Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 17 Aug 1860, p. 1

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haunt. Lâ€"w_â€"â€"“_: :2 ._4- i.);__ f.:;'. I. 7 :C;:._Z:: :: :::'_:__._...V" V 7 1 THE MAR'I‘YRS OF SCOTLAND. There was gladness in Zion, her standard was ‘ flying Free o’er her battlements, glorious and guy, And fair as ' the morning, shone forth her adorning, And fearful to fees Was her godly array. There is mourning in Zion, her standard is lying Defiled in the dust -to the Spoiler a prey : Aadth‘e voice of the keepers walls OVUX‘ the eleopu's, The martyrs of Scotland that now away. are The good have been taken. their place is for- saken, The man-and the maiden, the green and the '8‘)” Add now there is wailing and sorrow pie- veiling, For the best of her children are weeded Q‘Wayv The hue of her waters is crimsoned with alnughters, The blood‘of the martyrs has reddened the clay, And dark desolation broods over the net-on, For the {sithful have perished, the good are away. 0. the mountains of heather they Ellltnlie , together, 0n the wastes of the moorland their bodies decay ; flow sound in their sleeping. how safe is their keeping, Though far from their kindred they mo older away. Their blessing shall hover their children to eever, Like the cloud of the desert, by night and by day ; Their names shall not petish, their aims let us cherish, The Martyrs of Scotland away. that new are illitniiliiii. D _-_M_._ B" ONKE‘I AND WHAT IT GAINED EXi’EitIiiill‘i‘l‘fi BY TANNIIC STEVENS BRUCE. " Dear child !' chimed in momma. ‘ Poor old sis !’ cclioctl Frcd. ‘ Do you think you could cndurc R0 give up Newport and go up country for a short timc?’ itSlt’Ctli papa. kindly; ‘wc Would try and find as pleasant a placc as possible for you. Would you consent to it -â€"-to go to your Uncle John’s, for instance l‘ ‘Iâ€"-Iâ€"-â€"supposc I would, if I tnust.’l replied, by a grout cll'orti bringing the tours into my cst; ’it would bc a shocking till‘FllQC for mo. and lâ€"Iâ€"doti’t think I could own (IO anything with the tloukcy; but then, ifâ€"it it's ltL’CtJSSHt'y I will try and reconcile myself to it ;’ and here l did manage to execute tWo Very effective sons. It is quite unnccossury for mc relate the conversation which untied; it is enough that I tell you. by consunniizitc skill. . coiiti'ivcd to iir"'li‘s'2ge every thing to my own mind, even to the csnnping n conli- dcntii‘il tctc-a-tctc with Gustave; iiild llic tliird dny Sitw inc fairly started for Bccclilicld form. accou'ipziiiicd by my waitingâ€"n'iaid, three huge ti'aVclliug trunks. andâ€"- a donkey. I quite took Unclc John and his family by surprise, but the sur- prise did not seem an unpleasant one; and the welcome they gave me would have satisfied the most exacting nature in the World. hly good, kind Uncle .Iohnl it fairly brought tears into my eyes. the manner in which be folded mo in his brawny arms, brushcd the hair i'rom my dusty torcheiid, say- Ing. the while, very wistfullyâ€" ‘You liaVe my brother’s look. my girl ; my own brother 'I‘l‘ionnis’ free, open look. I should have known you any \tlicrc.’ The aunt, whoml could hardly “remember, echoed heartilyâ€"â€" ‘You are right, John; and We are, glad to see you child, both for your own sake and your (Icnt' father’s; while my cousins, Mary and Ettie, came forward with n grace which many a druwiiigâ€"rooni queen might have cnviod, and t 0 ~railcd their swwt red lips to mine, for the kisses I was so proud to bc- Itow Upon them. vIt Was a dear, delightful nook. Val this qmct form. ticStlctl so *dtintily at the foot of hiin hills ; :i f-pIacc after my own heart, and I felt a thrill of free, \Vlltl glitdncss "eurge through my soul the moment my foot touclicd its borders. There was no lofty nninsion nfâ€" «Vter the French, Grchn or English Cluudius’ __ _.._’ #Wm' _. A... “AURORA v,“ .,i,\>,.\ _,\V,\ 7 VV ALEX. AND -» \.’