Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 10 Aug 1860, p. 4

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312:3::11:; . .:. .c L , ,.,, HYMN OF THE IIARVESTICRS. We gather them iiiâ€"the bright green leavesâ€"â€" With our scythes and rakes toâ€"day, And the mow grows big, as the pitcher heaves His left in the swelt’ring bay. 0 he .' a field! for the mower’s scythe, 0 Bath :1 ring as of destiny, Sweeping the earth of its burtheu lithe, As it swung in wrathful glee. We gather them iiiâ€"the nodding plumes Of the yellow and boarded grain, And the flash of our sickles’ light illumes ‘Cu‘r march over the vanquished plain. Anon, we come with the steed drawn carâ€"- The cunning of modern laws . And acres stoop to its clanking jar, As it rocks its hungry jaws. “'e gather them rn-â€"the mellow fruits, From the shrub, the vine and the tree, “’ith their russet, andgolden, and purple suits, '1‘0 garnish Olll' treasury. 1 And each has a juicy treasure stored, All a’noalh its tinted rind, To cbrer our guests at the social board, V\ non we leave our cares behind. 'iVo gall. :r them iiiâ€"this goodly stem-n , But not with the nriser’s gust, For the great nil-rather we adore, ‘Hath given itbut in trust: Audrour work of death is but for life, . In the wintry daysto comeâ€"â€" y Thanh blessing upon the r'oapoi’s strife, And a shout at his Ilarvost Home. 3, lirullurnaru, He that '--, .ows useful things, and not he that knows many things is the wise man. \Vhy is the letter S like a sewing ma- chine Iâ€"Bccause it makes no: lles med- less I. It is curious that some learned dances, because they can write nonsense in dead languages, tlritrk themselves better than men who can talk sense in living ones. Why is a trader hearted person like a housekeeper with little. furniture lâ€"Bc- cause he is easily moved. “ \Von’t that boa constructor bite me ?’ said a little boy 10 a showmzm~â€"“ Oh, no, boy; he never bitesâ€"â€"lre swallows his wittles wholc.’. If your solé’ object for repro‘ving a wrfe is to itnprovi: her, ake care of thc lcnlpt'r with which you repruve. Bad tcmpter in the ICpt‘OVUt‘ is pretty sire to produce its offspring in the reproved. There is a yelling, lady at. Catnberwull so refined in her language that. she never uses the word “ blackguard,” but substi~ tutes “African sentinel.” Never meet trouble half-way, but let him have the whole walk for his pains. ‘iféry likely he may give up his visit in eight 01 the house. Time weighs \vcarily upon most men's minds. The days seem too long. But most of the expedients for shortening a man’s day shorten his days. “I have gone into the silk business,’ said a man to his neighbor.~“ So I sup- posc,’ replied the other, " for I saw you reeling all day yesterday.’ 'flead’iiigva'rsporting paper, a lad found theletters 17R. (Prize Ring), and asked what they I‘naaut. The old gentleman reâ€" plied, “ Pugnacious Iluflianism.’ A hint, A widower, who wishes to get married again, must buy his departed wife a beautiful monument. This succeeds ii:- variably. It is said (tithet French“ ladies, that tlr'gitifondness‘ foreffect runs, to such ex- cess, that widows who have lost their hus- bands, practise attitudes of despair before a lookinglass. If good people would but make good- ness agreeable, and smile instead offrown- ing. in their virtue, how many would they wirr to the good causc! “A fop is the tailor’s friend and his own foe.’ Not always. Sometimes-11813 his own friend, and the tailor’s foe. “Better to be alone than in bad corn- pany.’ True; but, unfortunately, many persons are never in such bad company as when they are alone. The fwllowing is an alarming evidence . of the t‘ otographic art:â€"â€"A lady, last Wick. had her likeness taken by-a photo- graphist; and la: executed it so well that tier l-aIsband prefers it to the original. The Rev. Mr. Blunt, at a meeting itr London recently, saidâ€"“N it. long ago, a woman had taken him in lit a piteous story that her husband had not hada day’s work for six months. It was true, {or he was a night. watchman. The influence of woman either good or evil in the, hean and mind of men, is onnrtpotent. Vain are the strug- gles to resist it. In misfortune, it tempers the energies; in prosperity, add“. grace to them. A man who covers himsel.