(.4 -*." slat: 23.4w?- 1 "€~W€<Iw~">i .:~ vs. V . winâ€"o... . ‘xsse' IT BEFORE nTns reverts.†., 'TBIYMA. .1. up. because. '. Keep it before the people Iâ€" That earth was made for man 1 -That flowers were strewn, And fruitséwyere grown ' V To bless, and lfiYei‘ to ban ; That sun and rain, The .corn‘and grain, , Are yoan and mine;.my brother 1 Free gifts from heaven, And freely given To one as well as anothei 1’ £6 c; Keep it before the People 1â€" That man is the image of God? His limbs and souli Yegmay not control With-hackle, or slIanIe.Ior rod 1 We may not be sold - .2' E'Foi iiiv'ei'i or gold, Neither you or I, my brother! For FREEDOM was given By God. from heaven V I To one as well as another! Keep it before the Peopls=!â€" ‘That famine, and crime, and woe, ' Eorever abide "i m Still side by side, With luxury’s dazzling show 1 That Lazarus crawls -":.'l.f,From Dives? halls, " j _ And‘StaI-ves-at ihis gate, my :brOthe‘r I ‘ Yet life was given By God. from heaven, To one as we'llas another} v I . Keep it before the People!â€" That‘ the poor man claims his mood; The right of soil, And the right to toil, , From spur and bridle freed! I The right to bear, And the right to share, With you and me, my brother! Whatever is given ‘ By Godifrom heaven, To one asiwell as another! - Jiliartlluntnuii, » In the cause ofjustice even the small orercomes the great. Heroism feels, and never reasons, and therefore 15 always right. ' f To praise people to their faceâ€"what is It but to tax them with vanity. The strongest influence in a man’s power 13 made by his personal presence. I What a man can» do is his greatorna- Inent’, and he always consults, his dignity by doing it. He opens his ears widest to flatteries who is a llatterer himself, and takes- the highest delight in himself. lWhat» we wish we readily give credit to, and what we think ourselves we hope is the opinion of other men. , A man is of consequence, not in pro- portion to what he leaves behind him, "but in so far as he labors and enjoys, and rouses others to labor and enjoyment. When a cunning man seems the most humble and submissive, lie is often the most dangerous. Look cut‘ for the crou- ching tiger. 1A preacher on the Borders, who not long ago had entered into tlie'happy state. of matrimony with a maiden named Grace, rather surprised his hearers on‘tlle'ensuing Sabbath, by giving out his textâ€"“ Unto ‘tmcisithy‘ Grace given‘.’ The Sermon, as might have been expected, was well wor- thy of the newly made Benedict. Nature confers genius, education furâ€" nishes mind‘s, but circumstances, divinely controlled, make distinguished men develop {gtheh’j genius, ,Iiianifest' their? surprising powers, and'invés‘t their deedsjwitli fame, “God himself“ has“ formed earth’s mighty men to fulï¬l his own counsels, though they have commonly overlooked His hand and designs. ‘ .. I There are a: geod‘ many kiad‘siof good{ "To the trading community any man- who can pay his debts is “good.’_ A moral person is undoubtedly “good;’ but then a very immoral one is loften esteemed a “good‘ fellow.’ ‘With commercial people goodness consists in monev; with “the ..vr. - , 2-. .:-- .. ... A ... ..vm.;.-_.‘..‘.-._.". .-.v‘..,._._.~ r .. 11,, .. V ,i- ,_ ‘ hazy/7,. , > “up†fluctuates Webster’s? . J . G O R ML E Y , ,COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S niaNCII, __ Conveya’nOrr and Auctioneer. LOT 31'i‘4TH CON. Munxu‘hiii’“ Septeintier 18, 1860. 95-tf WALTER B. GEIKIE; xii/LB. ‘Liccntiats of lheMcd'icol Board of Ujipc‘itflmm- (lo, and recently one If the Medical oï¬icers of the Toronto General Hospital, and V. Professor of Anatomy and Smgetï¬y in. Dr. Ralph’s Medical School,{ returned. to AURORA, and re-taken his former'residence- OII Yonge Street, where he may be consulted at all times, on the various branches of his profession. Aurora, Feb. 24. 