liming. I IF YC‘L. LOVE ME, SAY SO. Kate. I’ve been six months, or nearly, Paying my addresses ; I'm convinced you love me dearly : 'I hat your cheek confesses 2 But when other folks are by us, Then you turn away so 3 Why so fearful they should eye us '1â€" If you love me, sayso 3 Why pretend, when Mn is near us, That you care not for me ’I When you think no one can hear us, Plainly you adore nie ! Is it tan a loving snitor Should implore and pray so 7 Oh, remain no longer neuter;â€" If you love me, say so 2 Like a darling be persuaded. Ne’er again deny it . “'hy should true love thus be shaded? Folks we sure to spy it ; What’s the use of such prime dealing? Love should never play so; Put aside all prudish feeling..- lt you love me, say so ! ,.__._~..‘_ ___._..___... M. iflirrrl‘lunruua, i VVben your hair gets into disorder, what heathen deity should it name lâ€"Comus. There is a ï¬rm in New York under the mild and smoothing title of ‘Snapp and Byte.’ A man who had been married twice. to ladies both named Catherine advised hi~ friend against taking dupli-Kates. A certain Irish attorney threatened to prosecute a Dublin printer for inserting the death ofa living person. The incomin- concluded Willi the remarks that ‘ no print- er should publish a death muess informed of the- fact by the party deceased.’ An advertisement, setting forth Illt‘ many conveniences .uid adiantages to b.- dei‘tt‘ed from metal Window susltcs. among other particulars observed ‘ that then; sashes would last forever; and alter-ward» if the owner had no further use for them they might be sold for old iron.’ A Well-known bore having left a tavern party of which Burns was one, the hard immediately demanded a bumper, and ad dressing liiiiiselt to the chairman. said, * l give you the health, gentlemen all, of the waiter that called my Lord 'I‘ out 01 the room.’ A hungry lawyer, who was dining at no hotel, shovelled the food into his mouth with his knife, till he accidentally cut his mouth. which was observed by a ' wag seated opposite. who hawled out. ‘,I say. twister, don’t cut that hole in your coun- tenance any larger,or we shall ali starve.’ A person who was recently called into court for the purpose of proving the cor- rectness of a doctor’s bill, was asked oy- the lawyer whether " the doctor did not make several visits after the patient w-is out of danger l‘â€"‘ No.’ replied the wi'o ness, “1 considered the patient in danger as long as the drwtor continued his visits! A Reset. I a Scenicrr.â€"â€"'l‘lie road is pavedvt'or ' u'.st.ince on the skirts ofa certain town A farmer, well known for his love of good liquor, was accosted by an acquaintance, ~ Yo‘vu no been drunk on the road lab-1y .laniie.’â€"â€"‘ Na,‘ Inswred Jamie, “ the roads n e been I'm: soft to fall on sin’ they paved it. A young man, become engaged recently was desirous of presenting his intended with a ring. appropriately inscribed; but being at a loss what to bare eiigraved on it called on his father for advice.â€"â€"-“ Well, said the old man, “pu: on, b When t is you see remember me 1’ The young lady was much supr-ised, a few days after. It receiving a beautiful ring, with this in- . Icription: *' When this you see remember father.’ Before you ask a favor of any man, just consider three tliiiig~:-â€" 1 First. Can you avoid itl ' Second. Can the . one you apply to grant it? Third. \Yonld you, ifyour places were reversed, do for your friend what you ask him to effect for youiself. “Mr. Smith. you said you suspected the prisoner was a rogue the moment you saw him. Why did you suspr'ct him 1’ ‘Becos ’e ’ii'ed my rooms without hathg down the p'rice.’ ‘ .lsithia a rule without many exrcptions ?’ ‘Hit’s a rule without no licxrrptions, yer worship; ‘onest men are hallways stingey, and never satisfied huiiless they get a sliilling’s worth of anything for ten- pence. A quarrel occurred between two of the residents of ‘ Logan's 'Row,’ a rrndezmus ,ofour Irish citizens. During the melee, the wife of one of them appeared on the ground. armed with a hoe, and quietly knocked down her liUsband‘s antagonist. The lellow yelled with all his might. which brought his friends to his aid. . ‘ Vme is the matter, Mike I asked lii.