“~/\\/‘\/â€"r‘/\ rva‘ - / VWW’V me SCOTT, Proprietor. Vol. M. No. 38. RICHMUMSI And then my chamberâ€"oh! I have always remarked that but you should have seen tlintlgliicrc nt'c pixâ€"iilv enough ways to not it set. Many all'aiir, WilliEat-compliin 'IIIéCIIICI. whore onc‘: Velvet tarpet, -uinbrous liiiiigiiigs,iii'iiiitl is bent on lindngr them; so illltl “16%|”! lurillluma 1’. lilitt‘euis a matter of course, I did not where the very iiir would oppress mm, but a cool, spacious room with walls ol dcliciitc grccn. curliiins of snowy \i‘liilcncss, and it fresh sninlcd lloor. Tlicrc Was a cnpncious lirc- long wait for an opportunity to put my boyilcii.sli Scheme into execu- tion. And this is how it wasâ€" Sittintr nlonc in my cliiiiiibci', out,- ' latc al'tcrnoon in the cnrlv port of place, too, \tiiicli promised wcll,Scptunibcr, I heard Aunt Rachel's for the chilly season. but now lillcd voice at the but-1,400,; with mountain Uthl'gI'CCII; :i high: ‘Joniitbanl Jonathan !’ sho culled oldâ€"fashioth bcd, wliosc Very till-iâ€"(I have spoken of my tintth its pcdrittltn: gaivc rest to the Vi'cziry‘Jolin, his real iisiinc was Jonathan.) “tidy ; a IIII)’ itlllail-iillllc bearing l) ' yuu get the “lolusscs “the” you Bible and Viiso of choice llowci‘s,l\t-;ls down 10 it“; viilugc this and :1 large lazy-looking rocking-E“ml-“mg't’ cliuir, bcmdcs other articles ncccs-I [did not hear the reply, bttt pro- Silly ‘0 ever." bull’s "(’“lm'l- 1biblscnlli' the good woman exclaimed, although these disappointments in a firm], {curried “me... plcuscd me not it little, I think I ~Oh, now, that's toobod! To- dci'ivcd mostsatisfaction from n iiicc- mm~.,,w‘s mtdnwdfly‘ and not ;, |,\‘-UXCtIUlUtl Willy 0i Murilltfb‘ Mitâ€" drop of molasses for the Sunday’s doini which hung just (War the Hill" limits and pudding ’ I row mnntlcpiccc, .ind the two (loop «\VU“, We”, mmhcr,’ returned windows. Those bright, \Vltledicr husband, advancing towards windows, looking out Upon [Ito‘ij (1mm .dmp, lo, ,‘j‘m, ,muhp, “USN-Tl“ Slit, Will] “1ch dl'illiill,’5 “fl you. for Jock can take the ponv nnd lUXIH‘WUI “'“mllmlca “ml We “idlin down for sonic in a twiiikliiig.â€"â€"â€" zipplc trcc, “itch: llic IOItltlS cuiiic ’ You boar, Jock l’ ' every morning, to slindc tlicni, ~YUS, Sir] Pmme Will” H .i”." ll“? “WU ‘0 “"3! ll”W.tlic boy, who stood before a rough for the picturc tlicv prcsciitcd ltilt,‘,,,,ui{,-,(,m- [he WCILSWCUU, was” any tltllllll‘tllg gaze, and how littlcimu his papa ' ciiiiI ccht:t to ovcr view the like :igzlllt. r The opportunity was too good to be lost, and my mind was at once At firstl nnrdly thought to to made up. vcul lhc rcnsOii of my visit t.) tnyl ‘Jock, .Iock,’ l said Softly put- rchitivcs, but their kindness muuc tiny,r my hood out ol'tlic window, nic aisliuiiicd to kccp such it Sitci‘cl ‘ when you bridle pony will you front them, and at lcnglli, one snddlcniy donkey?7 warm moonlight cvcning, sitting on! ‘ ch’m.’ in the front porch With the (:tllll‘t: ‘And will you wait for me at untidy, l frnnkly told thrm my the great rockl Iwunt to go to the village with you, but ldon't likc lo shirt from there. Do you un- dcrstand 'l’ ‘ch'ni, ’slnnd cm wcll,' rc- tui‘iicd lic, grinning with dcliglit; ‘_\onng inissy think l/iry,’ jerking his thumb towuids the houseâ€"â€" story. Aunt ltiiclicl was indignunt at it, as I Was surc shc Would be.â€" Ilnclc John \viis equally ind‘gnznit, though rather more :ncliiicd to laugh. lntioccnt blary iiiid roguisli Ettlc Wci'c quitc horrified ill such it pliiisci of fashionable folly ; iiiid, after that, I know they all loved inc cven bct- . won’, wan, hm. “3er Wm, J,,,.k__ “5“ “m” bUlOFU' _,“”’3 was I d”'jll‘ni<l tint brook uni iicck; so Jock .riicslicutcd zit the lawn. first and w," a, mg Wok, For two months Iwas as per-lyoung inissy conic afterwards."- fcclly happy as I should wish to bc. I'UIi, ycs'in, .lock fstiind.’ And. with lliippy iii the long, which came cnch wcck from my young: imp turned it scrics of sum» ninizi'tlc relatives at Newport; incrsnnlts towards llicbiirn. 'l‘licrc happy in my daily lifc, and litippy in bud noon an unusually lictivt sliowci' my donkey. Uill but he was ‘.i in tho curly afternoon asn iiuuibcr grout institution,’ tliiit doiikcy was! of Si'iSpit-ious lookingr pools in the as surly. obstinntc, capricious u crun- roud toslifictl ; hull was not one to turc asonc would lind in it “hole he dznintcd by snub ll'lllt‘b‘, and in days journey. yet fullilling Ins i'c- pi‘ci'iscly five minutes after Jock spotisibiiity tolcrnbly Woll. lgnlloppcd out of tlic yiii‘d. l fol- At filst his “munch, were mos, lowcd him its carelessly and inno- iiboiniiitiblc; lie was a regular “Wily “5 “Wd 1’0- vtxcnl but a low applications oi iii ‘O‘ii, thut ride! it makes me supple birch rod (I Would ncvcr iltl- ' lziiitrh even now to think of it â€"-- vise people to resort to ‘ moral .Iohn Gilpin would liavc resigned his suiision’ in the training of donkics!) I Inird-curneil lziurcls without. it mur- nronght him to his scuscs, nod II'.:;lllt1I' could he have soon that dark cunt»: to bcliiivc d :trciitlyâ€"wiicn no Indian Scamp and I i For once my Couldutliclp himself. A considcr- donkcy seemed inspired with an able portion of my time was spcnl l ambition to go, and we did not ride, upon his buck, and many were the l we llcwl uphill nnddown, throuin expeditions viiidci‘took togclhci'. wct and dr}, till within ill-out :in No hill was steep for him to ciglith of :1 mile of the village. win-n climb, no bog .oo trcnclici'oiis for g ('I him to ll'itVUI'SC; and oftciz IlitVU l vcrcd to us two advancing,r ligâ€" rciurncd from tlicsc cxcuisi-ns with urcs. The taller of thc tWo I could not make out, but in the shorter I at once rccogiiizcdâ€"â€"oli, horror of horrors! my old lovcr, Gus-t:er Fitzfollcn. * Donkey observed him, too, and, whether tdn-ishcd by so much mug- nilii-cncc, or whether he had all of u sudden come to u rcntcmhroncc of his old trick, I never could decide, but, from some ciiusc or other, he II'rtIICtI in a manner so cutirnly unexpected as to throw the com- plctcly over his head into a neigh- boring mud-puddle. I never knew before that don- kics had a propensity for butting; but if they have not mine must my dress so covcrcd Willi loud that, it was difficult to distinguish the original colo.‘ ; my hat criislicd and torn. to the grout indignation of my exquisitely iical wailing-timid. My uncle Ilild a ponyâ€"not u slock, shining littlc Ci'cntui'c, {gentle and carotid, but :i rcguliii' rough- und-rcudy Uiilllltlltitl, with it cont so shaggy illill it wus’ t'cnlly a di. “"15 to look at it; it tangled mane. and :1 most vi'luinous tcmpcr. W'nut he could w;iut ofsuch an animal was a mystery to us all; but want, him he did, iiiid so there was no use to discoss the matter further. There was but one person on the farm that could manage this C.()ln-'llle(3 been an exception. for no pound ol'oddity nit'l lit-rcenoss, and soonor had he accomplished my downfall, than, gathering his fora cos, lic mztdc :i plunge towards the exquisite Claudius Gustave. and with one Wtfll'tilt‘etllcd blow lcvcllcd liittt to the ground. I rose from my Watery bed and liinglicdl it was not polite I know, but the inipiilSc was ii'i'csistnblc. Ulntidius Gustavo that was an Indian boy, .lock by name, whom Unclc John had taken out of pity. lie was a wild. four-v lcss ind, nlid Very ill-looking. llUi» lkccn and Sunsdilc. and very caâ€" publc: glorving in (finger. and rcâ€" llltli‘ktilily skilch in that potty handi- craft for which his race is so distin- -etyle; no mock gurdcit Willi just -‘eo. many squares, and rounds, and «triangles; no artificial ponds and Letitiishrubbcry, butjust the nicest '»-'rold~ran.bliiig house, with a low, broad roof. and all manner of ins and route; a “real garden, where hearts- i‘daiemingled its odor with tlicswcct Iilly of the