~ wub costly apparel and neglects his mind, lilrg o; .3 who illustrates the outside or his house. and sits within in the dark. “ Ask thy purse what tit 11 shouldest buy.’ “’9 asked ours, the outer day, what we should buy. But li‘igio, most preversly, didn't answer “ buv.’ “ I am glad yon‘iarc going to stay here to tea this afternoon, said a little boy to a lady visitor 0." his maternal parent. “ Why so, my boy '2’â€"â€"â€"“ Cause we always get crumpcts, when there’s company to tea.’ - Euswcll “aspire-day complaining that lie was sometimes doth .Jl'sz,‘said Lord Kames. “ Homer sometimes nods.’ Bos- well being too much elzrtec with his lord~ i ship added, “Indecti, sir, :3 is the only chance you have of resembling IIomrr. meme- for l N\ /W\~WV'~/\ AJ\_/ \./'\4 \fo ,\.r~..: \1\ In .~ , WALTER B. GEIKIE, Ml). Licentiate Qfl/LwdhdfC/llBoll/'1] Qf Upper Cana- (111, and i'cccntff/ one If the film/[mil qflicc'rs ' of the Toronta (follow/If III/splint, and I Professor Q/"AmIlomy mu! Surgery in Dr. Kelp/L’s Medical School, ELIAS returned to AURORA. and re-takou Jl. his former residence. on Yonge Street, where Ire may be consulted at all times, on the ' various branches of his profession; y Aurora, Feb. 24, 1860. (55-3'1 NEW TAILOR SHOP. I'III'IE undersigned begs respectfully to inform L the inhabitants of Richmond Hill is Vicinity That he has commenced business in the Tailor Iugl..1ne iu the house adjoining MR. SIVEIES’ SHOE SHOP, .â€"â€".m intramural”, Where, by close application to business and for studying to please, Ire hopes to merit a share of public patronage. A LL ORDERS Garments cut to order on the shortest notice, in any style. ‘ I‘UNCTUAI.LY ATTENDED T0. JAMES B. BURL“V , Richmond Ilill.1“eb, Ill, 1860. 'Dr, 0.. LLQYD, SURGEON itEN'I'lS'i', V The 1st Thursday of every Month at 1101- land Landing. The Sad 'Illiursdny at King Station. The 3rd -'l'hursda_v ’at Richmond Hill. The 4th 'l‘bursday at Gorniley‘s Corners. At all other times the Doctor can be found at his residence, in Aurora. Julie ‘29. 1‘60. as, TILL be at the following places for the Practice of his Profession : 83-1y ‘ Auction Notice. I ‘ THOMAS BOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR 'rnr: COUNTIES OF YORK & PEEL. All letters addressed to “Almira.” P.O. wil receive prompt attention. Orders received a the “ York lloraid” ()flicii, Richmond H2111 Mr. Henry Lemon, 'l‘hornhill. and Mr, James (Savannah, Mansion House, Sharon, where Terms, 31c. nray be obtaieed. Almira, Nov. ‘25. 1859. GQvtf 1 arcrrnono HILL, GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. OOD Accommodations and every attention shown to 'l'ravellors. Good Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Ilorses and Studs. The Monthly Pair held on the Premises first Wednesday in each month. The Subscriber in calling the attention ofthc public and his Old Friends to his establishment, feels satisfied be can administer comfortably to their wants and willr mutual satisfaction. CARDING & GRISTINC, where parties from a distance can have it done to take with them on tllOiI‘t'Otul‘llllOntf‘. Almira, May 13, 1859. 24-tf. Cheap Cir-aching. 11ESubscrihcrbcgs to inform theinhabi- tantsof Buttonvillo and the surrounding country, that he continues to make first-class 00.11 Ts. VEST "', 12ml“ ‘8. 65'6- ship. All orders promptly attended to and work warranted. JOHN HARDY. ‘ ' Tailor a’nd Clothior. Buttonville, Doc. 23, 1859. 55-1)‘ ANGLO-AMERICAN [loosed HABKHAM VLLAGJ. OOD Accornmodations. “'ines, Liquors and Cigars oftho choicest brands. R. MARR, Proprietor. Markham, .lune 18.30. QG-tf miticiiuoxo 1...... aorta?“ ,, STAGE runs from the above 110th to a Toronto, every Iriorning, starting from tho Elgin Mills at 7. a.m,__ and returning a: 7, pm. Fare, 2s. 6d each way. 000!) ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHOLLS, Richmond Hill. Dec. 18, 18.78. 1-55 HALF-WAY llti‘USE, Illflllll’lflltl} HILL. 11 E Subscriber begs to inform his numer- ous Patrons and the public, that 110 has removed from the White Swan Hotel to th'tts,~ above Premises, where there will be found excellent accommodation for 'l‘raveliers, and Good Stablin‘g. [13" llorscs and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GARY, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. 9.9., 1858. 72-7 \l'. IIODGE & Co. f v . - I Y “ I [IOLESALE and Retail Copper, Im ' and tron Plate \Vorkezs, and ll‘urnishiuiz lromnougers, Parties givrngthis house a call will find their orders pnnernallyattended to and the lowest prices charged. Richmond llill, Dec. 18.58. 54-1 .3 . VERNEY, Esoot and. Shoe Hatter, YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL. Ladies’ and Gentlcnrens’ Boots and Shoes. made after thelatost styles. December 18-58. 1- m I:- , ,- Rict Victoria, I OYAL ORANGE LODGE No. 778, ,J meets. at Brother Robert “Imam-ans, Masonic Hall, the first» Friday evening after the Full Moon in each month- Orr'rcrzits Emacr â€"â€" William Duncan, f Master :‘ E. Chamberlain. Deputy Master ; J. * Mnnhollano, Secretary ; IV. l‘ogno, 'I‘rcasurer. Aleutuary '31, lific‘ 38- maceutc serrate about, Richmond Hill, April 20, 1860. 73â€"tf GO TO B. BOWMAN’S MILLS! w I? II r o o It III the newest Styles and superior \Vorkman- . Proprietor. - ‘ 99 KING sr. OR TO EXCHANGE. ]0 ACRES OF LAND in the Town- . ship of Sun nidale, county ufSl'ttCtle, being west balfof Lot No. 4, in the (lib con- cession. Also, 100 Acres in tho satire Town- 63'lb' ship, lid-ing west half of Lot No. 7, in the 8th concession. The above property is covered with very valuable Pine Timber, and hrs within half a mile ot'the Sunuidale Station on the Northern Railway. ' For further particulars apply to the proprie- tor ofthe “ York Ilerald ” Oliice. Richmond Hill. June 2'2, 1880. “Orâ€"Xinrifncf R. VAILES, Painter. GRIINEEE, Glazier. Glitter, at Battier Hanger, RICHMOND HILL. 1 OUSE, Sign and Ornamental Painting done on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Richmond Ilill, April, 20, 1860. hi A 'i‘ T H E IV L E P P E R, AURORA, AS just received a new and full assortment 1 of Spring and Summer cargooos The llittluery Ilepartuteut! Will be found replete with the newest and most Fashionable Styles of Bonnets, Hats and Capes, All of which will be Sold at the lowest remuner ating prices. Aurora, April ‘37, 1900. 74-tf SHINGLES ma SALE. ill-IINGLES that are Shinglesâ€"titres to the b inchâ€"and each bunch warranted to lay a square, Also, Seasoned Flooring & Sitting, For Sale in large or small quantities and will “LANI’JD to order, IIL‘ I Guanoxn. Attended to as usual, with despatcli and at low prices. I ' II. & J. HARRISON. Qud Con. Markham, Plank Road, near Richmond Hill, April 27. 17360 74-3m New Boot and SERGE Store 1N BU'I‘T'ONVILIJL‘. 11E Subscriber returns his thanks to the public for past support and begs tostcto that he has retrieved into the Village of Buttouvllle, where he Hopes for a continuance of the pa- tronage heretofoi e givrrn him. All orders executed with despatch and work warranted. _ DAVID GA LLO\VAY, Buttonville, Nov. 11, 1850. 5011y 'sets and Partial sets of teeth. I Photographs ! Ambrotypes I MELANICOTYPES l LFTTERGRAPHS, &C. All styles of Pictures taken at t e Medien 1, Ha“, Markham, On reasonable terms, and in all weathers. Pictures taken from the smallest to life size. I. C. DUNIIAM. Markham Village, Oct. 14, 1859. 46-t W. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist, EAST. SOUTH SIDE, THIRD \VI-iS’I‘ FROM CHURCH ST. TORONTO, is the Proprietor of Oliver’s Patent for ap- plying Electricity, to prevent pain in ex- tracting teeth; and also of an Apnrntns for manufacturing Vulcanite Rubber I’Iates for Teeth mounted or otherwise to suit the necessity of DOOR on Gold the case. Toronto, August 27, 185:). 