~ R’icnd. “ Arrali, Pat, they have kilt me intircly; but I know the mrmjist that knocked me dowu. It was John Carroll’s wife. Quite recently, an [risliman met a brother Paildtltlel' who, 111d but a day or two previous entered the mati iinonal state. Ind accosted him with :â€" » " Well. Patrick, faith an’ sure, an’ I ‘hcerd ye’d got. married; an'is it :i 1111119 story they’re after tellin’ on ye’s this time 1’ ‘-Av worse it is, Dennis.‘ ‘Bejabers, an’ who, in this blessed land. 0' freedom, have ye made happy, that is. who’d ye git married to?’ V ‘ Och, blatlicrashion. to me wife, to be Sure ;' ll’ye s’pose I’d be alter iii-.irrin’ iniiyâ€" bodyelse’s wile, aii’ committin‘ bigamy l' ' The bystanders were mach ediï¬cd. fishermen monastery. /\/\r~,f\_r\./\rW _.« AM J\.'\,\/ .u \~\ ~ .. .- WALTER B. GEIKIE, MD. Iicmtiutc lffl/L 1114 (Itcul Bum-II if Upper Curm- do, and recently uric :y't/ic dim/rout riflccrs 0/. the Turn/IL) General [Ira/itull. wiirl l’r.y'css'o: u/"Aimlm/iy and Surgery ill. 01'. It tip/1’s Mcdutut School, I IAS retnrnrd to AURORA, and re-takcn his former residence on Yongo Sheet, where he ma: [)0 consulu-d at all times. on the various brancln s of his profession. Aurora. Feb. 24. 1860. New ’“l‘AlLOR SHOP. ' l I‘HE undersigned bch respectfully to inform L ‘ 1,116 inhabitants of Richmond Hill & Vicinity That he has commenced bu-iucss in the Tailor ing Li ie In Ult‘ house adjoining MR. SIVERS" SHOE SHOP, lWhere, by close application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. ALL ORDI’RS PUSCTUALLY ATTENDED T0. Garments cut to order on the shortest notice. in any style. 65-31 JAMES B. BURNES, Richmond 11111. Feb. 10. 1860. Dr. C. S. LLOYD, SURGEON llldN'l'IS'l‘, ILL be at the following places for the Practice of his l’rot'eSnion : The 1st Thursday of every ‘Month at Hol- land Landing. The ï¬nd Thursday at King Station. The 3rd 'l‘liursday at Richmond tlill. The 4th 'l‘liui'sday at (iorniley‘s Corners. At all other times the Doctor can berfound at his residence in Aurora. ‘“ June ‘29. 1860. 1‘ ' , -i-i_ Euction Notiéé. TI-loblASâ€"B()VVI\1AN, [.iccnsct' Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK &. PEEL. All letters aitdie~sod to “Aliiiira.†P1). xvii receive prompt attention. (Jitters MCGIVGII r. the " Ynik Herald†Ollie: , Richmond 11 ll. .‘vlr. Henry Lemon. '1 linriiliill. and Mr. James («avenue . Mansion House, Sharon. where ‘I‘ertiis. doc. may be obtaieed. Aliiiira, Nov. 25. 1859 62.:f masonic ï¬rtï¬ï¬ motel, RlCllHllND “11.1.. GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. 00D Accoiiimoditions and every attettti u shown to 'l‘ravulle's. Uood Yards for Drove t'attle and Loose Boxes for Race Hones and Studs 'l‘he Nlonililr Pair held on the Premises ï¬rsr Wednesday in each month. The Subscriber in calling the attention of the public and his Old Friends to his establisniiieiit, feels satisfied lie cm adniinsior cointoriably u. their wants and with mutual satisfaction. Richmond Hill. April '20. 18611. 73.;1 GO TO B. BOWMAN’S MlLLS! WITH YOUR CARDING & GRISTING, where parties front a distance can have i'. ilone to take with them 011Llloll'lotul'llllotllf‘. Alinira, May 13, 1859. 24%1'. Cheap v7. ‘IIE Sulisci'ilicrbcgs to inform the iiilmlii- tantsol' lilttitnlvlllo and the surrounding country. that he continues to make first-class 00.0 TS. V E STS, I’.€10\"'1'S. do In the newest Styles and superior VVorkinan- ship. All orders promptly attended to and work warranted. JOHN HARDY. l‘ailor and Clothier. 'Bnttonvillc, Dec. ‘23. 1859. 55-1y ANGLO-AMEIUCAN HOUSE! MALKHAM VLLACE. 00D Accommodations. “'inos. Liquors and Cigars ot the choicest brands. 1. MARK, Proprietor. Markham, Juno 18.39. QG-tt ‘. ion 3. D 7 II IILI.†Siltâ€"371715;.â€" STAGE rum from the above Hotel to Toronto, every mo hing. starting from the Elgin Mills at 7. a.m. and returning a: 7, pm Fare. 2s. lid cool! way. 000†ACCOMMODATION FUR TRAVELLERS. 