Valley, and tnll, rcgul hollyhocks tittddcd (totiiplnccntly to “white and damask roses; :1 grand “old orchard, With a brook singing "throngh it, and fields of waving guisiicd; and so of considci‘nblc scr- Vicc, both in tho house and field. On pony’s buck he lookcu very nilicd position, and, bonding tipon much like some pictures, I hzivcnic it look which I shiill iilwiiys rc- socn of the inmntcs of Dante’s "ln- member, shouted in a voice for once ferno,’ and at first I lost my breath i'cndcrcd natural by passion. for four tinit he should be thrownr ‘Shnniclcss, crucl girl! you and dashed in piccs. Finding, how- may forget this insult, but l never cvcr, that there wns no grounds for; shall !’ uttd with one bound escaped zipprchcndiiig such a, catnstroplic, I .my vizw. _ grew to take great plcasurc'in, his Just then a thought of his com- rnnd speed, and at lcnglh was SOIp'HliOt] liasned across my mind.â€" dating :is to conceive tlze idea ofI turned hastily, and found ‘J\”V\_/\/\/' respondch condoling lcttcis this very characteristic spcccli, liltfi :i suddcn bond in the road discoâ€"E Claudius] painfully gun thcrcd himself up from his undigw m y- RICHMOND HILL ADVOCATE V WW‘vM _/ “ Let Sound Reason weigh more with us than Popular/r Opinion.” “I L L, ‘ F If? I E.) A Y, 'AU G VVoodbridgc. nut. crushed and soiled. I thought if my iiauit, torn and mud-stained, AND ADVERTISER. ‘ WW Wm ‘ ‘f v N WMWMJ \fw /’ _,"\f\ I“.l’ \/ TERMS: $1 50 In Advance. ,. [860. ca-.._ __4 [Iii-VF 17, I thought of my" [buried my face in my" clasped,husband, to be sure! for, bad hands and sobbcd outright. ! ‘ Too severe with you. my poor VVhoic No. ‘90:. .._..‘__.. -. it never occurred, I might now have written n'iv name Mrs. C. G. Fitz- l 1nd in a moman the smile fot'suok 2 little Charley,’ continued the same follen,’ or ‘Charlottc Barnett, Spins- nv lip, and the hot blood rushed; i‘ioi'ccly to cheek, neck and brow. l ' Quite an a venture.’ Commentch my old I'Cpl'OVtH', quietly. Was tic angry? I dared not look to discover; and, folding my hands. stood in silcnt cr, templa- tion of the ground. k ‘I will do rnvsc f the honor of escorting you to your unclc's,’ \VHS his ncxt rcmairk ; and, securing my donkey, be aided me to mount. iinl Walked beside me as I made the best of my way home. b, that return-tide, how mis- criibly iiiortifying it was! I, too utterly subdued to speak. never as- sziycd ii word. Mr. VVoodbri-lgc ttmiiitaiin'd the sonic profound si- lcncc, and so we went on till the form gate was reached. Here I rnllicd. I Would never be seen by my uncles family in such :1 plightâ€"- ncvcr'. Itthtl'l and with one (It‘spc- i‘utc blow l scnt donkcy spccding up tlic hui'd broad (:iii‘riiigc-t-vay to it side door, thrc‘w myself from the snddlc. and cscnpcd to my room, lcziving my sister’s frieiid to exotisc his iippciii'nncc us lIL'Sl. Iii: iriight. All that long dark night I re- :lttitiuutl nlonc, more unhappy than I liiid ever been in till my life be- l'orc; but with the coming of the down :i gcnllc stop sottltdcd just out- side the threshold, and directly Aunt ltnchcl entered the chamber. ‘ My poor child,’ she began,x pityiiiglt'. ' my dear child, Charley, have you lillll here all niglitl’ and she raised me kindly from the: floor “hurt: I had thiown iiiy-strlf, the previous evening. A sob wusl my only reply. "l‘iici'e. there; don’t gi‘icvc so,’ she said, soothing ly; "_vour friend has cxnliiincd cvcrvthing to us, and it all isn't Worth it tour; so cliccr tip, bonny, licnrl, and put (in your prcttit‘st ilrcss, for thc gentlcman is waiting very impatiently in sec you.’ At lIl'Sl I bud :i mind to declare, ‘I'Ic will have to wait!" but a- iiioiiiciills reasoning convinced me of the lolly of such a decision, and sun'uuoiiLiig my pride I at once proceeded to remove the trnccs of my Iill?