48-1)" -___“~' v~‘_~â€"M MATHESUN 86 FITZGERALD, Barristers, Attorneysâ€"at-Law, SOLICITORS 1N CI'IALVCERY, &c. orricr. CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over \Vhiimore &. Co’s. Banking Oflice, TOROHTO- Agency Partlcu/or/g/ (11167sz to. 1,... THOMAS GI. MATH I‘ZSOS. JAMES FITZGERALD Toronto, July I, 153.“, 31-tf JOELEW N. REID, DID. cum-nu or YONGE Atx‘l) CULBORN sruxsrs, TIIORNIIILLf V 113° ’ ll Prescriptions got at the Oflice must be paid for on delivery. 31-13" To the Sick and Dying. A, R.,SNIDER, of the 7th concession of Vaugltan,1tear Kliueburgh, guarrantees to cure Canon's, Enlarged JVccks 82-tf 73-tf . W “l ‘Gii'énéioéti S’cbrel,irl FARMERS! INTEREST. AT AURORA- i l T11 E Subscriber has constantly on hand a General Assortment of ‘ GIROCEERHEIS; HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, duo. &c. &e. PLASTER AND SAL T, Alwats on hand, and for sale on the most favorable ternrs. WM. SMITH. Aurora, June H, 1860. 81va LANDS FOR SALE. EXCE%%.NGE. I‘IE Subscriber offers for Sale, on very reasonable terms, < lllllll it till 1 Situated in the following Townships :â€" SonrervillewCounty of Victoria, chley~County of Victoria, SydenIIIirnmCouuty of Grey,. Aural-clâ€"County of Bruce. For a portion of loose Lands superior de- scription of I'm-m Stock will be taken in ex- change. For further particulars apply to G. .1. I“. PEARCE. Richmond Hill, P.O. Canada \Vest. 79-19' June 1,1960. M»~_. ,,, TEETH irrational) wrnieur PAIN! By the use of Electricity, By Dr. E. c. EDMONDS, SURGEON DICN’I‘ISI‘, A URORA. Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcauizsd Rubber. All Operations in his Profussion. performed in the most approved manner and Warranted' Aurora, March 9, 1860. 67-1y YONGE STEELE T HOTEL, AURORA. GOOD sipply of Wines and Liquors always or hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Tnv- llors, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all bruit-ls. t‘. McLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora, June 6, 18. ‘3. 25 ly "mm **..l...~.s H“ S always on I and a large assortment of W BOOTS anc- SIIOES, which will be sold ot prices to nree; the times Richmond 11111. Dec. 18.7.8. lâ€"tt TGRGNTQ CITY Milllllhlil liltlllltb' 185 YONGE STALET. MONUMENTSTTI‘OMBTABLES Tonns'ronns, &c. Twenty Per Cent ’I‘HAN ASY OTIII‘ZR Cheaper ICS'I'AIILISIIMEN l‘. r HE UNDERSIGNICI) Assignees of the estate of D, C. «St W. YAI. 1‘1, will con tinue the business under the superintendonce of our duly enthorizcd agents Aus'rta Annizv and D, CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. I’,S.-â€"AII notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the 1st day of June, 1855, will he put into Court for collection, (7. YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29, 1859. ‘IS-tf. 15.3.: infill-illicit; m PHYSICAN, SURGEON e ACCUUCHEUH, AURORA, cw. February 17, 1860. 64 1y Auction. NOtic e . ’I‘HOMAgTVlLSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTIES 01" YORK, PEEL 8L ONTARIO. All letters addressed, MAIIKHAM VILLAGE, wil receive prompt attention. 0:}: Orders ro- ccivcd at the “ HERALD” Office. Richmond ill, whore‘tertns, &c., may be ascertained. Markham Village, Nov. 18,1850. 51-tf HARNESS AND SHOE BLACKING. V. ELL’S Superior Vt’aterproofliarnoss o and Shoe Blocking is warranted to soften leather, and rent or it imperious to wet. Manuâ€" factured at Richmond ilili, and sold by Store- keeper-s and Harness Maker's throughout the Province. February 10, 1860.- RICIINIOND lllLL IRON FOUNDRY. rl‘II 63-tf E undersigned begs to inform the public that he has opened a FOUNDRY for the manufacture of O, S. Richmond’s improved IRON BEAh’I PLOUGI’IS, Mills, Horse Hoes, & Horse Rakes- 113" All Work manufactured by me is W or- ranted. IRA B. RICHMOND. Richmond Ilill. Jan. 12,1659. HOM (EOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, MAIN ST.. NI‘T“.’)’1.‘.F.KET, U.C. DR. L. LANGSTAFF, PRINGHILL. 3 doors West of King Post Office. King, li’lay 13. ,EQC‘). 