1860. NEW TAILOR SHOP. [lE'undersigned begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill & Vicinity That he has commenced business in the Tailor ing Line in the house adjoining JI’IR. SIVERS’ SHOE‘SHOP, Where, by close application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. ALL ORDERS I‘UNCTUAI.LY, ATTENDED TO. 85-}:1 Garments cut to order on the sliortï¬st notice, ' inlanystyle. ; j" . JANIES B. BURNES, Richmond Hill. Feb. 10, 1860. 63-1)‘ 0. s. LLOYD, SURGEON DENTIST, i I Dr. X " ILL be at the following places for the ‘ Practice of his Profession : The 1st Thursday of every Montlifaf Hol- land Landing. The 2nd Thursday at King Station. The 3rd Thursday at Richmond Hill. The 4th Thursday at Gormley's Corners. At all other times the Doctor can be found at his residence in Aurora. June 23. 1860. 83â€"1y AuctiOn Notice. THOMASTTOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK & PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira,†P.O. wil receive prompt attention. orders received'a tlte “ York Herald†Oflico, Richmond Hilll Mr. Henry Lemon, Thornhill, and Mr,"ilames Cavaunah, Mansion House, Sharon, where Terms, A'cc. may be obtaieed. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. (SQ-If masonic arms motel, RICHMOND HILL, GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. OOD Accommodations and every attention shown to Travellers. Good Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses and Studs. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises ï¬rst Wednesday in each month. ' The Subscriber in calling the attention of the public and his Old Friends to his establishment, fc‘els satisï¬ed he can administer comfortably to their wants and wilh mutual satisfaction. Richmond Hill, April 20. 1800. 73-tf GO To , B. BOWMAN’S MILLS! WIT H Y 0 U R CARDING & GRISTING, tvliere parties from a. distance can have it llone to take with them on theirreturnhome. Almira, May 13, 1859. 24-tf. Cheap Clothing. THE Subscriber begs to inform the inliabiJ tantsoflluttonville and the surrounding country, that he continues to make ï¬rst-class 0009 TS, VESTS, PANTS, cc. In the newest Styles and superior VVorkman- ship. All orders promptly attended to and work warranted. 'JOHN HARDY, , . Tailor and Clotliier. Buttonville, Dec. 23, 1859. 55-1y ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE! MARKHAM VLLAGE. OOD Accommodations. Wines, Liquors and Cigars ofthe choiCest brands. ' " R. MARR, Proprietor}; Markham, J one 1859. 26-tf RICHMOwa HILLWHOTEL. STAGE runs from the above Hotel to the Elgin Mills at 7.'a_.m,, and returning at 7, p.m. Fare, 2s. 6d. each way. soon ACCOMMODATION ron TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHOLLS, _, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Dec. 18, 1858. 1-55 fancy’. in muscle... In L,sbor‘t†everywhere. HALF-WAY HOUSEI- RICHMOND "In" and with all. Sorts ~of'folks,’-3“‘good’. err-'1E presses simply what is much liked and de- sired. A “traveller on'tlie coast of Africa writes that a native said to him, eyeing '. his abundant apparel (of which the negro bad next to none)â€"“ You very good than you got plenty’shzr'tl’ ~ ' -‘ ' BIDDING Goonvnvs UNDER DIFFICUL- TIES.~â€"â€"‘ \Yliere were you going, sir, yes- terday afternoon, whenJ. met-you?†HE wascri'ier begs to inform' his numer- ous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises, where there will be found excellent accommodation for Travellers, and Good Stabling. ’ i (If? Horses and Buggies for Hire. ‘ " JOSEPH GARY, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. 9.2, 1858. 72-7 vi: HODGE “a†co. fI was going ,dOWn to, de ribber, massa, ’to See a young lady o'ff dat I used to my addreSses to.’ ‘ Why didn’t you accompany her ?’ ' I. was going’, but I didn’t bab de price. She was going "to‘ , ob'de fare-i wid'me. leab the United States.’ . . ~ ‘ To what country was she going?" ‘ To Jersey. She was on dc hurrah- dcck when I got dewn dar.’ ' ‘ ‘ You mean on the hurricane deck.’ ‘ Yes, and she waved me a-jews wul her‘ pochetsnickersing.’ , q . ‘ “he Waived you an adeu with her hand- kerchief.’ ' ‘ ' a " So Igot On de top oh a barrel dat ahad ,Iard in it, and .when I was up dar ‘, avavin’ a-jews, and just; as de steamer was goin’ off, dc bead ob d'e barrel caved in, 'de Lia'rd.’ . †‘-Then you was ina nice orcdicament.’ ‘ No, I wasn’t, for‘Ilwas in nice greace.’ ‘ " Vt’hat did you. shy when you "found yourself there ’2’ ‘ ' ‘ ‘I didn’t say much, only ‘Latrd have mercy on me.’ (and ‘-I went ker«chunk; up to my neck. in. Pa), ‘ "T, HOLESALE and Retail Copper. Tin and “'01) Plate Workers, and Furnishing Ironmongers, Parties givrngthis house a call will ï¬nd their orders punctually attended to and the lowest prices charged .; - Richmond Hill, Dec. .1858. ? ‘54-1 in,“ OYAL ORANGE LODGE, No. .778, - j _J meets at Brother Robert VViseman's, Masonic Hall, the ï¬rst Friday evening after the‘Full MOOII in each month. ; ‘ OFFICERS ELECI‘ -- William ' Duncan, Master: E. Chamberlain, Deputy Master; J_ Mllllhollallfl,:SeCl'01.ul‘_V ; W. Pegue, Treasurer. ' January 21, 1858 i 38. " pygmy. x. - ‘Iiear Richmond Hill, April 27, 18th Toronto, everv morning, starting from ‘ .w.'c. ADAMS. D. D. s. - THOMAS C. Mu’ausou. LAND £615 SALE OR TO EXC HANCE. 10 ACRES OF LAND in the Town- ship of Sunnidale, county of Sirucoe, being west half of Lot No. 4, in the 6th con- cession. A150, 100 Acres in the same Town- ship, bding west. half of Lot No. 7. in the 8th concesswn . _ The above property is covered with very valuable Pine Timber, and lies within half a mile of the Sunnidale Station on the Northern RaiIVvay. ' . . For further particulars apply to the proprie- tor ofthe “ York Herald †Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. . - '.' ' . ‘ June 22, 1860. , P A 1 N T ‘1 N G. R; VAILES, Rainier. r GRAINER, . atllazier, Gilder, & Paper Hanger, RICHMOND HILL" ' {lb-tr OUSE, Sign and Ornamental Painting done on the shortest notice and on the most, reasonable terms. ' Richmond Hill, April, 20, 1860. MATTHEW'LEPPER AURORA, AS just received a new and full assortment. of Spring and Summer DRY goons, ; The Millincry Department I ‘Will be found replete with the newest and most Fashionable Styles of Bonnets, Hats and Capes, All of which will be Sold at the lowest remuuer ating prices. Aurora, April 97', 1860. SHING-LES FOR SALE. IITNGLES that are Shinglesâ€"three to the inchâ€"and each bunch warranted to lay a square, Also, Seasoned Flooring & Siding, For Sale in large or small quantities. and will be PLANED to order, Custom Planing Attended to as usual, with despatcli and at low prices. H. & J. HARRISON. 2nd Con. Markham, Plank Road, 74-3m Amâ€"»â€"â€"â€"~_â€"._w.___a .7 77.. New Boot and Shoe Store 1N BUTTONVILLE. V THE Subscriber returns his thanks to the 1 public for past support and begs to state that he has removed into the Village of Buttonville, where he hopes for a continuance of the pa- tronage heretofox e given him. _ All orders executed with dcspatch and work warranted. DAVID GALLOVVAY. Buttouville, Nov. 11, 1859. 50ily Photographs ! Ambrotypes I MELANEOTYPES I LFTTERGRAPHS, &c. All styles of Pictures taken at t 8 Medical Hall, Markham, On reasonable terms, and in all weathers" Pictures taken from the smallest to life size. I. C. DUN HAM. Markham Village, Oct. 14, 1859. 46-t Surgeon Dentist, 99 Time s13»; EAST, sourH~"SIDE, THIRD noon WEST FROM CHURCH ST. TORONTO, S the, Proprietor of Oliver’s Patent for ap- '_plyiing'Electricity, torpreveut pain in ex- ' tracting teeth; and also of an Aparatus for manufacturing Vulcauite Rubber Plates for sets and Partial sets of teeth. Teeth mounted on Gold or otherwise to suit the necessity of the case. TOiOIitO', August 27, 185:). 48-1y A MATHESON 86‘ FITZGERALD, Avg ' .-';‘~._?. ~:*:‘ 3,:l"d,’-~\I .' Geneï¬al , Store,“ AT AURORA. anus.â€" I’IE Subscriber has,_ constantly on hand a GeiieraluAssortrnent of - our Goons GROCERIES; I'IARDTVARE, PROVISIONS, .1 &c., -&c.'_ &c. r r . PMs-TEE. ï¬ctive Ailwav’s'bn hand, and for sale OI‘I'the most favorable terms. . " “7M. SMITH. Aurora, June 14, 1860. 