‘ mishap, and make my self ptcscnlniilc. , Half an hour Stiff]ch for the at“- ll'illlgt'llttitll of my loilcltc, and then I “cut down to the parlor to tlICt'I. Luke \«Voodnridgc, Here I ex- pcclcd ti) cucountct‘ ft storm (if rc- proaclics, but in that lw:is vastlyi 'lllla‘ltllitfilt. The lion received me as he would have done six months he- forc iii my own lio-nc drawing- room, and, after the usuiil Ccl'Can-l iiics of greeting wcrc Cthlttlllgeii,,l procccdcd to inform me that Aunt‘ liut'licl .lind consented to admit him to her family for n few weeks,i and that ho lind just ordered his trunks from the village. Aftcl' my ndvcnturc of the previous aftcrnoon this was not i‘ciiiurknbly pleasing iiitclligcncc to mc, but I wisely con- l{dulled to say nothing. But the hurricane which was somiltcrcd in one direction rngcd furiously in anotherâ€"21nd the lot- tcr port of the following week reached the in the form three letters from homoâ€"sa'd letters bc-- ing pcnncd my momma, IIcloisc iiiid Gcrnliilinc. They had heard of my ridiculous conduct, they said. and were completely horrified by til! I lltld most shznucfully insult- cd dciir Claudius Gustave, and 1they coull never forgive me, chn if he lizid the t‘llill‘lly to do So! I ,d scrvcd to live an old maid till my title, tliiit I did! and they considered lllicuiscivcs very much disgraced innd outrugcd, however I might ,choosc to look upon it. i I read these nminblo commu- lniciitions one morning in tho- lfinnily sitliiig~i'otnn, When only Mr. WVoodbridgo and myself \Vci‘c present. I had Uitpcctcd i‘cpl'ool, ,iind wns prepared to meet it, but ‘this kccit rcproiich was so Illl‘ll'tHllIl' cd of, and so uncalled for that, in suite of mysolt, the tours would (:oiric into my eyes. i ‘Uoine hero, Miss Bzirncttel’ called a quiet voiéc from the front window. \Vilhout obeyed. 'b‘lia‘il I see what disturbs you so 3’ he qucstioned. I gave him my perhaps ten minutes a word I rose and letters. For I delicately ‘I know I have always been grave. 'eartlily thing can ever bc. he sat. in; profound silence. thcn crushing thcl perfumed misswcs * in} measured tones; thcn. raising metL from my lowlv position, he drcwl me to a seat bv his side, laid my head against his shoulder, UIICIRSIKNI : my fingers, and caressed me as one' might. caress a troubled child. I'wzis speechless from surprised What could this unusual tender-i ncss mean, I asked myself, totally: unable ‘to account for it; but liel speedily accounted for it, and in a most satisfactorily manner. ‘ I do not think you quite dcscrve‘ such extreme censure.’ he in ii low, gruvc‘tonc; ‘nnd yeti your conduct is at times justly re- prclicnsiblc. 1, ‘your friend,’ tell you this, who would rather lose my right hand than occasion you untie- cessary pain; and it gi‘icves me said, I soron to be obliged to do it. Oh, Cnnrlcy, Cliiirloyl so noble and lovable in chry other i‘CSpCct, will i you not try lobe perfect in this also! Is there no one for whose sake you would be willing to over- come tlicsc Wild propci‘isitâ€"ios 7’ ' There was one, but I hiid not the assuriirice to breath his name, and' agiiizi he questioned. ‘Cliurlotte, is it too much for me to askâ€"will you not try to ntttztilnpllsll this task for my sake; sonictitnes stern with you; I know I have never given you occasion to think I caicd for you, but you have bccn the object of my affections all the while, dearer than any Olllcl‘ I know l not your senior by many a your; 'I know my form will be bowmg, my hair whitening for the grave while you are yet lii'igcring in thcfrcshl prime of your beautiful woman-l hood; and. knowing all this. ll dare ask. Lottie, will you be my 'Loiiic? will you give all the wealth of your warm young hunt to the weary wanderer who has never be- fore cared for. or Songht'tlie smiles and love of woman ?’ j ‘ Yes. and be proud and glad to do it.’ I answered lirinly, for my bitter tczirs ~vcrc stayed, and I felt that he wait“? not like a hesituiing i'cnly. ‘l understand how you over can... ore mo, sir. but I will not 5' ck know, only be very grateful tiint you have done so. And, about that other promise. I don't think I Sliilll ever have :1 dis- position to return to my (Ml lizibits ; but, if I do, I will i‘ctricinbor your words this morning, and I am sure they will help me to overcome the cvil.’ ‘ Charley, my own little Cliailcy. God bless your gcntlc soul. and dcnl by me even as I do by you.” Thch was a wbrld of tenderness in tlic manly Voice as it pronounced this Solemn bcnison; and for the liist time during our acquaintance Luke VVooilbridgc’s lips touched my brow. And this was our boti'othitl. I shall pass lightly over thc events immediately following-=- The joy of my good uncle’s family; the rcturn to my own city home; the rcproofs which were changed into caresses when my true position was known; the overwhelming sur- prise of my lady mother when she found that I had won where the stately Geraldine had entered and lost; the delight of my relativesâ€"â€" ‘GCI‘ZI excepted l the congratulations of our ‘dciir five hundred friends," Ellltl, finally, the wedding itself. Where Luke V’Voodbrit‘lge and my humble self acted the role of bride- groom and Dridc-â€"~for I do not Wish, dcni'cst render. to weary you with too minute detail.- But very few years haVe sped into Eternity since then, and they have br‘odght but compara- piiriiiivcly few changes. Claudius Gustch Fitzfollcn has espoused a hidy us liiiigushiugiind accomplished :is himself, and buried the little fund which once raged between us. Geraldine and Heloise are both mis- tresses of line up-t.owu establish- ments, minninu, haughty and Sittifll)" its over oftc". refers with every per- ceptible pride to ‘our denr daughter, Mrs. Luke VVoodbridgc.’ Old Doctor Greyson is still living, apparently as hale and beauty as when I went to him that SWcltering afternoon for advice; and [never met him but he asks inliis jolly, quizmcal wayâ€"a ‘Any Symptoms of apoplexy. my dearly And to this day We have not for- gotten to allude to "My Donkey ter 1’ SUSPICION.-â€"-Onc thing you will learn fast enough in the weild, lor it is potent in such teachingsâ€"that is, suspicious. Uh! cast from you for ever the lisitcful lesson. Men do not think how much of true inno- Ccncc they are lying down, when they assume a clothing whose tex- ture is guile. Beware of lills‘ mock protection ; for you can horle use it without practising (Icccil. I do ,not ask you to trust always, but I would have you to think well of inert until you find them otherwise-â€" When you are once deceived, either by an act or a spoken falsehood, trust that person no more. I had once laid down to run as an axiom by it very dear friend [and I am so satisfiedof the prcccjin‘s truth as to make it :i rule of my llft'], tlutt per- Sous 'rai‘clysu specl others, except of things which they are capable of doing the sclvcs. Yes! those sha- dows ofdoubting are generally flung from some bad realities within. You are looking at your own iiinigc when you see so much v-lenoss in your neighbor's fiice. How iniico better might not we ourseIVcs beâ€" come, if we used more to others that blessed charity which thinkth no evil. THE DYING Nuvuit VVICICPrâ€"Il. is a striking factâ€"[lie dying never weep. The circle ot‘sobbing, agoniz- cd hearts around, produces not one tear. Is it that he is inscnsiblc and still already in the chill of dissolu- tion i That cannot be ; for he asks fo. his father’s hand, as if to" gain strength in the mortal struggle, and loans on the breast of mother, brother, or sister, with still con- Scious affection; and just before ex- .pirino, at eve, after a long duy’s converse with the Angel of Summons, he says to his oldest brotherâ€"the lust audible good night of earthâ€"“Kiss mo, kiss me!" It must be because the dying have reached a point too deep for our earthly crying 'iind weeping. They are face to face with higher and holler beings. with the