24.1,. HUG II Cf. M PEEL L, And many other Diseases. Persons labouring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do well to will in time. All letters to be paid, and address-idle PETER SNIDLR, If?” NO CURE NO PAY. August 6, 1855 Klineburgb 51-1. '3 Watch and Clock Maker, JEWE..ER, &c. Yonge Stirtet,,Aurora- Jewelrv, Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on theslmrte’st'uodce and Inwestterms Aurora, February 17, 15-60. Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs. Fanning ' i I Oil-viii ‘ r Subscriber begs to intimate to the I' THE Farmers oftho County of York. that he is prepared to Manufacture and Sell llllrll‘llll Illllllllll l \Vith the improved Draft and Coupling Irons, The above “arrows are far superior to arty now in Use. being made on an entire new principle. They will be found to do the work much quicker and better than any other I’lar- rows Specimens of the above may be seen and particulars as to price ascertainetl‘, by ap- plying to the Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond Ilill, who. will punctually attend to all orders. SAMUEL S‘ANDERSON, Richmond Hill , Feb. 24, 1860.. 5-tf Popular Medicines FOR SALE 13! C . S. LLOYD, Druggist & Dentist, AURORA. lIollowav’s Ointment lFalmestock’s Dr. E. Ilope’s Mag dol i'ngo Dr. 'I‘rask’s do do,I.udian \Vorm Ten Ur. \Vilson’s Veg do,R R R Remedya ‘ Harrison’s Electric do: 1’ Davis’ Pain Killer Morchead’s Mag plas’s; Biigg’s Mag Relief Ayer’s Pills I'Britrsh Oil ' Morse’s In Root do lHarIam do Sir Ashley Cooper’slStone do Anti~bil do Spike do l‘vloll‘art’ Life do Black do Child’s Sov Balm {Eng White do Soulvs’ do do lSciIueidcr’s eye water Poor Man’ sAuti bil iP‘filtit’S Amer Salve hilayor’s Long Life lKennedy's VVormPow- Dr. I’Iriuncy’s Painin i, der .tlotl'att’s l’henix Bit lSoper’s Salve I'Ioolland’ German l’llt‘Egyptian do Do Ba‘samic Ear” tis‘sences of all kinds Judson’s Cherry and Lloyd’s Ointment for Lurgwort Skirt Diseases Kerinott’s Tonic Mix ,lLloyd's Eye \Var’er Wister’ pulmonic syrnp‘ Lloyd‘s Horse Powders S} rup ot‘ Hoarbomsrd Lloyd’s Consentrated Boyer’s galvanic fluid ,| es of' Jamaica ginger Fowler’s ext of Straw -l Lloyd’s German horse berry I Lotion Godfrey’s Cordial Il.lo_\d’s Cough Syrup , Pirtoman’s Pect Drops Lloyd’s Tooth Powder I’aregoric lLloyd’sll‘oothache Spe- Sir T Keating’s Cough; cific Lozengors ,‘ Basaizes Cam. NIIXIUI‘Oâ€"fllt excellent remcdv for Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, «VIC. . Lloyd’s Eureka~a grand discovery : If people know its genuine worth. Diseases wo .Id be scarce on earth ; Then. why should people pain endure? \thn they can find a perfect cure. 33’ Prescriptions Aurora, June 1860. }_... l A. Bargain. Accrtralcly Comptmmlcd 8 1 Oh TO BE LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS. ,\ FRAME HOUSE, m nrlv new, with One 1’ Acre of Land attached, situated on Lot 531, 4th concession of Markham, being north west corner of " \Vonch’s Lot.” A Spring runs through it. A rare chance for a Butcher, ,Storckeeper or Mechanic. Only one quarter mile from a School-house, and in the centre of three Villages. Terms Easy and Price Low, to suit the pur~ chaser. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the prortrlses. JOHN MACEY' Markham, May 23, 1860. 77-tf STOCK BROKER, hand all llhntictpal Agent, etc. No. ‘29 Anne Street. or Box 54, P.O, Quebec. Blarnnicxcrzs : Sheriff Jarvis. Hon. George Sherwood, llon. P. M, Vankoughnet. (3,]. Campbell, Esq. T. Vv’oodside, Esq. Messrs. Gilnrour, Coulson A: Co, Angus Morrison, M,l’,l’, Toronto; Messrs, Mills, Ma‘tit'e AI (70, Montreal; llon. James Patton, Barrie; James Webster,1‘qu, Guelph. 6741" thrones dovcrtuuent Agency. " .USIN connected with the CROWN LAN!) and other Pubiic Departments attended to ; also, Pa ten. t for I II vein tion 5, Secured by tho Subscriber. r::. J. CHESLEY, No, :29 Anne Street, Quebec. 