1 RI’ 'UARD monouns, l Proprietor. , Richmond Inn, Dec. 18, 1858. 1.55 HALF-vim HGUSE, thHMDND HlLl. r' ‘11P} SulisCii'ier begs to infoiin his numer- ous l’atrous‘ and the public, that he has removed from the \\ liite Swan Intel to the above Premises, where there will be found excellent accommodation for 'l‘ravelleis. and Good Stabling. of? IIOI‘s‘cs and Buggics for Hire. JOSEPH GARY. Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. ‘22, 1858. 72-7 W. IIODGE 8L Co. \ wIIOLESALI. and Retail Copper. Tin '- and iron l’lnte Workers. and Furnishing lronmongers, Parties fllvlllg this house a call will ï¬nd their orders puiictnally attended to and the lowost prices charged. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. 54-1 J. VIiIiIiIIY, Boot and ShocIMakcr, YONGE STREET. RICHMOND 1' ILL. Ladies’ and Geiitloiiiens’ Boots and Shoes. made after tlielatest styles. December 1858. l- in LODGE Brother Robert Masonic Hall, the ï¬rst Friday evening afrai- tlie Full Moon in each month. No. VViseiiian s. OYAL ORANGE J meets at “N in“, Orr‘icrzits Emcr â€"â€" William Duncan, l Master; E. Chamberlain, Deputy Master: J, Munhollaiia. Secretary ; W. l’ogue, Treasurer, January 21. 1’55? 38. r. .24. ... ~ . ..-..».... . .‘J. . mu», . :‘ 5'3. .' Genera]. QtOre, AT AURORA. ilE Subscriber has constantly on hand a General Assaitnient of T DRY GOODS I ' ‘ GROOERIEs. f. ; ‘ ; ‘ HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, ’1 V't “i fillflllï¬l: &c. the. (he. PLASTER AND SALT, Alwa;s on hand, and. for sale on the most favorable terms. WM. SMITH. 81 â€"if Aurora, June 1-1, 1860. ILAND for .‘E‘sï¬LE OR 'I"_'- 3 ENHANCE. Ar“ 1‘ V .31? LAND in the Town- ; ‘ uutiid-ile. county ufSi'ncoe. being wr 1 L Lot No. 4 111 the 6111 con- cession. Ins... H711 Acres in the some 'l‘own- ship, liding \vest half of Lot No. 7. in the 811i concession. . The above property is covered with very valuable Pine ‘1‘7iiiber, and llt'S within half a mile ol’t-ie Sunnidale Station on the Northern Railway. For further Particulars apply to the proprie- tor ufthe “ York Ilei'ald †Office. Richmond Hill. June 2'2, 1860. V BE Subscriber otters for Sale, on very reasonable terms, 19% ll‘lllli ll .llllilll 1 Situated in the following 'I‘ownships :â€" Somervilleâ€"County of Victoria, Bexleyâ€"County of Victoria, Sydenham~County of Grey, Annabelâ€"County of Bruce. For a portion of tnese Lands superior de- scription of Farm Stock will be taken In ex- change. For further particulars apply to G. .l. P. PEARCE, Richmond Hill. Pf). Canada chst. Til-if 82-tf PAINTING. R. VAlLES, Painter. GRAINER, Glazier, Gilder,.& ’aper Hanger, 1: ICHMUN I) I‘ll[.I.. June 1,196“. iéEi‘H taxi-Hither) WillltlUI PAlN 1 By the use at Electacny. By Dr. E. C. EDMONDS. I E OUSE. Sign and Ornamental Painting done on the shortest notice and on the most l?8"t.‘ll€tllle tcinis. Richmond Ilill, Ap,i1. ‘20, 1661). SURGEON DIZISTIS I‘, AURORA. Teeth lllSGl"! d 01) Silver. Gold or \ffllcllllth‘tl Rubber. All (.lperation» lll his Profession. perfori'iicd’iii the iiiost a’ppioved manner and \Verranted' Anroxa, March 9. 1860. 73-h M A '1‘ 'l‘ H E W L E P P E R, AURORA, 67-1y HAS just received a new and full assortment Y O N G E S ERE T O T E Li A RU A. of Spring and hummer GOOD/supply of \Vines and Liquors y l A .l ,v 0 O D b I always on hand. Excellent Accommo- 9 dation for l‘ravellers, Farmers, and others. The lllillliicry department! Cigars of all brands. I). McLEOD, Proprietor. Will he found replete. with the newest and must Fashionable Styles of Aurora. June 6, 1859. 2.3 1y Bonnets, Hats and Capes, Ali'o' which will be Sold at thelowest remniiei JAMES HALL, atiug prices. AS always on hand a large assortment, of Aurora. April ‘27. 1860. V , noxil’s and slit)ics,wiiicii will b. 74-â€- sold ot prices to meet the times Richmond Hill. Dec. 18:38. I~it SHINGLES FOR SALE. llllNGLES that are Shinglesâ€"three to the k inchâ€"and each brnch warranted to lay a square, Also, “realism rn-I an: inn ll’tllllls' 185 YON GE STA LET. MONUMENTS, TOMBTABLES seasoned Flooring Siding, Tm, BS.,.ON E5, 3% l‘ or Sale in large or small quantities. and Wlll llt‘ I’LAA Ll) to order. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper Custom Planing Attended to as Usual, with deep-itch and at low prices. THAN AAY OTHER I'lS'l‘AIlLISIIItH‘iN'I‘. HE UNDERSIUNLD Assignees of the estate 01 I). (.3 61 \V YA L1,. “1†con tiiiue the busini-ss umlct‘ the supcriIiiendrnco of our duty entborizcd agents, AUH'I‘IN Anon and D. t' VALE. whose receipt will be duly ackii \vledged. 11. do .1. HARRISON. 2nd Con. Markbaiii, l’laiik lloarl, near Richmond 11111, April ‘“ 17560 ~‘, 74â€"3m INew Boot, and shoe Store- I.\‘ BU‘J"1‘U.\VlLl.E. l’.S.â€"â€"-All 110le and accounts remaining: un- paid on the 1st day 01 June. 1858, will be put into Conit tor collector. ' "11E Stllis'cl'lllel' reinins his thanks to the (4' Y’uï¬â€˜l“: , public for past :uppoii and bogs ' ~ tliit' that (’- (JUM “LR†llu has t‘t'lt‘HiVi'tl Lucille Village oi Rut-unville. Toronto, April 99, 1859. 4841' who o be .iopes for a continuance of the pa- tronage Iieretof-ic givoii liiiii. â€" on. it Mw. ’i’iililiiw,’ P’HYSlCAN, 5U tGEGb‘ 86 ACEC‘UCHEUR, AURORA, L/.W'. February 17, 1860. All orders CXC‘I‘llltd with despair-h and work warranted. DA V l D GA LLO WA Y. Buttonville, Nov. 11. 185.1. Stlily 64 1y Auction N01106â€" "1‘110111AST-Ft-V1LSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, YORK, PEEL & ONTARIO. All letters addressed, .MARKHAM VILLAGK. wil receive prompt attention. 1L?†Orders re- ceived at the " llnnaiu" “flier. Richmond ill, where terms, &c.. may be ascertained. Markham Village. Nov. 18,1859. 51-11“ Photographs 1 Ambrotyp’es 1 MELANl'IU'I‘YPES ! LFTTERGRAPHS, &C. All styles of Pictures taken all 6 Medical Ha Ii, Markham, On reasonable terms, and in all weathers" Pictures taken from the smaller to life size. I. DUNIlAM. Markham Vi:i », I 14. 1859. 46-t W. C. .~.DAMS.‘D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist, 991nm; 81‘. LAST sourn SIDIL, ’i‘niun‘ noon wrts'r FROM cnuncn 5T. TORONTO, is the Proprietor of Oliver’s Patent for ap- plying Electricity, to pieveiit pain in ex- tracting teeth; and also of on Aparatns for manufacturing Yule-unite Rubber l’laies for sets and Partial sets of teeth. '1 eetb mounted on Gold or otherwise to suit the necessity of the ease. Toronto, August 27, 185:). S _.._.__._-....__._...._â€"â€"â€" HARNESS AND SHOE EilllCKllllG. V. ELL'S Superior Vi’amrprool Harness o and Shoe Blocking is\.'errnntcd to soften leather. and real or it imperious 1.) wet. Manu- factured at Richmond ltili, and :o‘d bv Store- ' keepers aiid‘IIarne'ss Makers thinngliout ilie Province. February 10, 1860. 63-11 UCI‘IMOND lllLii IRON FOUNDRY. 7 ‘IIE undersigned begs to inform the public that he has opened a FOUNDRY for tho manufacmre of O. Richmond’s improved IRON BEAM PLOUGHS, Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs, Fanning M1118, Horse Hoes, 6: Horse Rakes- lEf’ All Work manufactured by me is Vt or- rented. 48.1y _ MATHESON 8!. FiTZC-k BALD, Barristers, Attorneys-at-Iaaw, SOLICITORS 1N CHANCERXY, doc. orricn : CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over \Vhiuiiore 6L (50’s. llonki'ig Oflice, T08 ON 10- A-geizr‘g/ I’artlcu/nr/g/ (ll/C’flflPl] to. 'l HOMAS a. MATHESON. ’â€" JAMES l-‘ITZGERAID IRA B. RICHMOND. 'j',’,|u|y i’ 1559' 31.“ ' Richmondllill. Jon. 12.]r59. connzn or vosoi: AM) museum STREETS, Htim (EOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, 'lllt‘RNlllLL. ll Prescriptions got at the Ofï¬ce must 31-1y 65-1 DR. L. LANGSTAFF, PRIAGHILL. Ofï¬ce. King. May 13. 1859- MAIN S'l'.. NEWMARKET, U.C. ' it)" be naid for on deiiVeiy. To the Sick and Dying. 5 t R SNIDER. ol' the 7th concession of if Vaughan, near Kliiieburgli. guarrantees to cure . HUGH CAMPBELL Canon's, Enlarge/l .N'eclrs l v I ’ v And many other Diseases. Persons labouring :I “Watch an d Clock Dialsel 9 under either of the above mentioned Diseases, JEVVELER’ 6w. will do well to call in time. All letters to be p I v paid, and addressed to ‘ Yonge Street, Aurora. 