81-tf LANDS FOR SALE; 11E Subscriber offers for Sale, on very reasonable terms, liii llill ill till I Situated in the following Townships :- ‘ Soniervilleâ€"County of Victoria, chloyâ€"County of Victoria, Sydenhamâ€"County of Grey, Aiiinbelâ€"Couuty of‘ Bruce. _ Fora portion of these Lands superior de- scription of Farm Stock will be taken in ex- change. For further particulars apply to G. J. F. PEARCEL Richmond llill, P.O. Canada West. June I, 1860. 790' TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN! Bythc use of Electricity, _ I B 'y D'r.‘TE;}:O‘.. E D M O N D s, SuncnoN, DENTIST, AURORA._ 73,“ Teeth inserth 01) Silver, Gold or Vulcanized v Rubber. All Operations in his Profession. performed in the most approved manner and Warrantcd' Aurora, ‘Mai'cli 9,.‘f'8I50. G7-1y YONGE STREET HO AURORA. / ' GOOD supply of Wines and Liquors always on hand. Excellent AcchII-uo- dution for 'I‘rnvcllors, Farmers, and others. . Cigars of all brands. D. McLF.OD, Proprietor. 25 1y Aurora, June (3, I859. JAMES HALL, 1% AS} always on hand a large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, which will be 7.4-tf sold at prices to meet the times Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. l-ti TORONTO CITY MARBLE W01? KS 185 YONGE S'l‘ALE'I‘. MONUMENTSTTOIi-‘EBTABLES ' 'i‘OMBS'i‘ONES, so. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper llE UNDERSICNEI) Assignees of the LS'I‘ABIASIIMICNT. ,, 1 estate of I). C. 6.: W. YALIII, will con» tinuo the business under the superintendcncc of our duly cutliorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and D, CARLOS VALE, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged». . ' P,S.-â€"-â€"All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the lst day of June, 1858, will he put into Court for collection, THAN ANY 0TH ER 11E, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29, l859. 48-tf. 0E:viifivimiiii.iiit1w, PitvsmAN,-suiieroii a. ACCOUCHEUR, ‘ AURORA, C.w. 'â€" - February I7, 1860. 64 1y Auction N'Otice. ’I‘HOMASâ€"TVILSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK, PEEL 8L ONTARIO. All letters addressed, MARKHAM VILLAGE; wil receive prompt attention. IL?) Orders re- ceived at the “ HERALD†Office. Richmond ill, where terms, &c., may be ascertained. ' ' Markham Village, Nov. 18, 1859.; 51-tf .A__._._..__ AAAcAAAAâ€" AA.â€" HARNESS AND SHOE amortize. , V. ELL’S Superior WaterproofHarness e and Shoe Blackiug is warranted to soften leather, and rem or it imperious to wet, Manu- factui‘edvjat Richmond Hill, and Sold by Store- keepers and Harness Makers throughout the Province. February 10 , 1860. *-A,â€"~____.-A _ tIcHMON-D HILL .. 7. IRN ...-FOUNDRY. Barristers, lAttorneys'at'La-W: P HE undersigned begs to inform the public SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, 62c. OFFICE z,â€" CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS IRON BEANI Over WhitmOre & Co’s. BOIiking Ollice, TORONTO- Agency Particularly attended to. J AMES FITZGERALD Toronto, July 1, 1559, 31-tf: JOHN N. REID, M.D. consonu comma or YONGE AND N THORNHILL. , TEE†’ ll Prescriptions got at the Oï¬ice must. be paid for on delivery. 31-1)‘ STREETS, To the Sick and. Dying. A R. SNIDER, - of the: 7th concession of Vaughan, near Klineburgli, guarrantees to cure . » I cancers, . Eu largcd .chks ] And many-other Diseases. Parsons labouring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do well to call in time._ All letters to be paid, and addressed to , - ‘ that be has opened a FOUNDRY for the manufacture of O,‘ S. Richmond’s improved" PLOUGHS, Weed Beam Gauge Ploughs, Fanning Mills, Horse Hoes, & Horse Rakes- IIT All Work manufactured by me is War- ranted. , V _ IRA B. RICHMOND. Richmond Hill, Jan.1‘2,1859. . E. "'SEYMbUR" H OM (EOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, MAIN ST., NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 V 1'3. 1.. LANGST'AFF, PRINGHILL. 3 doors west of King Post Oflice. King, May 13. 