67-tf Address, prepaid, Quebec, March 6, 1860, AEEéT‘EIMA. 2 , OR the INSTANT RELIEF and PER- MANENT CURE of this distressing complaint use EEfi°§fi T73 BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES I Made by C. B. SEYMOUR & Co., 107 Nassau Street. N.Y. Price $1 per box; sent free by post. For Sale at all Druggists. QURGEON Dentirt, will be at Nicholl’s Dr. K) Hotel. Richmond Hill, the Ftns'r and TIIInIi Mommy ot every month, and, the re- mainder of the month at his residence ' Thoruhill. All WeakWnrranted. Teeth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Bor.o.â€"â€"â€"'I“his filling is put into the Tooth while soft. causing no pain, as it requires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt firmly adheres, rendering it. almostimpossiblo for the filling ever to come out. Jul-y s, 1859. 32-ly. 'W. U. @KENE, MILLWIUGIIT, eat I. TOWNE 9 EGS to intimate that he is now prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable termS' lle is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Dec 523. 1859 4 _ .. A -4.-. ,7.v7__..~_.__~_._.__._..-._ W. T. ATKINSON, & Co. IMPORTERS OF ENGLISH DRUGS, Manufactuzers of Chemicals Patent Medicines & Perfumery. APOTHECARIES HALL, OPPOSITE 'X'IIECn’I‘HEDRAL, King St. Toronto. Proprietors of Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste. ID; Every description of Horre and Cattle“. .r‘iiedicines prepared with the ber’.Eng1ish drugs. 4 Toronto, Fat-grimy 3, 1860. 'I‘oronto, August 9.7. 59.39. superior to tin, put up at 6 cents per foot ; also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, Picket Gates, Waggon Fel- lows aud Hubs, Barrel Heading, and 'llurning in general Manufactured and for sale by JOHN LANGSTAFF, STEAM MILng 'I‘Iieutvriti.1.. June 3,1859. . I 27~tf LAND FOR SALE 3 1116 Subscriber is instructed to offer for Sale the following Lands :â€" The west half of the north half of Lot No. £29 111 the 3rd Con. of blisouri, Containing 50 Acres of valuable Land, with an Excellent Mill Site Thereon. 'Will be sold Cheap, for Cash. also, The north balfof Lot No. 13, in the 131: CON. OF SYDENHAM, I Containing 100 Acres of choice Land,â€"woll Vermi- watered and in a good locality, and will be; sold our liberal terms. ALSO, A. Villages iron 8. On. 'l'emperance Street, in the VILLAGE OF AURORA, Containing one fifth ofan Acre of Land, with, a coninrodious [louse thereon. “'0” adapted for the residence of a genteel famin _ ALSO, The following 4. Village 3 ots in Aurora. Belonging to R l\_1achall,Esq., on the Plan of survey drawn by R. Lynn, 1) 128.. viz : Lot No. 1, west of Rzilroad, Qnd range, one quarter acre. Lot at the head of Road, between Lots 6 and l I. 0119 (lllfll‘lt’l‘ 11(31'0. t I tnrony or ' action is surprising and the ultimate effect has r Lot No. El, 211d range, one quarter acre. Lot No. 17, 15’. range, 000 quarter acre. [\11 of which will be sold cheap and on Iibera terms. ALSO, A number 0‘ VIII/we Lots ! (‘3 On the principal Streets of Aurora, belonging to John Mosley, l/lsq.,~â€"t\‘lll be so‘d cheap and on liberal terms. Apply to [if by letter, post paid] W. MOSLEY, Land Agent and Conveyancm'. Aurora, March I, 1800. M A r o It’ s CONDITION PHYSIC AND W O R M D E S ’1‘ R O Y E R. VIIIIIS Splendid. Medicine can be given inl _ one Ball at any time of the year, without injury to the Horse. and has been used by the Farmers of Markham fer the last two years with a success unprt crdented. By the use of this retrrotty it Will convince the owners of that noble animal the inconsistency of (in unneces- sary outlay by using Artificial food or Condition Powders, which are too wetl‘known to contain min-e‘rals highly injurious to the membrane or coating of the Stomach. The Ball is a compound of hire chetabc, and warranted. not to contain either Mercury. Arsenic, Auti- auy other Mineral. Its immediate astonished thousands. If the Animal is out of sorts, there is a cause remove that and he is all right. One dose at the co'st of L5 cents is sufficient to cure Ilide Bound. Less of Appe- tite, Coughs. Colds and It‘cvor, Distemper, Stoppage of \\"alet‘, Stveilod Leger, Grcasemnd is a complete Destroyer of \Vorins, a grcntpuri- fyer oftho Blood, and a good Physic, always recommended to ho givonin the Spring and Fall, which willact as a preventive and rm~ prove the general condition. Makes him cour- pletely upto the mark for his work, thereebv giving every satisfaction the owner can require. 