'Watchos and Clocks repaired and 3 doors west of King i’ost 524-13" PETER SNIDER, Klineburgh lyeweIn.‘ [ITINO CURE NO I’AY. August 6. 1858 at . i. 'oleaned on the shortest imLiCe and lowestterms Aurerl,‘Feh'ruary 17, 1868. 60-th LANDS FEE-SALE, : FARMERS’ lNTEREST. Subscriber heirs to intimate to the .. .,,, _...~-. PATENT Eave Troughs and Water Spouts superior to tin, put up at 6 cents per foot ,' also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, 1,._.,. . . ..,. . ..‘~., ---:- ti, FOR SA LE. A. _ LANDS " ‘llE ‘ ' 'I 1 Farmer, 0pm. comm. of ank‘ mm he Ladders. Shingles, Picket (rates. Waggon Itel- 0n Easy Terms Of Payment. is prepared to Manufacture and Sell lllll‘lllllll llllllllll l With the iinprovrd Draft and Coupling Irons. 'l‘lie nboVe llarrows are far superiorto any now in use. being made on an entiie new piincii le. 'l‘ln-y will he found~ to do the work much quicker and better than an} other liar- rows Spociiiions ol' the above may be seen and particulars as to price asceitaincd, by and plying: to the hitbsciilier, :it his shop, Richmond jiill, who will pnnctually attend to all Orders. SA M UltZL SAN DERSON. Richmond Hill. Feb. 2‘4, 1860. 5-tf Popular Medicines FOR SALE BY C. S. LLOYD. Druggis’r. & Dentist, AURORA. Holloan’s Ointment ,Fnlniestot-k’s Dr. E. llope’:l Mag dol i'uge Dr. 'l‘i‘ask’~ do do Indian Worm Ten Dr. Wilson’s Veg do, R R R Reiiiedrs Harrison’s l'llcctiic do‘ 1’ Daws’ l'ain Killer Hoteliead s Mag plns’s‘ Brigg’r Mag Relief A\t‘l"s l‘llls 1British (.111 Moree’s In Root (lo I‘Iï¬l‘lflltl do Vermi - Sir Ashley Cooper’siStono do Anti-bil do Spike do Motfatt’ Life do llllack do (.‘liild’s Sov Ilalm l Sonics" do do Poor Man’ sAIili liil Marci’s Long Life Dr. l'hinne)’s P‘aiiiily dr-r Moti'att’s l’lieuix Bit ESoper’s Salve l'looliand’ German llit: Egyptian do Do lia'saniic liar L‘s ences of all kinds Judson’s (.‘lierry and Lloyd’s Ointment for Lurgwwt Skin Diseases Koriiioti’s 'l‘ontc Mix lldoyd's Eye Water 'V’lr islet" pu‘tiioiiicsyrup Lloyd’s l'lorse l’owdei‘s S} In-. of Hoax-hound ,Lloyd‘s Consmitrated 11o) or’s gall attic IlUlLl o< of Jamaica ginge. ling \eriltB do Schnoidcr’s eye water lll‘cttii‘s Amer Salve lKeniwdy's Woriiil'ow- , . . [ -. i 1‘ nwler’s ext 01 Straw v, l.loyt"s hernian horse 1 berry ; Lotion Gotlt'iey’s Cordial lilo; (1’s Cough Syrup l’inmcan’s l’cct Drops led’s 'l‘oolli l’otvdi-r run-«guru: .Lloyd‘s'l'riothnt'lie Spe- Sir I Ii'fllillg‘lc: Cough; citic Luzisngcis l Rosa: 0»: ('ani. ‘ Mixtureâ€"an excellent remedy for (llltllulii Mort-us, Diirilium, die. I l..lo_\d’.s Eurekaâ€"a grand discovery : If people kneu its genuine WOIIll. Diseases would be scarce on earth ; 'l hen. why should people p' in endure '1 Vt 111‘“ they can find a llt'lft‘cl cure. 1:3: I’Icsciilitio/is AnrOtn, June lrb'l}. Accuiutily Compoundrd t 1 A Bargain. FOR SA LE. Oil TO BE LET FOR A TERM 0F YEARS. FRA M 1C HOUSE. ni arl'.‘ now. williin Acre. of Land attached, situated on Lot 4th conces~iun o"l\.1.irkliaiii, being north west ceinnr of " ‘Nonoli’s Lot.†A Spring runs through it. A raie chance fora Butcher, Siorrkceper or Mechanic. Only one qua tcr iizilo boat a School-house, and iii the wane of three Villages. 'l'c-rriis Easy and Price Low, to suit the pur- chaser. For putticulnrs apply to the proprietor "'1 the promises. I)» 9.1. JOHN MACEY' Markham, May 23, l8651. 7741' E. a“. ommagm‘y, S'lO( K liltOKlJt. land a lllunlcipal Agent, dc. N0. “.9 Anne Street, or Box 54, 1’.O. Quebec. llvzr'rznivzsctcs : Slieritl' Jarvis. Hon. George Sherwood. lion. 1'. M. V‘dlllinllffllllt‘l. C. 'J. Campbell. list}. 'I'. “’Oodsldc, Esq. Messis. tlilnioii'. (It'lllMll) AL (In, Angus .\lor-isoii. .\1.l’.l'. '10 onto; (Messrs. Mills, Matti-e A: (‘0. Montrral; lloii. .laiin-s 1’ lton. lln tie: James \|. elisler, Iii-q, (int-lpli. (ii [1' Quebec {loverinucnt Agency. USINICSS count-ch d “‘1111 lllt' CROVVA J LAbe and other I’ub.ic Departments altendt-d to : also. Pratt-buts for Inventions, Secured by the Subscriber. J. CHE-SLEY. No, 29 Anne Street, Quebec. 