1859. A. . CAMPBELL, ’, .Watclr and 'Clock Maker, 'JEWELER, &c, - Yonge StreetyAurorag _" ‘ _ ._,__...g___.._«._....._.-..‘ TEL» . w James Webster, Esq, Guelph. 24~1y. Advertisement... hereby bear..te‘s‘tim0ny'that I have tried ; SANDERSON’S ,RO'I‘A’I‘ING HAR- ROW S, on my summer fallow, last Saturday. and Monday. and have found them .np to 911 that Mr. Saudelson represents them to be. Tva are NOT of any heavier draft than the common barrow, and do the work to my utmos satisfaction. I conï¬dently recommend them to all who require implements of the kind, RICHARD VANDERBURGIH Richmond Hill, June 20, 1860. . HllllllillllF 3111' iii DR} ‘ .M"I.('_'~E'N,Z"I:E?'S ‘ DEAD SHOT ' ‘ WORN CANDY, IS working Miracles beyond conception. The Medical, Faculty of Scotland, as well. as England and Ireland, have pronounced this Worm Candy to do more good than all ,Worm Medicines combined. It has stood the test since A.D,,1765, nearly one hundredyears, which, almost every son and daughter of Old Scotia can testify. ' " It has always borne the name of t mainder G. 11.. WRGEON Hotel. Richmond Hill, the FIRST and THFRD MONDAY of every month, and, the re- of the month at his residence Thomlllâ€. All WorkVVarranted. Teetlnï¬lled with Osteoplartic or Artiï¬cial Boneâ€"'l‘hisï¬lling is put into the Tooth while soft, causing no pain, as itrequires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt ï¬rme adheres, renderlng it almost impossible for the filling ever to come out. July 8, 1859. W. 'U'. s K N E, MILLWRIGHT, .51 ,1. T 0 ma 9 ECG-Sz to intimate that he isnow prepared‘.to 3:2.iy. erect MILLS of every description, by, contract or otherwise, on reasonable terms} He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Dec 23, 1859 Quebec vaernnient Agency. USIINESS connected with the CROWN LAN!) and other Public Departments attended to ; also, Patents for Invcn tions, 4 ‘OId Dr- M’KBHZIG’S worm Candy-Stick.’ Secured by the Subscriber. As it resembles a candy-stick in taste and ap- pearance. and a child eating it is wholly un- conciovs of taking medicine.,nnd where worms exist, the results are beyond description. I: A child ten years of age, of the Rev. J. Mc- Dougall, Dundee, passed over_500. WORMS in three days, which he testifies, that he be- lieved, by God’s blessing, it saved .the child’s life. 'l‘housands of similar testimonials are E. J. CIIESLEY, No, 29 Anne Street, Quebec. 67-tt' Address, prepaid, Quebec, March 6, 1860, ASTHMA : OR the INSTANT RELIEF‘and PER- MANENT CURE of this distressing given (withoutsolicitation) to the present pro- Goml’la‘m “59 prictor. General Symptoms of WormS-l Restless, Sudden Starting and Grinding the Teeth in Sleep, Couvulsions. Ravsnous Ap- petite, (sometimes no Appetite) Paleness, l’iclt- .iiig the N050, Bowel Cotiiplaiiits, Fever, Fret- fulncss, Emaciatiou, Looseness of the Flesli, Dry Cough, Sour Breath, are. &c, All of the above symptoms will immediately cease to exist by using this Medicine once or twice. I-t'nlways gives health, even if 110 worms exist. It is perfectly harmless even to the most tender infant. ' Warranted Purely Vegetable in its combination. Full directions with each package. ' Sold at retail by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers in Europe and America, {117% pence sterling, [15 cents] per package, or 2 shillings, [50 cents], for four packages. Be sure that such package has the signature of I]. E. Mc- Kenzie, Md). Glasgow, on the wrapper. , 0:? Call for Dr. McKenzie’s Dead Shot Worm Candy NORTH ROP‘SI. LYMAN, Newcastle. C.W., CARTER, ‘KERRY do Co Montreal, C.E., are General Wholssale Agents for the Canadas. . August 1860. '92 FARMERS’ INTEREST. FUTE Subscriber begs to intimate-site the Partners oftlie County of York, that he _.is prepared to Manufacture and Sell VidTiTlllii lliiillfllil ~ ‘YVltll the improved Draft and Coupling Irons, The above “arrows are far superior to any new in use, being made on an entire new principle. They will he found to do the work much quickerand better than any other [lar- rows Specimens of the above may be seen and particulars as to price ascertained. by ap- plying to the Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond Hill, who will punctuully attend to all orders. SAMUEL SANDERSON, Richmond Hill, Feb. 24, 1860. ‘ 5â€"tf Popular Medicines FOR SALE BY 0 . S . L L O Y D. Druggist & Dentist, AURORA. I'lollowafl’s Ointment ,Falmestock’s Vermi- Dr. E. Hope’s Mag dol fugc, Dr. 