‘ ’ ' ' r Apply to [if by letter. post paid] W. h‘IOSlJCY. , * Land A gout and Convey-incur. Aurora, March 1, 1560. ' lief-1b Lot No. 1. west of Railroad. 211d range, one ,1 quarter acre. \ ,- - ' avery l mu“, livery Sinner Lot No. 9. ‘2 11d rangeuonc quarter acre. ' h ' Lot No. 17, let range, 0110 quarmr acre. I\ll of which will be sold cheap and on liberu terms. , ALSO. .1 ~ H. Subscriber to "’ Our Mn.»ica‘l Friend"? ‘d‘r order it from 1b». nearest 1\o\\'.~‘llt~.nlcr, and yu will have Music for your entire tam,in slang: insignificanu'ost; audit i'ou‘ want” Milsib‘l'oh‘ the Flute, Violin. (Joint-t, Clarionct. Accordion (kc. the submribe to the . Solo: 'Meiodisdy“ Continuing IZZ pages. (‘nxlil‘lg mi|_\ Ill (fonts a number; Ycatl)’. .62 511; .llall-yearly. $1 93.» l .All back nmnlmls at Ill rm. and Humid Volumes. containing 17 numbers, at $11 50 each. constantly on hand. (1. SEVIIIOIIII “are; .5", I’ll‘l'Sussml 511.. Now York, 111 unis. . , MAYOR’S a 3 Fire: 1 ." CONDITION PHYSlC l W pg]; 1.; R 'Ié‘irc Insurance Company“ of Toronto. W O R M DR S T R O Y E II. rFI‘I IS Splendid Medicine can be given in]: _ one Ball at any time of the rear. without 1 injury to the Horse. and has bowf used bv moi I’m-111ch of Markham fer the last two years- with a success unprecedented. By the use Of l this remedy it Will convince the owners of that l noble animal the inconsistency of 1111 unneces- sary outlay by using Artificial food or Condition Powders. which are too wellknown to contain minerals highly injurious to the membrane or coating~ of the Stomach. The Bull is 11' compound of Pure Vegetabo, and warranted not to contain either Mercury. Arsenic. Anti- mony or any other Mineral. Its innncdiaio action is surprising and the ultimate effect has astonished thousands. If the Animal is out of sorts, there is a-canse remove that and he is all right. One (1050 at the cost of 25 cents is suflicicnt to cure llide Bound. Loss of Appe- tile, Coughs. Colds and Fever. Distemper. Stoppego of Water. Swelled Legs. Greascmnd is a complete Destroyer of Worms, a grezitpuri- f_\'er of the Blood, and a good Physic, always IBLIOICI'OHA'I'I’J) HY ACT 0!“ l'.l,lll.l\l\ll..’\'l‘. -â€"â€"~_..._ CAPI'IL‘IL .s'f/‘our, £100,000, l. C. (lumen, l‘res. [ Lino Micnu..Vice l'ru. DIRECTORS : liicc Lewis. Esq. James Henry. Esq. , '1'. I’. liobni‘ts, l‘lsq‘. M. Itossin,’ 'I‘jsq. | Bernard H nldau, Esq. Secretary .3. 'l‘roosnrsn ' tAngus Morrison. I‘ll-q. b'ulicltur. Bank of Upper Canada. [Jim/rum. Bl njnmin Switzcr, lusq. Inspector. 'I‘bos, I'lawortb, lfisq. ' W. Henderson. lusq. W. Moclarlanc. Esq. ‘ 11:5" Haul (Mica. Church h‘tr'c’c‘t. Toronto. ‘51; 'I‘Ius COMI'ANY_ lusures : all deddi-iptiomof lluildings,Manul'riclorics. Mills. did. and Goods and Furniture. in the same. against loss ordain- 111:0 113‘ lire. on liberal terms}? Losses promptly recommended to be given in the Sprng and lwllled- Fall, which will act as a previlntive midun- A. LA \V, prove the general condition. Makes him com- Residence, (;(§iyer;,l-‘g(t1yt. plately uplo the mark for his work, thereeby Riclnpond Hill August, 13, 1857f gill-l givmg every satisfaction the owner can require. m 'l‘estimouials of the highest character will be forwarded to‘ testify to the above if required. Cash Termsâ€"One Dollar per packet containing four Balls. Letters, prepaid enclosing a remitteuce, will be promptly attended to. Printed Directions wrapde round eat-l1 Hall with my signature in full. without which none other are genuine. Officeâ€"Victoria Square. concession Markham. like aluminum, EVE-RY» FRIDAY MORNING: And despatcbed to Subscribers bytlie'. axliest I, In ails. or‘lother conveyance. when so esircdl The YORK HERALD :will.