67-u Addi ess, prepaid, Quebec, March 6, H160, â€"...__ ASTEIEEA I 4 OR the lNS'l'AN'l‘ RELIEF and PER- '(llhceâ€"Victoriu Square, lows and Hubs, Barrel Heading, and Turning iii g'Hlel‘dl Mannlactureu and for sale by OHN LANGSTAFF, June3,1859. S run MILLS, ‘l'iionnnli.c. LAND FOR SALE 'lllld Subscriber is instructed to offer for Sale the following Lands :â€" 'I'he west halt'of the north lialfof Lot No. 29 In the 3rd Con. of Misouri, Containing 50 Acres of valuable Laird, with an Excellent Mill Site Will be sold Cheap, for Cash. ALSO, The north half of Lot No. 13, in the let CON. OF SYDENHAM, Containing 101) Acres of choice Landâ€"well watered and in a good locality, and will be sold on libcini term. Thereon. “.50, A Village Lot: On Temperance Street, in tlie VlLLAGE OF AURORA,i Containing one ï¬fth of an Acre of Land, with a cuiiiniodions llriise thereon. \Voll adapted for the residence 0: a genteel family 111.50, The following 4- Villngc t (its in Aurora Belonging to R l\l(\Cl'lflll, Esq... on the Han 01 survey drawn by R. Lynn, 1) l’..\'., viz : Lot No. 1. West of Railroad, 2nd tango, one . quarter acre. Lot at the head of Road. between Lots 6 and 7. one quarter acre. Lot No. 9. ‘3 iid range, one quarter acre. Lot AU: 17, 1sâ€. range, one quarter acre. All of which will be solt.‘ clitup and on libeia terms. ALSO. A. mnnbcr of Village Lois ! On the priiir-j' a1 hirer-ts of Aurora, belonging to John Musii-y, l‘lsq.,â€"â€"\vill be so (1 cheap and an libero: terms. Apply to [if by letter, post paid] \V. MUSLl'LY. L'ind lgetit and Conveynnccr. Aurora, March 1. 1860. 64-â€. lllllll ‘1‘ lllllll lllllll. CONDITION PHYSIC ‘s WORM DESTROYER. 'l‘lllS Spli-iidid Medicine can be given in one ll =11 at any link: of the year. without injan to the lloise. and has been used by the Farmers of I‘lll‘liltftlll fer the last two years aitb a success unprrcvdcutml. By the use of this remedy it Will convince the owners of that noble animal the inconsistency of an llltllt‘Ct‘v‘s' sai‘y outlay by rising Artificial food or Condition Powders. which are too “'ell‘lillown to contain iiiiiiurals highly injurious to the membrane or coatingr of the Stomach. The Ball is a compound of l'ure cholabe, and warranted not to contain either h'lcrcttry. Arsenic, Anti- iiiiony or any other Mineral. lts immediate action is surprising and the ultimate elllrct has astonished iliotisands. 11' the Animal is out of Sorts, there is a cause remove that and be is all right. One dose at the cost of 25 cents is stili‘i ieiit to cure 11 do Bound. Loss of Appe- tite. Coughs. Colds and Fever, Disteiiipor, Moppngv 1.1 Water, Stvcllv-(l Legs. Grcnremntl is :1 complete Destroyer of \‘s'iii'iiis, a grealpuii- l'_\or oftlie lllond, and 15. good l’liysic, always l'l-‘Conllllelltlt’d to be g’iveiiin the Spring and lt'ali, which willact as a preventch and =iii~ prove the general condition. Makes- him coni- pletoly upto the mark for his work, tliercobv giving every satisfaction the owner can require. l'estiinonials 03' the highest character will be forwarded to testify to the above if required. t‘ash 'l‘ernisâ€"One Dollar per packet containing four Ralls. Letters prepaid enclosing a remittence, will be promptly attended to. Printed Directions wrapped round oat-h Ball with my signature in full without which none other are genuine. l b’lnnufactoryâ€"4tli MANEA'I‘ LURE of this distressing concession Markham, complaint use FEJ‘VB T93 BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES! Made by C. 1%. SEYMOUR & (‘0, [17 Nassau Street. N.Y. 1’ ice $1 per box; sent frt e by pOst. For Sale at all Druggists. SURGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’s Hotel. Ricniiiond Hill. the Finn and 'l‘Htitii Mosh/iv ol every month. and. the re- iiiaitider of the month at his residence 'I‘liot'nliill. All\Vo-kWarrantt-d. rI‘oetli filled with Osteopliirtic or Artificial llor.e.