'l‘rask’s do dodndian Worm Tea Dr. IVilson’S Veg (10: R R R Reinedvs Harrison’s Electric do? 1" Davis’ Pain Killer Moreliead’s Mag jilas’slBiigg’s Mag Relief Ayer’s Pills leriiisii Oil Morsc’s Iii Root do Harlan) (lo Sir Ashley Coppe'r’SStone do AIIti-hil do _“ liSpike do Moli'ntt’ Life do. iBlack d0 i‘Eng White do ‘3 {Schneider’s eye water lFettit’s Amer Salve chnnedy‘s Wornil’ow- T dcr Child’s Sov Bal'm‘ Soulcs’ do do Poor Mair’_,sAtiti liil Mayor’s Long Life Dr. Phinney’s Family Moli‘att’s Plieuix Bit lSopcr’s Salve l'loofland’ German Bit: Egyptian do Do Balsamic Ear Essences of all kinds Judsou’s Cherry and, Lloyd’s Ointment for L-urgwort ‘ Skin Diseases Kermott’s Tonic Mix :Lond’s Eye ‘Water . Wister’ pulmoiiic syrup Lloyd’s Horse Powders Syrup of lloarhound iLloyd’s Consentrated Boyer’s galvanic fluid l es of Jamaica ginger Fowler’s ext of Straw-1 Lloyd’s German horse berry Lotion Godfrey’s Cordial ,Lloyd’s Cough Syrup Pirtcman’s I’cct Drops‘Lloyd’s Tooth Powder Pat-egoric . _ ,‘LIOyd’s’I‘ootliache Spe- Sir 'I‘ Kcating’s Coughl ciiic Lozengcrs Basahcs Cam. Mixtureâ€"an excellent romedv .-for Cholera Morbus. Diarrhma, &c. ' Lloyd’s Eurekaâ€"a grand discovorv : If people know its genuine worth, Diseases would be scarce on earth ; ' Then. why should people pain endure 7 When they can‘ï¬n'd a perfect cure. _'~;‘ 03†Prescriptions Accurately Compoundcd Aurora, June 1800. '81 E. (F. CHELSEY, STOCK BROKER, . ,5 Land at Municipal Agenda. No. ‘29 Anne Street, or 130): 54, P.O, Quebec.“- REFERENCES: Sheriff Jarvis, Hon. George Sherwood, Hon. P. M, Vankoughuet, C, J. Campbell, Esq. '1'. Woodside, Esq. Messrs. Gilmour, Coulson & Co, Angus Morrison, IVT,P,Iv)...'_TOtEOl-lt0-.;r Messrs. Mills, Mnttice 62. Co, Montreal ; \ Hon, James Patton, Barrie ; 67-h" W. '1'. ET K INS ON, ..& Co. TMPORTERS OF ENGLISH DRUGS, Manufacturers of Chemicals Patent; Medicines & Perfumery- APOTHECARIRS HALL, OPPOSITE THE'CRTHEDRAL, King St. "Toronto, Proprietors of Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste. . . , FEvi/7BT’S BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES! Made by c. B. smmouu & (20., I07 Nassau Street. N.Y. Piice rigl per ‘box; sent free by post. For Sale at all Druggists. A'I‘E‘NT Eavc Troughs and ’Watei Spouts superior to tin, put up at 6 cents per foot ; also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders,.bliiugh‘s, Picket Gates, Waggon Fel- lows and llIIbs, Barrel Heading, and Turning in general Manufactured and for sale by JOHN LANCSTAFF, STEAM MILLS, 'I'IIonNIIII.L. June 3, 18.59. ' Q7-lt‘ LANE For-i SALE Subscriber is.instructed to ofl‘erfor THE Sale the following Lands :â€" I The west lialfof the north half of Lot No.‘ 29 In the 3rd Corr. of Misouri, .Containing 50 Acres of valuable Land, with an ,E'Xcellent Mill Site Thereon. VYill be sold (.‘henp, fora/“ash. Ansp, , The north half of Lot No. 13, in the let CON. OF SYDENHAM, Containing 100 Acres of choice Land,â€"wcll watered and iii a good locality, and will be sold on liberal terms. ALSO, A Village Lot! On 'l‘cinpcrunco Street, in the VILLAGE OF AURORA, Containing one. fifth of an Acre of Land. with a Coiiimodious llousc thereon. I for the residence of a genteel family when, The following i 4 Village! ots in Aurora. Belonging to R lVIacIin,ll,11‘.sq.,ion the Plan of survey drawn by R. Lynn, 1) P.S., viz : Lot No. 1, west of Rail-road, 2nd range, one quarter acre. » Lot at the head of Road, between Lots (5 and 7, one quarter acre. Lot No. 9, ‘2 ndlrango,one quarter acre. Lot No. 17, IS: range, one quarter