‘ alivays be' be found to contain the latest and most impor- tant Foreign and l’rovipcial News and Marc hem. and the groatekti‘cnre will‘lfetukcnto render it acceptable totbcman of business. and a valuable Family Newspaper. Mniiiifactoryâ€"4111 THOMA S MAYOR The only maker of the original Yorkshire DriIIiold Oils in America. til) A"=FFLICT-ED READ-"l '1‘15llth/IS.â€"-Sevm1aud Sixpencep-erAnnum,'ni‘ 5‘ I ADVANCE ; and if not paid within‘Three\F Months two dollars will be charged. 1 V i RATES OF ADVERTISING : AND Botanic BispenSm‘y: No. .51, KING S'ruuur'r. ’l‘ouos'ro, C.VV. “Mines “"1! 11.11F16T7fi"§1 I’lstil'lIQ‘lu “)300 50 . , ESTABLISHED BY lunch subsequent Insertion . .3 . . . . . . . .‘ .' [Ni 12* ‘ Ten lines and under, first inscriiolh. . . . 00 75 Above ten lines. first 111.. per line.... 00 (17 132111111 subsequen-tiirsert‘rmig pe’rllnc. ‘. at?“ 0‘2 1 IE? Advertisements wnhout written direrâ€" ' lions inscrtedtill forbid. and clrurgempccord-l?" iIIgly. ‘ Dr- GOODING, (formerly of England. NEW. SPEEDY, AND MOST SUC- CESSFUL mode of treating Debilz'ty, Alamo-mus or I‘Vasting Con- sumption, Semmol Weakness, Das- cascs of the Kidney/s aml Bladder Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt Rheum Mercurial, Chronic Complaints, 15-8 [13’ No charge for Advice. Du. Goomse is now engaged in treating this All transitory advertisements, from strangch or irregular customers, must be paidfor when handed in for insertion. ' 1 liberal discountwill be made to parties ado, vettisinghy the your. ' All advertisements published for- a less pe-" riod than one month. must be paid for in ad- Vance. ' ‘ "tl the most astonishin suc-i . r .; Class ofifgzligéiiggnl, adopmd by him “gnaw Allzle'tters addressed. to the Editor must he ‘ cess' ' ' i ’ post; paid. it is based upon scientific principles. with new discoveredremedics, without minerals or pois~ _ ons. The lacilities of cure are such, that pati- ienls can. be cured at their own houses without. expense. in any part of the country. from an accurate description of their case by letter. No paper discontinued until all ai’reai'uges-anl‘ paid ; and parties refusing papers without pay-- ing up. will be held accountable forthe sub» scriptlou. ‘ 'TIiI: roux HERALD AA A- -. I , r“ DR.“ D. ‘E'.i_sr-:YMOUR,. HOM (EOPATHIC PHYSICIAN.) by mail or express. is ten dollars. . .. Beware qf Jroposzlzon. _ Beware of empirlcs and itnmraut calf-styled} prefers-Stirs, . who,'_A'r1§qurT _'CliRk.‘S, but never? succeed. Dr Amos 31. Son have for a long,r series of years been engaged in an extensive practice in . the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints. or from whom genuine European remediescan he obtained. Puasoss IN ANY PART on THE Won”) may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with «remittance for Medicines, &c.. which, will be returned with the utmost dispatch and secure from obser- vatiou. I ‘Address Dr. Amos Se SON. corner Main and, Quay streets. Buffalo, N. Y. 46-13- . . - " ‘ > " ' ‘ and have the medicine sent thorn by mail or under his left ear, ‘Just,t_ropble you with I P- CROSBY! . .. exbwsa I i . 