-â€"-'l'liis filling is put into the Teeth while soft. causing no pain. as it requires no pressum. it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt limin adliori-s, reinierltig it almost iiiipOssible for the filling ever to come out. July H, 1859. 32-1y. W. U. ELEEENE, Mii.i.ninnn'r, 0/! It T E" of: 9 'Q) EGS to intimate that he is now prepared to b erect MILLS of rverv description, h'.‘ contrast or otherwise, on reasonable terms Hr- is also agent for Illt‘ lIt‘->i. Foundries in (3a- nad'i. and from his lengthein experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altoiia, Dec 23. 1859 4 w. T. ATKINSON, & Co. IMPOR'I'ERS 0F EhGLIi‘H DRUGS, .llanufactu‘crs of Chemicals Patent Medicines 6r. Perfumery. APOTHECARIES HALL, OPPOSITE 'I‘IIISC‘1‘RAE1)RAK¢' King St. Toronto. Proprietors of Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Pasta. 113“ Every description of Horns and Cattle Medicines prepared with the bes’. English drugs. Toronto, A ugust 9.7. 1859. THOMAS MAYOR The only maker of the original Yorkshire Driflii-ld Uils in America. 611 AFFLICTED READ! EUROPEAN MEDICAL HOUSE AND Botanic Dispensary, No 01, Rise Sun or Wes-r. 'l'ououru, (33V. Esrancisiinii BY Dr. GOODING, (formerly of . England- A .NEYV. SPEEDY, AND MOST SU‘Ov : (jI‘lSI‘ill‘lltl.11'ttztle of treating Lion Comp/(unit. l)y<79cpsiw A'm'vrms Della/I'm. Maiucmus or 11V «sting Con- sumption. Fr’mzmzl I'Vca/cm’ss. Dis- eus‘r's of the Jt'irl/ir'y/s and [flu/MW R/wumuti'sm. Scrofu/a. Su/l {El/Nil?†Mercurial, Chronic Complaints, (5-6 113†No charge for Advice. Du. Gnoniso is now engaged in treatintrtliis. class of maladies with the most astonishing suc- cess. The treatment ndnptrd In him in new, it is based Upon H ientitic principles, “'11.†new di.cuve.eti 'eiiiedics. without minerals or poise um. 'l'ne taciiities of cure are such, that pan-- tents can be cured at their own houses without eXpeiise, in any part of the country. from an accurate description of their case by letter, and have the medicine sent them by mail or express. NhRVOUS DEBILI'I Y. Young iiicn \\ ho are troubled with weakness generally caused by a bad habit in youth. the edicts of which are dizziness. pains, foigulful- Ilt'bï¬, sometii'iies ni‘ingiiig in the ears. weak eves, Weakness of the back and lowerextreme- ties. contusion of ideas, loss of memory, wi.h iiielai choly, may be cured'by the New Botanic Remedies. ‘ COUNTRY PATIENTS. Medictnes with iill directions sent to any part of the United States or Canada, by patients communicating their sjriiiptonis by letter.â€" BusineSs correspondence strictly confidential, Address, DR. GOODING, 27-41" "30,000 Acres, SlTUA'l‘I-J) in the counties of Launch and KENT. All necessary lltftll'lllï¬llOll will be given on application, post paid, to MILES LANGSTAFF. VVallaceburgh. Also, sometimnroved FARMS to RENT. \Vallaceburgh, Nov. 94, 1859. 52-tf .Good Health and Long Life. MAYOR‘S LONG LIFE Are Wat-ranted not to contain any Mercury. These Pills are composed of the most select Drugs. and Doing purely Vegetable, can be taken at any season 01 lhc your if necessary, Wltll safety and without fear of taking: cold-thy exposure. which renders them of gicat value and superior to any other medicine over yet offered to the public. The satisfactory undtiat. tcring tcslii: oninls rPCeiw-d by the Proprietor, has induced him to advertise thm‘c invaluable l’ills that the public may be convinced of a simple and cfiic cious icn‘irdy. .s alon‘o sufï¬ci- ent to subdue and cute the ordinar v stoknessr‘of this country. such as Fairs in the Head. liuck and Lotus, all i‘ici‘vons 1.}isoidt-rs, D_\ spepsia or , Indigestion, Soirnrss ot the bloat. (Tramps. (Jolics. Vi’orins 111 Children, and other disor- ders, which will be found on ttu wrapper with instructions tor taking them. I ’rz'ce, 25 Ccnfs (’(((‘]L 1302:. Sold by [Huggins and general Store-keepers. who are iequested not to purchase oftravelliiig Agents. THOMAS MAYOR. IOliiceâ€"Victoria Square. Maiiut'acitoryâ€"dth Con. Markham. ' Our Musical Friend. “OUR MUSlCAL P‘ltlENl)." a Rare 1 v Companion for the Winter Months. 