father in hou- vcn and his :iiigel throng, led on by the Son himself; and what are gricls of a Il‘lt‘Ul'llltlg, tears of a dying litrc Wellâ€"be it that they are shed by the dearest. on earthâ€"in that vision b"iglit of immortal life and everlast- itlig t‘c-‘union I 'I‘iii: DLTCHMAN‘S LITTLE BILL. â€"-'l‘lie following is a correct transcript of a bill presented a short time sincc to the captain of an Ohio river steamer. The copy was taken by one of her passengers and handed to us as a Citriosity. \‘Ve assure our mercantile readers who mar puzzle their brains over it, that the: bill is correct in every particular; nothing is omitted and the “ balance due” promptly paid. Here is the bill verbatim ct (iterative:â€" CINCIFFATI, April the 16, 1870. Captaing . S. Neal. To Fred Schmidt. To ‘2 Iron Chairs :1 $7, . . $14 00 Was 1 Wooden do. . . . . 700 1 “food 4 . a . . . 7 00 balance due, $700 On the bill being presented to the clerk, In: stored with astonishment, and well IN‘. might, at the charge for lodr chairs, calling Schmidt not only a rascal for charging the boat Willi four chairs, but. a tool in not being able to add up the total correctly. \Nordx grew . min, when the captain was called in. He knew Schmidt to be honest, and that the thing was capable of explanation, and also knew he owed for only one chair. “ You remember, said he to Schmidt, that I told you to bring aboard two chairs, and you did so.’ V “ Yaw, said Schmidt. “ W'ell, afterwards I told you that one would do, and I kept but one.’ “Dot sinist so,’ said b'chinitlt, “and sliust as to pill sayâ€"pointing to the last itemsâ€"“1 wooden do and 1 wood do; you owes 7 tollers.s A new light broke in upon the cup- tain and clerk all had a hearty Intuit at the honest book-kcej‘iing ol‘b‘ohniidt, and “' bal. due” Was paid. The Baron dc Beranger relates, that having detected a pickpocket in the very act of irregular abstraction, he look the liberty of inquiring whether there was any- thing iii his face that had procured him the honor of being singled out for such an at- teiiipt_â€"â€"-‘ Why, sir, said the fellow, your face is Well enough, but you had on thin A TEiiRtnLE ADVENTURE WITH A PANTHER.- “The animal had already been wounded by it ritlo ball. defig Warned the village shikarcc to keep close behind me with the heavy spear lic lizid in his hand, I began to follow the wounded panther; but had scarcely gonc twcnty-Iiyc ynrds, whcn one of the heaters, who was on high ground, beckoned to me,» and pointed a little below liiiri,..a'tid iii front of tilt). There was it e tango pnnlbor sitting out, unconcaaled be“ tween two bushes, ii dchn yards- bcforc’ use. I could not,'liowcv-er, scc IHS hood ; and whilst I was thus (.lL’li'I'i'Ci'l, hc canto out with a roar (stratith .‘Zl inc. I fired at his Christ with a bull; and, us he sprang Upon me, the shot biiri‘cl \thS uimedat his head. In the next moment he. jSCIZUtI my lcft arm and the gunsâ€"In, Thus, not bciiig able to use the gun as a club, I lorccd it, crosswise, into his mouth. He bit the stock through in one place ; and whilst his upper fangs luccrutcd my arm and hand, the lower lungs went into thci'gu‘n. His hind claws pierced my left. thigh. He tried very hard tothro't-v inc ov :t‘. It the meanwhile the Sliiknrcc, who, liiid lic kcpt'tl‘rc spear before him. might have Stopped the charge of tho punlhcr, ltnd retreated Stittle piiccs to the left. He now. instcnd of spcaring _lll‘C ptinlhcr, shouted out and struck him. using the spciir :is a club. In it moment the animal was upon him, strippiug him of my shiknr bug, liis turbirn, my revolving title, and the spear.â€"â€"' The tilt”) passed by the holding his Wuulitlctl 211'”). The panther quietly crouched lch paces in front of me. I knew my only Cll;:i)(‘.0 was to kucp my eye upon him. Ilc sat with all my dispoilcd property, stripped from the sliikut‘cc, around and under him. The first step I moved backwards, keeping my eye on the pziiitlicr, I tell on my ~l_);lt'l{ into :i thorn bush, linVing slipped upon the rock. Here I was still within one spring of the animal, who nppcurcd, its fur aS'I could sec. to bc not tit iill disabled by the light. Nothing CUUld have suvcd inc bud hc ngnu uttnt'kcd.