1 “"139 i" ‘ " "‘MPOR/rau of Dry Goods, Groceries, NERVOUD mm“? YT l ’ Young men who are troubled With weakness 1 l l enerallv caused by a bad habit in youth. the , I I Efibcts of which are dizziness. pains, forgelful- RDERS for any of the undermentionedl ness, sometimes a ringing in the ears. weak description of'l’LAd‘N and FANCY JOlls eves. weakness of the backpand lower extreme- ‘ W UKK \Vlll be promptly attended to :.-- tibs. confusion of ideas. loss of memory, .with BOOKS, FANCY Bums» “awn-s, ‘CAV‘R,,,,_ LA,le ‘ 1nela1.choly,,may bs cured by the New Botanic A“) SMALL PDSTEKS’C;RWLARS‘ LAW mums. Remedies' ‘ ‘ 1 1311.1. iIuAns,qux cuucxs.DIIA1-‘1's.ss11 ‘ COUNTRY .PA TIENTS. ,, A ,, ,, H L, ., 5, Medicines with full directions sent to any part ‘ , And we“, Guiâ€"m, kind 0,. ‘ of the United States or Canada. by patients , I . 1, ,.~ : '1 v p 1 V ‘1 _ communicating their symptoms by letter... LETTER_PRESS FRINTIAG ' ' dunc‘e strict] ' confidential ., , . . 5. , , Busmess correspon ) ’ done In the best style. at moderate rates...“ Y . Address, - w v . . Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely DR' 60041” N bit-4 lnew and of the latest patterns. A large variety 5N°- 51 Kingfilrt’sldllmt, '1'01'01110, C. 1V- :' of ne'wiFuncy Type and Borders.‘for Cards, 'I‘oronte‘.iFebruury ll, 1:110. 63 Circulars. 61:0. kept always on build. f. Ky. .. |. Book and Job l’niutiai EIS'I‘ABLISV-MENT. . Wines, Liquors, Hardware. 8m; :«Iv‘ MAIN STANEWMARKE'I‘, UQC'. 65-1 , Richmond Hill. June1859. '3 -‘ ’ 1' Ant Ilris-hman having Idst, “always, ' a friend of his recommendcdghim to one ,e’f our famous Oculists, with whoni he agreed to give ten 'guineas foria very beautiful one shOwn him amongstllthe "rest. ' He actually called the next day lo-abuse him for having sold him an eye mth which he couldfiot see. I- :_ 71+ ' * b The 11:;le Shop'l‘eelller "Wi‘-filed“ 1A1 meets at Brother .ltobert \Viseman s. . p t f 4 JEWELER, &C. y an o . woman steal Ing aJar of whiskey Masonlc Izlall. the first Friday evening af'sr will do well to call Inutime. All letters, to be r . _, . ., p and dealing; a Jar offiwahteffiqits placq,; 413.9. Fullhlpen in eacbrmontb. I , gzvpuid, and add”.ng to ‘ ’1 a H m , ‘ .Yonge Street, Aurora. described horas speaking agsjrgnge dialcilr, ' Dr‘ricmi‘s linker ’â€".-'\1Villiarrf\ Dunc'an,’ ” , I, sS'N'I'i)ER*"iKl‘h-femfi3hI, Jewehv' watches and'CIOCks mp3,.th and, “uth EnghSh “or his“; unwilling” Said Mute, ' L. Chamberlain, Dequ Mflsmr ; J' [15" NO CURI“. NO PAY. oleaucd on the shertest notice and lowesttflrms he had reason to complain of the jar-son) Munhollana. Secretary j lVJ’ogue. 'l‘reusurert. ‘ , . . January 21, 1858 38- August 6, 18.38 Aurora, Iobruary 17, 11560. Gil-tr Ill-Gm .. V..__~.,*-._ we» saw. some r SDIIINGHILL. “‘3 doors west Vof King Post "Ofiice. 'V " Knig‘. May. 13., 1859: V4 1 "to a; . Sick‘andnying. 0f the 7th concession of l Vaughaiipnear Klinebn'r'g‘h. guarrantees I u p ‘77,, to cure "‘â€"" » , . - a . 1 ,p. HUGH CAMPBELL “gamers, Imlarged‘ .Wecks} " ~V , p, , 9 And murmur“Diseases.are“...mowing; AVatch an Clock Maker, 24-] y n». _. “a? A, i ’ Richmond Victor-1:1,. OY'AI. ORANGE LODGE; No? 's. y A. . w; under either of the above mentioned Diseases, ‘61-1‘

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