'I’estimonials oftho highest character wiil be forwarded to' testify to the above if required. Cash Termsâ€"~One Dollar per packet containing four Balls. Letters prepaid enclosing a remittonce, will be promptly attended to. l’rinted Directions wrapped round eat-h Ball with my signature in full, without which none other are genuine. Officeâ€"Victoria Square, Manufactorvâ€"4th concession Markham, ' ' THOMAS MAYOR The only maker of the original Yorkshire Driflield Oils in America. (it) AFFLICTED READ!» E UROPEAN MEDICAL [[0 USE AND Botanic Bispcnsarg, No. 51, KING STREET VVI:5'r, 'l‘onos'ru, C.VV. Ics'rAIsLIs-uno 13v GOODING, (formerly of England-1 A NEW. SPEEDY, AND MOST SUC- _ CESSPUL mode of treating Livci Comp/aim, Dyspflflsfib. Afar/yous Deb’ility, Illa; ocnms or lift/sting Con- sumptimz, Semmo! IVca/rizcsx. Disâ€" cascs of the Aid/toys cued B/adrlcr Rhcmnatimb. Scrofula, Salt Jf/M'Mfll ‘ Mercurial, C/u‘om‘c Complaints, (ye [Cf No charge for Advice. Du. Genuine is now engaged in‘ troatingthis class of maladies with the most astonishing stic- cess. The treatment ad‘optrd by him is new, it is based upon scientific principles, with new - discovered remedies, without minerals or pois- ons: The lr :ilities of cure are such, that patia ie'nits can be cured at their own houses without expense, in any part of the country, from an accurate description of their case by letter, and h'a've the medicine sent thorn by mail or express. NER V0 US DEBILI’I'Y. Young men who are troubch witlr weakness generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the edicts of which are dizziness. pains, forgetful- ncss, sometimes a ringing in the ears, weak ties. confusion of ideas, loss of memory, WitlT melatcboly, may be cured by the New Botanic , Remedies. ' COUNTRY PATIENTS. Medicines with full directions sent to ally part of the United Start-s or Canada, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter,â€" Business correspondence strictly confidential, Address, i ATENT Eave Ti'oi‘ugbs and Water Spouts ' 7 0 eves, Weakness of the back and lower extrcme- ) .On Easy Texâ€"Iris of Payment. I 80,000 Acres, IlTUATED in the counties of LAMI’TON and KENT. All necessaryinformation will be given on application, post paid, to , MILES LANGSTA FF, \Vallaceburgh. Also, some improved FARMS to REN'I‘.‘ “'nllaceburgh, Nov. 94, 1859. y 52-tf Good health and Long" Life. MAYOR’S LONG- LJFE PILLS ! Are warranted not to contain any Mercury. These Pills are composed of the most select Drugs, and being purely Vegetable, can be taken at any season of the year if necessary, wrth safety and without fear of taking Cold by exposure, which renders them of great value and superior to any other medicine over yet , offered to the public. The satisfactory and flatâ€" ttring tcstii: onials received by the Proprietor, has induced bin) to advertise these invaluable ,I’rlls that the public may be convinced of a simple and eliicwious remvdy, is alone stiflici- out to subdue and cure the ordinary sickness of this country, such as I’ains in the llead. lack and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia 01' l Indigestion, Sorcncss of the Threat, Cramps, ,Coiics, Worms in Children, and other disor- lders, which will be found on tie wrapper with instructions for taking them. ‘ Price, 52:) Ccizls cock L’ox. Sold by Druggists and general Storekecpcrs, who are requested not to purchase of travelling l Agents , THOMAS MAYOR. iOIliceâ€"Victoria Square. Maunfnctoryâ€"4th Con. Markham. Our its"? istcaft Ea‘ricntt. 