1 flvery l’ia‘iist, livery Singer, Should procure this weekly l’ublicationiot' Every 'l'eacher, Yocol and Piano Fo‘rte Invery l’upil, l't'insic. costing but 10 1:.very Amateur, 1 cents a iinriil er, and l’ronouiict-d by the eniiic how ot the country, to be “ THE lil‘IS’l‘ AND (Il'llCAPlCSl WORK OF '1 DE KlI‘ND IN THE WORLD'†Twelve full-sich l’ngrs ot‘ Vocaland Piano lt'ortc Mum for 10 (cuts. Yearly,$5; llalfâ€"yeariy.$‘2 5t); Quarterly$1.‘25 i Subscriber to "’ Our Musical Friend.†or 01(lL‘1‘ it from the nearest 1\c\\'sdcaler, and )‘5151 lwill have Music for your entiie family at an insigniï¬cant test; and if you want hiltsic't'or the Flute, Violin. (foiiict. Clarionet. Accordion die. dkc sub:cribe to the @010 Meledist, Containing 1:.) pages. costing only 10 Cents I lltllliln-‘I'; Yearly. as?! 511 ; Ilalt‘-yearly. $1 95. All back numbers at It) cls.. and Ilound Volumes. 01111131â€ng 17 numbers, at $2 50 @401), constantly on hand. (I. ll. SEYMOUR do Co. 107 Nassau St.. New York Fire! Fire I 1 Fire! I .' l W E ’1‘ E R N Fire Insurance Com of Toronto. party INCORPORATED XlY ACT 01“ PARLIAMENT. Lapin/1L STUCK, £100,000. 1. C. GILMOR, Pics. 1 tx‘Ico. Micnii’.,Vice I’rel. DIRECTORS : , Rice Lewis. Esq. James ljeaty. Esq. "1', 1’. Roliails, I‘qu. M. Rossin, Esq. l ‘l‘bos_ llawortli, Esq, W. Henderson, Esq. W. Muctai‘laiie, Esq. ' Bernard llaldnn, Esq. Secretary 4' Treasurer. Angus Morrison. Esq. Scimitar. Dank of Upper Canada. Ban/ins. Btiijamiii Swiizci. qu. Inspector. 11:? [Iced ()flicc, Church Street, Toronto. 43 THIS COMPANY liisures all doscriptio‘ns‘of i Buildings,Maiitifzictories, Mills, Arc†and Goods and Furniture. in thesaiiio, against lasso: dam- age by fire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. A. L A w, Residence, ltichn-oiid Ilill August 13. 1857. gill-I a. "lint ï¬tting 13 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatched to Subscribers by the earliest 111 oils. or other conveyance. when F=o desired. The YORK HERALD will always be' be fonno to contain the latest and 11105111111101“ tuiit Foreign and Provincial Km: 15 and I‘vlur-v kets. and the greatest care “iii betakeii to' render it acceptable totlie iiwin of business. and a valuable l"niiii|\ Netti-paper. 'l‘ldRMS.â€"â€"-Sov«~n and Sivpcrerapei ,Aniinin, In ADVANC' ; and if not paid Within Three Months two dollars “ill be cllvrfled. " RATES OF ADVERTISING : Six lines and under, ï¬rst insertion . . . . . $111150 Each subsequent, insm‘tion . . . . . . . . . . . ll“ 132*- l‘eii lines and under, first insertion . . . . . 00 75% Above ten: lilies. ï¬rst iii.. per linen... (10507 Each subsequentinsertion, per line. . H but)? 11:? Advertisements Without written direcd thilh inserted till forbid, and charged accords ‘ iiigly. All transitory advertisements, from strangers OI irregular customers, must be paid for when handeo in for insertion. ‘ A liberal discount will be made to pnrties‘ildr vertising by the year. All advorlisemeiits published for ales: pe'o rioo than one month. must be paid for in; “ads vain-e. All letters addressed to the Editor must" be post paid. No pupcr discontinued n iitil allarrearnges'ar [mid ; and parties refusing pnpeis without payo- mg up, will be held accountable torthe sub‘ sc’ription NW. A M you‘dâ€... Ma “M 1 THE YORK HERALD - Boole an (1.5 ob‘i’rin ting ESTA BLISMENT. ’ RDERS for any of the mideriiientioned 7 description of PLAIN and FARCY JUD WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" V AND SMALL POSTERS, C1R(TUI.ARS.LA“‘ FORMS, BILL H EADSJIANK CHECKSJIRAFTS', AND PAM? HLETS. And every other kind of LETTERhPltESS PRINTING! done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYP ii is entirely PiLst’r» Boom, FAhCY BILLS, cusmrss cums, Landr‘ new and-of the latest patterns. A large variety lof now’ Fancy Type and Borders, 10! Cards , No. 51 King Street \Vest, 'I‘oronto C, 1V. ' lCircnlars. (Kt-c. kept. always on hand. Taronto. Februz-r; 3. 1.660. s . 4 A»!