acre. Jewelrv, Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and lowest terms i314 . Aurora, February ]7, 18.60, (39,†PETER SNIDER, Klineburgh II? NO CURE'NO PAY August 6, 1858. [131' Every description of Horse and Cattle Medicines prepared with the bes’. English drugs Toronto, August 27, 1859. ' ll\ll of which will be. sold cheap and on libero terms. ' ' Muse, ' A plunder of Village Lots ! On the principal Streets Of Aurora, belonging to John Mosley, lisq.,â€"}\iill be so'd cheap and on Iiberal terms. ' Apply to [if by letter, post paid] TN. iMOSLEY, I . Land A gent aad Conveyancer. Aurora, March I, 1860. 68411 Ill u Hill. CONDITION .F’HYSIC' AND . VV' 0 D S 11‘ O Y E R. Above ten lines, first in., per line... f THIS Splendid Medicine can be given in one Ball at any time of the year, Without injury to the Horse, and has been used, by the Farmers of Markham fer the last two years with a success uuprccodontod. By the use of Husband. LANBS FOR sin Dentist, will 'be at Nicholl’s-, -\\’ell adapted q . -_ H ,, N3. tat-:- .m- On Easy Term; of Payment. _ 330,006â€"Acrea, I'rUA'I‘ED 'in the counties of LAMPTGN and‘ KENT. All necessary information willle given on application, post paid, to MILES LANGSTAFF, Wallaceburglyg Also, someimproved FARMS to RENT. VVallacebnrgli, Nov. 94, 1859. 523st!f Good Health and Long. Life} MAYO-R’s - . LONG- LIFE PILLS ! .Are warranted not to contain any Mercury = - These Pill are composed of the most select Drugs, and being purely vegetable, can bq taken at any season of the year if necessary, with safety and without. fear of taking cold by exposure, which renders them of great value and superior to any other medicine ever ye} oï¬'ered tothe public. The satisfactory and flat; teringtestimonials receivad by the Proprietor, has induced him to advertise these invaluable Pills that the public may be convinced of q simple and efï¬cacious remedy, is alone sufï¬ciy cut to subdue and cure the ordinary sicknessiof this country, such as Paine in the Head, Back and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Sorcness of the Threat, Cramps; Colics, Worms in_ Children, and other disor.« ders, which will be found on the wrapper. with instructions for taking them. Price, 21') Cents each Box. Sold by Draggistsand general Storekeepers, who are requested not to purchase oftrovelling Agents. ’ THOMAS MAYOR. Ofï¬ceâ€"Victoria Square. Manufactorvâ€"dth Con. Markham. . ' Our Rï¬trsiciii ‘ Friend. cc ' UR MUSICAL FainN.I'),~ it Im. Companion for the Winter Months. Should procure this woolst l‘uhlii-ntion of Every 'I‘eaclier, Voct-l and Piano Forte Every Pupil, Music, costing but 10 livery Amateur, lm-uts a number, and Pronounced by the entire Press 01 the country, to be “ TIIE BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK U1“ '1 lllil KIND II“ THE WORLDԠTwelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Forte Music for 10 (Tents. .chi'ly,335 ; llalf-yearly.$‘2 5t); Quarterly$1fl5 Subscriber Io “ Our Musical Friend,†or order it front the. IIean-st Ncwsdculcr, and you 'will have Music for your entire l'aiiiily at an insigniï¬cant cost; and ifyou want Music for the Pluto, Violin, Cornet. Clarionet. Accordion " " " 620. 6:9 subscribe to thc » $0310 Melodist, Containing l‘2 pages, costing only Ill Cents a number; Yearly, 50 ; Halfâ€"yearly. $1 '25. All back numbers at 10 cts.. and Bound Volumes, containing 17 numbers, at $2 50 each, constantly on hand. , ('. ll. SEYMOUR &(.‘o. 107 Nassau St,. New York Every l‘iau'st, Every Singer, Fire ! i‘ii'cl 1 Fire! I .' W E .‘ T E ii N insurance (.‘Oiinpany of ’i‘cron to. It‘i rt). I INCORPORATED I'll" .H‘T (11" I'.\|11.|AM[N;:‘. Lorna/ii. S'Tocir, £100,000. l. C. Gimron, Pres. I (In) I‘ilII‘iiIrz,Vi(:e l‘ru. ‘ » IIIItixr'i'c-Iis : Rico Lewis, l'isq. lJuIllCS “only, liisq. T, l’. ltobnrts, lusq. M. liussin, l‘lsq. I [ 'iliosl lliiwortli, Esq. W. III-iiIh-rson. 1qu. W. Muclni'laiic. I‘qu. Bernard llziltlaii, Esq. Slit‘l‘liftn‘u Treasurer. Angus~ Morrison, I‘qu. Sblhritor. liaiik ofUpper Canada. Ban/.