66.!" till MUSICAL ll‘ttllrlfis'US’ a Rare Companion for the \‘riIllL‘l' Months. livery I’iatu'st, Should pr0( ure this livery Slngcr, u'otltly Publication of f‘it‘cr'y 'l‘cacher, ‘foccl and Piano lt‘orze Every Pupil, f h’ltrsic, costing but 10 Every Amateur, Iceuts a' number, and l’ronounctd by the ermire Press ofthe country, t-‘ 1.10 “ TIIE BEST AND (,‘IIEAPICS'I IVORK ()lt‘ ’i‘lllllKlf‘xlll‘I‘i ’1‘11E‘A'URIID‘” full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano 1"orto himic for 10 Cents. Yearly,$5 ; IIall'-y'cariy,.‘};‘350; QuarterlyfiflflS Subscriber ll: "(luv Musical Friend,” 01' ordt-r it front 11" Irt‘nrwt l\'e\v.~dcaler, and you *wili have Music- for your entire family at an ‘iusignilicant cos! : and if you want blush: for the Flute, Violin. Cornet. Clarionct. Accordion 6.1:. 6;": hullH‘l'dIt‘ to the gala; Ibielflrfiififi, Containing IL) pages, costing only 10 Cents a nutrrhzir; Yearly. 50; IIalf»yearl_v, $1 '25. All back numbers at 10 cts.. and Bound 'Volunres. Containing 17 numbers, at $2 50 each, constantly on Irrrrrd. (I. ll. SIIIYMOUR at (To. 107 Nassau St.. New York Twelve It ire! 'Il‘ijt'cl i £51179! 1 .' by E S T E R N Insurance (Jottipnt: 01' ’I‘el'ott to. INCOR I‘ONA’ZI‘JI) 1* Y (7.9131 ’ILQL sit-c y A (71' 01" I'.\ 1:1.1Ar‘lllar‘i'l‘. (Toe-1;, £100,0oo. l. C. GILMOR, Pros. I ttr-;o.1\1ICIIII:,Vit-ePros. DIR 11(2'1‘Olt‘ S I , Rico Lewis, Esq. .lanrcs lfioztty. Esq. T, 1’. Robnrts, Esq. ill. lltissin, Esq. I thus; lliiwoith, Esq, \\’. Henderson, llsq. \V. Macfarlane, Esq. Bernard Ilnldan, Esq. Secret/try &- Treasurer. Angus h‘lorrrsou, EH}. Solicitor. Bank ofUpper Canada. Bunkers. Btnjamln Switzvr, qu. Inspector. 113" Hart (Miro, C/mrc/r. Street, Torah/o. ({1} Trris Comraa‘v lnsuros all descriptions of Buildings,Manufdctories, Mills, «it c.. and Goods and It‘nrnitnrc, in tiresome, against loss or dam- age by tire, on liberal tern-rs. Losses promptly settled. rt... LAW, Gorrernlrtgont. gill-l ’tesidence, Richu-ond Iiill August 13. 18:37. IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And dcspatched to Subscribers by the earliest1 mails, or other conveyance, when so desired, The YORK HERALD will always be be found to contain the latest and most impor- tant Foreign and Provincial News and Mar. Lots, and tho greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable tothe man of business, and a valuable l'lnrnili Newspaper. 'I‘ERh'IS.â€"~Soven and SixpenceperAnnum, 1N AlivAM‘n; and if not paid within Three Iouths two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Six lincsnnd under, first insertiou.. . . .$(l(150 Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . .. (10 1:23. l‘en lines and under, first insertion. . . . (Ill 75.}, Above ten lines, first in., per line.... (1007 Irinch subsequoutinsertion, perlinc. . . . U” 02 11:? Advertisements wrthout written direc- tion> inserted till forbid, and charged accord-- ing‘l'y. Adi transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular customers, must be paid for whorl handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to par ties tid- vertrsing by the year. All advertisements published for alcss pe- riod than one month. must be gluid for in ad- vanes. All letters addressed to the Editor Innst be‘ post paid. . N0 paperdiscontinue f until allnrrcaragesar.. paid : and parties I‘et'trs.4;=fg papers \vitlrout,pav-‘ mp up, will be held at. wuntable forthe subi scriptiou. TIIE YO}; It: H ERA Ll) Ecol; and, ob Printing ES ‘1‘; BLISMENT. RDEBS for any of the underincntionpdi description 0. PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK Will be p‘. omptly attended to :â€" nooKs, Fancy 1:11.15, canns, LAIth ANIISMALI. rc 't'IiRS,CII\CU1,ARS,I.A\VFORMS, B[1.t'.HEA1)S.HANK cHr:cRs,'rs, AM) ’PA M-PHLETs. 1"‘ql‘lI’ISS And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING [i done in the best style, at moderate rates. DR. Goontx-G, ' , No. 51 King Street \Vest, Toronto C, ‘W. l (i Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely: new and of the latest patter-us. A large variety- ofnew Fancy Type and Borders, for Cards, ICirculars, I‘Lc. kept always on hand. ,n. X

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