â€"â€"« ,I i'ctt‘ciilcd stop by stop, my face st ll towards the foc, till I got to my horse, and to the other hunters, who Were all collected some forty yards from the light. I immediately loud- cd the gun with a charge of shot, and a bullet that I pcrciiuncc found ; and, taking my rcvolvcr pistol out of the liolstcr, and sticking it iii my ‘bclt, determined to carry on the :ill‘air to its issue. knowing how i‘arca ,lv men recover from such wounds as mine. I was blccding profusuly from large tooth-wounds in the arm; the tendons ofmylcft hand were torn open, and l hiid live claw-wounds in thigh. The poor sliikitrcc’s left arm was somewhatclnwcd up, and ifthe panther was not killed, the super- stition of the natives Would go far to kill this man. 'l‘ci‘ribly frightened as he was, his wounds were not so bad as mine. I persuaded my horse-~ keeper to come with me ; and inking thc hog-spear lic hzid in his hand, We Went to the Spot vvlicrc liiy the weapons stripped from tho shikarec. A few yards bcyo'nd them was crou ched the lingo piiiitlioi'. Again, I could not see his bond very distinct- ly, but lircd deliberately bcliiiid his shouldci‘. In one moment he was» again upon me.- I gave him the charge of shot, as I supposed, in his face, but lirid not time to take aim.- Tlio‘ horse-keeper, instead of spear- ing. fell upon his back. In the next instnnt the pnhtlict' got hold of’my’j loft foot in his tooth, and tlircW me on my buck. I struck him with the empty gun, and he scich the barrels in his mouth. This was his first of- fort. I Sprung tip, and seized the spear from tho liorscvkccpct‘, drove it with both hands through his Side; and thus killcd him. I immediately had my boot pulled off. My foot bled profusely. Fortunately, the wound was in the thin port of my foot. and not in my insle or uncle, but the tooth lind mct.’ “ 'l‘tiniiiz‘s ALWAYS Roost Uti- STAIRS.â€"A young mun who was lllltik-’ in; of studying law. said to Daniel “’ch stcr 2â€"“ Mr. \Vrlntcr, I understand the‘ pt‘Ofcssiou of law is quite lull, and that; there are more lawyers than are needed; do you think llicre is any chariot: for me I” -"I‘lici'e is always room tip-stairs,” was the reply, and as true as it was ingenious. Only a few persons reach the hiin plices, and these are always in great demand-- “ there‘s room cnongh llpeklitll'b.” First class lairtners and i'nccrnnics, as well as physicians, lawyers, can, always find plenty of room, plenty of work and good pay. \Vlmtcrcr ca'li lg you choose,and it ltnattcrs little, if it be an honest one, rc- lsOlt‘B to go into on uppct stury; but. don’t. 'try to jump there by 2.1 Single loop, or you. may full, dimblcd. Rather begin at the bottom of tlic lililtlifl' and patiently stop upon each round. Acommcrcial traveller, passing through \Vesloo, near I.3l‘l(.l:;t‘\VdIBl', saving a sign over a (loorwith this one word, ‘ Agorsqr- tlcro,’ he called to the woman to inquire what she sold, when she said she did not well anything, but that ‘ Agnes Were cured lici‘e.’ Never flatter yourself that you have attained the perfection of politeness, unless shoes and white stockings to dirty Weather, [You can Put] a man‘s nose without giving, both hands, remarked. snnPlyâ€"- Experiment. andth itgain‘edmc.’ l and m 1 “wk w” you were a “I, 3 1h. _ ,T t L - J ‘ - ' i 1m 0,.Fttf.€. joining him when Oj'iportunity should self standing face to face with the, I , , , , ' ‘Thcy are too. severe with you. WM, did ,, gamâ€" msj My-pmsem 'grain stretching away towards the _ _ “I ' ‘ofier. E dignified and accomplished - Luke im“ distance.

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