‘crs. Btnjaiiiiu Switzm, Ipsq. Inspector. ILL?" [Toad (Miro, C/mrtrli Street, 'l‘m'oulo. a , , . . Pitts ( our.th Insures all descriptions of Buildings, hinti‘tIl'iicIOI'ics, Mills, .\ c... and Goods and Il‘urnitnrc, in the same, against loss ordam- age by tire, on liberal ternis. Losses promptly settled. - A . LA w, Generi l-.gcnt. gIO-I Residence. Richn 0nd Iiill August 13. 1857. m . little f not W. [S PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And dospatched to Subscribers by the earliest III oils, or other conveyance, when so desired, The YORK HERALD will always be be found to contain the latest and most inipoh taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets, and the greatest cure will be taken to render it acceptable tothemanof business. and a valuable lt‘aiiiih Newspaper. TICRMS.-Sevnn and Sixpence per Annum, In ADVANCE; and if not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISINGX- Sixlines and under, ï¬rst insertion . . . . . $00 5.0 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . . . . 00 12 Ten lines and under, first insertion . . . . . 00 75 . 0.0 07 Each subsequentinsertion, per line. . . , 0n (jg ll? Advertisements without written direc- tions inserted till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. > i All transitory advertisements, from strangers thisremedy it Will convince the owners of that 0" il‘regllldl: c}‘Sl011}el'Si 10115le llilld {01‘ when noble animal the inconsistency of an unneces- handed 1“ 101‘ lllSUl‘llon- sarv outlay by using Artiï¬cial food or Condition Powders, which are too well known to coutaln Venising by the Year, minerals higth injurious to the meriibrane or coating of the Stomach- The Ball is a compound of Pure Vogetab‘e, and warranted “0 A liberal discountwill be made to parties ad. ‘0 All advertisements published for close pe- ' (1 than one month, must be paid for in (ad- not to contain either Mercury, Arsenic, Anti- Vance' many or any other Mineral. Its immediate action is surprising and the ultimate effect has astonished thousands. If the Animal is out of sorts, there is a cause remove that and he is all right. _ ,Onc dose at the cost of Siconts is sufficient-locum l-lido Bound, Loss of‘,Appo‘- tite,- Coughs, Colds and Fever, Distemper, Stoppage of Water, Swelled Legs, Greasc.and a complete Destroyer of.Worms, a greatpuri- fyer of the Blood, and‘ a good Physic, always recommended to be given in the Spring and Fall, which will act as a ' preventive ,and_-vm~ 'prdve the generalmndition. Makes him com- pletely up tothe mark for his work, ,tliereeby giving everysatisfactiou the owner can yeqnire. Testimonials of the, highest cIIaI-acter,_will be forwarded to testify to the above if required. Cash Termsâ€"One Dollar per packet containing four Balls. ‘ Letters prepaid enclosing a remittence. will. be promptly attended to. Printed Directions wrapped round each Ball with my. signatureiuflfull, without whiclrnone other are genuine. ' ’ Ofï¬ceâ€"Victoria Square, concession Markham, IVInnufactoryâ€"4th All letters addressed to the Editor ninet be post paid. No paperdiscontinued until allarrearages are paid : and parties refusing papers without pay- ing up, will be held accountable forthe sub scription. "I‘IIE YORK HERALD Boole and Job Printing ESTABLISMENT. ‘ RDERS for any of the undermentioned description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOK-S,- FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, manor: AND SMA LI. POSTERS, cmcumns, LAW Focus, BILL HEADSJMNK cnrzcnsmnnra‘s, an)“ PAMPHLETS. ' " And every other kind of _ LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING done in the beststyle, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely l THOMAS MAYOR new and of the latest patterns. A largevai'ioty The only maker of tlieorioinal Yo .. b Ul'ifl'ield Oils in America. 60 rkshiw l of new Fancy Tva and Borders,_fdr Caids, Circulars, t& c. kept always on hand.